Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1887, Image 3

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Prospects That the Big Local Operators
Are Going to Make Another Winning.
Prominent Scalpers Make On-
ntiuiKlit on Pork CAtilo Prices
Dull , Weak anil iimvcr A Doom
In llotfs QiiottttloiiB.
CnirAoo , .Jan. 7. Telegram to
the HKI : . | It beuhiB to look as If the big
local operators were golnst to make anothei
wliinliiK. Wheat for about a month advanced
so persistently when they inld and declined
so certainly When they bought Hint It began
to look as If Ueam and others hail lost or
given away their mascot. Hut M-iy wheat
has now declined nearly 3e a bushel since the
big onetators here turned sellers. The crowd
Is actually bediming to get over Its sympa
thy and to have a little inspect for Ueam
again. Cables helped sellers again this morn
ing. They described foreign sellers and buy
trs as a good w a > s apai U ISpam at the openIng -
Ing was In the wheat pit and sold smalt lots
ol wheat llbei ally to all bidders. When the
maiket was K"i\c ho cilfeied at H' 14'ZSi" ( > ' 1HC
and In that way by selling perhaoi 2.7J.OOO
bushels got thu pilee down to 'MS/.I Vi' c.
Kncli little decline now puts the big
film its at a bigger advantaze , as their
jiiollls aioaccrulngland theli confidence in
creasing In proportion. A Her Knam had
llnlshed his . 'clllnir there wete no Inipottanl
Incidents In wheat estimates on the next vis
ible or Hie clearances The news attitude ol
onlMdu markets was all bearish. Iteam pin-
diets that Mav wheat will sell at Wa and May
corn at : i5c. llather heavy selling by KtunlTor
gave the ciowd the Iiupicsslon that Cudahy ,
who has been simply .sitting still on the line
of short wheat , was Increasing that line.
J.vcn the news fiom New } ork was not of a
bullish character. Mllmlue , > \ : Co.
\\eie pictty heavy scllcis. Jtloom.oneof the
largo scalpers , It Is belle\cd , bought bomo-
thlng like 500.000 bushels on the bieak.
initchlnson was ijiiotcd as predicting an ad
vance before the day was over , but
this piedlction was not leall/ed. On
the icgular boaid up lo 1 o'clock thu
range was between sve and KV c.
It moved about between these limits
\eiy freely and wltlmnl much apparent rea
hon. I , Imlbloom predicts an Incrc.isu in thu
vislblo.sujiply ol wheat of at .VW.OOO
bushels Monday. Mav wheat closed at 'U' ' ,
and January at 7V. Kebruaiy sold nl
7S"4c and closed at 7Sn < c , and Mutch at
Corn received moderate attention eaily , but
toward the close became dull. Liverpool was
liriucrand hlgber. The reports here were
liberal and the shipping demand Ilirht.
'J'hero was less pressiiio to sell. A fair de
mand fiom shorts existed , and the maikct
lemained .steady. May opened at I2c , sold to
12'4@t2\c ' , and closed at 1 o'clock at 42'4c '
bid , January at . ' 'fc. . Oats kept at one lig-
ure all day lor Inline delivery , and show a
Inlle advance , but the volume ol business
transacted was light. January e , Febru
ary ! ! GUc , Maieh , WJ/e , May aifrlHl 'fle. ' The
big .scalping opeiators turned their attention
to iiot k this nioniiiiL' . 'I'hey have this
week moved Irom pit to pit raiding
prices. Yesterday they made a dash nt
corn , the day before at wheat. This morn
ing Singer nnd Charles Wilght M > ldMuv
noik fidmS12 > Ole S12.4iij within a veiy
few minutes. The ciowd Is long and iloes
not easily lane big lol.s except at a consider
able decline. The slaughter M ) lar I Ids year
Is only 45,000 head under last year , showing
that Omaha nnd Kau ns City "houses , which
wcro started Into special activity at the time
of the i strike bauskcpt up tbiilrsjieed in Killing
although the stilke was settled moio speedily
than everybody in I lie trade Imagined. The
interest centered laigelv in pork on the alter-
noun Hrsilon. Tlic May option Mailed nt
S12..V ; bid , which was the liguie at 1 o clock.
but iniiler lieu idling ft declined to Sl'.VITX
where It closed. Wheat was quiet and un
changed , with no outside news to iniluencn
the maikct. Corn was dull and neglected.
May sold at 42 ' . ,01 , 12 ' , c at the close. May
wheat closed at N"I\C.
CIIIPAOO , .Ian. 7. | Special Telegram to
the ] ! IB. | CATTI.K A glance over the
recoid of the week shows that Monday prices
declined 15c , and by Thursday this had been
fully recovered , thu maikct being about the
Fame as on the closini : day of last year , when
It was the best It had been for many weeks.
The general maiket to-day was dull , weak
nnd lower , as the supply was largo for Kild.ij
and icceipts lor the week are decidedly
heavy. Kales to-day weic made very un"
evenly and of comsu thu opinions of good
judges vailed , but on the geneial average
prices wcro lOe lower , the maiket losing
nearly or quite as much as it gained Thurs-
dayr The sales included homo fancy heavy
cuUlunl S5. : i7 > j. As ashowlngof how httlo
importance Is welt'ht eompaied with quality ,
homo laucy lees to KM n , hteers sold at SI. If
(1/1.40 , with one lot of llii : Ibhtecrsat 4.75 ,
while 1400 to 1500 IbMeers sold at the same
pi Ices. .Some late sale.s of eattlo weie l.VS"Oe
lower , and manj late arilvals- went over 1111-
M > Id. Good to extia , ? i,50n5.i7kj ! ; medium ,
S4.Xut4 ( ) 21 ; common , S'UOii.75 ' ( ! : ; Mockcis
in id teeders , S2i' > nfi.75 : ; cows , bulls and
mixed , il.50fjt.40 ( ; ; bulk , 5-2.2 X'C75 ' ,
lions- The maiket opened with a consld-
r t able boom , lii tt sales Bhowini : an advance.
ol .r > ( if lOc over the closing of yestenlay and at
theadvanc'J thogieat bulk of hoes were sold ,
The in line c.iusu ot the stiuugth was the be
Ilet that the run would fall lar nhort ot the
eMim , ties , hut toward 10 or 11 o'clock It became
came evident that the icceinls would lead
25.000 Instead of 1 ,000 , ns was estimated In
the moinlng , hence late sales were about f
lOc lower than those uudo early , oratahoui
the same as at the close last night. Fancy
heavy .sold at tht ) opening at Sl.t'5 ' 5.00 , bill
the same , and all otheis , would not bull as
high within lOc at the close. Tlio maikct
closed dull.
Near York. Jan. 7. MoN'r.v On cal
easy al 4rt ( percent ; closing at 4i/5 ( per cent
I'lllMU MKllCAM'IL.K 1'Al'KU Oi57 per
ijTi'.ni INO KxciiAVoi-ulct } at $4.bO x for
El.xty day bills ; Sl. 4'4 lor demand.
GOVKIINMKNTS ( iuNcrniucnt bonds were
dull and heavy.
H nit KS Thu stock market was more active
but feverish and Irregular , subject to Middci
and spasmobio movements In prices. Thu
opening was sommvlint Irregular , but the
majority of stocks weio lownrtho , : tlcellne
liom last eveuiiiK s prices langing from 'H ©
W percent , Kiirlher slight were estab
lishcd in early de.ilincs , I'aclhc Mall losini ,
] per cent. Prices soon rallied , and uiidei
the lead of Jersey Cential showctl advances
thioughiiut the lut betoio the end of the fir *
hour. Later the entlio market yielded am
became quiet. Jersey Central being a notable.
exception , Theiuwasa tracllonal rally ii
the aftei noon , but In thcla t hour thodccllno
gathered foico and the close was weak at thu
lowest pi Ices leached.
H rent bonds. . , . 100 c. A .N. W . mv
t' ' . h. 4H' . lif.iijf pret on cd. . inn
Now4'n . IM'J N. y.o. . ! . 11 . IB.
125 Oregon Tran
Pixel lie Put-Hie M.ill 4'J
' ' ' ' ' "
C.C. 1M jl\ P.0 , . ! . . . . . . HI )
C. H. AU
1 > . h. A W l' lSt. . 1.1. l 8. K. ' . ' . ' !
I ) . Alt. G preferred. . .
O..M. A-St. P. . . btlj
prefmei ; . . 71't iircffiieil. . .
Jlllnols ( Vutul. 1 , SI. P. , t < )
1. , U. * W 1C t jirefetreil. . . .
SP , Texas Paelilo. . .
l'1'j ' ' I'moil I'aeliic. . .
N W'k W. , St. L. it P. . 10i
Mich. Ccntrnl. . . W | preferred. . .
Wo. Pacldo 10IVVbtcrn Union. 74 ij
Kmtlii'rn 1'ac. . . H. A N. . . 101
pii'/i-md. . . & ' . " * AS ! > esiiiieut paid.
puouucr : MAUKKT.
Clilcaco , Jan. 7. Followlnc Quotations
am the 2io ; ! closing llnnres ;
Flour Steady and linn : winter wliea
Hour , 54.W 4.SO ; soutnmi. S4.10v .eO ; Wls-
consin.84.'JU 4.SO ; Michigan bofltprlnc whoa
SX70C.U.KO ; Minnesota bake , 8i7iXi 4. : > o
patents. { 1.50v t-i.bU ; low grade. * . 31.95tl2.95 (
DO Hour , quiet nt sa.S5 < .ia.70 In bartels
tml SH.icX.ci40 ; ; in tacks.
Wheat-opciieu about , a6@ > ic below closing
cslcrdayand closed s < ; e under yesterday ;
a h , 7s\c ! Kebruarj- * < e ; May , S-'Vc ,
Corn Dull ; moderately active ; oncnlm ?
\as 't'ji'.tfc below ycstenlav's closinit , nnd
' 00 w'as He better ; cash , SOJ c ! Kebritftry ,
' < c : May , 42 5-lGc.
Oats Dull and < featureless , with no
chance ; cash , 2G4'e ; Kcbruaiy. SflHc ; May ,
11 Mikr.
Uvc-Qnlpt at Me.
Itarley Dull at.V.'X" " 'lc.
Timothy sec < l I'rline , Sl.b" .
Whl ky-Sl.l8.
1'ork Active ; advanced eatlv : closing
JJuttor Qnlot ; cieatnury , iM QSOc : dairy ,
clieoso Qnlet ; full rrcnm eheddnrs. 12'4'(3 (
12't'c ' ; Hats , 13' ( ria < i ; joiiiig Americas ,
liVf(13c ! ( : sklini , ? , 'fWl c.
llltlus Sstwnly and iitirhaiiired ; tlrepii ,
i'j'e ' : heavy croon salted , 7 > c : salted
mil , CI'IP : ilrv salted , IKgl'Jc ;
thv Mint , 1:0 : j He : ileaoons/J-'ic each.
Tallnw .No. 1 country , aj c ; No , 2 , iiJ4'c :
cake , -lc.
KprolDt * . ShiDinenK
Flour. ! ) ! ) ! * 17.0 < h ) 17.000
Wheat.bit til.OOO b.OOO
Corn. Dit 'J1.000
( ) at .bu lir.K ( > 0
Kye. hit StW
St. lioitlH. .Inn. \Vheat-\Vuak \ nntl
ln\\cr : No. ' - it'll , cali , bvi'ic ; February ,
si'/c ' : May. SJ-MSSI , , , . .
Coin ll.iiv ; No. U mixed , rash. 3l ° i(33J.sC ( ;
J'l'brnaty , 'i : > ? 4e : .May , ' . ' , .e.
Oats About sleaify : No. 2 mixed , cash ,
S 'jp ' ; I'flirtiary'Ji'c ' : Jlny , ! ) lc.
I\c-Noriliml ( ut.VJc.
U'lilskv-Sl.ii. :
Pork Steady ntIO.'A
1.aril-I'll in at Sfi.o. : ;
Itntter ( Jiilel but hle.uly ; oreainety , " 4 ®
" * i" ilalry , l.Vif'SJp.
Aftt'inoon I'llmer anil ' ( , < ? }
' 41liklior. . Corn rni'liaiiKt'd. U.tts l-'inn
nntl 'fc ' blither.
KansiiH City , , lin , 7. Wheat Steady :
Nn. Bred , rash , 70o bid ; May. 7-'ie ' bid.
Coin Qniot : No. ' . ' , fash , uCJjcaskt'd ; Feb
ruary , HI' ' c bid : May.V.e. ! !
O.its Nominal ; .To hid lor cash.
Now Orlpnns.Ian. . 7 , Coin Quiet ami
steadvhlte ; , -lOirfnc ; mixed , -l c ; > cllo\v ,
Oats Khmer ; cholco western , : > 0@IOc.
Corn Meal-Quiet at S2.0. ! !
Hog Products Muht demand , but holders
film : DOIk , Sl'J.w ; ; lard , iciiued tierce ,
S0.i7'j. :
Hulkmeals Shoulders. S5.00 ; long clear
ami clear ribs $ r.wZ.
New York , -Ian. 7. Wheat Kasler ; re
ceipts. 51,500 : oxiioits , I''l.OOO ; uiigiaded
ref.S7Q'.HV ( > 4i' ; No.iietl. : ! ) ; sfc : No.2. red. ! ! ( .B
! M'4o ' in elevator , Mr < i\ \ * ji > alloat : No. 1 led ,
Uiljtfe ; o\tia icd , 05 tc ; Xo. led , February ,
clo.sed at JKIe.
Coin--.Spot film and fairly active for ex
ports ; options opened ste.idy , later declined
} ( , dt'V1. closing steadier ; iccelpts , 01.000 ; e\-
poi Is , 7 , WO : u n graded , 47'r47i'c ( ; No. II , 4 ( ! > fc ;
lor new-IT'ic lorold : No. 2. isj.'c ; 1. o. b. ,
17'jfc in elevator , 4s c alloat ; Kcbiuary , clos
ing at 4l > ' , c.
Oats Modoralely active ; tccolpts , Sl.OOO ;
cxpoits , 10 ! ! ; mixed westein , ; ; Un ( 7c ; white
western , ! ! > ; @l'e. !
Petroleum L'ulted closed at 70 ; 'c.
Kggs ICasier and less active ; western ,
fie.sli , SlwSJtj.
Poik-Quhit and baiely steady.
Lard Lower but lalily active ; westeiu
steam , spot. 8rt.W'i.
Hutter ( jnlet and lirm ; western , la ' c ;
Klgiu creamery , DJ'e.
nillwnukoc , Jan. 7. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 7Sc ; Kebiuarv , 7sve ; ; May , We.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , : > ( ! ' , c.
Oats-Firm : No. 2 , 20 < ; c.
Kyo-lull ; No. 1. 50c.
Hurley Weak ; NO. 'J , file.
Piovislons Lower ; poik , January , S1'-M5 ;
February , 312.15.
Cincinnati. Jan. 7. Wheat Quiel but
firm ; No. 2 , led , S4c.
Coru Kasy ; No. 2 mixed. 'I4c.
Oats Kasfcr ; No. 2 mixed , % Vc.
live-Dull : No. 2 , fijifafioe.
Pork-ljulet at S12.r/i' ' . ; .
Lartl Dull at S l. 7 < ( n.M ) ) .
Whlsuy Steady at SUM.
MhincnpoilM , Jan. 7. Wheat Active
and In demand at lower piicos ; No. 1 hard ,
casb , 77 fc ; I'ebiuary. 70 ; Mav , Sic ; No.l
noithern , cash , 7tJc ! ) : I'ebiuary , 77i ! : May ,
b2c ; No. 2 northern , casli , 7l'jc ; February ,
7fMay : , bOc.
Flour Firm ; patents , S 1.50. 4.70 ; bakers ,
33.fiOai.75. ( :
lleceipts Wheat , lOj.OOO bu.
Shipments Wheat , 11,000 bu. ; flour , 11.000
Chluneo. Jan. 7. The Drover's Journal
icporlH as follows ;
Cattle Hcceipts. 10,000 ; weak and 10 ; < 5
ISe lower ; cootl to extia , S4.50@5. . < ! 7J1j' ,
common to medium ; si.40't4.25 ; ( ; .stocker.s
anil leedcrs. Si.2" > ( ni.75 : ; cows , bulls auct
mixed , Sl.fWUO ; bulk , 5.25@2.75.
Hojs Hecelpts , 20.000 ; stionb' ; earl.v clos
ing lowci ; lough and mixed. Sl.00ta-l.70 ;
packing and shipplncv SI. " 0@5.00 ; light ,
{ ? 3.s55 ( < 4i.o1i : skips , 2.75cai.s"i. :
Sheep Hecelpts , ; ! ,000 : steady ; natives.
S2.5XiZ5.10 ; western , > 2.75 < $ I.5'J ; Te.xans ,
5:2.2.i4CO ( ; lambs , S I.OOQ5.25.
St. liotitfl. Jan. 7. Cattle-Ituceipt . 500 ;
shltmients , 400 ; ruled lirm ; ehoico heavy
native steers. S4..v/Cl.ko : : ; lair to good nhlp-
) ) ing. steers SariO ; i-4 ! ! 0 ; mitchois' steers , com
mon to pi hue , St. low 1.15 ; lecder-lairtOKOOd ,
fc2.10l2.0. !
Hogs Kecelpts. 1.000 ; shipments , 2,000 ;
sh.ulo higher ; choice heavy and butcber.s'
selections , $4.bOci.l.i5 ( : ] ) acklng , fair to uood ,
S4.riV.4l.75 ; Yoikers , medium lo fancy , 51.0 : !
( $4.50 ; pign , common to good , si.0ii ; : ! ( , ; < . ' ! .
Kansas City , Jan. 7. Cattle Receipts ,
800 ; shipments , nouo ; active and lirm ; com
mon t > ) choice , Si.50r : | M.T > ; stockcrs , $2.40w
2.SO ; feeding uleeis , SJ.Wd/.I.W ; cow , S1.50
yi.50. :
Hoes Heceipts , S.OOO ; fihipments , 000 ;
.strong and hluher lorcliolco beavv ; medium
'o good , lOc higher ; good to choice , sH.55 ( . < ?
4.7.5 ; common to medium. S'4.'iOjf4.50. (
O .MA II A litvr. STOCK.
Filday , Jan. 7.
Cut tic.
The lecclpts of cattle were estiomcly light
ami ihero weio hardly eunuch to make a
market. The demand was active and what
\\cru in sold icadlly. Trices lemain stiong.
The lecelpts of hogs were Ihe same as yes
tetday. The market was lairly actno at
ye&tei day's prices und the pens \\cro clcaietl ,
Shoe p.
The maiket \ciyqulotand nothlni ; doing
ol an ) account. _
Cattle . . 200
llon's . ; isoo
Showing the prevailing prices p.Uil for Hv6
Rtoek on thb mai kot.
Cholco steers. WVJ to 1500 Ibs . Sl.no4.50
Choloosteors. nooto ww UH . 4.oo i.20
tJooatceder.s . 2.75 : i.0u'
( iood to clioiCJ corn-fed cows , , . 2,75Wl.'i5 !
hair to met mm grass cows . 2.00Cn2.50
Coed to chntco oulls . l.MfeH.oo
Lmhtand medium hoes . iJr : > aMr
( iood to cholco heavy cogs . 4,5.v < f 1.70
( iood to choice mixed ness . 4.40MI.50
( iootl to clioico sheen. . 2.75Mt,20 ;
Falrtogood sheep . 2.2y42.50
Heprcscntntive Males.
Biiin : : .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r.
1 . . .IVJO Sil.'i' ! IH ) . . . , 10.15 $ 'J.W >
m. . . . sas a. 10 II..IKXJ ; j.oo
40. . . . & 'i5 3.40
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..11N ) S2.25 ID. . . . TOO J S'-.bO
l..l 10 ' . ' .to 20. . . . IK'S a. 15
0. . . 1000 2.05
Xo. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r ,
1..121K ) Sti.00
No. Av. Shk. Pr No , Av. Shk. Pr ,
07. . . W 240S4.IU ) fc'.aji : N ) 51.W
70..2'ij 2 < 'iO 4.40 Gs..22S J10 4.50
cu./m 100 4.40 &s..2ui ; so 4.50
W..11H ll 4.40 71. . . . 270 so 4.50
74..21S N ) 4.45 Oi..Sfti N ) 4.f > 0
S3..1SW ICO J.45 nO..2.-jl 500 4.4T <
71. . . .270 60 4.45 C0..3S5 100 4.55
G3..2 < M SXX ) 4.45 59..2C3 100 4.55
70 , . . .213 40 4.45 6'J . . .Si'J 200 4.M
61. . . .204 bO 4.4" M. , . . Sty 1100 4.55
tJ ) . . .237 W 4.45 03. . . . 575 240 4.5S
C0..25U SO 4.fiO O'J..255 2bO 4.G5
fiU.SO } 120 4.50 OS. . . .279 1WO 4.53
CO . . .257 200 4.fO 55. , .2t 200 4.55
fi9.225 120 4.60 & 5..250 ICO 4.55
M..27S 200 4..V ) ( U..2SC ICO 4.CO
70 . .852 240 4.50 .V : . . . : H4 2. 0 4.CO
on..ss2 120 4.r.o . no. . .aso 220 4.00
75. , .V > \ SO 450 55. . . , 518 M 4.fO
nr.SSTi 210 4..10 OH..3-J7 1M 4.M
67. . . . 212 SO 4.'X ) 70..2SJ ICO 4.00
51..2M ) SOO 4.50 rO..3M 120 4. (
CO , . .2.Vj ICO 4.50 rl..3ri 40 4.70
Showing the highest and lowest prices
paid for loads of hogs on IhU market during
the past seven days and lor the same time
last year : _
Iee. ISM. l Jan. ls r. | .Inn. lft
Holiday. llollilny.
Sunday ass
4.40 ftt.70
4.10 l.7 : >
4.tO : 6M.70
All sale * ot stock in this market are tnntle
tirrcwt. live welirht unless otherwise stnt&l.
Dead h"K3 sell at Jfc per Ib. for all weights.
"Skins , " or liojjs weUhlnc Ics * than 10d In * ,
no value. PietrtiHnt sows are docked 40 Ibs.
and stags So Ibs , by tlio public Inspector.
No heirs loft over.
lloz market stonily.
Llpht receipts of cattle.
Fowler Htos. boimht 'J,1U1 hogs on to-tla > 's
V. X. .lelTiey , Osceola , was heic anil sold n
load uf Inn .
I. Manlon , Wabasli , was In to-day and sold
two loads ol hoa * .
I ) . X. Wheeler , 1'endcr. Neb. , was In and
maikuk'd a load ot Ii02 * .
Mr. Sb.ifcr , of .loncs it Shafcr. lladdom ,
Kan. , was In and sold two load * at IIOKH.
Watson TV OII , the rcprosuntative ofVa \ h-
Inston county , was looUlng o\cr thu yatds
to-day ,
.Mi. Uramble , of the Him of Karrcll \ llrain
ble. Xi'wmarkot la , In
, , camu to-day uitli
two loads ot hos. ;
\V. F. Drown , of thu commission firm of
\V. F. Itiown iV Co. . has ictuiiiL'il fiom a
two wei'ks * visit to Ulilco o.
W. It. Adams Kails City , was at thu yards
tn-ilav , Mr. Adams has just loeated In
Omaha and Is Intuiestua In the ii'.il estate
OMAHA wiioi < ns.vhis M.VUKUTS.
General I'roitiioe.
Friday , Jan. 7.
Thc/ottoit'fiin prices are Jnr rottiKi lot * nf
proiliii'C , us million the mrir'tct to-thin. The
qitotattons rm/ntfH rcprctcn' tnc prices at
ttMo'i nntxlacorilcrs are flUc < l.
Knos The receipt.- , are not heavy , but the
market Is veiy dull and stocks mine slowly.
The majority of the sales ol Iresh block are
made nt'-Mc. The maiket is tinner anil mote
ixctlxc. Old stock has been largely cle.ined
up and fiesh receipts of clioico j-iados Is mov
ing more i oat Illy. Cholco daiiv , lOirtlS ; KOOI !
country , HGglOo ; cominon Blades , ( VHJ12.
Pon.Titv The deinaml lor chickens Is a
little better , nml uootl stock is selllm : nt fe ,
with an occasional sale at lie. Ttiikevs aio
slow sale nt liny price. ' 1 ho oiiNltle for is n'llinir
at lOe. i.iecso nnd tlucUs sell 1'aiiiy well at
Oiimisi : . , IJl'jc ' ;
lull cream llatstwin .liKc ! ; yonnijAnieriean ,
lie ; fancy .Swiss , Hiii ( : > ; , * > ws ! < < , impoited ,
'J."e : I.lmbiirKcr , l" e : brick , HIKI.V.
( IAMI : Quail , per do/ . 31.7.VZ4J.OO : ducks ,
mallard , per do/ , til.'K'fJ.OO : ducks , teal , per
do , $ l,2.i iH.30 : ducks , mixed , pur doSI.5 ;
KeO"e , per dosa.50. .
Ai'i'i.iis The maikct is vcrv lirm ami
stocks are verv small. Choice Missouri are
qtiotetl at < * .V > 0ai ( 75 , Mlrhican , 5fS.7-V 1.00.
POT A loi.s 'I he trade it. limited to the sale
of small lots , a lew sacks at n time. Choice
stock sells at r,0c.
Cnt.niiY The market Is steady. Choice
stock per doT ! c : extr.x larue , per do/ . , -lOc.
Ovyniits .Meilliinis , VJDc ; standiirds , 'Jiic :
pelcct.s , 2s ; extra selects , VJv ; X. V. counts ,
CHANiir.unir.s Capo Cod , fancy , per bbl ,
S11.00iicl2.ou : bull and bunle. per bbl , S10.00.
HANANAS Hananascllow . , per bunch ,
S2.00ti/,2.2. > ; bananas , yellow , lai ire , pel bunch ,
S'j.riOti. : . " ( . ' .
LiKMONs Messina , per box SO.00.
OUAXII > KloiIda , choice , 1. > 0-MO ( ( ! to box
S500 ; do. 5 box lotn , 54.7.r > ; Valencia , pei
case. fes.50 ; Caliloinia Itiverside , ues > box ,
MAIM.I : SfOAii Strictly pure , , r > 0 Ib boxes ,
tier Ib , 15c ; choice 5c bricks , i"i Ib boxes , pei
Ib , I''e ; choice p.Miny cakes. - " > Ib boxes , per
SAI-'U ! Kit\t-T-Per : W gal bbl , 80.00 ; 10
gal , hall bbl ? : ! .ro.
PIIOVISIOXS Ham. sucar-ctiietl , ll'ic ;
breakfast bacon. Miuarctned , boneless , 1U' ' ( ;
shouldeis , Oc ; clear side bacon , sc : dry salt
sides , 7e : iliietl beef , bams , He ; diieil bcel ,
rccular , lie : mess poik , per . jl , 5l")0 ; laid ,
M ) ll > cans , Fan tunics , f.Se | : laid. 10 , 5 and a
Ib pails , Fairbanks , , 7l.JCil'ae. '
Fi.ot'ii AND Mii.i.STt'FKs \ \ Inter wheat
Hour , best quality patent , SfJ.7.r : second oual-
lly. 5U.-IO ; quality silling wheat
Hour , patent , 5I.OObraii. ; ; . ' > t > cpiirewtehopp ; < id
feed , 70c per cwt : while corn meal , tiOc ;
yellow corn meal , Hc ) per cwt : screening , ( WJc
porcwt ; hominy , 8-.Ou par cwt : sboits , .Tic
percwt ; srahain SI.00 ; hay , in bales , SS.JX ) ®
C.OOuer ton.
Orocori" li'iHt.
PirKi.K'i Mediiini , In bbls , SO..V ) : do. In
hall bhls , : i.ri ; .small , in bbln. S7..U ; do , in
halt nbKSI.iV t hiklns , inhbU , S8.M ; do ,
in hall' bbls. S4.75.
in r Vo. 70. 4-fallon kous 51.20 ; Xew
Orleans , per n.illon sst < r40c ; maple ; sj run.
hall bbls , "old lime , " per gallon , Tie 1 gal
lon cans , per doz , S10.00 ; halt gallon cans ,
per doJ5.f ? > 0 ; ( | imit cans , oi.i/ ! " .
SrAitrn Miiror n\\i \ > . \ Ib , fij o : mirror
Kloss , : t Ib , .ri'c ' : miiror uloss , till ) , tiKc ;
Craves' corn , l ih , Co ; KiiiKsfoid's corn , I lo ,
7e ; KliiKstuiii'rf tloss , l ib. 7c : KitiL'sford's
closs , 0 Ib. 7' < e , Klncstoiil's pure , 15 Ib , 7ic ;
Klnjisfonls hulk , -Ic.
! ! 7e ; star. H'.V ; Hiii-arhe.ui , We : piierhcidsick' |
fiOc : gold shield , aic ; merry war , U'Jc ' : J. T.
M.viriiiis Pereaddle , 'iie ; sriti.uo eases ,
SI.70 : nmle sqtinri' . 81.20.
CANUV Mixed.litll'/c ; stick , S'i'giRi'c. ' '
CIIACKIMIS ( jarneau'a soda , butter und
picnicftv : creamss > ue ; EliiKcrsnapsb' c ;
city soda , TiR ;
.SOAI'Kyc | ! s savon Imperial , S2.70 ;
Kuic s satinet. $ ii,00 ; Kirk s standard , 5:1.05 : ;
Kirk's while Kniliin. SI.00 ; Kirk's white-
cap. SO.M ) ; dome , SU.85 ; washboaul , 511.10 ;
wliltii cloud. 33.75.
( 'A.v.VKno ( ! < > iis Oystcrsstaiiiiardpcroa'-pt
? : i.lfi'.ii.iri : : stiawbeiiiLSb. ] percale. S'.UO ;
raspbeiries 2 Ib , per case , S2.0 ; California
pewrs , per case , 84.WJ ; apricots , jier e.isj ;
S4.COpeaches , pp > - case , S-VJ-i ; white cher
ries , jier case , S0.03 ; plums , jicr ease , 53.03 ,
blueberries per case , S51K" > ; esc plums. 'J Ib
per ease , { 'J.W ) ; pineapple * , a Ib , per case
8:1.20615.75 : : 1 ll ) nih-kerei. per doS1.40 ;
1 ID salmon , per tlo7 , Sl.McSl.fiO ; a ID oose ,
berries , per case. Si,7.1 ; 2 Jb > trine beans , per
ease , S1.70 ; 2 Ib Hurt beans , per case , SUV ) ;
2 Ib marrowfat peas , per ease , 3.40 ; 'Jib
eaily.Iuno peas , per easi ) . 52.7.5 : a Ib toma
toes , 2.10i'i2.iV'J Ib.corn S2.10fifA3' ) .
Dninu Knt'iro. . 1 quaiter apples , .lifriT1
Oe ; In evaporated boxes , 12lsjcic ( : : : blackberries -
berries , boxes , lliJ115 ! < c ; peaches , Salt l.iiko ,
Ib o , KJC'il'i'jc ' ; peaches , c\apoiated , 15' ' < , n ;
17c ; raspberries , nuw/j-Jc ; currents , 7 ® < 7 > i
prunes , now Wn * 'c.
SroAiis Powderen , 7c ; cut lonf ,
CJftncranulated ; , rt caovs confectioners *
A , li'te : standard oxlia C , r WSjo ; extra
C. S fW5XcS medium yellow , 4i , ( < J'C.
COKKKKS Ordinary grades , HVf iin < > fal
15ttlf > Kc ; inline , J5 > $ ( < 4lOo : choice , It'iC'UO p ;
fancy Kieen nnd yellow , KV3lo ; old toy-
prnment Java , S02tV' ! ; Interior .lava , lOKM
20e ; Mocha , ' 2n(2lu : Aibucklo's roasted
lU'-ie ' ; Mcl/aiicblln's XXXroHStcd , lii e ;
Uilworth'd , l'Jj ; Jted Cross , 1' > , * 4c.
Cionnral Mnruots.
HIDES ( Jreon butchers , fi'.j'Kfic ' ; Kceen
cuied. "c : drv Hint , llnfl''e ; dry salt. I'diloe ' ;
creen call skins , WJ'tfe ; damaged hides ,
U\o-thiids piice. Tallow 'ij e. ( Irease
Prunowhltu , : i Vc ; yellow , 2'4o ' ; brown , "
Shpco Pelts , 2.rxa7&c.
iiuAvv llAiiDWAitr. iron , rat s. . ,
plow steel special e.xst,4jccruclhlu3teelC } ; > fc ;
cast tools , do. 12if ( I6c ; wajron spokes , per set ,
2.00rf3.M ) ; hubs , per set , 51.25 ; telloes ,
eaweil dry , 51.SO ; tonune.s , each , bOc : axels
pacb. 75c : sonaio nuts , per Ib. Ha7Iu ; cell
chain , per ib. iKgl'Jc ; malleable , 7 ( < sJ.M ; non
wedcps , Co ; crowbars , fie ; harrow teeth , J'ic ,
( spring steel , " ( jU'e ' ; liurdun'g horseshoes.
t4WJ ; lUinlcn a mule bhoes , fi.M. llarbed
wire , In car lotfi , S4.00 pur 100 Ibs.
Nails , rates , 10 to > , 82.M ; steel nails , 82.05.
.Shot , Sl.0.5 ; buckshot , 51.M ; oriental powder ,
kegs , S2.50 ; dp. half kes.sSiOO : do. quarter
tew. 81.50 ; blastliiR kegs , $2.35 ; fuse , per 10
feel , G5c. l.eaU bar , Slti
A \AuxisiiEh Uaueis , per gallon ? furni
ture , extra , S1.10 ; furniture. No. 1. Sl.ouj
coach extra , 51.40 ; coach , No. 1,51.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; nsplmltuin ,
extra fc5c : shellac , 53.50 ; hatd oil linlsh ,
bmtlTS Colocne spirits , J69 proof , S1.17 ;
uo 101 proof , S1.1S ; hpiritssecond quality ,
101 proof , S1.17 ; Uo Ibd proof , 11.10 '
183 proof , S-J.20 per wine e.illon. Redistilled
whiskies , Sl.00dtl.50. Oln , blended ,
P.OO ; Kentuckv bourbons , S2.0oatXOO ; Ken-
lucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.OOMA.Mi ;
( lolden Sbcaf bourbon find rye whisk le.- > ,
Sl."iOa3.W. Urandles , Imported , S. OO S. . ' * ;
domestic , fl.WX33.00. Olns. Imported , J4.M
0"i < 5.00 ; domestic , S1.C.X.J3.00. Champagne ? ,
Imported , per case , sas,00(333.00 ( ; American ,
per case , slo.ootfio oj.\
TAINTS ix On. White lead. Omaha , ! ' . P. ,
7Kc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , S7.75 ; Mar
seilles green. I to r > Ib can ? , 2e ; Krcncn vine ,
ereen seal , 12c ! French zinc , red seal , lie ;
French zinc. In varnMi as > t , COc ; French
zinc. 7C-c ; vermllllon , Kngllph. In oil , 7.V. ;
red ,
chrome yel
ochre , French , SVc : ochre. American ,
IKe ; Winter's mineral , 2 > ; Lehlgh blown ,
2' < c ; Spanish brown , 2 } c ; iTinco's rclncral ,
So.DIIY I'AisTs-Whiio lead , Sc : French sine ,
lOc ; Tar ! , wliltlne , 2 > 4c ; whiting , cllders
JJfc ; whiting , com 1 , t'ic ; lampblack , Her-
manstown , 12c ; lampblack , ordinary. K"
Prussian bliior > 5G ; tilt rniimrl tie , 1N3andy ; K-
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; nuibcr. raw , 4c
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; 1'aric
preen , cenuino. 2oc. 1'arls green , com
mon , 22o ; chromo croon , N. Y. . 20o ;
vermllllon American. ls < c : initian
raw and burnt umber , 1 n > cans , 1205 raw and
burnt sienna , 12e ; Vandyke brown , tnc ; relined -
lined himpblack Ho ; coach black and Ivory
black. lOc ; drop black. ICc ; Prussian blue ,
4 ( c : ultramarine black. ISc ; chromo creen/ ! . ,
M. * 1) . , lOc ; blind r.nd shutter gieen. h. , M.
, V 1) . , ICc ; Paris green , lv ; Indian red , 15c ;
Venetian led , IV ; 'luscan. ' "c ; Ameilcan
\ermllllon , L. \ 1) . , 20c : yellow ochre , 2c : L ,
M. dc O. I ) . , ISj ; irood ochre. lf > e : pnten
diver , So ; graining color , light oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and nsh. 1 % .
lUfisASi ) MiF.MirAt.i. Acid , carbolic ,
! ' 2c ; acid , tartarlc , We ; balsam copaiba , per
Hi , 4'iclwrk ; sassafras , per Ib , lOc ; calomel ,
per Ib , 7-Jc , clilnclionldia , per o40c ; chloio-
form , per fb , f > "e ; Dovers powders , per H < ,
81.25 : epsom suits. j.r , , , : i c ; glycerine ,
jnire , per Ib , " > 'ie ' ; lead , acetate , per Il > . 21c ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , per gM. , Jl..Vc ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , SI. 40 ; oil olive , per gal. , SI. 10 ;
oil ork'aitnum , Me ; opium , SM.'JO ; quinine ,
P. it W. and K. t H , , per o70o ; potassium
Iodide , per Ib , SJ.75 ; s.illcm , per o40c ; sul-
pbatu morphine , ) > ar oz. S'-i.oO ; sulphur , per
Ib-Jc ; blochnine , iieroS1.2) .
Dry liuinuor.
No.l Cora. s. 1. s. 12 , Hand 10 ft . S17.GO
No. a " ' 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 14.75
No.3 " " 12 , 14 and 16 It . 13.50
No.i " " 12 , Hand 10 ft . 12.00
ISft'Hft'lll ' ' ft Kft
EH io. o'in.Miifl.5o ' ) 17.00 ! si.oo 21.00
Sin HJ.M1 IJ ( 60' ' Ifi.BU 17.UU IS.OU ± . ' .t > 0 2.MM
2 B HI.W in iT.ooi HUM ai.ou ai.
ZxlO li.5U ( 10Win. | , > llll7.liO IK.Oil23.fl
lli.5 ! ) 10.50 , 17.IW' ' 18.00 . ' .O
in M ui.niiu ' .Hi
R.VCI > jo
No.l , 4.t 01 neb , 12 and II ft. , rough. . . S17.05
No. 2 , 1 A flinch , 12 and H ft. , rough. . . 14.00
A 12 Inch. s. 1 s. 4DO . SW.OO
H 12 inch " " 421) . 2:1.50 :
No. 1 , com. . 12 In. , s. la. . 10. is * 20 ft. . . 21.00
No. a. " ' . . IS.MJ
No. U , " " " . 12itl4ft . 17.00
11 " " 10 ft . 10.0. )
No. 1 , plaln.Sand 10 Inch . 817.50
No. 2 , plain.8 and 10 inch . 15.50
. „ , siu.voi.ns I.ATII.
\\clear. S2.W ! ; A standard , SJ.M ; No. 1 ,
Sl.5Utll. : ! ; S2.25.
I'oa -Wbito Cedar , 0 In. , ? t,3 , 12c ; S in.
qrs , Hj.c.
N-\V. Cor , 13th and Douglas Sts.
313S. Hth Strcot.
Falconcr'6 Illocli , 15th and
Attorney at IAIW ,
Hooin 8 rrcnzcr HloclrOppositeTostolUco.
. A. IH'TIIKltKOlM ) ,
Attorney At Law ,
P.K. Cur. Dnii las nml l.'illi Rig. loom l.niniilm.
Special iitleiilion to Trial Cases \ CollectIOIIH.
Attorney- --Law ,
itlM : B > OII UIS street.
Physician & Surgeon ,
2U S. I-'tl : St , oor I'm num. Iron Hunk HuildliiLr.
( ) IIiL'itlionrs,2to4 Hml 7 toll p.m. IDto 1" on
_ Suniiny. Telephone 504. _
O. .
Physician and Surgeon ,
OFFICE. V.W. Cor. 14th and Douglas.
Olllco 'I't'lL-iiliiinv t ( " > . Jli'gliloncuTi > lupliono43.
\V. 3. ft A ME HAITI I ,
Surgeon and Physician
OFFICE , N.W. Co14th and Douglas St ,
OIlc ! 'IVtoihono463. KcHltloni-o TelouhonoMJ
JAMKS'II. 1'kTuoin1 , M ? u.
I'liyfilclan and Hcrgeon ,
, No. HOT Jones Rtrpet Ofnoo ,
Wltlinoll Illock , Tolpphone , residence , No. 135.
oflli'u , CIJ
_ _ Often nnd HcAldonco , 7'M N' . I8Ih St. _
VAN O i AH' M. I.7
l H Iiolo "St. , 1st ilnor wnU ot P.O. Tuko nlo
iitor to rooms 13-1 J thlnl lloor. Teluplioiiu No
_ i. Tclophouo No.3J
Physician und Surgeon ,
Telephone w. OdlcoSn S. Hth at
J { . W. CONNKhL , M. U ,
iloiuouopathUI ,
Offlcp , 013 S. Hth st Tolrihono5n |
DR. J. w
Ollicp , Ooiiiixo Ijlock , Room 5 , lOdinml
Caitilid Avenue , Omaliii , Xobrnsku.
Ili'Hiilonpn 2010 AVi-bsUT st.
'J'eleiilunio No Jlol.
General Agent
ProYident Sains Lib Assarinj Co
of Now York.
Mlllaidllo ol Illook , Oiiialin.
The flrlctly ' Natural I r-1111111111'lun " Aitua
avemfc-e yearly co t ilurln 1851 , 1831 ana 1J3S ,
at esc o" , for 110,000 , WHS ! ! . * ) .
: S B KI.\TI.V < ; < : < . ,
Printers , Book Binders
And Blank book Montlfactqrera. Koa. 1W and
JOtS.Htlibtrout.Omitliii.Neb. .l.F. Fairlio , Super
intendent Ulndcry. Tduptiuuo No. K %
Auction and Commission
Conllenmcnts ollclto.l : furniture bonifhtftnl
told. Sales of live tock and hoti'ehold furni
ture atprlvato rr Mcncr U a ppoclnlty with in.
Itoineinbrrtho plaw. Wtit i I'lltschvr'a Week
N Ulh 81. NollU.
Stoves , Tinware , Cutlery ,
Bto. AlioTIn Rnonn ; , QuttarlnSpotttln7 , nnl
Oenernl Job Tinnlni ? . The bo < t of work nnd roA
ron blovlmriro < . Milk can * and other tlnvraro
n stuck. i-'OJ ( liinilne St. Oinixlm. Nel > .
Dentists ,
k KC1M ,
Dentists ,
OinaliiL Savinjs Bank ,
Cor lillli anil Doujrhtssts.
Cnpltnl Stock $150OOO
Liability of Stockholders . . . 300 , OOO
The only u'KUliir eiivlnif * tuitik in t lie si me l'l\e
per cent iutcioM piiltl on deposits.
Loans Made on Run ! Estate.
oiurcits :
Grv ( Ml\tiTox , I'rcjldeni ; .1 J. tliinwx. Vice
President ; 1. . M. lli\M.Tr : , MnmiKimr " !
lector ; .Hin.N K. Wii.iifii , Cn-hler.
OK riih
horii Mm rA COUilCII. BIOFFS ot
ChlcaifO , AND Milwnnkoe ,
St. I'auC Jllnncaiiolis , Cedar Hnpids ,
Clinton , Dnhuqne , Davenport ,
Uouk Islond.Froe.port , KoekforJ ,
Kljfln , JIailison , Janesvillo ,
Ueloit , Winona , La Crosse ,
And all otbcr 'innnrtnnt ' nolnte Kust , Norlbenit
und Soullioaat.
For through tickets cull on the Tmkot
nt HOI FarnuiM Htrcct ( In 1'iixton Hotel ) , or a
Union Paolllo Depot.
1'ullmiiii blunuura uiul the tlnast Dining Cnra
! n the world are rut ! on thu ruiilu 11113 of the
und Tory attention In pnid to passengers by
oourlooni employes of the ooinimny.
H. MII.I.KII , uuncrn ! Mauutrur.
J. K. TUCKED , Assistant ( Jonoral Mannner.
A. V. H. CAiii'ENTKii , Oenor l Pttas n er and
Ticket Asont.
OEO. E. IlKii-rnnn , Assistant Gener J
ger anil Ticket Afciit
J. T. CX.AUK , Ooneral Suporlntendout.
This limb is on the lat-
t improved plan. The
Best , Lightest nnd Easiest
to innnngc anil the most
durable 'limb made. I
have had thirty-five years'
experience \vcaringman- ,
iirjcturing and adjusting.
Will give special rates for
the next 60 days' . My
best limb for $ ( } " ) . Konner pi ice $1CO.
Circulars sent free.
Oil N. 17th St. , Omnhn , Nol ) .
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Tht only road io titke for Ic Molncs , JInr-
ehalltown.f e-liir ItRiil.lfl . , Clinton , Dlzlo. Clilrn-
IfO.MIIwsiiVea nnd nil points cait. To tn IIPO-
tila of NnbnukN , Colorado , Wyomlnir , Ulnh ,
Iduho.NovHdn , Oregon. Washlnfton nnrt Cali
fornia , It effort supai lor uJvnntugBs not jiossl-
ble by any other line.
Amonir n few of th ntimerotn polntH of in-
perlortty cnjoyrd by the pntroni of this rn d
lictwennOmithnnnd Chlrniro , Rie Its twotrnlmi
K day of DAY COAUIIKS whloh nr the QtiPSt
tnnt htimitn R and Inpnmiitr rnn croatr. lit
PAIAC1J SI.KKl'INO CAIlS. * hlch are modnln
of ootnfort and elcuance Its I'AIII/JIt DHAW-
INO KOOM CAItH , tin m-pnftsoil by any. and Its
widely oetobratod PALATIAL DIMM ! C'AHS ,
Utepqtial of which cannot bo found ! iewliero.
At Coimoil lilutfi HID trnlns of Die I'nlon I'acl.
do Hr. connect In 1'nion Depot with fliop * of
tlin 01 1 1 ( ( ) Ii Northwniorn Hy , In Cblcniro
the trains of thli line mnke close connection
with tho'B of all cBumrn Ilims
For Detroit , rolnnibiia , Indlnimpollii , Cincin
nati , Niairitra Fillip , lludalo , I'lttslmrtr , Toronto ,
MontroHl. IloBton , Nmr York , riillndnlphlii , llul-
tlinore , Washington and nil I olnle In th enit ,
a k the ticket agent for tlrkrtn via the
If you wlsti ihn lioit KOcoinmoilatloni. All
ticket iwnntsfoll llckuis ntlili lino.
M.iironrrr. r. p. ,
( Icnornl Mimns'or , Onnl. I'uss'r Ajrunt
C1"Cllt' ° ' "
WM.IIAHCOCK , - , . . H. UOM.R8 ,
( Ion. Western Airt Ulj I'uss Au'
Artists' Material.
A. JfOSI'E , JJt
Artists' Materials , Pianos nnd
IM3 Dnuelnn Ftrffl. Onuliu.
Agricultural Implements ,
' *
\Ybjlp nle D.-alir In
A&rrlruHiiral IiniilciiiontH ,
i'S nnd IlucEli * * , Janci Mrefl , Lttneen vili
anitl'Jih.niinilJB , Nrb.
Agricultural Iniiilonicnts ,
Wagonirarrl gc < , llnci'lpi , llr. . Wliolnale , ( ) m h
ItEtl , VR1ED cO CO. ,
Jobbers of Ilanlwaro tuul Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron. Ktc. Aiienu for Ilonv bial
lind MlHiul I'ftftdfn'o Ornulm.KpO.
Wholesale JIanlwarc.
Wettem npenti for JefTeriOn Hlcol Nnlli. Auitlu
1'OKdirC'u , I Hlrt'kiiki hundurd htalvi. CciiutT
lOtti unit Ilarnoj. UiutLn.
\VbolCMle Denlars In
AfiTlt'iiliuriil Jiiiiik'incnls ,
(7agon ( nn.d ] Ju l i. m\O3.'M \ aodVOT , Jonetit
Butitr and Eggs.
Uuycrs of llntter and Eggs ,
ncfrlcf tutor ami PicVlrg Itonip. Ulh nnA l.f
worth 8tt' I * . II. II. Tr rkoni lin ,
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
jilMKHAt'G lf7v
riiilders'llardwarcSc.\lolepalrShop {
' Tooli and tlufftlo frulo.
, Nob.
Boots and Shoes.
" ' " '
Unmifnctiireriiuid WtioleinileDc.ilcni In
HootH and Shoes ,
ComrlotP Mork of Hubbcr llnodi alwutii on h nd
, VJ S. ISth t. Omaha , Neb. A. T. AuMIn , Audit.
w. r. MORSE iO co.
Jobbers of Hoots and Shoe * .
lltl Karimiu > l , Onifilin , Xnh. .Mnmifiirtor ) , Summer
Mrrrt , HoMnn.
% . T. titXDSKr , r en.
KithhiM1 Ho'of-i mul Sl
Hub audOlloaClotlilnit ulul tVll Uuuts , hontli
in : U'nrnpr lull mul IMii ln * .
Apt. for Aiilieiiser-linsli Ilrowinsr Ass'n
Kpuclnl Hr.imtv Fniist , llmlwrlfcr itnil lrl ! tiirr.
T < iijer lU'pr Hroxverg ,
I'll Nnrlli l lli siri'pl , ( linnlm , Net , .
Butchers' Tools.
Ittitcliera' Tools and Sitilles | | ) ,
5.1U-HRO CiiFliiKi of nil klii'1' ' nltrars in Block. 1215
JUHf | > Ht .Ollllllllt
Bui/ding / Material.
. . .
fW-W > v - - - ( tiv x'V *
Ilonlcrln All Uliirl.nt
Ihilldlnir .Mnlt'ftitl ut Wholes-nli .
13tli Street nml Union 1'itcltlo Trnolt , Omnlin ,
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omnlin Cofl'oc nnd Spleo Hills.
Tca , OolTi'O'.Splcc . lliiKinn 1'oiMli'r. I'lnvorlnitlCX'
tiacln.ljuuijiy Illiio , Ink. Kti1. Hit li ( Unrroy
MU'Ot , Oiiiiiltii. rseb.
Homo Coireoiuul Spieo Mills M'f'ir f .
Coirro tin iMli'rs unit Spli'O OrlndtTH. Mnnnfiuturrrfl
nt llnklnn I'owUcr. riivorlim r.ttrnft , llhiliik' . itc. :
1Y\ > no r.i o nf our lft iMtcktmn llitnxi IJU'iiu UoiiKleil
Oilfi'i' . HICiUoHiiril vlOn ) ihn. .Neb.
John Kponetcr , I'rop.
Mnnufncturor of ( lal\nnlrMl Iron nml Corntcp. 923
DoilRnutid 10.1 mill 1'tt ' N , 101 ll nt. , ( imnhi.Ncl ) .
riSG a1 IIOLTK ,
ManiifHctiirrrii of
Oriinineiilnl ( talvani'/.ed Cornices ,
Dormer liidoKf , rinn'f.MPlnllr ' kjllulit.vtv. 310S.
I''l'i st , llinnliii.
C. Specht , I'roj ) .
flalvnnlrni ! Iron Cornlcru , rtc. Sin'etMranrovpil rat-
i-iit Mi'lnllor-kylltlil. .W nml 10 S r.'tli n . ( linalm.
Jobber * of
Carpels , Cnrlains , Oil Clolhs
I.lnolouuiH , Mattlnn . Kir. l.MI loic'ii : < il
H.'A . OIlt'/lAlllf.
Wholesale Carpels , Oil Cloths ,
MMtlniri. Curtuln Corid' . Rtr. 1(11 I'ntnnm Mri'ct ,
OmahK. .N.'b.
Crockery and Notions ,
Agent for Iliu MunufflCttircrs nml Importcra ot
Crockery , ( ilasswnrc ,
Lamps , ( "biniui'jf , clr. onice , 317 Smith 13th it ,
Oniiihri , Nut ) .
Commission and Storage.
J > . A. JIUliLEy ,
Coniinissioii and .lobhiup ; .
Ilnttpr , Kft'sanil I'rotlucp. Conelir.ment
lliiidqimrtcrB for hlnnownri1. llfrry HOXI-M nnil
Cr.ipu Itunkvln. 1111
Commission Merchant * * .
Kriiltf. 1'roilnco ami I'tm Ului.e. niiinlin , Noli.
Storage and Commission Jlercliant.
lPM liutte1 * . I KR1 * . Cliorsc. Poultry , ( itttiio ,
tern , Kle. , lilr. ll2Soiuli Hibriuet.
WIEI > EMAN t ? CO. ,
Produce Coniinissioii .Merchants ,
I'oullrj , IlulU'r , ( iiiinc , riiilln. cle. ) H. lull it
Onialia. Ni'b ,
Coal anif Lime.
" i : MfLKS'rdxii , c co. , '
Deal ru In
Jlard and Soft Coal ,
Office and yunl , H'lli ami NlrliobK in. , Oiualm , Neb.
Ucu. I .IMIIAIIII , l'rp < . C F. OOOIIMA.S- . I'ri'H.
J. A. M'NIiEHi.ANI ) , Hoc. mul 'fruKt.
Johhors of Jlard and Soft , Coal.
SO1) ) Smith Thirteenth StryclOiinli _ . Neb.
, r. , T. JOHNSON , rco. . ,
MainifactnrerH of Illinois White I/lino.
Ami . lilppors of Coiil Hml Cokp. Cement , I'luxter ,
Unie , lliilr. I Ire Hrlolc , Dr.iln , Tile nml ! wpr Pipit ,
( IIIUii. 1 ' .ii ton Hute ) . K" run in t. , ( lin.ilm , NiMi ,
Confectioner/ .
F. / * . rAYttCO. . ,
Manufacturing : Confectioners ,
JobliiTBof l-ruln.NulB nml Cl nm. 12111 arnnm HI.
Cigars and Tobacco ,
MAX MEYElt ,0 CO , ,
.Tohhers of Ciirars , Tohaceo ,
Gum mid Ammunition , 215 luKIH. lltli ! . , 1U3Q to
lir.'t Curium nl .OmahaNoli.
Jlnnufaetnrers of Fine Cicrars ,
And Wnolc aln Drnli'i" In I.caf Tnhnrrot , Not. IDS
nml 110 .N ' ,4111 ttii'el , Diuuliu.
\Vh loaU Dt'Hlora In
CJjyurs , Tobaccos , I'ipuH and Smokorn1
Agents for I ) . IoMcr lor { A On. . Klno-Culanil Hmok
nzTobncco , Ull riiulctiaVl ( ! . ) n ln. No. I1J
en NorlhflrtaeiithStraot , OmiUi , Sol ) .
OrOoods ,
Dry Goods , Fnriiishiii } , ' ( foods & Notions
HWanJ 1104 Douiflti.inr. IHU Hi .OiuHli.t.Ncb ,
Distillers ,
Ultllllril of I.lqunrii , Alrnlinl * mlplrlli. ( . IinportorB
mid Jubbrrtof Wiiicnurnl ll < iuori.
CO. and JLEll < l CO. ,
ImporlcrB and Jnbhcrrof I luo Wiurii mid I.lqunrr ,
bulc iiuritiliiCturiTit of Ki'nncdr * Knit India ilit *
liTBUiiilDomrt lol liilor'i | \ \ \ lUrnurhU
Drain Tile , Etc.
A , ll.S1 Fit.l'rcn. J.W.IlEliPDllD.Hec.iTfoaii
U. J. LVtlieox. V.I'rct.iiDdhui'l.
Office :13 P. Ulli t. Omaliu. Neb Mnchlnpry and
tor-Manufnclurliij CVniPiii Drain Tile.
DEll'El' tiTONE ,
WliolcdaloDenleiB in ruriiiture.
rurnoniBl Omnlin , NPD.
CHA ItLEH SHIrniiJ < 'K ,
Furniture , lioiUlintft I'pliolMtery ,
Ulrror * . flc. IW , IJW and 1210 Knrndmrt , OnuU * .
Drocerits ,
wholrsnlo Groceries nml Provision ! ,
Xo 7ft' . . TOT. TtV nd 711 P. lOth M , Onurm. N b.
MCCOUD , itRADr < e co. ,
"Wholesale Grocer * ,
n.,0miirii .
Hardware ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
, Wagon Slock , lUrdntrn Lumber , flu. 1M
ami Kll lUrnrr M. , Omnbit.
Wholesale * Iron and Sled ,
Wnconund Oirrf RO Wood SlocV. HriiTf llnrtlwur *
Ktc. nUmid 12lf l.tnvrnKontiM. , Dnikhn , Neb.
Stovns , Hanoi's , KnrnnrM , Tiles ,
MtntUi , fr ! tc , UiM ioodi. Iffil anil 1ISS Knrn
Iron IVnrls.
Iron Works ,
r. . . nnil Cud Iron Hull.line Work , Iron Plnlr * ,
llnlllni. , lleHiim nml ( llrvlcri , SII'HIII Ktn.Mnr-1 , Dram
\X't > rk , ill Tirrnl iTinimlr ) , MM Ulno ntitt Hint hMnllti
Vorlr. link-cap.I WorksI' , r , it ; mulPihmoot.
Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Mtnr , Sasli ,
lonr , Ktc , Yanln-Cornertlh nml loii l i Corner
vtli unit | ) , MIJ | .
Wholesale Lumber ,
6IIP. llthMrri't.Oninhii.NHi i .Colpcltor , Mnn.teor.
C. N. DIET/ ,
'ln Sirens. OtuHliu. Neb.
nt ED tr. a HA r ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Kle . . Etc.
C < r.rli nml iiouelin in , Oina'iH ' Nu1) .
HO Af ) LAND ,
To Den lory Only.
Office , 1(0.1 ( Fnrnnm trrrt.Oiunlin.
CJ1AS. It. LEU ,
JIardwood Lumber ,
Wooil Cnri'cm mul Puruuot Flonilntr. 91 h nml DonslnJ
o in Mil n.
\Vliolcsalo Lninher , Ktc.
Imporlrrl nml fiiioiknn I'ortlnml Comcnl. Hint *
Agent lurMllnnukpi * ll ) > liaiillipuivnl unit Kent
milm-y Wlilti'l.lii'o.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John r. llord , S'lpcrlnlerilsnt ,
Livt Stock Commission.
M. rtrnifr : r SONS.
Live Stock Commission.
Ooo. llmkp , Mitnnecr
tJnlnu Slock Ynnln.S. Dmalm. Tolcphon
.s. ii'A ( i / : iv r ; n EEN ,
Live Stock Coniinissioii Jlercliaiita ,
Sblpmcnti of mi * nml all kinds of Mock
I'nlon filciknr.l . ( mmli.i , Ni > b.
Millinery and Notions ,
Iniporleriinnil .lolilicm nf
Millinery and Nolions ,
lllnnit IZIMInrncy rU.oct , Onmlin , Ncli.
c. s. ( ioonjncir , v co. ,
Ale tli only Dlrrct lniporti > rMif
( icrman & French Toys & Fancy ( Joodg
In Nvbrnika. rhli nio prlrp ihipllrolcd without add.
IIIK frrlcht. Hl.'i rnrnani t > iiri'tOin lm.
jriT'7 'jCOItTNSftN" NOTION CO. ,
Whnlrealn Dpnlrrn In
H and JMiriilshintr
nml < il. ' > S. Tenth ( < ! . , Onmlin.
Jobber * In
Notions ? , Hosiery and ( Scuts' Furnishing
( lOOllH.
KVVlHnil KMS Kurnmii t Oniahn. Nnb
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcniifl 1'anlK , f-lilrts , Kle. llir-'niul 1101 DouKlat
Paper Bones
, / . L. U'lLKIK ,
Maniifaclnrer of 1'apnr Hexes ,
t $ lltli H : . Dm nil n , .Viibraskii , O-ili-m by majo | |
llclui ) iintl lll rucolvo prompt attention.
Printing ,
.loh 1'rinter.s , lUiink Hook Makers ,
And Hook Illnili'm. 1CM und KM Snuili rouiteentli
Auxiliary 1'iihliHlierH.
DealornlnTyiif , I'rp-otPit Bml 1'rlnlrrV Supplier. MS
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc ,
ManufacturPiii , Packer * and IlpnlorB In
ricklc " & Strictly 1'iiro Appln
Ilaklne Pnirilpr , Klavorlni ; I'litiiii'liTxhlo ' Kauro.
J-rrnch Mimtii"1 Wnnh lirnliik- , ( Inn fro' Nircr.tti | ! ! !
holu nK < * nt- < for Vork MatuHuiil ItcllneU Applu C.l *
tier , HUG I t'.ivi-ii iirlli m. . Omali.i , f
" \VliolosalcPiuniiR \ , J'ipe , KiltiiiffH ,
Ctoamaml WiiliT Miiipll i IIiiii | < | iiiiilrm f 'r Mull
ho-jftCn'n liiicrU. Illl I'nrnnm hi ( limchii , Noli.
I'limiiH , I'lpcH and Kiitfines ,
Btcitni , Walrr , Kullnar und Jlllllnu t-npiillci. Rte ,
WO , ' / anil Wl riiinniu _ t. , ( liuiiliii , Ni'b , _
f/TV. H'JNDllNUlNWttiKl J'UMl'
Ilnllnrtny Wind Hilln ; nlcam und Wl.lcr Supplier ,
I'lunib'iiirlioMilH. llpftlnv. II. no UH ami .W J ; ir-
mi m K. ,11111111111. f K I clioii , lluiu i r.
'j'lili'plioiiu N" . 'ID.
Safes , Etc.
" "
J' . JtO YElt , ( ' CO. ,
AtrcntH for Hall'H Sufo < S- Lock CO.H'
Mm nnd llun ; r I'roof S.ifu , ' 1'lluo lrki. , Vuultl
nnJJui \Vork I 1IU ) | anuim Klui-t Omaha , Neb.
< J. AN DUE EN ,
Omaliii KiU'o Works.
JlHiiurm'tiirpiKof Kirciind Proof Ka'rn , Vault
iJouri.Jull \V..iVMuilMT and \ Vllnork , for. M . ( liutliii , Hall ,
Saili , Doors , Etc ,
M. A.
XVIioltfalo .Mniul.iiliireof
SiiHli , ] ) oorH , IIIIiidH ami
lliliiich , IVIh uiul IfirJ Mr .Ouinliu , .Neb.
( ! 7'i "L YMA N ,
Sash , Dour , Kllnds , Monhlliurs ,
} ) ullillnir I'a per. I'll' . li l huuth ThirluunOi Hlrrek
Ouiuhu , rit'L. A cniiiilte | MviLuf llulldcrt'
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Unulil'rvt ' \ViirknnilJnlrrifir llnrilVooil KlrlUh
Jutl ui'fiitil. N. K cor bill and I-vatunnonliHU.
Dnmlia , f < cb.
Wagons and Carriages. ,
" "
"A. J , HIMl'SON ,
The LeuilinifUarrlntfO l-'ui'tory ,
( f Mill IbKLIi 1 Mi
\VO \ mid 111 Doatotlreiil Oniiihu ,