" THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FKIDAY. JANUAKY 7 , 1887. mo.nbers was < -o small that there should ho iChinillr divu slon o\cr a few stamps , Jilch the stnto could well afford to pay for. r. Agco returned to ilio charco concerning .T1 ' " , nje.'lng ) that It would he better to inako a direct appropriation of money for In- c.dc.unl expenseof members. Mr. Miller of lluticr made an emphatic pro test n alnst stamps , mJli'iuitlilio jtlrt not oil- it I to nevvspai > crs. lie tiu'ii lit It was evi dent tliat no memher needs * ' mo stamps than had been provided. Mr. Whltmorc sild hownssorrr to Sfo a disposition In tlio house to wrangle over suo.'i n matter , lie K now there was unusual Interest among thu voters nf Nebraska in the pro ceedings of this legislature. had no doubt constituent1) ) would Justify the pend ing of nevvspRpcts , knew that papers which Iiad been sent at pilvato expense heretofore liad been highly appreciated , Imt It was per fectly evident that 8 cent stamps were a crab nnd lie did not believe It could bu J list 1 Hod. If members were faithful to tht'lr trusts , they could use twenty copies of papers with prolll to the people. Mr. Newcomer withdrew the stamp amend ment and the original resolution was adopted. Mr. Watson Introduced a resolution that the Speaker bo empowered to appoint two addi tional door keepers and two additional pages. Mr. Caldwell favored the resolution. Mr. Whltmoio objected and emphasized the tmsltlon that he had taken yesterday , add- In c that If the officers were needed he favored them , but If not , ho thought It was roMilnirtho people. Mr. Millei objected ( o the. resolution , claim ing It established a dangerous precedent. Olio of the door keepers of the List session wns paid S3 a dav to keep the door to the cloak room and spent the time lobbying among the/ members. Messrs. White and Newcomer opposed the resolution. Upon motion of Mr. Slater the resolution Vas tabled. Knees * * until ItfOp. in. Arrnii.vooN sr.ssio.v. vVhcn thii house reeomeni'd In afternoon Cession the galleries were ixlreiuly filled with Bpectator. ' , w ho had gathered to be present nt the Inaugural ceremonies whleli were to bo the event of the day , and thin far of the ses sion. sion.The The speaker announced the appointment nf Messrs. Dempstei , Newcomer , Smjth , AVatson and llairlson as a committee on rules to net with himsell. A recess was taken to nwalt Iheairlval of the senate for thn Joint luauzuial session. Durintr the recess the audlotieo ot ladles nnd gentlemen In the galleries and lobby rapidly mow in number until eveiy available Beat and standing plneu was occupied , and the crowd o\erllowed Into the body of the Loiisn and occupied clialrs which were numerously located in aisles. The | IDII U wns rgaln called to order at 2:30 : o'clock , nud the ' 'honorable ' , the senate of Btato of Nebraska , " was announced. .Illt.M1 roNVKVUO.V. The joint coineiitlon was called to order Jjy Lieutenant Govei nor Shedd. .Senator Mnjnis moved that a committee of five bo appointed to wait upon IdseKcolleiiey , the governor , and notify him that the two liouses of the leglslatme had assembled In Joint Mission and were awaillni ; his pleasure. I/an led. The following gentlemen were unpointed : fccimtots Majors nnd Schmlnke , and Itepic- Beutntlves Uajmond , U'hlto and Alkcn. Mi. Kenney \Velster gallantly olloicd a resolution that ladles bo admitted to thelloor ol the house , and that the .serieant-at-aims ; be instructed to find seats for them as lar as jmsslble. The lesolution was unanimously iidopted. Tlio governor and state ofliceis were then announced and escorted to seats upon the platform. Lieutenant Governor Shcdd then said : "Gentlemen or the joint convention : Ills excellency , the covoinor , will now deliver Ins biennial message. " Governor Davvcs then read his last mes sage. During the progress of the reading of the povcinor's message the greatest attention \vns given by the largo audience , nearly one thousand people , nnd ; tt Its close the ap plause was euneral. Tim leading of the mes- Bagu occupied nn hour nnd n quaitor. Senator Mclklejohn moved that a com- lultteo of olio from the senate and ono fioin the house bo appointed to wait upon the governor-elect nnd oscoit him to tlio bar ot tee house. Carried. The lloutonant-gov- ernor appointed Senator Melklejohn nnd Ilepicscntntlvo Uussell as such committee. { senator Llnlngcr offered a lesolution that n committee of two members on part of the Eennto nnd three on part of tlio house be np- polnted to wait upon Chief Justice Maxwell nnd request him to appear In the hall of the liou.su to administer the oatli U > the governor- clcct nnd state olllcers-olect The resolution xvas adopted and as such committee Sena tors Llnlngcr , Congoss nnd Keprosentatives J'eters , Cole nud Joary were appointed. Govoinor-elect Thajerand stnto ofllcors- elect wutn announced and greeted with pro nounced npplauso. Chief Justli'o Maxwell was escorted to the bar of the house Immediately after the pov- trnor-elcct and ollicers , nnil without delay administered to tlio incoming executive the oath of olllco. Fora moment nn almost sol- LMIIII nnd quite Impressive hush lell over the large assemblage , and then , when Governor Thayer was introduced , the entlio legislature mid audioneo buist Into spontaneous and re peated applnuso. Govmuor Thayer then lead his Inaugural address. The pronounced sentiment as to what pun ishment should be meted to men who conduct bribery negotiations nt elections or in public places , was accorded hearty applause , and at Us conclusion the appreciation ot the whole address was again enthusiastically demon strated. The other state olllcers-olect were then sworn In r > y Clilet Justice Maxwell. Upon motion of Senator Maiors the con vention was declared adjourned sine die. nicoNvr.xii : : > AND AIUOIMI.VII : > . The house leeoinoncd nnd Immediately ad journed until o'clock p. in. on Nonday , the 10th lust. V MATI.III vr. rou TIM : TIIIIID IIOIISK. Thiee ot the members of the popular hianch of the legislature disdain the luxury of hhiit collars. Ono statesman availed himself of the privi lege ot Hondliii : twenty dallies to his con stituents by subscribing lei foity copies of Ills home , n wecUly , paper. Ono of the misses who act as pages In tlio house amused a mombei who motioned to her to-day while she was en route with a message Irom another member by exclaiming : "Wait till I can get to you , won't you 1" Insti'.ul of Mr. Gaffum of ( ! agelt was Mr. Puller of ( iage. who carried tlio war Into Afi lea on the seat question In the house yes terday. While Mr. Fuller was so excitedly complaining concerning the Involuntary loca tion of Ills heat he was occupying the pent belonging to Mr. ( Jalford. and thereby that Kcntleman obtained credit for attempting to lead a revolt. Jtepiesentativo Miller of JJntler. talks 200 words a minute ordlnailly , and when ho warms up nnd lets oil the brakes makes Ingersoll's ; ; oo-word gait look tiled. Affairs In .Maine. AuntJSTA , Jan , C. Governor llodowell was Inaugurated to-day. Ills address recommended - mended the rigid enforcement of the Jaw to prevent Introduction of pleuro pneumonia uiul suggests the establishment of a national guaid In tlo place of the ht.ilo militia , the prevention of ehildien under llfteen yenis Irnm working In lactorles and the icatilctlon of labor In all eoriioiatlonslo ten limits a day , Thogoveinm also recommenda as , \ rem edy for HID iihory troubles the levying of mich Increased duties on what Jish t'aiuuU hends.to thn ( 'lifted Mates as would pattially if not whollv exclude Canadian llsheimun from our mat kits. Thn llllnolH Simxui'iiu : , Jan , -Hoth houses of the legislature convened at 1 < ) o'clock tills morn ing and jirocceded to the transaction of reg ular business ItOiolutlons wore adopted ) tiov idlng for a joint mcctlnc for the put- IKISKS ot holdlnsf , the fointh Wednesday In Janunry.servlces In honor of General Lo an , At 11 o'clock the houses met In joint session vhen tlio leturns for .stato otlleers nt the last election were canvassed and the oath of utlieo administered to State Tieasuier Tanner and Superintendent ot I'ubllo Instinctliin Dr. Kdwards. The selec tion of peimanent seats bv drawing was made. A lesolution providing for thu joint meeting of the two nouses on January la Mr the purpose of tilling the vacancy In the Vnltcd States renato was adopted by the IHIUSII and a similar one by thn tenate. The liouseb then adjourned until 'J ; " < 0 this af tei- J1001) ) . _ _ Aloitlll Mentloiicil far Scnntnr , CIIIOAQO , Jan. 0. ( Special Telograin to thu HrK.J In regard to the outlook as to J/o- Kan's successor In the senate a stall corre spondent of the Chicago Journal telegraphs fiomSprluglloM : "U , U. Fai well's plan of campiiKii Mfmi > tobo sytitomatie , thorough nnd business like aud notliliig but a lack of votes hi the caucus can pi event Mr. Kanvell 49iu belnc uotuiuatfil lor senator , There are otncc caudlilalcs In Chicago who , like Mr. Farwoll , stand high In the community , and who , Ilko him , haxo worm friends In the delegation. Yesterday afternoon there was a dec ! led boom for Joseph Mcdlll , editor of the Clilcaeo Tribune , ami It has not disap peared to-day. It la not likely to disappear and may irrow to largo dimensions , provided Mr. Medlll does not ruthlcs ly shatter It. If he does not Senator Mcdlll Iscry tar from an Impossibility. UNCM3 PICK'S ANNUAL. l-'o'ntH ' from Hie Mcfmngo of the Gov ernor oT 111111014. KLi ) . 111. , Jan. 0. Governor Dijlesby , In his annual mossasjo to the Icels- ature , devotes n largo portion of It to the labor troubles of the past two years , and speaks of the necessity which compelled him : o fiend bodies of state troops to I.emoiit , ast St. Louis and the packing house district near Chicago , llo urges upon the legislature to so amend the statute bearing upon the employment of slate troops to quell Insurrec tion as to clearly dcllno the powers of the executive , and whether their employment shall depend upon the Information or request from the sheriff or independently ot any such appeal. The go\crnor commends the troops for tliolr high state of discipline and cfllclency , and urges [ hat the legislature will provide liberally for their education and equipment , The remainder of the message is largely de voted to the proposed change In the methods for collecting stito re\pnue , and he urges that assessments should bo made on the basis of the full value of property assessed. Ho directs attention to the vacancy In the olllco nf United States senator occasioned bv the death of General Logan , lie sajs : ' 'The death of that dmtlngn ! hcd rituon , patriot. soldier and statesman , honored and behned by his comrades and countiv , casts n gloom over the entlie country. Ills eminent suc cess Justly entitles him to olliclal recognition anil to an honored place In the memory and alleetlons of a gratelul and admliing pee ple. " The governor notifies the legislature of the necessity of providing how to utlll/e tlio labor of convicts In view of the constitutional amendment prohibiting the letting by con tract of the labor of convicts , llo speaks at some length of tlio existence of pleuio-pneu- nionla In this state , and asks for an appro priation of S' > 00HX ( ) to stamp out tlio dKoase. lie asks also tor nn appropilatlon of tfklO.COO on bubal ! of the soldiers' home at Qiiiucy. IOWA'S inSTIlIC ! ,7UIGI3S. They Still Slowly Discuss Uniform IlulcH of Procedure. Dr.sMoiNns , la. , Jan. 0. [ Special Tele gram to the Jii.J : : The district judges of the state continued to-day their work of adopting uniform rules of procedure , but con sumed the day without definite result. Judge Mirace , for tlio committee on pmbato inle , reported a series ot rules w hich probabli w 111 bo adopted by the coinentlon with little change. They provide that clei ks hhall enter upon court calendars only such cases as le- qulro the action of the court ; that they shall on the first day of each term repoil to the presiding judge all estates that have neglected to re- tuin the report required by law ; that all such reports snail be self-explanatory and com plete. showln : a full debit and credit ac count ; that reports of the sale of real estaio .shall bo explicit and the parties making the report shall state whcthei the sales were ad vantageous , and should be appiovcd or not ; that all applications for eiders In probate shall bo made in wilting and self-explana tory ; tlnUapplloation tornllowancj to widows under the statutes must state the number of childten under sixteen , thu value ol the de ceased husband's estate , the values ot prop erty owned by widow ; that when n referee In probate .shall bo appointed he shall exam ine and audit accounts of administrators , e.v- ccutoiH nnd guardian , and hhall have power to .summon witnesses and take evidence the same as a judge of probate ; that no administrator , executor or guardian shall bo relieved of duty till notice of his application for relief shall have been given to all persons interested In the case. There seems to bo a disposition to adopttheso rules without much dillcrenco of opinion. The main committee on the rules leported through Judge 1'helpsa series of rules which called out much opposition. They will proba bly be much changed before adoption. This evening tlio visiting judges receive a banquet given by tlie local bar association. "Witnesses Against Lcnvitt. Sioux Crry , la. , Jan. 0 [ Special Tolecram to the JJii.J : : I'aul Leader , ono of the Had dock conspirators , unbosomed himself to a newspaper repoiter , and In n published In- toivlew recounts many facts alieady well known to the public , and In addition lie Im plies that when placed on the witness stand at the trial will swear that II. L. Leavitt did tlio shooting Instead of John Aiensdorf. It Is tuithor stated that the defense have now four witnesses who will testify to the same fact. All of these witnesses belong to the band of conspirators , nnd nro now undei bond. Leader's statements plainly indicate the nature of the detense to be made. Him OH * His Stock. Cr.n.vu UAI-IJH , la. , Jan 0. | Special Tele- giam to tlie Ii'i.J ! : Hatcheldar , of St. Louis , ran on" two ear loads of .1. II. Palmei's stock last night. Palmer Is a butter nud oag man. He owed ISateheldar S'JO.OOO , but had given a mortage to ills wile topnneut payment. It is illegal. at Ccdnr Itnpldf. Cr.DAu KAIMDS , la. , Jan. ( ) . [ Special Tele- flam to the Jin.J ! A bold burglar entered cluht different houses this morning bofoio daybreak. He secured a watch woith SX ! ) and some small change. An olllcer traced him , but ho escaped. Nursery Jiiirned , DirnuQUE , la. , Jan. C. [ Special Tcleginm to the Uii.J : : riio nt 1 o'clock this morning destroyed the Springbow nursery. Loss , S2fXu ) ; insurance , S'-J.OJO. Konosaw GoliiR West. KnM'.s.uv , Neb. , Jan. 0. i Special to the Ui.i.J : A largo number of our Jamiois and business men organuod thu Central .Nebras ka nud "Western colony nt this place last evening. Its ollicors nro C ! . W. Caiter , presi dent ; I. 15. Pierce , vice picsldent ; II , G. Aimltago , secretary ; A. T , Mecham , tieas- urer. The colony expects to leave hero In the spring with fiom Foventv live to ono him- died lamllles. Mr. S. .1 , Shirley , of Sidney , Neo. , will undoubtedly bo enijaeed by tlio colony to locate them. lie met with the colony last evening. Consideiablo enthus iasm piev.Uls , aud If all could bieak loose Irom their mooiings that want to "go west and tiy It o\er again , " tills part of Adams county would witness a regular oxodtts In the spiing , _ Holilied Tor the Third Time. Hi. MK , Xeb , , 0. [ Special Telegram to the HKK.J Thu postolllce at this place was broken Into last night , the sifo blown open in af-Klllful manner and the contents rilled. About 5JOJ In stamp" , some money and tweho registered packages tor local delivery were taken. The contents of tlio packages me not known. This Is the second time In a year that this ofllco has been robbed , each lime done In tlio same manner. No blame can bo attached to the jioitmlMrcsj , as the olllco Is carefully locked bv her. and oveiy precaution taken that can bo. The burglais also tiluw open the .sale of Wiseman v. Me- ( Juaulo's lumber ollice. Just ninth ot the poatolllce , and secured SfJ there. > > o clue. Hccretnry HOKKOII Hurprlipd , LINCOLN , Xeb. , Jan. 0. [ Special Telo- Krani to the JJin.J : A number ot Secietary Uosseii't , friends In tUC state house took that gentleman by surpiUo In ( he hour ot his de. paituro trom ollieo , and lust evanlni : pre- stinted him with an elegant siher water set- Captain Cole made tlie pu entation niieeeh , nnd it was an elegnnt ono that took Mr. Hoggen completely bylhiirpilse , and every one connected with thu episode was su premely Imppy. Gonn Under 21 Cloud. Coi.MMiirp , Neb. , Jan. 0. [ Special Tele gram to the UEI : . ] lleiiuan Xateastailt , for se\eial years n wagon maker nnd blacksmith at this place , has made a jump for a more congenial clime , leaving many creditors anx ious as to Ids whereabouts mid tub wife cry- lug vvheiu Js Uur man gone. GIFFOIID GOES FOR GROVER , The Delegate From Montana Eeafla tae Hiot Act to the President. NO NATIVES NEED APPLY. Gossip About tlio Inillann Senatorial ConiO't Serious Obstacle to tlio I'nssago of Dftwcs * Sioux P.cporvntiou IiiiZ * TlicIJIot Act Ilonil to tlio AVASiitxoTo.v , Jan. ( ! . [ Special Tele gram to the Hr.K.1 Delegate OlfTord has been ieadlng the riot net to President Cleveland. llo went to tno while house to urge the name of a Dakota man for a judicial office In that territory nnd the president dlsplajcd some impatience at Gilford's Importunities , nt which the latter said : "You must remember , Mr. President , that we have good men , men pure in morals and highly qualified as to legal ability , to fill these olllces aud all ofUccs In this territory and a , majority of our people want them in these ofl'ice,0. " "Hut 1 cannot appoint your citizens to these positions , " said the president , "because every man in jour territory who amounts to anything Is arrayed on ono side or the other of your tcmtorlal fight or Is in some coirupt tiansactlon. They are mixed up in your quarrels and they are unlit to hold ofllce. It seems that it takes but n few months for the people going Into Dakota to cct Into the meshes of your rlng- sters and to be placed beyond the pale ot un biased citizens. " This filed up Chord ! ! and ho replied : "Well , pou propose to disregard the voice of the people there In choosing their olllcers , do you' . ' Now , theie was Day , who wanted lo bo governor. Day was endorsed not only by his party at the polls In Ills candidacy arains me , but by the people. They said they wanted him In Iho ollice , nnd yet you did not listen to them. If wo had a statehood wo should select ny populai ballot men lor olllces whom you will not consider now and you , ' e\cn you , must acknowledge that fortho'pur pose wo have statehood now ; all wo lack is the form of admission. ' ' Kx-ltepicsontativo Uainey Cnulfield , ol Deadwood , now heie , Is disappointed nnd disgusted at the appointment made of a suc cessor to justice Church. Ho thinks It is an nn insult to the intelligence and InUvilty of the terrltoiy and the ' says picsldent's objec tion to appointing Dakotalans to this position will not stand ; that the very men the presi dent is taking fiom New Yoik to fill the ollices , according to his own statement , will become entangled In questions before tlio people of Dakota within a low months alter they enter the territory , and that thercfoie there can bo no possible advantage in going elsevvheie for men to fill the olllces , if only to got those who are outside of agitating the questions before the people. Caulfield thinks the truth in that the president goes to New York for appointees because ho wants to re ward personal friends and despairs of secur ing anything In the ollice line tor legitimate residents ot tlio tenitoiy. A snitioi'b OUST v.cu : , iV serious obstacle has coiuo in the way of the passing in the hou-o ot the Davvcs bill opening to settlement tlie Sioux Indian rei- eivation in Dakota. Cl.aiiman Wellborn , of the committee on Indian nllairs , told Dele gate Uitlord to-day that ho could not consent to the passage ot the bill with the piovision lor n treaty with the Indians for the right of way to a rallioad throuch the leservation in It , and that it must ho stricken out. He also objected to the provision in tlio bill crantlng Indemnity to settlers who were ejected Irom Crow Creek icservation by order ot Picsi- dent Arthur. Ho was willing to secure these settlers priority but not indemnity them for losses. Uitloid thinks these differences haards the passage of tlio bill very much , as to iiiiikii n conflict , but that it will pass nevertheless , as these are the only obstuic- tions. Wellborn is willing also to grnnt tlio rlclit of way to the inilroad on the terms proposed by the bill , but not nllowtown ! sites etc. , ns provided. TIM : INDIAJTA co.\Tisr. : A great deal was said at the capital to-day about the senatorial contest pending at In dianapolis. The republicans are extiemely anxious for the ie-electlon of General Hani- son , and are unanimous in declaring that If he Is retuiued for another term It will give him such lenewed precedence as to place him in tlio very foremost ranus ot the leader ship of his paitv. 'lliis evening's Stir has a lengthy article. on tlio subject ot tlie canvass , compiled by reporleis alter contact with principal Indf- anians and others here , In tlie courseol which it says : ' 'Among Indlanlans in Washington tlie opinion that the present legislature may fail to elect n leader seems to be growing. 'Tho action of the labor members in caucusing together , it is conceded , compli cates the situation very much. It the labor men hold out , neither pally will have enough to elect. Tlio Indiana contest Is a subject ot considerable inteiest , nt the capital. It has been suggested that the democrats , in the event that they cannot elect a senator , might combine to piovent an election with the view of piocuiiiig tlio senator by thu tip- pointinont of the goveinor , who Is a demo crat. but should that policy bo adopted the icsiilt would probably bu that tlio seat would lemain vacant until this legislature or Its successor should elect. A piecedont In the case of the appointment by governor when the legislature has neglected its duty , was es tablished by the senate In the ca = o of bena- torS. S. Phelp'f , ot Vermont. Ho was ap pointed to the Thirty-second congress to fill a vacency caused by the death ot William Upham. Seuator Phclps took his seat Jan- uarv 19 , lb8 , and in October of that year the Yeiinont legislature met. It adjourned In December without electIng - Ing a senator. Mr. Phelps sat through that cungicss and thiough a special session ol thu Renato that was convened on tlioIth of March ensuing. In tlio next December hi * presented himsell ns a senator ot Yeimont lor the Tlnrtv-tliinl conuiess and the ques tion ol his title under the appointment ol the govcinor , ( lie legislature having failed to elect , was lelcned to the jmllciaiy commit tee. Two reports were submitted uy the com mittee , the itulorlty declaring that Mr. Phelps vv.n entitled to his seat , the nunoiity tliat ho ww not. The majontv report was iu- icctcd and the. senate declared tliat Mr , Philips was not entitled to his seat. The sen- nto then consisted ol thlity-elglit democrats , t Aenh-two whlgs and two fieo soileis. " JU'CII Till UNO AlKlfMIP. Much feeling has been moused by the dom- cratsol tlio District of Columbia against the policy of President Cleveland in importing nio J Horn New York anil other states to fill ollieo hero aud In the tciiitoilcs in direct re pudiation of the platloim ot tlio party upon w hich he was elected. 'Ibis outouist ot in dignation arose Irom Ihu appointment of J. C. Matthews , the coloied man liom Albany , X. Y. , to succeed Fred Douglas as recorder of deeds , anil culminated last niuht in the adoption ot a series of resolutions by the Columbia democratic cjb ) , an oican- Iiatton composed of the wealthiest nnd most influential resident democrats ot Washington , mun who have lor manv years laised huge minis ot money to conduct providential campaigns lei their party , and who poured out their means unstinting- ! support of Cleveland , Thu lesoliiltons de nounce the president's appointments heio nnd In the territoiles , and theyluuo been engrossed and a copy toiw.uded lo him. The wi.ithol the millionaire democi. Us heio has been uncorked , and Is beinr pomed upon ClovelandV head to-night in drenching quan tities , nnd lie will feel Its ellect in a way which will put the second term beu to sleep. jiouTiiN wonuixo AdAivsr THI : MI Asrin : . Kx-tiovernorbterllng P. Motion , ot No- Ina-lca , while In Washington , seems to bu taking a hand in the light against the passage of Iho Intei-statocommeieo bill , llo gave out foi publication to-night tlio following letter received bj him from Fiodeiiek T. Uiown , a prominent Now York stuck biokur , and it gives an IntellUent idea ot the argument b - ing used against the bill : "I have your favor of the 3d lust , asking If I consldci tim inter-state , commeice bill , as it comes from tliu conference committee , favor able to the farmer ; ) and planters ot the coun try , west and south. I answer decidedly not , but consider It wholly untavorabie to those states that atu not already covered by all- roads. As you know rallioad building In the southern states was for years retarded by thu unsettled condition of trade and labor , coupled with what northern capitalists call the politic risks. They hesitated nt putting money south of Mason nnd Dixon's Hue , fearing adverse legislation in the dlfferflnt states. These reasons can led the surplus money of the eastern and middle states into the construction of railroads In the west and northwest. With the overthrow ot the carpet bag legislatures nnd the restoration of stnto governments to their ilghtful holders , the land-owners' attention was directed to the south as the most promising field for railroad building , but up tniss ) little had been pro tected beyond tlvo necessary connections hulldlne between the old roads. Since that tlmo a great impetus lias been plvcti to rail- lood construction from Ylrglnla to Texas , nn Impetus that has quickened every Industrial interest throughout these states tlio building up of cities like Hlrrulnghaiu , In Alabama , tlio opening of coal nnd Iron mines In Vli- gin.a , North Camilla nnd Tennessee , and the covering of the northern part of Texas Vlth cattle ranches. These Plates nccrt and demand railroad facilities far in advantC of these already attained and In the next ten years W'Hl tecofvo them if not Interfered with by nnfrienn. . } ' legislation In their own slates or nt Wnslilnh'Jon. _ I ho noithern Mississippi states nro simiiCny placed. They need more lallroads , but with this bill passed nt Washington not ono foot of rails will be laid In these states unless ab solutely necossaiy. For the rallioads al- icadv existing no more favorable legislation can bo asked than the passage of the confer ence bill ns It came Hum the committee. It Is n guarantee against Interference from nnw loads. You will undeistand tliat what Is known ns 'paralleling a railroad' Is only done by capitalists who hope by dlIdlng the trallic of established ( old ) loads to soil out at a laigo profit to the old loads' stockholders , or by cutting rates seriously for a yeai or two obtain recognition liom the pools. The bill will in etrect stop all this. 1 can readily understand the vote ot the senators or repre sentatives of the northern heather Missis sippi states lor thu hill , but the vote ol a .soutliein or trans-Mississippi congressman lor Itought to consign him to private life and the wildciness of his own farm. " WHO IS SPKNTKII ? DUU'cnt Inquiry has been made to-day to learn something of James K. Spencer , ot Whitehall , N. Y. , who was yesteiday np- pointed associate justice ol the supreme coiut of Dakota to succeed Church. I1 in tlier than tliat ho Is n lawver. has ne\ei sought oillco before and was appointed upon the recom mendation ol Smith M. Weed and ox-Assls- tnnt Treasurer Smith nothing can bo Icained at the whlto house. The president sajs ho does not personally know Spencer. A1IVIV AlTAIIfJ. First Lieutenant Theodore K. Tiue , Fouith inland ) , has been ordered fiom Foil Coeur d'Aleno to 'duly as post quartermaster | nt Uolse bairacks , Idaho. Army leaves granted : Major Henry 0. Coiben , assistant adjutant geneial , Chicago , until Januniy' ' ( ) ; larst Lieutenant Edwaid S. Farrow , Twonty-lir infantiy , ono month extension , witti permission to apply for two months' further extension ; First Lieutenant James 15. Gee , Thiiteenth infantiy , Fort Wingate , Now Nexico , until Jmniaiy II ; LloutonantChailes W. Faber , Highlit cavalry , Fort Claik , Texas ono month extension. Aimy luiloughs aiithoil/ed : Seigcant Hi'go Przykolla , company G , Tenth Infantry , Foil Ciawloid , on the rneompagio liver , Coloindo , font months fiom May 1 ; .Sergeant Max lieichcnbach , company G , Sixteenth in- tnlitiy , San Antonio , 'Texas , six months , to go abroad ; Private Chailes Hart , company K , Twenty-fourth infantry , Kent Kuno , In dian territory , four mouths ; Cotpoial John .Morgan , company A , Twelfth infantiy. Mad- l < -on banacks , New Yoik.oiionionth ; Piivato W. II. Klngman , cotuuaiiv G , Thirteenth In- faittiy , Foil Wlngate , .Now Mexico , two months. During tlio present year eight army ofllcors will goon the retired list by tlio operation ol tliu law on leaching slxtv-fonr years of ago , as follows : lirigadier Geneial Oilando It. AVileox , AptII10 ; Colonel Glover 1'ciln , as sistant surgeon geueial , November 17 ; Col onel Chailcs K. lilunt. coins ot engineers. Febiuary 1 ; Colonel John Hamilton , fouith aitilleiy , Aiuiust 10 ( Lieiitcnent Colonel Ileniy L. Chlman , seventh Int.intry , Febru ary 1 ; Major Charles J. bprague. paymaster , April lii ; Fiis-t Lieutenant Frederick C. Nichols , lirstaitilleiy. Aiieust II ; aud Fiist Lieutciiout William H. Me.Mlnn , eighth in- lantiy , October'J'J. In thu navy live officers will bo retired on leaching sixty-two je.us of age , as follows : Hear Admiral Samuel K Franklin , A.ugust 24 ; Itear Adtnlial John Leo Davis , Septem ber 3 ; Commander William L. Gibson , May yi\ \ Medical Director Jacob S. Dungan , Jan uary 'JO ; and Medical Director Samuel H. Cones , September IT. rovTAr. ( JiiAXfinc. Gcorno A. Wall was to-dav appointed postmaster at Patterson , Madison county , la. , vice L. Deboid , removed. CAPITAL llltlKI'S. S. S. Cioxton , of Omaha , is at Welekers. Uice A ; Jiassett , of Chicago , have been awarded tliu contract lor tliu brick anil stone woik lor the Des Mollies public building. For the bilck work they get 527,603. and for the stone work tj'J.'UT. ' K\losion | of Natural Gns. Yorxrisiowx. O. , Jan. 0. A natiual gas explosion at o'clock this morning destrojed Andrews block and four other buildings. Thomas liiaiinigan , ngcd nineteen , was cre mated , and several others are repotted tniss- Inf. Tlio 11 iptist chuieh anil Diake's livery stable are In the ittins. The loss will bo over 3100,000. The Andrews' block vvasot btickanil Mouu and was recently built at a cost ol SfiO.OOJ. At ! ! o'clock this moinlng a watchman named Semplo opened a window to secure ventilation , when an explosion occurred , and Semplo i.in Into tlio streets with his clothes In flames. In the buildings were sovei.il films , the hall ot tlie Knights of Pjthias and ot the city council. 'The Fiist ISapUst chinch and a house in tlio rear ol thu block were binned nnd several residences , stores and hotel had their fronts .scotched nnd windows broken. The loss will piobably reach over SIOO.OOO ; tliu insuianca will pioba bly roach S.W.Ooo. Semplo was bidly out ned and was removed lo the hospital. Another watchman Is missing and is.supposed to bo in tlioiuins. It is supposed tholeaklng of n gas main caused the lire. Contested Election Canes. WAMUNCiTON , Jan. 0. The house com- mltteo on elections finally nctcd upon the contested election cases ot KIdd vs Stcele , ot Indiana , and Page vs Pilce , of Jlhodo Island. 'Tho majority of tlio commit tee decided that neither of tlio paities are en titled to a seat In the Ithodu Island c.T-e. Tlio minority repoit will bu made to Iho house recommending that the sitting member , I'i Ice. b awarded the seat. In the Indiana case the cominltteo'sicpoit will huiinanlmous In favor ot lite light ot Steele , republican , to retain his seat. Thn house committee on civil servlco re form Instructed thuclmlrmnn to report favor- ablv to the house thu senate bill to repeal the tenure of olllco act. A IturnliiK Mine. SIIASIOKIN , Pa. , Jan. 0. The chamber In Iho Peeilcss slope poitlon'ot the Homy Clay collleiy , was discovered burning llils morn ing. The lire Is Increasing rapidly and do- lies all elloits to get It iindei I'ontiol. Fre quent explosions me incurring and tour men have been severely binned. The Homy Clay H the most extensive iiilnu owned by tlio Heading company nud emplojs J.MX ) mun. Thu loss cannot bo estimated. This nUcinoon tlio sitivrintendent suc ceeded in cutting oil nil ventilation , and tlio lire was extinguished without bciious damage. Four men whose names cannot bo learned were badly binned. Tlio "Work 01 DynninitcrH. SAX I'KAxnsro ' , Jan , 0. A terrible c.x- ploalon occurred late last night near the coi ner of Kiehth and llnnison streets , caused by nd.vtiamltacaitriiK'i'buing placed in the cable slot of the railroid. The masontyaml pulleys on which the cabin winked were badly shattered by the. great force of the ex plosion , which was h4t In the vicinity. Two men were seen to plate. | i lighted package in the tunnel , Nominal InnH. WASHINGTON , Jan. fi. The president sent thu lollow Ing nominations to iho senate to day : Thomas C. Manning of Louisiana , to be envoy extraordinary and minister pleni potentiary to Mexico : Huu'h A. Dunsmoio otAikansns minister resident and consul general to Corea ; Thomas (2. Hasliavv oi Mis souri , attotnuy lot theeastein disiiict of Mis souri. Tlio Cold \Vnvo. CIIICAOO , Jan. 0. The signal scrvlca bu reau reports tlio approach of a cold wave. Tliu temperature will drop twenty degrees within the next twentjfour hours. Thu tempeiaturo was six nboso heru this mom- lux. NclirnsUn und lovvn Weather. For Nebiaska and Jowa : Light snow , fol lowed by fair wcutliej. warmer , XAL PROCEEDINGS The Pacific Railroad Funding Bill Consid ered in tlio Senate. MRS. LOGAN GRANTED A PENSION Discussion of the Ititer-Stato Com merce Measure IJesumed Some Time Spent tit the House on the Onnul Hulijeot. fipimtc. WASHINGTON' , Jan. C. Among the me- moilals presented In the senate to-day nnd referred were the following : Jty Mr. LMimmds Of the committee of the national convention of the Protestant Kpls- copal cluircli , praying congress to provide lor obtaining statistics of marriage and divorce. Hy Mr. Spooner Of the state grange of Wisconsin , In fnvor of passing tlio Inter state commerce bill. JJy Mr. Blair A largo number from various organisations in all parts of the country ask ing legislation to piovent violation of the Sabbath In running railroad trains. Among the bills Introduced nnd icfcrrcd were the following : IJy Mr. Vaneo lo protect the morals of minors In the District of Columbia. Mr. Kdmunds , from the committee on for eign iclatlons , leporled a bill to Incorporate the Mm Itlmo Canal company of Nicaragua. Calendar. Mr. Mauderson brought before the senate the case of the claim against Mexico for the killing of Cantaln Criwford , In command of the United States troops In pursuit of Gcr- onlmo , by Mexican troops In Mexico , Janu- aiy , 18H3 , staling that n stronger and more urgent bill for Indemnity should bo niadoln introducing the hill for the icliof of Captain Crawford's heirs. Jtcforrcd. Mr. Allison offered a resolution calling on the secietaiy of war for the icpoit of the boaid of engineers on the bridging of tlio Mississippi liver near St. Louis. The reso lution gave rise to a discussion between Messrs. Allison and West , In which tlio latter declaied that the report called for , being ad verse to the bridge , had been obtained under ex paito piocecilings and unfairly. The reso lution was adopted. The senate then took up tlio lesolutloii of- feied jesterday by Mr. Mel'heison , calling on the secretary ot the tieasury for si state ment of the Indebtedness of the Pacific rail- load com panics to the government nnd as to the ellect of the funding bill thereon. Mr. Hoar withdraw Ills amendment , calling for nn additional statement as to the dis puted questions between the BOX eminent nnd tlio companies , stating that his object would bo equally effected under the oii lnal lesolution. Mr. Kdmunds said the inpoit ot the com missioner ot inilroads , Johnston , answeied every question In the resolution completely , fully and in detail. If the senator from New Jei&ey wanted It ho ( Kdmunds ) had no ob jection. The lesolution was agiecd to. Tlio senate , on motion of Mitchell ol Ponn- sxlvnnia , took up the bill to gl\e a pension of ยง -,000 a > ear to Mary S. Logan , widow of General Logan , as majoi general ot volun- teeis.Miteliell statini : that tlie bill pioposed to do piecisely what was donii for the widows of Generals Hancock and Thomas. Tiiere was a gi eat distinction between the ease flof Guti- einl Lojian and tlio cases of Geneials Han cock and Thomas , who had spent their lives In the army , in so far as a pension was con cerned. llo thought that tlio case of General Logan should stand on the game piinciple as other citizens. If he con- tiacted In the army n disease liom which ho died thcio would be ample giound lor a pension lor ids widow. Air. Mitchell stated that he had heard General .Logan say he had been wounded live times , and that lie was undoubtedly entitled to n pension , hut had never claimed ono. He passed tins hill on thu inopo-sillon that a pen sion is granted to the widow ot a eitl/.enwho died Irom tlie effects ot a disease ( iheu- matism ) , contiacted in the service duiinglho war. He nifcrind to the analogous case ol a pension given to the widow of Francis P. IJIair. Mr. Culloin stated that Logan had eon- tiactcd ihciimatism on thobittlo field of Foil Donelsou , wheie he laid In the snow all niuht. Thciewas no doubt that ho died ot rheumatism contiacted in the service of his countrv. Mr. Sewell said lie. had frequently Iicaid Logan desciibt ) his siillcrings liom iheu- matisui in the different fields of the war. It was so plainly potent lo every member ol the pension committee that Lonan'.s death was duo to that cause that they did not take thu tumble to go faitlier into the subject. Mr. Vest otFeied an amendment fixing the pension ot tlie w Idow of Fiancis P. lilalr at ' , ' ,000a year , asseiting that it thn widow and family ol any man were to be paid out of the treasury in propoillon to ills public FPI vices it was the w idow and family of Francis I' . Mlair. At the request of Mr. H.iwley and other senatois ho withdiew his amendment , and then the bill was passed without division. Mr. Vest tlieieupon Intiodueed a bill in creasing tlio pension ot Mis. lllair Irom 5"/0 a month to JO.OOO a yeai , nud at his request the lull was immediately considered and passed. On motion of Mr. Kdmunds the bill to cairy into elfect the tie.ity w itli China lei thu suppte slon of the opium tialllcastaken up anil pasted. The bill granting to tlie Kansas , Texas .fc Southwestern i.illioad company the light ol waacioss the Fort llajes militaiy leauiva- tlon w.is taken up and passed. Then thohenate. at 1:1" : ) p. in. , resumed con- sideiation of the Intel-state commeico bill , nnd Mi. Phut continued tils argument. Ho said that tlut senators weio not heie to make a laid on rallioad pioporty , They \\eio heio to do justice by the railio.uls aud by the people. An iinieinuneiatlvo rate \ \ as hist , as unie.i'-onablo nnd injmions as too Iiluh a rate , and the lalhoad companies would ha\o to see to It , If the public welfaio was to be piomoted , that leinunerativu i.ites for height anil passengeis weio iccelved. What were the railroads to do it piohibitcil Irom making pooling ananiiementsV j\- ; perience taught that the old inte wats would begin again and the end ol it would be , as It always Had -consolidation , The mono polies of this country had been built on tlio gia\e.s of weak competitois. The bill Invited n grand monopoly ol tallroad capital In this countiv which would bo bullion the gia\esot tlie railroads trial in o not able to stand in the competition. Tliat railioad monopoly would be the master ol tlio people. Mr. MOIK.HI opposed the. hill. Mr. Culloin Mid that ho was veiy anxious to have thu hill disposed ol as soon as pos sible , consistent with n lair discussion , and ho theiclori' give notice tliat on Tuesday or Wednesday next ho would ask tlio senate to remain hi session until the subject was dis posed ol. Alter executive session the senate ad journed. _ IlOllhC. WAsniNf.iox. Jan. fi. Duilns the mom- Ing lunr the house resumed , In committee of the vJiolP. consldeiatlon ol tlio hill lot the permanent linpiotoiuoiit ol the Krlo and OiW ego canals and to secure the fiecdom ol the same to the commeice ol the United Stales. air. Itandall suggested Hint an early vote should be taken on the measiiio. itvas not likely lo pas , and it would bo well to allow bomo other proposition to obtain tlio lloor. Mr. Wea\er ol Iowa seconded this sug gestion , rcmaiking that the bill would fail unless the Hennepln canal appropriation was attached to it , Mr. Weber of New i'ork concluded his argument In suppoit of the measiue , iiiging that in a commeieial point of viuwcanals n eiu ofu national character , and deelarini ! that the fate ol these great waterwajs to eastern seaports was In the Irinds of congiess , Mi. Anderson of Kansas heaitlly favored the objects designated to be accomplished by tlio bill , 'iho people of Kansas have n gieater interest In the attainment ot these objects than the people of New York. The Erie canal stood as n balance on the capacity of thegieat trunk lines of railroads , and it w ould bo w 01 thC 100,000,000 to those roads if tlic > could wipe out tliat canal. It was to the interests of the producers of the counliy that it stand Instead of being wiped out. Mr Murphy ot Iowa- said that us he w.w In favor of the construction of the llcnncpln canal so was ho In favor ot Hie enlargement of the Krlo canal , or of nny other measure which would give the western producer cheap walor transportation to eastern markets. It was this question ot cheap transportation which led to the drafting of the Inter-state commerce bill now under consideration. whose purpose wns to pho the producer ot tnowe t aud the consumer of the cnst a little relief from the burdens Imposed upon them by railroad rapacity. The inornlne hour ImMnpr expired , the com mittee roe and the bill icsiimed Its place upon the calendar. The house then went Into commltlco of the whole , Springer of Illinois In the chair , on the pension appro priation bill , which appropriates S7CC-li00 , being only W,000 below the estimate , the re duction being In the Item for rent ot olllces for pension agencies. With out amendment or dl on < > lnn the bill was read , reported to thn house nnd passed. The house then yeas r.1 , na > s 77- went Into committee of the whole , Sptlngor nf Illinois In tlio chair , on the na\al icor- ganlzatlon bill. Mr. Saycis of Tcx-as advocated the meas ure. ure.Mr. . Houlollo of Maine opposed the bill. IIP existing organl/atlon ol tlio navy wns ndequato to all demands ol tlio present and all piobablo requirements of ihefuturo. De scending lo a discussion of Us details ho so- M'lely criticised thn feature which , ho de- claiod , would break down the autonomy of a gieat engineering bureau nt the very hour when Iho counliy wns looking to It to place the Ameilcan navy In advance of tlio llist achievements of the world. Mr. MoAdooof Xew Jersey favored the bill. Pending further debate the committee rose. Mr. Hendeison of Iowa Introduced a bill authoilzlni ; the coiiMrnctlon of a hiltlgo across the Mississippi rUei at Dubuquc , la. The house then mijouincd , Til 10 NO V 10 1 , 1ST WINS. AVillliim Illnck CUcn Onniagrs in II In Lllicl Suit. ITopj/rfoM J < W 1 > ! / JIIMM Gordon Hfnnrtl. ' ] LONDON , Jnn. 0. [ New Yoik Herald Cable-Special to the Hii.J : : This nftet- noon Mr. William Hlack , the novelist , was brought into court in a libel cause celelue. John Dick , tlio celebrated cheap publisher , was defendant. Sir Chailcs Itusspll , who stated the case for Mr iilack , staled tliat In the defendant's maiazluo , Uow J5ells , last November , it wns said In the course of nn al leged blogtaphy of Mr. Ulaek , that with the shrewdness characteristic of ills nation , ho took caie , when In search of n wife , to go wnero money was. "Ho twlco married an heiress , " the biographer continued , "and has iniulo a largo foituno Irom his works , but ho Is reported to \eryclose , and his poor re lations In Scotland ho afTouls to Ignoie. Lately nn appeal was made to him to assist an aunt who had done much lor him when he was young. She had a small Income of her own , nnd only needed two shillings and sixpence a week to keep her out of the poor house , but Mr. 15hck would not pay it. K\eiyono has his or her weakness , and close heartcdncss , even to meanness Is Mr. Mack's. " The plaintiff Is aman of shoit Ftature , and woioa suit to match his name. Jieamlng through his spectacles , but with a delei mined air , he gave his evidence , saying tliat his fust wife was poitlonless , that his second wife would get uJ,030 : , on the death of her father , and lastly that ho never had an aunt , that relative naving been nianufac- tuied for the occasion. Mr. Dlack's quaint manner of giving his testimony , as well as the denials , raised heai ty laughter. Mr. Dick's counsel made a speech to leduco tlio damages , but Sir Chat Ics Uussell said ho did not ask lor moie than a nominal recompense , as the ac tion was brought to clear his cllent'.s reputa tion liom tlio eflects oi social and club gossip. The juiy found a verdict for iMOJ $ , uo whereupon Sir Charles IJussell and Mr. Hlauk sinlllngl } dioveoll to the Gaiiick club to dine. _ Ti2hiGK\r a NO r KS . Another street cai tin-up is threatened on tlio Itiooklyn city lines. Cnullnnl Jncobinl Is again falling and a fatal termination is expected. Foiiitcen pouches ol letters nnd a tiuck load ot papers weio binned in the Tlllln (0. ( ) wieck. The Itoliancemachino woiks nt Milwaukee were damaged by Imi last night to the extent of S25U,000. The Missouri legislature organised yester day by electing the. nominees ot the demo- ciatic caucus for its olUceis. Kreamer's commercial building , the finest In Lock Haven , Pa. , was destroyed by hie yesteiday morning. Loss , & ? .1,0i > 0. The inaugiiiation ol the govciuor and lieutenant uo\ernor ol Massachusetts was conducted at the state house at iJoston jes- teidny. Wlttioek , Haight and Weaver , the express rohbeis , weio taken to the penitential v nl Jelleison City , .Mo. , jesteiday to seivo their hemonces. There wns no visihlo change yesterday In the sunatoiial situation in Illinois. Cou- giessman Henderson an hed on the ground to siipoi Intend his boom In peison. A I tapir ] City attorney named Joseph M. Wallace has been debaned Irom juacticlng bofoio the. interior department or any ol its bin cans and local land olllces. James H. Nowiln , ai tested for the miirdei ol Codmaii near Summei vllle , .Mass. , has made n confession , and gnen to the police full details of tlie honible crime. The republican caucus of the Michigan legislatnie , on tint tenth billet last evening nominited Fiancis 1 $ . Stockbridge , of Kalu- nia/oo , lor United States senator , The demociats captured the organl/aflon of tlio iiiier ] house of the Indiana legislatuie je leiday , but tlie lepublieaus elected Hon. W. G. Sayre speaker ot the house. Ileniv ( ieorgii will doxoto nine columns of his new p.ipoi , the Standaul , which appeals on Satuiday , In defending the action of Kuv. Di. .McGlynn in the election last fall. The republican congu'ssional convention at Kan dalic , WIs. , last night nominated HugliJ. Pne.e. sou ol tlie late Coiigiessman J'lioe , and -Nels P. Haiighen for bhoit nnd long terms lespectholy. RPiolessor Joseph Tosso , the famous violinist linist , died at bis home in Covinuton. Ky , , jeMorday , aged clghty-lUo yeais. "Tlio AiKniisaw Tia\eloi" Is the melody which scoicd Ills gientest success. Tfiri'ii of the ciew of the ship Harvey Mills landed at San Peilio , Cala. , yestoulay and lepoit that the vessel loiindeied two dajsout ot Seatthi on Deeemlier II. Allot the eiew weie lost except thieo men. A post mortem oxamatlon of the remains ol tlio taiuily ol Joseph .Mam ) , the lirook- lyn diugcii-l. who were biiiqiosed to ha\o heen pjisoned , developed the laet tliat the deaths weio caused by sn.all-pox. A ( 'amphellvllie , Kentucky , man has ac complished tlio rental kanlu fe.it of eating sixty quails In tlility ilajs , and Is still going tor tlio buds at the i.itu of two a dav on a f-.OU but that ho cannot eat eighty oi them In tuily dajs. Piosidciit Clevelai'd jesterday iccelxed a call liom aeonvH t whom ho hail icewitly iiuUoned. 'Hie joiing man oxpiessud bis thanks lor the pu-sldcnt'b action in ins case anilas in tutu ghen homo good ud\iso ity the latter. Tistlmoiiy In Iho lunacy pioccedings of PioL Lmiii'iiH against Ins wile was begun at W.islni'l'in ) ( ' > i'steidiy : bclotii n jur\and coiintt'i charges ol iiulailhtuliiois went i < io- sented bv tint lady's counsel. A Jhcly tual Is unticipated. Seoator McMillan of Minnesota yesterday annuiincud tliat ho withdiofiom thn con test lor ru-uleelion , ami last UVUIIIIIB Urn icpiiblicaii c.iuciH of the sUlu nominated o\-ioveinnr ( Ciinliinan K. Davis. Tins Insite-i tliu election ot Davis , The fjonnecticut legislature imt In joint convention jestt-iday to elect state ofllceif ) owing to Iho iHllurii ot tlie popular \oto to ci\uany candidate a majority. J hn result of the balloting was the. election ol the re publican candidates as lullows : Governor , P. C. Louiisbury , of Uulirclield ; lieutenant governor James L. Ji' > 1'ir'1' ' , "f , 1Hl"'rl { ! ; buuieUl ) " 1 ht'ilej. . II. llubbald. of Wall- oiu'tord ; tieasiiiei , Alexander \\arner \ , ot Pomtiett , and tomptioller , Ihomas Claik , ot .Voith htoninu'ton. Ktrol Prn Mil no , Pa..J.in. 0.--1 ho Kdgar Tliomp- bon Steel works , of Cainejio Jiios it Co. , al Uraddocks , Pa. , will losiimu opelaticnis to- monow. Thrniew hcalo has not jet been given out , but ovcr > thiuu' has been settle < l amteablj. The exact advance in wat'es is not I.uown , but fiom irl.alilu souice > it 'i ' learned It will bo an advance ot ao percent , wages. A'mr oOUAL Ohicngo's Thrice Exclusive Circles Agi- tntod to Their Uttermost Bounds , A RICH YOUNG GIRL DISAPPEARS And With Jlor Departs n Ulldctl Voulli or tlio ( jnriton City No Truer of tlio Truants. A Millionaire' * nnuglilcr Klojies. CniCAc.o , Jntl. 0. ( Special Teleciam loj the HKK. | Amjstery deep nnd singular is I agitating to the uttermost bounds the thrleo exclusive social chcles in this ci'J.v "f which Mrs. II. C ) . Stonp , Mis. George M. lnlhnan , Mrs. Marshal Field and Mrs. Wlrt Defter nro the best known lopiescnlatlves Since Mon day afternoon Mlsg Altlica 1. Slonn , ( ha beautiful slxloen-jearold daughter of the many times millionaire Mrs. 11. O. Stone , has not been seen by her mother 01 friends , and the disappearance Is now known to have been ntlended b ) circumstances of an extra ordinary character. Miss Stone had heen at tending a fashionable seminary nt Ogont/ , Pa. , until within the past fortnight. She came to Chicago ostensibly to spend tlio holi days at home , and was lo lm\o icttirned east 1iie rtay. A billllant reception Monday afleinoon , given byMis. lliyan of No. SiV.1 Michigan boulevard , wns attended by Mt . Stone and her now missing daughter. After the reception , while the wealthy widow Hnirered to uxelmiigo a pleasant woid with tlio hostess , fair Miss Althea glided out of the brood doorway nnd , passing blithely between the depatling gioups of ilcldy attired guests , made her way In the diiectionof her mother's handsome equipage. Strange to f-ay slip did not enter that \elilclo but oniuliiectly behind It , and in real col vn moment was wlililed down thoboiiloxaid and out of sight. In the coiuevanco which tlio youlhlulMIss Altliea enteied was a jouiig man of .slim build , diessed In the latest ex- tieuio of tnshlon. His Identity was paillally concealed by huge mulllings about the lower portion ot ills lace , though persons who Haw him claim that It was an Individual nnniod William Cunningham , who etijojs a promi nence among the golden jouth of the west scaicely lo niaiked and of miieli the same typo as that ot the once famed IJerry Wall In Xew You ; . Cunningham possesses nn In- toiest In the ptoilts of an Insurance business , but though noted lor tlie app.irentlv limitless extent nud unique character of his wnul- lobe , as well as his lavish expendltuto in othei dlieetions , ho Is not kno\vn to possess n heavy bank account. When Mrs. .Stone leached the curbstone nnd Icained dial her daughtei had depaited In another cairlage , coiisteination oveieaiuo her. Hack Into Mis. Uj Min's spacious but htlll crowded diaulnc loom sin ) was can led , wheio all lircsent elusteied about hei , while courleis were dlsp itched in eveiy diiectlo'i. As tlmo iins ed and no tldlnirs ot the missing ono were received , Mis. Mono became districted. Konlaimlng was her condition tliat .Mrs. Pullman and Mrs. Field spiuit the entlio night at her side In the loom wheio the icccptiou had taken placo. Meanwhile a consultation of the family advisiMs had been held , and late in the evenIng - Ing Mis. Stoiiu's trusted confidant , Judge Knickerbocker of Ilia piobato coin I , accom panied by thice. detectives and Mis. Stone's two attorneys hunted ! ) pioceeiled to Iho ics- hlencoofthe Cunningham family on Chicago cage avenue , near Pine street , suspecting tliat young Cunningham and .Miss Althea might be theie. Tlie partj was met in the pailois by tlie aged lather lot Cunningham , who in iepl > to nil Inquhy said that Ills son's whereabouts weie unknown to him. Upon being Infoiiiied ot Judge Kuiekeibacker's susplulons , anil liiar > iiK tliut ilru-ctlviM liail lieen luought into ills house , Mi. Cunning ham wns in winth. lit ; onleied the entiio jiarty out of dooi.s and savagely tlneatened to tlurnv them out bodily. Thu judge and his companions 10- tiieil , but lemained In tlie vicinitv and with eight policemen \\niched the house until morning. Their labor was fruitless. It has only been ascei tallied delinUely flint young Cunningham has disappeared as com pletely as Miss Stone. What lias- been done by them or ellliei ot them can only bo sur mised , although a lel.iiivu of Ihujoiiug lady lias taken the lespousihillty of causing the following uoticn to be published : MA n inoi : Stone-Cuii n Inglmin Monday , Janunrj 3 , iss7 , Althea 1. Stone to Will.am . C nnniiiL'ham , hoth of tills city. No other lefeience to Iho sulijcct has yet cicpt into print , all tlio influence of the most poweilul coteiies In thocity being exeite.l to prevent a disclosure. Late to-nlglit it is tepoited tliat the eouplo have relm ntd to Chicago and are at Cnnlng- ham's lionse , that .Miss Slono claims lohavo bemi mauled and that the mothei leluscs to lecogni/oher. ILL-ADVISIOI ) . 1'ropnrntionH Itein Mnilo ( o Itoyuott Clilcii i Slmo J'MrniH. CHK A no , Jan. 0. [ Special Telcgiam to Hie Hii5. : | Four assemblies ol Knights ol J.abor ha\o begun mcasmes with a vlowtol > oj- cotting tlio firms of C. 11. Kargo it Co. nnd Seb , hchwabit Co. it Is alleged tliat the firms have violated the agieement entered Into last spiing. The executive board , bo foio whom the chaiges weio made , decided agalnsttho men , The decision Is icpoited lo have been verj unsatisfactory to tlio local assemblies who aie directly inteiested in Ilio inaniitactiiri ) of hoots and shoes , and It wns decided , it is alleged , to older a bocolt. The notice of the hovcott was a great suijirlsoto the firms conceincd. SelSchvvabA : Co. sa > they had consulted wltli the slate oxecutlvo board when that body was in session heio and had been eompletelv vindicated by the investigation. C. II. I'm go .t Co.'s case was also consldcied by the statu board , which slill has tlieli c.i'-e undei ndvisemollt , Faigo said this moinlng that hit had In no way violated tlie n iccment made last spnng. At that time he had a eontiact with the authoiitles oV the penitentialy at .J.ielisoii , Mirh lorthe em- ploymeiit of IM ) men and had to pay lor them whethei ho used them or not. At that tlmo only about 110 ol thu men were at worl. , but when Im ngieed to use no moio men ho eeitaiilly refeired to 1WI called foi bv the eontiiict , and liu had at vailous tlnn-s siiici < used tlio lull l')0 men , He oxpiessiul rigiel at tlio bojcotl and said that ho was MHO to havn his goods bovcolled liy any body ol men , Imt did not see nlmt ho could do about , ttic mailer. Mr. SnIol Sel.Schwab , A. Co , w.is very Indignant ovui Iho action ot the assemblies and thieatens to IIIVOKO thn aid ( thn law it he can hud out who to invoke it against. A I'rcillolloii AlMint Union I'nrlllc. Cni < Ado , Jan. fi.-ISpfi.lal 'lulcgian to tluilJiK. ] A Nevv Vilk special sajs : Hits ol &louu to * WU V.CMI made in Wall street list night tliat the I'lilon Pacific wonhlb in tlio hand * ol auci'lvcr inside of six month-- Hhonld the Inter-Mate eomiiieico bill pa-.s. The almost certainly ol its passaH' . tugethei with doubts of the p.ivfiK- of the debt oxtelis on bill inaKu tli stock weak , though the Juin bhort liiteiust ahoadj In the block prevented a treat many hales which would utbcimsii hauiiieeii intidK. Coiihcrvatlvo hon-.es .110 generally vvat hing tliu market without duiii niueh Hailing. ' 1 hey believe tliut on tinp is hngi' ot Ilio inter stiiio eommiici ! lull ( iDiild will nmkii it another occasion to vent I IH spleen hi lumping on thti mail.it as he tin ! directly alter the decision in the U.ui.itJj case. W. K. LIIWKOII was scattcriiig pud 0- tions amona tlio Chi < ago fctoi-K hoiisi s In-day that Wabashpiefeiled would sell undei a < insidf ) ol a week , it Mild lioin Ul down to M to-day. _ Ci\H ; iOvploslon. OilifAOO. Jan. 0 A gas explosion oc- mired at M. H. Wnlkci caiiinKnlactoiycoinor otU.ibash avenue and Hamsun studs , The gas had fbcaped in a small n'cept.ulo undei the sidewalk vvhicli , vvhtn the hremen went lodxtiiiuiiibh ( lie bla/o ooven ol tlii-tn weio < . ro.mil l > i uaH. The injured firemen \vcrcthfji tal.cm to a iirui ? htoio and niter C'H.M'li ' r.iblo lubm weroieatoiedtoeonscioiib' pi"i It w.i On a Jniii : timu feaied that on of ttieni would nut I