Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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A List of Those Who Will Guide tie Com
monwealth's Affairs.
A Ijnrfio Number of decisions Hnnilcil
Jown NotnrlcH Public- Confirmed
llrtppcninuq In nntl
About Iilncoln.
[ most run iirr.'s i.isror , ? ? ntnr.Av.l
The roster of state officials nnd their
optitios nnd clerks for tlio coming year
blowing upon Iho changes in a number
of the offices is ns follov.s with the excep
tion of tlio governor's office , General
Thayer not having as yet made Ins an
nouncement of private secretary , retain
ing toniiiurnrily the secretary of cx-Gov-
ornor Dawc.i. Mr , , ) . M. Hon'tnan. With
this exception the state house force that
commence their work with tlio now j-enr
is as follows :
Secretary of Slato's Office Hon. Gil
bert L. Laws , secretary ; Benjamin K.
Cowtlry , deputy , Nelson McDowell , book
keeper ; David K. Bomgardner , recorder.
Auditor of State lion. II. A. Babeock ,
until tor ; Thomas II. Benton , tloputy ; 13.
C. Unbcocic , boolc-kcopor ; C. U. Allen , in
surance clerk ; George 13. Bowcrman ,
Treasurer of State lion. Charles II.
Willnrd , treasurer ; George M. Barllott ,
deputy ; , ! . H. Alford , book-keeper.
Commissioner of Lauds and Buildings
lion. Joseph Scott , commissioner ;
Charles M. Carter , deputy ; J. K. Marlay ,
chief clerk ; Mart Howe , booK-keopcr ;
Jlrnd P. Cook , clerk ; Miss Clara A. Car-
mody , clerk ; Miss lluttie 13. Ramsey ,
Superintendent of Public Instruction
lion. George 15. Lane , superintendent ; T.
0. Stephens , clork.
Guy A. Brown , supreme court reporter
nnd ntnto librarian ; 11. II. Wheeler , dcp-
xity. The reporter of the supreme court
ftlso employs two clerks in his depart
ment not , however , listed and employed
by the stuto.
" ' ' . .
Yesterday another long list of import-
nut desieions wore handed down hy the
court , covering eases appealed from all
sections of the stato. Among these in
teresting desieions is the decision in tlio
case brought to recover the life insurance
held by Griffin of state house robbery im
mortality. It will bo remembered that
the victim of the plot held a life policy in
the Beatrice Life Insurance company ,
and notwithstanding that the court found
the detectives guilty and sentenced them
for the murder of Grillin , the Insurance
comimny attempted to avoid payment on
{ he ground that Grillin was committing
a crime. Tlio supreme court now holds
thai Griffin was not in the act of coinmit-
Img a crime when ho was shot.
Coakley vs. Christie A Son. Krror from Lan
caster county. Alllrnic'd. Opinion by
Itecse. J.
One 0 made a negotiable promissory
note to 11 for the purchase of a piano.
The note was endorsed nnd transferred
to plaintill's. Held , that C could not
prove that the piano did not comply with
: i warranty alleged to have been made by
11 , or that after the nxeculion of the notu
Iho contract of purchase was agreed to
be rescinded , without introducing testi
mony tending to show that the plaintiff
jiad not purchased the note in good faith
T > ofore maturity.
SJImpson vs Armstrong. Krror from Drown
county. Reversed and remanded. Opinion
bj lleeso , ,1.
Immaterial and irrelevant testimony
Sfidmittcd over defendant's objection and
'H'hieh ' may have a tendency to mislead
the jury is good ground for a now trial.
Harrison vs. Baker , 15 Nebraska , 43.
" \Vhlteley \ vs Davis. Krror from lllchnidsnn
ronnty. Cause dismissed. Opinion by
Jleese , J.
An order overruling motion to vacate
an order of arrest is not a linal order and
cannot bu reviewed on error until after
Powers vs Powers. Appeal from Saline
county. Decree inndllied so ns to rorjulie
tliu payment of S'-.MO , ns follows : SSOO
within thirty days , SbOO within four months
and the remainder within nine months.
Opinion by lluese.J.
1. A petition when assailed after decree
will bo sufficient , if tlio facts stated con
stitute a cause of action , ovun though informally -
( formally or indefinitely .stated. Such do-
, < ects must bo corrected by motion before
Answer or demurrer , or they will bo
deemed to bo waived.
U. In a case brought to the supreme
court on appeal , whore no question ot
law is involved , nnd the testimony is con-
Uioting and pretty evenly.balanccd , the
jtindingof the comt will not bo disturbed.
&allahan vs. Callahau , 7 Nebraska , US.
1) ) . Evidence examined and hold to sup-
fort the finding of the district court.
* Brown vs Ropers. Krror Irom Harlan county.
* Alllrnicd , Opinion by Maxwell , Ch. J.
1. Evidence examined and held to sus
tain tlio verdict.
2. The court , upon such terms as may
bo just , may permit the amendment of n
pleading after tlio evidence is introduced ,
and before the case is submitted to tlio
Jury , and unless there is an abuse of dis
cretion iu tlio action of the court , error
will not lie.
. ' ( . Instructions sot out in the opinion
lield properly given.
Cool vs llocho. Hall < fc Hay. Krror from An-
tmnpo county. Unversed and remanded.
Opinion by Maxwell , Cn , J.
1. Where evidence showing contra
dictory statements of a witness is intro
duced without first calling his attention
to the time , place and person Involved in
the supposed contradiction , and no ob
jection is made to such evidence , the jury
jnay consider it and , if sutlieient , base
their verdict thereon.
S. Where n chattel mortgage is duly
filed in the county wlioro the mortgagor
resides and is constructive notice there , it
will be constructive notice into whatever
county the mortgagor may remove with
the property.
Joiner vs Van A 1st run. Krror from Lanrns-
tor county. Aftirmi'd. Opinion by lleoso , J.
1 , AllldaviU , used as evidence upon the
hearing of a motion in the district court ,
will not be considered in the supreme
couit unless reserved as a part of tlio
record by a hill of exceptions.
2. To entitle a parly to a review of any
Alleged errors transpiring upon tlio trial
* u cause , a motion for a new trial must
bo mndo distinctly Betting forth tlio
errors complained of. Cropsoy vs Wig-
genhorn , UNeb , , 10s.
lillloul vs Itppubllcan Valley it Kansas rail
road company. Krror Irom Jlnrlan county.
-/\liirinoti / . Oulnlon by Cobb , J.
i. The right of appeal from the award
of commii'Sionors in the nssessmenl o !
damage's sustained by an owner of real
' .stato , by the appropriation ot the same
to the use of n railroad corporation , may
bo availed of and perfected by the filing
of a transcript from the county judge of
thu condemnation proceedings in the
district court or thu ollice of the clerk
thereof , within sixty days after the filing
of the report containing such award with
the county judge ,
-A a. When sued transcript is not filed ,
nor suilieient e.nuso shown for such fail-
urn without laches on the part of the ap
pellant , thu appeal will bo dismissed.
Henna vs Carter. Krror from Chvrry county.
Ainrmed. Opinion by Cobb , J ,
U instrument in writing , claimed to
> o ! \ chattel mortgage , executed
jy H. to 11. whereby H. bargained
nnd sold to It. as trustee for K. F. At M. ,
H. F.-11. M. &F. , S. J. & Co. , J. M. P. ,
J. J.H. and W. L. P. , all of his dry goods ,
clothing , hat" , caps , notions , etc. . to
gether with all book accounts , etc. . nnd
jontamlng the proviso and condition ,
that if the said 11. "shall pay to said B.
Tiislc'1 , or his assigns , his seven promis
sory notes of even date herewith , ns fol
lows , to-wit : ( giving n description of seven
notes payable to the nbove named parties
nnd lirms , respectively. ) "nnd I , the said
H. C. Hamilton , hereby authorise the said
S. II. Bonus to take Immediate possession
of the same , nnd to sell the said property
in the usual course , at retail nud private
vcndiio , and apply the proceeds of the
sales thereof to the payment of the sixid
notes pro rata prowortion. as the same
may become duo. The balance of the
proceeds * * * * to bo paid or re
turned to the said H. C. Hamilton or bis
assigns , immediately upon the said notes
being so paid , " etc. Held , to bo nn as
signment for tlio bcnolit of creditors ; and
not being made in conformity to the
terms of the chapter of the compiled
statutes entitled "Assignments , " further
held , to be void ns against creditors.
Kliiitmnn & iinllard vs Applet. Krror
fiom Lancaster county. Alllrmed. Opin
ion by llet'fc , .1.
1. Evidence examined nnd held to sus
tain tlio verdict of the jury.
U. Instructions refused , examined nud
hold to have been properly refused.
3. The strictly formal delivery of n
sherilYs deed is not essential to its valid
ity ns in n transaction between Individ *
uals as private parties to the conveyance
of real estate ; yet where a deed was writ
ten and signed by a sheriff , nnd sly years
thereafter the purchaser at the sherilV's
sale made nn nllidavit that no deed had
ever been executed and delivered by the
sliorill'to him , nnd upon such nllidavit
procures nn order of court requiring the
execution of tlio deed by n mccessor of
the shcriir who made the sale , nnd the
judgment debtor tcstilieg that nftcr the
sale be paid the amount of the decree to
the plainlill'in the case who was the
purchaser at the shorilV's sale and that
the money was received by the plaintiff
and purchaser as a full payment and sat
isfaction of the decree , it was hold , that
tlio finding of the alleged deed by n cus
todian of plniutilV's papers , among them ,
cloven years after the alleged execution
thereof , would not raise a conclusive pre
sumption that the deutl had been deliv
ered by the sheriff to the purchaser ,
whero'tho action was between such pur
chaser and the subsequent grantees of
tlio judgment debtor , tor the possession
of the real estate.
State ox ml. ( ! utT vs. Dodco county. Manda
mus. Writ allowed. Opinion by Maxwell ,
Ch. J.
1. To justify the board of eqabzation
in increasing the assessment of an indi
vidual , n complaint must bo made. Such
complaint , if oral , must bo reduced to
writing and spread upon the records as
the foundation of its action , and n mere
recital that oral complaint was made to
such board , without setting out the com
plaint is not sutlicicnt.
2. Upon n complaint being filed tlio
board of equalization _ in reviewing the
assessment of an individual , Ids appel
late , special nnd judicial powers , and
until evidence is rccived 'by it in support
of the complaint , tlio taxpayer may rely
upon the valuation made by tlio assessor.
8 , Where a board had made up its
record to showinforcntially that evidence
had been heard in support of their action
in increasing the valuation of an individ
ual assessment , wlioro in fact no such
evidence had been received , held that the
board will bo required to correct its rec
ord so as to contorm to the facts.
.Lane vs Stnrkey. Krror from Saline county.
Alllrmed. Opinion by lleose , J.
The rule stated in Iliatt vs Brooks , 17
Nob. , CM , "That a previous ruling by an
appellate court upon a point distinctly
inuSo , is n linal adjudication , from the
consequences of which the court cannot
depart nor the parties relieve them
selves , " is applicable onlj' to legal prin
ciples annunciated , and rules of law laid
down for the government of the inferior
court upon tlio second trial. It has no
reference to decisions on questions of
fact solely , whore tlio evidence upon the
second trial is materially different from
that of the first.
a , Evidence examined nud held to sus
tain the verdict.
Koberts vs llershelr. Krror from llolt
county. Allirmed. Opinion by Maxwell ,
Ch. J.
Whcro ills sought to review the judg
ment of the trial court upon the facts ,
the evidence must bo preserved in a bill
of exceptions.
Nlco vs ShalTer. Krror from Hall county.
Alllrmed. Opinion by Jlcese , .1.
r By section 311 of the civil code the
time within which a bill of exceptions is
to bo prepared begins to run from the
final adjournment of the district court.
A motion to quash such bill becniise not
reduced to writing within the time re
quired by law , will bo overruled unless
the date of the adjournment of the dis
trict court is shown by the record.
3 Questions of fnct are for the jury ,
anil a verdict or finding by them on a
question of fact where the testimony is
conflicting will not bo reviewed.
: $ . Objections to instructions to a trial
jury will not bo noticed by tlio supreme
court unless the attention of the trial
court is first called to them by the proper
exebeptions at the time the instructions
were given. Warrick vs Rounds , 17 Neb. .
1. Instructions asked nnd refused , or
objected to , must be specifically pointed
out in some way in the motion for n new
trial. Omaha & llepublican Valley Kail-
road Company va Walker , Id. , 48:3. :
IJarman VK Unraydt. Krror from Cass county.
Reversed and remntulcd. Opinion by Max
well. Ch. J.
1. One to whom certain notes secured
by chattel mortgage wore assigned is en
titled to intervene in nn action of re
plevin brought by the mortgagee to re
cover possession of the goods.
2. An order overruling n petition to
intervene in nn notion is , so far ns the
proposed intorvcnor is concerned , a final
order and re viewable on error.
8. Where one C executed a number of
promissory notes to 1 ! nnd secured the
same by n chattel mortgage on certain
furniture , B transferred n portion of the
notes either absolutely or as collat
eral security to one II. Hold , that
the transfer of the notes was nn assign
ment pro tnnto of the mortgage ,
Grlflln \Vestcrn Mutual Benevolent asso
ciation. Krror from Lancaster county.
Alllr'iied. ' Opinion by Maxwell , Ch. J.
1. One G. who had a certificate of in
surance on his life in favor of his wife ,
with an accomplice went into the treas
ury department of the state in tlio day
time nnd demanded money belonging to
the state , nud was given ? 500. Ho then
loft the department ami had nearly
reached the outer tloor door of the capitol -
tel , when n policeman , previously placed
in the passage way , but in the rear , com-
niauded him to halt , and at the same
instant lireil and killed G. The certifi
cate of insurance above referred to con
tained a provision that if the insured
should "dio while while violating any
law , " etc. . nil rights under the certificate
should bo forfeited. Held , that ns G , had
obtnuieu the money nnd was endeavoring
to escapewliun he was killed , that ho wan
not at the instant of death violating any
law , nnd there was no forfeiture of the
2. Where the parties in effect stipu
late Hint in case a recovery can bo had
011 n certificate of insurance , the amount
will bo $ ? 00 , nnd tlio court so finds , the
finding will not be disturbed.
Arnptt vsInn. . Iviror from Fillmore county.
Attlrmcd. Opinion by Maxwell , Ch. J.
1. Where there is no continuing trust ,
and money received by nn agent is not to
bo paid at a date latter than its receipts ,
statute of limitations will run in his favor
from the * time ho received such money.
2. I'o be valid under the statute , a
promise to pay a debt , Imrod by the
sta'tito of limitations , must bo in writing.
First National Bsuk of Cedar llapids vs
Krlck on. I'rrer irom Lancaster county.
Affirmed. Opinion by Reese , J.
1. A defense was founded upon
n certain printed warranty al
leged to hnvo been deiivctcd to
defendant by plaintiffs assignor at
the time of the execution of the notes
sued on. The execution nnd delivery of
this warranty was denied by tlio plaintiff.
Defendant testified in substance that the
warranty was delivered to and received
nnd relied upon by him ns such. Held ,
sutllcient primn facie to permit the intro
duction of the instrument in evidence.
The denial of the delivery of the warranty
by plnintllVs witnesses presented a ques
tion of fact 'o ' be decided by the jury.
2. The delivery of n printed warranty
of the quality of a harvester with tlio
name oi the warrantor printed thereon
as a signature by an agent authorized
to deliver tlio same , if delivered for ami
received ns n warranty of the quality of
a machine sold , being rolica upon by the
purchaser to the knowledge of the seller ,
would be binding as such warranty , even
though upon the margin thereof there is
n condition printed , that it shall bo void
unless countersigned by an ngcnt , and
no agent has counteriignud it ,
8. Evidence examined nnd held sufll-
cicnt to sustain n finding of breach of
warranty , and of n waiver of the right to
have return of the properly within a spe
cified time in case it did not give satis
4. Under tlio evidence. plaintlfThcld not
to bo nn innocent purchaser of the noted
upon which ttie suit was brought.
Uartob vs Patrick. Krror from Oouulas
county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Cobb , J.
B. and P. having been in negotiation
for the purchase by B. of 2,000 acres of
land oil the east end of n Inrgo tract
owned by P. , It. wrote to P. as follows :
"On the Inclosed map you will observe
that taking to the dolled lines are about
2,018 acres. Will you include this amount
in the sale ? 1 think it would bo better.
If you cut nil'just 2,000 acres a good portion
tion must bo described by metes and
boundaries , which would bo inconvenient
at least. " P. replied : "Tim land marked
out by you contains 2,088.77 acres instead
of 2,018 acres , as figured by you. This is
inoro than I want to sell. Take
out one of the plats marked
in similar ink to this and then B.
will have to'pay 55 per aero for all extra
land. Taking out the tract marked (1) ( ) ,
will leave 2,002.77 a'-res , the principal for
which will bo10,018.85. Doing the same
witli tract (2) ( ) will leave 2,007.0 ! ) acres , for
which the principal will bo $10,033.15. "
In an action by It. against P. for refusing
to convey the 2,018 acres according to the
dotted lines on the map , for iflO.O'JO. '
Held , that if tliero was a contract be
tween the parties for tlio sale of that
snccilic property , the sale was void under
tlio statute of frauds for the want of a
contract , or some note or memorandum
thereof in writing.
Sane vs. Lee. Krror from Dodge county.
Alllrmed. Opinion by Cobb , J. Maxwell ,
Ch. J. , not sitting.
In nn notion by L. ngainst S. on n
money demand , S. failed to aupcar or
answer ; his default was entered. L.
proved up , and judgment was entered in
Ids favor. Two days thereafter nnd before -
fore the final adjournment of _ the term ,
the defendant appeared and filed n mo
tion to set aside the default and judg
ment , accompanied by his affidavit and
an answer to the merits. Plaintiff
also filed an affidavit in resistance. Con
sidering the two affidavits together , it
appeared that there had been an attempt
at negotiating n settlement , defendant
claiming that negotiation was had anil
failed before summons was issued. The
judgment of the district court refusing
to set aside the judgment and default up
MnUison County vs State ex rel Ilcllman.
Krror Irom Madison county. ISovcrscd ixnd
cause dismissed. Opinion by Cobb , J. ,
lccsoI. ! not siltinp.
1. An elector residing within five
niilcs of n proposed road , lias an
Interest in the establishing , lay
ing out , opening and working the
same , independent of that which ho has
in common with the public at largo , suf
licicnt to enable him to maintain an
action by mandamus to enforce an ascer
tained duty in respect thereto by a pub
lic board or officer.
2. A mandamus will not issue to n
county board to cause a section to bo
opened and worked as a public road un
less it has been judicially ascertained and
decided by said board , under existing
facts and conditions , that the public
requires it.
KOTAians runr.ic.
Governor Dawos closed his term of of
fice with one of his last ollicial acts , the
appointment of the following notaries :
F. B. Wise , Ansclmo ; S. 13. Kalferty , Nio-
brara ; Julius A. Schwarzcntraub , Grand
Island ; Edward A. Enright , Albion ;
Thomas M. Morris , Shamrock ; Hulaiuins
L. Crosby , Springview : Ira C. Batoman ,
Grant ; Harvey L. Wells , Indianola ;
Charles 13. Cacfy , Chapman ; ! ) . W.Canon ,
Elkhorn ; F. Hermanson , St. Paul ; F. W.
Hammond , Omaha ; Otto Sicmsson ,
Omaha ; Daniel L. Johnson. St. Paul ;
George 1) . Brown , Hastings ; W.S. Bloom ,
Superior : W. J. Cook , Blair ; William T.
Tint , Plainviow ; 13. M. Sticknoy. Omaha ;
II. A. Allen. Atkinson ; Edward 1) . Smith ,
Loup City ; William C. Bond , Bondsvillo ;
Laiirctv ; Hanson , Ansclmo ; John M.
Brockman. llumboldt ; W. G. Hnnncs.
Geneva ; T. Libbornson. Columbus ; Asol
Stoovc , jr. , Omaha ; H. M. Hunt , Omaha ,
John 11. Furay , Omaha ; James II. Rog
ers , Ainswortli ; Enoch Adkins , Cedar ;
David R. Carpenter , Imperial ; D. R.
Mann , Sidney ; John Dyer , TaborGeorgo ;
H. Curtis , Broken Bow ; li. M. Kidder ,
Miuon City ; 13. Miller , West UnionD. ;
II. Grimm , Lillian , Ouster county ; Frank
Bnrtosh , Dodge , Dodge county ; F. It ,
Bryant , Omaha ; Myron E. Wheeler ,
Omaha ; Jerome F. Hartznmu , Omaha ;
Frank L. McCoy. Omaha , By
ron Batnck , Pickcrtdl ; Mary Hardy ,
Beatrice ; Samuel Bobbins , Aurora ; S. M.
Walters. Estello. Hayes county ; Oliver T ,
Jones , Dorsey , Holt county ; J. F. Glenn ,
Elba , Howard county ; G. II. Pmlen ;
Ogalnlla ; G. A. Bush , Lincoln ; E. J ,
lirclhocnwor. Holland , Lancaster county ;
James F. Lansing , Lincoln ; George Fab.
linger , Auburn ; Henry Treman , Table
Rock ; A. O , Jones , Indianola ; H. H. Grif
fith , Salem ; John W. Jngalls , Pleasant
Hill ; John W. Hunter , Boilarc , Sioux
county , Frederick C. Power , York ,
Yesterday It. R. Cowdry , the now
deputy secretary of state , filed his bond
nnd appointment iiuthe dark recesses of
the vault in the ollicu.
The bond is in the proscribed sum ,
$10,000 , nnd the names of the sureties nre
Leander Gerrard and George W , Hurlst ,
both of Columbus.
During the first week in February the
Lincoln Oratorio society will render the
Messiah at tlio People's theater. There
will bo fifty voices in tlio chorus r.nd
gome excellent talent selected for the
solo parts which names arc not yet ready
for announcement.
Mrs , W. 13. Gasper , a well known Lin
coln lady , sustained a fractured arm yes
terday through the carelessness of a
street car driver. The lady was alight
ing when the car suddenly started ,
throwing her violently on the rough and
fro/en street.
In United States court yesterday , the
Cropsy case , for a block of ground in the
city of Beatrice , was still in progress.
Daniel McCarthy chargou with subor
nation of perjury , was arraigned yester
day nud plead not guilty.
The Pacific Telegraph company are
connecting the West Lincoln packing
houses nnd stock yards with a wire from
their city ollieo in the First National bank
The oilices of the Lombard investment
were closed yestorduy afternoon , the
funeral of Mrs , Lombard being in
progress at Boston during these hours.
Mr. and Mrs. It. N. Lewis , living 'on
Eighth nn < l S street , are greatly afllictcd ,
two bright little girls of their family
dying in the past week from lung alfec-
tious. nnd tlio remaining child In the
family being very sick at tlio present
Jn the United States court yesterday n
witness in the Gross perjury case named
Rosn Lee. who has been long wanted by
the olllcials , was brought into court and
promptly indicted.
Fnrrngut post. Grand Army of tlio Re
public , will hold a public installation of
officers to-night , nt which time Governor
John M. Timyer will deliver nil nddress ,
nnd tlio Woman's relief corps will have
charge of the refreshments.
The State Bar association failed to gain
n quorum at their called meeting for
Thursday evening , nnd the time Mr a
meeting In future is loft with the presi
The secretary of Iho Stale Firemen's as
sociation has isucd the circulars for the
annual meeting of the association that i *
called to meet at Columbus on the ISth
nnd lOl'.i ' of this month.
The national council of the Irish Na
tional league in America meets nt Cincin
nati , O. , on the 12th. Patrick Kgan , dele
gate from Nebraska , leaves for the meet
ing to-day.
The arctic weather of the past week
has been playms lively with the water
pipes and n dozen or fifteen patrons
daily report free/ing up. Tlio pipes on
Ninth street were found fro/en yester
United Slates Marshal lliorbowor nr-
rived on the ground for United States
court yesterday.
H. II. Marley , of Kama" City , traveling
passenger agent of the Michigan Cen
tral , is in thu oily.
Three-fourths of Iho members of both
houses have gone to their constituency to
remain until Monday.
FIELD , TENN. Dr. J. H. McLean's
Tar Wine Lung Balm , gives the highest
satisfaction here. Please ship us six
do/ens at ouco. Wo are out nnd have
calls daily.
Seine of tlio .Largest DhunotulH
Known In tlic World.
The Pasha of Egypt is cut on eight
sides , wnighs carats and costs $1-10,000.
The Pigott diamond , brought from
India by Lord Pigott , weighs 8'Jcarats. .
In UOl it was bold in a lottery for
! j 150 , 000.
The Star of the South is the largest
diamond found in Brazil , nnd weighs 251
carats. It is a brillant of the purest
The Snncy diamond weighs 53 carats ,
and came from India about the fifteenth
century. It was sold i > y Napoleon to the
emperor of Russia for $ ; i7oOUO.
The Nassac , formerly in the possession
of the East India company , weighed 8 ! > }
carats ; but since Lord Westminster had
it cut anew it weighs only 785 carats. Its
value is about § loO,000.
The largest diamond known is that of
the "Rajah of Mattan" in Borneo. It
was found on the island about twenty
years ago and weighs ! ! 07 carats ; it is a
pear-shaped stone , with a small hole or
crevice nt its short end.
One of the most perfect brilliants is the
celebrated Pitt , or Regent , which is
among the Washington crown jewels. It
weighs KiGJ carats. It once ornamented
the sword of Napoleon 1. Before it was
cut it weighed 410 carats.
Tlio Florentine diamond , among ( ho
crown jewels of the emperor of Austria ,
weighs 119J ! carats. It is of pure water ,
of beautiful form , and , notwithstanding
that its color is somewhat of a citron tint ,
is valued at § 525,000.
The "Orlolf , " or Amsterdam diamond ,
weighs 1M8 ! carats , and H set in the top
of the Russian Imperial sceptre. It is of
pure water , but not cut to ail vantage. It
was bousrht by Catherine the Second in tlio
year 1775 , of Shafras in Amsterdam , for
.f 150,000 , giving him at the same time a
title and a pension of $20,000 for life.
The diamond well known under the
name of the "Shah" was given to the
emperor of Russia by Prince Cosroes ,
younger brother ol tlio Abbe Mirza , when
ho was in St. Petersburg. It weighs only
seventy-six carats , but is perfectly pure ,
without a Haw or cloud , and it is interest-
ins : inasmuch ns it is only partly cut ,
many of its natural faces being pre
served. The cut faces contain Persian
inscriptions , nud tliero is a little groove
around the top of it , to which a cord was
fastened , in order that it might bo worn
about the neck.
"Great Mogul" the diamond known
under this name has received an amount.
of attention beyond any other. Under
the name of the "Ivolnnoor" ( mountain
of light ) , it played an important part in
the exhibition of 1831. The history of
this stone dates back to 5(115.0. ( ; but
there is nothing known with certainty
about it until the beginning of tlio four
teenth centurv. After the annexation of
the Pun.jaub liy the English government
it came into the possession of the queen
of England on Juno ! ! , 18.10. Its weight
then was 180 1-10 carats , of an irregular
egg-like shape , and valued at $700,000. ,
It was then reduced to 100 1-10 carats ami
made into a regular out brilliant ,
Civil Rcrvlni ) Sentiments.
Cleveland Loader : Gon. Logan did
not bnliovo in civil service reform. Ho
thought the republicans ought to leave
the olliccs , nnd he had n contempt for
theSe who desired to bo retained under
Cleveland. A few moments after Cleve
land was inaugurated ho said to n friend ;
"I hope every republican who asks to
bo retained by this administration will bo
turned out of ollieo. I have received
letter after letter from republicans in
ollieo urging mo to exert myself to hnvo
them retained. 1 shall not numiliate my
self in that way. 1 would rather help to
got republicans of that sort out. In fact ,
it is strange to me that n republican
would ask n democratic administration to
keep him in ollice. No republican would
ask Cleveland to appoint iiim , if ho was
out of office. A petition for retention
stands on the same principle. It is
virtually asking a democrat for nn ap
pointment. If a republican would not
ask for an ollieo ho should not ask to bo
retained in one. If lie hi holding nn
ollieo nnd is asked to remain on account
of liis faithful services , it is another
thing. In that case ho has a right to ac
cept , but ho is clearly wrong in asking to
retained. "
_ _
"One Nnll Driven Out .Anollicr. "
Is a French saying that finds exemplifi
cation in the way one disease will substitute -
stituto itself for another -and graver one ,
in very many cases. Liver disease for
instance will soon induce blood disorders ,
throat ailments , skin nll'cctions nnd even
tually , because ot impoverished blood ,
consumption itself , unless indeed , it bo
treated in its incipionoy nnd early pro
gress by Dr. Picrco's "Golden Medical
Discovery" which acts as n specific in
these ailments , accomplishing a rapid
cure by its powerful alterative action
upon the great organs of the body.
iHitllona In Kpcclnl Cars.
Inter Ocean : Fine special cars are one
of the extravagances of American rail
roads , and not n small oxtrnvngiinco
either. Of the twenty or thirty western
and northwestern roaJs each one has
from fOO.OOO to $100,000 invested in
palace cars. If these cars lasted forever
tliero would still bo from 2,000,000 to
$3,000,000 invested in palaces on wheels ,
which did the stockholders no earthly
good , which drew no interest , but which
did cost money to maintain , Take all
the roads on this continent , nnd it would
probably bo found that there are $5,000 ,
000 on wheels for the solo delectation of
their genera ) olllcors , mid a study of the
books of these roads would probably
she w that the 5,000,000 worth of mag
nificent rqlling stock needed to be re-
ueweU every ten years.
rrcpnrpd with Etrlct rcparS tornrltr , F.tMnctti , nnA
llcf UMulno 3. Dr. 1'rico'a Hiking Powder contain *
noAramonlnTrnoAUimor ! 1'liof i > ) 1'rico'a
itmu , Yanllb , Lemon , ctc.tflai ordsUclaucl/ .
CP ! cnu C ! > . nnd n now nnd
52J successful I't'UKnt j-oiir " " ' "
homo by ono who wns dc-nf twenty cliclit
yenrs" " . Ttuntnl by most of Uio noted spooinl-
isls without lipuollt ! cured lntn clf In llii-oo
month ? , nnd FIIKO tlicn hundreds of other. * ,
I'ull tiartlculiir * f > ont on nppl.catlon. T. II.
1'AUfi , No. 11 Westaist Ht , N t > w York I'lty.
> ' 3 f&i&.i.
Electric Appllancei nro tent on 30 Days' ' Trill.
TTT11O arn tmfftrliiir from KKRVOCS PEDIUTY ,
VIGOR , WxflTiS" WEAKNPSRKS , nmlull ttiorn illirnrci
of n 1'EKsoxtL NATUR icsuliinc Irom Ani'tts and
OriiKn OX'srs. Hp ly relief mul complete rtsto-
T tlonOllUALTnVlOOIllinilMlMllKID < IC IIAMBtD.
1 ho trraiuU'st rtUco rry i f tlie Nineteenth C'nlurj.
Bcnilntuntof rlllujlrat ll'.imililflfii'e. | ' "
VOITAIO BELT CO.JflfiR3llftll ,
] ' > > ! Blvtfon your * , ttioy Imvo nt : idllv itnlnm ]
In favor , , mid with euli-g con tnntly iiiurciiHliiif
Imvebnroino tlio most populm-uortct through
out tlio United Milt" ? .
Tlio I' , G mul I ! II tfnulci nrotnndo In SHOUT
MKDIL'M ANI > KXTllA l.ONfl WAIST , ellltlllllo for
nil llriiri | > s. 'J'lm O quality , mndo of Knirlish warranted to wear twleo ns long us
ordinary corsuts.
Highest HfirdS from nil tlio World's irront
Fiilr * " . Tlio lii t mcunl reeulveil Is lor 1'insT
Iinnnn ) : OF MKIIIT , from the Into Exposition
hold nt Now Orleans.
While scoioa of pntonts Imvo boon found
worthless , the principles ot tlio Glovu-l'lttinir
hnvo proved Inviiliiuulo.
llelnllors nro nutliorl/od to refund money , if ,
on examination , thi > po Corsets do not pnivu us
represented. 1 OK BAI.B KVKllV'WlIHItli
\Vhrn I ffty euro 1 tl'i not inonn nu'rrly to * .iop in. . . . _
tlmoamltlioaiavfltlipraroturniie.n. ) I innnnarailleilriiiv.
I l.avo . Tiimlo tl.e . dtwue nf 1'lTri. KI'lI.EI'ftir or KAU.IM *
FlCKNH&a n lUO'litnic mnlr. I arront mrremedy toctiro
thovorst caips. Itocnnoa uthor tia\a fallodltfiio ruanon ttt
not jimv rpcrlvlnc ftftirn. hem ) AC uucn for a tirutlso and A
1'rto Uottlurfmy In fallible r nioi1jr > ( JlvoEiprotsnnJ I'o&fc
It cmtayou nothing for H trial , mul 1 will euro you.
Address I > r. Jl. U. HOOT. U3 Tourl Si. , N w York.
goon In Chief , National Quire
of N. J. , wrltt's :
" 4Iv intuition WM cfillnl it
your Kojftono JIult Whlskujr tij
Ar. laor ! , Urupitlit , of Trenton.
nncl I Imru mul a four kuttlui
ullh fur bvtter ( Tvct than nnr 3
liaVB Imd. 1 am rtionmmotidiufi
> oiir article In my { iniclke , UUQ
find It ery eatl'Uctory. "
( lentil & hu the Slrntturtd
rte-ilallo ef BUli. OQ the LaUl.
( Sol > ill-mi for the V H. )
316. 318 aad 820 Racs St. , Philadebhii. Pa.
Goodman DrtiR Co. , Gen 1. Agents , Omnh
_ _ Nebraska. _
HEtlfjnnn REHTORED , A umo ;
11 II Mill II I jui tlifulluiruileownauiiliv | ;
rirmature Horo/ .
IK'biItvI/t : H nlii xrt < ; . , lutvliiKlr vaLl
very known rcimtlv. ' > a diworcrtxl a
elf iure , w liioh h will spud PR C E trfi liin Tullow u n
tJliltiM. C. J.MAtiON , l-u t UUlixi llo J 3 1 ill. Jtew Yolk City
To Sell the nan
Window Sash Lock
Kvor Invoiited.
, . --jPnt § make I.U iirolll . Clrcu
Xlnralrco. Hium > l > t ny mall Mcti.
, - n.ii wiuii.iCK : ,
and JnJ ! Work.
1020 I-'urnam Street. Uuaba. Neb.
Star Line
Carrying tlio nolgium Iloyai nml Unltud Stutoa
.Mull , Bailing uvvry smurJuy
Between Antwern & New York
Salon from | QO to 87J. Excursion trip from
(110 to fir. . Second Cabin , outwara , fij ;
. .
bt low ratBS. ' I'utor Wrik'ht It Bens , Wuuora
Afcnts , U Hroadway , Kovr Vorc.
llttiry i'un it , r.'lti raniAmHt. ; i'uulsvn fc Co.
liilj FaViiuui U s U.-Q 1'
Trade Mark.
MTTM1 CHlLimKX III Oimi/irt have { ili'cn oltter persons a
dose of Carbolic Smoke Ititlt , for Cntarrh , Asthma , liroiicliitt * , ITajt .F < v
w , Xeitralt/ltt , Jcaf fS ! tKifcsKttrfftc , This cut , which lscopitrl/ht- {
ctlrtinw.'i the ti > cat tlniplicit/ ! thc JSinnhc JtaU"aml how easily It can
l > c adinlnlnlcrcd' Little Jalu takes her $ ' ? thnt ahe hassavett ; for tlio
inlsalnnari/ IbiiyshcriintHthna a "i'/jJoA'd / Hall. " The old latin l < as
Veen troubled for neat * with Catarrh , but now , with thanks to her tilth
oraiul-laiiuhterhc isaboat well atjain.
Qrandmn , you're looking so
much better
Tlmn you huvo Tor months or
more ,
Hut you must follow directions
to tlio letter ,
While 1 simp llils ball ns 1 ilM
Amiwlirnlsnnpyou iiuut Inhale -
The smolto from till * Cnrbollo
lull ,
'Twill renoli tlio illseusu niul
iiovcr lull
To nuke a certain euro ; that's
Wlicrn you pet well 1
you'll tu-iiteo mo ,
Anil I'll toll yon what you
OlIRllt tO ( to.
Just in ( a impor tlmt I'm n
And that
Is u cluL'y , too.
Thlsremedy is meeHnwitli wonderful success tlirouuhout the 1'nited
States. Jt is endorsed by medical sclrntlstsund all irho usf it. Though
taken by inhalation it in like no other inhaler erer in use. Thinned-
iclno rises as a smoke und is Hi/liter than the air you breath , pi'iielrut-
Itm and thoroughly treating erery air pa > suiifl of the head , throat , bron-
ehial tubes n nil Inn ( / . * . Many of the best cilizuifi of Omaha are. usinn
the Smoke Jta'l , and arpcnthiislasllcorer Ita merits. Call at our ojjlco
and beconrinrcd by a I'lHSIS 7 EST.
Sent by mail on receipt o } $2 , and -L cents for pottage.
Carbolic Smoke Ball Company ,
Southeast Corner J < 7// / < and Joilac.
Carving Knives and
Forks ,
Pocket Cutlery.
Scissors in Cases ,
Skates , Etc ,
Only ? " 00 required to secure on Royal Italian 100 francs gold bond. These bonds
participate in 225 drawings , four drawings every year nnd retain their original value
until the year 10 II. Prizes of 2,0011.000 1,000,000,500,000 &c. francs will be drawn , be
sides the certainty of receiving back 100 francs in gold , you may win ! limes a year and
so come into possession of a fortune. We offer these bonds tor ? li.OO , monthly inbtall-
mcnts ns loii ! as our supply lasts.
With only fil.O'J ' ns llrsl payment yon cnn f eoiirn n TJnropoin { 7ovormn"Sit lionils , which nro
drown 1C time * mimiitlly wlili prl/cs ainouiitliiKlo over -.OiO.UiM murks , Imlnnoi ) on CHNV " monthly
installments. Sul'o Investment of cnpltat as tlio invested money must bo piilil Imcl : "nnd ninny
clmnuosto win n lilu prl/o. Mnnoy cnnliosont l > r riurlstiircd letlcr , monuy order or by uxjirosa ,
mid iu return will bi < fonvuidnd thu bonds. Tor I'nrlliur Information , rail on nddrcss ,
IU lil.lN HAMCIXU COJU'AVY , 3O5 Broadway , New York.
N. n. TlioJo bonds itio not lottery tickets , nnd tliosulo Is Icunlly iiormlttcd. ( Hy liiwol 1S78) ) .
A magnificent display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture-
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The Inrgcst stock. Prices the lowest. Ilupairing a specialty. All work warrant
ed. Corner Douglas nnil Ifith streets. Onmli *
Licensed Watchmaker for the Union Pajuilio Railroad company.
The C. E. Mayne Eeal Estate and Trust Co
Property of ovcry description for ealo in all parts of the oity. Laud * for siilo iu
every county in Nebraska.
Of Titles of Dmipkis county ke | > t. Alain of tlio city state or county , or any other
information desired , furnished free ol charge upon application.
Of the Missouri State M-eenm of Anato
my , St. Louis , Mo. ; University College
Hospital London , Gicsen , Germany and
New York , Having devoted their atten
Nervous , Chronic and
More especially those aiismg from impru
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond
\vitlioiitdclay , Diseases of inftction and
contagion cured safely and speedily without
detention from business , and \\ithout the
use of dangerous drugs. Patients whose
eases have been neglected , badly treated or
pronounced incurable , should not fail to
write ns concerning their symptoms , AH
let'ers ' receive immediate attention ,
And will be mailed KKKK to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and Phy
sical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
"Essay on Marriage , " with important chap
ORGANS , the whole forming a valuable med
ical treatise which should be read by all
young men , Address
ims. s. & i > . i > vvu : ' o\ ,
Kaureiire .SI. , Ilttnvur , Col.
i MOnK CATAIUIII. ThtCirratRerraia
jmi ka 'c and U. < k fur I cen't In bUuipjt.
The Tremont ,
J. C. ITraiWIlAUKV KN , Proprietor * .
Cor , Uli niul 1'Sts. , Lincoln , Nob.
n ti > i tt. ) nor daj. Street can < roia.lioui anr
P rtof Uio ell 7 ,
Architect ,
OMlcPH-31. ill ami , HiiiliHr.lii IJlook , Lincoln.
Kob. IlIoviiluriTalUli BIIUUU
llrcDilorol Ilrxflorot
K. . J
Live Stock Auctioneer
Hnlos miulH In nil imits of tln > U.S. ut fair
rntcs. JlooniJ , Slum lllucK , Lincoln , Noli ,
umldliort lloni tiulU
15. 11. GOULDING ,
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
OorrrnpnnnViicn In nv rl tn loiinii soli
Itooin 4 , Kn'bHrilB lilofk. I.uwjlu. Noli.
H/iverside Short Horns
01 strictly piira llntofl iiii'i iltttosTupjioiluuttJu.
H rU lunnlicru Hbout > ' > i luiinl.
J'tiiDlllO' * ruiirvni'iituJ : I'llberts , i'ruf'i ,
Acointis. Itonlux , Itosoof Slmrons , .Mii'j lo ( -j ,
Kiii lilly Dnclii-sBin , 1 lilt Crock VOUIIL' M.try ,
i'liyllHus , l-outint iiiul Trui' ' Ifivut.
liulU lor t4lo. I I'uru Ilutos Filbert. 1 I'uro
UutC'l CruKt-'s , 1 Itosuof Sliuron , 1 Vtiimv Mary.
1 I'ino Cruluk Bliunii itml inner ? . I'nino u < ni
Insnwtthu Itorl. AJilifss , CltAS. il. liKAN-
When mil ncoln nepal
National Hotel ,
And ifot a uoJ dniuur Co Jo.FJKUA.WAY
FJKUA.WAY l'roi >