Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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Omalm Military Men Stirred Up Over the
Latest Court-Martial Order ,
Wlint He Ilnq to Say of I'liRlllstlo
Matters General O'Brien's fun
eral Arrangements Arrcstcil
for Iinrccnj Jury List ,
Military Sensation.
The court martial order issued from
department headquarters which calls
for the assembling of the cotut nt Fort
DuChegnu , Utah , February 7 , lias excited
considerable interest in military circles
in Omaha. The fact that two colonels ,
Unco lieutenant colonels and six majors
compose the court is conclusive evidence
that a Held ofllrcr is to bo the subject of
trial and Invcstientlon. Tlih added to
the fact that only a few works n o Colo-
jiel Kdward Hatch , of the Ninth cavalry. summarily ordered to take command
: it Tort lu Chosnc , makes it
001 Inin that Major Frederick Hentcon of
the Ninth cavalry lately in command at
that post is to bo the subject of ollleial
inquiry by comt martial No infoi ma-
lion on the subject can be obtained from
those in authority , but there li no ques
tion as to the fact M stated. Major Hun-
teen is a ir.illunt and brilliant olllcor of
cavalry who with llono supported Cttstor
in his ifist lifjht , and hold the ground.
ntrain < ito\or\\holminKnumbci3 after the
annihilation of I'uster's command
in the battle on the Llttlo MR lloin.
The rtiinouncemeut which appeared in
the inorninjr papers that Lieutenant
Colonel Absalom Hainl , insprclor pen-
crnl , had been ordered to piocood at
once from Washington toFoit Iu Chcsiio
is taken as ovidcneo that the army head-
miartcrs at Washington will not permit
the case to come on trial unless the cir
cumstances are so lla raiit as to prevent
it being arranged otherwise without det
riment to the service. It is possible that
Major Hentccn's oll'enso may have been
homo uilliiur violation of the regulations
which while deinnndiitK reprimand need
not necessarily submit that bravo and
gallant oiiicor to the humiliation of a
court mat tint. If such should bo the ease
the court mailial may bo dissolved with
out session.
John fj. SultUan and AVhnt Ho Has to
John L Sullivan , the world's premier
pugilist , was met by a repoitcr for the
JlKK yesterday as lie was lcaing the Millard -
lard barber shop. The great lighter was
dressed in a stylibh suit of clothes , which
wore attractive without being gaudy.
JIo was looking in the best of health , not
the slightest tiaco of dissipation being
observable in any feature.
"Aly weight at present is 2.10 pound1 ! , "
Enid Sullivan , in icphing to a ( juestion
of the reporter , "which is consideiably
more than 1 ought to weigh to bo in good
lighting condition. 1 can easily biing
myself down to lO.T pounds , which is
about my proper fighting weight. I
never felt bettor in my life so far as gen
eral health was concerned. "
" \VhcroisltyanV
"Up is in & .m Francisco , I believe ,
running a saloon. No , I don't suppose
lip will over fight again. I think 1 gave
him about all ho wanted. "
"J shall po to Minneapolis from here , "
continued Sullivan , "and tiioro I shall
meet C.mlifl' . lie's a big man but 1
. . . . _ _ . . . . _
il. l. l. L „ f. KI ! „ , . .LUwt,0
round. I was to meet Killen
in Milwaukco , but I'm afraid lip's goIng -
Ing to back out. I've just received a
Jotter from him which hints that ho don't
want to meet mo. If he docs back out ,
I'll show him up in good style , "
Speaking of Jem Smith , the English
champion. Sullivan said : "I don't know
wliethor 1 11 be able to got a light out of
him or not. He's considered by his
f rionds to bo a pretty good man , but I
think 1 can whip him easily enough. I
don't think ho would stand any moro
ehow than Orccnficld , who fought an
hour and foity minutes with Smith ,
nml uhoin I downed in our round.
Tim DAY.
To-dny Sot Apart for the Burial of
CJoiiornl Goorcc HI. O'nrion.
The funeral of the late ( George
M. O'Hrien will take place this morn
ing from his late lesidonce , South
Seventeenth stioct. The lotnains will bo
borne to the cathedral of St. Philomcna ,
on Ninth sticct , where a requiem mass
will bo celebrated at 0 ! ! 0 o'clock
after which the remains will
bo interred in Jloly Sepulchre
cemetery. The general was an esteemed
member of the 1C. M. A. , also of Custor
i'ost No. 7 , G. A. 11. , and held the posi
tion of f-onior vice-commander of the latter
tor organi/-ition in tlio depart
ment of Nebraska. Ho was also ono
ot the oldest members of the
bar association of Douglas county. From
each of these societies a number of mem
bers will attend the funeral and each
will bo ropiosontcd in the pall bearers.
Tint members ol the K. M. A. are re
I quested to meet this evening at their hall
to nrnko arrangements for the funeral.
and those who may not bo nblo to attend
the meeting are leqnostcd to meet at the
hull lo-moiiow morning at 8 o'clock to
take part in the funeral pi occasion.
nvit MinaiNG.
Yesterday afternoon , at U 'M o'clock ,
meeting of the bar association of Douglas
county was held in the district court , to
take action upon the death of its late mem
ber , Cionoial ( ieorge M O'Hrlou. There
had boon no call for the gathering iniulo
through the papers , yet Judge ; . Wakely
and .Neville and about fifty members ol
the association \\uro in attendance. On
motion of It. E 1) , Kennedy , Champion
S. Chase was elected chairman , and E.
\V. Simeral hoci clary ,
Andrew Hovinsuioml the appointment
of 11 committee ou resolutions to cnnsisl
of live mumbors. The motion prevailed
and the follow in" members wore appointed -
pointed ; Messm. 0. A. lialdwln , Andruw
llovms , J. J. O'Connor , Ji. E. 1) ) Ken
iiedy and C S Montgomery ,
It was decided that this committee
should repot t at the opening nt the term
of the district court \ \ liiciijll taKe phico
on the illst of this month.
On motion of C. J. Smith , the follow
ing gentlemen were appointed to ropio
rout the bar association among the pall
bearers at the funeral to-monow. Judges
Wnkuly and Neville , of the district court
Champion S , Chase and C. A. Haldwin.
On motion of J. J. O Connor It was do
cldod that the bar association should at
tend the fuuoral in a body.
At the suggestion of Judge Wakoly , ii agreed that the mmnbors of the as
Fooiation should meet at the late resi
doiieoo > f the deceased on j > oulh Seven
( eonth street at 0 ! W o'clock this morn
ing. and thence eicoi t the remains to St
I'hilomona cathcdiat.
Adjourned , _
Ouster 1'obt , . A. It.
A bpccial mooting of Custcr Post , (1
A. H. , was held hist evening to inaKo tin
necessary arrangements for attending tin
funeral of the late ( Jeneral George M
O'ltrien , Comrada Alice repotted Ilia
it Was the of the faintly of tlio deceased
ceased that thy fifnoral should be undo
the auspices of the ( i. A. U. Comr.uli
llhrtlcu was chosen by the post as ono
of tlio yall-buKrers , General Ciook
hrough Major Clark on , kindly tendered
ho services of the drum corps and a do-
all of soldiers to attend the funeral. A
cicgram was received from Governor
Ilmyer stating that staff ollicers of the
tate G. A. H. had been requested to at-
end the funeral.
Merchants Hotel. Omaha , Nat Brown
Prop. ? 'J perday. Cor. 15th and I arnam
Ml street cars from depot pass house.
Great Incitement
in SOUTH OMAHA over the way actcs and
lots in AI.IIUKJHT'S CHOICE are going.
Twenty-two lots sold in ono day.
Arurnlturo Mnti Arrested for Steal-
In Kroin HlH implojcr : .
Frank F. Pierce , employed by Abra-
mm , a furniture dealer on Farnam
street , was arrested yesterday morning by
Constable Itouck ou a sworn out
n Justice Hcrka's court , charging him
with larceny The complainant is Abra
ham , Picrce's employer , and the cpccifia
charge is that Pierce lias in the course of
several months made away with a
largo quantity of goods from the store.
When Pierce was arrested at his homo on
Sixteenth street , near Williams , a largo
quantity of furniture , carpets , a stove
ami olh'er articles were found which was
claimed by Abraham as his property.
There was also found a largo quantity of
cigars which Pierce is supposed to
have obtained illegally. IMorco has been
a resident of Omaha for two years
and dining his early residence in this
oily was arrested for the supposed theft
of some diamonds which were found in
his possession. The ollicors , however ,
were mriblo to prove that ho came by the
diamonds dishonestly , and Pierce was
consequently discliit ged. Pending It nil
Picrco is conlinod in the ccntial police
"Thoy Arc Beautiful ,
and much laigcr than in other Addi
tions , " is the usual vci diet regarding the
l00 ! lots in AuiHHJiir's Cuoici : .
The Doom IB Immense-
Iv Soum OMAHA ritouutTV , AND Ai-
uitKJiir's Cnoici : I.KADS TIII.M ALL.
1 UL rUOl'l.KTV.
Copclaml mill Ilonlcn AVI1I bo
to Omalia Police Notes.
W. J. Carroll , a lawyer employed by
the Union Pacific , appeared bofoto Judge
Stcnborg in police comt yesterday morn
ing and filed complaint against Ficd Cope-
laud and O. II. Hoyden , tlio two boys
who were caught in California. The
complaint charges those young men with
having forged aiders upon the gen
eral manager of the Central Pa
cific road for two passes. The forged
order read as follows , being transmitted
by telegraph :
"Kindly have left with your ticket acent
Ocilou depot , to bo railed lor. Pass them to
San FiniK'lscoand retui.i. cooil sl\tyda\s ,
lor James baiith and brother , account Of the
company. b. H. CAM.AASA-V. "
The two boys are now it ; Ogdcn , where
they are being held pending the arrival
of rcquiMtion papers. Thov will bo
brought back to Omaha and prosecuted
to the full extent 9f the law.
Yesterday morning JudgeStenbcrg s"n
tcnced Dug Hums , a suspicious character
well known in Omaha , to thirty days in the
county jail. Some other vagrants wore
discharged. Vie Lindholm , a poplccKod
tailor had again boon disturbing the
poaeo. It had required the combined
cllorts of three policemen to arrest him
and bring him " i"il for though a crip-
, .io , no irfli most obstropctoUiTcii.ii.teuu
when arrested. Judge Stoubcrg lined
him $35 and costs. Charles A. Moulton ,
who inteifored with the ollicers arresting
bindholm , was lined § 10 and costs. Four
other men accused of intoxication were
lined $0 and costs. "
"They Arc Beautiful.
and much larger than in other Addi
tions , " is the usual verdict icgauliiig the
200 lots in ALiiuiGJir'b CIIOICK.
JI.ivo You Boon Them ?
If not , call on W. G. ALUKIGIIT and go
out to SOUTH OMAHA with ono of his
agents to inspeot tlio magnilicent prop-
ctty known as Auuticiir'ii CHOIUI : .
Its Work Opened In Omaha Under
Discouraging CirciiuistanccH.
QTho salvation army opened up Sunday
night in the city hall chamber , on Six
teenth and Farnam streets. The leader
of the army , Major Hithard , started out
early in the evening with two or tbieo of
his followets , backed up by a man witli a
big bass drum , and started to patrol the
.stieets. At the corner of Thittcenth and
Farnam the aimy stopped and the leader
commenced to exhort the ciowd sin round
ing to desert thoirovil wavsaud tuin their
faces he.noi.waid. Alter talking a few
moments the mojor commence ; ! chant
ing a hymn , the burden of which was ,
"Will you join us ? " accompanied by the
man with tlio bass arum. Tlio line of
match was then resumed to the city hall
where u "holdter" of the army dohveroc
a harangue to the Miiall number as
The street gamins did their best ou the
line of mi ; roll to domorali/o the soldiers
with such exclamations as ' 'Ah , thi'ie ! "
"Stay there ! " "Hats I" etc.
Buy a Pow
Of those elegant lot' , in ALBRIGHT'S
CHOICE and double \onr money buforo
spring , Albright is making lot" of
money for lots of people who puiotriso
ftomuim. Only a little money requited
to buy a lot. _
Selected for iJiiroifl.
At tlio meeting ol the county commis
sioners yesterday morning the following
mines were selected from \\luoli shall bo
drawn by lot , the grand and petit jtuor- ,
for the Febi miry term of iho disti ict com t
Fust Want J\els P. Lauritsou , 1-rnst
Stuht , Kinsl Brandt , Matt Bolatid , Albeit
hooker , Conrad Leisgo.
Second Watd B.unoy Kimmerling ,
William Alstadt , T. J. Scott. Louis
McCoy , Vaelao L. Vodioka , P W. Utrk-
hausor , William Allen. N.V \ Nelson , G.
M. Nattinger , James Dully , Seventeenth
street near Yintonill ; Andetson , 711
South Tint teenth street , G. W. Waters ,
Phil Sheridan stteet.
Third ward Samuel Stabor , Adolph
Sudan , P J. Williams. Chailos McGr.uly.
FouithVurd0. . F. Stophcns , T. A.
JMiinay , W. P. Welch , bamuol Burnb.W.
V. Mor-.o , IJainoy Tulloy , P. L I'cuno , S ,
It John-on.
Fifth Ward-Aug Von Trott , Walter
Corclt ay , Hiehard Soppier , A. J Webb ,
( J. W. Church , William MeWhinnoy ,
Thomas Calhin , Joseph Hcdman , H. C.
Sixth \Vard-Petor \ O'Malloy , Chas. H
Mansliold , A W. Parker , William Ander
son , Louis Spiingborg , Louis Kammer ,
Leopold Hennhofor , A. H. Daublo.
Proeiuets Chicago , William ; Hooper
Douglas , F. Crawfoid , William
Owousj Elkhoru , W. II. Ap-
pleby ; Floi-iMico , Marah Hamilton
Frederick Cronemo > oi ! ; Mc-
Ardlo , Hans Hasiuiisacn. Milhinl , H
Simonson ; Platte Vallo.y , John Mitchull
Saratoga , ( ico. McKoiuie ; Union , 11. S
Luddington ; Waterloo , F , W. Coilias
West Oiuaim , II , L. Soward.
Hare You Seen Thoiu ?
If not , call on W , G , ALintimrr and go
out to Soul ii OM.AIIA. with ono of his
Agents to inspect the magnificent prop
cny kuo\\u M Anjiuam-'B Cuojgn ,
JobnS. Prince Answers Certain Ol-
Certain dyspeptic individuals , who o
names it is not necessary to mention , are
trying to make it appear that Saturday
night's race between Prince and Dingloy
was a tamely contested ono , and that the
record was far below what it ought to
lave been. All fair-minded persons who
witnessed the race agreed that it was one
of the best over scon in tills city. Uoth
men did their best to win , and the consequence
quence was that thoio were frequent and
exciting spurts of speed which served to
keep the enthusiasm of the spectator ? at
the highest pitch
Speaking of the rccoid made. Prince
said yesterday "Well , 1 admit that this
record lor the lifty miles was not as good
as has been made on ptovious occasions.
The rea on is appaiont enough. The
first tucnty miles wo raced so hard that
both of us were exhausted and could not
do the remaining thirty miles in as good
time as wo otherwise might have.
The rceoid for tlio twenty
miles was better than anv ever made.
If wo had been contented to start on" at
a modoiate pace we could have finished
much better at the close. You take a
horse that is callable of trotting a mile
in 'J t0 ! , and if you expect him to run in a
fho mile race jou wouldn't make him
liot the llrst two miles in'J ! ! 0 , for at the
end of the third mile you would run him
to a standstill. On the other baud you
would let him trot in about three min
utes , and in that way ho would bo able to
finish the live miles with a good spin t of
speed. It was exactly so with Sauuduy
night's race. "
The Boom Is Immense
IN Sot'TH OMAHA ritoi'KUTY , AND At.-
immin's Cnoiur. UAI : > S TIII.M AM , .
Tiiniti : isNor A UAH LOT IN inis IH.AU-
rti. ritorijnr.
r OO I'er Cent Profit
has been made since last August by pur
chasers of lots from Mr. Albtight , in the
addition west of Auimom's Cuoici : .
Ai.iiuioiiT's CHOICI : iir.ATd ritut ALL
AM ) DON'T ou i oitoir IT.
Testing Thermometers.
"As this is the lime of year when no
two thermometers seem to agree , per
haps I can explain why it is by iclating a
little experiment , " said a Dodge stteet
druggist. " 1 took three ihcrmometcis
and tested them by putting them into a
bucket of water. They registered ex
actly alike. Thou I put one on a tele-
giaph pole noi th of the store and one
each side of a door opening cast. The
wind was blowing from the north. The
instrument north of the door and the one
ou the polo dilleied 0 degrees , while the
one south was U or ! i degrees higher yet.
I changed them about and they indicated
a dilleront number of degrees accoiding
to the position. I noticed they
altered with a change in the wind. After
some experimenting 1 discovered the
causo. The wind , entering whenever
another door was opened would carry
the warm air out through the deuces
and waim the tlieimometcrs ncaicst the
door. "
Great Incitement
in SOUTH OMAHA over the way acres and
lots in Ai.mtiGin's Cuoicn arc going.
Twenty-two lots sold in ono day.
"They Arc Beautiful ,
and much larger than in other Addi
tions , " is the usual verdict regaiding the
UOO lota in Ai.mtiotlT i CllQICi : .
The Charity Ball.
Julius Meyer , manager of the Omaha
Musical Union Orchestra , has decided
rant the music for the Charity ball ou
the Isth Inot.ilf be the finest that has
eor been rcndcted in this city at any
gathering and has , accordingly , outlined
the following piogrannun , which will be
rendered by the full oichcstia :
Fest Mai eh..Musical Union Orchestra. . . .
' . btelnnnii.
1. Liuceis "Kmiiuio" Tobnnlo
U' . Polka "Uiitish Paliol"
Ticd-td Lltulei
3. ( Juachillc "YiiKarle-j of youth"
i. WalU "bhowersoLUold"
Waltl tent el
r . Lancers "Luck In Lnvo" Wclnuartun
0. Walt/ ' " 1
/ lie Hose ol Ainbla
7 Laiiceis "UoeaLClo"
Intel mission.
Overture "Jlaitlm" . . . " Klotow
Musical Union OieliPstr.i.
8. Walt ? "Coiaen.\ljitle".Fahrbacli
' . ) . ( Juidrille "Klks K.iMirlte" . .liocket
10. Ciallop "llijiy ) ] Thoughts"
11. Seliottischo."I'retty .is a 15utlcrtl > "
12. Walt/ ' li'inlulo" ' WlcKand
13. Lancers "i'rince .Muthub dein" . . . .
11. Mcdloy llnluii. I'olka.ilt7 \
" 1 ionic , Succt Home , "
Hiiy n l w
Of those elegant lots in ALBRIGHT'S
CHOICE and double your money beloro
spring. Albright is making lots of
money for lots of people who purehasn
from him. "Only u little money iconited
to buy a lot.
fiOO Per Out Profit
hai , been made since List August by pur
chaser of lots from Air. Albnght , in the
addition west of Ai.nitir.iirS Cuoici : ,
Ai.mtioiir'b Unoici ; invia IIII.M ALL
AXI > DON'T ou ruiiGir ; ir.
County Altoine > ' Worlr.
County Attorney said yesterday
that the Hi it case taken up at the open
ing of the next term of the ( listlie ! court
in Pubiimry would bo that of Henry
Mittman , charged with the murder ot
Walter Durham , at Millaid. The Latter
case will not bo trud until later on as Mr.
Sitnoial piopo .oi to take plenty of time
in preparing for this colobiated caio
Ho will be assisted as buloto b General
Cow in
Mr bimoial intends to go to Lincoln
to secure the pais.itro of a bill allowing
the county poor farm to bo sold on two
and three year's Unit ! , a moitgagolo ho
taken as sccunty. Ho thinks that a bet
tor price can thus bo seemed lor the
propoity than if it woio sold for cash.
Tlio Boom Is ImmciiNO
IN SotTii OMMI.V ruoi'Kitrv , AND AL-
Tnr.Ki : it > NOT A UVD LOT IN mis HLAUU-
i LI. I'ltoi'Lurv.
"Thoy Aio BcautUtil ,
and much larger than in other Addi
tions , " is the usual votdict regarding the
' . ' 00 lots in ALiiitHJHT'a CHOICU ,
Attention , School District . " > : $ ,
There will bo a meeting of heads of
families and tax'-payers in said distuct ,
at the public school house , on Lowe a c
nuo , West Omaha piecmct , at 8 p. m. ,
\Vcdtiesday , January 13 , to consider the
abandonment of the main school house
by the school trustees , and such other
business lelativo to said ollicers as may
come befoio said meeting. The mem
bers of the school board are respectfully
icqucstcd to attend.
O. S , Osiioitv ,
F. J. Dn.AWioA : ,
Ami twenty-live others. *
BOO Per Com Profit
has been made since last August by pur
chasers of lots , from Mr. Albtight , in the
addition west of ALittnoin's CHOICK.
The Board oflTrndo liloot Oniceri and
Chnnne Their By-Laws ,
At the autinal meeting of the directors
of the board of trade held yesterday after
noon the following oflleors were clccUidi
MaiMejer , president ; P. E. Her , first
vice picsidcntj'C. A. Fried , second vice
president ; John1 A. Wakclield , treasurer.
The annual meotitip of the bo.trd of
trade was held , at tlio board room last
night , thirty-tiro incmbers being present.
After the reading of lite minutes , Presi
dent Meyer ru.ul ids annual address as
follows :
ritnsipixT : Mr.vm'sVXTAT. . .
To the ( iimtlumi'it of the Hoard of Trade :
Tim tiino liavlnc nnUtd when 1 must sur
render my trust to my successor , I , In ac-
coidnnco with the established ru tom , submit
the follow Ing fet join consideration :
This closes llio tuiith year of tlio exlstonco
of the Omaha Board of Trade , and Its mem-
lers and tlio citizens of Onnlia can look biek
with pride and satisfaction upon the lust
Tin : ritAMiiKtiorroMMr.ncK.
Our chnmber ol commerce Is now nearly
completed , although oula jcai aio a KWH\ \
many skeptics In ( his city , as well as amoiis
out own member * , were In doubt of its over
bolnu erecU-d. Wo lm\o not idoiio built it as
Inreo as originally iiitemlod , but lm\e o\cu
nihloil one stoiy , nml allliou'li ( not a laiiri
building , It Is substantial , and cannot help
but nmkunn Impression upon every one b >
Its solldltv. ' 1 ho contract bclnic undo at a
fnvornblo season s vv oil to our association at
least twenty thousand dollnis. 1 doubt
whether contracts lould ha\c been made at
nny tlmu during this vcar lor kss than one
humliL'd thousand ( lollnis. Alllioimli the
liulhlliiK complete , Incliulint : nil Impiovc-
mcutx , such as elinntois , steam heat , side
walks and ornamental class , w 111 test only In
the nd'liboiliood of eighty thousand.
tlio net icvenuo which will be derived
the building , nt n talr rental valuation ,
miulo bv a competent committee. Is some-
tl.iu ovtr SliO.OOO pur annum , homo of llio
olllccs tented so far hn\e even bioucht moro
tlmu the estimated rental , iui'1 It is sale theic-
lore to piedlct that all ollli os will bo rented
nt the vduntlon put upon them.
Our membership , nltlioimh the Initiation
fee has buun laKeu fiotti 31-r to S'i'A has In
creased moro than the pievlous > In
order to timko the board ot ttndo membetshlp
more valuable nml sought foi , It Is the Inti-u-
tion now not alone to talsotho nicinboi hlp
tee. but also to limit the number. It is gun-
eiall ) conceded tlmt n limitation upon mem
bership cannot fall to nnko It moro vnluible ,
and the amendment oueht to pass nt ence.
AVOUK oi' int : noAiti ) .
It Is ( 'ratifyliig lei mo to stnto th-it the city
council has tnkcu notion nmin several iccotn-
meiulations maile by the board ol trade last
jeni , union i : others to enact a building onli-
nanco , and cieato a buililln Inspcctoi , as
well as a bollor luspectoi.
The Omaha Exposition biillilltiR Ins been
completed during tlio jc.u , and we had nn
exposition last August which was a surmise
not alone to strangers , but loom own cltl-
asns , as they had no Idea such nn exhibit
could bo gotten up in Omnhn. With the co-
opcintlon of our merchants mid umimfac-
tnreis there Is no leaden why futuie expo
sitions should not excel trom j ear to j ear ,
nud > mld liand omo retuins not only to tlio
puimoters , but to tlio whole business com
OMVHV'S nnow nr.
I do not thliiK thcio Is a city In America of
equal population which can show so much
Impiovement , both commercially and Indus
trially , as Omaha. To what magnitude her
business hasciown Is shown bv thellgurcsof
the clcarlmr House , whlcli places Omaha
tweltth in the list ot cities in tlio United
bt.itestho ; percentage of incicaso is 51 per
cent above the pteccdlng > ear , which is a
larger Rain than any othei city In this couti-
tiv can show ,
The bank deposits ha\o also increased
wonderinlly , and 1 believe nmoutit to neatly
rx ) per cent , more , ns deposits in IbSl were
SbblO,000 , whllo in tlio j ear IbSO deposits
show 812.230 ooo.
Lastjenr tortv-fivo solid jobbitiR honors
located heto , and many otheis Loutcmulate
comini : during this j-car.
Our lumber lobbing trade has assumed n
maunitiulo which very lew outside or tlio
trade can realize ; nearly : > 00,000.000 loot have
been handled during the 3 ear , nnd Omalia
now ranks ns the tourth lumber mniltct in
the United States.
Omnhn has also taken a high rank In hci
packing interest ; the packing house facilities
have been largely innoased ( inline the year ,
and some of tlie bust houses In the world
have established branches here. There were
lully 400.000 lines slaugliteicd dm mg IbbO ,
wliilo In the 3 ear ibis only 100.000 wuio
imeked In Omalm.
Tlio Union stock \ards have also very
much developed , ami during the jeai O'i.OOO
cattle , valued nt SiU ; , CXW , weio slauglitcred
In Omaha , and exported In refngcratot cats.
AI mi : noAitn's sroonsnox.
Having noticed that Omaha \ poorly
represented In tlio Associated 1'ress dis
patches , the directors ot the bo.ud have made
arraURemcnts to have nil matters ol impoit-
aiiLC vviitd to the Associated 1'iess , thoteby
drawing nttontton to out citv.
Ou Apt 11 G tlio board took action to further
the passage of a bill to enable the Union
I'acilic railway company to aid the cou-
sti uctlon ot btnncli lines and extensions , nml
It i ( 'Milted in the presentation to congtiss ot
ono of the largest petitions c\ei piesentcd ,
Ou August 5 tlio bom d ot tiadc had tlio
plcnsmoot entertaining tlio editnis of Xe-
biaska. Thn > vvcrouot nlono well pleased ,
but surprised nt the extent of public and
private impimcmunt , and went ivv.iy lull of
pialsu for out city.
M. iii. i ) ivipjiovnMrvi- .
I am son j to note that nlthough agitated
forsevoial jeat' , Omaha is still without a
maikut house , nnd something should bo dnno
that ere the 3 ear of iVi" closes wo will h iyo
a mat kct house In which tlio pioducer and
consumer meet , and which will liavo a
temicnci to lucluco pikes ou a good many
necessaries ol llto.
\\'o should coiitmur' to .agitato the building
ol Homing nnd woolen mills and additional
elovntors , nnd with tlio cheap teal which Is
pinmised us In' some ot om loading cltbons ,
wo oiuht to be nble to m.tUe Omalm the man-
ulactuilng center of the west.
Tlio bouleviirds vvnich vveto talked of so , nnd which would help in a great
muasuio to beautify the sunmtiidlngs
ot the cltj , have ns 30 ! not been laid
out. If the members : ot this boaul
bv their Individual elfoits , during tlio jcai ,
should .succeed In having boulnvnrds ustab-
llshud , tlioy would eain thogiatltudu ol all
out cltl/eus.
Anotliet matter which cannot bo urged too
strongly upon out elt > count 11 Is that all tlio
names of all our stieets should bo pioperb
dlsili | > ed on street comers ; stiangers com
ing into the city novei Know vvheio to gu 01
tuin , unless tliuy lead tlio names ot the
streets on the coiiieis. 'Iho rounell has
made an attempt dm Inn tlio last 3 ear to put
names on stteet lamps , but itimcme hmdly
nil } ol them visible.
\iisnrvi. .
The board has held twcuty-two mcotlugs
during the 3 < nr , nnd it is giatlfjlng to siy
that thuy were much better attended than In
loriiicr jears. 'llio dbeetorc Imvn h id tvvon-
t3-livo mtetliiRh , vvldch woio vvoll nttcudi' < l ,
011)3 ) a fuw ol tlie dliei tors being unavoidably
absent dm mg Mime of the mcetliiL'S.
Till : COMING 1 HAH.
All Indications now point to nn even
greater Incie.asu In tlio commerce , building
nnd population of Omalia In ivff than wo
linvehadln lt > "f > , mm 1 conlidentlj piedlct
that tlio jeai Ibi" will eloti with a population
ot not less than 00,000. Tlio bulldliiL's now
projected nro of n eharactct that will e < | iial
the best business blocks In any city ol the
United btates.
Mtiiij other matters of gicat Importance
would suggest themselves , but tlmo and
Mince will not penult. I fuel under obliga
( Ions tomy ( olltMuite * in tlio boaul of dltee-
tots foi tlic-ir very elllclent nfislstmice , their
willingness to undertake much laborious
wotk , tlio uniform cuurtcsy extended to mo
nn till occasions both by the board mid mem
bers , nnd tunderim ; my heartfelt thanks for
the hotioi conferred In having twice elected
mo ns president of this board , 1 respectfully
submit ( Ids report , trusting that the Ititmo
may bo ns prosperous for this body , nnd Its
usefulness asgiuat to this city , as It has been
in thopast.
.Memberships . glO.STflOO
Assessments . i..Gs.'iOO
' 1 ran sfer fees . . W.OO
Intetest . S fxH.Ol
Mi'iiiboiship ledger. . . . "Sl.OO estate fund . lO.W.&J
Ceiieral fund. . y'S.oo
Olllco oxpciues . .WUO
hnlailes. . 1.0H5.UJ
Hooks , stationery and
printint' . 122.15
. '
Iteal estate . s . 13,000 W )
Advertising . BW.10
.Miscellnncoiia expo's. 25/.HJ
Taxes . OM.W
' psociated Press . 1W.OO
exncn es
of building. . 141.15
Insurance . 00.03
( lain nnd loss to Jan. 1 472. VI
First mortcaco loan . . C0.oon.ix )
Second niorU'dgo loan O.MW.CO
t'naccrued Interest. . . . r C.OCO.OO
Unsement bonds . . . . . 1.VX)00 )
Trust deed bonds . . . 1M 00
st < Mtm.r > < j HLSIM.- .
M r. Mendelssohn , architect for the
chamber of commerce , presented a re-
pott showitip that the contracts for tlio
year on the building amounted to $91-
yid.32 , of which sum ? ( J3C9J.30 has been
The question of iucreaMuR the mem
bership fco anil limiting the number of
members was dicussod at gient length.
An amendment was finally adopted in-
orcasinff the membership fee to ? oUO , to
take effect Fobittarv 1 , and limiting the
membership to 230.
Imst Nlfht'n Pcrroittmnco By the
( Sront Hermann nt Bo3 l' .
Tto | cutortaliiiucut Kivon by "tho great
Hermann" at tlio boyd last nlRht is
neither musicaldtamatic1 , molo-dt.unatii1 ,
tragical or farcical. It originates neither
with Collins , Taylor , Houcclcault , Hob-
citson or Shukespcc.o. Indeed , if liutli
must bo told nnd superstition bo es
teemed , "tltocicat Hermann's" achieve
ments must bo accredited to the aid ,
fiend himself. Hut these columns are
not the mouth niece of superstition.
They must ti-11 the truth , and they but
tell the Unth when tlioy say that none of
Hermann's marvelous uels last ovcti-
ing at the llo d weie accom
plished by other than an exceed-
iijg dexterity on the pail of the
liorfortuer himself. And yet , at times
spectators had ample course to doubt
their senses. Their eyes were open , butte
to no use when they "sought to discover
tlio method by which hats were packed
with a freighter's load of goods , when
ducks weio evolved out of strips of
paper , and human beings were made to
poise upon a single arm and with a sinclo
point in a manner which knocked cveiy
human cicneein a corner of the middle
ages. To enumerate Hci matin's acts
would bo an ungrateful task , for those
who don't want to see them. The o who
do want to see him , ought to learn that
this is the last night they will have tin
oppoiUtility to do so during the ptescnt
County Treasurer Uolln has already
paid over $5,000 in jury fees for tlio last
term of the distuct court.
The AVcathcr.
Tlio weather jcsleiday was considera
bly warmer than Sunday. At 0 o'clock
yestciday morning the theimomcter leg-
isteredlivejdegieos below /eio , and at noon
tlio mcicuiy had i cached a point four de
grees above. The chances uio that
warmer weather is in stoic for Omaha
this w eek.
This powder never varies , A marvel of
purity , htrcngth and wholcsomeness Moic
economical than the culinary kindn and
cannot be sold in competition wi'h ' the mul
titude of low test , short weight alum or
phosphate pow deis. Sold only in cans.
Roval linking I'owdcrCo. , 10-i Wall street ,
NewYork. .
RESTORED.Mcllmo. .
\niithrillllii | ni Uriel CAUhlnnf
till I 1 vr v < L' Ininalilru I > ii.i.Ncrvou. . )
WH I'1' ' ntjIilManhooil , He , litrlnilrlc < lliiu \ . \
un t\tr > Kno\\n rt nnxlv li is < llcm < rwj ft frlinplo
ti If cure , whk h lie will rend PREt l < > lil ' ' How nllTcnT"
il AfON. Tort Ollli lai 31711 Si w loikUti *
lo't'liroiisneirw ' , or MI
IUUnjr llcrm Tt rei6' y
" * ' " JI11"'wCuialcUrethra |
CRAYONS. s n < lf < ipo rii wiiiu i me I
tuo Civialo Agency , 174 rum u si , y. Y.
E. T. ALLEN , M. D.
Eye , Ear , Koss & Throat
Room ! ) Williams Building , cor , 15th and
Dodge sts , Omaha ,
Hours 8 to 12a.m. 2 to 1 and 7 to 8 p. in
ton Tlir TnnATMrsT ar
Chronic & Surgical DIseacs.
i it" " ' iiKjiilttl Binl I'nvulc ' iruUKo
Wuliavo tlie ficilitici' , ( ipi'aritus ' nml nmedlfi
t'ir tliomcciksful taatinottof eitry form of din-
raiu rcmurliis' clilur mtillcal r mrKlcal treitnunl ,
un I mvltuall to come and luvutiKnlof iMIictnm !
ni corn tpiiiul nltli us I.on Lipirlnau 111 trint
bi"CU8 H liy Icitirtmbloi u to treat many ca m
lioiiti'dslng tlam
\VItlTI ! > OH ( lUCUI.AH on nefnrnltlcJ and
llraccc , Clulf Kit , Cunnturca of thu bpluo
DlsKiira or XVoMrN , 1'ilca , Tuimui , Canrcru ,
( ntnrrli , Uroncluiis , liihalation KUdrlcity , 1'aral-
ycl > , ICplkiif } Kidney , hjc , Lar , hkiu , Illuuil aud
ell turclrul nncritloiis
lUtlcrlrit , InliuliirH , Ilracrii , Trnssrn , anl
Ml kindn uf Vleilkn' nnd Sua'lctl A [ > I ) Ui.ct , mac
ulacturtd and for oile
Ths onh reliable n'edlcal Intl. tula making
Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases
' rA fal'KtIAI.IV.
from Hhattvcr cause im > diictdfu < cu ! tully tnaieil
Wu cm rimo\c S/nliilitio jiultoi from lUccytteni
without mercury
Now rc toratl\o trratmtnt for lots ofItal power
Call and consult ui or find name and po t ofllce
addrcti plainly nrlttca-indoee aUmp , uud wo
\ > ill unit yon , In plain \rraiiptrr , nur
LION I'linJlTM. t'lEtlil. ANU I)1B3A E ,
C7 , bU'IUUr , ( JoXOKItlllEi , ( JIKLT , VAIIICOtKI r ,
3rr.UTim , AM > AM. uim.Ai or THE OSMTO
UiiiNiBr Or.utM , or stud li.Horof juur case lot
rAioni ilnnUo to vl lt us m y I * trcatcil at tliclr
lioiU60 , by corrci potidenro Mcdlcliitia And Instru
ments ecnt by mall or exiircjs bKCUHEI.Y 1'At'K
El ) FUOM onsnUYA'JJO.V , no markitolndlr te
conti nt or etuder. One J > cr oiial iutcnton prc
fcrrcdlf conicnlfnt Fifty rootna fur the attorn
modAtlon of jiaticiits Hoard mid atteEdttiKe at
Addrita all Lcitwu to
Omaba Medical and Surgical Institute. .
Car. 13th SU anfi CaaltalA e OMAHA. NEB. -
Trade Mark.
HIAXY MTTI.K C1IIM > JUU'.V In Otmtlm ? uii'f Itit'CH older person * ( t
( loncofCin-lMtlcSiiHificJittttifor Catarrh , Asthma , Jfi-onchltl llai/ Fe
ver , ycnraluta , neafni' , iitcKarsctc. Thltrnt , which licow/rlyht-
ctl hotvt the yi-cnt shiipllritu of thc"Sinokc Halt 'and hoto cuslly It can
lie administered. Little Dai.iu lakes her $3 that nhc hat arcd up for tlie
inlwioiuti'it , ujidtniu * Iiernrandina a "A'mo/.r Jtall , " The old litdit hat
been trontiled for i/earsii'lth Catarrhlmt now , with thanks to her little
r , the istilwnt well attain.
Otniulinn , jou'to
much better
Tlinn j ou Unv o for moiitlii or
mote ,
llut 5011 mtiit follow illtccMoiH
to llio letter ,
Whllo 1 simp this ball n ? 1 illd
And when 1 smpjoit must In-
Tlio smoke from Oils Carbolic
bull ,
'Tttlll rcncli the ill en o nml
never lull
To mnku a eottnliieuio ; t tint's
Wlion jou goto \ \ 1 tiling
JOU'll | > tnl < 0 1110 ,
And I'll tell jou wlt'tt jon
oiiKliI to do
Jii t sljrn n impor tlmt I'm n
dnlsj ,
And Unit Cutnoi.icSMOhi.IIHI.
Isudnl'j' , too.
. , . - . . . . _ . - , / 1st inertiiiff n > lth wonderfal sitcceai thronr/honf the
Mates. Jt iicndorscd l > n medical selentisli < tnd all n < ho use it. ' . . .
ta > cnbtf inhalation it is like other inhaler
no ever in ase. The mid-
ieine rle * n a sntohrand / * liuliter than the air i/oa In-eath , nenetral-
liia andtlioroitahli/ treating even/ air nnssuie of the head , throat , hron-
cliiul titties ( indlitmr * . Mann of the best citizen * of Omaha are nsina V -
tlie hmohc Hall. < tnd ( trccntlniiifttsticot'cr iLs merits. Call at oar ojjlee
and heconrlnie < l ftFJtKK / 7 KST.
Sent 6y mail on reeclnt of $ V , and / cents for no faae.
Carbolic Smoke Ball Company ,
Ifouthcaxt Corner Ifith and Dodue.
TWO IHAUI { > C.S IX 1 UIIItltUAKY , Till ; 1ST AM ) SOT1I ,
Onl SJ300 rimtircd to secure on Royal Italian 100 fiancs gold bond , Thc e bond
participate in 225 drawings , four drawings evciy jear and tetain their original value
until the > car 1011. 1'iues of 2,000000 1,000,000 , 500,000 &c. francs will be diawn , be-
sides the certainty of receiving back 100 francs in gold , j on may winI times a jeai nnd
so come into possession of a fortune. We ofl'ci these bonds lor § 2 00 , monthly install-
niciits as long as our supply lasts.
AVIthnnly SJOA ns Hist jmjtm nl jou can ccxiro 0 nuroponn Roveininent liomNhi < li mo
ilrnvvn 1C times anmmllltli inIrosiuiiniintliiKto over'UI.UU ( ) ) mmk * . Imliuico on i is > montlilv
liistiillmoiits bnlo lii\oslmeiit nl cnjiltiil us tlio Imoitcil inimej must lie piilil linck nml ninny
cliniKos to lu ulilffjirl/o Moiun can liustmt by iCKlsluutt letter , tnoiu > y onlei ot by c-xini'-s ,
and in lotuinlll bs foiunnlcililio Ixuuls I or turllioi Inrormittlnii , eiill on mlilrcss.
„ , . , „ , IH'KI.IN ICVMUM ! < OV1 | A , 30E Broadway , New York.
N 11 Those bonds mo not lottery ticket * , nnd the sale Is Ic-KUllj pel milted. ( Hy law ol ItiiM.
Carving Knives and
Forks ,
Pocket Cutlery.
Scissors in Cases ,
Skates , Etc ,
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock. Pi ices the lowest. Repairing a specialty. All vvoik vvarrnnt-
rd. Coiner Douglas nnd tflth streets , Onmli t
Ucensed Watchmaker for the Union I'acilic e niiany. )
The C , E. Mayne Eeal Estate and Trust Co
W. W. COP. . 10th AND HARNJiY , OMAnA.
Piopcity of rveiy description for s.ilo m all parts of the city. Lamb for snlo III
cvciy county in Ncbiaska.
Of Titles of Douglas county kept. Alans of the city state or county , or any othur
information dcsiicil , fuinislicd fieo ot ch.irgo upon application.
TO jsi ; inLi ) rx Tin :
i\'icrTivi : ; : ( OMMII rnr
Unjil , Ililir. not ( iuo Cionlt. lion CluyO Ilirlon , Jlon. l.'linci b. J ) iiuly
lion Jus A , Litltfliloil. h II ( iillniMO , i- : ( | . lloriiiiia Kuiinl/u , I.s I
Mi. rruitlt Coljiouci , Mr .I. S. Collins , Mr J. T. ( lurko , Mr. N Bli-ltou , Mi Jos ( niiuinu Jr.
Ali N N frniy , Mr. K 1' I'cck , Mi , ( li mi nt Cluiio , Mr. Aitlinr Wnltcloy ,
Mr. .1. i : Wlllmi , Mi .1 /.ohmcr , Mi. W. M. Illiquid , Mi C , H in .u . I ,
Mi. It U. McUmo , Mi. 0.11. KotlmuKtr. Limit. Kunnoii , l.ltllt.
Dr. .liiHliis llroun , .
roniinlttooonl'io- . riiiicc , Mi flatlnukoi nnd Mi Mcflurn roiniiilttcu ( in tin Mnfl
! " "i. Linn nml Mi Ldiiiioi. toiniiilIKo on Tlcki t-j and I'lliilliii , ' Mi Duial uud
Mr Mi-L'luro. Coiniiilltit on Ittlid-liiiionts 'llio yi nlli men ot tlio llonul oi
I/ADV I A'IllO.\'r.bbiS : :
Mrs. . ! , i : Hojil , Mrs I ! S. Diimly , -Mrn r .loluifioii , Mrs V. fl Coirninii , ,
MlK .IIS ( lllllll llU.ll MIH luilNjc , .MiH. I L Kliiilnill , Mih Tliim M .Moinu
Mrb O M HilcliKui.i Mrn .1 , A.CmUlitoil , MIH II T ( I r o. Mih. II. II llriKul ,
Mih ( iiio W Ddiiiit * , Mm. .1. II. MIIMiil , Mis I , M Delimit , MIH , .lolm i : hmmiuirj
Mrs H II WooiI. Mis .1 .1. mown. MIH H. I ) Mi KM , MIH II C MrCI ( in , ,
MIN J. M Miluulf , MIH. AUIn Siiunili rs , MrH A h llnM.uiiili , Mm V. MIIIM ,
Mm .1. N II I'm i oi , Mid C. N Iill/ < > , .Mis. ,1 ,1 Ilinus , Mis
Mis 1'iccl liiii > , MIH W , II. Mffonl , Mlf > I' I'nrki i , MIH C. M Mnibiiuill ,
MlS W O M'jUM , Mis I. II. Tout i , Mih I ) , O ( larkli , MIH (1 ( Lin IIKOI ,
Mra rv iiiiiiii MIH S.T blilitll. Mih ( iciiit'ii Ciouk , MIH Siitliiiu ln Hun ,
Mm..I.W Motto , Mr > W J C'liiintll , MIH S 1' Ki.iiniJp , MIH < I ! lot ) ,
MM C. II. Diindi , MrHt. \ . \ \ V Kciinun , Mrv h It Cnlliiniiy , Mid I ! \\nkiliy ,
Mre. O II Collins , Mrs I. . II , ( iindj , MIN lldiu run It , MIH J M 'lliuiHtmi ,
Mrs. .1 I ! Contrloi Mrs .1 \i \ \\rl l r , MTH Mmitlluou , Mih. A 1 * ! 1 | > UM8 ,
Mrs O , II llulu , Mis C. I ! rxjillio , Mr 1 * . I , I'l'ilni- . MrH N Miriiiuii
Mrs .1. W. buuiKO .MihJ.A llorliiick. Mid l.oulH llriiiltoid , MIH , .1 A UnkcIMi ) ,
Mis r < 1' Mort > . Mis < ' A II. .MiC'iiuloy , Mr 15 W MUoii , Mis .1 h Ilnul ; ,
Mrs. C II Iott ) < y , Mni. Onv Iliuton , Mis A C P iv * til , MIH .li > llaikui ,
Mis lluiiii'in ' Ivdiitit/f , Mm A I'oliuk , MIH 'llniH Mll'oi ' , MIH H II. .loniB
Mrs. I ritiili < eli > utr. . Mis l.i iiiunltU Inn ilton , MIH..I M. IMJ > . Mir I. II Win num.
Mis A .1 l' ( ) | plctoil , Mm J.M. Woolwmtli , Miri .1 .1 DKKi'J , MIP M llolliniin ,
Mr * . I. 0. Unuhi , Mrs .1. K MLI'IIKIIV , Mrs .1. t ; iKiilio. Mis Siiniui 1 lluuii ,
Mis , W A I'lulon. MH l.c\l CiitKr. Mis ( link UooiJiiMll , MIH II. It ( iiiloid ,
Mil , r. C. Illmcbiunjli , MID ( i A HnnHluiiil , Mr8 Milton HiMtrn , Mrs I . ' 'in Hi liiiralinin ,
Mis MuxMnjur. MIH (1. l > . Wjiill. ' Mrs I W Mliuu ,
Mrb 11. Uiilliib'lier , Mib. K. Jtubunutu , Mrh. A' . I. t-liuilif , Mm 1' . 1. Iki ,
Mib. 0 II Dorrnuto.
Applications for tickets may bo made at bate Pnijt htorc and Kulm'd Drug
Store and of the Hoard of Managers. -
Admlttinu ( , 'entleman and Ladies.
Cflrilapps will approach from IStli slrtct , A poult Uiolr occupants < ! rtcjiirt by U'U sttett
H turuiut' , will lorai uuUtr dlrn-tlon ot tlio roll oilltcr in < "