Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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A Meeting of Stockholders and What It
Disclosed ,
A Htocklioldcr'a Story I'tifilllsilo
I'ointurtf Siillivaii'M Clinrity A
Cluinco In Telephone HntcH
1'ollco 'Mutters
Tlic Gallic Ijlnc.
For some tlnio past it lias been pcncr-
" the insiilo" Hint
nlly known by tlioso "on
trouble has bucn brewinc ninoiiu tlio
stocklioltlurs and directors of the car
company. The members of tlio directory
liiivu siicceotloil In kuupiiiK tlio matter
i\iict | \ , btil at last It has coniu to tliu sur
Tlio trouble took tv decided form Tlinrs-
ilay afternoon when the mcetinK of
stockholders was held for the purpose of
decline a board of directors for the en
suing year. There arc two factions
among the stockholders tin1 one which
is in the ascendancy , composed of C. K.
Tyler and J. H. Evans of Council Hinds ,
] { . C. Patterson , Fred IWllard , Jr. ) Mer
cer. K. L. Stone , U. H. Hu.stin
undV. . .J. Smith of Kansas
City and president of the
cable road of that city. The other faction
J * composed ot L. U. Williams , Oscar
Williams , S. U. Johnson , C. K. Yost and
AV. V. Morse. The latter faction or
certain members thereof is charged
with trying to hinder and impede the
construction of the road , of working for
their own private interests by buying
tracts of real estate along tliu streets that
they suppose will bo traversed by the
cable road , nnd of general mismanage
ment of aflairs. H is not to bo supnosed
that these charges arc preferred against
every niuu in the minority faction , but
against certain members thereof , who
lire supported by the clique.
r The two factions had a lively dash at
the meeting Thursday afternoon. A
motion was made and carried ruling out
sill the proxies presented on the techni
cal ground that they were not under seal.
The Williams faction had ix larger num
ber of proxies sent by tolcgrapii oy
eastern stockholders and had these been
admitted , that clique would have been
able to control the meeting. As it was ,
the opposing side carried the day. The
board of directors elected are as follows :
13. F. Smith , S. H. .Johnson , K. G. Patter-
HOD , C. H , Ilustin and Alfred Millard. L.
15. Williams and W. V. I\Iorso \ were re
jected , because , as onedirector expressed
it yesterdav they represented a policy
which had been carried out to the great in
jury of the interests of the cable lino. The
minority faction protested vigorously
against'liaving their proxies ruled out ,
but will be obliged to submit as grace
fully as possible under thecircumstances.
"This move of ruling out the proxies
was made oil a bare technicality , 1 will
admit , " said one of tliu members of the
board to a reporter yesterday , but it was
legal and it had to be done. Why ? lie-
cause if wo hadn't got lite control of tlio
road out of the hands of this faction , it
would be only a matter of time before it
was completely wrecked. One of the
men whom wo downed has been trying
to manipulate the stock of the company
to further his own pecuniary interests. His
t methods hayo been as follows : Ho would
: go to di lib runt men holding stock in the
company and represent to them that the
affairs of the concern were in si di&cour-
aging state that injunctions were piling
that interminable and costly lawsuits
were in prospect nnd that altogether it
would bo safer to sell the stock at a fair
price than to hold it. In this way ho
would secure the stock and sell it at a big
advance to eastern capitalists , pocketing
tlio ( lill'eronce himself. 1 belicvo that all
the delays which wore enforced upon the
company last year by the action of the
men in charge was brought about simply
to enhance the interests and enrich the
pockets of these fitoek-jugglers. The
road ought th have been completed six
mouths ago.
"Ancilior ground of complaint against
the faction is the way in which it has
managed the business and money matters -
tors i of the companv. A committed , con
sisting of iMo.ssr.s. ihisUn , Stone anil 1'at-
terson , was appointed to investigate the
books of the company. The aflairs were
Ion ml to ue in a highly unsatisfactory
condition. A now and mysterious sys
tem of bookkeeping , most dillienlt to un
ravel , had been adopted , and the com-
mitten was able to make neither head
nor tail of it. ' 1 ho vouchers wcro care
lessly recorded , anil this maihi matters
still worse. And worst of all it waa
> ' found llml Messrs. .Johnson and Williams
respectively , president and vice presi
B dent of the company. had voted thorn-
selves fat salaries without the
consent or knowledge of the directors.
This during the time that the company
was under heavy expense in oilier direc
tions paying out all the time , but
taking nothing in. "
"Now that wo have rid ourselves of
tliu objectionable element,1' said llio
speaker , "wo propose to go right ahead
with the construction of tlio road as .soon
as the weather will permit. The men
who are now on the board are all men of
means and able to carry out their good
Intentions. Wo don't propose to have
any more dilly-dallying. No , it is not
yet decided whether or not tlio road will
go up Faritnm street. "
W. V. Alorsu , when questioned about
the matter yesterday afternoon , said that
ho did not believe the action of the meet
ing Thursday was legal. ' 'These proxies
willed were thrown out , " ho continued ,
"wero legally held and ought tohavobeun
allowed a vote. As jt was the stock
holders present refused to admit the
proxies , and tlio result of HID meeting
was tliu action of a small minority.
As fr.r as my own case Is concerned , I
will state that as I am a small stock
holder , J haven't taKcn much interest in
the alVairs of the company. In fact , since
my election as director .sixty days ago , I
have had little or nothing to do with ( lie
concern , and am not able to
speak with much freedom about
tlio way in which atlairs liavo
been managed.1' Vice President Wil-
Ihur.s , when approached by a reporter ,
stated that ho preferred to sav nothing.
lie did declare , however , that Tlmr.Mhty'd
meeting of fatoekhohlers was illegal.
Tlio lli'nppenrAiico of the Sullivan
Com hi nn I Ion Not on ,
The appearance of the Sullivan com
bination at tlio annex next Tuesday night
promises to call out a large number of
spectators. The programme of sport is
a thoroughly good ouo. liesides the
series of bouts between the members of
the combination , Clew will hare a four-
found contest with ( S cargo l.a Hlanclio
( the "Marino. " ) The men are pretty
evenly matched , and thn result of the
get to will bo awaited with a great deal
of interest. No one in Omaha will stand
up bcforo Sullivan for four rounds ,
though I'rof. Fallen is authorized to oiler
f l.OK ( ) to u man who will do * o.
Sullivan coiios ) hero Hushed with vic
tory and Ihish with mpnoy. His * ivront
Bi't to with Ityau in California ,
in which ho ollectually for-
.ever disposed of thai pugilist ,
lias clyvn him an even greater prostino
than hf'twjoycd wlu > n ho pnSsed through.
Omaha VMWJ ? ' U ° bus IIHI ; a m ° 't suc >
ccssful western trip , and altogether was
never in better condition financially and
physically than ho Is at present. From
Omaha Sullivan goes to St. Paul , where
he is to knock out Patsy Cardiff in four
rounds on a wager of $1,000 a side.
Later on he will meet Pat Killcn , the
Chicago pugilist , and will try to knock
him out in four rounds.
Professor Fallen has received a letter
from Patsoy Killcn , in which that pugilist
says he will meet O. II. Smith , the ox-
Omaha man , in Dulutli next week. Ho
is to stop him in four rounds or forfeit
$ , ' 00. His friends arc confident that
ho can accomplish the job easy.
Killcn writes that ho has quit drinking ,
and is takinggood care of himself. Ho
authorizes I-'nllon to make a match for
him with any man in Omaha or the west
ern country.
John. P. Clew has about decided to re
main in Omaha , and will probably open
up a sparring school hero.
lliiye You Seen Them ?
If not , call on W , (1. ( Ai.immirr and go
out to Sorrn OMAHA with one of his
Agents to inspect tlio magnificent prop
erty known as Ai.mtioitT's CHUICI : .
The Hiiuk Islanil'H Scheme Missouri
I'nolfltj Plans.
Ono of the leading wholesale mer
chants of tins city said yesterday with ref
erence to the proposed coining of the
Northwestern said : "It the Chicago &
Northwestern , and Fremont , Klkhorn &
Missouri Valley railways will bring their
headquarters and shops to Omaha , and
with it meet the reasonable demand of
Omaha merchants to remove en tain dis
criminating freight rates , wo will gladly
welcome it but otherwise not. "
It is understood on excellent authority
that the directors of the Chicago , Hock
Island & Pacific road have prac
tically decided to bridge tlio Mis
souri river at Omaha at an early
date and to start its extension of
the system to the northwest from Omaha
on tlio Missouri river terminus. The com
pany ; propose to outer the raeo for travel
ing in Nebraska both north and south of
the Plalte and to practically parallel tlio
Chicago & Northwestern at all its leading
trade points.
The Missouri Pacificis doubtlessly
seriously considering a wide , far-reach
ing extension of its lines northward
during tlio coming year with Yankton as
its northern terminus and branch lines
extending northward from the main
line into the Klkhorn territory , Jt is un
derstood that Mr. Clark is using every
cll'ort to induce Mr. Gould , to
greatly increase the mileage of the Mis
souri Pacific in Nebraska , during the
coming year , and if sullieient local aid
can bo secured along tlio line , from 800
to 500 miles of railroad will probably bo
constructed northwest of Omaha , during
the next twelve months.
Jn retaliation for this invasion of its
territory , tlio Chicago & Northwestern
will build at least three hundred miles of
track in southwestern Nebraska during
the coming year.
The rtooin in ImmciiHO
ill South Omaha Property and AI.UKIGIIT'S
cuoici : leads them all. TUKKK is NOT A
u.u > LOT in this beautiful property.
The Telephone Company Makes Im
portant ICctliiuuons.
Manager K. 1) ) . Smith , of the Central
Telephone Exchange , in conversation
with a reporter yesterday told of a change
in the schedule of rates for telephone
connections with outside points. "Such
a reduction has been made , " ho said ,
"but owing to the fact that there lias
been a delay in the issuance of the public
schedule , the fact is not generally known.
The now schedule will lie printed in the
next telephone directory. The most in
teresting feature of the now schedule ,
and one that I think will bo appreciated
by our patrons , is the reduction of from
live to ton cents in the rates for live min
utes1 conversation betwcenrthe towns.
This reduction does not apply to all con
nections , but is coniineil to connections
between points adjacent to each other. "
The rate between Omaha and Lincoln
is not aflcctcd by the change , but
Manager Smith says that as soon as the
new wire , which is now being strung be
tween the two towns via the Ashland put
off is completed thn rate will be reduced
from forty to thirty-live cents. This
line is being built exclusively for busi
ness between the two cities , and will not
bo connected with any intermediate
points. When it guts into full operation ,
it is anticipated that the service between
Omaha and Lincoln will bo vastly im
Kiiy u Few
Of those elegant lots in ALUIUOIIT'S
CAOICE and double .your money before
spring. Albright is making lots of
money for lots of people who purchase
from him. Only a little money required
to buy a lot.
"What May Ho Kxpcctcd in the Near
Yesterday morning County Superin
tendent Mahoncy entertained a number of
indigent people at his charity rooms in
the county court house. His visitors wcro
of all styles , shades ami complexions , and
each of them was in quest of food and
other material to ward oil * both hunger
and the misery of the winter season.
Mr. Mahoney says that his doling out
to these people embraces about
one hundred and fifty pounds
of colleo , fifty pounds of tea ,
2fOO pounds of Hour , 200 pounds
of Mip ; , six bushels of beans , every two
weeks , while his supply of coal some
times reaches as high as 100 tons per
month. This business is increasing with
the growth of the city and is oven now
almost too extensive to bo attended to
by one man. There is no doubt about
the matter but before long some person
will bo required to look after the indigent
poor in the city , because tlio county busi
ness is even now sntlleiuntly important
to require the attention of one man.
Mr. Mahoney has prepared blanks in
tended to .show all that applicants should
tell when applying for assistance.
Hnvo You SCJMI Them ?
If not , call on W. ( J. AI.UIIIGIIT mill go
out to SOUTH OMAHA with one of his
agents to inspect tlio magnificent prop
erty known as AuiuiuiiT'd CHOICE.
Knllivnii Helps II on l > y a
Contribution oi' $ UOO.
A sporting man who arrived in the city
yesterday trom tbowest told of an amusing
incident of Sullivan's stay in Leadvillo ,
Col. The great . pugilist , with his'com-
bination arrived in that city on Christ
mas ovo. A strangely pious mood seized
the slugger shortly after his arrival in
Lcadvillu , and lie determined to attend
the O o'clock mass , the next morning in
the Catholic church. Accordingly he
nml Shet'dy , his manager , together with
McDonald , Lo Itlauoho , Taylor and hi \
other nssoemu'S remained up all night
and at fi o'clock liled into the church. At
the conclusion of the services the priest
who Inul often hoard' of but Had never
eci'it the great slugger was introduced to
Sullivan. lie had i\ long and earnest
couviTfatum with , the pugilist the full
particulars of whicjj will prylwbly never
bo known , At its conclusion , Sullivan
had become so interested in the work of
the church that ho gave the priest | 200 to
bo dispensed in the cause of religion anil
charity. _
Tlio Ilooiu IH ImtnciiNe
IN Sot'Tii OMAHA rnoi'EiiTV , AND Ai.-
FU , rnorr.iiTV ,
The Gross I'crjtti-y Case * .
Another step was taken Thursday
the somewhat sensational Gross perjury
cases by the arrest of Rosa Smith , who
has hold a mysterious position in the
trial. In the damage case of Gross vs.
the Union Pacific a deposition of Kosa
Smith was presented , in which it was
alleged that she had soon a Union Pacific
brakrman knock the Gross lad from the
train by which ho was run over and
killed. Nothing moro could bo learned
of the mysterious Ilosa. The attorney
for the Gross people represented that she
was a servant girl and that ho did not
know of her whereabouts. Marshal
lliorbowpr lias been at work , however ,
and yesterday caused the arrest of the
woman who proves to bo a wife of one of
the Caslon boys. She will bo nsrd as a
witness in the perjury ease against Gross
but will probably not be prosecuted on
the charge of perjury herself.
A NCMV Hotel Tnr Kent.
The Darker lira's , now o story and
basement , brink hotel at corner of IJJth
and Jones is almost completed and ready
to rent. It lias 101 rooms besides two
stores , largo ollico and dining room
elevator , steam healing and every mod
ern convenience. Street cars pass the
house near depots and in the center of
business. Wo want a good live liotol
man for tenant , and will lease for a term
of years at ? lill)0 ( per vear. Address The
C. K. Mayno Heal J-stato ! & Trust Co. ,
Omaha Nob.
Decorative Cnlonilnrs.
The rage for issuing calendars seems ,
this year , to have transcended that of
any preceding period. There is now a
sullieient nnmlmr of these artistic de
vices in town to warrant the belief that
there must bo few manufactories , rail
roads , business houses and other enter
prises of any note which have not
had recourse to this moans of getting their
name and keeping it before tlio public.
Some of these are real gems , while others
are the merest daubs. The collection of
samples ot these is becoming as much a
cra/.e as was t'.ie button , the stamp , the
tobacco tag mania of a short time ago.
Superintendent liruner is one gentleman
who has a liking for those articles of use
and decoration , as an examination of his
ollico in the county building reveals the
fact that ho has no less than thirty of
those doing service upon the walls there
ntiy n Few
Of those elegant lots in ALBIMGIIT'S '
CHOICE and double your money before
spiing. Albright is making lots of
money for lots of people who purchase
from him. Only a little money required
to buy a lot
The Growth of the W. C. T. U.
IN.MAN , Nob. , Jan. 7. [ Special to tlio
linn. ] The organization of a W. C. T. U.
of-12 members has just been completed
at this place by'Mrs. Abbio Gay Dustin ,
president of the ninth district , assisted
by Mrs. Caroline M. Woodward , state
treasurer. These workers have visited
important points in the district from
Ncligh on the cast , 'to Kushvillo , 200
miles to the west , arranging for tlio
organization of now unions and by coun
sel and encouragement strengthening
those already established.
The addresses of Mrs. Woodward at
Long Pine , Kushvillo , Neligh.Kwing and
Tnman wore received with great interest ,
many coming miles to avail themselves
of these opportunities for education. At
Neligh a largo audience gave line attend-
tion on last Sabbath evening to an ad-
dre.-s worthy of the grand organization
which this lady represents.
Wlmt It IsVlint It , Doe * .
Hood's Sarsaparilla is made of sarsaparilla -
parilla , dandelion , mandrake , cherry
bark , jiva ursi , dock , and other valuable
medicinal agents long and favorably
known for their power in eradicating dis-
case and purifving the blood. It will
euro , when in tlio power of medicine ,
Scrofula , Salt Rheum , Dyspepsia , Head
ache , Constipation , Itiliousness , General
Debility , Pains in the Hack , Kidney Com
plaint , Catarrh , Female \ \ eaknoss , Cancerous
cereus Humors , Humors of the Face ,
Ringworm , Pimples , Ulcers , Sores , Tu
mors , Scald Head and all diseases arising
from an impure state or low condition of
the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla is made
by C. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Sold
by all druggists. $1 ; six fov ijo.
Klinw'R CnmpllmciitB to Iicnnott.
Considerable rivalry has boon engen
dered between the leading horscshoor.s
of this city by an article which was
published in one of the papers of this city
seine time since , in which Mr. George A.
liennett was very highly extolled for his
ability as a shoor. The rivalry is a gen
erous one am ! Mr. James Shaw , also ono
of tlio leading horsoshoersof tlio city , au
thorizes the BKI : to say for him that ho
can beat Mr. UeiinoU in horse or mule-
shoeing for any amount from $100 to
$1,00 ! ) . This proposed match has been
commented on very warmly by horse-
shoorri , and when it takes place will bo
one of unusual interest.
500 l cr Cent Profit
has been made since last August by pur
chasers of lotb from Mr. Albright , in the
addition west of Ai.iiiman's Ciioin ; ,
Prompt Arrests.
Miss Alice Carroll , a young lady from
ICansas City , when about to board a train
at tlio Missouri Pacific depot yesterday
morning was .surrounded by three roughs
who robbed her of her pocKothookJcontain-
iugl'Jorfia. An accurate description of
the men was furnished to the police by
the porter and lirnkoman of the
train , and at about noon yesterday Ollicor
Michael Riley arroatod the trio in a
Fifteenth street saloon. Thov gave their
names as Kd McDonald , ICd Meyers and
Frank McFarlaml. A portion of tlio
money was found on Ilia person of one
of the men. ,
HOO Per Cent Profit
has linen made since last August by pur
chasers of lots from Mr , Albright , in the
addition west of Ai.miiniiT's CHOICE.
Joiirncyiut ; to .loliol.
Sheriff J. 'J. Sampson , of Chadron ,
Nob. , paused through this city yesterday
with two prisoners for the Joliet , (111. ( )
pcmtcntiiry. Their names are John and
J oseph \ \ mslow. formerly of Montana ,
and they will bo caged residents of
Illinois for three years each.
Have Von Hoon Them ?
If not , call on W. G. ALIUHGHT and go
out to SOUTH OMAHA with ono of his
agents to inspect the magniliecnt prop
erty known us ALliiiiiiii'r'ri CHOICK.
. y'H Dontli ,
Yerterday niorning Mary A. Flannory ,
daughter of the late Peter Flaunury , pro
prietor of the jCastcrn Hotel , on South
Tenth street , died at tl\e. \ ago of t\Y9iUy \
years. She was a remarkably handsome
and almiablo young lady , and had but
recently discontinued her studies at the
convent on Eighteenth street. Her
death , coming so suddenly after that of
her father , will bo sad news to many
friends , blie will be buried on Sunday
next nt 2:30 : p , mt in St. Mary's cemetery.
Great Incitement
in SOUTH OMAHA over the way acics and
lots in Ai.imimiT's CHOICE arc going.
Twenty-two lots sold in ono day.
About Firemen.
Chief Galligau and Captain Ruanc , of
the fire department , went to Chicago last
night to inspect the new truck that has
been built for the oily by the Preston
Pete Galligan and J. Crawlo arr recent
additions to the department , the first
named at No. 3 and tlio latter at No. 2.
"Spuds" Farlsh Is engaged in making a
record of all fires that have occurred in
tlio city since 1871 with proper statistics
concerning losses , insurance , etc.
" "
Merchants Hotel. Oinaiia , "Nat Urown
Prop. ? 'J perday. Cor. loth and Furnam
All street cars from depot pass house.
Thnrstoti's Arrest.
Sherman Thurston , the veteran sportIng -
Ing man , was arrested by the pollco yes
terday afternoon as a suspicious character.
The police charge that ho lias no visible
means of support , associate ? in sus
picions company , and is altogether a
man who ought not to bo at large.
Furthermore , it is said , implements of
"crooked work'1 were found on his per-
sell >
Buy n Kow
Of those elegant lots in ALBRIGHT'S
CHOICE and double your money before
spring. Albright is making lots of
money for lots of people who purchase
from lum. Only a little money required
to buy a lot.
" \Vnntn to Conin to Omalm.
Secretary Nattinger , ot the board of
trade , has received a communication
from T. S. lirisbio , an experienced manu
facturer of Eric , Pa. , who desires to como
to Omaha to locate an establishment for
the manufacture of housekeeper's
specialties , The matter lias been re
ferred to the committee on manufac
Absolutely Pure. .
This powder never vari 's. A marvel of
purity , strength and whoksomencss. More
economical than the ordinary kinds and
cannot be sold in competition with the mul
titude of low test , short weight alum or
phosphate powders. Sold only in cans.
Royal Haking Powder Co.,403 Wall street ,
New York.
13th 61 , Cat. Capitol Avenue ,
Chronic & Surgical
DR. MoWHTNAMY. Prop.fotor.
Sitlueii ji'nr ' IK > sj > iial nnJ 1'rlvnln 1-r.iilico
Wo have the facilillfs , apjmrntuf nml rrmcdfri
for tlio successful treatment of every form of ill
rrnuiilutf ellher medics ! or enixicn ] treatment ,
4nd Invltonll tooomeand liivfdlp.itofo
nr correspond with u ? . I.OIIK vx | > eijfnce in Irrot
Inp cases by letter < niplf us to trc t many ca ei
icieutiflctlfy without i ri'iiiL' tliun
WHITE > 'OH nUOlTLAIl < m ncforwltlo und
Hiftcm , ( 'lull Feet , Curvatures of Ilie Hplne
DUCABES or WOUKK. rilcn , Tumarn , Ctnccl * ,
t'Atarrh , Ilroncbitli , Inhalation , Eluctrlclty , I 'urn I-
yiln , Kplleppy , Kidney , KTC , Ear , Skin , lllood ami
oil tur lrni oncrMloni.
llntirrlr * . lulialcrc , Uraccs , Trui o9 , nnd
nil klmln of Medlcir' , and Surgical Appliauco , man
ufactured and for inle ,
Tha only reliable Medical Institute making
Private , Special f Nervous Diseases
from whatever cmuf produced , nucct'dnfully treated
\V can remove Syphilitic poUoti from the yitcin
without mercury ,
New retoratl\o treatment for Ion \ltalpowcr
Ciill and consult nr rend nimo nnd poit.onhr
nddrcBS plainly written- enclose alamp , aud we
> vlll tend ton. In plain wrapper , our
cr. STi'Hii.u , UoNoiiiinnu , UI.EKT , VAIUCOCKI. ! '
STRicrtmK , AND Ai.r. m Ei K'i or Tiir ( .ism
UniKiitY ORUAMI , or tend hietory uf your cabu / oran
an opinion ,
IVreona unable to visit us may lie treated nt Ilirh
hoiaoa , tir correspondence. Medlcium and Instru
racnti fent by mall or eireieS2'lTltUI.Y | ) ( I'Al'K
Kf ) FUOM OIISEHVATION. no marks lo Indicate
contents or lender. One prriutml interview pre
ferrrd If romenltnt. Fifty rooms for the "cum
modatlon of patlunti. Hoard and nltrndsncu u'
reasonable ptlcti. Addrt-ti , nH Lottem lo
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Cor. 1 3th SI , in * CaDitoUvo , . OM4IU , W
I hata t poiiilr * r nudjr lor ihe hoTo UirtiB ; by U > ni
tlwunnJi of r i' of ll.o wont klol nod if Iciur iiamjlng
liave been cure l InJJ. o trout : U lur ftllh In Iti efficacy
that ! will MndTWO BOTTLES 1'HEB , | n IlnrwHh VAL-
DABLKTltl iTlBEunthlail ] eaii .tuany lalTtrer. alre ex.
tint ! nu. datta.'Utt. T. A. flLOCUM.Ul fwl tt. M. V
< nrf NBKVITA ir- r "
rDCL > 's > iu ( > uubru | " " "
rnrr N rTuu I > rbllltrl ' ° li -
I IIUU uru < . , Manhood ,
III. I.OO perl 'till for t > .00.
. ndPrlc o > i Pllc | tlnn , KUdLy
all the lifii < ' rrl rt llullneri bud Ueklrrii.
Sicecstors : to Jno. G Jacobs ,
AM >
t tn'i ol ila tuuit 1-107 Farnain st Onlcrs
bytolu < rraph so.ieitoil : iml nronHitly attended -
tended ! to. Tcluphoue No.25. .
Having completed our annual iin'enfoi'i/ find { hat altlitntyJi the
percentage of profits tvasfar beloivihe leyit-iinttte average , yet the cnor ,
nioiis volume of trade irhiclt iveliare enjoyed , vurftcs the result very sc\
isjactory. IVe therefore take pleasure in announcing that ne will hold *
IVEKSSi'LY SAJLJDS oj all our remain tut/ winter stock at a still greater
reduction in prices until it is entirely closed out ,
GREAT GVJERC0ALT SALE. The worst of the winter is still to
come , for many long days f/te Mercury trill horer around the zero point'
IIJERJE IS JTOm GRID AT WZJ.QltTUNITTir. Commencing torfay
n.'c will close out our entire line of ffrcreoatsand Ufsfers for Men , Hoys
and Children at less than , half their real t'ulne.
Every article is guaranteed to bo precisely as represented and
whatever yon may piircJiasc from , its , for yourself or friends , in the
city , or out of the city , if not satisfactory in fit , style or price , if not
soiled , the money will be cheerfully refunded without a siting to ex
change for other goods.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price.
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
: . _ i
I Leave I Leave
IT.P. niUDCETItAIXS. Transfer. Omalm.
I l.oavo I Arrive
CONNECTIM ! JJNKS.Transfcr Trnnsfcr
depot depot
All trains run dally j' ' 7:05 : a ni ! iiia-inm
I I 0:25 : p mi 8Wim : ) |
Thirl ii-Thrre t ) ! - ' > )
J'ci' Cent
Inuddlliori tu llicro lurllon of die furrcnt juarly
| iuxineiil > .ur cuiiijiiiivil ullli Ilir ralcn lumiu'l unilar
lliuuld Hritciu of I.llu Innufunre. whioii ipilij tlon
ciim' | ' < H CAMI 1)1 VlliKMXif inori * Ihun HITV 1'KH
CI-NTtipon Iliu tuul : prrmiuin | > HI | | .
Notice ii lltivtir lilrfii Unit. In addition to llio
Hfiprv.iilM i--uh rfiliic'ion , llio ntiumnl nuw to Uiu
credit ul nil inTtrnt meniMnut tilt )
whn berHHie nienilxTK In liitl. i > < iual u IIIVIDKNO
( ll-'TIIIIITV-TllltKi : AMI I INK Til 1 1(1) ) I'KIU'IIN'I1
uiiontlu. lINTlltl ! AhhKb-MIKVT I'lll'.MllJMS I'Alll
Oilrin llio tlr t iiuni' ( llru > ur * ) I'filu.l ,
viz Hum \M \ in lw Inclinlve wlilih ani'iuiit lm
Lt-rli ilviinxllvil "all mil lielU t > r thn' K.VniAI.
rnrsT niMi'Asy < > K .NKW vouft. u Truno-
tlifllnirrre luiirt oftliU A' d'-lutliin anil | ii'ln i.ln
u | i-uvHeJ | In tliu v. > ulrurk livid by lUu manlier. o [
Mutual liftt'riu I'u'iU l.llo And lullcti
Hi/me OUloc , I'ntterllullilInK jdj'urlc llow N. )
U. II .itolilNBO.N.OinuliaKatumal Iluuk Usu4tpv
General Accck
Proposals for the Construction of Buildings
at Fort Bridger , Wyoming.
Ollk'ool I'liluF ( junrterinnster , >
Oniulia , Noli. , .lammrv 1st , IBS ? . I
SKAI.151) Proposiils , In tvlpllci < to. Htilijeet to
the iibtial eondltloiis.vlll bo reeelvvil tit this
iilllcu , nnil by tlio post qunrturmiiMur , Fort
llrlilgrerVyo. . , until ono o'clock p. m. , central
Mumliml Ilino , Fobrtinry 1st , 18 7 , at which tlmu
nml pluccs tlioy will lie oponcil lu pruavncc of
lilddiT ? , lor fiirni.sliiiifr all tliu mulerinls anil
labor neec&Miry for constiiii'tltiH' the I'ollowlnir
buiMlii'S ) nt Fort llrlihrer , Wyoinlmr. viz : Ono
set or liiluntry linn-neks , ono Kimnl lioiise , ono
oil lioiiM' . lllds mo Inviteil for luillilings con-
htrurtcilof stone or frurae with Btonu founda
tion * . I'ropOMilsnniy beinntlelor oltlierorullof
tholiullilliiK imcuofoncli to liostutpdsopanito-
IIllils lor mnturinl nml I'or liiliorniny lie miiilo
Boparutely. 1'rofcronco will bu Riven to articles
of domestic proilnt'ilon und nmmiliiulnru , eon-
dltlons of prlco and ( imillly boliw cqunl , and
such profurcnco Kiven to itrtlelcs of Amurlciin
production nnd iniiniiliicturo iirodnecd on the
1'iiclllo const to the oxlont of tlio consumption
required 1 > V tlio public sorvleo tlinro. The KOV-
< ! rmcnt reserves the riiibt to reject nnv or nil
lildBor purtH thereof. I'iniH mill H | > cullleiitlons
\vith blank proposals nnd circular Ivlnjr lull
infornintion to hlddcr.s may hu obtnlneil or ox-
tmilned nl this ollico nnd nt tlio I'ost Quarter-
mnsto's Ollico , Fort llrldiror , Wyo. Knvelopos
contnlnhiK' pioposnls to IKI mnrkod "I'roposnN
lorl.'onstrnctioTi nt 1'oit Ilildifrr" nnd nddicHM-d
to tlio imilcrslunud or to the I'ost CJtiurtermns-
tcr , Fort llrldfirr.Vvo. .
( I. II. 1)A.N1IV , Chief Qutirtoi-innstcr.
rilO AllCHlTKCTS ANM ) IlI'IIiDnHS-l'lnns
Jnnd IOIIR nro Hollcltud by the
Hoard of Kdncntlon of Llio School District of
Onmlm , county of Douglas , sttito of Xclini liR ,
until 5 o'clock p. in Tuesday. Fob. < lli. Ik1 * ? .
lorn 12 or 111 room Iwo-Htory and hiitcmuni
brick school liUildniKto bo erected on th < i HlKh
School ground i at an estimated cot of ? : t."i-
000. ( ii ) for u two glory and hui-cnic.nt 1" room
brick school biillilliw to he oroctcd on tlio
southivi'M corner of "Mb nnd U'ohsterstructs at
nn es-tlinntod coit of f'iOUt.00. : ) nml for nn
loom nnd b.ieiunent brick tchool building to ho
cicclod on the mirthon" ! cot nor ol : 'ttli ) nnd
Jxiiid streets , at nn u timiited co-t ol J 'O.iiiiil on.
The Hoard of Kdm-mloii nllui > the tollowlm , '
pi'iMnluniH , for the three plans to bo se
lected by them , for the Ijiilldlims on Iliu lli h
School ( 'round : iiul : : sth nnd Webster ntrents :
ihtrrcmliim . ' . . $ UW ) or )
"d " . i.lii ( HI
ad " . 75(10 (
I'rmnlum for plans nml spcelllcntlons ndopled
by the Honnl shnli be coiikideiod purl payment
H Hiicli liiillilhiKS mo erected.
The board reserve" * thn ilirlil lo reject any or
nil plap.g.nud no money will be p.ild tor rejected
Jly order ofthf Donnt of l'luealliiii.
CU.AItl.F.S coXOVUlt , Sfcvotary.
Omalm. Dec. Kith IhSO. dUdlut
S.S.H.OVII , A. < 1 McCAMl'HRI.l.
MemriPrnalvt'itoiit.ot- 1 Minnbur Chlc.iKn llnant ot
ton I'Jx'BO , V Ht. Ijmls Tr.iilit , nnil Now Orlcam
McrchMnU HtrluuiKO. I t'olion Kki'liniiL'O
! > ! > anil 111 SOUTH Ittlli ST.
Onmlm , AY'frr .s/ . ' .
llltOKI.'l'.S IN'
For Future Delivery
Tritdps iiiuilu on qiii < t t < "ni 00011 lluMcllnud.
Wrllu lur uxiliitirl-iry | | ninipilui ! , iMily nmriot re-
lioit inallml Iri'H un uiipllHi'jn. ; .
GenL Insurance Agent ,
MiTcliiint'fN'ntlonnl IlniiK HuiMim : , Cor. Far-
.mm : uid iitli : stH. , room t u
Telephone No. :17J : Oinnlm , .N
I'hncnU.I.on'lon , Knsland
Firemen's , Nnwurk , N. .1
lilcn'dFttlk ( Hun's FullnW. V . l .itf.V-'S
( ilritnl , I'lillitilflplilii 1'a . l il.W
We-f tchcBtcr. Nw Vork , N. V . 1.IIS.VI JH
John II imr rtJJiltUHl _ l.lfo , IJoslona 711,710,11
E. T. ALLEW , M. D.
Eye , Ear , Kose & Throat
Room 9 Williams lUilding , cor. loth am !
Dodge btN , Omaha.
Ilourb 8 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4 and 'i to 8 p. in
Taxidermists < f Jfe
Dealers in
turn ) luftory and mil
I'lietom 'work of n i'
Kmdrt will receive
prompt mtcntlu.i , , . , . . . _
it / > --J -A.- -
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
s Prue. I..H.Wii.iiAMS\'lco-ri-c
, . . . . . , , -
Union TrustCo
215 S. 13th St. , 0 malm , Neb.
School , County mid IHuniuipal Bonds
Ilorrr. ii. rHm.iriip , F. It. , li .
Capital $500,000
Surplus 100,000
Herman Kotmtze , President.
John A. Creigliton , Vicc-Prcsident.
F. II. Davis , Cashier.
W. H. Mequier , Asst.-Cashier. '
Nebraska Rational Bank
Paid up Capital $2COOOO
Surplus , 30,000
II. W. Yutos , President.
A. K. Tou/.nlin , v'ic-o President.
W. 11 S. Hutflies , Cashier.
\V. V. Mor. = ft , John S. dolllm ,
Ii.V. . Yates , Lnwis S. Heed.
A. 1C. Tou/.alin.
Cor 1'Jlh and Kurnuin Sts
A UfcAcnU Hanking JJnsincss Transacted .
N. "W. HARRIS & Co.
JtAXKKltS , ClllU-tflO.
RftBinc or CoiinllcH , Cltlos nnil ( ilhcrsoC
uUflUOhiKlixmUolioiiKlitninlHoM Eastern
ntllos BH DoToiiBliIre iU. lloston. CortcBpond.
cncofaollclteJ. t
CAPITAL , - - - $ < 100OOO
Accounts of Banks , Hnnkcrs and Corpo
ration ) , i-olicitcd.
Our facilities 'or COLLECTIONS arc
excellent and we re-discount for banks
when balances warrant it
Boston is a Reserve City , and balances
with us from banksnot ( located in other Re
serve Cities ; count as reserve.
We draw our own Exchange on London
and the Continent , and make Cable tr.nis- \
Icrs and place money \iy \ telegraph throughout -
out the United States and Canada.
Government llondB bought ami told , and
Exchange * in Washington imi''e for Hanks
\\ithout extra charge.
We have a market for prime fir t class
Investment Securities , and inyitr proposals
from States , Counties nnd Cities when is
suing bonds.
We do a general OaiiVing business , and
invite correspondence.
ASA P. POTTEK , Picbident.
JOS. W.VOItK , Cashier ,
o. rTDAVis & co.
Nebraska Laud Agency
General dealers in real estate and real
tale inortjjau'-'s , I5UO Farnain st ,0mal. ,
Nebraska. '
* * 'li L Ur > ( Ti.lft.Ai. . > irti i , K
_ mi It ! , * f otlinig currtiiti of
thr i > 2ti ( < ! ) Mfpk rtiti.ttitfcr-
OnUfitinfir inriitorrr nil * thrrl'tll Wr > t | < * iri [ > tr
inNii tt < y ciui'J ' .nttin etjunthi. htftiftl | iiTn | lilit4 < >
The Banden Clcctno Co. UJ'J UaSallett. ,
OUuff *
Tlio "Tniihiil's l'iinc' ' o
i > tiifiirn tire .
fkvc. ROM KO iniiiiv in n sliurl u time. Will try
I'lul ; ' . u tun inn ifi' i " , rlur thl * month
" V. & . A I. . MH i Aim , K , Y.
Your 'Tniv illi I'lint'U ' So ci ( > iir la KOOJ
wltrr W J ) OiiAiii. DniKKiM. Alilo , ill.