Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1887, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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The Last Week the Most Brilliant of tha
Blrn. Goncrnl Crook Inaugurates tlio
Kensington In Ouinlin Several
IMcasant , Hoccptlons Dancing
nntl Gaiety 1'roynll.
Happy Monio Coinings.
Tlio past week has been the most
brilliant one of the season. Balls , re
ceptions anil tras liavo crowded ono
upon another o faht as to scarcely leave
breathing apace. Many of the parties
liavo been given to celebrate the homecoming
coming of collide youths and maidens ,
nnd have consequently been character
ised by a creator x.e t and spontaneity
of mirtlifuln ( ! . .s than when oxncricncu
has dulled the keen cilgo of onjoyinent
nntl repetition made tlio diversions of
riociety a wearisome treadmill. Vet even
iho more blase liavo been surprised to
linil thomst'lvcs experiencing a sensation
tf former buoyancy in watching thu
oll'ervewpnco of youthful exuberance and
mingling in Us cleetriral atmosphere he
must indeed bo a Mole who could resist
the oonliiuion of tmaflVctciI , unri'slrainud
animal spirits without imbibing una-
wirof a pertain degree of vitality.
Very litllo calling was done New
Year's , though the mail convoyed a good
inan.i cards. That linio-lioiioroi ) observ
ance litia brconie obsolete . Ladies have
ccaTil to lind gratiliuation in receiving
into their homos the obscurities thai
would never otherwise lind a pretext for
admittance , and as for the young men ,
they prefer taldnllieir / rations anil nota
tions in the1 regular way. What Jittlo
calling that 7as done was in a thoroughly
Houlal wuv among intimtitu friends. The
Y. M. < J. A. received a great many per-
] hens during the day , ana treated them to
' collt'o nntl eako.
A KoiiNlnuton Ten.
This variety of entertainment was in
augurated by Mrs. C.en. Crook , Wednes
day. The cards wcro in thu following
requests your presence ,
wi : xDiiiAV , IICIMIIIK : : : 20 , 18SO.
"three o'clock"
Kensington Ten , Fancy Work.
The guests removed their outer wraps
and prepared for an .afternoon of social
nnd informal enjoyment. Every device
in the way ofvork bags was displayed ,
and the ladies toyed with their fancy
work industriously , but they were so
delightfully entertained that very Jiltlo
work was accomplished. About 5 o'clock
the candelabra , were lighted and the guests
hat down to delieato and delicious re
freshments , preceded by a social glass of
irg-nogg. The rooms which possess a
marked individuality in adornment with
llieir luxurious Turkish rugs and skins ,
unit artistic draperies wore brighlencd
with quantities ol cut llowcrss. lUuslc fol
lowed tea and the Indies dispersed about 7
o'clock eminently delighted with a
"Kensington tea.1 The invitation list
included J\lrs. Cowin , Mrs. Savage , Mr.s.
< 'oniH'll , Mrs. James Chambers , Mrs.
( ienenil Dandy , Mrs. General Hawkins ,
Mr.s. Kount/.o and Mis Kountxe , Mrs.
Liiiiiti-nant Kennon , Mrs. Colonel Tor-
roll. Mrs. Meredith , Mrs. Denise , Mrs.
< 'oilier. Mr.s. Kustin , Mrs. S. P. Morse ,
Mis- , Worthington , Mr.s. Collins , Mrs. L.
M Uui nclt , i\ln .Potcr lliigus. Mrs IJeall ,
Mrs. Filch and JMis.s Fitch , iMr.s.
J'axton. Mrs. Kitchen , Mrs. Colonel
Hall , Mr.s. _ ( Jraddy , Mr.s. Colonel Somers
juid Mis.s Somers. Mrs , himnger , Mrs.
Haller , Mr.s. Dundy , Mrs. Webster , Mrs.
Nye , Mrs. M. Patrick , Mrs. Jionrdotto ,
IMrs. J. A' . 11. Patriel. , Mr.s. Kounds ,
Mrs , Hothuelcer , Mr.s. Douno , Mr.s.Kellor ,
JMrs Miller nail Miss Millur , Mrs. Gener-
: \Vheaton , J\Irs. \ Dr. Hrown , Miss Hick-
man , Mrs. Major Duller , Mr.s. Captain
Cook , Mrs. Captain Mill , Mrs. Kowull ,
Mrs. Van Ltew , Mrs. Mallorv , Mrs. Colonel
nel Fletcher , Mr.s. IS. 11. Thomas , Miss
McPatlin , Mrs. Gilbert. Mrs. Governor
Thayisr , Mr.s. Colonel Henry , MM. Gen
eral Itruck , Mrs Jos. Barker , Mr.s. Ctip-
tain MoCanlcy , Mis.s Smith , Mrs. Wake-
In.y aiiit Miss Wakeloy , Mr.s , Ed 1'cek.
l lihs Earle. MM. Grossman , Airs. Colonel
btanlon , Mrs. U. Dailey , Jlrs. Dr. Jones.
Mrs. Ttlnigwplt'H Rcocjilioti.
. Mrs. Uingwalt received her iatly friends
Monday afternoon from U to 0. She was
assisted in the pleasant duty by Mr.s.
Htivngo , Mrs. General Hawkins , Miss
Worthington , Mrs. Collins , JMrs. Garneiiu ,
Mr.s. George I'atlor.son.Mrs. Shelton Miss
.Somers , Miss Eustis , Aliss Urown and
Miss Carr. The geniality and tact of the
hostess made the alternoon a memorably
l > li > : i.-ant ono. Tlio tastefully arranged
IIOUMI was made doubly inviting with
decorations of holly anil evergreens
- \ \ Inch were pleasantly suggestive of thu
Miiinoii of good uheer. Cut llowers were
proluselv scattered uronnd. pink and
yellow roses , smia\ ) and lines being
lilnei'd whernvor they might lend elleet.
Munv elegant toilets were seen , the receiving -
ceiving ladies being usjiecltilly attractive.
] Ur Kingwalt wore \\luto camels hair
( own combined with moire ; Mrs. Savage
\\aslovely in black velvet , en train , 10-
lievod with rare Ineo , Mr.s. Garneau , a
Paris cafe an lull dross with heavy pussa-
niontcrie ; Mr.s. Collins , black Mlk , en
train , with cut jet pabsamcntorio ; Miss
Homers , while albalross combined with
moire ; Miss Eustis , garnet velvet , en
trtiin ; Miss Carr wuro a luuiiL-oiiic black
laeo dress , jutted. The hidifs were kept
Inisy in welcoming the constantly arriving
gnesti , about ono hundred and lifly call
ing during th afternoon. KufreshmenU
wore. Mii'Vcd by iho wuitera f rom thu club.
M ) teoe | > llon.
Mr.s. Juilgo Savage's reception from ate
to II Tue.xday was Hie largo t of the bca-
Mii. Although the masculine e omunt
Avas excluded , ! KO inv.lations were issued.
.So general was it that all who had over
visited Mrs. Savage's house received n
card , allowing that all iho invitations
reached Iholr destination , About two
Jiundied and fifty were present , and so
t-oelablo and hnppy was the atmosphere
( Toaled by the charming and vivacious
hostess that the callers prolonged ihoir
May till every room was crowuud. Airs.
Havago was assisted in receiving the
gnc&ts by Mrs. Edgar , Mr.s. General
Crook , Airs. Keller , Mr.s. Howard H ,
Hmith , Mrs. Hallur. Mr.Hingwalt , Mr.s.
l.eavitt liiirnhnm , Mr.s. Gnnkcl , Miss
iSoinors , Miss Hichardson audMUs Ijnms.
Cut-llowers and Christmas decorations of
holly and evergreens wcro profuse , and
the scene was a picturcMiuo ono with Us
moving mass of richly dre-sed women in
quaint setting of old-tashioncd rooms
iltat contained many a valuable antique
Tcnerablu relic of a past century. Ono
jodiu especially set apait for such article j
rvas u page from a vanished period ,
with its largo open lire place and
undent c.uultilubni from which wa\
CupiTx shed n mellow light underneath
dftinty colored Ehades , and thu hostess a
patrician dumo in long black velvet
train nnd costly laces , too HUM I a harmon
ious and essential part of the pictuio.
Aniouy the notlceabjo toilcU worn by
tlio receiving ladies was that of Mr.- . .
Hniilh , an elegant blue silk trimmed with
velvet and passamontedo ; Airs , Crook
were a black velvet en train , Mrs , llal
a haud oinu-whito sutiu and broeado ;
lrs. Itiiigwult , cream-colored wool
dress with ficnrlct trimmings ; Mrs.
Gtiiikol , a lovely cream silk ; Miss Rich-
nr < lon , French ilresi of mode-colored
silk ; Miss Soincrs , a becoming toilet of
blue crepe.
Mr. and Mr. . Dlokoj's Itcccptlon.
Mr , ami Mrs. J. J. Dickey gave u danc
ing partj- Tuesday evening in honor of
their guests , Miss Jordan and Miss Bcrtio
Jordan nntl M ss Uovls , of St. Louis ; Miss
IlrJH , of Now lork , and Miss Margaret
AVIIson , of Fort Lenvonwortli. The en
tire first llnor was canvassed , and the
diamond shaped programmes contained
twelve numbers. Supper was served on
small tables on the upper floor. The
Kttcats wcro the Misses Dixon , the Misses
Uundy , the Misses Wilbur , the Mi ses
Shears , the Misses Mouse , Mi s Konntzo ,
Mis * lioyd , Miss Kennedy , Miss Morse ,
Miss Millur , Miss Hnins , JMi s Chambers ,
Miss McLnno , Miss Iloagland , Miss liar-
voy , Miss Hall , Miss Congdon , Miss Cou
ncil , Miss Clarkson , Mi s Hotkin , Miss
Hurlin , Miss I'onne , Miss Morrison , Mis *
\ \ iNon , Mics I'yeslon , Miss Woolworth ,
Miss l.awlos , Miss Sharp , Miss AVillliwis ,
of Tonckti ; Miss Ferguson , of Kan
sas City ; Mr. and Mrs. A. Saxc ,
Mr. and Mrs. .J. Uarton , Mr. ami Mrs. .J.
11. Chirkson , Mr. untlMrs. I. K. Conjrdoii ,
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Duiidy , Mr. and Mrs.
IJratlfonl , Mr. and Mrs. Uaylord , Mr.
and Mrs. rutikhouscr , Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Johnson , Mr. nmlMrs. llallcr , Mr.
and Mrs Kirkondall , Mr. and Airs. Love ,
Mr and Mrs MoWhorter. Mr. and Mrs.
Orr , Mr. and Mrs I'owoll , Mr. and Mrs.
1'arrotto. Mr. and Mrs. ( Juor e Patterson ,
Mr and Airs. Rollins , Mr , and Mrs.
William Itudiek , Messrs. Wakoley ,
Wiulo , Boat ) , Itenoiltct. Doano , Dorrnneu ,
Chasu , Coughland , liarton , Berlin. How
ard , Crcmor , Hamilton , Chri tianey ,
Holett , Oi'drn , Orr , Nye , Vinton , I lor-
bach , Milfonl , McCann , Hcntlricks ,
Heath , Need , Kiligwalt , Muwli. Smith ,
Squires , Kennedy , Knunt/.c , hehmur ,
Hawloy. 1'ike. Patrick , Slubbins , Sauii-
ilin-H , Paxton. Vinton and Payne. Many
handsome toilets wt-ro noticeil.
Miss Dickey wore u ] ) rclty dress of
white crepe.
Miss .Jordan , tullu with red chenille
tufts beaded with pearls , slevcless and
pointed corsage.
Ml s Bcvis , handsome white satin gown ,
hand painted.
Miss JU-rtio Jordan , light blue surah
trimmed with lace.
Miss Brill wore a becoming dross of red
Mrs. Diekey wore a rich brown bro
caded silk en train.
Miss Maud Woolworth , pink surah re
lieved with lace.
Miss Shears , blue silk with pearl pas-
Miss Kount/.e , pink silk.
Miss Loilti Shears , light blue nun's
veiling with pink brocade , velvet front.
MUs Collins , pink silk , sleeveless and
Miss Minnie Chambers , blue veiling
trimmeil with lace.
Mrs. Funkhoiibcr , lavender silk en
Airs. Gaylord were a black lace dress.
Airs. AleWhorter , handsome white
satin en train.
Mrs. Love , a bride , attracted much at
tention in u white .silk dress with hleeve-
less and V-shaped corsage.
A Coinini-Oiit 1'nrty.
Mr. and Airs' J. J. Urown gave a pleas
ant dancing party Friday evening at the
Millard in honor oi the coming-out of
their daughter , Miss Clara Urowii.
About 200 invitations were issued and
nearly all were aceeptod , making one of
the large-it imrties of thu season. The
orchestra was slrensrthened by several
pieen.s and the daneo was entered into
with unusual xest. The progiammes are
by far the richest that have been seen
here. The twelve dances and throe ex
tras were headed by the date , "New
Yours' Kve , " in illuminated letters
nrinted on the daintiest ot linen board.
This was enclosed in heavy satin ribbon ,
outside of which was a strip ot bolting
exquisitely painted in. various designs by
the fair debutante.
Thu supper , an exceptionally fine one ,
was served on a high table in the ordi
nary , and the guests took their rations
standing. Afterdisposingwith the solids
they pas ed into another room , where
ices , jellies and fruits were served. The
ladies who assisted in receiving were : Shears , Aliss Kqunlzu ami Aliss
Hoagliiiul , and these in turn were as
sisted by Mr. Annin , Air. Chase , Mr.
Crary and Mr. Wilbur. Airs. Brown was
attired in a rich black silk ; Aliss Brown
wore white crepe combined with moire ;
Aliss Iloagland , white satin ; Aliss Shears ,
white silK ; Miss Kount/o , white silk.
Among the invited were Air. and Airs.
Will Millard , Air. and Airs. Kollar , Air.
and Airs.Colnet/er , Mr.andAlrs.Harrison.
Air. and Airs. AmiinMr. and Mrs. Peck ,
Air. and Airs Squires , Air. and Airs. Car
rier , Air * . Thomas , the Ahsses Uundy ,
Hanscom , Boyd , Shearn , Congdon ,
Knight , Diekoy , JordanBrill , Bevis , Wil
son , hehmer. Turner , Burns , Brown ,
Chambers , Clarke , Coburn , Uuwey ,
Dixon , Hall , Isaacs , James , Kennedy ,
Kiilin , LaUe , Lowe , AleCurmlek , Millard ,
Orchard , IVrino , Morrison , Uawles , Pop-
pluton , Uichardson , Koger , Kustin ,
\ VaUeleyVallaco , Balbaeh. Williams ,
Woolworth , Wood , Clarkson , Alay , Crarv ,
Kiilin , Shunvood , Balcqmbe , Withnell ,
Atkins , U'yimui , Butterlield , Campbell ,
Mains ) , ( irtbort , Miller , Preston , Hall ,
North , HesS , Kngland , Burns ; Ale srs.
McCann , Crary , Clarke , Patrick , Doane ,
Kustin , Bngg1' , ( JliaMJ , Wyman ,
Kenneily , Wileot , Hunter , Itoed ,
Couidilan , Alorforil , Hamilton. Drake ,
Hogers , Hinifwalt , Sherwood , Sti'bbms ,
Christiancy , Pike. Culm , IJeal , AlcCaguo ,
Sears , Williams , Wakcloy , Horbaeh , Bar
ton , Shears , Turner. Knight , Wilson ,
Dormnn , Poppleton , Dr , Smith , Downey ,
Saunders , llowo , IsaacsEliMiel ) , Kount/ce ,
Lyman , Alilhml , HendrickK , l.ehmer ,
Funlihouser , Itemlnctou , Yollum , Collins ,
Ogden , U'ailo , Jr. ) Btiilge.s , Barlow , Ui u-
tenant Wil un , Lieutenant Wright , Sim-
oral , Kngland , Boss , Caldwell , Megquier ,
Alorrm. The guests from Council Blull's
wore Miss Weiss , Aliss Daas , Miss
Hatehor , Mis > s lUihbington , the Misses
Merkel , Aliss Stevens , Miss Brown , Mr.
Kanoy Di'L'KS I'arty.
Airs. Alagranu's dancing clashes partic-
ipnted in a f-incy dress party Wednesday
night. The attendance was largo and so
li-el ami every moment of tlio time was
thoroughly enjoyed. YO. . Matthews
acted as culler and Prof. IlolVman fur-
nibtied thfl mu.sie. Many of the costumes
were striking and picturesque. Airs Ala-
grano wns very pretty ns a Spanlnh girl ,
with dress of paitl-eoioreil siln and laeo
mantilla draped over her head. Little
Mamie Alagrano dressed a a llowor girl ,
attracted much attention by lu r i-kilitui
dnneing. Bessie Dnfrvno represented a
inornlng glory and Freddie Dufn-no was
attired as a .Scotch boy. Among Iwml-
some costumes noliocd was tliul of .Mr.
IM Smith , who rcprescnti'd winter ; Aliss
Shipman as snow , was vorj bi-nomhigly
dressed ; Will K. Wakelicld wore a ricn
court costume as King Charles , F.A.Shafer
was very striking in a graceful costume
to represent Itubens ; Airs. C. Y. Alvarez
were u white dross spangled with crys
tals to represent winter ; Aliss Carrie
ktsr as frost , was in a jetted white dress ;
Alis Emma Batbach were a glpsoy dresa
of rod and yellow satin j Aliss Alillstone ,
QuaKcress. AUss Duncan as u pansy
blossom were u pretty dress of heliotrope
trimmed with velvet oansies , AliwUarps-
ster , Yum Yum ; Air. Ramsey , Pooh-lSah ;
cadet ; Frank llolllngrr , clown ; A. J.
Mokler , Fra IMavolo ; Miss Allison , fancy
opera dress. Miss Dollie llarnster. Yum
Yum ; Chat lledick 'cadet ; Mr. Keller ,
dude ; Air. Uoberls.Mephlstoplieles : C. V > .
Orosh , Uncle Sam ; 11. S. AlcLoon , conti
nental ; Mi s Grace lluncbaugh , summer ;
Miss Agnes Calligan , Mieperdcis ;
Kva Kennard , orange cirl ; H. A.
Clark , dude , Aliss Truland , Dolly Vardciu
Oscar Ctoodmnn was appropriately at
tired as Borneo ; Will Marsh looked very
imposing in n cadet's uniform ; Mrs ,
A'eirling , daughter of the regiment ; Mr.
Paterson , dude ; H. Ktaiiss , summer ; Atr.
Voirling , sclionl boy ; Alisa Lyn Curtis ,
Puritan maid.
During the evening the now dance , the
gavotte , wns danced. It is the first time
that It has been ot to music in this city
and it is bound to become a feature of all
fashionable patties.
the Old Year Out.
The Homo Circle club danced the old
year out in a jovial manner. Souvenir
programmes inclosed in a ragged edge
cover , decorated with a pretty landscape
were carried away as mementos of the
event. Those present wcro Aliss Bessie
Stcpheuson , Charles M. Champlin , Air.
and Airs. F , K. Bailey jr. , Aliss Alinnio
AlcICennon , L. Livesey , Aliss Clara Saf-
fcldbr , Albert Kdholm , Miss Ida Truekcy ,
U. U. Lane , Alias Alary AlcCrcary , James
Allllet , Aliss Alice Crombe , John Ale-
Crrary , Air. and Airs. U. W. Shields.
Aliss Aleldrum , C. W. Nugent , Air. and
Airs. H. A. llaskcll , Aliss Inez Haskell ,
Airs. Anet-11 , Aliss Collett , F. W. Pickcn ,
Aliss llettio Bailey , \ \ . H. Nelson. U. W.
Bailey , Mi < s Nolho Alorris. K. K. Liin-
merman , Mr. and Airs. L. S. Alolo , Aliss
Bean , W. O. Shiine , Aliss Long , K. S.
Tunica , Aliss Nellie Robbing J. AI.
Buchanan , Air. and Airs. II , (1. Conns-
man , Aliss Latey , J. H. Conrad , Aliss
Daniels , H. C. Omahundro , Air. and Airs.
J. W. CJannon , William Browne , Aliss
( iporgio Bean , V. 11. Koeslcrs , 11. 1C.
Burkelt , James Hodges. Aliss ( Seorgio
Shipman , . W. Baker , J. W. Frciuer ,
Aliss Callahan , H. T. Kiopcn.
A. Danolnurarty. .
Alisa Birdie Kelley gave a charming
party \ \ edne.sday evening at her home ,
2215 Capitol avenue. Dancing and games
were the order of the evening and the
young people enjoyed themselves most
heartily. Amoni the invited were Her
bert Hogers- , Will Hogcrs , Art Union ,
Howard Clark , Will Rhodes. Herbert
Cook , Clrirlio Stone , Harry Manslield ,
Ned Stiger , Harry Shrove , 15. H. Whit
ney , Will Higginbotliam , Robert Hack-
lie" , George Pundt , Wood and Wing
Allen , John Kruger , John Kelley , Llla
Alexander , Pearl llarlmun , Florence
( tarlick , Grace lliinebaugh , Jennie
Young , Alabel Harris , Mabolaml Aiyrtlo
Shrove , Alice Chambers , Neva Turner ,
Anna Young , Alattic Stone , BotticAlount ,
Ella Smith , Gertrude Smith , Alargaret
Brown , Carrie Alanslield , Carrie Del-
wiler , Georgia French.
' .Clio Jltippy Hours Club.
The Happy Hours club gave their second
end party Tuesday evening at Ala ome
hall. Those present worn Air. and Air. ' .
Atwood , Air. and Airs. Alonissey , C. J
Smith , H. V. Burkley , T. II. Cotter. F.JL
Koustcrs , the Alessrs. Paul , Edmund
Burke , J. Linahan , Harry and Morris
llus.sii' , W. K O'Shauglinc.ssv. Andy Ale-
( ' innell , Dr. llarrigan , John Mullen , ; . ] . N.
Frenner , T. T Downey , AI. J. Seanhin ,
James Green , John O'Connell , J. II.
Schmidt , E. P. Aliillei : , Will \ \ eber , T. J.
and J. , ] . Alahoney , J. J. Cunungs.
Thomas Flynn , C. W. \ \ hite , P.
John AlcCrearv , J. Aloriarity , J. Roah ,
G. Koestors , 'l.P Alalioney , the Misses
Burkley , White , Sftiith. Paul , Kocston ,
Croighton , AlcCiannon , Cteary , Burkhard ,
lleelen , Powers , Mullen , Brady , Ale-
Connell. _
Keooptioii nt Fort Omalin.
General anil Airs. Wheaten gave an
afternoon dancing party Thursday which
was ouo of the memorable events of the
week. The house was brilliantly deco
rated and illuminated with Chinese
lanterns. Alusio was furnished by the
regimental baud. All the olliecrs and
their families wcro present. Those who
came from Omaha worotioneral and Alrri ,
Crook , General and Airs , Hawkins , Dr.
and Airs. Soiucrs anil Aliss Somers , Air.
and Alr.s. Ringwalt , Airs. Richardson and
Aliss Richardson , Alias Channto , Airs S.
Burns and Burns , Aliss Eustis , Aliss
Grillith , Air. and Aliss Berlin , Air. and
Airs. Pritehett , Air. and Airs. Alorso , Air.
and Airs. Cowin , Lieutenant and Airs.
Ketinon , Airs. Stanlon , Air. trench , Airs.
and Aliss Aliller.
The German Club.
The German at the Alillard Wednesday
night was led by Air. Remington and
Aliss AleCormick , a lsted by Air. Douel
and Alis.s Dixon , Air. Clarke and Aliss
Dundy , Air. and Mrri. Garneau. The
otherdanccr.s were Alr.Saundert , and Miss
Harrison , C Will Hamilton and Aliss
Chase , Cahhvell llamiiton and Aliss
Kountze , Air. l.ehincr and Aliss Congdon ,
Air. Patrick and Aliss Williams. NoM'ton
Barkalow and Aliss Wakelov , Air. Coles
and Alis.s Alay , Air Carter and Aliss
Richardson , Air. Sharp and Alis's Lake , Barkdlow and Alis < < Clianute , Will
Wakeley and Aliss Kenneily , AI Patrick
and Alis.s Fitch , Will Crarv and Aliss Dee
Lowe , Air , ami Aliss Ciirn'n , Air. Garlichs
and Miss Kustin , Mr. and Aliss Rediek ,
Air. Alt-Cord and Miss Alary Knight , Air ,
Loomis and Aliss Bennett , Air. Aluir and
Aliss Barber , Air. and AIr.s. Keller.
Impromptu I'nrty ,
A very plen.sanl impromptu party was
given Monday evening at the Masonic
hall under the leadership of Alessr.s. Wilcox -
cox , Stevens and Smith Those present
were Aliss Bodkin , Aliss Price , Aliss
House , Ali.vs Curtis , Aliss , Alias
Whitman , Alisi'Aellley , Miss Luddingtun ,
Aliss l-'onda , Aliss Coburn , Aliss Stevens ,
Aliss Jordan , AlissMauslicld , Alis.s Doane ,
Aliss Hiinebuuih , Aliss Siudiilman , Airs.
G. W. Doane , Airs , J. W. Alorce , Airs.
William Stevens , Aliss Wallace , Aliss
Dixon , the Alossr.s. Wileox , Slovens ,
\V heeler , Smith , Uatlibun , Keller ,
Creiner , ( iiilon , Chat , C'ltirk Rediek ,
Aloores , Atar-ili , Btidolutt , Kill- , , I're.-ton ,
AleCaiin , Rogers , Kennedy , Simpson'
A Dinner Party.
Airs. Warren Chase gave a small dinner
party Alonday evening in honor of her
daughter , Aliss Kate Chase. To give a
dinner successfully is tiio lest of an ac
complished hostess and the o who were
present pronounced the cuing a most
pharming one. The giu > ts were Air. and
Airs. Keller. Lieutenant and Mrs. Ken-
non , Aliss Kount/.i ) , ! Mis < Karle ; Messrs.
Itlngwalt , Will and Frank Jlmnilton nirtl
Will Doano , _
Art GofiHlp.
Aliss Shafer has decorated n mirror
very handsomely with a blight landscape.
Airs. Dr. Grant has completed a marine
scone in heavy sombre tones.
Miss Joslin lias finished a diflicult
study of panslesln an old basket against
a wiirm harmonious background.
Miss May Her has done some very
creditable work in china painting.
Mrs. Bulback is at work on a diiliciilt
study of iacqucmiuot roses.
Miss Pol ton shows some promising at
tempts in black and white. Her free
hand drawings are bold and full pf char-
Aliss Mary Clark has embroidered a
wruath of loaves on plush that are so
carefully shaded as. to come under the
category of art.
Miss Spratlon ta working Induslriotislv
on the not inspiring ihemu oi still life
The pupils of St. Catherine's couvont
do some of thd-f iest work that is shown.
The youthfulnqss of the scholars seems
to be no obstacle. to their rapid tuhancc-
incut. .
Collins & Shantz are still overrun with
work and are souding portraits all over
Nebraska and Iowa. Their work merits
the patronage It "brings.
Air. Bright had at his storea specimen
of repousse work that is attractig much
admiration. It Is a product of home tal
ent. ' '
A peed deal of red paint was mixed
New Year's
Sinnll nncl Karly.
The Misses AlcChcau gave an afternoon
tea Thursday
Airs. David W.'Young , a istcit by her
sister , Miss Klla Jarvis , of DCS Aloincs ,
received at 5101 Ohio street.
Aliss Blanch Kenney , insisted by Mrs.
( } . P. Alcutt , received yesterday at 005
Jcflerson street , Kansas City , Alo.
Airs. G. II. Shipman and her daughter ,
Aliss Gcorgio , assisted by Airs. Stopeiis
and Aliss Alabel Smith , received their
gentlemen friends yesterday from ! ) to 0
p. in. , at ftJO South Seventeenth street.
A number of the young people of the
Academy of the Sacreu Heart , who did
not go home lor the holidays , were de
lightfully entertained last week by their
school male , Alis.s Alary Tnggart , at the
residence of her parents , Air. and Airs ,
Charles Taggart , Walnut Hill.
Warren Rogers is at Hot Springs ,
Aliss Davenport , of Burlington , is visit
ing Alis.s Burns.
Dr. Swetnam returned last week from
a month's trip to the en t.
Airs. S. T. Smith and her mother went
to Kansas City Wednesday.
John T. Bell ami George W. Gray have
gone to the Pacilio censt.
Aliss Florence Monti and Airs. II. J.
Wright are visiting in the east.
Aliss Aland McAllister , of Council
Blull's , Is visiting Aliss Addio Gates.
Airs. Appel , of Denver , is vMilnc her
parents , Air. and MM. AI. Goldsmith.
Fred Nyc will represent the World at
Lincoln during thu legislative session.
R. Stcven , the contractor , is visiting
his daughter , Airs. C. \ \ . Bluckburu , in
Win. A. Paxton , jr. , came in from Ra
cine college , to spend vacation with his
Charles AleCormick returned Wednes
day from a sojourn of several months in
Now York.
Airs. Cook , of Toronto , has come to
ppenil the winter with her daughter. Airs.
II. J. Dover.
Aliss Edith Russell , of Ord. Neb. , is
visiting the Hon. D. II. Wheeler , of St.
Alary't avenue.
Alr.s. F , G. Richards , of Cleveland , O. ,
is visitnur Airs. G. W. McMillan , 2118 Da
venport street.
Aliss Emma Balbaeh will next week be
enrolled among Hie pupils at Aliss Grant's
school in Chicago.
J. T. Rogers mid Miss A. E. Rogers
returned Thursday from a few month's
visit in Hamilton , Canada.
James Aldlloh , Lincoln's ' lightning
court stenographer , was enjoying met
ropolitan pleiisuros last week.
Airs. C. C. Valentine has returned from
Illinois , where she ha1- been visiting
friends since the lirst of November.
Cards are out for the marriage of Sol
Bergman to Mis- , Flora Holler , of Mil
waukee , to take place January 12.
Aliss Faiinin O'Littn , of Chadron , cx-
postmistiesss ol that place is the mies.1 of
Dr. ; uul Airs , fiercer at Walnut Hill.
R. R. Hlngtvall went east vcsterilav for
a visit of three * weeks in Boston , Now
York , Philadelphia and Washington ,
O. H. Rotliacker , editor of the Repub
lican. will spend most of the time during
the legislative session at the state cap-
Mr. and Airs , John Shaw , of Walnut
Hill , made a Hying visit to DCS Aloines ,
la. , last week lor holiday festivities with
Alrd. Atumaugh wont east last week to
be absent three weeks. She intends to re
turn brimtuj of new ideas picked up in
eastern Mudios.
Aliss Muv Williams , daughter of Con.
A. _ L. Williams , ot Topeka , Ka. . , and
Aliss Fannie Ferguson , histor ot Mrs. J.
J. Burns arc visiting the latter. Jennie Fees will accompany Mr !
Shivorick'o' family to San Antonio , hopj
ing to recuperate her health. Alis.s Kate
Fees has returned from their ranch near
Airs , tiny C. Barton and family left
Thursday in Superintendent Smith's pri
vate car for Alonterey , Cal. , whore they
will .spend the winter at the delightful
hotel , El Alonto.
Air. and Mrs , George Raymond , of
Vermont , have arrived here and will
spend iho winter with their son. C. S.
Raymond. While here they will cele
brate the fiftieth anniversary of their
Aliss Kittio Lowe will go to San Antonio
nio next week where slip will bo the
guest of Air. Bonsai's ( laughter , formerly
of Omaha , now the wife of a journalis'l
in San Antonio.
Dr. Sawyer has recently come hero
from St. Louis to take charge of thu
Christian church at Walnut hill , and at
the .same time practice medicine. He is
at present quartered at Airs. Cotner'.s
opposite Hanscom park.
The former members of Trinity choir
Alr > . Cotton , soprano ; Aliss Rath , con
tralto , W. It. Wilkins , tenor , and Revel
I'rnuep , bass ; have formed a permanent
organisation for the purpose of filling
concert engagements. The club which
will bo known as the Trinity quartette
have secured asdliector and accompan
ist , Mr. French , a competent mu-idaii
and skilled i > iuiu-.t. Their services have
bewi secured lor it concert at the open
ing of a Presbyterian church at North
Bend , Tuesdn.y night.
Aliss Florence French entertained a
uarty of young folks Now Year's cvo at
her residence on Twenty-third and Burl
streets. Tho-o present enjoyed a good
time , curds , dancing and refreshments
furnishing a : nlrfasunt evening's enter
tainment. Wlii'M the now year was an
hour old , the 'party ' disported , after exchanging -
changing with itlioir ho-tcss tad cac-h
other thu iisunl compliments of thu occa
sion. Among those present were Missus
Alollio and Sue King , Russell , \\ooilmuu \ \
Wilson , Lyons. AlcClain. Aloore , Lodair ,
Austin nnd Wilkln.s , nnd AlerCraig ,
FMior. Milligaii.lHick.4 , ( Vaiidull. Sher
man , KendrifrkY 'Ratlibun , King , Brj.ui *
and Unroll. > <
How Conjiressman Itrotvnc , ( if Vir
ginia , , \\i\n Illertoil mi
the I'okei IhHiio.
Richmond Spoclul to Chicagu Tnnos
Ceiigresinutn-Klcct Browne , oi the Ninth
Virginia district , will probubly bu ivcog-
nir.od as the finest jjoker pl.iycr in eon-
greswhi'ii he goes to Washington. He
has the reputation of having a n.oro ] ) i'o-
found knowledge of poker and of having
raked in more big poU than any man in
Virginia. Ho conies from the mountain-
oils southwest , whore poker is cultivated
us assiduously as the meager crops , and
where a knowledge of the game is con
sidered n necessary part of every man's
education. His election to congress was
clue in a/' / measure to his poTcor repu
tation. rho district went democratic two
ycar ago by a considerable majority , and
was iTckone.d to bo safe this year with
the popular Henry as the democratic can
didate. When Browne was nominated
by the republicans , however , u change
cnmo over the face ot things , His poker
reputation was widespread , and , as
every true southwest Virginian has
an intense sulmlration for a
skillful card-player , it looked as
if Browne would attract to himself
enough democratic votes to elect him.
Poker became an issue In the canvass ,
although Browne never boasted of his tal
ents except onco.whcn IIP ofloral to settle
the contest by a game with Henry. His
followers extolled his poker ability for all
It was worth , however. From every
stump hi the district the Browne men
spoke glowingly of their leader's feats at
the card-table , of his lucky draw , his
wonderful nerve , and the numerous big
jack-pots horakoil in. The mountaineers.
while listening to this , forgot the tariff
and other dry issues which the demo
cratic stumpers had dwpll upon. Politi
cal economy had been Greek to thembut
they could understand and grow en
thusiastic over stories of fabulous pots
raked in on a pair of deuces and if 100
bluffs on a ton high. Everyplace Browne
went he was cheered almost as much by
the democrats as by the repub
lican" , ami frequently gave practi
cal demonstrations to theoters
that his reputation had been honestly
earned. When election day came around
it wns evident that Henry stock was away
'down , and the result of the vote proved
this to be the case. Browne came forth
victorious by several thousand majority
gaining at least two thousand democratic
votes. Air. Browne is happily adapted
by nature for skill in the science of
poker. His face becomes absolutely ex
pressionless when he wishes it to bo so.
Nothing can excite him during a game.
His nerve is wonderful. The atones told
of his bluff * would till a volume , and a
very readable one , too. His only equal
in mulling is Gaiuos , of Petersburg.
These two oueu met and tried their
weapons. After raising the pot into the
hundreds they showed up , Gaines haying
a pair of deuces and Browne a pair of
fours. Air. Browne plays by rules. He
is a real scientist in his own peculiar
way. A few of his rules he wrote out for
an admiring constituent last fall. These
are some extracts :
1. If you have a pair and an ace , do not
discard the ace.
2. Never bet on the lirst hand unless
you have three of a kind or belter ,
II. Never draw to kings ,
4. If there are more man two men in a
jack pot , never have any confidence in
anything less than a full hand.
0. Never draw to a middle straight.
( I. Never draw to a straight Hush.
7. Never break a j > air under any cir
8. If your opponent , after looking at
his cards * , throws them down carelessly
and folds his arms , keep out.
D. Never take your eyes Irom your op
ponent's face while betting not even
while picking up your chips.
10. Never allow a pot to bo taUui iu
without a call.
Some players may doubt the expedi
ency of some of these rules , but they
have stood Air. Browne in good stead
during his scientific career.
AVIint Slio Hops Ont of These Day * .
San Francisco Repoit : There is a
pretty hit of writing somewhere about a
beautiful maiden who hopped into bed ,
leaving a feiiuwy mound ot warm , soft ap
parel on tliu lloor. But that was written
a long tinio ngo. Now when .she does
any hopping it's out ot what a brute man
calls a kaleidoscope gone wrong. In
stead of the snowy mound there are
boots of brou/.u and blockings of inky
hue. Pale blue flannel or silk vests clasp
her willowy form. She shells an under
skirt oi pink llanncl , lace trimmed , and
unhooks yellow corsets embroidered in
olive. Usually she does bring her irsthotie
ta-4e down to a white nightdress , but it t.
very nailing to have to sleep in such an
inartUtici sort of tli'intr.
A SuIIerur for 15 iciud.
Kankalicr- .
My inoihei lias been n nfieii r fmni in
flammatory rlieuiniitl in for the lu-t ( if-
tci'n yi-.irs. Her limbs bfeamK 10 Muil-
lun Hint K\if \ roiild not crt about. I jjmo
iipullhnpi-iof licrn-L'iiM'ry. A * a last to-
port I triedM .IncobsOll. The 111 t ap | > li-
rntlon iuno her relief ; anil sKliotllr-hiis
perfoi incd a cm u. J. J. SUIL'JIKHT.
linil Itecoinc Cliionlu.
TP ) Pprc. Wl .
lor five years I Mifii-iril vltli In-
ilnininaturv i-lieiiuialNin , which liccamo
rliioiilr. Trictl iiuluU ! ) iiT'pinilioii ! .
consulted HID liiMt iiliyslci.\n \ < . hut nil
without uvnll. I wiis compelled to 110
crutclicx. 1 liail ulvun up all hopoof oh-
tulniiiL' n'llef , when 1 heaiit of Kt Jurubi
Oil. u pil only thrco liotlli-s anil am now
a well nmn. JOHN JUI.UV.
IVoith It Weight In Oolil.
KPW Alexaihlrla , Olito.
I wn affllelctl with Intliimniatory limit-
inutUin for several weeks loMich an extent -
tent tliat I could neltlicr fted nor iliois
tnyM-lf nilhoiit a sntiineo. I pnulm otl
n bottle of lst..lKeolis OH and ultur using
t\\u thirds of It 1 wnn nntlrcly rurod. I
consider It woithita neiRht In t"ld
SulTcfetl Untold Agony anil Ctireil.
Aino liury , Mrm.
Tor two JMTI T Imve IIPOII jurTeilns
with Inllaimimtory rheninatlsm In nir
foot , Iho pain lielnc so creat that 1v.ij
utiHlile to touch It without iufterln un
told nrony. I tiled cverythinu1 without
obtaining any lellnf , when f becim
tons , , st . .IjeobsOilitb tlin fli.-t ju-
Iillcatlonthep.itnalmnHt Innl.uit'ineously
( I'liwl , unit roiitlnulnir ! ( < il-f I wt on
tlrt'lycun-il nnd hatp felt nn | uiln i-lnco
A. J. J0.\K , Jinirr Auiciluuilluiisu.
ITIFl 11 Mll.fS \ VOdlil niCi.Itjttlmorp , Md.
" "
r.n ntoM on.\ is : A N on
J 11. IIVAM" . T W.IU AI Kill US
J. B , EVANS & Co. ,
1510 Dodiro St. , O | > ) > P. O. , North.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Jewelers and Music Dealers ,
Tilt ) 1 nit-Hi l.ilO jt l > iHlii"n''siitihc ) tc. , In
r aa mifi.s ! .SvMK
Rest ractliuci , r.iiuarutiin uml rcmcdits forsutcrcn
f i.Iljr trpitlnxnll Unds of medlrn. uml iurplrl ct c
wi'.iTUroiiC'iuiLLir.ion Deforml'leiaudliraicv
TIubKeet , Ciir > alnroof hcf-iilnc , Jlfc se of Wo
men , 1'ilts , TiiruorB , Cauccrn , ( ' .ittrrh , ItrcncbUIr ,
l'at.ildi , jpliciiy : , Hiilnoy , Illadilc , Kye , Kar
SUIniinil ninod , anil itll bur lcnl OpoiotioL !
On Prlvitt. SpecUl ami Nervous Dlcruri , Hera
lnaUVtalni'E ; , t'pcrm lnrrliti , ImOtcncyplilll | 1
Oonorrhcia. ( ilcct , Votlco-ele , Oculto.Urinary
KHW.5 lyilBeHiiboyiEp.iqAl..m. !
STITUTE inaUiug a ti > tcialty ol tbs
> l IUCd Ul CB U' .
XCHT lto torathcTre tmont for Ix > 33 ofVllsl Powtr
All t'osiioioiis and Hi con DISEASE * from wl-at
CVIT cause produce-it , tuccctBrully trctU-d witliout
mtrcuty Mrdlclncs or mt by mail
ft extircn , redirdjr packed from olenattou.
Call and roniult IB , or te nd lilttory of rate , wlih
stamp. All communication * eUlrtljr c-cnDdcutiol.
Kfl DnAMC for Uie of patient j. KoerdturtalUnd.
UUllUUulO ancr reasonable.
Oor.iaiUSt. tCiCitol Avo. .
GEOHaE H. BOaOS , Notnry Public. LEW
[ North Side , Opposite Tftxton House , ]
culru tctl to u will ruroivo i > remit | and careful attention.
Sewing iachine ,
WANTED Dealers in all unoccupied ter
ritory. For partietilars nddross , ,
209 North 1Glh St. , Omaha , Neb.
lea ! Estate and Loans.
We have for sale , at lowest pricts , inside business loU , improved and v.irnulicsMcnci )
lots , nnd suburban tracts for plaiting. Now is the best time Omaha > v ill cvei have for
quick returns on invi' > tiiieii , . Coirc < pomlence solicited , or call nl our otlice for nny
desired Infonna'inn. ' Our imtionx receive tin * lull benefit of all our bargains.
LiOVC3 3SEIlSr & ID VIjSEIjIj , 11(3 ( 3 > T. l 3tlT Stroot.
Xiextlfi'iivlH/ { on ynvcmlH'r VOtli. Hiy Prizes , Xi > ttlttnks
With $2 You Can Secure
One City of Barletta 100 Francs G-old Bond
These bonds arc drawn 4 times annually , with prizes of ! i , 000,000. 100,000,000 , ,
fiOO.OOO , 200,000 , , 100,000 , , 50,000 , etc. , down lo the lowest prize of 100 Francs Gold.
Anyone sending us $2 $ will secure one of these llondu nnd is Ihen KNTlfLISI ) lethe
the whole prize that it may draw in next di. awing , balance payable on easy install
ments. This is the best investment ever offered. HeMiles the certainly receiving back
100 Francs Gold , you have the chance to win four titncn a year. Lists of drawings
\\ill be < ent free of charge , Money can be sent by registered letter or postal note.
For further information , call on or address 1JEKLIN HANKING CO. ,
306 Broadway , New York.
N. B. These Bonds arc iiotloltery tickets , and ate by law permitted to bo lold in
the United Stales.
Fifteenth and Douglas Streets.
Southwest Corner Ftirnam and Twelfth.
J2.10OOO 00
til , OUO 00
C.W. IIAMIIiTON. I'rrsMont.
.M. T. IIAKI.OW. C-inliliT.
C. Wll.l , UAMII.TO.V , Aii'tCaililcr.
II. M. CAI invrri , , n. v. SMITH.
C. Win. II lun.rus.
OMAIf.l , - - NKllKANKA.
Siiri ln . . -10,000 OO
A. K 'lUl'/AI.IN , Vito I'lffiMcnt
W II. S linilllS , ( J.islilor.
ll ) r.CTOHH-
11 W VATI i- , A I ! Totvu IN.
\ \ ' . \ ' , Mimsr , Juris ci. ( DI I.I.NS ,
I.KWIS S Itri it
A ( ioni'iftl ll'liiUlnn lusinii-s ! TnnHMctuil.
" } > /i r/s , t ( co n 'is ILL ,
Miumliicturcra anil . .lol.lnrIn .
Machinery of all Kinds
Ciuneral Kcpairiiig a SjL-cialtv.
JVCOS ( .S' . IIIJi at. , -
Masonic Bloelc , Ovt-r 312 N. IGth St.
3 > TKB. !
J , m. WOIi E & CO. ,
I O SlMlIll I till .St. , |
Oinnliii City Miip nitlin'TT tulilitionb , " " * No- '
lii'iiHlin Mine MIIJI. ni'W. 'M' J M. Wolf O > V I'll. , '
I'ubl.-liui.- ; p. Mill ot , UiiiiiliuNuli
Jobbers of Fancy Goods ,
I'ojn iiii-t , HoinL-1'urni ] i'i : ( iiu.l' . Clill.
Iruii'nCirrluvKi. alii , ete I.if ) I' ruiium. , Oiuulm.
> 'rni > rlutu 1'lio'chU'u ! ' ' itnil lliii ; r.
G-enl. Insurance Agent
Anil JU-al Kstale Hroki-r ,
Sjonui lOCi-L'ltilili'ii Illoi'k , diuiiliu. lusorin
i luieljaliloc < ) iniuiu | < - > iiiuu ( iv
\Vli lo aIc il.uiufiicturcr ot
Anil Jiibburaofllulilicr Hunts ninl Sliooi. 110J nnd
1101 lluinuy tlrial , Onmlu.
I'D' . DuiiKlas Blraft.Oiii.ilia. Neb , Iinpurto'l ClHurs ,
Winus iiiul I. < iuurH.
R. LAW , Prop'r.
rornu-ily or Union 1'iictllc ninl C , 11. .V Q. rail-
, Hh Stwl ,
ffiY to LOAN
, / it , LI K. L. tiornu , uM
111 > Faniiiiii .St. . T'nxton lllock.
DCooill ( ( , < ' ! 'cilil [ < n EEIooK ,
M12A1) , ( .l
7 I'int flNT. ! K I'HK OKNT ,
liivustiiu'iit.ihi Ouiiih i f Itr prnpcrty will pay IJpiir
rent In ri'iilul.
! ! 1l ! Sdtllll FiriCCIltll SIlTM'l.
Ensiorii iiu < \Yottcr/t rnfi uncas tflvou upon
< uii n
Cultivator ,
And Housekeeper.
A "i ir 'til lor tlio f.irm iiml liiitui * Rituiilft'inil ' H
. . . . , . , .
vi .IT I 10 j pi 'MiiUiin ' i. bi"iil Itir .ini'tlt ijir Ail.
' " < B IK > < t I.TJ V.V I < H ! , Uiniiliti , h'cb.
Teas , Coffees and Spices.
C/Yfo/re / > / Hi'diiils of
O , nnil Suuur L'nrnl Mcnla.
Bulfcr 'A
1 7 3:5 : fr.i23.s
Res'iisr.ce ' . Teleplitne 231 , Dice Ttleplnw 53 °
DR E , W. LEE ,
"llli Oriini'o liloou , I'jiii ftrcot , brtiveo/
I M ' iim uii'.l IlHinoj.
Ill -Nl ] > Ill'f , I'l.Ul .11 llotl'l