THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JANFATJY 11. 1&S7. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements under this hold , To Tents per line lor tlio first Insertion , 7 cents for oaoh sub sequent Imorllon , And tl.fiO n Uric per month No advertisement tnkon for less thi\n 5 cents for the first Insertion. Seven irords will bo counted to the line ; they must run roniocu- lively and must be paid In advance. All rulror- tlBcmonts must l > o banded in hoforo 2 o'clock p , m.iind under no circumstances xvill tboybo tftken or discontinued by telephone. Parties Bdvcrt'tlntr ' In thesu columns find hnr * Jnptho answer * nOdrefsttl In cure of THE DEC Tvlll | ikn o nek for acbccV tornnblo thorn to cot their letters. M none will bo delivered except on propontMlon of check. All answers to ad Yortlpomonts thould bo enclosed In on velopo . TXANS-Jx > ans . ' Hctil tfltnto lonns , Conntcrlal lonns. rimttel loan' . 1.0 mr tlmo lonns. Hhort tlinn lonns. Money always on hand to lonn on nny np- proved security. Investment sen ) nl log bought nnd sold , Omnhn Financial Exchange , n , w , cor. 15th nud Ilarnoy. Corbctt , Manngor. 001 $200,0iij ( to lonn on six months'to six years' tlino nl lowun nitei. W. M. Jlurrls. room C , frtn/er Meek , opp 1 O 7HJ-S8 * B AltltIS At IIAIIIIIP. MS. IMh Rt. Money to lonn on flr&l clnss security , from -"J4 - _ roV'Cfl ( TO ijOAN' nt 8 per cent , J. J. Mn- $ " honey , IJWPj W G" I'HIl CI'.NT Mono * . II 0 I'uttctton , lSh ! nnd Ilnrnoy. a.1 _ $ .1i > , OOO to loan. Bums J60j nnd _ . Lrmt-it rntCJ * . Iloml.s , room 3 , lltirkcr block , 8. W. cor 15th nnd Knrnnm stfl. 5' " ' M'oNlVY I'lrpt mortirngo notes. The Doiifilns county bunk will buy papers secured by first moitHBUo on city realty. < JI OPl'.ll CENT - Money lo lonn. ( Jregory .V llndley. Hooms 1 nnd 3 , Itedicli Dlock , U20 3. ICth.Pt , MONEV to lonn , cnsh on nnnd , no delny. .1. \V and H. Ii. 8 < | Ulrc , 1413 I'urnam bt. , Pnv- ton hntnl biiltdlng. K8 _ rpO LOAN Money Lonns plncod on 1m- JL proved real estate In city or county for New England l.onn .V Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. IClli and Chicago Fts 813 MONKV to loan on city nnd fnrm propnrty , low rates , Stewart & Co. , Hoom ; ; , Iron Hank Ml ONKV TO I.OAN-O. T. Dnvlft & Co. Ho.v Kstixto und Lonn Aneiita 1C05 Kiirnnm at. TiKi ON15V TO LOAN On ronl cotato unilabnt- loH. D I * Thomas. tM ONIV"TO I.OAN-In sums of tZftM mid MO.NKY I.OANI.II ntC. ! ' . HeodCo'g.Lonn offlcs , on furnlturp , pianos , horsos.wi'.Kons , personnl property of nil kinds , and all other nr- tlclesof viilun , wUhout romovnl. 819 8. 13th , over llliiKlmiii'u rommlsslon Btoro. All busl- neSHBlrlctly canfldontlnl. W1) ) on Omnlm city projmrty nt 0 P percent , 0. W. Uny , over 11112 JoiiKj sst. OC'O ' M ONKV to loan by the undorslened , who hns thn only properly orKiml/ed lonn nironoy in Omaha. Lonti" of JlOto { 1,000 made on fur- nlturi ) , pianos , orgnns , horses , wagons , machin ery , &c. , without romovnl. No dolnyn All business strictly confidential. Loans no rrmdo thnt nny pnrt cnn bo paid nt any tlmo , each pay ment roducliiR the cost pro ratft. Advnncui nindoon flno wntchos nnd diamonds. Persons should carofullv consider who ther arc dcallnir with , na mnny now concerns nro dally comhiR uito existence. Should you nrod money , call and sea mo. V7. IL Croft , Itoom ' , Wlthncll lluildlmr , IBth mid Ilarnnv. nn'l CIIAHCES. " \\TANTi0 ; A business man wnnts n f.1,000 or i Sil.WO interest In n itooil pnylnir lecltlmato business , ( live full dnscrlptlon Aililro < : s A 'M , lleeolllco. Council llluffs. 184 17 * TO EXCIIANC.E-A c-loan stoekof clothing , Invoice $ lIOi. for good notes , first mort gage , city property or Nebraska tanas. AOdrosd I ) . JI20 N. llith Struot. 104-13 1T OHSAIi : Ono-hnU1 interest In u llrst claM ' rutall moiit market in Omnl.n. Imiulroat room 12 , Crelirhton block. 150 U * ) A mnn with mnnoy to buck up n ICKllimnto business entornrlso thnt will Etnnd the closest lnvotlifntlon. . No fortnuo-ln- n-mlniitu-Kchomu , but ono thnt will clem ntrood tnur/ln. Addrcts 0 11 , emu Omnha llco. 117 O * "iroil SAI.K rurnlturo businoas and building JL In good town Hurtoundcd by n splendid fnrmlng country. Will soil cheap or ovclnumo for Omaha pi operty. Host iiuisonf lor solllm , ' . For particulars iiddrcss D. T. Williams , Hun- .M 10 13l'81NI5S8 OIIANCK A llrst class meat .O market on n pnvod ntirot. llusmcss well ostnbll..hod. Doing from $1.0110 to fl.MWjicr mouth. Terms ronsonable. Address ( J l.ltoo ollico. ! 'fi2 ' 10 I poll THADE Three Moelis of morehumllso for cheap raw land. II. and 11. I'ox ' .MJ Shonnndonh , In. 037.17 * TIM ) K.VCII ANOi : Morchnndlso for farms and J wild hind. U. J. Cujxvull , uioiii 1 ! ) . Iron Ilnnlc , IMIjIJ ° V\7'ANTln-l > iirtner lth mnll amount of v > cupltnl to entiT Into a luiitlmnlo business in Omiilui. Adilrcss , No. IUO Wnluut Illll I' . O. Omaha. 015-10 * " pOH 8ALUllrlekynrd on South 15th Bt. T. 1 I ) . Thomas , Omaha. 7KPJ11 * T710H RALK Ni'W stock of ladies' furnishing JL1 poods , totrethrr with store tlxtuies. lluM- ncfrs lii full conduct with good trndo. Locution best on llowiirdst , occupy Ing 4 stoic Insiiinuo of bolid brick. J. F. llnmmond , 115 S. H. ( .73 POIl BALK Desiring to retire trom busim-HS , 1 offer my nntlro 'lock of ( loncriil Mor- chandlso , coppi tlng or Dry ( loods. Heady Mndo Clothing , Hills nnil Caps , Hoots und Stionn , nnd Groceries. Would taku Improved and iiiilin- proved roul ( "ituto In nxoh'iugn for pan of nmoiint Can chow up a rood rncord of IIIIBI- i ni'M. Addiosslock box No. 7 , North Hc-nd , Neb U27..1.15. /I * FOU 8ALK-Or triido for niprchnndlso. WO ni'rea of No 1 faun land ni-ar firiuut Island. U , .1. Cuiuui S15 HOUSKS IxtsKnrmR.Lanusm.onoyionnoil. . lleml' 'J. HurKur block S. W. cor. und TTIOllSALH-Vi'i'Il-ostabllsticd business. In ono Jof tno best iiolntH in nnrlhwost * crn Nnhraskii , tlluaKxl nt llrokon How , rnstor coiintj' , Neb. ; slock cionl < stlng of dry goods , clothing , bootM and shoos ; will show up peed record of business. Hcasons for Foiling will bo ITon ! by iidarefsing lock-box 71 , llrokun How , Cnhlcr county , Noo. M7 TpOlt SALK llnrdirnro Hnsinosso offnr JL our Rhi'lf und heavy hnrdwaro business for pah' , tocothor wlih one lease nnd good will. Tindo Inrgnst In ho city nnd location the host. Kotlrlug from the business rnusu for snlllntr The Itaiim Ilardrraro Co. , 102a u et.i Lincoln. no I > . ' ; - 1'EHBOVAI , . PiilH ; < ) N.\I-In you wnnt a genuine solid Kold vest chain ) ' f 10 and upwaids will buy one nt KrHiilc .V . 011 , \ CO'H , Lt.1) ) S. Dili t-t. 157 10 IjKllSON'AIi I.adlc'81 gold watches only * I5 at J. Frank & Son fc CO'BS.M ti. Uth n. 157 10 I > Ellr < ONAI.-Si.llil told spec-tiicliis only ? 5 n pair at I'rniiU .V ton , v CO'H , K20 S , llth .st. U)710 _ ' ' M ll > . U.'iioo'l'lill.frnnfi' mid Ilcalliu ? Mo dlum , K. xV. uorioth umlCahs . Vou onn buy Oliver plain xvaro .1 nt wholoi D prices at I'rnnli * Son * CO'R. SMK llth bl. 157 10 . " . . . . . , . . . Dr . . N Pl.Il" r't. T. ttt Nnnnie V. arron cliurvojant. Mcdlcnl and | ) iit.iiet3 | Mndlum _ Room No. U , r.'l North 10th bt , .Omaha , Nob. ' * - % liOST. IOST A Nitu foondland pup dog. about tour J months old. Plndei re-turn to xV. 15. Aiiiun , Fhurmnii uvi1 , oppoillii CarKsl , anJ claim ro. \ \ m d. ItKK has sold his iiiuuiliyon "II" Cum . . . . . H. All poisoiih irhohnvo hi M luiilnst lilm uro t'Ciiuchtcd to c-ull , an ho will Imvo Iho city soon. 173-10 * I1OIVTE dlvoi-ces ctieaplyutboutpub Ucltv , doorllon , nil catit > o puriios In ttny stntej ftdvlcu free. Addioss Wm. Wnlla , Osileiia- ir. NewYoik. Ilj 13 _ .Ml JtKNT tqiwru 1'iauo , Jt wonthlr. A J.1 lloape. 1M3 Doiii-lna. " 10 10 wrlto it homo , jiiMrnrttou ni-.d LI1AHN copies by mail ; lipoolmtn * nml particular * . I'rof. U.C. Cnrr , ' " : per montli. jlOi.p * . ' 171OiinK > T-S < TJnro I'lano ' $3 monthly. A JL1 Ho pe. 1513 Douglas. 6H ClalrvoYont.- THOSK wl hlng to secure n good reliable clalrvoynnt nnd te t modlum should cnil on the Indian clnlrroynnt nnd hcnlcr. Ho is Iho seventh "on of the sex'ontb rm born wltli natural hcnllng power , ho tolls nil nhout lox-ors nnd mntrlmnnlnl nftnlrs , hnnsksno nuostlons , These xvlshlnc to eoncult him mil nt 1508 Web ster street , between 15tb nnd ICtti itreets. [ ADAM ALASKA , Clarnroynnt and pnlmlst , I 61Z South ICth st. Ml I'OUM ) . JOi'ND-Tho plnco tn get the best oyster ? In the city , bhto polntR , New York counts nnd selects nt Hllvor Moon , cor. intli mid St. Mary'onvo. J. II.O NolII , prop. 41SJ17. BAtr-MISCEtLAIJEODB. OIt SAMI-OfnuIno dl.tmnml enrrlnes fli ) Ir 1 nt 1'rnnk & Sonic Go's , a.1) ) 8. 14th at. 157 10 TJVOIt SAI.lJ Two full blooded English pointer JL pup , Imported from inglnnd : , worth 125 cnch , will sell for J16 each. Inquire IfflSVcb - ster. lai-11 * T71OHPAM ! A ( rood / year old horse , harno 8 JL1 nnd buggy. linqulro nt 14(8 ( Dunlins at. THOU SAM : OK TlATr.-Ono ( 2d hand side- JU bar buirgyono 2d hnnd phncton , or.o delivery - livery wagon. Cheap. A. Hospo , 151. ) noun Ins. 751 J ttQ TOIt SAI.K-Solid gold , Mem-winding Klgln -1 watches , only 5T5. 1'rank & Son & Co. , 2IO S. llth st. 15710 OHSAIK Tipc-wrltur , JCO. J. U. Hnynoa , HoxttB , Omaha. 007 SAI.I : Ilrlllmnt I'miimnt dlnmnnd oar- 1 ring * . * olld gold , only f J.50 , nt frank .V Sou Co'fl , 2SO H. 14tli st. J57 10 _ _ rioii'e ( uvTilipldllollor Damn Loaf CoplorT JL1 Shannon I'Meg , Lottorand Illll Pllna ntvl Pil ing Cabinets and 'transfer OasiH , Indexes for Ledger nnd n purposes. Ilxposttlon building , _ _ _ _ _ TTiifH SAM" ; i.'iirintiiro nnd ioii o at six-room .L' hoiipo , tlmr on part. Cull ll'OJ North ! -7tb utroel , two blocks from Hod Cnr lino. Ki.1 TTUMt HAt.K v.nnnp. iron column ! ind win- JL' dnwcfipamiltnhia for front on brick build- lug. Portinrtl'JUliriinFpIv nt this otn o. HI WANTIJD News ngont to run on railroads. Inquire II. Tlriinpmin , Slorrls' Employ- Aitoiicy , South ll'tli ' st. 1K1 1- * "I7 ANTP.I ) Agents to solicit family orders ii for groo rleA In Omnhn nnd surrounding ns. on salary or commission. Addruns C , ir > , Ucoolllco. 172-U. * WANTED A Inirlttmnto druggist of FOVOII yenrfl titporleneo nnd best refer encen , undorBlniuls UK * Inmlnoss fiom proscriptions to aiittinirKliitis , and handling points nnd oils , do- Klros position In llrM-olncs ictnll or whali > iilo house , pnmts and oils or trnvnl , consultation ovuiiliiKS if doslrod. Addrusi 0 ,12 , llco olllco. 1V1-U' WANTKD Clerks , flnloimon , book-keopers nnd iiH Itlnut olllco hulp nnd ntiyouit cking positions or tlio bettor clutitouitll for iiliitos at tlio Uinulia Kofjlstry llurcnn.0 i\ llitll K'root. 158-11 * _ WANTKI ) rir't-cliiss ifurJrnur who umlor- ptnnrtB lawns nml hot liouso. Addrosf Km- ployor , r. O. , Omahn , with lotcrencos. 102 12 \ \ rANTt.l25 ) younir men to buy solid urold IT weddlnp : rlnifs for $ T > nnd upwnrils ut l'i link ic Son & Go's , 'J.M S. Uth St. 157 10 _ WANTlin Hoys from 12 to 1(1 ( years of lure to work In packing houio. Apply to Anfflo-Amcrlcnn 1'iovlslon Co. , South Oinnint. 152 10 tO robcr. IntclllRent men nf Rood nddiomta try n lOc muni nt NorriV res. tnurnnt , 101 S 10th sU 13a WANTKI ) 20 brldKO c'irt)0'itors. Rood wupig ; stonily worlr. Allbrijiht'3 Labor Afroncy , 1120 1'iirnnm. 04) ) \\7ANTBD-Two ulRiumnltors ; hnnd work- it tni-n ; union prk'oi putil. Apply to < ! i-o. 15. OoJlroy , Kromciiit , Nob. l 8 10 AOKNTS In the city or ronntry cnn inntof 5 to $10 n dny Bulling our spocliiltiod. N" . W. Novcltycomnnnv. 12J7 Farniim st. 012 "ITtTAN'lD-Shlrt mnkors. Oinuhuyhlrt liic- > > toryi03N. : ItUh st. 177 Hi \VANTiB : A comiiettiit Bill for kltclic-n ii work. JIM Itobort 1'iirvls. cor 3nl nnd fit. Mnry s nvo . or ail So. 14th at. 17S12 "VSfANTKD fiirl lor ( ; nncrn | housework. V Good wiife'os tocompt'tunt tlrl. 'M < South Twenty-tilth areot , stcond house south of rnrniiin. 17712' " \\rATNT.D-A compctnnt liouBoKoo | > ur who V fa wllllmr to do tlio housework u\i'0t | : M ) Cntliorliie St. 121 M W ANTKDGirl for general housework , Hit N 17th St. HOW WWANTIT WANTI-T ) Acnpnble. competent woman to cook nnd wnsh for family of four : nlio nelrl for general housework , llceomincniia- lions required. Apply ISl'J ' IV.rnam st.n WA ) A cook. Mm. Wuiren Swit/ler , 2- > St Mary's nvcnuo. WiO WANTED A girl to help with penornl house work , ono who cnn go homo to uleup nt nightInquiru ut 1711 Douglas 8t. WJ W ANTr.U-Cook nt 512 Douglas street. ! > 5S WANTii-ioad : girl , r.ngllsh or ( Inrman. cook , washer and Ironor. liuiuiro " 'U Cnsset. _ _ _ _ _ _ ! " 7 . WANTIII ) rirst-chiBJ Laundress. Co/zons hotel. I1. ! ! WANTKI ) An mpcrii'iu'od cook in hiniill family ; good wuiros paid. . .ha u J Hunt , n w cor Virginia nvo nnd ( limit st 725 7"ANTKD Olil for goncraUiousowoik. No. TV ' 1'JIS Capitol nvcniin. l7. ! " \\rANTHl ) l.udles und gimtlnmun In city or Vf country to take light work $1,00 to ? l. ' Uu day caBily mailo ; ivork unit bv mall , no canvassing. Wn irivo n good demand tor our work nnd furnish steady employment. Addiess , with stamp , Crown Mlg. Co..2'i ( % luo St. . Cineinnatl _ O. _ _ _ _ 45-iJ20 * _ ? ! ) ! V ) liuilcs \ guntH to loirn telo- graiihy. Piospeet good for position whun competent ; address \ . J. 1) . , Itoom 1. Crouiu blk. Omaha. 137 S17UA.TI027 V/AIJTJLD. \v ANTI31)Situnlion wnnted by Indy strno- * ' grnpher. iclcrcm.cs ! jjlen , Address box , Cty. _ J | 5 | 0 " \\rANTIJD Position in ooachmim by joung TT Hlnuluman. Al o good rider , nnd thor oughly rul.nble. Address C It llee olllco. 110 III * T fANl I'D A clnss dross mnkor Just > > from Knw 1'ork. Would IIUo employment In llrst elusb Iinullc3 by Iho dny. Addniss C 13 , Hooolllcu. 1C * 11 * _ _ A\7 AN I'KD-lnteiost or situation in ronl es tate ollli-o by man of amall capital. C. B , lloeolilco. 14Lll ] ! _ _ _ _ WANTI'D A position ns conchman by nn experienced man : can give good nifor- unrfiH. Addrim'Til. " this olllco. 1.10 III * V/AKTS. i -Tuams , 3W3. llth st. _ _ > _ _ 101 _ _ \\rANTIU ) A fiiriushnl room for slnglo r ) gentlcimiii. Btiro prlco nnd location. Ad- ill nf > g 1ICS Pee ollico. 107 "XlT'ANTiIly : ! n Kmilloman , fnrnisheil room In prlvntulaiatly , west of liith on or near California. Hulorimcus oM-lmngod. AJdresS Bliituirf terms utu. , V. SV. , llox 41 , Oily. Xli'ANTl'.D To Iruso for honvy utorago , i > ground tloor. busement or ground wltli trnckrtge , convonlont lo business C'imtro. nd- dicua , Hector , V Wilhulmy Co , oi'y. 1U5 13 \\r.\NTr.I ) Ily n widow ofSfl , who can hofp it lntuowny.4 lo mal > oniid P'iy tor n liomii lornricspond with an honorabiu smglu man Address C 7 , lleoolliou. 1'JI 10' A.A ANTr.D A good huuio lor n mid.llo-nirnd . > > uoimin to tnko euro ol nnol.l lady. Apply to L. P 1'noii , Id- ! Douglas or 13U north Icth. iTANTKl ) Vuinlbhod house In nioo loo.itlou , ' if. II18 lleonlllDU. 071 " rANTIU- I'D"buy'n houeo'uniF Tot"nlr $ -V , > ior lUOJC'nah. Address John Itognn , Hi20 lioiifc'hi * st. tsa _ \\rAKTUD-To rent a 7 lo n loom house about it the middle ot January , AiMrose , 11. 4(1 ( , Hco Ollico , glviiu location und tormd. 752 WANTKI ) A young mntnloblros iiiMrnction on thn guitar train n com note nt tcneiior. Aililrc s 11 41 , Hoe o lieu. 7 < > ' > A roller tnp iln4k in gooil coiiTiF tlon. Address stutlnif lcn'th and prlcu. C..HHotel \ > .Mtllunl. t.Il ! 31 * ron i'lBTJT-nonsga AITD 1.013. T/OH HEST House 10 rooms all modern i , l > proveaicntJ , 'i N litn. 171 IS * 7 j > lfU JiENT-HinalTiroiiso.corT isvirntcenlli ami ! lilotiKnt : ! eirocts. S Lelimnn. 179 iTiOU KI'\T-Kuiiu Ucil orunfurncht'dnic ! I1 . . mom IIUIIIQ , lint wntcr , bam , etc. . on Park avc , Tu ( ti V , MnynH , 11. K.A T. Co , J63 U * DES'T-Nlcpnow br'tk stororoom.on FOH st. Splendid locfttion for dry gtwds " Oood 8 room dwelling on 15th st bet Jones nnd Lenvenworth. 5 room cottnKO on Charles st bet 2th nnd SSth . Wohnvo PomonlcocItT property for snlo on llbornl terms nnd 20 ncrog of suburban property In whlih tboro Is n bnnraln. Persons bnvlnp property for sale or rent will do well to list with us ns wo Imvo inquiries nnd customer * for property In all cart nftho elly. King , V 'lcmpl lon , nt Citizens' bsnk SW Cum- Ine st. 1 > 1 13 iroll HUNT-Ily Tub 1st. ten room hou o , J' modern Itnprox-oainnl' , 15 minutes walk from P.O. On st cnr lino. Inquire nt 1403 Douglas st. HO TJ10U IinNT-Storo 311 N. IStn St. FOR IlKNT CottaiTo , rt rooms , 23d nnd Doug- In' . O. i : . Thompson , S. W. cor. llth nnd Harnoy els. J " " Oil"lifiNT-fl room cottigo , Xo , 1TJI l < Sti ! etroot. Apply till Fnrnnra st. W3 13 TjlOH HKNT-Largo dry tmoomnnt. Pine ship- J plnir fncllltlos. 11. U. sldo-trnck nt door. A very Planter compnny.cor.Elghth nnd Pacific. r.P.nay. manager. C'.tJ J 11 FOH IinNT 7-room house , CIS Virginia nva , 1 block from street cars , ? 2o per month , lloll ! i McCnn'lllsti , 1511 Dodge. Kil Foil HUNT Hou o , 4 rooms , oornor Phi Sheridan and Howard sts. Hnufe , u rooms , alt modern Improx'oments , Hitrney and "Oth sis. Now brick store , north Ifilh st 4 now stores no'ir lliisoaH'a hotel , couth 13th et ,115 per month , llrlck warehouse on H. It. track and pared street. 3rd story Barker building , 15th nnd Tarnnm , ftOfpM square. 0.KJNtnyno , lfitlianjlHii iioy. 227 FOll HEXT-U you xrnnt to rent a houso. call on HonwiivV Co. , opposite postoflco. ! f > 33 F OH HE.VT A bnrn for 4 bond of horsos. In- ( in I ro of M. P. Mnrtln. 8J7 JH KENT A nleo 5-room comne , hy S. T. Puterion , a. o. uor. 15th nn J Douglas. 477 FOH HKN'T-0 room hoUBe , city wator. Btroot cars , 1'4 miles trom P O : * J3 per month. D. C. PnttorsonOmaha Nntl bank. 710 FOR ur.NT-Ijitrjto bnrn with water ij leges. Apply nt ISIS Chicago at. DO ; FOU HKNP- houses 10 rooms < oh , with nil modurn Itnprovotnonti , : ! lst nnd Hurt. Inquire of Dr. Paul , 1'ith and Do'K'O 514 FOll HEN J'-n room house onT'arii'im si. tint 18th nnd lath. City and cistern water , sheds nndouttuillainirs : brick collnr , $53 per month. .1. P. Hammond. 117 S IStli st. 410 ' 171011 ItKNl' Siitlnblo foFJobblng lToiisn , Pec : Jond nnd Thlid 1'loors , IllvttM with bnsu- men ! and I'lovalor , entrance trom front on Douglas St. , and entrance on irroundlloor from rear to jlox'ntoiAddress A 33 , Hoe ollico.2TO. 2TO. ITiOU HEN'T 2 now houses S. E. cor. Illh nnd _ Vlnloii. Inquire on promises. ! M TJ1OII HENT Rplundld bnsomcnt TO.v'i with el- Joxator Enquire"IOJ Ciiming st. 123 11 [ JlOll HENT-2 B-room houses , Itallou Ilros. , J _ 15111 Douglns at. 121 10 ) ll IIINT ! a room house 9.V. . cor. 7fli nnd" Pacillo. Inqulro M. F. Martin. 21J FOU ItKST Six new brick ptoros with ba e- ments. corner Klovonth nnd Ho'.vnnl : choice location ; nil cnnvimloncos. Loavitt Iturnhum , lloom 1 , CroK'hton block. ( L'7 TpOlT IlKNl'-Ono iioiv onttiio , 7 roo'iis7 S3J. J1 Tliroc now 2-story ho'isuj ' , SIO , one nt S11 : well located , nil conveniences. Loavilt Hunt- linni.Uoom 1 , Crct hton blojk. 127 ' [ TUMI KitXT so n-ros ndjointnif city north- -L wcst.fliiltnblo for diury or ranrkot enr.lon. Apply to Tlioo. Willlnins , lloe Olllco , 'JU Far- iiam. & 3-1 TjV'll IMi.ST Sloro 22x 0 , IUO Jnchaon stv 83 roH aEMT itoo ra. FOH IIENT Nine loom bouse , llanscom lilaco. Koltcr > 'c Campbell , Iloom 1 , 150'J I'nriiam struct. K'J-IS HEN'l rmnl nnil rooms thrcn blocks liom lloydsoporn liouat ! , u07 bouth loth st , i'S'J-11 * IT10II HPA'T-Nicoly fnrnlsho'l ' room , lloior- J enccsreqiurod. II'J7 ( Douglas. Os7 " 171OII lir.N'P I'.loiant tiirnlshod ft out parlor Inear lnipliiess center liouse - - , pilrnto , gas , bath , utc. . lOliiCnp. nx'u. cil-IU FOll HENT I.iirffi > . froiit , olliro loom. nortTT- west corner 15th and Hnriiuy all. S1D.03 pur inontli. 4'Jl ' FOI. ItEST A nrh'O front chamber with closut , gas. fnriripu an I b.ith , 50 ! S. tiOth st. ' block north St Jlai-y's nvo. W J II HUNT -Kurniahod roym. A. Hosps , Kill O ingl'is St. DM Fll HENT 3 rooms unfiirnlshot suitable tor hoiHukonpIn'r , 1017 N 2Jth ht ; apply to M. K. Martin , lhl ! S 15th st. 101 "ITIOIt HUNT Two iitilornlflhoil rooms for liu'tit " housolcojing. : bd'J Howard fit , between Hti nnd llth. I2i JH > U HKVT L'nf JrnliliPd ninm , suitiiblo fur ollluo. Imitiiro.Mrd A. Hlce , Hushnmn blk. Fllll HP.NT-Vnry dPslmble fut lushed room , location , 1U1 Cup. nve. 171 12 * ITHIII IIEXT Liirjio iuriii heil nnTl iumted loom for onn or t o Kontlomon. SU | > ir month. I'.HO ' U'ol'Sloi-htri'et. ' 1 lj-l.1 * FOt ! IIENT I'lirrilslioii rooms convunlently located , InquirolMH CiHSsr. l-'O 10 I HUNT Furnished loom. 711 N. H'tli ' St. FOIi KENT Fmnlslml rooms uhenp lor tlio winter , IIIH 1 ninara nt. P.S 10 * Oll IIENT Pleas ml futiuslio.1 fi out parlor Jr 1 andboaid ronm lor nmn nnd wile or i , hcatuil room , warm nnd onld bath , 1011 3d lloor Howard st. 12(111 ( * ITKMt HUNT 1 nli'o nowlv impure I roopis. Jwnt or In kitchen ; sultalila for lioii'aknop- nur. I'rlco. jr..W1013 N. ' 'iltli st. Apvly to owner , M. R Martin , : il S. 15th ft t'l ) 1J1OH HUNT -To Kuntli'nmn , a room , Sin per I1 mo , 1712 Cnllloinln. la _ FOH ltiXTSlcuphr : ' rooms , turnhliml and unf urnlatiod , ut sj'j ' Ilowiu-'l but. Sea and M'i , _ _ _ _ IT > OII HUNT uiKlriblu nnwfy ' rooms lor ci'iitU'iuoii. ( Jus , bntli nml tur- nacohent. a25 lodio. 3IOJ15" F HEX I' Nice rooms nt 1S.M rnrnam st , - onu block xvoot of c-onrt housesouth slito. ij Oll HK.NT Xcillv furnished looms , slnjjlo 1 or double. Ills IlowardJ'livot. ' MJ BOAliD mill room for two , 1013 Capital avo. T1811 _ Foil lirVT r.lo ant roons : on street cnr line , bith nnl gin , s. w. our 2)lh nnd xv'ubgtur. 13J TfT'OIt HEVT Nlcoly furuiahod rooma with 1 llrst-clasa board. All m < Muiil cnnyniilunvu * . HUJJoncd. Pour blocks B. of I'uxton liotol , i B 10 * Foil HE.NT rurnlshed rooms for light house kuopliit' . Iloemors block , cor tth b lloivdrJ. C14 OH IUTimvl ; room 2511 fit. Mary s uvo. 26) J1OII HUNT Larifi ) oBant ! roomi.wlth closiit 1 Southlroiit. llliH'lilon'toHtri'of , Bill _ Hl'.Nr 'I rooms Hultahto for houso- kooplnj. 711 I'a'JlllJ bt. Heat , 811 0) . "iron lir.N'T I'lirinshoii room , furnace , conu - Ifoitabio In coidustnather , and KHS. In- ( | Hiroiii : ; rninnm 111 fjlOH HUNT Mi-nly lurnisliol Iront room J' uith pluno Ifileilrol All mojcrn convuni- 41 ( N' I'Jin ' etitot. 900 KKNT-Two'furnlsiioJ rooms , chi-aiil uriNoitnntli. tin ju _ " _ _ 371011 HI'.NT Tour uniurnlstieil"roosns . for hoiiduknoplni ; to Sin ill fanilly , lo cated on ( IcortMa nvo near htroi't cars , surround- imis pleasant nnd will rent aipui ! [ to Rood putic : > iircfi. ; rimcu required. Addrasa A. ftUlcn olllco. _ _ _ _ _ 217 _ Fill ItliNT Sulluornu > rljr furnisho ) pifoniT In nnw huiisu ; mnijuru convunlunues : to Kuntlemeii. I1UI Do U ? st 2CO JjiOU HUNT LOTKO , sunny , south roam witli nlw.vo. All moJern eoitvcnlonoes. llil'J Dodi.-01-t. S75 rott. KAI.U-Houaus I.Ol'S- VACANT Onulotlli i'liiln Vlow , HOO. "loin , McCormick udd on Lcavcnwoith Bt , J-'WiJ lor both , Sl.'iWcusli , b.iluiico time. HMO lot , illmoliauifU I'lnco , near Hanscom IMrk. f-IUJ , onu-lmll oaoli. I l t. Illmnhnneirs Ut udn , near ITili tfltW. : ono thlid each , lialnm-e 1,2 and : i ) ears. Ixiu In l'Htriuk'8 addition , Jt/JW , f 600 ca-.h , balunco 1,2 und .1 years. Wo Imvo u nli o list of Poutlt Omaha nroport/ ou our that ono cun tloublo tlio.r money on In u ( .hurt time. ilniiMi on Chicu'0 street , K'.OW , 8 rooms , j:00 : cnsli , hnluncu $25 per month. J'arW it Fowler , IMS Dou01as. 170 13 liOOM Is liameuso In Bouth Oinr.hft J property , and Albrlfll' | Choioo leuda them all. Tlieru is not u buJ lot la this beautiful HAN'SCOM PL VCEnuyinp n lot In Hans- corn Plieo means n sine Investment and largo profits xVohnvo a JJihp list ot them In nnd around Hnnsccm Park which wo wnnt fo < ell to you now , before the jprlnsr advance. Price * range from ? 1,000 to fi.o-m , one-third to ono-hnircnsh and some of theni nro siiro enough bargains. , Ilooms 1 nnd3 , IlcJlcgltoe ! < ; ,3'0 3 15th st. Sl4UNa VALLRY7 .Of" Our new ndilnfon. AorosfiV ) to t27 per Rcro. XoirSoiilh Omnhn. And sydlcnto Hill. Mftiihall V Ibec' < , ] 1571 rnrrmrn. A 11STHCTP OF TlTt.n nn 1 iitlcs to rcnl ostalo - ilKunta'itood Jlldlnud Guarniitec.V Trust company , 1505 rnrnnin si , IS ! f7 KVaro bountiful , nnd nuch Innror tlmn mother nddltlou' , M tlipusml vrrdlct re- the v'OO lots In Albright's choice. 100 0 fllNiot In Iliirdeltfcourt S' T ( , four blocks from street ciir , untlm hod. three- room house. 1'rlco $701 , ? iV1 cnsh , balance $15 per month. The cnmo completed S.W , $35J cash , balance flu per month. J , F. llnmmoiiri , 117 South IBth street. ICO _ ON .lanunry 20th lots In AinsOold nddltton will ndvuncp 15 per cent. Durln ? the win ter thus far they hnvo been sold at from fiCO to fSOO on romnrkntily ra y terms , onoclKiilli cnsh , mo bnlnnca f 10 per month , Surround- ins property U from 5) to 75 percent , hlchor tlinn thoeo prices. IS lots remnln un old. .1. F. llntiimond , 117 South sixteenth street , solo npont 185 A MI'S llenl Kst ito Aennov nro soiling lots In fVllnnscoin pnrk mldltlon on fulr pricesniid terms. Vou mo mvltol to come nnd see whnt thispround Is Its locntlon anil Riirroiitidlnuf. If you buy now 5011 nil ) mnko the sprint ; nnd summer lulvntico and If you unnt nplnceto build n homo no better plnco thnn llnn com pnrk can bo found. It 1II pay you to fully in- vosllpuie the merits of Iliuncom 1'atk nddltlnn. Como and dosont jour earliest convenience. Ames , 1507 Fnrnam st. . 18J 12 ' 171011 HAl.K-\n oloirant en t front on Vlr- -L1 itlnin nx-onuo tor 8l.vJ ) , anolhor for $1,400 ; two lots for f3.000. I/ils on ( ionrnln for f 2iWO to 53,500. J. 11. Kvnns & Co , Hi 10 TAN.limitary SOth lots in Atn ° 1lold Addition Vwill advance IK per cent Iiurlnif the win ter thus fur they hnvo boon Pild nt from Sim ) to ? SOloiirrmmrknbty easy torma. ono-olirhth cnsh , the bninnco $10 per month. Surrounding property Is from fi Uo * n percent , hither tlinn these prices. IS lots remain unsold. .1. F. llnmmond , IP South Sixteenth slreet , solo iilfcnt. iii5 B IJV A FKW of tlm o elegant lots In Al- brliiht'sChoico and douhlu your money before Mirtmr. AlhrUht Is iimktnK lots at money for lots of people who purchase from him. Only nlittlo money icfjulred to buy n lot. 100 ON' .Innunry Mill lots lit Alnclleld Addition will nihniipo liiiior caul. Uurlnp the win ter thus fur they hnvn ucoit eoldtit irom $ < 03 toSxiO , on reiiinrKiiDly easy terms , ono-i'iclith rush , the bnlnticn $10 per montli. Surroundliiff property Is from 5'l ' to 75 per rent , higher than tlio'o price ? 18 lots riMni > ln unsold ,1. K llnmmond , 117 South Sixteenth Hroet. sola 105 Tlll IIOOM U Innnenso In Pouth Omnlin property , and Albright's Choice lends them all. Thi-re Is not it bad lot In this boniitlful ptupcrty. IUO F Oil SALK -Ixits in KoMlor I'lnco. South Omnha , at S500 to f Kil jior lot. J. Jl. liana ACe 111 10 _ _ FOIt S AMI Improved litrin , 400 ncros , 25 nillps from Om ilia , two ( rood hotisoi. lirio barn , aw hpnrlnv trons , Si'i potaero. . Ulir bnr- iruln. Hull1 * I'mkhnin , No. UW N. 10th st , Itoom S , Lincoln , Nub. _ _ ' _ iitiO i ; ) * niHKV nro beautiful , nnd uiunh liirii-r than -i In ot'ior ' additions. Is the uminl verdict ro- t'lirdinir tho200 lots In Albrlritit's Choice. 1W ) OXJiiiiuai-y20th lots In Alnstlold Addition will advinoo 15 per conjx Duilnx1 the winter - tor thus , fur they hnvo been sold nt Horn ? 400 to JtO I. on remarkably easy terms , one eluhth cash , the Imlnnco $10 pormoTith. Surruiindlnir propurtr is trom f.O to 75 per cent , lilcrhur thiiu those prices. IS lots roniYtn unsold. J. I' . Uniiimiiiid , 117 South Slxlloiith street , cole njfi-nt 105 / i itif. our .t , VJ Momhor Omnha ltoil : Kstntn Krchmuro. Ilnomsl nnd J ! Itmldluk lloykal ) : South Fifteenth Mtoet , i Corner on Dodjro Plvla ( ; , improved und runtlnu lor $ : ! , IKK ) per vein1 , , . 30,000 Coiner I'J.'xl.4 ! ! . on 1'lovonth street , near Soutli i'nd of vinduet . . . . ' .i . Ifi.OOO Lot -xl. . " . ' , hsilf blieS Irntn new union Irclirlil < lo ot = li . . ( onb/Sf.VMongli ) _ 12,001 llnrciilns In ln.slne < s propuity in nil parts or "hiiiiincss , " nm ! houses nnl lots in Jlansonm 1'lnoo. 1S1 r BKBALL'S ADDITlON'-Fronts Snundors X t. on Hull Lino. Those lots must of nu- ros < itv increase 1-npnllv In prlco. Will sull n fniv loirt at low pripos to set them sMrtod. I ) . Ken dall , ras. S.V. . cor. 17th and CiUlfurnhi st. _ _ " _ _ _ 75 II _ FOI1 SAM-Lo"ts : In rowler I'l'icc. Fouth . Omnha , nt ? MKl to $ f > 'M per lot. J. H KIIUM . HI 10 BrVATRH' of those cln/ant loN In Al- hil nfs Choice anil double your money liefoiu sprlnir. AlhrlKhr Is maklnif lots of monov for lots or people wno purchase fioai him. Only a little uumoy required to buy n lot. 103 KRNDALI/S AIIITION'-At junction of S.iiimU rs street ami Ilelt Line , Just put in m.uKct.Vlllsell a foiv lots clin-.p. 1 > Kendall , io < S\V. _ cnr.Ktti _ and C'tilllornla st. 775 II Mir.V aio bi'iintlf'iliand inni'li Inrffur than m nlliornddltloiiii , U the usual \ < > rillct ro- r the LO'J ' lots In Allirldht's Choice. 100 TPOIl fALK-lood stor-lj fiirni. 3D ! arroj , run- J nlujf wnti-r , llKUcnrdaof ) Imrd wood. .1. D. 73'J 11" rpll ! ' IIOOM Is immense In Month Omnlm Jl property , ami AUiiiuht's ( Jh'ilco h-ads tliiiin nil. 'I hero H not a bad lot In this lieuutiiul piopcrty. I'D ' A HAHI' bnrgnln ; 40 acres ot bind very chnnp In - . southern . I slno.wi-.rm cllmnto. or pur- tlClll lars addi-os ? II 13 Hoe ollluo. 73 j8 * /71 Hi\T : KX VJ the ivny ncios nnd lots in Altirljjht's Choice nro ( folng. Twenty-two lots sold In ono day. "I7TOH s\LK "Sumo " of the be-.t ngrlcultiirnl J land in 1iistornebnnla at JIG per ucro on LM yoair.'llmo , U per eent Interest and no taxes , Wi Iteor cull lor particulars. O. 1" . DcvU & Co , Omnlm , Neb. filOJ.'O nAVF. you seen them ? If not. cull on W. ( ! . Alhrl lit and go out to South Oiiialin with ono of his aironts to Inipoi't the mugnlflcont propelty known us Albright' Choice in. ) "I71OII S Mill-Lots In I'oHli-r Place , Pouth J. . Omnha , at if joO to Jfl.VJ per lot. J. H. I'.viuis &Co Ulli _ _ _ -T71llt .vr-K-12lot4llxl' foot , trontlngnorth Jon llritol , half w ly biit'.vuoii H mil- dot sand State , no tritroot oars. City watorln Iront.s.J ) each. M cash , balanoo In 1,2 and. ) yours. Address S 11 , Hoe olilco. 25. HAV13 you seen them ? If not. mil on W. ( I. Alhrk-ht undgoout to South Omaha with ( inn of lil-iiii'i'MlH to mspui'l thu miigiilllcbiit piojierty knoirn us Albrlght'4 Choice , 10) ) /1IU.AT I.X 'ITHMHST in South Omahn ovur Vr the way acres and lots in Albright s Choice nro going. Twenty-two lots sold In ono Uuy. Uuy.mi mi FOH BALI ! A32.J-IUTO farm with house , burn nnd rrlli , on the I' . P. It/ . , and only 0110- half mile from n good tnilwny town , with chiircli'isund solioolB , Prletr 7S.IK ) ) . Apply to Louis Hr.ulford , cor , ( lib mill Douglas , Omnh , Neb WI _ * _ _ _ _ M 'lIlIV nro beniiTlluTTniid inuT'TMHrgrT-"tlinn J- In other luldltions. Is ilin usual voivllct ic- gnrdmg the : : / ) lots In AlhrlfcOJ n Choico. 10J GRNIMNH IIAItliAINS-ljivn corner lots m Iliirdollu court , only . llluoks trom .Sinn- dor's htroetoirs. \V. M. m. HDOIU 10 , Uushmaii Illoeit , W 1. eor lSh | an.10ou.flin. _ _ _ _ HI7 _ O N Janiiaiy 2)lh lots hr.Mnstlold Addition will udvancol5 per unit.- During i ho win ter Him far they lisivn l > eoii 'sold ut from # 100 to ? > ji'J. ( on remarkably easy .turniH , ono-cighlli oiirh , the balance SU ) per month. Kinioundlng propoiiy Is trom 50 to 75 per cunt , higher than these price. I * lott lumnln uiiaolu. J , r' . llamniond , 117 Bouth iJUtcunth struot , polo nccnl , 105 _ rpim IIOOM U Imiiipnso in South Omnha .1 property , mid Altirl hl's Choien luada then all. hi'ro is not a b.U lot In thU buautitu property , 100 U I'Sll & SlUjHV'S mid , to South Omaha. Hoaiitlful loU fmly JVI dinvn. 7W1 _ _ 7 'ltI'.AT KXClTlSMKNTInSoTith OnTalnToTor VJ the way ucros and lots hi Albrlght'n Choice nro going. Twenty-two lots bold In one duy 10) ) I > Kl I. KSTTi : H VIUJAIN-Chnleo bitslnru J v lot. near . -or. Soivarl st , fronting on Svm- den t mid pnvo'l su ; nliuin for cash , J. U Idea & Co , orirO'i-iiniurol'kl bini 71 _ 'I.I xVi ; you soon thorn ? If not. cull on W. ( } I * Albright mid go out to Sontli unuilin ! ih onnal his agents to linpect Iho magnificent propor'y known ns Albright's Choice , IUO qOI'TII ' O'.lAIIA-Moct beautiful lot Al- brlsht'ft AIIIIOY , J1j. ) ; j Uo n , b il. flu per month AlsoU moiu , f\M \ ) . ono.llilrJ < iusn. Hush fcSelby.J21b ri. lj > th. _ _ _ j ) Til 17 IIOOM U Immoiiiu In South Onmlm property , and Albright's Choice ImuU them nil. Ttifre is in/tti bai bi lu this baaut.f l vropQrty. liw rxt'ITUMrS'T In Pouth OTn > hft over tim way ncre * nn l lots In.Mrjrlcpt'sTholeo nro fc-omif. Ttt only-two lots sold in ono dny. 100 T7OK SU.H-LoM in Fowler Pinco , South J-1 Omnlm , nt JCflj to 1350 per lot. J. II. Kvnns * _ Co , [ 11110 FHI-K A1131 H.VOT wlih every lot In Hush ft Solhy's add. w G11K.VT BXclTKMKNTInPonili Omnhn o"v7r the wny ncrcs nnd lots in Albright's Choice nto Koiiitf. T enty-two lots sold in ono d.iy. lt 0 11V.l'you ? cen tliem ? If not , call on W. 0. . - Albright nnd go out to South Omnhn with ono of hlsnironts to ln pi-ot the magnltlcent liroperly k\\o\\nn \ * Albrlglil g C'holou. 10. ) COUTH OMAHA-3 lot m Albright's Annot I „ nt.I : 0.xe'.1) ! > A rrtr < > bawutn. Hush & Sclby , 218 $ . 15th. 7M POH SALK-I.ots In ro > vTcr Plnro , South Omnlmat $ kiu to ieOti per lot. J. II. Kvnna A Co. jn jo KOO 1'Kll I'KNT pront hss been ma'lc Mooolnst w August by pin chasers ol lots from Mr. Albright , In Iho ndilillon west of Alnrlght's rhol-o. Albright's choice beats them all nnd don'ton forget It. 100 Kl'sir& KIiliY.Sls S IMh , Imvo oxrbTjivo snloof c-or. lot , fchnir * ndd. Great Unr- pain S1.P1) 21otsOrrhnrd Hill , each HXfl Hamilton st. lot.biircaln i.'O Marsh's addon Lenvonworth , per foot. . . . liU Shormnn nvo , Pnddock udd , ' .M h 7.000 iwo's udd , Cfl ft , blk O , monthly pay ments j.aio Logo's ndd , lot (1. ( b (1 ( l 003 Iluslnosscor , Lonvcnworth , cnstot Holt line 2,0V ! ) Ilnrnoy st wliolesnlo district , S3 ft , to Irrtdo for city inipioved proper ! v. liono nnd half lot , N L'Siiil ft t..SM South Omnhn lots on monthly payments.7'J.l 7'J.l ' FOIt SALC-Lots In Fowler Plnco. South Omnha , nt J500 to Jfi50 per lot. J. II. Kvuns A Co. 141 10 ON .Innnnry ! Mth lots in Almnold Addition will ndvatico 15 per cent During thn < vin- tor thus far they Imvo been sold at from J4iO ( tof 00 , onromnrkiibly c-imy terms , onooluhth ciish.tho b'llancofll ) per month. Surrounding property Is from W to 75 per cont. higher than limn1 prices 18 lots remain unsold. J. r. Hammond , 117 South blxtccnth street , solo ngcnt. 105 WASTIID Inxostor * lo know that 1 hnvo ten acres of beautiful piopcrly for ealo adjoining the countv und district nxids , near Albilghl'snnuox tosouth Omnlm. Propeity nil nroiind it Is rcnll/lng from J703 to M.COJ per ncio.nccordlng ns It Is subdivided. 1 can sell this Innd for HIP next IIvo dnys on onsv terms for fl'Kl per ncro ; double the miniev can bo i-enll/od within two months. Apply W. S Soiivey , 111 South llth St. , or J. C. Oreen , Omnha. 151 10 r,00 IT.llCSNT protlt hns boon made since ln t ' ) August by purchasers of lots -fiom Mr. Albrlht , In the Hdillthm west of Albright's Choice. Albright' * Choice bcuU them till and don't you forgot it. 100 'OU RALR-Lot OU13i feet on Davenport , r bptweonllth nnd 12th st.cots , with two houpci * ; ll.O.W . , * 2,0Jcish ( nnd longtime. In biGliio property wo hnvo n Inrgo list of business nud residcnco lots fiist class. Purchasers will do well to sco us beloro buying1. Marshal , V Lo- bcck , I5J'J Farnam. CUJ TIIK IIOOM Is lmmcn = o In South Omnlm propoity , mil Albilght's Choice lends them nil. Tnero is not a bad lot in this beautllul proiiorty. 1UO Foil SALK-Tho nnoit building Biles In Omahn nro In Konntr.o Pluco. fuo .1. 11. : Co. , agentsfor prices nnd terms. 142 10 rtOOPiitCKNT : profit hns been mnilo slnco last * J August by purchnscis of lots from Mr. Albright , In the nddltion ucsl ol Albright's choice. Albright's choice bents them nil and don't you lorgot It. uiu LOT fronting 2 btroets , 25th und Pneitle , 2 IIOIIHOS , .f2,5' ; CHSV terms. Host lot in Orctmii ! Illll with 5 room hnnso , burn , well.cistern , fruit nnd shade treesl.OOJ ; easy terms. Uits2 , 10,11 , 12 , 27 nnd28 , blocn 7 , Orchard Hill , very eliO'ip. S. W. cor. llth nnd Pacific , 0lvl3J ! , 3 flno cot- tnires , f.OOO. Lot fronting on Conx-ent nnd 21th sis. , Im. pioxemonts worth ? 3KJ ) : 2 houses , city nnd cistern water , fSOOU , cnsv terms. n-innm cottigo nnd lot , a th and Charles , S2.00 , J403 c.isb , bal. easy. Mead & Jiimloson , 318 S IDtb St. < iil TiIIKVnrb beautiful , nnd much larger thnn in other additions , is the usual vuiillct ru- gnrding the 200 lots in Albright's Choice. 100 [ 7 > 01 ! SAMI- Two lntacormr cm Lown nvo In - tVost Omnlm , 2 bloclcs south of Fiiruom ° t. , botli lor2nw. Corner in Hnnscom Pln-o , 3 blocKS from street cnr. 1 block from church and school , "T'oriicrlot on South 13th st. Chonp nt $1,100. Hcitor & Cnmuucll , room 1,15'JJ Furniim St. 05' ) T.-.OIl SALK-Tho linen building sites In 1 Omnha nro in ICount/o-Place. Son J. II. ICvnus V Co. , agents , lor prices and terms. 142 10 GI115AT F.XCITKMKNT 111 South Omnhn over the wny nerea and lots In Albright's Choice- mo going. Twent-two lots Bold m one day. 100 ' " AVK'rou" ioc'iiThcm ? It not , cull on W. O. Albright and go out to South Omahn with one of his iigentH to Inspect the mngnlilcont projicity known as Albright's choice. 100 JjlOlt HAIiK-AA ft. fronting on Dodge st. 2 J blocks east of the poUulIico. A Inrgaln nt 810.000 ; $10,000 cash. Maishnll& LobcckMi \ tarnuin. 010 Ki'O ' PUH CI1ST p.-ollt has boon niudo since last J August by puii'lniHcrH or lots irom .xlr. Albright , in the addition est or Albriglit'B ehoico. Albrljilit's choice bouts them nil nnd don't you loiget H. 100 Wl'.uro nntliorl/n 1 to Invust $20,01) ) in Im- proved Inside property. Whit hnx-o you toolfer Wo n.eunbuslnesa. Moud& Jumlnson. 318S. loth nt. 572 FOH SALU-Thn llnost bulling -iles in Omaha are In Knunt/o Pliii'O See J. H , Mvans .V Co. , agent , lor prices and terms. 117 10 BrVAFP.W of those"ologMit lots In"AN brlght's Cholciumd double your money beloro spring. Alhilvlil K making lots of money for lots of poonlo wlio puii'haso fiom him. Only n llttlo money roiiulrud to burn lot. JOO t _ BOWLINU oTfKnv"-Iur nmv addition "i ? west of xVntnut Hill , on Hamilton stroet. Ily selecting lots nt flr > n for insliln and J'.TJ for eornors , you will muko n good Invnstnuint , Terms III per cent cnth nnd f"i monthly. No chargororxhoirinrf the lota. Marshall .t Lo- bock , 150'J Kuril nm fii9 rPHIJY are benutirnl , nnd mnclTliir oMnan I In nlhbr additions , is thn usual verdict ro- gurdlng ihn 2nO lots In Albright's Cl.oko , liw HOIISK * * Lots.FiirmsI.amis money loaned. nuniM. room 3. Darker block , B. W. eor. Ifith inn ) Fiirnnm ets. not " > rVAl'iW : of iho n elegant bits in Al- ) bnght'R Choioo ami doulilo your money before spring | , AllirUtht Is making lots of moimy for lots of people who purchase from him. Only n llttlo money required to buy n lot. ilk ] KOD PUH CK.VTpmlll has been m-ido clnoo last * ) Aiuiint by purolinscrs ol lots from Mr. Albright , in thn addition wosi of Altiriithl's cholco. Albright's cnoice bunts them all and don't you forget u , 10'J ' TI'V A I'M.W of these ulognnt loin In All - l > brlglit's Clioli'o nnd double \oitrmoney before spring Albright M making Iot4 of money for lots of people who pun has , ) troin him. Only a liltlo inoiiuy re iiiiu'U to buy n lot. inn QOl'TII O.MtHA--VVobavn for sale two nyn- fj dlcnio lots f i,07. " > H ) fiiich , llrat payment only fi | ) , Inil. monthly or quarioily. Also eoninr ami adjoining lot In Illook : ! "i , J. . . ; ( ! i First payment , j7Wt. lln.t lots In itiibii &Seluy'Hiu1il S.VM.onn t.inlli cash , lialiiiii-o monthly or rjiwrlerly. Ahifuct wllli every lot. Albright's Annex lots I- ! . " ) to | 6M , J50 cash , bninnco monthly or quarlorly. lfii.-h .V fi' Iliy , 21S S. l.'nh. 793 El'V A l'i\Vot : then rilotrunt lots m Al bright a choice and donblo your inoiiuy befori ) x | > rlnr. : Allirlght Is nmiving lots of moi'.uy for lots ofpnoplo who pmchuso fiom himnly ' a httlo money ro'julioJ to buy n lot , HAVE you Hoeii'thnmV If nof , rail on.V. . ( i. Alt iluht and uo out lo Snuih Omaha with ono of bis npunts to Inspect the mngnlflciMit property known ns Albrlglit'ii choice. lie ) sTOU1 m I/oTs l < 'nrmn.I.Hiiili--inoiiny ) loannill JT. Homls , room.I , llurko blocs , B. W. cor Itth nn i Karnain fiis. Ml Jl KAI. KSTATK AND LOANS-H. K. 1J4II * Co. m H 15th Bt 1118 ( Too 1'1'il ( IINT prollt has boon miule slnco last ' * Ai > gU ! < t by piirchUNCTd of lots Irom Mr. Albright , in the addition west of Albright'i ) rlmlce , Albilght's uhoico bci-.u them nil nnd don't you lorKet it. iw EDWARD IOJEH.L , TlioOracioof Oinahn. hottrr known ns 3IU South )0th ) Street , Omahn , Nob. Ma-l > terif ( l'aimy lryH-in1C-indltlomillit. Will , xvitn tLouid ol cu.ei ! ono a ( Juurdian Sojiit , ob tain t r iiuyono a Vl w In the PAS I nnd the PHKSI' ' NT. and 011 coituu | oondltioni | u the FUi'UHK. l 1,1ST. List of letters romninlng uncalled for In the postotltco for the week ending Ore. 1 , 1SSO. Is'ote--Piirties cnllln for these letter ? will rilenso s.iy "Advertised , " Rivlnj ? tlio date at the hi'iul of the list , nnd inmirel for sniiio nt the "J ndics1 Delivery Win- tloxv. " To avoid mistakes hnvo your mail nd- dressed to streol nnd number. GENTLEMEN'S LIST. A.I buckle C Alleood II 0 AIlciiNiInrh 11 A Allen r U Austin (111 ( Aronson F Adams I ) Allen M Aiehiluld il 1) Attains Mr Antleis on J F Anilir.'on A. A speii Uios Austin A Hernett H Ilosno C W Ituseh (1 O Hrynti ( i V Hiuld (1 lj Hell F M Hittler II P. H.iyaulJ lt-2 Holiliimn O Hertrand U Horlenlancer A Hetiisek 1C Houlllon K P Hnhlinn J BuchananJ 11 HtaOleyJ CI Hrnder J Hinblmm J lltillerPIi Hroxvn P U lliitteion U Hean O W Hlnku W A-3 linker \V V Henton W Habb W S Holmoek J liradlev S T ItciKniiinn A HrMxn'N'0-2 lloliuo A J Hun y S.I Uiukerbll Hean J R linker .1 A Hall J I'lu or .1 linker .IS HniKdoll .1 L HerryH liloimi It CI HilttU JJouter W Honnoll W II Itrown V Harnctl F HttniZer F Hoiden F llohmaiussoii C 0 H Cliiistlnn u Coltnnn C II Cox (1 ( W Cox d Covnn A K Haiku 0 Clark F I , Colemaii F f 'art son F O Carter F Crow-ley E F Calkins O Cain .1 S Cook 0 U CminnlncB J Culton J II CinxvfordJ 0 Clark C H Cullaijlmn IS Campbell K Caller O CoW W Cllckner Wm Campbell W H CaisonVm L'ajmon.J CllllKJ W Clonser J Conrad K K 3 C'ris.sev V Cope W Jl Clews' Win Column / Con ley W II Cavanatmh P Campbell A U ( Conner , ) H Council J C DorevA Al Dobit'A Dnbborstcln K A Dehek N Dupes J Diilsltl. ) Dextorll Dal I n J DetlerbeckTF Dorsiiy .I W On WuIlO Decker U S Dlekey It Donnelly W W Drnko P II Dey I Killeh A Krlllnc C W KmlL'iant Aid Soo'y Hvorson J Kvnn K Filar I' FinleyJO . Franklin C W French A d French 0 IJ Fisher U Fan brother NE Fenton W il Freeman ill1 Foul W Flvnn T Fobn.l W J'oloy J Fitch J Fnyotio J M Frlesi ! U P J'-li'UI U Ciaenmo U Crimtli C II iilancy J F l.ailty J ( illilv Ci ( lOlilcn J A Cordon J K 3 C.olcho F C.iossC A ( laynore K C ( lOod K ( JlascouT J KAI Could M ( Jnlllth Al E Craves J U ( ilOSS Will Could W U ( iirard II Ontario H ( iraham J M ( IrnpeiiRelsscrT Clrceii A 15 Holiirtm J llock.1 Hilcs a Ilenderson 0 lloiun J Holmes J JlarvoyKO llnle.l Hunt F V Holiunstein F llcsklttJ Hurley H L , HnrrKon U II JIaleEJ llin/ey ICC lliihimm A HnirmnnCS Horns 0 K Hutchison U H llimlan T Unite W F linker W Q llnglind W E lleilvnll O Iluuso ( ) 21 Jlailon J O llapsctt.I .Hudson Wm Iluiitlngton W < ? llouinll .1 llutclusrson n lletcktll Ilnimon J U HallJ Hart A J Hoxsoy A Harding A J Hays A H jr llavnu A J lllcKinann P Holmnnn P HcpfoidOJtf Htnsl 1. Al Inman W Jones 1115 Jenkins S 11 3 Johnson A J Jorgorsson A Jones W JonesWH Jinks Wm Jonner T S Jones A W-3 Johnson Air Korcsky F Kennedy F Jl Kelsch F Klcs ( ! L KISII H Kirk. ) Li Kail J Klnp O Kuatier A Kemnor A E ICnuis K G Knit/ U ' Kiiosel U ICel'ler C II Keller H Kill : T Kolton T Ii Kelsey T K el soy TO Keaten If Koeiter O Kittle TO KuiUJ Kelly P F Ijiikender J IJinrerJ M 2 Laird ( i Litidnp C K Leddy.l Loxvell K ] < ymaniM V l.athnetim M Keeke Atr Lux A henveiton S A l.uwlnVm I/irm ! Wm l.niiiiir .1 II 1/iinJ Li Leie.ister S n LiC Ijowrcv J A C P PE Metoitn I ) O Mares F Miillin A MeKsnor C. C Miller H W Maryon KA .Mmtin 1C II Jim jib v Win 2 .Moitenson M MOIIMW I' .Meelmil 1' H MOIIMHI P Meeli.m P ii Mnlioiioy P Jlnsloi L' Mehler H M\eis N Moore J Mleliaelsnn J K Mcrrlnm.I I .Minvlunv J A Miller. I A Alines.I G Miu-e II II MeAithur A MeCiillab II McCoy I i P Mi'Oowaii.l 2 McMnll . I 0 Mcl.iuit ) Win MeMnnns 10 MeDowelKS MeCnil K MeNiiinnta Wm Ni'Non A 0 Noilh H J Nncly H i ) Mutton II Nifliolnon W J iNnMi S K Ts'oonnn I' .Nestor O'Leary D O'Crnily P Onihlnr ( i O'Connor A Ij Olsen OC O'Keary.l IVillns V W I'lckard It II r.itriok J I'liueo W F I 'oil Win I'lil W A I'iiik A 1'era/yo ( ! Peail K Peleis 1C A I'anlsoti A IVtl'JMIIl O I'.iynt ! H I'Olll'l-l'll .1 II Peyton J Powers H C Prlc-n II Qiilnii OC ! ItlUmnii F Itic.ird i < "J H liny. I S Uo > sun J Heed J KiiMi , ) i , Itichniiind Wm Itudmond Win Itylen A Itntlilminu U Keek S C Ku-ili .1 KniiilroII Itnndell 11 linmlall M L Hal tor II P lUllei II I' Holers J iSiillon ICd .Simons K U tilleott'l' HinP SwiltO .Shaiy.l Ka e.l I , MunvleiJ J iSkibiier.l W Seliliicl ; 'liill ) J KiiktilinnK J .Scliityler F U Si'liiimnnii K .Snien.-oii F SulliMin I ) A .Stout D Slum Wni Sinllh Win .Stmv.ut W A Kenv U O Spniildini ; M C StulMin A J .Sliiiio C A .Small C A .Sco.lnld C' .Saylort ! Kiiydcr ( i .1 Kelini'den O Schlill/ .Sell ilver. l } Jchiivii J hliiwarl.l U hl'.u.liter W H Mikiliui- | U .Stiouui J SKwIiur .1 .Sttiwalt II .Sicvnuii'iiH H UOWiirlJ P SteiiiDII < * rimilliJ Taylor K M Tnmblln D M Tibbetts W Tlir.u P TuincrWK Tolhs W Tiblnis W K Tsii lor .1 I 1'tlcnburL' Vamly W II V.'iiiU' J It WdJlaiiibKil Wilkinson U Will P Walker mr \ \ ooil J W Well U ' . M Wwjilrutf T Wan en F I- ' WHlcl C WiJe.ix . .M K Weclfs 0 WllwW a WlllIiiinsT D Wnitheilicl : mr Weyand L K Wiley K .M Wiymnn II \Vaeeinr II Welch II Wild I nir 11 Wallace-11 Wl scr ] II II White J Williams F Wood A J Wall J A t..xTtiST.lST. : Anderson S Alvnrey mrsC J Hi tieaer U I'.Ml mrs.I Hoecsinrs A3 HrlilRosmrs Jl Hrlcgs N Uoj'ctt C llond nir W U Hcntren mrsS linin nirs J A Huirell nin < A ! Hums H Hurtmbeo nirs 11 llarnlmit nirs J P Jlcvls CJ Hrndley mra M K Cnjtnoy Ii Carpenter nira ClnikenoM ( 'liristninn mrs M Conls-on mrs M 0 Cooney A Collins inrsJ F Copley inrs T J Cuslck 15 Cummin es M Coehrati M C'ooko H C'onroy M P. D.ivlesS J Dantrcinnnt N DavS Dornnnoko M DtnkH A B Do l.nttxo nirs V P I'.iiu'ison Ii rakin.s A I'.lllolt mrs J KlkMt mrs C A Klrliorn .M Knicry M Karl inr.s ,1 iilet : mrs C ) \liiRF Kl-ert 1. I'll.irowmt J 3 Filch mrs I , B FnlK mis M FiHiieo I Fiy mrs A 0 Fiaticls Tree-born M Foul A Fold .M I'lnley II Cenlrv mrs M S ( inninds mrs I * nsto\r mrs lr ) CI lines L A ( riihnin M drey N ( iiei-or H Illll in r.s llopo A Hal ley m i g K llennlngsen mrs U Hamilton H Hoffman.I P llolt.M HnlluTcn II Ihumnn M llnnoy F Hawthoino M Henerd mrs N Illll S Hooit mis 11 IlopeM Henry M Henry mrs J llnimmi inrs Jensen 1C iinlinston M J Jnroh mrs S JncKson M. Jones mrsM 0 Knlil I , Klenko A Kenllelil mrsO Klti'-ev mrs W H Killenther J ICnnpp S l.e.slle inrH K lintnc mrsI K lo veil mrs X Larson mrs Ii iihiim mrs S l/iwson : tins .S Markcsoti 1C Mav mis M 0 Masleitnaii A Mltiilian J Mills 1 Mlzner J Mills mrs M Morton M Miionoy mis M Myers F * ti Murphy J\I \ Mann nirs U J Moirisonturs A Mnnslleld M McCabe S MrCabo mrs II MeAfTeo inisC L JU'Cntty nits. )\v ( mis J JleFailand U Mcu'Kor ! nua 11 Neill mrs U Miles I , NMller mrs M Nntz inrs K Pratt 11 Parvson H Pat ton mrs A Pniker mis L Pleper A Par.sons mis Quick mrs T J riiissfll M 1 ! nn di1 ! mis O HohertsM Hotieitson A I tea nl on N" Itohiiisnn mrsS Hiekard IIIIK A II Hltker I , Hubertson A Jj Jtniic H Hobltiboii J mrs I > .Smith mrs J Smith mrs N Smith mrsL Jj Smith mrs H Smith miss Smith mrs II Sorensen mw B titttlt mis J Stephens mrs U KtovetiH mrs AI W Serry G Slpplo mrs O Hherloclc mrs D Sheilock K Stripe A M Sparr mis H F Strntman A St Oyr M Slmw inrs A Shelter mrs d Sherlock mis H Tollman mrs A Torrln J Thierluell mrs A Trapiiell E Tlnvall S If njolin mrs E J Urtdcll A Volchak Al A'ail mr : , F W Vandvt 01 d mrs Win WalcottmrsAl O Wright inrs W II Wnllnco mrs AI WasiiDurn mre M Watzen H Ward A K Watklns 13 Wonz nirs Jl Wai therC Whitney A. Walles misAI Wells mra p T \Vliitcombiurs HA Willis mrs B Walker U Wilson P WilRlitmrs L W \VnlUorB \ Wredo 0 Yonnij mrs V Xettuiliului C 0. K. COUTAKT , Sidewalk Notice , \TOTICR Is hereby given lo the owner or -L > onnuraof tlio following ronl ustutolntha elty of Omaha , to lay sidewalks In front of and adjoining their property within 15 days from the 15th day of Jiunmry , 183T. Bnch nldownlkf lo bo constructed nnd laid In ncoordnnoo with plans nnd spocltlcatlons on fllo in tuo oflloo of tlio Hoarder 1'ubllo Works , and In nooordnnoa with resolutions adopted by the City Council vU : Onthowcbt Hide of 2/ltli / Bt , from the north line of Hurdctto st. totbo south linuof Litko Bt , 4 ft wldo. . On the cast sldo of Jtlth st. from tlio north Hue of ( irace st. to the south line of Bpruoo et , , ufl wldo. Hepulra on the north sldo of Capital nva. , from the wont line of 13th Bt. to thu east line of Ulh St. , lift wldo. Hopalrs on the cnet sldo of 14th st. from the north line of Dodge at. to the Bouth line of Capital avo. ItopaliH on the south Mdoof Ciilcngo et. from tlie ucstlincof 13th et. totlio cnstllupof HtliHU Lots 4. 5 , f ) , 7 , 8 , U , 10 , east Blile of ajtli st , blk,0ft ! wldo. Lois 18 , W , 20 , cast Bldo of 20th St. , blk 251 , 0 fl lde. Lots 10,17. 18,19,20 , cast side of 20th St. , blk n , Koiint7o'8 Hescrve , fi ft wide. Lot n , east side of 15th at. , blk 8 , Kountzo's 3rd nth ! , ( lft wide. All of hlk 17 , cnsl sldo 23th nvo. , Ilnnscom Place ft wldo Tiu H 7 , east sldo Loavonworlh St. , hot. 22nd nnd 21th It wide , All ot blocks' ' , Ill , 10 , cast sidu 28th St. , Hans- com IMnco , I It wldo. All Ita on east sldo 2Sth st , , llom I'laco , 4 ft x\ldu. All Its on east Bide 23th st , Terrace add. , 1 ft wide. All of blk 3 , south side of Pacific St. , Ilnns com i'lnco , I ft wldo. Lot IIS , cast Hide of Ci unrein uvo. , Hoes 1'luce , < ft lilo. LotnlW , 10 , enit Bldo 2'Jlb St. , llees Plnco , 1 It .ol's 13 , 11,15,10. 17. 18 , ID , 2.1 21 , 2'J , 23 , 21 , rn t tilling II liM.l > lk" , Iliui'com Place , I ft nlilo. Iots3l , 31 , 35 , 'HI , 37 , 3S,3I , l < ) , 11 , 12 , 43 , east t-ido < ! ' .ith KL/IVrinco udil. , 4 It nldu. I.OIHIII , 32 , 113,31 , ! , 11 , 37 , uust. Bldo 20th St. , lice-iPlaco , 4 Itvlilu. . .1. K. IIOI'BK. Chairman Hoaid of Publlo Workg. Omaha. January 7th. IMJ. fpo AHCIIITI'.CTH AND ll-LDHHS-Plans | | J. nnd Kpc"iliMUoiis | nro mlliltoil by Iho llonrd of JCiliicatlon of HID ,8uliool DlKtrictof Omnha , coiint > ot Douglim , Mali ) of Nolunnka , until 5 oVlork p m Tiusday , I'ljli 4th , IM7 , lorn 12 or PI room too story and hmomcni luii'l. hubool building to bo i < ri-cte < l on the lliuh Kchodlgioundj ul an ust 'muted cost of $35- fi'd.m ' ( or n two Hlory and busomout 12 room brie ) : school billlillng lo ho oroi'ted on thn Boiilhvohtcoiniirot 2.1th and \Vobst or btii'i'tn at mi i-limuled cost of ? ! : . . ) ( Ml. und lor an K loom and luiwniont brick i-chool billlillng to bo ruictol on the nuithoiiM coini'r ol iOlli nnd l/uidfltrcntM.iit an rKtlmulcd co > l ol f O.liOO U ) . Tlio Hoard ol IMiirullon ollnm lln1 lollowlnif piiiinlumi , lor thu llui'ii lust plans to bo HI li'i'icil ' ' by iliinii , for llni bitlldliignon tlio High School Kioiind and ! > tli nnd WoliilorBtiuotH , IM PromiuPi . f 250 01 ad " . 150 W > M " . 75I Premium for plans and sp > iilllcatlonti adnptnd bv thn Hoaid Ninill bn ciiiihKliiiuil part pnymont If Bllfll hllllilings aio Clrclrd. Tim boiuil ru4ur\iH ilm tight lo rnjnut nnr or allpliinii , und no money will lie piidlot rejected plans. ily order ol ihn Hoard of F.diic itlon. ( IIAIILCSl'oNUYllK , Svc-roliirjr , Oinnlin.licc. Kith IKWI. Proposals for the Construction of Bjilclln ; ; at Fort Bridger , Wyoming. IIUMXJI MITI llh ) : > Mil MKM IIKTIIK I'\TI' | : , ) O'lltu ol Clilrl ( uiirteiMia'itl'r , f Oiiialin , Noli i ilunuiiry let , IKS * . ) SKAI.I'l ) rriipuniiln , In irii'lirt'lu , hiibjcct to the iixmil coii'lllloiis. u-i'l ' icccixcd at HiU olllfo , mid by OKI p < t M'uilK-niiiHlrr ' , I'oit llridgi'r , \\'jo. , until nun o ul ICK p. in. , lonlral hlainliuil tlini ) . | < 'rliriiury l l. ' " * ' at which tfmo nnd place * thov wjl bo opii'i-id ' In prwueu of bl.Mfi' ' , lor fiirni Jilnif nil thi ) inaioi iiiU und labiir nui'hnii ! > lor foiuttiu nn lliu lolloivlng binl'llni/h ut 1 ml llri'U' ' r , \ \ > 'iiiiiiig , vl/s. / Onu MI ) of Intiiniiy 1'iurui I ( . m > g' ' < aid IIO.IFU , onn oil house. HiiN mo Inviii'ii lor building * con- ulnirii'l ot sionu or liumo , iiU ntoiiolouiuU- lions. I'liipii-iiismiiy Imui'idi'Uir iiitliiti or all of l lie bull'lii.g ' < , pi n-if ol i-ncli ( > be ntuiul Kiiarinu > Jy. II dx lor material and lot labor may ho mii'lti bi'l'iirutcl ) . Pretnroncu \ \ 111 be gj\un to iiitlcluii ol domeDtiu pioducixin und n.miuluclviro , con- nit'ons ol pni'u und iiunlil } being e | Olil , ami biiuh pioluienco giMin lo miii'ioiof Amcricnn pri.iliiclion anil iiiaiiiilueturo prediiu > ) on thu 1'iuitluco.ut lo tlio uAtunt ol tno consuiiiptlon rc'julrod bv tl.o pulilio bunlco thcrn. Thogor' oriiit'iit ro'Civcri the right to rojcct any or all | ji''sor paria ihcri'of. Plain * and Hjji'clilc.iilon * with blank pr < ipof < < iU nnd clrrul'ir gltlng lull liilnfmutl'Jii to bddotH may lin obtaliioil or c-r nniiiiol at tlhsiiUico nnd at Urn I'oat Oiiarti-r * liiiisto > ( llllco Tort Hrlduur , tt'yo , I'iiv < < i0pi > * uoiitalnlng pioposulf to bo nmrVod "Propoi > , ils lorroiirtructiuii at I'ort llrlclju-r" suuJ uUdinsso'l In 111" uiKlei ltncil ere the Poft ( junitci mag- tor , Hirt lliidiicr. Wjo. ( i II. 1MNDV , Chli-f > nn Ml