Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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Nebraska's Mcmorablo Struggles Since He
Statehood Reviewed in Detail.
The KlRlith CatnpalKn Opens Witt
Clin iced Coiullttonn from 1'rcvlous
Mxllitfl ClinncoH Decidedly In
Favor of Van IVyck.
Nf 'irnnkrt'fl Bonniorinl Contents.
I.ixroiA" , Neb. , Jan. 10. ( Killtorlal Cnrro
8i > oniliiicoJ-Slnco Iier adinlx&Ion to statchoot
twenty jenis ago Nebraska lias witm-sspi
Boven senatorial contests. Tlio first of thes <
occurred In 1807 while the capital was still a
Omaha. Tlio principal competitor * in Urn
memorable struzulo were Alvln Saundcrs
who had boon territorial governor six yoats
Algernon 8. 1'mldoek , torrilorial secretary
General .John SI. Tliayer nnd Cliaplalr
Thomas W. Tlpton. The contest was short
sharp and decisive. Tliayer nnd Tlploi
wcro chosen. They drn\v straws for their re
npectlvo terms , Tliaver securing tlio longer
four year's term , and Tlplon the short or twi
year's term. At the end of Ills term In IbC1.
Jlr. Tlpton was re-elected for a full term ol
six years after a somewhat exciting canvass
His chief competitor , David Uutlor , ther
governor , came within two votes o
carrying the caucus nomination. Ui
to tills day Air. Tlpton Is the only mar
whom Nebraska has honored by a re-eloctlot
to the senati ! . ( icnural Van Wycic , I fee
conlhleiit , will bo the second. Tlio third sen
atorlalcompalgn , In 1870-71 , was fierce , vln
( llctlvn and desperate. CJeiieral 'ilmycr was
the candidate for re-election , and the seat ol
war Omaha and Douglas county , where
Tliayer then resided. His only compotltoi
bgfote the people was Alvln Saundors. Thayei
was supported by ( Juncral Grant nnd tliostal-
warts who held federal olllces under him ,
Haunders was tliu head of the opposing lac
tlon. Attcru dcspi'iatp , pitched battle , In
which the baclceis of Thaycr spent S20,0X (
and the S.umilcrs tomhlnatton 310,000 In tin
Douglas county republican primaries , Thayei
came oil victorious , lift carried the primaries
nnd elected his full republican delegation from
Douglas county In spite of a bolters' ticket ,
supported by many of the self styled sinion-
pure republican leaders , \\lio to-day arc nol
Ratified with Van Wyek'H republicanism. .
Hu/ardln * ; himself aslrlnally lo-uleetoil ,
Thayur hurried on to Washington nnd ro-
malned at his desk in tlio semite until the
loulslatuiu convened. In his absence a new
Klclimoml appealed In the field in the poi-
BOH ot 1" . W. lliti'lieoclr , who h.\d kept dis
creetly in tliu background while tlio can-
vnbs was pending bufoio the people. Hitch
cock hnil huen an active radical lupubllran
during the wir and as such hail been to-
warded by the party with the ofllco of
United States marshal and turrltoilal dele-
pa to to congujhs. After the assassination
of Lincoln ho .loliiisonl/nd for tliomkoof
the lleshpots. In IbOO ho accepted tlio sur-
voyoi-genoralslilp at the hands of Andy
.JuliMMMi nnd with ether olliceholders who
had alllllaled with democrats at
junctuiu lie was summ.uily deposed in ISO'J
tittei ( iiant became piusldunt.
With a handful ot uls runtlod anti-Grant
republicans and the solid democratic vote
Hitchcock defeated Tliajer in a pitched battle -
tlo bcloio the ICKlsliitmo. It is notorious
that &ii2,000 In greenbacks were lit ought to
Lincoln by n curtain anti-Van Wjclr stal
wart and disbursed to thu democratic mem
bcrsot the leclslaturu.
The f out th senatorial con test was fought In
1875 , w lion .Mr. Tlpton's torni explied. Al
though this vaeanoy occurred south of the
I'latti1 , Tliaver and Paddock wcro again com
petitors. Thajerliad taken up his rosulenco
nt Lincoln dm lire the preceding year , and
1'addock had established hinibcll on a sheep
ranch near Ueatrlco. It was called translu-
slou of blood Irom Omalm to the South
Plattf. When the legislature convened the
lace appealed to bo between Tliayer nnd
Uiindy , with Tli.ijor consldoiably In the
lend. 1'addock only had two lomisomo republican -
publican votus , with a half-dozen .stiay
demoiiats .to keep them company. Nels
1'atnclc , the boodle candidate , was kooulnir
his name betout the Ip lslaturo by the loud
and solid vote of Church Howo. Alter two
days balloting Tliayer was on the point 01
carrying off tlip pruo when Dunily , cnrau'od
by treachery in his own camp , threw hinibiilt'
in the bruactiand deliveicd his followers to
Paddock , who had also negotiated for the solid
democratic suppoit , on terms which mav l > o
found in tlio written contract ot ox-confcd-
Captaln ISnyart. of Otoo.
Tlio hfth and by all odds the most exciting
senatorial campaign was fought ten years
tuo.Jay Gould had personally taken a hand In
thu state campaign nnd people had been
nrousea to n hiuh pitch of uxcitoniunt ever
the elTort to pack tlui legislature throi-uli the
Inteiteinneoof thuUnlon 1'acllicand ledeial
olllclnls , backed by an abundant supply of
money nnd patronaKo. in many , it not
most , of the countlus , candidatus for the leg-
islatuie.vero pledged to oppose the rc-cloc-
tlon of Hitchcock. When the legislature did
meet the opposing factions conlronted eacn
other like hostile armies. Kiom the depot to
the Commercial hotel , and theiico to thu cap- !
tel n ported line ot nickels kept the com-
man Jors Intormcd ot evnry movement.
Lincoln was a great camp , with ( ho Tlchener
houpe and the t'ommen-lal as headquarters.
, Thn held whleh opw.ed | llltchrock was - . > olid
nnd hatmonlous The qiiadiillaleral madu
lip of HaundtT- ' , llilgu's.CiouiiM ) and Mamlei-
son was almost I mpi equable. On the thhd
clayallnr the balloting had commenced an
nntl-Hltchcork c.iueus consoliil.iti'd all thu
torciis upon S.itinders. The next day the
Btamuede earried over all the Hitchcock 10-
lo Snundiu'rf on the hist ballot.
The hixth senatorial light , which resulted
in the election ol Charles II. Van Wyek , took
jilacn in Ibbl. In the contest , as in the pro-
rauipaltn , the force ot popular senti-
.mint was with tire llola which oppo eu the
re-election of .Senator 1'nddnck. Tlio dllll-
ctilty of unltlnc tint tiold on any candidate
oaino veiy near-itramllmrovury body In It.
Jt was only on the lifth day alter thu ballot-
In ; ; had honan , and after n btampeilo Imd
vorv nearly bronchi on I'.uidock'u election ,
tint I an Hiitl-1'addor-k caucus , held amidst tlio
most Intunso nxdtonient. centered upon Van
" \Vjclc and , niaichliii : from the caucus ( mil ,
tho'io ' who had attended1 elected him Ihiity
inlnuteb Inter.
Tim lust nenutorlal contest was thn most
piotiaeti'il nnd tedious ot them all. The lint
ballot was taken on the 10th ot January ami
the llnal ballot on tlioliUt-fifteendnys there
after liallotln had bi-ua in progress niuui
than ton dajs beforntlioni-rossary numbu-r to
hold a i-nuuus to oh-ot were beetirud.
Ami now wuaro uliotit to benin the aetlvo
ronleit in thu oltrlilh ftoimturiiU-ocimitnlttn.
Jivory export chew player knows that no tw o
KnineiOl itlrusanruur alike. The bamo Is
-tnnTof tin-so perlodlo leKlslativo contents In
which Iho iTiitno is played with llvn nuin. At
this hour thn clinnces appear most decldedlv
In favor of Van Wji-k , The lii-ld which on-
\ poses lihn rmiiiiid mo of a l.trao Iliilu of ieo
iv just betomaspiiiiu'tliuw. Tlio biittlo mass
[ S > liolils loKOther only do lone as the eiinents
b. . iiiidernoath are not agitated and the rislnir
i' tldii dries not fur colt aMindnr , It Is liable 10
5. ro to nii'ces Jiiht us soon as the cioand swell ,
f which Is cairyhnr Van V.\ek bu-Jc Into Jiis
beit , niaiiife-its Its reltloss force.
f Tlui lifId In 1SS7 can in no wav cnmparo
\vlth that ot 1S77. Ten yearx auo almost
cverj inembi-r ot thu li-ulslntiiio llrnt rrnulo
mi the Held came heio jijedned to his ron-
htltuenN to opoiu | ) \ ever ) honoiHlilii moans
tliHio-eleellnn of .in unpopular monopoly
Hi'nator , TOR ! > there iirnuiil ) two myniheis
Ap-u nnd bU cnllea uo Innn Hamilton
coanlv i > r > olrrtely ilodK'd ( tlnoiuh a con
vention to oppose Van W > i-k. The threat
) iiav > of thn nuniibi'islii the held liny pni on-
itlli pinlurothercamllitates , t > ut they know
they will not Incur the dhplc.ibtiro of their
con tiruenlsby htipportlm ; Van \Vyek , who
conns lutlorrt llroirr with thu popular indoiMv
iiient. A ratlnn'ilKnllieent pointer Is llni fact
that lu-ietofgro thu rield has aluav ; , elected
the f jieaUer , Tim faction that electi-il tlio
bpnukcr has usually eleetwl tlui Bumitor. In
> therouls , tlio majority of thu house has
been : in Index to the will of tliu UviMaUiro.
J' . llOSKWA'UUl.
Tlio Klro Hocoril.
l.noisvu.i.K , Jan. 10. At 3 o'clock this
.limning tlio buildup ownedby T , JBar
rett w is tun ned , thu dumnju ainountiiii ; tu
SSO.0,0 ; Inauri-d tor 50,000 , H. T. Jdooro &
Co. , who ooeupled thubulldiin : as a fuinl-
tuiinuctI0u and commission ilrm , wt-rn dam-
tin * ) to Km nwoun : of gSJ.OCOj '
Tire Great Shipbuilder Succumb' ' ] to
Ills Dlsenio.
NEW YOIIK , Jnn. 10. John lloaclt , the
crtrnt ship builder , died at 8 o'clock this
mornlnc ; . The cancerous growth had eaten
Its way Into the sldo of his neck , below the
ancle of Iho jaw , Involving the largo arter
ies , which became liable to rupluro at any
moment. Koach was In great pain all day
yesterdav mid to give him relief largo doses
of morphine wore Injected , and ho was un
conscious most ot the ttnio. In the few con
scious moments ho had ho spoke ( o Ids son
Uarrelt who was with him all the time. The
young man remained with him during the
night , llo occupied a seat nt the bedside
and helped llic nurses. Only a few intlninto
friends of the family wcro admitted to the
house yestPiday , but nobody other llian the
nurses mid physicians were allowed to see
The family remained up with Itoaclr until
1 this morning , when they retired with the
exception of Oarrett IS. Knaclr , who ro-
ninined to watch with the nurses. At 5 o'clock
Dr. Taylor detected the approach of death
and nt once Informed the family that lioach
had only a few hours to live. The dying
man lost consciousness nt 7:30. Ills end was
unmarked by n struggle.
The luiicral of Iho late John Roach will
take plaro on Tlimtday , nt 11 n. rn. , from St.
Paul's Methodist Kplscopal church. Twenty-
fourth street and Madison aNcnue , where the
deceased attondcd.
ins PIITVATK i.trn.
Nrw YOIIK. Jnn. 10. | Special Tcluzrnm to
the BiiK.l Ot the pitvato llfo of John ICoarb
the World this moinlt ) ! { savs : "Stories with
out end nrc told of him. llo was of solid
build , nnd wan hardy nnd well preserved.
Ills habit was to retire generally nbout 11 p.
m. nnd rlso nt 7 in tlio morning. Klght
o'clock found him busy nt work , for Ids j > er-
sonal Inspection of nil woik hud , ho stated ,
been the secret of his success. On the tr.ilns
between Now York nnd Washington Koaeh
was well known to nil the train hands , nnd
ho might frequently bo found stretched out
upon two or three trunks In the bnggngo car ,
snugly tucked up by the baggage master , with
n roll under his brad nnd .slippers upon Ills
feet , lesting while tra\ellng. llo was le-
marknlily careless in his dress and his deaf
ness made him n dllllciilt man to talk to ,
while as for talking ho was always ready lo
speak .earnestly and well foi hours at a time ,
nnd of Into veais upon the bioad topic of
American shipping nnd what congi ess should
do lor its revival , llowroto vigorously nnd
ns persistently ns ho talked nnd pamphlet
alter pamphlet was fired at the public nnd
press and departments , nil crammed with
figures to sustain his claim lor high piotec-
tlon and subsidy legislation. Ko.icli talked
beiore congiebsional committees , nildiessed
worklnuinun'3 cluln , nnd was never tired of
drawing upon his Iminensn tund of experi
ence , and from a head crammed with figures
nnd facts ho would make his points and
clinch every ono ot them with a close touch
of Irish wit. Ho was strong In his opposi
tion to lawsuits and boasted that ho had
never been either defendant or plilntlll In
one. At home , nmon his children and
grand child ) en , ho was ns mild and us gentle
ns ho was persistent and pushing In his busi
ness , llo was n stions republican and
worked Industriously for his party , circulat
ing tracts written by himself under n ficti
tious name. Ho passed his summers at his
clamant country scat \Vestcliester countv.
Ho therohadn farm of 1,400 acres , splendidly
stocked and under a hiirh state of cultiva
tion. This is the Ophlr farm , the Ben Hal-
llday folly , ns it was called. Mr. Koach
bought it for about onn-fourtlr the .sum spout
on it by Mrs. llnlllday. and mnilo It his
country house. The story of the trouble be
tween John Konrh nun Secretary Whltnoy
over Iho acceptance of the dispatch boat
Dolphin , during the snmnu'r of INS ) , Is
familiar to all renders. In July of that year
nn honorable assignment followed. The
blow broke the heart which had been so
strong. His tears blotted the assignment
paper as ho signed his name , and ho huiiled
away to Ids summer home.
I John Koach , tliu shipbuilder , was born in
Ireland , but was reared in America in the
city of Now York. 1'rior to Ins starting In
business on his own nccount he was a com
mon workman in the Allaire works. At this
place ho soon advanced hlmselt through his
adaptability to business to the position
of foreman , nfter which ho established him
self with n very small capital , but his old
employers recommendations assisted him tea
a modcinte creult , nnd his natural toico boon
gave him prominence. In Ib07 ho was able
to purchase the Morgan iron works
for nbout S-WO.OOO. and In lSt > S the
Neptune works tor $150,000 , and two years
later the Finnklin forgo lor ClM.OOl . ) ,
and also n largo property nt
Chester , i'n. , where he subsequently jmt In
onaratlon the extensive works known ns tlio
Delaware Kiver Iron Ship Building nnd Kn-
gine Woiks , of which.corporation Mr. Itoach
was tint president and owner , llo is the
builder ot numbers of vessels for the United
States government , having been given the
contract tor the ships Dolphin , Uoston , At
lanta und Chicago. The Boston was finished
in August , 18M5 , and tlio unfortunate Dolphin
phin which caused John Koach so much
trouble by having been rejected under the
Cleveland administration was at last trans
ferred to the government through negotia
tions between Mr. Koach nnd Seciotary
A. Firm Stipltosocl to Io Sound Goes
U nil or nt Hoonc.
BOONK , In. , Jan 10. [ Special Telegram to
the Br.i : . | The failing of Hall & Co. , haid-
waio nnd Implement dealers , was announced
on Saturday and created n feeling of excite
ment , as they were regarded by nil as doing a
good business nnd were supposed to be in n
piosperous condition. Mortgajes anil bills
of sale on the block , books , etc. , weio filed In
favor of the City bank tor 87,000 ; Ileblnul ,
Spencer. Bartiett * Co. , S7.000 ; D. U. Hind-
man , of Boone , John C. Hall's p.utncr in tlio
law business , 52,000 ; Sarah A , Moore , 5W > ,
nnd on real estate , Catherine Hall , of lioono ,
51,500 ; City Bank of Boone , S'vVllS ; H. A.
Hamilton , Sl.OOO ; Small M. Hall , S1.000 , and
n trust deed to Krank Champlin. SJ.600. Sev
eral ot thi ) above moitgages bftlng morn or
less related to members of the lam , and Urn
turtliet tact that one member ol the firm Is a
lawyer , will doubtless precipitate litigation ,
in lact some attachments havu already been
made and others will doubtlev ; lollow.
GllJiou ( iota tire I'rintlnK *
LIXCOI.N , Neb. , Jnn. 10. fSpecial Tele
gram to the Bnu.j The pilntlm : ot the
senate tiles ami house bills was let to-day to
Henry Gibson , of Omaha , nt 22.1. ' cents per
iliiiro of twenty-four leaves In Jots oC 500
each , nnd at42cents In lots of aoo each. Two
yoara n o the work at .M > . coats amounted lo
55,2s9. ? The Hist bid thib yo'ir , nmde by the
Journal compiny some weeks ago. was
at 51 cents per n.uln > , amounting to Sll.l.r > cJx
tit ? 0'JO'J 11101 e than two \ears ago , Tlio stj'
minting board rejected Iho cxliav > ' " t
bid , as ( liny did al ° Q the si'cond bid jwdo a
we k n o nt K cents , saUug to tnoXiuto by
tlilt. ficonomy about i-iiOW , n > < r tha state.
gets for iKl ? what the NlyrttTml .company
wantcifom jjll.OOJ tor aj veul3 ago.
Itnllroail r Jf rA. Arrive.
SntoitsnrjiQ. NwKT.Ian. 10. [ Special to
the HUB. I Uminir tlw past few ifayu a largo
nunibar of woikmon with teams , scrapeis
and ramp cijulpmonts have arilved In town.
TlKircomlni : was unheralded , but upon In-
rjuiry It was [ named tiiat they came for busi
ness. They aie now encamped about a mile
out nf town on the line ol the recent survey
ot the nuw road buuth. and as boon as winter
UMM-IIS iU crip limy will commence tlwwoiU
of giatl ing. UyJuly Stiomsburi : will have
direct communication with City and
easy access to all points south. An inereabo
lu the perpetual boom Is anticipated.
town Minors to Strike.
Dus M < axr.s , la , , Jan , 10. Thecoal miners
of DCS Moines and vicinity held o meeting
to-dav and rcbohed to strike In n body If the
reduction ol one-half cent recently ordered
by the propiletors of several mines U en-
foiccd. A confeienco committee was ap
pointed by mcHtinir. It is generally belloved
tin ) tumulo will be adjusted without stopping
15 ml I < Mro In les Molnps.
Dr.s MOINK.S , I.i , , Jan. 10 , Vlro brokn out
thU morning In the nnr of the Mills building
oti Fourth street and burned a largo part of
the stork of the furniture' store of McCord &
Woik , and dustioyod the rear of the Mills
building. Total loss on stock aim bulldln ? ,
SiO.OOO , co\ered by insurance.
nt Koolculr ,
KFOICUK , In. , Jnn. 10. [ Special Telegram
to the BKKJ The residences : of A. J.
iioY. ! y aud Dr. J. 0. Hughe * wor ? burslar-
hcd between 2 and 8 o'clock Sunday morn
ing. McCray lost 823 and his trousers , bu
the latter were recovered. He grappled will
Iho burglar and was knocked down. li
Hutrhes lost a valuable watch chain , i
Masonle charm and S40 , total about SffJO. Tlv
ofliccrs traced the burciars across lots tw <
miles and exchanged shots.
Stabbing Affray nt Crouton.
CnnsTox , la. , Jan. 10. [ Special Telocran
( othe UKIJ.I llarvev Whitney , a batbcr , li
an altercation with Frank Wyatt , at tin
latter's boarding house last nltthl , stabbei
Wyatt under the arm. Inf.'Sfllnit a forlou :
wound. He was arrested aud loured in jail
Cnnrlit In tlie
OTTVJIWA , la. , Jan. 10. [ Special lole
gram to the Bnn.J At noon while Davli
Barry , aged sixty , employed In the Ottumwi
lion works , was oiling a shaft his clothe ;
catmht and ono leg was biokcii , and ho wai
badly Injured Internally.
Fll/Kernlil Swell * tlio hocan Tumi
Ijtxrot.x , Neb. , Nov. 10. ( Special Tele
gram to the BuE.l John Fll/gerald to-daj
forwarded to the fund for the benefit of Mrs ,
John A. Logan his check for S 1,000.
Probably Fatally Sonlrtcd ,
ICHOKUK , la. , Jan. 10. [ Sbcclal Telegrau
to the BKI.J : 1'atrick' MctJovern this monv
Ing fell In a vat at Coy it Co.'s packing house
and was probably latally scalded.
lJtj UAV1TT.
lie Talkn on the Conilitlon of Affaire
in Irelniut.
CniCAoo , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram tc
the Br.n. | MIchael Davitt's rooms at the
1'acllic have been crowded all day , scores ol
his personal friends heio Impmvlng tin
opportunity to pay their respects lo the lady
who recently became his wife. KcKardln
thi ) situation nbioad Davitt said : "The dilll'
cullies In the way of Loul Sallsburyls ad
ministration have brought about a dcmoral-
i/hiK condition of allalrs. Affairs In Ireland
and Kngland to-day imllcito that the tory
government will completely collapse In a
short time , when the llbcial paity will bo ie-
stored to ofllce. "
"What do you see in tlio hoi I/on that la
encouraging to yourself'1
"A gieat deal , The impending collapse ot
the tory government is uratifying. The
brcaklnit down of the tory paityl have pro-
dieted In every mldiess i have deliveicd In
the United States during the past four
months , i see the Irish people aio showing
n splendid lighting spirit and at the same
time exhibiting great belt-restraint under
movocatlons. Notwithstanding the vaiious
petty pcrbecuiions against Dillon , O'Brien
and ethers the light against unjust rents
is being most vigorously sustained. The
people , notwlthbtandlug tlio vigorous law
moceedlngs of laudloids and the frequent
resort to evictions , have thus lar committed
no soilous outniKcs whatever. "
Questioned concernlnc his \iews of Henry
George and the Dr. Meliiynn matter. Davitt
said : "Without caring lo again uo into thu
matter ot Dr. McUlynn's temporary suspen
sion , 1 must say that 1 don't Ihiiilc Oeoigo
has advanced his own or impi overt thu
position of Dr. McGlynn by the Injudicious
attack winch hn has thought it lit to make on
the Catholic chinch In his leader on that sub
ject which appeals iu the Hist copy of his
paper. "
"Aie you satisfied with the fi-ellng evinced
by alt the triends of lioland heroV"
"Yes , the Irish nationalists hem in Amer
ica are in splendid temper. While many
honest and earnest nationalists In America
behoxo 1'arnell and Ills followeis in Ireland
to be a little too conservative in the national
league policy , anil not hiifllciently vigorous
in the line of action pursued in Jfelaifd and
in Westminister In the homo mlu light , they
nevertheless show an admirable spirit o'f
forbearance in losolving to give to such a
policy and such methods ns the people ot
Ireland employ , a toluiation which insures a
contlmmnco of Unit imlosponslblo unity
which has piovailed among the liishraco the
woild over dining the last seven years. "
The King of Bdu'liiiii Suffers a Set-
J5aok at WnshiiiKton.
WASIIINOTOM , Jan. 10. A decision was
i endured by thesupiemo court of the United
Slates to-day in the novel and Inteiostlng in-
toi national cabo of the klnc of the Belgians ,
by Charles Mali , consul , against the keeper
of the common jail of Hudson county , New
Jciscy. Last October there occurred on
boaid the Belgian steamship Noordland ,
lying at Iier dock in Jer.scy City , n fight
between her sailors , In the couiso of which
one of them named Wllderhus stabbed and
killed another named Frigons , both Belgian
subjects. The police authorities nirestedthe
murderer and two other sailors who are wit
nesses of the fight , and Imprisoned thorn In
the Jeiscy City jail. Tlio Belgian consul ,
actlnf under instructions Irom his covern-
incut , demanded the release of all the prlson-
uis on the ground that the crime was commit
ted within the jurisdiction of the kingdom
of Belgium and that under the law of na
tions and tlio treaty between Belgium and
the United States ho , as consul , had solo au
thority In the picmlbes. The demand for the
release of the prisoners was lefusej , where
upon the consul sued out a wilt ol habea <
coipus anil upon the dismassal ol
that writ by the United States ch-
cuit court ho brought the case tc
this court by appeal. Justice Waite , speaking -
ing lor tlio coint in this case , sajs : "The
principle whieligovoins the whole matter l
this : Disorders whleh disturb ouiv the
peace of the bhln or those on boaulaiotobc
dealt with exclusively by the sov
ereignty of tlio home of the
ship ; but those which disturL ot people on shot a maybe bup-
pressed nnd , it need bo , otfondms punibhojl
by tlio Dinner authorities of the local jux
dtrtlou. The decree of the clicult coiiiyvV ;
missing the writ of habeas corpus IsaUx ( cc1'
THE B. & O. AVU1.CI'--
Twolvttof the Victims of " 10 Disaster
Acuountctl for ,
Cr.KVr.ANn , O. , Jac10. . . Testimony be-
foio Coioner Lepper5 / inquest over tliu
Baltimore & Ohio wieclc this forenoon t
Tiflin , O. , wasr'lucll'ally ' aimed at the Iden-
tllication of C'O perbons who polished. By
relies plcUd up at the bceno of the disaster ,
tlio uai es of T. O. I'embeiton , of I'ayno , O , ;
Uowman , of Mcchanlcsburg , Pa. , and
pavld Obcr , of Qbcilln , Pa. , nro added to
the list of killed already given. Kobort
Chamberlain , the. llepublio undei taker who
took chaige of the bodies of the victims ,
tent Hied that ho took eleven bodies
from the wreck. Alfied Thompkine ,
of Hemibtie , also tostilii-d corroboialing
the oxldeni-o of Chambcilain. Ho said walkman
man in clearing up the wreck paid no atten
tion , lo the chanod lemalns which weio
bliovuled oil the back with other dubiis. "It
bcems , " ho said , "tiintlhuy wanted to yet i id
ot the bodies ab soon as posbiblo and cover
tlinm up all they could , "
The list ol tin * killed Is given as follows :
Pa engeis-Davld Opcr. ObeiHn , Pa. ;
I' ' rink Bowman , Mechaiileshiirg , Pa. ; John
Mrtinfr' . haiucsvlile , la. , M. Jl. Paiks ,
\ ] | ashliiuton , Jooph Postletliw.iito and
j h two sons , Spencer nnd Henry , Maitlns-
burg W. Va.L. ; O. Peiubeiton. I'.ijne , O.
'lralnmeniillam \ \ Fredericks , Ihemaii of
p..ssonger nnglnu ; W. S. Pierce , expiess
mesMMi r. Wheeling , W. Va. ; J. M. Fra.icls .
nnd t. Irwln , Blaekhaud , 0. , linumen.
. , VV,8 a"0. " " ' * > r twelve , it Is believed
that the body found behind the tender was
ilnni ? ' . " tl"V,11 ? II , IS Mlsl"'ct 'l ' that J. \ .
Bentley , of B oomliiKton
, in , was on tuo
train and peilshed In thollames , T o n-
t will bo contlnuodto-moiroiY.
'I hoVoaihor. .
CHICAOO , Jan. 10. The mercury Indicated
8 degrees below zero here this morning ,
marking a continuation of the cold weather.
It Is also very cold In the valley states west
of the Mississippi river. At Union , Dak. , It
i'ni i . "i5 lelw.zer0' ) . 10 be' ' ( > w at St.
lioi iV ? , ins Anl'a3' , , ' 10 below nt 1)es
n i
° ! ow
Omaha ' ami 5 below "t at payunport. Kanws City 5 , below at
Nearly all trains are iato and mails de-
Noliraska unaloWji U'oatlier.
ipr Nebraska and Iowa : Colder , snow.
n nvsatAX
Ihrilllnc Artventfsres of the 1'rlnccs
DolRoron rs IJrotbcr.
TAVI.KQUAIT , 1. T.lan. , 10. ( Special Teli
gram to tlio Bcn.1--Aiigel3 are eonictluu
said to bo entertained unavMUes , but the ei
tcitalnlngof n ll\o prince at the Unpretei
lions capltsil of the Clierokco nation has nt
heretofore been considered a possibility
Some tlmo ago a man of more than ordlnar
culture and rcflnem'ciu took up his resldenc
In this city , but uiVCil'to-day no ono thoiigl
of questioning hlmjia'to his Ideiillty. Who
a reporter sought a > i hilcr\lew with him h
said that ho was a u'fttivo of Russia nnd
Brother of the Prlnposs DolgorouUl , mlstrc ?
of tlio We c/nr. In explanation of his nl
scnce from ) H uativc land and his rcsldonc
In this out-of-the-way porncr of the world , h
said that when a young man 1" liatl bee :
binished from Itussla on acoaufit of hi
nihilistic proclivities. Continuing tli
narrative ot Ids life ho said : "A
soon ns I was landed In Si
bet la I was put to work litho
the mines about 2,500 feet under ground
where I could not see daylight. 1 began a
once to plan some means by which 1 couli
make my escape , and being especially edu
cated In ait engraving , by 'this art I nccom
plishcd my purpose. Upon small blocks o
stone 1 engraved characlcis till I had tin
fac-snnlo of genuine passports. 1 was llvi
j ears In accomplishing my object. 1 tool
no ouo Into my confidence. Armed with m ;
passport 1 made my way with gieat dlflicult :
to the sea coast , got aboard \iwol bound fo
Olilnn , which country 1 ultimately reached
and among these people 1 remained Him
years. From there I went to South Americ :
and after staying thcio n while , not llkluj
that eeml-clvlllred county , I sailed for tin
shores of the Noith American continent.
Ilrst touched San Fraucl'co and aftei a variei
experience drifted hero. " He says he re
eeives letters regulaily from his sister , thi
Princess Dnlgoroukl. who lesides In Franc *
In semi-exile. Kev. W. U Miller , a Prcsby
terlaii minister here , \ouchcs lor the correct
ness of Dolgoroukl's statement.
A Dcciilcrtly Stronn Undertone Char
noterl/.OR the Mnrkol.
Niw Yoitic , Jan. 10. fSpeclal to tin
Bui : . ] In spite ot the rather bearish feclinp
n regard to American securities on the Jdi
gllsh and Cuntinental couises , the maike
opened with a decidedly slrom ; uiidcitonc
Jersey Central again led the advance and th
talk was that it would sen a much higli i
figure during tlio current month. coa1
stocks were generally a shade hlu'lior , but
speculation in them , outside of Jers-'y Con-
tiai , was limited. There was au unusual
amount of activity In Peorla , Jccatur &
Evansville , which insiders oxplaiicd to bo
owing to tlio contest for the coitrol of thu
load. Vandorbilts wcio in demand at
higher jirlces. Wosten dispatches
wurotlint the trailie of the Lake
Shoieioad was o hexvrtlmt it was behind
its oidcrs 1,000 , to ' . ' ,0(0 cars. The pool in
Omaha was apparont'y dolnc nothinu' , but
rumors were cuircit that important
developments would tranmlio in n shoit
tlmo which would m.teriallv ndvaiice the
stock. The Gould sicks rallied n fraction
tiom Saturday's price. The big bears wore
apparently doing noting to deploys prices.
They claimed , howuve , that the 111 utlccts of
legislation had not ye-been discounted , and
that notwithbtanainyhe beemliig lirmnrsi
of the market it woui breaK easily at tlm
] ) ropertime. Tlio makotduiing the alier
noon was even duller han that of the morn-
lug. Nearly all of thclist sold elf n iiactioii.
but thu decline stoppe' when iho maikct gut
back to the opening Ices. It was claimud
by the beais that Jcre' Central had been
held up to enable mVmuilatois to Ball the
rest of ihemaiket. 'lie close w- dull and
quiet. The total sate weio noout Z
MIMS : CITMont.Jun. . 10. Cattlemen
nro greatly alannod fothe tutuioowing to
the overstocking of rnchos. Last winter
witnessed n heavy infix of cattle bronchi
here to winter. lnrgherds ( were brought
over the parched trnlUtom the Kio ( .larrdo
and in their famlsheaC'iiditron placed on
the rnuchos alieady " > lllly. | . slocked
1lllv ! mid winter
that only n phenou < ;
could prevent lieay'Josses- lo mu °
matteis worse tlio caicfop wa ? , unusually
large , Vp lo Chrlstns ' " * wi a her w-nsiin-
usually favorable aid al was well , but since
then the temperatu ° , niglng , as.low , io
below , mm bllnd"K wiius , befoio wliich
the cattle drift 'n spl ? of .the cow boys'
oilorts , re.lucc ? tlio cttlo in ilosh and so
weakens them as to inko heavy losses in
evitable if hid weather fntinucs.
Sti Auditor.
ST. Louis , Jan. 10. . Post-Dispatch Jef-
fcrson City special say- o state legislature ,
in joint session , to-day jipointed n commit-
tee to examine into th rnaraeler and nc-
counts of Stale AudiU Walter. Vaiious
charges have been bro it ngainst the au-
Donth of Al o Ontei.
PiiiL.viii.i'iiiA : , Jan i. A lice Gates the
woil-Jniowu comic opo slngor , died this
evening at the lesidQie ot her husband
after a long illness. g
Arm ) ' MfltcrH.
A general eourt mSial has been ftp-
pointed to meet at I'orPu Ohesno , Utah
at 10 o'clook u. "oiMondny , the 7th
day of Februo-/ 77 , r as soon there-
after as ini-tlL'alJi ! , fo the trial of such
persons , ' ' nlllJT ° ° pijporly broiifclit before -
fore iTl)0 ) foUoxviiH is the detail for
tlu otirt > Colonel u tist V. Knnt ,
l htlr infan ry ; Colonel IIunr.yC.Mcr-
'rii > > ' > . Bovouh mfaitry : Lieutenant
Colonel Natian Ur. Osborn , Sixth 111-
tantry' I.iontinant Colonel IJoberl H.
infantry ; JlajorJniuos S. Casey , Sovon-
tcenth infantry"Major ; Kilmonil Hutler ,
.Second infantry Jlaior John N. An-
ilrows , U wonty-rst infantry ; .Major
William J. Lyste Sh'th infantry : Cat-
tain Allan II. Jaei n , Seventh infantry ,
jiulgo advocate.
A greater mmiboof ofllcors than those
named cannot be tismbloil without man-
ifnst injury to the f-i-vico.
Ujion the niljournioiitof the court sino
illo. the members thn-of will return to
thole proper station.
The travel dlresc-tod i necessary for the
public BOI vice.
( .rent hit'cincnt
in SOUTH OMAHA ove'ttho way acres and
lots in Ai.uitioiir's loici : are { joins ! '
lots sold'voiio .
Twenty-two day.
Ilavn You Sba Tliom ?
If not , call on \ -ArniuonT anil co
out ( o Son u OMAR with ono of his
agents to inspect thoinagniliceiit prop
erty known as Ai.inrrciT'a Ciioicis.
An Kmbiv/lc-iCapturoiJ ,
N. D , Honnclt , : i cimtructlng engineer
who is in tlio city in tk interest of K. 1 .
Allis & Co. , of JMilwmkeo ' , rocoivcil a
toll-gram yesterday 'itixting that .1. K.
Wilhon , an oinbulmt employe of the
lirm , hail been capture ! in Texas. Wilson
had charge of his urn's business in Ne
braska with headiiutrtcrs at Lincoln.
Under pretext of gating possession of
a bad creditor's proourty ho secured
SLUOO from his t-mplojcri and skipped
nut , taking an Omaha willow , Cora
Campbell , with him Ito ileberted his
wife and thrco chiMroii vho live in Lin
Tlio IJoom is iininenso
UltlGHT'S ClIDUfc JKilS T'P" ' ALL.
I'UL I'JtOl'KltTV.
isuy a I1on'
Ofthoso elegant lots U ALBUIGHT'S
CHOICE and double ovr money before
making tots of
spring. Albright ) ,
monov for lots of jHowle who purehnso
from lam. Only u M J money required
to buy a lot
A female Terror of the If
Tlio "Woman's Orlof M'licn Her So
Triptl to Swcnr Jlor'Awny 1113
WMi to llnvo Her Hanccd , to
Oot llolil of Her Property ,
Though new , this country , writes
correspondent from Las Crucses , Ne\
IMexlco , has beeomo olil enough to liav
an occasional cvnmplo of tlio cll'ects o
heredity , \llroncho Lou , tlio womai
desperado , who not many years ngo wu
the tnrror of southern Colorado , has i
son who has just distinguished , himsel
by committing perjury in the hope o
having his mother hanged , so that In
might inherit her property. Up to l S
Lou belonged to a band of outlaws whicl
made its headquarters in Colorado. Sinei
that time and inuior various names sin
has lived on a ranch in Lincoln countv
In this torrilory , whore she has consid
erable stock. In her younger days slit
was a dashing [ woman , with enough ol
grace and health , brightness ot , anil
Irushuoss of complexion to inako her
pass us reasonably good looking , She
was as queer a compound of ferocity and
gentleness , dc\ilishnrss nnd decency ,
brutality ami womanliness as w'as ovoi
seen. Slio rode n horse like a man. Shu
was strong and lithe and could endure
anything. Jn spite of her hard lilo her
llguro was trim , her voice musical ,
and lior hands doft. Sue could kill a
man with revolver or knife and nurse a
wounded or sick companion with equal
deJUurity. She was an cvporl in all
games of chance , and no moro than ouo
occasion she Ilgurod as a dealer in gam
bling houses , where her shrewdness and
nerve brought her big salaries. An un
erring marksman , no ono cared to got
with'ii ' the range of her rillc. Shis is
cretitud with killing two husbands in
C'lorndo , and nobody knows exactly
now many she has made away
with horo.
When the band to which she belonged
in Colorado beonmo bo troublesome Dial
Iho settlers could pul up with their law
lessness no longer , a posse was organi/.od
to go in pursuit. The desperadoes wcro
encountered al an abandoned raihoad
camp , and after two or three men had
been killed on both sides , four of tlio
outlaws , including Uroncho Lou , were
obliged to surrender , the others getting
away. Lou was not injured , but her
thrco companions \yoro all severely
wounded. Although il was thu intention
of the crowd to lynch the follows , Lou
persuaded thorn to desist , and on her sug
gested all wcro convoyed to the jail at
Lis Aniinas. Hero the feeling was so great
that no ono would attend the wounded
prisoners , but Lou dros.sod their wounds
and brought them out all right. Ab little
restraint hud boon put upon her , she did
not have much dilliculty in making ar
rangements lor the escape of the entire
parly , and ono morning the jailor found
that all wore gone.
If they had loft the country tncn it is
probable that they would not have been
jmtsiiud , but they remained in llio south
ern part of the state , committing many
depredations. When these became iii-
tnlorablo another posse sot out , and a
pitched battle was eventually fought
with the thieves , in the course of which
several of the latter were again taken
prisoners. The posse had ropes ready
aud were aboiit to lynch thuir captive's
when Lou and ono companion , well
mounted and armed , descended on tlio
partjMvitli such impetuosity as to stam
pede it and give the prisoners a chivuco
to escape. Going south , Lou was never
afterward on Colorado .soil. He old-
time companions scattered and she mar
ried again and settled down in Lincoln
county , the haven of western toughs ,
making occasional journeys to the towns
round about , as the inclination moved
her. At that time aha was known as Mrs.
bankers , though she was familiarly des
ignated by her rough acquaintances by
the old sobriquet of lironoho Lou.
She was in Socorrp in IbSIi , and while
engaged in a gamblinggame with Kobt.
DIuclc bho shot him dead. It was shown
by her associates that IJlaek had been the
aggiebsor , anil on the preliminary exam
ination she was dismissed. Later on iho
gr.iiid jury investigated her case , but no
indictment was louml. , Apprehending
no moro trouble on this score Lou went
bank to her ranch and there married
Win. IXxwson , with whom she lived on
better terms than had chnructcri/.cd her
relations with any of her previous hus
bands. 1'iit ho became involved in u
quarrel with John II. Good , and was
killed by him , and Lou came hero to
prosecute the murderer. While in this
town word was received by nor from
Soeorro to the elTeet that she had boon
indicted thcro for the murder of Black ,
and she at once took steps to investigate
the mailer. Jt was not long before that
she discovered that onemien Lad been
before the grand jury , but she did not
learn the lull truth until last week , when
her case came on for trial before Judge
W Ue idis ; tiic attorney whom she had re
tained , Hioncho Lou had her son , a young
follow named William Itaper , with her ,
an 1 up to the minute that ho took the
stand -Jio and her friends supposed that
he was friendly to hor. Once under oath ,
however , hi ; proved a most dangerous
witness against iior. llo swore that Black
had been killed by his mother in cold
blood , and that the weapon found in his
possession was placed in his hands after
ho fell , to give color to tlio story of self
defense , bo pointed was his testimony
Dial for a short lnno it was feared that
Lou was doomed , but her attorney had
not gene far with the cross-examination
before the young scoundrel became in
volved in contiadictioiiH , and at length
owned up to the fact that he had irene
before the grand jury and procured Iho
indictment , and that no hoped by swear
ing against ins mother to have her
hanged or sent to prison for life , so ( hat
ho could got her properly. Tlio crowd in
attendance was very doinoiintratlve , and
the judge moro than puce lot fall re
marks w'hich showed his abhorrence of
the conspirary so bra/.enly entered into
nnd so impudently confessed. While ho
was making this confession Hroneho Lou
sal with lior hands to her face , eryintr.
and when she was told to take the stand
it was some time buforo she could pro-
uced. Her llrst exclamation wusj
"Ho is my boy. "
Then she sobbed in uncontrollable
criof , anil about lifly old frontiersmen
hitched up their trounera , tightened
llioir bolts , cleared their throats , or swal
lowed hard a.s they looked Ilrst at her ,
nnd then at Hie young rascal who was
cowering in a corner near the jury It was
n long time before her lawjur could in
duce her to answer a question , but when
tliu judge admonished her in a kindly
way hho took up the boy's narnitho and
denied il most emphatically.
In his address to the jury the prose
cuting attorney was compelled to admit
Ids disappointment in thu way Hapcr's
testimony hud turned out , and thu coun
sel for Lou gave the boy such an excoria
tion us one docs not often hear in those
parts without a revolver nceompani
merit The jury took the case and in live
minutes returned a verdict of not guilty ,
which was received witn wild cheering
As soon as the court room was cleared
the men in town organized for the pur
pose of lynching Lou's hopeful son , but
me interceded so eloquently in his be-
uilf that he was permitted to escape.
Great Exnitcmont
n.SOUTH OJJAHA over the way arras and
oia in Aiiiiiioirr's CIIOICK arc golnjf.
Twenty-two lots sold iu ono day.
Unit Notes.
A circular has been issued by Goner :
Manager Callaway , announcing the a )
poirtmont of ( } . M. dimming to U ;
newly created olliee of assistant gener ;
manager , with ollico at Omaha. M
dimming , in addition to supervising tl
nlTairs of the laud department , will po
form such of ( he duties of thu genon
manager as may be assigned to him froi
time to time ,
General Superintendent Smith , of Ui
Union I'aeilic lias gone to Kansas City ,
J. II Chaoto , division suporintendoi
of the Union 1'ncllic at Denver , is lit th
Samuel DoHow , manager of the Calf
fornia fast freight is In Omaha.
Rtiy n KOW
Of the o elegant lots in ALIWIGHT
CHOIC1. and double jour money bofor
spriHS. Albright is making lols c
money lo" ' ° t9 ° f people who pnrchas
from litm. Ohy ! a little money rcqnirei
to buy n lot.
An K.vprcristmui ArrOStoil.
William Kane , nn ( nprussmnn wa
brought before Judge Steubnrg jvstcrdn ;
morning to answer lo a charge of crucll'
to animals. Ho had loft his horse stand
ing on the street for hours unblankeled
exposed to the cold chilling blasta. lit
would undoubtedly have been lined hai
not a kind hearted man in the polici
court lobby agreed to present him witli :
horse blanket , if the judge would release
him. The blanket was accordingly pur
chased and Kane was released , with in
structions to his animal bettor hi
tliu tuturc.
flOO I'er Cent I'rofit
lias boon made since last August by pur
chasers of lots from Mr. Albright , in the
addition west of Autumn r's Ciioin : .'s Cuoici : JIATS ! : rnr.M AM ,
. 'nrngrnpliq.
Sol. Ik-rgnian lias gene to Milwaukee ,
where on Wednesday nighl Ids marriage
to Miss Heller is lo occur.
Dr. II. 1' . Jensen , who lias ueen nor-
iotisly ill with diphtheria , is recovering
and hopes to bo out again in a few days.
"They Are Ilcnmlrul ,
and much larger than in other Addi
tions , " Is the usuaivordict regarding the
2JO lols in AI.UUIC.IIT'S Cuoici : ,
Have Von Soon Them ?
If not , cull on W. (1. ( ALUHIGHT and go
out to Smmi OMAIIA with ono of his
aejcnts to inspect the magnificent prop
erty known as Ai.mnaiir's CIIOICK.
Tootle , llosen & Co.
A great many inquiries have been re
ceived from members of Iho trade a.s to
what ellcct the death of Mr. Tootle would
have upon the firm of Tootle , Hosca it
Co. , of St. Joseph. The following letter
will throw light on the subject :
ST. Jo niMi , Mo. , Jan. 10. I wish to In-
lonn my esteemed ti.ido of noilhern Mo-
Inaska that the death of Mt. Tootle lias some
what delajed us all in KettliiR out. 15iit 1
will be oul thu coming week and look attei
Ihem tliONimo as heretofore , to the best ol
my ability , with a larger and liner line of
Koods tliiin over. 1'ours tuily ,
II. A. .lo.vns.
Theio will be no nwteiinl change in the
tu iu.
A New Hotel for Rent.
The Barker 15ro s. new (5 ( story and
basement , brick hotel at corner of 13th
mil Jones is almost completed and ready
to rent. It has 101 rooms besides two
> torcs , larfje ollico and dining room
elevator , steam heating and every mod-
> rn convenience. Street ears pass the
louse near depots ami In the center of
Business. Wo want a good live hotel
nan for tenant , and will lease for a term
pf ycais at ! > 0,000 per year. Address The
J. li. Mayno Heal Estate & Trust Co. ,
Jmaha Ixob.
Cleaning up for Court.
The oil cloth which has covered tlio
leer of the district court room was being
cmovcd yesterday , as il was found that it
vas rotting tlio lloor. A general clean-
ng uj ) is in progress and a now carpet
vill lo laid down before the opening of
.ho February term of courl.
} lnvo "You Scon Them ?
If nol , call onV. . ( } . Aujuionr and go
nil lo SOUTH OMAHA with one of his
rgenls to inspccl tlio magnificent prop-
srly known as Auiuirin'.s ; Cuoicn.
The Iloom is Immense
11 South Omaha Property and AMIKICIIT'S
: noiui : loads them all. : is NOT A
IAD i.orin this beautiful property
perfect substitute f" > Mother's
mill * . InvKlunbio la Cholorn l.irnntum
nnil Toothing. A iirn.dlgoHtoa foon for Os-
peptics , Uonsuinptlvos , Convalescnntc.
r rfcot murlont In all Wnstlnn rilooliies.
) ' . .Tiuiri3 DO oooliinw Our llooV , Yda Car *
nnd Paaatnf ol Infants , mulled rrvo.
OOOUALll ti DO , . Dooton. ttBDe
a vy 0
\ \ hen lYiycur. 1 tlo not nipin ntornlr 'o * i"P insm Tur a
LlTnuclnllliftUhnvotlloraroturn Aaln | , I in n Arftdlcul euro
I hn > o mnilo I ho ilUcwo uf m.-i , > I'JI.KI'liY ur I'AU.INU
MllENK-itf o llfol'inn ' iinilr. I warrant inrremrdy tocura
the vrnrit cairx Iljcauea mhf r < luio fullc. li nn rr.iun fern
n I iio\r rccettlnfft cure. * * ml at ouco lor ft IreltllOhlil _
br o UblllocTniy liif.lllblo roiucdr. lUe Bxpr * > B * .ndl'ott
' ' * &u > , It rmttifou nolhlnKf'ir - trlhl , Hlitl 1 vlU tnii * You ,
AUUrcil IT. U U 11UU1. Ull-.lrlU : . . o ( Vor. .
Electric Appllincci ara tent on 30 Days' Trial ,
\TT-1IO are nulferlnn from Xnmoci r > r IUTr
VY J.O < T ViiAinr I & or NkiiVE FUEL. .KU
\I008 W. > TI.riWr..Htl < M anlalllhotodl.eaitl
Of r.K.uHil. NiTI k. I Olltlf flu" ) AS.ITI " 111
Omni : > sm fipecdj relHf nnl cotniili-to rtcto.
ration of llr.i Til , Vjacw anil M iMiauu ut .n.ttTEKit
The pranUest ill "irery uf iho Him ti-ontli Ui-nturj-
It * t'liuood , und a now hn l
suc > < , uE8.iilCTHrutuur own
homo liy ono wild WHS iloaf twenty vlu\\t \ \
rS. Titatrd liy must ol tlio noted gpimlul-
\Mibnut bonullt ; uuruj lnmt > elf In tin to
iinnthii , nnj binco tUon humlr--ds or other : : ,
'nil pnrtluiilurg Eunt on nppl c.vtion. . T II ,
'AQK. No 11 Wt t Jlat St. , N tnv Voik City
i > t.lou i nd
ill lb test t' rrl * HuUnvr aool
U. rl. A.
. coo cite
In the attempt to s\viinthc N iagai \\lilrl- -
pool rapuls is no moro reckleis or ilnngcr-
oim than toliitloilh di < icn ; e wliich each
dny secures n stronger holil nnd h.islons
the enil of life. This is specialty true of
rheumatism , nciunlin } , sciatica nml ner
vous hc.ulnche , which though pcihaps
slight at first are extremely dmigcrous , niul
readity secure a firmer jjrip until at Inst
the ngony is ttncruhrrablc anil stulilcn ilealh
brint ; * relief ,
These ili < .ca" c < cnn be cured by ( he u e
of Athlophoros which , in conncctioti with
Alhlophoros 1'ilU , never fails \\lien prop
erly used. Read tire following from the c
who have tested it :
John S. Ksnucdv , Spent \illc , Knii's.i < , : "Nearly tuo ago , four bollles
01 Athlophoios ciited me of rheumatism ,
and 1 ha\c had no iclurn of the old com
plaint since.
A. Newton , wife ot ex Mavor
Nexslon , De molucs , Iowa , snys."I liad
been ftjjieal sulVeicr for jenrsnnd had rein-
cdies , but nothing would do what Athlo
phoios did for inc. Athlophoio took Iho
stillness out of the joiis ! of my lingers ,
which I Imdbccii troubled will ; so 1""IJ.
Murray. J.Coclirarr , Dcuison , Iowa , Ry j
'It is now two years since 1 used Alhloplios
ros , and I have had no rhcumatmii since.
At the time 1 used this medicine I was ciip-
pled so that 1 had to use crutches Mj knees
wei swollen so that 1 had to cut my pant
iu older to wear them ; my arms wi'ie stiA
nt the dhows ; par t of the time I could m > t
feed nyself While in this condition , I was
advised to take Athlophoios ; which I did.
After usiinj a fe.v botlke , I was completely
Every ilrucjjNt shoulil keep Allilonho-
rim anil Athloi lioros Pills , but wliuro
they cannot bo hoiiKlit of the drugixist
the AthlupliorosCo. , lj ! ! Wall St. , Now
York , will sotitl nithur , carriage , on
receipt of roirnlar iinoo , which is $1 nor
bottle for Athlophoros and 50c for Iho
I'orllvor mid ItUlnny Jl pmci , ilr < | > ot | slit , In-
illKcction , woiUu , tH'rvott < lpllliijili3r > .ios ,
ot wotniiti , cnnstlpntioii , liondiichu , liupniu ,
blooil , etc. . Athlophoroa I'llls mo unuitnilloil. |
TorsUIcoii yoiu-d , they Imvo fltomllly irnlnuil
In fiivor , Riul with gules oonstnntly incrcii lnir
hiivulioromo the most popular oortc-t thioucli.
OUl tllO ITlllKMlRllltpg.
'Jho i : . O und li n Annies nro mnilo In SHOUT
Ml.DlllM ANI > IXlllA I.OMI W'MSP , Blllllllllp for
ulUljriiifS. Tlio n quiillty , inndo or ItiiL'll-ih
Coiitll , Is wsu-iHiiU'il to wear tvrloo in lone-ns
01 ( Unary corsotH
Highest mvanis from nil the World's prnit
Tnli" . 'Iho In't muiliil uiuhutl Is lor I'IIUT
Diour.R < MKini.lioni the Into Imposition
heM lit Nu\r Uilonni.
While scotos of nntcnla have lieon found
wnithlPSR , tlio principles of thu flluvu-rittlnir
Imvo ptovt'il Invalinililu.
Ht'tallnrs lire nuthoi ! ? < > ( ! to rotund innnov , if ,
on t'jtiiinniitton. tlmso roimits do not prove m
roiii"oiitod | lOlt SAM ! lIVUUVWIllvUi : .
cATAi.oGin : ritnu ON AI'IMICATIO.V ,
Hrulp.l lionll .ml fr - . pliillil tu ! IMj bjr Pnllicn
&j ? * Ueptclft vfth Inloni'itlon o ( \ lno lo nil mrn
MARbTON REMEDY CO IPPark Place. New York.
Mention Oinnliu liun.
Omaha Savings Dank ,
Cor 13th .and Dotiffhts sts
Capital Stock $100OOO
Liability of Stoclcholdoro. . . . 3OO.OOO
The only ruKidnr siivlnirs hunlc in the slnto I-'ivo
per cent Intoio'it pii'.il on ilcpoalis.
Loans Bludo on Real Eotato.
011 H'i'its :
UuvC. nAHTnv , I'u'sl.lunt ; J .7. nnnw.v. Vlco
1'icpidonl/ ; ] I. Hr.sNfTT , MniniRinir r i-
i color ; JOHN K. Wii.iiun , t'nslilcr.
J. > JO North JVt/i fiti-cct ,
Pnid in Capital , . - - - $100,000
3KO i : , I'rp'ldnnt.
IlOili' . I. . GAIIUCIIS , VlPn-Proslili-nt
V. II JOHNSON , Ciisliicr.
< JoirNfON , ( Iro. I ! .
UOIIT. li. UAIII.II ii" , WM.
A t'rncrn ) hnnlilnir liuslncis ti
woU on tuuu duooults.
! 10 ! ) Cumins Street , Omaha , Nob.
Benarai Banking Business ,
\rcU-n and I > u c.tlc lIirluinKo lUiiiclit mcl c I
111 (1 ( I ( lilt ) lollJ MltllO. lllt'jl'jirull ! UI 'Jlllil !
Doituult .
TATJ ; .
'Iro Insurnnr0. Fell Jl < mi Kiintti on tJuntiilHi' ' IM
( ilropromiii ii.t'iniioa to nil biulnrii on' r mini teA
\V ( i.TKMI'I.H'ION ca
A 1) . KINO ,
) f all l.nidh , old Iron , CUJIMI ] , lit , . , . , /
Lend , etc , elr. ,
hl , und ( ioml D rlt-
KliJ .V lOin
A postr.l rni 1 \\ill do
KT-BSPfl'tf' 'i
llyjlr. Hupilikor a inothiuJ Ko operui on N" l'i >
ii > Dc'tonilun fitiiu ljuniritfii ! Ada > tot to 'In U
H Htll Utt "O VI ) pt < M Iu llullllltll * uf tlUt 'i.ri ' > ,
sum mini * on tlio All bii.lrviu Jin - . > " >
lot in i 1111 r.inL i N i
'eachcr of VoiiO Culture anJ Stnyihg in
All Its Branches.
tinrrliil ntton'lon Ki\f'r > to x Mid
iriiiinuto liir'iifttioii ' ot Voi-i.i : * i 1
rllhoiit uhurt'o ,
\\illtiU.n iturfairoincnt. l inV. < 11)1 ) . > i'd
Onll or H'UlrCHS ' , corner Jitooli and Jrk.-i n
IK el * , iHtir t. iliirj t