\ c THE OMAHA DAILYBEEi ITKIDAY , JANUAHY 7 , 1887 , THE DAILY BEE. COUNCiT"BLUFFS FRIDAY MORNING , JAN. 7. OKFIOE , WO. 12 , PEARL STREET. EclircicU by f nrricr In nnypnrtof the city nt twenty ( Hits per wt.-fk. H. W. TJI.IO.V , - . . Manaaer. Tit.urito.NE3 : : ncPiKrPROrncr. No. 43. NIOIIT nniTOH No. a. JUNOlt AlKNTtUV. N. Y. rlnmbiiiK Co. Jleavy suits to order at Heifer's. Not a case for the police court yester day.A . A band cnnrcrt will be given to-night at the ice rink. Henry Harbcau is opening a sample room at No. 1 003 Main street. A writing Institute will shortly he opened at No. 11 ! North Alain street. Jt is said that Dr. Donald Macrca re ceived i'150 pounds from Scotland yester day as a Christmas present. Justice Belmr/ yesterday tied the knot Ixstween two Omaha persons , Henry Wo.yman ami Miss Lizzie 3Ip(5ec. The new lire boxes are all in position. The work of testing them and putting in the police calls will now be pushed. 'lo-nif'lil at the ice rink , corner of Seventh street and Fifth avenue , there will be a band concert. ( Seals We , ladies free. free.Frank Frank Fox and J. P. ( Jalvin have opened a grocery store at Henry Toller's old stand on .Main street under the linn name of Fox & ( lalvin. W.T. Slater was displaying his revolver in the Commercial hotel at Atlantic , when the weapon was accidentally dis charged , the ball passing through his right hand. K.i. \ . Smith , who represents the non- board companies here , has been called to Atlantic to write up some heavy pol icies there. He recently was sent lor by dome Omaha parties for a like purpose , and is being kept on the jump with an increasing business. The city authorities propose shutting down on all further street improvements , mieh as changes in the street-car track , necessitating the tearing up aud replac ing of ( laving , until warm weather. It is almost impossible to relay paving in as good condition as it was originally- when the weather is so intensely eold. Yesterday afternoon a wo'man ii : Beardsley's ' drugstore aeted .so ( jucerly that it was thought that she was insane , hut she soon full in a tit , and went Irom one into another. She was at last identi fied as living in the city , anil her residence being iearned her friends were fcent for and she was taken home , Yesterday a fellow who hadn't sworn oil' enough to be able to tell his name. staggered into police headquarters , and was promptly irivon a place to sleep behind - hind the bars. He had a new suit of clothes in a bundle and had dampened them too enthusiastically. The marshal remarked that it was pretty tough when a drunk had to run himself in. It doesn't sonm to wont well to have the police paid in cash. There hasn't been an arrest made in two days. When the boys were paid in warrants tho.y Ubed to hunt all over town for the highest bidder for them , and in ( his hunt used to run across plenty ot victims to run in. Now they don't have to do this. Perhaps this accounts for the lack of cases. Either this or too many tolks swore oil' and are sticking to it. The Nonpareil pounces upon the Council Blnft's herald because the latter is delayed a few days in getting out its annual "boom" edition. A paper which has to wait until the 10th for telegraphic news which ought to have been here on the 1st is not in very good shape to find fault at a few days delay in the issuance of an annual. The old lady should not get too frisky about heaving rocks until who gets her own windows boarded up. Chase , of the Atlantic Democrat , throws pitch-hot at "a lawyer named Overtoil , with a sweet-smelling reputation , " who has filed applications for injunctions against thirty-five saloon-keepers in Coun cil HhiHs. Captain Uverton is not a law yer , and if Chase does not know any more about him than is indicated hy Ins ignorance of Captain Overtoil's business , it is probable that ho "went it blind" in attempting to belittle the reputation of the inpinction-scckor. Wo have a tine largo line of Christmas novelties that we are selling cheaper than ever was known , alno mulllors , silk handkerchiefs ladies' and ' , gents' glovey , clothing , fine sealskincaps , etc. JOHN IJu.so & Co. L. IJ. Crafts & Co. aru loaning money on all olnbSL'.s of chattel securities at one- half their former rates. See them before mj securing your loana. _ mjf Yesterday was thoco'.destof the season , and even the thermometer looked down in the month. Although the thermometer is joked about all the time now , it doesn't seem to get hot about it , and yesterday it looked out for the rising sun over the notch marked 25 below. Uy 0 o'clock it had cr.'twlcd up to 20 , and the noon sun got it tip to 10 below. As the evening came it crawled into its little bed ngain , promising to get clear down to the fool by morning. Dr. linnchott , oftico No. 12 Pearl street ; residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephone No. 10. . . . The newly organi/.cd Caledonia club starts in with fifteen charter members ; John Templcton , Dr. Mao mo , .lames Macrae , Alex Hardy , J. T. Oliver , A , C. ( Jraham. A. Woods , S. ( J. Underwood , Jituu's Patterson , J. Smith , .1. MoNangh- ton. Charles Kleth , A. Campbell , A. MeCarger , .1. U. Hell , It has been de cided to celebrate Hums' birthday by a banquet and ball in the Hoyal Arcanum parlors , January 2-5. John Templeton is the president aud James Patterson , sec retary of the organization. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. & Iv , L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street , Council HlulVd. Aninuum 1'urloi'H , Regular mooting Fidelity Council No. 150 , Hoyal Arcanum , this trlilay ( ironing , January 7th , ' 87Rt 7:30 : o'clock. Installa tion of o flic era and other important busi ness. W. A IJllONKWKO , Secretary. Postmaster ( Jeorgo L. Wright , of Don- ! fen , has been quite ill of late , and i& > re ported as breaking down nervously. T. K. Hooth , onu of the clerks in the transfer freight ollice , has returned front n visit to St. Paul. Mrs. Sleinmons , on Fourth streoLis suf fering from a broken arm , thu result of a fall. fall.J. J. N. Casady and wife have left for Col orado again. Miss May Forman has gone to Louis ville , Ky. , to spend the winter , Conductor J.V. . Inlow , of the dummy train , has returned from His visit to Ohio. Fremont Itonjamin , of Avoca , visited the MIulVs yesterday. II. S. Nowtcn , tin attorney , nnd A. I'eleit , a traveling man from Atlantic , wore at the Ogden yiMerday. 11. W. Young.ot Sioux City , was among those at the Pacitio yesterday. Colonel Tarn of Stuart , was In the ei\ | yesterday. Mayor Oronowog anil his daughter have gouo to Chicago , TAKEN IN OUT OF THE COLD , A Variety of Council Bluffs Items From All Parts of the City , FIRST FIRE OF THE YEAR. A SinrtlliiK Clnlm of Authority on the 1'nrt or n Township Trustee The Memorial Service A Itoy Loses an Arm. IUa7.o ol' tlin Yonr. Yesterday afternoon shortly after 1 o'clock the llrst lire alarm of the season was given. It provcd4to be caused by the discovery of llamcs in n one-story build ing on East Pierce , occupied as a resi dence by two colored families , Alex Jenkins - kins and JefT Parkins. The intense cold prevented as iiiick | work as otherwise would be done and the Jinnies soon swept away the front and a portion of the roof. The building isowned by C. A. Bocbo and was insured for ? 200 in the I'nion ' , of California , in Odell Bros. & Co.'s agency. This will cover the loss fully. The cause of the blaze was n de fective Hue. A Hcti ntlonnl I > i covory. John Green , who was lately elected by such a rmi'-ing majority to the responsi ble position of township trustee , has been examining the laws relative to the ofliee. He has made some discoveries which are qnitc sensational. It has generally been supposed that tlie duties of the board of trustees were not numerous , as there is but little of the township which does not I'oinu direct Iv under the city government. Mr. Green has boon looking the matter up , and discover * , according to his con struction of the law , that the township tru-tecs arc really at the top , way up over any city council or any municipal oigani- /.ation whatovci. The city council and the park commissioners should make a report to the township trustees , for the city is incorporated within the limits of the township , and n part thereof , rather than a distinct organi/ation. On making this discovery he conclude1 it best that some move should be made , anil so he in structed the clerk , Mr. Lut ? ; , to call a meeting of the township board to be held yestenUiy afternoon , to lake steps to have the park commissioners report to the board. The meeting was not held , so far as known , probably the time was too short in which the park commissioners could prepare n detailed statement of their actions. The. new revelation is the most sensational discovery yet niudo in the form of city and township organiza tions , anil comes almost up to a coal find , lor it if pans out well it will elevate the position of township trustee to a pinaelo which Mr. Green's humble predecessors have not dared to hope for. Contenillo soft-lump coal , ยง -.75 ! per ton , delivered , Win. Welch , U15 Main fctrcct , telephone 03. Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves ! .tor HIP next thirty days 1 will sell heating stoves at cost for ca h only. _ P. C. DiVoi. ; . An elegant line of short wraps , now- markets , etc. , cheap , to elo.se them out. JOHN HINO : & Co. A I.ojjnn Memorial Service. Arrangements have been made by the veterans for a Logan memorial service , to bo hold in the Temple hall next Sim- day afternoon at 2 o'clock , to which the public is invited. There will be appro priate music , and addresses will be de livered by Hev. Dr. MeCrcary , Rev. T. J. Mackey , Colonel W. F. Sapp , J. J. Stead- man and R. C. Ilubbard. All veterans , soldiers and sailors are invited to meet at the Grund Army hall at 1 : UO o'clock Sunday afternoon so as to attend the services in a body. Lost an Arm. Eugene Dennis , a son of Stephen Den nis , aged about eleven years , was playing about the cars in the Rock Island yards Wednesday night. In some way he fell in trying to .jump on a train and ono arm was crushed , so that amputation was necessary. California oranges. Valancha oranges. Florida oranges cheap at Uaird's , No , 523 Broadway. A Suburban Kire. Yesterday morning about ! l o'clock the homo of Henry llaywood with its con tents were destroyed by lire. Mr. JIay- wood is an old settler , and resides about four and a half miles cast of this citj- . Whether there was any insurance is not known. No Murphy The county board of supervisors wore in session all of yesterday. They looked none the worse for having been in a body to see Joe Murphy the night before , but as they looked over the accounts of the superintendent of the poor , Mr. Hardin , they could not forget the huge sandwich which Murphy prepared for poor little Tim. It came to their minds in strange contrast with the economical policy of this county in the treatment of thu poor. They scrutinized the figures none the less carofull.v , though , and finding the ac counts rijrht to a penny , smiled approv ingly. Little else was done , beyond the transaction of sumo equally routine busi ness , in which there was little news to bo thawed out. See that your books are made by Moore- house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block. lland omo olocl ; , meerschaum pipes , cigar holders , cigar sots , cases , tobacco , cigars , etc. , given away with 25o pur chases by Mouro & Kiplingrtr , No. 410 Broadway. Electric door bolls , burglar alarms and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the New York Plumbing Co. " /Hkn" On aionilny. 11. C. Mincr'u "Xitka" is to bo given til the opera hotiso next Monday evening. It is new liero , but comes most highly en dorsed by Now York and other drum alia critics , Public interest has been strangely excited , not only by the moritof the play , but from the pathetic history of its pro duction. The lamented Will Carton ) , whoso writings have choorcd so many households , Is its author , and at his death this play was the sole Jcguoylefl his little daughter. Friends attempted in vain to secure its production , until Mr. Miner became interested and gave the play a proper production , in the hopu that the experiment might prove a source of rev enue to the child. His hopes wore more than rewarded by the instantaneous suc cess achieved by the play. lie then made a ten years' contract , thus guaranteeing the child a handsome yearly revenue aud raising her from a position of ohnr- ity to one of'independence and oven wealth. Thus the work of the father now gone brings to his little daughter the cheer and snppoil needed. Weather strips ut Chapman's 105Main. Hard , and soft coal , best quality , al ( sizes. Missouri and Iowa woo < K O , B Fuel com'papy , 63'J UroadwuV- Telephone - phone 130 , n lime .Store. The Vnil Observer < says that a search warrant was issued bj Justice Darling Tuesday of last week , through the instru mentality of Mayor DoWolf , and placed in the hands of Sheriff Mooney , who , ac companied by Deputy Sheriff McCraeken and the mayor , proceeded to search the premises supposed to bo used for the sale of into.\icnting liquors. The hunt re sulted In the capture of three kegs sup posed to contain liquor of an intoxicating nature , which arc now in limbo , await ing preliminary examination. The kegs were taken from the drug store of Fitz gerald & Co. , aud if the contents arc proven to be intoxicants the question will then be settled as to whether the par- tics from whom the same was taken have a legal right to it. The matter will proba bly soon' bo settled. The ofllccrs failed to llud any liquor at the balance of the places searched , but there seems to bo a general opinion that it was because the proprietors hail got wind of the search in time to secrete their "wet goods' " be fore the search was instituted. The pro prietors of the drug store made no at tempt to evade the search and claim the goods taken to have been legally in their possession. New goods and Christmas Novelties at Kirkhuid's , jeweler , No. a.M Broadway. Ohio shell-bark hickor-nuts at Baird's , No. 52 ! I Broadway. AVcather strips at Chapman's , 10. ) Main ht. _ OLD SUNFLOWER BELKER. Part ol'IIIin Slutuls Haclc of the Hai ti ) Vruutahlo Korm. Back of thu bar in the Tivol ! tavern in Anaconda , Montana , stands an enorm ous sunflower stalk , dry aud tough , with n bir ; faded moon of a blossom at the tot ) . "That is old Sunllowcr Helker , " said the landlord in aiiswjr to a question by n stranger who manifested an interest in the plant. "Never hoard of old Helker , I presume ? Well , 1 did. Pll tell you about him after a while.1 An hour or two later , when things had quieted down some , the landlord drew up to the stove and said : "Old Belker was a friend of mine , and 1 never go back on a friend. He wa a prospector and miner , though he never mined much , and for the ten yeais preceding 1870 ho was all over the country from the Missouri river clear through to the Columbia. If some men had covered the ground that ho did they would have been rich twenty times over. He was in the Hig Horn range before some of the later explorers who claim to lit'.vo been there first were out of school , and he knew half the Indians in the west by name. They never hurt him , nor he them. "At the time I am speaking about I was down near Fetterman , and old Bel- ker used to come and ee me every little while. One day in the spring of 1870 ho left my place to go to Virginia City , say ing that he would be back in a month or two. Ho had considerable dust just then , and besides leaving some with mo took a good sack with him , For two or three months I thought little about him , but at length when ho had been gone a month over his time , I began to make inquiries about him. Parties in Virginia City said lie had not been there , and I began to believe that he gone oil' in another direc tion. At length I was obliged to give up this theory. The summer passed oft"with no tiding * of Jielker. The Indians were on the warpath that year , but no ono ever heard of an Indian who would hurt the old man , aud i dismissed that thought as soon as it entered my mind. All that winter I kept stewing about him , and in the spring of ' S , as soon as I could got oiil I made the trip to Virginia , thinking 1 might lind some trace of him. Late in the summer I went out again , taking a different trail which he sometimes fre quented , but without any better success. Then J pave him i-p. That full I came here , and the eve of Christmas , 187S , as I sat here alone by this hero stove , an idea popped into my head as quick as a liash. 'That's ' where the old man is , ' I said to in.yt.elf. 'I'll lind him if it takes a leg. ' " On my last trip in the summer 1 hail noticed down on Crazy Woman's Fork" a duster qt sunllowcrs with ono particularly big one in the middle. I was so much in terested in limling old Belker alive that I never thought much on this point , but as J sat hero ihat night the whole thing came up to me as clear as daylight. Hcl- kcr was under the sunflower , and I'll toll you why. IIo ahyiys carried n lot of sun flower seeds in his pocket , why nobody know , but it was probably that which gave him his name. Everybody called him 'Old Sunflower. ' but 1 never paid much attention to the reason for it J didn't wait long after that in getting started for the place where 1 had seen the Himllowurs. It wns a hopeless search , bid 1 made it in good faith , coining back with no success. Later on 1 tried it again , anil this time I found the stalk that ono there behind the bar standing just as you too it _ now. All the others had disappeared , having been whipped down by the winds , but this one Mood up straight , strong , and stiff as a telegraph pole with out oven a crack in it. I had expected to bo compelled to dig up n good many sun- llower stalks , but , seeing only ono , I was considerably relieved , i diuthe. earth away from the roots and with the shovel which I had brought I MJOU exposed a skeleton with the big sunllower's roots entwined around every bone. It was old Belker sum enough , as I could toll by the teeth , but nothing was left of him but the bones , and they wore beginning to crum ble. Ho had been killed and buried there in about a foot of earth , and the Minitower seeds in his pocket had nprnnted , showing where ho lay. How ho was killed I never learned , but I shall always believe that thieves did it , though there were .some accounts of the soldiers finding a dead man in that section and burying him , His gold was gone of course. If it hadn't been for the seeds in his pocket no ono would have known what became of him. "Well , things didn't go then as they do now , and after thinking the matter over n while 1 concluded to leave the old man's bones there and bring the HUH- tlowor , which was more like 'him anil handier to keep , back witii me. So 1 covered up the skeleton aud piled a lot of stones on the place to mark the grave and brought thu stalk homo. It's been behind my liar over since , and it's going to stay thero. I call it 'Old Sunflower Bclkur,1 because there is a heap of him in it. and it ro ombles him , being tough. Up whore his bones Ho yon can now see til any time in the summer as pretty a patch of sunflowers as is to bo found wu.t of the Mississippi , and they all started from the seed the old man carried. That's all thorois to that. " ol' the Coyote. Krnest Jngorsoll , in Popular Science Monthly for January : It Is during the weeks going just before and following immediately after the birth of the puppies that the old dog-coyotes work their hardest and most systematically. In hunting ut this time , our wolf adds to his ordinary pertinacity and zeal , the sagacity and en durance necessary to turn his victims and drive them back as near as possible to his home , knowln < r that otherwise his mate and her weaklings will bo unable to partake of the fcaat. A remarkable picture of this wns given some years ago , by a writer in an Knglish magazine , who , in onu of the best 'ani mal chapters" it has over been my for tune to read , detailed such a chase as witnessed by htm in the grand forests near Lake Nicaragua , "certainly , " ho exclaims at the conclusion of his account , "certainly no training could hnye COUNCIL BLUFFS BOOMS ! CALL AT HARKNESS BROTHERS , And select your Dry Goods and Carpers before tlie prices advance , We are selling elegant Patterns Dress Goods very low to close the lot. yon never taw Jllack chctt ) as those tec are noil' se otit this entire department to . 'c room for oin < increased Carpet slock , i ( Ira consequently sclliny them on'at c.vtrc Ion' ' prices. i and Hisses' Underwear , Eld Arc bclini closed out vci'ii clictii ) , ron n > ill sure monei ) to see our Carpets and Ititus brforc non buy. If lion want In- _ { /rain , llntsscls , I'cli'ct , or Moqncttt' Car- ltd" , come and sec its or icrltc for prices. Curtains , I'onyei's , Draperies , etc. , Is larae and choice , and ice hare a full assortment of I'oles , Jioils. Jirass floods , etc. Out' < > / is done bi ] skilled irorkmen. Orders l > n mail receive prompt attention. Harkness Bros , , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. II Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and Kinging from SS.OO lo i-10.no pur aero. School ami slnto lamU in Minnesota on 30 yours' time 5 per cunt interest. Land linyors fare free. Information , etc. , given by No. 553 Hroatlway , Council Hlnll's , Iowa , agent for Freidriksen & Co. , C'llcago. ' bettered that dog's run. To drive a grown liuuk liaek to his starting-place , to solid on a portion of thu pack to that point where ho would strive to break cover , to head him again and again into cover where his speed could not be ex erted to the full , were feats which might well iiux./.lo all the host dogs in England , and the human intelligence wliieh di rects thorn" His game and its gelling arc not al ways so noble as this , however , and the coyote knows well tlie pinch of famine , especially in winter. "The main object of his life seems lo be the satisfying of a hunger which is always craving ; anil to this aim all his cunning , impudence , and audaeilv are mainly directed. " Nothing comes amiss. Though by no moans the swiftest-footed quadruped ution the plains , he runs down the deer , the pronghorn - horn , and others , tiring them out by trickery and then overpowering them by force of numbers. Thebull'alo formerly all'oriled him an unfailing supply , in the shape of carrion or chance fragments left him by his Hrahmans the white wolves who steadily followed the herds , and seized upon decrepit or aged stragglers , or upon any calves they were able to surround and pull down. In such piracy the coyotes themselves often en gaged , though it tried their highest pow ers ; and success followed a system of tireless worryingT'he poor bison or elk upon whieh they concentrated might trample and gore half the pack , but the rest would "stay by him , ' ' and finally nag him to death. 1 remombcr once reading an account of the strategy by whieh a largo stag was forced to sue ? ciimb to a pack that had driven it upon the ice of a fro/.en lake. Part of the wolves formed a circle about the pond , within which the exhausted and slipping deer was chased round and round , by pa trols frequently relieved , until , fainting with fatigns and loss of blood , the noble animal loll , to Ue torn to piece ? in an in stant. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special Rilvcrtlfonionts , such a Lost , Foana 7oLnnnl'or Sulo , To Itent , Vinnts , Honnlinir , etc..will buliieortoil In tills column ut the low nitoof TEN CENTS PKK MNU fortlioHrBt Insur- ion and * 'ivo font * I'urlJno for onoli sulHoiiuem luforllon. Lcnvo nilvortlseini'iits at our olllcti No. 1'J I'ciil streut , nuar Hroiulway , Council WANTS. FOIl ItKNT Itoinn , ilh board , for two KCiits , or mini nnd wife , No. 10 Frnnk- lin St. TOU S"ALlTMy T < ' * l < Jii < 'o pnfpcity on liinir 1 ; st. bclwi'cn Willow und Filth axciiuo ; alao liorfo mid bujftfk'B. AK. . " TjVJIl IlKNT A now two-story Inline dwelling Ju house , contnlnlnir AIJC rooms , hull on both lloors , closets with nil lid rnoino. lariro collm- nml K od I'lsturu. Cnll on M. V. llolircr or Oiloll Urns. i' C < ) . "E10K ItKNT Tlir ouu-Mory frRliio IniBinnai JD hulldlnir , with 1-room dwolllnir uttucli- iiicnt , fonnnrly oecuplul im a cand ; fnotory mid known us No. liu South Mnln stroot. n.x- tenillnjr throuirh to 1'onrl st.pply to > ! . F. llolircr or Odi'll Bros , .t Co. _ _ _ _ _ Oil SAI.K-llnrlierslioiMfiioa location , Rood F ieufon for BDlllnn. Aililross II , llvnodlcc. A oot'timo of tlyo or 8lx rooms , locatnd convonlont to buslni'Rs ; Hiimll family , no uhlldron. Address "Crlbpy , " Iloe olllco. VVTANTKI-A ) boy with pony to curry llco route. SA1.K OI < 1 fitpurii for fulo ( it the HOB Foil oltlco. ANTK1) rarflcs InlKiidhiK to bo married are wanted to cull nt the J'ryor'B llco jot ) onii-o to gcliiut their wuddlnir cards. J011X V .P'J.NK JACO1I SIMK STONE & SIMS , ATTORNEY3-AT-LAW , Practice in thu State and Federal contti Kooms 7 and 8 SluigarMimio lilo k. Buy COAL Of G. MAYNE , At lltli st nml lltli KVP. , nnd M. Oiilla- glicr's store , Lower Broadway. W , S , HOMER & CO , V.V Main St , , Council Illtiffs. Tlio flu'opcci pliiuo In the city in buy CROCKERY , LAMPS , SILVER PLATED WARE , GLASSWARE , FINE POTTERY. THEATRICAL WI6S , BEARDS , Grease Paints LTC. jj The Flni'st I in ported l.lno of Cinods West ot Mrs.G. L. Gillette's Human Hair Emporium No , 209 MainStreet.Cou/icil Bluffs , Iowa. FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaln. NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Liulicsbuying a 85 hat or bonnet , one fare will be paiil ; Sio , louiul ( rip. MI3LVIN SMITH. I. T. ItOltEItTS. SL'CC'IiSiOItH TO McMAHON & CO , ibstacts of Title , Loan and Real Es tate Brokers , No , 238 Main St. Ma abstract book * In this county , - Knoxni nit tlie "Mcllaltnn Abstract Jooln , " wcarennw prepared to fur- nlxh abstract. * and rcHpectfiillH . " - licit the patroitayeof all those aextr- iny coi'i'ect abstracts of title to lands and lots in J'ottaioattainie coitnti/ . HO , 236 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Office over American Exprcts. B. RICS , M. D. , r/inrprc Or otbur Tumors romnvc-U without u"ot' * the . knlfoorilniwlniof blood. Oror thirty yonrs practical cipurionco. No. II 1'carl St. , Council llliura. MfConeultatlon froo. Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select from. Several pairs of fine diivcrs , tin gle or do'ible , MASON WISE , Council lllull'a. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL HU'FFS , IA , KetnbllEhcd JS5T BOOK BIDING u , Journal * , County and Itank Work or AH Klmls iiSpcc- lally Prompt Altenlionjo Mail Orders MOREHODSE & CO. Room 1 Kvcrot Block , Council Ulnfls. Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind ing in Magaiinca aud BLANK BOOKS. HKrT.ttll.SCIJS ; C n. Nut in rial Dunk , M. K. Smith i. Co. , CllUcnt' llauk , Iletrr , WuUj tt Ca , . * lm National Dank , t' II. Insurance Ca. , Officer &l'useyUUiitcrgc.U ! tiaviiii-8 Hack. ONE HUNDREDJREE GIFTS To Bo Given Away By Henry Eiseman & Co.'s People's Store. TO THE LUCKY TICKET-HOLDERS On Jnminfy intli , 1 S7 , Coti.ilatlnu of Furniture , Chlnnwnro , Clothing , lllttiiUctR , Tallin Iilncn , Notions , floury , Silk Dross rat- terns , Ktc.i titu. For every two dollar's worth of jjoods purchased , you will rocoiro n coupon ticKet , good for one chance in the follow ing Urand Pre.aonts to bo Riven away by us on January Ifith , 1837 : FIRST PUIZK-Ono suite of Parlor I'ltrnilnre , consisting of sofa , lulc-a-loto and lour grand easy chair ? , nil uphol stered in assorted similes of ulr nnt silk plushes , worlli $ lV'o. SKCON'l ) PliraS-Ono Mahocony Hod Koom Suite , consisting of Ucdstead , Dresser nntl Wash Stiumof ole-innl llnish with bovolcd class , worth $100. Till HI ) PKlBK-Onu of the very best slx-drawr Nickel Plated Domestic Si-\v- mjx Machines. The very best machine in the United Stales , worth $0.1.00. FOl'HTH I'ltlZH - Twontv yards Ciuinett best eros grain Black i > ilk , cost $ ! 1.00 per yard , worlli t0.00. ( ! FIFTH P1UHOne eli-giint Seal Plush London Dyed C'loak , to bo made to order to tit the lucky ticket holder , worth $1.0.00. . SIXTH PUiXK-Onopalrof the llnest White Ulankets iniulo by the. I'ioiieer Woolen mill , of California , worth s ? 10.00. SHN'KNTll PUIHK-Onc ! Beautifully Decorated Dinner aud Tea Set , consist- iiij ; of ono hundred and forty pieces , worth ? .V. ,00. KKSimi P1UXKAn KlPiriint Seal Shin Mull' , worth $ SO.UO. NINTH IMUXK--A very line Paisley Shawl , worth * ir ! > .00. TKNTI1 PHlXIC-Ono Angora Bcavor Shawl , worth ifltO.OO. KLHVKNTH PKIXK- One OentlemanV Suit of Clothinjj , made of Imported Worsted , guaranteed a line lit for the winner , worth ftfri.OO. TUKLFTH P1UXK-A ( Jeiulcman's Fur Heaver Overcoat , worth $ ! M.U. ( ) TllIHTIiKNTll I'UIUI-J ' - Ono Hoy's Overcoat , for a boy between the attcs of H and li ( years , to be chosen by the lucky party holiUmr the ticket. Worth $15.00. FOURTEENTH PHIXK-Ono Hoy's Suit , for a boy between the ages of ! 1 and li ( years , to bo selceted by the winner. Worth $15.00. FIFTKKXTII PHIXK-Onc Elegant In- fant's Clonk , worth $10.01) ) . SIXTEENTH P1UXK - One Klopant Brass Parlor Table , worlli ? 10.00. SEVKNTKHNTH PUIXE-One pieenof 50 yards "I'ruit of the Loom" niu. lin , worth $1.00. EIGHTEENTH P1UXE - One half do7.cn of thevery best Celebrated "Ciold" white shirts , of which we are the exclu sive agents , worth $0.00. N1NTEENTII PlUXE-Onc Fine Silk iMulller , worth $5.00. TWENTIETH. PlllXE-Ono Linen Table Set , consisting of Tublo Cloth ami a Do/on JNapkius worlli $10.00. TWENTY-FIRST PKIXE--A CVh Present of a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece. No. 23 One Toilet Set. No. 23 One very line Doll. No. ! JI--One Handkerchief Box. No. 2. ) Ono elegant Hand Hag. No. SO Ono largo.Doll. No. 27 One Stand Cover. No. 28 Ono bottle line Perfume. No. 2 ! ( One Toboggan Cap. No. yO-One Table Scarf. No. ! J1 One fine Splasher. No. ! M One line Lunch Basket. No. 1)3 ) Onu hammered brass Umbrella t and. GNo. ! M One-half iloz. fine Towels. QNo. : ! > Ono Silk Umbrella. ijNo. ISO-One line Doll. No. : t7 Ono set China Dishes , suitable for little folks. No. ! J8 Onis Hrass Hroom Holder. No. 8U One pair Men's Silk Suspend ers. ers.No. . -10 Ono Silk Handkerchief. No.-11 One nice Doll. No. 42 One-half dox. ladle's line Linen Handkerchiefs. No. 43 Fifteen yards Best Calico for a dress pattern. No. 41 Ono Boy's Hat. No.IS Ono Hoy's Sealskin Cap. No.1C One tine Painted Ornament , No. ' 17 Ono Toilet , Set. No.18 Ono nice Doll. No. 411 Ono line Doll. No. 50 One elegant Table Cover. No. 51 One Bottle Perfume. No. 52 Ono La o H.tndkcrchief. No. 03 Ono child's tine Lace Collar , No. 51-One elegant Doll. No. 5r ) Onn elegant Doll. No. flij Ono Tiily. No. 57 Ono Table Scarf. No. OS-One line Doll. No. 5' ) One Month Organ. No. 00 One Imitation Steam Piano. No. (11 ( One line Hook. No. 02 One line Hook. No. Oil-One Poeket Knifo. No. 01 One line Doll , No. OS-Ono line Doll. No. ( iO One Dr. Warner's Corset. No. 07 One Shoulder Shawl. No , ( M Ono infant's Lace Cap. No. 00 One baby Dress , No. 70 Onu largo Doll. No. 71 Ono Ilniul Hag , No. 72 Ono lady's Companion No. 7t-OneSilk : Mulller. No. 74 One largo Doll. No. 75 Ono line Hook. No. 70 Ouo line Hook. No. 77 Ono Lunch Basket. No. 78 Ono pair children's bhocs. No. 7SI One pair boy's Hoots. No. 80 Ono line Lace Collar. No. 81 Ono large Doll. No , 82 One J/uty'ts Jersey Jacket. No. 83 One pair Gentleman's Sus penders. No. 81One pair Men's ' Gloves , No. 85-Ono pair Hoy's Skates. No. 8il One pair Girl's Skates. No. 87 Ono pair Girl's Skates. No. 88--Ono line Doll No 8' ) Ouo line Doll No. 90Onu largo Doll No. Ul Onu large Doll No. W Ono Nceklacn No. Oil One pair Goht Cull" Buttons No. Ill One Locket No. 05 Ouo nice Breast Pin No. ! )0 ) Ono pair Sh-eve Button * No. 117--One Silver Thimble No. H8-Ono line Breast Pin No. 8'J Ono pair Kid Gloves No. 100 Onu Lace Handkerchief Total value of unisonls , f800. vi 1th every f purchase you " 'Piijve n ticket , also a ticket for every Juddilional fcjmirthnso you mnko. Hold your tickets until January Wh , 18S7. when the fortunate numbers will ho announced and invited to call and re ceive their present * . HE.MEMHEK. You have to pay nothing extra for your purchases. 'Wo guarantee to soil you goods cheaper than any other IIOIISH in the west , and best stock to select from. MAIL OUDEHS. All orders by mail will receive prompt attention , and tickets for the free gift dUtrilmtion will bo forwarded and enclosed with your purchases , the same as if yon wcr > i present in person. These distributions will bo made with every fairness and you may doni-nd on it that the lucky numbers only will receive their presents. No tickets will be issued to the em ploye * of our house. , Customers only will receive the bene fits Call and sec the nbovn mentioned pres ents now on exhibition in our UKUiitriuih Morn and convince yourself. I Respectfully , ; llKMtr EI VMAN A : Co. , IVopluVi Slore , Noa. JIM , .110 , :513 : and , UW Broadway , Council Blufts , THE BEATON FUEL CO , Will supply you with n cleaner ami betlej fjuality of OA | _ Than any on in the city. A trial will con * vince you. No 028 Broadway. Telephone 110 , WHOLESALE AND JODDihl COUNCIL BLUFFS. DKKK12 , WULLS & CO. , WholcMlo Implements , , rte , Vto I'oi'ueil Ninas , lows. kuysToxir MA NtT.uTi'HiN ( ; ca MniiutiiPlnrorsol iviul Di nliuin u Hand and Power Corn Shellers , And OKOMOIII lim < of HrM cln < s IIKTU- ill , , , v . . . nt. . Kos. IS01 , list , IMS ntul l.MT . ? oiilli Mnln Slreot. _ _ _ Council ll.niK ion a. _ " DAVID UILVDLRY , t CO. . Mmmf'ts an 1 .luliliois of agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , ' ! * * ? ; . ' * ! ' ltlnils of Kl < n" M'Wlllnerr. ' 1100 to 1118 South Mtiin Slreot , Council illuiri , lonn. COUNC"llJFT'S CA Kl'lT'Fco' Carpats , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Clothe. CurlnlM Future * , tjplinlflinry Ooo Ktc. No. < 05 llrOR.IiTftr . Council l rro , MT. 'KHKHOy. & MOOKK , Jobber * In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nos. ESilnlll nut ] 27 I'eai-l a'.s. Council lown. BTOHAHK Prnit andProdnce Commission Merchant J. ra,24 mill X1'onl \ St. , Loinicll IthitTH. IIAULE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , B' Pnnilrk'K , r.tis. No. S3 Mnln .SL , nn.t No. " 1 1'tmrl t5 ! . , Council lUillTs. HflT/X O. W. J1UTTS , Wholesale California Fraits a Specialty General CommlFFion. N'o. GU Council IllufM. W1KT & DUQUKTTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery , -AND- COMMISSION , Nos. 10 nml 18 Pur.i-1 St. , Council IllufTK. JMHJVKS.S , KTO. BIvCKAlAN , STUO1IHKUN & CO. , IfiinufnctiiroiBOf anil Wlmlcsulo Do'ilonla Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. f u Mnln Pt. . Council Illuirt , loirs. HATS , C.l/W. KTC. MKTCALF IWOTIIEKS , Jobbers in Hals , Caps and Gloves. Nos. ill" ! mid : m ttromlwny , Council muff * . JIKAVY HAIUJU'Allt ! . KKKLINK < fc FKLT , Iron , Steel , Hails , Heavy Hardware , Atul Wood Stock , t'ounril HIitlTs , lown. II1IIKS AM ) TAM.O\V. " "bTTi.jT No. MO Mnln Kiriint , i : : Council llliilK COM.IHSSIO.X JVIKKMIAIV" ] ! ' . ' * , - AMI UK M.Kits IS- HIDES , TALLOW WOOL , ETC. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wliolcsiilu Io\li'm ) ! In Humiliating & Lubricating Oil ; E2TO. , 3ITO. P.Thcoi1ornAtont , Council lllulTB. Iowa. ETC. A. OVKKTON & CO , , Hard Wood , Sonthern Lumber , Piling , And HrlilKO Mnti rinl BmTlnliloB.WlHilosnlo huia- lior ol < U ) KiudB. Oinco No. KX ) Main Ht. , Counoll llluffa. lown. IWC.9 AND MQUUHH. SCHXKIDKIl & I5KCK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , JOHN LINDKIt. Imported and Domestic Wines & Llqnon ( or tit. riollhard'ti llorb lllltcrtt. Ko.ll Mid 11 tit. C'ounml UluIU. J. . KIKSCJJT & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers , Ho. 119 jJroti'Jwny. Council HlnlM CBESTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council IlUifU having HSsoa/pe Ami all mo 'cm improvements , 31ft , 817 and'.MU Mai" > ' MAX MO I IN' , Prop , Star Sale Stables and Mule Ms , WUMWVAY , COUNCIL Jiiunnv Ucit Horses and mules kept cui.stuntly yn hand , for Kiilo at retail or in car load * . Odero promptly idled l < y contract on hhort nuticft Slock told on coniimsb1onf SiiLi'Tr.u & Jloua' . Proprietors ) , Telephone No 111. Formerly of K ll .San ? Stable * , cproe ; lt. ay.e ape ; 4th street.