Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1887, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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EcllVMfd by enrriir In nnjpnrtof tliocltynt
IN ctiiy tcnt ptr ock.
11 , W. TIM OK , - - Maungcr.
UrMMW Omcr , No. .
NIUIIT linnoii No. S3.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Now full goods at Keitcr's.
pL.Thoro were 1-M arrests made by the po-
Jlco In December.
There was little Now Years calling
done ycstct-duy and but few recftivod.
Too iMurpliy will present Slinun Ithuo
nt the opera house no\t Wednesday
The prisoners in the city jail wore
Bjrvcd with n bounteous dinner yester
day by the Salvation Army.
The reception given by the lady friends
of the V. M. C. A. at its hall yesterday
afternoon and evening , was a pleasant
The annual official statement shows the
permanent school fund of this county to
contain ? C'J,011.yi. A healthy condition ,
All who desire to rent pews or sittings
in the Presbyterian church can do so by
calling at the church Monday , January
0 , between 8 ami t ) o'clock p. m.
The county auditor > esterduy turned
over the tax books to the county trea
surer , and on and aflnr to-morrow anyone -
ono desiring to pay their 1880 taxes can
do so.
The county board mcola to-morrow.
The session will be an important one , as
it closes the county business of 18SO and
opens tin anew. The now county of
ficers will qualify nnd take their posi
Mrs. Susan Sparks died yesterday ,
nged seventy-two years. Funeral to-day
at ! i o'clock p. m. at the homo of L. M.
Dun not t , No. 81i ! Seventh street. Friends
ot the family invited to attend.
For the lirst time the Catholics here
ob.serveel yostoreloy as a holy day , the
damn as Sunday.i Services wcro held am !
the day observed in accordance with Iho
recent'change in regard to the day.
Mr. It. Price had the distinction of
being the only victim to appear before
the bar of the police court Now Year's
morning. Ho didn't swear oil' , uutsworo
at drink , when he counted up the costs.
A boy mimed Scott , whoso father is a
harness make > r , starts in the now year
rather dismally. While playing about the
Kiel barn , a bale of hay \yas tumbled
over in some way against him , breaking
one of his legs.
In order to protect their tmdo ono re
tail cigar linn yesterday hail a man sta
tioned behind the counter with a rillo
prepared to tickle with a bullet the lirst
man who should suggest swearing oil'on
the lirst of the year.
It is reported that the Catholic church
property'is being negotiated for , with
good prospects of a sale being made. It
is to be _ hoped that the sale will bo made ,
as it will insure not only the improve
ment of ( hut property , but the comple
tion of the now church building.
A. Khrenstcin has received from the
ojil country some excellent photographic
views taken by Paul ! , and vividly pic
turing scenes in Heidelberg , including
the university und the castle. Mr.
Khrenstcin , having been a student there ,
especially appreciates the views , but they
uro interesting to any and all.
Friends of Mrs. T. J.Maokoy yesterday
presented her with a crayon portrait of
her husband , tlio well known rector of St.
Paul's church. The portrait is a wonder
fully life-like one. It cannot talk as well
ns tlio original , but it seems so true to
Jifo that it seems ready to speak. The
portrait was made by Air. Graham , who
is a very skillful artist. It was beauti
fully framed m carved cherry by W. W.
The Salvation Army had n big time
Now Year's eve und yesterday. They
haet a simper and watch meeting Friday
night. The hall was crowded to the
utmost , and the services were of the
usual enthusiastic nature. Yesterday
they continued tlio spread and invited in
till alike , rioli ami poor , especially the
latter. A largo number of persons who
were unable to pay wcro given a henriy
meal. A crowd of boys and girls were
drummed up and went marching :
through the streets to the hullwhere they
too were filled up. Many were thus
gladdened by the generosity of the Sal
vationists and their friends.
AVe have a line largo line of Christmas
novelties that wo are selling cheapen
than ever was known , also inulllcrs , silk
handkerchiefs , ladies' anil gentb' gloves ,
clothing , line hoalskineaps , otc.
Sco that your books are made bv Moore
house & Co. , room 1 , Kvereit block.
Personal I'nrutrraplis.
John Leut/.ingor had an exceedingly
happy Now Year's greeting. A maiden ,
II. A. Baird thinks it the happicnt ser
of a now year , and the brightest sort of u
now girl.
City Marshal ( luiiiiollti did not start in
the new year very happily , Ho was taken
sick and had to be carried horne from his
ollico in a hauk.
Prof. Hammond , late suporlntenden
of the institution for the deaf and eliunl
lioro , has accepted n position as louche
in the institution at Jacksonville.
Clarence .liaison's brother , who is in
Lomlvillo , wrote on last Sunday Hint he
had a hard cold , and this was followed by
the receipt of u telegram troni there yes
terday stating tha the was dangerously ill.
His father und mother expected to start
for there last night.
L. I ) , Crafts & Co. are loaning money
on all classes of chattel securities at one-
half their former rates , Sco the in before
securing your loans ,
Stoves 1 Stoves I Stoves 1 tor the next
thirty days 1 will bull heating stoves at
cost 'for cash only. P. C. UisVoi , .
Bull ) of the Oiitliollo Property ,
Yesterday the now year was opened
auspiciously so far ns Council BluflV
real estate boom is concerned , The ne
gotiations which have been pending for
some tiiuo in regard to the Catholic
church property worn concluded through
the agency of Odoll Bros. & Co. The
property was sold to Omaha parties for
$25,000. , This sale moans much for this
city , ns the purchasers intend improving
the property this spring by the erection
of u largo block upon the now vacant
lots , The building will bo a handsome
cno , and the upper portion will bo fitted
up into ollices with all the modern con
veniences. The sale of the property will onahlo the Catholio society to go
nheail with the erection of its now church
building , the foundation of which is al
ready laid. The sale is therefore an im
portant ono for a double reason. Odoll
Bros. & Co. have added another long
feather to their hat , they having made
several such largo sales rocuntly.
Now goods and Christmas Novelties at
KirkJiuid'ri , jowolcr , No. 33Broadway.
An elegant jino of short wraps , new-
markets , oto. , cheap , to close thorn out.
As Gathered Up Among the Council Bluffs
Yottnc Ferris Gets Off With n Jail
Sentence Other I'risonorB Taken
AoreHH tlio Slate A Wreck on
the Q. 1'crfsonnl Mutters.
PolniM or IMcty.
Ui.ion meetings will bo hold by the
Baptists , Congrrgationalists , Presby
terians r.nel Methodists for thu next four
wcoks. The meetings will bo held during
next week tit the Baptist church , services
beginning at 7:30 : each evening. Meet
ings will be held also on Tucselay , Wed
nesday ami Monday afternoons , begin
ning nt < ! p. m. and lasting one hour. A
cordial invitation to attend these meet
ings is cxtcndeel to all.
Services in the Congregational , church
to-day ns usual. In the morninir the
sacrament of the Lord's supper will bo
administered. Also now members will
bo admitted. Subject of address by tlio
pa tor , "Tho Priceless Pcnrl. " Kvoning.
"Every Individual an Author. " All who
come will receive a cordial welcome.
SAINT PAI'I.'S ctirm'H.
This morning the rector will deliver a
pastoral address to his congregation ,
( this being the fourth anniversary ot his
pastorate ) , in which ho will review tlio
progress of the nast four years and out
line the work of the present year. In the
evening ho will address young men on
the les.sons of the old year , and oigani/o
a brotherhood and circulate an "an anil-
treating pleelge. " The public nnd
strangers are cordially invited lo attend.
Wreck on the "Q. "
The incoming passenger train on the
C. B. & Q. mot with an accident east of
Creston yesterday morning. C. D. Hecl ,
son of Sheriff Heel , and Deputy Sherili'
llalues , of Boomer township , were on the
train , returning from taking prisoners to
Fort Madison. On account ef ) the intense
cold , the thermometer being about 23 de
grees below zero at the time , 4 o'clock in
the morning , a switch rod broke. The
engine anil two mail cars passoel over
it safely , but the baggage car smoker ,
two coaches anil the sleeper left Iho
track. The cars were not damaged with
the exception of the smoker. There
were about fifteen persons injured , but
none are thought to be fatally so. Most
of thorn wcro able to continue their
journey , The following were taken to
the Summit house in Creston and eareet
for : J. M. Pitman , back wrenched ; W.
J. M. Marsh , hotel keeper at Brooks , la. ,
concussion of brain ami head and face
bruised. August Swanson , right o.yc and
head injured ; John Meily , injured ;
Mrs. L. Matthews , of Con way , concus
sion of brain and left arm broken. She
is the most seriously injured of any.
Ferris lict OIT ISnsy.
E. W. Ferris , the young man who has
gaincel considerable notoriety hero , lias
succeeded in getting a light sentence. Ho
was arrested for having mortgaged his
mother-in-law's property , and thus ob
taining money under false pretenses.
Judge Loofbourow has given him a jail
sentence of only six months. The history
of the young man is said to
have boon marred by similar records be
fore. His life led his wife , who is a mere
girl , to get : i divorce from him , but elur-
ing the old lady's absence , last summer ,
he returned , remarried the girl , anil
settled down with her in her home. Tlio
girl's mother was surprised , on her re
turn , to find that ho hail had the houses
rcuamted without paying for it , and still
more surprised to lind later that ho had
borrowed money ami given u chattel
mortgage on her furniture.
Snl'cly Ponneel.
Five of the prisoners sentenced have
been safely landed in the penitentiary.
They are T. W. Bartlctt , Charles Clark ,
.lames Stewart , Webster and Kaiser.
They were taken through by Deputy
Sheriffs Ilaincs and Reel , the latter the
son of Iho slieiilV. There was no trouble
in-landing them safely behind the bars.
This leaves four others to bo taken
ni-ross. Kdwanls , Comanche Bill , Emer
son tire e > f the > ? c loft , ami they are hard
ones. If the least siiow is given them to
make a break they certainly will take the
chances. They are boingclojoly guarded ,
and every precaution possible being
taken to prevent their making escape.
z in Kuolire.
On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Al.
F. Bohrer entertained , at their residence
on Vine street , tlio 188.T-80 progossivo
euchre club in honor of Mr. and Mrs. .F.
N. Cnsady , now of Bree-kenbridge , Cal. ,
who are spending a few days hero with
their numerous friends.
The company , which consisted of Mr.
Mi's. S. S. Keller , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Cavin , Mrs. and Mrs. Ira Scolicdd. Mr.
and Mrs. Casady , Mrs. and Mrs. E. D. F.
Fisohe , Mr. and Mrs. W. D. llnrdin , Mr.
and Mrs. II. H. Field , Mrs. J. E. Myers ,
and Mr , F. M. Aunter sat down te > an
elegant ( J o'clock tea , after which pro
gressive euchre was indulged in until
the entree of the now year.
Union Vmcrnii
There will bo a regular meeting of En
campment No , 8 Union Veteran Legion
on Monday evening , January U. Installa
tion of ollicors and other business of im
mediate importaneo is to bo transacted
besides suitable Action taken to give ex
pression to the sentiment or the encamp
ment regarding the worth and excellence
of the great soldier and statesman , John
A , Logan , who has answered the last
roll call and now sleeps in tlio bivouac
of death ,
Colonel Commanding.
II. 11. Hoon , Adjutant.
Wanted Pantry girl at the I'acllio
The Mueller 1'rwieiitB.
The twenty presents offered by tlio
iMuollor Music company were awarded
yesterday , the following being the num
bers entitled to the gifts. Parties hold
ing these tickets will please present the
game at our sloro and get their presents
as follows :
I'uisT I'jiKSKXT Olio large Music Box ,
f 75. No. 11,001 ,
four feet high , f ! 5. No. 8711.
Tumi ) n : sixT : One- Musical Cigar
Holder , $10. No. 2,750.
FOURTH PiiKsr.XT-Ono Musical Cigar
Holder , $12.50. No. 8,510 ,
FIITH PimsKST Ono line dressed Doll ,
Boy. $8. No. U.IWi.
SIXTH J'KDsKNT One line drcsscei Doll ,
$7. No. 2,0(32. (
SEVENTH One fine doll , fO.
No. 3 ' 203 ,
Kitt'fi rii ruusuxT One Toilet Set , ? 3 ,
No. 0,800.
Basket , $5. No. 0,778.
TENTH PIIESENT--Ono i < ancy Work
Basket , $5,00. No. 3,000.
$2.75. No. 0,008.
$3.50. No. 0,0117. Ono Toilet
Ca c ? 3,50. No 2,80) ) .
J'ofKTKKNTH 1'itKsr.NT One Bisiquo
FJinjro & ,95. No. 6W- .
riFTBKXiii P.'KSJ'.NT Olio Bisiquo Fig
ure $ t.7u. No. ' . ' .SOU' .
Saucer ? ! 75. No. 8,527.
Sr.vr.NTicxTii : I'IIKSKNT Ono Cup nnd
Saucer $1.50. No. 5,074.
EwiiTurxTii PHKSKNT Ono Pair Vases
$1. 0. No 7,020.
NINETEENTH PmsixT ; : One Statuary
$1.50. No. 2,800.
TWENTIETH Pnrsr-XT Ono Swiss
House $1.00. No. . ' ! ,087. Mt'sio COMPANY ,
No. 10J Main Street , Council BlulYs.
Handsome clock , mccrschnum pipes ,
cigar holders , cigar sets , cases , tobacco ,
cigar. * , etc. , given away with Wo pur
chases by Moore & Kiplingcr , Is'o. 410
iioijimicio HAITIANI.VGS.
A Coal I'mill no Makes AVIntcr Fed
MlKhty Cold.
lloLtiiinoK , Neb. , Jan. 1. ( Correspond-
e'tico of the Ut'.i : . ! The extreme cold weather
of the unst wei'K has created a cotil fnmlne ,
or nearly so , In our town. Th policy of 'tlio
railroad or coal companies Is not conducive to
Mnall dealers , or in fact any dealers outside
of tlie "pool , " scllhiR coal at points along the
B , A : M , , and the Colorado Fuel company
rn a not furnish coal enough to hlhhe orders
which come In with ordinary promptness.
So coal Is scarce during tlio entire winter
with us.
It Is reported hero that lion. C.V. . Charles
ton , who once occupied n scat In tlio leplsla-
Intiiro trom this coiintv , will be a candidate
lor .sergRiiil-at-arms of the house , and In his
aspirations ns such will receive the support
of the ijcnii'.lanavlans.
Our member of the legislature , llon.T. II.
Marshall , Is making arrangements to no to
Lincoln soon , He Is a Btronjr Van Wyck
man , and does not rldo on a rnllnmd ) iiss. :
,1. A. Durnett , one of our most prominent
business mijii , hns accepted a position as
travullm : salesman for William Dcprlm : As
Co. , immiilnfilurctH of harvesting machinery ,
with southwest Nebraska as his tenltory.
I lo assumes the duties of his situation at
once , hut will continue'his busni-ss : at this
place * also , malilng It thu depot of supplies.
Nels Ilawkliicon , the saloon keener , who
was binned by the lire lumtinc a barrel oC
alcohol , Is shmly recovering , although suf-
fonnu terribly from his wounds.
ronililaralm * interest is felt In the libel
suits ngiiinst the Iteptibllcnn , ono I mint ;
been rommenoi'd , anil accoullnu to rumor ,
several mine will shortly be Instituted.
T. M. Hopwoocl , of the Ninjeet , spent sev
eral dn.vs In Denver recently.
Will V. Kinir , of the Democrat , hns placed
C. P. King In ehurso of his ollico and has
: xiun ; assumed his duties on the road for the
Omaha Herald.
Captain .Johnson , editor of the ,
which Is a Swedish-American paper , an
nounces his intention of soon issuing on en
tire A mcrienn edition.
Tlio Town of ilanscii's Claim as a
Alnclo City.
FAinnt'iiv , Neb. .Ian. 1. [ Correspondence *
ot'tho lii.l ) : Tlic lluuli Island or Chicago ,
Kansas and Nebraska railway has not been
slow In its etl'orts to cause now towns to be
built alomr Its linn. The third town fmm
Beatrice to spring up with the laying of the
lallsis .lansen , the subject nf this article.
The location and siinouiidmgs alllow this
largo slz d Infant plenty of show to have a
chance to make Fail bury rustle to cope with
it for trade. Almost every quarter section oC
land In a circle of several miles has a neat
farm house , and the residents are all thrifty
and well to do , the majority ol these being
either German or Russian .Mumnonitos.
Perfect dratungo and pure water
can bs found. The general aspect
of the place betokens in the near future a
bustliiiLT nnd busy town. An elevator , bank ,
hotel , hardware and the cnnurnl store aio al
ready completed and a school house and
a church are in the course of flection. .Sov-
t'ral tovn lots have been donated tor the use
of eilucntloiial and religious purposes. Lots
are cllitiK at from S" " > to § 1.19. A postollleu
will soon bo established , nnd as soon as the
regular trains on the Clilcaro. Kansas fc
Nubraska begin to run icuulnrly it will bo
opened. The deeds for each lot aio all found
to contain a clause which iiullllie.s the right of
ownership should a saloon he conducted on
the lots sold. A peed clianco is olTcred to
the merchant , mechanic , profesioiial man or
capitalist , and , in conclusionif Jnnsen takes
advantage of her opportunities , slm will bo
another magic city In the glorious state ol
The Nude In Wall Street.
Anthony Comstock. ot ! the Societj' for
the Suppression of Vice , created a bi
sensation jn the vicinity of the stock ex
change yesterday by raiding several sa
loons that displayed on their walls pic
tures that lie * claims are of an ob.seono
character. Ho seized a number of pic
tures in two or three saloons and visited
other planes whoso nroprlotors having
been warned hadremoved their pictures
from the walls and r-onconled them. The
action of Mr. Comstoek aroused the in
dignation of not only tlio proprietor. ? of
tin ) saloons , but also of some ot the
brokers who frequent the placer" . A
prominent member of the consolidated
stock exchange accosted Mr. Comstock
in ono of the saloons ami asked him why
ho was seining the pictures.
"Becauso. " answered Mr , Comstock ,
"they como within the statute referring
to obscene pictures. "
"Well then , " inquired thu broker ,
"why don't you seine * . Bouj noreau'.s picture -
uro of 'Nympsand Satyr' in Iho Ilotl'inan
house bar-room. "
"Because , " answered Mr. Comstock ,
that is an original work of art. "
"And these pictures you are
responded the other , "aro copied or on
Cravings of original works of art , and
you make a distinction between the two
and seine the poor man's pictures and
let the rich man'.s han on his wall in the
sight of all who cheese to look. "
7'I don't oaro to discuss that question
with you , " said Mr , Comstook.
Shortly after the raids one of the po
lice commissioners entered a Now street
naloon and vigorously denounced Mr ,
Comstock's action. "But there is ne :
help for it , " ho said. "Comstoek is
backed by the law , but this raid seems to
bo nn injustice. "
There wore other brokers , however , ,
who warmly approved Mr. Comstock's
raid , and said they wcro glad the pictures
had boon seized ,
The Ilnrit-Worklns : < jucon ol' Spain.
St. James ( > a/.otte : The Quecn-Hegen
of Spain is probably tlio most over1
worked woman in her dominions. She
rises at 7 , and as soon as she has made
bur toilet ho sends for her little son am1
the members of the royal family tine :
spomls an hour or so with them. At !
she attends to her household afl'airs , goo *
over accounts , gives her orders for the
day , reads her letters , glances througl
the newspapers and is ready by 10 or f
little after to receive- the report of tin
captain-general of the garrison. Ho if
succeeded by tlio prime minister , who
has a long interview with tlio queen or
attains otstate every day but Monday
when she presides at the cabinet counci
instead ,
At 1'3 the royal family sit down to
dojcuner , at which meal the little kin <
always assists -though only as a speesta
tor of courso. At i ! ono of the minister :
presents himself with the decrees am
statu papers of dilVorcnt kinds whicl
await her signature. Twlco : i week sh <
holds n levee , und it is rarely ever bofon
0. The other days EIO ! takes u driv
without an escort or au.v other show o
state. After dinner the royal parti
ainuso themselves with cards or talk lit-
( ratlin * , and art with Count Morphy , who
is an accomplished musician , and at 11
tlio queen retires to seek the rest to which
she is so well entitled after her fatiguing
day's work.
The Advice of Ono Who.Has Been There
oa the Proper Ago to Marry.
The Castle Unrdnn T.illdiiinn nn I Its
Usefulness Some Ucasons for
nnil Falling In
J , K. n < iulin,1) . 11. , ( n Xtw T
To bo decked ns brldo I ? ,
Ornnue bluotn In my hair ,
To ho wed , as a maid's prlue IP ,
Hy nltar , with payer ; . . . .
Sulo by side , hand to hand , with him
As Ids chosen , to stand with him ,
So happy , so urand with him ,
Was It not a thing rare' '
To think of him always ,
Aty gold without alloy.
To inet'l him In hnllways ,
About my employ ;
At tils beck wing to him ,
Talk with him , BUuj to him ,
Walk with bun , brins to him
JCnch Riii't nml cnch joy.
To have him , inv own one ,
Possession enough I
To have him onthrmio OHO
To teel niyselt one with him.
fill .shall M't life's .sun with him ,
llovsover stre. . u run with him ,
Smooth current or rough.
With him to be seated
At the table 1 spread ;
With jir.iiso to he gteoted
Kor hntter or luciul ;
I < llo's loaf thereto bieik ; with htm ,
Llt'o's irv-'n then ; to lake with him ,
Llle..s litlitro to iimko with him ,
My lout and my I
To dream with
To see with his eyes ,
To sdipinc with his M'h
To bo wise as he'H wise ;
Linked lor woe and went with him ,
All life's ehamjcs to feel with him ,
NiiMit anil morning to kneel with him ,
J'aoliiK the sumo skies.
( Jiciit grows tlie wonder
As 'loimd tolls eiioh year ;
( Inil joined , naught can smider ,
Whether theie , whether hero ;
lip life's hill to climb with him.
To keei ] step and time with him.
As hulls ehlmo to chime with him.
With note fcoft and clvar.
'J'ho wonder htill greater
And inowlngaiion.1 sweet ,
That Cod , the Oh-ator ,
No life enn deleat ;
That 1 should he made for him ,
That 1 should have stayed for him ,
Helpmeet , handmaid lor him ,
K , complete 1
\\Mion Not to Mnrry.
Chicago Times : The proper no at
which to marrv has loni ; boon a vo\ed
quest. on with social philosophers. Jlor-
acorteley ( ! : advised younjr men to marry
early and "i o west. " Other authorities.
almost as liistinjruisheil , have given con
trary advice. On both sides of the inics-
tion tliero lias been no luck of pertinent
illustrations drawn from real lite to sup
port the position taken for or against
. sirly marna < jt.H. ! Of beardless youths
mil silly school irls who have "married
in haitc to repent at leisure , " their name
's legion. And yet tlie record of con-
mbial misery endured by who have
leferred matrimonial vi'iitnrcs until the
'hcydey of the blood i tamo' " is an ai > -
) alimjc ! one. The tillage that "there is no
'ool like an old fool , " is verified every
lay in the divorce courts. Widowers
mil widows , both genuine ! and "grass , "
ivho are old enough and who have had
jxperioneo enough to "know better , "
riro constantly plunging anew into the
sea of wedlock from which deatii or the
ujv ha. ? released thorn , with the blindest
lisregard of the risks and perils involved.
The .survivor of a counle of wives is , as a
ulc , the veriest gudgeon that exposes
imsclf to the matrimonial market.
Widows are proverbially tlie mo.t susceptible
ceptible ot their .sex , and "tho easiest prey
for fortune tellers and adventurers. No
satisfactory explanations of those phe
nomena has over been presented , but of
course they must be referable to some
: iatural law , whoso operations , were th'jy
mderstood. might porhap account for
nueh beside of human folly that now
| ) u//.les mankind' poor wits .so sorely.
Doubtle-s , if accurate data were aecos-
sible , it would be found that the proportion
tion of unhappy to happy marriages does
not vary so greatly between those con
tracted eariy in life and those that are
formed in maturer years. There arcs no
statistics in tlie census reports or other
ollicial publications upon this important
matter , and hence conclusions must bo
drawn from observation and irom the
testimony given by those v > ho e cxiiori-
; nco lias iiialilicd | thorn to throw light
ipon the subject. To persons eontomplat-
ng marriiigo who must always coiihti-
ute a very largo clement of the popula-
: ion the question is ono of vital interest.
For their benefit the. Times reproduces
from a wo.-tern journal the pathetic testi
mony of a young man who evidently
speaks from the "bottom of his heart.1'
lie a > s :
"Tlio simple subject of love and not so
simple either when properly singed , and
I think 1 have put in seven yong years as
faithful as any ono over did at iho ago of
IH years I thought I loved a girl , ago 17 ,
light hair and blue oyes. Wo were mar
ried in Ib'D. id since we have found out
our sad mistake , one child ago live years ,
hero is three lives made unhappy by a
young marriage. I am well known in
the eitv , but will not give my name at
nvseiit , but merely ndvi e young folk to
.m careful and save trr/iinlo / , for 1 have
had my share of it I find that , ago 25
years is young enoutili to marry and live
happy. "
Hero , indeed , is a frightful example for
the behoof of lads of 18 who may be la
boring under the deliKsion that they Jove
a girl "of 17 , light hair anil blue eyes. "
For it is a delusion as they will surely
discover in time. Whether the awaken
ing comes sooner or later depends upon
circumstances. If their hallucination ro-
Hiilts in marriage it will probably como
sooner. If not , it will come later. If
their paths in lifo diverge it may bo de
layed until the preMiiil , object of their
affections , "fat , fair and forty , " once
more crosses their fitups. Then , at least ,
there will boas little loft of their romantic
fancies as of tlio vision of loveliness that
lirst inspired them ,
The conclusion of the western youth
that "tho ago of 2. ) is young enough to
marry and live happy" is probably , on
the whole , a sensible ono Doubtless in
this , as in other important a II airs of life ,
it is bcit to avoid uxtremes , Hoys and
girls certainly should not marry , and
neither , as a rule , should old men and
women. To vas > t multitudes of others ,
Punch's advice , "Don't. ' " is the very
essence of practical * wisdom , which it
would conduce to thoir. own happiness
and the general well 'boing ' of society to
lollow. Until the world adopts Hnmlut s
suggestion however , and determines to
have "no moro marriages , " this wise
. . „ , . . . . . phifosopl - ,
misery , like poverty and crime , an insol
uble problem.
A Storlrcl WwUdlng
In almost all of the marriages which
lake place at Castle Garden policeman
is obliged to act as best man to the undo-
groom. This is because these wcddmgi
tire a kind of leap year observance in
which the man is wooed and in which tlio
Castle ( lardcn detectives lend their olll
cial inlliienco to the lady's suit.
Detective ( irodon has boon at Castle
Garden a good many years , has witue a.ed
Ami select your Dry Goods and Carpers before the prices advance ,
We are selling elegant Patterns Dress Goods very low
to close the lot.
JtlttcK Slllm no
those IL'C di'c now scll-
' ing.
ll'carc closing out this entire department to
1e room for our increased Carpet stock , and
arc consequently selling them oj ) ' at extremely
1 1 l )
rl llllOOAt
Arc tielny closed out , very cheap.
x Yon nilll save money to sec our Carpets
k and Jlittjs before / / bun. Jflion it'ant In-
% 1/raln , Jtrnsscts , I'elrct , or Moqncttc Car-
; . ' / > come and sec ns or irritc for prices.
Our variety of Curtain * , I'oiii/ees , nraperles , etc. , i.s larue and choice , and
n-charea full assortment of rotes , Jlotls , JSrass floods , etc. Our work is
done b\i \ skilled trorkmen. Orders o > / mall receive prompt atfcnllon.
Harkness Bros , , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Wholesale and retail. Families supplied with ton and twenty pound pack
J , Y , FULLER , 39 Pearl st , , Council Bluffs
a great many wedding1' , and bus had the
H'ivih'gc also of kissing the bride. In
In1 Catholic marriage service ! a ring is
mlKiuMisibio , and often in the hurry of
m enforced wedding bridegrooms ha\o
legleelitd to provide the requisite * . . Do-
eclive Oroelun , in fact , has had many
lines , to hunt up a ring U ) the delay of
he nuptials. Seven or eight years ago
it occurred to him that u property ring ,
so to speak , would bo u convenience , and
so ho bought one that had all tin * appear-
unco ot gold. That it is really base
metal ho regards as a mailer of no rein e-
Hicnci ! to the brides who wear it for a
moment. It is a ring nnd it is big
enough for the. linge-r of any brido.
When Mr. ( iroden bought this plain
plated imitation we.dduur ring , ho said to
iiimself that this circlet was likely to
make a romantic hl-tpry teir itself , and
so lie laid it away in his desk and kept a
record of the number of times it was
n ud and the names of the contracting
parties whoso names were solemni/ed
with this same ring. Marriages are teas-
unably frequent at Ca tle Harden , and ,
iluring tlio se-ven or eight years that this
ring has been in use , have averaged
nearly one a week. A wedding on Wed
nesday was the it , " ) 1th in lite history of the
ring , ami the gilt has not yet worn oil' .
Why Sim Married.
1'ittsburg Dispatch : "Why do I want.
: o niarryv" seems te ) bo the all absorbing
.henie of your ( j O.'s of recent date. If
t will interest or bi > of any benolil , te ) the
"Berthas" of to-day why li girl wanted to
marry over fourteen years ago I , who
personate this girl , will jot down thu
reasons as they occurred to mo then :
I'ossc'ssing original and strong ideas , and
looking upon marriage as the consum
mation of a vow that reached nearer the
eternal future than any other u binding
link that led to heaven , as it wore 1 felt
that to marry the man of my choice
would bi : to attain to that greater e\\eol-
lonco of character ; to perfect a woman
hood as vet very imperfect , to open new
paths of usefulness and happiness to the
rearing of one's oll'spring the binding
tie of earthly marriage and the com
mands of an All-wise IJeing for a noble
lif < ; on earth , for a Christian death and a
resurrection. These were my principal
and exulted notions of the marriage res-
lation.-'lnp. 1 wanted my love pure , free
from dross ; and earthly appetite and
Lcrutiliuutions subordinate to this ono
idea of a life.timo. All other things I believed -
lioved would follow : A happy homo ; a
happy wifi ) ami mother ; a contented an.I
loving father , who thinks that wil'o ami
children are the only beloved objects on
the face of thu globe , and whose love for
thi'in is only next to love for ( ioel. Re
ligion I wanted lirst in my home , for that
was to mo tin ; rock upon which 1 hoped
to build the Miperstriieture of the stately
edilico. "Build me strong , noble Mas-
tor1 would bo my unspoken prayer.
Leaving iho exalted , or purely ideal , for
moro practical thoughts ( although the
above is not inipnu'Ucal ) , 1 will say that
many u young girl has ten ohuiUT.s where
another has only ono for learning imel'iil
tilings , "Bertha , " scums to have full and
plenty lo work on , and that is a grer-.t
thing. Higid economy in household mat-
tivs is a bar to progress , as much M > : w
wasli'fiiliH'n.s is a bin. Cire'umslanci'.s '
have much to do with the bringing to
perfection of the unripe fruit , or euMing
it worthless to the ground bulore its time.
Fulllnc In IJOVP.
In minor matters it is of course univer
sally admitted thai short men , as a rule ,
prefer tall women , v/hilo tall men admire
little woincm , says the Fortnightly He-
view. Dark pairs by preforencu with
fair ; the commonplace often runs after
the original. J'eoplo have long nolieiid
that this attraction toward one's opposite
tends to keep erne the .stand.1 of the
nice ; thejy have not , perhaps , r generally
observed that it also imlicH''o ; roughly
the existence in either individual of a
dcsiru for its own natural complement.
It is dillicult hero to give detinltu examples -
plos , but everybody knows how , in the
subtile psychology of falling in love ,
there are involved innunicrnblo minor
elements , physical and mental , which
strike us exactly because of thejir abso
lute adaption to form with ourselves an
aelcquato union. Of course wo do not
dolinitely seek out and discover snob
qualities ; instinct works far moro intui
tively than that ; but wo lind , at hist , by
.subsequent observation , how true and
how trustworthy wore its immediate in
dications. That i.s to say , those nion dose
so who were ) wise isiioiish or iorlunato
enough to lollow the earnest promptings
of their own hearts , and not to bo
ashamed of that and deepest of
human intituions , love at first sight.
How very subtle tins intuition is , wo
can only guess in part by the apparent
capnciousne-ss anil incomprehensibility
of its occasional action. \yo know that
soniti men and women fall in love easily ,
while others are only moved to love by
bomo very special and singular co.iibma-
lion of peculiarities. Wo know that ono
man is readily stirred by every pretty
face ho sees , while another man can only
bo roii-.od by intellectual qualities or by
moral beauty. Wo know that sometimes
wo meet people possessing every virtue *
and grace under heaven , and yet lor
.somu unknown and incomprehensible
reason wo uoulil no tnorqfall in love uitli
thorn than wo could fall in love with Iho
ton commandments , i don't , of course ) ,
fora moment accept the silly , romamlo
notion that men and wonion fall in love
only once in their lives , or that each ono
of us has somewhere- earth Ids or hur
exact allinity , Whom wo must sooner or
later meet o'r else din unsatisfied. Alinos ]
every healthy normal man or woman jtua
probably fallen in love over and over
again in the course of a lifetime * ( except
in e-aso of very early imirringo ) and
could easily lind dozens of nersons with
whom they would bo capable of falling
in levi * again if duo occasion ollered. Wo
are not oroated in pairs , like the i\ihi'q-
tier tallies , exactly intended to lit into
each other's minor idiosyncrasies. Men
ami women , as a ruin , very sensibly fall
in love with one * another in the particu
lar places and the particular societies
they happen to be cast among. A man
at Ashby-elo-la-Xouoh eloes not hunt tlio
world over to lind his prn-e.-tabbshi'd
harmony at I'aray-lo-Moni'al or at Denver -
ver , Col" But among the women ho act-
tniljy meets , a vast number are purely in-
din'erent to him in the light ot possible
wives , and only one in the last resort
( outside of Salt Lake City ) approves her-
soil'to bis inmost nature as thn actual
wife oi his limit .selection.
1S" 7
\ rih.e . following Companies :
Oeitnnn Amrrlcan. of Hew York
I'haenix , * of Hartfanl.
Halt ford , * of Hartford ,
Callfornlan , of San Francisco ,
Scottish Union it National , of Cdtifliaig.
Union , of San Francisco.
Stnte , * of Dei Motiitt.
Wllllnn-.sburg City , * of Brooklyn.
Those ntatned with a * Insure also agnlnst loss by
VJimt Storms , Cyclones and Tornaili > es
(7 ( ron SALS : N oi-M'it.
UAIT.S. * , * * * * * *
„ , „ * * *
"iron SAMA ! p-rmd hotel iiropcrtyvllh fur-
J-1 nltiirii. c-V.S2 Iciet front on K * t llroiul-
way ; nlfo lioiisn mill ItilD m KOOI ! loeutloiih In
ofesti-rn nr western \n\rt \ ol city. Apply toll.
.liMirnalh , { 'oiinly iiuil
IJiiiikVorlc of AH Ciliids a. | uc'-
Prompt Attentlonjo Mall Orders
Room 1 Kveret Block , Council Blufls.
Stiimlard Papers Usiid. All styles of bind
ing in Magazines aiiel
0. n. National Iliink , M. U. Biinth & Co. ,
CitUoiiH' Hnnk , Di'nriW IUV Ca ,
> lr Niitional liiink. t" . II. limiruiico ! ! < > . ,
UlUoorA I'Ubuy.llnnUei-s.c.II tiiivinvn Hunk.
Will supp'y ' you with a cleaner and bcttci
qualiH of
Than any one ; ii < thu city. A dial will to
\iucc you ,
NofiZS llioadw.iy. Telephone 110.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha ,
Ludict Lulling a § 5 hat or bonnet , oncfur
will tc paid- * lound frip.
To Bo Given Away Bj Hf nrj Elsoman &
Co.'s People's ' Store.
OitiVnitUAry IBtli , 1HH7 , ConMstlnjj of
I'urnlturr , Clilniuvnrn , Clothing ,
I > lnnliotTnblo Idiien , Notlons x '
Moni'y , Silk Dross Pnt
tcrnH , KIC. , ioto.
For every two dollar's worth of fTWods
purchased , you will re'ci'ivo a coupon
ticket , good for one e'hatioo in the follow
ing IJranel Presents to be given away by
us on .January loth , 18S7 :
F1UST PUlXK-Ono suite of Parlor
Furniture , cemsisling of sofa , tcto-a-toto
and tour grand ca < < y chairs , all uphol
stered in assorted shades of elegant silk
plushes , worth $125.
SKCOND PIUXK- Ono Mahogany Boel
Boom Suito. consisting of Bedstead ,
Dresser and Wash Stand of elegant finish
with beveled glass , worth $ 100.
Till HI ) PHlXK-Ono of the very best
six-drawer N'li-ked Plati'd Domestic Sow
ing Slae'hinos. Tlio Very best niachino
in the ( . 'lilted State's , worth $ ( i5.JO. (
FOCHTH 1'KIXK Twenty yards
( tiiinett best grew grain Black bilk , cost
fiJ.lX ) pur ' vnrel , worth t'W'.OO. '
FIFTH'PIUXK eh'gant Seal Plush
London Dye-d Cloak , to bo made to order
to lit tin * lui'ky ticket holder , worth $00.00.
SIXTH PHlXK-OiK ! pair of the finest
White * . HlankoU made by the Pioneer
Woolen mill , of California , worth f 10.00.
SKVKNTH PHIXK-One Beautifully
De'cornti'il Dinner and Tea Set , consist
ing of ono hundred and forty piece.1 ? ,
worth $52.00.
HKilini I'HIXIvAn Klogant Seal
Skin Mull' , worth $ : ! ! ) .00.
NINTH PHIXKA very line Paisley
Shawl , worth fin.OO.
TKNTI1 PKIXF Ono Angora Beaver
Shawl , worth . * : i'U)0. ' )
KLKVKXTIl 1'IUXK Om * Contlenian'fl
Suit of Clothing , made of Importi'd
Worsted , guaranteed a line lit for the
winni'i1. worth $ M5 OK.
TUKLFTll PH1XK- ( tentloman's
Fur Boavi'r OveTooat , worth $ : tO.OO.
Overcoat , for : i bov belwi-i-n the ages of
! ! and H ! yours , to be * chosen bv the * lucky
party holdiii'.r tlu > tiokot. Worth $15.00.
Suit , for a boy bolwpon the * ages of ! l and
1(1 ( years , to bo selected bv the winner.
Worth $15.00.
FIFTKK.N'TH PHlXK-One Klogaiit In-
funt's Cloak , worth $10.00.
SIXTHHNTH PHl/.K - Ono Kh-gant
Brass Parlor Table , worth $10.00.
00 yards "l-ruit of the * . Loom" muslin ,
worth * 1.0.1. .
dozen of the very best CVlebralod " (3old"
white Hliirts , of wliie-h wo are the exclu
sive agents , worth ? ! I.OO.
Mulller , worth $5.00.
Table Set , consisting of Tuule Cloth anil
a Dei/on .Napkins wortli $10.00.
Present , of a Twontv Dollar ( ! old Piece.
No.22--OnoTiiili't Set.
No. 2One : ! vorj line Doll.
No. 21 - One Ilanelkori-hiof BOY.
No 2. i Ono elegant Ilaml Bag.
No. 20 Ono largo Doll.
No. 27 Ono Stand Cover.
No. 2S Ono bottle line Perfume.
No. 2st Ono Toboggan ( 'ap.
No. : IO Om * . Table Searf.
No. ill Ones lines Splasher.
No. Jli-Onc line Lunch Basket.
No. 'M Ono hammered brass Umbrella
No. J.l-Ono-hsilf dofmo Towels.
No. : W Ono Silk Umbrella.
No. : ! 'J-Ono ' line Doll.
No. ! t7-Olios-it Chiua Dishes , suitable
for little folks.
No. : W One Brass Broom Holder.
Ne > . Jill One nair .Men's Silk Suspend-
ere.No. . -10 Ono Silk Handkerchief.
No.-11--Ono nice Doll.
No.12 ( hie-half doladie'slinn Linen
No. 'Ill Fifteen yards Best Calico for : >
elress i > : itturn.
No. ! ! Ono Boy's Hat.
No. .15 Ono Boy's Sealskin Cap.
No. 10 Ono line Painted Ornament ,
No17 Ono Toilet Sot.
No.18Ono nioo Doll.
No.I ! ) One line Doll.
No. 50-Ono elegant Tnbln Cover.
No. 51 One Bottle * Porfumn.
No. 52-One Laee H.indkorohiof.
No. 5t-Ono ! child's line Laeo Collar.
No. 51-Oiieolegant Doll.
No. 5.1 One eluganl Doll.
No. W5 OneTiilv.
No. 57 Ono Tnblo Searf.
No. 58-Ono line Doll.
No. 51) ) Ono iMouth Organ.
No , ( W Onei Imitation Steam Piano.
No. ( II One Hue Book.
No. ( W Ono line Book.
No. ( Ill-One Pocket Knife.
No. Hi-One line Doll.
No. tVi-Onu fine Doll.
No. ( ill Ono Dr. Warner's Corset.
No. 07-Ono Shoulder Shawl.
No. OS One Infant's Laeo Cap.
. No. ( ill-One baby DresH.
No. 70 Ono largo Doll.
No. 71 Ono Hand Bag.
No. 72 Ono lady's Companion1
No. 7l ! Ono Sill ; Mutllor.
No. 71-One largo Doll.
No. 75 Ono line Book.
No. 70 Ono line Book.
No. 77 One * . Luneh Basket.
No. 7H Onn pair children's Shoes.
No. 7i-Ono ! pair boy's Bootn.
No. 8(1-Ono ( line Lace Collar.
No. HI Ono largo Doll.
No. 82 One Lady's Jersey .Jacket.
No ftl Omt pair ( Jentleman'.s Su.s
N'o. 8H-- One line Doll
No 8 ! ) Ono line Doll
No. IKOno ) largo Doll
No. ill Ono largo Doll
No. t Ono NYoklaeo
N , , . ; _ ( ) , | iair dole ! CulF Buttons
No. 1)1 ) Ono l/oeket
No. ! l5 ! Ono nice Breast Pin
No , lid-Unu pair Sleeve Buttons
No. U7 Ono .Silver Thimble
No , ' .18-Ono line Breast I'm
No. M One pair Kid ( ilovos
No. 100 One Lace Handkerchief
Total value of presents , ifWO.
Mth every ? a puri-haso you recolvo si
ticket , also a tielet ; for uvnry Jidditlonul
$ a nurtliaso you miiki' .
Hold vour tieketfi until .innniiry Ifith ,
18.S7 when the fortunate nuiiihcrs will bo
annoiineed and mvituil to call and re
ceive their presents.
Vou have lo pay notliinc extra for your
purehaMH.Vn ! guarantee to sell you
floods cheaper than any oihesr he > iiso in
the west , and bust slock to select from.
All ordi'rs by mail will m-uivo prompt
attention , and lickeds for thu fruo
gift distribution will be forwnrdo > l
and unulo.'ied with y our purcliase. , the
same as if you won * , present in person.
Tiiusu distributions will ! made with
every fainmss and you in'iv di-Di'iul on it
that the lucky numbers only will receive
their presents.
No tickets will bo issued to the em
ployes of our hi'iiso.
Customers only will me.ivo the bene
ii-tlhind thoabovo mentioned
- see pres
ents now cm oUiibition in uur mammoth
store and convince your-ulf.
Respectfully. , „ . . .
JiCNiiv II-IMAN ; ! : & Co. ,
l'.eodo's | Store ,
Nos. :3M : , 'lli ( , 'J1U aad UJO Broadwaj ,
Council BUitl's. '