Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Opens Weak and Lower , With Sales
at Saturday's Curb Quotations ,
An Advance N'otcil In I'lrst Tr.ulcs In
1'ork Cattle Atiottt tlip Same ni
on Knturilny A Sllfilit Up
turn In Hoji I't-lucB.
Citic-Aoo , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram to
the llii : : . I Wheat opcnc-il weak and low or ,
Irrst snlus bclnK nt the curb qnotntlons e.stnb-
llshcd on Saturday , viz : S Kc for May nnd
7se. for February. Private cables quoted
Jihcrponl wo.ik nt Id decline , but the tone of
later ad\ Ices , both pnhllc nnd private , wai
more cncoiirnRliiK * No dcrllnovns tnun-
tloiicd , and the innrkctsviio dcscrlbcil as
rjtilet but llrtn. It birntno uvldcnt early In
the tlnv that the visible simply slatcnicnt
would show an Increase of .VW.COJ hiishch or
mote , nnit | icndiiiK tlte olllrinlnnnoiinccincnt
the nmikct dniRRi'il. Trntlo w-ns moderate ,
but traderi did not uvlnru aery lively In-
ttri'st In tlio proi-eedlngs. The lecllii ! ? wns
nntnrnlly heavy , and hail It not been for lib
eral linylnu to cover hoit sales values would
have piobnbly receded , As It was tbn insir-
let ( ndvniiccd slowly nntl lahorloiisly to Vit.
lor 1-Vhrnaiy , Ti's'c ) ' for .March , and S'l c lor
Jlay. New Yoik wns steady and by no
menus a slack linjcr on the up turn , but the
demand from nil quarters wns satlsl'ied In
pnit cro long and wheat hrraiiio n trlllo less
expensive , iliiy sold down luSTi'sc ' nnd then
hte.ulled , nnii for iiillo | n while held
nt KV , , ( < iSVjr. Ifeain olleicd nny
part of 2,000,100 bnslii'ls on the split , hut le-
tiied wlllioutdellitiiriiincli. The nnnonnce-
1110111 of tlio vlslblu int-icnso had no ellect
whatever on pi ices , though Inter May ot
down to K'ic , hut only lor n minute. The nn.
dcrtone hreamu much llnncr toward the close
ol the inornlnp nnd the tenor of the news
grew rathei bullish. Last trades at 1 o'clock
were on n basis of 7S'c lor February , 7H\e
lor Match , WfoJ'W IHC lor .May. The range
wns nniiow nnd thn clon noticeahlv linn nt
nbuat top pilccB. Coin was weaker to-day ,
and dm Inu the uvular i session deullni'd < 4u
for all lutuie.s. The principal factor ol the
dcpu-fsion wns the laiso inciense. nhont
luo,000 : ; hnshels , In the vlalblu sapuly. nnd
thih iiilormntlon helnr ; Immedlntely lollowed
liy estlmntes tor to-morrow ol nenily fiCO
rnis , cansi'd n bieak in Mav proneity toH e.
Up to that time tlio market nail held fniilv
Bteady nt mound -IWM'i' e , 01- about wliern ft
closed .Saturday. Trndinirwas lair in vol
ume but .scattering , and almost entirely local
ami of a seal ping character. Tlio temper of
theeiowd hero Is undoubtedly bearish , on the
near fiitui eat least. Tim closing quotations
htood nt "fl' ' c for Kebrimrv , : : \'e for Maich ,
and MX < fllj < c lor .May. Outside maiket
news bad no puiccptlblo elfect hero to-day.
Onts llnctuated within an extremely
nariowranie and closed at insldo lignie at
: ; 07 < c lor Alay. Speculative truiling In May
oats wns moderate , but all other futures
wein dull nnd ncnlrcted. At 1 o'clock this
mniket was \c lower tlmn Saturday's clos-
IiiLf. Initial tiades in pork were at an ml-
vance ol fi'd luc over Saturday's closo. Lard
and libs showed no change. Mi'l-'arlano put
out n hen\y line of laid the hist tiling and
broke the mniket lUfDl'J'.jC. ' Theio was
rattling trade in all options and the decline
nllecteil this iirodi-.ct in nil positions \ciy
tinifoinily. MeKirlaiio was stinpose.d to no
iietlni ; for llntchinson , hut the ciowd was
eventnally led to believe that ho repiosented
Now Y oik pni ties. I'oik bold down Irom
SI' . ' . K ) to S1'.UK ' and rUis weakened a llttio
later in the .session. The market lirmed up ,
l nt nt 1 o'clock the market wns tame. The
quotations inaila-d no change of Impoitnnec
in any niticle except laid , liowevor.
t:20 ! : p. in. The nfteinoon markets wcie
veiy quiet nil aionnd nnd price clnumes wore
inconseiiuuntial. May wheat rested hnally
at tVnC nnd poiK at 51'J.y. ) .
CuirAoo , Jan. 10. | Special Tclecrnin to
the Iin. ! : | CATTM : All tlilnusconsldcmt
the maiket to-day wiib about nsxood as nt the
close hist week nnd ( piotnbly better. Moie
dcsirnhlo kinds ut .smooth , I. it c.Utlo sold
veil nnd in some cases nt htionter prices ,
while entile that were thin nnd rough In
homo cases sold \eiy slowly nt barely steady
prices. On the whole , however , there wns n
inodeiately active movement at fully former
rates. Western mnikcts were steady , but n
cablegram fioin London denotes a weaker
market an the other side , shipping steers ,
iiMto : ) in oits. ) sj.fiOf : 1200 to inno itn ,
8l.00il.t",0 , ; ! ' 50 to t'JOJ llm. S0Vf-t.OO. : ) : ! ( Stoek-
crs and feudeis , S-.5i.7l ( ; ; ( : COWM , bulls and
mixed , stumper at . © : ' . . : ; bulk , g-.MOi (
3.1K ) , Texas cattle , ga.tttCaJJ.JiO.
HoiiS Trade was active , with an upturn
of about tic on need to choice heavy and pack-
Inc soils. Lluht and inlxiMl wuio about the
pamo as Saturday. The market closed
hteadv , with ne.iily all sold. A lew lancy
lieavy .sold tit 84.lwicri.00 , with irood to'ehoico
pnel > eis at SI.TSQi94.hO , and coiiiinon S4.0iV ( !
d.23. Ll 'ht bints neglected : liKlit , 8I.HK ( < )
Yoilifis T. nnd B. ( ,01 1 ,
( about I'l/O ' head ) , cost S1.70.
Now York. .Inn. 10. MOVRY On call
easy nt Ibcri per cent , closing nl 4 per cent.
1'niMK Mr.itcANiii.TC 1'Ai'Kit Scar.-o and
ii ; demand O T per cent.
dTicni.i.No JSxcHANRic Strong at St.SlJj'
Ser sl\ly ilny bill.s ; SI. 85 fcr ilemniul.
( lovKitNMi.srs tiovciiinient bonds weic
dull but linn.
blocks - .stocks opened somewhat hte ii-
Inr but geneially htioiiL-ei. Then ) wns mod
A erate business in the liist few minutes , in
which .Jeisey CVnttal and West 1'olnt woio
coiibincnoiis. The activity soon died nwny ,
bat tliu ndvnnco in pi Ices continued
until noon. The diillnes was
then Inteiihltled and piices s
off slowly until the floe , which wns
dull nnd 'heavy , Generally umnll fi actions
abo\u the opening.
I1 !
Clilonuo , Jan. 10. rilo\unc ) ! iiiolatlona
oin the : 'M I'liHini ; liciiri'i :
Kloui Dull but bteail ) : winter wheat
iltmr , Sl.i'4.u : ) : Foiitiu-in. S-l.lOig-i.'Ju
AVlM-oiiMii. tl.-iV'l."H ? ; .MiclilKiui soft iprlnu-
whttal tfH.70v.4. ! ' > 0 : .MliiiH'Mita bakk'l ! ' , Sy.70il
4.l i ; | iatcnts. H.MO .bO : low iriades. Sl.tiVi }
.M'5 ; r > u Hour , iiuiet ai SU.JX-c.jy.'U in barrels
nnd i.MO in hnrkh.
Wheat Moileratelv aetho with tbn open
liiif ' ( . ( ' ( o lower , ( losint ; lj ' hliihc-r thai
tsaiurdny ; cash , 7 -\e ; l-'obitiaty , " > ' > / ' & , ' iiay
W ! < tc ,
Corn ( Jnlet nnd | : opened atiout tin
Fiiiini as Saturday , COSIIIK ! ky 'c lower SO'ise ; I'ebniRry , t 5-lOu : Jlny , 41 ia-lo\ ! .
Oats Kittlu moie iiL-tl\o wllb nli > nt 'jtij' ' is
declfno in pilct-s ; cash , ' . 'c ; 1-Vbuuiy
AKc ; Maj. Sic ,
Kyf-Juiet ( nt 5'lc.
ilnrley'-DuU nt fili-iMr.
J'oik . .Moderately active ; opened nt Be nd-
vance bioke lOftf W > dC , rallied /Xii / 'e , tell elf
10Kl2he. rallleiTnKnin 10 ? liiVo and closed
nbout Bteady easb , iia.WJi ; IV ibnury ,
- ' - I0 < r ? !
JSJic , rallied Mlubtly anil i-lo.-ed fiulet , wltli
c-vceDtion of Mn > , which was2K ( 5n higher !
c.i ; > li , 6.40 ; March. ? rt.fiO ; Ma > . Vrt.O'iJK.
Hulk Aloats Iiouldeis , SI.KX .W ; short
clrnr , S6.50 f < l.'i5 ; nhoit rlb.s , saw.
Jluttcr l-'irm ; crfatuay , SlCsJJlc ; dairy
i : full crcnm cheddare , 12i4o ?
12',0 ' : flaty < iK > r ; yoiins America ? ,
2S"4l.c : sklmi , 7Vf" < iir .
Kirns-Firm nt lltias'.c. '
Hides Steady nnd nncbnneoil ; Orcen ,
Jtc : hravy green salted. 7Jc ; ! salted
bull , nije : dry salted , llgisc ;
UT Hint , IwrfHe1 dencons , a.Vr encb.
Tallow .No. l country , 3 ? 'c ; o , 2 , 2Kc ;
cfikolo. .
Kecolnt . ShipmcnK' ' 10.000 : .ooo " 0.000
Corn. DU W.Ooo
) nt .tu C0.0i 1-7.0CO
typ , bit 1.101 none
IJarley.Dii : .ooo '
New Yorlc. Jan. 10.
"G.otO ; oxpoits , lisooo ; cash Him ; options
opened n .shnde cnslcr , afterwards inlet !
stronger , ndvnnced : l ( tf ° fc , closlnn with n
sliuht icnctlon ; ungraded , y , @ ' . i e ; Xo. a
icd. DlV cln elevator. We dellvcied ; No. 1 ,
Vliiuaiy , elosiiiB nt ! ' ' ' , c.
Unts ( jnlot : receipts -.DCO ( : exports , 212 ;
mixed western , ivv : > c ; while western ,
Petroleum I'll in ; United closed nt 7
Kitcs'-ririner nnd In tnir demand ;
western , : W'i ( ' : 5o.
I'oikSteady , Inlr nnd nctlvc ; mess , S12.00
< it\2.ta. \
Lnrd l.nwcr but fairly nctlvc ; western
steam , S'.7l ' ! ) ( ' 0.7-"i.
lluttur ( jiiivt but linn ; western , 12@2cc ;
I'luln crcaiui'iv , : : . ; c.
Cheesel'ii m but lather uulct ; westein
lint. llwl'JV'
Mllwniiiccc. .Inn. 10. V.'lient Steady ;
ensh , iSVc ; Fehinaiy , ' ' ( c\ \ May , Wo.
Corn Haslet : \o. 2 , " > ii'4i' .
Oats Kb in ; No. 2 , 2rie. ,
HVO htloim ; No. I , fitc.
Hariey Lower ; No.Me. .
I'loxlsions Lower ; poik , Januaiy and
February , Jl'ia'i,1 ; .
Clncliinntl.Jaii. lO. Wlieat Stions ; Xo.
. ' , led , Me.
Corn KIi m ; Xo. 2 mixed , rjfl3n c.
Oats In lair demand ; Xo. 'J mixed ,
:0'vG'Ue. : '
ft.vo-KlrmNo.2. ; We.
1'brkQuiet nt Sl'.ViO. "
Laid Dull ntSii.5. ! !
Whisky Steady nl = 1.W.
nilnnrapoiifl , , lan. 10. U'hpat Active
but weak : Xo. 1 haul , eash and Jnnuaiy ,
77 fe ; Kebiuaiy , 7V ; .Mav , SlVc ; Xo. 1
noitliern , rash , 71P ; May , SJ c ; Xo. ! )
noithein , cash , 7' > p : Mav , vie.
Flour I'iimlv held ; imtonts , Sl.r)0ijl4.70 ;
bakers , S3.00a.7rj. ( : !
Keculpts Wheat. 13lCCO bu. ; notir. TO
bhlpiiieiits Wheat , 1,033 bu. ; ( lour , 21,000
' In Store- Wheat , 7,111,075 , bu. ; St. I'aul ,
TtO.COO bu.
St. louK Jan. 10 , Wheat Finn ; Xo.
2 red , cash , b-J.'j ( vC ; ; Februniy , b jjc ;
May , sskc.
Corn-l'lasy ; Xo. 2 mi\od , easli and Fcbi nary ,
S5V.av.ef.Miiy , i .i : : ! i'4e. '
Oats Irie ular ; No. ' - ' ml.\ed. cash , 2s c ;
Febniary , Bs e ; May , IsOp/c.
Kvo-Iiasy at.VJi'i' .
I'orli Finn nt SI2 1'tGtK.r "
Laid -Steady nl SD.20.
Hnlter Steady ; cieameiy , 2lj/'JL" ( , dairy ,
lSC < fJc.
Alteinoon boaid. Wheat Shade easier.
L'oin and oats nnehaiui'ii.
Kansas City , Jun. iO. Wheat Stroncer ;
No. Uied. rash.'O'.fc bid ; May , ) > )4 V * > . > &
Corn Steady ; .No. 2 , eash , LC c ; Kebuiary ,
3PhebdMay ! : , : ' . < 1ml.
Onts Noiiilnal : . > IayJ'.njc bid.
liiverpuol , Jan. -Wheat ( Jnlct ; de-
nnnd has lallun oil" ; holdera ollei mod
el ately.
Corn Firm with fair deninnu.
Jan. 10. Tlio Drovci's Journal
teiiortsas follows :
Cattle Kecelpts. 7,000 ; steady and stronc ;
shipping Hteers , .V-.O ; stooUers and
eeder.s 52.i.X' ! < ! t.75 ; eow.s , bulls anil mixed ,
stronger nt Sl.SOc.J'i.HO ; bulk , 8-.IOif..lO ( ;
IVxns cattle , Si'i" " ' \"U.
Hoiss Heceliit.H , t'.iuno , ; strong and Br lOe
hiclici-eaily , i'lo liu weak ; ronuhand mixed.
Sl.XC4.70 ( ) ; pnckili ) ; anil hhlnplnir. S4.r-a (
.1.00 ; llcht. vety weak : it § U.fcO ( > .5j
. . .
Shcop Itecplpt-s , 1,000 : steady ; common to
coed , S'J.75 (11.75 ; cliolee. 5 .vflf * < i.00wesei ; | II ,
Si.00@l.50'i'e.xnns : ; , S'J.OO ( i.75 : ! ; lambs , feJ.OO
The urovei't ) Journal special cnblccram
quotes the rattle mat Ket weak : best Amei-
ican steerb J.jC lower at I''c per Ib diessed.
Kt. ijintlH , Jan. 10. Cattle Itucelpts , 1,100 ;
shipments. 200 ; steauy ; eholcu heavy native
bteers , l.r : > ( < ll.-0 ; lair to coed shipping
stecr.s , Su.K'ii40 ( ) : ! ; tmtchers' steeis , lair
to choice , S3.0Ji ( < , l.l.ri ; leeders , lair to good ,
S2.7VTi.-IO : ; btockei * , lair to
. .
Kecclpts S.OOO ; shipments , 1.100 ;
market closed nrm ; all sold ; choice heavy
nnd mitelicis' helectlons , S-i.'OiSi.tW : jiaok-
IIIK , fair tosootl , 5l.riVifi.7n ; V < itkerfi , medi
um to lancy" , SH.7."iyi-l.ii5 ; pi b , conimon to
good , f 3.COs . 'i * .
KansnH Cily. Jan. 10. Cnttli ! Receipts ,
1,100 ; shipments , ; 4itpadv ; common ti
choice , & - . : iO ; stocUeis , S2.liliniiK ) ! ) ;
feeding sti'ers ' , : : .OUo.r ( : ! > 0 ; cows , Sl.riOcali.OO.
lions Ki-celpts , r)00 ( ) ; shipments , IJ.OJO ;
steady ; conimon to ebotce , frl.'J.'i l.C
llioViiolr. .
Monday , Jan. 10.
The iccolpts of cattle daring tlio week past
nveiaged very li lit , the total leceipts for the
slxdays ainonntiiiK to only aoout 2,503. The
market , however , was linn and nctivo nnd
neatly eveiylhliiK wns sold promptly on nr'
ilval. the demand beinc Rood. The receipts
of hii s foriho week wore very nearly 20,000.
The maiket opened at the bcL'innini : of the
week with lions M'lllnt ; nt nlSl. - OMI. 70. The
maiket ronilniied stonily on Tuesday , but
( hopped about 5c on Wednesday. Ptlcosii- !
mnincd nbont steady on Tliur.silay and Fri
day. but on .Saturday the buyers were not at
all anxious to buy with tlio prospect ot holdover -
over and tliu maiket took abliarp decline ,
fiom 5
Tlio rccnipls contlnno very llebt , but tlio
dcnrind i.s slionj , ' nnd there is n leady innr-
ket forinerytbhiK eoniinir. The market to-
dav was stioiiK nt Ilimer nuotiUluns and
evpijthiiijf wa&hohl.
Tll .
The market opened very slow and dull nnd
only n few loads were bold eaily In the day.
The bulk ot Ihu lions were not sold until
alter 1'J o'clock. The market was about lOc
higher than Satinilay'ri close. Inspito ot the
dull opening the nuiikel closed with u KOOI ]
feeling nnd everytblne waa hold.
The mniket Is very ijulot and nothlnidoiii
ol nny account. _
Cattle . "oo
Ileus . l.iou
Showing the prevailing prlooi pvld for llvo
stock on this market.
Choice steers. ittO : to 150,1 ibs . S4.:50eM,50 :
( . 'holcosteors. lUKito UW- ) IDs . 4.00 ( < n.o :
( ioodtoeders . ' . ' .75MU.OO
( iood to choice corn-fed cows. . . ' . ' .TAC't-i.'i
j < aii to mu ( mm ras.s cowa . 2.oJiiC.r > u
( iood to chotco mills . i.50fui.oo ;
LiL'htnnd iiipiiiuin boirsUOWl.fiO
( iood to choice heavy tiiws . -J,50.l.ri ( )
( iood to rhok-u mixrd no < s . 4.-lOi.i < i.55
< ! oed to eiioiiio shi-ep . ' _ ' .7.'if'f , ) .20
Fair toiood ;
Il I rcseniaiivo
b'i 1:1:11 : : ? .
Xo. Av. I'r. Xo. Av. I'r.
0..10CO gi.o ; >
No. Av. Slik. I'r Xo. Av. Slik. I'r.
70. . .SOS UWS4.IO 7fi..ajli CiX ) Sl--O
C4..212 80 4.10 ftV..27 200 4.WJ
fi'.2fJ ) 12' ' ) 4.40 ; j-7 . . .217 SO1) 4.W
02..2V ) * 0 4.40 19-1. . . JiCl 4SO 4.M
CO..212 41010 Cl . , K3 . . . 4,50
75 200 $0 M2 < 53 34fl * 0 4.M )
WJ ' % .1 f-0 4 45 01 20',1 Ml 4.M )
6S 'SW 210 4.45 7 : ! . . 201 240 4.10
< V , . . . O.0 200 4.4fifl..KX ! 240 4.52'i
72 .ffitl 2dO 4.85 CO. . . 245 . . . 4,5.i
00 . . .201 120 4.45 M . . .S53 M ) 4.5. )
CO. . .202 120 4 , < 5 70 . ! ! T > 4 .Ml 4.M ;
r-.2.V3 ) 4M7K M..WJ 120 UM
IW..303 120 4.50 M . . .205 . . . 4.5 ; ' , , '
03. . . 207 120 4.50 44..412 100 4.00
Ilangc or I'rlcoi.
Showing the blithest nnd lowest nrlcp *
pnid for loads of boss on this iiimkct diirini ;
the past seven days nnd for the snmo time
last year :
"Pee , issfl. I Jan. I * " " . | .Inn.
4III 375
t h 3 : : ,
Mil H.75
7th 11.70 . w > < n.TO \ .
Slh 3flO 4.31 M < > 5 lllocVllll'
' Sunday jenow lilorkuil'
101 h 3.'fi' > - " Sunilny
All site ? of stork in this market nro inado
nci ewt. live weight unless otherwise stnted.
Dead hoes < pll at % c per Ib. tor all
" . - " . less than 100 IN ,
-skins" or IIOKS wuUlilns lut .IM.l. " " .7
no\.ilue. I're < ntnt : sows nro docked 40 Ibs.
and stags bO Ibs by the public. Inspector.
Ilos nil sold.
( iood cattle In dcmnnd.
Hogs a little better than Hntuiday's close.
A irood mn of cattle Is anticipated for to-
F. Mollc , .Snydcr , wns In nnd sold a load
ot cattle.
J. Dower , lllnnchnrd , bail five loads of cat
tle on the mnikel.
( ! . V. I'nulk , Ciciijlilon , was hcionnd mar
keted a load of boss.
( ! . II. Hammond & Co. bought 101 linlf
breeds nveiaijln US ! pounds.
There ai a btners enoimh In the market to
tnUe till the cattle that could c.ome here.
"The cnltlo mniket would be Miong If
tliero were any heie , " leimuked a bujer.
K. I ) . Welker. St. r.dwnid , canio In with
two loads ol ho 9 , which ho .sold on the mni
P. .1. McCormaek , Hattle Creek , had n load
of 412 Ib. ho onlhe mniket which topped
the mniket nt jM.CC.
The I'nion Cntllueninpiny'slKcdlai : barns
nt ( iilmoie me lull. They make two .ship
ments ol eallle per week.
Ilelidol A ; Miller , E luir ; , Neb. , had SI beatl
of cattle on the niniKcl. K.Moser , innnnuer
lor the company , came in with them.
1 Well boiu-'ht is irnlf sold" Is an old maxim
nnd It is needless to say Unit stock which Is
puicha'-ed above the nmrket In tlio country
cannot ho Mild to advantncu unless tlio
maiket is accidentally higher. lio\eis'
Mnik M. , l-'iomont , has without doubt
llio finest 1'i-iclicron colt In the Mute. The
colt "I > eninnik , " which is cnmlnir two yeiu- ,
old , took hist pil/o nt the Oirulm Inir. Mi.
Coad took nine iiri/es out ot ihiitecn hoise.s
at Oniahn nnd seven iin/cs out of ( en
holies at Lincoln state fair.
A car of sblpped from .Modulo o\er
the Sioux city \ 1'ai'llle should have nirl\ed
heio in time lor Fiiday's mailcet , but did not
nrn\e in time. On Satin day the maiket do-
cllnul and the shipper was a heavy loser.
There onulit to be some law to mnue mil-
loads pay tor such delaj s.
Among utheiK hnviiif : liois In to-day were
the follow inn : M. .1. II lilies.Vet \ 1'oint ;
Fuller A : I'aton , Kulleiton ; K. 1) . Wolkei ,
St , i : < iwaidsV. ; . L. Kinbiec , Sheiinndoah ;
C. II. Hnll. A'nllisca ; K. Tayloi , Uioken How :
Lobmnii iV It. . Coluinbiis ; R M. Sackett ,
Cedar linplds : A. I ) . Hears , Claiks ; S..uedtt ,
ClailcaA. ) . McSlianc , Callioun.
OMAHA \VllOliI-.SAljI5 ; MAIlKliTS
Monday , Jan. 10.
The past week has not been veiy piohtie
ot eiianses in the pioduco marlcets. Kt ; s
have been sellimj at tlio one pileo for some
time. Tim ui tlio week time was veiy
little demand tor poultiy of any Kind , tnr-
kcys belli , ; almost unsalable. As the week
promcsspd tlio market picked tip somewhat ;
I" now fairly active , ( lame has been in lair
demand all the week and has been sellinir ai
about steady pi ices as imoted below. The
butter nuuket has been gradually ihmlnir up ,
anil while quotations : uo no higher the
market is in much better condition. Apples
potatoes and vegetables have not patented
any new features lint liavobcenclliiiir all
the week as ( juotod below.
General I'rotluoc.
Tlicfollnwlnti iirtivi urc ttir rnuit'lloti nf
prixliicc , as- solion / the MfU'AcJ tn-tluu. 'flic
quotation * mi frulti roprctrnt tiic prhses ut
will fh ntitxliic urilar-i urc Itllc't.
Krirts rnchniiKcd .mil ste.idy at 2letor
strictly tresli. Cold stciaire , slow s\ln : at a
discount , and pickled 01 sniU'd not w.tnted. Sales have been ilr.ifjirlnn latelj ,
as the maiket has been kept he.uilj storked.
lieeelpts Have been ent shmt by stoiniv
weatlier , ami a * luonseiiiiL-ncesome Impiovi'-
ment is noticed. Cieameu. stilctly clutici- ,
solid packed. 27n'2si- ( ; t and 2-lb lolls , 2ini'iiV ! : ;
daliv lolls , elioice , liwisc ; lull to Kooit , 12"
He ; Inlet lor tiatlus ; , n < t > \Xi\ \
Ciinnsi : I'nlleie.imclieddnrs.sin k' , n'Jc ;
Inlleieam llatstwins.ij : ! \ ; ,
He ; fancy Swiss Hfiilfi ; hwiss , Impoitiid ,
2.11' : LimtmrKei. l"e : brick. I4i"iv.
I'oi i/i iTim \ bulk ol tliu chickens are
sclllni ; at iibontN * ; tin Ucj- , ' . " "al le ; leeseaml
dm ks , ' . ( < $10e.
( i.Aii.As the season lor MIIIIO Minis of
trame and veni-on is now lesalij ovei , the
demand lias diopped nil cunsiileiabh and
pi lues sue not as hi h nor as him a- , the )
liave IIPPII. Deer and antelope saddles , pet
Hi. ( ( , ! ) ' : onirass , BCiOp ; jatk i.ibbits , per do/ ,
81.00 ; small i.ibbits. "J ! > ? \ pi.iblu ehiekiiis.
pel dofc : > .r > 0 ; email , do , frl 2.1 : snipe and
plovei , do , - > l.-il ; ueeM'.ulo , $ > ; oo , ducks :
l.ud , per do/ , x..JVwi.'iO ; tell , do. S1.50 ;
mivcd , do , gl rA-fj.00 ; , i-.OO.
ONIONS Veiv sp.irce and ehoice .stock
quotable nt ? 1..MC'1.0 per biNi.
HIA.\ : ' In moie libeial supply and a little
lowci ; Calilonias SI , " ' ) ( < < 1.7.1 ; domestic ,
choice clean , ? 1 Mi4 > ( io. ;
( i VMI : ( JiKill. per doS1.71W2.00 : ducks ,
mallard , per do/ , > 1.7.VaJ.O ( ) ; dncUs , teal , pel
dol,2r ( < tl. 10 ; ducks , mixed , perduSI. . 2.1 ;
Ki-y-e. per doS3. . Mi.
Ari'i.i.s Thti m.iiket 1- , \erv firm and
stocks arc \ civ small. ( hoieo MNsninl me
quoted at "H.OOCiBI . ' . ( ) . MlehiKan.4iHH < i I..V ) .
I'orAroKs-'l'lio tradu i.s limited to ihesale
of small lots , a tew b.icki at a time. Choice
stock sells at V.
Viii.r\ : : Sweet pntatup- . l-'y .ler-
.se\s , per Ib. . 4r ; riitaliauas per bill. , Si.CO ;
cairots. 82.00 ; wlillu turnips , IIIT bbl , , -2.00 ;
pai.snips. pel bbl. , MOD ; beets , pel bbl. ,
$ - ' . < > ( ) ; cabbau'es , per Ib. , : 'fi ' %
Cr.MUtv The maiket Is steady. Clmleo
stocu per doWe : extra laiue , per do/,40c.
( ) VSIIHS : ilcdluiiis 2.e . ) ; stamlaids , We :
pch-cts , 2b ; eNti.i beleets , MaN. ; . V. counts.
CnvNiirnaics Capo Cod , fanev. per bbl ,
S12.0U ; bell and bn ! < . per bill , 510.00.
HANVNAH itaiiaiiasellov , pui Imneti ,
S2.ooiii-j.2. ' > ; bananas , jcllowlaiurc , jiei bunch ,
LHMONS .Messina , per box Sd.OO.
OliAM.i- ! l-'loiiila , Lhrnee , TiOnf-'lO to bo x
S.'iOU ; do. . * ) box lol.s , S 1.7.1 ; Valencia , pel
i-iiM' . ss.rdCalltoinla Kiverbide , pu-i Dux ,
§ 4.75.
MAIM.I : Si o VK Stric'ly pure , so Ib box-es ,
IILTIU , K > c ; chaicuSo brlck > , 2" ib boxes poi
iti , lie ; choice p < * niiy cakes. 2."i ib boxes , iiui
Ib , 12 } < c.
SATKII KIIATT 1'cr 1J ! cal b'jl , PC.OJ ; 10
gal. hall bbl
I'liovisin.ShUnni , suu'ar-cured , 113 < e ;
breakfast bacon , hiuarumed , tmnelcss 10' , ;
shonldeis , i c ; clear side bacon , Sc ; dry salt
sides. 7c : lined beef , hams. He ; diied btet.
reinilar , lie : mess poik. per bid , M2'iO ; laid ,
M ib on n , Fairbanks , r .c ; laid , 10 , 5 and . ' !
Ib pails , l-'aiihanks , \ < it > -ti :
AMKI.III'I' AMI Di. M : Ilinr.s Diy deoi
hide- , per Ib. , led , l.V lSj ; diy deer hides ,
per Ib. , blue , Kk'flte ; dry dcei lildes pei Jb. ,
crcy wintei lUixUV ; iry antelope liult- , pet
Ib. , laiiJOL'tecn ; ( deer and dntclopo hides ,
' . * ! * .
Kfiss Heaver , pei Ib. , ? l SOrttS.oO ; mnsk-
tats , caeh , JiO'SoVoll ; , SL'irajl.OiJ ; laccoon ,
2UCtinc : skunk , I5' < ii5e. :
Kj.oi'ii AND AUi.r.sii'rrs \ \ inter wheat
lloiu. best quality patent , ! -2.7' ; bccoml qnal-
Itv , c2.2"iif2.f)0 ( , lie-,1 iimiiily hprins whcal
Horn , patent. S2.iiOwi.70 ; \ \ * . j ; NVeUhan'.s
buckwheat tlomer | > bbl. SO 00 : do. double
wicks. ! j.oo : ) per hundred ; Ur. J. Uelshan'tt
Xo. 1. read ) labed , lorty 2' Hi packau'e.s in
ca e , jl.'iO : do , twenlj 5 Ib packages in cafe ,
S4.'Ai ; bran , 70c perewt ; chopped Iced , 75e pei
ewt ; whitecoin meal , 00t ( < l51.00 ; jcllnw coin
meal. SHioperewl ) ! ; tciufiunir. tOi < v7rK- per
pwt ; hominj , Sl.fXi : shorts. 70e per ewt ;
Kra'inm , SI. 7bay ; , in bales , S7.00 pi-nun.
Grocers' f lst.
l'irM.isMedium. : . In bbls , 3050 ; do. In
half b'j s , sa.7S ; snull , In Ubls. SIM ; do , in
half lJbl ; sJ.'JV. hrklnji , Inlibls , SiOO ; do ,
, S > uri' N'O. 7o | ' 4-t'allon kpsrs , 51.20 < U.25 ;
> e\v Orleans percallun . { scif-itxT , maple byrnp ,
halt IMs , "old time , " > jer gallon , 7cc 1 gat-
on fan , per doz , $10.00 ; half cnllcm
tier doS5..V ) ; quart cans , Snoi .
ST\ncii Mirror glass , i ) [ , , Oc : mirror
. . . .
CANvr.nloniOystcrsstandardvorpa ( p ,
S : .lfi' a.S ; straw berilos , 2 Ib. jierc.-vse. 52.20 ;
raspberries. 2 Ib , per rase , F2.--0 ; California
pe. n , J > cr case , S4..V ) ; ajirieots per easj ;
S4.COpoaches. . DP' , S5.WJ white cher-
rlps , per ca < e , 5n.OO : litmus , per pixsp , S3.0" .
blueberries per case. Vl.Vi ; ( ve plums 2 Ib
pprpa e , ; < 2.50 : plneapnN's a ib , per case
S32iK3.ii : : i Ib nih.'kcrei. per dor , 81.10 ;
1 Ibsilmon , penloz , SI.f > 0 ( < il.5'i ; a ID ROOSP.
bernes percale , 31. 7ft ; 2 ib strinc beans , per
case , SI. 70 ; 2 Ib lima bean * , per pa e , Sl.nci ;
2 Ib niariow fat peas , ) ici case , 82. 10 1 < 2 5i ; a Ib
early .tune peas per case. S2.7 * > : i Ib toma
toes. . ? ' ! ; a ib.eorn S2.10M2.2.1.
Dnif.D Kntn.So. . 1 quarter apptps , f.-fi ?
fie ; In rMipoialcd boxes 12' ' . ® l.'le ; black-
bcnles boxes IKjMlke ; peaches , Salt Lake.
is o. ie ( , < lO'p ; pe.iclips evaporated. I'l' ' c :
17c ; raipbcrrles. new , 2'e ; currents , 7@ TH
prunes , new. fiViT'i'fc.
Sro vns I'owderea. 7e ; cut loaf ,
c(3'cciRniilatpl,01'lO'.e ( ' : ( ( ; confectioners'
A. ' 'sOfc ' ( ! : stantlaitlextiaC , r > s < ( it."i4'c ? ; extra
C. < > 1v''tr ' 'ic ; medium yellow , ( . ( jjjp.
Conrii-s : Ordlnarv cradcs , li' iiZinp fal
.fiU'i r ; primp , l.'ijf me ; choice , in ( l i > 4p ;
fancy reen and jeilow. 10'8l7p ; old cov-
eninipnt .lava. 20tiJ'iOc ; Intoner .lava , Ifii oD
P V ; Mocha , 22'd24e : Ailmeklo's ioa- ted
2J'4p ' ; Mcl.auirhlin's XXXX roasted , 20 > ic ;
Dilworth'.s20e : lied Cross 20'4c. '
MAITIIKS 1'ercailillp , 2Se ; sniiaro cases ,
SI. 70 : mule * qnare. 81.20.
CAXDMivpd , OjUl'nCt ' stick , S' ' O' ' P.
CitArKf.ns darneau's soda , butler and
picnic. . "I'jc : creams , sjjc ! Rliigersnaps , c ;
cit > soda , y .
SiiAi-s Kirk s savon Impoilal. S2.70 ;
Kin ; s satinet.5 ' .00 ; Kirk s standard , SWi ;
Kirk's white Itiisslan. SI. 00 ; Kirk's whitecap -
cap , Srt.M ) ; ilimin , 3.vj washboaul , 53.10 ;
white cloud. 5:1.7:1. :
lunns ( iioen butcbcrs , r > ' , jki(0c : KCCCII
cured. * e : drv Hint. llinU'c ; diy salt. OuUiV ;
crcen calf skins , lfi'P ) ( < ; e ; damaned hides
twothiids piice. 'llillow : iVc. Ureasu
Piimo while , a c : yellow , 2'4c ' ; brown , IV
Mieep I'elts 2.-iQi7 : c.
IIKAV % llAiiDWAiti : lion , rate > ;
plow s'.eel special cast,4'5icciiielblesteeliXe ' ; ( ;
cast tools , do. 12 < iylko ; wacoi ) spokes , pur .set ,
S2.00i > i.V > 0 ; liubs , per set , l.a. > : telloes ,
b.iwed dry , ? l.r)0 ; lon nes , each , S'c ; axels.
each. Tfie ; simaio nuts Dur Ib. Un71e ; coil
chain , per Ib. O'ltPJe ; malleable. 7ci'.ic ; mm
wcdue.s Oc ; ciowhai.s OP ; hanow teeth ,
( pilii ) ; steel , 7 il'e ' : Huiden' 's hors.e. shoes.
54.50 ; Hmdeii s mule shoes. SVSO. liarbcd
who , in car lots SI. 09 per 100 His Nails
rales , 1J to M , SAM ) ; steel nails S2.j ( ! 'il.-- .
Shot , Srl.0 , " > : buckshot , Sl.s.1 ; oriental powder ,
kecs , S-2.60 ; do. half kess , S2 00 ; do. quarter
kens , 51.50 : blastinir ke s 5-j.5 : ! ; mse , per 10
feet. O'jc. Lead bar , 10
N AIIMSIII. * Kniiels , periiallon : furni
ture , extia , 51.10 ; furnitmeo. . 1. 51.00 ;
coach o\tia , SI. 10 ; coach , So. 1,51.20 : D.T
mar , extia , 51.75 ; Japan , 70e ; asphaltiim ,
extia we ; shellac , S3.M ) ; hard oil linish ,
bt'iniTs Coloancsnlilts. iss proof , 51.17 :
do 101 proof. 81. IS ; .spirit- * , i-eeond quality ,
101 proof , -51.17 : do isb proot. S1.10 Alpoliol.
IbS jirooi , SJ.20 per wine i/allon. Uedlstllled
whiskies l,00.jl.r)0. ( iin , blended. Sl.WM
' . ' .00 ; Kentucky bourbons 52.00 ( 0.00 ; Ken
tucky anil Pennsylvania ryes , 52.00 0. VJ ;
Holtli'ii Sheaf bom bon and ivo whlskipi ,
Sl.SOfiiU.OO. lirandies , imported , S3.lWfjs.M ) ;
domi site , Sl.0if3.00. : ! ( ( iins , impoiten , S4..r)0
( uti.OO ; domestic , S1.2t3.oo. ChampaKiii" ) ,
impmtuil. per case , S2i > .00iif3..00 ! ; American ,
per case. S10.00i.iiiri.00.
i'Aixis iv Oir. Wldlo lead. Omaha , ! ' . 1' . ,
7We ; wliite lead. St. Louis , pine. S7.7.1 > ; Mar-
hPi lies BICPII , 1 to.'i Ib cans , 2e ; l'ieneiime ,
creen seal , I2e ; 1'ienchinc. . led senl. He ;
l'tcnehinc. . Innuilsli asit. 20c : rrench
zinc. 75cermilllon. ; . KiiKllsli , in oil , 7.rK' ;
icd. Hie : ro is pinif. He ; Venetian red , CooK-
son's , a o : Venetian led. Ameilcan , i'c ;
red lead , 71.c ; : chrome yellow , lne , aoc ;
cliromi- yellow , K. 12e ; ochre , rochelle , He ;
ochre. 1-rench , 234'c ; ochie , Amciican ,
l"-fc " ; Winter's mineral , 2' > ; Lehl U blown ,
2'-e ; Spanish brown , 'i e ; I'rlnco's miner.i : .
! Jp.
Jp.Dnv I'AINTS While lead , vcPreneli \ sine ,
120 : I'urU AMiititiL' , a c ; whiting , u'iiders
ajfc ; whitinj ; . com'l , l'4c ; lampblaek , Cer- !
manstown. 12r > ; lampblack , ordinaiy , HC ;
1'russlan bluo.ri'ic'.ultramaiiiie , } vainly \ K-
brown , s'c ; umber , burnt.Ic ; umber , raw , 4c
sienna , burnt , 4e : sienna , law , lo ; I'anc
green , centime. 25p , 1'arls cieen , com
mon , 22c ; cliromo preen. X. Y. . 20c ;
vermlllmn Aiiicncan. lsc : Jiuiian
law and burnt timber , 1 tl > cans , I2c ; raw and
Inn nt sienna , 12c : vaudyku brown , l"c : relined -
lined lampblaek 12u- coach black and ivory
black. Ific ; drop black. trc ; Prussian bine ,
4 ( ) c : nltranmiine black. lce ; clnomc Kreonlj. ,
M. A I ) . , Hie ; blind f.nd shutter crcen. L..M.
& D. , Ific ; PanKiuun , Ibc ; Indian red , lf > c ;
Venetian icd , ! V ; Tuscan , 22e ; American
\ernilllion. L. t 1) . , 20o ; yellow oehro , 2e ; L.
M. it O. I ) . , IS ; ; treed oclire. Ific : naten
diver , 8c ; irralniiiK color , llirhl oaic , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and : isti. 12c.
Unrr.sND MIKMICAI.S Acid , carbolic ,
! ' ' -e ; acid , tartaric , 52c ; balsam copaiba , jier
I ! ' , Oc : bark sassafras , per Hi , lOc ; calomel ,
per Ib , 7bc , chlnchonidia , per o40c ; chloro-
iorm , per Ib , 4-c ; Dovei's powdcis per lt > .
S1.2T : epsoni salts , jier fl > , It'-ie ; Elyeeilne ,
pine , peril ) . S u ; lead , aeetato. per tli. 21c ;
oil , castor , No. i , per cftl. , Jl. " > 0e ; oil castor ,
So. a , portal. , SL40oll ; olne. per sal. , SI. 10 ;
oil nrlL'nniinm , 'jOc ; opium , St.'JU ; quinine ,
P , < V W. and It. iV S , , per nf. , 70c ; potassium
iodide , p.'i tl , , Si. . " " ) ; .sallcm. per olOc ; snl-
nhntc niorphmp , per oSi'.l ' ; sulphur , per
Itj.-lu ; strjehiiine. neroS1.3J. .
No.l Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 ami W tt . 517.50
12 , 14 and 10 tt . 14.75
No.J " 12 , 14 and 18 tt . 13.50
No.l " 12. 14 and 10 ft . 12.00
' '
1 l - It'.1 ' l
IH.SU. 10 Ml , Hi & ) 17.01) ) IH.Ui)2J.IN12-.UO )
ni.Wiior'i ' lo.w n.t''j ' .
lILf/non. ) llUi ! l7.HblM.IKJ.MiOc' | G'J
I Irt.MI 1I1..V ) 17.WIK.IO-"J.IOL-II ( | ( ( ( }
. . lU.riUjlll.fidiln fi'iilT.lul ' IH ( -.11 ( HI 'U ft )
1st com. , Jj-in White Pine Pattltion..S : .00
! M " " " " . . . . 27.M )
2dCom. \ in. Norway PlneCeillu ? . . . . 14.00
No. 1 , 4 it f. Inch , 12 ami 1 1 ft. , rouirh. . , ? 17.05
No. 2 , 4 tt Cinch , 12 and H ft. , toimti. . . ll.OJ
A 12 Inch. B. 1 s. 400 . 8X00
11 12 inch " " 42 I ) . 2.1.50
N'o. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 H. . 10. 1HA 20 tl. . . 21.00
No. 2. " " " " . . ] h.50
No. 2 , " ' " 12 .t 14 11 . 17.00
. ' " ir n . 10.0 , )
, , SUM' I. AT.
No. 1. plalii.Sand 10 inch . S17.m
No. 2 , plain , b and 10 Inch . IS.iiO
i'osis-VVhTtuCedar.O in. , . s , 12c ; 8 in.
qrti'c. ' .
o. r. DAVIS a co.
Nebraska La'Dd Agency
Gcntial ilenlerb incal cbtate nnd icnl c- .
tale inoit ag-s , 1 , 5 Farnain s.t.Oniaba
1719 Ouming st.
If thn nnt > laumlo in onmlui tiit * : has Ncn \ ork
prlt ofinm U tou jit r cunt ctitMpi'r tlun jii ) t-umiu
litundr > in tintii > . iiritt i i.i * < i\urt u.u nuliTit
dut'il uil i J iur uud U fli very J.
Tt-lci > lioin > Stt ,
Carpenter and Builder ,
Tolejihuno UGO.
.South .Slxlceiilli Strecl.
I JA'nvo | Anivo
COXNKCT1NC. LINKS Transtor Tianslei
depot depot
C. H. I. * P. :
Txcept Sunday. Ul5a : in 15:2. : " jiu )
1 Kxcept Mond.iy. CIO ; p in p(7:00itn )
C. .t X W.
PI5 ; n in 0:11 : a m
AH ( raids run dally |
6:40 : p in 7:00 : i ) m
C. 15. , t ( i.
0:3 : ! ) a m 0n : ; m
All tinins inn daily. . . . j
OlSSp 111 7:00 : pin
C. M7A.St. P.
trains ( 0:1.1 : a in ! l:1fifl 111
All nm daily
0:10 : p m 7:00p : m
K. C. St..I. itC. I ! .
"I-'Acept Satiiidny. 10:00 : a m iri:35a : in
tKxcept Mondnj. TiIoO p m
AV. St."L. fir. l
All tinins run daily I 20n ; . : f.o p
S. C. .t P.
All tiains run dally j 7:01 : a in 0r : : , am
0:25 : p m 8:50 pin
Sr.c-cpKsors to Jno. ( J. Jneobs ,
t t'l-i ' ol ils land 1 1(17 ( I'arnain st. Orders
bytek' < jraili so.ieiteil and promptly at
tended to. Telephone No. 2W.
f2ALWAY. !
Oinaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
The only road In tnke for Des Molnos , Mnr-
Khnlltoivti , ' oilnr IlnnlilR , Clinton , llx ) ! , Clilrn-
KO , Mlhviiukno nml nil points c-n < t. To tlio pro-
nlo of NehntikB , rnlnrn < 1n , Wyotnbur , I'tnh ,
Iilalio , NoMiiiit , OietriinVitHlilniflnn nnd Cull-
fornln , H offers suiioi lor ncU-nmaKua not potsl-
bio by any otlior line
Among- few of llio niiineroun points of !
perloilty nnjoyed liv the pillions of this roiul
uotivpnnOinulmanil Chlpniro , nro its twotiiilBA
niln.vof DAV COACIIHS wlilch nr tlio Onost
thill humnn nrt nnd niRiuinity run rrentc. Its
PA LARK HMRI { > ING CAIIS. which nro mniloli
of comfort nnd nlpg.mcn Its I'AUUHt DltAW.
I NO ItOOM CAItH , niidurpnsfiidliv nny. mid III
Mlilcly oolnbrntvd J'AI.ATIAI. DININIi CAItS ,
thn rniinl of which cuiinnt lie found nliawhcro.
At Council Illutfs tliu trnliuof thn I'nlnn I'ni-l
flo Rr. connect In t'nion Dnpot with thope of
the ( 'hlciffn & Noi Iliwcetiirn H } ' . In ClilcHRO
tbn trains of tlili line iniiko closa connection
with the o of all enatutn llnn .
For Dntrolt , Columbus. IndhmnpolK Clnoln
nntl , Nlnitiinx I'ldlH , Dulfnlo , I'tttslmrv , Toronto ,
Montroiil , lloston. Now Vork , I'hlliiilolpldn , Hid'
tltnor * . WnRhlntrton nnd all I olnts In th on l ,
isk the tlckot ntnnl for tickets via ilia
"NltlllWI ( ) ! > Tr.HN "
If yon w | h ih hn't r.o-nn-mnilatlons. All
liiket aifnnlh ol | tk-l.i-isi v mills lino.
.M.IICOIIITT. i ; . 1' WILSON' .
( liMicrnl Mannimr , Opnl. I'nM'r Afri'nt
" ' '
\VM. IIAIICOOK , rl"ullK0.'l'-I. II. I10LLII3 ,
( li-ii. Wchtcin Apt , ' ily I'.is Ait.
( Jiiulm.Ni ) c.
Artists' Maturial ,
A. IfOSl'K , ,11 ! . ,
Artistn' MiitcrialB , I'iunos nml Or nnn ,
ril iTMit'lua Mrri-l.dmr.lui.
Agricultural Imr/etnents ,
W lu > l ( tn\o \ lirnlrr in
Agricultural JiniildiicntH , Vau'ons ,
Carrn i'd and Ilnt'el' ' ' ! ' . Junes ttrti-t , ti-lnucm atli
lint ) lOtli riiuiin.Ni ) ! > l > .
, llic. . Wlio1i > dlcOTiaha ,
: i > ( ; co. ,
Jobbers of Ilanhvarn anil Nails ,
T.nwnrc , hliopt Iron. llc. AKCIIIH fur JIowo licul
unil MlKiin J'ovrdcrl'ii Onulm. Np
JtECTOll , d H'lLJIKLMr C'G. ,
Wliolosalo Hnnhrnrc.
Wcilorn nrcnU fur JcltcrBim HfPl Null * . Auttli
I'owilerlo lulrbankn r-undaril hiiiU-n C'urutir
IPth unO llarnoy. ( Jiualia
1'A JtLJXoKXriortJ MA
Wli'jU'salc Dealom III
Agrirul'umil Jinplfinpiits ,
uuU lluuties. Ull 'J03 , uUj iir.J 'M. Jones si
Butter and Eggs ,
Hnyevs of Hut tor and ERRS.
UofrlRfrMor and dirking House. lith unit I. .iten-
worth Ft , I' r 11. H. TiAek , ninlin
Builders' Hardware nnd Scales.
Jim EH A i 77 ir a * TA n,6 / /
Mechanics' Tools ami lliiffalo He Mrs , HOj lioiigla * t. ,
Omnlm , Nrli.
AMEUICAX nA\n sKirun
.MmiuructmcrnMHl Wtiolccilo/KMlds / In
Hoots nnd SIOP. ! ,
Comi'loto Mock of lliltit'or Cnml nlwort on tunrt
. ' < < ! S. 131HH.Oii-.min. Ncb A T.AyttVi. AM.-IH.
If. r. MOUSE CO.
Jobbprg of Jtools nnd S
Kit Viirnniii ( I , Omnlm , Nrh Mnuufni tor ) , Summer
iln-pt. llii'liin.
7. . T. LtSitSK Y , ( V CO.
Itnlilipr Itont-i nii'l ' Slun" .
Hull HtKt O licit I'll lUfK iLll JClt tlitj. Suillll
ia : lL'iiriicr lltli mill ll.ninlm.
Arjt. for Anltenser-ltnsh HrpvinqAss'n
Special ltrnnrt . KMiist.ltmlTol'or mul t'rlanerr.
KX ,0 ILElf ,
Tiiujpr liccr Itrowers ,
1J21 Norlli l th f-ltvct , Oimhn.N'cti.
Butchers' Tools.
) r/s UKLLKKt
Itntcliet'H' TeeN and Supplies
uu Caflnm nf nil kltulu nlwnjnlil Muck , 1215
.luncflt.1 , oiuili : i
Building Material.
Dealer In All Kli l or
Jiiiilillng- Material at Wholesale.
13th Stn-nt nml Union Pncltli1 Trick , Oniulin.
Coffee , S/n'ces , Etc.
" "
CL < uiKK j A'avrTFTvC"
Oninlia Coffee and Spice MilN.
Tcn'.Oniri'O .Splrc . linking 1'ondi1 * . I'lnoiuir IE
inulil.iiunJiy llliio. Ink. Kir. Nil Hi lluri-vy
Home roHccaml Spice Mills M'f' - Co.
CciiToo Hn I'lina unil "puv ( Uinilorp. Miinnfiii uin-rn
of Diminc t'nndoi , 1 lixurlni ! litiriiil" Illnlnt. iio. :
M'ronu i'ii i ot o ir l-fl > p-u knui' Homo IJloiid Kuu led
OotToo.Vj \ * llowtinl st. Onaiibu , Nvli.
.lolin Epeneter , 1'roi ) .
Sluniifncturer of ( JiihnnliPil Iron nml ( "ornlro. PJ1
lloilgnmid lUlntuIJi.N.lOlli \ ! . . Oiunlm.Noh.
MnnufHCtnrors of
Oriinincntal ( Jalvani'/ed rornicps ,
DotmiT WliuloHf , llnalK. MplnllcJ-Xjrllulit.i'ti- .
I''tli ft , ( linalin.
V. Sieclit | , rrop.
flnlTnnl7ed Iron Cornlop' , cto. Sii-et'Hlni | | > in\i'il P/it.
cut Mi'tnllcMijILIit. f > Uti MiiiUlU S l.'lli Kt . ( iiiinlnt.
ol u r ] cAltl'K'l' CO. ,
Jobbers of
CarppK Curtains Oil ClotliIfnsjs ,
l.liiolt-iiiii" , MattlnB8 , ntc ir,11 | ) IIIBI jilri t t.
. .S.17 OltUlfAltl
Wholesale Carppfs , Oil Cloths
i , Curtulu Coodn , r.lo. 1U3 ( amain Mu-pt ,
Omtlm. N.b. ;
Crockery and Notions.
nt for thoManufjcturcra nnd Iniinuternof
Crockery , ( tlnsswaru ,
ChlnuieyB , i < tp. ( Hiiro , 317 tiulllh 13tll kt.
Dnuilin , Nub.
Commission and Storage.
and .lobbincr.
Unttpr , KBKHiiiid I'rortncc. C'onilrii.mcntii nillcHcil
IK'iuliiimttPrn for btononan1. llorry Him H and
( iniiu | lliinkiMB. 1114 Doi'.nei-lli'i't , Dniiiliu.
Comniissioii Merchants.
Friiltf , Produce and Piovlhlnni ) . Oinnliu. N'cli ,
H' . K. JtII > I > lLl , ,
i ! and Commission Mcroliiint.
bH'i'l | iltlc * llntlor , KSK < : Chceso. I'onltr.T. l.uuo ,
O > tpn , TIP , IlliIl2'outli Mill tri'Pt
tEM. i ( C'O.
Produce Coiniiiission Jlerrhants
Poultr > i lluttir , ( iiinip , I'liiltF , etc. V"A ) fa. lithet
Oitnilia. .Nrh ,
Coal antLime. .
J' . MlLEHTOyE Tl' CO. ,
lloikrs In
Hard and f-'oft Coal.
Onlconml yiml , K'th : inil NlilinlnH Kf. , OiunU.I , Nob.
'V ' "
( lEo. r. i.Aiunu , l'rp . C. V. GdoiiMAV. V I'roj.
J. A SfViu lll.AN'Il , tioc. mid Treat.
lobbr-rfl of Hard and Soft , Con ! .
Sicifontli Tlilrteculli Stri'ft , Omnlm , Ni'li ,
, T. , T. ,7O//A'.S'O.V,0 CO. ,
Mannfacturers of Illinois White Limp ,
And hlpiit't of ( * oul and CoUo. Cenipnt. l'.otf-r ] ,
l.lnio , lliilr , 1'iru HrlPk , Dniln , Tiln nnd SC'HIT 1'lpn
Olliin , P.ixton IlutHl , K.irnam tt. . Oniitm , Nfli.
'Irli'iiliiiiiii Ml.
Confectionery ,
I < \ 1\ FAY M CO. ,
Maniifiu-tiiriiifr Confcctioiiprs ,
Jolil'traut ' riull , Nutn mid Clt-'um. till J nrnuni St.
Cigars anil Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cl arn , Tobacco.
Hunt mid Ammunition , . ' ! ' > tn7Jlh IIUiM. , HM ) tq
1'J.4 ' 1 iiinaiii t < t , Onrili.i , Nfti
WEST FltlTtiClfEH ,
Jlannfactnrors of I'ine Clars ( ,
And Wliuli'milc Itcilcrp In l.enf Tobucro , , Nm 101
mulllUN Mill Mrn'i. l ) iiiilni.
Wlmlii-iMo lL'iilcr In
Uigurs , Tobaccos , I'ipm mid Smokciy'
Aocnte for ! ) . IcHirj lorT A. I' . . . I'lni-Cut inrl Stnok
ngTnlmcnoj , Mllniiikoa , Wliooniln. Vo,11 <
c = 3 NortUSUtoonlh strum , -
Dry Gooi/s.
Dry foods ! FnriiiHliIntf Oooiis A' Not ions
IHCiuul I1H ! DoiiKln * . rnr. lltliHt . nmiilinfli. .
Dlttlllcre of . | ( | | , . Alci'li. : ] nnd f-'lrlt | . lni'urH':3 ; :
nnd , lbl > cr ol W iiirHiuiil l.liiion |
ll'l LLO H' Nl'ltlXGfi JHNTILLK'y
CO. ami ILEll . ! > CO , ,
Importers nnil JnMiorr of 1'lnoVliiin nnd T.lquors.
bole infiiiuiiiciiiiciit < "f Ki-iinodyV KHU liiiliu llll'
lull in. .1 Hum Ir Iliiuom. 111 ! llnriivkt.
Drain , rile , Etc ,
A. II. B M EH I'rfli J.W IlFIirnilli Hor..VTlOHI
U. J.C'AHioN. V.rrta.uMdhuiil.
Offiro ? H F. Kill Bt . Otnnlm. Neb MncMncn nnC
fcr Alunu'uciurun ! CVmcni Drulu 'lilo.
Dealers in Furniture ,
I'urr.nia tt. Oinnhn. Neb.
Furniture , lioddinff , I pbolstcry ,
Mirror , , vie. I'M. 1205 uud 1210 Kiunnm t On.nin ,
Groceries ,
Wholesale ) ( Jrocorios nnd Provisions ,
JJ < " " 05,707,7imnml.llSL10th S t , Omaha.Neb.
) , 1WA
Tilri nnd I.PivcnTcrtli tiiOniii1i.i.
ir. , r. ,
Hpnvy Hardware , Iron and Stpcl ,
Spring" . W Slnrk. llnnlvnrn Lumber. cte. 1X0
- nm.-ilm.
Wliolosnlo Iron and StopI , Nr ;
NYjeon Stork. lU-.iTy llardw
Kir. mtmiilUUl l.rivpimuririM . Oniatw , .Scl > .
! /I /
Stoves , ltaii ; e , Furnaces , Tiles ,
MdUtlci , llrntcf. ItniMtinoiK l. < 31 and I'M I'onmn
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrntipht nnd Cn t Iron lliilWlnc Work , Iron Ptnlr * .
HnllliiK , lloann iind ( .InloM , stoum HnHni'ii , llrnn
Work. iliiiPMloiindrj , Miuliino and ! ltnilt iultli
\.otV. tnippnnl\Votli . I . P. lly nnd Kill Klii'i't.
Detilpr in Lninber. Latb , Llnu > , Sash ,
Jeer ) , KtC. YunU-OnniprTlli nnd Uoiulosi Curner
Mil nnd Doiuliu.
Wliolcsalp Lninbcr ,
611 H. tllli Mrri'I.OninlnXeu. I . CnlpolFPr , Mnimner.
c. x J > IIT % .
Linnb ( > r.
I'th nnd Cnllforrln MrcrH. Onnlm , Npt > .
ritun na it A r ,
Lninbpr , Lime , CpitUMit. Kti1. , Klo.
C'ir.Uli HIM ! nouulns ita. , Om.ilni. Nul.
110 AU LA XI ) ,
T. ir. iiAjtrErLi'MitKii co. ,
ToDpalors Only.
Orficp , KM KHrnnm slrppt.Omalin.
Hardwood lumber ,
Wood Orpcto nnd 1'nrnr.Pt Ploorlrc. Stli nnd Dot
Om.iti ti ,
Wboli'salo Lninbor , Ktp.
Irjiliortoil nml Ainrrlrnn roitl-iml Onion ! . Htnl
forilllnniiki-o llyiliuulli ( Vuicnt miJ llu t
liu'r Wlilti'I.linc.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
I.lmltoil. John F. IlooJ , S-jporlntcrdsnt.
Live Stock Commission.
M. Hl'liKE ,0 M > .YS ,
Live Stock Coiiiniiasion.
( Jpo. llii'kp , Manncor
Union Mock ls , H iiiiinlin. Tcleplinno tta.
Live Stock Coiinnission J
Stilpmcnts of : inv nml nil kln < l of Mock eullcltcd.
I nlon Mock \ : ul ( , liinnlia , > el > .
Millinery anil Notions.
/ . o TiJ-UIFISLDifit rtTco r
IniiKirtcra anil Julibois of
.Millinery ami Motions ,
lillnnil WillnuiPy St.cot , Oiniilni , Kob.
c. s. G'oonjtTcul co. ,
Arc tlio onlj Direct ImpoitorHof
( icnnan As French 'J'oys Fancy
In Kulinif kn. ChlciiKO prices ilnpllrntcd nlihont nild.
Initticliilit. Hl.'i I Hriimn Mu-i t.Oiniilui.
, / . T. JtOlilXSOS' XOTLOX CO. ,
\Vlioli-tnlo Io-ilci8 In
Notions anil Kiirnisbin Oooiis ,
I'll ' nml Jir , $ Tnntli SI , t utrilm.
Jul > bors In
Notions , Hosiery and ( Jcnts * Fi
Pirnnm 8t.Omiln.Nnh.
0cern//c. / /
CAXTJELD MAinri : < '
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jones riints , Milrts , rtp. 1102 .mil 1101 UOIIKIHH Etrri-l ,
ouinhii , Ni'lp.
Paper Boxes
,7. L. U'lLKIK ,
Maniilactiirer of 1'nper
CS.IUli Hi . Om.ili .1 , Ni-Urnik i. Drdi-rn bj nmitso
llcltoiluinl lll rcculto tiroiujit ultuiition.
.lob 1'rintPiN , Hlnnk Hook MuKora.
And Uouk lilmliTH. I'll ' mid KM Soiitli I'lim It-uutb
bticcL. Dm IM | , 'cb.
Auxiliary I'libliabrrs.
DoalcralnTyiio , l'ro' cii nnrt I'rliilrrj'Supplloi. MM
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
' ' " "
Manufacturers , r.-ickors unil linilurs : In
Pickles fc Sti'Ictly 1'nrn Apjilo Vinegar
llnkliiK I'liwilcr , I ln\nrln ? Kill.u In , T.-ililu Hump ,
1 rcnrh Miialii'11 i fiMi Htuliii' , OrntoiM' tjif""i |
hole hti litInr \ ork M.ite llllll ItLHot-il A | > | iu Ci-
ili-r. limi J uivL-nxortli cl. . ( luialiu. s
, "UW/S.
" \VholoHalc \ PniniiH , IMjic , Fittings ,
Stonmiinil W'Hlnr Suiiiillis ) I iJiii | rlcrH I r Hint
1'OJHt I'O'B I , ( - ) ' ! . 1111 rullllllll hi .lllllllllll. VUll
A AT ; c'o.7
fite.lm. W'ntrr , and Milling hiiiii > i < i , HlO.
fSO , ' / . ' Jninl ir.'l 1'iun.ini H , iliiiiili.i ,
Ilnllnilnr Wlnrt Milliiram nmlVi.tcr Pitppllc- ,
I'luiiililiiK ( io ) > - . Hitlllni ! . Hull' .in ni"l ' , i"0 liii-
Hum bt. , Oiu iliii. S K rdt'Hi ,
' . HI.
Safes , Ctc ,
J > . JlOVEli ,15 CO. ,
Adonis for Ilull'H Halo ft Loclt ( ' ) . . '
Tire unit Hurt ! at Proof Hifni , 'llmu l ick Vnulli
nnd .lull Work. IIU ) riirnuii rtrc-ut Omiilm , Net ) ,
G. ANniiEEN ,
Onialia Si't'nVorlH. ; .
Mnliiifnrtvircrmif nro anil lluri.'liirl'iiiof RiiO-a Vnull
JuumJiill Wiirk.riliiil ri and W'nu Wnri. , Cur.
IUiniclJlnlfi. ! ] Hlf . ncikliu , Neb , _
Sash , lh > ors , Etc ,
M. \ . lifNIUtO \ \ ' A' CO. ,
Wliolctnln .Miiniiliti-iiiri n ol
, Dourn , HliinlH nml .MonliHiifh' ' ,
llinticlioaice,12lli nud l.ais rf. . ! :
fj. lLVMA. . ? ,
] \ , Door , JillnilH ,
I'anrr , i-tr. ! ! / ) ! -oiilli Tlilrti-Hiiili blract ,
Omulia , .Scli. A loinpli'tu ttuck ul JluiKlT
Manufacturers , of Sash , floors , UlinJs ,
Mould'jive.Hnlr WorVnnil Interior Kurd W'uoil I'lnliVi
JUBI oinriitd. N.I : cor 8Ui mid JxavciiHC'illi bin.
Om.iUu , cb
Wagons ami Carriages.
A. J. lilMl'SOX ,
The Loading Uardutjo Factory ,
iI'siAin i iuii iSuit )
II'M ui.'t llll Iloil o mttl. Omaha ,