Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1887, Part II, Page 12, Image 12
niVfATTA TlATT.V rnTVTC STTKHAV .FANTTARV 2. PAftTT.W NK\V8rAl'I5UH. Onmlm Dnlljfire. . Tlio DACT.Y BKB occupies a handsome nnil oiilttUnUsil brick building , four stor ies nnd basement. It lias s lirJt-clns.j rqtnpmcnt throughout , Tim fire-proof 'press-room ' contains two U alter broil we b-prrfecting presses , cottltiR together about * 3ft.ouO. These presses prim from a ooptlntionB roll of paper , ana each press Jia the capacity of turning out Ifi.OOO cI ht-i aK" papers per hour , or 30,000 four ; pn o tmpplpnienU. This in at the ratu of a : > o complete papers ovcry minute , or BOO four-pane papers per minute , J5y rnnninir both prcsncs : it the samu tune tliiM ) ligure.1 ran bo doubled , if neces sary Jo ; , < 0 eight pairiiwpcrs ran bo iirinlml in an hour. The ui : Is printed from stereotype plates. . . . The lirsl lloor of the Hr.i : building is eec upleil by the. counting room and the mailing room ; the second Moor contains the composing and stereotyping rooms ; the third lloor is divided Into editorial roonn , while the fourth lloor in ii'wl for Morage purposes. Th , ; huildlng Is en tirely illuminated by , and is eiiuippod with electric belli and other convcnieJieos. Tim eitv circulation department occu pies a building adjoining on the The recent improvements In the lip : ( "labli.xhtiicnt have been neecssUateu by ilHrapiilly Increasing btiMiinHS. During the past year several notable improve- Jiieuts have been made In editorial and news departments by inereasinir the force of edilors , iievvsgiitliercf * anil correspon dents. and adding to our telegraphic Horvirr the foreign cable newof the .Now York Herald. This lust mentioned fen turn is very expensive , but wo do nol begriidgo this expense so long as our readers appreciate our enterprise. There arc not more than half u do/en ijapers thai take Hits report , ami the I IK : irf the only ono west of Chicago. The Hu. pays more Ink-graph tolls than any three dailies in Nebraska or Iowa combined. The. result of this enterprise is by far the largest circulation of any paper in Ne braska , Iowa. Kansas or Colorado. The lii.K is the only paper in Nebraska that publishes a daily .sworn Matement of its circulation. The growth of the Hr.i ; s circulation since 18SO is shown by the following statement ; AtipitM , IKHO , ilully HVerimo 1'li-culntion. . SiTfil . 1631 , . . " .171 IRS,1 ! , . . , HU . .I2.4B4 . . 13,2)7 ) ( IIHU'.ATIO.N Of Till : 1IAII.V IIEK toil .liinuiirjr . HWB J'oliriuiry . MtM Miirrh .11"IT April .IS.1W1 Jlity .I-MW .llllll ! lUlj . . .13'IH . : . ' . Ocloliiu- . 1-,1'8'J ' November . IMI ! > * Tlcccinlttir . 1WI7 OIIIUI.AT1ON ( ; OK TIIK XVKKKI.V 1IKI Tlio liK-rciUM ) in tlio I'lrculiitioii of I ho WuoMy ltoonliu-0 IbSUIs shown lij' tl' ' lollowliiR stulu- inonn 1SH. . ) , uvcniKo . circulation . WI 1HK1. . I7w."i : IhSi , " " " . 1:2,11.10 : INC , , . ' 1HM , " " " itt'NsiNd r.xrc.vsKs or TUB HIK. : Wii os puid In prinlrrrt dining the ynur imdlliK-lfcx'rinlicrill. ISMi . $ SS.iKW.Sn lulld othrr urnployos . ; w,7III.- ! ipli sui'Vlco . IU13.3) ) J'I. | HHU . 6-JWUO J'apor . 12.WI.U1 To In I niiiniiii , ' oi'pciifrs lorlho 3-'iif.HSsii.lU : Tim ( Mpoitses ot Ittt ! exceed Iliosu or IBSB Iiy . ? : itW3.iO ! The following atntuiiiGiil slion'q thu Iiicroiiso In cjrpuusus for tliotiovun yours pieciMlIni ; 1W : U-otnloxpL'iisusror thu yeiirisso . S .Vl.TWI.IO " " " " I8S1 . V.V.HS.i ) | ) . 117,2-IT.U I'Ai-im coKSir.Miai. Tin.1 inoroii'Mi In the t'oiisinniitlon of pnpcr la idiiiwn liv the following blntemoiit : iwo. . . , . ' I21.21KI ibs ; monthly uv..ioins ibs. 1IWI SUMIt : : UK ; " 17.IIIS His. ; iiiiiiX ( ! ibs ; " " 2.-iUKi ibs. 3Hm , : llis ; " " 2 < ,4H Iba. 1884 4IH , ! 4'.I Ibs ; " " : tl,74i , : Ibs. nwi r.ioi.2i iim ; - 41.WI ii > s. ISM 704 , W ll > 8 ! " " l ,744 Ibs. NOTKS. Kmploymcnt is given by the UKK Pub lishing company to 123 persons in Omaha and twenty in Council Itlun's. Tim UKIJ employs thirty-six carriers in Omaha and ten in Council Mind's. Tin ; UKK has a branch ollico in Council 1111111 ! * , ami a carrier delivery of the morning edition has been in operation in that city for thu jwstt six years , Its circu lation 'in that city is larger than any other paper. A branch ollieo has also been estab lished at Lincoln , thu Nebraska state capital , and a news bureau has been opened at Ic.s Moiiies , the capital of Jown. A branch office has also been estab- lushed for the JJEB in the city of New York for three years Itoom 05 , Tribune building , of which A. R lllehardsoii Is the manager. The UKH'B Washington ollice is at No. C13 Fourteenth street. Other Dalllui. Besides the Ur.K there are three other English daily newspapers in Omaha. 'J'ho llurald , democraticprints a morning edition , and lias a job printing establish ment. It gives employment to 110 per sona. The Republican , republican in politics , is a morning nowspapur , and iilsq does a job printing business. It em ploys r,0 portions. The World is an inde pendent uvoninir paper. Jt gives employ ment to 00 persons. There aru also two ( Scrniuu dailies , thu Tribune nnd thu Cost. "VVookly NoWKpnpnrs. The Kxeelsior is /society / paper , pub- lishcd and edited by Clement Chasu with ICdgar C. Snyder , assistant editor. Its Circulation is500 and in connection with its job ofllco and engraving depart ment IT ) employes are in the establishment. Tlio running expenses , $500 per week. Nebraska Watchman , Alex J'ollock editor and proprietor , has tin Investment -of $10,000 , employs i > and its wuukly i-iinning expenses , ineliuling jiay roll , aru $ i00. ! It claims u wuukly circulation ofJ.oOO , Pokrok Zipadn , John KoSloky , editor nnd proprietor , is a llolu-mian paper and has thu largest circulation of any nooular paper printed in that language ) in this country. It i.s issued weekly'nnil an illustrated supplement oalled the Kvety Aniunckc is issued fortnightly. The in. vctftment is. JD.OOO , monthly running ex penses iJl.fOU , number of employes ! i. Job printing Is also done in Knglhh , Ikiliemian and Cerman. Uuii Danskn rioneur was established in 1373. Mark Hanson is editor nml proprie tor. It is a Danish paper , has a circula tion of 113,000. The weekly running o.v- peusos , including pay roll , is f&JO , and the capilal invested if 10,000. Jaunobrogis ) a Iatii ) h paper , edited nml published by Otto \VollV. its circu lation is 0,000 , weekly miming expenses Aa'ilway Nowi ? , published bj thu Rail way News I'ublishing eompuny , Dan li. lloniii manager. U has a circulation of 5,0(10 ( , nnd is published by Tiiilayson & Douglas , Omaha Price Current claims a eircu i Itition of 8,000 , nnd is published by Kin- ' Juvson & Douglas- . The Midland is a religions journal , issued by thu Midland rublishing Company , jumlor thu nusplces 1 1 of thu United Presbyterian church , and milled by thu llov. K. B , ( Jrahain. Its circulation is'J.OOO. The investment Is $0,000 , and monthly run Oimiha Tmdo Hovlow Is a 3-pnge JJaoor , edited by C. L. Hall , : uirt it clu.lms K circulation of 3,500 , Thu Nuvodui l.isty in a now Uoheuiian weekly pnblisiicd by Kaspar & Hos- jiodsky , and edited by J. A. Hospodflky. Svcnsku I'oston , n Swedish paporls edited and published by CA. . Jacooson. It has a circulation of ' . . ' ,200. , Hoard of Trade .Journal , O. W Baker editor and proprietor ; is a IC-page paper and has a circtilation of 1,500. .Monthly I'njicrs. Western .Merchant , Kads. 1) ) unbar & Co. niibli-lHT ? , claims a circulation of 5,0K ( ) and an investment of $7,000. ( 'Imrch Guardian ; 1'ttblislicd under the au plcos of the Kplseopal church. lev. ! lames L'atcrson is editor , and the circu lation Is 1,000 per month. Commercial Age , published by Uolir- borgh Uros. , claims a circulation of 0,00(1. ( Pythian .Spur , Marry Merriam editor ami proprietor , claims a circulation of S.fiOO. Bellevno Star is a college paper , edited bv W.V \ , Marsha. It has acirculalion of 1,0'X ' ) . Chrlrtiati Hour , imblished under tlio auspices of the Presbyterian church. It has a circulation of S,200. , The editors arc : Itcv. W. ,1. liarsha , Hev. tjainncl T. Davis. Uev. Thomas C. Hall , and Hev. Joseph N. Hnvd. The Hov. John Hall , ) . ) . , New York City , is associate editor. 'I he Housekeeper is a monthly publi cation , and edited by Smith & Hart. H hns a very largo circulation. .lob I'rliitliiK.Kiiiillni : "ml KnuniyliiK. Thu job printing , binding and en graving Industries sire most noticeable for an increase of business in 18SI ! over that of 188o , some fnrnhhing conoluiivo evidence of a change for the better , reaching us high as sin ) per cent and none falling below 100 per cunt. There has been at thu lowest .estimate ? : ! 00,000 worth of work done in these lines in Omaha during the year. ( lib-son. Miller A : ISiehardson , printers , book-bindor.s and lithographers , employ 110 persons- monthly pay-roll $3,100. Itcpublican Printing company , for merly the Tribune Printing com pany , employs f 0 persons ; monthly pav-roll ifSOO per week. The Hees Printing company has an authorized capital of $ < )0OODpaid ) up cap ital of lfv'5,000 , and' employs from 8 to ! M. The pay-roll runs from &X)0 ) to $325 per week. F. C. Fo.atiier has an investment of $ 10,000 , employs oO , and does printing in English , liermau , Danish , Swedish , French ami Bohemian languages. The weekly pay-roll is ? ; : qi ) . Thomas Cotter has sl7,000 ? invested , em ploys twenty-live and his pay roll aver ages ) 200 per week. Klopp it liartlcet have an investment of § 10,000. employ fourteen hands and their pay roll averages § 17. * per week. Omaha Lithographing and Stationery company. J. F. Dailey , president , , f. . ) . Cmnmlngs , secretary and treasurer ; capi tal $1J5KM ( ) ; value ot machinery , $10,000 ; cmnloy eighteen ; nay roll iJr : > 0. Finlavsou & Douglas have an invest ment of ifO.OOO ; employ seven hands and their weekly pay roll is $100. F. A. Alangcr has an investment of $7,000 ; employs eight persons : nd the weekly pay roll averages ? 100. I. Sylvester has SU.fiOO invested ; em ploys live persons and his weekly pay roll is $75. Adams & Mcltndc employ nine hands and their weekly pay roll averages about 125. C. F. Whitney , bookbinding , blank- book making and ruling exclusively , has ? ; ! , > 00 invested ; employs 8 hands , and his weekly pay roll averages 4l'J. . Charles ! : . Uediiold. Oco. M. Ilascall , Schwartz & Co. , and lhnn& ! ICiieck havn small jobollk'c.s jointly , employing about 10 persons. There are also job olliucs connected with the Midland and tlio Kx- cclsior , the latter being conducted by Chase & Kddy. Cal Martin does press work exclu sively. He has an investment of $ ! > ,000 ; employs seven men and has a pay-roll of s3uO per month. Ho has six improved .Dresses anil his weekly business amounts to * 700. American I'rosn The American Press association , with hu'uhiuartcrs in New Vork city , recognizing the importance of Omaha as a great and growing trade cen ter , moved its most prominent western branch from DCS Moine.s , la. , to this city in October last. The largo brick Irailding on llodgo street , formerly occupied by the Sperry Light and Motor company , has been secured and prepara tions tor a very extensive business have been made. M. ( i. Perkins is the resi dent manager , ( on men arc employed and thu business of the establishment is the manufacture of stereotype plates for newspapers. Karly during the present year a system for supplying dally lete- graphiu news will bo inaugurated when tyju-settitig and stereotyping will be ( lone in the Omaha house , thereby giv ing employment to a large force of printers. Western Newspaper Union. Tlio business of the Western News papur Union has increased very noticeably during Iho year , owing , of course , to the many new ( tapers that have como into existence , and now furnishes ready printed sheets to over 250 paper * . Its business territory is rapidly increasing , wliioli adds to the reputation of Omaha as a standard sup ply depot for any demand made upon it. It in an incorporated company , hav ing a paid up capital of $300,000. of which $75,000 is invested in Omaha. Thu busi ness here is under thu solo management of ( Jeorio A. Joslyn. The weekly pay roll is now ) ? 000 as against .f ! ! 50 last year , and , ' ! ( > mon , boys and girls aru employed in the printing ollico , supply department , stereotype foundry and other depart ments. A .substantial brick building , I tui I way Construction. Omaha is the hcaiUuiarturs of thu most oxtunsivo railway miildurs in the west. To show tlio amount of business done ami thu consequent benefit to the trade of the city , the work of the lending con tractors , Mallory & dishing , may bo mentioned' . This linn i.s composed of S. H. Mallory , U. C. dishing and John O'Kcufu. year they graded 120 miles of railroad , laid 111 inilc.s of track , romot'tul 0lisi,000 ctibio yards of earth , consumed 'J.OOO.tMIO feet of timber in bridges , etc. , ami drove 83,000 feet of piling. They employed 2,000 , men and 1(500 ( teams regularly during the working season of ItiSO , and their monthly pay roll sometimes ran a.s high as 2' > 0,000 , and never lo < s than f.'OO.UOO , All of this sum was paid from the Omaha olHce.aml In addition from lin.OOO to $25.000 pur ( month was expended in Omaha tor gro ceries , merchandise , etc. , for the work ing forces. ( A Skilled Surveyor. \V , K. llawloy. civil engineer , has per' Eonally surveyed over 8,000 lots during i the past six months , This , ho claims , i.s thu largest showing which can bo made I by any civil engineer in tlio stnto. The i following aru a few of the additions I platted by him ; Patterson Park , Lincoln Place. Maynu Place , Albright's Annex , Albright's Choice. Uoso llill , Manhattan , Maynu Pane , Washington llill . Cotner & , Archer's , Harris Sc Patterson's Aunex , t besides number of others. Contractor and Dullttcr. if. K. Hi ley is ono of thu heavy con tractors and builders of thu city. He built a number of thu largu houses In .South Omaha , including thu building ol Fowler brothers , and him built a great deal of thu fjowerago of this city , llis business has steadily increased thu past year.J TIE AIi J3STAT12. Not ohly has the rcnl estate business of Omaha been of a solid character during 1880 , but the activity promise * to continue in even higher ratio dnrjng 1837. 'Jho records of the county clerk's ollieo show what lias been dona in this branch of business , and the most en couraging feature of all is the fact that nine-tenths of all purchases made have not been for speculative reselling but for use and occupation by some Important industry or commercial building. The transactions of thu year , to say nothing of- the numerous deeds having nominal considoratioiH , areas follows : .Inniinry. . . sren.SH.iitij.iuiv . Slr44.r'Jt.o. " February. . Iso.siK.OO Ancust. . . . l,7WiTrt.4 ( ! .March . lWV.V..oo .Sentoinber 1SIOHI7.R3 April . SIAOIO. on October. . . 1.2DI , 11)9.11 ) Jlay . iMr.tMO.xi ! ( November irnvr.7.8ii June . l/Wi.'Jrr.oo December l,4l7. , : X.bJ ) Totnl . S I'Ot'NTV CM'.RK'S ' OITICK. The bu ino s of the county clerk's ' ofllce has novcr been so large as during ihc year ISSO. It has been more than 500 per cent over that of any previous year since the county was organized. To say nothing of the many minor papers re ceived lor record during 18SO there were lilcd Mt 00 deeds and mortgages. Seven teen record books , each containing 010 | ) ageshayp been filled with copies of needs , in aggregate of 10,880 pages. Eighteen books of a like number of pages each wore tilled wflh copies of mortgages , an iggrcgato of 11 , Trio p.'tfics , or a grand ; oinl of S2.-IOO patres. There have been .tvulvo regular employes in the ollico. fiomo 1'roinlnont Itnnt Instate Dealer * . There is not a wider-known real estate man in the we t than C' . B. Mayno. He las transacted some ot the heaviest deals ) f thu year , and has built many rusi- IcnccH for nii'ii of limited means , His ndditioiis to the city nro famous , demon strating beyond doubt his ability to fore cast the future with respect to real values. His business iscnormouind ! ) : continually on the increase. Ceo. W. Ames , 1TO7 street , deals probably as cntcnsivcly in real cs- : ate as any other agency in Omaha. He lias been particularly fortunate in the se lection and location of dill'crcnt additions lo the city , which have proven bonanzas to the purchaser , without an exception. . . . Morris Morrison's real estate office , at Thirteenth ' ' and Howard streets , has been a popular place for the investor , and Mr. Morrison numbers on his books some of Ihc choicest bargains in the market. Ho makes a specially of finding for otitsidu capital a profitable investment. Aaron Calm , Son & Co , . 1823 Farnam street , handle n vast amount of real es tate ami their lists embrace n very Great variety of desirable property. They number among their patrons some of the richest men of the city , and have made omo heavy transfers thu past few months. Morse. & Brunei1 , real cstato dealers , liavc grown up with the business of Oma ha ami arc well known in the community as wide-awake and reliable men. They understand real estate value ! " , and their enterprise has gained for them a , large volumu of business. Clark & French. Ifilfi Douglas street , arc onu of the reliable real cstato firms of the city. Their lists embrace some of the choicest lots in the city and they have been interested in some of the heavy transfers of thu year. The oldest real estate and abstract oflico in the city is that of Byron Reed & Co. , anil for this reason no ono knows the true value of property to a greater certainty than they. Vast sums of money liavp been placed with them for judicious investment. They are con tinually selling real estate in all parts of the city and state. W. ( J. Shriver , Frenzcr block , has had remarkable success in his real estate transactions in this city , and in the out come whiQh has followed purchases made through him. llo knows the ground and is competent to advise capi tal of a profitable investment. Hu handled some of the best property in the city. Jell' . W. Bedford , by whom the popular and beautiful Bedford Place was platted and pul in tlio market , i.s an extensive dealer in real cstato and coal. He has been loni ; establisncd here and his suc cess is due to a ftrict and intelligent 'at tention to his duty. His ollicii is at SIS South Fourteenth street. Omaha. C. F. Ringer , 110 North fifteenth .strcut. is onu of our conservative real estate men , who is careful to put an honest , estimate upon thn value of all property hu handlus. His .success has its basis upon this fact , and he has been interested in gomu of the most important transfers of thu year. A NCW nKl'AKTUUE. GrniindH Dimglit A Splendid lllook of IIiiiltlinKS to bo Greeted. Lifo Insurance is no longer an experi ment. All wisu men carry a policy. Thu rich do because it is a safu and sure way to increase the wealth of their families ; those in moderate circumstances insure because it would bo cowardly m them to leave a helpless wife ami children to tiic ) cold mercies of an uncharitable ) world , but to insure in an unreliable company is equivalent to no insurance at all , ind again many ruspoiibiblo compan ies load their policies dowu with such cut throat restrictions and cliargu such ex orbitant rates that but fuw can allbrd to meet their requirements. The pru dent man is advised to carry a policy on his life and a.s thu Old Heli- ablu Now York Lifu liiMirance Co. , is purely u mutual corporation , owned ami controlled by its policy holders rather than a combination of money sharks or stock holdcrn , and as this company i.s now managed by men of progressive western thought , like Hon. Wm. 11 , Beers , the president , who is tilled with advanced ideas , it should bu believed that tl liosu feeling the need of insurance cannot ilo better than become policy holders or partners in the Now York Lifu Insurance company , whose actual assets now amount to $70,000,000. This company should also bo patrom/ed for thu reason thai it has as members largu real estate owners and tax pay ers i in Omaha , Mr. C. Taylor , the general agent nml manager for Nebraska , liC onu of our oldest and most responsible citi/ens , and through bis recommenda tion President Beers has consented to thu ! purchase by his compnny of thu Millard property on Suvmttcunth and Farnam streets , where they will erect an olcgaut and costly business block , cover ing the entire ground of lijjxlttt feet. This will provo a wisu and profitable in vest ment ) for the company and policy hold- errf. The property can bo sold to-day at a profit ol .10 per cent , and it will supply cheap ! otllces t'or thu company's ' agents. As it is a nuw departure f6r insurance companies lo invest in western real cMato , this purchase will inspire ! confi dence I and telling results will bu realized thcretrom. Thu Nuw York Lifo Insur ance company originated thu non-forfeit ing feature , which has resulted in the is saving of millions of dollars to poliej' holders. This mutual company has been in successful operation for about forty- five years and President Bc/jrs , who has always been leader in insurance advance - vance ideas , has tilled the ollieo of presi dent witli credit to himself and known profit to his company for more than of twenty-six years. Omalia Mod leal Institute. Thu sick aud injured have found in tliu Omaha Medical insiitutu , Capitol avenue and Thirteenth street , a source of relief and in manv cases a complete restoration to health. Um'er the direction of Dr. MoMunamy this institution has grown to immense proportions and its worth lias become widely known throughout the west. A. 1U Soner. Ilcnt The pioneer real i-st-ltu dealer of Omaha is Mr. A. K.Soueryeeontiy of the popular firm of Bedford & Sou0rnas been one of the hardest workqrs and has possibly done more for the advancement of the city than any other ono resident of Omaha. It is only recently that ho se cured the location of the largo foundry of Tshcr & Russell , the Omalia Corru gating iron works and the largo tailor ing establishment of Benham & Co. , Mr. Benliam having 0116 of the ( meat reputa tions on the continent for skill in his art , Mr. Souer ( from Jan. 1st 137) ) will bo en- engaged exclusively in handling real es tate. Ho has the perfect confidence of every patron and can point with pride to the largo profits that have been realized by those who have placed their business In liis hands. Now that the prospects arose so flattering for a rapid advance. In real c.stalo ami from the fact that Mr. Soner has already listed with him a large amount of the very best lots and improved properly In the city is n guarantee of the value that is placed upon his ability. Through the coming .season thousands of capital will be pouring in from all parts of the country for speculative purposes and thosn who are now residents shoii Id at once take advantage of thoopporlunlly to rapidly increase their exchequer. No better chance can possibly bu thought of than to visit Mr. Souur , who was never known lo betray the confidence , of any one with whom lie has bad any business transaction. Having been"so long a resilient of Omaha { jives Mini a decided tidViinlago in locating the best bargains to bu secured m the city and all resi dents and btrancers should visit him be fore ( daring their money elsewhere. Numerous cases can bo cited where handsome sums have been made for cus tomers of Mr. Suucr wliure ho has been the exclusive manipulator of the trans action , and no record of a Mnglo invest ment with him wlune the parties have failed to realize handsomely , Let it .suf fice that Mr. Souer has thu confidence of thu whole public , and during thu coming sprint ; boom will handle an immense- amount of property to the great profit of his patrons. _ _ Harko.iHitrkaloiv , Heal Kstate. Barku & Barkalow , M21 Douglas street. represent one of our most popular real estutu lirms , having .listed with them .some of the very bcst.piope.rty in Omaha ; special features upon which quick profits maybe realized , ami rcprc.-entiiig the choicest lots in our best additions , Eighteen hundred nml eighty-six has shown a marked increase in the value of real c.-tate , but 1887 , beginning with January 1 , will eclipse the predic tions of the most sanguine. This firm has now ami is holding somu of thu finest bargans in the ci'.y. Messrs. Barke & Barkalow should bo called upon by every one seeking gooil investments as they represent a number of Ihc bust lols m Ihu city. Tlio 15(1 on or Oinalm. The beautiful reserve of 100 acres two aud two-thirds (2j ( ) miles west of Haus- com park , and directly on tlio line of the Missouri Paeilic railroad , recently pur- Mr. Gco. N. Hicks ( one of our most progressive real cstato dealers } , xvill soon be placed on the market. Prepara tions aru now being made to plat the same. Lots in thu immediate vicinity aru now being rapidly sold for the uni form price of fttOO. Mr. Hicks proposes to soil this beautiful roi'urvu in 2 , 5 and 10-acro tracls. This is without doubt the finest opportunity ev r offered to capital for a safe and sure investment , as well as a guarantee to parties of small means to secure lareu prolitsi from u moderate capital. The city is rapidly advancing westward , and a tew 'months ' , assisted by thu bi < r boom ( which is yet in the cradle ) , will place this lovely spot among the most beautiful suburbs of Omaha. The very fact of its buing located in such an accessible vicinity , and the eager desire on the part of speculators to purchase all the available- acres in the neighborhood , is prima facie nviduncu that Mr. Hicks can oiler thu most decided bargains in the city. Ho is daily besieged by parties offering him n. large advance on his in vestment. Yet hu prefers lo give all a chance , and his desire is to make this a lovely spot for homes. Ollico 315 South Fifteenth street. V. M. 101 Us , Arcliktoot. Evidences of the superior handiwork of F. M. Kllis , the architect , are visible up on many of the handsomest buildings in the city. His ollieo is at 1401 Farnam btrect , where ho has made an cnviabln reputation for plans the most artistic io design and perfect in detail. The China Palace of the West Knhii This elegant establishment , though only recently located in our city , is to day one of the representative houses of Omaha. Both the Messrs. Kahn are young gentlemen of great enterprise and deserve all thu credit that is being bestowed - stowed upon them. Their stock of china , glass , ( incenswaru and novelties repre sents the lincst collection in thu west. A special feature of this lirm is not only thuir elegant showing for home outfits , but also for hotels , restaurant. " , etc. Thus Kahn Bros , should receive the. pat- ronagu not only of our citizens , but every new comer to Omaha. Tlio Drum , 1-1 IK Farnam Is ono of thu neatest little resorts in Omaha. The { proprietors Messrs. Mil ler and Moynihan have a host of ad miring friends who gather there each day to chat , and while away a few mo ments. Their wines and liquors are pure and unadulterated , their cigars frosli and reliable. As : i band would be deficient without a drum , so Omaha's pleasure lovers would rugard this city if the Little Drum was nol daily tapiudthis | ; boatilifnl wine parlor is just adjoining Boyu's ele gant opera house , and is regarded thu fa vorite rendesvous of murclints , contrac tors , lawyers and oilier. Remember the No. 1-118 Farnam. The Oldest IH the Kaf'CHt. Nearly every twentieth man you meet in Omalia is in the real estate business. This in generally the case in all live , ac tive. cities whore the buyers grow rich in a week from their investments , but as a rulu six or eight linns do the major part of the business Thoso- who buy from the original owners get the bust bargains. as limy atari on the ground floor , and have no commissions or margins to way. The oldest firms are gunorally the safest. Mr. C. T , Taylor , corner Fourteenth and Douglas streets , has been a resident of thu city for nearly twenty years. Ho has occupied and done business' in his pros- cut ollico for the past sixteen ynars. Hu has a perfect knowledgu of Omaha ami Nebraska real estate. Ho handles only his own property. Hu has lands in Mor- riok , Stanton and many other rich agri cultural counties throughout Nebraska. besides choice Omaha property. Mr. Taylor's word as to the value of real es tate , or upon any ether business subject , as goou as a government bontt. Veterinary Infirmary. To fully illustrate the progress made by our city is to dolino every branch of business , and a very important feat uro is the veterinary infirmary , M1B and 1415 Ilurnoy struct , under thu proprietorship Dr. Hamiccotti.ono of the most skilled veterinarians on the continent. A num ber of very remarkable cures have bcon uflcctud by thu doctor , and ho lias suc ceeded m gaming the complete couth- dcnco of all who have placed their horses under his care. The very fact that ho is inspector of stock for the Union Pacific railtoad , and city veterinarian is n sufi- ciontguaranteoof his professional ability. The doctor came to Omaha with iho reputation of beinjj a thoroughly edu cated gentleman in his profession , und ho rightly deserves it. \vo assume no at- tempt at flnltcrr when In tlcclnriiiR him par excellence as iveterinarian. . The doctor is ever devoted to business , neil call any hour , nighl or day , at his Inrgo Infirmary will receive prompt response. A proat number of testimonials cnn bo seen at Iho oflico showing Iho remarkable cures cn'celcit by hi * skill. Colonel Kloyd. Every ono knows Colonel Floyd. If not they shoulu know him , for he is the proprietor of the oldest and moU popular bar in the oily , The question is often asked " \Vhciecnn \ wogoand take a smile and know Hint we nro Drinking the very best llnuors and got a cigar that wo nro sntisllcd is the very lincst. " The old us- lablished reputation Hint the colonel has gained by his eiirhleon yuars of close at tention to business and the elegant quarter * ho now possesses , speaks in u laiignngo that Is strong in Ins behalf , M'is hero Iho business men of our city dally meet and exchange smiles , "J'is hero you meet that t-loinotit thai n progressive citv , nnd 'tis now no it always has been. (10 ( to Colonel I'loyd's ' for refreshment Hint is untx ? ccllo.l on the continent , Architectural Hi-nnly. No profession or calling ts more worthy of mention tlmii that of n skilled arenl- tcct. It is through their ingenuity that tlm c.ltios beuomo beautiful , they save the builder many thousands of dollars In the construction of edllices. { n connection with this line of business it is well to mention iUr. Ueo. L. Fisher , recently ot the well known linn ol .Men delssohn it Fisher , which has constructed a number of the finest dwellings and business blocks in the city. Mr. Flshor has located his ollicu in ( .iruontg Block , just north of the Millard llotul. Ho will hunt'O forward conduct his profe.ssion in his new quarters , Mr. Fisher i.s all auoiu- ] ) olent and skilled architect , and work entrusted to his care will receive llis uet'- sonal anil prompt attention. niiuicTcmv. The IjoiulliiK1 IliiHlncHB Firms ol' Omnlin , ATlOIIMiVP. OiolT&.Moiitsomur.v.OiimlmJs'iit'l bank b'ldV. M . .1. Cuimull , Oily nttnrnuy , ill'J S. 14th st. Ciininlun. Onrkson & Hunt , til'I 1'iunum at. < lonui-alU'llrlciiWltliii < ill | > louK. 1) ) . li.'Jhoiiipson. Crolifhtua bloulc , S. lotli st. llrailk-/\-Uill , Oimilm. Jlesi.VVllcux , Uiiiuha. Alir A.s'U MVSIO. W. W. Cronyti , photographs. Wooilrliigo lli-os. . music , -15 S. loth Ht. Ci-ap llros. , niuslo,21il S. Kith hi. AltCIIIl-LCr. t. . MoiiiU'lssohn , teuton building , 1'nrnam and loth fit. r. M. Kills , 110 ! rui-mim. HANKIMI AMI K.VCIIAMIH. First NlltUmill Illlllk , I Ill-niUIl llllll Mill StS. Nebraska National Hunk , l''iirnuiuiniil ' 1-Ih sli. McCimuo llros. ' Hunk , HIT S. 15th et. MuroliMntsNat.'ciiiil ' laukl'immin ! timl 13th sts. I'nlon btoek YuiiU UnnkSouth Oiiinliii. A. U. Wyiiiiin , imiikur. South oiinilin. K. I. . I.yon , bnnkiT , lim-nuy mid l.r > ti ! sis. Utl/.ens Hunk , riimliiKimd L'llh sic. Union National Hunk , liiili M. mid Ctipltol uvu. Hank or Omimorcc , : > lfi M. lutli tt. Union Trust Co. , S. IStliul. I' . S. Wutloiml Ilnnlc , Fiirimin tintl Ix'th sts. ll.inK , Ilonuliis and lUth sts. Onmlm National Hunk , A loth st. . . ( 'ommcrciid Nmloiiiil Haul ; . Ilith mid Douglas , Douglas Comity Itmik , Chicago uml liitli bis. tr oI'Oiiml.ii.r.iM S. tiulist. KMidlimd Uuimmti'it & Trust 'Co , liV ) . ' > I'tmmiii. HOOTS AMI t < iioi.s. KIrkcndtdl & .loncs , lliiniov si. .1. S. Lmdsiiv \ Co. , llth nnil UoUn ! . Wlllluni ! ) , VimAcrmim > V Co. llltICK . . P. P. Cooper , pruflldont Onmlm Continuous IJricjk Kiln Co. , south ot IJ. I * , doput. Oniiihu Coiiuiicriiliil rolli-tfu , till 1'ufiiani si. Oiiiiiha lltitliios'i ' eolli'jfo , Cruun-o block , X. ICth st. < VITA LISTS. Win. A. I'nxtoiifl'nxioii liotul. Jno. A. Croluhton. 1'iirimiii anillllli sts. .1 allies K. linyil , K'lU Iliunoybt. J. S. MuL'oniilL-k ' . , ( K. iSIli st. < : iiA'Kins. ( : Jos. Garni'ivii Cnifhur Co. , I20J-(1 ( Jucfoon ht. .McCUirfe'CnicI < crfo..S. lull st. ( "I.OTIIlNd. Nuw Vorltanil UinahiK lothltiE Co. CiiiitiulilMiiiiiil'iit'tilfliit ; ( " < > 1UDoiiKlns et. M. llelliiinii , V Co. , nth unit 1'imimti st , Win. .N'elMiM , IOD1 rnrnain t-l. j\niliens llro-i. , lll.'l l-'uniiiin t-t. W. anllnsky. A. I'oliok : , iili ; ( I'nnmiit st. Hunry IIlller. .1. ( J. Know-old , 'Ill N. 101 li St. II. A. liiolow , C.lining iiiul Jit std. covi , . Jolt W. Ilciiror.l,2lS. ! ! Htlmt. OiiialiuCoiil Riitl I'l-Oiliicu Co. , il ? . Utli t-t. Oiniiuu Coul , Coke nnil Umo Co. , 'WS. ' Killi at. Commit A : Siiiiirt-a , "ii : rf. loih. AUK. llun.onC < i.yll S. J. J. joiiiibon&Co. , 1U1HN" . ITtlibt , U'OMJJISSIO.V. 8. S. Kloyd & f.'o. . inu-l ] N. Wth St. .M. llnrk A ; Sili. ( , oiilDmnhiu ! Wood HrOyc > iilhOiimlm. 1'ejcko llros. . hw I'anmin Ht. Jlo.Slianorchroo.Ior , I4ti ! mid Muson sta. ilui-tln llros. , i South UniaUii. JJyorii , l'olci > on Ac Co. , ( iff ) . Adiuiirf llurk. South Onmhu. Suvnjro Ac Urcon , South Uniitlm. ilorln WHjrncr. Itobonliiunn llrot. . Sdiilli Onmhu , W. V , Ilroivn & Co. , boiuli Umnlin. J > 1f'oy ( llrifi. Clay ituiiltiMin A ; Co. Jliicldod A l.owc. Koumin & IliiiH'Dck. A. K Oltoy & Co. ilidumoy , Korn-ll & : I'o. hiiruiiieiWt'Slcrlield & Jlnlcy. llrmich \ Co. . 11-1 I'liriiiini nl. I'uliiicrloiiAc Co. , W. K. ItMdell , lliS. Mill St. 1) . Wliltiioy , 14UI DotlcuSI. It. llhmhin : : > VMii.iIsl.S. : luth rit. llolln t.rvers. . . N. Ibthbt. Hobt.I'urvIS-JII B. 14th ht. J. K. itiluy. Criiiilteblock , iblhot. John ( iriint , ollicu CrDlpliIiin block. Murphy , CiolKhton X Co. CAUI-KTH. S. A. Urchnnl , I'ariiiun anil inth st. Uniiiliii Uurpet I'o. , ITilS Ddiighih. nnv ( ioot ) * . M. K. Pinlth k Co. , loth und Honjrliu ste. Kclhiy , Stlvc-r.V : Co. , 15th unit llodpu sts. 'J'liDiiipron , lloldcn X I'o. , IJIH l-'iiniiun M. ( rioiiilioe A : Shcrfy. 15th street , neil lo 10. . Johnll. r. Lclniif.n A Co,1IM : Fiirnum st , A. loriutinlVJ7-'J-ll ' .S. 1'Ilh Kt. J. I , . Ili-iinillPS it Soii..ri'J-.M-6-tt ' 3.13th t , N. II. Kuk-oiifr , lluimliis nnil Uiih sla. B. ] ' . Murso iV I'o. , lli-17 : ) Kiirnnni t > l. Vinyard > V Si'linulilnr , nolloini , K 'l ' riirnnni. J. ! ' , Itulilnson , notions , luili mid Ho unrU eli. do Ii.MlSTH. : Or. HiiUKliwiihont , DuUKhisiinU IRth sts. A. W. HiiMiii , Wlllincll block , rooms i-T. ! b' . l > . W lUon , roomu I'MH rrin/.cr blouU. a A. B. Hilling , over 101 H , iJtli M. IIIIUIIS. Hlclmnlfon Drug Co. . HOT . ( ones si. J. A , I'nllor A ( "o , l-ith nnil Uou 0. V. ( iooiinnui , Hill Karnmn . W. A HoMi'McT ' , y.1'iirnuin nl. Chcniiy A : OloKon. 1IW7 rurnnnmt. did .Ino.'iV. llcll.f-'U S. lUlliat. A : Divyur , ( linaliii. - IIIinibiuiih k Morrlum , S. llllh HI. KIIII ; K.xTiNnri/iiiiMi , M'IM.I. > . Ooo V. Winlo , ironnral inniiiiirur , llftlilin Iliniit ( in'iui leCu. lor Nnliniskii , Westurii Iowa , Houthorii HaKolnuiliI Wyouil'i ' ; ; . fAIIM MACIII.snilV. Cliun-lilll \ : I'lirkur , 'Jill Jones at. 1-iti-llii , Orcndorll \ .MHillii.UOl Joiic < 9 t. W. .1. Kennedy. : tSIS. K'lh ht. J. M. I'.liv.IIIIU Iliii-iieyat. 3lolliio , ? > lllbiirn X r-'tnddiuil Co , reiiMru/ti : . Dewey & Stonii , lllfi-17 l-'iniiiini st , fur Cliui. Khlvorluk. I'iWIi ) l'-irnniii St. HilKV Vouiv , l.Mi : : F.inmui gt. Hoivo .V.-KUIT. I.'iH ) l'iHrlintl. ) mi1 ( Jco. llolinnxl , HIIIN. liith Ht. tin Win. nuiulii ( , ' Cv Co. , 11UI " C' . II. .Moore A : Co. , John .Stmur. wli lu-iniuit > vco , , HM : : > N. ir > th HI. da. l.lltlci X Wlllliima , HOT lou ) ! : n St. Woinort iV Million.'M \ riiinlntr bt. It. llenrleKson , sx ! l.uuvi ntvurih fit. uxi Ilioiinin A : Hullivftil , ! i'Mti. IMl bt. li. Jolinson. mi' 1' . 0. Close. dote finis. HunU.-y.fl8H. lOthst. \viioi.r.s\i.i : ( iiioc'ius. : to I ) . > I , Sloclo tV-i.'o , , lilli-21-il Iliirnpyet. SOI I'uxton.Uallairhi'r Art'o , 'Wto7ll H. lUth St. cat Stotui , Johnson iVCo. , HM I'ariiinii bt. Chiipiiian ti Co. . 1217 Iloirnnl st. Mcyori : Jtuitjikc , IW > llarney st. us - fear Itcctor. VVIlliolinrXCa.llunioyniiil 10th 8ts. Ilimutinuirli .VTnylor. tliii Doiitrlus st. IMnoy A : Ullilion , U'17-IU J.mvuiiworlh st. me llrowncll Si Co. feel 11. K. j5nwj-tr &Cn. has Milton Hotfum i Sons , lllli mid I IHTUIII 6t3. W. J. HroBtoti , IttiO'U llurncy st. H I ion hold. J. Kulp , HATS ASH r.ii'3. W. \ , I'arrolto&- . .HUT lluriicy t. II. It. Hudson , Mllhirtl hotul , l-'i tloughis st. I1OT1M.S AMI Hl'.ST.UJHANTS. " " Canfli'M Houff , l ; nmm und Uti ula. can Kd.Muuror. rf tuuruiit , 1211 Kui-nmn at. ago John A. I'uyntui.OifldontuI hou-l , " 1 > 1- " i Iloinun , rostnuriint. O.ti. IHiTKlQt.rosUuraiit , 12th and Doefai. ( ' led JNSUIIANCK. . . , . J , T. Hurt , t-eneml amnBgur Nebr ska nd Insurancecotnpnny , Omnlin , JKCTHt.KltS. Frank A Bon. S. isth * t. Miix Mcyrr&llro. , lie. ! rarnftm t. A U. Hnl.rrm.inn,3)1 ) S. lllth si. Wi-nmn .V Killiolm , 101 f. isih si. John Iliuiiiinim , 1311 FArnnni t. V. w. nrnj , l > one-ii ( Mini pth M . T. \ \ > Ilurtey Lumber Oo. llh1 * , I-nxtonhotel. Hiloiijrn Lumber On. , S. liiili si , K. y. Nen-ootnli l.iiinbrr fo. , S. Pill 9U John A. WiiXonold , S. Oth si. ( ii'n , A. llondlnnil , foot < > r IK. . . li. Soner \ Co. , Kttl I'nrimin M. (1. 1)V \ nit , N lOholRS Riid lli ! f I" . Iiiitnbor Co. , usth st nnd U. P. truck. _ uot'tinsi. OPO. W.Duncnn'JH-MS. lllli st. Hiloy * Dillon , mi Dointins st. II. It. ( Irotlc.UliH. Pth Bl. M. Kentliiir , lln.-SlX. mh st. Adlcr \ lli-ilor. 11141'RTnnm t. i.ivr.nv. II. A. Hoinnn. 11,1-4158. IMtli y ( . Thoinnv. . Koni < i , Omnlin. .1. H. MePhunc , ihnliro imd IStli sis. JnnuMSievenson , llnrnoy mil lUthst * . MVM'fACTOIHM. A. Meyer , iiliilninu- null , OoilKo niuU'lli ' St. C. Sp 'ht. iron ooriili'vit , ft'JS ' ti. 12lh si. Cnrtcr Whlto U-rtd work ( > , S. Wth ntul V. t1. Oiualm , Mint Co. , S. Sid st. nrnrPonlh st. Jno. npcnotiir , iKiriilciP. . lutliiniil Doilge 8N. Oiiiuliii llnliberi-liinip Co. , 11M-1I ! I'unimu l. Wc.leo foilHf nnd < 'mr t'o. W. 1) ) . Wokhnnx.V Co. . mill , B. Wlh < t. ( Iniiilin Plove Hfinli-\vorlA | , N. liiili si. t o nn Iul7oll ) , t-onfi't'tloiict ? , lift N" . IRth ft. ! ' . I1. 1'iiy .V t'o. , poniVilotipi-.o , uii rarinun. I. . II. lorbf , ( null ; . ' , IHH I > OII | AS < t. llnnMiiiro. ( . , conli'ctlotH-ra , Ciipltol live , nml inth st. llrnnswlck-llnnlk Co. , lilllmiM trtlilos , 500 S. IDIhft. \V. II. Itiinlson shlit ' , factory , over IOCS I'nr- M. O. K. ItalllrVcr , i-limr fin-tow. Itoiuich \ Uro. , tla iiiiil inottil wni'ks , AIT S , lOltiM. .1..J. Miifllor , oonfootliincr , tilt 1'uninm st. Wi'ili'M A : I'o. , totiin'cii. UOIIMT.V Union . . Omin ( HroA . Miniiilm'tnriiijrCo.,12il Donirln ? . V. S.WIml Knu-liiiMiiiiiriiiniito.iS ; ] 1'iuiiiini. t'shor * Hils-Hl , llodt'oid | iluou. A. I , Strnnir-'o. ( . 1'iirnuin itiul tilth sis. llniM-iifM , \ : Co. , l-lll l.diivu'in'ortli Kt. MK\T AMIl 1IA.MIJ. 1 > II. Alien , K. lOlhst. Ailiinl Saxdcr , I ) U I'anmm St. ' K. II. Ili'l'ni.iM. . 0. llurtli , lUlOPniniikT ? . MIII.IVIIV. : 1. ( slt-cet. JIr.- > . Mary lltiii'cii. .1. .1. 11114 , Ditiiulnsst. Mrs. C. K lliukiiiitii , Hit DtiliKll : $ . Anna llmimiiMHi. ( III. AMM'AI.VM. A. II. llWiop.-lS.Hli ( ) ! ( . | . Ik A. Klowart A. Co. , KIIT .Tones t. OiiiahiiDII llllll I'lllut Co. , HOI Itouglnsst. . T > r. S. T ) . Mcvcor , l S. 1L'ih st , Or. It W. liloelt. Dr. W. S. Oilitis , I--OS. inili st. HVIIIIt.V.IIV. Oinalin Snilillery t'u. \Volly nnil I.ntnliiiclc , 1412 I'nniuni et .Murks llro ! ) . , llnnioy ft. HI HVKVOIIS. ItoaciynloriC'linstlo. . ( .iiiunto block. TAII.OIIS. < : . A . Miiilrinlsl > V Co. . liOO V'lirnntii St. J'liiukJ. liaiiiKO , 1IIIJ I'uniiiui tl. A. .l.Siinn-oii. Ooiluoaiul Dili sis. ( iraiidii . \ : Driniiiiuiuil , 1:115-1" : Itaiiiey it. AV. T , Seaman , 1 1112 rainain st. in : vi. i : r.VTB. .1. A. McSluinc. S. lilli : st. ( ! . K. M'lyno.S. 15th st. lliVts \ Kill , JliiH raniani st. AV. o.Sln-ivor , M. I5t li tl. Hymn Itccil A-O1..S1US. Utli Pt. JIor. n At Itruiinur , i'tixlon Intlldlntf , rarnnni iiml inth st . Cliii-K , V 1'roiirli , 1510 Oonirlixsst. JIoiTl.t Slorri iiuiitli : near lloivniilst. < 5.V. . Ames1fi'l7 Kiirlmin St. Ail ron Culm , Wm .V Co..lU'U I'lirimin bt. K. 1 < ' . Ktnuor , tin rirtovntli bt. Kiillun llros. , 1H1S Doii lns st. Win. ItiiMtniini , DoimhiH nml liitli sU. J'nrk A ; Koivlcr , Uiisliman liloc'L. A.ll.SoilurUI3.S. Hthht. \V. II. WIIilu. ruiiininsl. 15. K. Hood X Co. , Ifi'jli ' rurniitn st. ( ii'orrc 1" . Clli.'oii i : ( ' " . , rui'iinm Ft. Illclnirt A ; IN'iirMJiis , Onmlm. C J. lljiui. Low iiml M incur uvu.l. Un.-li A : Scibv. 'J1K S. lotli st. ViuilliiK'ii .v Koclic. .lolin I. Itpdick. 15T.Iiirniin | : Rt. Ij. I' . Iliiiiiiiuiiul , S. liilh . ! . , lliKliiinni block. ( In-Rory .V llmlloy , ! ) . < . mill tt. Win. Kitcli.UISS. Ifitli < t. HiirrKon , Ainlitcr \ Wooloy. Otnuiiii Nallonnl tiank InillUiiiK' . Jl. A. L'liton > ( Ril'nrnmn l. Mlir-lnili .V : Liiliisek. IVMl Kill limn St. MuRuvocK iV O'Cuinior. S. lllth at. lli-IU'p .v l 'iiiniilicll , UiUll Kariiniii st. llcll A .MfCmullMi. If.ll Dodnust. Ilurrii.V lliirrl < , --'Uf. lilh at. I'nlttir & Colili , t" > lti Fiiriiitin st. Mund A.TilllllilliS ; .S. l.'itli Kt. Illrkv , v liij-liniin. iri ? . l.Hli el. Oi-ovor tcven- . ' 'IK S. lath -I . Cinmfiiglmin \ Hrciiniui , 1511 Iod o ft. IVuk llros . I'dliBl. oit. linMiillli'u. llcwiiini A ; Co .rri'lffliion block . \ V.V. . I.uuu.l'vi'.i I'lirmun st. T. S. CturKson , Utli nml I'lti-iuitn 8t3. II II. St. . lolin. op | ) . j'O'-tolllc'O. ' K. II. Hull AOn. . . US S. Ifilh ht. .1. b. ( iilipon. EJ. .1. Itrcniiiin. 1511 Doilpo ft. . . . . W , 1' . AyloswDi'tli , Uousu inovor. Thos.V. . Itu-nl , wulus unit uuintli" ' . C < illlni < , ( Jorilon A : Kiiy , t-iiiirtinir b'ooils , 1312 Ilulli-'IliH ht. .1. M. WolIT & Co. , directories , Douglas nnd MlhcH. .Inlin Iton'i't Co. , plinnliors. Henry A , KovtiTH. iialnlor. 10'IS. Hli ( st. II. llnrdy.t Co. .toys , Ix'uuraraani. K.V. . Novully Co. ( Jt-o. S. Mwjl , "K yt < > no rlnat-rs. S. lOtli st. ] ' . Ho coo .V Co. , fruits. Samuel llnni . rliliiiiwnri * , Wl' ' > Furiinni. J. II. Cornus.Sliinniou Illes , K.vposlllon liuild- iur. iur.Vutznar A1' VuiidonlmrK : . liliiekuniltln. Drexel MiiuUuiKlttrt'iKiirii , UlTKnrnuin 6t. Molss Ilios. , liro\VL-rM. Wl J.uiivamvortli st. .lolin EvHitf , seed , OudKi * nnd Utli FIS. \V. K. Croft , limn ollico , Grnnto ! block , liar- noy mid IStii sts. Uiniiliii . W. II. Itimicr. ' ivniiiH. N. IBtli * t. Clm > . liri'indi-f , Jiibliuu of the iiejico , 001 S. Vt'tilslmns A : McKwon , , pliimlif r * . HI" S. 15th bt. J. M . IVrncIl \ I'll. , IIUDlUlRTd , > . llilll St. I ) , 12. Joeupit , tewinx' ni.iiHiliiiis. A. Doiiok'huo , llorls-t. DoiiKhm imtl lllh st. I1. Itnyui-.VCo , mfPH , lltM I'liruiiiii et. l.odwick AiH'.invf.nllorneys.Plc. ( Sen. A. .loiilyii. | > iil > IMinr. H. I'Jlhbt. K , I * , l.ovejoy , Whlto bowing nuiohliica , N. ir.ih . bt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JJrother Gnrilncr on a Jtenrt Mvmlier. Free I'roas : "It am my painful lootv to inform clis club ilat Hrinlilor ' Arbi'istiis Jenknns has iiassucl from nair uway. " .said Hrolhur ( ianinor whun the trlnnpu Inui ocasoil to loll , "llo was at Jionorarv nu-niber ot ills club , lihin1 indo ' sUiit'oh North Carnllnj' , nn' liu was only 10 cunts behind on his < ! tuH. It kin not \w \ fsuiil o' ArliustuH ilut Ins was clthor Rtatii-nnnn , nont , iihilosophor , phila- thropist or scholar. Ho ww : niniily | an man , who did not shrink caml wist when ho ot wot. "An a of do rjnitud Stalls 1m not K < > brn ghr aroiin" about our buin'ilu urcadssl iiashuii on airth , but hit had it hiclcorv club laid away fur tiny country whluh mi ht Knock do oliip elF our shuuldi- . "As un nlcolor , he went to do polls ebery tlnio dar' was u clmnco toot . an' somctiimis when duir wasn't ' , an' if ho Hplit his tioket it was bokasn hn wan dcitpl.y Inturustuil in do matter of honest gllV'lllL'llt. . , , , . , "As ti laborer ho wan worthy of hlshiro. When ho wasn't workin1 In ; was thinkin1 do boiiolil of hiti bos.s. Jf do bossdidn't know dis it was his own fault. "As n napbur' , liu ncbur borrowed ooll'co siiKar w'dunt inakin' a murk on do uiii , so liu conhl return gooil inniisitro. "Aw n inombor of ilo commnnitv in which ho Uwolt ho upturn ! do law in < l davlimn and btolu wiiturmovJons under kivur of ilnrUnuoi , thinuby bultin' a good u.\amilu | tnr do young. "As churoh rnombor ho a prnyuil . oft ' low , an' hn was half a line behind till ruM in do Bin in' . In < m-o ho hapjiontid bu cotchod vvnl n ham boloii ln to somebody cl > u no fcltcl.sliiiu.uunld ! ; bo - > t on do church. "As a husband he bosicd do cabin , an' a father ho orun-j lus ohill'un up to do law an1 riupuct olu n'K"- ' " \\j .shull hniiL' do iHital emblem of moiirnin' on duouU-r donh , an' wo bhall a bit .sorry dat a fair to modiiim mun ) > nsrfiil : away. Hal will bo all. \\ro shan't pass no rusoliisliiiiis to sontl to his wifn , who knowod him butlur dan nny- body olio , not- will we cluira uat our heartfelt svmpiilhica KO out fur du uhill'cn , who am probably no bt-ltor dan anybody vhu'n , It tun 'null' for us dat wo say dntArbUaltis wi up to the tiivor- , an1 dat death could have toakcii u wnrisur inuu an1 not halt triflil. " IK ] you spit iti ) plileiriri , and are troub with a hacking eolith , tiso Dr. J. H. Tar \Vine JAUIR Balm. 1887. 1887. 'I'akc n new Murl ivIUi tliu now ycnr , nnil soc ivlmt "Onuiliii tllrP' mil Jo Tor you In the conilnp ; year. Take ilio cxpci-ltnoc or oilicr r r tlio | iul year an l < * ru IT you can do ai uoll In lhW7. Wu liavo invii living In Ouiuliu MO HIT Avorlli 65O , OOO nuulc In 1SN(1lth , n Marl or loxs Hum 5,000. and thu i roipctt ! < for J ! < 7 art- greater than ever In - fore. fore.Ve \Ve Inn-o n inr c lUt of holli In- ihle as well as oiilsUlc property , whleh we would tic pirated to Iiou- you al any lime. IVe are si-llliif ; Smith Oaiitha proportj- very rapidly , and arc inaUhif ; ( rum ! OO lo ! JO per eenl on money Invested lu leys than f > O day. 4l'u are npesils for Colnrr iV Afelier'N additliMt. This addition eonlaliiH auont iiO neres of laud and K perlVutly level. To soc tliu pint yon would hardly Know Mliieli lot. fo elioone. Tills lulill- tion has been on the niarKet aixuil oao weeU , and one-Iialf tlie lots are sold. I's-lees ran o from 9 ' - > ( > to pltOO. Y | l U'AXT TO r xow. Hoc irnnylliiu Jii ttils tisl of in * < . Mtlo properly Mill * you : , Ulock 18 , 8 lots Credit Koncier , A bargain $01,000 Jlrlck block on Hartley street , -I storic.s , lot 33\iW ; 81,000 OGxlJM in Capitol addition 7fiOO Ti-room pottage on Ohio street S,8tK ) J lot with store and -i-room Hat nbovp , in Jacob's addition 4,500 l-'nll lol Marsh's in addition 0,100 il-rooui house , barn ; house heated by steam , located on Georgia avenue. A bargain 7,700 House on 17th street , in Improve ment Association , with U rooms , lot lllx ) 1.11. This is u bargain at. 3,500 IloiiM > , ! i roomy , nuw , all modern improvements , in Idlewild , line locution 5,700 oupe , ! ) rooms , now , elegant place fora home , in Idlewild. A bar gain at 0,000 House in Omalia View with 7 rooms , with lot lOO.vlSO. A great bargain 3,800 House , 1) ) rooms , in llaiiseom Place. This is one of tliu best built , houses in the city , ami fora per son wanting a home it would pay Ilium lo look at it. J'riee 5,700 i lot , oU\MO , llorbuch'H addition , with two houses , onu of 12 rooms and one of ! > i oems , rents ? 50 per month. A bargain at 4,000 BOxl-IOin llorbach's addition , with Ill-room house , llontd lor $27 pur month 3,000 ; ; 0.\-Mi ( , lliirbaeh's addition , with 8- room housu , b\rn : , to 3,00(1 ( House , 8 rooms , in Windsor J'laeu , - ' with two lots on cornel- 0,500 Lot in Han com L'hico , block 5. . . . SJ.fiOO We have unimproved property in all parts of the city- Inquire about them. V/e / have a few choice bargains in business property in South Omaha. Full lot in block 70 , South Omaha. . & 2.000 Full lot in block 7-1 , South Omaha. . 1,000 SoxlJO feet , lot 7 , block 10 1,500 Full lot in block 72 1,350 These are a few of the bar gains we have on our list , We are agents for Baker Place. We have 50 acres of land with in 3-4 of a mile of ths packing hDiises in South Omaha , west , Price $800 per acre. We have lots for sale in Rush & Selby's addition , or in any of the additions in South Omaha , Call or write us , We have money to loan on city * | l or farm property improved for from one to five years at the low est rates of interest. We can sell first mortgage notes , Special attention given to ex change. Call or write us , Room 9 , Retiick Block , 1009 FARNAM STREET , 2ND FLOOR , ,