THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JANUARY 8 , 1887. SPECIAL NOTICES _ Advertisements unlorthla lioid , loctntspcr line tor Hie first ln Prtion , 7 centft for each sub- fqutnt insertion , ami $1.50 n line per month N'j fcd.orliti wont tnkoti for less than 26 cents fortlio JlrPt ln ortion. Seven words will bo counted to the lines they n"rt run consecu tively nnd must bo pni < l in nilrnnco. All fiJvcr- ti'ciiujnts must lie lisndo.1 in botoro 3 o'clo k p m , und under no clrcum-tnnccs will Ibcj betaken taken or iHiionthmcd by leleplione Fnrtics advert Hne In the oiolunins indliiv- Inpthonnswersiu'drefswl In euro of Tnr. HER 17'llnUnro ' nf k for n chccV loennblothcm to cot their letter" , r.3 tiono will bo delivered except on prc cntMlon of check. All answers to ad vert if emcnU should bo fnflo'ed In envelope' . OAN3-Loam Loans , * V llcnl estate lonns , Collnti rlnl lonns. ( Imltel lonns. Ix MI tltnn Umns. Short tltnn loan * . Money nlwiiys on linnd to loan on cny np- Jifovcil sceurltr. Investment t counties bought nnd Bold. Oninbii Unnnelul L'xchiingo , u. w. tor. ICtb mid Ilnrnov. Corbctt , Mnnnger. C01 < l ! < M,00 < J tolonn on six month'lo nix jcars' i' tlino nt In-M'fit rntov * . M. ILirrls. room 5 , rreii7 r blockopp I' O 7I4J JS4 i HAUIUS. rw ) S. 15111 Bt , HAHHIS to limn on firal clusa Bcourlty. from . _ r/00OCOTO iOAN nt C per cint. J. J. Mahoney - $ honey , I5W I'limnm. _ TOP 1'1'licr.vr Money. 6 It C 1'rUtorpon , 1'th nnd Tlnrncy. DM $ no , ( ) ( ) ( ) to lonn. Sums ? 500 nnd upwnrdi , IxmcBt rules , tloinlB , room a , llnrker block , S. W. eor r.tli mid rnrnmnatfl _ _ t/H TYTONLY I lr t mortiriiRO notes. Tlio lloitglris 1 > JL eotinty biuiK will bnj papers secured by llrct tnnrtHngii on city reiuty. i J ) _ OI'KIl CC.NTMotiny to loan. ( > r < rory A lladloy , Itooms 1 nnd n , Itedtck block , KU S. ISth St. 7.j" TYIONIJY to lonn. cn h on Hand , no iltlny. .T. vl \ \ nnd U. li Sijulre , 1413 I'm niim Et. , Tax- ton holul bullditiif. _ K8 TO LOAN Money I.OIUIB placed on 1m- -l provoil real ustato In city or county Tor Now I'nrland Loan k Trust Co. , by Douiflus County bank , intli and Chlraxo sta _ HIU ' Tit O\TY : TTAN ( ( At ow'ratPd , on irood A'l city jit opert ) . IHUdiori. Co.,121S Dotmlas Rtrcet. t > 'J- . _ _ MONitolonn : on city nnd farm property , MONi\ low rates , iUovrart i. Co. , llootn ii. Iron mi _ _ _ ON nVro LOAN o. r. DBVIH > v Co. Hen M Kslatc and Loan Agents 1 W.'i Farnam Bt. f SI OVKYI LOAN On real cBtato andohut- I ) K Thomas. f > W > " OM.YTo LOAN-insums of $2 , XJ and M upwardB on llrst-class rnal ostuto Bccurity. 1'otler.V tobb , rnrnatn i < t. _ t37. . _ M ONiV LOANIUintC I' . HendiCo'8.Lo-m oIUcs , on furniture , pianos , ImiFeB.wiigona , jxirgonal property of all kinds , and all other nr- titles of value , without removal. Ul'J 8 13th , nvor Illngham's Commission store. All biisl- Jiensstrictly I'onlMontliu. 'WXl.OOO To loan onOmahii city property nt B P percent. 0.V. . Uny , over 1.112 Uoughnat. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MONEY to loan by the undersigned , who has the only proporlv orgiiul/od loan agency InOmuha I-onn of $10 tu S 1,000 mndo on fur niture , pianos , organs , horses , wngons , machin ery , &o. , without removal No delays. All business stilctly conlldontlal. Lonns to made thnt nny part enn bo paid nt nny tlmo , each pny- Jnont reducing the cost pro rata. Advances tnado on flno wntches nnd diamonds. Persons Dhould carefully consider who thov are dealing trlth , an many new concerns are dally coming Jnto existence. Should you need money , call nnd pea me. W. n. Croft , lloom t , Withnol ) Kulldlne , IBth nnd riarnoy. Co' UUDIHE33 CHANCES. \\TANT1'.I > 1'nrtnor to open up n pop corn > fnrtorv. About (25 cnpltnl rciiilr | d. In- Hiilro II Itogers' blacksmith shop , cor. Sum- Jnot nnd Snundors sis. IKK ) 7 * "iron SALT. riirnltiirolinolncsq nnd bulMIng J lu Riioil town siirifiuiidcd by a sidcndlil rnrmlngcoiintiy. Will soil cboiip or ovcliiingo JorDnmlin property , licit reason0 for selling l'oriartlculars uddrcsi 1) . T. Williams. Hen- Uersiin.Iown. t-'U 1C * Bl'SLNINS t'HANCi : A llrat „ ninrknt on u puved Rtreut. Itujiness uoll cstnblished. Dolntr from SLUM to f I.&OO Her month. Turnts reiifoiiable.dilrcss O lIIoo olllco. | iU ( 10 IOH THADi : Tliri'o slocks ot inorclinndlso , V forchonp rnw land. II. ana H. hov foi Blicniindoiili , la. 9J7.17 * FOHSALi : A urnnd biuRnln for POIIIO ono wiintinif n c'lenn stock of urocerlos In Oinuliu. Mend 4. Jnmlson , illB South Ifitli st. Ole 0 rpo I'.XCH.SGI' Morelmndlso for furms mid J wild liuid. 0. J. Cusvroll , room 111. lion Jlnnlt , u iil T""iOIt SAL1" Conroctionerv nnd Tobacco JU btoro. Jnijuho at No. 0 - Cuinlnp-Rt. * 71 ! ) 7 _ " | j"Ult ) rtALl * Ono of tlio best pnj Intr luinkR in J-1 cotitrnl Nnbnipkii. A rnro opportunity for npnrtrvvltb J1B.OOU to JSO.OUO cipltnl. Adilics II 4U , Hen ollleo. 7707 WANTHD-Tartner vvltb Finixll ntnount of cnpltnl to outer Into u Iliritiiiialo Inislnopa In Omiiliu. Address , No. 101) ) Wnlnut lllll 1' O. Omaliii. DIVIO * TT < OIl SALH-Hrlckynrd on South ntb Kt , J. J-1 1) . Tlioiims , Oiniilia. 7IUJI1 * TT\01l \ SALi : New Htoek of ladies' fiirtil'lilnir J' roods , together vvllli f > ioro flxtuies lltts | . iH , s In full cumliict with good trndo. Loontlon liest on llowatdHt. . oeeitp imf L ( store In sriuiiro of bOlid brluk. J. K Iliiiiiinoml , 115 S. Itllb ft , , C73 * 771OH 8AL1' Desirhiff torotlrn from biismpss , J' I olfermyontlro Rtnck of ( iimerul Mor- chniullHo , eonnlstlntf ol Dry ( londn , lloiuly Made. Clothing , HntH nnd Cups , HnotH and Hlioos , nnd CirocorieH. Would tnlio linprovod nnd iinlin- jirovodroal eslnto In oxcliangn for pnrt of amount Can show up n food record of llllftl . ness. Addiotslock box No. North llend , Nob. 3J7. J. 10. "rj > 01l SALI" Or ttnilci lor merchandlso , nto J"ncies of No 1 fnrlu land near ( ! rand Island , C. .1. Cumin 815 HOUSIIS LotsFarmsLimitsmoneytoinol. . Ilemls.roonr ) , HurKer block B. W , cor. 16th and Farmui sts. f/JI T710H HALP.-Well establlsheil business , In ono JU of ino host business points in noithwcst- rrn Nidirnskn , gltuatod nt IlroKun How , Custor i-oimty , Neb. ; slock contesting nfdrygoods , olothmg , boots nnd shoes ; will ghow up peed iccord tif bUBlncHs. Ilcnsons for polling vrlll bo ( rlv. on by mlaruHMiiit look box 74 , Hrokon How , Ciistcr conntj Noii. 51 FOll SALK llnrdirnro lluamoss- offiir otirfhelf mill heavy hnrdvM\ro buslnoas tor unlo , together vvlih our loasn and good will , 'JiHdo lartriist In the cllv nnd location the bout , lletlrlng from the bimlnoM cnnso lor selling The llaum Hardiraro Co , , 10-3 O St. , Lincoln. COJ VEHBONAI , . IJlIllSO.NAI -Ladloslniieodorrellablo lomes tlo help can bo well supplied b > e.illing at 110 N | 0th hi , CrouiiM ) blk. 101 b * M' S. 12. HOOPKIt , Trance and HeiUliif dlumN. W. cur 20th and Cass2WJ 2WJ 13 ] 31USnfAI < Mrs , ir ) Nnnnta V.nrren rlnirvojant. Midleal nnd liuelneba Medium Itoom No. ! , U'l Noiih llth it. , Omiiliu , Nob. tm KOST. ' OST On llplleviio road , bctv ec'ii Omnhn w ' iiudnloeK > unl > > . ouo lironn liori-o , 10 u-urs old , f tar on foreliend Iiom top , elipped elf , etui vvhlto hiii'l ' foot , split in li-it nostril. I'lnilei icturn tu Jolin llolltmm'A burn , l > th M , bet at , Murj'B uvi > . und Hauler st , umlgti rvunrd. 1W a OSA } Kid mltton , 'our. H th nnd Tiifs , Onilci vt ill ] ilo 3o ic-uv o M CIvntiLiuuu's ttoru TOST- NewfounJiaud pup dog. about foui j inonllH old Finder return to VV. 1 * . Annin , t-lii'riuau live , opposity Dark el , nnd claim re. 11 iml llfij . .OSTTadlos' black fur mulf , cllhcr on leu ret. (1. S. Pettls. I'-uf l/ard bt. Millhbcrull ) reivurd party rctiirulu nnie , bC2 MlbCELiAWEOUS. A , privy vaults denned by the I , A w odorless process. K. Kv > Inif , P. O l > oi 4.T JU3 JT AllMJLl Ti < divorces cheaply without pub Holly , desertion , all c-iuito parties In nil ) : ndvlc-u ireu. Address Wm. Walls , - m6mll < /iOil Ill.NT e niitro Flnno , It raomhlT. A ] Hnspo 18n Pouglis. 610 M > HI XTllNNA Foriunolollsi.TeBTiTcnco Vfslf I llth ft. I'lano 3 montnlv. A iin < po.iMii > ouitia * . en Clairvoyant , M ADAM ALASKA ) Clnrarojant hnd pnlmlst , South IGtll St. b l KOL'XI ) . rOI'Nn-roekolbook ; o'rnor cnn hnvosnmo hj identifying It nndpnjlne charges , ( 'nil nt II. Nelson ft c p. , 813 North 16th st t-lOU 7' Ij"lOt"M > The -ilnco to Kot the brit oyster * hi Jtho city , bino points , Now York eouiiH and'ilcct1 ! at Silver Moon , cor. IPthnndSl. Mary's nvo. J. II. O Xolll , prot ) . 4K j 17. FOll SALK One flnn 8 ft sqttaro front show ta e , nickel corners , Ims neon used only n Miort tliuu CaM at once. Hi. North 10th ctroot. OT4 l HALH-Ono 20 It. I' , uprlirht boiler , ono JL' 8 II. I' , cmKine , olio pouonutat cutter. 510 S. 13th ft. 077 tl * FOll 8AL13 fine flrcearold trmrc , liutrpy or drntt horso. Inqulru Onto City Itojtnu- rant , 119 Xoith liith. _ < . ! 7 * " 17O11 "AI IJ A cooil r > year oM Morse , harnroa JL und btiffjry. imiilro : | at HiW Douglas su W' FOlt SALP. O _ bnr ntK'iry , ono Id Imnd plmcton , or.o do- llv cry wnion. Cheap. A. Ho pe , I5H Domilns I7HH 8AM * A second hand fire nnd burrlnr -L proofsnfo of ilio llnll pntont. double doors , Inrgeel/n Tor Inforinntlon call on or ndilress.l. II illaticlnird , fcoillli Omnlm , Nob. Telephone ) ti8i 701 "IjOIl SALI5 HiKfify IIOMO. fi yo'irs old. Ill- JL qulro I' . M. YOUIII , ' } , Iloo olllco , press room OiVi TfOHSALl * Tipo-wrltur , $ OJ. J. II JJ llotlK'i , Omnlm , FOHP\Ii-ltiipn ItollorDiininLnir Coilnr ) , Sliatilion flleg , l.ittnrnivl Dili riMnmt I'll- ln r Cablni't.tand 'Irnnfur 'nec , Indori-M for LodKor mill ul purposes. Kvposltlonhullilln ? . "nioif SAI.I : rnfintiiro anil leii"olTsix-room JL ! IIOIIFO , tlino on purl. Cull 1LU ! XortllTill Ptrout , two blocks from Hod Car lino. tfll Foil SAMI Cno-ip. iron colinnnd nnrt win dow cnps nltnhlo for front on brick build- hiff. rornnrtlotil'irniDpIv nt thUofflco Fl I 41AI.IJ IlEtI > . WANTKD AROnta Vnr the best artlclo over pioduccd ; tuitly nutllt Irco ; no puddling and no inonpv rmiuiri'il until saloi aio nindu and Broods ilrli voted. I'or jmrllenliiM nnd tonns addrctta N. M. I'llcdiiiiin f : Co. , Mtirtinsbunr , Mo. \\MNTI" " ) Kent genteel younir men. 1'osl- > ' tlons supplied dully nsclorks , olllco nsslr. nuts , siileamon. hotel elorka nnd the uenteol class of positions fennrnlly. Omnhn Heslstry IlmcfUi , U North llth st , llrst door top ot stnlrs. 1IL' 7 * * V\TAN'Tm ) Messenger boy. The Urailslioot ' ' Co. 110 8 WANTPD A capnblo snlesmnn to represent u Now York tin vvnro house In Omnhn unit .Iclnltv oncommlsslnii.cnndotliiBlneoniioctlon v Ith other lines t Address 0 4 Heo olllce. l > 97 H TTTANT ii : ) 20 bridge o.irnontors. Oood vvagns : steady work. Allbrlght's Labor Agency. 1120 Fainum. US ) \\'ANTii : ) Two clgarmakors ; hand workmen - ' men : union prices paid. Apply to ( ! eo. E. Oodlroy , Fremont , Nob. 11.12 10 A OT2NTS In the city or country cm miiKnJ.1 to J-i10 n day selling our specialties. NV. . Novoltycomnnnv. 12)7 ) rirtiim ! st. (112 ( WANTLID-A good girl nt 1J03 Cms st1UJ8 * * Y\'rANTKn * 'lt 141' ' I'nrnam St , a flrt clii = s -wafnoruomiin. W--b * " \\TAN1TI-18 clrls for ptlvnto families : nlso T ! 1 nursoglrls ; best ol vvngo" . Call Omnlm Emplo } mciit Kuroau , 119 NoitU Itth bt C'aplto avonuo. 1U , " > S \\rANTKn A Scnndiuinvlnn girl loronernl housuuork uttho Atlantic hotel , south 10th St. U81-8 * "A\ ANTED Button holu nmkurs , 111-lf.irnuni. _ 'AXTr.O A cook. Mrs.Vnrrcn Swltlur , 2304 St. Mnry't. nvunuo. U7i ) WANTI'.D-Olil , good Umrncter. fnmlly oC tuo , good homo , IC J north SSnA and Lake at. 0 > 7' W ANTKD Aplrl to help with gonornl house- vrork , ono vvlio can go homo to Bleup tit night , In julro nt 1711 Douglas st. I'CJ ' W IANT12H Cook at U12 Douglas street.U5S WANTUD-Oood .girl , Kngllsh or f'orinan , eook , washur und ironor. Iii'iulroiU ' Cass st. UI7 A.\7ANTf"I > I'lrst-olass Liiundress. Co7/ciis T > hotel. IUJ \\7ANTI21) ( llrl nt once for general hou o- vuiri : . M u t bo compotcnt. wngoa the best , family small. Apply nt 'Ml * rarnnm.UM UM 8 ANTii ; ) Cnumbormnld lit the J'minct houso. 1U5 ANTIIDRlil fur Kunoml houso\vork. G1H 8.llth street. MM W ANTF.D A girl todo general honsowork. Ir.iililro''OU Cilinlng St Ml-7 * \\TANT15I ) An experienced cook In small > T family ; good wngos paid. Mra O J Hunt , n w cor Virginia nvo and Grant st 72.1 ANTKD Girl for general housework. No. W 1018 Capitol nvniiuo. 075 'ANTKD Ladles nnd gentlemen In city or country to tnko light work nttlielrhotr.os. tl.M ( to fJ.uuii day easily made ; work sent bv mall , no canvassing.Vonavo n good demand for our work and furnish sternly employment. Address , with stamp , Crown ilfif. Co.-U Vine flu CliiclniiutM ) . 4ri * > JiO * "YAT"ANTED A good family to ndopt n per- IT tectly formed girl babr of good pnrc'nt- nge. Iniiulrnnt olllcoof Dr. vVilllr.uis , Itoom 17 , ArllnRton block. _ " 'L5 . * \\ANriI ! ) Olrl for gonornl housowo-k In- quIrolOOUKniimiiiBt. 74 b' liTdTos , grajihy Prospeet good for position when competent ; address W. J. D. , Itoom I , Cronus blk.Omaha. 1.17 8ITUATIO1I XVAHTBD. l \r ANT15D A girl wants a position In small family. Imiulio ntSlON. IBthst , Jewelry Blore , JU 7 * AyT'ANTKD A jounif inun and an oxporl' V > enced grocery clerk wnnts position in gro cer ) storo. Address OJ Hco ollioo 'JTO-s- \\TANTF.D-A young man at loUuro In the T T evening would Ilko a light sot a books tu l.eop. Address II62 llco olllco. BS7-8 * \\TANTKH Hy nn biport nceounrant , slum- 11 tlon as bookkeeper or traveling salesman. Prefer tmrdur.iio or farming Implements. Ian speak Jlangiiiuos and give | ho lio-tof refer encos. Addrobs lor Interview , C' . 1) , HOT 403 lloatrico.Ncb. Wl u MISCELLANEOUS WA5T8 , A VrANTiTl ) " FurnWied tlouso 111 iiico loTiTTioii' f > 7to'Jrooms. IJ 18 llco olllco , 071 \\AKTlli roln-unry 1st , lly a gcntle'nati > nnd wlfo , furnished or partly furnished roomxsiiitablo forllglit housokooptiig.oi Hoe.iinl nnd rooms , llclurenco o chango. H 7. Hoe. U57 7' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ \ \NI'lD-AluniiBlK > rroom near lleeotllco i > Addiess , stating terms and location , II 6s lloc < ollleii _ _ Kjj _ \\'ANTin > . Three persons to learn booK- ' Keep'iiiliood situation J , 11. Smith , lill , Chlc.igo si , Kll u * \\7ANTF.D To rent now or second hand ' 1 eallginph , stnto terms. Address H * U Ilcoolliio. Wa-7 * \\'ANlin ! : Lar ro fccond hand safe , mim bt II tlru and buiglar proof. Address llrt'i lice 840 7 _ _ _ _ ' " ' \\7ANTP.D-A goo'd homo "for'a middlo-agoil I i woman to tnko care of an old lady Appl ) to L.I' PrunlL2 ! Douirlas or 1511 north I Ui 'J1J.10' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \VT ANTKD To IOHSO for heavy storage i > ground lloor , biu-oment or ground will ; c1 , c'onvpiuont to buslnoss centra , ud Hector & WilliulmCOL'lty. I'S 1 \\T".VNTI'D Address. An ) one knowing tin address of John or vvifo plcast address Mrs. Clani Cr.\ still , llavonna , Neb [ 107 7 * _ _ _ _ _ _ " \\rANTF.D- lo buy a house fttiil lot for i > (2 , . ' > 0.lor$1oOjuush. Addrusu John llognn. VMHoiit-la gt. foil _ _ \\AM'Kl > 50 mon t eat buokwnoai culctu 'I and maple syrup orurynoniiii / til Norris' IlcslHurant.ieth St bet , Dod ' anJ Doughs. Bunli-ht board per weoi.fJ.-'S ; 21 meal tickets , | JVi. 613. _ _ _ \\MM I'D T'i rent a 7 to a room house about > i1 u in ! Idle ot January. Addres * , II , 18 HooUi ) ct > , givinirioiaitlon aud tc-rmt , 7i : WA * < Tr D A yonnir man desires Instr iMion on the t-tiitnr from n competent tca.-hcr , Address II 41 , llco oHco. | 7fij \\'AXTKn TorpntahntPl of not less than 25 rooms In n to-vn of not le s tlmn 4,000. AddreM llobort Charloa. Omnhn , Neb 701 7 \\7ANvTii-A : roTloFtop d eik in qood conilP ' ' tlon. Address stating length and price. Cggli. Hotel Mlllard. -gta 3) ' WANTKD-Stockof dry goods , clothing and pnntV furnishing pee Is or boots nnd chocs In exchange for Omnhn teal estate. Schle ing- erllros ,014S Iftth st. SV1 59 ron UHSTT notJKKs AITD LOTS. Fou HKNI-StoroSIl N. 15ttx St. 605 ItRN'T rottaco.fl room . M and Dottir- iivo. ( i. i ; . Thompson , 8. W. cor. llth and Hartley sts 809 _ llnNT-0 room cottitfo , No , m giroot. Apply Ull farnam Bt. WJ U HiN"l'-10 : room house S31 l.ciivenworth liHth room , water closet clo 1'orfcct order. It room hott o cor 23 and 17 S. Orunt gt. Just flnl'huil , nil modern ItnDrovctnont. 4 room cottaire nfita rnrnntii st Well , olstorn. Clark A ; 1'runph , IBIOlJoiujlna . sts M FOUltKNT-3roo-n hotiao , collar , eklern , well , $12. Hcfcrcnco required , cor. 15th and 1'aclllc. U72 8 7011 Hf.N'T llouso of 6 rooms. Inqulro at nia s uth m. "ITWIl Hr.N T-l.nr4o dry Imiomnnl. Tine ship- X1 pinir fucllltlos U K lditrnok at donr. A\cry Planter 0tiipiiiycor.Tighti ! : ! and I'nolllo. 11' . Day. miuiBKer. aa J 11 I7 < OH Itn.N'T 7-ronin hoti o , OIK Ylr/rhiln / ave , 1 block from strcrt cnrs , 5ii pur month. Hell A McCandlUn , 1611 toil ) m. S70 _ oil Itl'.NT HOIIO , t rooma , corner I'M Sheridan and Howard , 0 rooin , nil modern Improvements , Ilnrtiuy and 'iHli tits New brick atoro , north Pith " < t 4nnwgtoro noir ilaocoirg hotel , south 11th st , Jl.'i PIT month Ilrlok warchouao on H. II. track and pivod street ilrd tory llnrkor bulldmir , 15th nnd farmim , f. < 5 fci't siitmro. 0 1 { Mu > no , lltli and Hartley _ K7 FOlt Itr.XT-lf jou vitnt to rent a homo , rail onllonuMi&Co , oppoaito postolllci , Ml "Oil " HI'S I'-A burn for I hold of horses. In- ( julro of M. P Martin. 837 II KENT A nlco r.-i-onm cnttise , by S. T. I'etoraon , s. o. cor. Ijth atiJ Uouirlts 477 FOlt lll'VTroom ( ! house , cilvvalor , street enra , 1'i mtlosliom 1' O ; fJ * > pur montti. I ) . C rmiersoii.dninlin Null bank. 710 III'.NT-Lnreo Iririi with water prlvl- Apply nt 1813 Cliloio st. COS FOU -ahoininl'Jroomsoxch , with all modern lmprovo > nonu , "Mt nnd Hurt. of Ir Paul , l.Mh and Dodiro M4 ] 7OH KP.NT 'i roomhou e on Pant un st. hot. ' 18th mil nth. City and rlxtorn walor , sin-da nniloutbiilldinira : brick cellar , J ) per month. J. 1' . Hammond. 117 S llith st. 4 HI 1710K ltKXT9ultnlilo for.Ioliblni ? llonso , 'oc- JU oiidat'd 'Ihlrd Kloor' , : iUW witu base ment and elevator , entrance troin fronton IoiitflasRt.and ) ontrnncoomrrnund tloor Iiom rear to clovutor. Address V U J , Hoe olllco. . _ S70. _ _ lir.NT Snow houses S. 12 cor. llth and FOK \ltiton. Iii'iulro on promises. - < " > "IjlOU 11I2NT U room hoitso S. W. cor. 7th and JJ Vaclllo liuiulroM. V Maitln 2H TiOlt IIIIXT Six new brick storea with I * monts , corner Clovcnth and Howarl : choice location ; till conveniences , l.oivltt Hurnham , lloom l.CrolKhton block. C27 fj" < - " ' nl'VL' Ono now cnttitfo,7 rooms , ? t'J. ' Jf 'I'liroo now ; story lumsus , in , ono nt $ l"i ! welllocntod , all eonvonlcncos. Loavitt Hum- hnmlloom 1 , ( * rclghun block. 127 FOIS KI'N'T bO acres nd'oininif city north west , suit ihlo for d'ltry ' or innr'cct irnrdmi. Applyto Thoo. Williams , Hoe Utiloo , UI4 Far- iinin. pis IJVm JtU.NT Store JJiliO , Illfl J.iaKson et. _ 1. 7B3 jpoa auwT itooras. I [ "Oil lll"XT rnrnlsnod rooms tlnoo blocks liom Itoydsoporn house , 507 south UUh st , Di.3-11 . * "TJ10H llI'Nr-rnrni hed front room in pii- JU vuto Inmlly ; lout moderate , 2.JOi Webster Bt. . tITil b * „ _ _ _ HI2NT-Kuom , with bontd , 1U1.J " 17IOH lir.NT-rurniiiliud nnd unfurnished JL ; Irontrooms. Inquire Itoo.n W , 810 N. Kith st. < | J 8 * _ _ _ _ I7H ) ll 11H.NT rnriushi'd loom with board. JU Snltablo lor man and wllo. 51s N. I5tn. ' . ' - _ " 171011 Iin.N'T Nicely rurnlstiod room. Itoror- JL1 dices lecjiiued. llD7 ! DoiiKlas. 9t * T7 > Oil IlKST Purnlsliod front room lloor , warm nnd ple.isnnt , three blocks Irom business canter , 11)11 ) Douglas jit. IH.-S POH ItKNT "lezant furnlbhed trout pnilor nonr bimlnes-t center , piivnio hou e , gas , bnth , cte. , 1815 Cup nvo. H-1-1G * "ITIoTl7tI'NiV"Lni- . front , ollico room , nor'h- Jwest ? corner 15tli ntul ILirnoysts SI'JOJpur month. 4'J1 ' I10H IIIIN'T ' _ rurnlflhod rooms , \vn \ Tarnum St.d ! ) lloor , rooms" , loforonco re'inlroil. ll-3'l 7 POK UR.VT A nrgo front cliamiior with closet , gns , filniiCHi and bnlh , 501 a. .Mth bt. block north St. Miirv'flnvo. WU Poll llTT.NT- i'iirnlshod"room. . A lloapo , _ iun0niirliis _ st. Oil IIKNT : t rooms iinfuriilshol suitnblo FOU for housokoepln/ N "Jth st ; apply to M. 1\ Martin , Hlfl S T.tli ft. 40) ' ' TmriTufiiriilslioil rooms for light ' hoiisokcoping1. WJ Howard st , butw eon Stli nmljith. 42'i ' poll IllLN T furnished rooms , inodoin oon- I ' vonloncos. 318 N. 15th St. 4SJ U * FOH IlKST Unfurnished room , suitable for olllcu. ItKiuiro MrB.A. llleo , ISushman blk. _ fm _ 1r OH HUNT Ncatlv furnhhod looms , Rlntjlo 1 or double , Ills Howard Street. R4J BOAltl ) itinl room for two , 101 ! Capital avo' _ 718 11 * Foil Jicvriio : riint rooms on street car line , bun mil IMS , s w. corJtti nnd Wubstur. _ 1.1- 17 > Oll IlKXT Nicely furnished rooms with first-ohm board. All modern conveniences. 11UJ Jones. 1'our blocks S of 1'axton hotel. li.Vl 10' I flOll HUNT 1'loiisnnt , well-fin nlsheil loom for Bontlomun. Knqulro at UOJ Knrivim fct. ! ) J1 _ _ _ Poll IlKST J ulfo nunlx P'lpurol looms , w.itorln kitchen : suitiililo for honsukoop inir. 1'ilco. fliSO. lull N. JiHIi st. Apjlv to owner , M. K Martin , ' S , 15th ht _ if ' I " lllTNfrUhboird , furnished rooms , 1 171'1 Cass st. Bll 7 * _ "JTtOll IlKNT Nicely fiirnlshel front rooms -I. ( \dr\ cheap ) , south windows , 811 N 17th st. _ NJ ) S * "ITIOH KKS'l'-To ( luntlomau , a room , JU 1110 , l712Cillllcilllla. 1)48 ) board , 10JJ Cap nvo ins 7 * _ _ _ _ "JjIDK Iin.NT > lntrlu loom , furnished , 1013 JU Uodco , ' .I'll TTHMt HKSr-hlDupIni ; rooms , fiinilshod and -L. unrunil li'diit J'JllowarJ bot.otti and 1'th. ' IU3 _ Foil 11K.ST I'urnUhou room , furuaco , com- foitablii lu coldest \\oalhcr , and t'u- > . Inquire - quire I'.i2l I'm num. m "II'OH ' lir.NT 2 rooms for luht housoKccpliiif , JL Hard and soft water , aUo eiablo. linjulio 171711UKSI. 1017' _ "l Oll I : \T Two nkely lurnlshod rooms. _ Appli IslflCassst \ \ r.NlTUunfiiiiilhed | ) loonixconvenient t I to biisinoiscontio.ut ro.i-oiuiblo lontal. Address - dross b > h'ttcrto Itoi Do Ivu i-t. l ! ) . ' 7 IIOll HKN'r With board ; n ilchly iTTrnislicit -i Iront loom , M Ith elobet , fin nnco hout , gas nnd use of bitli. ut IUI1 Inrnam t-t Holer- encescxcliiinged OJI-S * [ TUMI UINT : Nicely funushe.l front room JL1 with plnno If desired All moJorii conveni ences. 414 N 1'Jthstiiet. 9 < > j "IT'OIl HI'ST Two fiirulahoil rooms , cbcnp ; -U 1115 Noitn 17lh. U4J 1Q II"OIl IIKNT-Two well fiirnUtied Iront rooms JL' en uuite , 103 | Hownrd'nd floor. KJO 7 * r ; < OIl ItKNT I'urnlshod rooms s ft cor 1 and 1 Chicago. 75i 7 T7 OH KKNr no lrablo powly rurnuhud I' roomi for rf ntlemen. Uaj , batli and fur nace heat , . 2223 Dodye. 3-MJ15 * "I7UH HKXT After January 1st , l will bnvo ' > JU nicely fumUhod rooms , double or Rini.'lo , to eultj luno ono roa > ly now , cheap. Call and o- curnsoon. W8S. J3th troet. near St. Miry's nvcnn o. B45J1 17\OK \ UKVT Nlco rooms at l l Farnam st , JU out block vvuat of court lmuse,8outh BlJo. ( W If > OU nr.ST-Niccly furn TiM t-oim . cheap est forth" location In Vtf ctj , center of town. Ij2 S , isth sticot , npjnilt * la brick build- in jr. TTOH IIRNT Furnished rooms for llpht hou Jktrplng , lleemcrs Dock , cor 6thi HowarJ. _ . .BJ _ . _ 'J ' _ FOH IlKST N'owly fnrtlUhod , heated front room 3511 t = t. Mary s k\ > . Sftj _ " 1J10H HUNT Four ijltjiirnlshad rooms JU for honsekccplnif to finill family , lo cated on ( leorttln ave near Mrpotcars.surrounrt- Inst plca'nnt nnd will rent cheap to eood parties j reference required ! Address A. Cn.lloo odlco. _ , , _ 247 "ITIOH 1IKNT Snlto of nofcly furnlslio l rootuY JIn now house ; modern convonloncos ! to Rcntlcmon. HM1 Dodin ? st. SCO lilOIl URN r Large olo"irant rooms.wllh cFoio A ] _ Sonthfront 141fi Chicago street. 818 1/loTl ni2NT-3 rooms ftJltihlo for -L keeping. 711 1'ixcilUfSt. Kent , l,10i. " _ _ _ _ " _ _ _ 2 ! _ I" poll HKNT A "nirnlsliol front room with 1 alcov e , In prlv Mo ft rally. 2110 Capitol nv e. _ _ _ _ f n s * TT'OIlllKNT Larce , ( ninny , south room with alcove. All modern conveniences. 1'Hii Iodiro t. _ S75 Foil HttVT TO pontli-mon only , two fur- nlshpil rooms in irood location , J doiiM from street cars , ono on first lloor Innro front room , bav window , KM and resistor , JJ > prr month Other front room , second tloor , retflstnr and pas , f 15 per month , lloforonco required. Call ntdo < k7. 151J P.irnim si , tlrjt rtmr. Oil POK A.rBHOUSBS IiOTa. T' ' " ' ' nro beautiful , and much larper than JL mother nlditlons , Is tbo usual vcrdlut tc- rardlnit the VOO lots lu Albrfthl's choice. 100 rp\VO lots on Leavcnworth t fOO each , ono- -L half cath. V , U. Tanner to Co. , 1BI5 Howard stf f > t'VFF.W of those elegant lots In A | . J > brlcht'sChotro nnd double your in oner before cprtnir. Albilirht Is maklnir lots ot money for lots of people who purclnso from him. Only a little mono } toquirod to buy a lot. 100 _ ONi ; lot itTTlanspoin I'Tnco $ i7"7no , juo ; CIIMI , east Iront. F.I ) . Tanner ACo. , Itlli lion- nrd t. IDS Till' 1IOOM Is Jinmensp in Poiilh Omaha property , and Albright's cholop Ipads them nil Thuio Is not a bad lot in this boauHfuI property. luu IPOH SALK Improved tnrm , 101 ncros , 25 mllrs from Om iln. t o irood hotiges , Inrco barn , iMOhonrlni'ti cos , S ! * > per nrn > lllcr bnr- nftin HiiiT & I'mkham , No. 1J8 N. 10th t. lluom ! ' , Lincoln , Neb. _ _ MS li _ rpIIUY nro bciiutlful , ami inueh lanrtr than J in other addition' ' . Is the usual verdict re- ( rarilinir tho-MO lots In AlhrlL-ht's ( holce 100 1'l S Our now addition Acres ? JV ) to ? 7. ) per aoro. No ir South Omaha , And bjdlcato HIM. Mat-shall Ar Loheo't. 1C3 UiOT F.irn un. rpilF. IIOOM Is Immense In South Omaha I propei t\ , nndlbi lirht's Cholco leads them nil There IB not u bad lot In this ho.iuUful propel ty. 101 HAIliiTl.VllAUlM * nilPouth ITith st. 2 lots in lledford I'liu'e. n.icli . $ 7W I lot In Hlmohatijrh I'lncu . 2IA ) Lots on MiNttil t , each . K ] } 1 lot In Impiovement i.a oeiatlon . 1MQ ) 1 lot In lountolluth'fl . C,6'0 ' 1 lot Vljors. lllchaids AsTllden's . -I VI 1 lot I'm k I'lieo . 1,50) ) I.otstn I'.xch.nife I'lnco , S. Omaha . 7in 1 lot In .letloi's add. , S. Oniahn . . 730 Lots In 1'ottori.Cobb'sadd , S. Omiha , fiom . : . UJ3 to Tfl 1 lot In Lowo's add . 1OH 1 lot In Ailluuton . 1,050 Lotstn HnrrigA , Patterson's nntiox to South Omaha , theiip. A No peed business lots on Leavciiworth , Saunders and other pnits of the elty. UB4 7 TSllKAT 12XCITF.MKNT In South Omaha over VJ dm way ncivi and lots In Mbrlght's Choice mo KOhmr. Twenty-two lots sold In ono dav. 1UO " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F"OH SALIJ-lirri'Pt on 19tRTt . $ II- ! > I ) fiSxIOJ Irot oil UUli st . 2II.HII ) Lot In block \\alnut ! Hill . 1.01) ) 10'ifcfton I'lnro'i st . . . 'I.SW Lot In I' irk IHiildlnirssoolliMnn . . . 1,400 II. W. iinties3lM < l'iiiiqmstroot. JI12-7' /MMUTixCTlTMP.NTInPouth : Omahn ovnr VJ the way ncies ami lots In Albright's Choice nro tioltifr. TH i-nty-lwo lots sold In ono day. 1UO CJOl TH O TlA PaihlotsTThco Olson or J. n Voio,218S. Ifith. _ mo 8 HAVfiyou scon thorn' At- not , call on \ \ * . ( I. Albrlirht and no out to South Omaha with one of hs | niroms to inspect the magnltlcoiit property know n a ? Albright s Chotcu 10) SOt'TH OMAH.V-Slotstn Albright's Annov nf $2210101. A raio bargain , llmh & Solby , 2IHS Mill 78H pW ( 1'Klt CiN : t' profit has boon inudo .lnco last ' * AtiRiiM by iiuietmseis ot lots from Mr. Albright , In the addition west of Alhilirht'ri ehiil < o. Albiight'H cliolto beats thorn all and don't > on iorgct it IJO RI'SH \ Sii.HV,218 : S tltn , lmv o o\cTusivo sulool cor. lot , Uhull's add. ( jicut liar- gain . . . . . . . .fl.K'iO 2 lots. Orchard Hill , each . lHiU ( Hamilton ' t. lot , biircaln . 1,2 C MniFli's. iidd.on I.en' on oith , per foot . . 101 Miernmn ave , 1'addock add , 'J It . 7,0 JO Lowo's add , w ) it , blk O , monthlj pay ments . . . . . L.HK ) Lown s add , lot 0 , b O . lyjj lln-tlncbscor , Loivonworth , can of licit line . 2.010 Hnrnoy 8t wholosulo cll-.trlcl,23 ft , to trade for city Imjiroved proportv Iloii80 nnd half lot , N 2ind st , $ ' ,2 * > ) South Omaha lots on monthly payments Ot'YAFKW of those oloirant lots In A I- J ) lulglits Choice and donblti jour money befoio opting. Albright Is maKIng lots of mnnov for lots ol people wno purchase from him. Only u lltllu money reiiulred to buy a lot. 100 KJ'N'DALL'S ADDITIO.V-At junction ot Saunilc'isstiect ItoU Line , lust put ill market. Will sell n feu * lots cho.ip , 1) Kendall , ie _ W. cor.JJlh and California st. _ 771 II ' "PIll'Y mo beautiful , mill mnrli larger J in other addltionb. Is the usual verdict ie- gardltiKtho20) lots In Albright's Choice ) . 100 FOH SAL1 * ( ! oed stock iaim , ; ica nctos , run- nlug water , 1WO ( cotds of. hard wood ,1.1) . Thomns , Omaha 7JJ 11 * rpllK DOOM is ImmeiHO In South Omahn I property , and Alhrlelit's Choice loads thorn all. 'llu'io is not a bud lot In this beautllul pioperly 10J A HA HI ! bnigaln ; 40 acres of land vorv cheap iullno.watm southern climate , lor par- tloulars addrnsi l > I J Itou olllco.'iH * / 1 HP.AT P.\'C1'I I2MI2STIH SoTith Omalm < TTor " the way acios and lots in Albright's Choice Twenty two lots sold In onodn > . H ) _ FOI18AU3 ' 'omo of the best agricultural land In Kastein Nebraska at $10 pur iioro on 2 > lyeai > > tlino , H pur cent liitore l nnd no tuxm. Wilteor call for imrticulars. O. P. Dav Is ft t o , Omaha , Nob. filOJ ) HAVl' you snoit them ? If not. o.ul on vv. o , Albright and go out to South Omiihn with ono of his iiifonts to inspect the magnlllcunt propet ty known as Albrluhf s Cholco 100 SOl'TII \HVpark oai 'Tlifo _ J. Vorp , 2H S Jfith. h 0 8 HAVI2 you seen them ? ff iiot.enll on V0 \ All ilglit nndgoontto South Omaha v\th | one of his ngontb to In i 'ct the mairniflc < nt property Known as Albilght's choice. liu Ki\I\LL'S : ADDI riON-Pronls SaundorH st. on Dolt Line , Those Jots mu-t ot no- cos < ity Ineie'ise rapullj In pttcu'di sell n low- lots nt low pilous to got llippf ptnrtud , X ) . Ken- dull , res. h , W. cor 17th amf California fit 775 11 p:00 : ri'.lt ri'.VT piollt lins licln miulo smco ln t * ' August bv purelnu.jiS'of lots Iiom Mr. Alliruht , In the addition west ot Albi lulu's elm'co AlbtlKht's choicet'lioats th > m nil and don't you forget it \ 103 SOl'TII OMAHA-Ono corner lot In original plat J'ifc ) . i One | nt 1st Addition only t.y } . One lot I'nwlor I'luee climlplit fSTS Ono lot block .1 , Ilrown I'.irK fii'il Tour lots In Ilrown I'urlt DIU li J150. Largo rornor near < ) si 11,00) ) . One lot In Hush A. gelhy'ij u.lil f 400. ' 1 heso lots nro v ory cheap ami on easy terms , Call nnd see. 1' . n. 'jminor i. Co. , Win Ho ward st lOS'J RliO I'l'HCI'N'T prollt hus boun made since last " August by purchiiKQiti of lots Iiom Mr. Albright , In the addition vn-rl of Albrlght'd Choice. Albright's Cnoico boats them ull und don't J on forgot it. lee " 17011 SALK Lot OU1U foot on Davenport , } between llth nnd Uth tit eels , with two hniiscj ; fllOW2,0 > JJeuslinnd ionir tlino In Insluo propertv wo luivo n Inr o list of business und residence lots first ehis > . I'm chasers \ \ \ \ \ do vvell to boo us buloro buying. Marshal i Lo- bcck.irj/j rurnam. CU ! KP.AL HSTATU AND LOANS-U. K. Uill & Co. 115 S. 15th 8t 013 I1OOM Is Inimrnso in South Omn'ia Jl propoity. and Mbii ht's ChoU'o lends them ml. Tncru Is not a bad lot In this beautiful property l$0 $ FHRIJ AIHlitAor wiibliverTlot in Hush & Sulb ) 'e add 7bj f OTfrv > ntn ? T Mreet , 2.1th nml , Z J-Jho\i r-s , ( vw ; pnsv ternn. llestlot InDrchird Hill with S roofn house , barn , well.cistern , fruit and shade iroojl , < VH > ; casytorais , .tiotss , 10.11 , 15 , 37 nnd 23 , bloc t 7 , Orclnnl lllll , very chpiip. S \V. cor. Uth nmlP.tclOc , 08x133 , .10no cot- taire , js.duo , Ixnt frontlnir on Convent and 21th ! " . , 1m. provemmits worth f.JiXlj 2 houses , city and cMorn vfntcr , $ ( V ) , ensv torms. fi-room colt RO nnd lot , 2Mh and Clnrlos , J"MO , $103 cash , bal easy. MoaJ & Jamicson , .118 8 15th st. " Oil plIUY are beautiful , nnd much lirpor than JU In other additions , Is the imnal roidlctro Bjmlinjr the 200 lots In Albright's Choice U J FOH SALK Two lotscorner on Lowe nvo , In West Omaha , 2 blocks south of Farnam St. , both for $2WO. MtxlSJ , lot In Hatiscom 1'lacc , 2 blocs' from street car , 1 block from church and tchool , Cdriier lot on South inth st. Chpap nt f.1,100. llcitor vV Campbell , mom 1,15J ) Farnam St. | 01'J ' ' p HKAT P.Vt lTP.MlWrin South Oraiiha'o'rpr Vf the way actes and lot * In Albright's Choice are going Tirenttwo lots sold in ono day. 100 ONK bouso on 21st st , fi rooms , ono block from cable cars , only 5150 cash , balancu ? 20 per month , only fV-'OO. 2 lots , Smith PnrK on ICth street , terms easy , paving tax paid. 2 lots on lutrdlck street only * I.V01 , $ OX ) cash , balnneo 1 and 2 > oars. ' 1 his Is n bargain 22 feet on Davenport street bv the exposition building , with good hotuo only f1l > )0 , fl.UJJ ca h , balance easy terms This Is n flno bar gain ami will Increase 1,000 Itliin the next six months. Lots' ' , block 11 , rinln View , $ < nj It sold Inn few days. For halo by Park A Fowler , 1.122 T > oii las. nAYl'j-ou Been them ? It not , call on W. (1. ( Allnight and go out to South Omnlm with ono ot his ni'iMits to Inspect the magnlllcont property known as Albright's cholco. 100 FOIISALK-M ft frontmif on Oodgo . 2 blocksotist of the postotllco. A b\rgiln at T19aiu ; 110,000 cash. Marshall & Lobeck , 11)3 Ifnrnani. UlU pine PI'll CP.NT p.-ollt has been made since last t' Aiigu t bv puichapers of lots IromMr. . Albright , In the addition west ot Mbrlrht'H elinlci * . AlhrlRlit's choice beats them nil and don't you forget It. 100 " \\7P.aro authorise 1 to invest 2i,0) ) ) ) m lm ' promd Insldo property.Vhathavojou toolTerVo ii.onubusliiL'sa. Mc.M > v. Jnnitnson. 31SS. I&thst - 67J . A I K\V of the o elcgint lots In Al- J bright B Choice nnd double your monnv before spring. Albrhrht Is making lots of nirnioj' fin lots of pooplu who pnrcha'o from him. Only a little money rcquhcdto bin n lot. (00 BOWLSO < mi't2N-Onr now addition 19 wo t ot Walnut Hill , on Hamilton stioot. llysolcothiglots at < I11 for Insldo and J171 for cnrnei" > , you will miiko n i-oml InvoslmenU TonoslOpor cent oish and $1 monthly. No charge for showlnir the lots. Marsh'ill > t Lo- Dock , 15 U Fiirnam 619 rpilKY nro be'iutlfnl , and much larger than > In olhor addltliHis , Is the usual verdict re garding the 2UO lots in Albright's Cl.olco. 100 l.ots.I'iirms.Lands monov Innnoil. HOICKS Iloinli. room I. llnrkur block , S. V" . cor. IGth mill I'nrnum sts. | VH niTVAlTAV of the o elegant Ints m A I- - lblight's Chok'o niKUiloiililo jnurtiinncy before spring. Albright Is milking lots ot money f ir lots of people vho imrcliiiso from him. Only n little money leipulicJ to buy n lot. 100 t S Or I'll OMAII \ pnrl : lots. Thee Ol enor J. Vore,217 H. Kith. 8SJ 8 HMli ; 110OM Is Immcnso In South Omaha JL pionorty , nnd Albilght's Choice leads them all. f hero is not a bad lot in this buaiitilti ptoperty. 100 " ' ! ! S Si : 7irT-s ndd. to South OliuihaT Kl" llcaiitiful lotf" , only $10 down. 7il ) _ _ p IIP.AT F.XCITKM PA"IrnTpontIi Omaha ever "J the way aero" anil lots In Albright s Choicu are uolnir. Twentj-two lots bold In ono day 1(10 ( _ 1 > KA I. KSTATtl t V IKJ A IX-Cholce business Jl- lot , near cor. Suwnrl st , fronting on Satin- < lor.s si and imvod at. ; eheip for cash. .1. L. Illcotl Co. , ovjr Coiiimoruhil liinlc 771 RAVI ! jou teen Ilium ? If noi. cult on W. (5 ( Albright and go out to coiith ( imiihn w ith ono or his agents to inspect the imgnillcont property known as Albright's Choice. HH ) ROin'H \IIA-Mo-t hcMitifnl lot Al bright's Atitiox. $10) ) : f5) ) down , hi ) . $ IU per month Alsoil more , fLO.K ) , oiio.thlrd ensh Hush ASolby. 213 S. Kith. _ 71) ) _ t'tOO 1'P.ll CKNT pioflt Iui5 been made since last " August bjpiuchascrs of lots Iiom Mr Albright , In the addition west of Albright's eholco. Albright's cnolco beats them all and don't j on forgot it. IOJ IJY A FI'.W of iho o elegant Inls In Al- B blight's Choice and double jour money before spring Albright i" making lots of money lor lot * of people who imrrhaso from him. Only a little money loiiiiircd to buv ' n lot. 100 \-Wolmveforsilo two njn- Vi illcntclotR $1,07300 each , lint payment only $1011 , hi | monthly or iiuarteilj- . ANo coiner and adlolnlng lot In lllock 2 j , f .otti Flit pa > inent , S7V ) . llest lots lu llu > . \--el05-'sadd friXl.ono-tc-nth ensh , b ilnn co monthly or quarterly. Abstract , with every lot. Albrlitht'K Annex lots S1'.1 to S301 , fie cash , balance monthly 01 < iuarlurly. lusi ( | \ glb > ' , 2s S llili. m _ " _ B UYAFUw"of thoT | . olo.'iint lots in AN bright s choice and double your hinnov before t-pilng. Albright Is making lots of moi'oy for lot * of people who pimh.iso Irom linn. Only a httlo monoj icqulied to buy a lot. 100 "IJ Oll S\LJ ! \ surtiicrofnim with house , bnrn -I and < > ilb , on the I' . I' . Hy. , nnd only onn- liall mile from a good rallwaj town , with ehurchnfi ami schools. Price 5SK)0. ( ) Applv to Louis Ilridfonl , cou Uth and Douglas , Omaha , Neb. lioi TIMIIIY m7 > i > r > mitlTiilund much Jnrgei tlum X In other additions. Is the usual veidlct 10- garditlg the 200 lots lu Albright's Choice 100 p nVUINF UAIIRAIVS-Two" lots "m" v5 Iturilottoeourt , only I blocks from Sauii. dcr'fl itreot cars. W M , llushman. Itoom 10 , Uushman Hlock.N Ucor ICtli im 1 Oou lm. THi : IIOOM Is Intinonco In South Omiiim propoi ty. and Albilghfs Choice lends them all. thoie is not n bad IQC In ibis beautiful property. 100 HOl'SKLots l" ninInnds monnylonnod. Ilomls , room 'I , Dailio blocK , 8. W cor 15th and Parnam sts. Ml / 1IIF.AT EXCITKMKNT in South Omahnorcr V7 the way acres nnd lots in Albilglit B Choice are golnsr. T i cut ) -two lots , sold In ono day. UK ) _ _ _ FOH ALi-12lots 44x1 Ufoot. J routing north on Bristol struot , half way between MIUH- dctsandstate , ne ir street cirs. ( Jlty wntor in ) ) each , 1-1 cash , Irilimoo In 1'iiind. ) years. Address S 14. lion olllco. 2.1J HAVB you hoon tlinnii1 If not. call on W. n , Albright andgoout to South Omaha with ono ot his agents to inspect the magnlllcciit property known as Albright's Choice. 100 A rTiu : iMHJULMi ANNITAL jiiirnsm : Yosteiday of tlio ttoclilioldors of tlio Omaha Cable Tramway ralhoal , the following gentlemen wore elected diroctots for the niidii- Ingyoar : It. 0 PA'iTIIIl-ON. ALPItKDMll.LAUn , S. It. .10HSSDN , ( Ml Ill'STI.N , II P. _ Tdi ) PI'll C 1NT ! prollt lias boon mndo since l t * > August bj piirchiti-cis of lols trom Mr. Albilglit , m the addition went ol AlbrUht s choice. Albright's uhoico bciitti them nil and ilon't jou iorgct it 10) THE NEW.DCPARTUriE . DROWS Drclicilras. Un iu l'il ; for lone , fciirpan ull oibcit In nnl.ii and nprcaranco. If ticuitit flu.lo dealer daci not keep Ui"in , write to U3 lor lllmtraicJ Catalonua. LtroN & . HEALV , Chicago , III. THE BANK OF COMMERCE J.7JO Xoi'llt Jih ( Paid in Cniiital $100,000 G P.O. K llAUKEll , President. 11OUT. L. QAHLICHS , Yico-PrrMdcnt. I' . H JOHNsON.Ciishler , DI11VCTUUS : SvJiur.t.H. JOHNSON , Gio. i : . IUIIKEU , Hour. L. GAiu.tciir , WM. SEIVCIU F. H JOHNBO.V. A generalImnking business transacted InturceLulloncd un tirnu i A ( Jratul froiltictloti or Sliniin Hlittc nt tlio Hojd Nl lit. A ( nil lionsa last nlpht wltii ( ! scil tlio rpproscutalion of "Slinun llluio" at the Hoj'il , In It , it Is ron oimblo to say , wcro hunilrcils who hnd scon the piece before. With many of these , tlio clinr.iptor of the title , assumed by the star , Is esteemed perhaps CVOH moro highly than that of lan O-IIara , whloh Jtr. Miirph * , nisumcd lu "Kerry (5ow. " This appreciation is based upon the actor's skill , which en- hint to diyest lilmsolf of his uerson- nlity ami sink himself in an individuality , In which , for n long time , ho destroys the identity which chirnt'lcrics In its open * inc scene1' . Dan O'llnrn and the man who lias "como down lifty-lwo mllcs"aro as widely separated as are the oceans by means of irnns-contlnental connection. in the one , ho is unterlaininj- an o\- ceodlnj deijrec , while in the other ho ills. playos , at once , the accomplishment of the comedian with the genius ) of the n vi tal. The pathetic and , sentimental and sensational features of the character ho admirably sustains , giving as a con-so- ( Uioiico an entertainment which alter nately oNcltes the hilonsest interest , laughtov nml tears , Last night the piece was ; produced to the satisfaction of the immense audience. To uitrlit , Sir. Murphy in his now piece "The Dousigh. " It lias been produced \\ithwoiulorful success in other places , notably in Chicago , where ono week's business amounted to about S OOO. Ir. Murphy told a 15ti : reporter last night , that since his aeceptanco of ids last play , he liad read ' 'OS manuscript plajs , ineach of which was a character .specially drawn to illustrate his genius , and of till these , the play in question was the ono selected. Ills work In it , H how ever , entirely ditl'eient trom that done by him in other pieces. It will bo worthy therefore , of largo attendance , whioli it will undoubtedly leceive. TDK C.ltl.AT HI 11M VXN . The Chicago Times sa.vs of Herman who opens at Hoyd's opera house next Monday evening for two performances- Hermann began an engagement at the Grand last evening , and the largo audience that geeted him was well pleased and unmistakably bewildeied. The Held in which Hermann works is one in which many good performers have ap peared during tlio past fifteen or twenty years , but it may bo doubted if lie has an etnml. What ho does is done with si I'm- ish that is thoroughly ailistlc , and this is particularly noticeable in acts of pure legerdemain , where stage machinery is not called into i equisUioii. Oront I\eitomeiit in Soi TII OM MIA over the way acres and lots in ALIIUIOHT'S Cnoicn are going. Twenty-two lots bold in ono day. mtiij ioM Tiin c.Mt. An lovvji Stoclcmiin Seriously Injured In Omalin. C. K. Hellam , a well-known stockman of Murtay , la , met with an accident , that may result fatally , in thi& city yestoiday. He had arrived in the cily yesterday with a carload of cows for the South Omaha market and was on his way to that place in a B AM c.xboo'o when the accident happened. He was in the caboose with several oilier stockmen when the en gine backed up so .suddenly that all of tlie occupants of the car were thrown from their scats and badly shaken up. Hellam , who was sitting near the end of the car , had his head bumbed .severely , rendering him almost unconscious. After silting in the warm ear a few minutes ho became faint and climbed to the top of the car fet Iresh air. As the train was passing the Thuteenth btroot crossing Hellam fell from the car He was picked up in an unconscious condition anil taken to the CJoos hotel , where lie was regis tered and medical attendance summoned. He sustained a severe scalp cut and a number of bruises about the head and body. He also received internal mjiiiios the nature ot which has not yet been de termined. Mr. Wairgoner , of the linn of Orino & Waggoner , South Omaha , came to Mr. llelhun jesterday evening and took every posiiblo step lo make his con dition as comf 01 table as possible. Gvont EM'itoment in SOITTII OM MIA over the way acres and lots in AuiKioiir's Cnoin : are going. Twenty-two lots sold in one day. HOAUI > ov i-uiuao v/tmus. of Hids nnd Items oi' Inter est to Citi/cns. A special meeting of the board of pub lic works was held yesterday morn ing in the rooms in Creighton block. J O. Uor- bey was appointed repairer of sewers , on such work as may be ordered by Hie coun cil during the present year. Ho was tlio only bidder lor the position. His bids were as follows : Fifteen-inch pipe , Ssl.a.V , twelve-inch catch basins , ! ? 1 ; man holes per tool , : ? ! ; patch basins per foot , si/oil , ? 'i.riO ; sue H , sl ; concrete , ifO : cast iron at man hole , I cents per pound. ' 1 ho sixth monthly tiumto of Stuht & Ilamel lor the grading of Twentieth t'treet , amounting 4o iJUlKl.O'J , was re ccived. The second monthly estimate of Mur phy , Creighton A ; Co , for paving of Leavenwoilh stregt between Kighth and Tenth for " " ' . received. , > , - ' ) , was The estimate of J , K Knowles , for side walk construction , amounting to $3- 'jUT.S-i ' , was also received , A number of motions of minor importance - portanco wore made , after which tl' meeting adjourded. Iinvo You Hoon Tlirm ? If not , call on W. ( J. Ar.iiiuoiir and go out to SOUTH OMAII v with ono of his agents to inspect iho magnificent prop erly known aa Auiitiiiiii's Cnoiri : , nee POP Com. I'rodt has been made Mneo last August by pur- cha > niv : of lots front Mr Albright in the addition \\est ot AuminiiT'b ciioir-i : . Ai.iiitUiiir's cnoicn IH\TS : mini ALL AM * no.s'r YOU rojtoi'T ir. llano llnll 3Inttor < i , ( Jcoign Kay , ( icorgoShieldsand Arthur Uriggs Iinvo been selected to ropiosent the Omaha club in the meeting of the U'asttTii league , which will bo held in Lincoln to-night. The impoilant matter that \ ' ill come upill be upon the admis , hion of Hastings to the league in iho place now uliuiiied by 1'ueblo. "Tlioyru HeaiUlful. and much larger than in other Addi tions , " ii the usual verdict regarding the L'UO loU in Ai.iiidi.iir'b C'noici : . The revenue collections yesterday weio 7,81H.l'8. Vc&terday was pay-day for the uity's olllcials and WHTUUU. Fifteen "suspicion charaetors" wcro rounded up by the police josteiday. .Jack Uurgess , ono of City Clerk tSouthard'H asststanU , is on the hick list. City Treasurer lluck is on the sick list. His illnos.- > was occasioned by overwoik during the lat > \\eok of the old year. The I'ythtun Spur , publinhed by Harry Mcrrlam , is this month full of most in teresting matterd for members of the K. of P. The lir t mooting of the board of di rectors of the Nebraska Wesleyiin uni versity will bo held Wednesday , January 10 , nt 7 30 o'clock p in . at hi J'aul Methodist church , in Lincoln. The fire department vvi called out yes terday afternoon to suppress n < smnll blaze in the kitchen of Judge Hill's residence at Iho corner of Capitol avenue and Seventeenth street. Dnniftj-c , nomi nal. nal.Mr. Mr. Lym an Hiehard on , of the Herald. pa\o his annual dinner on Thursday night to the stall' of his paper audio gentlemen of the other papers , besides whom were Mosrs. C K. Vo. l and J. W. Mor o. There were about a score of guests , and they wcro entertained tit faultless Mje. ] At the close Mr. Richard son's health was drank in brimming bumpers of Veuvo Cliquot. A hope was expressed that manv more such plc.mut leuuions might lake place. Orent l"\cltoinont in SOUTH OM MIA over the w.iy acres and lota in At.nitimiT'ri CIIOICK are golr.g. Twenty-two lots sold lu one day , TIM : jiUitj. " \Vhnt tlio Committee U Doltij ; Onn vns on tlio rionr. Messrs. Prank Colpet/er and J. 8. Collins , of the chanty ball coimnlttoo , spent considerable time Thursday aud yes terday securing subscriptions to the fund. They state that they are meeting with the most encouraging success. The cominittoo hasotdored 1,000 yards of dancing duck , which uill bo .stretched lightly on the lloor. This will not bo of the same width or length as the hall , al lowing twenly feel on all sides for a promenade walk. The chairs will bo ananged in a rectangular form around the ducking. The committee is having the tickets and imitations printed , nnd uxpoetb lo send Ihem out iho lirst of nest A\eok. "They Are Itcnmtful , and much larger than in other Addi tions , " is the usual verdict reirardhig the 200 lots in Ai.iiicHi ) ! s Cnoici : . Delayed Trn'n" . The cold nml snow weie responsible for the lateness of tiains je.steniay The mot-land train Irom the west on the Union I'acllie was two hours and a half late , and train No. 1 going west was do- lajed forty-live minutes on account of a like detention on the .Northwestern train from the oasl. Hnvi * You Hot'ii Tlii'in ? If not , call onV. . G. ALUKKIHT aud go out to Sori'ii OMAHA with ono of his agents to inspect tliu maguilieeut iiop- orty known ub Ai.uinc.Hi'n Ctioici * . Ijeo jK Leo Kstelle , late distriql allorney of this district , has retired from his late of- licial position , aud will re ume the prac tice of the law in rooms 7 aud 8 , Mo- braska National bank building. Tlio r.oom | y Iniinenso IN' Sourii OMAHA rr , AND AL- uuiom'b Cnoici : i.nvns TIIIIM ALL. Tinnii : is Mir A HAD Lor IN rius itu.vuu- rui. rnornurv. Uiiiiiliii Division. The first drill of the Omaha division , K. of P. , will take place on ue\t Friday ov-omiur. It is expected at that timu it will have a membership of auotil lifty. Buy u l''ew Of those elegant lols in ALIWIUHT'S CIIOICK aud double your money before spring. Albright is making lots of money for lots of people who purcaaso from him. Only a httlo money required to buy ti lot. Uurglars invaded the 111 tlo town of Florence Tuesday night , aud besides en tering several dwellings and business houses , robbed the postollico. Tlioy car ried oil' several dollars' worth of stamps from the latter place , but no iiionoy. fiOO Per Cent frolic has been made since last August by pur chasers of lols from Mr. Albright , in the addition west of Al.HKiiill fs CIIOICK. Ai.miioiir's Cuoici : nr.ATa 'inKM ALL AND DON'T \oi ; roucnr ir. Tlio Hooiu Is IN Son ii OMAII \ I-HOI-IMIIV , AND AL- nuic.iir's Cuoicn LI ADS > 'inr.M ALL. Tni-itr. is N'or AitADi.or IN'iius IHAU- I'L'L I'ltOri.lllV. Walter P. Dwyer , ono of the young tiaveling men of Chicago , who has been booming the mountain trade for the ( Jar- don city hou&os , is in town tins morning on liis way to his Held of operations , after haying spent the holidays at homo. Great ICvciieiiioiit in Souru OMAHA over the way acres and lots in ALIIKIOIIT'S Cuoiri : are -going. Twenty-two lots bold in one day. Heal ICHiatc ; TraimforH Filed January 0 , 1837 , reported for the BIK. : \VLSelliy ct al tn Irvine K Smith , lot 8 block I , 1'usii , v Helby's addition to South Unmlia , w d SlOf ) . AInry X DrulKHll ( lots 1 nnd fl , block 4 , SMiitlcalo 1'Juie , ) lo iilon ( iieenlieiil , vv cl S.r i. Ili'tiiy Splt > 1o ot al to Tlioinns .1 I'emiell , lots 1 imd'J , block 1 , Cleveland I'lace , vv d SJ fX ) ( ) \Viti \ K Motris loM A Dillon el al , lot U block I , Tlintnborir , w d Slt5. ! Catolinu J/mce lo Albeit b Hllllnjis , lot 0 and a strip of b Icet ell lot 7 block 11M , Omaha w d-SUJ.OJO. Salllo and liusluml to James Mc- A'ey. s } < ; lot I blooU : ! S , n'ttet mid wlfo to Henry Schmidt , HV.ixWi leet , beiilntilnf'ot socors-v'-f of lie'/ li , H , U w ) . ( 'liatle-iUanlinei nnd wllo lo Oiiinha Uelt rnllvviiy cninj any , .s 1-.I ol lot.I ulock 28 , city w < 1 f.l.HX ) , 1)1. 'I'lioinus ntul vv tfe to II O Jones , lot 111 In Nelson's addition , ( j c Sl.oo. I ( ! Vales ami hubmd tn Allied Olcsnn , pait ot t-M lot 7 block 0 , I'.irk Place addition , w d-g'O. ) . Win .J WiiR-iner el a ) to .Michael Caiey , lot 8 block 1 , Fovv ler I'lnco w d S XJ. llentoit K letteleunei ! ) and \\lfnlo N'clllo Jlolini's , p.nt ol lots liliind II. in I'aulbeii'H aildltlon to Onuha , w d-i5,1,0- , ( ) . aJIenry I ! St Julius ctul to David Anderson , lot JO tiloel , : j , IM ; > | I.IIIKO PlncH. vv d JfKW. Jiieob Ketiilis el id to l.eo Dliueiui , iiaitof lot 7 block 7ti , South Omnli.i , w -SMOO. . ( Jtover Stevens to John M Seli'juJlily , lots 1 and ' - ' . T.iboi i'lace , vv d t4UK ) . James ( i Mftreilli and vvlto to IMward PieUelt , hiuitli 1U.I loc'tol lot U ) , Pal k PJacu , w dV,0. . Win I > I'riiyn to h P Piiivn , lot : i Priiyn'H sub , wd-VJV ) . I , K Hlueilel , md wife to I'vorutt IJ Lowls et al , lots 1 and S , lilocK 0 , Doulscu audition , v > it.i.l'U. \ ' . Denis 11 AmlrevMi to L It Klocile ) , uU lut 5 bloel , " . , Sldim's mlililiou , w d-Si , * ' 0. ( iilbert.M Ilitchcoi'k and wile to 'Ihomns S MeMiury , loN 1 and ' . ' bloi-k I , llitehuocl/H aililitiou , vv d fel'OO , \VinJ Wagoner ct nl to I'.dwardJ lltirke. lot tiljlock 1. I'ovvlel Plaru w itWV ) . \V A K iilbbmi und \viln to Annie Moiaii , lots : ; : : nml ; i. llmlein Jmc , w il-- , ' ( ) . Jehu II trustee , to M h Ilitlus , lot Is block 11 , I'cillon ! Plaee , vv d -H Dost Iowa nut coal il per ton. 1703 .St. Mary's avenue. State Agoiioy , I'niou boap , 401 S. HHh ht. , J A. lifillllKIII. Seni , Hcavttr , and Nutria Cap-i ami ( Jloves al AI\O' ; . best ami Crichton k Whilmiy sell hard and oft coal.lbth andl/.ard and SJIBS. 10th utreut , : Luurio , iirdiilc \ 1) . L Sh.iiio , ou nuteiideiit. S < iiil u tnni on ) ' r lor tlio Viiif-rci c'O'd - * I v pi r ton y-inl , TvvcniK-'li ai'il Ofc-y , 17'ij.St ' : Mirv iu -