Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1887, Image 1

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No Changes in the Oonteat at Lincoln and
Van Wjck Hopeful ,
Contetnptltilp unit Infanionq Hellenics
to Kntrnp tltc Unwnr j' Mcinbcr
Doings In tlie ljpelst.ittun
An Iinportnnt Measure.
Dctosla'p | Itnllrngiic Trlrko.
Liscoi ) 11. [ Spcchl Telecram
to the H ii.J : Dr. Miller's attempt to cornci
the democratic < ; during the senatorial
contest has proved a wretched failure from
tlio start. The dlctitor's frantic appeals
have fallen upon deaf ears. The latest ef
fort to corral and InndculT tlio democrats by
binding them to throw away their votes on
McShine is doomed lo prove u dismal
failuro. MeShano Iscrj popular , and If
there was a ghost of a chance to make htm
senator be could count on n united and en
thusiastic support of the thirty-eight demo
crats in tlie legislature. Hut .Mcbhinc Is too
lovel-bc.uled to bo a candidate. Heyond n
complimentary support on the first ballot
next Tuesday , ho Is not likely to hold the
body of Ins party friends from their Indi
vidual piefprenccs. The pressure for n
fltralxht dpmociatlc senatorial candidate
first , last and all the time , comes entirely
Irom railroguo headquartcia. It Is Wall
street In Nebraska clamoring for party can-
cusses. 1 ho democratic monopoly henchmen
that arc hounding democratic members aio
In constant close communion with the
republican lallrogucs who .aio be
deviling and bewildering republi
can mcinbeis with appeals for
" .straight goods. " Translated into ulaln
English , "straight goods" means brass-col
lared candidates. Talk about party loj ally ,
when the men who talk It loudest are notori
ous bolters and repiobatcs , who never jet
failed to betray their natty and trample its
pilnciplcs under foot whenever It suited
their iuteicbt. It was "straight goods" for
the anti-Van Wjck republicans to organize
the henate by the help of two democrats , but
H would have oeen uarty ttcason In the eyes
ot these apostles if tlie opposite faction , bj
the aid of tlio same dcmociats , had organ
ized the senate and made up its committees.
It would have been in aecord with the eternal
fltnebs of things and peifectly satisfactory
from Dr. .Miller's democratic standpoint foi
tlio democrats to cast a solid vote for some
railroad icpubllcan , but It were high licason
to democratic principles if any dcmociat
dares to cast Ids v oto for \ nn Wj ck. It is
tinpaidonablo lei Van Wjck to allow any
democrat to vote foi him , but it will bo
strictly "btiaight goods , " according to Saint
( icre , for Van Wjek's opponents to baigain
through tlie railroad bobbcs for democratic
' 1 ho same coiporation that contiols repub
lican and democratic organs has mustered
the most dlsieputable and vllliinous gang of
bulldo/ers , shjsters , vvhibky sots to hariats
and Impoitunomembars of all partle" . At
every step these members are beset w lib pit
falls and snares. 1'iivale gambling rooms
have been opened in which membois are en
tertained , dined and vvineil. A brood of dis
solute women lias been Imported to play their
paitin trapping the unwary and playing
upon them in collusion with a low gang of
debauched hirelings. Only tlucodajs ago a
prominent member was Inv Ited by one ol the
railroad cappers to a btrictly private assigna
tion place. J verj thing was very nice , retired.
Nobody .should know anjthing about Ids
visit. Tlio member , who liad been heio be
fore , declined the kind invitation , and tlie
stool-piyeon was lolled In bis Infamous
What was the object of such n pioposal ?
Simply to get the member into tlio pow er of
tlio villains , whose puipObC was to terrori/e
him and compel him to vote as they dircctfor
fear of esposuie. Ten chances to one tlio
nicmbci would have been in rested by a bogus
policeman , who Isalwajs on band for such
Roivlce , and released bv thu timely and gen
erous Interference ot the gang who play the
members friend. J'rom this mo'iieiit 1m
Is tlielis and can't escape their blackmailing
clutches. This Is not a fancy sketch , but a
lealitj. The game was plaved beio during
legislative sessions fem and two jears ago.
An oviovcnuo oflleml , who pnmo in last
night , temaiked that within thlity minutes
after he had landed at thu capital that in the jam ho noticed Iho H. it M. detectives
and fifteen or twenty underlings and hue-
lings of that one nilmad ! alone. 'IhoD.
M. oil looms , GO and 07 , are presided over by
Mi. Jlarquott's partnci , Dewces. Here , one
by one , the menioers are invited to call
and see the elephant. .Mr. Dewces lias
not made converts bo far , and
occasionally catches a taitai as bo did tills
nfleinoon , when he wanted Kepiesentativo
Fullei , of Uairo county , to "walk into my
pallor , " Is it any wonder that membcif
who have never taken pait In a Ecnatoilal
light are sick at heart and disgusted to deatli
by the beastly crow that gives them no peace ?
There is literally a dead calm In thuscna'
torlal hoi I/on. No changes have taken place
In tlio relative positions of the contestants.
Van Wjek feels hopeful and confident , and
bib opponents ate waiting foi bomclblng to
turnup. i : . Jto iwAiKit. :
Soimtn I'roupuillnu .
LixcoiN , Neb , , I an. 11. [ Special Telegram
to the llnir.l The bonato leconvencdat 10
o'clock lids morning with President Molkle-
John In the chair. At 10-0 ; ; tlie cntliocalen
dar had been disposed of , which led some ol
the membeis to wonder what buslnebS wouli
engage their attention during thu nfternoor
besslon , Mr. Snell , of Jefferson , moved ai :
mljoutnmcnt until 10 o'clock to-morrow
moining , but his motion was voted down
and an adjournment made to J o'clock this
After the usual toutlne , Mr. Colby
of Cage started the music by olfcilng a reso
lution to tefer to tlio standing committee ot
privileges and elections in the matter of the
contested seats ot Holmes , of Jolinsor
count } , and Viindemaik , ot Saundois , am
icqulilngan eaily teport. The tcbolutioi
& Was adopted.
Mr. Duras of Saline Intioduccd a resolntloi
requeuing the house eommltttu on wajs HIII
means to Introduce thu general apuropiiatioi
bills on or boforti .human 20. Adopted.
Mi. I leal tw ell of Adams ottered iiri'bolutloi each member be tut nlshed a btatumuni
of the population ot each county. Adopted ,
Mr. Sterling of rillmoro offered a tesolutloi
liistiuotini : the board of lailroad commission
cib to lurnihli thubeimtnacopy of all state
uients m.idu of the rallwajs o
the state to the board , Adopted.
Twenty-seven biU | were introduced :
Hy ColbjtiovPining elections In cities
nnd towns.
Hy Colby Providing attorney tees In cer
'lly 'Colby Providing arbitration In dis
imtcs between laboiers and coit > oratlons.
Hy Snell-lJoKulatlii ! ; the &alo of liquors bj
Hylsneil 'I o amend section 301 of the Cede
of Civil I'jocedtiii' .
. Hy bncjl To piotect property rights o
" Hv D'utas To amend the act entitled , "At
npt to election laws. "
Hy Uobblns To amend the act entitled
"Liquor" and ic tr. lnliie applications tu
& jRobbius-To repeal sections ouo to nf-
teen of articln eight , chapter seventy-two ,
compiled statutes , entitled , "Unllroads.1'
Hy Hlgcltis of Cnss lo provide n board of
railroad commissioners andlo repeal the law
crcatlnir the existing board.
Hy Hobblns Amending the act entitled
'Itevenue. "
Hy Kecklv To prohibit grain dealers
larfnershlps , companies , corporations or as
sociations from combining or entering into
nny agreement or contract tw pool or nx tbo
iricc to bo paid for grainhogs , cattle or stock
if any kind whatever , nnd lo provide pun-
shincnt for violation of the same.
Hills numbering from one to twenty wcro
nit upon second leading.
Mr. Conger of Shermin offered llio fol
lowing :
Whereas , Death has icmovcd from
: ho nssoclntlons of this woild ,
General George M , O'Hrlen. once
a member ot this body and senior vice com-
uander of the G. A. II. of this state , and an
nlluential. honorable , genetotis nnd kindly
inn ,
Therefore , bo It rosolvcd , That the senate
lerebj declare Its seine of the loss sustained
n the death of General O'llrien , nnd extend
-Is heartfelt sympathy to tlie widow nnd
cblldiun made desolnto by that calamity.
.Vdopted. .
ULlmfsaj' To ennbio husband nnd wife
lo coinpy prnpoitj to each otiiei without In-
teiventlon of thirdparlj.
Hv Lindsay To piohlbit banks nbout to
become Insolvent from lerelvlns ; monies nnd
other vnlunbles on deposit.
Hy C.ispei To establish ficlght rates on
inllroads and fix maximlm pharges.
Hy Casper To makes notes vnlld bearing
Interest at other than established late pet
cent.Hy MoVnmir To icpeil section 37S code
of civil pioceedure. entllled "Depositions. "
Hy McNamar-To piotect the ptopeity
rights of widows.
Uy MeXamar To ampiul section lor\ code
thpclvll pioceduip , entitled "licplcvln. "
Uy Sterling To uipeal article a , chapter 72 ,
revised statutes , entitled "Kailroads. "
UySheivin-To piovIdo for the disposition
of school taxes paid by i.iilroad and telecinph
Uy Sliervln To propose amendment to
nitlclo " S of the constitution , relating to
Uy Snell To amend the stntutes relating
to tno government ot pities of the lust and
second elnss , nnd election" therein.
Uy Fuller To icqulru railways incorpo
rated in other states and doing business in
this slate to Incorpoiate under laws ol Ne
Iho following bills , whoso titles have been
given in these columns , were referred to com
mittees :
S. F. 1 , 9,10,13,10,17 , 20-Judidary.
S. F. 2 , 3 , C. 0 , 7-I ibor.
S. F. 4. b Uailroads.
S. F. 11 Federal lelatlons.
S. F. 12 Revenue.
S. F. li Constitutional amendments.
S. F. 11 Appoitionment.
S. F. 18-Miscellaneous corporations.
S. F. ! legislation.
Mr. Lindsay ol Fiunas presented a peti
tion from 'J0 > citl/eiis lor a better law to prc-
vent tlio spiead of contagious diseases , which
was lefcrred to tlio committee on live stock
nnd grn/inz.
Mr. Meiklejolm of Nanco introduced a bill
requiring foieign corporations to be Incor
poi ated undei ( ho laws of Nebraska. Also
ioi a joint lesoiution proposing nn amend
ment to the constitution prohibiting tlio sale
of liquor.
Thu chalrannounced that IIP woul'i , durinir
the afternoon , locate tlio committee rooms ot
a few committees who will have immediate
woik , A number of rooms heretofore used
have been placed nt the disposal ot some of
the stnta othceis , which will require going
outside for others.
Finnk lliuple nndT. A. Wiight were ap
pointed bill cleiks.
A. W. Forbes was appointed janitor of the
room of the committee on printing.
Sir. Piesident recommended rcticnclnuont
in the matter of cmploj Ing committee cleiks
nnd lenting committee rooms , lie thought it
would bo wise to let onecleik act for thieeor
four committees and a number of committees
might ai range to occupy one room at respec
tive intervals. JIc took It that no committee
deslicsacleikoraioom without tlieie Is a
necessity for them.
Mi. Moore of Lancaster ottered a resolution
that a committee ot two be appointed to act
with alike committee of tlio house upon
joint inles ot the senate , to govern tlitough
llio session. Tlio chair appointed Messrs.
Moore of ume.istcr and Uonesteol of Dakota
as such committee.
Mr. Llniiiiicrol Douglas Introduced a bill
topiovide lor a state school toi dependent
children. Also , a bill to authoii/u chinches
to change tholi names at any legulai annual
mcetlni : .
Mi. Fuller of Wavno introduced a resolu
tion to refer to committees the appointments
made by Goveinoi James W. Davves , Januaiy
5 , as follows ;
( J. J. Nobes , warden penitentiary Com
mittee on state pilson.
J. C. Hiiinuj' , ( ! . W. Harnhard , Daniel G.
Johnson , members live stock commission
Committee on live stock and grading.
Charles Geitb , jr. , state veterinarian-
Church Howe nnd J. W. LOVP , members
board ol education Committee on state tinl-
veisity and normal school.
W. S. May , fish commission Committee
on miscellaneous subjects.
Dr. vV. Knapp , supciintcndent h'ospital
for insane Committee on insane hospital.
Mi. Melklojohn of Nance took exception to
rclciringtho nominations to such commit
tees , undei rule thirtj-ono of the standing
rules of the senate. As an amendment ho
moved that the nominations bu made n
spiclal older for coiiluiunttoii next Monday
nt 2 o'clock.
Mr. Fuller of Wnyno then moved ns nn
amendment to the amendment that tin
matter bo made a special ojder for Tuesdaj ,
Januniv 2"i , at" o'clock , which was carried ,
.Mi. Kent ot Keainoy moved the adoption
of a resolution to print 350 copies of each blil
onlercd printed.
Mr. t'.ispei ol Uutlermovpd to amend nnd
make U5JO , which was can led.
The committee to whom Senate File 15 was
rofcucd , for the piotectlon of girls under
fifteen jeuia of age , loported In favor ot Its
The committee to whom was referred
Senate File 2 , to make eight hours a day's
labor , icconiiiicmlcd Its passage.
The committee to whom was referred
Senate File No , 0 , to aid mechanics and
laboieis in satisfaction ol licns.iet'ommcndcd
Adjoiiined till 10 o'clock to-morrow
NOTl a.
The committee-on privileges nnd elections
met at 30 : ! ! tills nflei noon In thu rooms of the
livestock commissioner to consider the con
test for tlio seats of Holmes of Johnson and
Yandcmaik ol Saundem.
Tlio president advised the senators to lock
their desks as a measure of precaution
against the crowds e.xpectedat thOKOvernor's
reception to-night.
Many pretty ladles graced the galleries
The Western Union Telozraph company
proposes to run a wire tothucapitolbuildlni ; ,
which will be a great benefit to the press
gang and members. The Omaha papers will
derive tlio LMeater benelit , as by this meair
tlio proceedings of tlio legisliture will bo tel
egiaphed immoiliately upon adjournment
undbolntjpu In less than an hour after ,
The readoib of tlio llii : : will prolit greatly by
the convenience. The line , how uv er , should
have been built bcfuio thu legislature con
The acoustics of tlio senate are much better
than those ot the house , probably because
the. chamber Is not so huge , jet there is no
leason why this Mionld bu thecause. , A mem
ber who-o volco Is not unusually weak. Is
heard plainly in all nails of the senate. The
slower he talks , the better. One or two of the
senators tnlk like elialn-llgbtnlng , nnd they
must nut be surpiiscd it the reporter , in
quoting them , omits all spice between words
nnd ignores the rules of punctuation as they
do when they get to bclcliing fuith tlie subtle
' ot L'vnitis
Kleetrie lights hang In the senate chamber
They will be needed by the third house soon
Later In thobcsslon the senate will probabl ;
have use lei thu liKht , It will have a peuu
tratutg effect upon the Intellects of two or
three of the senators , without doubt.
The day may bu somewhat delnjed , bu
sooner or latei thu memlx'rs of this senate
will bu called upon to gallantly devotoa date >
to the ladles who want to voto. J remember
when Uimtcnant Governor bhold was
si calc.'r of the house , ho listened attentively
to thu uUvocateaot woman's rights. Tlio ex
pte.-sion on his face , however , -as the hours
wasted slowly awoyi was one ol tender
patient suffering. Ho looked as thoujh a
notion to adjourn would be In order.
Doing * In tlie HmiBC.
Lixcoi.v , Neb. , Jan. 11. [ Special Tele
gram to the HI.K. ] The morning session ot
lie house was uneventful , being devoted
chiclly to the introduction and second read-
nc of bills. The liouc roll of bills is already
quite larire , over eighty having been Intro
The first committee to meet Is that on
finance , wajs and means , which was called
together at 1 : ! W p. m. today. The purpose
of the meeting Is to provide for the mileage
of members , In ordei , ns Chairman Nlchol fa-
cctlouslj said : "That wo can payout boatd
bill- . "
The speaker announced Immediately after
llio conclusion of the preliminary formalities ,
the appointment of the following additional
cmplovcs : Harry P. Itoggcn , bill tilork ;
MlbS Xpota Matthews , assistant postmaster ;
M. J. Dell , nipsscngci t J. S. Kdwaids , custo
dian and janitor of the room of the com
mittee on public lands and buildings. These
appointments wcro given the sanction of tlio
house , upon .1 unanimously cat tied motion.
Tl'o ' reporter the committee on rules was
received and adopted. It creates two addi
tional standing committees , viz : on labor
nnd on apportionment. A lesolutlon provid
ing foi the appointment ot n night watch
man lortlio house end of the caultol was pie-
sented. It led to consldcrablodiscusslon nnd
elicited vigorous opposition. The resolution
was finally tabled.
A lesolutlon that the clcilc of the hou o bo
Instructed to report us present nil members
who should bo encnccd in committee work at
roil call was adopted.
A motion by Mr. Miller of Hutler that the
chairman of the committee should report the
names of their omplojes to the clerk of the
house who shall announce them , was
The speaker announced that ho would
probably appoint no additional emplojcs and
that applicants for places should beai this In
mind. Any further employment of house
assistants would linv c to bo done by the house
Tlio following bills wore Introduced nnd
oidcrcd to a second leidiuc :
Hy Sweet , House Itoll No. 43 To prevent
cruelty to nniiuaK
Also , No. 4'J To print 2.0CO copies of the
fish commissioner's icport lor lJ > y' .
Hy Cannon , No. fX ) To establish , lonate
and maintain n normal school at Bro
ken How within tlie state ot Nebraska
and to appropriate tlie sum of § 20,000 from
the fund of the state for the purpose
of constructing and furnisliiug buildings for
tlio use of school Institution ,
Hv Pierce , No. 51 To amend sections two
(2) ( ) and four (4) ( ) of article live P ) of an act
entitled : An act to lin maximum standard
ot fieisrht charges on railroads nnd to pre
vent unjust discriminations thcicln or secret
tales , rebates or drawbacks theicfor , ap
proved Februarys * , 1881.
Hy Kenney , No. 5J Granting liens to land
Hy Fuller , No. M To amend sections 27
and 20 and to repeal section li.3 of chapter 57
of tlio comjiiied statutes of Nebraska en
titled , "Mills and Milldams , " andtorepcnl
said original sections 27 and 29.
Hy Fenton , No. W To amend section 9 of
chnptei Jl of tlie compiled statutes , entitled ,
"Guaidlans and Wards. "
Also , No. 55 Providing for the removal of
guaidians of Insane persons and spendthrifts1.
Hy Loid , No. 50 To amend section two
hundred and fotnteeii (211) ( ) revised statutes
of Nebraska.
Hy Sullivan. No. 57 Providing lor the elec
tion of supervisor in cities of tlie second
class in counties under township organisa
Also , No. 5S To amend section 1 of the
criminal code and to repeal said section.
Also , No. 50 Deckuing stipulations for at-
torncjs'fees contained in certaiiicd written
instiuments to be void.
HyHarrett , No. CO-For the iclief of O. V.
Hy Cameron , No. 01 Uclatlng to evidence
in actions upon open accounts In ceitain
Also , No. 02 To provide for the revlvorof
dormant judgments to provide when the lien
of tlio same shall attacli and to repeal section
4" ? , title 13 ol llio code of procedure.
HyKwln1 ' . No. 04 To amend section 97 ,
aitlcle 1 , of plnptcr 77 of the compiled stat
utes of lob. ) , entitled "liovenuo , " and tore-
peal the said statutes so amended.
Hy Cameron. No. 0.1 To piovido for the
allowance of attornejs fees in certain cases.
JJy Hajden , No. 05 To amend section 7 ot
chapter 2S of the compiled statutes ot Ne
braska entitled " 1'CPS. "
Also , No. CO To amend section 83 of sub
division , one ot chapter 77 of tlio compiled
statutes entitled "KevPiiue. "
Hy Raymond , No. 07 For the relief of
Sarah D. Gilllspip , of Lincoln , Neb.
Hv Caldwcll , No. OS To prov ido for tlio ap
pointment of a deputy attoinev
Hv Vnt/j' , No.J ( To amend section ! ! subdivision -
division seven (7) ( ) , chapterot ! ) thecomputcd
statutes of Nebiaska entitled "Schools. "
AlbO , No. 70 To amend section 177 and
section 20) of cli iptei 25 of the compiled
statutes of Nebraska entitled "Dccedebts. "
Hy lowing. No. 71 To amend sections 03
and 04 of article 1 , ch ipter 77 of the compiled
statutes of Ihs'i ontitlid "Kovenue , " and to
icpeal the sild M'ctloiis o amended.
Also No. 72 To amend sections 40 , of nr-
tlelo 1 , chipter I ol tlio compiled statutes of
18s5 , entitled "Animals" and to repeal thu
said section so .amended.
Hv GarvojNo. . 7i To amend sections 21 ,
22 , ' . } ' . > . 50 , fij. ( a , 70 , 73 , 75 , 70 , 77 , 80 , W , 1)1 )
and .U , of chapter 77 ot thccomplled statutes
of ISs-i , entitled "Hovenue. "
Hy Kandall , Vo. 74 Authorl/ing the nndl
lor of public account , to diaw warrants on
the unexpended balance of appiopiiation
lor taking of census ol IbS1) .
Hv Andres. No. 75 To amend section OS
ol chantei 7 ot the compiled statutes ' 'Trial. "
Hy Wilhelmscn , No. 70To amend section
lUof ! chaptoi H compiled statutes , Ibbl.
Hy Young , No. 77 To prevent the employ
ineiit ot children In workshops factories ,
mines , etc. , and providing foi a penalty for
its violation.
Hv Agee. No. 73-Fnra joint resolution to
amoiid sections 1 ot article 15 of the consti
tution ot thu state of Nebraska.
HyAiree , No , 70 For a joint resolution
proposing an amendment to section 1 ol ar
ticle 3 ot the constitution ot the state of Ne
Also , No. 60 To establish a state normal
school at Aurora , Neb. , nnd making nn
nupropiintlon theiefor.
Hv Whitman * . Hntrotrodjced bv request of
the Farmers' alliance , ) No , HiTo regulate
transportation corporations and make height
reasonable nnd stable ,
JohuMills was announced as tlio appointed
cleric ot tlio committee on public schools. Mr.
Nicliol of Antelopn was called to the chair.
Tlio bills introduced jesterdiy weio lead a
second time and lofeired to the appropilato
standing committees. Itccess was taken
until 2 p. m.
ArrnitNooN sr.ssioN.
A slgnllic.ant test on thosonatoilal ques
tion was made In the house In thu afternoon ,
The Culiom-Heagan Intci-stntn commerce
bill , which is now pending before tlio United
States senate , had been tlio subject of n reso
lution requesting senators and representa
tives In congress to vote foi Its passage. The
icsolution had been considered [ a committee
ol the w hole , and w as subsequentlj' , as will
bo seen by the following detailed report ,
adopted by thohouso. As soon asltsadop
tiou was announced Mr. Cole of Adams
moved tlie adoption of a resolution request
ing the attendance in Washington ot sena
tors and representatives of the state In order
that they iiiluht bo nblo to vote upon tlio bill
when it comes up for final pisaa e , The an-
pircnt object of the resolution was to obli
gate Senator Van Wjck to Washington. The
attendniicQ of Congressman Weaver at
Washington would not have been made
obligatory by the resolution , as tlio bill lias
not as vet leached the national house of
icpiesentatlves , and It will probably bo several
eral weeks betoie it comes to a vote there.
Substantially , therefore , the resolution was
a covert slap at Senator Van Wjck.
Mr. Watson of Otoo moved to table the
resolution and Mr. Caldwell of l.mcastei
seconded the motion. Thu ajes nnd najs
were called for and resulted as follows :
Voting to Table Abrahainson , Andrews ,
Habeock , Hallard , Hanett , Hick , How man ,
Cnldwell , Cauaron , Cannon , Crane , Dc'injv-
ster , Dlllt-r , Klsle-y , Fuller , Galford , Jl.irlau ,
Holmrod , Horst , Jeary , Kennev , Knox ,
l.alta , LeUvcld , Lord , Marshall , Mutthicion ,
McCaniuMcGrevv , Miller , Newcomer , N'ew-
ton , Overtoil , Pcmberton , Kandall , Ho per ,
liussell , Satchel , Shatiip , Simnis , Slmunek ,
Slater , Thointon , Tingle , Turner. 'Ijson ,
Underbill , .Uson , WetheralO , WuUtuore ,
Wilson , Wllsey. Wolcnweber , Wright ,
} utzv , Young 5c.
The vote In the nogathe , or against
tabling , was headed by Agen nnd only mus
tered tblrtv-elght names , of which ten or
more are those of gentlemen known to be
favorable to van Wjck but who voted
through n misunderstanding as to the real
character of the resolution.
Upon the opcnlne of the afternoon session
the announcement of a postponement of the
meeting of the third bouso until Monday
evening next was made.
A resolution Nebraska's
Instructing sen
ators nndrcpic'cntatlvcs In conm ssto vote
for and use nil bonor.iblo means to secure the
passage of the Cullom-Hcican Inter-state
commerce bill , now pending before tlio sen
ate , was introduced. Tlio method ofpiooed-
mo regarding It excited some discussion. Mr.
Ageo moved to refer the resolution to the
committee on federal relations.
Mr. Caldwell hoped lliat tills delay would
not be taken but that the sentiment of thu
house would bo oxpiesscd to day.
Mr. Watson otfciedan amendment which
was to make It a joint resolution of bouse and
senate. lie believed it should bo made u
concurrent resolution to give U tlio proper
weltrbt of perfected legislative action.
Mr. Smjth could see no object in icferrlng
It to a committee , to then He there fem daj s.
It was an Impoitant resolution and one
which should bo passed by the bouse. The
majority of tlio people of tlio state weie
stronglv In lavorof It.
Mr. Wldtmoiooireicdnsnn amendment to
the amendment that tlio resolution bo re
ferred to the committee of the whole , and
tint its consideration be made tlio special
order of the hour. It appeared to him Im
portant to act upon the resolution now , as
tlio bill rcfeiied to was alle.ady before con
gress and it would bo the height of foolish
ness to wait until ono branch ofcougiess had
nctcd upon it and than send n request lo
Washington that the senators of the state
should vote for Its passaao. If tlio lesolutlon
lstolia\o auyfoico tlio house should adopt
it to-day. Ho objected to the joint resolu
tion amendment , as such n icsoliitlou would
have to take the usual coulee , which meant
delay. The house was tl.o popular branch ot
the legislature , and a resolution coming fiom
this bianch alone would have all the elfect a
concurrent resolution would have.
Mr. Cole was in favor of prompt action but
desired that it bu taken In tlio most sensible
way. The senate , he understood , had alieady
adopted n similar joint resolution. He
thought the bouse hail better wait until that
was iccelved from the senate.
After f uither discussion , participated in by
Messrs. Pembcrton , Horst , Millei. Knox and
Uallard , Mr. Whltmoro's amendment was
carried and the house went into committee of
tlio whole , Mr. Wliltmoroin the chair.
An amendment by Mr. Smyth that the
word "ipjnested" bo used instead of "In
structed" as more courteous to tno senators
andiepresentativcs was adopted after miscel
laneous discussion. The amendment by Mr.
Watson , making It'a conriirreiifresolutlon ,
wasdeleated. A motion that the committee
of the whole icpoi t favoiably to the adoption
of the resolution was carried.
Mi. Cole offeiod a resolution that the sena-
tois and icpiesnntatlves of the state bo re
quested to bo in Washington nreimed to vote
upon the bill , but Chairman Wliitmoro de
cided it out of order In committee of the
The committee then arose , reported , and
the resolution was adopted by a unanimous
vote.Mr. . Cole Introduced his resolution regard
ing the presence of senators and representa
tives In Washington. Aa above reported , the
resolution was eifectually tabled.
Mr. Fuller of Gage Introduced a resolution
thatn special committee of seven bo np-
uoinled to piepaie a bill relating to township
orgini7ation. Jt was adopted , and as such
committee tlie speaker appointed Messrs.
Fuller. Keuna , Cole , Cannon , Kief , Andres
anil Wilson.
A icsoliition providlngfor the appointment
of Hurt McKce , nu orphan , ns pngo wns
A resolution by Mr. Andres that no page
or minor in tlio employ of the house should
bo pcimittcd to use tobacco about tlio capltol
while engaged In the performance of his du
ties , and that tlio speaker bo empovvcied to
discharge any such employe for-violation ,
was adopted.
in conformance with a resolution ndopted
tlie speaker appointed Messrs. Wilson and
Klslcy as membeis of n joint committee on
A resolution that the chief clerk be in
structed to secure 000 copies of tlio legislative
manual adaptable for use at tlio present ses
sion , containing the house and joint lilies-
such manuals to bu piocured from the lotvcsl
bidder was adopted.
Uy a resolution Introduced by Mi. Cole and
unanimously adopted , the house granted Us
pcimlsbion to the state department of the
Grand Aimy of the Republic to use the capitol -
tel building on Wednesdaycvcning. January
1U , lor memorial services upon tlio death of
Gcncial John A. Logan.
The following bills were Intioduccd :
Hy Douclas , No. 82 To amend sections
5'M , 3J4 , 3J7 and 3J7 of the code of civil pro
cedure. *
Hj Nlchol. No. S3 To provide foi the pay
ment of the incidental expenses ol tlio twen
tieth session of tlie legislature , appropriating
Also , No. 84 To provide for the payment
ot oliiccis , membeis and cmplojes of the
twentieth session of tlio lu islatmu , appropri
ating S'AOOJ.
Hj Shamp , No. S5 For the relief oi Mary
Simmons et al.
Hy Tiacy. No. SO To regulite the hours of
labor and the payment thereof. ( An eight
bom law ) .
Hy Kief , Xo. 87 Uequlrlng of the county
cleik in eacli county of the state to cause a
ma ] ) to bo prepared showing thocoriect niiin-
bei of miles ot each rallioad and tclcgranli
company in each count } , lor tlio piuposu of
aiding and assisting the state board ot equal-
l/ation in arrivliiL'at a just and proper as
sessment nnd taxation of raihoad and tele
graph property.
Hy Slaughter , No. 83or the relief of
Chailes A. Johnson.
Uy Haymond , No. 89 To amend section
31) ! of the code of civil procedure ; also , No.
00 Amending sections to and Ol of the code.
Hy Horst , No. Ill To rcmikito the rate of
ppssengcrnnd height transposition , to de-
elate the diitv ot railiond corporations and to
prov Ido a penaltj for violation of thu same.
Hy Undeihill , No. ttt To ntttliorl/u the
state to eopj light school books for tlio np-
piopiiatlon of clO.OOOorsiuh part theicot us
maj bo necessaiy to paj tlie expense ot tlie
same and topiovldolor the distiibution of
the s.iino.
Hy Watson , No. 03 To establish a state
boaul of health , etc.
Jjj Wllsey , No. ! M To provide for loaning
money lying Idle In the treasury ot the sev
eral counties In the state.
These bills were all lead and oidered to a
second leading.
Adjourned to 00 : o'clock to-morrow morn
( Joternor Tlmyer's Itpcoptlon.
LixrpL.v , Neb. , Jnn 11. ( Special Tele
gram to the Hin.J : The reception by Gov.
crnorTlinjor nnd state ofliclila to members
of the legislature and dtl/ens at the capitol
this evening- was n popular success nnd billl-
iant nlfalr. Fully two thousand attended ,
conceded to be the largest gathering over
known on a similar occasion. The executive
chambers , attoiney gonoial's ofllccs , and
senate bail were thrown "I"- " nnd millianlly
Huhted , Thofoinml reception was held In
the executive chambers. Attoiney General
LPCSO Introduced the visitors , assisted by
Lieutenant Dudley. Uovernoi Thajer and
wile , ex-Gou'rnor Dawcs and wife , Auditor
Habeock and wifo. Secretary of State Laws
and wife , Land Commissioner Seott and
wife , Superintendent of Instruction Lane
midwife , and Lieutenant ( joveinor Sliedd
nnd wife received. The ladies and gentle
men passed tlirouglv In a continuous un
broken line for tinco hours , The ladies
assisting In the reception were richly
and elegantly attired. Governor ' 1 haver
manifested the greatest coidlallty
and boio the ordeal of handshaking with less
fatlcuu apparently than any ot tlie gentle
men assisting him. In the senate hall the
nnhersltj cadet band of sixteen pieces dis
coursed excellent music to the edlhcatlon of
the gathering ot people who tested the hall
and galleries to their fullest capacitj , Manj
notable gentlemen were pieacnt , noticeable
among whom wore United States Senator
Van Wvck , Congie siiun Weavei , Justice
Cobb , ( Tiler JustU'j Maxwell , and all Jio
state senators and lepresentatlves. While
tlie whole affair was delightfully Intormal ,
many handsomely costumed ladies were ob
servable and tbo display of diamonds
profile. Thn reception Is conceded to bo on
a hltbcito unapproached scale and an tin-
qualilicd success. The largo attendance nnd
enthusiastic congratulations Indicated tlio
popular plcisurent crectlnu Governor Tliajcr
as Nebraska's executive.
CJoicrnor Uneven Kcmcnibercd.
Ltscoi.x , Neb , , Jan. 11. [ Special Tele
gram to the HEI : . ) After Governor Thaver's
reception to night n pleasant event occurred
In the onicc of the boird of public lands nnd
bulldhus. Ux-Governor Dawos was re
quested to rome there to meet "a gentleman
who desired to sec him espcclnlljV nnd when
lie entered the room ho was creeled by n se
lect companj of ladles and gentlemen , wbilo
on two tables wcro dlsptavcd a handsome
gold-headed , ebony pane ami a costly dinner
set , solid silver , nine nieces , ornately en-
giaved and gold-lined. Kx-Suiei ] intend-
put of Public Instruction Jones
made a pleasinl pioscnlatlon speech ,
to which ex-Govcinor D.ivves responded with
evident emotion , but very happily. The
onlv inscription on tlio gifts was on the head
of the pane , ns follows : "Pipsented to Gov
ernor James W. , by the state onicers
nnd emjjlojes of the state house , January
llf 1,35 1
An Important .Mcnsnrr.
Ltvroi v , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele "
gram to the HIK. : | Among the most Impoit
ant bills that have been introduced since thu
opening of tlie session Is Senator Kecklej's
bill to piohlbit pooling and tralllc combina
tions among gialn nnd stock bujers. ihls
bill Is especially designed to break up the
grain elevator pool which has for the past
two jears destrojcd nil competition nnd
mnde nrbltrary rates for gialn at nearly oveiy
point on the trunk lines in Nebraska.
Under the constitution and bj laws of this
elevator pool grain buying members nro pro
hibited from paying a higher price for grain
than that fixed by the governing committee ,
which rate Is tclcgiaphcd to cachniembet In
The principal provisions of this anti-pool
ing bill mo substantially ns follows : All
grain dcalois , whethei persons , partnerships.
companies or coipor.allons. me piolilbited
fiom comblnlni : to fix the piico tobopaid foi
grain , bogs , cattle or stock of nny kind , nnd
in case of such pooling each day of Its con
tinuance shall bo deemed n separate oftonso.
Section 2 prov Ides that In case ot v lolatlon
the offending poison sh ill bo liable to the In
jured person oi persons to the full amount of
damages sustained , Including co-ts. It also
provides for biinglng tlio oflonder's books
and papeis Into court as evidence.
Section 3 fixes the penalty lor violation of
this act upon conviction a line not to exceed
51,000 and Immlsonmcnt not exceeding six
months , or both. This Dill lias been letened
to the committee on acrleiiltuie , ot which
Mi. Kecklcj' himself is chairman.
, Not Kclmkcd.
Lixcoi.y , Neb. , Jan. 11. | Special Tele
gram to the HIH. : ] The great hue and ciy
which has been raised by some of Jim Laiid's
boomers since the legislature coin one I about
the black cjo which Van Wjck was to re
ceive in congicss upon tlie passage of the tn-
nious Knuvnls land bill , lias received Its quie
tus. The following dlspalch speaks for
itself :
AVAsiiivoTox , Jan. 11. Hon. Chatlcs H.
Van Wvck , Lincoln 1 procured the passage
ot tlio Kucvnis bill tills morning ns reported
by tlio seunto committee amidst opposition
and jeaaud nay vote.
( Signed ) : F. M.vxnnnsov.
Tims another rootbnck is exploded and the
promised ipbuko which Van Wjck was to
lecclvo nt the hands ot Cdmunds has failed
to materialize.
ConsldcrliiKgOnintia's Charter.
LINCOI.X , Neb. , Jt n. 11. [ Special to the
* *
BKE.J The Douglasdelcgntlon field Its first
meeting this evening to consider the new
chnrter. The main leatuics of the chaitcr as
prepared by the charter committee at Omaha
will doubtless bo adopted. Some changes
will be made , however , upon points which
were not fully considered , ami where the
decision of the committee has not been In
accoid with known public sentiment and the
intei est ot a largo nuiubei of taxpajers.
Penalty of n Spree.
O.VKLVM ) , Neb. , Jan. 11. [ Special lo the
BI.I : . ] Fied Witte , the German who got so
gloilously lull of Oakland's bcvci.igo a
month ago and laid out on the praiiio for
eighteen hours nnd fio/o himself , is still
lingeiing. Dr. Thompson , of West Point ,
was called in consultation with Dr. Leeper
vcsteiday. and both came to tlie conclusion
that both hands nnd one foot would have to
bo amputated. Application lias been made
toidaco Wille on the expense of the eountv
as no has no money , ncveitheless lie has re
ceived constant attention from Dr. Leeper.
A Drunkard Suicides.
OAKLAND , Neb. , Jan. 11. to the
Hri : . ] Ilemy Mason , ot Craig , committed
suicide at that place Sunday evening
by taking an overdose ot chloral , lie
had been on a prolonged spree and
took thu chloinl to quiet Ills nerves and
not with suicidal intent. .Mason vvasabout
thirtj-elght years ot ngp , a son of Judge
Mason , ot North Hend , and was considered
tlio best blick mason In Hint county.
DpntJi of nti Old Resident.
i\-inn : : : , N. 11. . Jan. 11. Dr. William
Pcriy , the oldest giaduato of llarvaul col
lege. died tills morning , aged ! H. He was tlio
solosmvlvor ol the passengers oi Fulton's
first steamboat ihlu down ihu Hudson ilvei
hovcnty-nino jears ago. He was bum in
N oi ton , .Mass. . in 17ss , nnd was a membei ot
the class of Ibll , lullaivaid.
An Attornej Innane.
Ur.ooMiNoro.v , Neb. , Jan. 11. [ Special
Telegram to tlio Uu-i : ] : . S. Cludwiek.
who for some time lias acted qneeily , became
po thoroughly a nmnlac to day ( hat n com
mission uTljudgcd him ins.inu nnd lie was
taken to the Lincoln asjlum. Ho was once
n piominent attorney lieie.
Itliodo iM.iml'H Conl rumfnc.
PuoViDi.soi : , U. i , , Jan. 11 , ( Special Tele-
giam to the HI.I : . | The stilku of coal hand
lers nbout Now lrork threatens to have sell-
ous consequences foi this city. The visible
coal supply is not sufficient to last inoio than
two weeks nnd alicadv the price has ad
vanced 75 cents a ton. Manufactuiers are In
bad shape and many of them are trjlni ; to
buy coal and me refused. If the strike con
tinues much longer some of the mills will
have to suspend ojieiatlons. The situation
throughout the slate Is similar to this and the
famine is said to extend tluougli New Kng-
land.Mot'.vr CAHMI.I , Pa , Jan. 11. iSpeelnl
Telegram to tbo Hi. i. ] Thu stilkeot coal
handler. ! at shipping points resulted today
In a suspension ot opei.itlons at tlio Hell ,
Moore , Morils , Hidge , Logan , Centialla and
nil other collieries in the district dt pendent
solely upon the Lehlah Valley railroad tor
cars. Two thousand men are thrown outot
cmploj mcnt.
Tlio I'lbliciicK Question ,
HAi.ii'AN , N. S. , Jan , 11 , [ Special Telegram -
gram to the llii : . ) United States Consul
General Phclan proceeds hence to Washing
ton In two weeks' time , The consul
regards the latest position assumed bj the
Canadian antlioiltleson the fisheries question
as a thins not to bo tolerated by this gov em
inent. If Canada endeavors to carry out the
statute to which her majesty recently as
sented , and undertakes to arrest American
vessels vvncnever and under whatever cir
cumstances they are found within thothiee-
nillo limit , ho believes the United States gov
ernment will utter an indignant and forcible
protest , Thu new law empowers Canadian
ollieers to pounce upon any American fish
ing vessel discovered within three miles of
the shore , run her into the nearest port ,
search her and examine her ollieers under
oath , and all this notwithstanding there may
have been no Illegal act committed or In
tended. Consul Gencial Plielan predicts a
livfly season when the Dominion fishery pio-
tcetlon fleet open the campaign.
Prince Bismnrok Lays Down the Law to tbo
German Parliament.
Xlio I'enoo orilutono Hnuulni : In < hr >
IJnluncn A-unltlnir tlio Action of
Iho Helclistnc Tlio Oov-
cnuncnt's Doitmiuls.
1 ho Iron Cltnnccllnp
\Cpjiiirtoht \ t&S * til Jamti diinlnn
15iMii.iv , .Inn. ll. lXow York Hirnld Crtblo
Sneclat to the Hr.u.J Tim veil Is lifted.
The sphinx has spoken. Tlicic was tilth )
outward excitement In Itcrlln this iiiornintr ,
though two continents were. bioatlilo'sly
awaiting the outcoiuuof to-daj's debate on the
second loading ot tlio German ntniy bill. A
liundu'd liltcis hunc nboul the untinnco of
thorelchsti ? . A bundled inoio men have
been scattered bctw con tbo chincollor's pal-
HCO nnrt thoLelp/lger stinsse. That was nil.
Hut the excitement , If suppresNod , In-
teii'-o. All understood the jieieu of
1'uropo lump In the balance.
About noon , when the reichstie opened ,
there was a rush for scats. 1 fought my way
in with the rest and looked around. Kvcry
corner ol in cry box w as ciovvdcd before the
deputies benaii to nulvc. Among the spec-
talois weio scoies of officers and Indies
whoso uniform and bright toilets somewhat
loltcvcd the monotony of the building ,
Jn the place of honor , just nbo\o the picsl-
dent's cliali , hung u blick , white and led
banner , a tiibuto to Germany Irom the Goi-
mans of New Oilenns.
At li\o minutes past 22tho deputies
began todtop In. One ot the first \wis hid
little excellency Dr. Wlndthorstlio ram
bled about llko a lost spirit for n fnvv mo
ments. Ho sighed and then dlsaptiraicd.
Soon after Jleircn , Ulckcitund Klchtei , stars
of tbo Doutseho tiolstnnlno part- , entered ,
followed by Ficlherr Yon StuulVcnberg , u
big , bold , bespectacled gentleman \\ltli a
Randy beaid , and by a group of conserva
tives , Hist and foiemost amoiiR whom was
Von Moltko. Ten minutes later tbo bouso
was tilled. On the benches sat
tlio minister ot wai and several ot his col
leagues , but thciowns no sign of Iho lion
chancellor. Was llamlcttobo pl.iyed with
out Hamlet' . ' I'.itlence.
Hamlet came. Ho spoke not only once nor
only twice < > ven , but four times. What he
said has made a pretty nolso already. It will
mnkcmucli morebejond thowcstoin frontier
But first v\o heard lloratlo. Silence fell
upon the house when \'ou Moltko lose.
Tightly buttoned In his now blue uniform , lie
tolded his bands and , in faint tmt steady
tones , began : " : None of us
will deny the scilousuoss ot the times. The
whole world asks , Is war comlm. ? "
Von Moltke's face Imponetiabic as bo
uttcied these vvoids. Jle paused , put him
self In a gi.ivo and Napcolonic attitude , bunt
bis head and , thrusting his light band into
bis tunic , ansvvoied the iiticstlou thus : "If
tills measure Is rejected war will como
suicly. "
Conservative cheers rang out ; the opposi
tion grow attentive. The only man in the
reichstag who scorned indllfeicntwas Wind-
thoist. He had b\irlcd his nose into his waist
coat and all jou saw was Ills foic-
liead and a piir of glistening
spectacles. Von Voltkc was fat iiilldci than
bo was n month ago. lie nltercd 110 threats ,
ho hurled no defiance. No statesman would
willingly assume the awtul responsibility of
kindling the tinder with which the entiio
country was Idled , said he , but if ( ieimany
was to keep tiie peace , slio must be strong
and ready foi war.
As Von Moltko sat down Von Staulfcn-
berg rose to dclend the counter proposil ot
tbo army bill committee. The government
wanted an Inciease of 11,000 men ana seven
ycais ceitain , The committee hail icluct-
antly given way to the Increase but could not
grant the septoiute , and so on. YoiiStaull-
cnbeig rambled on sensibly eunuch foi a
good hour , hut small heed was p.ild to him ,
foi in the middle of lib speech n great foi in
in a general's uniform stiodo into the house
and walked to ills usual laised scat on the
ilghto ! tlio picsldent- was U smaick.
The chancellor looked niiivelloiisly lit and
flesh. There was a healthy Hush on his
cheeks , his step was ehstie and there was
DOVVCI in his f.icc , his walk and his manner
a Gciman .Sampson , lint a bolder compiil-
son is not much strained , lor like Sampson
Ulsmarek was ready to pull the bouse down
on the hcids ol lilsonemies ,
"It this mca mo is not pissed as it stands
without the slightest alteiation , " said the
chaiicelloi twice to day , "tho ielehstaj will
bo dissolved. "
Tills , however , was said lalo In lint aftct-
noon. I'.uly In tlio deb.ito Uismarck was
less C.usarhin. Ho lose to make Ills lirsl and
most Impoitant Hpeech at about 2 o'clock.
Standing eiect , ho toweied above the leieh-
stag. in one hand ho held a bundle ol notes.
Knitting Ills ejebiovvs , lie began In a rhai-
aeteiistically quiet , nmttoi-of-faet kind ot
way , often halting jilld bungling in his
periods niul speaking as U ho weio
merely arguing n lather nlco point
witn himself over n pipe and ulass
ot beci and not uttering woids which
might decide the falo of Ltirope , A
do/en tlnus ho talscd a laugh by bits of
scathing Irony , teased oil In n jocular ,
less manner. Ho was coolly contemptuous
In his refeicnco to bis opponents as "Iho
German friends1 of Hulgana who have been
tnlng to embioii Germany with the c/ai. "
Latet In tlio day , In ropblng to Wlndthorst ,
ho became hotter and lather lost bis tempei'
Windthorst was almost as Interesting to
watch as Bismarck. At first ho pictondid to
go to sleep , then ho seemed to collapse undei
Ids desk , next ho hid himself behind a book ,
and when tbo chancellor spoke of llussla ho
left his beat facing Urn president , and pared
thouL'htfull > up and down the aisles of the
li'ich.sta , ' .
Ulsmarck's four speeches , including a
social loply to Deputy Von Hue-lie , maj bo
summed up thus ;
( ! ei many wants peace. To Imvo peace she
must have a stiongot nimy. It the reichstag
kltkb agaiiibt fiesh bauillcc , the reichstag
must bo teplaced by a moio respectlul reichstag -
stag , ( iermany U anxious to keep on good
terms with Kussla. She inns a chance of
being dragged Into an Austro-Husslan war
about liulgaila , but the chief danger ,
thu chancellor believes or iilftcts
to believe , lies westw.ird Jlls ref
erences to tlio burning longing of Franco
for lev engo were fieipiunr , philn and men
acing. " ( iermany , " bo bald , "will never
besln war with 1'iance , but Kiancomtaml )
will directly , hho fancies herself the
btronsei even before , If any iidvcntuioi
luulb It convenient to emulate tbo tidid Xa-
poleon. It the leiihfttag remains blind and
deal to theMi lattb the government will ap
peal to the countiy in the nainu ot tlie giand
ohl kulscr. "
Von Moltke , the taciturn , and liismartk ,
thu bold , by theli bpiechesnn the bevbn
army ulll , liavu outdankid Wlndtlioist and
company , who wish for u thico jears' biU , lor
now it Is certain that If the covornnient bill
be beaten , e\cn on the question of time for
operation , Hlsmnrck will dissolve the rclch-
stag and go to the people , whoso patriotism
w III cot the brtter ot nny fear of taxation.
Hlsmarck spoke with eloiiucut anima
tion and evident personal magnetism. Ho
elosedwlth these sentences , pronounced not
menacingly jet firmly :
"If wo cannot agree about nn army on n
peace footing , then the constitution , which
prescribes that every man subject to mlllt.iry
porvlco shall seivo three jew. will como Into
u e. 'Iho constitution , moreover , sajs that
tbo kaiser alone decides about tlio army on n
peace footing. Wo bold also to the septo-
nato mid shall not jleld a nail's
breadth. The strength of the army
shall not depend upon dunging majorities.
Do not cherish bitch fantastic ldov < . It Is
quite Impossible to make n paillamontaiy
army out of an army. Wo do not
Intend to let the defense of ( iermany depend
each time on tlio vote of parlluuent , and If
jou do not enable us , bj nasslng this bill
qulcklj and Intact , to inctoaio the army to
suit what wo eousldei nopossaij * fet the se
ciiilty of the country , wo shall piofcr to con
tinue the di cusslon with another lelclistag.
Wo shall no lonirer submit to a long dUciis-
sioii.'p \ \ must have ceitalnty. \ on will
eltlierpal-s the bill or wo shall bo obliged to
turn tootbcis who wilt give us thlb cor-
talntj. "
As ho sat down tlieio were cieat cbeeis
I'm in tbo light , -4Uht hissing fi om the loft ,
and grim silence in the center. Judging by
the excitement prevalent this evening , as 1
close this , public sentiment will be
largely with thu two licioes of IbTO.
Another Menacing Humor.
ICopyrfoM 1SST l > v Jitnir fjnnlnii flcniKtM , Jan. It. ( New Yoiic Herald Cable
Special to the Hi r. | Disiiuletlng rumors
of an utterly coittiadlcloi-y natuie have lately
reached llerlln fiom two northern capital ? .
1'romSt. IVtoroburg hive como sensational
reports of menacing war pioparations by Nor-
waj ami Sweden , From Slopkholm wo now
get tlio news that great aii\lety Is caiibcd
thcio by the nntl-Scandliiaviiu movements
of Itus&la. lUisslan aKgiesslou seems to bavo
been checked for the moment In southeastern
Huiope , but the "Northern Colossus" must
have some outlet for its ambition , To-mor-
io\v It may find one In Central Asia. At
piesent many Misnoct that an outlet
neaicr to St , I'eteisbuig has been
discoveied in Noiweglan l.ipland.
Itussia , aseveiy 0110 knows , needs aecc s
to the sea. England tlio gates of the.
Medlteranean , 1'eisla bloeks her from the
Indian ocean and China holds the kins oC
the Tacihc. Thoioiemalns but the Atl.intU * .
It Is an open secret that one of the many
dieams of the liubsian wai paity Is the
acquisition of tlio northern and noilhwestcin
dlstilctb of Norway. Telegiaplilc eommuni-
cations Eclilom leicli the woild Irom those
remote ro glens but trav ellers w ho bav c re
cently visited them tell odd
tales of a 1'a n-Kinnistle campaign now beini ;
obsctn ely carried on by ltnslt. ] { .ither than
onduie the itu blan > eke , thousands of Finns
have migrated to Noivvaj , wheio they are at
liberty to worship in their own fashion ,
speak their native tongue and retain their
native customs. Ingenious attempts are
being made by Russia to lepicsent these emi
grants as Nictims of Scandinavian tyranny ,
because the Finns who become Noiwcgiait
citizens are compelled to let their childtcn
learn Norvveclan as well as Finnish.
A still more thioitcnlng sunptom Is the
opening ol thoUteaborg railroid. In Scan-
dinivian and even In ( Jerman inilitirycircles
little doubt ib felt that this line is being
pusiied nottb foi itragetic ohjeets , and one of
these objects Is blirewdly suspected to be the
acquisition ot the long coveted region lounil
about the Varangei Tjoid which , but for
the outbreak of tlio Crimean war , would
have been bol/cd by the meedy Muscovites
tblity jeais ago.
A r.nlnod 1'iilace.
M \DIMD , Jan. 11. A flin In Alca/ir palaeo
at Toledo Sunday , resulted in tlio total de-
stiuctlonof the buildlii ! ; . The watei appli
ances wore \eij meagieand the liiemon weio
obliged to let the liio take Its course and lo
direct theii ellorls topicvent the II.lines from
spieading to the town. Dining the piogiess
ol theliio thieoolllceis and boventei'ii men
weie injured , some ot them seveielv. The
pilice was recently lebtored at a cost ot
Tlio ricncli in ToiHiulii.
I'Aiiis , Jan. 11. Oflieiai tlisiiatches from
Toniiiln | repoit tint the Trench tioojis made
an attack on a kirue bed ) ot rebels en-
tieiuhed at Than llo.i , but weio tvvlcore-
imlbed. Jurliitf tlie lightliu four J'rem bolli-
ccis were wounded , live Kuiopean and eight
Touquin soldiers killed and hlteen Ku opeana
and tw enty-soven Tomiidnesn w ore w ounded.
lieinloieeiuentsol artillery and infa
be bent to the I'lcneh at Than Jlo.i.
Gliln.lllioil i\piIIMl. ;
Vinoiu v , H. 0. , Jan. II. The commlUi'O
appointed at a public meeting at Vancouver ,
H. C.waited ( on a numbei ot Chinamen re
cently anlved tlieie from thlseitv and re
quested them to leave , which limy did.
Thtir ictiirn faio to Vktoil.i was p.ild by
subscilptloiis leeched Irom the cltl/ens. It
in reported that instrui lions nave been re
ceived to take iiroeeedings against .Major
JMeKean , ot Vaneouvei. and otiicr clti/eny
implicated In the expulsion.
Cold Weather at Detroit.
DniioirMich , , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele
gram to the 111 i..j While other puts ol the
countrj liavo been fiullcrliu Irom extreme )
cold this city has been enjojinn btend } ' , al
though no intense cold. However , a change
has come at last , and last night and to-day
the coldcbt weathei ot the bcason his been
experienced , Hie thermmiietois about town
icglsuiln , , ' liom 0 to 15degiees below /ero
and the bignal heivlcj lepoitlngJ degiecs
below dining tlio nllit. During thu day It
was bllghtlj vvnimei. Ice In the ilver delaja
Hie rallrond Iciiiesovei half an hour In ( ross-
Ing. tlieehaunel cut tliiouu'li thu IPO lllllnc
with loose cakes. All who pan aid staying
lniJoor.4 and buslnc-bs is black At 11 o'clock
the bignal olllco reports i ) det'iees above ,
'lliiou hont the btatecolderwpathei has been
lepoited , butlt isfeteadv and laMlng lather
thun Intense. At Chehoygan it II.IH been
below /ero lor a week. I'oi the last lew d.ivs
St. Joseph lias had tlio ( oldest wcathei ot tlio
season , the ineipury dropping to 15 degrees
below /eio. Like rejioith h ivo been lecolvcil
liom all parts ot thelowci peninsula.
A T iiiOHtiiiiii4 | I'liH.aai- .
Niw : Yoitu , Jan. 11. l.Spcclal 'I eloKrani
to the HI.I .J The Italian Mcamei Itobltant
arrived at Ihlb port fiom London vebterday
after a tempestuous passage of eighteen days.
During the vovagu thuallei Meeilng gear and
vvheel box were smashed and the steam steer
age gear broken In soveial places. On tlio
morning of December SO It plow n iralo , fol
lowed by rain and hall squalls , Knormoua
seas washed thfl vessel fore and aft , fciinsh-
Ingeveijthln. movable. The steam steering
gnu gave out on the morning of Dccemhor
111 and the steamer tolled In the tiout'li of tlio
H-a , J.atiT thocrosb held of theattei slur-
in , ' gear was smashed , but thu iiiildervuH
finally M cured by chains and tlio vessel aga'n
put on her courso. Captain Capelli tlilniB
that had It not b < cn foi the hcud tails the
bteamer would liavo fonnderi'd , and tin-si )
were torn to libtions the moment thu luudur
was becured.
llural 'MciiiliLT-i Slltilileil.
Ti.nMoN , N. J , , Jan. 11. .Several demo-
tinilc members of the boiibo left tlie demo *
rratlPiMUfii * lodav baatiso the inial iiiein-
bus w pro being blighted by the oltiwub b |