Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1887, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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AdTcrtlsemcnts under this' heid , lOccnt pcr
line for the fmt Inscitjon , 7 ctnts for * ci ub-
ir < jutnt Insertion. nd J1.0 n line per month
No advertisement taken for Icsi than 20 cents
for tlio first Insertion. Seven words will bo
counted to the lines tliey must run conjccu-
tlvoly nnd must be paid In advance. All adver
tisements must bo bunded In before 2 o'clock
p.m. , imd under no clrcutn'tonccs will thoj be
Ukrn or discontinued by telephone.
Turtles iidxcrtlilnjf In these.'Ohimns und bur-
lop Iho ftnswrrs n > ! dre ji'd In c re of TUB HER
will tilrnso ssk for a rhccV toonnblc them to Kct
their letter * , us none will bo delivered except
on orescntAtlon of chock. All answers to ad-
Terti onients honld bo erH
TOANS-Lo fins Loans.
Itcnl cstnto lonns ,
Collntcrlnl lonns.
Chattel lonns.
Ixniw tlmo lonns.
Bliort tlmo lonn *
Money nlwnjs on hand to lonn on nny np-
yrovcd security. , ,
Investment pociintlos boiiKht and sold.
Omnhn Unanclftl llxchnnKC , n. w. cor. 15tu
IMiil Hnrnov. . . .
Corbetl , MnnnRfr.
mo J.bAN $ , iwo to lonn at 8 per cent on llrst
JL class Improved real estate. J ) . H. ( ioodrlch ,
lloom la , granite Illock. 7 < i _
, < W to lonn on six months' to six years'
$200,0 at lowest nilci. W. M. Han is. room 5 ,
Krcn/or block , opp I' O < 14J -
"AHlTia A IIAIliiu > , KOS. 1Mb st.
H Money to lonu on first clnss security , from
iiwnrds. * 4
K)0OOOTO ) LOAN nt 8 per cent , J. J. Ma-
$ honey. I BOB Knrnnni. 7W
6 PKK CUNT Monoy.
II. 0. 1'nlterfon , tfith nnd Hnrnoy.
, ) lO to loan. Sums irXJJ nnd upwards ,
$ lowest rntou. llemls , room 3 , llnrker block ,
B. W. cor IBlh iind 1'nrniiiiistn. ' "I _
MO.VlTY first mortiriiKO notes. 'Hio Douplns
county bunk will buv papers scoured bjr
< M
Ol'HH CH.vr Monny to loan.
nri-Rory & Iladloy ,
llooms 1 nnd 3 , Hcdick block , 320 S. 1Mb St.
ON1JV to lonn. cash on nnnd , no delay. J.
W. nnd K. I. . S'lUlre , 14l3r rnam Bt. , 1'ax-
Ion hotel bnlldlnir. " "
rpo IX1AN Money I.onns placed on Im-
1 proved real f"tnto In ulty or county for
New llnnliind Loan .t Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. ICIh nnd Chlon o fts 8IJ
7l NKV TO i.OAX At ow nitos , on irood
city piopcrty. Ilntchor& Co.,1216 Dontxlns
street. 6'- ' _ _
tolonnon city nnd farm u/oporty ,
MONITV rales , ytowurt 4 : Co. , Hoom H , Iron
--1' '
Bnnk. - ' -
TlToNBV TO I.OAN-At ronsonnblo rates , on
1V1 furiiltnro. line watches nnd other personal
properly. C..I. Canwnll , room 19 Iron Hank
bulldlnir , 1-th and rnrnnm. t > M _
Tl > LOAN O.T. David A Co. Hoa
ItBtntcand Loan Aycnts I60j Fainum st.
\t i > Niv : TO LOAN On real estate and eh t-
J'J lols. D I * Thomas. DM
MONHV 'M > I.OAN-ItMUins of I2,0.,1I and
upMiirds on llrst class icnl cstnto Bccunty.
I'otter.V : Cool ) , IMS rnrnnm st. B'J7 '
MONKY atC. rrilcod .t Co's.I.onn
olllcs , on furniture , plnnos , hori > es.wHKOiis ,
personal propoity of nil kinds , and nil other ar
ticles of vnluo , without romovnl. 31'J S 1'Jth ,
oirr lllnvham'N ronimlPeion store. All tiual-
HI-SBMrlctly conlldontlnl. H'8 '
fljr.00,000 TolonnonOimiha city property nt 6
P percent. ( ! . VV. Day.over 11112 DouKJasst.
J\ff ON17V to lonn by the underslidiod , who has
J. * the only properly oii'iuil/eil lonn nuency
IriODinhn Lounf of J10 to flf < mndo on fur
niture , pianos , ortratifl , hors-ea , wnijons. machin
ery , Ao. without romovnl. No delays. All
business strictly conlldciillnl. I.ofins M mndo
that nny pnrt can bo paid nt nny time , onch pay
ment reducing the cost pro rnta. Advances
nadoon line -wntchos nnd dinmonds. Persons
jhonld carefully consider who thor are dcnllnir
irltli , ns mrny now concerns nro dnlly cominir
hilo oxlstenco. Should you npod money , call
rvnd BCO mo. W. It. Croft , Hoom 4 , Wlthnell
JUilldlnr. Ifith r.nd Ilnnuir. o'J
HA Id ! Cnnfottlonorv and Tobacco
J' . luio. Imiulic ut No. " 02 ! Cuminssr.
7 U 7
IPOH HAI.I ! Ono of the best paylnir banks In
ecntriil Nebrnsku. A rare opportunity fern
n p 11 ty with f 15,000 to f . ' 0,000 c.ipital. Address
H4' ' ( . lloo ollko 7707
-oTt HXlJf-Ilrlo't ' yird on S Mi si. J.
' I ) . Thomnf , Oimthn. 740J11'J.
17 < Olt S.V 1,15 1'or 0 days only.
- 1'or ciish , seemed notes or Omaha eltv
proiiertv , a wiioleealo and retail liuslneis. Not
TjrolllH lor last jcar $3,000 ; mock by invoice
kihoiit f 10,000.
Jlend It .lamloson , 'IIS P. 1.1th et. C77 1
"E1O11 RAIT : Now stock of Indiss' furnishing
JJ KOOd < , toRothcr with store IKteros. Husi-
ne s in full conduct with Kood trade. Location
bi'fl on llowiiidbt.occiipvlinr Vt stoioinwimuo
ot Milid In lek. J. 1' , Hammond , 1 15 S. ICthst.
IP OK SAIiR A coed live pnylnif nKrlcnltiirnl ,
' linplument. real estnle and Insin nncu liuni-
> i nr'R tocotlior ; 'llh lOdxItll foot linlldiniron lot.
iFoliited from tlic , 1 pur cent insurance. Also
4 choice residence lutH.hoiiee , barn and frulland
shade trees Sltunted In one of the choicest
pnrlsol the city This business is all in No. I
Older , t-itualed on 2 railroads , will sell for casher
or tiiKo nnrt In good , nlld Noln-a lcn or Knnsus
lands Addicss .1. J. . tikndan , Mnlvorn , Mills
county , Iowa. 0(17 ( 1 *
FOHS I' Iii'Sirlnjf torotlro troin busiii-'es ,
I ol'er my e'ntlio block of ( Hmornl Jlor-
rliHiidiso , coasltllnir of Dry Hoods , Heady Miuln
( 'lotliinf , lints and Caps , Itootn nml Shoes , nd
( iroi'orlen. Would tnko Improved and nnlin.
proved Mial estate In rxclmiiKo lor part of
nmount Can show up a ( rood iccord of busi
ness , Addtetslock box No. 7 , Noith llend.
Neb. 27. J. IB.
rpo KXCIIANr.lC-Abont $ : i:001n : : dry oods ,
J- notion : . Kroecrles and sloro fuinitnre , In a
eood Hie town In thu Itepuhllcan Valley lor nn-
incuinbpred fnrni land In Nebraska or luwa ,
I'olmprox-oil land preferred. Addlcss lock liox
70. Alum , Neb. 4S7-2'
I 'poil"s"rTrnimT17oller Dump tjo f Codori |
1 riliiiiiiion riles. Lcttor nnd Illll Klles , I'll-
Inpr Cablnelii nnd Tiniibtor Cason , inddxos for
J.t'dpor iimlnll purposes , i\po8itlon : building.
_ _ _ _ 20UJ1 _
"fjfOlt SAI.i : llntclior bliop , with tools nnd IK-
i lUK'B ; irooil lociiltou : ttood liuslnoff. 0. ) ' .
Blons , BdUlhras' cor. ff'th and Knrnnni. H8'J ' J 0
FOH HAM ! Or ii-nihi for merchnndiso. 010
acres of No I farm land near ( irnnd
Islniid. ( ' . ,1. Cnnnn t15 *
HOII.SKS I/tsrnrm . .Lnmism.oney loaned.
Hcmls , room 'J , HurScr block S. VV. cor.
Kill and Farnau ; sta. Wl
TOH BAI.K- Well OHtnblielicd biislnrss , In < mo
Jof tno bout businotSK points in noithwest-
prn XnliriiKkii , Hltumed nt llroken How , Cnstor
county , Nub. ? stock i > < m | silnv ( ifdrygondn.
rlolliinir , loots and shoos ; will sh w up peed
record of buhlm-ns. Houisonb for foiling will bu
pl\on by iMlaiocHlnirluok box 74 , llroken How ,
t'lister county , Nun. M7
FOIt SALEHnrdwaro Husmess- offer
our sin If nnd hcnvy hnrdwnru business for
rnlo , tofctlipr with our lo.isu nml KOOI ! will ,
1 limn I in p ok t In the city nnd locution the best ,
KrtlriiiK- from the bnslnnKH rniihe for fellliitr
The llnum Hnrdwnro Co. , lO-'S 0 Et.i Lincoln ,
00 : )
TV I ATHl.MONIAI.-raper oonlaliH nearly'05
iidverllicinonN Irom ladles nnd Ktntlo-
mi'ii wanting ; coricfponiluniH tfeiu 2 monllis
tor 10 cents , \ddiess , Hcli'liiK' Hand , 70 l.n
Millie btrtft , ChicnKO. d 20 , J 2'
[ IIS' ' . I' . HOOl'Klt.Tranco nnd Healing Mo-
dlmii.N. VV. cor2Uh nndCa's.
* _ _ _ 200 J I3 _
MA'lHlMONIAI | iorrIB paKt s , beautl-
fully illiibtuued. contains nearly luo d-
Toitiromcutii fiom Indies nnd gentlemen want-
Inir voriospondrnis Sent II inns for 10 cxi5 | ;
iiios,2Uct > > i 1 jcur 21 CIK. AddrcfB. Helping-
ilitnd , 70 Ui t-nlld MChicago , HI , d 2(1 ( Jiu 1'J ' *
IllIHSONAI , MUs Dyer's prlvnlo school for
\oirtiu Indies und giili at norlInvest cor.
Iflb iiii'l KuuiHitibtH. 1'urib uill bortsooivedon
and after ,11111. lid. 612J4'
J""ir.IlsOXAiT Mrsl Dr Nannta V. vv arrcn
olairvoyunt. Medical and busing * Medium
Hoom No. 3 , K\ \ North IClb fl. , Omuha , Neb.
T -Wc.iniwd.iy , Dee. 2ith , n female , white
J I Cpln dujr ; onswcihio niimool " ( < jp. " Cull
ui l.XU Miuuiltrs > trrot and rt'tono ruwnnl.
X _ bl - !
f ST A Nuwfoundiuu.1 puitilutr. alxml lour
j miunhs ol.i Finder return to VV. U < Annul ,
Hiciuian uve , ojiposdo Ciuu st , anJ claim ro ,
w ard. 3 *
ADAM ALAPK.v.artrnvoynnT nnd palmist ,
i2 ! South Ifith ft. 1
irorNITlio place to net the beat oyMors In
J3 the city , bum points , Nfc r York counts
nd ( "fleets nt Hihor Moon , cor. lOihnnd&t.
Jlury'save. J. 11.0 Nolll. prop. 4H J Ii.
CKSPPOOt. ? , in Ivy vaults denned by the
odorlnss process. E. Kvrlng , P. O. iiot 42 ( .
vQ3 J l
irOH iXCHANOi-No. : : fliruirovcd fnrtn for
1' ttock or jfoods. S. It. S Morton , vviotn , In ,
rnWVir.NNAfortunoTciier , residence filS S
I nth st. _ _ ' _ wajt *
1OH ifHNT Organs' per inomh. tlospe ,
1513 Itoiiglixn _ < Wj >
inou ICKNT square Piniio , It monthlr. A
JL1 Hospe. 1513 Doucl-i * . CIO
HUNT "y < r.mro I'lnno 3 tnonttiir. A
Iiolt 1 . . Ctl
Hospc. 151.1 DoiiBlns. _ _
OH SAl.P.-A mnrblo-lop cherry rhnmbcr
FOt , client,425 Convent st. KI4 2 *
? OH SAI.I'-l 12-ft show cnso nnd connlor
1 1 combined nt ! 0. Inquire at Tailor shop.
in : weld Illock , head of Bt. Mnry's a\o. _ 'l''J '
FOii HAIi ; Two Canary birds" with CIIRC" ,
male nnd f emnlo. male KOO I slower , them ) nt
JB. Imitllront Hurdtt ftro Btoii' , Enuwotd block ,
bond of St. Mary's avo. W V
FOH SAI.K-A pair of llirht bobs nnd body.
N. VV. cor. 31st nnd Mft'on , 771' ' 4 _
TjioTl SAl.K-Two now poker tables , nddross
-i ? Ilfil this olllco. 79M *
: Olt IHADH-Ono 2d hnnd sido-
bnrbuirfy , ono id Imnd phneton , or.o de
livery wiifon. Cheap. A. Hospe , 1513 Donylns.
71011 S.VTiK-A socontl hand lire mid burplnr
1 proofsnfo of the llnll piitcnt , ilnuhlu
door , liirtroil/o. Tor Information call on or
nddress.I. II. Klanchard , Soulh Omaha , Neb.
Telephone 5S.J. V''U
TbTt"SATrU-llllrKy ) liormi. t , ycnis old. In-
JL' iiulru ! ' . M. Yuutiirs , line otncc , press room.
JjriOUHAU : Tjpu-wrUer , tOO. J. n Hnvncs ,
Jj llnx jr > , Omalia. _ M7 _
FnilSALR-llapU Holler Damp f.onf Copier ,
Shannon Till" ) , I.ntturmi'l Illll I'llos and MV-
Intr Cabinets and Transfur Cases , Indexes for
I.edKor and all purposes. Imposition building.
OH 8A7ii-Tonin : ot horses. echlo lmor
F llros. , tlS 10th st. SWjn
SAI.i : t'urnnilro nnd lenso ol m-room
hout-o , Hmo on part. Call law North -7th
stioet , two blooliu fioiu Hod Cur lino. mi
Foil S.vt.K Cncap. iron columns 'ind win-
dorr CPPB suitable for front on brick blllld-
hif ? . ForpnrtlonlurHiipplv nt thisotnco. PH
\VANTRD Ay oiuur mnn of 21 , who is will-
T > intr to work , wnntH employment In nny
oapnciiy. Address H 5H , Ilco olllce. Ml-2 *
\VANTKD-A Ronteel younp rmn Mondny.
V AM ! ) book kce pi'i-.clerliB assistant" . lei ! d
ition forijood p'ac < n.Omaha Hi'trlstiy lliircau ,
Si'O N IGth stieot. K4'i.i ' : *
WAN'IKD A man with ilOO nnd Bervlces ,
hull IntcnM In established business , in
dido wnik , Jir , to f20 assured fiom thn start.
Addu-'S 11 54 Heo. Mliji *
\VANTI D rierks , olllco help beokkccners
' and n-isl-tiuits malomid femnlo help sup
plied : open to-day. Heirlaleiy lliircnu20 N.
loth st. K1.1 2
TANTHI1Travelerout of Omaha tolmndlo
V > full line jitoservcs' . Jellies and mince meat ,
on llbernl commM'oii. Address , slvlnjr torrl-
torv nnd lolerencea , Adams \ bbcaiman. Indl-
nimpolis , liul. Wl 4
\\-ANTIJD Hey lo lencn tlio printing buul-
ness and r.itend to tronoral ofllce woik , u
boy between the na-os of 13 nnd H. Ono who
writes a food hnnd and Hies with hN parents
will roei'Uo pi-oreronee. AddrefS in own liniid-
n.v nil ) , Oiniihn , Nub
A lilncUsmltlitodo ironrrftl work.
Address 0. W. LmiiUiu ; , Wt'cpimr ' filter ,
Neb. " _ 721 r ,
\ ANTii : > - i.tperl : < 'iiced eicnr pnle miin.
7 * Statot"rritoriio'iualntod on. Itclercnces
ronti led , Addiosa' , until .Ian. Ii , 1HM , 11.21. Hco
olllco BJiJ : *
_ _
WANTKH ly ! a Inwo corset maivifiicturer.
tin experienced coract suiu nian for tlio
Inrpe retail tiado in the Stale of Nebraska \d-
drehs with rctcrcncc. lock box No. Mil' ' . New
Yorlt. 300 J 1
AORNTSIn th" city or country can inaKof. " , to
TIO n day Rellimr our scocinltioV VV.
Novelty com iiaiiy. 12(17 Kiiniiim st. 612
"ttT ANTKD I.adv ollico nssiptnnt. i-lso bolter
> > cln 3 of places supplied ladies. Apply
Oinahn Hoiilstry Unreau. 2iO N 15th St.
\7ANTRD AIrl ( to do ( renoral housework.
T > ] r.iiiirc2tiiCuinlnRSt ] ) : H.V1-V
Tl'ANTIID-d'ood ( Jurman or ficnndlnnvian
\ \ nlito \ do KPiiorul honsuwork : call at
once i.t 41H'5 S 13th st. KH 2 *
fANTf.D A t'li-l as conk's nsxIstAiu ut
Ilrofl ncll Hall , Sol th 10th st. KJ4 3
AN'TKD ( Jiiod e.Mioriotu'od trirl Jor ( . 'on
erul housework. 1415,1 ones st. SH
- for Konurnl housonork ;
iiinrallyB2SColfa\ ) ; . 7il :
\17ANTI5D-An rvpcricnecd cook in small
family ; coed wa es paid. Mrs ( j J Hunt ,
n w cor Virginia nvc and I ! rant st 72.1
- rcnornl housonork. K02
Idnho. Mrs lluinlinm. ii7
ANTIID Old for ircncrnl housework. No.
1D1S Capitol nvoiuie. 7f >
LAD ITS WANTr.D. To liamllo my wonder
ful new rubber under iarnioiii for ladies
only. This H bv far thuben imdoiKarnient pio-
lector mndo nnd plves po-lt'ot EHtNtuctlon.
Horn ! 50conls lor fiiunplo protector by letuin
mnll. Addro.ssnt once Mrs. (1 I , . Erwln. I''I '
Ianllo st. , Chtcai. ! ) , 1IU fi'l 1
LaitleR and peiitletnen In city or
country to tnko lluht work at l nolr honos.
11,00 to f'J.ui a dny cued ) made ; ivoik pent by
mail , no canvasslnu. Woni\en oed domain !
for our work nnd f uridflh steady employment.
Address , with stamp , Ciown Mlif. CoU Ylno
Ht. . Cincinnall , O. 4.Vj:0' ,
\\'ANT1H1 A glrToF \ ( teiTnral hoiisonork.
> Apply nt 18-JJ Cues st. Mrs. r. Ij. l.d-
\\'ANTID ! ( loodKlri for housework
in Binnll tnmily,2Wl I.navcnworth i-l. t'-l
TVANI'Iin-Oood lrl for l.itelion work cx-
1 > clusivcly. Apply at nw cor l.'ith nnd Maeon
Bis. 7M . !
Dining-room clil altboKmmct
housfi. ? oa
_ _
NTIIirTw llufion At" ( Tonts"to intrn tPlo-
irrupliy. I'rnspect wood for position when
rompeU'iitaddrrsi ; VV. j. D. , Hoom I , Croiinso
W 'ANTl'.D younir mnn nt leisure In the
( tvenmif nunldllko n Hulited ol books
to Keep AddrebU II U lice olllcc. 8J7 4 *
class cook In n
hotel or restnuraut. Addtesa H 4.r ) . Heo
ollico. 7446'
\\7ANTIl-l ! < iiii > lii > inriit nswet nurse. In-
inure of.I. J , Mnhonuy , snpt Co. Poor
nt court house. 7131 *
. . A uood sl/ed , well lurnlshed ,
heated room , eitlu-r with or without ,
board , I'onvoiilent to 17 I > . depot. I'rlvuto
family prnlerrod. Hofcriincp * irIvon and cjc-
Address 1167 , lleo ollice. K"i72 *
\'ANTI5D. Three persons to learn book-
> l Keeping- . Good Bliumhm. J. Il.h'mitli , 1013
Chlcntro st , I'M 4 *
ANTr.lTrc ) Iir.NT.-Ily Jnimary 10th or
ISth , two orthroo roome completely fur-
nlslied lor llrl ( > t tiousvkocpln ? Wett of IGin
nnd south ol I'nruam' Address I ] 65 Hco olllco.
V "ANTIU1 A nlto young lady ns room mate ,
} 1 lt-12 Chlcaso st. ' b32 !
AV TANTKI ) Snlesmnn to sea my specUttlcs
. i incommoicinl prlntmtr , note beads and
statementsmid cnvofopcs , ctu. f60 ! perl.iiOd ,
commlsblon , truvollmr and local iixonts
wanted. Horn ! for samples , The .
I'rlnicr. KIrKbVlllo , Mo. ] nu29 IB23
" \\rANTKU-To buy a house mid lot for
> fJ , . ' Xor ) fiWJ : cusb. Address John Itopmi ,
K ? ) Douglas st. Ctl
W ANTED Furnished housa in nice locution ,
7 toil rooms. II18 lieu ollico. 67i
yipASTKl y\ \ men to cat buckwheat cakes
ii andnmplo syrup every morulnuut Norrli'
Hcitiuirnnt , 10th .St. bet. Uo.lco und Douglas.
StraiKht board per weak3.25 ; 21 meal tickets ,
' " ,0. 613.
\ \ 'ANTKF- lent a Iintd of imFlotJ thnn
23 rooms in n town or not less thun 4OcO.
AJdrtrkst HoUort Charles , Onuiiin , Neb. 704 7 *
\\TANTITD-A peed fnmlty In adopt a perfectly
> > foctly formed vtrl bnbv of peed parent ,
aae. Inquire nt o Died of ln ) UllwnJ , Hoom 17 ,
Arlington block. _ _ _ _ lL ! : *
Vi ANTUD To rent n 7 lo S room homo nbont
> > the mid lie ot January. Address , H. 40 ,
Heo Odlco , plvlns location nnd terms. ,52
A\ fANTIID-A joiin man well acquainted In
. i the city would llko to sell for some ron
AH . . . nRcnt on commission or tnlnry. Address
H 43 lice oilicc .f.fl ! 1 *
A yomiff tniui desires Instruction
oti tlic Kiiltnr from n competent lonelier.
II 41 , lleo ollco : , 7W
\ArANTK-ltooin , by pontloman , Inrco 1
> ( Kiunre or nlt-ovo room , hc.UeJ , stontu pro-
forrctl , mldro'g HOT 42-s city. 74S 3'
\\7AXTr.D-A eontlo pony to keep forlts
> -work : will rldo or ilrlvo 4intlc 4 pcnlay.
"S , " niioinkoi. tssa *
' ) - lry ifOOiM , ctotltlnir nnd
pnnts' rurnl hliifr ftoods or hoots nml Mines
In cjftmntro for Onmhn cautc. Milo lng-
cr llroo , ( .14 3 10th ft. V 1 30
15VT. IIOl'SIJ.-Klvo room * In now
cottiiifo , hnniltoinulv pnporoJ. Zili CJitl-
fornln plrcct K' S nml city > \nter. Apply nt
TpOlTFlKNT-Store3ll N. 15tngt. Wtt S *
FOIl lU'.XT A 7 room IIOMSO nli-ulr f iirilUlifil
Kood Inantlnii , only uno Invlf block from
Flrrol curs nt S.'ilpr nuiiitli Hood rotoronces
UHiilrcd. | A lilroiH HSn lion onico. TOT J'
"TT1OII HUNT ro ( ilr.v liiijoinoiit. Klnu slilp-
J. jilni ( ncllltloi. K IL sldo-trnok nt door.
I'lnntcrcdmpiitij'.cor.r.lKtitli nml ruoMlo.
r. I1 , liiiy , nunnirur. _ _ _ ? U _ < 1. 11 _
HENTPtoro lioiito on Pmnulcr * St. , rent
very low ; Iti'iiilroJ ' , II. I'urrottc , IMIi nnd
llilctiffu. K 3
_ _ _
Foil UKXT llon n , 4 rooms , corner I'hl
, 9 room * , all modiTii linprovomunts ,
Iliirnoy ami SQth MS.
Now ti lek Btorn , north Ifltli l
< now store" nniirllaaMU'H hotel , south 13tli
el , f 15 prr itioiith.
llrlck warelioii-o on It. It. track ami pavoit
: inl > tory Ilarkor bullilinif , IBlh niul rnrnnm ,
CO foot S' 'lviure. '
O. I ! Miiyno , lltli nnd Humpy.
TjlOH IIKNT.-1414 North Kliditcentli St. llvo
J- room lion o furnl lied coniploU1 ! JIIO.IKI
pur month. it .lumloson , ills Smith _ 16th.
Oi'l * ' *
FOIl HUNT -If you wnnt to rent n lioii u , c
on Itdiuuvn.t ( " "o. , opposite pmlolllco , MJ
OR HfiNTA burn for I lio.iit of horat-i. In-
< piro ! of M. I' Martin. IW7
_ _ _ ' _ _
Itr.NT A nk'O C-roonrcoTt-KP. hy'S. T.
Flllt , H. o. cor. l.'itli mid llouclHS.
TTIdU HKNTll loom liouao , city water. Btirnl
i1 i-nis , I1- ! miles trom P. i ) : r- > per month.
I ) , f. PatuM--onlUuialin Null Imuk. 710
Oil It1 NT3 holm10 rooms o lull , with nil
modern improvement * . -Isl nnd Hurt.
miulro of Dr. Paul , Kith nml DoiUo. 514
FOItTin.NT Or Iraio. Twenty nero
warden , wllli liou-o ml stable ; InMdo city
limits or Stdnny , Noo. Aiply [ to II. MuKiiilden ,
Sidney , Net ) . KSJ\- ( \
_ _ _
ipoil IlKNV n rooinhou-e on I'nnrim st but.
I1 18th nml lIHh. City and cistern wilier , sliuds
andoutbiilliliiiif ! " ; lirlrlc cellnr , * . " ) per montli.
J. R Itnmmniid. 117 S ISth sf. 418
371OH HUNT Suitable lor.lohbliur llouse oe-
1 end nnd 'Ihlrd Floor3lxllM with basement -
mont and elevntor , ontnuico irom fronton
DouulnsBt..and cntruncooiKrround lloor tiom
i ear to vluvatnr. Address A : n , lleo otlice.
17OI1 HRNT 2 new lious sS. K. cor. llth nml
J1 Vlnton. liiiiiroiii | proinHes. 2.T >
HUNT ' . 'loom ' hou o S. VV. cor. 7th and
11OH 1 . liuiulre M. r Mm tin. 2U
> OK IINT ! ! Slv now lirlclt "lores with bn e-
I7 ' incuts , eornor Ijloveiith nnd llowar.l : choieo
locntlini : nil convuniciioc . Louvitt lUirnlium ,
llonni I , Cri'lj'hton tilocli. CJ7
Ti < Oll JUJV"l'-Ono now'cotfnsriVi rooiTisT W ) .
Jf1 Tliroo now -stnry hoiiHwH , 310 , ouo at frj :
welllo"ated , nil convonlonc-es. Ixjnvill Iliirn-
hnmltoom I , ( 'reiifluon block. 127
FOU IIRNT w nero ndjniumic city north-
\t' . = tsnltnblo tor d'liry or market pardon.
Applyto Thoo. Wjllin'ns , Hcc Ollioo , 'J14 Far-
nnin. _ _ _ _ _ _ * W _
Tpoil KK.vr Store 'JSiW , IIHIJitckson St. , .
f.'OR xlEtTX K.OOMG.
" 171 OH HUNT I'urnlslied r oui.401 N. l.'ith St.
FOH HKNT TumMicd room for two Kent lo.
men. llnth , hunt , and all modern Improv-
ment.s. 1013 Unwind. S153' _
" 17IOH HRNT A nice , lanro. front loom. suit.
-L1 able for two or four Kontlemon. Divided
rir bv a liand-omocurt.iln nml Dole. H'.Jl St.
Mury'n ' nvo. , over meat market. S47 4 *
It HKNT Furnished or iintimilshoJ
rooms at 1410ChlciifO St. M' 2 *
OH HUNT Withlioitrtl , fnrnlslio'l rooms ,
I 1 nuraii-t 840
_ _ 7J
FOU Itr/N'r-I'.lctfant fnniMied rooms nnd
board : alMi friint pnrlor lor mini nnd wifo.
All the model n ( . nuvonliMieos. llu-lrnlilo
. 811 "
locatiou-MS Chicagojt.
1"OU HUNT Ncallv funiWiPd looms , Blnijlo
1 nr double , HlfHewnnl Stieet. Ma
HUNT I'mnistiod room , 101 N ISth St.
737 III"
FOH HUNT Two nicely lurnlslicd rooms :
apply MO Cu j tt. Till a
TJOAUD and room for two , 1811 Capital avo.
J'.NT ruinlshcd rooms , 1C15 1
( very chciip' ' , south windows , 811 N17lliBl.
HUNT-Two front ioomi > , fiiinlshedor
uiifiiinlshcd , 707 S. lllh bt. In'iulio up
( InlM TIMjII *
HUNT Two furnished IOOIIIB snltablo
lor couple hoiisoKcepimr. Also , onoiinrur-
nlshcd loom. Apply loom 7 , No. .VJ7 s. I'lth st.
7n7 _ .ri
YjlOlt ItTlNT-A Suite of two rooms for light
32 houi-ekcoplii' ' , ' , 151. C.iss St. 7t )
r ; > OH HI'.N 1' rurnlslu-d rooms s w cor If ! nnd
i" 4'hluniro. TfiS V *
TOU HIINT-.I rooms. Ciillfornm nnd : std st.
J1 Mend & . ! aiul on , 3188 mill. 7KI 31.
OU llT'.N'r 'ucslrablu newly fuinished
1 rooms lor uontloineii. Cas , bath nnd fur-
niicohont. 222.1 Dodtre , iMJIfi *
FOU HKST-Sultn of rooms lor two or thrro
Kontlomon , price icasonnblo , anplv nt or
addiess UiiConvcnt fit. 734 *
1J1OH HKNT ruriilsbed rooms , $111 nur mo nth
U with board , If dosiied : SOU WubiMor Rt.
fis |
FIK KI5.VT Two nlcnly furni liiil rooms ,
aultabli' for 2 or ' 1 ( 'O'itlemon ; lovely loe.i.
tlnu wllli every modern improvumont. 1415
Jones t. _ y > \ _
FOIt HUNT Klo/amly furnislipd Iront pnrlor.
alfO pknHiint btm room-trn" . liatli , nnd
near biiaiiiCbS center , 181. ' . Capitol nvun u > ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ B4fi III *
HUI'.N'T l7nl-KU. fronCollico mom. northwest -
west co i nor 15th nnU llnmey sU , J40.0J per
month. _ 4)1 !
Fiilt HUNT-Two rooms nt 1'HT ' Pass st ; KU n
lemen preferred and rofcronoos rsijulrod
" _ _ _ _ I > 'ii _
OItTK.N"lr ( Aflor January 1st , I will hiivoft
nicely furnldlmd rooms , iloulilo or HIIIO | | , to
suit ; liavo onn loady now , cheap. Call and to-
curiisaon Wfl S , 13th struot , neur t. Mury's
avenue. '
FOH HUNT Two suites of rooms , turnlslioil
or unfurnished , In ( IroenliiK blocic , cor. I'ith
nnd DoilKO st. Dnqulro of David llnthcrlng-
ton , Millmd Hotel. 74 111 *
room , 1818
FOH HUNT I'm nihhod rooms , inodorn con
veniences. : )18 ) N , 15th st. til i
ir HllNT I.Tr7o ; werf-lurnisUcd tiont
room , - . ' ! ! > Capitol avo. "C'U *
FOH HHNT-Slocplnir rooms , lurnlahoJ and I
uufuruldhod , utSJU Howard bet. atu am ! nth.
17 < OH Hns'T , Twodeslrublo furnlRhoil rooms
1 In nice locution on car lino. Modern con.
ronlonruH. For location and tarms , apply l'J
North Fifluenthet. Wl 4
F "Oil HUNT FurnUhod rooms ana table
board , " 4 31'arnani. 6' ' 6-
FOH ItKNT FurnUbodrooms 11.00amiif 10.00.
1418 Pudge Ht. 7n 3 |
FOH HKNTKloirant rooms on street car
line , bath and BBS , s.r. . cor 20tki and
Webetcr , 132
BiOll HENT i'urnlshod room at 117 S 17ih st
FOH HKNT Unfurnished room , suitable for
olllco. Inquire ilri.A. Itlcu , lluobmuu blW.
"TT10H IlENT Newly furulthed , lieatvd front
-i-1 room 2511 St. Mary e ave. sw
FOH lU'.NT-NIcorooms at IPJI Farnain st ,
onu block tit of court lioute.eomh Ride.
IOR HKVT Furpi ' .cd . rooms , 1707 C' .
J OH Hr.NT DP Irabo ! front room fnrnl heil
- stiltnblo for one or two ! bis rnriinm 't
i nnd
Howard , 2d staircase from lloward st
. Iir.NT Two nlcoly fitrnl'hod room ,
I.iOH * loentcd lot aouth lllli. A.M.
Clark. ,22 31
A nrpo front chamber with
closet , irns. fnrnajo mil bath , 501 8 2 > lth st.
block nnrth St. Marv'S nvo. P5J
_ _
T710H Itr.N rN'Tcoly fuinishod rooirT with
" ' ' ' " BIO-IIJ
T710H HKNT-ruriTlshed room. A. llospo ,
JL' 1511 Dmielftsst. Bit _ _
I710H HUNT ,1 rooms unfurnlshot smtiblo
A1 for hoiisokoopltur , 1017 N 20th st ; npply to
M. V. Martin , 310 8 ISlli st. 40J
1 fuTiUtr.NT Tno nnfiirnisriod rooms for hKht
1 housekcepiuif. bOJ Howard st , between Slh
nml nth. 421 _
"T710H HUNT Tour nntnrnlsned rooms
J.1 for housekeeping to sin ill family , 10-
cntod on Ocorrla nvo nenr street enrs.surroiind-
Intrs plcasnnt nnd will rent cheap to ( food
jmrtiesroforcnco ; required. Address A ej.tleo
a m c . 247
Foil HUNT Snlto of newly lurnlshiM room *
In new hou : modern convenlonoes : to
Kfiitleraon. 1VJ1 Doditost. _ J
FOH HlSNT-vTirnlshed rooms for light hou o
keepingHeeniors block , cor < > lli < V Howard.
1IKVT Largo oloRant rooms.wllh closet
Sontlifront. lllb Cbicajro street. 810
in1 UKNr ! 1 rooms suitable for houeo-
, Bopltitf. 711 Pacltlost. Hent , 150)M )
FOH HKNT To trcntlemon only , two fur-
nMhod rooms til wo 1 location , 2 doors from
street cnrson" on first lloor Inrno front room ,
bur window , pas and resistor , $23 prr month.
Other front room , second tloor , resistor nnd
( TILS , ? I5 per month , Hoforoni'n rnqulrc-J. Call
ntdo > li7 , l.MJ I''arnam st , llrsl floor. l Sl
Gitr.oottv \
Members of Omnliii Kslnte
Itonms 1 nnd 3
Hodlclt t'loclc ,
3M South 1'itlmt.
Have property for ale In every nddlHon to
Omnhn. and a'lHa > s luiva ome oplimdld bar-
Rnlnson band. Ainoiiir the mutt popular nddl-
fens Inhlcli some Kruut barKnins are olTvrcd ,
llnnscom I'lnoo ,
li 1'laee ,
Jeiomo I'nrk ,
1'otter's Addlllon ,
VYott Omnbu ,
Oichard Hill ,
Wnlnul Illll.
Omaha View ,
1'lalnview ,
Klrkwood ,
Smith's Vane ,
Hronnan Place ,
West Side ,
And nllolhor additions where thrro Is nny
money to bo made. A largo Hat of
IluMno s Properly ,
On Uouclns ,
On I nrnnm ,
On I'nrnoy ,
On fourteenth
On Fifteenth ,
On Sixteenth ,
und nil ( rood hiisincss stteets In Oinnhn.
Corrcsjiondeneo Sollcitod.
( ! n pory .V Hiitllny.
llooinsl nnd 3 llcdlck Illock , 320 S 15th St.
Ol'TII OVIAHA-3 lots in Albrlwlit's Annuv
nf J22i onch. A rare bargain. Hush &
Pelby.SIHS. 15lh. 7SS
R'T'SII Je SKUIY72IS S 1Mb , linvu o\elusl\o
biiloof uor. lot , KhilU's mid. liront Har-
pnin $ l- , . ' ' > | t
21otn , On hard Hill , each 1,000
Ilnmlltonsl. lot.b.irKnln l,2.iO
finish's add , on Ijcnvonworth. per toot. . . . 10.1
Sherman a\c , I'nddQCk ndd , Ui ft 7,000
I.owr's add , tjR It , blk O , monthly pay
ments 1,200's add. locO. b f ! 1,0)0
llii'luessoi ) ! , lioivenworth , east of licit
line f 2,000
Ilnrney st wholesale district , 23 ft , to trndo
for city Impiovcd proportv.
I louse nnd half lot , N2 nd st 9'1'Xa
South Omalm lots on monthly payments.
OMAHA VIBW Hpcclnl prices on lots now ,
but advunco boon. HOKKB .Vc Illll , HOS l-nr-
nnin bt. 700-3
KJJDAI.r.'S ADDITION 1'rontS Saunders
K st. on Holt I.lno. Tlioo lots must of ne-
cesjitv lucrenso rnpidly In price. Will sell a low
lota n t low prices to not them started , D. Ken
dall , res. P. VV. cor. 17th and California st.
Co. Ill S. ISth ft fdS
SOI'TH OMAII.WOllr books snow a laruo llrjt
of property In nnd around South Oinnhn
whom money is bcinK nindc now and will bo
doubled m the tprln ; .
Iliiblnehslotdon M. N. O.,2ith , 21 th and Hollo-
vii e flrcots.
Hosldence lots and lioo-os nnd lotsinsvmli
cnto l.ind , Tonrlor I'laco , Poltu- ; Cobb's nddl
tion. etc ,
Clret-ory A-Hndley ,
Hoomsl ahdJ Hcdlck't * now block- : ) . 1'dh st.
F HI' ! ' . AllVlHACT withovory lot in Hush
Pulhy's add. 78T
WH HAVi : constant inquiry for nil kinds of
business and residence property. If you
have nny property lor sulo list same with ua.
SchlcAliiKor llros , ( ) I4 S lOlh st. K71 jr )
OMAHA VlUVV'-Slfii ) cash nnd $10 per montli
will pecuro the prcttle-'t ' lots in Oinnbn , $77,1
to f 1,175. llojrirs .t Illll , HOd Knrmim street.
APHISINTHarrison : ;
Harrison , Ambler. t Woollcy.
Hen ) ORlnicntcents. Hoom CO , Onmlia Nnt'1
bank , will irlvn ns a New V oiu's prc'Pent J&f ) on
eiich lot in nckcrmnn Plnco sold between now
nnd Jan. 4th. OnlyM lots to ti'- fold on tlieso
lot ms and only 1 lot to n inii-i lmser. l-VUorrmm
) ilaeo lies west of HniiRi-om park on I'nrk st and
couth of Mo. I'acltlo depot. Lots J'lOO onch.
Harrison , Ambler k Woolloy. 0741 |
IJISH * SlitiHY'S add. to South Omnhn.
IX lleautilul lots , only f50 down. 7'J1
' "PHKSKNT of o7
lluiri-on , Ambler & Woolloy.
Henl r.slplo Agents , Hoom 20 , Omnlia Nnt'l
H'ink , will pivons a Now Year's present , f f > 0 , on
ouch lot in Kckerninii I'laco M > U between now
anil .Inn. lib. Only W lots to bo sold on thcso
terms , nnd only 1 lot to a purchaser. 1'cker-
inan I'laco llos weet of llnnscom Park , on 1'nrk
Ht .and south of Mo. I'ncitlo depot I.ots HOJ
each. Iliuilson , Ambler A ; Woolley. (171.1 ( ! l
> IA i , us rri
-11 lot , nearcor. Kownr-I st. fronting on Snun-
rters st. and pnvod sc. ; olio ip for cash. .1. L.
Hlco & Co. , ovar Coiiiinoralnl b ink. 775
SOl'TII OMAHA Most heiiitTFiii lot A I-
britiht's Aimev. $ W3 : 851) dow n , bnl. flu per
inonili. AUo II moro , JI.'JJO , ono.third cash.
HiHh A Holby. 218 S. 15th. _ 7' _
Do YOIT vaiit to make f.Vlluy ) / nlotln
Kokerman I'liicoat original prlcus , and you
will be ci-oditod wllli fV ) ns n liollduv presunt.
Heinoinberthat only AOIotH to bn sold nt these
prices mid only ono lot to n piueliiiscr. MIIHI
purclinso by January 4. Iltmlbon , Ambler &
Woolloy. _ 6-,4'i , ]
HANSCOM l'LACi-I.ots : on : t2nd ht , near
thol'nt-k in I-.IW to fltm. On ( leoi-Kia
nvo. near Hickory ht. . f 1,700 to $ I.WO. On aoth
Rt. nonr thn I'nrk , fl/iiiO , On VlrKinln nvo near
Wool worth nt J2.00H to fifl 0. On I'hil Khcirldan
Rt near Hickory nt Mr,75 , etc. , etc. , etc. Wo
havomiy number of lots In this addition , nlso
bouses and loin. Some ot the best homes In the
Orcirory & Hadley ,
Hooms 1 and 3 , HodicU's new Illk , X'J U. 15tli ht.
_ _ . _ _ _ 40tf _
OMAHA VIIIW-Lots , finest ill the city , J775
lofl.nHr.RifH .VHII1. TOil-ft
ENDA IJl7aADrTlTION-At junction ol
Snnmters street anil Ilelt Line , just put in
mnikot . Will sell it few lots choap. D. Kendall ,
105 j. VV. cor. 17th mid Callfornln st. 77.1 11
KNAI1 I'our buRlnei-g lots on 1'nrk avonno for
snlo or oxchiiiiBt ) lor desirnblo resilience
lots , re i a from stores In the locality will it-turn
20 per cent on iiive-ttmtnt. Address ] * . O. box
IM.City. 711
_ _
FOH BALK flood stock farm , 3M acres , run
ning water , 1,000 , coids of hard wood. J , D.
Thomas , Omaha. 73'J It *
AltAIti : baih'aln ; 40 acres of land vuryohenp
In line , warm miuthern ciunate. lor pur-
tlonlnrs nddrosH II 13 Iloo ortlco. 7.1NJ2S *
FOH SAI-E Homo of tlio best a rrlcultuTal
land In I'liatern Ncbniska nt $10 per aero on
20 years' time , A percent Interest and no tuxes.
Wi Iteor call lor purtlciiliui. O. K. Davis ft Co. ,
Omnbu , Neb.
S Ol'TII OMAlIA-VVoImvo for sale two syndicate -
dicato lots (1,075.00 each , llrst payment only
I lw ) , bal. montlily or iiimnerly.
Al > o corner and adJoinliiK lot In Illock 25 ,
J2.iO : ) . 1'kbt pnyment$7fiO.
Host lots In Hush iVSclby'sndd J.V > lonetntli ,
cush , balance monthly or ( iuarterly , Absirucl
with uvery lot ,
Albright's Annex lots J225 to f 500 , fW cash ,
balance monthly or quarterly.
Huali A Eclby , 21H S. ISlll.
A HAHOAIN-SWW.OO will buy H 40 foot lot on
Xi-Crt s iiutiruOth slieut. Tills lot Is innirovcd
vvitb n tcnce and one-ludf of u bricked well.
Tills lot Is within IS minutes walk of 5 lartro
echoolsonly 20 miniiteg walk from I lie center
of the city , mid 3 blocks from street curs. t&H )
cash , balance 1,2 and : : yearn at ii pur cout.
Wllllg M , Yntee , Ajt. , Callfornlo itreet bet. ifcrth
APttKSENT of 150.
Ilnmfon , AmliTcr t tt'oollcy ,
Jloil r tate Accnts , Hoom 20 , Oniahn Nnt'l
Dflnk.Ttlll Klvosasn New Year's prcicnt , | W ,
on ench lot In Kekonnmi Plico sold tclwccn
now nnd .Inn. 4th. Only 5) lots to be sold on
tlieso terms , and only ono lot to n purchd or.
1'ckormnn 1'lnee lies irc t of llnincom I'urk , on
I'nrk st .nml south of the Mo. I'nciflo dopot.
Lots ( WO each. Harrison , Ambler .V Woolloy.
671 J 3
MAHA Ylf.VV-ChCfiplotS llougsA IHIL
T7OiT"sATi : 1 * iT fiTt Ti : ) reot on Dimm po > "K
1 VietiTcen llth nnd 12th stiocts , with two
bou cs ! fll.OiM , f2OKIcA h nml IOHK time. In
Insldo prnportv wo Imvo n Inr o ll t nf business
nnd residence lots flr t class. Purchasers will
do well to sen us botoro buyinff. Mnrsbnl \x > -
bock. IS1 0 rnriinm. ff'J
171O11 SAti : r.otr 1xtt > feet on Dnvenport
.L1 liettlth nnil 12th streets with 3 houses ,
! IUV , 9i.onoA < h nml lonif tlmo.
Wo have n Inriro list of in ldo city property
both bnsmossmiil resldonco. Hist elms I'ur.
fba ers will do well to see us. Mnrsball A I.o-
book , IWJ Kaanani- t < ' 7
S1 VAtl.i\ : * .
Our now nddltlon.
Acres $ iV ) to J27S per BOM.
Nonr South Omnhn ,
And Sydlcnto Hill.
Marshall * Ixibook ,
1(13 ( l.VW Turn im.
flljOtrlven to oyerypnrclmsorof H lot In Kckor-
Prantiriioo between now nnd . 'nn. 4th. Only
CO lots to be soldontho'o terms , nnd not more
thanotio lot to n pnrelia or. Harrison , Am
bler * Woolley.HoomSO , Omalm National llnnk.
574 > I3
OMAHA VHHV Overlooks thr > whole city ,
Nonr business mid lots only $775 to JI.I7S
I'ocps.V Illll. .J ll'
O M.VIIA Vlliw-llest Insldo proporiy In the
market. lxt8jT7'i to $1,173 , HojrKS Ar Illll.
'filoTi SAI.V--22 : feet on rnrnnm st , net ween
Jj IDth nnd llth street. O. K. Davis A Co.
YOU want to make tMt liny n lot In
DO IVkoi win i'lnro tit ork'lnnl prices , and you
will bo credited wllli $ . ' > i nan holiday pic cnt.
Hemomborthnt only Ml lots to lie SUM at these
pi Iceland onlv ono lot to a purchaser. Must
purchase by January 4. Harrison , Ambler s
\Vooiloy _ [ "i'ltL. '
BO\yiIN < > UHKUV-onr now addition Is
west of Walnut Hill , on Hamilton stieet.
lly DoloctltlK lots nttiY ) for lusldo mil fl7."i for
corners , you will maku n irood Investment.
TornnlDpor cent ciKh and ? . " , monthly. No
rhartjo for howln > ? tlio lots Marshall .t To-
DO YOU want to niiibo VHi lluy n lot In
Eckermnn I'lnco nt original prices , and yon
will bo credited wllli i50ns u liolld.iv present.
Homcmbor that only HI lots to bo sold nt thcso
pi Ices nnd only ono lot to n piircliMser Must
purelmso by January 4. Harrison , Ambler &
Woollcy. U74ji :
KN'tflNi : UAIUtAINS Two corner lots in
llurdcttocourtonly 1 blocks from Sum-
dor's streetcars. W. M. llushmmi. Hoom 10 ,
Uushmnn Illock , N K cor 1'Hli ' and DoiiRlas
$50 plvon to every purchaser of a lot In Kekcr-
man PI ice botHomi now and .Ian. 4th. Only
SO lots to bo sold on those terms , und not moro
thiiii ono lot to npnrchaser. HitrrlMin , Ambler
.V Woollcy , loom 2i ) , Oinahn National Hank.
074 J3
HOHSKS I.ots.rnrtns.lnnds money lonnod.
Ilcinlt. room I ) , llnrker block , ! J. W. cor.
15th nnd Fnrnnm Ms. 514
$ fiORlvtm to every purchaser or 11 lot In Kekor-
man I'lnco between now and Jan. Itli , Only
M lots to bo sold on thot-otormn , and not moro
thnn ono lot to n purchasor. lliiirl-on , Ambler
\-VVoclloy.1loom20. Omalm Nntloniil Hank.
DO YOU wnnt to mnko S50. liny n lot it
Kekeriiian I'lnco at oilginal prices and you
111 be credited with $51 as a holiday present
Hemotnbcr that onlv 50 lots to ho sold at thnso
piicesandonl ) ono'lot to n purchaser. Must
imrclmsoby Jnuuitry 4. Hairlsoii , Ambler \
jvoolloy. 07IJ _
DO YOU want to make $50 ? lluy a lot It
KcKoimiin Plnco nt original prices , und you
will bo credited with $ VI ns a holidnx pro-out.
Hemetnbertlint onlvfil lots to be sold nt thpst
mice-and only one lot to a puicoasor. Must
purchnso by Jnnu.iry 4. Harrison , Ambler A.
Woolloy. B7IJII
' . r of jno.
llnrilson , Ambler & Woolloy ,
Heal Kptnto nccnt-J. Hoom 20 , Omaha Nat'
bnnk. will BVI ! * us a. Now Yoiir'B present ( SO 01
each lot In Kckorman I'laco sold between tiov
nnd .Inn , 4th. Only 50 lots to bo sold on IheMi
terms nnd only 1 lot to npurchaser. Kckennan
jilnce lies west of llnnscom park on Park stand
poulhot Mo. 1'aclllo ( leiot. Lots J3iK ) ench.
Harrison , Ambler nnd VVoolloy. 674J3
LOT fronting 2 streets , 25th and 1'ncidc , 2
houses , 52,5 1 ; ensv terms.
llcst lot In Orchard Illll with 5 room house ,
barn , well.cistern , fruit nml t > hnUo lice * , ? l,00i ) ;
easv terms.
Lots2 , 10,11 , 12 , 21 and 28 , block 7 , Orclmrd
Hill , vary choap.
S W. cor. llth and Pacific. CiSvl32,3 Uno cot-
tnircs , ss.diii ) .
Lot fronting on Convent and 21th stf. , 1m-
piovcmontH worth WOl : 2 boiibo- ' , city and
cistern water , SHIOO. o isv tei ins.
S-room uott ' ( TO mid lot , 2 < th nml Clmrlcs ,
S2JOI1 , 5100 uish , ca y. Mend . \c \ Juinloson ,
: ii s isth M. c-si
1MIKSKNT of.0"
HarrUon , Ambler .t Woolloy ,
llcnl K"tnto Apontu , Hoom 20 , Oinahn Nnt'l
bnnk , will irlvens n Vow Year's present 50 on
each lot in Kckennan I'lnco sold between now
mill .Inn 41 Ii. OniyfVl lots to bo sold on these
terms nml only 1 lot to a purclm = er. Okermaii
plncolies west of liansconi pirk on I'nik et nnd
south of Mo. Pac Illc depot. I.ots Jii : ench.
Hnrrlson , Ambler A ; VVoolloy. 07IJ1
T r vou want nclionpiirood lot liuvin Onmlia
V'lew-J"r > to SI.I75. llOBtfB Hill , HOS 1'nr-
F OltSAr.K- l ft fronting on Oodifo st , 2
blocusonstof the postolllco. A barcuin nt
. 'WO ' ; JIJ.OJO cash. Marshall > t Lobook , 1M3
bnrnnm. Hlfl
W Knrn authorl/ed to Invest ( D.OX ) in im
proved liHldo property. VVIint have you
toolfor Wo ii.oanbuiilnosi. Mead A : Jiunlnsoii.
318S. ISth Rt 672
OH SAI.K-Hy Sohlo-IUKer llros .
ti4 ! South 10th street.
\M \ fcot on 23th st near I'arnam , will poll all
or part.
5 aero lots in Fiiriinin i > nrk , J125 jmr aero.
Tasy terms. This is very dcslrablo for aardon-
11 acres , improved , nonr city , house , barn ,
cribs , etc. Chonpand on easy terms.
i.ots in Soiiloilnyor's iil'Jitton ' ( ' . . ' ' < } to $3V ) on
Oiisytnrios. A' > i ] il
HlMJhKi Lots.I'nrms.I.nndsinonny lonnod.
Itemls , room 3 , llnrka blocK , 8. W' cor
15th nnd I'nnium sts. Ml
ROirlvou to every purelinser of nlot In Hckor-
imin I'laco between now and Jan. 4th. Only
, rjil lols to lie sold on these torniti , nml not moro
limn one lot ton purcliusnr. llarrlnoii. Ambler
& Woolley , Hoom 20 , Omaha National Hank
074 J3
TjlOIt HAI.K-12lots 4 vrifeot. ! trontlilgnorth
J ? on Hrlstol streul , half wiijr butwoon Siiun-
dotHnndStuto , nuirbtroot oart. City waterln
front , $ W oneli. ! cash , titliinco In 1,2 niul 3
years. Addiu > n 8 14 , lieu otllco , 25D
$ WKlvon to a\t > ry purclmFor of a lot In Kekur-
'iiiun ' Place between now and Jan. 4th Only
Mnofi lo bo hold on tlieso tcriiii , nnd not moro
thnn ono lot to n purclniEor. Iliirrlson. Ambler
X Woolluy , Hootniij , OimiUii National Ilnnk.
U7 < .13
, Ambler .V Woolloy ,
Heal IXnto A ont' , Hoom 2) , Omaha Nnt'l
batik , u III KlvoiiH n s'ew Year's preeont JSOon
oiu'li lot in Ilckermim plnoo sold bctuocu now
and.Ir.Q. 4th , Only M lots to bo sold on these
terms and only 1 lot to apnrchiisur. llukorman
place lies west ol HniiEcnm park on I'nrk et.
and south of Mo. I'acillo depot I.ots $ JOO each ,
Harrison , Ambler & Woolley.
'Til make nhfiuinncu doiibl ) MII-O ,
And I u ken bond.1
( Incorporated under Iho Ui\is ol Nebniskn. )
Full and Complete Abstracts ol
Title Furnished ,
AndTlilus Heal I'.atnto '
to I'oifecicd nnd fiiinr-
nntcud. Will also act us I'itoul und Truiiflei
Aifcnt , and as TriiBtuoa for Coiporatlons. Us-
tatta nnd IndMdiiaU.
1505 Farnnm Street , Omuha , Nob.
NATHAN NllKI.'ION. I'lesidfllt
( iKO. 1. OIUIKHT. YILO President.
A. PIJWIJM , , Sue and Tr.-as
" "
, ,
Ami Gents' FHi'Htshlni/
No . 1B01 anil 130H rarntim *
uMA'if.L OA it ri i'r co. ,
J oil II 13 US dV
Curtains Oil Cloths
Carpets , , , flags
aitiaKV , Utc. 1511 liuujjlui fctrect.
Fair Play and an Opcu Field for Female
Bread Winners-
How ; ir1t Oct Into a HniiMnn null
AVIint They Hop Out ol The
AVork of "Coinnuiiiplnoo"
\ Girl's Story.
J. 11. Kilttifintl n fM fNor Dfcrmlifr.
The nualnl , tiny pIcturi'SMiir-
Ilns s-oon tlnop liuiultvil yeais ol
With nil Uiolr varyln seasons v. .
A nit hours like snmlstliiUtliumsli tin- glass
Of Time Keep dropping ono l > y onu ;
Wec. \ \ . nnd loliinr lives nioeono :
Anil diMtli nnil cluuieo , ami hopes anil fi-ars ,
Fill up tliu iiienauto of the ycnre.
Here. In thn tiU' anl K" > llery ,
\VIIIi eaiveil oak pam-led lonnil , I co
A Kill's In-own eye * , anil shluinc hair
Collcil on her Mlinpel ) hcail , anil fixlr ,
Sail , intalnc face , \vhosn eharms eiiRago
The ho.ul llkoMiino cnehantlni ; pnue ,
Where crlcf and love and tears inevall ,
In sweet Clarissa's moving talof
A wistful , lovely fare , ami ono
It move.- ! the heiiit to look upon ;
1'oor child \\tuw 1 eyes tlmmuh tears of woo
Looked down neeiitnir ami ,
Anil saw one morning UilKht with May ,
llerbra\o youiiir lover Hilo away ,
When liy tno eji ement on the stair
The llht ( ; of litu uiew d\rk for hei t
Ills lettertold her "thine till death ! "
He fell In Hi-Ill , the legend s.iltli.
Covi'ied with irlors , and his oats
Wore iht Hied In death with
And Mio sliovo over In en ( In re
Her erlcf. .mil lielpcd the Mitloilnc poor ;
And lived ummliU'il till she died ,
And now ill heaven Is s.itlslled.
liliililD.vtticnt 1'or Women.
Doyh'.stovvu lulelligeneorWh'it ' to do
with our boys Is u knotty jirobluni. It
The hn.vs iiieiiuvvhilo luivo worked out
the solution ( or themselves by monopo
lizing for hundreds ot yours nearly nil
tuo best pluees where u competence could
be otiriit'tl. It has been within si eompar-
ativoly few .yours ; > ast that the world has
turned its ntU'iitiou to tlio vvcighticrtUes- (
lion : What shall wo do with our ?
In former times the wiscaeres easily dis
posed of the ( | iiery by saying Unit matri
mony was tlio cm ! ami aim of woman ,
and thai she was adanted lo no "sphere"
outside of this. Women in time have be
come redundant , and in many portions
of tl'o eouulry it is found that matrimony
is unattainable for thousands of them , so
it luis become nocesiary to lind other
"spheres" to gain a livelihood.
Tlio world's roil-ill work , its roughest
work , must bo done by men. Thisy must
march in its armies , man its ships , build
its cities , its railroads , how its forests ,
dig thu ore from it < mines and make now
stales in the wilderness
Hut women are invadim * the stores ,
printing olliee.s , telegraph ollioos , tlio
editorial sanctum , the legal and medical
professions and oilier places where
skilled lingers and braiusaud not brawny
anus alone , are Iho nece-sary elements
of success. They are swarming in the
stores ami factories and have always been
employed in domestic service.
llero is a field large enough lo give an
excellent selection to any girl who i-v
forced to earn her own living. In seek
ing a pursuit she mint lake the chances
of success. Thousands of men are losing
time and money and making laiuontabh
mistakes in trying to adjust themselves t (
their pioper conditions. Women niusi
go through ( ho same ordeal with like re
The relation vyhich women sustain to
employment is just now inviting thu ex
animation of the bc > l minds of the conn
try. There is u chivalrio fcclhi" among
mon that women shall have lair pjaj
and an open field in this work of earning
bread. Much debate is going on in tlu
iournals whether woman is working oil
her destiny best in domestic service or ii
the shop or factory. Hut it is a quostioi
which the most knowing man canno
settle. The woman themselves solve i
by sroing some to the Miop and some k
the kitchen. Tliey must be found in both
and their condition in both might b
greatly improved.
Him- Girl GotH In n Hansom.
New York Sun : A man gets into :
hansom by half doubling up , so as not to
damage the roof of the thing with his hill
hal , and , having mounted to the platform
holds on to the roof or dashboard , turn
just right , and scats himself gracefully
It is impossible for a woman to do tin
becomingly. It's just all that thu nar
row skirts of to-day will permit for he
to put her fool on the iron Mop in the
lirst place Having accomplished this
she hops several times on the toes of he
fool that is on the ground. She catclie
the hand rails and as she docs so .she ex
claims : "Xow be ready to unhitch me i
i am caught , " and she gives a spring am
a little scream. If she is not skilllui he.
skirt catches on the .stun and have lo b
released. If she is skillful .slut hinds on
the narrow lloorintr , whirls half aroum"
in u decidedly IScrnhardisli manner an
llops down on the seat with a pretty gash
of alarm , as if siio was afraid she had
turned too tar anil thrown herself through
the opening In the other side of Iho
vehicle. If she has not banged her hat
on the top she certainly hits it against
the back or sides. Altogether her per
formance is certain to provo very inter
esting to loungers in front of the holder
or m the street where it takes place.
' Common place" Women.
Many women who would lie counted
as "commonplace. " writes Kmilv S.
ISonton , in the Toledo Hlade , live lives
tlip.t are moro heroic in their courag and
and self-abnegation , in their devotion to
duty while keeping fast hold of the door
that shuts in their youthful holies and
aspirations all unfulfilled , and nil clamoring -
ing for satisfaction , holding them back
with unrelenting hand , though seeing
the years slipping away forever into the
past than many of those renowned in
song and story. It often takes moro
courage to live true lo the homely duties
of everyday existence , than to no some
daring deed that will thrill the wojld with
its telling. The tale of ( Jiaco Darling's will set our pulses to throbbing
and send the blood surging through the
veins , while , within a stone's throw , it
may lie , is ono who faces , without flinching -
ing , daily tiials beside which the surg
ing waters would bo lioaven , and we do
not dream lhat their experiences are ( !
other than commonplace. It is well I ,
perhaps , that we c-iunot bee into tlio
donp'j of their .sorrows , unless the power
to aid wont placed in our h\uds. : \
Women there are , and men loo. who
are essentially commonplace. To them
Iil'o means nothing more than to eat t ,
drink and sleep. Sdll.ih in Ihoir pur
poses , with no thoughts , no hopes , no as
pirations that would lift them an inch
above thn common level , they go along
from day to day and are interesting only
to those of the same ilk They do not
grow mentally and morally , not ;
the } ' are denied the opportunity to do so ,
but that they have neither the desire nor
capacity to put forth thu requisite effort.
They do no positive evil. It isratlurof
n negative sort which comes fiom llio
led ; of any inlluence for good. You and
I know such people for their number iso
not small and wo iliink their only u > o
is to till up Iho "chi.iko" in society.
Yes , thorn are "commonnlaeo" men
and women , but let u.-i bit careful how vvo ,
give the wordaMguilitation it should not
possess. . The use of all the opportunities
which Jio in the pathway , devotion to
home and Iho loved ones , the sacnhcc nf
telf to some duty that -venn : Impoiative ,
do not make a ' coiiiniuniilaeo" charac
ter in Iho real sonto of tlic word , even
though it all be dune so quietly that only
God and the ungelb know 'how much
.slrenclh lift * boon ucd In the dolnsr. Iho
heart uf women may infill with glaum * *
bcrano the possibilities forthnlr sexlmvo
been MI wonderfully multiplipd , making
so many crooked tmtlis straight , but It 19
well to remember , in the midst of their
e.Miltalion , that Iho purely womanly vir >
lues aic slill as poleut for good uiul ns
worthy of sincere admiration as in ,1110
days when tlio doors were shut against
any advance into paths that had for eon-
lurie.s bceu only trodden by UiCir
brothers * .
( Jli-li W lie l.ovo lo Dance.
Now York Mail and 1-Xpress : 'Iho fac
tory whistles were sending forth Iho
shrill shiieka with which they dally
record and welcome the noon hour.wlion
four itinerant musicians hurried out of a
South avenno elevated railroad train nt
Vorty-sccond street and almost foil head
long down Ihc long stairway that loads
to the .stieet. The smallest member of
Ihe group carried a bass tuba nearly ns
large as himself , and was the llrst to
reach terra lirma. Heedless of the pro
gress of his fellows he ran toward Third
avenue as fafil as his short , fa I legs would
c'irry him , and finally stopped before a
big tour-story brick factory. To nnslliic
his baltered instrument was the work of
an moment , and before any of the olhors
of Iho quartette arrived ho was at work
sending forth the deep , heavy tone of
obliirato on Iho llu-mo , " .Johnny , CJot
Your ( un. " rresontly Ihe big man vvltli
the yellow clarionet came up , nnd taking
up the melody , distended Ills fat checks
until , as a bystander remarked , ho looked
like a full moon in a Ht.
The alto horn and cornet play
ers followed close behind the
clarionet , and while a crowd of young
L'irls trooped out of the budding thu band
played "Stick to our Mother , Tom , "
"The Siren Walt/- . " "All for Her. " and
other selections of the same class. For
twenty minutes or more v\as the tooting
and screeching continued , and then tlio
musicians gathered themselves lip anil
started down the street. N'ol a penny
had they received , nor had they tried to
collect 'anything. Whal , then , meant
this midday concert ? Inquiry developed
Ihe fact that the baud played In front of
the same building tlireu times a week anil
was paid by thu ulrl.s employed in Iho
place once a month. While the muslo
pla.vcd in tlio street the girls danced m
the'factory , and in this way dclied a rule
of the establishment that no concertina
or llutiua music would bo permitted in
the shop during the noon hour.
"Wo used to have a foreman who
played the accordion for us to dance
every noon , " said one of the girls , "but
ho was discharged und music forbidden
in the place. Where there's a will ,
though , there's a way , and now we dance
to the music /.nrtowskr.s band instead
of the accordion. The boss can't prevent
Xurtowski from playing in the streetyou
know. When Xarlovvski has u picnic or.
Turn Vcrein entertainment to piny for
he sends up a hand organ in place of his
band. "
Tlio ainko-lTl > nl' u Girl in a TobojjKim
New York Sun : Whal are the prepara
tions the ladies make for this cold
weather outdoor sport , and how Ls it the
Canadian girls .stand half an hour at tv
time knee-deep in a snow-bank and
smile all the while without getting either
cold or wol ? To 111 up a Lpirl in Iho
Montreal style is politic only to the rich
in this country , and oven there , under a
low tariff , it makes a fat poekollmok n.i
limp and thin as a retired umbrella case.
First there arc the underclothes of Scotch
llanncl half an inch thick. Over these
go ribbed stockings. the usual
linen garnienlK. slays , shoes , stock
ings over the shoes. arctics over
the stockings , two or throe llanncl petti
coats , a cloth dress , a cardigan jacket ,
Hie blanket suit , gloves and mulllor.
That's all or. at least , it's all thn reporter -
porter remembers just now. In Saratoga
und Albany this list is pared down con
siderably. A fair invontres.s last year
conceived the happy thought of adding
to her usual dress a pair of short trousers ,
and the idea caught like wild lire , and alt
sorts of modifications and experiments
were made , so ihat nome girls had theio
of doth , some of buckskin , and some
wore ones of Turkish liberality.
They all leach to the knee , und are there
supplemented by leggings and arctics.
The proper arctics have a little colored
Indian bond-worl ; on the toes , and cost
$ : ! in Canada and $ ' . ! . . "JO hero.
TIiii Tolmuco nnd OlliCf llnblts.
Manchester Union : All authorities
agree Hint its use is injurious to the
young , but thu wisest diner in their vicvys
as to its ell'cels upon adults if used in
moderation. A glutton can gorge him
self to the verge ol slnpclaclion with thu
most wholesome food , but that is no
evidence that food is injurious. And if
Iliis y.ealous young toaciier will but nan
tlio eyes that are given her and a little of
the good sense with winch she i.s endowed
dewed she can easily ascertain Iho fact
that the average man , though addicted
to the tobacco habit , is a far more robust
and a healthier creature than thenvorafro
woman who never touches it. All the
tobacco thai lias been consumed by man
kind since. Sir Waller astonished the
court of wood f Jiiecn Hess with its fumes
has not caused as many deaths us tight
lacing and other imprudences in dress
iimoug the lair sex , nor IUIH il entailed
one-half the mi.serv upon the children of
its devolves. It lliis icacher is tired of
the monotony of instructing the young
idea how to nhoot in the old-lashioned
way and wishes to vary her methods , ot
teaching by posing as a reformer , let the
Humbler whisper in her ear that she will
tjc ' just as likely to win success and fainn
by'preaching against tight corsets , disfiguring -
figuring bustles and trench heels , as she
will by ciitccliiriing hoi pupils regarding
the tobacco habits of their fatliois , In
either case she will reap her ) .bor for her
pains and in due time win thn proud con
sciousness otliaving made n fool of herself -
self , while very probably in a lit of humi
liation she will end her Keliool labors by
marrying some nice young man who pos
sesses a splendid collection of linuly
colored meerschaums and sparks her on
the front siooi ) amid u cloud of smoku
from a fragrant Havana , to which she
emphatically avers she. "hasn't HID least
objection. " In fad , she ralhur likes U
vvilh the accompaniment.
A Ktrniiftu DeliiHlon.
St. Louis Republican : On Tuesday
morning Jacob \Vnnderio , a mnlUtcr at M
the Star brewery , with three other em. I
jiloyoHof the bnnvery , ha ) ing finished
mulling , agreed among themselves lo
tnko a lay oil' for a few days. Wundcrjd la
an old employe of Iho brewery , and has
complained at times for H-vauil months
back of being atllictcd with a severe head'
ache , but has never laid oil'on account o !
the disease. As thn men were about
leaving the brovvi ry , Wundorlo
went down into Hit , malt cellar to
satisfy himself that evcrytbing was all
right. Not coming up again his com
panions in about liftceii minutes went
down inlo thn cellar , which is very dark ,
and by the aid ol a candle
found Wundeilo in an uncoil ,
scions eomhtioi : , l.vinj. ; it thn toot of tlio
Htairs His companions picked him up.
carried him over into 'h' ' ' open air. and
throw water on his fuoti and neck for
come moments , when In.suddenly re
vived and walked homo by himself , say
ing that he was ovcicoine > > y a sudden
di//iness and pain in the head just as ho
reached the lout ol the stair * , nnd that
was the lust ho remembered. On Tues
day evening lie ictir. d in bed appari nlly
nil right , hut in the mi-Idle of iho night
hu nv.okn his wife and iiiiaLf'rrd ' h < < was
mailing at Ihe brevverv , and his wife
was onn of Ihe workmen Mrs WuiitJerle ,
becoming aluinied , summoned the phv
sicians to liii iclief , but IIK..V IKUC i ot n t
been able to KMore ! the man tojwi ( | ii < -
ness , He still imagines that h' ) ;
beer at the bn .very , and ttii.t h.t vvU i *
one til the mal.-ti is.