Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1887, Image 1

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Election of an Honest Speaker Throws the
Railroad Gump Into Confusion.
Bcnntof .tlnitilcrsnn to lie Summoned
Ilctii ) ' ! to Wculc Against Vnn
Wycli Tlic Iicflwlnturclit -
tlnjt Down to7orlc ,
Their Columns Hroken.
LINCOLN , Nth. , .Inn. ft. ( Special Tele-
Rrnm to the Hi i.j The rcpuho vvlilch Iho
hrnss-collnrcd cohoits received In their at
tempt to conttol tlio 11011 0 has left their
broken columns dcmoiall/eil. The house
really comprises two-thirds of tlio whole leg-
Islnluie , nnd llio power and patronage of tlio
speaker and his Influence ovei legislation can
not hu inideraled , Speaker llarlan Is a man
firm as a rock , positive nnd unbending In his
integrity. He cannot bo approached or trifled
with , 11 is now conceded on all ham's ' that
with llarlan In the chair Van Wjck's elec
tion is almost nn accomplished fact. Al
ready there Is n very marked
tendency among the lank nnd llio of "van
Wjck's opponents to .vield gracefully to thu
Inevitable and make the best of the situation.
Wllh the principal outpost occupied by Van
WycU's foiees under a Irusly mid able com
mander , Iho opposition is leading a for
lorn hope.
1 learn that ns a last resort , the railroad
henchmen have decided to send for Senator
Mnndorson , In order to nffoid htm n pretext
for deserting his scat In the senate nt this
time , ho Is to he Invited to deliver an nddrcss
ut HID memorial set vices which tlio Grand
Army will hold upon the death of Comiade
Jim Latid's sudden departure for Wash
ington has been explained. Label was bur
dened with too many candidates for speaker.
Coin , who bails from Adams county , was
naturally entitled to his support , but Ageo
nnilNewcomor , whowere both enlisted under
the H. iV M. inilroad Hag , were also counting
on Jim , who was in their debt politically it
not linnneially. So the bravo wan lei took
to the woods to avoid a collision with the
II. A.M. legislative expiess and lelieated , as
It were , under covet to Washington. Ho Is
expected hack next week to congralulato
JLarlnii upon tliu make up of ids committees
ami put up his senatoiial lightning ted oil
Skunk creek.
Although the lethlng governor has held a
fnin grip on his f.ucvv ell message and keeps
It as a profound secict. nobody here
abouts Is tnlng to look over Iho
transom of thn executive chamber to
leai n Its contents. They .110 all satisfied that
110 influence has been iiuulo in the message
to the legislature about thu tiagic kilting of
the one-legged victim who was shot down by
the gallant deteclive nt the capitol building
Just as the last Icirlslaluio was about to ad
journ. The Sl.fiOO reward vvlilch his excel
lency promised the detectives has probably
been abandoned as a bad claim.
A detachment ol Iho grand arm ) of bilks
mul vagrants tlmt liavobuslencd and hounded
the. legislature at thu opening lias left tlie
capital in disgust. This alfoids somu iclief
to members , but Ihu iclnforcumont , to tlio
railroad lobby , which continue to come In
fiom every quarter , threaten to make life n
burden for the balance ot llio session.
1 have almost foigotton tliat wo are prom
ised a ilcli treat in the shape of u woman
- suffrage uprising. 'Ihe ndvnncc guaid , under
Hrevet Senatoi Mrs. Colonel Colby , is al.
ready on tlio ground , nnd my famous , elo
quent and vvoll-picseivecl filend , Susan U.
Anthony , will bouibnid Iho legislature with
lier galling gun next Friday evuilni : . Tlio
shattered remains of some of tlic casehardened -
hardened oppressors of the female sex may
be looked lor Saturday on thn pralriu some
where between Weeping Walei and Ash-
land. r. . Itosi.w vii it.
In Clio Scttnto ,
LIN-COIN , Neu , Jan. fi. JSpecinl Tele
gram lo tlio HiP. | The foienoon session
of the .senalo was dieary nnd unimpor
tant. Tlic lieutenant governor dlsp * "d ol
his scanty pationage , by appointing alf a
dozen pages , and the members voted them
selves the customary supplies In nevvspapeis ,
stationery , icvUed statutes and legislatives
manuals. The rules of thn last senate , ex
cepting uilo foity-elght , which gave the
lieutenant governor aiithoilty 10 appoint thu
committees , weiu r.dopted. Tlio committee.
of nine , which has in hand the omanl/atlon
of the committees , will probably not repoit
beloio lo-morrow , posslblj not befoiu Mon
Awaiting action on thn part of thn house to
notify tlio covernoi that the legislature. Is
le.uly to iccelvo his message , an adjournment
was made to U o'clock.
The senate met nt : i o'clock this afleinoon ,
but tiansactcd very little business.
A eommltteo of the ; house announced thai
that body wits oiganUcd and read ) foi busi
ness ,
A message from the hou'e announced that
a committee had been appointed , to nit with
a similar committee ot the senate , to notify
tlio goveinor that the Icuislatmo was or-
Bain/ed ; also , tlmt a committee had been ap
pointed in the same manner to make anange-
ments for the inanimation of Iho governor-
t'leet ; also , that a committee had been ap
pointed in thu.same manner to designate n
time lot canvassing elcctcnal votes of the ol-
llcc'is ot Iho statogovernnienl.
The president unpointed Messrs. Moore of
Lancaster and McN.imnr of Dawson as n
commltteu to notlty the governor thai the
.senate was lead ) lor businc-is.
Mr. Linlngei moved to nmend his tesolii-
lion ot thtuiioinlng , which umendment made
the supply of newspapers twenty to each
nicmbei lustenil of ten , nnd doubled thu
amount ol postage. Thu amendment was
Tne president appointed Messrs. Melklo
John of Nniae mid Casper of llntlei ns u com
inltteoof two to confer \\itha liKu committee
of the hotibU to arrniiK n time lui canvoKsIng
the vote.
A resolution presented by Mr. Linn ot
Dodce , nuthorUing tliu commissioner of pub
Ha lands nnd buildings to appoint a night
watchman for the capitol building during the
present session of the IcgUlatuic , to prevent
removal and destruction of ttate piopcity ,
was adopted ,
The picsident appointed Thoirms II , S.iun
ders ns night watchman.
On motion of Mr , Melklejohn of Nance
Messrs. Casptr nnd lloncsteel were
uppohiied na n coiumlttiu to make
ftiiuiigcnicnts for tliu innngniatlon
of thu governor-elect. 'Jhl.s cor.i-
in 11 too snbscmiently lepoited that it line.
been iiminged that Immediately attei tlio dc
lively of the governors Inaugural addicss
the inauguration would takoplaco , the hour
being 'J:80 : o'clock , Thursday utteinoon , Jan-
nary , ibbT.
A communication was read luvltlnar the
members to ue woman sutlrago meeting to
listen to jii/abvth : Ljlo Saxon and biiban H
A communication from thu secretary ol
state was lead , transmitting to thu senate al
the papers In the matter of thu contestcr
elections ot C. A. Holmes , Third penatoria
dlBtrict , nnd J. K. YunUonaik , Fiiteeutl
fcoiutorlal dUtlict.
The commllteo appointed to arrange will
tlio house a Unm lor canvassing the vote it
Joint session reported 4lXu. : ) ui. us the hour
set. t ,
A message irom tne governor was recolvei
nunoitnting the icslgnation of Waiden
Nobi-s ; the api > ointmciit of Dr , William
Kniipp as siipeilntondent of the hospital lor
thu Insane ; Julius Certh , jr. , state' veteii
narlnu ; Church member of tin
toard of education Mate Noimal school.
Iho governor asked thu seuuto to con Urn
ils pKiutments. |
nlca into the house ot
| \
repre entatlveslocanva s the vote on state
returns. After returning to their seat ? , Mr.
Schmlnko of Uloo otleicd n lesolutlon that
there be added to the stnndinz committees cr
the senate the following new committees :
1. Committee on labor ; 2 Committee on
nsylums ; a. Committeeon levenue , and
inov cd the adoption of the resolution.
Jir. Htovvn of Clay moved to amend tliat
tlie resolution bo adopted p.fltl refcirecl to Hie
committee ] on rules , ' . 'arrled.
On motion < > j ' 9f Hurnham of Lancaslcr
the < CUJ' ) . ' , adjourned until 10 o'clock to mor-
llDIISC' .
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 5. [ Special to the
Hr.n. I The second day of the house session
opened with a full attendance. Speaker
ilailan inppcd for older from behind n hand *
Borne bouquet , thecountcipart of which nlso
lecointcd Chief Cleik Slaughtei's desk. The
attendance In tlio lobby had not al all dimlii-
shed , but rather Increased , although in the
galleries Ihero was not the same number of
spectators , nnd Iho sharp nioining all had
evidently discouraged the ladles who In
iiatkcd muubeis giaccd the hall on the open
ing day.
Hev. Peter Van Klett piononnced the open
ing pracr.
Succeeding the reading nnd approval of
the journal , Mr. Cole of Adams moved that
Ihe house proceed with peimanent
At this Juncture n motion for the adoption
of thoparliainentary.'rulesof the-Nineteenth
leglslntuie and Jcilerson's manual , wheie
not contllcllng , was entertained and adopted.
Tlie speaker then entertained the motion
niadu by Mi. Cole nnd It was canted.
Mr. Haymond ol Lancaster nominated
Thomas L. Cook ol Lancaster for lirst assist
ant chief clerk , Mr. Slmmsof llarh.n non >
tnntccl Thomas Manning ot llnrlan. Mr
Caok received Motes , Mr. Manning ! i8. Mr.
Cook vvns declared elected.
Mr. Newcomer of Webster nominated
Mr. O. W. Now me ) ni ot Colfnx county
for second assistant chief clerk. Mr Hav-
den of Saline nominated Mr. JJumford of Si-
line. Mr. Newmcer received (0 ( votes , Mr.
Humtord tS. ! Mr. Nowmejii was declaied
Mr. Copn of Pawnee nominated Miss Jennie
nio Wortham of P.ivvneo for ( Mirolling clerk.
Mr. Hlef ol Hall nominated Miss Hello White
of Hall county. Miss Wortham was elected ,
being the recipient of OJ votes.
Mi. H.illnrd ot Fillmore nominated Miss
Janet McDonald ot Plllmoro county foi on
crossing clerk. Mr. Sullivan ol Platte nom
inated Mr. Phillips ot Platle county. Miss
McDonald was elected , being the recipient ol
CO votes.
Mr. Morris of Pawnee nominated Hev.
Peter Van i'leet of Piivvnee for chaplain. Mr.
bmjth of Douglas , In a witty and happy
speech , placed in nomination a leverend gen
tleman , as he said , who was n republican in
politics , and could , therefore , the motet tin-
ilerslandingly hbor foi tlie spititml Improve-
incnt ol Ihe majorit ) ot tlio house , lie named
Hov. Jlr. Crosswaitoof HitUor comity. Hav.
Mr. Van Fleet was tlm recipient ol 00 votes
and was declaied elected.
Mr. W.ittfon of Oleo nomlnalcil J. N.
Thompson of JelToison countv for sergeanl-
at-arms. Mr. Fiantr of Saline nominated
William Hint of his county. Mr. Thompson
vvnt elected bv the icgttl.ii pirt > vote.
Jlr. McConaushy ot Polk nominated II.
P. Cuddy foi dooikeopor. The inles woio
suspended and Mr. Cuddy was elected by ae
A communication was received fiom tlio
sccietarv ol state transmitting thu abjtiact of
tlio vote cast al the lecont election.
A resolution that a committee of three ho
appointed to wait upon the senate and notify
Unit body tlmt the liouso vvns orgnill7ed ; also ,
n involution that a committee , of two bo ap
pointed to confer with a liku eommitteo ot
tlio senate to aii.inge tor .1 time when the
two houses shall meet in joint session to
canvass the vote of the late election ; also ,
a resolution that a committee ol two bo np-
pointed to meet u like committee of tlio senate -
ate and wait upon the goveinor and In Corn
him tliat the legislature had organized nuc'
was rcadv foi communications , weicndoptcd
Mi. Wnlson of Otou ( Mr. Cole , ot Adams
In the chair ) offeied a losolution to thu efluc
that the sneaker bo empowered lo appoint
such additional assistants m the house as hu
should deem nccessaiy.
Mr. Miller ot Hutlci objected to the adop
lion ot tlio icsolution , because as he said , ho
did not consider it piopei that so much power
and responsibility should be thrust upon tliu
speakei. It was u memory of tlie session of
two jeara ago that the passage ol just such a
icsolution had opened the way to the appoint
ment of a hungry hoido of attaches who had
picked thu lobbies and had drawn hundieds
ofdollaiB liom the tteasuiy foi which no
sctvieo was peifoimed. Jle be
lieved that thu house should se
lect Its own oftieers and should
conduct Iho public business just as piivato
business w ould be conducted upon as econom
ical a plan ns vvns consistent with the
piopei and neccssaiy service. Hu had as
full confidence In the inte iitv ot the speaker
ns had any member ot the house , and lie was
nwaia thai Iho speakei had no desiie to as
sume Hie iBsponslblllty which the resolution
contemplated , tint he did not believe tlio
house should pai t vv ith tlic priv llegu ol saIn. . ;
how ninny and what additional oDIceia and
emploes vveio needed.
Mi. Caldvvell ot Lancaster thought
that the plan was the emu which thu
constitution contemplated. No other num
ber ol tlio house was ns fauilllni with thu
needs ol the body In thu line ot additional
employes as thu speakei , and If it weru lett
to the house , betoie the suasion was halt e\- one means nnd another nioioat-
tachcslnnd unneccssiry emploes would bo
aulhoii/rd than if the speaker weiu to detei-
nilno just how many were needed.
Mi. Knox ot Douglas suggested that a com
mittee be appointed to assist the speaker in
the selection of additional eniploves.
Mi. \ \ hltmoie , of Douglas , objected to the
resolution , llo did not desire lo see the
speakei , In whom lie had the greatest conli-
denieaiid to whom lie would conlido any
tinst , saddled with tliu lesjumslblllty of
making all additional appointments nnd
hairassed fiom now until thu middle ot thn
session b ) a hungi ) horde ol pan suckeis. It
vvaa the oxpciioncu ot the last session thai If
the dooi , wcio opened the gallciles nnd
lobbv would lie crowded with n swaim of
niedlcss emplovus and disioputahlo hang
ers on. Tliosymite-and thu liouso was not lu
behind had shown that moio money was
paid out to emph > ) cs than lo tlm scnatois
themselves. This condition of all'airs was
shameful , and nn Imposition on the people ,
anil lie did not wish to sco It again , llo
therefore thought thu house itself should taki >
tlio responsibility of sa > lng how many
and what duplexes It should have , and that
onlv tho"o who were necessary should bo
Mi. Ageo of Hamiton otreied as an amend
ment that thu resolution should bit iiialilied |
by thu words , "Only such olltceis mid em-
ploes nsnru prov hied b ) law , 01 as may bo
lien-after illnvtc'd bv thu house' . "
Mi. Knox obleetecf to tliu amendment , but
It was accented by tliu movci of the lesolu-
tlou , Mr , Watson , mid thus niodillcd thu
icscmition was adopted.
Mr , Aiken of NuckolN Inlioduccd n reso
lution tliat the secretary ol slnte be requested
to lurnlsh each member w lib n copy of the
compiled laws and seislon Uws. Adopted.
Mr , Agcu Introduced a resolution providing
for appointment of a committee to draft a
iiieiiniiial to congress witli a viuw ol securing
relief for disabled EoUileis who not been ublo
to obtain pensions
A resolution that a eommltteo of live bo ap
pointed to report to the house the number of
appointees not already piovidcd tor , who
would bu neccisar ) , was subjected to consid
erable miscellaneous debate and linally
Mi. Smyth moved thu adoption of n resolu
tion that n committee ot three tor thn housu
be appointed to meet a like eommltteo of the
senate , to make iu'cu , uy airanifements lot
the inauguration ot tlio goveinui-dect. It
was adopted.
MetMS. Sin ) tli , Shamp and Slater were np-
pointed as a commltue. to wait upon the clilet
Instil o and request his aitoiulauco to admin
ister the oath to tlio oftlcois of thn house ; and
as a committee to inform the scnatu of tlio
house compleied organi/ulUm Messrs. Kenny.
Wation and 1'embvrton were named.
A lasolut'un ' dirt-cling tliosecietaayof stale
lo furulah supplies lo the members of the
hoiuso on uup.ns.ilion of the chief clerk as
hayo livciutom and usage been supplied , was
At this juncture an amusing episode of the
dsj occuncd , Mr , Uatrora ot Oas j liad
nulto freciuently complained that ccntlcmcn
tlttlng In the outer rows were unable to hear ,
and , seemingly In response to this , Mr. \ \ lilt-
more of Douglas sent up a resolution as
follows :
He olvcd. That the front row of scats In
this house be cleared tor the buneht of. mem-
hers who cannot hear.
Mr. C.alToid nioso as the clerk rrad the reso
lution nnd said : "What was n > oluuun ?
1 did not hear it. "
The house broke into n general laugh , and
the clerk lead tlio re olullon again. Mr.
Gaflord understood lltliat lime and proceeded
o make some very emphatic remarks regard-
ng vvhalho deemed a covert Insult to mem-
Mrs In the outer tows. He nsiirted that
unless the resolution was withdrawn ho
should Introduce one ptovhllnii for n re-
selection of seats by lot. Ho characterl/ed
the manner In which the seats had been
chosen ns 'usurpation of power" and re
garded It as an act of nnf.iliness to members
who had notatrlvcdas eaily as these who
lived nearer Lincoln.
Mr. Whltmoro protested lint his icsolution
was not Intended as nn insult , but
tcsy lo the moio aged members of the IIOIHO
whose povveis of liearlnit nnd sight vvcro not
quite ns good as Mio o of joinieur member. ! .
The resolution was then lildnimn tlm table ,
and the house look , \ ro'eis until ' ! p. m. SI SslOX.
A communication Irom Iho secretary of
state tiansmltting pa | eis In the cases of con
tests over legislative seals was lead.
iNTitnni rnoNor IIIM.S.
The following bills went Intioduccd :
Hy Husst'll of Colfax To piovhlo for two
udgesoflhe dlstilcl court in the Fourth
udlcial dlslilcl. It provides that the gov-
iiioi shall appoint a judge at present to till
Ihu vacanev cieated by the bill , nnd that the
MKCCEscn of the appointee shall be elected at
the next icgulai election. Ordered to second
Hy Harrison of Saundcra To repeal the
act to piovide lor a boaid of lailioid commls-
f loners. Ordered to n second reading.
It vvns announced that the officers elected
by the house lids moiulng had taken tlie
oatli of oftlco befoiu thu chief justice , and , In
consequence thcieof , the committee ) ap
pointed to wait upon thu senate and notify
tliat body of the complete oix-ai'l/atlon ' of Iho
housu could act. The committee pcrlormcd
theii duty , and upon icturiilni ; and repot ting
were dlschareed.
Mr. C.iffoul ofti.tge , l > y unanimous con-
st'lit , piesented a ic.solution llmt members of
the liouso should diaw their sells by roprc-
senlntlvo districts , and moved its adoption.
Mr. Slater of Wa > no muvtd that tlio reso
lution and motion be laid upon thu table. The
motion ptevailed.
Mr. Wntson ot Otoc olTcied a resolution
Hint there be added to the standing commit
tees of the house thu lollovving new commit-
lees : On laboi , on aslum , on revenue. It
was amended b\ milling a committee on ap
Mr Newcomer objected to the creation of
now standing committees upon aslum nnd
upon np [ oitlonmi'iit tor the icason Dial one
nsyluin commltteu nileady existed , and ouu
upon appoitlonment would bu needed only
once In live ) eais.
Mr. Watson conceded that a new commit
tee on as ) him was not necessary , but con
tended that the othois vveio necessary , llo
suhscqucntlv admitted thu piopiluty ot a sug
gestion b ) Mi. Auco that the committees on
taxation and on i oven no should bo divided.
.Mr. Kenny of Webstei moved that the sub
ject bo lefened to the committee on lidos to
be hcieaftoi appointed b ) the speaker.
Mi. Watson hoped the motion would be
voted down , as the speakei ousht to have tlie
list of committees before him when he mo-
poses to make them up.
Thu motion to lefei tlie question was with
diawn and tlie icsolutlon Ihcn assumed the
shape ol pioviding for committees on labor ,
icvenuo and taxation ; mid that a speca !
eommitteo on nppoitionmenl , to consist ot
twelve members , ha also appointed. Thu res
olntion was adopted.
Mi. Auce ofleied a lesolutlon to strike oul
of thu st Hiding committees that on revenue
nnd luxation. The ohition was adopted.
The speakei appointed as a commltteu to
wall upon tha governor Messrs. Nicliol and
McCanauirhey. The committee subsequently
icpoited tint the governor had as jet no
communication to make.
Messrs. Smith , Agee and Cole weie ap
pointed as a committee to act with the senate
committee in perfecting arrangement * for
Innuguiation of the governor.
As aiommittee to clialt a bill to provide
toi mlief of disabled soldleis who had been
unable to lecuto pensions Messrs. Agee , An
drews , Cole1. C.uncion , Kuox , Latta , Hay
mend , Heed and Akin weie appointed.
Thu speaker announced the following ad
ditional oftieers and assistants , as niovldccl
toi b ) Mr. Watson's lesolutlon in the mom-
ing session :
Assistant Seigeant at Anus Mi. Doian ol
Assistant Dooi Keeper T. U. Heach of
Postmistress Mr . Kate Hole of Omaha.
Mail Camei Mr. Henutiekt of Yoik.
J.inltoi Duld Cook of Lancaster.
Assistant Junitoi--i. A. T ) son of Saline.
These appointee * were then , b > acclama
lion , elected b ) the house.
The cleik lead n communication from J.
W. Peaimin , squatter governor , announcing
n mcetine ot the Third house on Tuesday
evening , January 11 , nnd inviting the iiiem-
beis of ihu house tu bo in attendance.
.Mi. Watson moved tliat thu seeietary ol
state be dliectcd to tinnish ten copies ol
daily papers 01 the equivalent In weeklies
and ten one cent and ten two cent stamps
daily to oidi member nnd thu oflkert ul lliu
house. The motion wascniiied.
Tlio membeis of the joint committee ap
pointed lei that pin pose lepoi ten that they
had designated IU : ! p m. of tills day as the
time' for tlio joint legislative convention at
which the votes east at the Lite election
should bu canvassed.
Mi. Watson ol Otou was calh d to the < hah.
A communication was ictelvcd , inviting
the membeiB ol the house to attend the
sessions cd tbu annuil meeting ot thu
Nebraska Women's huilinge association , on
Tuesday evening : mldtois by Kh/nbcth L.
Saxun of Memphis , Tenn. , in the hall ol
repiesonlatlvox. and nddicss by Susan H.
Anthony , Kijd.i ) , 7.JO p. in. , in Masonic
'Iho speaker announced the appointment
ot Iho following pages : Piank Alley ol
Sevvaid counlv , Julia Fuller ot ( lage ennui ) .
Miss Lon of Lani'.istei countv. Dell Hoot ol
Lancaster county. Jolinnv Matthicson 01
Dotulas county , Hobeit Stevens ol Flllmcue
county , \\lllie \ MeagluT ot i'littu count ) .
Wllliu H.urison ot baundciti county.
hiHceeding tlie joint ccinvc-ntiun Ihu house
leconvened and c'onsideud n lesolutlon bv
Mr. Hussellol Cotlax lo thu elliet that tin
supply of papeis to bu daii ) sent lo e.icl
inemher should tiu increased lo twenty ,
tocetliei with additional stamps.
Messrs. Cole of Adams , Kenny of Wen
Fter , and ( iilmore of Cass opposed tlm reso
lution on tliu ground tliat it vvns an uncalluc
Mi Hlol of Hnll opposed it In somevvhnt slle , nnd called out Mi. Wilsoy ot
Hamilton , who quite eloquent ! ) favorec
Rending papeis in plenty to constituents to
inlorm thmu ot what their repiesenlativcs
weiu doing. His inllinallon tliat some mem
bers didn't want theii constituents to know
v\hat the ) weiu doing elicited a pyrotechnic
dlspla ) of peiorntion fiom Mr. Hiuf , who
sank back Into bin seat mulct a bla/o ol sk )
locket words and blue light sentences.
Mr. Slater of Wa ) no favored tliu pioposi
tlou ,
Mr. Pemberton of Jefferson soueht to
mneiid tliu lesolutlon , hut was unsuccessful
Thu votu was hnallv taken and leotiltc-d
AOJ10 ; nays , 4. . Hesulution lost.
1111 : novKiiNon's .MKSSAGK.
Tlie eommitteo appointed to act wlthn
senate committee in aiinngeinpnts for tlio
Inaucuratlon of the governoi-olect , leporlei
that ( iovernor Dawes will dulivei his mes
sage at 2.W o'clock to-morrow utternooi
befcuo the sunntu and house , and alter i
shall havu been iced ( iomnur-electTltaer
w ill taku the oath ot oilice ,
Adjoinnmentwis taken until 10a. in. to
loint Hessian.
Li.\roi..v , Neb. , Jan. 5. [ Special to the
Hni' . ] Hoth houses met In Joint session in
the hall of representatives at 4:30 : p. in
Preslclenl Melklejohn , of the senate , pie-
Upon motion of Mi. Whltmore of Doug
las the cam ass of the \ oio of the state as re
quhe.lby the constitution was formally pro
cteded with.
Speaker Harlan read the returns anc
declared Iho cflieurs who had recelv cd a ma
jority of all th votes cast elected. Upon thu
\oteou United Slates senator Speaker liar
nnsald : " ( ' II. Vnn Wyck repoiycd 51,4 2
otes , but wo will not declftro him elected
ct. "
Upon motion of Mr , Rrown vof Clay Iho
ohu convention was declared aujourncil.
Snnntc H
LINTOI.X , Neb. , Jan. f . [ Special to the
Jnn.l The improved nnd handsome np-
) caranco of the senate chamber Is a matter
> f pleasant general rcmaik. The decoration
H exquisite , nnd taken as a AV hole the artistic
cifect is well nigh perfect. Decpllncrustnvval'
on wainscoatlng , rich and elaborate In design ,
iurrounds Iho clianibei , while the frescoed
vv alls and claboi ate frle/o design causes the
turdy gtatesmnn to tip hack In his chair and
enjoy the work of nrt above him. The senate
. 'ostmnsler has been prov. hied with a booth
it ouu cud of the lobby , which presents a
: asty appeal anco , and is made of oiled nnd
polished pine. The gnllery has been supplied
with tlicatet-chalis nnd lias a larger beating
capacity. Kvei v detail of the scnnto ehnm-
her Is moie tlian ever in accord vTith thu de
mands of the ease nnd nearer what It should
bo. 1 hero Is as much dlltercnce between It
nnd its u miters six years ago in tlio old capitol
tel building ns llioie was between the old
Douglas county couit house and Iho beauti
ful pile of to-day ,
Prom the general per onal appearance of the
senators who sit In this session , the
Indication is tliat n moat deal of wise legisla
tion will bo enacted by It. They nio cer
tainly representative men. and witli scarcely
an exception they look as If they knew some-
tlilngmoio Ihan to vote nye and nnv. The
Indication Is that when one of them shall
vole on aqueslion ho vvilkjknow what lie Is
doing , and if need ho canLiIse nnd ably de-
lend his position. The tajbnstnnt reader of
the HKK will soon find tms prediction verl-
lied In Hie proceedines ootho senate. This
statement Is not made fofJlhe benefit of tlio
senators , but from a carrlal comparison of
tlio timber of past scnnte &llh that ot this-
The HKK newsboys serv-f lids paper In the
halls nnd corridors of Iho capitol every morn
ing abuut 100. : ! The demand tlui past three
days has been very great. The members nio
eager to read Independent and intelligent
comment upon their actions , and they don't
sec comment ol this character in nny other
piper , it is the same w.iy'on the stteets of
Lincoln. The sales ol the Hir. : exceed
those of , any dally published In the stato.
Governor Tliajcr w III tender n public rcoejv
tion next Tuesday evonlnj. Kverbocly will
bo thero.
The heirloom desks of the old Icalslallve
halls havu been handed down lo Iho present
generation. They are all that le-
mninslolell the story of the clingy walls
and moss-covered corners of the old capltol
building. To-dny some of the senalors wore
readjusting locks and keys ) , and pulling the
desks In shape. They aiu not In keeping
with the Hrussels carpet , hand-painted cuspl-
dores , nncieotlydecoiatlonsor the chamber ,
and "novel would bemlssect. "
A lame tnbb ) cat goes purring nromid the
senate dally probably alien n clerkship.
The senate elected a second assistant door
keeper this session , n tiiuctlonary unknown
to tlie lasl session. This is line of Ihe assis
tant janitor.
When ill. Melklejohn ot Nance was
elected president pro teui of the senate , some
wag remarked that ho thus became merely
Ihn shadow of a Shcdd.
Following mo tlio mimes of the sonalo
pa es , ai.polnted loclay : Villiu Sehoenhott ,
Albra M. Conic , John Lingdon , Homer
Honeywell , Kail Kamlall , llnrlnn Wells ,
Hay Leeso , Voice 11. Uond ; secietaiv's mes
senger , Paul S. Hefllcnmn.
Votai ies of lost and tender cause of woman
sntrrago aie hero , button holing members on
the Hour of the senauIt is a harmless and
pleasant pastlime , and the scnatois appm-
eutlj enjoy it. liiuisclay evenim : Klizuhcth
Lyle Saxon ot Memi.hls will talk in the
house , and on Fiiclav evening Miss Susan H.
Anthony lollows up the forlorn hope In Ma
bonic temple.
Mi. Llninirei's resolution to double the
supply of newspapers and postage foi each
scnatoi , which was adopted , makes the num
ber of papers twenty each. Jle said tlio old
numbei was made in the days of the grass-
boppei. since w hich time the state had mow n
wonderfully and prospered. His action will
be commended tlnoiuhout the state. <
Manj of the clailv papeis have canvassers
miionir the membeis asking subscriptions to
their papers which the stiato p i ) for. A pa-
pei of established reputation doesn't have to
do this.
Other Stale legislatures.
Si'inxoriKM ) , 111. , Jan : . ' 5. Hoth houses of
the legislature were eallcH to ordoi to-day at
1'J o'eloc. k. Sccretar ) ot ytatc Dement called
the hou-,0 of iepie entatlves to eider and
Judge Joseph Mcsseclc was selected lempor
my chaiiman. 'Die bouse then pioceedcd to
the election ot lemporary olllcers and Ihe
tians.iclion ot legulai business. The oath
of oflico was acliulnisteied by Judge Collins ,
of Chicago. The senate organized accoidlns
to thu caucus piogiimnc.
JKI'I HKsoyCnv , Mo , Hoth house.
of the legislatuie met here to da ) , mid altei
electing temporal v ollkers and iniimiiicing
caucuses for this evening adjourned until
HAI nciii , X. C. , Jan. 5. Thn lioiiseot rep
icsentalives assembled today with an attend
ance ot 118 members. John H , Webster ,
nominee ol the Independent demociats. vv.v
elected sneaker. Thu organisation ot llio
senate Is clemoeiatlc.
Sr. PAI i. , Jan. 5. Upon Hie completion of
( loverncu Hiibbaid's farewell messa o to dav
A. H. McCiIl took tlie oath as goveinoi and
delivered the address.
11itiroiti ) , Conn , , Jan , 5. Hotli houses
of Iho legislature met today and org.inl/ecl
bv electing icpiiblieaii nominees lor olllucri.
Theiu being tlilitj-onii lepuhllcan niaiorlt )
tlie lepubllcaii candidates lor stale otlicer
will bu elected.
Thn AViiliawh S > Hloui.
Ciiir-\cio , Jan. 5. Heceiver Coole ) , of tlic
Wnbasli load , letnrned lo clay from St. Louis ,
wlieioho had a conference witli the olllciali
ot llio 8)stem west ol the Mississippi river.
Amicable arrangements vveio arrived at 10-
gnidlng lite dlv Mon of thu rolling stock and
also in repaid to Interihaugu of liallle. It
has bion ngrecd that tlnoiigli rates shall hu
made betneen eastern and western tcimtnals
ot the * old system , to bit divided In pronoi-
tlons now c-stnhlishnd on othoi lines oi mile ,
ago basis , ns ngreud upon later. Tlio ques
tion ol divisions in pool percentages were
not discussed , being too complicated a matter
tribe settled oil hand. The lines east ot the
Mississippi ilver in cliaiirn ot Judge Cooley
will ho Known as the Wabasli lalhoad coin ,
panv , vvhlln tlioso west will letnln the old
iltle of tlie Wabash , bt. Louis k Pacilic.
Tlm 'nsp of the Mokol 1'lnto.
Ni.vv Yonic , .Inn. r . William Allen Hubier ,
Jr , of counsel tor the tint mortgage bond
holdeis , of the Nickel Pinto railroad , said to
day In jefcftenco to the recent decision of
Judge Jones , ot Cleveland , advert o to Ids
clients : "Wohavo taken the necessary steps
to appeal fiom the decision and we arc * mak
ing arrangements to try Hie ease over again
in the same couit. Wo am instructed bv the
bondholder'commute * lo light tills case in
every com ! . The bondholders have ahe.idy
commenced Action In tlio states of New
Yoik , Pennsylvania , Indiana and Illinois to
cntorcu their rlvhts under Hie first mortgage
This decision is but the commencement o
protiacted litigation ,
The Htalc
LIHCOI.V , Neb , , Jan. a. [ Special Tele
giam to Ihu HKE.J The bids for the lc lsla
the printing received two weeks ago by the
btato board of jirlntinw upon which actloi
wasdefciredunlll Januarj C. weroiejecled
nl u me ( ting of thu boaid this atleinoon
Tliu board invited bids tiom live leading pub
Hsldng houses of Hie slate to be opened nex
Monday at a o'clock.
Thr I'eiitisjlvanla Henntorfjlilp
llAiuiisuriio , Pa , Jan 5. At tno repub
lican legislative caucus to day , to select a
candidate for United States senator to suc
ceed John I. Mitchell , whoeteiin will expire
MarclH , M. S. Quay received 1W votes and
Ualiisha < irownine.
Nr.vv YOIIK , Jan. 5-Tho council o tno
Fonlan brotherhood has issued another circu
lar ilcuouuclip. O'Donovau Hossa.
Senate Takes Up the Oonforcnce Eopoit on
tlio Interstate Commerce Bill.
CunurcfiSiiinii Held of NorlU Cniolinn
H.a nils lit HlH ncRlKiintton Tlio
Proceed hign of Hot h Urnnclics
Given In Detail.
WA sitiNfi rev , Jan. 5. Amonp the uapors
submitted to the senate WMS one from the sec
retary ot war In icspoiibe to the resolutions
of Inquhy as to Ilia apportionment of money
fortho Improvement of the MI-HOIU ! river.
Mso various memorials of public bodies In
f.uorof thepabb. o of the intci-Mato com
merce bill.
Mr. Cullom piesented the memoilal of the
I'lttsburgchambci of commerce In tavor of
the passageof the Inter-state eommerco bill.
Also the proceedings of the lallroad conven
tion on the same subject.
Mr , Mitchell of rennsUvania , liom the
committee on pensions , tepnrted n bill grantIng -
Ing a pension of 5 > J,000 a jcar to the whlovv
of John A. Logan , and asked lot Its Immedi
ate consideration , but under otho objec
tion of Mr. Coito the bill went ovci until to-
At 2 o'clock the senate took up thoconfei-
once report on the Inter-stato commerce bill
nnd was addressed by Mr. IMatto of Connecti
cut. llo opposed the confcicnco report nnd
advocated its rejection solely lor the reason
that it prohibited pooling. In nil other ie-
ppcets ho tnvored the compromise bill.
Mr. Mniiderson ollcred a lesolnllon calling
on the secretaiy ot the Intel lor fet Infoi ma
lion as to school lands confirmed to the state
of Nebraska , In the meantime rcirucstlni ; a
suspension of public entries on such lands.
Mi . McPherson offeicd n resolution calling
on the secretary ol the tieasury for a state
ment of the indebtedness of the 1'aellle lall-
road companies to the government on Jan-
nary 1 , 1M7 , vvllh the details of all paiuents
niado on account ol same ; also as to the
sums due or to become due , principal and In
tercst , nndci the existing law , severally , and
what diirerence will icsult to the treasuiy if
the pending senate lundlng bill should be
come a law.
Jli. Hoar moved to amend the resolution
bv adding to It thu words , "and statement ol
all exlstlne questions Inregaidto thoamount
ot such debts In dispute bulvveen said com
panle.s and the government.
Mr. Mol'hcison anrucd neainst the pro
posed amendment as tending towaids delay ,
nnd suggested that 11 Mi. Hoar would
Diomlbo not to bring up n bill at thu present
session , ho would withdraw his losolntlon.
Mr. lloarexniessod gieat smprlso ( it the
proposition , but offered to agree not to call
np the bill until the intoiiuation asked for
should bo obtained.
Mr. McPherson thanked the senator oven
for that concession. Ho asserted that the
cllect of the tnndlng bill would be to glvo ns
a donation to these I'acillc railroads moio
money than tlm entire value ot all lands ob
tained under foi felt urc bills for the last tbico
1 ears.
Mr. Hoar regni d d this as an cvtraordlnaiy
proceeding. This bill had been lepoued In
Us general features last confess. A debt about SIW.OOO.OOO would be duo
the government uy these companies on * n
avcr.igo eleven' of "twelve > cars
from this time. An equal amount
would bo duo by tho. ' companies on the
Hist moitirago bonds , to which the govern
ment was suboidinato , The judlclaiy com-
mlttco was satisfied that it was not to be
esweted lei the government at the end ot
that time to drive these comp uiies Into bank
ruptcy and to have them sold in the ntaikct
on the one hand , oi operated by the govern
ment itself on the other hand.
It them wasany hcnatm who differed with
the committed on either of the o pioposi-
tlons. ho should be sin m ised to lent n the lact.
If the companies could bo assuied that the
goveinment would not assert its aiithoilty
nnd allow them to maku arrangements to
raise a now loan to pay oil thu government
loan , they would probably do that and go on.
But now they could not do it. The funding
bill was recommended by the present admin-
Mr. Edmunds suzgestod that all the infoi
matlon a ked for In the resolution nnd
amendment was to bo found in thu icpoit ot
the lailnnd t'ommlsbloiii'i , stated verv cleat Jy
and very well. As to the opinion of tlm sec
retary of the tiea uiy ns 10 the ellect ol t'iu '
funding bill , that was a matter ol simple
arithmetical calculation , which ail ) one could
make lui himself.
Aftei fuilher discussion , in which Mi.
I'herson spoke of thu Irauds In connection
with Ihe original stocks and Mi. Hoai showed
how the stock was chletly In the hands ol
small ow neis , and siid that discussion at this
time could only bo In the inteiest ol sueeu-
lators. the matter went ovci without action
until io-moiiovv.
Mr. I'J.ttt thought that the confeience ie
port clause , as to a shortei dblanco being In
cluded within n lonx'ei distance , was uncci-
taln and niiihlguouH. Ho did not think that
an > body knew what It meant. It Imported
that there were some shorter distances for
which more might bechniged than for longci
distances. It would be lor the coints and
thu commission to lind out what thososhoitei
distances \\eie. As to the pooling claitso in
tin ) hill , ho declaied that ho could nut assent
to It. The character , purpose nnd iciults of
pooling contincts vveio entliel ) mlsiimlei-
htood. It thn evil slgnilicanco whieh at
tached to the unlortiinatft word "pool" that
had eioated ajuejudlco in the iiilndi ot the
Thu senaln went Into evccutlvn session le- )
fore Mi. I'I ill hail concluded lib speech , and
after adjoin tied.
Jlu line. , Jan. 5 , The liouso went
committee ol tlio whole on iliu bill for the
penuanunl improvement of the Krie and Os-
wegocanaH , nnd to secure tlu < liceilom of
thu same to the eommerco of the 1'nlted
.Stilus. The bill piovldcs foi thu Issuing bv
tliuseciet.uv ol the tieasury ol bonds he.u-
IngJ'J per cent Inteieat to
an amount not exceeding § 5,000,000 ,
to ho delhcied to the btato ot Now
Voik , Upon the coinjiletlon of certain lin-
jnovuments therein speclhcd and after the
state had pledged Its faith , said canals bhall
be maintained by said state fieoto the com
merce of tlio United Htntes , or in tlio event
tliat those canals shall cease to ho tieu to thn
eommerco ot the United States , tlm btato will
luiia ) bo much as shall have been meivcd.
Tlm exliaustlvu report of the committee on
iaIlwHs and canals was lead and the com-
mltu-u rose without action , The house then
went into committee of the whole , Mr , Mc
Millan of Tennessee in thn chair , on the In
dian appropriation bill. Thu bill gave ilse tone
no opposition in nny of Its features , nnd thu
commllteo havhm arisen , it iiisscd with
out discussion or division. Jt appropriates
S5.115,00 J.
The military academy appropilntlon bill
vv.\s then taken up and passed.
The bpeaker laid before the housu the fol
lowing communication , dated Washington ,
December til , l&so ;
"I hereby respectfully resign my ofllcc as
lepresentative In the Koity-ulnth congress
( rum thu Fifth congio lonal district of .Noith
Carolina , to taku elfc-ct fiom date. Itespect-
Hilly .VOUIF , James \V. Held. "
Tim communication was laid upon the
On motion of Mr. Hubert of Alabama the
house by a vote of ) eat > 11' ! , navn U ) , went
Into committee of the whole , bpilnger of Illi
nois in thu chair , on Uie bill for the consoli
dation of certain bureaus ol tlio navy do-
paitmcnt. The remainder of the alternoon
was consumed In reading majority and ml-
noril ) lepoitfi , and without action the com-
nilttee robb and the house adjouined.
KlvcrH i ) ( l Harliors.
WASIH.NOIOK , Jan 5. The housu com-
on rl\eis \ and iiarbors lias completed
Its river nnd harbor appropriation bill , and It
will bo presented to the house before the end
of the week. Tlio grand total of nppioprla-
tlons made by the bill Is S7ir > 5i' > 0. while the
total of estimates iiihmltted was sno.'JOl.T-i'.i.
The follow Ing nmonc other nppropriations
amounllng lo 510,000 and ovci are made by
Hie bill :
Illinois-Harbors : Chicago , ( lo complete ) ,
OO.OOJ ; WaukoKan , 310,000 , Hlvors :
\ilumct , ( Illinois and Indiana ) , 513,500 ;
Wisconsin-Harbors : Milwaukee. KefiiRP ,
"MO.OOO ; Superior Ihv , 510,000. Hlvers : Vex ,
iclow Montello , § 50,000.
Mississippi Hlvei Snnj : boat on upper
dlsslsslpnl , 810,000 ; river from Si. I'.vul to
> es MolnesHaptds , SUVXXt ! at DCS Molnes
Japlds. 515,000 ; fiom Dps Mollies Haplds to
lie mouth of the Illinois tlvei. ? eV5ooo : fiom
hi ) mouth of Ihn Illinois ihei lo the mouth
n the Ohio river , SlftO.OW ; fiom Calio to Ihn
lead passes. Including the Hrd ilver nt nnd
ielovv the head of Atchafnlaa , J.I.'A'iO.OUO ;
survey of Ihe Mississippi between the head
lasses and headwaters ji'i.ooO ; lemoval of
ibstinetlon , fr'lVi.OX ) ; ilver at Columbus.
Kv. , V-TiUOO : at Hickman , Kv. . f.0,000 , at
Memphis , ? r > ,000 : at Orcenvlfle , i.V,000 , at
Vleksburg , i. ' 0WK ) . N'o appropilalion Is
uado foi tlio expenses and salailes of the
Mississippi uvcr commission.
Mlssomi lllver Sioux City , frAOOO ; from
Sioux Cltv to Port Heuton , Kr.,000 : remov-
, n t distinctions Sll.OOO ; Miivejs and r\
imlnatloits , fc > oooo.
Wn hlnitoii Notes.
W.vsniMnoN Jan. 5 The piesldent to-
ilny nominated James Sponcoi , ot Whitehall ,
New Yoik , to be associate justice of the
upreme court of Dakota
Thu special labor Investigating eommltteo
met to day , hut no new testimony was taken.
Membeis will hold anothei meeting Tuesday
night to draw up their report.
Thu piesldent spnfthe following nomina
tions to thn senate to clav :
Postmasters Kiedeilck 1C. Jay , Elmwood ,
111. : Hubert K. Hice , Mount \ union. 111. ;
Chailes 1' . A\t , O'Uell , HI. : Tlnnims H. Me-
I'herson , Aiapalioe , Neb. : David V. Cnmp-
hell , Auburn. Neb. ; Kdinn Ltolton.ltlne Hill ,
Neb. ; Isaac T. Merchant , Hioken How , Neb ;
James It. Pniibanks , Ord , Neb. ; Mnrcollus
Dearborn , Wn\ne , Neb ; Aloerf L.aid. .
Fait mount , Minn. : Janu's P. Policy ,
Wells , Minn. ; Chailes P. Anderson ,
Xumbinta , Minn. : Chas. McP.liov' , Palrlield ,
In. : Piecleiick A. Peck. Humboldt , la. ; Win.
M.McClintock , West Union , la. ; U wight H.
Phelps , Sanborn , In. ; Anthony Hrnndt ,
Hellovue , la. ; Jas. Hvan , Apple-ton , VTK.
Hubert Hull Schmidt , Lansing , la
Thu piosldent held nshoil public reception
in the east room this nttuinonn. Ills light
knee is still stiff and causes a Might limp In
his walk , but otherwise his health isicpoilcd
lo bo good.
Jan. r. , Among tlio hills
introduced in the senate to tiny vveio the fol
lowing :
ly ! Senator Sliei man -To provide that all
poisons on the pension tolls f or the loss of
a limb 01 limbs .shall bo entitled to receive
airearsof pension fiom date of dlsch.uge or
Hy Sennto'1 Plumb To allow all ofhcers of
the volunteer mini in the war of the ichell-
1011 who .served the full teun ot enlistment
and were honorably dhhcharRcdono month's
pay for each jcar ot theli enlistment , pio-
vlded that they h.ivo not already tccolvcd the
bcnotits of tlio act of Mm eh II , ISil'i , and
amendatory act of July I't 1HW. Also to IIK
the amount of United States bonds to , bo
icquiied of national banks , tt limits to
? ri,000 the amount of United Mates bonds
icqulred to bn deposited by national banks
j\ith the United tiUUw ttone'ircr.r t-prCT
< ides trhton the 'sUrrnndei T y tlTe natiiinnl
bank of any sum of United .flutes circulat
ing notes by the requited deposit ol money
with thu United States treasuim for then
redemption , thu entne. liahilltv ol the lianlc
lor its sunemltied notes shall utterlv cease
mid tlioy shall be icdeemed by the tieastner.
Ctifitoins Dm log.
WAMIINOIO.V , Jan. f > . Thu picsident to
day tinnsmltted to the house of repiesenta
lives a letter fiom the seeietary ol state
enclosing a mass of sir.temonts from consul. u
oflhers of custom duties levied by foreign
nations upon the pioduetlons and manufac
tures of the rutted States , in his letter of Secietaiy H.iv.ud snS the de
mand for now iiiaikcls foi American products
has become almost Impel utlvc nnd these
nntlcets must be sought amoni : these nations
wlileh fiom liscal and protcciivo necessity ,
trom the need ot rovenitu 01 desiie ot fos-
teilng miuiilactuilng indiistiies have im
posed duties upon ailielesol foiulgn giowth
01 production which ate most oneioiis and
oppiesslve , not only to the consuniei , but to
the American expwtoi.
Si. Lotus , Jan. ! > . W. W. llnighl , one. of
WittieKk's accomplices In the ualn lobbcn ,
has luinlshcd local papeis .a wiltton Mate-
ment ol his connection with the allaii. Hu
says thai In his poverty and inability to ob
tain employment forced linn to devise BOUIO
menus whcieby ho might piovlde Ids ' .vilu
anil child \\ith the neeussllies ot lite. To
do tills hu planned thu jobbery
and nppioached Wittiock with thu
scheme , Witlrock became cntliiisiastlc
ovei It and tank the nlTali into his own
hands and lie ( llaight ) hcmd notlilng more
of him until he read ihu account ot the rob-
lic'iy In the papeis. Soon alter Wittiock
sent him 31,000 b ) O.-cai Cook and summoned
him to Lc'avenworth. Tlu-rn Wittrock gave
iiliu tun thousand more. Hesai It was ho
who loigcd Damsel's sUnatine to Iho pis vvns pioic'iited lo I' and
had the vduns Kxpiess lettei lieadsanil en
velopes piloted. Potherinuliam , huasseits , is
absolutely innocent of each and ovei ) eh irgo
Inoiight iigalnst him ,
Thu cixprc'ss lobbcrs wein not taken to thu
penllentlaiy to da ) , us was e\m-ciud they
would be , hut they will hu sent to-moiiow.
In alulet Intcivluw with Wllliock this mom-
ing that woithy gave u lilt cd Inloinmtlon
not beloie made public , which was to thu
clleel that hospeelall ) stlpuliitcd with the de
tectives that thc .v must Hit Iho imnli.a.o ; oil"
Ids mothers housu hcfoiu lie would "turn up
an ) ol thu stolen money. " Thl > . he mn\ \ they
piomlsed to do and aduul that It was done
when tliev went out to Leavunworth , mill
thus his cldet object In lobbing tlio cixiess | )
company was accomplished. 'Ihu mortgage )
was lei fel.'OO ,
Tlio Jlooh.iu Tunnel Sold.
Hosro.v , Jan , a.The goveinor and conn
ell to day completed the. s do of Ihn iloosae ,
tunnel with HH accmnpanying foit-lour
miles ol lailiond to tlio Pitdibtirg Hallioad
company. Thu conditions of Iho sale area
lollovvs : The slate Is to lecelvo from tlin
Fltchburg ( ionipany S'i.oxxi.O'XJ ' in tlft-vear
bonds , pi ) ing Intoiest at.'J per cent lor tivo
jearst : > j per cent lor thu next IIvn > ears and
4 percent tin re liter , and 6r.OXUOO ) in turn
mon stock. The existing Is-uo of pieterr-'il '
stock of the Fltchbiirg road is OJ.NV
Hhhien. This Is to bu incrcusvd one-third
and dlrtilbnted pro lata among the shiiio-
holders , maulng a total ot 'io.-t'js sbaies.
Preferred stock Is to lecc-ivo a dividend of 4
pei cent. Any surplus ot earnings remain-
lug is to IK * divided pie ratia between thu
state nn its S * > , uO ( > , ouo ol common stock and
the Bharn-holders of thn road on then
M.MS.bOOol pretened stock , or ( iractical'y ' in
u ratio ot Inoto seu'ii ,
A Tall In
Ai'oi.iu , Jan. (5. ( At8'X ; ) this morn
Ing the north side uftbo new addition to tliu
Plttsburgelovator at thu comer of Ninti
nvonnuand Ninth atiect , which has iccently
been addwl to the elovatoi , tell In , Sixty
thousand bushels of No. 1 hard wheat was
dUtilbuted oviu tli Manitoba tracks , mixed
with upliuterri nud DHOW. Thu lool which
covered the tallen part was still hanging.
bevt'ial men woiklug about the olivatoi
escaped wtliout | Injury.
Now Otvil Horvlou Itules.
WASiiiSorox , Jan. O. The new eivil si r
vice rules have bceuappioved b ) tlie PICM-
dtnt , .
A Pnsscngnr From Nebraska Gives tin Ac
count of tlio Horror ,
I'lin Inquest Otertlif Umnnlnn of tlio
Victim * I'OHImined Kcrioit 'Hint
therrcluht Ihiglncor
Wan Drunk ,
Hip H. .V1 ( > . O ( A tfoiilic.
CnirAoo , Jan. tiSpcelul 1'olcRiam to
ho Hn.J : Among the MIIV Ivors ol the hor-
rlhlo \ \ reel : on the HnltimoieA Ohio , who
anlvid hem earl ) this moining , was Pro
fessor 1'inucls Kendall , of Ciete , .Neb. To
i coi respondent hi1 said "I was sitting in
he first coach , Immeiil itelv in the rear of the
smoker , cloying , when I was nvv.iUeued bj a
shocic. The snioM'i. hicirnKd mi and Hist
each weie In llames , nnd tlio lli t move was
( i detach the sleepeisnnd push them back.
It was then noticed that u nuuibei of pei
sonshnd been caucht In theimoKei and vveio
nnablo to get out. One ol the pisseiiKOis
went up b ) the online and found the Ihcmaii
wedged In between the l.inU and holler , and
a number worked lor an hoiu living to o\-
tilcato him , hut tluully , hefoiv tlu < vhad siu -
ccedcd , the poor tellow dlwl lie had hardly
uttuicd n woul. 1 think theie wcin
about bl\tv persons on the train nt
the time of the accident , itnd thlily or lony
Mine to Chicago We own , \ gieaf deal to
Engineer Kaslman , and his binvi'iy ouhl
not to co unievvnided , II ) ( ai the saddest
f-cenn ot thn vvholu vvtcek was the death of
31. H. 1'nrks , who Is Mippuscd to bo con
nected with the bin can of l.dxu Matlstlcs at
\\aslilncton. He wnH in the fciuokor , and
succeeded In Rclllni ; the upper half of Ids
body out of the vvlilovv , while his lejrs were
pinned bv the debili in Urn Intetioi , and
theie ho was burned to death As the llames
ciept closer and elo'-oi to him ho icall/ed he
was doomed and pitched hU book to
us on the outside , and ir.ive Ihe addicts of his
mother. Soon aftei thu llames closed round
him and wo si\vv him no more. "
I'rofe bet Kendall , nicoidini ; tolhostoiy
of other passoiiseis , vvoiLed lieroically en
deavoring to save the lives of those Impris
oned In the rai , and pulioiiluilv over the
pool liiemaii. 'J he Dts > eniers estimate thcio
weie eighteen poixms tu the smoker and
enl ) four escaped.
Tn iMN , ( ) . , .Inn. ! > . - At the scene ol the
wreck on Ihe H-iltimoie A. Ohio all tint ie-
mains to tell the t.ih' are a few ehaued lim-
buisnnd the horribly binned tiunl.s ot nlno
bodies , which aio dlsliuured beoud idenllli-
cation. These have been e.ued lei by the
coumei at Kepublic. unit will bo kept as lone
as possible , so tint ttionds mav hlentlly
them. Kvcr ) piece ol binned clothing , kojs
and oveij tiling that was not destiojed
have been iratheied up to aid in the idenll-
Iicatlon of the bodies , These will b held by
tlie ooionei who will Immediately InMitiito a
thorough Investigation , 'I'he le posibility of
the accident is now placed tiixm the tiulght
conductoi , I'letchPi , uho imlled out ot the
siding , luiu miles vvet t ol Kepublle , without
ordoid. . "
Ci.i.v i r V\D , Jan. r . Thn following addi
tional details ot jeMeiitav s vvirek on the
llaltlmore .V Ohio tailioad , neat 'liltln , nio
furnished t > ) nspeel.d dKiutch to the Leader :
It Is openl ) chained that the eniilnevi ol the
lielj'ht ti.ilu was inloNie.itcd. Uoljcrt ilc-
Adoo. a well known miller ol Tlllin , was on
the Ill-fated tiain. He said : "My belief IH
thai all 01 nearl ) all in tliomnoKci were killed
instantly and no one could have sutleied a
lliiiieilnu' death , fni the leasuu that lite In
JJio cai would haul been Impossible lour min-
utds after tlic collision oi-cuirt'd owing to the
heat ol the 11 imcs. I itm llrmly of Ihe opinion
that mine lives vvcin lot t than h.ive been re
potted. It Is Known that but two peisons es-
ciped fiom the smoker. Iliad occasion to
look into the ear nttei leaving and
noticed that It was Idled , tl.ote belli. : app.u-
ently fiom thlitj-hvo to liftv passengers. It
i'i impossible ot com > o tint all hut twelve or
litleen of tlu-o left the li.iln r.t Mount Vei-
noii iiud Mniislicldaud that iheie vveio no
udditioiis , hut 1 don't believe it is piobahle. "
Coi oner Leppci will not hold th inquest ,
fni a da ) 01 two vet. Ho Ins ai lanced \\itl *
the undi'it.ikei at Ilepublie to keep llui bodies
of the ii'iloi ' lunate paisengers until .Satin-
day. II tlicnio not tlr.hmdh ) that tliim
the ) will be buiicd in onfl enue.
Cliopjied ii I'loceM.
liosiov , Jan. 5. A bundle of blood v
clothing was found ve lcidaj In lyoxlngton
nud caused much Kiiriiiisv. 'lodaj rnnner
liiookh diticoveied ne.u the place the head oC
a moil \\hith had been --tvi'iod fiom the
hod ) , and neat it the ulhei poitiunn ol the
body , uiveieo1 by snow , I ho head WHS
gashed and distorted b ) u leuible wound. It
had ovidentlj been chopped liom thu body
with a dull a\e. Abom a mile fiom when )
the lie id and aim WL > II > found the Invest- !
g dorsdlscoveied In a dcit ) gull , the nnill-
Inted tin nlc. It naked , and had deepniti
In the hip and legi. The mutilated remains
wno toniid on 0110 side oi a % , all adjoining
thn Lexington Kind , having evident ! ) been
Ihioun o\ei liomthe load.
TliD.Someiville policu huve lecuived Information
mation nhich imlieates that thu dlsliguicil
lemailih lonnd In I.esiiigton to-d.iv aKitho eel
ol ( leoine A. Codman. ( ! odmin WOMI young
nnmaiiicd mm , and laitkd uii tlio milk
bushiest -oiiietvnle. .
Tt'viw Sliockcd lly ( MI I'U'I lKii | ; > k < ' .
( i vi vi MOV , . .Ian.r > . A special to the
News liom 1'aiue , Tex. , sa > s Hint a .slight
shock ol eailliiiiake ) oceinred ilicio at 11
o'clock this moining , hihting tlnec seioiiih.
No "erlous was drjue.
livsiiiui1 , Tex. , Jan.f > - \ \ 11 r , this
moinini : asllu'liti aitlional.e .shoe ] , was It It
heie. It Listed about Mi > siconds , iloint' III-
tln d iiu.uci nscept to pl'islt HML ; on ( elilnt-'s.
II was .ucunip.uiliMl ! ) -"cai-ely " audiblq
DenOl.v Holler Implosion.
KvsNVt CjTi , Jan ' -lhe JouinnlN
HopKins ( .Mo ) HjM'eial si ) > : A hiw-mill
boiler , two mihs south of tills place , exploded
to-ilav , killing H. M. ( .i.ij , J. s. Cox nnd
Martin Smith ,1. It. I'lndhi , Hie ownei , had
his mm nnd leg luokim , and his son was
hadlv sciided , Cox'sbodv vva < bovvn | f-evenly-
t\\u \ Mirds uvvav. Oruy anil Smith wi-ro
mangled bejond iccognitloii , AH vviie mar-
A I'ainll ) PoiKoneil ,
Xi.w Voi : , Jan. ! > . Tliu lamil ) ( d JooCli | )
Mtiuri , u diiUH-lsl , rusldlnglu Iliooklyn , con-
slhtlng of his wife und bcveii children , were
taken Nick , with thu exception ol thu mothuf ,
bunday night , hlnco then two of thoelilld'
ten have dleil and Urn lallui .uid lour otlnr
ehlldinn are lielnir attended by live ph ) si-
duns. 'Ihn lamlly Is tboii ln tu have btca
pelt > uncd.
Ho Siilit No Such V' '
\V.VSIINJ | IO.N , Jan , n.ssistant I'ostninN *
lei ( ieneral HUnoasou , id'eiiini : to a letent
jiiiblicatlon to thu Hfccl tlmt ho nad stated In
an Inteiview that the icMidt ol the pending
hcniitoml election In IlllnoiiJ would depend
largel ) upon HID use of iniinoj. said most
emplmlh-ally that thllopmied Interview
was a labilcatloii putt * and simple , and that
he had nxvei t'Njiiessud ui entoitaincd uny
.Man ! .ij ' "I SiHTi-lnr ) Ij.unar.
MI N , ( ia. , .Ian. 1 Li'ielui ) l.unarwas
iimnicd this momliignt the ic ldeneoof the
bride , to Mia , William fr. Holt of Miuon ,
( i.i. Tlie iv'iitUr ) ami liiidu will leuo hoiu
this afternoon to spend mt luenlug with
( iovirnoi ( iindon , and to niotioiv morning
\vill leavetoi Onlonl. MI > 'i , , to visit tolatlves
ui tinsei re I , i ry , and llu-n w > tu Washington ,
Dllei'l uf n Suite < ) ! ( ( > l.uir
I'll iiiu Hu. Jan 0 'Ihtt bulteiiiui f.u to
ut sol loiiuon ! ) iV ( u in ttn.stitj uiidot the
I'lttsbuig luelllng lompuiiin AlK'l.civ )
ilj i-d , lu\vii Uidaj on jcivadt ul tliu bt.ite
1 vv el hl'dllng thu nidijufactuiuaiul b il ' of
eli Iie