Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Ofllvcud l > y rnrrlcr 1n nnr pnrtof tbocltyat
twenty cents per week ,
1MV. Tn/ro.v , - Manngcr.
BCFlSrK30m , NO. .
NIUIIT liimou No.S3.
N. Y. I'lumblnrr Co.
Jluavy suits to order at lluitcr's.
The city council meets next Monday
Il will take about 150 more loads of ice
ti fill ( icisc's ice lionso.
Tiio mull scrvico between ( Sriswoldand
Wlupplo ln\s I cen discontinued.
Tlic biiinl of supervisors will complete
tlicir labors to-day and adjourn.
Js'ot an arrust inado yesterday. This
police record is gutting very monotonous.
Private parties liuving ice Houses are
now beginning to have tlio same filled ,
an tliu ditalers are about supplied.
Tim inenling of the city teachers ,
which was to have been huld this morn
ing , is postponed until further notice.
Tlio county lias refused to pay the half
of the bills of the registrars for the special
city election , and thu registrars now pro
pose to sue , claiming ? 20 each.
According to the deputy's report T. 1) .
King & Co. led all the cigar factories in
this district during the past rear by ' , ' 3,000
cigars. They paid during tut- year a rev
enue to the government of ? 78i ( ,
For sain or exchange for clear land
Council lilulls or Omaha property , a
most promising and fashionable trottlnir
bred two-year-old .stallion , standard bred
Jtulc ( I. Address I' . . Hunt , llarlan , La
Tlio frce/.ing and subsequent bursting
of a water pipe in the Ogden House livery
Ktable yesterday caused a Hooding of the
basement where the horses are kept , and
the animals had to bo all removed in
Judge Ayleswortli had not , a case yes
terday. The people are getting wonder
fully good. One more Now Years and
nnothcr Salvation Army would cause the
city to be without need of policemen or
The district judges arc still at DCS
Moincs trying to agree upon a set of
rules. They succeeded in agreeing so
far : is the banquet was concerned , but
when it comes to business them seem as
many difl'crcnt opinions as there arc
"Zitka" to be given at the opera house
next Monday night is it Russian play ,
and although new here has already struck
ten in eastern cities. His highly endorsed
by tlio critics , ami wherever presented is
enthusiastically approved by the public.
The police now practice on a striking
machine , tilled with wind , that , is the niu-
rhino is Idled with wind , not the police.
The boys have to do something to keep
their muscles hardened , and there are no
victims those days. Some of the out
siders , including two newspaper fellows ,
have tried the striker , and now wear
court plaster in place of diamonds.
The idea recently introduced hero by
Kev. T. J. Mackay of having young men
pledge themselves not to treat or be
treated in places where intoxicants are
eold , seems to meet with much favor.
Yesterday ho received a letter from
licllamy Uros. , of Aranahoo , Neb. , ask-
iiig for some of the cards to bo sent theie.
Quito a demand has arisen here for such
The boy Eugene Dennis , who lost bis
tirni in the Rook Island yards , seems to
have met witli the accident by no fault or
negligence of the railroad company or
its employes , lie has for a long time
been in the habit of playing about the
yards , jumping onto _ cars , etc. , and has
been very annoying to the railway men.
It seems that ho was on a car of coal , try
ing to throw .some chunks oil' tc take
Lome , when thn train got in motion , and
in trying to get OH" lie fell. The report
that some man pushed him oil' seems to
have no foundation in fact , and is not
claimed by tlio boy himself. The train
juon were not near him at the time of the
accident , and it seems to have been his
own fault , and perhaps the parents are
not altogether without blame in the mat
The new rcvolvingjail scorns to dislike
to move tliis cold weather. Instead of
being \vhirled about as easily as a hand
organ , it now takes two stalwart men to
turn it about. The new jail is not such a
wonderful one as was expected , and daily
use maKcs its defects of arrangement
( juita plain. For instance , ihore is not a
place whore a violently insane person
can bo kept. The bust show for such a
patient is an iron cell , against the bars
of which lie can beat his brains out if ho
chooses. There is no comfortable place
for keeping female prisoners , and no
place for a side prisoner. The steam
heating experiment docs not seem to work
to advantage , and stoves have been sub
stituted. It will not be long before as
many causes of complaint will appear
concerning the now jail as against the
old one. It is expected that the comple
tion of the court house will enable the
making of a better arrangement for heat
ing , as tiie same' apparatus will bo used
for both buildings. Other inconveniences
of arrangements may ale bo bettered ,
but just now the wonderful advantages
of a revolving jail are not as apparent as
it was hoped they would bo.
Weather strips at Chapman X 103
Main t > t.
Oluric as " 1'olnts. "
It will doubtless plcaso President
Adams to learn that his order revoking
tlio "twenty-four-hour clock" time table
is endorsed by Clark , the newspaper
lltinil , who now writes "points" for the
Hastings Cia/.cttc. His comments will bo
read with interest by his Council HIull's
friends :
Fii'slilont Adams Is wise. What would
Eonio unsusnoctliiK pissuiiK ; r do or think ,
when. arilvinK at the transfer depot , lie
would ask Depot Utllcer McMliUm what time
the overland lott for Option , Mac would ie-
ply : "It will KO out at twenty minutes past
Mxtemi o'clock. " The passenger would bo
"all uioko up , " If not completely puraly/.ed.
No , the ordinary way of running clocks , tlio
baiuo tiyHtPin that UM'd "graiult'nther"
in riinnlm ; " ( ! riuiitf\ther's ; Crock" will suit
'M'omts. "
Centerville soft-lump coal , $ ! 1 " . " 5 per
ton , delivered , Win. Welch , 010 Main
street , telephone M ,
1Innos niul Organs.
W. W. Kimbull , of Chicago , has opened
at No. ! K8 Uroadvvay wilti a full and com
plete stock of pianos and organs now and
fresh from factory which will be sold re
gardless of cost or time. Call , we can
btiit you , C. W. Kwors , manager.
Stoves I Stoves ! Stoves I tor the next
thirty days 1 will tell heating stoves at
cost for cash only. 1 * . O. DuVoL.
Never Saw thu Like ,
Prof , ilinrlchs , of the Iowa weather
eorvico , in commenting upon his pet
tltcmo , says : "During the forty years
preceding 1683 there never lias been more
than two consecutive cold winters in
Jowa , namely , those of 1850 and 1837.
Hoginning with 18 3 wo liavo now haii
foiir bcvoro winters in unbroken suc
cession , and these winters have now been
followed by a month of seVnro wcathci
tliis winter. This , is entirely without
precedent , and is of very serious import
to the people of Iowa ,
Frosty News Gathered In ang About
Council Bluffs.
A Decision Concerning Solvntlon
I'nrailcM 1'rof. Mliiricli'fl Snys Ho
Kcver SJIAV Sttcli a Wlntci
A llusli For llnthfl-
Xlic County tionrd.
Aeulilontnlly Shot.
Captain Huchner , tx well known resi
dent of Malvorn , has been sadly alllicted
by the accidental death of his Eon in
Texas. Particulars which followed the telegraphic announcement of the
shocking ovcnl arc to the cll'ect that tlio
young man was directing a letter at the
old Benolield house in Texarkana , when
he heard scitllling in the kitchen. Ho
opened the door and found a plumber
und a negro barber in an altercation.
Voting Bocliner attempted to separate
tlio combatant * , when tlio negro turned
upon him. The hotel clerk , seeing the
situation , look up Ins revolver from the
desk und went to his friend Hoehncr's
assistance , striking the negro u blow on
the head with the weapon , when it ex
ploded , the ball striking .Mr. Boehnor
just below the pit of the. stomach and
passing through the body , coming out fit
the baek. He lived about a day after
wards. He leaves n wife and children.
The cider brother of tlie deceased was
accidentally killed in a railroad wreck
near Texarkana several years ago. This
makes the second sad trip whicli the
father lias been called upon to make to
Texas , and the sorrowing parents have
the tenderest sympathy of their large cir
cle of friends in western Iowa.
Dr. llauehett , ollice No. 12 ! Pearl street ;
residence , 130 Fourth street ; telephone
No. 10.
Substantial abstracts of titles und
estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No.
101 Pearl street , Council Hltifl's.
They All Wanted n.iths.
John Bohn , nl tlie Ogden , was hot yes
terday , oven with the thermometer below
zero. The bursting of a water pipe or
some other trouble , made it impossible
for him to get n supply for his bath
rooms , and consequently business in that
line was temporarily suspended. John
is a rustler , and it grieves him to see
business nt a stand-still. As ono of his
customers ordered a bath , and he had to
inform him that ho could not give it , his
countenance fell almost as low as tlio
mercury. The boys concluded to torture
him still more. They explained the situ
ation to every patron of tlie place , and
every visitor , and induced them to drop
into "John's snop , ono after another , and
ask for a batli room , . The increased de
mand for baths , jiibl tit the time when
none could bo given , vras aggravating ,
but it was not considered to be contrary
to the usual rules of trade , until the num
ber of applicants t-o increased as to pass
all previous records. They kept coming ,
and it seemed as if every man in that
part of the city wanted to have a bath.
John at last fell onto himself , and pro
vided himself with a wet sponge. The
next joker who strolled in asked for a
bath. He got it square in tlio face. "A
sponge bath is all you can get here , "
fairly shrieked John as he picked up the
sponge , and set it asoak ready to hurl in
the face of tlie next inquirer. There
were no more applicants for baths.
Hard ami soft coal , best quality , all
sixes. Missouri and Iowa wood. C. B
Fuel company , OIj'J ' Broadway. Telephone -
phone 130.
L. B. Crafts & Co. are loaning money
on all classes of chattel securities at one-
half their former rates. See them before
securing your loans.
No Stopping tlio Salvationists.
The talk of stopping the street parades
of the Salvation army has subsided hero ,
and there seems a general disposition to
lot the enthusiastic religious workers go
as they please. In other places in the attempts have been made to line
tlie soldiers of tlio Lord , or lock them up ,
and hence thn following bit from a recent
decision by the supreme court of Michi
gan is interesting :
A city ontinnnro providing Hint "no person
or persons , association or organization , blmll
march , parade , ride , or drive in or upon or
through the public streets of a city with
musical instruments , banners. Hags , torches ,
llnmbcaux , or while slnKlni : or sliotitincr.
without hnvlnic first obtained the consent ot
the mavor or common councilor said city , "
is unreasonable and invalid , because It op
presses what is In general perfectly lawful ,
and leaves tlie power of permitting or ro-
slralniinr piocesslons to an utulolesated
ollleial dibetctien.
Electric door bells , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at tlio New Vork Plumbing Co.
Weather strips at Chapman's 105 Main.
The Supervisor ! ) .
Tlie county board yesterday granted a
license to sell intoxicating liquors to
William Kearville , of Mindcn.
Dr. Cook , of Macedonia , was civen the
cure of the pauper patients of Macedonia ,
Silver Creek and Garner townships , his
ealary as physician to bo ? 18 a year.
Tlie reports of the county clerk wcro
presented and filed. The report concern
ing the branch ollico at Avoca showed
the receipt ) ! thorn to have exceeded the
Qxpomo ? by ! ? ? ! ) during the past four
Thu rest of thn day was taken up with
the allowance of bills and other routine
Buy eigars , tobacco , meerschaum
goods , etc. , of Moore & Kiplinger , No ,
lll ! Broadway , svnd geta ticket with every
U5o purchase for the drawing February 1.
Goods same prices as other houses.
C. U. Scott , ol Omaha , was in the city
W. B. Pierce , of Shelby , was nt the Pa-
cilio yesterday ,
M. I. Williams , of Gionwood , was at
the Pacitic yesterday.
William Kearville , the Mindcn drug
gist , was in the city yesterday.
Jr. E. L. Cook , of Macedonia , was in
tlie city yesterday on business with tlio
county board ,
John Maher , who has been in charge
of the dining room force at thn Ogden ,
leaves to-day for the west , in the employ
ment of the Union Pacific Hotel com
Ex-Mayor Yuughan is said to have ar
ranged to move to Omaha next week and
take up his residence in that city , Mr. I.
T. Uouerts , late of Denison , who has become -
como associated with Mr. Smith in the
abstract and real estate business , in Mo-
Million's old ollice , is to occupy tlio rcsi-
denco thus vacated. (
Diinlap Heportor : Those who attended
the Congregational church last Sunday
morning wuro surprised to hcnr Kev. A.
Rogers tcntlcr lua resignation as paitor ,
the resignation to take place on the last
of the mouth. On account of the condi
tion pf his daughter's eyes he concluded
to locate in Omaha , whore she can bo
coustautly under tlio care of her pby
sician. No action has yet been taken by
the church on his resignation. Mr. Rog
ers has heen in Dunlan nearly four
years and during that time has made n
host of friends , who will regret to see
him co. Them is yet time to reconsider
the question.
GcorgoRudio , real estate and nego
tiator of loans , No. 1507 Farnam street.
Omaha. Hargams in Council Hlufl's and
Omaha property.
The Now Pirn Alarm.
The cold weather has caused some de
lay in the completion of the now lire
alarm and police call. There yet remain
a few boxes to be connected , a stronger
repeater has been sent for , and a few
other details need to be looked after. It
is expected that the new system will bo
ready for an ofliciril tust on Thursday of
next week.
See that your books are made by Moore-
house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block.
The papers were recorded yesterday
by which 1) . F. Eicher becomes the
owner of the piece of property between
tlie Catholic church and Fisher's tobacco
warehouse , running from Main to Pearl
street , with a frontage on each of 02 feet.
Captain Eiciicr purchased the property
of a Kentucky gentleman named Young ?
The price paid was $1,1)20. )
Stevens' Narrow K cnpc Prom a
Chinese .Mob.
Thomas Stevens , the bicyclist , arrived
in Shanghaj on November 18 by the
steamer Pekin , from Kiukiang , having
all but accomplished his run round the
world on a bicycle. A spare , wiry-look
ing man of about live foist seven , lie
seems none the worse for his journey
and the discomforts of most of tlio last
part of it , and speaka clieorfullv of his
experiences generally. His lir.sf serious
obstacle was encountered in Afghanistan.
He was the guest of the British Delimita
tion commissioners for several days , but
by their advice turned back ! 500 miles to
Herjando , after which ho struck oil'again
into Afghanistan , at a point of safe dis
tance from the commission and their
messages ; but at Furrah , halfway be
tween Herat and Kandahar , ho was ar
rested by an Afghan cliiet ,
acting under orders , who , after
some days , escorted him back to
Herat. Ho was well treated by the
Afghans , but they would not listen to his
explanation of his journeying without a
political object , and so carried him to
Persian territory again , lie was obliged
to return to the Caspian , from which ho
went by the Caspian railwayand reached
Constantinople , and from thence ay
steamer to Kurrachcc. So that to travel
liOO miles by land ho had to go 0,000 miles
by sea. From Kurrachcehe went through
Lahore , Delhi , Agra , Cawnporc to Cal
cutta , from whence lie took steamer to
Hoim Kong.
On November 13 he got his bicycle
under way again and started from Can
ton , but lie found it simply useless from
the badness of the roads. Fifty miles
were not covered between Canton and
Kiukiang. Ono momcn tlie thought that
ho was on the highway to somewhere in
particular , the next few yards brought
him to the end of his pathway , which to
ins mortification he found terminated in
a paddy lieH. So intricate and dillicult
to travel were tlie roads that it took
him over twenty-four hours to ride thirty
miles after leaving Canton , lie found
most of those pathways about twenty
inches wide and high bowlders blocked
his way at short intorvajs.
Ho reluctantly determined to give iiis
bicycle a rest and take to u sampan. It
took four days to reach Chao-choo-foo by
this means , and then after a short time
on shore to stretclt his legs , lie cot into
tlio boat again and did not leave it for
four days more , when ho found himself
under the Mooting Pass and in tlie pro
vince of Kiangse. Then he fancied that
the way was straight before him , for tlio
roads suddenly iinpoved and the bicycle ,
whicli had been for eight days borne by
coolies , was once more put into requisi
tion , and lie spun merrily ahead till ho
readied King-gan-foo. The weather
from Canton to the Meeting Pass was
very warm , but after that it grew cold
and rain tell , whicli rendered that portion
tion of the journey doubly dillicult and
disagreeable. The traveler was greatly
impressed with the high state of cultiva
tion in tlio provinces through whicli he
passed , and with this beauty of some of
the temples , notably of that between
Tcldnyuen and Lo-choo-foo. .
The people everywhere treated him
very well till ho readied Kan-Tchou Fee ,
where tlio inhabitants attacked him with
stones , and matters were looking very
serious when lie reached theyamon ae-
compamedbytwo soldierswho were sent
with him by the head man atTa-ho. Tlie
crowd hero was viirv noisy and threaten
ing and amounted to several hundred.
Hut tlio populace who were cryinir out
to "kill the foreign devil" contrived to
sci/.e the bicycle , whicli , however , es
caped with only one broken spoke , and it
was only with the greatest dilliculty that
ho was smuggled out of the yamen , and
after great exertions on tlie part of the
Che-hsien , who had to make several
proclamations calling upon tlio mob lo
disperse. Hut beyond two or thrco
bruises and many indentations in his
tepee , from stones , Air. Stevens escaped
This was by far the worst treatment
that tlie traveler received hinco ho started
on Ins journey , and shows the inhos
pitable and suspicious character of tlio
Chinese in inland parts. Although be
tween Furrah and Horjando ho passed
through a country called Dasht-5-Naumid
( thu Desert of Despair ) , whore it is said
a European never traveled before , ho had
not been anywhere subjected to the treat
ment lie received in this city. Mr.
Stevens also speaks with great disgust of
tlio filthy habits and savage fanaticism
of tlio people in tlio districts of China
lliroui'li which ho traveled. Almost all
the journey to Kiukiang was accom
plished in sampans , tlio bicyelp being
carried by coolies. From Kiukiang ho
took tlio steamer Peking to Shanghai ,
which ho left to-day for Japan.
It will bo interesting to epicures to
know that Mr. Stevens carried no com
missariat with him , but lived on the food
of tlio people through whoso countries ho
passed , nor did ho carry a tent , though
ho started witli ono from Constantinople.
He soon discarded it and was content to
put up with whatever sleeping accommo
dations ho could find on the way , some
times under a tree or a rock , again in tlio
shelter of tlio tents and huts ho came
across , and still again in tlio gorgeous
palaces of the civilized rulers of the
many lands of the cast from Calcutta to
Constantinople , in his opinion tlio only
roads in China were the water roads , that
is , tliu rivers , and ho longed to bo able
to exchange his bicycle for a houseboat ,
only of his undertaking to go round the
world on wheels ,
Mr. Slovens arrived in Nagasaki on De
cember U , readied Kobe on tlio 7th and
was to go to Yokohama ovnrland. From
that city ho expected to sail on the next
steamer to San Francisco
"Ago cannot wither it nor custom
state its infinite variety. " Flesh is hardly
heir to an ache or pain which' cannot bo
cured by using Salvation Oil.
It is painfully annoying to bo disturbed
in public assemblies by some one cough
ing , when you know Dr. Hull's Cough
Syrup is only 25 cents.
Logan was Handy ivltli Ilia Pista.
Huston Herald : Ho was n scientific
sparrer , and not long ago he sent a tioto
to Professor Collins'a boxing nlastqr , in
viting him to Call at his residence. Col
lins retired from the ring several years
ago , He vras known as the cast irou
And select your Dry Goods and Carpers before the prices advance ,
We are selling elegant Patterns Dress Goods very low
to close the lot.
J * nrvci'Miw film-to Stn.'n so
BLACK SILKS.J / ; > tis HIOKC ice arc itnw fcll-
. / / .
enl this entire department to
> e room for onr increased Carpet stock , and
urc consequently aclliny them off at c.rtremeli/
ton * prices.
Yon will mire nwnrito rr our
< tn < 1 Itnus brforc you Inttf. If I/OH iivmf. In-
i , Jtriissels , ft'lt'cl , or Moiincdc ( ' < ( ) -
t , come tind see its or irrilc for prices.
OnrrurleljiofCnrtntns , I'onjiees , Draperies , etc. , is lai'uc ' and choice , and
ircliarcu full assortment of I'oles , Iloils , Urass Goods , ete. Our work is
done by skilled irorl > incn. Orders Inj mail rccelre prompt attention.
Harkness Bros , , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $5.00 to
i:10.00 ! : per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota- 30 years' time 5 per
cent interest. Land Buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by
f. f. J ! - : > - LJ S'J.'JrC I ' .ir ,
No. fidS Broadway , Council BluIVs , Towa. agent for Freldrikson & Co. . Chicago.
man , and defeated George llooke , who
was the champion middle weight of the
United States. Collins called at the gen
eral's residence , taking a pair of boxing
gloves along with him. The general told
him that he was entirely out of practice
and wished to arrange for a series of les
sons. Finally ho saw the boxing gloves
and proposed to take a lesson then. Col
lins assented and tlio general led the way
to a spare room. Tlio first three rounds
were purely for scientific points ,
and Collins soon found out that the
general , though out of practice , had
science enough to absorb his whole at
tention. Both men were pretty well
winded , and a suggestion was adopted
that they rest ten minutes. At the con
clusion of that time they came to the
scratch for tlie wind-up. Several vicious
blows worn struck , ami Collins began to
bring all of his science and skill into
playbut the general repeatedly got away
froin him without punishment. Finally
Collins made a desperate rush , but un
guardedly left an opening. The general
improved it , and by a neat and clever
undercut struck the noxintr master aler-
rilio blow on his under jaw which com
pletely knocked him out. Tlie noise of
the heavy fall alarmed Mrs. Logan , and
she rushed upstairs , only to fintl tlio gen
eral holdii.g . Collins' head on his knee
and making vigorous cll'orls to bring him
For Colils ami Sere Throat , no more
tiseuil article can bo found than the well-
known "Itiincn's llronvhhil Troche * . "
only in boxes.
Special ndvartteeinontg , such us rest , Found
ToLomi.ror Sale , To Itcnt , VSnnts. Honnlinif ,
etc. , will bolnscrtutl In this column t the low
ratoofTEN CUNTSPEKMNT. forthollm insor-
ionnn < l I'lvuCuntsI'erl.lnoforcncli suusoquum
inoortlon. I.CHVO advertisements nt our ollico
No. 12 1'eal struct , near Uroadwuy , Council
HKNT II room house , ? M , First live. ,
opposite the park. Sulllrnii * Kiorald. .
Oil HRNT lloom , with lioiird , for two
Kcnte , or mini und wife , N'o. 120 l-'riuik-
lln St.
"iMJlTSAl.U My roiidonco niiipeity on Illuir
13 st. footworn Willow and I-'iJtli iivcnne ; also
horeo nnd buggies. A. K. llatos.
KENT A new two-ptory friime dwelling
house , containing six rooms , imll on until
lloors , closets with nil bed rooms. Inrire ccllnr
and good cistern. Call on 31. I' , llohrcr or
Odell llros. ACo. .
HUNT The , ono-Hiory frnmo
building , with 4-room dwclllni ? itltueli-
mcnt , formerly occupied us u ciindj fuutory
ixnd known IIB No. 110 South Main street , i-x-
tondliiK throiiKh to 1'enrl St. Apply to M. * .
llohror or Odull llros. & Co.
Oil BAM'J-Hiirlier shoprood ( location , peed
roiuon for soiling. Address H , line ollico.
A cottnico of Ovo or eix rooms ,
WANTED convenient to biHlndsv small
family , no children. Addrcsn "Crispy , " Dee
\XrANTI'.n-A boy with pony to carry Jleo
VY route.
OlTsAljK Old papers for 8ulo lit thu Jleo
Parties Intending to bo married
WANTED to cull at tlie 1'ryor'B live Job
ollico to select their weddlim cards.
Practice hi the Stuto anil Fcileral courU
Hooms 7 und 8 ShuRiirt-Hono lilo < ) k.
W , S , HOMER & CO ,
Wt Main $ t.t Council Hlnffs.
The elieiipvst plneo In the clly to buy
The OrlRliinl and Only Urnulne.
Sifo taltlntvi Krll bl . ft te r w rtllr * ImlutloDi.
lo4l.r-.ti M u LA DIPS. A > k juor Urvcelit i r
"ChlthiKtrr' * FmUilP * lid Uk < o > ibtlt > r la lvic < < .
l.uapDM m far fuileilui I * liiivb/ return mail.
, i'blchtttcr t'lirmlral Co.
NAME PAPER ' . , ' .
l * tferrwhrr * . i'k ' ' 'TLIcbt * '
lijDr. gneillker' * method , Nooperfttlon-
No lictentloii fruai tuilnete. Aduulod to clilldrcti
uiw'cll u > crown people. Hundred" of utoeni | < l >
eitltuuiilulsqn Hie. All bu lnoi < btrlcUy cooudeu
i iior. jv. 11. cooit ,
t.,0nil ta-Kel ) ,
[ jiortnl l.lno of
( iooils West of
Mrs.C. L. Gillette's
Human Hair Emporium
No , 209 Main Street. Council Bluffs , Iowa.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Laclicsbuying a § 5 bat or bonnet , one fare
will be paid ; ? io , tound trip.
Abstracts or Title , Loan and Real Es
tate Broker ; , No. 236 Main St.
purchased tlic"most rella'
Itlc abstract bonks ( n this count/ ) , -
known as "McMalion Abstract
Jlooks , " WK arc now prepared to fin"
nisli abstracts and respect f nil n so
licit the patronayvof all those dcsir-
iny correct abstracts of title to lands
and lots in J'ottan'attamlo count// / .
Justice of the Peace
Office over Arnctican Express.
R. RICE , M. D. ,
rnnroKc Or other Tumors removed without
C/UflLeri the knlfoordrawlnirot blood.
Over thirty rears prKctirul .
No. 11 1'carl Ht. . Council liluCts.
tatrConsultation free.
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin
gle or do'ible.
Council HIulls.
JoiirnaU , Counly and
Kaiili Work of All Jiludt aSpoc-
Prompt Atlenlionjo Mall Orders
Room 1 Kvcrct Hlock , Council
Standard Papers Used. All ulylcs of bind
ing in Magazines and
C. n. Natioiml lluak , W. B. Smith d Co. ,
Cltlzont' Hunk , Ilcorci , Wellj 4 : Co. ,
ktret National Hank. C. II. Insurance Co. ,
OUcor&l'u6eyiUu.ukcriail ) tiu
To Bo Qiven Awny By Henry Eisonmn ft
Co's People's ' Store.
On Jntmnry intli , 18H7 , Consisting of
Furniture , Clilnnwnrc , Clothing ,
lllnnkctn , Tnblo Ijlncn , Notions ,
Money , 811k Dress Pat
terns , Ktc. , Etc.
For every two dollar's worth of goods
purchased , you will receive a coupon
ticket , good for one clianco in the follow
ing Grand Presents to bo given away by
us on .lanuarv loth , 1887 :
FIRST IMllZH-Ono suite of Parlor
rurniturc , consisting of sofa , tetc-a-tetc
and tour grand easy chairs , all uphol
stered in assorted sltadcs of elegant silk
plushes , worth $1'J3.
SKCOND Mahogony Red
Room Suite , consisting of Medstcad ,
Dresser and Wash Stand of elegant finish
with beveled glass , worth $100.
THIRD PRI/.K-Ono of the very best
six-drawer Nickel Plated Domestic' Sew
ing Machines. Tlio very best machine-
in tlio United Slates , worth $05.00.
FOURTH PKI/H - Twenty yards
( itilnett best grew grain Black S"ilk , ' cost
§ ; t.OO per van ! , worth (10.00. (
FIFTH PRIZK-Onu elegant Seal Plush
London Dyed Cloak , to bo made to order
to lit thi > lucky ticket holder , worth $110.00.
SIXTH PRIZH-Oncpairof the linest
U liito Hlankels made by the Pioneer
Woolen mill , of California , worth flO.OO.
SKVKNTll IMllHK-Om' Reautifully
Decorated Dinner and Tea Set , consist
ing of ono hundred and forty pieces ,
worth $ r > ' .MX > .
HUSH I'll PRIXKAn Klcgant Seal
Skin Mull' , worth .f'JO.OO.
- - very line Paisley
Shawl , worth $1)3.00. )
THiNTIl PUIZU-One Angora Reaver
Shawl , worth $110.00.
KLHVKNTH PRI/K-Ono Gentleman's
Suit of Clothing , made of Imported
Worsted , guaranteed n , tine fit for tlio
winner , worth $115.00.
TSSKLFTH PRl/U-A Gentleman's
Fur Heaver Overcoat , worth $ HO.OO.
TlllRTJ'JBNTll. PKIRK Ono Hoy's
Overcoat , for a boy between the ages of
! 1 and It ! years , to bo chosen by the lucky
party holding tliu ticket. Worth $15.00.
Suit , for a boy between the ages of ! l and
1(1 ( years , to be selected by the winner.
Worth $15.00.
FIFTKENTH PKl/K-Oiie Klcgant In
fant's Cloak , worth $10.00.
SIX'I KKNTIl PRl/K-Ono Klegant
Hrass Parlor Table , worth $10.00.
50 yards "i-ruit of the Loom" muslin ,
worth $4.00.
dozen of the very best Celebrated "Gold"
white shirts , of which wo are tlio exclu
sive agents , worth $ ! U)0. )
Mulller , worth $5.00.
Table Set , consisting of Table Cloth and
a Dozen napkins worth $10.00.
Present of a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece.
No. 22One Toilet Set.
No. 2J-One ! very line Doll.
No. 21 OIHI Handkerchief Hov.
No. 25 One elegant Hand Hag.
No. 20 One large Doll.
No. 27 One Stand Cover. ,
No. 28 Ono bottle line Perfume.
No. 2l ! One Tohaggan Cap.
No.-One ! ! ( ) Table Scarf.
No. ! U One fine Splasher.
No. 82 One line Lunch Basket.
No. : ti ; One hammered brass Umbrella
t and.
ONo. : H One-hfilf do/5 , fine Towels.
ONo. : )5 ) One Silk Umbrella.
iNo. ! W-One line Doll.
No. a" One set China Dishes , suitable
for little folks.
No. 118 One Hrass Hroom Holder.
No. yo One pair Men's Silk Suspend
ers.No. . 40 Ono Silk Handkerchief.
No.41 One nice Doll.
No. 42 One-half doladio's fine Linen
No. 4a Fifteen yards Rest Calico for a
dress pattern.
No. 44 One Hoy's Hat.
No. 45 One Hoy's Sealskin Cap.
No. 40 One fine Painted Ornament ,
No. 47 Onn Toilet Set.
No. 48 Ono nice Doll.
No. 40 Ono line Doll.
No. fiO One elegant Table Cover.
No. 51 Ono Bottle Perfume.
No. 52 One Lace H.tndkerchicf.
No. 5 ! ( One child's line Lace Collar.
No. 51 One elegant Doll.
No. 55 Ono elegant Doll.
No. fid Ono Tidy.
No. 57 Ono Table Scarf.
No. 58 Ono line Doll.
No. fit ) One Mouth Organ.
No. 00 One Imitation Steam Piano.
No. ( il Ono line Hook.
No. (12 ( Ono line Hook.
No. iM-Ono Pocket Knife.
No. ( il Ono line Doll.
No. 05 One fine Doll.
No. ( ! ( ! Ono Dr. Warner's Corset.
No. 07 One Shoulder Shawl.
No. 08 One infant's Lace Cap.
No. Oil-One baby Dress.
No. 70 One large Doll.
No. 71 One Hand Hag.
No. 72 One lady's Companion
No. 73 Ono Silk Mulller.
No. 74 One largo Doll.
No , 75 One line Hook.
No. 70 Ono line Hook.
No. 77 Ono Lunch Basket.
No. 78 Ono pair children's Shoes.
No. 7l-Ono ! pair boy's Hoots.
No. 80-Ono line Luco Collar.
No. HI Ono largo Doll.
No. 82 Ono Lady's Jersey Jacket.
No. 8i ! Ono pair Gentleman's Sus
No. 81 One pair McnV Gloves.
No. 85-Ono pair Hoy's Skates.
No. 8 < ! Ono pair Girl's Skates.
No. 87 Ono pair Girl's Skates.
No. 88--OHO line Doll
No 8 ! ) Ono line Doll
No. 00One largo Doll
No. ill One largo Doll
No. 1)2 ) Ono Necklace
No. Ua-Ono pair Gold din Millions
No. ! H-Oiin Lookot
No. 05 Ono nice Hreast Pin
No. 110- One pair Sleeve Muttons
No. 1)7 ) Ono Silver Thimble
No. ! > 8- < ) no line Hreast Pin
No. 8 ! ) Ono pair Kid ( Moves
No. 1(10 ( Ono Lace Handkerchief
Total value of pre.scnts.iOO. .
With every f ! pun-huso you renolvo a
ticket , alho a ticket for every ladilitional
$2 nurchaso you iiiiiko.
Hold your tiokots until January 15th ,
Ib87 , when the fortunate numbers will bo
announced and invited to call and re
ceive their presents.
You have to pay nothing extra for your
purchases. Wo guarantee to soil you
goods cheaper than any otlmr lionso in
the west , and bent stock to select from
All orders by mail will receive prompt
attention , and tickets for tlio fruo
gift distribution will bo forwarded
and enclosed with your purchases , the
same as if you wi-rr- present in person.
Tnese distributions will bo made with
every fairness and you may depend on it
that the lucky number * only will receive
their presents. .
No tickets will be issued to the em
ployes of our house.
Customers only will ITOUKO tl.o bene
fits Call and see the nbovn mentioned pres
ents now on exhibition in our mammoth
Btoro and convince yourself.
Respectfully ,
Pooplo' Store ,
Nos , .ai-l , aiO , bib am.l U Hroadway ,
Council JUuJ ) * ,
Will supply you with n cleaner and belter
quality of
Than any one in the city. A trial will con
vince you.
No 02S lli-ondwa.v. Telephone 110. i
Agricultural Implements ,
Om-meos , flo , iic. : Council niuiM , lotto.
MiuiufiidiirorRof nml Donloi.J [ n
Hand and Power Corn Shelters ,
Ami npcnnui line or llrst cln
hop. IMl.liOrj . , l ri nn.ii.vi7 . Pniith Main Blrocl.
_ _ Council llutT . Ion n.
Mnniifrs tin 1 .lobttors ot
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
r ? ? u"11'1 ' n1 ! klml3 or Firm Maoliltmrr.
1100 ( o 1116 South Mnln Street , Council
tOlTf\ .
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades
Oil Cloth ; , C'irtnin ' Flxtnreti. lTp1tolMi < rr flee
Kto. No. 105 llromlWHy Council Illulln ,
_ loiyn.
r *
cm Aim , Toiurco , irn\
Wholesale .loliboi-s In Hie-
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nos. SSMaln HiiJ 27 1'onrl Sis. Council llliilTf ,
rau.u/.s.s/o.v. " " " "
STOIt.\n !
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
r't nml 20 I'oiil St. , Council lllntrc.
HAllLr : , HAAS & CO. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
B * Sundries , Etc. No. 22 Mnln St. , nnl
No. 211'onrl St. , Council lUutrs.
O. W. 1UITTS ,
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Comml'flon. No. Btl ili-oiulwuy ,
Council ItlulTB.
WlliT & Dl'QUUTTE ,
Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery ,
NOB. Hi nml la I'ciu-l St. . Council lllulTs.
Jlnnu'orturcrn of and Wbolpsnlu Dnnloril'i '
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. tcr > Mnln St. . Council llluffs , loir * .
Jobbers la Hats , Caps and Glores.
No . Illlnnrt Hit nroniltriiy. Council IllulT. ' .
rr iiAitnH'AHK.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
Anil Wood Stock , Council lllulTri , lotra.
7 > ril M < noMii.ti \ co.7
( I'MaMlc'iiM Wl
Nil. S2U MB' n Mtroot. i : : Co.incll lllnT ! .
ANII ni\i.iiis : IN
WlioloFiilo Dealers In
Ruminating & Lnbrlcitlaj Dili Gi
F.Thi'Odoro\Kont , CovinullHulls. ! lotra.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
Mult'rliil SHH'IIIJH | | | | | , Wlmlomlo hum-
beret all Klndu. Olliuo No. KM Main St. ,
Councjl Jlluirs. lowiu
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Wliok > nlu
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors
foi'hl. Ootlhnrd'H HiTli Illltnra. No-11
MitluSt. Council Illuirt.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers.
Mo. 418 liroiultrny. Council llluir.1.
The onb' hotel in Council Hltiftit having
Anil 'ill mo 'cm ' improvements.
215 , SI' and 31U Main M.
MAX MO11N , I'rop.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards ,
imOADWAY , roi'NCIL IJLl'i KS ,
Ojiiutllu | iJ.iumlj llijiuL
Horses and mules kojit noiii-un.tlv on1
hfinil , for sale at retail or in car loads.
Oilcru ] iromitl.v | lillod by contract on
short notice Slock sold on coninnshion. iV JJoi.r v , Pr
o No. Ill
Formerly "f Kc.l Sale 's , corner
Ut , arc and -i\ln \ Eli eel.'s