Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1887, Part II, Image 9
DOUBLE SUNDAY BEE PART II. SHEET. PAGES 9-16 I I SIXTEENTH YEAE. . , . . . NUMBEK 108 ; OMAHA. SUNDAY ftlOHNING JANUAKY 2. 1887.-SIXTEEN PAGES. . . .I. . * . . * Are selling remarkably fast , but there is still left out of the purchase of 280 acres , much BEAUTIFUL ACRE PROPERTY , which , being located iu South Omaha , three-fourths of it within the corporation limits , offers unexcelled opportunities for a safe and profitable investment , THE FIRST SUB-BIVISICOT of this property , con taining about J , Is now on the market , and they are eagerly sought for by home seekers and real estate investors , With one-fourth the packing capacity of Chicago , even which South Omaha certainly will have , within a very short time , there will be a population there of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND PEOPLE , making a city aa large as Lincoln , Nebraska , Nothing can stop the growth of South Omaha , and since Ss E3 Contains the ' , with the Bellevue road running through the entire addition , in n a Albright's Choice adjoins and lies directly east of Albright's Annex , where By purchasers , than in any other addition , SOUTH QHAHA PROPERTY has netted and will net to first purchasers from IOO to 5OO per cent and every dollar in vested in ALBRIGHT'S CHOICE will surely bring 2 within 6 months. ' Bear in Mind that the Union Pacific and B. & M. railroads run through this prop erty , Maps , Plats , Prices and Terms at the office of the owner , - .V A Texas Bard Melodiously Trills tlio Praises of a Bouton Girl. METHODS OF MIND READERS. Tlio WooiiiRS of Mnrbcrs mill Bar- Ucopcrs UnnkltiK in Dakota Tlio Dollar ns n Friend Olio of Lhu SniiihH. Tlio Perfect Itoston Gill. 31. U. II. In 3'c.ran Sifting * . I hnvo seen tlio crcatest wonder In tlio heavens , tliuenrth. or under A sight to stilUo you blind and dcnf and dumb ; Anil really It will grioui ino If jour lenders don't believe ino When 1 Ivll tliuiu tlmtthu coming woman's conic. She Is maiik'il to a plntnbor , ( Joes to Concotd oveiy sutnnirr , And Iodines on tliu Wiilchness of Ilio That ; Sim makes her husband's bills out , As melodiously slut trill * out Boiuu clabslc bit of Mendelssohn , so pat. Sim en n calculate eclipses While slut liollcsoinuly Hips Ills Moiiilng llapjiicks till It's beiiutltully biowu ; Her baby never cites , niul Her biend and cakes nnil ides and Uor puddings mo thu t.ilk of nil tlio town. Though she dotes upon Splno/a , And reads Itnuclals sub iosn , She can do you a lat capon to a turn ; { she'll mnko nn Ice pistachio , Toll vou all about Iloccnccln , And lend a , Hand , If needed , nt the churn. Shu can choos n leg of mutton , And dim never lets n button Obtiude IU ell by nb.tonco on her dear : .She'll o.\plain graudpap's p.nnlysls , Give a ( 'Inimical analysis Of the liotihl tilings that go to ninlco up beer. Slio'll concoct a toothsome Wlilio bl'u's building U | > u ballad Jn Hut wondciful lecesses ot her mind ; Klio'll ( | imti ) to vou f i oiii 1'l.ito While alia mashes u potato Aiulyuursi'ifnl tlio same time , ns you may lind. She can e ok com bcof nnd cabbage llenis thu Ituv. Mluot Savage Hveiy Sunday ; out slio doesn't take much Mock In Joe Cook and his hnrnnguings , Nor in spirit laps ami hangings ; And bho actually can tell Snutorno fiom Hodc. Her manncr'H pedagogic And her Is full of logic. Hut sho'll mnko you n most ravhhlng ragout ; And tlio languages that man's writ bho knows Viu all , o'uu Sanscrit She'll not ctush > ou , but bhe'll blmply call it "stow. " Though Hlio's mastered Chrlslnln Science , Ami boldly bids detianeo To nil lle.shly Ills nllllcting man or benst ; And thinks that metnphyslcs Will cme crumps and sprains nud phthlsles , She doesn't ralso her bread with faith , but yeast. They teach cooktnc now In Itoston , Ana though she wns wildly tossed on A whirling tea of treasuie und of trash , She didn't go lor-ilummix , bliu knew thnt men had stomachs. And slio wears n bit ; gold nictlal lor her Hash. "She Is sometimes more tlmit human , She is no mortal woman 1" You crnsp belw l\t a irrln , n ciunt. a groan , Shu was boiu and never lues it , Itcally bom in Massachusetts , And a Hoston man has claimed her for his own. Had Ilia Mind Uinul. Detroit Free Press ; "I suppose 1 vhas shwindled some moro , " sorrowfully re marked Air. Dunder us ho paid u visit to Serireant Kendall yesterday. "Not n doubt of it. What's jour story ? " ' "Do you poliof dot a luan can read ' mind " somebody's ? "Weil , I've hoard of mind readers. " "So lias Shuko , uud ho goes crazy aboudt it. Ho vhas going to foe a mind- reader if it takes all winter. Ho practices a leedlo on mo , und 1 vhas astonished. " "How about the swindle. ? " "Vholl , two mans come in my place last night vlicn I vims all alone. All right , ono of dot pair vhas a mind-reader , und he like to gif mo some points , lie doan' do it by cverypody. but t vhas such i friondt of dor poor dot ho like to ofolipc no. Vholl , Sergeant , dotseemsall right , md wo lock dor door und .sot down. I lias blindlolded mil a handkerchief , uud lor mind-reader says : " 'Now , Mr. Dunder , you liv your minden on some subject slmst so hardt as you 3an , and keep awful slitill. If you IUKO lot pandago oil or slmmp aroundt dot ireaks mo all oop. ' " "Vholl , Sergeant , I liv 1113 * mind on dot imo I falls oil' my parn on Hastings bhtrcot , und maybe two minutes goes by md nobody ulipeaks to mo. Den dor oldt voninn comes down-sht.tirs uud I takoon" dor paudago. Dosr. mans has gone. " "And what clsoV" "Two bo\cs of cigars and fifo pottles of whisky. Vims it a swindle on mo ? " " 1 should smile ! Mr. Dundor , you are very soft. " , * "Sergeant , look in my eve ! I vhas 'oing homo. To-night somopody vhill Iroi > in. Vhan I C'arl Dunder ? I vhas. .Ml sight , Mr. Dunder , Ihko to read 1" "Yes. " "Dot vhas all , Sergeant ! If some in quest vhas lieldt you remember dot Ivlias i shwindled man , uud dot 1 kildt him in self-dctcnso ! " It DoplMHlH. Wall Street News : "How much money would it lake to start a bank in a Dakota : ovvn , " was asked of a resident of that territory. " \Voll , that depends. Any religion with It ? " "Yes , some Presbyterian. " "Then you'd want a capital of $30,000. " "How would it bo with any other kind ? " "U'ell , a squaroUnivcrsulist , if ho came in Iho fall , would do well on $10.000. \Vlion winter sots in all wo have to do in that country is to arguu that thcro can't bo any moro hell loft lo send us to. " 'Iho Ilarliur'rt Wooing ; , II. ( ' . D'Httia In Tlil-lltta , "Oh. , " thu barbel Mghcd , "This scissor time lo sneak ; If you won't'bii my lioiiu trim bride I'll d > o without a biii'aS\ ( | . " "O. Dan PiulTdon't " ' , , the po'iuado screamed "lo such a wlg-hCiid act. It would be barbcMius. 1 dicnmed ytjou , " she smiled with tact. 'Lbok cup nnd buisli your teais away ; O.comb nud btia man ; LJs ( \ so ip I'll bo your biido some day , " " 1 will , but If , " cried D.IIU "An rawr hope vou will dNpol , Thcie'll bi-ard , death , you'll see ; And It tbcro'.s hcr.ipo on my door bell } Iy chair will empty be. ' ' "I do not Shanmooaei fellow , " said Miss Harbar.i , pci plowed , "Oil though when your llrst wile Is dead , You'll quickly cry for "Next. " A Silent Coi-i'oaiian , "Mrs , Smith , " said a Chicago traveling man to ids wife , "am 1 the senior mem ber of the paitncrahip which wo formed over a 3'ear ago with the assistance of the pieacher. " "Certainly , " replied Mrs. Smith , meek- ly. ' Do 1 hold a controlling interest It this business ! " "Of do dear. " course you , . "Am I ( ho sccrclary and treasurer and business manager of this concern ? Am 1 responsible for ils linancial Mains ? " "To bo fctiro you aio , 1 noversaid an3'- thing to the contrary , did IJ" she re sponded , ' "Now , what I wish to direct yourattcn- tiou to , is this. Your household excuses have been running up to an alarming liguro and your demands for pin money may ho properly described as o.\orbitant. 1 have decided that L must take fctops to keep you in check. " "May 1 correct your grammcr a little bit ? " hho inquired sweetly. "Certainly. " "You mean 'checks' not check. Tlural number , you know , " was the Hrmly .spoken rejoinder. And ho didn't attempt to argue the point. The HartpiuIcr'H Woofnir. Jf. C. t ) iHue in Til-llUi. "Alo love like mine is Kln-u-wlne , " bpoke th'j bartender , slghtnir , "And Sally , s\\cet , you watei tiont It so , " ho vshBpeied , ciying. "O. don't " vain rhninpairnc , laitRhcil Sally , , Pleased that he came to court her ; "You'd liquor who and bpoil her Hie , And 'all-an'-'all sup poiter. ' , "Madeira bildc of mine shall lido A pony line of brandy , And .sail away In schooners gay OC JaKcr , eating candy. " "I'll beer bride nt once , " she ciicd , MnkiiiK him sit be elder , 'Foryou's aim man , " she smiled , who'll plan Toby a fjood provider. " A DisoiiRrtlou of Ccmler. "Why do you call a vessel she ? " said Henry to Fred , the other day. "Perhaps because slio wears a bow in Iront , " nnswors L'rcd. "That miglit be ono ro.a&on , butanotlier is that she is not ready for business until pho is properly manned. " "Yes ; and it takes a good 11111115 * yards to rig her out. " "Then I hear old sailors speak about her going in btnys. " "Conclusive ! .But you must admit a ship is not always feminine. " "Well ? " "When she is a man-of-war. " Knew When Ho Was Well Off. "Ain't you ono of the Smiths ! a.skcd u man of ins acquaintance , who , for half an hour had been hoisting in four drinks of sour mash to the hour , and was solemnly , stationary drunk. "Smith I Well , I .should ( hio ) say so. li'long ' to the mo.-'important branch of the family. " "That so ? Why ain't you at the re union , then. Thi'i o's a great mooting of all the Smith's to-day. " " 1 know it" hie "Course. ( ) . 'Why ain't you there ? " Mr. Smith icgarded his questioner ii"Take mo tor a fool ( hie ) , I guess. " " , not at all. " "Then what for makosiilysuggeslions ? Why , man ( hie ) , if I should go down there among the Smiths ( hie ) I couldn't resist temptation to celebrate , and I'd get drnukcr'n a bilcd owl , " A. Kriuarlcahly Klmrp Texas .Sittings : Sam Jolinslng , having attended a night school for a few weeks , believes thnt ho is the smartest nigger in Austin. Ho was a witness in a burglary case , and created a sensation by his in tclligenco. "Do you think you would recognize the burglar if you were to see him again ? " "Why , boss , of course I would. " "You are sure you would identify the thief if you were to see him again f' ' "I tell you so ag'in. I'sa not ono of deso fool niggers what doesn' know ntillin1 , J could 'dentifv tint man ebon if 1 nobbcr seed him ag'in. J don't ' hab to see him ag'm to 'dentify linn. " Sticking to Ills Hest Chicago. Herald : "Thoro is one thing about me , " saiu .the boastful passenger , "I always atick to my friends -I always btick to my friends through thick and thin. " "That's right , " said the man in the next seat ; "and by the way , Jim , do you happen to have a dollar about you ? " " ( JllPSS faO. " "Loan it to me till next week ? " "Mot much. " "Is that what you call sticking to your friends ? " "You bet it is. This dollar hero is the best friend I've got In the world. " A Prmlpnt Society Mother. Washington Critic : Daughter "Mam ma , Mr. Blank proposed to mo last night. " Mother "Did you accept him , daugh ter ? " Daughter "Yes , mamma. " Mother "Has ho any money , daugh ter. " Daughter "Only $1,800 a year , mam ma. " Mother "Woll , daughter , handle him carefully till spring. Possibly you can pick up'sometlung bettor during tlio win ter , " An Appropriate Name. "The boyw have an appropriate name for the pas > trv cook at our boarding hou o , " remarked the Snake Editor. "What is it ? " asked tlio Horse Editor. "She's a darky from Virginia , and they call her the old dough minion. " tiOUOATIOXAb. Mr. D. if. Woi on , of the Sliawmut church , lloston , has given SoO.OOO for the erection of another dormitory lot Mr , Moody's bchool nt Xorlhtleld , .Mass. 1'rof , Kohcrls ; , who foimeily tilled the Sanscilt chair at Cornell university , has been chosen to n Mmllar position In the Uni versity ot California. Miss Clr.mdramukhl Hose , a native Cluls- tlan laily , lias bctm appointed sti | > ciintcnd- ent ot the liethune school of Calcutta. The Indian Messenger , the or nn of the lirnhmo- Soinnj , cordially Indorses the appointment. Ten percent of the students In the L'ui- veihltv of Xiirk-h are womcii.Twonty.nlno are studying medicine , fouitcen philosophy , and two political economy. There are forty- eliht U'imilfl students of medicine in Lon don nnd In Tails 10. ) . Thounuvoislty of the city ofXew Yoik last week commemorated the fulllllmont of llfty years of continuous WIN Ice in the university , In Its council , by 1'jeshiont Clmilus liutlor , by a icception in his honor nnd the indentation of nn engrossed tcsti- moninl on vellum. A iietltlon IsbclngElftned In Germany ask- liiK'tho government , to open the universities to women. Female students hnvo been al lowed f i om time tq time to study nt llcldul- bun ; nnd l.oipslc , but not to talco their do- urees ( icrmany is behind beveial oilier con tinental countiles In this refoim ino > eincnt. The new law governing primmy education In Kianco provides tor compulsory Instruc tion and also for Hie establishment of mnn- nal tchoolshero npprentlccs to the dlllur- ent trades will be received fico. Over live thousand Indian children arc now attending schools , suppoitcd by the iri'iieta ! tovernimmt , rc-llRlous bocletles nnd the slate of Now Yoik. At Hampton Insti tute. Yli'lnia [ , a number of mnrilcd couples are in attendance , and six cottages lm\ti been erected for their uu * . About lifly Indian t'irlswcie litst year admitted to thoimbllQ schools of Philadelphia and mingled Ith the white children In attendance , .Nine out of twelve prices ottered for irollclenoy'\\cre taken by Indian girls , the lirst being given to ouo of tlio Omnhas. By the will of Mrs. Caroline A. Wood , widow uf the late Caleb Wood , and founder of the Wood church in Cambridge , Mass. , AVellesloy college ccts 50,000 ; Hales college , 35,000 ; Avon-Place home , at Cam- briuX'o , S'.DOO ; the Ameilcau Uoam of Kor- clgn Missions , $5,000 , and a luiid for the establishment of a homo in Cambridge for aged women , 625,000. The leniduo of the real and personal property , after the pay ment ot the above b * quests and legacies to Irlends and relatives , is left to be funded aud used for the bcnoU of poor women. AlUSlCALi AND l > nASIATIC. Edward Harritjan's new play will bo called "McXoouey's Visit. " Xewton Uotthold hns boon encaged by Al llayman to support Miss t'ortesciie. AV. 11. Gillette expects to clear SlOO.Ono out of "Held by tire Enemy" before it gets cold. Hobcit Downm 's Spnrlacus has been veiy well icceivcd Jn Xcw Yoik at the Star tnca- ter. Dlirby Holl's provincial dialect In "Indiana" Is admiied by connoibsuuis in such matters. Edward S. Stokes contemplates liiilldinrr anew now minstrelsy theater in Now Yoik to ihal JJockstadei's. Louis Aldilch will not jjrodiicc his new play this ucason. Jle is still making n go of "MyPaitner. " Among icccnt dcpartuies for Emopoaie Mine. Minnie I lank , sopiano : Camilla L'rso , violinist , nnd J nlivs Levy , cornetist. Nat ( loodwin tlncatens to play Pi luce Lo- rcn/a in "Tho .Mascot" if "Turned Up" does not draw at the Now York Bijou thcatie. A strange .static fieakof this season Is the appearance ot that Imposing trapcdlau , Fred- eilckVaido , as a brawny und heiolc gladi ator. McstayerwIIldo Euiopo during the coming summer , aecomp.xnving his aeoompllshed \\lle , Theresa VaiiRhn. An extended tilp is contemplated. Miss Kato Forsytho has secured n very .strong play iiom a veil lnn\\n ICngllsh author , which slio will pioduco In Phlladel- jihla this spring. Miss May Kortesqiie's costumes aio inar- \clsol millinery nit andaie a. jouice of : en- thuslasiiedeiisht to tlio Indies who witness hcrpcilormauccs. The National Opera company will sint : In Brooklyn iip\t eck , going thence to Bos ton , alter which ten iieil'oimanccs be t > l\on In l'lillali'liliia. ) ( JeorcoClaiko , for several ycais the lend ing man of Aiigustln Daly'h company , has turned to his first love , and will appear at Dnlv's theatre in the next play , Mr. Mapleson with .time. Hastiellcr as a star. Is meeting with much success in Scot- laud , nnu hns hopes of being nble toiovho Italian opcin ne.\t bpilng in London. Mrs. Laugtiy has laid aside "Enemies" which Is. ne\eilhelcas , a piny that with somn .simple alterations could bo made a successu ! ! ono and will leturii to "Tho Lady of Lyons. " Haitloy Oamplwll made neatly $18,000 out of "Siborl.1. " and the play Is agnin making money lor its new owner. His , in fnct , the one of Mr.CnmpbcU's plajs now being piolit- ably pciformed. Salsbury's Troubadours have a now piny this bcnhoii. It is called "The Humming Jiiul , " nnd IK said to bo oven moru enioynblu than "Tho Biook , " In which the Tioub > i- doins fust made their nntlonnl icpiitntl'm , In London this winter thcionro weekly conceilsof chamber music , to which tliutul- mlsslon U but ono penny , and the hall is crowded every night by woiklng people , who listen with mlilont nleasmo to stringed quar tets by Beethoven , Mcndchsohi ) , llaydu and Schubert. Miss ( lertiudo Coglilan , the ynuns daugh ter ot Ciuilcs Coghlan , Is being educated tor Shakespearean comedy loles by her lather. Mr. Coghlan has decided to mnko the UnlUnl States his home and nt the close of his en gagement with MIH. Lanutry will come foi- \\nid ns a star .biippoitcd by his daughter. IMI'IKTJKS. "Why do the heathen rngc"aslsn : ieg. | | ions napcr. It they got n larger percentage of the money collected lor them , perhaps they wouldn't r.iso so nnieh. Wo mcicjy olfer this ns a suggestion. Occasionally a Joke is let loose In thn Pur itan town of PI > mouth , but It IK uniformly a grim one , Thu last Is that of a diuuglst who is ollerincnsn prke chronio a plan ot the lots In OaU ( iiovu cemetery to the cus tomer who buys the largest number of bottles tles of his imequalcd cou.'h syrup before the 1st of January , This chimns in with the nbtiingcnt Puritan sucer and silences his critics. A minister with rather n florid complexion went Into the slum of u barber , one of his parishioners to ba tha\od. Thu batbcr was addicted to drinking , after which his hand was , in consequence , unsteady at his woik. In shaving lie Inllictcd n cut sufficiently di-eii topovci holowcrpirtofhislacowltli blood , ihcmlnlbter turned to tlio Imrber and said , in n tone of solemn " scveilty : "You see , , ii'"i" . " s .V\lllt \ ! ' " " ' H takinir too much ' "Aje , rejillcd 'Jhomns with the temlur CO"IUOSUr0' U lllaltcs thu bki" vwy A Boston mlnlsfer , ono who pic.sldcs over a large and flourishing church at the south cud , and "lends n hand" in all good en tor- pi lies , who to picnch in l > io\ldence , spent tliu night befoto with n fiicnd in a vil- lng semi ) miles distant and walked to I'rovl- uencp hnnday niornlinr. On ids way , feel ing hungry , he stopped at a house by the wayside , laug the bell , and asked the mother- loolang woman who came to the door 11 ho could have n class ol mllK and a sllco ot bread. "Well. " she nimwoieil , " 1 suppose yoiicnu ; but It does seem as though a his , stioug man like you might cam his liIng by work and not beg for it ? " Hlchard A. Hayes , the ov-mesident's son. mairlc'l th daughter of X. ( i. blieimnn , ol Xorwalk , O. , on the HOtli. The Danes assnio maidens upon payment of nn annual sum of acouiloitubh' home at a cci tain age. The benefits ol the association cease at mania : . ' ! . ' , A icmnikablo tiiplo wedding wns cele brated In Lancaster county , I'.i , on Tuesday last. Mr. William C. Br.mdt wns mairled to Miss Betty Albilghtnt the lesldenco ol' the bride's Kinudpaieiits , Mr. nnd Mis. .John E. Cieldlcr , who nt the bnmo tlmocelebiated tliclMyeddliig-iiltieth iiiniriiwo unni\vrsary allu Iho luients of tliu gtoom. Mr. nnd Mis. H. B. Brandt celcbialed their silver wedding , or twenty-Illth mniiingo nnnl\er- siry. Some of the guest came over nine hundred miles to bo present on the occasion , Ihoine.-cnt.s loreach of the couples weio numeious , both usutul and ornamental. It Is safe to say that the marrlageabln this In Bolivia will notsmenado the membeirt of the picidit assembly. It is not OM > II likely that the distinguished legislators of thaiie- publlc will lind many pnrtneib inclined fo ilauco with them. They hnvo just passed the following law : "Xo olllcer Horn the lank ol sub-lleulenant to captain will Ito allowed to many unless ho can piovo thai the lady with whom ho wishes to mairy possesses a dowry ot S4.000. " Kvpiy vessel In iho Knglljh navy hns dally piaveiwnnd i cellar seivleei on Sunday. Thcio nto thico nilllloiinlies among llic local luoacheis of the iletliodist church In Canada. The gospel Is pn-nchpd In ilio United states by mniiibiTs of the Luihcian chinch In thliteen different languages. Jtov , ( Jeorgo Seholl , I ) . 1) . ( Lutheran ) , has been appolniod geneial secrcUrv of foreign missions ol thu general synod. A banker In Iowa has just nuthoil/ed the bupodiileiident or the Aiiiotlcnn .Sunday- school union at Clilcni'o to di.ivv on him for thosuiipoitof a Sunday-school missionary. Thu Jiaptlst Weekly Is authoilly for the stntemeiiithntiecently , In Connecticut.thieo persons vycro bnptl/ed whoso ages WITH lospectlvely ninety-two , ninety-six and 100. AtTungohovv. on the Poilio ilvi > r , liftccn miles Iiom I'ekm , Dr.larlnnn liolbrook , also of the Coin.ctntlonnl ! ; soclely , has , blnco JSh-j. been tieatiug about 2,000 patients each An English vicar hns been sentenced to Impitsonmentvvlth hnrd labor lor eighteen months fui marrying a couple who baa not piocuicd a license or had the unus 1110- claimed. In thn four ypnrs of. Southwest Kansas confeioiico Hie mcmbcrsliip has lucienscd fiom ! UOJ lo 15,00. . ) . The tfiiiloiy coveted Is 100 miles \v ) de nnd " i < i uiillei long , nnd has a population ot JWJ.OOO. Out nt the 7UJ-U ( words comosmg | the revised - vised llible , T'-'l.OTU mo the same as found I n the revised edition issued in ion , Duly u per cent , 70T-"J luvo been chaugud ; Mw , > > have been excluded. Thn Second Advcntlsts claim an actual chiucti membership iu Amciic.i ot ! il,007 In ford ? ! ! Holds , IIMS ; giving a total of M,1ir > , nn Incrcasn ot"hli , ) actual mciiibc-rshlit over last \ car. Of tlio'i-J,7l' ' mcmbeis , t hero aio no uesa than IJ.SW actually engaged In sproadlne their doctiinci.cltlieras ministers , bible \voikeis , colpoitctirs , canvasscis oi home nilsslouniic.s. The New YOIK Observer snvs : "Tha rhuichcs ornlhleuomliiatlon in South Cain- llna since the eaithruiakes , have had a liar * vest ot new con veils. About 1,000 poisons have united with the Presbj lei tan churched dmlng the .summer. Xiuo Pioti'slant denominations aio cn- ira'ed in mlssionaiy woik In Mexico. They hnvu planted at least twelve Proteslant churches In the inipoilant elllcs between El Paso nnd the rity ol Mexico. Al Lucluiovv , wlieio so many weie mur- deicd dniliiL' the Sepoy lebelllon thlily voars niro , suoo , children , ncaily all ol' Hindu or Mohammrdan pnrenlaire , recently marched In Sunday school pioccsslon , In isili Piotestantl.ini In Franco did not count 150 pistors.and had not a .single cstab- llshmenl ol charity , education , or evangell- yation. That church has now 000 pastora , U7 homos lor oiphans , 1'J iclreats for the nged , 3 convalescent it'l'ormatoilcs tor pilsonei.s. bo- bides nsyluius fo the blind , deal nnd dumb. SlNGUIjAIUTIlW. Chatswoi th 11 ! , , is inoiid of ono of Its cltl- yens , whoatthu nL'O ol ninety is cutting her llurd bctol teeth. Baltimoic cnme to the front not much moro than a week ago with the death of a colored poison IIS IOPIS old. Beauloit. S. 0. . fol lowed In u fe\vdajs with the dnath ot ono I'J : ! yeai.s old , ami now Sassakawa , 1. T. , sui - plies a case ot ISJO jcars , .Icnnle Lemon , who lives near Dalln ? . Tex. , is but ill teen years old , yet Rho had the ] > liiclc the otlii'r day , single handed , to tackle and kill n i.ittlesiiako that was .six fcctlivo Inches long , twelve inches incncumfercnce , and that cairled sixteen i at lies. Them is living In Ty-Ty , ( la. , n negro child thai Is almost a monstrosity. Mr. J , .M. Ilaiiilln mcasiiicd Its bend , nnd the tapeline - line Indicated ftxmty-cighl inches atouiid. It Is icnllya cuiioslty to look at. Ho Is about seven > cirr > old nnd lias never walked a step. In lad his head is so heavy ho cannot hold it up without assistant. ' ! ) Iiom his mother , A ncgio known as Judge .Mark Is tliu lalliorol thu child. Two HO us of John Ilnslam. of Wnllliam , Me. , while driving thiongli the woods thu other day camu upon two deer ono allvo , onodcnd locked logi-ther by the horns. The giotind was all loin up nnmiid ihem so thnt the dead buck wns neaily bulled , The boys shot thu Ihtnhvr , and then loimd Hint the other had been dead huvcinldayH. Its neck had been biokon. Tluiy had to got stout gtnkos In older to juy thu doors' antlers apatl. ,1 , L. Tole , n hardware mciclmiit of Buffalo , hns a temaiknbly intelligent dog. a small , white cur ot uncertain ncdcgice. This du Knows any number of dllllc.nlt tilcks , and so coiiiideut IsMr. Cole in Its abllltlu.s lhat ho IH now willing toiml it huge Mini that tlio dog can walk u light rope over the Niagara gmgc , and ho'll give him a chance , provided thn rallioad compandor the Nlngai.i Falla hotel folks will cxinliihuto $1,000 toward the expense of .stretching ihu tope and net , The mother of live new-bom bhi'pherd ] > ii ] > pleH. near Houston , was inouiiilng tlio death ot four of her babies that had been taken Iiom her , when a very young pig , whoso mother bad loit it , e.imo siieiillng | around tlu < doghouse , Tlio shcphcid dog at onro adopted thu llttln iiorlier , and It now Hicklcs alongsldo of thu pup and follows Its Toiler mothci about , mjenllng vluorously whenever U feels hiin.-iy. Tim collie ECCIIIB to love the pig quite as much us her ovvu pup. pup.A A famllv of four biolhcis named Acken. living in - > eLounty. . N. J. . tire noted lor their vlgoi and sue. The Tienton ( in- zctiu gives tlieli ages , hi > Ight nud weight , nt fi/llowi ) : William Is elghlthrcu ycais old , MX Icet Unco Indies In heicht , nnd weighs UOO pound.jjlik'prv is olghiy-ono , slv feet lour , nnd wolcha TO ; Samuel ishi'Mintj-nlne. six feet livt-'iihil weighs X ; Theodoru U hovenly-thrcc , six feet t > lx , and weithn KO pounds , They aio In excellent health , nnd vlgoious beyond their yeais. I.v onses of FOV T and Ague , Iho hlood is us oireetunlly , tliuugh not bo danger- otibly poisoned by the diluvium of Ihu nt mosphero as it could bo by the deadliest iKjison Dr. .J. II. McLean's Thills and I'Cvor C'uro will eiadicalu this poison from thn syetcm , DU cents u bottle.