4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JANUARY 11 , 1887. THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MtJRNlNG. TERMS or sirnicnrrrio' * : . linn. Ono Your . $10 01 TYirSlxMuntlif . BIO rnrThrrn Months . S SO Tlio Oinnlin funrtny lice , mailed to any n < W m , One Year. . , . 300 OWATH orrr-t : . No. Oil AND 58 P.lnN-AV PTttr.rv. NEW VOUK iipririt. li < io i 5. TniiifXR ni-u.niNti. \YASI1 IMKTtl.Y UrriCK , No. MarotlltTKKSl HSt KELT. .Alt rommtintaatiniM relating to news n-iilfOI- torlnl nmtt fj-ihould bo ittMrossed to the But- roil 01 Tut : Hun , All butlnc < s letter * nnd romlitnnocs nliouM lie ft'Mic sod to Tun lisa I'em.iftniNfi COMPANY. OMMIA. Di-nfls. checks nnd po tnlHro nnlPM to liu mntlu imyublo to the otxlurof the eomimtif. THE BEE POBLISBlicliPm , PROPRIETOE 12. KOSBWATKIl , Kniron. IHH DAiiiY nisn. Sworn Statement of Circulation , Btntnot Nebraska , ) . „ County ofloiisla . fs ( IPO. II. Tz5clmrk , secretary of The Bee Publishing company , docs solemnly Mvoar llmt the actual ciirulntlnn of the Ditilv llco lor ( ho week ( 'tiding Doc. aist , isy ) , was ai follows : tint iintn v. Doc. M . 13.I1T. Sttnilnv. Jiv. un . ni.o ; . ' ) /.tnntlay. Dec. 87 . ! HtKVi Tue. dav. DIT. y > . lt,100 ! " \Vedne-idny , Deo. 2'J . 13.2 < xl . , Friday , Dee. Si . I , IM Avcraeo . lrt.2-3 GEO. Jl. TzscitrcK. Subfcrlbcit mm sworn to ( jcfoie mo this 1st dnyof.lnnunry A.U. , Ifr7. ! N. ] ' . KKII. . I8UALI Notary Public. ( ion. II. Tzsehuclt , being first duly sworn , deposes anil HIJ-S ; ( lint ho Is secretary of the JJeePunll.shlnc company , that the actual nv- erniro dully rlrciilatlon of the Dallv llco for tin- month of January. 18S , was lU.'U-S ronlcM , for Ki'lirtiary. IS * ' , lo.MB copies : for March , IbfcO , 11 , KIT copies ; lor April. ISbrt , I'J.lOl comes : for Way. issn. \ ,4ffj copies : for June , * * " l'-.sra copies for July 18 0 im - ; , , lU.IiM copies ; If for Aiicust. IHMJ , I2,4ri conlesfor : Septcmher. Ik 1SW > , in.oo : : copies ; for October , IKSO , I2usu IT 1 * copies : for November , ISSfi , I8ii3 : copies : lor December , 1SSO , ii,237 : copies. duo. H , Tzarirurtt. hwnrn to nnd subscribed beloro mo this 1st dnynf January A. I ) . is 7. fSKAL.1 N. 1' . r-KiL. Notary Public. Wmu : the council is in an investigating - ing turn of miiul it might organize n search expedition after that J5. & M. viiuluotovur lower Farimm street , for whiclf tlio city holds n contract. SKNATOU VAN Wvcic's following is eon- solidatcd , eonrngoous and ( iL-lerinincil. -It cannot bo successfully assailed. It will go into joint convention with victory * i ready to scHlo upon its banners. Kvuitv railroad attorney 13 howling fern n republican caucus "for the sake of the old jjarty. " The devotion of the mon opoly henchmen for the old party is one of the most touching incidents of the session. i CiKNUUAI. TllAYKK'S SU KCStlOllS SIS to . * revcnno reform have attracted more general and favorable comment than any part of his message. The only parties who consider them lee radical are the tax shirkers and the corporations. ALL roads in ancient times led to Koine. All the political byways this week will center in Lincoln. No citr/.en who claims to have any political inllucnco with his niembor of the leyislaturo no ml remain at homo for lack of free transportation. SuaoisTio.vs : for a republican tana" bill are all in the line ot rcvonno reduc tion without a decrease of the tariff tax ation whore it is most needed. That is the reason why the country is not likely to cnthuso very violently over proposals for putting tobacco , sugar and alcohol on the free list. ALL the European , counts arc Kindly advising Bulgaria to consent to political suicide by accepting I'rinco Nicholas of Mmgrelhv as their ruler. The .Russian boar ami the German eagle now domi nate over the remainder of the European menagerie with none to dispu'.e their sway. IN handing in his roMgnation as chancellor - collor of the exchequer , Lord Randolph Churchill throw overboard the neat litllo salary of f25OoO a year. This will ho sad HOWS for Leonard Jerome , his American fathor-in-law , who agreed in advance of the marriage of his daughter to contrib ute mi equal amount yearly whenever Lord Churchill required this trilling financial assistance. COUSIN HIN : FOLSOM is holding aloft the American Hag abroad. Ho has or ganized a base ball club at Sheflield ami will prove u worthy successor to Minister Schonck In Initiating the natives into the anystorios of the great native indoor game of pokor. Mr. Folsom is a native of Tekamah and an Omaha tax-payer. Nebraska will justly claim a portion of the credit for his diplomatic accomplish ments. Tirr. great shipbuilder. John Roach , died yesterday morning after a lingering illness. The immediate cause of his death was n cancerous all'eclion some what similar to that which atllleted ( ion- oral Grant , but the deceased had been failing physically before this growtli was developed. Ho had been a man of ex traordinary energy and enterprise , and his services to the shipbuilding interests of the United States deserve tube remem bered to his honor. A Nr.\v YOIIK dispatcii states on the authority of the Times at that city thai Ir. ) McGlynn , who had bcon summoned to Rome to explain his course in advo cating the land theories of Henry Ooorgo , has decided not to regard the summons , and will leave the church rather than abandon his opinions. The report is that the priojt , das shown a degree of contumacy that may render necessary his permanent suspension. Such a turn to this matter was not entirely unlooki-d for by those familiar with the character ot Dr. MeGlynn. SINATOU : CALKINS , of Franklin county lias proven himself to bo a man of honor and principle.Vlion \ the legislature was about to organize he was invited to join in a republican caucus. Mr. Calkins beli'-vcd himself in honor bound to go into a republican caucus because a ma jority of Ids constituent * are staunch re publicans. But when lin discovered that the caucus machinery was being used by corporation cappers , am | , furthermore was in part composed of railroad demo crats , he declined to have anything further to do with Ihe caucus. He openly j and boldly-wont on record against -the f ? candidates put up by thw bogus caucus. No Caucus Needed. The election of Speaker HarKv.i by caucus nomination does not necessarily furnish tx precedent for the senatorial Struggle. Mr. Ilarlan's successful can didacy was already assured when the caucus was acrccd upon. His staunch * pst friends , who made up the majority of the republicans in thn house , consented to the caucus only to hral up the sores of the spoakcrshln and with no view of committing themselves to caucus action in the future. Their concession of indi vidual rights thrn docs not bind them to submission to caucus rule In the future. This should bo distinctly understood. There can bo no good reason advanced under prevailing conditions for a return to the tyranny of the caucus in the com ing senatorial contest. When party linca are closely drawn and paity sUongth evenly balanced the necessity for concen tration and pledges of individuals to'con- carted action for the success of the ma s la the apology for thn caucus. Without such conditions the caucus is a useless and dangerous fungus growth not pro vided for in our statutes , uncalled for by the requirements of the occasion and dangerous to the rights of the legislative constituent'low. The republican party of Nebraska are in an overwhelm ing majority at Lincoln. Thorn is no danger of the election of any but a repub lican candidate to the scnalornhip. No possible combination of rival fallowings could secure the choice of a democrat. Tlio strongest federal inlluence joined to the heaviest personal bank account can not bulltio/.c or buy tlio succession into Hie democratic camp. What excuse is thnro then for caucus action ? Let the railroad managers reply. I'itHt Sl..Millions. . Omaha's chunng.s have passed the $0,0(10,000 ( point and are still climbing upward. Last week our increase over the corresponding week of the previous year was 137 pur cont. Nothing indi cates more fully the growing importance of this great city than her increasing importance - portanco as a financial centre. The clearance table is the barometer of tlio commercial atmosphere. Its rise anil fall indicates fair weather and foul. The pressure of inflowing and outgoing ex changes is tlio unerring signal of trade conditions. And judged by this meter Omaha leads the country in her financial prosperity. Our financial insti tutions are among the .strongest in the west. With eight national banks , among which are houses whoso deposits reach tlio four million limit and are climbing Hteadily upwards , our facilities in this respect are unsurpassed. Unlike other cities like Denver , whore the state funds and the entire banking capital ot a whole state are concentrated , Omaha depends largely upon her own resources. On this account the showing which she makes each week is pregnant with significance. It evidences the confi dence -of homo capital , the increasing wealth from homo investment , 'tho active circulation of money planted in local im provements and hurrying through the channels of home trade. Taken in connection with other evi dences of our commercial prosperity , our clearings week by week are a bright promise of luturo prosperity. A I'folltlesa Kxperiiuonr. The name of the Honorable John A. MeShano as a candidate for United States senator is hoisted by the Omaha llcrahl , probably without his consent , possibly with his approval. The Honorable John A. Mc.Shauo will not consult ; his own interests by entering the senatorial contest as a disturbing factor. Ho could hope to jriin ; nothing by it in tlio present , while ho might lose a great deal in the future. There could be only ono object in Mr. MeShano's candi dacy , and that object would bo generally understood. Mr.McShaneis now tempo rarily the congressman-elect from the First district. After March 4th he will have u two years' tenure of an ollice to which ho was chosen largely by the votes of re publicans who now support a republican anti-monopoly candidate for the senator- ship. Mr. JMcKhano's candidacy at this juncture would bo a direct slap in the face of his former supporters. There is no shadow of a possibility of the election of any democrat to the Van Wyck sue- cession. All the money which Mr. Me- Shane may command and the promise of patronage distribution which ho may make , cannot purchase him this honor. They may temporarily play into the hands of the men who moved heaven and earth to de feat John McShano al the polls last fall , but they cannot materially add to his prestige or advance his political inter ests. The best thing that the congress man elect can do al this juncture is to keep his hands off a contest with which ho has no concern and from which he can gain no personal or political advant age. Mr. McShano should resolutely de cline to bo made the tool of politicians of the opposite party. As the cat's paw to rake republican chestnuts from tlio heat of the senatorial furnace he is likely to get badly singed. It would bo a profit less experiment. Cnrlfale'H Mistake. It is announced that Speaker Carlisle has been induced to become a candidate for United States senator to succeed Sen ator Hock , whoso term will expire in 18SD. It was stated a few days ago that Car lisle desired not to be consHored a can didate , but was in the hands of his friends. The later information indicates that the operation of moulding him to the wishes of Ins friends was not a labor ious or dilllcult ono. It does not follow , however , that in j-Ieldmg to this influ ence Mr. Carlisle is assured of winning the coveted prl/.o. The sturdy Scotch man whom ho must defeat , and who can have no ambition beyond a sonntorship , is very strong with his Kentucky con stituency. Senator lleek has faithfully represented the policy of the democracy of his state , and if less illustrious than some of his predecessors who made tlio voice of Kentucky potential in the conn- oils of the nation , he has been quite the peer of any contemporary rourisentativa in congress of that commonwealth in making its intlucncn felt nnd respected and maintaining its prestige before the country. Ho has dared to question the wisdom of a part of the methods and policy of the administration with the vigor and uncompromising thorough ness which characterize him , and H is not improbable that this inllnonco is being thrown against him. lut ! it is not ap'Kinmt that Kentucky democ racy is fondly devoted to the administration , and it may not bo alto gether fortunate for Mr. Carlisle If ho is put forward as the representative and champion of the president. Hut the mistake of Mr. Carlisle is in consenting under any circumstances to leave the arena in which ho has made his political reputation , where ho is an acknowledged leader , and where there are possibilities of usefulness before him , for a scat at thn other end of the capitol where ho would certainly not bo a leader , and whore the chance of strengthening Ins hold upon the regard and confidence of the masses of his party would bo greatly lessened. As the foremost man of his party in the house ho occupies a vantage ground very much above that of any senator , and ho Is pretty sure of retaining It for at least the period of a senatorial term. It is n crave error to regard the senate as in the line of ad vancement to the highest political honor , to which it has been thought Mr. Carlisle aspires. The only ground upon which a scat in the senate can ho regarded us a promotion over a seat in the house is the fact of the longer tenure , and the price of this advantage is a virtual divorce ment from the people. Some ono said of the senate that it is "tho cemetery of presidential aspirants , " and If that was true of it in the past it Is quite as much so now , and is likely to bo oven more so in the future , for the senate is not growing in popular con fidence. Think of the men illus trious as senators who vainly aspired to the presidency Clay , Calhoun , Web ster , Ca ? ? , Henlon , Crittonden , Seward , Chase , Conkling , Hayard , Edmunds , and thus iur Sherman. The popular idea seems to be that when a man has entered the senate and become imbued with its peculiar and distinctive character he no longer has a hearty and close interest in thn people , and the perpetuation of secret sessions and oilier senatorial methods tend to justify and conlirm this feeling. The battled hopes of the statesmen wo have named , most of them worthy of the highest honor in the gift of the nation , attest the mistake of those who regard the senate as in the line of advancement to that honor , and approve the opinion that for the aspiring politician the surest vantage ground is that which is nearest the people. Th ! ir Pay In both of his annual messages Presi dent Cleveland recommended that the salaries of the civil service comniNsion- crs be Increased and "mado equal to other oUtcers ol the government having : like duties and responsibilities. " An un successful effort was made at the last ses sion of congress to comply with this rec ommendation , and it is understood that it will bo renewed when the legislative , executive and judicial appropriation bill conies up for consideration. It is ox- peeled to again encounter .strong oppol- tion , and it is said to be the desire of the president that the whole question shall be fully debated. Although Mr. Cleveland in his lasi message gave .somewhat curt consideration to the subject of civil ser- vieo reform , there was no indication in what he said of any loss of faith in the principle. Jl suggested simply that lie regarded the course ho had pursued as Millicicnlly attesting his devotionto the policy , and deemed it only necessary to proclaim his unehangod ailhe.sion to the reform , without repeating arguments or renewing pledges. The statement is now made , however , that Uie president lias become tired of being made the largol of all the maledictions of those Who arc opposed to the reform , and de sires it to be understood that ho is simply endeavoring to carry out the law as he found it. Tlio responsibility for the existence and continuance of the law is with congress1 , and if that body is tired of it the way to gel rid of it is open. A principal reason for recommending increased compensalion was to give congress an opportunity to show its disposition respecting the policy. Tills is tiie attitude in which the latest Washington advices place the president. Wo have a doubt as to its entire accu racy. Mr. Cleveland desires the contin uance of the civil service law and lie wi'.s wholly sincere in recommending that the salaries of the commissioners bo in creased. It is quite probable ho feels aggrieved that his efforts to execute the law are not properly appreciated by the majority of his party. It ho ever ex pected such appreciation it simply showed that ho did not Know the party. But with regard to increasing the com pensation of tlio commissioners , the recommendation of tlio president ought not to bo complied with. They receive a salary of $3,500 a year and a liberal al lowance for travelling expenses , which is generous pay for the work they are required to do. . It is boiler than the compensalion of iho assistant postmasters - masters general. , better than that of the chiefs of bureaus , and of many other of ficers of tlio government whose ilutes are much more arduous , and certainly no Jess important. Much the greater part of the work of civil service commissioners is purely clerical , and it is quite impos sible thai Ihoy can bi kept in constant employment during Iho ordinary govern ment working day of six hours. The predecessors of the present commission ers enjoyed abundant leisure , with all that may imply in personal pleasure and the opportunity for attending to private affairs , If the gentlemen now in these comfortable positions have worked a little harder it is simply be cause they deemed it necessary to mark out a new plan of procedure , and now that this lias been settled upon there is no reason 'why for the remainder of their terms they shall not have an easy and agreeable experience. The salary and allowance of a civil service eoinniHsionor amounts to not less than $ IJ a day for every day in the year , and no reasonable man will prolend that this is not adequate compensation for the service performed , whether ono considers the character and demands of the service , its relative importan ce , or both , . Tin : European news is never all war like or all pacific , which serves to main tain an interesting condition of suspense and stimulate the guessing faculty. For instance , Iho advices of yesterday morn ing contained a statement from the capi tal of Belgium that nil the German citi zens in that country had been called homo to bo in readiness to jointheircorps at the iirsl nolice , This appeared omin ous , since there are precedents for such callb when war was feared. Other dispatches , however , held out the promise of a peaceful solution of the JJulgarian diiliciiUy , to aid which Prince Alexander Is going on nn extended tour , stated that the relations between Russia nnd Austria are being amicably arranged by the soothing oflices of Bismarck , nnd rcpro scntcd Franco to bo in an entirely pcacofu' mood. This was n rather more one-sidot statement of tlio situation than usual , but it wasn't so much so ns to deprive n wholly of the interest that belongs to uncertainty. It also permits the remark that If the signs of peace are deceptive thnro is n great deal of quiet preparation going on which the nations nre uncom monly successful in keeping from the knowledge of each other and of the ubiquitous correspondents. KINGS AND QU13KNS. The empress of Austila Is trying to re Jooiih to let her visit tlio United States. The prince of Wales writes very badly but ho ninnapcs to jet ; alonj : In the world. The Kminrss Augusta of Germany , has been under the massive treatment for inan > years. King Humbert Is very fond of his son , the prince of Nnnle.i , nnd Is about to build a palace for him to play billiards In. The c/arof Russia is said to bo druiil nearly all the time , ami hi a condition boulur In : ; on delirium treiuuns. The prince of Wales amuses hhupoll bj playing nn thebanjn. The amusement , b > the way , Is pcihnps not confined wholly U his highness. The queen of Roiiniantn , already an em ! ncnl poet , 1ms emin ud to deliver a COIIIMI of lectures on " .Modern Llteratuio" next ycni at the Bucharest hUh school. The Brand duke of Aucnstenbiiri : , who will piobnhly mnrry the Princess Lotil e o Wales , has a lame amount of pioncrtv li Hlliern and an Ineo-ne of u75,000 , marks fron the Cerman Kovernment. Doni Pedro , ot Brazil , lias Introduced a Semitic professor In the lIe ! do .Janeiro mil verslty , and ho now proposes to have chairs established ranging over the languages from the Coptic to the ISeniruula. Queen Victoria will civo nvay 2,000 tl tics and decorations In connection will the celebration of her jubilee. This lavlsl generosity will not cost her majesty a cent , but It will be expensive to the recip ients of her favors. Of all the members of the Herman Imperla family , Kmporor'U illiain Is the only one win docs not nso visiting cards , lie has never deviated from his old custom of announcing his Intended visits by the court courier. Tlio ijiiccn of ( irecco takes her airings In a carriage for which slio paid S..O.iO. It was built for the triumphal entry of the Cointo dt Chambord into Paris , which never took place , owing to circumstances over which tin comic had no control. The Emperor William makes daily visits to stores in Berlin to itincliago Christmas pres ents for Ihe imperial household. Korthlitj years ho has been accustomed to dual with the same stores. He goes ats o'clock In the morning to evade public cuiiosity. Queen Victoria wishes all her family to ho in England during the comim- jubilee cele bration next year. Hence the duke and duchess of Edinburgh and Prince ( tcorgcot Wales are coming home from Malta at Un did of .May , 1SST , and the duke and duchess of Coniiniight will return Irom India fora couple of months. II. O. Mugwump hlsitoilaus USD the letters JJ. C. , as signifying ' 'Before Cleveland. " Oocl Save Ior. ! Mlnncaixiltg Tilbnnr. Tennyson Is said to bo composing a new national ode lor England , ( iod save the Queen 1 Atlanta's Drinking Motto. /fOll'DI ' MMf , The motto of drinking men in Atlanta , Ca. , at the present time should hn. "Jug not , thai ye be not jugged. " Good Advice. Limtni'llle Commercial. Secretary Lamar is married and resigned. Secretary Carhiml Is not married nor is ho resigned. ( Set married , Secretary liarlnnd. Koom Tor liiiirovciiicnt. | I'fortit I'mtisfrliit. A late dlsjiatch from Washington says "the president Is much improved. " Thank heaven for that. There was abundance of ' room for improvement. Judges nnd Ilnilroad I I'litliiililiilila Jlccunl. The judge who rides on a railroad with a free pass lets the wheels of his mind run on thn same track. How can ho acquit himself without fear or favor in railroad cases when his going and coming are a matter of favor' ' AVIiat AVill It Matter. A'cic Yinlc Mercury. Oh ! Fate Is cruel and f.ito Is cold , And only civeth a grave at last , And what Is glory , or love , or gold When this Uriel' hour Is overpast' . ' What doth It matter us how wo live ? What doth It matter us how we die' . ' What can nil of the future trlvo When under the grassy clods we Ho' . ' Wnat will It matter to you or mo- Insensnto them In Immortal ralm Wnetlier our funeral dirgi ) .shall uo t A reptile's hiss or a nation's psalm' . ' What will It matter us then , I say , Whether a kingly crown we wore , Whether wo tolled from day to day Or oeggod a pittance from door to door' ' What will It matter us then If wo Kept our garments from thlncs impure , Scattered ouruold with a glad hand Ireo And walked in the strength ol our worth soctire ? Or whether wo wallowed In lies and lust And washed our hands in the blood of men , And proved a traitor to every trust What will it matter unto us then ? Whether our friends weio false or trn.- . Whether our loe.s were strong or weak , What will It matter to hie or you , After our candle I * out' . ' Oh.sjiea ! : ! STATH AXI > TKUIUTOUV. Noln nn'Cit Stratton is poisin 'anxionsly ' for a pho tographer. West Point improved to the amount of $ H5 , 135 last year. Hustings has beeii jakcn in out of the cold and is happy. , The treasurer ofi. Valley county paid out illyH.57last .vui.r. York has organized a board of trade with a capital of s-10,000. Hastings turned ! out two ami a half million cigars last yir.ir. The rails of the Hock Island road have been laid to Pawnee City. Elkhorn Valley surveyors have staked u road through lavid City. Thn Presbyterians of Hastings are talk ing up plans for a ? flO,000 churc.h. Doano college , during its brief career , has graduated forty-four students. The town of Odell , Gage county , has invested $1,000 in a school building. Nebraska City has added a whist club ; o her industries. The town is bound to "brace up. " John Carter's residence near Verdan was destroyed by lire lust week , causing ilossof § 1SUO. , A party of Elkliorn Valley surveyors HIVC readied lork , and Hock Island stakeholders mo operating in the sub The people gleefully hall the freshet of iron highways. Ilenkleman boasts of five babies , all boys , born ono day Inst week. An early census is demanded. A free lunch stand and lodging house for the poor is talked off in Lincoln , The lobby is poverty stricken. The voters of ( irand Island will de termine the question of granting a street railway franchise on the 15th. Vivo churches are doing a thriving bus iness in Ashland. Two urlntlng ollices and no saloons arc conspicuous features of the town. The railroad business at Norfolk last year was extensive anil profitable. The Union Paeilic took in § 18,172.0,1 ; the Omaha & St. Paul , $103.1-la , and the Elk liorn Valley road about $00,000. Burglars appear to bo pretty fond of postolllccs "manned" by women. They have made three social calls on the Blair postollleo , mid cadi time took away all the boodle in sight. The capacious hosiery of to-day with combination garters - tors seems to bo the only "safe" deposi tory lor postmistresses. Mr. Eakm of BeiiKleman was tapped by a train boy for UI the other day. The peanut pusher wanted to nxcliango silver for greenbacks. Mr. Eakin handed out a $20 lull , which the p. p. could not change. He pocketed the bill , however , and handed baek $1. Eakin took tlio bill and reached homo before discovering the cheat. Iowa ItoniH. Otlumwa claims a population ot M,000. Muscatinn county spent ij-lir ' , ' 0 in 1PSO. There were -Kl ) deaths in Dubuqtic last year. The loss in the coal mine fire at Cable will probably reach $20,000. Woodbiiry county , including Sioux City , has IIGOT children of school ago. The prevalence of hog-cholera in Dnhmmo county is inducing the farmers to sell everything they have in the * hapo of hogs. President Phelps , of ( Joe college. Cedar Hupidsi , has tendered his resignation , to take ofl'ect as soon as the trustees can fill his place. Keott county , Including Davenport , re ports OW deaths nndIU maanagc.s last year. The grim reaper has whittled the point ofTeupid's puny barb. The heating of the capitol building for the month of December cost an average ot $ : K.7fi ! per day. This icpreseiits the entire cost of fuel , engineer , fireman , etc. Work on the railroad bridge at Waterloo lee is progressing as well as the weather will pern it. The masonry for the bridge over the Illinois Central track is about ready tor the superstructure , which is expected to arrive in n short time. A Mason City man has invented a high speed compound engine , composed of only seven parts , which is the marvel of machinists. Every part runs in oil. There is nothing of it like the common engine ; no valves , port-holes , eccentric , cross-head , pnckiiiir-boxc * , valvesordead center , li will make 3,000 revolutions a minmc. On the .Hh hist. , al Muscatinc. a young man named William ( jarroll.created an excitement in a street ear by flourishing a razor and threatening to cul tlio pas sengers into mince-moat. After a brief struggle he was jailed and unloaded of a young arsenal consisting of brass knuckles , razor , revolver and other war like weapons. A few evenings ago Mr , Van Saunders , of Albia , was cleaning a revolver at his homo by placing il between his knees for the . His little purpose. four-vear-old daughter was kneeling by his side when the revolver was discharged , the ball grazing the entire side of her head , knocking her over mid stunning her. The father WAS certain the revolver was not loaded. Diikiita. The Iliglimoro artesian well has reached a deptli of 1W5 ; feet. The land ollice at Rapid Cily disposed of i.'l > ,001 acres of land for the quarter ending with the year , and look in iJtM Ol in cash. The new board of commissioners of Sanborn county , by unanimous vote , re fused to grant saloon licenses during the year 1837. A new town site ban just been laid out ' in Bntte county , north'of Deadwood , in anticipation of the extension of tiio Fre mont , Elkliorn & Missouri Valley rail road , ll commands a line water power. The warden's report of the. Sioux Falls penitentiary shows that during the two years ending November , 18SO , the total receipts of the institution were $ -18,000.01 , and that the disbursements lor the same period were $7G,0lG.j. ! ! ) ; The farmers of Cuss county have boon called to meet in L'argo on the Ifitlf inst. for Hip purpose of considering the kind of legislation wauled and tin * advisabil ity of sending a delegate to Bismarck to attend the coming session of the legis lature. O.MAUAN8' AimOAI > . Trnlninti Hero nn Assurance of Success in Any Place. The old residents of this city will read ily call to mind the Hugus lamily , Ihe members of which were for many years identified with the business pursuits of Omaha. It is with pleasure that the HUB finds among its exchanges the Passadena ( Cal. ) Star , which gives a long account of the prosperity ofI. W. lltigus and of his new residence , the finest dwelling in the San Gabriel valley. Mr. Hngns is vice-president of the San Gabriel Valley bank , and a leading citizen in every way of that section of California. Ills new house is situated on the highest portion of a tract ot 200 acres ol finely improved and magnificently situated land sloping gently Irom the foot of the Sierra Madre range , and commanding a wide and ever lovely prospect of valley , mountain and sea. To quote the language of the Star : "On this ducal estate the owner is abund antly supplied with the purest of moun tain water , stored in a largo reservoir , as it Hews , while ho makes his own gas for light , rais-es his own fruit , vegetables , al falfa , etc. , and is preparing in many ways to 'live like a prince' within his realm. Tholioti.se is of the Queen Anne style that revival of the old English form , which is more modern that any other , ll laces ninth , and with its square tower on one corner , its shingled upper front , it.s windows of many sizes and colors , its noble main projection , its beautiful covered pordi , ten feet wide and extending around three sides , nnd it.s broad Mops and wide entrance , the building hi.-i : an appearance that inspires admiration at once. Jt is a house bulii- ting the grand site upon which it is placed. " The eost of this building is represented al over SJ.Vl.O'JO ' , and what is the nusl news of all the Star adds that Mr. Hiigns can well all'ord to tuKe pride and pleasure in his new "Highland Homo. " In the Kunici paper the advertisement of A. Cruickshunk A ; Co. strikes the Omaha eye very favorably. What a fnw years igo was the siyn writer's announcement m the northeast corner of Farnam and l-'onrteenth street , and subsequently on juilcom.-r s Hook , corner of Douglas and fifteenth ot roots , Omaha , is now "Xo. 'J Exchange Blook , Passadena , Cal. " The "Co" of the former company , N. B. Fal coner , is still on Omaha ground at the old stand. Huy a l''n\v ifthoso ulcgant lots in ALIWIUHT'S CHOICE and double your money before spring. Albrighl Is making lots of niinov for lots of people who purchase rein him. Only u htlle money required , o buy u Jot' . . i POINTERS FROM THE PRESS , Stnto Editorial Friends of the People on tbo Senatorial Question , VAN WYCK'S CHANCE OF VICTORY Marlnml'fl IClectlon n "JllR Striuv" Ills High Chnrnotcr i'lrst Itlootl 1'or .tlio Ohl-Mnn-Uoncpt lI. Kt > iintlnil Democrats. Significant Sti-mv. Aurora Sun : The election of Speaker Ilarlan , who is a Van Wyekor , Is u straw in the "old man's'1 favor. Couldn't Kill Ono of Them. Nance County Journal : Congressman Weaver is one of the most active aspir ants for Van Wyck's old s-hocs. He couldn't fill one of them. A lioMnc Slock In Trnde. Nebraska CityNows : Paddock's friends seem to love him "for the tmemies he has mado. " His war on Van Wyck seems to bo his stock hi trade. la'nilot- the "Xlilrd" House. Nauee County .lournal : Church llowo , the undaunted , has taken a seat In the IcgUlalivi * body , lor what reason it is nol dilnenll to determine. Team of Dark Unison. Nanee County Journal : Albiniis Nauee and M. ! ! . 15ee.ee are among the senator ial dark horses who will bob up promi nently at the first opportunity. CJct Tliero in Kino Slinpo. Senator Casper in the Butler County Press : If the deetion of United State's senator were to come off now , Van Wyck would get there In line shape , but tliero is no certainly as to what the "barrels" may do. llo'n the I'cnpln'H Ctiolcn. Clay County Democrat : There is scarce a doubt. If the question or the elec tion of a United Slates senator was left to u direct vote of the people of the state VnnWyck would bo his own successor. Not to lp SnufToil Out. Grand Island Independent : The most bitter opponents of Senator VanWyok now admit that Ihu senator's combined forces are not to bo smitlcd out at one twitch , but on the contrary the morn you snulV them the brighter Ihoy scorn lo shine. Ho liooniH UK magnificently. Blair Pilot : Over against this magnifi cent field looms up Old Man Van Wyck. The question is , can they boat him ? Will the field unite against linn so solidly that ho cannot detach a fragment of a faction to his already recognized support. Tin-no IIoiH > rnl > ] < ; Snnntorc. Grand Island Independent : Every con ceivable method will bo resorted to to entrap legislators , jind defnat the ro-olcc- tion of Senator Van Wyck , but the olTort will fail. Tzsehuek Schminke Sprick three German senators , are as true to their constituents and Senator Van Wyck as is Iho needle lo Iho north pole. The I-'irst Blow Tclli. Webster County Winner : Tlio Van Wyck element seems to have won a vic tory in the election of Ilarlan for speaker , but his opponents are working tirelessly and insinuate that a great deal of change may bo seen before Ihe time for ballot ing. Thorn Will I > o Music. Ce.mr.-U City Courier : The composition of the prosonl legislature doesn't appear to diller materially from that of its pre decessors. Unless we are miioh mis taken , however , it will furnish some music never heard in this state before. Public sentiment isn't the same as it was two years ago. First Illnnd for the People. Dawson County Herald'The : lower house of the legislature organized vester- day by the election ot N. V. Ilarlan , of York , as speaker , by a rousing majority. Mr. Harlan's election is n pointer , lie being tiic Van Wyck candidate for that position , and marks first blood for the people against the corporations in the senatorial light. A Siirprlflp find a Success. Ctister County Lender : The action of the house in electihg Ilarlan , who is a pronounced Van Wyck man , is something of a surprise , as it was presumed that the opposition to tlio senator would at tempt at the outset to make a test of strength , and that the. election of speaker would give them the desired opportunity. night .linn In I ho Kljrht Plncc. Nebraska Cily Press : Ilarlan will make a good speaker. Ho has a reputa tion , even among those who know him least , ol being honest and fair. He has had experience in legislative work , and the Press has faith will on found to posscrs thn firmness necessary to a suc cessful presiding ollicer. They nro Taking to the \VooilN. Ashland Gazette : Senator Van Wyck seems to have routed the enemy and they are taking lo the woods. The senator's prospect for re-election is brightening daily , and thorn is but Httlo doubt now but that ho will bo his own successor. It will bo a great vict&ry for the people over the corporations. Iioolc Out for the "Kick. " Bancroft Journal : According to the papers that only echo the statements of the railroad companies. Senator Van Wyck is "the deadest kind of a duck. " Like Bill Nyo's range steer , ho will sud denly come to life before many days , nnd kick yon fellows so high that yon can look over Iho walls of the New Jerusalem. Not n AVoril AgnlnHt Him. Clay County Democrat : Hon. N. V. Ilarlan , of York , won the prize being ( ilected speaker on the first ballot. Air. Ilarlan is spoken of as a man of ability mid worthy the position ho has gainiMl. By all the leading newspapers of the state , of both particd , ho is credited with being capable , honest anil a very tiflalilo gentleman. Memory Ktratton Ga/oltn : Tim Nebraska logis- lattiru met last Tuasdny. The proiicol | is that thnro will bu several rathnr bitUir fights before the mmnhors gut down to biibinu.ss. it is to bo hoped that the ini'in- bers will rmniiinber that they are mure public servant ; ; , and as tmch have no right to waste the pulilio time and money. "Tho I'ooplo Ho Dainnnil. " Dawson County Herald- Paddock is urged for snnaior to succeed Van \\'yok because hu : .s a MaUvirl : republican. Twelve yeaiv ; ago Paddock was elected lethe the United .Mates sinito : l > y the acfaistam-o of democratic votes , aiid if elected this time will owe his election to a tie up of the democrats and republicans under Urn ilircctiun of the railway mm-hiiio. The machine cry Is "Tho people bo damnud , " nnd "anything lo beat Van Wjck.1' 1'ivRr.vthlng Look * F vornl > l < ! . l-'reir.ont Herald : The election of Muikeljohn as president of the senate is another of those uimnimoub victories ivhicli means nothing or anything , as you look at it. He hu > > boon regarded us a sort ; if anti-monopoly champion , but the fact is appur'onl that ho WIIK very baiisfautnry to tin ) stalwarts , and it is perfumed they : ould have defeated him , had Ihoy felt Inclined. If Van Wyck can hold all the strength that his friends claim , and that outside appearances give him , ho has got n pretty sure thing on election. Miller Mum nnd "Consistent. " Fremont Herald : Wo observe not ono word of censure In the Omaha Herald against Vandcmark nnd Campbell for voting with the stalwart republicans to elect a president of the M-nate not n word. On the contrary , it defends their action In carrying through Tobo Caslor'H litllo arrangement. This is consistency ! Ami wo suppose it will also applaud the selection of that "stalwart'1 commlteo every ono of them straight republicans to make up the list of committees in the senate in the same intercut and for the same purpose. That's the kind of ' coa lllion it endorses ! And where is the benelll to the democratic parly ? Itcatcn On Tliolr Own Ground. Vivmont Herald : Ilarlan , the Van Wyek candidate , was elected speaker of the house , in spile of the caucus which the stalwarts had so much to say about. In tact , he went right in and captured tha caucus , meeting tlio enemy and beating them on their chosen battle Hold. Tliero are intimations that Weaver hnd n hand in It , with a view of gathering in the stragglers when the final-break up emiiej and in the event of Van W.VCK being shelved. This Is probably Iho truth of the matter. This may be somewhat ex plained by tliurnniors afl'eetiug Congress man Dorsey's position , In which it has been stated that ho is supporting Van Wyek. This may be true and it may ua to the extent that Weaver is also sup porting him , as above indicated , \vitlt the end iu view of the final wind-up in favor of Weaver ; for Mr. Porsev lina been considered very friendly to Weav er's candidacy ami ho looks about us far ahead an some of the rest of them , when it conies to measuring the distant a cat will jump. Never Knlled in Hlgluucn Vonrs. ( Jraiul Islam' ' Independent : The Inde pendent has taken an active interest in every senatorial contest for the past eighteen years , and has never In n single instance failed of having the satisfaction of seeing its man elected. It has also every lime it advocated the cause of it Hall county candidate before the statu convention had the. satisfaction of seeing him nominnted ami elected , and it is ? ru. islieit that thiq eighteen years' record of continuous success will not bo broken by the result of the pending senatorial con test. In short , it is satisfied Senator Van Wyck will bo elected at u very curly period , nnd by a decisive majority , not later than thn third day after thn first ballot , and very likdv on the first , day after tlio lirst joint ballot , The situation is such that no camlidata can possibly bo eleeted without the Van Wyck force , and that is composed of men of well-known staying qualities in a pro- traded siege , knowing full well that they have the key to the senatorsliip. Unless all signs fail the election will be made in the same week in which balloting begins , and wo are willing to bo marked down a false prophet for the rest of our natural life if Senator Van Wyek does nol sue * cecd himself. The "Swill-Tub" Squeal. Slate Democrat : If twenly-nino republicans publicans should prefer a democrat to Van Wyck they can easily have him. If such a contingency arises it is manifestly dill ; : and policy for tho.se twenty-nine re publicans to vote for a democrat rather than insist that the larger number of democrats shoujd come lo them. And right upon ihal point rests the hopes of a candidate who has nol yet been named on this article. The can didate is Diindy. His selection would make a vacancy on tlio federal bench , which would bo filled by a democrat. It is this half loaf which is to bo oll'erod lo democrats. li is no secret that a great majority of the Nebraska bar would like to see Diindy oil' the heiich. But when : i man ought to be oil' it is a very poor plan . to get him oil' by electing him to the senate. The Democrat does not regard this dodge in liehalf of Dundy us entitled to the .slightest eon- sideration.No ono ejanns thai Diindy has any special qualifications for the senate. The propo.iition that democrat ! ) shall elect him to that body merely for the sake of having a democrat step into Ins judicial shoes has about il a sinaclc of indcccnc.y that is not relishable. Ono of the chiefesl objections to democracy now is the squeal it can set up over the swill tub and the depth it can thrust its nose into the contents of it. There is no need for 11113 * further display in the mat ter than has already been made . In Nebraska the democratic party appeals to the people on the allegation that it is better fitted to govern than the republi can party. Let us not forever disprove. our clfmii in one most essential respect by handling the two input elevated am ) responsible positions in our reach an HO much plunder to bo schemed and fought for as the chief end of polities. DKOKMItUIt C1IAHITIICS. The Itoiiort o ! " tlio Woman's Chi-lutfnii Association. Mrs. Knight , of the Woman's Chris- lian association , makes the following report - port of the receipts at the home , and tlio work done for December : Monny donations J. 11. Millard , $23i K. M. MorsmanSOT : W. V. Mow > . if 10 , Mrs. C. K. Vosl , 45 ; Mrs. Kzra Millard , - ' ? . ' ) : Miss Mary Millard , ? r > : A Friend , iffi ; Mrs. Hiekmanfl ; Mrs. Maul , fffij J. A. Wakclicld. $10 ; Kirkendall. Jones & Co. , ifUO ; Tootle & Maul , StM ; Herman Kounlze , $25 ; Mrs. George Barker. . * tf ; D. M. Steelc , $95. The following sums have been received on monthly subscriptions of $10 and $ V ( ! uy C. Barton. $70 ; ! ' . Colpelzor , il ! ' , ( ) ; S. K. Callnway. ? i0 ! ; K , V. Smith , if ' . ' 5 ; N. Merriam , S-SOjl' . C. Hiinobaugh , iflil ) , Clothing has been contributed by the following portions : Mr.s. Merriiim , Hail , J. , T , Brown. W. D. Parrotle. Colpetzor , A Friend. Mrs. ( Srigor , Millard , L. Heed , Marshall , Hub- bard , She.rfy , C. King , Holnu-H , Bliss ; L. B. Williams , Barney , \\Yl.sh : . us , No- diill , A anarsdale , ' 1 rlnibln. Maul. Turkey. cranberries and fruit , Mr. Cnllnwnv ; flour and bacon , Mrs. ( iem-ral Brock ; ono barrel of npnlos , Branch ACo. . ; turkey , Mm. C. U'oodnriiij chicken- * , Mr. Allen ; twenly-livo pound ) * of leu nnd twenty-five pounds ol colleo , ClarKu Bros. ; snnsago , Mrs. A. P. Wood ; biiltur , Mr. ( icnlloinMii ; mince plus , Mrs. Itolinrts and Vnnar.sdnh.groceries ; Mr. Bei nt-'t. Forty women and c-hildren have lu-nn given shelter at tin ; homo during tlio month ; boinc for ono night , others for n longer timu. One motherless baby and two unfortunate giris have been M-ni to the Iliimi ! for thn Friitinllo.ss al Lim'-m. ' A homi : is wanted for an inlirc..slinr ; < < t tlo girl ul two and a half yearn SAitAH Jt. KNIUIIT , for Ht-e. r W ) I'or Out. I'roill lias been made since last Augn.- t by ] > ur- [ ; haser of lots from Mr. Albright in the iddilion West ot Ai.mtHJiir'.s rnoin Al.llKillT' ! ! ( JIIOICK UK.vrs Til KM All. AMI IJUN'T votr i OUGIT ; IT. iifH Head Cut OJHMI. diaries Lloyd , .siipm-intendi-nt of the JDS transfur , met with an accident at tlio U. & M. depot yesterday morning In M i/- ng down , striking on a truck and < -ut 11 i bad gash in his head. Ho will probably jc laid up for a day or twu , but nuihiiig > crious is anticipated. ( irCUt J'UclUIIIH'llt n SOUTH OMAHA over the way am-i Mi-t otH in Ai.i'itnirr's ; OnoieU are I'wcnty-tsvo lots 'bold in onu day.