6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TUESDAY , JAXUAUY IK 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCilTlLUFFS TUESDAY MOlim'd , JAN. 11. OFFICE , JNO. 12 , PEARL STKEET. De-llvcu-d by carrier In nnr pnrt of the city nt mint } ' cents per wtok. II. AV. TII.TO.V. Manager. Tin.CPIIONCS ! BcsJNrpsOmcr. , No. 13. KiatiT Ktiiroii No. 23. N. Y. Plumbing Co. llnnvy suits cheap to onlor nt Keller's. Tin ! board of traelo incuts this touluct olVtccro. A boy with liorsn is wnnlod to curry route on the HIK : in Council Hind's. "Hill" Criss , the well-known colored bootblank , was last niyht urruiitcil for disturbing the peace. A fellow givlna his names as Cook was run in for boinj ; drunk , Ho hud only n day book and n pint of whibky with which to pay the lino. ArrniiKciiusnts arc bcinc made by the Knights of Labor for : i tiublic address in tln.s city about the sjfith by the stale mas ter workman , AI. L. Wheat. Those who hold minihur.s in Monrc & Kiplintfe'r's list of presents should call undseu tin ; list on their blackboard , as the drawing took place yesterday. Ituv. J.S. Norvell is the name of thn phrHiitii scientist , who has buen giving Midi able addresses here , and not Alur- ville , as misprinted in yesterday's llu : . .1. A. Shaen , who was run in for buine drunk on Sunday , deposited $10 for his appearance yesterday , but failing to fchow up the inonuy was dropped into the box. box.J. J.V. . "Merrill is reported as about to step mil of the position of t'ity editor of tins Nonpareil , .fudge Ilubbard , one of the brightest writers on the stall' , is looked to as his .successor. I'ermit to wed was Yesterday given to John ; Morrisscy and Kninia O'Neill , the former from Neola , the latter from this city ; also to Harry Shaw and Li//.io Wiitmore , both of tills city. Special communication of Hind' City Lodge No. 71 A. K. A : A. Al. Tuesday e\en- ing , Jammiy 11 , for work on the third degree. Visiting brethren cordially in- \ited. 15y order ot the \V. AI. Doll Allen is complained ol for making trouble again with nis wife. Jle seems to have a hard time keeping the peace. J. K. Smart and Charles Moorehotise were booked for disturbing the peace , but the matter dropped on payment of thu olli- cer's costs. ' .Sitnro | Iligc-i is now nicely located OVll ! DuVol's store , and has as neat a justice ollico as was ever seen in this city , lie there welcomes his friends in his usual hearty way , and will doubtless get his lull share of bii.siness. The lifth of the series of nartics given by the Hoyal Arcanum will be held in tire Arcanum parlors in HenoV block , Wednesday evening , January 12. Tickets for this party can be procured from any member of the committee. T. K. Caviu , chairman. While the city council is considering the advisability of doing away with tele phones in the city and lire buildings , the school board is considering the advisa bility of putting telephones in all the bchool buildings. 1 The cold weather , the like of which has not been known here for years , has caused sad havoc with the water pipes of the city building and city jail. The nines have burst. Hooding the cellar ot the former building , mm the sewerage in the jail is all stopped , making the interior nnything but agreeable to the prisoners. It is understood that Woodbnrn , who bhot Murphy , in a saloon row on Broad way , will not , be prosecuted , but that the matter will be dronped on the payment of cost. It is said that Woodburn was assaulted roughly by a crowd , and in try ing to defend himself lircd his revolver , unfortunately hitting Alurphy. The wound was not sciions. The case aL'ainst ' AlcN'nlty for keeping n disorderly' hou o was yesterday dis missed. It appeared that AIcNulty had retired from the position of proprietor of the "Jo Drop In , " and hence there was no use to press the case. Some ono ought to bo responsible foi the reputation of the house , anil unhss it is more or derly tban it has been the authorities threaten to pinch the head of it , whoever it may bo. Kv.Mistiee Krainoy is very sere about the way the county board slashes bis bills. Hardly one-third of the amounts claimed by him was allowed. He threatens to commence suit against the county. It is understood that the county board is not loath to go into court and have the matter shown up and the people would certainly not object to have the details of the justice olliee ollicially inves tigated in this teirm. The opportunity is now given Air. Framoy to vindicate 'his ollicial record by suing the county , and making it pay the amount of his bills in full. . Moore & Kiphnger kcot the largest nnd best stock of citrars and tobaccos in the city. Call and be convinced. See the now meerschaums and the smokers' articles of all lands at Moore & Kiplingtr's. Mooting of the liar. A meeting of the bar of this county was held yesterday morning , at which Colonel Sapp presided and Walter Smith norvcd as secretary. A rule was adopted providing for the sessions of court here to open .it 10 o'clock mornings , take a re cess of two hours at noon , and adjourn nt 5 o'clock afternoons. The following committees was ap pointed to consider the matter of having L. B. Crafts & Co , are loaning money on all classes of chattel securities at one- half their former rates. See them before securing your loans. KU'ctrio door bulls , burglar alarms nnd every form of clonus-ties electrical uppli- RIICCS at the Now Vork Plumbing Co. IMniuis nnd Orcaiiw. W. W Kimball , of Chicago , hns opened nt No. U28 Broadway with a full and com plete ) stock of pianos and organs new ami fresh from factory which will bo sold re- cardless of cost or tnno. Call , wo can bull i on , C. W. Kwors , manager. Pnrsonul rarajirapliH. Hobcrt Barford , of Dcnison , la. , is vis iting Council Mull * frionlls , I' . I' . Kelley , of ( Jlenwood , was in the city yesterday attending court. A. W. Askwilh , ot Walnut , was looking after legal mailers hero yusterday. Jan. ; ) * T. Hottrke , foreman of the Council Blulls Canning company , has re turned from Columbus , Neb. , whore ho has boon visiting since the middle of No vember. C. II. Champ , of Kimball & Clmmp , was calU'd to .Minneapolis Saturday by , ttievsiul news that his brother , Kd Champ , was in a dying condition. Ho arrived there Sunifay at 11 o'clock , about four .hours before his brother died. The re mains will bo taken to Kockford. 111. , his -l homo , for burhil. Ho 'had 'been ill tin ca month's with typhoid fever. Gnvid. Concert , at K ; k to-night. NEW JUDGES ON THE BENCH , Reopening of the District Court and tlio Jmlgps Start In Gently * MEETING OF THE COUNTY BAR. The Doings oT tlio Council Hltkn nt the Opcrn House A "Mistake In I'rlutlim Humid Itflcf News Alioitt tlic HleiflH. Putting on thcGowiiH. Yesterday morning tlio elistrict court resumed business here , with two new judges in attendance , Judge Thornull , who ha' boon the prosecuting attorney , and Judge Carson , of this city. The two wore in e'lo = o eoti.Miltatioii in the after- tcrnoon for nn hour or more , while n bar meeting was being helel in tbo court room. At the adjournment of the meet ing , the t\so new judges went through the trying ordeal of mounting the jueli- eial wool.-at-k in the presence ami under the keen eyeing of those with whom they June lieni familiar as breithor attorneys nt the bti. : ' 1 hey ( -coined to feel the em barrassing pmition , ami so kept each other's company in emerging from the little room and marching at the appro priate < slow step up to their now positions of honor and dignity. There were a nnmlier of lookers on bo.sieles the attor neys , and as the two new judges took their places , and fairly seated themselves side by side1 , there was a general clap ping ( if hands a hearty welcome , which caused the iiu\iliale.s to smile happily in I'ccoj/nilion. They then proceeded to tle assignment of eases. .Judge Thornell called from the docket , and as the crim inal cases were reached he passeel those over lo .ludgc Carson to attend to , .Indgei Thornell having been actively interested in the trial of these , and therefore not in n condition to pabs upon motions con cerning them. After tiie call Judge Thornell retired to another room , lo there listen to various motions , and Judge Carbon retained his seat , nnd proceeded with like business , there being thus a double barrelled court running yesterday. The chief motion of public interest was the one pending for a new trial in the case of Kdwards , the fellow convicted of a confidence game , and who from the tools found niion him is rather a hard crook. Nothing was done with this motion yesterday , but it is understood that it will be taken up by Judge Carson on Thursday. Judge Carson expects to go to Audubon Wednesday to hear o habeas corpus case which imolves the custody of a child of Dr. Holmes , who has had trouble with his wife. Judge Thornell will remain here to listen to eases. The new saloon cases are set for the 17th , and the action m the o will be lookeel forward lo with intercsl. ( icorge Uudio , real estate and ni'go- tiator ot loans. No. 1507 Farnam street. Omaha , liargams in Council ISIuH's and Omaha property. Sec that your books are made bv Mooro- house < .V Co. , room 1 , Everett block. Ij\ST NIGHT'S COUNCIL. < \n Ordinance to Create a Sewer Dis trict toituilil a Ijcivcc U'as Intro duced. The city council met last evening , all present , except Alderman Stnuib. A few e > f those interested in the. Tenth avenue ordinance were on hand , but the ordinance was not taken up. A petition for sidewalk on Avenue 1) belween Eighth and Tenth streets , alse > for sidewalk on Mill street , read and granted. Petition to open highways from in front of C. ( ieise's residence northerly to Elliot street , also from this highway between Lou Hammer's and the Dautorth properly to Broadway. On recommendation of Dauforth Air. Doty was allowed $ .10 , as the authorities burned his property two years ago after a case of small-pox. Petition of Air. Dalton for position of street commissioner was filed. Uoport ol chief of police for December , as already printed in the BIE. ; Approved. Keport ot e-ity clerk. Approved. Keport of street commissioner read anil apnrovcd. Petition of Driving Park association for a reduction of taxes was reporled on favorably by ( he city attorney , and placed on lile on motion of Alderman Bennett. Keport of city wcighmastcr .since March last , in which ho gave the council a raking over in regard to the way they liael failed to rccogni/.o him. Placed on lilo. A resolution was passed ordering built a large number of sidewalks previously passed by the council. The mayor presented a bill from Iho Chicago , Burlington As Quincy railway for removing an ice house -onto time ago , also enclosing a fpiil claim eleed for the land ; referred to the city attorney , with power to examine the deed and witli au thority to pay the amount , $290 , previ ously allowed if lie found the same cor rect. rect.T. T. J Evans presented an ordinance to establish a sewer improvement dii-triclin tlio western part of the city for the pur pose of building a levee to protect that portion e > f the city from another over- How of the Missouri river ; the district in cludes the following territory ; Commenc ing at a point on Ihe right of way of the Chicago & North western railway , nighty rods north of section 25 ! , thence soutn on North Eighth street to its intersection with Tenth street , thence south on Tenth street lo its intersection with the south line of the right of way of the Chicago , Hook Island & Pncilic railway , thence west on said line anil west on the south line of the right of way of this Union Pacilio railway to tlio Missouri river , tliowi ) northerly along the cast bank ot the river to the north line of sec tion No. 127 , llicnco cast on said section line lo its intersection with levee , llumco along said levee to place of beginning. Said ih.striet is eslablished for the pur pose of improving the territory in said district by constructing sewers and other improvements for draining purposes as provided by law. Section 3 repeals all ordinances that conflict with thiswhile section it provides thai the einlinaiice shall bo in force from and a ( tor passage and publication as pro vided by law. It was referred lo the judiciary ? ommittco with the city attor ney and engineer , after having buon read the second time. Dr. Hanehettollico No. 12 Pearl street ; residence , W Fourth street ; lelcphono No. 10. _ Siibat.iiul.il abstracts of tithis and real vstate'.loan * . J. W. A : E. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Blulls. Iiitcrnry Delights. The Monday Evening club mot lasl night al the residence of Miss Julia Of ficer. This was llio opening session of this organi/.ation , which is composed of the best literary clement of our city , ami the programme presented on the open ing night gave brilliant _ premise for the future. Air. C. II. Sholos read an admirable essay which .showed signs of careful thought on "Aspiration versus. Kenlity. " Airs Horaces Evorou read a selection from Prof. Swing's essay on "Parhv. Yens 1-rancais. " 'J he Alisses Merkel nuu" Mr. 1. II. Trey- nor favored the company with delightful vocal selections. And Aliss Julia Olliccr with a brilliant fantastic on the piano , AIi. a Joyce rcael a short scene from ono of Shakespeare's1 comedies , and Air. Frank Lawrence read the speech of Henry W. Grady , of Allatiln , before the Boston elite , which has boon pronounced by all as one of the most brilliant afl r dinner speeches of llio cenlury. The club newspaper was not neglected in the feast of rich tilings and contained articles from the members of the club on various subjecls. We predict a bright future for Ihe Monday Evening club. The nexl meeting will bo at Aliss Welso's on Eighth street two weeks from last even ing , _ ( Jood .Music , Good Ice at rink. Weather strips at Chapman's 10.1) ) Alain Clark Still nt It. Judging from the following , taken from tlio Hastings ( Neb. ) Independent , the versatile and omnipresent Clark , of Blufl's newspaper fame , muct bo making things hum in that sprightly city : "Air. C. S. Clark makes the most brilliant city editor Hastings has over had , and in making Ihis candid statement the- writer is not paving the way into llio 'Hastings Liars' Association. ' nor is he trying to tippear as eme of llio 'tall tell lallcrs we have heard se > much about lately. ' Thu item refers lo an imaginary association enlilleel the "llasliugs Liars' and Tall Tale Tellers' society , " which Clark makes regular rcporls from In his "Points and Pointers. ' * Granel Concert at Kink to-night. Hard and soft coal , best eiuality , all fsi/.c . Alissouri and Iowa xvooel. C. B Fuel company , 030 Broaelway. Tele phone UiO. _ "Xltlca" Lust N Last evening Carlton's "Xitka" was given at the opera house. Tlio claim that it Is a rival of "Siberia" caused the expectations of many to be quite high. Thc.se expectations were by no means reached. The play itselt is rather weak and had it not been in the hands of an excel lent company would have fallen very Hat. The company brought out all there was in it , anil some very clover work was el one considering the capacity of op- porlunilics allbrdcd by the play. Weather strips at Chapman' * , 105 Alain st. Ccnterville soft-lump coal , $ ; ! .7i"i per ton , delivered , Win. Welch , 015 Alain street , telephone ! lt. ! A Printer's Illuiielcr. It was yesterday discovered by City Treasurer Spetman that a mistake had been made in the printing of the $ 10,000 inlcrseclion bonds , issued during Vaiighau's administrallon. The coupons were daled as failing due December , 18H7 , instead of December , 18SO. Steps will be taken to rectify the same. . - - The countv has cut oil' the usual allow ance of 00 cents a month for tobacco to the inmates ot the poor house. The board says that beggars mustn't be chcws-ors , or smokers either. If they are Ihey must furnish their own nicotine. This may .seem close economy , but then the county is building a new court house. Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves ! i < e > r the next thirty days 1 will sell heating stoves at cost for e-ush only. P. .C. Dr.Voi , . SPECIAL NOTICES. Fpcclnl aavcrtlscinents , such 119 Lost , Fojnd 7oLoinror ! Sulo , To Hunt , VtnntR , Ho.irdlnsr , etc. , will liofnsortuil In this column nt tlio luw rntoofTKNCUNTSPRIt LINK fortlionrst inscc- lonnnd vlvoContsl'crLlnoforcncli subsuquunt insortloii. Lunvu udvisrlisumi'iiH ut our ollico No. 12 I'cul Htrcot , nu.u1 Uroailwiiri Council 111 u Us. WANTS. SAL ! " HIiiBlismlth iiiul wimon lioji. Only ono In town , r.xcelli'iit liiHlnos . Oooil lonpons lor fculllnsf. AdiliCasU. I * . Jlillor , 1'orth- inoiitli , In. Foil itr.NT urooin iiiinso , sn ; , rim avt- . , opposite tbo piirk. Sullivan & Fil/goi nhl. FOR KP.NT Itonni , ilh bonnl , for tivo ut'iite , or limn iiiul wife , No. 1-0 I'nink- llu St. I/'OH SAI.K M > rusiiloncu iiropuity on Illull : Bt. bolwci-ii Willow nml Filtli nvoniiu ; also iorMJ tuiil busies. A. K. lliitos. FOR HUNT A new two story frame IIOIHC , cdriliiinliic six room- * , null on both lloois , cloM'tR with all liril rooniH. liirc rclhir mid Komi cHtoin , Call on M. 1' . llohrcr or Odoll tires , 6Co. . E ) | { HUNT Thr , oiio-story frnino bii8ini" > s builillixr , with l-room dwi'lllnjf iitturli- munt , formerly occupied a a randy factory and known as No. Ill ) Honth Main struct , ux- touniiir lliioiiKli to 1'uarl ct. Apply to M. t\ KobrurorUilcll llros. .V Co. SALI'liitrlicr shop.p-ooJ location , KOOI ! 1 reason lor ai'llliif , ' Addro.- 11 , lluo ollico. WANTT.O A cottavo ol flvo or Hix room'f. located convenient to buslnu.id : Hinall fntnlly , no children. Addicsa "Crispy , " lloo ollicc. ollicc.W 'ANTIJD-A ' route , boy wltb pony lo curry Jleo FOIt SALI ! Old paperd for sale nt the llco oIici ! > . WANTHD I'lirtlvs Intoiidlnif to bo married are wanted to call at the I'ryor's life job ofllrc to bek'cl their wedding cards. J31I.V V. STKK JACOn SIMS STONE & SIMS , i Practice ; in tlio State nuel Kuelornl courts itooinb ? and H Shii iii't-liuiio lilo'ik. COTJITOIIU BIjTJIT'ir'S W. S. HOMER & GO , A.1 ; Main St. , Council Tbo cbc'iipcat plitco in the city to buy CROCKERY , LAMPS , SILVER PLATED WARE , GLASSWARE , -ANO- FINE POTTERY. I a run.ccmi'jir.td. ' Uul nleidtlii only one la Iho orlj cf neralloi Biunlinuom Klecti-ia Jf J/afu.lft irrrnl. Sclentinc.rowcrful , IiumLlo. ul ! e and ir cuvo. jLtold Irauda. _ ' " " Ki.Korimi IIITH : roit PS. HORHE. iLivdiroi ) . IGi V/A5AS AYE. . I ba > a i pcatlr ! < rem Jj lor UK tbOTo dlieaM ; t j lit ns < UXMllautll c ( c tia el < h worn llU'l a'jil ur lonK t adding LateUeneured InJ.e.l. nounnmla01 j ( iti la IIIsfflcaey tbaI li.adTWOllOrri.E8H ! < lKtoi ! ! lln.rwlUiBVlll | ] 1 LU TlttUl 181 pu tUU Ul.eaie. toVu > auffcrar. Olr. er. ti -.0.8aM 5 | , t'U , I. Aiiwcu iju-euiat . V COUNCIL BLUFFS BOOMS ! CALL AT And select your pry Goods and Carpers before the prices advance , Y/e / are selling elegant Patterns Dress Goods very low to close the lot. never mtiv ninrh' Sill ; * so those ire ttt'c now scll- out ( tils entire tlcimi-lnienl tn inttlie room for our inrmtucil Cornet xlorl , ; them of ) ' nt ext lon > lables , Ladies' ' and Misses' ' lliidcnvcai1 , Elc. Are brlnn etoaeit out rericJiati > > Von ii'Sll nitre inonen lo see our < tnil Knvn before IIOH Initf. If lion trout In- jirnln , Jirnwii , I'flrcl , or Moqiiette Cnr- l > el < , eonii' anil see it * or trrilc for price * . ( ) urrtrii'tifCitrl lnn , , ete.s / ! ar/e n < 1 eltotee , nntl ii-elnireti full assortment of I'nlea. Itotln. Itnisx ( lootl * , eh' . Our work * itonc b\i \ - / , - / / / ( ( trorhnien. Order * b\l \ ' " reeelvc in-oniit attention. Harkness Bros , , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Tannin" Lauds in Iowa , Mlnnc ota , Kansas , and ranging from So 00 lo 110.00 peiracrn. Si heel and .state lands in Minnesota on UO ii'-tr.s time 5 per cent Interest. Land Hirers fare free. Information , etc , jriv n bv 3 = . E5. j i.- ' . , Xo. r > : : < Hroadwav. C'onncll lUnll's , Iowa , accnt for Froidrik e-n & Co. , Chic THEATRICAL WIGS , BEARDS , Grease Paints 171'C. The I'lnoM lin ixirtcit l.lno ot lioods West ot Mrs , C. I. . Gillette's Human Hair Emporium No. 209 Main Street.Council Bluffs , Iowa. FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladies buying a ? 5 hat or bonnet , oui1 faro will Le paid ; Sio , roiiiul dip. JIEIA'IN SMITH. I. T. HOIinitTS. frL'CCLS'sOliSTO ' & co , Alist acts of Title , Loan and R'al ! Es - tat ) Broior ; , No , 236 Main St. IFiti'lnfi jturchnsetl tie"inot rrlia' l > lc dbsti'uef uoolta in lltiu county- Known on tlio "Mi'JIiilion Abstract JiooliH , " we tire now in'i-nori'ilto fur nish nbstrucln onil reancctfnllji so licit the ( Kitronoifcof oil those dfnir- ino eorreet obstruct * of title to lontls and lots in I'ottuivuttttiHic count/ . HO. 236 M&IN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS Justice of the Peace Office over Amciican Express. . H.IGE , M. D. , Or other Tiiiiuirs ii'innvi-d without ( llo kmro orilrawnwof blood. Orur Unity yuiird praclicalcxperionco. No. 11 I'o.ulSt. , Cinincil HluQri. ion free. Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail nnd in lots. Large quantities to select fioin Several pairs of fine drivers , sin gle or do' blc. MASON WISE , Council Blulls. OFFICER & PUSEY , iANK ' i I1 I COUNCIL UUJKFri , JA , I.fclKOi , .leiiiriuilx , rounly mid BJiiult tVorit ! r.VII Kinds nMpof fully Prompt Attentionjo Mall Orders MOREBODSE & CO. Uoom 1 Kvcve > t Ulock , Council Ulnlls. Standard Taptra Uscet. Ail styles of bind ing m Magazines anil BLANK BOOKS. O. n. National Hantt , M. K. Sinlth &Co. , CMtcat' HanK. ; > CM - , L-IU 4f ejo. , lrbt Natloinll U'inlf. a II. Insurant Co. , Officer ic I'Uber.Uttul'orer.C'U Bavlni'8 llaalc. Prof , Giias , Ludwig Von Seoger profcffnrof Meillcltio nt Ihe Ho > : il l'nlver ltjr : Knlclit t llio Uujal Avi trl.iii ' < if Iho Iron CrowniKnlKlit Commuiilor of Iho Uoyal Spnnhh llrJeiof NtUcllrtiilnlitnr ! Iho llnul llr "l.in Or- il KiKtoiOiuviillcr uf Uio LcjlD'i o ( A'nKKI1' TONIO slinuM not bo ullli iholiolJii oT Ir.i'lirt'urc Mt. ItU In iio cn oof ehc trnnln pati'iit ri'nieily. I urn Uior- fiiiKhlrronvcr lilt with 111 mo lu of pri'pimitlon mill liiioir It lo tic nut only a Icclllnmto phurmuroiiuc.il iirmlnrl , lintHUonortnruf t " lilcli romiiicnilullom Ithnirocclvoil Iniill | iart ofthn worlil. It fontilm i-ioc-nco of Ilcof , Cum , ejulnlno , Iron nr | CnlKiy i. nhlch nro tlN olvotl iupnrotoniiln(3ipftiiisi ; ( ? ) Impcrnl Crown Sherry. " Invnlu.ihletunll whonre Hun Down , Norvnui , Drs- portlc , Illlloii' . Mulnrlnm ur aniolcil nltU vroa klJ- noy . llB HoFHajesty's Favoritie Cosmetic Glycerine ABSOLUTE PERFECTION IK BAKIHGt AN'I ) ALL- MEATS ROASTED IN THEIR OWN JUICES , BY USING THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR rouu ; LXCLUSIVKLY ON TUB MARVELOUS RESULTS LOSS IN SHRINKAGE OF MEATS , Yi'ry fnwrrnpli knowtlnUlio BlirlnkiKff of Mrr.tj rnn todin Htlu AOvfii In fiotu thirl ; DvHto Ion ? ; > z cent. Allfrpiiicontjinsi.i'H'iity.livo j ircenl. of aii > : nnd only tnoniy.fUer'T trnt.of ectliil niuiter.aml tta ln s that I > inn. In in t hi ro i l I nt i timiln 1 11 the nv.ipc. ration uf lliujuicu , lilrliJ < tlmviTAt. _ TAUTOP Mtil Effect of the SOLID OVEN Door. A -.E loum ! birlolii. mwliiimor well ilonu , will lie nciivrriito MX iinniuHiinil four ounro of Kmitln ] in nt.i.liu lnunloMaf e h reel im-iuiu anil twnlteouiicei vl Jiik-o. \S1 ilo elm Id-t iH.17ljl Ti.'lil.of th j lot.il i-rlchl , it i-li m thn tiiiatiuuua Lubu ur 1 u IK 1LU CLNT.,01 TLEJUtr. _ _ _ _ _ _ EfToc't of "WIRE GATTZE OVEN Door. A Ttv poun < l Sirloin , inoitluin or wdl-iloMe , lll t rntucod til nliiai > nniiil9 imilelKlit ouuriniiif ll n 'l inunt , tr.owlnKii lo.iof elulit ounrra of juice. While tliiblo'nls tlin IHT lont.of llio ( otnl HnlRhl. ttnhotri ILu ory BianlHAi-jOKiiPlHi.vf NJ ijn f N r. ot J UICL. SEND FOR IU.USTIWUO CIRCULAR } ANO PRICE LISTS. CHARTEn OAK BTOVES and RANGES are BOLD IK K EBRASKA 63 follows : MII.TOVnOCnRSfcSONS . OMAHA. P. KI.NNLV , . GOMIOH. DALLAS & LI. ISDN , . UASTISOS. K. C. I1KKWKK , . . . . llAVbiMM.s. H.AIUDfcCO . Nll'BASKAClTV. W. I' . TTMri.KION. . NPLSON. J II. SlUUnKVANl & &ON , . AtkiNSON. 1. KASSftTO . CiiAnROH. KUAUSF.l.UIKr.IlftVr.l.CII ! , . . . .COIUMHUS. OLDS IIROS . UI.UAR. lANNr.LL&SWr.KNr.V. - OBlTLlift fAGEK , . KKANKUM. N J. IOIINSON . NOIITII liKM ) . I McCArrEKTV . ej'Nrnr. Cnv. II IIAZI UWOOD , . OS.CIOIA. J. S. DUKK J l AIT-MOUTH. A. 1TAHSOM , . BTFKIING. J G. eillLIN . , . hlROMSHUKfl. j A PAHOI N&hON. . . . SI-PI-KIOK. TIMMLKM'iS &IKAKU : . . . . VERUON. HEALTH PRESERVING CAUTION-"o noi Ifl ether , Ifl I > < ' into i'liylntr wuttlilc * * iin it a- ' ' ' N'A'I' " 'n n u Wi nu bPHINO I I.A411C SfC Tli > s CuKbHr an 1 ittititev will I'C rffitnJeil li < wrarf r after I > ur eeU' fr . . . not ueifci-lly valiiU. , lor < ile by liiiv GIKIUS DBHIHRS. " ' "n't oltalniMe. will ni l. liiUBllunl. . 11111 I" rilKSHIIVIMi , > l IS1 I N..I l li SAl I "UN ( I 50 , NLIt.lNU. ( I 50liUOMIHAU Hclillllnif Corset Company , Detroit , Jllclfc PENNYROYAL FILLS" " ' ENGLISH. " "CHICHESTER'S . Tlio Orlfilnul mid Onlj ( t-Niilnc. laoiiwiiiablf lo UAOIES. AaL to < " llruzcl'l > w "Chlrhrr-etr" * Fi.glltrT-anl . < . wl" " B- ' * ' u > l"f | > nlcula i lilltr l > r rllurn mull. PAPE . Clitmlinl < 'o , X K Soidbj Ilrii ul > l > tUTiwhcrf. * ik ' r "e Mrtiev Itfm r.aslHu' t'l-iiiuruTuI J'llla. 7.i "Hta > PiObate Kotlco. I N TIIK MA 11 Kit ot UKfiiule of Dl weird Itjau , clfcca-cil Xullco is be > riib > K i'ii Ilinl-tho crrdilors of said drcea-od will iiii-ft tin' oxcuntnr uf liuiilifetutu , heforo ines enmity Judtru of DOUK- biseountj.Ncbriislia.at i bet count ) couit room , in mid county , on llio tltb dajof I-cliiuuiy , IM.on the lull uuy ot API II , IfnT. and on tU 14th day of .liuie , J i , nt 10 o'clock , a in. each dii > , for thu puipODft of pifjontbur their claim * tor I'lainluutlon , iiiljustiucni unU ullunr- ancii. Six nmntliB aiu allow od for ci editors to nro.unl their cliilins , uiiil one ) oiir for the ex- culor to n-tlle mul c-latt. tioin Hie Mill day urDeict'rnlifr.lWl.llils notices III bo publUbco ! In IhoOiuuba Dally Her eiitco e-iicti w.i k lor lour wH-k > ui'Ci'tbivtl-.l'rlor to the lleb Juy of J et > - ( 17 ONE IIOSDREDJREB GIFTS To Bo Given Away Bj Henry Eisenidn & Oo.'s People's ' Store. TO THE LUCKY TICKET-HOLDERS Oiitlntutary tfith , 1HST , Consist INK of Furniture , Chlnnwnre , Clollilni ; , lllnnUets , Tnltlo tilticn , Not Ions , Money , Silk Dresn I'm- torn" , Ktc. , Keo. For every two dollar's worth of goodn purchased , you will receive a coupon ticket , good for one eiiaiice in the follow ing ( irautl Prc-Tiits to be given away bi ns on January Ifilh , 1 * 7 : FIRST Plll/E Ono suite of Parlor Furniture , consisting of sofa , tcte-a-teto and tour grand easy chair * , all uplwl- stereel In assorted shades of elegant silk plushes , worth $12."i. SECOND PUI/.K One Alahogony Bed Koom Suite , consisting of Bedstead , Dresser and Wash Staudof ele'gant linish with bevcleel glass , worth # 100. TIllUU PltI/K-iu ( ) of the very best six-drawer Nickel Plated Domestic Sew ing Alaehines. The very b < - t machine In the United State * , wmth $ o ; > .UO. FOU15TH 1'HI/IC - Twenty yards ( iiilnett best grns gr.dn Black ijilk , cost fil.OO per ' yard , weirth fun Oil. 1-TFTH'PKlXH One elegant Seal Plush London Dyed Cloak , to bo made to order to III the lucky tickel holder , worth iJtlO.OO. SIXTH PKIXK Onep'iirof the finest White Bliuikel-i made bv the Pioneer Woolen mill , of California , worth $10.00. SEVENTH PKI.KOne Beautifully Decorated Dinner and Tea Set , consist ing of ono hundred and forty pieces , worth S-.V..OO. EIGHTH PIUXIAn : Elcjr.mt Seal Skin AluH' , worth sfiio.thl. NINTH PIU/K A very line Paisley Shawl , worth ? ( i"i i'0. TENTH PHIXE- One Angora Beaver Shawl , worth sfM.OO. ELEVENTH IMU/.E One Gentleman's Suit of Clothing , made of Imported Worsled , guaranteed a tine III for Iho winner , worth JD.VOO. TELFTll \ P1U/E A Gentleman's Fur Beaver Overcoat , worth $ ; > 0.00. THIUTLENTH PIJIKKOne Boy's Overcoat , lor a boy between the ages of II and 10 years , to be chosen by the lucky party lioldino- the ticket. Worth ifln.OO. FOUKTEl-fNTH PlHXE-One ' - Boy's Suit , for a boy botwi-en the ages of II anil 1 < > years , to be selected b\ the winner. Worth if 15.00. HF1EENT1I PKIXE One Elegant In fant's Cloak , worth sMO.OH. SIXTEENTH PltlXE-One Elegant Brass Parlor Table , weirlh s10.00. SEVENTEENTH PKIXE- One piece of fit ) yards "l-rnit of llu : Loom" muslin , worth $1 0 , ' ) . EIGHTEENTH PKIXE - One half dozen of the very best Celebrated "Gold" white shirts , of which we are the exclu sive agents , worth sfli.OO. NINTEENTH PUI/E Ono. Fine Silk Alulller , worth * \00. TWENTIETH PHlXE-Ono Linen Table Set , consisting of Table Cloth and a Do/.cn Napkins wortli $10.00. TUENTY-FIKST PBIXE - A Cash Present of a Twerity Dollar Gold Piece. No. 22One Toilet het. No. S3 Oneverj line Doll. No. SI- One Handkerchief Bov. No. S.r > One elegant Hand Bag. No. 3(5 ( One- large Doll. No. 27 One Sland Cover. No. 28 One bottle line Perfume. No. 2 ! ) One Toll > ggau Cap. No. IKOne ) Table Searl. No. til One line Splasher. No. ! ! ' 2 One line Lunch Basket. No. yy QUO Immmurcd bra -j Umbvelln , t and. ONo. IllOnehalf do . fine Towels. DNo. 'I.1- ! Ono Silk Umbrella. No. tl'J-Ono ' line Doll. No. ! ! 7 - One set China Dishes , suitable. for little folks. No. US One Brass Broom Holder. No. 'I ! ) One pair Alcn's Silk Suspend- No.10One Silk Handkerchief. No.11 One nice Doll. No. 42 One-half doIinlie'.s line Linen Handkerchiefs. No. 'lo Fifteen yards Best Calico for a dress pattern. No. 41 One Boy's Hal. No. 15 One Boy's Sealskin Cap. No.1(5 ( One line Painted Ornament , No. 47 One. Toilet Set. No. 48 One nice Doll. No. .til One line Doll. No. 50 One elegant Table Cover. No. 51 One Bottle Perfume. No. 52 One Lace Handkerchief. No. 511 One child's line Lace Collar. No. 51One elegant Doll. No. I ) ! ) One elegant Doll. No. -OneiTidV. . No. 57 One Table Scarf. No. to One line Doll. No. .T.-One ) Alouth Organ. No. GOOne Imitation Slcam Piano. No. 01 One line Bool ; . No. ( W One line Book. No. Oil-One Pocket Knifu. No. 01 One line Doll. No. 05One line Doll. No. (10 ( One Dr. Warner's Corset. No. 07 One Shoulder Shawl. No. US One infant's Lae-.j Cup. No. ( ID-One baby Divss. No. 70 One largo Doll. No. 71 Ono Hand Bag. No. 72 One lady'n Companion No. -OnoSillc Mullleir. No. 71 One large Doll. No. 75 One fine Book. No. 70 One line Book. No. 77 One Lunch Basket. No. 78 One pair children's .Slioci. No. 70-Onn pair boy's Boots. No. 80One line Laee Collar. No. 81 One large Doll. No. 82 One Lady's Jersey Jacket. No. 83 One pair Gentleman's Sus penders. No. 81 One pair Men's Gloves. Ne ) . 85- Ono pair Boy's Skates. No. SO-One pair Girl's Skates. No. H7 Ones pair Girl's Suates. No. tiS--One line Doll No 811 Ones line Doll No. SIOOne largo Doll No. ill Ono largo Doll No. lU-Oiin Necklace No. Oil Ono pair Gold Cuir Buttons No. ! )1 ) Ono Locket No. 05 Ono nice Breast in No. 00-Onej pair .Sleeve 1511110111 No. 07 Ono Silver Thimble No. 08Ono line Brewt Pin No. 8 Onei jtair Kid Gloves No. ionOne Lace Handkerchief Total value of presents , f 800. W ith every ? 2 pure-huso you receive a llekcl , also a tickel for isvory Jadelillonal $2 mirchafco you make. Hold your tickets until January Ifith , 16S7 , when the fortunate numbers will bo announce.d and invited to call and re- ccivc their presents. KEMEMBEK. You have to pay nothing extra for your purchases. We guarantee to hull you goods cheaper than any oil" " " > < use m the west , and best stock lo select from. A1AIL OKDEJtS. All orders , by mail will receive prompt attention , and tiekels for the frees gift distribution will bo forwarded and enclosed with your purulwse'S , the same as if you were present in person. These distributions will bo made with every fairness , ami you nuiy'depcnd on it that llio luesky number. ? only will receive their presents. , , . . , , , No tickets will bo issued to the em ployes of our lieiuMJ. . Customers only will receive the bene fits Call nnil see the above mentioned pres ents now on exhibition in our mstmiuotli store and convince yourself. Respectfully , Peoplo'h Store , Nos. 314 , S10 , 818 and 32U Broadway , Council Blutlj. THE HEATON FUEL CO Will supply you with a cleaner and belief qualify of OAL Than nny one in the city. A trial will con vince yoi'i. No fi2S Broaelway. Telephone 110. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING KCOXTSES O.F COUNCIL BLUFFS. .iGHjrrM't it.ti. M/l ; 'u ; . } s. DEEUE , WELLJT& CO. , ' Wliolc'ftlo Agricultural Implements , Buggies , C'nrrlinre-s , Kto , I.tc. e'oiiiioil IHuiTo. low * . KEYSTONM-f M AXi'FAriVIUN < ! CO. ' Mntitltiirtiu-ciAOf mut Urnlcr-un . , Hand and Power Corn Shollers , Anil itKt'iioin line or Hr t oln agin iltui * Implement . * NOB. If.Ol.lWI , IMS niulJSOT 'outh Mnlii street , ' . lown. DAVID liliADLKY A CO. , Mimnf'Miinl.lnlilirMq of Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , Cxnimro * . nml fill Mnlx nr Put-in Mrtolilnrrr. 11W ) to Illfl South Mitln Siroot , Council llluHs , luwn. COUNCIL H1.1JFFS CAKPET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Clothe , Curlnln riituroi , ITphnlstory eloo utc. No. 405 llromltrny Council lll IOTII , rirt.iH.s run.tcct ) , t.n : l'KKKOY ( ! & MOOKK , Wholi-jnln .loliliora III thn Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipoi Nos. JJSJlnlii nJ 27 I'onrl St3. Council IIHT/I. / SNYDEU & LEAMAN , Fruit andProdnce Commission Merchants. ! iL'4 ! mid l 1'cnl St. , e.-ouncll IllnlTs. I1AHLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oil ? , Paints , Glass , s' Bmnlrl < ! , Ttc. No. S3 M ln St. , ntul No. 211'oiirl St. , Couiioll llliltTn. O. W. UUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Uuuutnl CoimniRKion. Nn. 5U Hi ami way , WHIT & DUQUE'J'TE , Wliolesale Fruits , Confectionery , -AND- COMMISSION , NOB. 10iiiul is I'e.itl .St. , Council lllnlK HAHXESS , ETC. 15ECK.MAN , STKOHHEFIN & CO. , Jlniiufncturois of nml Wliolo'dlo Doilimlc Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. KJ Mnln St. . Council Illulft , Joirn. HATS , CJ/W. ETC. METCALF imoTIIEKS , Jobbers in Hals , Caps and Gloves. NOP. III2 nnd nit IlroiKlwny , rouncil IllutT * . KEELINE & FELT , Wliolc'nln Iron , Steel , Nails , Heay Hardware , And Wood Block , C'onncll lllnlTs , loira. IIIOKS AM ) TAI.I.eHV. T ) . nT.M" No. Ml Mnlii flrei't , Coiinrl lllufT'i , ASH III' M.KIIH IV HIDES , TALLOW , WOOL , ETC. COUNCIL HLUKFS OIL CO , WlmloFnln Dnnlnrs III llurainatiug & LQbricatiii OiU E3TO. , 3STO. P.TIioodornA'oiit ( , Council HluITs. Inwr.i MJMIIKH VlUXd KTC. A. OVEKTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumbar , Piling , AudllridKO Material $ prclaltngWliolinlu | I.uia- bur uf all Kinds. Olllcu No. I'M Mulu HL. Council IllulFa. loirie. tt'lNES LlfJUUltS. SCHNKIDJW .t IJKCK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , JOHN LINDKU , Wlioli'salo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors Agent for St. Colllmirt'B Herb Illllcn. No , II Huln.su Council IlhJtI . L. KIKSCHT & C'O. Y/holesalfl / Liquor Dealers. Ho. 4IC llroitJwny , Council Ilium. GBESTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council Hltillt. having Esoeipe And all tno'ern improvement ! , 215 , 217 and ! ilO Main st. MAX MOHN , r > , . , . Star Sale Stables and Mule Yardsi BIIOADWAV , COUNCIL ULL'I ! ' , Ujipoblto Dummy llopot. S. Cft Tforsefl and mules kept constantly on , Imnel , for fciilc at rctsill e > r in car louU,7 : Oilers promiitl.V lillod by contract on short notice. Stock wild on twmniifii-Iem. Tclophonei No. 1 ! \ . Fonptvly of Ke/il Hale l ti''l s , ioincr BI avu anilUti htrcut.