OlttAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JANTJAKY 11. 18S7. A MEASURE TO LOOK OUT FOR Tom KennardVBill For the Sale of Valu able State Lands. HOW REAL ESTATE IS BOOMING A I-'cw Weeks * I'tirclinsnf ) Double tie ! Invcsiors' Mono ) Minor Stnto Notes lnr < lcn on Trial Jjliicol IrnoM THE nr.r.'s LINCOLN nnniuu.l II Is undcrnlood in a quiet way that a bill has been drawn , and is now in Iho hands of ono of the senators from Lan caster county , to bo introduced at an early day in the senalo. This bill is one thai will bear Iho closest scrutiny , and is in the direct interests of the Block yards compnnyaiid will be largely manipulated by T. P. Konnard , who is ono of the heavy owners in the stock yards com pany. The bill provides for the sale of certain saline lands which llio stock yards company now control by leaseand the sale of them , if it can bo done under the law , would bo simply marketing at the present day that which will increase wonderfully in tlio future , and which increase would accrue lo Ihodirccl llnan- cial interest of the Male If allowed lo remain iho properly of Iho slale , and which , if this proposed sale could bo worked through , would put much money In the purse of llio slock yards company , nnd bo one of the greatest specs of the day. The slalo went out of its way in llio line of special legislation to grant the long term lease to thn company of cer tain state lands , and the proposed at tempt lo move upon the legislaluro and Kociiro lands by purchase now would boa grand financial investment to Iho persons , but a direct loss to tlio people. Jf this bill comes lo the front lo , in either direct or indirect ways , plaeo stale lands adjoining Iho city of Lincoln inlo Iho market for speculators to work upon it will be advisable to look at all the aflcr- claps it may contain before serious alien- lion is given measures of that kind. An interesting comparison might be made of present worth and worth two years ago of land sold by the state forsalt purposes , and it would reveal an increase that the Ktalo lias lost by no means Haltering as a iinaueial investment. The question of present sales of stale lands lo help hind town site speculators Is worth iuvesliga- lion. MUCH MONKV IN' DIltT. Among Iho recent real estate transfers that shows the boom in earth at Lincoln and vicinity the sales of Jiast park are an illustration. A short time ago this tract of land , some forty acres , was purchased bv C. C. Burr and Frank L. Sheldon of ISlason & Whcodon for $25,000. The tract is located in Kast Lincoln and valu able , but not so much so but that this sale was considered a good ono. Yesterday , however , it was stated that Mr. Sheldon had paid Mayor Burr ? 125,000 for his halt jnterc.sl , which lets the mayor double his investment of a few weeks ago and gives Sheldon Iho Iract of land at a cash valuation of $00,000. A twenty-aero tract of land cast of this East park , it is ntalcd hi connection with comments on Ihe park sale , was purchased six weeks ago by A. W. Jnnsen for Iho sum of $ ti,000 and he is now closing the trade by which ho receives $17,000 , for his ? 0,000 purchase another case in which a few weeks' purchase practically doubles in value. These are somu of the larger transactions that Lincoln real estate men point lo as evidence of the boom in dirt that is abroad in midwinter nnd which promises to bo even greater with the spring. STATE HOUSE NOTES. The board of printing mctattl. p. in. yesterday lo ael upon new bids for Iho prinlin" of house rolls and senalo liles. J. O. I'ishor , of llio Hastings Gn/ulto- Journal , Henry Gibson , of the Omaha llerald and H. 1) . Hathaway , of the Lin coln Journal , wcro present as interested witnesses. The Home Fire Insurance , of Omaha , has lilcd an amendment to its articles changing tlio time of holding the annual meeting from December to January of each year. The Omaha & Southwestern railroad has lilcd with the secretary of stale copies of ils by-laws. Deputy Treasurer Montgomery , ol Franklin county , was at tlio auditor' . ' ollico yesterday making his semi-annual report. Franklin is Iho fourth count } ' in the stale to come to the front with ild ro- porl. porl.Tlio Tlio supreme court will reassemble to-day and continue ihn call of ctises ap pealed from Iho lirst judicial district , the balance of this week's session being given lo that district that work may be com menced ono week from to-day on cases appealed from the second districl. The usual weekly installment of decisions in cases heretofore heard will be handed down Wednesday. Ono prisoner trom the pen who hail Borvcd his sentence and made his good time was released from that instilutioii yesterday to live m the outside work ngain. IMHDEN'fl DOINOS. In Justice Brown's court j-ostcrday morning the case of G. W. Dardon , ar rested and locked up Saturday night foi obtaining money on false checks , was up for hearing. There were seven checks ol this character before the court drawn on the Capital National bank ranging from $ ; i to $10 in amount and drawn long since the maker of the checks has had any money on deposit. The court was taking n rest yesterday while the wife of tin prisoner was attempting lo settle wilh four of Ihe parlies and have prosecution cease , although it was staled Ihat ono at least of the victims did not propose lo uotlle and let Dnrden escape punishment. A NEW 11ANK , A short time ago amonjr iho bank fail ures in which 1 > . M. Tomblin was inter- tore-stud was n bank at Cambridge , Neb. , and yesterday a now bank was started al that place to meet the banking business demand. The projectors of the new in stitution are K. K. Brown , president , ami Kent K. Hayden , cashier , of the Stale National bank of this city , and C. M. Brown , of Beatrice the mimes of these gentlemen being suflicittnl guarantee ol the standing and stability ot the institu tion. The articles of incorporation have not yet been tiled at the state house , bill the assurance is given that the capital o : the now bank is ample and adequate foi tdl business purposes , A NEW uoiti'ou.wiox. Articles of incorporation of the Slate Loan it Trust company wuro lilcd in the county clerk's otllco yesterday , thu in oonioralors being J , If. Kiclmrds , L. C Richards nnd W , A. Lmdley , all of this city. The articles recite the authorized capital glocK of the company lo bu $100,000 divided inlo shares of ? 100 each Iho company lo commence business December comber 15 , lt > SO , and to continue in bnsi ness twenty years. Headquarters of the company nt Lincoln. A NEW ciiintcii. Articles of incorporation are in progress nnd will uo filed In a few days iueor poratingand legalizing the German Cath olio cliuroh of Lincoln. This church wil then during thu present session of the legislature ask the state for the doimtioi : OMV state lot upon which to build , am this granted , a handsome cdilico will rise with the early summer. It Is stated thar this offshoot from the regularly estab lUhcd Catholio church in tbo city does not meet with favor from that organiza lion for reasons obvious to all , ' but the claims of thu Germans are that many o Iheir numbers arc cnlirely tinacnviainlcd with the Knglish lunv'Uitgo , and heiico their action lor a church of their own. S.VI.VAT1OX VKKE. The Salvation Army reached Lincoln Saturday and marched through the prin cipal streets of the city , iho captain in charge tinging in a deep voice and a drummer with an instrument marked "Cedar Falls Drum Corps" playing tlio accompaniment. There wcro live sol diers in the bnltallion , nnd despilc the frigid weather they sang loud and long and marched to numerous points in the city where audiences would congregalo on the walks. While tlio detachment were in front of Iho Capllol hotel mem bers of the standing lobby rushed around in great consternation , their firs' idea be ing that it was a campaign dodge inaug urated by the opposition. KAIILY SsTKI'S 1'OU OITICn. The third bill introduced in the house of roprejonlalivcs was Iho ono intro duced by Hayden , of Saline , creating the ollieo of rrgister of deeds in couulies over a ccrlain population. This is in effect the recreation of the bill passed two years ago which , thorugh bungling clerical work , was recorded in such n way that the supreme court refused to give it their sanction. It is almost cer tain Ihat this bill will become a law the present session and already two or throe diUcront parties are applicants before the commissioners of this county for the appointment , until election day , provid ing the bill passes. What is true In this county will doubtless bo tlio history in many oilier counties in Iho state. OONi : 1O WAllMKIt CI.1MKS. AVl.cn a man wilh a bill called at the retail harness and saddler stoio Satur day and iii'iuircd for M. II. Guslin ho was Informed that Iho party had gene to California. Gustin at the lat term of court was divorced from his wife , al though the two had been married for thirty-live yeara. The divorce was gained on tlio grounds of cruelty and mistreatment , but it lias been freely as serted that this aged Lothario was enam ored of another woman and wauled to rid himself of the wife of his younger years that he might depart with his new toimd female friend. The man Gustin has an exemnlary family who have dis solved all intercourse with the old and wayward man.TOWN TOWN Tories. The United States ilistrict court re sumed its session at , the government building yesterday , Iho work of Ihe day being on the civil dockcl , Ihe grand jury reassembling in Iho afternoon and con tinuing investigations begun Iho week before. No indictments were returned yesterday. In the district court tlio silence thai has reigned for a few iltiys in divorce mat ters was broken by the lilingqf a petition in which Mary Smith asks a divorce from ' her husband'John Smith , on the grounds of cruelly and abuse. The civil docket llucluales in numbers , the criminal docket falls to a low ebb at dill'crcnt times , but the divorce cases keep tlio even tenor of their ways , never lessening in numbers. There are renewed rumors of llio near approach of Iho Hock Island road lo Lin coln , and so certain is it that it is coming with Iho ncxl summer is best illustrated that agents ol the corporation are now purchasing right of way between Itontrico and Lincoln. It seems lo bo a conceded fact that the line wi enter llio city from tlio southeast up Iho Antelope valley and presumably cross the city lo join with the oilier roads entering the city at the southwest in a grand union depot that some day will bo assured to the citizens of this railway center. The way into the city by the Anlclopo valley is practically tiie only feasible move now open and un claimed. The sheriff of Ikiflalo county was in the citj yesterday and oblained requisi- lion papers for a forger who is wanted for crooked work played in ISiiH'ulo county and which left Kearney and a Plum creek bank losers. The siicrifT started for his man yesterday , who is at a point in Dakota reached by going to Fargo. The county courl was occupied all day yesterday in llio hearing of Iho case 'against the two policemen who sup pressed a riot in progress hi u house of questionable repute. Thu police are arrested for false imprisonment , and the case drew a largo audience , at 0 p , m. court ytill bearing in progress and no ver dict reached. Mrs. L. M. Hayes , of Omaha , nnd daughter , will make their home at tlio residence of Dr. King , on L street , dur ing the session of the legislature. Mrs. H. having a position in the senate. To-night is the announced time filed for Iho governor's reception al the senate chamber nnd executive ollicc in llio stale houso. A number of llio state ollicers with their ladies will assist in the recep tion. tion.Two Two cases only occupied the attention of tlio nolieo court yeslorday morning , llic usual cases of intoxication held over from the arrests of Sunday , and unable to lift themselves from hock by means of bait. Rub the "painful points" thoroughly , when attlictcd with neuralgia , wilh Sal vation. Oil , the great pain annihilator. Price 25 coins a boltle. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup cures croup\ coughs that sound so like nails driven into u child's collin. Lieutenant Konypn returned ycslerda\ from Madison , YVis. , where , on the 4lh msl. , ho delivered a locliiro before Iho annual convention of olliccts of the Wis consin National guard , on the subject o : military tactics. Cururrli Is a very prevalent and exceedingly dis agreeable discaso. liable , if neglected , to develop into serious consumption , lie- ng a constitutional disease , it requires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsa- pnrilla , which , acting through the blood , roaches every part of the tiystoin , effectIng - Ing a radical and permanent euro of catarrh in oven its most severe forms Made only by C. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass. - -9 Funeral of Mrs. M. A. Smith , mother o ! Mrs , John Jackson , will take place Tues day , Jan. 11 , residence 251'J Charles st. Friends invited. Tillio Swanson , the young woman who had her arm crushed in a mangle at the city steam laundry last week , died in St. Joseph hospital at U o'clock yesterday morning. MOST PERFECT MADS Vrepared with strict regnrt to Pnrltv , Strength , an& Healthulccsa. lr. ) 1'nco'd Diking Powder couUlus iiuAmtuonlifJniCAluinorl'hoiphatoa. Dr.I'rlco'a ilitracu , ViinlUs , tcmoo , etc. , flaiw CcilcloLuJ/ . GRIM WALKER'S IROS-CLAD , How an Overland Traveler Avenged an In dian Outrage , SAD SCENES AND SICK HEARTS. Illoody I IK ! Inn I'l lit In Nebraska Dur ing AYiirTlino8 A Scnlp-Takluu Terror Iti-ouuht Crlcf.to n llundrod Dctwccn the years 1S03 and 1S05 a full thousand people heard the story of Grim Walker. Thai was during the linrccst pnrt of our civil war.and minor incidents wcro speedily absorbed ami forgotten. 1 doubt it there are n seore of peonic liv ing to-day who can recall thu details of this singular man's adventures , and I do not remember that anything save a brief outline of the massacre of his family ha3 ever appeared in print , 1 was a pony express rider on the Overland route. That meant helping to guard stages , carrying a light mail on my saddle , forwarding dispatches , tak ing my turn to acl as agent'of some stable , and various othur things which need not be explained. There wcro then several great trails leading west from the borders of civilization , and all were more or less traveled , but the favorite routes were from St. Joseph and Council IJlulls , the one being known as the northern and other as the southern route. 1 was on a route along thu 1'latto river west of Fort Kearney , which has some times lifty miles long , and sometimes ls5 ! , according to the way the Indians were behaving , and the number of men we had for service , CJrim Walker was a pioneer named Charles 0. Walker , from near Iowa City. Ho was a giant in i/.c , nalurallv sour and taciturn of disposition , and his fam ily consisted of a wife and three children. hilo the country was exulted over thu civil war , and travel by the overland had almost conui to n htop , except in eases of necessity , Walker and others formed an immigrant party to make a push for thu golden land. When I lirst hoard of them thcv numbered twenty wagons and sixty or seventy people , and were on the Plattc , east of Kearney , which w.as then dangerous ground. When the outlit reached Kearney , some were for turning back ; others for electing a new captain , others for settling down near bv and es tablishing ranches. Jt soumed that there were three or four different factions in the party , and several bitter quarrels hld : resulted. In the then state of all'airs 200 bravo and united men could have scarcely hoped to reach the Colorado or Wyoming line , for the Indians were up in arms on every trail and thirsting for blood and scalps. When it was known , therefore , that Urnn Walker , as ho had come to bu known , had been elected captain of a faction and intended to push on at the head of only seven families , which oould muster about nine lighting men , soldiers , hunters , Indian lighters and overland men argued and scolded and predicted. .Not a prediction .could frighten one of his adherents. It ap peared to them to be a ease where man hood and pride were at stake , and when it was hinted that the military would re strain them they made secret prepara tions and departed at night. It was an awful thing for those bigoted and de termined men to _ drive their wives and children , consisting of twenty-two people ple , to a horrible death , but nothing short of a battle with the military would have stopped them. IT 3IAIHJ TUB IIKA11T SICK. They left Kearney one night 10 o'clock , drawing away quietly and traveling at their best speed. They could not have gene ten miles before being discovered by thu Indians. A party of twenty of us left over the samu trail at noon next day , and wo had gone only fifteen miles when wo found evidences that the little party , which was kcapintr along the I'lattu , had been attacked. This must have been about daylight. Soon after sunrise they had bcn ( driven to shelter in a grove of eottonwoods , lint before reaelnnsi it one of the men had been killed and scalped , a wagon had broken down and been abandoned , and htray bullets had killed a woman and a child as they cowered down behind the cargo of the wagons. At 4 o'clock in the attornoon wo came to the grove , driving away the last of the savages , but we were too late. Such a spectacle as wo there beheld was enough to sicken the heart of the bravest Indian fighter. The little party had been attacked by about three hun dred redskins , and Hie fijrht had lasted for half a day. As near as wo could lig- uro from blood spots on the earth four teen Indians had been killed , nnd there wuro bloody trails to show that as many more hail been wounded. The foolhardy men had died jramo as an offset. We ma e out that their camp had been car ried by a charge , and that the last of thu light had been hand to hand. live of thu women had been carried oil' into horrible rible captivity , while all others had been butchered all save Grim Walker. The bodies had been cut and hackud and mutilated in a terrible manner , but we could have identified Walker by his si/.o , oven had ho beun decapitated. Thu im migrants' horses had all been killed , the wiigons plundered and burned , and thn savairus were bundling up some of the plunder when wo came in sight and drove them away. All that was left us was the sad work of burying thu corpses. A month later we heard that ( Jrim Walker had escaped from the fight , breaking out of thu grove and riding oil' on a horse just as the conflict closed in , Men belonging to thu Overland had met anil talked with him ua. ° tof Kearney. Ho had three wounds , but seemed uncon scious of them as ho bnellv related the story of the fight , and ho vowed that he would have the lives of fivu Indians for every while person who had perished. Nothing further was heard of him until June of the following year. I was then in irovernniunt employ as n scout and despatch ridtir , and was on the Smoky Hill fork of thu Kansas rivur , twenty miles west of I'ort Mcl'horson , riding with two other scouts , when wo came upon ( ! rim Walker. Ho had gonu east after thu massacre , and hud built for himself a bullet-proof wagon It was a great eago on wheels , and everything about it was made of iron. Wlieuls. box" , bottom , top every pnrt of it was millet proof. It was pierced or loop- lioalcd in lifty places for musketry , von. tiated at the top , and was drawn by four muled. The mun must have had consid erable moans at his disposal to pay for a vehicle liku that , and he had come all the way from Council lilulls alonu. Thu interior was lilted up with a sIcopliiL : burth , iron lanks for holding food and water and ho hadcomu hack to thu plains to kcup his vow. Hut for his grhuucss thu idea would havu raised a laugh. He must have been nn route for many lonir days.and he certainly had passed throned many perils. Wo huard afterward that as he reached the fort one- afternoon , ami it became known that ho would push on , every effort was madu to dissuadu him. 1'or a limo ho was silent grim deaf . Then ho pointed to the noriheast and said : "Thero lie iho hones of my children and friends , anil I will not rest until 1 have avcn/red / thorn thrice over. " THK GltlM SOAU'-IIUNTKU. 1 hey told him the country was alive with hobtilcs , and that ovtsry rod of the \vtiy was beset with perils ; but as the sun wont down hu harnessed his mules .to thu iron tongue , climbed into the saddle , and without u uoU of farewell to any ono ho rode lo the we t in the gathering gloom more grim , more clclLrmincd , more of a di-vil than ix human b.ng. . He had traveled n good slnro of the night over a country in which death lurked in every lavino , but the watchful savages had not espied him. Ho had traveled until mid-afternoon next day along n trail where savages outnumbered the snakes twenty to one , but somehow they had missed mm. Wo wcro riding at full speed for the fort , keeping the shelter of the dry ravines and the valleys and expecting nt any moment to be pur sued when we ran upon Grim Walker. His wagon stood tinou the open prairie , at least a half a mile from thu river and the shelter of the eottonwoods. The four mules ha1 ! been unharnessed and turned out to graze , and the man was cooking his supper at a campliro , the smoke of which would draw Indians for ten miles around. Our astonishment , when wo found him there alone , kept us dumb for a few minutes. Wo sat on our horses and stared at him , and ho greeted onr presence by a Micro nod. When 1 recog- iiizt-d him as Urim WalKer I began to suspect thu enterprise he had on foot , and after I had put a few questions ho briefly explained : " 1 am hero to kill Indians. You can look my wagon over if you care to. " It was what 1 have described. Ho bad a barrel or more of fresh water , n lot of flour and meat , a small steve to cook on , and a perfect arsenal of lirearms. It was evident that the Indians could not get nt him with bullets nor tomahawk , nor lire , anil it would take weeks to slarve him out. There was only one thing that troubled the man. His stock would bo killed oil' nt oneo when ho was attacked , and hu would then have no way of moving his wagon. Wu helped him out of his dilemma by agree ing to take the animajs to thu fort. The harnesses were piled into his house , and it was understood that he would come for ( ho mules when tie wanted Ilium , lie lint' a compass , and wo gavu him the ex act bearings , and as we rode away hu was preparing to toast another piece of meat , seeming utterly unconcerned over the dangers of his surroundings. As to what happened him during the next three weeks I had a few meagro details from his own lips , but plenty of informa tion from warriors who afterward be came "friendly. " That is , when licked out of their boots half a dozen timestheir , villages destroyed , many of their ponies shot , and their squaws and children driven to temporary starvation , they cried for peace in order to recruit and maku ready for another campaign. The. cauiplire which Urim Walker built saved the three of us from being am bushed. A warrior told me that forty savages were between us and thu fort , when the smoke led thorn to bulk'vo that a large parly of immigrants must be camped in the bottoms. It could only bn a large party which would dare lo build such a lire in a hostile country. _ The warriors were all drawn oft" by a signal to attack the larger game , and before sundown that evening TWO it'Niitii ! : ) Muunntors IIDSKIKS ; : were opuning thuir eyes very \\ido at sight of the one lone wagon anchored on the plains under their nosus. How did it got there ? Whore were thu horses or mules ? Was it occupied ? They must have asked themselves these questions over and over again , but lliero stood the wagon , grim , silunt and mysterious. The whole band finally moved down for n closer inspection , believing the vehicle to have beun abandoned , and hopeful that something in the shape of plunder had been left behind. They had come closu they had entirely surrounded tliu vehicle When a sheut of Iliinio darted from one of the port holes , and Grim Walker had begun to tally hi victims. Ueforo thu redskins could gut out ot range hu had killed seven of them , using shotguns and buckshot. It was only when they came to return llic liru that the savages discovered what sort of a vehicle had been hauled out tlieru among them. They wasted hundreds of bullets before they ceased linng.ani ) wilh a rillu Walker killed two more of them before night set in. The superstitious nature of thu Indian would havu driven him away had hu not burned for revenge. And , too , it was argued Hint the wagon must contain something of great value to havu been built that way , and greed was added to thu thirst for vengeance. They believed that tins bottom ot the box , at least , was of wood , and abqut llireu hours after dark a number of warriors , each Having a bunch of dry grass under his arm.crept forward to Iho vehicle lo start a liruundur it. They crept as noiselessly as .serpents , but before a man of them had passed under.a double-barrelled shotgun belched forth its contents and two more bucks bet out for thu happy hunting grounds. Next lay , refusing to believe that a wagon could bo bulict-proof , the Indians opened a fusilade , which-was maintained for I wo hours. 'JJioy were behind Ireus and logs and oilier cover , and not a shot was provoked in response. Various schemes were concocted to gut at the wagon , which was finally believed to contain a party of hunters , but none promised success. At noon , however , a number of young warriors volunteered to carry out a plan. There- were twelve of them , and they weru to approach thu wagon in a widu cirulu. The idea waste to sei/.c and up.-iot it , and thus render the occupants harmless. 'Jhu circle was made and it gradually narrowud until thu signal for a rush was made. " Thu"man within grim , silunt , watch ful let the circle close and the warriors hoi/.o thu wheels before hu opened liru. It would havu tnkoii a do/.on stout men to have lifted ono of the wheels oil'thu ground. Ho shot down thrcu of ilium and the olhurs lied in terror , and half an hour later the seigu was abandoned and thu Indians .wuro moving oil' . For two long weeks thu wagon remained in that spot , tin object of curiosity to scouts and hunters an object of awe and mcnacu to tno savages. 'Ihun , onu morning jufit at daylight , Grim \rlllknr came into l''ort JSlcPhurson for his mules , Hu was going lo move Ins iron cage to now Holds. Hu replenished his provisions and niMdo ot two hours was off again , having spoken less limn lifty words during his stay. It seemed as if ho had grown tailor , Ifurcor moro grim and rovnngeful. Tliuro was somclhing pitiful in Jaiowing thai he alonu hud survived Hip jinassacru ; .some thing t > pp'lm- : ) ' : the knowledge ihat hu hud become a Nemesis whom nothing but blood would satisfy .n T1IK HtU.N WAjl/N / TOUT. The wagon was moved north to the headwater of the Saline Kork , Ono who has been over Iliu route will wondur how it could have beun don'tl' . ' It was attacked thuro ouu forenoon about 10 o'clock by a baud of thirty warriors who had beun raiding on the Solomon's rivur.The mi.ii's were staked out and GHm Walker sat at his camp liru. The warriors chnrged up on horntibuok believing they had a hunt ers' or fciirvuyors' outtil , and whilu tlu-y stampeded and soc-ureij thu mules four of thum wurc killed from.the loop holes of the cago. They eamu b'ack again and another was killed and two weru wounded. Then they discovered what sort of an unumy they hud to dual with and withdrew. Grim Walker ami his wagon remained there for a month. When the Indians would no longer eomo to him hu sot out in suareh of thum and becamu a vuritahl ( < terror. Twenty dif ferent warriors whom I interviewed be tween 1W11 and 18157 told me that \ \ alier ; was more feared than a hundred Indian fighters. Hu killed everything that hu uame to that was Indian , including squaws , ponies , children , and dogs. Ko camp felt safe from him. Hu had the ferocity of a hungry tiger and the cunning of n serpentHe used his iron wagon as a headquarters , and made raids for fifty miles around. During thu summber our scouts saw Walker or his wagou oueo a fortnight. Hu was. lust alive on September 0 , on the Itcpub- licfm river , when ho had a fresh Indian scalp nt Ins belt. He had then blown up his Wagon with gunpowder and aban doned it , although hu did not state the fact. His hair and beard had become long ami unkempt , his clothing was in rags , and there could be no doubt that ho had gene mad. On the 15th of the monlh , as 1 rode wilh an escort of soldiers &outh of where ho was seen on the 2d , and llfiv miles from the spot , wo found him dentl. Ho lay on a bare knoll , on thu broad of his back , with his arms folded over hia breast and lilsritlo by his sido. His eyes wcro wide open , as if looking nt the buzzards sailing above him , and wo soon satisfied ourselves that ho died from natural causes. Ho had n dozen scars nnd wounds , but discaso had overpow ered him , or his work had been done. He had exacted a full measure of vengeance. Hotter for thu Indians had thev let his immigrant party pass on in peace , for hu had brought mourning to a hundred lodges. Tor colds , fevers ami iniiammatory at tacks , us well as for cholera uiorluH , diurrlia'a , dysentery or bloody-llux , colic or cramps in stomach , use lir. 1'ioivo's Kxtract of Smart-Weed , composed of best Grape Hrandy. Smart-Weed or Water Pepper , Jamaica Ginger and Camphor Water. James Allen , thu city sidewalk inspec tor , lost two children' Sunday by dip- theria. hie/ , aged two years , aud.lessiu , aged llireu months. The funeral look place yesterday afternoon. Colgntc'n C.nhmero Hunquct Soup stands alone on account of it acknow ledged superiority for toilet purposes , Their Toilet Soaps the standard. Ice cutting is being carried on rapidly , both on thu river and cut-off. Thousands of tons are being put away daily , and from present appearances it would seem that Icemen will be obliged lo givu Ihuir patrons low prices next summer. Mothers , do not fail , at the lirst indica tions of a cough to give your children a few doses of Or. J. II. McLean's TarA Ainu Lung Halm. U. > cents a bottle. In the county court yesterday after nooncasG of Aiarlha M. llansun ngainst C K. Stratum ot ; il is on trial. The case is 0110 for the replevin of a span of ponies , wagon , doublu harness and a gold watch. _ _ SnfTorerq fi-om Cotiilis , Sore Throat. etc. , slioiild try "JSnni'ii'ii Jimni'htnl General Crook loaves to-night for Sid- nuy lo see about the additional barracks which arc to bu provided for the soldiers at that post. FOR RHEUMATISM. MIRAOLB5 Qg CUBE. BtilTcri'il 40 Vi'iii-N mill Curnl. N. Albany St. , Ithaon , N. Y. for ovpr forty yenitt I luivc lipon n vlo- Mm of KliumnutlMii. 1 was persuaded to ! > > ' St. .luc'ohs Oil. I hi\e : u ud two bottles tles and n niiin moro free from rliumim- tl'in , iiuvor wiilkod our streets. My limbs tliat imcu were i-tllT mid lame' , am uow us li'jlit and limber as In my youth. JOS. tllS SufTuicd 3O Ycni.s nnd Cured , llatmor , Mntno. Jlr. 1'rnuk nnrspti , wlio works at .Mad- di-n's llarno. s ! ? IU ] | > , 1'27 Exuluumo Stivut , Kud : " .My futlicr , wlm lives nt10 York Sirrot , bus suffered with rliumnati'tn and rrynlpi'lutt In Ills led every winter but tills , fur tlio pn t tliirty ream , lie lm employed tlm bust i > liy ! imnH uml irl .l all lim known remedies for siii'b dl ea C3 but ivcclicd no benefit until lait winli-r , at wlilcli tlmu liU feet and Hit * lower part of Ills Ie i were swollen to four llmca tbelr natural i/e. lie applied St. Jneoba OH to thu aflliuted parts and was com pletely cured. Suireri-d 18 Years nml Cured. Tlit LnuifiUte ( Kiinliiekit ) Couiler Ja'ir- tialtays : I'rnf. C. A. Donaldson , who was seierely woimdi-d ntlhe battliiot Oi'llya- bur * ; li.n Imun an almost eonMautsufteior nnd ciipplu with ihi'iinmtNm for over rlglifcrii j-eari. Ho stales that 1m spent SHMliW in trying to eel rid of hl < pain , lie tiled doi'lors , famous bathehctrlo appliances , and all kind of liniments , without lellef. Dually , ho tried St. Jaeob-i oil , which ho fays Imi completely cuied him. Spout $20,000 In Vniii. Col. 1) . .T. Williamson , an Army Ofllrcr nnd i.vir. : S. t.n > ul , si.-in Knuirlicn. C'ul. . slutLM that nfter Ions years of intend ) Mirrm-liii ; from ncuto rheumatism , mid nfler uilng all other known remedies , Iliu baths of other countries , and hpundln : ; twenty tliouiml dollars without lelief , be was cured by M. .laoobs Oil , and h.n tlnown away bh ernlrlios , nfler linvinj ; been a hUples * crlpplu for j ears. TIIK en AILIS : : A.VOUUI.U : co. ; iiauimorc , su. XK TlfOt'S.t.VI ) nar./.AKfUnrnsh irlll tie jittlj > ni us fur j/fo-if ihnutntj tlitit tin1 furr- giilnu nml n'l nllitr leHi < n < iHiulinlitelf I ijytii Civil-let . .1.'i \ i.ltr ( a. , tire nut ttrtn/if yrnitliif. All ltlll l"l'll tJ til ? : , , l , 1lf llf LlrjLlrUtlJHIl II cvrrvlwi aittl antl Hniity tenfliJ. GERMAN ASTHMA CURE tnhtir.lljr rrlii > 7c * tlm mn't f Mont attack , imd Insure aimfortuhto uliuip MJ IHIT1MJ far ItK. I hU.TNflFiiu nxMhrliilinlnUini , llnarllnn Him- inajlw ) , iJirnntiinil nil mill , nnd nciimhtbo re ult In nil blaoav c r A ruislatn'l ron- tu nn > ? t okc'titic&l. IVico.'ioo. urd $1 w of nny dnvid't. or fiy nmll. Hani ! | > o Prn for .Ftilrnp. . Dr. ir. OHH'f3iA.\\.hl.l-.al , l WU-A.I'AXTUN , J'res. J/.I\Vn.i.iA\i3Vlco-l'rcs ion TrustCo 215 S. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. LOANS MADE ON F.EAI , ESTATE. School , County and Municipal Bonds Negotiated. Itonr. Ij. O.\RMCIIS , I' . H. JOHNSON , _ Secretary. Truiisurer. National Bank , u. s. DKi'osrroitY. Capital . . . $ COO,000 Surplus . 1OOOOO Herman Kountze , President. John A , Creighton , Vice-President , F. H. Davis , Cashier , W , H , Mequier , Assti-Cashler. S. H. K1/VI , A. ( i. .MrCAMI'lltlj | Mrrnl'i'iUHlvo'loru'itMnmlH'r Clilotito llnanl of inn Kx'iru , \ St. I.uun Irft'lu. ' an > l .Suw urlc ni Merchant * vi'h'tiiK . l\tioii l ACluin/a S. S. FLOYD 8r CO 10 ! > ; iii < l HE SOL'TSE liidi < > T. GRAIN AND ! For Future TiuJo miulo ui quutHtioni Boon ul Iliillctlnu'l. Write lor uxii'miPtarr paiavtiiou IJ.nliaar < e ( ro- porliuallvd frun nil iippllcaUOQ. llunk leieroncc'tslruii , M. Jt. Genl , Insurance Agent , Mt-rchHr.t'B Kattoiml HHIIK IIuiMmir. Cor. Far- .inm mill llitlittd. , room l un.-ialr < i. Tulvphuiio No. d'j Oinuba , No . I'liocnlx , I.oiuiou , Hnifluudi . J5,723)71.n ) fircmcn > , Nu wark. N. J . l,5 : > faV'l ) > Ulon'a Falls , Cleu'aVulla.N. V . I.ID. J.UJ ( liriini , I'hlliiJelplitn J'n . . . . . . . ] ftI.t J.71 Westohf-Mcr , Nr York , N. V . l.U'VW-M ' John H unlock Mutual Life .UostonS 7WJW.SI ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. This limb is on the lat- 'ost ' Improved plnn. The lkt , Lightest nnd Easiest to ni.innge and tlic most durable limb made. I have had thirty five gears' experience wcarinfmnn- ufichirinj ; and adjusting. Will give special rates for , , the next GO day. . My best limb for ? ( J > . Former price $100. Circulnrs sent free. Dr. J. S. CRAWFORD , Oil N. 17th St. , Omaha , Nob. P > BOYER & CO. , , nnd Ml Work. 1020 1'arnam Street , Oaiaha. Nob. WE AK ME N ? r l' ' ? ' -I , VU. Ill' ll XTkK 111 * . I Hfc I T Ihli N jw 1 M r 0\ tit yF | , , , , , sp jEliHurlMisiiiM.it Mtifef.'r . Wllf l-nrtw.CI , , tu r. v * KAKMLSK , pit. , . , l , ootlihrtirmill of Ity ulTrclly Uin.ttgti ftllvrnV r M..rcttT- InlmlthnnitVlfutoiiifirirtih. I.lrtlno Current . V.JJil ln"Knllr rr Kff , > ilVU ' , , i J innih. tr t itnpn rrr.fntten frail othf rl'flls. WcMtrairll * r . o > Uu < p The Sanilon Cloctrio Co. 109 LaSalie it , . M'.llVlT.V i" nil .Orftl * t vmithlul rrton , r li r C. IE u 14 Ls s erti > u . nrtmu , . Irtoltn- i : I gltntpi I H nJ | , , y U , . , , , 1.01 Mitntinnil. 5 > U. A.'fl. til.IN CO. , No. IH W iMi. > i > ii tli l , Ctl f > Cnrrj-lnp-tlicniilirliim Hor.il nmt ITnltoJ Stiitoi Mail.SiUlnij. uvurj biitltiiluy Dahvoon Anhvani & svj Vcrk TO THE RH1HE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE. FAI.r , AND WINTKIL Pixlon from fH ( to p3. Rxcurslon trip from $110 to $ USoconil Cobiu , oiitn-ivr.l , fl.'i ; prclinMil5t o.ieurslon , JS1X Stoornpo inmnio nt low ralos. 1'otor Wrlirht It Soiio , Uonorn Apcnts , B5 llroaawnr. Now \'ork. Henry I'linJt , 1218 Kiirintm * ! . : I'milson Oo. HS6 Kiirnuiu ct : 1) ) . O rroi-iuan.KUl Kiirn.Mii BBESESf Taxidermists Dc.ilorsln ffonornl im tuml hMory iiiul inn- scum Hiippllos. Artlll- olul oycs.Kriiisos. oto , I'nstoin work or till r kinds will recclvt'3 proinpl intention. fe | S " lOl-li Cajiitol Ave. < iUi' ' - - S = -i OMAHA , NKB1JASKA. 1)1. tilled for TJ1I BEST TQNtci UNEOUALEDfn CONSUMPTIO WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL UEGHIFY. PERFECTS DIGESTION rn. rnni , . WAI , 1,1x0 , Sur geon In riik'f , National llunn of N.J. , wilti * : "llv iitli'iitliin was rdllcil te vour fcnj'stnno Jlult Wldr-kuy bi sir. I.nlor , DrUKKl't > of Trenton Atid I Imv * ' uiiMl a fnw bottlof irlth far bettor rfffCt tlinn nny 3 IIATO lind , i inn ivconunoiullnE > uur nrtlclo In im practice , uuo flnil It very wtlM-ictorj : . " Q"T-Th nrnnlun Ikfti Ibo Slrn.tur * LISNEIt k llI'.NUli rn Ibe I.nbil. ( Sol. it' " ! " f"rthe L1 8. ) .116. 318 and 820 Race St. . Philadelphia. P.i. Goodman Drug Co. , ( tonl. Aleuts , Omah Nebraska. j.a L tuALAseucr/irirdtMSt. . Ono Agent ( Jlorrnant onli-1 vintori tn vrirr town for " Bi ? I line vour "Timsill1 I'linnh" cIpni'H very much riml wai | ) toliuvo tlio uxi'luslvn Kiilo in tills plncu mm will do nil I can to iniBli them. I lirlluvo in nilvorlisinjr mill am tukiiiff puius to illstrlliutu the circulars where they will do UK- most ( rood. C. V. HfjI.lOTi' , .Miiusiidil , Ohio. GBICAGO SHORT UNE OP ruK Chicago , Milwaukee 6 St. . Paul THE BEST ROUTE tan OMJIHJ1 id CODiiCIL DLOfFS it TX3EH3 TWO TBAINB DAILY HimvnilN OMAHA CXUNU1J. HLUFFti Chlcaffo , AND Milwaukee , St , Pual , Mlnncaiiolls , Cedar Ilapida , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Hock Inland , Frecport , Rock lord , Elgin , HadiHon , Juncsvillo , licloit , Winona , La Cross e , And all other iraporlmit points Kust , Nortlioatt and GoutliouHU 1'ortbroiiL'h tlokoti call on tlio TIoU t nt 1401 Fnriuiin Htroet ( In I'.ixton Hotel ) , or & Union Pi-cltlo Dnpot. I'ullmiin 3loii rrt anil tbn flutst OlnliiK Car * la tto world ui rua on tUo nmlu llnoaoflliu ClIKJinO , Mll.WAUKHK Ac tit. 1'AIII , ItAII.VTAr , uml erery utlontlon la pnl'l to piuseub'orri t > 7 coiirtcoiu emiiloj-eg of lli ooiupitny. U. MM. i. EU , Uonornl Miinnvor , J. V. TIIVBIII. : AfesUtont Uuniiral M na/i / r. A V. H. CAIIVX.YTKII , Oanoml I'muioitver and Tiokut A K nt. UKO. R. HEirroitu , Ac Utnnt Goaorol I'M ID n- ger mill Tlt-taot Aitmit J. T. Cbtnu , OunanU Supnrlnteadent. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NKBKASK/V. PnUl up Capital . . . $2SOOOO Surplus , . 40,000 H. W. Yntr , President. A. E. Tou.-.alin. v'ieo President , W. II S. Hughes , Cashier. nintcTonss \V. V. Morse , John S. Collins , 11. W. Vatcs , Lewis S. Hood. A. E. Toiwulin. BANKING OKFIOE : THE IRON KANK , Cor 1'Jlh and Farnnm Sta A Ue.icral Banking Husmcss Transacted. & Co 7J.I XKKItS , CHICAGO. ot Counties , CHlM niut othorsot hlRli ernilo hoilclit nml soM Knstorn office 6 Dovonslilro St. UoMon. Correspond ence solicit oil. WOOBBRIDGE BRO'S ' State Agents 1-011 TIHJ li Ml F'llS ' Omaha , Neb. _ DIVIDEND BOTICET Tlitt'ty-riirrc < IV- ) Cent Dividend. In M'MltlO'i ' to thorrthu-llnii of ilir current joiirlr l > : iyitii'ni.m c < < nijuiriM with iliu nui' . Hinrci'il uiulor Ihi1 "M HuliMii m I.ITu l'i ii-uiiro , ulilrh rivtiii'ilon i'ijiii' ! ' iirAS | { 111 VlPK.Miiirninri'tliiiii K11TV 1'KU rl N'T ll p..n . lI'O lO'nl premium pnl.l. Nnilrn . l llcroiir uivrn Hint In inMltlon In Ilia nr < > ii > ; iM rush ri'iluo'lon , Hut iinumnl now to thu crt'ilil nt nil | > n M > nt im'lniirrnC Iliu MUTUAL Hi sr.uvi : TIINII t.iri : ASSOCIATION wholippnino nirml prc In IS I , pqnnH n IMVIDKNO OKTMIIlTV-lllllKH A Ml ON K Tit I III I I'ltUl'lCNT upontliu KNTIIIIi ASSiKSMlK.vr I'llKMII'MS I'AII ) tlurliiK tlio tlr.it miin'iiiannlnl ( tire \onrVl imrln.l . , \ 17. : Irnin lSs | to K 's IncluxUi ) . nlilrli timnuiit lint I..Ml . . ilopiKltiul mill Mini Ili'lil br llnHT.N'I'llAI. Tlll'ST I'OMl'ANV n | . ' NK\V VOIlK. Trinlofl nf tttoKo irv * fntul oftliH Afti.ii'UlUiii. anil npi'lli'iililn n provlilpil tittlio coiilnii'ls hold hy tlio niumborjof tliu Atiuclntlun. HDWAIU ) 1 . HAIll'Ull , J'rmlilpnt. Mutual Upnt'rvn rtinil I Ifii A"Oi-lHllin. V. ' ! ' . UltA.MAN.hiMTrtniy , II'inioOITIoo. roller Jliillilnitf , Ivt I'nrk How , N. Y II. M.UlltN ( ) > ONOinnhn National llniiV IHilhllnir , ToSelltlia lion Window Sash Lock Kior Invented. Aeculi nmka profit * . I'lrou luralrce. Hiuii | > ln by itmtl 1'Jct ' * . n.ii. winiKi.onc , I'ullcrion. Nobruikix. DRS.S. ft D. DAMON , 4 IK I.AAVrtlJXCK 3TIIKKT , Of the Missouri State M"setun of Anato my , St. Louis , Mo. ; University College Hospital London , Gicscn , Germany nnd New York. Having devoted their attention - tion TO THE TREATMENT OF Nervous , Clinic and ' ' . 'I ' DISEASES. More especially Ihosc arising from impru dence , invite all so suffering to correspond withoul delay. Diseases of infection and contagion cured fcafely and speedily without detention from business , and withoul llic use of dangerous drugs. Patients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms. All letters icccivc immediate attention. i kiS JUST PUBLISHED _ ag * And will be mailed FREE lo any address on receipt of one 2 ccnl stamp , ' Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Phy sical ExUauFtion , " to which is added an "Essay on Marriage , " with important chap ters on uisKASKR or TIIB KKI-KODUCTIVR ORGANS , llic whole lorming a valuable med ical treatise which should be read by all young men. Addrcts IBRS. S. it I ) . BJAVBKSOIV , Si. , I > oiivcr , < Jol. HOHH rvrAUIIII. The firi-ntCtrman Jlcnifily Is a IHH-IIIVO cure. Proo namiila ami Ixiok lor 4 crnlt In ( turapv I ; . II. JUiiICAI : ) < CO.l utllauii > lon , Coun , LINCOLN BUSINESS DIRECTORY itcccutij limit. nlr Kunjlaliod The Tremont , J. C. m7.HiilAI.U& : FON , J'ropriotors. Oir. ttli nuil I'Bin. , Llm.-olu , Kub. natPufl.iierilujr. ) . Street cum from liouio to nnr ran of tuo citr , * J. II. W. HAWKINS , 7 Architect , omcos-33.31 ami 43 , Jlii.'iiiirds Dlook , Lincoln , Neb , Eloviitor ( julltli btroot. llrccdorni Ilreodorof OAtl.OU'AVCATTM ! . SnOIITllUltNUXTTI.1 KM WOODS. Live Stock Auctioneer Ktilua miidu lu nil nnrtn of the U.H. utfnlr rntus. Doom ,1 , Slntn Illock , Mncoln , Nab. nniiaiiort Horn hulU I'ornalu. . H. GOULD1NG , rarin Loans and Insurance , Corrcsiioiiilonco In royar' ] to lonna Bollcltod. Kuom 4 , KtcUnrda Illock , l.lnooln , Neb , Hiversiile Short Horns Of Hlrlctly iiurn llutoa uml HiitOH'J'aiieiluutUu. | | Hunt iHiiiilfcrrt uhout IK ) licad. l''anilll < " ) roprciiiiitocl : I'llborli , Crnffs-s , Acoiulix. Hcnlu.i , Moan of HluiroiiM , Aloss ln ( u % KiilBlitly IliiolHiBxoi , l-'lnt C'rouk Vouiitf Muryn , 1'hyllisui" , Ixjuiius uml Trim l.ovos. llull.s for milu. I rum limes I'Jlnorl. 1 Pure nsH'BCrHKrfs , I ito oof Khiiron , I Vnuiiif Miiry. 1 I'liin Criiliik Kliimlc uml otiiors. Coimi HIH | Inspect tlio h rl. Adilrca ) , Ull/VH. M. 1IUAN- SON , Miicoln , Nob. Whim in Lincoln slop at National Hotel , And irui liooi iiluuor tit ! . ' . "io. "io.1'BDAWAV Prop. 3 t > m A magnificent display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture" maker's art , at reasonable prices.