Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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All Interest Centered in the Tight Between
New York and Chicago Operators.
Trovlsloni KxliUilt Increased AVcnk-
ness Cattle Trade Inactive , 15 at
Prices Not Quotnhly I/o\vcr
Hogs Slow nt n Decline.
CiurAoo , Jan. 11.- ( Special TelcRram to
Hier.K.I \ \ Whatever Intcioat there Is In
wheat now centers about the contest which
Is K liiB on between tlic old New York bull
crowd or wheat operators , headed by llonss ,
and the old-time Chicago bear coterie , beaded
by llcam , Tlio New Yorlcera nchtovcd so
many successes In bulling wheat when the
biff Clilcagoans were bearing It , and bearing
It when the local leaders \\uro bulling It , that
the pit hdrdly knew which side to take when
It was surely known that Uonssbad collected
a million or two bushels jcslerday. The ic-
Milt was that although the news came In
bearish and although In the morning there
was a gcnuinl belief that a bad break would
result , prices actually closed last nl ht higher
than Saturday. The situation remained the
name this morning , cables being not de
cisive , so that the crowtl had nothliiK
to do again but to cast Its lot either
\Mth the big Now Yorkers or
the blir Clncacoans and wait. Wheat was
nnsettlud and weak and closed & % c lownr ,
the Insldo Ilirnrc-s ot the clay bolni ? the
closing. Tradlntr was fairly active , but al
most exclusively of a local speculative charac
ter. Now York operated cautiously , and the
fincciilntl\o fiatornlty hcie appeared to bo
buailsb. January Mild IIP to Th'fo ' and closed
nt ? 7j < r. I'ebniary sold at 7HVc ; , down to 7 c.
and closed at TS' ' c. Mnrch touched Ty'tfc and
closed ut 7h ; < c. May oiie.ned at N" > c , sold un
to WJfc , tlroppecl to 81 0 , and cloietl at Klc.
Corn was weaker and Driers averaged n
shade lower. Trade reached a liberal ag-
pogate , but was mostly ot a local character.
A good many longs weici unloaded and Mioits
increased their lines. This , coupled with a
clcclino In uln'tit ami provisions , helped
prices donward. . May opened at 4Bftff-l ! ; < c ,
Mildnt4lT < ( iL4ic ! , deelinod tollj c , anil closed
nt 1 o'clock at 41J4@4le , Kcbruarj at W c ,
n decline of 'tOlUctrom yesterday. Provis
ions exhibited Increased weakness , packers
appeared moio illsjioscd to sell , the
longs who have been bolding for an
advance became deinorall/cd ami iiee
Belling on "stop orders" was In
dulged In and helped the de-
rllno in values , which for tlio past weeK
been suvcre. nciregatlng)3Jfc ) on muss pork ,
r.7J con laid andW.Vfcon ! Hboit ribs. Tlio
jii'tdccllno to-day was 27lrfo on mess pork ,
l'J > < fc on short ribs and 7K@10o on laid ,
Mess nork opened easy at S1'J.15 ! i lor 1 May , do-
ellncd to SI'iOO , reacted slightly and closed
at 1 o'clock at S12.01KShorts appeared to
bo the chiot buyers at the clo o. hard
showed moro strength than on yesterday ,
nml the whole range was gO.Wjgfi.G.'i for May
and closed at SC..r > 5(3.rj7 ( ( . . Short ribs
bought with considerable freedom by strong
] iaitics , but the liberal offerings produced a
decline In May from SO.U7U to fcG.l'JH , but
the close was steady at 80.15. The shipping
ilemand was small. Very few changes eamo
Into the short atteinoon session , t Wheat
kept steady but poik was easier , May boini ;
freely offered around S12.03. It closed at
this. May wheat closed at 8I@S-1J { and
coin nt4lV3ll , c.
CinrAno , Jan. 11. | Special Telecram to
tlio lr.K. ! | CATTI.I : Itathcr inactive and
weak , but prices not qnotably lower , was
about the condition of tlio maiket to-day ,
thouirh theio wcro vailous opinions andthoro
weiehomuwlio considered that prices wore
lirm. Asa rule tbcio was not much cbango
from yesterday , though tlio thin and coarse
lots sold slowly and at lower talcs. Shippers
to-day paid § a.804.20 lor poor to good 1100
to 1200 Ib steers , SI.O'JyJJ.7.ri lor l.00 ! to HOO Ib
Btoers and SI.75 for good 1500 to 1LOJ Ib
lions Trade was slow and values fully
fie lower than yesterday , inaklne a dcclinu of
n strong lOc for the week so A" tow
fancy heavy sold at .c4.h7 f@4.PO > f , wltli good
to choice pacUors S I.50C < 4.75 anil common
S4.00S4.'J5. ( Light sorts were nearly unsalea
ble ! . 1'ackers can tind no placa lor that class
nnd theie wcro no shipping orders for any
Boris. Light may bo ( moled at 53.UO@4. ? 1U ,
nnd Yoi ken 34.UU ® 1.40.
New York. Jan. 11. MO KT On call
easy at 4QO per rent , closing at 4 per cent.
1'nlMK Mr.HCANTlI.K I'APEK 07 plir
aTHiii.iNO KxciiANorc Active and Him
nt Sl.t2J4 lor blxty clay bills ; S4.W ) for de
( lovr.itNMfcNTS Oovcmnicnt bonds wcro
dull but steady.
STOCKS. Stocks were dull and featureless ,
accompanied by slight llnctiiations , the out
come of widen Is changes of small fractions
Ohlonuo , Jnn. 11. Kollowlnj ; quotations
mo the 2'M : olushiK liijures :
Flour Dull , Mulct nml nominally un
changed ; winter wheat nnur , H.i .iiO :
Bdiitnern. s-l.lOcg-l.'O : Wisconsin , S4.20
Mlulilunn Mift bprliiK whc-nt ,
. .
4.110 ; pftteiils. 5 < .WCJ4.bO : low crntlos. si.usta
y.Vbrye \ Hour , quiet nt SlWOiXTO In baucls ,
and giU'CKtCUU In nnrks
Wheat Hnled easy with ( Inn opening ,
closed about Jtfc under yesti'iday ; cash , TT fc ;
Fcbi unry. 7be ; Ainy , SI 11-lUc.
Corn ( Julet most uf Urn besslnn with easier
feellnu' , cluslmc V under yesteuhiy ; cash.
bOc ; Mnrch , : uiic : May , 41 U-lCe.
Outs Dull but slow with a blluhtly easier
market ; rash , sfitfo ; May , : 13-iOc.
Ityit-Qulot nt Kle.
Harley-Ciulot nt M ftle.
Timothy Heed I'rium , Sl.bTQI.S' ' .
I'urU Active and unsettled ; oponr-l weak.
follow oil by a drop in prices ot iXi iVic nud
liually eluded tame nt insUlo tiuniea ; cabh ,
811.TJK ; Mnrch , S11.K1 ; May , Sl'.05.
Lanl Moileiatolv active , iiulotaiul7' < ( iilOc
lower : cash , SO.U'J > i ; March , SO.-HXifO.-r. ) . ' , ; ;
If ay. Sfl.W.
Hulk Meats-Shoit ribs , ; shntildcis ,
SI.WoeUHi : short clear , S0.45f < ia.M .
Uutter Steady ; creamery , 'Jl
Cliec. o Steady ; full croaui chcddar.s 12J4
fiaiie : Hats , I'JOil'J'/i1 ; yomiK Anieiica * .
li'vi ! ( !
Hides Steady and mirlmiun1 ( iteen.
BJ c ; heavy green s.ilu'ii. : .s.itteti
bull , H'4c : dry ndiwi. T.fV'c . ;
rirv Hint , UidJlle : deacons , 2-V ni-li.
Tallow No. 1 country , ,0 ; .No , , ' , , ,4o :
cake , 4c.
Hecfllius.'a ' 21,000- SI.OOC
Wheat.bu 54,000 in.oX (
Corn , on 1'JT.OOd ' K5,00 (
O ts.Du , , , . . . 122.000 W.OtK
bu. , . . 8.COO
New York. Jnn. 11. Whcat-Ca h aboul
lo lower with the market heavy ; options
ppcued weak , declined dilc , ruling IKMVJ
< lurlu the day , closluij a aboat tholowesl
rates ; receipts. f ' < W ; exports , M.OOO ; un
graded. rc < r , MwOT'.c ; .No. 3 red , Olc in ele
vator , W/c delivered ; No. 2 red , M > @ 92Kc
n elevator , Wic , In store. IBc , f. o. b. for
choice ; February closing at .W.'jc ; No. 1 red ,
"Cc. "
Corn Heavy ; recrlpt.i , 73.000 ; exports.
4S.OOO ; ungraded , 47'4VMWc ( ; > fo. 2 , "
47c , In , elevator , 4bltWQ afloat ; Febru"
ary , closing at 4 'ic.
Oats Moderately active ; roocipK 65.000 ;
exports , none ; mixed western , 35j < ( < J37c ;
whlto westprn , ! > @ 4't.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at "l c.
Eggs Firm ; westernuU&Xic.
Lard Lower but fairly active ; western
steam spot. SOAVftifcOTM.
Ruttcr Firm and In fair demand ; western ,
ISWi'-c ; Elgin creamery , 83c.
Checsc-titilct but llrm ; western flat , 11@
12' c.
Mllwnnkee. Jan. 11. Wheat-Dull ;
cash , 77Ke : February , "KejMay , fe44C.
Corn Strong ; No. 2 , 'O' ' O.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 , 2r uc.
Rye-Strong ; No. 1 , 5Mi c.
Harlcy Steatly ; No. 2 , 52c.
Provisions Lower ; pork , January and
February , Sll.M.
Clnclnnntl.Jan. 11. Wheat Strong ; No.
2 , red , ' 'Ic.
Corn Dull ; No. 2 mixed. .T'e.
Oats-Steady : No. 2 mixed , OOX@31c.
Rve-FlrmNo.2 ; , TOn.
Pork-Nominal at S12.n7 }
hard-Dull at S0.25 (
Whisky Active and llrm at 81.13.
Mlnncntioilq , Jan. 11. Wheat Weak
nnd lower : No.l hard , cash , 77 c ; February ,
7sc : Mav , tflVe ; No. 1 northern , ca h. 70c ;
February'O'jr ' ; May. V2o ; N'o. 2 northern ,
cash , 74c ; Februaiy , 74lfe ; May , W e. .
Flour-O.uiet ; patents , SJ.fXJi5l.7o ; bakers ,
53.00(33.7 ( : . .
Receipts Wheat , 10 > " . ,000 bu. ; flour. MO
Shipments Wheat , 21,000 bu. ; Hour , 15,000
8t. roul . Jan. II. Whrat Weak and
lower : No.- led , cash , b2 < c ; Fcbiuary , b3c :
Corn-Kiwv\o. ; 2 mixed , cash , . .IKSWKc ;
February , itte ; May. li p.
Oals-Kniv ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 2'c ;
rtiary , 2Sc : May , ! iOJ/e.
ieKasv : at Ti2c Did ,
Whlsky-5l.ii. :
1'ork-Steatly at
Lard -Kasy at SO.l.Vn r , 20.
Huller ( Jiilnt but Hteady ; cieauiery , 2I@
2 o ; dairy , lfl 2.Tc.
Afteinoon boanl. Whrat Shade easier.
Coin Shade higher. Oats About un
Uvcrpool , Jan. 11. Wheat Quiet ; hold
ers oiler moderately ; t'alirornla , 7s fcdtJ7s ( led
per cental.
Corn Firm with fair demand ; new mixed ,
westein , 4s fejfd per cental.
KniisnH Oliy. Jan. il. AVhoat Steady :
No. Bred , cash,70./c ; February. 70c bid.
Corn Weaker ; No.2 , cash , aC ; ' cbld ; Feb
ruary , 31 ' < c asked ; May , : IT 'LC.
Oats Nominal ; cash , 27ebid.
Ghlcngn , Jan. 11. The Drover's Journal
icnorlsas follows :
Cattle Hecolpta. R.OOO ; quiet but steady ;
shipping stccis , suxc3T : ) > .i > 0 ; stockcrs nnd
lecderx , $2.f.OiT.tX . ( : ! ) : cows , bulls ami mixed , ; bulk , 32. (142.75 ( ; Texas cattle ,
. iogn.40.
Hozs Receipts , 21,000 ; weak , closing
Iil0c lower ; rough and mixed. Si.OO@l.fiO :
packing nndBhiiplne.S4.40@4.'JO ; light , § 3.80
(34.50 ( ; HklliS , 5s2.70j3.70. (
Shcop Hecelpts , 7MM ( ) ; slow and 10u20c (
lower : natives. Si.00@5.a."i ! ; westein , S3.75 ®
4.50 ; Te.xans , S2.2.V34.00 ; lambs. S4.40@5.23 ;
one car extra iambs at SO. 00.
Bt. I < oulH. Jan. 11. Cattle Receipts , 1,400 ;
shipments , 200 ; stroue ; choice heavy native
steers , S4.i5tfKK : ! ) ; 1'nlr to good shipping
sterrs , s.OOuM.25 : ) ; butchers' steers , lair to
choice , S3.004.10 ; feeders , lair to good.
52.75iiJ.aj ! : ; stoc-keif , fair to good , S2.00 ®
2.110.Hogs Itccrijit' ' , 7.400 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
active but sllchtly lower : choice heavy and
butchers' selectloni , Jr-i.70ij5-i.W ; paoklnK ,
fair to good , Sl.50@il.70 ; Voikers , medium to
lancy , i5l.23 ( < fl.-lO ; ) ) lss , common to good ,
City , Jan. 11. Cattle Hecelpts ,
n,000 ; shipments , 170 : market heavy ; common
to choice , Sa.50ye4.fiO ; stockers , S2.50c f2.fiO ;
feeding steers , 2.i)0j ) ( : i,60 ; cows , Sl.50@
a. oo.
oo.llotrs llpcolpts , 12.000 ; shipments , COO ;
weak and 5@10c lower ; common to choice ,
Tuesday , Jan. 11.
The receipts of cattle were more liberal to
day and the market moio active. The de
mand was treed ami the market opened stiong.
Kveiythlng sold readily and the peas \\ero
clcaicd at an early il.ite.
llo s.
The receipts were moic than double what
they were yesterday. The market opened
actlvo with nil the buyers on the market nnd
nt pi Ices about Meady with vcsterday. There
were a good many light sklppy ho.'s In , lor
which thcie Isery little demand. Notwith
standing tlio liberal icceipts the pens weio
cleared at an c.uly hour , everything being
bold. _
The market is very quiet and nothing doing
of any account. _
Cattle . , . SOO
Prevail I nu
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock cm this market.
Choice steers. 1350 to 1500 Ibs .
Choice stc-ors. 1100 to WJU Ibs . 4.00@ .20
Coodteeclere . .75WI.OO
( iood to clmica corn-led cows. . . 2.75fa3.25
1'nir to met mm grass cows . 2.oofiW.50
( Jood to clioico mills . l.50to3.oo
Lmlitand medium hois . 4.r : > ,
( iood to choice heavy nogs . 4.50W4.CO
Uoodtocholce mixed hogs . 4.4 ( ) ( < r4.riO
Cootl to choicu sheep . 2.7.V < pi.20 :
Fair to good slieop. . . . . . . . . 2.23&2.50
Kcprcsontntivc Males.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r.
1. . . . ' .KAJ S.00 ! ! 1..1150 S4.10
47..102t : 11.75 12. . . . 12110 4.10
20. . . .1107 : i.K5 17. . . .1210 4.10
44..107H ILS-i 20. . . . 1828 4.15
20..10VJ : t.87 17..1R01 4.20
: . . . . 1213 4.00 7i..l3l4 4.25
2-J..11CO 4.05 ll..lKM ! 4.2.5
20. . . . 1231 4.10 : . . . . 14.VJ 4.U : )
8 . .1171 4.10 20.li3J ! 4.BO
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
5..1022 2.4(1 ( 1..1125 8.00
1..KXK ) 2.MI 21..1U'J1 8.05
12. . . 10.V1 2.50 10..1153 3.10
0.lllll 2.KJ ' 40..11113 8.10
5.12'JI ' 2,8" > 1..11M 8.25
12. . . . Oil ) 2.1KI 1..1S40 8.25
2..1275 8.00 20..1205 8.25
' ' '
No. Ay. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
! ! " ) V2.2.r r.'llKJOV8.00
1..1.VJO 2,00
( sTAOfi.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..1UOO S',75
No. Av. Shk. Pr No. Av. Shk. Pr ,
( Vi..2T2 tt20Si.iS5 70..2HI IBO I.M
ft..200 100 4,40 7.2KB ! ! 120I.W )
71..250 200 4,10 71..231 40 4.50
r/j . . .2i8 210 4.40 t-u 4.50
03..210 100 4,40 r,3..2VJ 120 4.f,0
TJ.ai7 ! WO 4.40 01..2M KiO 4.50
70..2M ; 210 4,40 72..2411 200 4.50
70 , . . . 103 280 4,45 01 . . .JXM KO 4.50
K\ \ . . . ' . " .U ' . ' 10 4.15 77..232 NX ) 4.50
01. . .200 120 4.45 112..211 200 4.fX )
5S..815 400 4.45 73..27U 2SJ 4.0
TJ..270 200 4,15 Wl. . . . ' > 0 120 4.52) ) ;
08..220 ItiO 4.45 fj0..8'il 40 4.55
71..2.7J 210 4.45 fi5.05 : ! IfXJ 4.5'i
00. . . .2CO 200 4.J5 70. . . . ! X ) 2bO 4.5"
57..808 ICO 4.47li 44. . . . ! 8 40 4.W
20..S23 4,50 02.281 ICO 4.55
Ml..820 2SO 4.50 (15..2b5 ( KW 4,55
ft-.270 ! 120 4.50 M..mi 820 4.55
71..242 60 4.50 40..800 bO1.0(1 (
Rnnjo ol'l'rlops.
Showlm ; the highest nnd lowest prjcr ?
paid for loads of hogs on this market cliirlm ;
tlio past seven days and lor the same time
last month and last year ;
' "Dec. IbS-l. JHIL. ItoT , Jan. lb > 0
Sill U.75 4.U1 a .70
till ) il75 4.i > ttl.7U 3.45 1.00
7th 170 4/10 4H.70 U.45 WLW
Mb 3W 4.US Ci.1.56 snow MocKuil
fill 3l > 0 ft'1.75 enow lilockuo.
10th 3.01 m.75 4.10 il. 0 fcundiiy
mill 3.70 fttaw 4.U5 ) snow UlncKail
StiowlDK the number of cattle , hogs am
sheep shipped from the yards during the tiny
No. cars. Hi. , „ Pest-
10 N , W Ii caco
6 , Mil Chicago
All sales of stock in this market nre made
percwt. live wcleht unless otherwise slated.
Dead hogs sell at Jfc per Ib. for all weights.
"Skins , " or hogs weishlnir less than 100 Ibs.
novaliio. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs.
and stags SO Ibs , by the public Inspector.
Cattln sold well.
lieu market iltni.
No hogs left ocr. .
The cattle market Htm atiil actl\c.
There \vcro sonic very light hogs In.
Andy Jlaas bought : 0 head ol cattle
J. T. Tomllnsoii , West Point , was a visitor
nt the yards.
I' . Murphy. Rogers , had four loads of cattle
on the market.
The Amrlo-Amcrlean drove of 11JH hogs
averaged 2 < > Ibs.
Two loads of p.ittlo were received from A.
S. Stuclfer , Dodge.
Sam llenshaw , Central City , was hcio and
marketed a car of hogs.
O. II. Hammond & Co. bought GOO head of
cattle on to-day's market.
Harris * Fisher bought 403 hogs averaging
247 Ibs on to-day' ? market.
Henry Perry , Hastings , la. , w s In with n
load of cattle tor (5ray & Hyde.
T. J. ColTec , , 1'qncn , was hero and marketed
a load ot cows mid a load uf btcei > .
.lames McGrcavy , who Is feeding two bun
dled cattle at liaucioll , was In looking over
the market.
Mr. Nelson , of the llrm of Virgin & Nelson ,
I'th-a , was in ami sold a load ot steers ot his
own tending.
1' . A. Hanett , Weeping Water , was In and
sold thrco loads ol choice heavy stems at sat
isfactory juices.
1 * . Muiphv , Schuyler , came In to-day with
four loads ( if cattle , his own feuding , which
he sold on the matket.
Mr. Heine , of the lirm of John Derti iV. Co. ,
Hooper , was in and sold four loads ol cattle
and one load oi hogs.
A. Weston , Avoca , was hern with two
loads of cattle , which he sold on the miukut
Hu Is one of Cass county's heaviest feeder * .
Mr.Harrcti.ofthollimof ItarietUVDoWolf ,
Malvcrn , la. , was hoio for thu Hist tlniu
to-day , und inaikctcd a load of butcheib *
Call Cralgcr , buyer for Snooncr & Co. ,
Hooper , Neb. , was lieio with two cars ol
hops and two oars of cattle. He was well
pleased with the maiket.
Knnnct l.ovc , Scotlaa , brother of Lee l.ovc ,
of thu llrm of hove Je McCloucI , live stock
commission mcirlmnts , was among the vis
itors at the yards to-day.
P. J. O'Neill , HattleCiech , Neb. , came in
to-day with a load of cattle and n load ol
hogs which lie sold on the market. His hog- >
brouuhl the tou of the maikut.
L. C. Hcdlugton , of Chicago , who lias boon
with the llrm of Koscnbauiu JJios. lor a nuiii-
bi-r of years , has been sent here where , In
connection with Mr. Smith , ho will look after
the linn's branch house.
Among those having cattle in to-day were :
W. W. Uariihouso , Adams , two loads ; .1. K.
Hule , one load ; J. ( ! . Noidgreoii , Chapman * ,
two loads ; ( Jeorge Hoald , Columbus , thico
loads ; Cutlirio As Co. , darks , two loads ;
Watts it Lee , Wood Hiver , two loads ; llvde
it Cray , Hasting1' , la. , one load ; H. A. Marten -
ton , Ifcndeison , la. , one load.
Among others having lions on the maiket
wcie the following : Moise , Rogers & Co. ,
Nortli llend ; Dickmau A : ( .lass , Shelby , la. :
Hiitlt-r it Hough. Crescent , la. ; 11. IJ. Dexter ,
Hlair ; .1. V. Werdcrgrcen , Oakland ; Neyo
Wilson M. Co. , PilgerV. : . Carter , llei-incr ;
Packaul L. & < ! . Co. , I'lainview ; I ) . A. Hale.
Ijttidsny ; A. W. .Johnson , Loomls ; 1'ioperit
W. , Axtcll ; W. C. Cunningham , Milloid ;
Reno it Storrs , Oakdale ; Hank ot Ewing ;
A. C. Cruise , Atl.liihon ; K. .1. Hale , Rattle
Creek : J. K. Hale , Ord : C. Rudat. Norlolk ;
M. C. Milieu it Co. , Scotia ; W. J. Davis , Kim
Cicek ; 11. Leiiimcr , llimiphicys ; Stuait it
F. , Dannebroe ; D. Andeihoii , Columbus ;
Reckwilh , Qtiinn & Co. , Lockwood ; .1. C.
Welch , Shambolic ! ) , la. ; I { . A. Marten , Hen-
iloison , la. : A. H. Merrill , 1'iescotl , la. ; W.
C. I'otter it Son , Corning : Com tier it Co. ,
Cat son ; Linn , .leiomu it Co. , Nodaway , I-i. ;
Ktl Lancaster , Holmcsvillc ; DcsnaiiitDcgan ,
Jiu ; nuston.
General 1'roditoo.
Tuesday , Jan. 11.
Tltcfolloiclng prices arc jnr round lott of
produce , us sold on l/ic / mtirhct to-ilan. Ttio
quotations on fruits represent tnc prices at
wliirh nutntilr orders arc tttlctl.
Kofis Unchanged and steady at 21c fro
strictly fresh. Cold slot ace , blow sale at a
discount , and pickled or salted not wanted.
Bt'TTKii Creamery , strictly choice , solid
packed. 27C'2Sc { ; 1 and 1Mb lolls. 2 &i80e :
< lalry rolls , choice , ITQl e ; lair to good , 1254
Mr ; inferior grades , < Vuil2c.
Cnr.KSK Fullcroamolieddars lnele , 13J < fc ;
full cream ilat.stwlns,13Xp ; young American ,
He ; fancy Swiss , l4Q/jiri ; Swiss , impoitcd ,
25c : Lliuburgcr. 18c : buck. 14 ( 15u.
I'oi'i.Tiiv Chickens , Sf 0c ; turkeys , slow
sale at 10(31 Ic ; uecseaud clurkHglOc. , ' (
( ! AMI : As the season tor some kinds of
game and \cnHoii is now legally over , the
demand has dioppod oil eonsiderably and
prices are not as high nor as lirm as they
have been. Deer and antelope saddles , per
Ib , 8 ( 'Je : cuirass .r'(3tc ( ! : jaek rabbits , per do/ : ,
S3.00 ; small rabbits. T.'H ; ; iiraiiio chickens ,
per doS.M ; ! ) ; quail , do , § 1.25 ; Milpo and
iilover , do , SI.25 : geoMdo , 83.00 , ducks ; mal-
laid , per do/ , S2.25f.t2.50 ; texl , do , Sl.OO ;
mixed , do , 'M.MKrt'.J.tJO ; brants , do , S'J.OO.
ONioXh Veiv scatco and choice stock
quotable at Sl. ® ! - per hush.
JlUAXh In moif Ilbcial supply and a little
lower ; Calil'onilas Sl.KKai.Tj ; domestic ,
choice clean , Sl.fiOWMW.
liAMP. ijnall , per do/ . 81.7.V32.00 ; ducks ,
mallanl , per do1.75 ( < W.OO ; duok.s , teal , per
do/ , Sl.iVit.l.r.U ! : duck- , , mixed , per doSl.2.1 ;
geese , perduSU..W. .
AiM'i.Ks The maiket is very firm and
stocks urn vciv small. Cholco Missouri are
quoted nt 81.00I W ) , Michigan , 84.00MI.M.
l'oTATOi.s : The trade is liiulti'd to the bale
of small lots , a few sackb at a time , Cholco
block sells at OOe.
VIOITAI > I.IS Sweet potatoes. F'y Jer-
sovs , perlb. . 4c ; rutabacas , iicr obi. , S-.OO ;
cairots , S2.00 ; wlilto turnips , per bbl. , W.OO ;
parsnips , per bbl. , S'J.X ( ) ; bents , per bbl. ,
{ W.OOjcabbau'M , per lb. , : < Kc.
CKI.KHV Tlio market U btcady. Choice
block i > cr doanc : extra large , i > er do/'IOc.
OVSTIIUS Mediums , 20c ; standards , .Me :
selects , J'Jiextiabt'lccts ' , 8ic : ; N. Y. counts ,
lOc.CiiA.vnr.iinii'.s Capo Cod. fancv. per bbl ,
S 12.1X1 j bell and bugle , per bbl , 510.00.
BANANAS itnnauas , yellow , pur bunch ,
32.00(32.25 ( ; bananas , yellow , large , pel bunch ,
S'iEXJCiAf * .
LBMO.NS Messina , per box 80.00.
UUANOIJS Klorlda , choice , IMMftlO to box
F.I.OO ; do , 5 box lots , S4.75 ; Vnlencla , per
ca-e , 58.W ; California Riverside , pcs box ,
* MAi'i.r. Ht'OAH-Strlctly pure. fX ) Ib boxes ,
per ) b , 15e ; choice 5c biicks , 2.ri ib boxes , pci
Ib , I2o ; choice ivnny cakes. 25 Ib boxes , per
Ib I2 > c.
SAUiuKrtAi'T-'er : ! ! 2 gal bbl , SC.OO ; 10
gal , hall bbl SH.50.
I'jiovisio.s's-IIam , sugar-cured. HKc ;
breakfast bacon. BUKiircuied , boneless , 10'j ;
shoulders , do ; clear side bacon , So : dry salt
sides , 7c ; dried bi'i'f , hams , He ; dried beef ,
locular , llo : moss pork , per bol , 512.00 ; lard ,
Mlb ) cans VaiiiMiiks , < we : lard. 10 , 5 and : i
Ib pails , Kali banks , 7K@75je.
ASTII.OI'I : : AMI Dr.i u HIIIIS : Dry deer
hides , per Ib. , red. l/i / lSo ; dry deer hide ,
per Ib. . blue , ; dry dcur hides , purlb. ,
grey winter iofiil'.Y : ury antelope hides , per
Ib. , 15'V-'Oa ; ; gu-en deer and antelope hides ,
I'c. '
1'Yus-Heaver , per Ib. , SI.MKiKi.00 : mnsk-
nits , each , : iOi.N > ; Wolf , W@jl,00 ' ; raccoon ,
su < i-fiOohlitinkl.Viir ! : c.
Fi.oun AND Mn.i.sTurKR \ inter wheat
Hour , beat quality patent , & 2.7S ; second qual
ity , S'J.SVjs'-&O : boot quality spring wheat
Hour , patent. S2.OOfjJJ.7t ) : W. J. Wolahan's
buckwheat ( lour , per bbl , So.00 : do. double
sacks , SH.OOperhundmt ; W. J. UVlshan's
No. 1 , ready laiaed , forty 2' Ib packau'os In
cat-o. l.W ; do , twenty 5 Ib packages In case ,
SI..10 ; bran , 70o pcrcwl ; choppedleed,75e per
Grocer * ' Ji\nt \ ,
PICKI.KS Medium. In bbls Sil.W ) ; do. In
half bbls , iy.75 ; bmatl , in bbls , 87.50 ; do , In
in half'blfs/S ' / sf"11" " ' "lUbl31 SS > 50 ; d ° '
sjv'nri' No ! 70gallon ] kegs , 81.20@1.25 ;
Now Orleans perirallon 3X-liic ; maple syrup ,
halt bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 70o 1 gal
lon cans , per doA 810.00 ; halt gallon cans ,
per doz , S5..V ) ; quart cans , S8.w. (
STAIICH Mirror glass. 1 Ib , Co ; mirror
gloss , a Ib , 5Kc : mirror gloss , Olb. 0 ; > i'c ;
U raves corn , 1 lbOXc5 Kltigsford's com , 1. ID ,
7c ; Klngsfords gloss , 1 Ib. 7c ! Klncsford's
cio < s , 0 Ib. 7Kc , Klncsford's tuire , 3 Ib , 7s4c ;
Klngsfords bulk. 4c ,
Ton ACCO ring , climax , SPc : horseshoe ,
fl'c ; star. ! S > e ; spearhead , a c : piperhcldjlck ,
COc ; gold shield , &lc ; merry war , 20c : J. T.
J. . 'Me.
CANNED Uoot > sOystcrstandiudper , ca e ,
i'i : strawberries , 2 Ib. per case. Si20 ;
raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , S2.v:0 : ; California
pears , per case , S4.X ) : apricots , per casj ;
S4.CO ; wcachcs. " CRse , S5.00 ; white cher
ries , per case , 30.00 ; plums , per case , S3.0.\
blueberries porca e , Sl.Sfi : e/e plums , 3 Ib
per case. ? 2.Mi : pineapples. 3 Ib , per case
S3.3X35.i5 : I 11) ) nihjkerci. per doSl.iO :
1 Ib salmon , per dor , Sl.oOc3l.5'i ; 2 1 1 > goose ,
bellies , per case , 81.75 ; 2 Ib strlne beans , per
case , S1.70J 2 Ib lima beans , per case , 31.CH ;
2 Ib marrow fat peas , percase , Si40 2592 ; Ib
early June peas , per case. $ a.W : Sib toma
toes , SVJiViWWrJ Ib.corn 82.10 2.2 : , .
DniKi ) Fni'iT NO. 1 quarter apples , 534i $
Oc : In evaporated boxe * , 12VMi'c : ' : black
berries. boxes. IKdHlKc : peaches , Salt Lake ,
IbbO. lOQio'jc ' ; peachrs , evaporated , 15l .c :
17c ; raspberries , now , 2.c : ; currents , 7
prunes , new. C WOsC.
StioAiis Powdered. _ 7c : cut loaf ,
l'i ir > } < c ; prime. LVKglCc : choice , IrtfiUOHc ;
fancy green and yellow. lGc < C17c ; old cov-
ernmeut .lava , ' 'OfrJ'Jr.c . ; Interior .lava , ir > K ( < J
20c ; Mocha , 22tt2lc : Arbncklo's roasted
23 < 4c ; McLaugliHn's XXXroasicd , 20'ic ' ;
Diiworth's.20r : Hed Cross , -JOijc.
M A irnr.s 1'er caddie , 2Sc : square ca es ,
81.70 : mule square. 81.20.
(5AXDY-Ml.\pd. ( 3Ul'Vo : stick , 8ts't3'J ' c.
CiiAruius : ( ianipau's soda , butter and
picnic , fi'jjc ; crL-amss > ic ; ginger snaps , f > j < c ;
city soda , 7is .
SOAI-S Kirk's savon Imperial. S2.70 ;
Kirk s satinet. Saoo ; Kiik s standard ,
Kirk's white Hubslan , 84.00 ; Klik's whitecap -
cap , 50.W ) ; clonn1 , S3.83 ; washboanl , SiUO ;
White cloud. 83.7. ) . _
General Markets.
Htnr.s ( Ircon butchers. r > ' - < ( i(0c ( ; green
cured. * c : drv flint. llfdUV ; dry salt. ! > ( cCtOo ;
giecn calf sklus , UOJO' e ; damaged hides ,
Uvo-lhlids price. Tallow 'i' c. ( Jrcase
1'rimo white. : Ke ; yellow , 2'4e ' ; brown , lf
bheen Tells 2 : > a75c.
IIKAVV llAiuiwAnn iron , rate S'-.O'i ;
plow sel : special cast , ll-5ccruclblesleelfiXc ; ;
cast tools , do. 12l-c ( ! ; wagon spokes , per set ,
S2.00iJ3.rx ( ) ; hubs , per set , Sl.2.1 : lellops ,
sawed dry , SI. 50 ; tongues , each , 8'jc ' ; axels.
each. 7r > c : Miuait ) nuts , pur Ib. ionic ; cell
chain , perlb. Gjl2c ; malleable. 7i ( ' . > c ; lion
wt'dcps , Co ; crowbars , fnhanow ; teeth , 4'fc ,
siring | steel , 7wV'c ' ; Hinden's horse shoes.
5 > 4X ! ) ; Burden's niiilo shoes. $ X50. li.irbpd
wire. In ear lots , S4.0J pur 100 Ibs. Nails ,
rates , 10 to W , 82.50 ; steel nails , S2.05r < i2.7.S
Shot , Sl.ftt ; buckshot , 81.85 : oriental powder ,
kegs , 83.50 ; do. lialf keg.s. 82 ( K ) ; do. quarter
kegs , Sl.r.o . : blasting kegs , S2.J5 : ; fuse , per 10
feet , C3c. Lead bar , S1U
\AitNisiiKM iiaiicls , per gallon : furni
ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1. St.on ;
coach extra , S1.40 ; eo.ich , No. 1,81.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , 31.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltinn ,
extra 8'c : shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil linlsli ,
bi'iniT.s Colocno spit Its , 183 proof , 81.17 :
do 101 iiroof , 81. IS ; spirils , second quality ,
101 prool , 81.17 : do 1SS pioof. 51.10 Alroliol.
188 prooi , S2.20 per wine L'nllou. Itedlstllled
whiskies , Sl.OOMl.50. MIn , blended. 5I
' . ' .00 : Kentucky bourbons , S2.0oao.oo ; Ken
tucky anil Pennsylvania ryes , S2. Mfi.5U ;
OoldPii Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
S1.VK33.W ) . Hrandies , imported , S5.00@8.50 ;
domestic , Sl.0@3.00. : ! ( iins , imported , 84.50
(40.00 ; domestic , 81.25ii3.00. Champagnes.
Imported , per case , S2S.OO33.00 ; American ,
perca-ie. S10.00lfl.l > 0
I'AIXTS i > f On. While lead. Omaha , ! ' . 1' . ,
7 > fo ; white lead , St. Louis , pine , 87.75 ; Mar
seilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 2o ; Kiencii zinc ,
creen seal , 12c ; French 7inc. red .seal , lie ;
French zinc. In varnish asst. 20c : French
7.ine. 75c ; vermllilon , English , In oil , 75o ;
red , lOc : rose plnu , I4c ; Venetian led , Cook-
son's , 23 < c ; Venetian red. American , lc ;
red lead , 7Jfc : ehromo yellow , genuine , 20c ;
chrome yellow , K , 12o ; ochre , rochclle , ! ! o ;
oclire , Ircnch , 2J c ; ochre , American ,
K-ac ; Winter's mineral , 2 > p ; Lehlgh blown ,
2'tfc ; Spanish brown , 2Kc ; i'rinco's inincra ! ,
Dr.v PAINTS White lead , Sc : French sine ,
12c ; 1'arU whitiiiir. 2kfu ; whiting , gliders ,
2c ; whillng. com'l , I' c ; lampblack , ( ! cr-
manstown , I2c ; lampblack , ordinary , c ;
Prussian blue.Vc ; ultramarine , ibc ; vaudyk-
brown , Sc ; umber , burnt 4c ; umber , ruw , 4u
bionna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw. 4e ; Pane
green , cennlno. 23c. Paris green , com
mon , 22c ; ehromo greop , N. Y. . 20c ;
vermillion American. ifc : inuian
raw and burnt umber , 1 Hi cans , 12c ; raw and
burnt sienna , 12c : vandyke brown , X.'tc ; re-
liupd lampblack 12c : coach black and Ivory
black. lOc ; drop black. ICc : Prussian blue ,
40c : ultramarine black. 18c ; chrome grrcnL. ,
M. AD. , Ific ; blind r.ndhhutter green , L. . M.
< fe D. , ICc : Pans green , ISo ; Ir.dlnn red , 15c ;
Venetian red , ! > ; Tuscan , 2-Jc ; Amcilcan
vormllllon , L. vt D. , 20c ; yellow ochre , 2e ; L.
M. A O. D. , Ifc : uood oclire. lOp : naten
dryer , 80 ; irralnlug color , light oaK , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and n.sli. 12c.
DHUHSAND MrEMiCAi.s. Acid , carbolic ,
32c ; aciit , tartaric , 52c ; balsam rnpalb.i , per
Hi , 'Oc : bark sassafras , peril ) , lOc ; calomel ,
oil , castor , No. l , per gM. , Sl.fiOc ; oil castor.
No. 2 , per gal. , 51.40 ; oil olive , pur gal. , 31.40 ;
oil orlL'annum. 50c ; opium , $3.20 : quinine ,
P. it W.ami R. its , , pur o70c ; potassium
Iodide , per tti , S2.75 ; sallcln. pur oz.10u ; sul
phate morphine , per oi. 52.05 ; sttlplitir , per
ll > ,4c ; btrycliiilno. ueroz. Sl.BO.
Dry liamDor.
No.l Com. . 1. s. 12 , 14 and 18 ft 17.50
No.3 " ' 12,14 and 10 ft 14.75
No.3 " " 12 , Handle it 13.50
No. * " " 12.14 and 16 ft 12.00
lift HI ft 18 fl
_ r-t\ \
jj - ±
18.50 WM lll.5t > i 17.00 18.0021.0' ) 21.00
. ' 111.60 1B.WJ iti.r > uii7.ou
. 1I1.M 1R..VI IO. J17.UU ] I8.IKI2I.U ) 21.110
1(1.60 ( 10 W Iii.ryii7.w , 18.00 . ! ' ! . liO
jin.51 in.M !
W.M1 JlUVlllT.00 IS.dHjW IXJ'M ' ) OU
1st com. , Jf in White Pine Partition. . . . 33.00
2(1 " u " * ' " . 27 50
2d Com. i In. Norway Pine Ceiling ! ! ' . ! T4bo !
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . .317.05
No. 2,41VCinch , 12 ami 14 ft. , loimh. . . ll.OU
A 12 Inch. s. IB. 4(1 ( 0 8IM.OO
R12incll " " 421) 23.50
No. 1 , com. 12 in. , s. 1 s. . 10. 18& 20 ft. . . 21.00
No. 2 , ' " . . 1S..10
No. 2 , " " " 12 A 14 ft 17.00
" " " "
10ft 10.0 ( )
No. 1 , plalii.Soud 10 inch
No. 2 , plam,8and 10 Inch 15.50
. Hiiixoi.r.s , I.ATH.
XXclpar. S2.-.IO : A slandard , 82.50 ; No.l ,
" i'oais VvhTto'cedar.O In. , JaH , 12c ; 8 in.
fjrs. , ' , " '
( Irani Hunklus prooureil a warrant in
iiolieii courtyostonlay for thu nrrost of L ,
i ) . Anderson , whom ho oiuityc.s with
having willfully and maliciously as-
pnlilted him.
Hic'hard Hradloy swore out a warrant
bcloro Judtro Stutihcrg-.yostordiiv for the
arrest of 1'rtiiii : F. l-icld. The lattur is
charged with ( ilHuiuinjr af'30 brcacli-
loading \m \ on false iirctcnso.s.
Tlioro was a lively runaway on Farnani
.street early yesterday afternoon. Two
horses broke from a barouche and dashed
wildly down the street. . They were cap
tured near Kloventh &tveet.
In police court yesterday morniiiiTom
Laliey , a vagrant was sent up for thirty
days in the county jijil. Two others ae-
ousetl of vagrancy were I'eleased. Two
drunks were committed to tlio county
jail in default of their lines.
Jerome Tent/.u ! loaves on Saturday for
Vork to witness tlio liVn mile race at that
point between Dan J. Uoss and livorgo
llollmati , the Hulhvood , Is'eli , , sprinter.
The raceis for $ 'JOO ' a side and Koss gives
Hollnmn 200 yards start.
The Omaha Loan ami Trust company
Monday elected tlio following directors :
A. U. Wyiiian , J. H. Millard , J. J ,
Itrown , T. L. Kimball. and ( Juy U. liar-
ton. The following olliccrs were elected :
A. U. Wyman. president , Tlios. 1 . Kimball -
ball , vice-president : ( ! . H. Lako.attornovi
A. U. Wyman , K.V. . Nash and J. J.
Drown , direetors.
The Vnltnio Uclt Co. , Mnrsliall , Midi.
wlllseml their celobratcd Voltaic licit nnd
hlectrlc Apiillances , on thirty da > V lilal , to
any man ( younu or inldtlhs-aKCd ) atllietcd
with nervous debility , los&of vitality , lack ot
nerve force and viijor , and other dlbeases.
The greatest rc'iaeclal a ent over discovered.
\\iltu to ; tlii'iu for lliluntutcil iiamphlet free.
No rlbks Inclined , as thirrty days' trial Is al
. In.\Vii.t.i VM.iV
Union TrustCo
215 S. IGtltSr. , Omnlin.Xek .
School , County nnd Municipal Bonds
Hour. L. n.tnt.icn. * . F. n. . rtlls o f ,
Sccrotnrv. Ttonguirr.
Capital $500,000
Surplus 100,000
Merman Kotinlze , President.
John A , Creigliton , Vice-President ,
F , H , Davis , Cashier.
Wi HM3qulcT | Assl.Cashier. .
_ _ _
Omaha Savings
Cor llith nml louprluss ) ( < < .
Capital Stock . $150,000
Liability of Stockholders. . . . 300OOO
TluMinl ) loutilnr nvtnir imnk in tln < sliilo l'i\o
pcrc'iMit Inlcicst paid on
Loans Mndo on Real Estate.
C.r0. . UMITON , 1'icslU'iit ; .1. .1. lluou.v , Viuo
I'lc ltlont ; ! . . M. IIHNNHTT , MnmiRiiiT l i >
lectori > | OHN \Vii.nrii l , ( 'ii lik'i > .
lf 10 Xoi'th Hltli Mivet ,
Paid in Capital , . . . . $100,000
OKO. K. iiAUKKIt , Pri-flilciil.
HOltT. 1 , . OAlthlCllS , Vic-n-lYc lilpiif.
1II JOHNSON , Cashier.
SC.MUKT. IL.loiiNsos , (5Kt ) . U. llMinr.n ,
A frrnernl Imnkln Inislncss traiisui'toil.
L'st ulloiveil < in tltuo ilonostt * .
2 1 oil Cumiiifr Street , Onmlin , Neb.
General Banking Business.
1'orelnn nnd l ) rae tle KichnnuM lloimht nnd Sold ,
nnd Collections .Minip. Interest Paid on Tlmo
Deposit ? .
riro Innurnnee.oll ! Heal Kstiitoon Coiiimln lon.
lilre prompt tt.tentlon to nil huslnoaa entrusted tote
to us. TclephoneSiiS.
w. o. 'rr.MPUrrox , c
. A.l > . KINO , Preeldcnt.
S. S. KLOVlT , A/ciSlc-RAMPnRl.rj
Memberalve' ! toiiOot-1 Member ClilciKO llonrd of
ion KxVo \ St. l.iiH Trndo , nml .Now Orlcuu ;
Merehiintt KxchnnKe. I Cotton KxchniitfO
S. S. FLOYD & : CO
1O9UIKI 111 SOUTH litlll ii'V.
For Future Delivery
Trades made on quntitions soon as Bulletined.
\Ville for uxplnnetury pnniplilet. Ually muiket 10-
pmtmulkM fret ) on uppltcatlon.
Hunk l
Ornalia ,
Council Bluffs .
And Chicago.
Th only road to tuke for Des Molnos , Mar-
ghnlltown , Cedar Itnnlils , Clinton , Dixie , Chlca *
po , Milwaukee nnil till poluU onst. To tb people
ple of Nubraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Uluh ,
Iilftho , Nevada , Oin on , WnRlilnfflnn and Call-
fornln. It offers supeiior ndvnntuifos not noiSl-
tile by any ether line.
Among n few of the numerous polnte of u-
perlortty nnjoypd by the patrons of thlH mail
bntweon Omnlm und Chlcnyo , are Its two tralma
ndayof DAY COACHE8 which me the tlnost
that human nrt nnd Ingenuity ran create. Its
1'ALACK SI.KKIMNG OAKS , which nre miidris
of oiimfort nnd elegance ltd 1'A UIOH DltA WINO -
INO ROOM CA113 , unsiirnnssoabv any. and Its
widely oolclirntfld PALATIAL HININJ ( CAH8 ,
theftqiial of which cnnnot tie found elsewhere.
At Counoll IllutTB tlio trnlniof the Union Pad-
do By. connect In Union Depot with tliooe of
the Chicago Si Norlhwrgtern Hy. In Chicago
the trains of tliie line inuko close connection
with those of nil rnntorn Mnnp.
For nntrolt , Columbus. Indlnnnpolln. Cincin
nati , Niagara Fnlle.nuirulo , Plttsburg , Toronto ,
Montreal , lloaton , Ncivr York , Philadelphia , Hal-
tlmor * , Waahlngton Htiil all points In tin enit ,
ask the ticket accnt fnr tlckeln via the
If you wish the lift sofommndatlong. All
t'.rkot iiifonts sell ticlti'tp r'a this line ,
M.nroiiiTT. n. r. wn , o.v.
tlenoi al Mi > nnwr , Opnl. Pnss'iArunt
Artists' Material.
A. JI08PE , JJt. ,
Artists1 JIaU'rinln , I'iunos anil Organs ,
1313 Doiifc'lHa Hlreet , Oraahii ,
Agricultural Imp/ernc-nts.
J'ARK Ell ,
Wlioltbtilo Dealer In
Agricultural Impli-montH ,
CnrrlHUun nuJ llugli' . Jonvn Mruut , Lelncru iltll
iiinl Killl.OnialiB. Net ) ,
L1NJNGER t ) l\fETCA T7F CO. ,
Agricultural Jiniiloincnts ,
\\'a onsOnrrla ' 0 ! . Iluirelci , Klc.Vliolcaalo , Onsti * .
Jobbers of Iltinhvnrc nutl Nails ,
Tinware , Hhcot Iron. ICto. Anenu fnr HOHB Hcalei ,
und Mtuml Powderc'o..UmahaNu ) > .
Wholesale Hardware.
Woitcrn neenti for JetliTenn htti'l Kulln , Auttlu
Powdirt.'o , rnlrtuiiku t-tumlurd hcalea. Coiner
Hill und llruncr. ( Imulin.
PA HL1N , < ) ItENJJOJiFtC MA ItTlfi
Aprriculiural Iniiilpments ,
IVaeons and Ilucglri. 101 , 'M , 'J& nod U)7 ) , Jones ct
Wagons and Carriages.
The Leading CarriafrG Factory ,
( KbTAIILIBllLI ) 1KJ8. )
HOO and 1111 Dodge itreet , Urnuba.
Butter and
Unycrs of Ihitter nml KRCS.
ncfrltf rtor nn.l 1'ncklni Homo , llth nnd
_ worth St. , t'.P. 11. 11. Truck , ciirmtm.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Bnihlprs'ltnrd ware
VI ( > cli lilc5' Tools BIK ! llnfTulo Bmlci. 1(15 ( Duiitlnt ft ,
> Omaha , Neb.
Boots and Shoes.
lXJA' / > NKH'JiD
Manufacturer * nnd Wholc > klc ter In
Hoots nml Shoe ? ,
Complete dtofk or Untititr CJooiln nlnnyn rnlinid
.V.V 3. 13lli8t..Onmlii. .Neb. A. T , AuHln , Aydil.
ir. r. MOUSE r co.
Jobbers of Hoots nml Shoes.
lilt K rn m I. , OinnliA , Neb. Mniiufnclorj , Summot
Mtcet , lli ton.
Z. T. LIXJ > SEr .0 Coil
Wholesale Kubber Hoot > ( and Shoes.
Hub andO HidUluthlLU ltd Jell lloolf , Moutli
riistCoriiorlllh nnd DoiiRlnn.
. for Anheiiser-Uitbh Hrowimy Ass'n
Ppeclnl llrnmlv Kauft.tliidiTPlser nnd Krlnniror.
Heer Hrowcrs ,
1S51 North l th Street. Omnlm , Noli.
Butchers' Tools.
Hutehers' Tools ami S
of nil UlniN n1n ) ( III "luck. 1JI1
L .ciiualui
Building Material.
Dealer In All Klmltor
Jluildintr Material at Wholnitilo.
IStti Htrccttuul Union 1'ncltlo Truck , Cliiuilm.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha CoIFeo nml Spice JIilI .
Tcn , CilTec ( , ! ) plip , llnklni ! Powder. rhrorlnuK
trnctn , Ijiiindry Illuo. Ink , lite. IIU Idllurccy
btivet.Oniiilin. Nob.
Nob.JlTl.ES ,
Jlomo Coffee nml Spieo Mills M'f'cr Co.
Cntfeo UoTiturs nml Spluo Orlndors. MnnnftittnrerB
of llnklntt IMwdur , rimorlnii lxtrnet ! , llhilm. . I'.te.
Trvono eti ik of our 1 > R > pnrkimo llomnlllvnd Ho.ittcd
lanllonnrd xt .cimiibn , .Ni'l > .
lolin Kponctcr , Prop.
Mnnufnctnrer nf ( .nhnnlted Iron nml rornlee. 92.1
Hedge nnd 103 nml M N. IQtli M. . OniBhi.Neh.
Mnnufncttircis of
Ornamental Galvanized Corniees ,
Dormer Wlndonv , Vlnnlj. Jlctnllebkjllthtvte. 11108.
12l'i rt. , Omiilni.
C. Specht , Prop.
Onlvnnlied Iron Corniced , etc. fipect'nlmproved I' tent -
ent li'tnllcSlDntlit. Uti nnd SKI tvlilli M . ( liiuihn.
Jolibors uf
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
l.lnoleunn , Mnttlnus. Ktc. 1511 DoiiKlni' ulrcot.
' NTA 7 O KCJFA IU > ,
Wholesnlo Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mnttlngs , Curtain ( ! ( ir > d . Ktc. 1:23 Kuinnm btrcct ,
Otnahn. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agontfor thoMunnfncturcrtnnd Iniportcrrof
Crockery , G lassware ,
Lnmpt , Chlnuiujs , etc. Office , 317 South 13th rt.
Onmlm , Vol ) .
Commission and Storage.
Commission and .lobbincr.
nutter , KcKBnml Produce. ( 'onnlKiimcnlB rnllelled.
Ueadqunrlern for btontinnie , llorry ltoii > und
( irapo lliipkelH. 1411 llotlKOtttreut. Clmnhu.
Commission Merchants.
I'niltc , Produce nml ProvUlono. Oimihn , Neb.
jr. it. Jiri > jKLL ,
Storage nml Commission Merchant.
BpcclnlUeK llnttor. ICj ( ? < . ChecBO , Poultry. 1'anio ,
Ojiterx , Kte , Ilia. llSbouth 14lti htri'et.
Proilnco Commission Jferchaiits ,
Poultry , lluttur , Cliime , Kriiim , etc. 2211 B. Kill at.
Dmiihn , Nel > ,
Coal antLime. .
' . lLESTOXE tK CO. ,
Dcnlcn In
Hard and .Soft Coal ,
OtTicoand junj , ] itt ; > nnd Nlcliol.m § i . , Omnlm , Nob.
Vnr1 * ' 4'tilephoiie , J7.
Qno. r. iMMAOit. Pren. r. Y , clnnnMAX , V. Prci.
J. A. hl'NDKHi.AND , Hue. und Trca * .
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
203 Ponlh Thirteenth Street , Oinnlm , Nrh.
, T. , T. ,7O//.V.SOAr ,0 CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Jilitpiiers of Coal nnd C okit , C'oment , Pluiilrr ,
Umo , llalr , Klro llrlik , Driiln , Tlln und Sener Pipe.
( iniie. P.iiton Ilutal. Knnuim fct. , Oiutlm , .Ni < b.
Tfli'pnonohll. _
- - -
Maimfacturinp ; ConfectionerH ,
Jobber * ol Kiultn.Nuti ) nnd Cltiue. 1211 1'uniiini Ht.
Cir/ars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cip/ars , Toburco.
QIIHB nnd Ammunition , 215 to2Tlrl. Illlin. , 1020 to
lu.'l Knrnnni Bt. , Oiniiliiv.Ncl ) .
WEST .0 FlilTfiCJrEK ,
Miinufacturers of Fine Ciirarn ,
And Wholvenh ) Denlerr In I.cnf Tcituifcoi , Kon.103
ami llu N. 'llh Mri'rt , ( ) uiihu ,
Wholo-nln Denlora In
Clears , Tobaccos , Pipes and SmokerV
Aifenti for I ) . Ioldnr * lorf i Co. , Kino-Cut and SmoU
nnTob coiH , Mllwuukoa , Wlioansln. No.lU
1 = 3 NortUMlitoonttiStrdol , Uiaibn , Nob.
Dry Cooils.
DryGoodri , FnriilshiiiH : Goods & Notions
1103 nnd 1101 Douillnj. eor. llth Bt. , Oinnhu. Ni-b.
Distillers ,
Dlitlltcriofl.lqnori , Alcohol nm ! Mrlti. Importers
and Jobbcri \Ylnfnuml l.l'iunr * .
co. ami in-n o co. ,
ImportQrB und Jobhcrrof Kino Wlnm und Liquor * .
bolu iminul oturiiii < if ICcuneily'n Kn l Inrtla lilt-
tor. nml IIOIIH n'loi Iquorr. 1112 llurnuj f-t.
Drain Tile , Etc ,
A. . . .
u. J. CAIIFON , V.i'rtn. und h
TJfJl UXIO , V / / YlHlA ULW
ItUAlff TTLE CO. ,
Ofliro 213 H. llth tt. Omahii. Neb. Mnchlnery nnu
Buppllmfor Mnnufncturliitf Cement liinln Tllu.
furniture ,
Wholesale Dealers In Funilturo ,
Farnnmtt. , Oin h .Ncb.
Furniture , Heddlnfr , Upholstery ,
Mlrron , eic. Itw,12ft3 und 1210 Karnam t. , Oitiubo.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries nml Provisions ,
Nn . " ( V'.Wr.TWuninil S , IMti Ft , OinMm , Nb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Ulti unit tc T ( > nwortli * n. , (
ir. , r. luioATcir ,
Heavy Ilardwure , Iron nnd Stool ,
Sptlugitiemi Stock , lUnlirntc I.iimlicr.clc , 1JOI
ml 1511 llnrnrr ft. , cinmtm.
Wholesale Iron nml Steel ,
W eon nml Cnrrljco Wooil PlocV , Hcw lurrt
Ktf. KIT mi.l Kill l.f avcnirortli n. , Onmlin. \ >
.HOG Kits ,0 SOXtf
Slovcs , IJuiisrep , li'tirnnces , 'I'llcs
Mivntlci.Clroto , nrn ( ) oort . 1SJ1 niid 133 Kni
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
\YroiiRM nnil Tn t Iron ItnlMlntf Wort , Iron ! 'Hllr
ItnllliiKi llrniii * niul lllnlprn , i < trnm ICnKlnt < i > , UTHM
\YorH , ( linornl fcnimlry , Mnrlilno nml ltlnrK mttli
* 'V. OfflrennJWuikM' . I1. KrnnillTthrliPfl.
P. It Mr.MANl'i ) . cTstM.l.U "
o.i/.u/ in UK , ti niox iromtx ,
MntiufnrlHrori ! of
Wire nml Iron UnlHnsrs ? , Desk Knlls ,
Wlnilow ( liinril. . Klnvar ! Jlnnl , , AVIro PlBnf , iu- ; .
ISIS , tf.lh. li > lunll prominlr MtttmU'illo.
i.o i ris n HA / > FO K n , i
Denier in Lumber. Lntli , Lime , Knelt ,
Deere , Ktc. Yimlrornor'lli nml Douglnv C nifr
Vlli nnil llotulit * .
Wliolesnlo Lumber ,
BUS. lull mfCI.OnmliH.Xcii. F.Oolpclipr , M trtnr.
C. 2K D1KTZ ,
nth nnd Calironiln Ircotf. Onmlm. Ni-li.
FHKl ) I ! ' , ( fIIAY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.Mb niul nouglnn ttt. , Uunihn.Nuj.
T. W. 11 A R I 'E r L VMJlElt CO. , I
To Dcnlcrg Only.
Omcc. HOT I'nrnnm u
& It. LE ,
Jliirihrnoil Lumber ,
Wood Carpets nml rnrqiict Kloorliin. Dili nml
Wholesale Lumber , Kte.
Imporlpil nml Anivrlcnn I'orltnnd Oonu'nt. Ints
forMllwiiukoo llytlnnillr Ccuunt nutl Uctl
CJulncyhHol.lnid. .
Live Stock.
Of Omnlm.
Limited. John P. Hoyd , B'jpcrlntcrdont.
Ur Stock Commission.
jir. JlTJiKJj ( ' .S
Livu Sleek Commission.
OQO. Iliuko. Mann r
TJnloniStock Vnrd ,8. omiilin. Tolcphonn f *
HA TACK , t > GltJiEy
Live Stock Commission Jlerclmntg ,
Sblpmunti of ny nml nil Minis of Mock rullcltcd.
Union Stock Ynnln , ( nuntin , NrU
Millinery and Notions.
I. OltKIlFELDJSlt .0 CO. ,
Inil'orK'rs nml Jobbers or
Millinery and Notions ,
ilnriiajr ( l.cut.Omilin.Nol ) .
" "
c. s. Gobniifcir .c co. ,
Are the 011)7 ) Dlrcrt linixirtcm of
Gorman & French 'J'oys ' & Fancy floods
IiiNcbrneVn. Chlcniro | > rlrpHiliiillonted | without odd-
_ Ing frclulil. 1415 l''Hr iilu Mri'i't , ( Inmliii.
j. T. jLtoftrxsoir XOTIOX co : ,
\VholcBalo Dpnlrra la
Notions and FiirnisIiiiiR1 Gootln ,
lainnrt l > t ) . Tonlti Ht , Onmlin.
VJXYAIll ) ,1 ! H
Jobbcrn In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnisliliifr
_ KXV.uiKlKKB Fnrnnm t. , Omnlm. Nob.
Jlaiiufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcan 1'iiiiU , Whirls , Ktc. lltrjiinil 1101 DoiiKhm Street ,
( limilm , N"l > .
Paper Boxes
, f. L. WILKIE ,
Manufacturer of Paper Hoxeq ,
CS.lltli St. . ( Iraiili u , NubriKku. Orilers | jy mnllio
llclludnnd Hill ruculvu iiroiupt nttuntlou.
JIEES ritf'rjy COMI'A
, loli Printers , lilunk Hook Makorg ,
And Hook lllinli > r , KUt nnil KH South i'oui tt-vnth
Auxiliary I'ubliHliorH.
, I'rnisoii nnd l'rliiH'r * 'tttt
Hunch T
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc ,
MORItlfi < Q CO. ,
ManufnctnrcrB , I'acki'rn und Dcnlcri In
IMcklcc & Strictly J'nrn Apple Vinenr (
Ilaklni ; I'nwdi'r , rinvnrliiK Kxtrniti , Tnlilo haiuo.
iTi'iirli Mmlii" ' . Wneh ItluInK , ( iriicerx' hiec | ! t'i'i !
f-olo niixiitH fur Vork htiilo f-nnil Itullnvtl A | > pc Ct-
dt'r , lltCI.ciivunvtortli et. , ouiiiliu. j
" \VllOlOKUl \ ( !
Etcnnianil Water Kupplli'B lIi'mliiuiirtorH I r MR |
FooHCo'i ) ( inu'lH , 1111 riirniiiii n , ( iimilin , Nrli ,
I'umpH , 1'ipe.s and
Btcara , Winer , llnllunr unU .MIIIInK Supiillra. Kto ,
.00 , urni.n't Knrnain ft , Diu.iliu , Nch ,
U. , V. l\'lNJ \ > 7sx < 7iNE nml J'lSMl *
tlnllndny Wind Mlllii rlcnm find Wf.tor Knppllcr ,
i'linihniiicM. ) [ ( ( ] UuhliiK. Umo l'H ' | nnil Ml / uf
liuiu t. , Oniulin. H. 1C. I'lillnn , Manuiii'r.
'JVIopliciiiuNo. SIO ,
Safes , Etc.
YEIt iti CO. ,
for llnll'H Bulb & Lock Co.s1
Klro ami lluii ! nr Proof Knf.u , Tlina l.nrkn.
uiidJull Work. IWi Fanium flriu'l Oinulin , Noli.
(1. ANDRE EN ,
Onmliii Kufo WorkH.
Manii ( ctnrprnor Tire nnd Ilurnlnrl'roof HnfvB , Vuull
liuofo.Jnll Wurk.MiiiliC'ii ) unit \Vlrn Work , Cor.
lllhnniljui kitui Mt , ( , Null ,
Sash , Doors , Etc ,
co „
WlHiHrt.iIu MinufiiitiireraDt
Bash , Doors , lilinds and Moulding- ? ,
llrtmcli oliicu.ntli unit It..r.l rta. , ( ) . " - ! - , ! ' ? ' -
< i. J > ' . LVMAN ,
i , Door , ISliiids , 3Ioiildiiit'y ,
Uullillni ; 1'ipur , uto. K/l huulli Tlilrtfiinth blroet ,
Oinulia , Ni.b. Acoiuplrtu bt'JCktif lluiluurt'
lliuiiv-uri' .
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
llnuM'iiKh ' Uttlr WorkunU Interior Ilnnl Wuo < l Klnlih
Jutt upeuvil. N' . It tor. SEhuiid JAiU\oawuithbl .
Uinalia , Nfb.