Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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South Onintm Improvements ,
The rcully wonderful activity in South
Omaha rcnl estate , where property has
mlvnncctl In value from 100 to 1,000 per
cent during the past few months , has
cau cd a great many crave handshakings
and predictions of a reaction.
rorlmiatel.v , however , this rise is based
upon sound business pimciplcs , and rests
upon tlio established law of supply and
demand , ' 1 hero is a demand for South
Omaha property , and the supply for the
purposes for which it is "ought being rap
idly exhausted , the value ofall ical estate
in this now Porkopolis must of necessity
bo based unnn thu changed condition of
affairs , ana not in tliu liglitof past values
South Omaha is now an incorporatul
city of Its own , not merely a submit of
Omaha , It w as founded by tlio Union stock
yards company nsi > pluco for slaughtering
packing and aii\llliary industries , null
being o favorably located fiom a
geographical standpoint , as well as u
railway center , its fulmo can only bo
mc.isured by the t'\icilcnco ) of other
cities in which packing is an impoitant
Cinclnnntt has lost its prestige because
it lies in too thickly a populated section ,
where cattle langes cannot exist and the
supply is limited. Chicago took the leaden
on account of its unexcelled railroad fac
ilities , its supply of cattle and hogs com
ing from cveiy section of the west. I'.s
packing establishments will continue to
remain and to grow In importance notwithstanding -
withstanding the founding ot other pack
ing centres. The Chicago slock jards
and ( Kicking houses now support a pop
ulation of over 100.000 and covr avast
area. Kansas City next came to
thu front , and although it lias not
near as good a countiy to draw from for
its supply , Its packing Imltisliy has as
sumed vast proportions.
South Omaha is destined to be a 111010
important packing point from the fact of
its being located in tliu midst of n licli
c.ittlo and liog growing country and at
the very g.ite of the immense stock coun
try of the nor'hxvest ' , Nebraska , Dakota ,
Colorado , Idaho , Montana , all being trib
utary to it.
The world is using more meat every
year , provisions never being a drug on
the marKct , and while prices may lluclu-
ntu the demand keens fully abteast of the
supply. The population of Kuropo has
doubled during the past eighty years ,
notwithstanding ilf terrific \\ars and an
emigration unpaialelled in tlio.
annals of histoiy. At the same tatio
of ineieaso tliero is really a grave
( prcslion as to wliether a sullicient food
supply can bo secured for Kuropo in this
coujitry a few ilee.idcs hence , when Iho
rapid ineiease of our own population is
taken into consideration. The demand
certainly can never fall oft.
Thus the founding of Soutth Omali.i as
a slock yards and packing point became
: n utgeut necessity. It was not a specu
lation , and its success was assured iioiu
tlio stait. Tim houses now opeiating
them have found their business molit-i-
bio , others aio coining this jear ami
ever } foot of the kind contained in the
present corporation Hunts of bouth
Omaha will soon be occupied by vast
establishment1 * , employing armies of
men , residences , stoics , .schools , chinches
and othui buildings lound in a tin iing ,
industrious city.
With Iho purchase by W.
G- Albright lately ot tlio giound
now universally known as Albnght's
Choice , Iho land in bouth Omaha . ail-
able for manufacturing pmpo-os and
convenient residences is virtually ex
hausted , being the only land through
which the Union Paoihc i.iilioad and
IJollevuo road run. When s.ieh foie-
Hiirhtcdhiovvd business men as W ( ! .
Albiight invest neatly f70,000 in pi op-
crty they geneially know what they tito
about. The general public , however ,
feeom to be as lully aware of tlio value of
the piopeityin Albright's Choice , judg
ing by the late at which the propeityis
told , and each purchaser mayiest as
sured that Ins money is well nucsted.
South Om.iha is on theo\o of a great
prosperity , with imiplo\mcnt for thous
ands of men throughout .slimmer and
winter ami tlio lively trading incident lo
Us business.
liny Ktv
Ofllioso elegant lots in ALBRIGHTS
CliOlCn and' double your money before
spring. Albright is making lots ot
money for lots of people who pmcnase
from him. Only a little money required
to buy a lot.
Ijuko 1'ark.
A beautiful Iracl Ij ing in tlio southern
pait of the city , but three and onc-h'alf
miles from the pobtollico and one-half
nnlo from the stock jards in South Oma
ha , has been platted and placed on
the market in live-aero lots at the excep
tional low pi ice of ? 1.2"iO. ? 250 cash and
the balance on one , two and Ihroo years'
timo. The addilion is traversed the
entire length by the H A : M. railway , af
fording splendid trackage and ware
house facilities , and is in every way suit
able for a manufacturing sight. This
property is now placed upon the market by
the Alotler Heal Jlstato agency on terms
to please everybody and is sure to double
rn value during the next thirty da\s.
Although the addittion has been on the
market but one day but ten lots remain
unsold and they will be closed out during
tlio week. Panics dcahing to purchase
will plcaso call at once.
Tm : RIAI : , l'M'\tr AoKsrv ,
211 South Fifteenth street.
ROO I'cr Cent Profit
has been made since last August by pur
chasers of lots from Mr. Albiight , in the
addition west of Ai.iiiiinui'.s Cuoicn.
Ai.iutimir'b Ciioici : III.AIS IIII.M AM.
Imko I'nrk.
Five aero lots for only $1,231' ) each.
$250 cash , balance one. two and three
yearn. Only one-hall mile from the stock
yards. Ui\i. : KsrAn : Aci.xr-v.
211 South rmeenlh street
Buy a Koiv
Of those elegant lots in ALIWKJUT'S
CHOICE and double jour money before
spring , Albiight is making lots ol
money for lots of people who purchase
from him , Onl > a lilllo mutiny required
lo buy it lot ,
hake I uik.
Vivo acre lots for only f 1,250 each.
$250 cash , balance one , two and tluco
yours. Only one-halt nnlo Iroin the block
MtlTii : ! Kr.U , J'vr.m : Afll.NTV.
211 South fifteenth bti'ot
la\n ! You Seen Tlinin ?
If not , call on \\r. ( ! . Ai.uiiimrr and go
out to Soi'iil OMAHA with one of his
agents to inspect thu magnilieent prop
crty known as Ai.iiitioiu'h Citoic-i : .
A good speculation -Lots in Union
//we. South Omafttt , a few block * from
the stock y.uds.
CAU.V. SON & Co ,
lil.'J 1-aruam bircc-t.
Lake I'm k.
li vo acio lota for only -$1,250 each
$ ' . ' 50 cash , balanee ono , two anil tlueo
.Years. Only one-half mile fron the * took
yaids. RIVL : I'brvrr. AOI NPV ,
211 South Fifteenth street.
II. 1C. Ki\v\oi-.V Co.
Tin and sheet iron worker.- , smoke
Ks. brcetchings and heavy iron a
ialty. All work jjuurunlceJ , loir
ijo street , Omaha.
Clearing Sale previous to invoicing will commence Monday , January
10th. , and continue ten days.
The object oftlii * nalc li lo rcilucc utocl : . It must be done. Oni' slock / en
tirely too lir/i' , especially so in out'
Where trr purpose mahiny ticarc tctl redaction , Thcfollotriny are a few
of oitr many bai-nalim : ttOO yarit * of double and single tftdth All Wool
and L'nion ( Jooili ; our form "r ] 'icc 3t to ! > O ccnli , flic i > i'icr on
wilt be
! } , fi)0 ) / / MV/I of' < lonble ti > ttltli Alt iroo1Gon < l4 , < ' < niilhi/ ! !
CV s/iH 'rr , ( 'itnnl'n Unit' , Xorfolh' nntl Imir-liiied bt
jonncr in'lcu OS to ti ! > cent * . J't'lcc'oithis sale ,
Sirpert ! I't'/rrN , 1'lnlrt fi'/JV/s , llrortttlctl 1'clueli , < nnl J'lnin
lri > lreti , in tiny combination ofrolor. * , alto blacl ; and irlille ,
ISi'iniliiy "ilmitc * in I'liishci , In plain and Morir tripe. Kvr
this line will be ojj'crcd chain s we liare an enormous * tocK anil then mutt
Cloaks ! Cloaks ! Cloaks ! Cloaks ! Ladies' Cloaks , Cliildrens' Cloaks
Notwithstanding the big reduction in prices we made the last week in December on our entire Cloak Stock , we
have decided to take from these extraordinary low prices , an additional discount of 15 per cent , which will make the
price of each garment about one half the manufacturer's original price. "We have adopted this method in order that
customers may see that there is no deception. Every garment marked in plain figures.Our styles are the latest and most
correct , all of this season's purchase , consequently no old styles to palm off for new. intending purchasers will find it
to their advantage to examine our stock before selecting elsewhere. These prices are made for the purpose of closing
the balance o ± stock before taking inventory.
"Andrews Hro'i , "
Under the name of the Two Oiit'iivxs ,
located at 111J ! r.irnam street , opened
their doors to the public upon the eve of
June 11 ! , 18S5 , with the determination of
doing business with tin1 people of Omaha
and vicinity under .in Anicticnn one-price
system , the need of which had been felt
so long , and to day , in o shoi t : i time as elapsed since their opening , it has >
been found from their established record
that they stand at the head of the list as
the pionecis of popular prices in Omaha.
With tlio most complete clothing house in
tlio west , including their merchant tailor
ing , of which they h ie made a profes
sion for so many jeais , and , being. oung
men of such enterprise growing up with
Om.ilia capita ! , they ccrl.iinjy deseno
high piaiso and the consideration ot tlie
public at large.
Grcnt Incitement
in Soi TII OUMIA o\cr the way acres and
lots in Ai.mtiGiir'b CIIOICK are going.
Tw'cntj-tw'o lots sold in ono day.
lr. llanchett , Homeopath , 323 S. loth.
Union I'lttcr , South Omaha , only four
blocks fiom K\ehange buildiii r. The
Litest addition , lowest m.ccs and easiest
lei ms. C'omo early and bu > elu-.ip.
Ha vo You Seen Them ?
If not , call onV G. Ai.nitioiiT and co
out to SOUTH OMUIA with one of his
agents to inspect the magnificent prop
erty known as Ai.KtsiniirVt Ciioici : .
Lipton Place , bale opens londay ,
10th , at 10 a. m.
m.AiK'tirjt & SoitoiKi.K :
Itooru U , Kcdick Block.
Money made by pureh.ising lots in
Union t'liuc , South Omulut.
AAHUN CAIIN , Sov it Co. ,
ISi'J 1'armun Street.
Great Incitement
in SOUTH OMAIII over tlio wayacics and
lots in ALIIUIIHIT'S CMOICI ; are going.
Twenty-two lots sold in one day.
hake I'urlr.
Tive aero lots for only $1QOO each.
$ . 'f > 'J ' cash , ono. two and tlueo
jeais. Unl > onu-haif mile from the atoel ;
Mori ut 111 A i , I'sTATi : Aot NCV ,
11 South riftcenth bticut.
"Tliey Arc Itonutirul ,
and much larger in other Addi
tions " is the usual verdict regarding tlui
SUU lots in Auiuium's CIIOH I. .
1'ivo aero lots for only ? 1SOO each *
? ' 'I50 cash , b ilance one , two and three
yeais. Only one-Half milo fiom the stock
211 South I'uieenlii sticet.
Tlio Ilooui Is IininoiiHu
Iv Sou in OMMIA vnorEitTV , AM > Ar.-
lUilOlll's ClIOICB I.KVUH .TIU.JI All.
Tiiviti : ib NOT A nu tor i. > nits it
South Omiilut Union I'litcc lots for sale
cheap at
AAKOK CAHV , Sox A : Co.'s ,
13J3 1'arnum btrcct.
Iluy u Few
Of those oleg.iut lots in ALHHHJHT'S
OAO1C1' and double jour money before
spring. Albright is making lots of
money for lots ot people who purchase
fiom mm. Ou.v ) u httlu money rc < ju1irij
to buy a lot ,
I.ipton Pl.ree , ; ale opens Monday , Jan.
10th at 10 a m
AlifllKIl &
Uoom U , Keiliok lUouk.
Tlio Uoom Is Imnioiisa
uuKiiii'-s ( 'noun i.iAI > S UIH.M AIL.
ui. 1'Kuri i.ti.
AVill lie TloiMly
The many friends of J. M.
and W. L. il.istman will be jle.ised to
learn that these gentlemen have opened
olliccs at 1 113 r.unam street , in the 1'ax-
lon hotel building , whore llie.y will transact -
act a general real e t ito business under
the him name of ,1. M. Htich.inon & Co.
INlcrs. . Huehanon and K.islman have
been connected with Heed , Jones As Co.
of this city for the .e en je.ii's and
have made manj friends in and around
Omaha. Mr. Huelianan. the active mem
ber of the turn , is a splendid judge of
real estate value on account of hfs long
residence in this city , and having snent
r considerable lime in securing their
already Luge li | , they are able to show a
Cieat nnny choice b.iigains at the stait.
I'rojierly left for sale with Ituchanaii &
Co will recenc prompt attention and a
i cadi sale if it is a bargain.
- -
IlnxoYoii Seen "them ?
If not , eall on AV. ( J. Auiitii.iir and go
out to Sot m OMUIV with one of his
agents lo inspect tlie magnilieent prop
erty known as Auiitioiir's Cnoici ; .
Lipton Plaeo , sale opens Monday , Jan.
10th , at 10 a. m.
Aitcunu it Soitonci.ii ,
Room ! ) , Hedick Hloek.
ROO Per Cent. Profit
has boon made sinec last August bv pur
chasers of lots from Mr. Albright in tlie
addition U est ot Al IIKK.II I S i HOICI. .'s CIIOK n IU.MS rnr.n AI.I ,
ANU DON'T \ou i OW.I.T ir.
Lipton J'lace , sale opens Monday , Jan.
lOih at 10 a m. Ar Soiionci.n ,
Koom t ) , Itedielc Block.
Great Incitement
in SOUTH OMAHA over tiio way aeies and
lots m Autumn Ts Cnoici : aie going.
Twenty-two lots .sold in ono day.
Lipton Place , sale opens Monday , Jan ,
10th , at 10 a. m.
AltOTlIlt iV ; SoilOIKHt ,
Koom ii , Kcdlclv ISIoek
Ginat i\oluiiiient :
in SOUTH OMAHA ouir the w.ii aircs and
lots in Ai.nitioinS Cnoicr are going.
Twenty -two lots sold in onedaj.
Sold Out.
Tlio C 1 1. Patch Co. hold their entire
stock tills week to Mr I'red Herrmann ,
who opens for business Monday moining.
Mr. Herrmann owns the laigcst di viroods
establishment m Plattsinoiilh , and will
add materially to the stock lie has pur
chased in this city.
A Hnrjcnln.
13J\132 feet S K cor. Douglas and 8th
sis , : * l7b30. O K. M \ \ vi. ,
N. W. Cor. inth and llarney.
Lipton Plaeo , sale opens Monday. Jan.
10th , at 10 a. m. i SonorKKit ,
Jtonm t > , Hedick Block.
Very Clioloc ,
Wo ha\o placed in our Hand for tlio
next live dajs only about lifty acres of
land within three miles of stock janls
that will plat nicely into one or Iho aero
lots , that will sell \er.y quick at fiom t'M ' )
to ffiUOper acre How does this .strike
> ou ? Call . > nd investigate ,
M. L. JlK.i.iXs & Co.
1500 Douglas st
'Ilio Honni IH
Jv Sotnii OMAHA r-jtoi-ntn , AND Ai.-
niiii , MI'S Onoici : i , I\DS : IIII.M AM. .
TllFllh la MH A lAI > LOl IN rills 11I.AL It-
ML t'HOI'l ItlU
The special pale of Cloaks at raleoner's ,
which intennpted by tire inclemency
of llui weather , will he continued Mon-
ilaj , Ti.esdio \Vednosduy. .
"Tlio Are ItenntU'iil ,
and much larger than in oilier Addi
tions , " it , the usual \pitlict regarding tlio
SOOlCts iu ALiiUKjiir'a CHOKE.
ir a laryc number , therefore , tec intend mttklny price * that will
more them f/ / r7.fSole / / price * below.
to Combination Vtiit. * . tine Imported aooil * thiil retailed for fit to
V ? . < 7 ( > we liai e down to
$1 ± .5O
Way Down Below First Cost.
28 Combination Suit * , eeryIne French aood * , but ap iti bore * n < ith cm-
broidered pnnel * . ale camel' * hair utrlpci , Jllkadoand 1'er ian combina-
tiosi yood * that hare been considered eery cheap al from * ? ? .B ( > / * . > < / .
Jlondai/ , oar price ,
cnrln Manila it If yon triali to .sec ttiw ffs they are very
elicap and can not lat tony.
Think of if ! ! ! Don't fail to * cc them. Our ivynltir tail price on
hi * lot n-ai $ XS to ? JO , then $ , ' lo < f IO cheaper than tontd be purchased
lsL'iulicre. Sow we nt them utill lower , far bcloni eott , VVf.oO.
Tcrscy StripcilFltiniiL'li , Elder Down rianmln , in combination of
cotor.-t i/oii desire ,
At 55 Cents , 65 Gents and 9O Cents.
I'reninrhadc ? in Silk * , Surah , hatin * and I'lii hc * , Mnrie * , plain and
/ > / .itripe / / , faille /rancaiw and nlcc.1 t > tripc fronta , very desirable and
t'ery cheap ,
czi JJc-locntert.
Mr.Frank Imncher , the well known Real
estate man , has secured and titled up a
very neat , cosy anil convenient ollice at
nil r.irnam sticet. Situated upon the
ground iloor in the heart ot the real
estate tiatlic , Mr. Handler has one of the
best stands for his business 10 he found
in theciiy _ , as is evidenced by the je ilous
opposition which lie has already encoun-
leied in gelling mvsct-sion. "Nothing
siiecei'ds like success " Mr. Buncliei will
continue to succeed , and will cany heic-
alter , as lieictofoie , one of Iho best lists
ot all kinds of propeitv to be found any-
wlieie , and bj prompt , squat o dealing ,
will endeavor to merit the patronage of
all who may be seeking investments or
desiious ot ieali/ing upon their present
hoh'ings. ' List jour property with
liunchei , loll r.unam strxet.
Iluy a Few
Of those elegant lots in ALIUUC.IIT'S
CHOICE and double \our monci before
spring. Albright is making lots of
money for lots ot people who purchase
fiom linn. Only a little money required
to buy a lot.
A Good Speculation
is to buy a tot in Union Place , South
Onrilia , of
13.22 rarnanr street.
"They Aic Krautil'ul ,
and much larger than in other Addi
tions , ' is Ihe usual veidiet regarding Iho
200 lots in Ai.ititujnr'b Cnoici : .
Lipton Plaeo , sale opens Monday , Jan.
10th , at 10a.m.
AIIPHI u&SoiiorKrit ,
Room 0 , Redick JJloek.
TiOO Per Cent 1'rollt
has been made since last August by pur
chasers of lots from Mr. Albiight , in tlio
addition west of AuimciuS CHOK i ; ,
Ai.iiifKJiir's Ciiotci : iinus IHLM AI.I.
AM ) DON'l 1OL' 1 OKG1r 11' .
Felt Slippers f G'J
L-idies Warm Shoes ! I8
Bullalo Iloou 2.)8 ! )
Heaver Hoots 1.1J8
Sheep Lined Hoots 2.1)8 )
Overtimes :
1 laiinel Linul Shoes OS
Warm hlippeis for Ladies , ( Jenls1 , and Childien atveiy low puces at
11. DOIIJ.I : \ Co s ,
lU'Jl'unmni St , btw. llth and 15th.
. " > ( ) ( > Percent Piollt
has been made since lust August by pur
chasers of lots from Mr. Albiight , in the
addition west of's CHOKT.
Ai.mtKin's CIIOKJK iiKMs' rmu : AM ,
AM > DON'T lou r oitir ( ! : ir.
Owing to tlio inclemency of the vv outlier
r.ileoner'h Cloak sale will be continued
Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday.
"They Are iieaiiriful ,
and much larger than m other Addi
tions , " is the usual verdict regarding the
200 lots in AimtKiin's Cnoiu. .
A Grout Failure
3ou makn if you do not DIUchase a lot at
oni-u in Union Place , South Omaha , of
A.vito.s C'AII.V. SON A. Co ,
13JJ rainam strtel.
The Doom IN Iiniiienso
in South Onialia Property and Ai.
noirr leads tliem all 'J'lii.itK is > or A
HAD i.oj in this beautiful piopoily.
Di Ricliard C. Moore bus i cturned to his
ollieo , iniiri rarnanr stieel. Ollice hours ,
2 to 1 and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone 1-Js.
Lipton Place , sale opens Monday , Jan.
loth , at 10 a. m.
Room ! i , Rediek Block.
lla\o You Seen Ihcin ?
If not , call on W (1 ( AI.IIUUJIIT and go
out lo SOUTH OMVHV with ono of hia
agents to inspect tlm m ignili-'ent piop-
city Known as Ai4'UK.iu' ' ; > C'HOICK.
A Xew Hotel for
The Barker Hro s. new 5 blory and
basement , briok liolel at corner of IDtlr
and Jones is almost completed and ready
to rent. It has 101 rooms besides two
stores , large ollico and dining room
elevator , bleam heating and every mod
ern convenience. Street ears pa s the
house near depots and in Hie center ot
business.Ve want a good live hotel
man for tenant , and \vill lease for a teinr
of > cats at 0,000 per v ear. Address Tlie
C. i : . M.rvne Real listale * A : Trust Co. ,
Kit v n l\u
Of those elegant lots in ALBRIGHT'S
CHOICli and double your money before
spiing. Albiinht is making lots of
money for lots of people who purchase
from him. Only a little money requited
to buy a lot
'I he Union Paciiic Hand held their an
nual election of ollice ) s at their meeting
January li , 18S7 , when tlie following
ollieeis weie electedDiiector , V. Rliy-
ner ; niesident , II. Hrovver ; manager ,
Louis Lecder ; treasurer , II. Jackson.
' 1 hoj also appointed a committee to
make aiiangemonls for thejr annual
masqueiade ball. Alter adiouininenl
the band had a very pleasant time which
they all enjoyed ,
The Hoom IH
Lv Son a OVIMIV rr , AND Ai.-
HUH. Ill's ClIOK i : l.KADs 'IIII.M AI.I.
n i. riioi-utiv.
Lipton Place , sale opens Momlav , Jan.
10th , at 10 a. in.
Attaint & SoiiorKiu : ,
Room , Redick Hlock.
Have Yon Sei-n Them ?
If not , call on W , O , Aumimir and go
out to Sot t n OMAHA with ono of his
Agents to inspect the magnificent prop
erty known as Ai.ititidiuS Ciioiri : .
V.'IIAH'IO.V Alary Pliilonieno Wlnrton ,
d.uiu'htoi \ aiulCatheilneVli.u \ -
ton , .tanu.uv H , ; it I o'clock a. in. , oC
coiiL'estlon ot of the luii s , a ed 1 jcar and
4 months.
Kuiieial to day at < ' ! :00 : p. m , , at Holy Sen
uklii-i ceinetciy.
"Tliev An ; neautii'nl ,
and miieh larger than in oilier Addi
tions , " H the nsnnl verdict rejiaiiling tlie
200 lots in Ai.mtKiil l 'a Ctloiu ; .
Aaron Calm , Son Ai Co. ,
13i3 rarnam street , ean sell you Union
Place lots in South Omaha al lowesl
pi ices and easy lei ins. Call eaib : i d
secure one.
< 7roiu i\clteinent
in Soi in OMAHA over the way acres and
lots in Ai.union rS Cnoici : are going ,
Twentj-lwo lols sold in ono day.
Lipton Place , sale opens Monday , Jan.
10th at 10 a. ig.
Ait ( &SouoiKiit : ,
Room ! i , Redick Block ,
r 0 ( ) Per Cent Pi otlt
has been made .since last August by pur
chasers of lots from Mr Albright , in the
addition west of AI.IIIIK.IU'S Cnoici : .
Ai nunm's Cnoici : Bi.vis JIII.M AM.
AMI DON'I 'iou r oitoi i ir
South Omaha ,
Union Place lols for sale by
1 : ) , ' , ' rainam street ,
M Ooblot , tlio head of tlio new Frcneh
ministry , is a beautifully built Tom
Thumb , with a big head , staring unit
prominent ojes , a long , fciuihln ended
nose , and an air of e > plcnuid bult-conli-
People living in Johnson island , S in-
dusky bay , chum lo hear tlie rallle of
skeletons ami the tramp of soldiers these
winter nii.'ts , and the matter has gone to
far thai ontamily has lett for the mam
At almost your own price. Tlieie
lias been a large accumulation
anil is needless to say that we
will make tlie price almost noth
ing in comparison to their value ,
On Second Table in
Main Aisle.
K < fl < yStigcr&Co ,
Itcal Km ate 'JransfciR
Filed January 8 , 18'17 , reported for
the Hi.n.
Win Colnirn , slieiilt , to Krucst O Kcnnls-
ton , vv J < f lota , blk 7 , liiipinxeineiit Associa-
lion mill , shi'i ill's docd fenSI.
Clms ! - 1'ottei to Arthur h Potter , lot 20 ,
blk 'J. Potter's add , ( i c1.00. .
I" 1 ! .mil wile to < ! II lyons , lot 7 ,
blk " 1" blimn's ' 'd add , vv d-SL-VjO.
ASl'otterand wile to Clus r Pottci , lot
21 , blk 'J. Potler's add , ( ] c-1.00.
Otto LoueiK and vvlfu to A B Stonltenson ,
lot 13 Itonliold , WMl S7V ) .
Alux B hteplienson to It ! ' WINon. lots l
anil 2 siib-illv ol lot 1. ! in Bonlicld , w d
AIeB Stepliensoa to Win Lc.ich , lot 3 in
sub d iv < it lot III , lifiiiliclil , w d t.lT'i.
T.lislii ( iieunhulil to .Michael Ketfan , lot 14
and w : ii It lots l and V lilk 1" , Iminoveiiient
-oclatloii add , w d S.J.S10.
( 'has .McCoiniicU to llattie A Allen , lots 10
and 11 , blk n , McCoimkkS mid , vv d yr > u.
W.I U.iuoaer el al lo lieoi : ( , ibson et al ,
lot 16 In OKalmina , vvd-Fl.KOO.
laitln Dimh.ini and vvllo to David Kauf
man , lots 'J4 and 'r > , blki , Haw thonio mill , vv
d WM)0. )
.losiuli Kent et al to Frank Sautter , n 10 rds
of tax lot li of ne } t or no J * ol ol : tl , 15 , 1 ! , vv
( I o l.i A ) .
Win 1) McC'neue to A ,1 Tavloi , lots fi and ( !
lilk i ! ot .MeC.iKiie's projiotwl add to Onialia ,
w d S'l , lnO.
. ) 11 Iliimrale. tiustce , to S V Wlnn. lot 2) )
nlk l'i Bciltoul place , vv d- fiX ( ) .
, lo > < inli Kent etnl to Pi.uik bnuttei , lots 1
and I in JlcCague's ruoposcd add to Omaha ,
w d 54.1/1" .
( 'lias liltustm and wlfnto Kllen M Cond ,
lot 0 , blk HO , w u ? 10,000.
Prank 11 Culler and wlfelo Wil on O
Bi M es , lot 9 blk 2 , Hillside add No. 1 , vv d
WnrFitcli , tiiinee , lo Bent Anrlorson , lot
15. blk i ! , Linnvvood patk , bouth Omaha , w d
duo Sautcr et nl to Morris Monisson , nvv
X svv ' / ne > see 10 , also e 0 acres of n } , , se'r '
Jiw " 10. all in 10. H , M , w (1-Sl.fOO. (
Allen KKlluyct al to i ; Smiley , Jot
10 , blk IH. C uthnKU , vv d i.tO. (
. Alien K Kilbvetal toJ Minj H Knillny , lots
6 and U , block H , Carttnco , vv d SI , 200.
.Saiali K .Simmons to Man ' ' - . Burns , lol
, blk b , I'laluv lew , vv d ? 7V ) .
W. < i. Albiiulit lollio pnlillc plat ot Al-
biinht's Cliolte , beint ; sub di' , of tiait ol si , ,
see 10 , 13 ll-dedlcatid.
I' Itnsevvatei to Kdwanl Kohn , lot 'it ,
blk 0 , .Iciorno park , vv d 81.100.
L .S , Am > to Amelia \Veuu , lot 2 blk 2.1 ,
noieiire , vv ( I-S200.
( ieo. K. B.nkei ct al to ( lusble A. Sjik'l , lot
17. hIK 1 , \1 tj IKI plate , w il Jl.TW ) .
KnVi'1 Slioles and vvllo to Knssel K.
MeBlvey , lot 1 % blk IH , lliniscom jilact1 , vv d
" 5j "Xl
\Viii. L. Mefngun lo Clniles L. Saiuuleis ,
lotb l and 10 inclusive , IHMIU all lots in
Bojd's add , vvdWJ. .
L. I' . Priivn and wile to Marj It. Cost , lot
10 , of bmitlfw iniU , vv d-tJ.lOO.
Thomas C. , letl ( nun to tlio ) iublie plat of
.lelfeilesnilil to buutli Om.ilm , sub-div ol
blksl. 2 , nndu In A Ibi lull's CboUe-dmli-
. II BORCS and wf lo Piank llusbv.lot
2 , blk b , Aibiu extension \ \ ' . I ) . , SiVt.wi.
A. M. K. VleCoy to V. O. L.intlj , lot 10 , blk
M , anil lot N. blk 111-1 , ami lot 17 , blk l.M , and
lot l'i In li'iand lot 10 in too , and out lots
2JO. i l , rioreiiLo ( ) . C , 81.00.
Stnto of Neb to B > ion Kcud A. Co , , bO acres
111 1Q 11 } U deeit , SUW ( K ) .
O. il Oleseu to .lames Cos iave , lot 1 , blk
1 , Bob-idem W I ) . , S700 00.
Itultlms .li'ttei mill vvf to Hle.i/er \\'alvClny ,
lot lUaml II. blKi ! , JctteiB add , , to h. Omalui.
W. 1) . , SL-moo.
1 'rnn It K. invoink rt al to ( i. W. Day , lot 7
Jloijers iibV. \ . ! > . , feW.oo.
ciiuuoii Nonuns ,
To-dnj'H hervloi's at the Different
CliiicohcH 1 hroiiuhoul the ( ilty ,
SwedishM E ehurehNorth Kiglileenlh
ctieet , between C.f-s and California
Pleaching on Sundays at 10 3 ] a. m , and
7 ! ! 0 p m Young people's piajer nn.ct-
ing at fl ' , ' 0 p m Prayer mooting \Vednes-
day evening. Class meeting Friday
evening at 7 11. Scandinavians nro
codially invited , Olin vvaueon , | ) aetor.
1'iist Baptist eliurch , coiner Fifteenth
oud U.i\xniiort btu'i'tti , Di Ira IJ. Ken-
ncdj , ex president of the University of
DCS Mo.nes , will preath at HiliO a. m
and 7 'Vi n in .Sunday u heel at I'-J
o'clock 1'ra c.r meotmg Wednesday nt
7 iiO p m 1'iee seats. Altaic invited
Strangers welcomed.
Hcth Kden Uapli t church. .Services
at 410 p m at St. Mail's Aviiiuu
C ngicLrHtromil chili oh bunday school
til U p. m. PIU.VCI nibctingThuicdaj eve
nine at 780 p. in. The Ladies' Aid
Society will meet with Mrs M. A Fuller ,
121 South Twentj-fourth street , Wrdnes-
aflernoon at 2 p.m. Lndlos aio requested
to bring their thimbles.
Herman Lutheran church. 100. * ) South
Twentieth street. Servieo oveiy Sunday
10 a. m. Sunday school 2 p. m 13. J ,
Trcsc , pastor.
In the Swedisli Hvnngelieal Lutheran
church , corner of Cass am' ' Nineteenth
streets , divine ervics and preaching by
tlio pa lor , C. A. Fogelstrom , at 10.iO n.
m. and ? -W ! p in. Sunday school at 3.80
p. in. Tuesday evening , major meeting- ,
and Thursday evening , preaching of ( ho
gospel. Scandinavians aiu invited to at
tend all the meetings
CalvatHipti t elmich.Saundorstieols
Rev. A. W. Claik , pastor. Pieaelr-
mg at 10 HO u , in anil 7 30 , p in. , by
the pastor. Sunday t-chool at H p in.
Ptajer meeting Wednesday ov cuing at
70. ! ! AH are coullally invited to the
sen ice of this chinch.
Unity chin cli , cot nor Seventeenth and
Cass streets. Service at 11 n. in. and
7 ! > 0 it m. Sabbath chool at IS IB Rev *
W U Copcland , pastor. Subject of ser
mon this moining "Pei-onal Respoii-
-ibility. " Subject of evening Icdmo ,
"The Corruptions ot Christiamtj.1
Piesbjtetian chinch , cornel Dodge
and Seventeenth .stteets Soviets at
10 ! ! 0 a. in. and 7 ; > 0 p m. by the pastor ,
Rev W J. llurslfi. Sunday school at
close of moiuing woishlp. Young pee
ples' meeting at li 15 p. m.
The Saints Chapel , on Twenlj liiM and
Claik streets. Pleaching al 11 a in. anil
7 30 p m Sabbath school tit 1' . ' ! 10 p m.
Piaver , meeting Wednesday evening. All
Tabcinaelo lii t Congregational
church. Ci'.pilal av enue nearKighteentli
sliect. Sei vices al 10 ! JJ a m. and 7 ! i ( ) p.
m. Services led and pleachingnioininp :
and evening , by Rev. Loren F. Ik'iiy of
r'leniont. Sunday school at noon. All
are welcome.
Is'oith Piesbvteiian , Saunders street ,
Rev Win. R , llentlciMm , | ) astor. Ser
vice al 10 ! > 0 a. m. and 7 ! ! 0 p m. Sunday
eliool at noon Young people's naetinj ;
at ( ! ! ! ( ) p. in. Meetings will bo hold every
night this week , beginning at 7 30 o'eloelr.
btiangets made welcome al oil Sir vices.
Si Maiy's avenue Congiegational
chinch Rev. illaid Scott will pi each
both morning and evening at 10 ! ! 0 and
70 ! In the evening the seimon will bo
lo.voung people , who aio especially in
vited. Topic , "Tho First Sin and Oilier :
Sins. " A gospel set vice with gob pel
h mns. Sunday school at noon ,
The ( Jospel Auny , tinder the picsi-
denci of tlio Rev Mi lta\ler , holds itu
meeting'heneefoiHi every evening , in
cluding Smida.vs , at 7 UO , in the largo
room adjoining the council chamber in
Ihe Cmaha city hall , unner Fir mini anil
Sixteenth stieels , which is well vv aimed ,
and illuminated by clcctuc light. It
used lo be an opeia house. The enhance
is fiom the lainam sheet fiont of the
building by the easv asient of a lew
stops along ils outside on the lelt.
HillsideC oiigregational church RevB
II. C Ct .1110 , pastor Set vices at 11 a m.
and 7 ! ! 0 p. in. Ironing subject , "Sm
Iho Great Liek-nn. "
January 10th and lltli
Apinnuiiicuof tin WoiM ItcnuniiLd mid only
Assisted li >
In Ills Mu rvtUnifl r.ntuitnluiiicnl
The Lmpeior of the Magic Art. Wonders
Sectne seats at 15oOllico. .
T i
U.P.imiDl'.KTRAlNb. 'J'lauslui. Oinalin. ,
I Leave I Airno
CONMCCTLNO LLSKb Transler , ' 1 raiihfer
depot | depot
C. R I. , V p. : 11 a ill
* KxC'pt .Snnda ) . : Ma m ' a'ipin
i ( iilOpm
C. < v N. U' . I
All trains run clailv. . . J 1 > ; 11 a l" 0:15 : a nr
C. II , A ( J ,
All Oi.'i'in m 0:11 : am
tialnsiiin . .
0 til II III 7,00 ji in
0. M , A : St P.
0:11.1 : in 0:11 : am
All trains .
run dally.
0:10 : p in 7.00 p in
K.,1. iV ( J. U ,
* Kxcept S.ilind.ij. rIO.OO a m 1fii.l : : : III
tKxcojit Monday. " 5.50 | III
\V. \ SI. L. A \ ' ,
All tialiiBiun daily . . ) 2Wpm S"Apm :
b C. t P. " | i
1 01p m , b.oOpm
JtxzzTK -