Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1887, Part I, Image 1

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Nearly Eighty Years of Official Life Com
pleted by Emperor William ,
Loyal Germans of High and Low Degree
ABScmblo to Honor Their King ,
How the Now Year Was Ushered in With
Boisterous FUU ,
Ilcnutlfiil Wemion In M'nrin rif
the CiiHtniuni-y CuIlM-Gcncral
IjntcHl Sleve3 Other
Ilvc the
; coiila/il ; / t8 liyJiimtt WJiilon llfinrit. ] , Jan. 1. I New Votk Herald
li ) Special te > the Itici : . ] Nearly eighty
je'ais liavo passed since Prince )
tlm ( lermnn Kaiser , a Ind of ten , had his com
mission as ensign of the footgiiarils handed
to him. Stilcllv speaking the eightieth an
niversary of this event has not arrived , but
tiupulni Impatience has outstripped the illcht
of time1 , anil all Heilln Unlay has been cole-
hratlug thn kalsoi's military jubilee. The
urlnco's warriors of the joung Ceiman em-
plre musle'iedtlilckly at thoknisur'n reception
this alteinoon. Immense crewels lined both
shies of tlm street In the Under
den Linden ami waited pitifully for hours
In the hopoof catching a glimpse of the old
liero on Ids way to tlio New Yeai's services
In tlio cathedral. Hut In view of the cold
wcnthei , the bitter wind and the snow fall
ing , the Imperial phsiclans forbade the
kaiser from going out this morning. The
u'lowd was thus obliged to content Itself with
watching the nt rival of the piinco's olllccrs
in tholi glittering uniforms who diove up
to the palieo In quick succession to olTci the
kaiser theli congratulations. Among tlio
lirst membeis of therojal tnntily to arrive
was 1'ilnco Wilhclm , who diovo up in
n magnificent Htato carriage , drawn by sK
ephitcel tuj's , caparisoned In blue anel white
trapjilngs nnd procedcel by an equerry in
white1 , black and silver. Soon aftei came the
rrown jnl nee , In another state canlago drawn
by.slvblack horses , with cheriy trappings ,
also nreccdeel by an eriueiry wearing a pow-
doioel wig ami n pictuiesque , leing , black
mantle. Jlaielly bad the shout. "Iloch , "
I'led away when Saya's modest llttlo
Iiiougham pulled up at tlio
palace eloor and out .stepped
the gicatest ami simplest soldier in Ccrm.iny ,
Yon.Moltke , In full unlhoim and looking
tiangely joung and vigorous despite lib
paichmeiH cheeks , i veiv now ami then ,
whlloembassadoi-i , princes , statesmen and
oniceis wera airlvintr , they ran airalust somei
-r Immlilei delegate beailiig wie.iths. bexiuuts
d\ nnd floinl trophies sent by tlio kaiser's ad-
mlieis. Theio was immense enthusiasm
nsiegimentsof foot guards m.iKshcd past the
palace at < | tiiek stei > auel In full unitoim ,
their band plnjmg the mitioual anthem.
The Icaisei did neit , as usual , tespond bj-
npioailng ) at the hlstonc window. Ho was
too busy indoors aihlieissing tlio nssembleel
colebretles. 'Iho emperoi's speech was very
touching. Hcause1 ! ! many u teai to stcalthly
cieop down the \vilnkleil cheek of many
warrlois. lie spoke In n linn , militaiy voice1 ,
of the long and hnppj associations ol the
nrmy , rrcilliid Its tiiiimphs , nnel utteteel a
leivcnt piayer that the iVImiglity would per
mit him to bo associated w ith It some tlmu
longer. The kaiser made no allusion what
ever to politics.
To-night the city is billllantlj illuminated.
Thousands are hu/raltii ; themselves hoarse
in thu kalsei's honor.
The Clmstmas tiuco has neatly ended
nnd the politicians are him j ing back
to llcrlin. In a few days the last fes
tive cchon will have dice ! away anel the
lelchstag will bo wrangling anel jangling
over socialism and the aimy bill. Thoyea
dawns moie peacefully than it was lenrod It
might. Cormany nnd official Unssia
nro evidently not leady lor the inevitable
war. The ( ieimans have somewhat lecov-
cicd from the excitement caused by the
impiudont blustering of French patriots , but
the Hulgaiinn question is still dange1OUR.
However , people aio beginning to hope that
tlioc/ai may jet bo inn/vied , anel Kaiser
llhelm has privately e.xpiesscd his convlc-
tlem that vvliilohe Ilve.s , at nil events , GUI-
many will not bo Involved in warfare.
12 run srouM's DISTIIL'CIIO.V. :
The recent snow storms In Cicrmnny did
terilfic damage anel Icel to a great loss ot life ,
in Saxonv nlonu , which with Silesia , suf-
feiod the most , ove'i twenty e 'es me re-
lioiteel , In which men nnel women went
astiaj in the snow ami were fro/en. Unoot
thu most pathetic stoiies Is told nbout nn
agoel postman , who for over ttiiity je'.irs hail
carried the mallsaciossbill and chin between
nevetalRiuall villages , Ono bitter night ho
halted with his nt n lonclv Inn. The
innkeeper pointeel to the driving snow out ot
doois nnd vvained him against continuing
Ills jouiuuy. Itut , like ) tliu herei ) of Kongtel-
low's potMii , thu old man lefuscd to lluger ,
Jlo had to get to his postolllcn that night , ami
get there he would , Ho started , and tins next
day they found him Ijlng by the roaiUldo
dead , stiff , with his ting beside him.
Munich has learned wltn considoraln dls-
ma > that , like other socialist rhlden cities ot
( lermany , It Is to enjoy the blessings Inciden
tal to the minor.statoot siege. Tlm pioscrlp-
tiou lists art ) all ready and the sequel to the
Frankfort expulsions is shortly expected ,
Dcrllners liavo been reading some nether
ellsaqrecftblo statistics this week. It seems
that not only nro thrlr poor houses and
night u luires emlto InaJeqimto for thu de
mands nmelrt upon them , but the lunatic
nsjlums are tilled to overflow lug. A now
bnlldlnc is to bo ervctod nt Ualldorf for
female idiots.
Tin : vn.i.AtMin SIVSTCIIV.
A sensational novel might bo innnufnctured
out at all thu contradictoiy versions of tlio
Ylllunme mystery current in lienlln , The
ambiguous contradictious ot the Villaumo
family and the official press have failed to
convince anybody. Tlm minors pcrclst anel ,
rightly or wrongly , every ono in Ucrlli be
lieves tv German militarj nttacho in St.
I'eteiBburs has been grievously wounded and
insulted , cUlier by the czar himself or someone
ono very near hliu. The conviction Is
trci ) thtined by the apparently well founded
report that tbo czarlnn ban Just sent Frauleln
Von Yillauuea nuenltic nt diamond mooch ,
said to bo worth 30,000 rubles. This would bo
all the uioro rcmnrkntl * from thu fart that
ttic Frauloln \ lllanuif , whom 1 raw the other
ovenlnu' Rt her homt ln I'otbdam , is n particu
larly kltnplu , uuprettnilini ; llttlo lady. Wo
shall probably hear next that her brother hns
been elocornted ,
itANejt IT ; TO STfn coM.nrTona.
The society of Juvenile Cigar Stump Col
lectors had n Joyful evening this week ntabecr
saloon In the Ijandsbercerstrass , Torty-fonr
jonn/arahs wcro treated to gingerbread and
apples nnd presented with warm coats and
spliits ( ono apiece ) , stocKings scarfs , boots
anel ten mark pieces. The Herllner Manner
quartette hid previously enlivened them by
festive and seasonable songs , which , oddly
enough they seemed to enjoy less than the
glnpci bread.
Several Interesting bonks of travel have re
cently appo.ircel , amotigthem ( Jerhard Hollf's
latest work " ( jiild Neivls i"c Africa. " The
author tirts by eleelm Ing that Stanley and
ricgel have cxploied the "Drtrk Continent"
so thoroughly that , trom a puiely exploration
point of view , It Is now plajed out. lie
therefore ailvl cs ( Scrinnns to turn their en-
eigios to developing Afiloan trade and In-
diistry , cultivating the Mill ami opi'iilng up
their poslllons. The native llora nnd gauna ,
he thinks , should nrovo most valuable. Ks-
peclally ho calls attention to the crocodile's ,
whfehlie believes will liavo n cicat com
mercial Inline beifoio thtiin.
A niFATi.nS
The best IJerlln tlicatei , the famous
Doutschos thcnlor , founded a lew jeaisogo
bv n gioup of nctors on tlm mode ! ot the
Comeelie I'rancalse , is tliientened with dis
ruption , Though a decided artistic success ,
It has , liom the outset , been a llnanclnl lull-
tire. Several ol t > io original members ot the
company have nlienely lolt It and the result
of the last jcai's ' business Is so discouraging
that It Is sild Frau Xlomatin , Its chief fem
inine attraction , Herr bchoenfeld and othci
arllsts are now about to leave ahe ) .
A ni't.nAHiAV ii'ru\ .
Talking of theaters , 1 hear from Munich
that the cnterptlsliiB composer , Carl fib-
hern , has written the llbiotto and music of a
leimnntle opera entitled "Dor Hulgnre , " tlio
hero of which is Prince Alexander of Hatlen-
burg. The opera Is embellished with Bulga
rian waltzes and quadrilles ami a Hulgarlan
"Amazon's Match. " Several theatois , It Is
said , offered to products it.
Oraf I'fell saw n sti.uiRO creituro a few
days since swimming In a lake , and which
at lirst ho mistook for a watei serpent. On
bagging his game , however , ho found the
animal a kind of water fowl of the goose
grills. H was feathered anel had a elismo-
poitionatcly long neck , while its head was
so small he could hardly sec it.
itii.i.i D HV \ HirreiiwAvutfl.
A horrible tragedy ocourod in the geologi
cal gardens jestordajAs one of the keep
ers was sweeping out the hippopotamus
o.igcs a hippopotamus thinst his ugly head
through the gate , grabbed the unhappj man
by the throat , and Inflicted such adieadful
wound upon him that soon nttcr ho died in
gieat agonj' .
Sjlv ester Abend brought Its usual quota
of uproarious meiriment. Masked balls tool ;
place nt KiclPs theater ami a dorcn othci
places. An Incalculable quantity of mosel
wlno has been coiisumeel eluring the night ,
ami though overlive hundiod policemen were
em duty In the ( Tutor don hindcn and the
Filedilch stias c they had Inlinito tiouble In
ineventing the tliotisands of giddy students
anel elti/e'iis about Irom showing iheir ne\v
jeai gladness by demolishing calc windows
and smashing the fiats ot such pisscis bv as
tailed to icspoml to their hearty but ovcr-
demoiibtiatlve greetings of "prosit neu jaln. "
lu'ttyVorucn nnel HnnilDninc Jlon
M.ilca the Customary Culls.
[ riijii/Ud/it / ISf liiiinm ] Ginlnllrnnclt. ]
I'Altls. Jan. ] . fXevv Voile lleralel Cable
Spechl to the IJci : . ] Xe\v YC.U'H dnj corner
In with clear , cold , ciystal weiitiiei that
promises well for the skating fetes in the
Hois de Houlognc. Trettj women aio con-
eeMled beneath costl.v fins , and tlm men , be
neath the protection ol lingo nslrnklmn col-
lavs , hasten fiom house to house ,
making calls , leaving cards and consuming
champagne , for New Yeai's and weddings
seem the onlv occasions wlicioon well bred
rienchmen patron i/o tlm glorious vin eles-
coeotlpi. The boulevards are chokoel with
thousands of wooden shanties , transforming
I'aiis Into a vast Nbhnl-Novpoiod fair.
IlOL'LANOril's I. ATI SI MOVH. HoulangeT iiuiiiginati's the new
year by pouncing with the swiftness ot
a hawk upon the laoooon coils of the
bureaucratic routine ot the Fiench war
olllco , and with one fell swoop replacing tlio
civil emplojes by soldiers , thus achieving tlio
boldest and meist uigent lofonn the French
war alike has attempted .slnco the dajsot
iif.u.r.i VVT SKVV vrAit's KVK PAUTY.
One ot the moot billllnnt New Year's eve
parties In I'm Is was given by Mrs. lliuly In
her charming hollj'-elccke'd apartments In the
ruela Socheloucaiild. Tim privates thentil-
calscamo off with gtoat eclat , Mis. Charles
IJlirot , Miss Healy , Miss Kathleen Healynnd
M , JCRcnchnl cloveily performing n bright
llttlo Fianco- Irish comedy , while )
MKs I'mmn Thnrsby delK'hteel Mrs.
Healy's Invites by Binding ; a Fieneli
blnl sonj ; , "Un lo Mossalinn. "
Satin-clad feet trluped llghtlj ttiiough In-
nnmeiable vvnlt/cs nnd the cotillion lasted
until nearly sunrl'-e. Among these present
wcro Mrs. anil Miss Walker , the latter attired
in white satin and "point d'esprlt ; " Mine ,
.Saint Amant , wearing whlto satin anil diamonds
mends ; Mr.s. Lrsuour , diossod in
black and whlto chiselled velvet ; Mrs.
Stricklanel , in black silk lace ; Mrs ,
MclCujc , in gray ottoman , black velvet and
white lace ; .Mi.s. Perkins , in golden brown
plush ; Mis , Scovel , In gray whlto tollle , with
whlta lace nnd diamonds ; Mrs. Gibbs , In
scarlet tulle ; cretty Mrs. Clarence Andrew * ) ,
In nmuvfl satin , covered with cold-bonded
tulld ; and the Countess eto la Holssiore Mua-
iln , In ebony velvet , with cream lace over n
pale oluo petticoat. AIUOIM the pretty girls
present weio Miss .Snint Amant , lu palo
pink ; ttio Misses Strickland , In cream ; the
Misses Fisher , two lovely binnettes , In white ;
and Miss Stead in palo blue ) . Amonir the
gentlemen were Mi. Clarenoo Andrews , Mr.
Nathan Appleton , M , do Hasack Kujgand
Mr. Urldgemau Hacon.
'J he steamer La Homgogno sailed this
morning fiom Havro for New York. Ainonn
her passengers are Colonel ilolfmui , Messrs.
S , II. May , W. L. May and Whitmoro 0. C.
Grcry's Now YCIITH Itocoptlon ,
PAUIS , Jan. 1. Piesldeut Orevy had the
customary Now Vears reception at the
El ) seo. The papal nuncio made nn uddiess
In behalf of tin ) diplomatic body , U ,
( hovy , replying , referied to tlm good rela
tions that bad existed between Franco and
all other powers fora nerloel long enough to
'bo noted lu the life of our generation , Ho
believed that peace would bo prolonged by
the wisdom of thu several governments toi
the lutppiuess ot the nation.
Relieves In I'oaco ,
Jan. 1. Hcrr Tisia , Hungarian
psirae minUter , answering New Ve r' con
gratulations of the liberal members of the
diet , to-day .said thnt. the yovirnrnpnt ailtiered
to tliu easteui jwllcy himself and Count Kal-
coky had already euuuclatod , nod would en-
deivor by eveiy means to maintain pc.ico so
li.uc as the vital Interests and honor of the
country were not jcopnrdlzeel , Notvvlth-
standing that all the states ot Europe had
been arming since the above mentioned dec-
laia'.lons were made , nothing had happened
to diminish their hopes of tlm picscrvance of
peace. On the contrarj1 , tlm various rulers
ami their governments showed pvcltlc Inten
tions concspoiiain ? to the wishes of their
people. _
Ilrltlsh Gi'nln Triulo llcvlcw.
LiVKfii'not , , Jan. 1. A leading weekly
grain circular sajs : The grnln trade Is Kry
strong. The j ear closes with unusual activ
ity. Wheat Is elearer In all positions. There
Is a largo Inquiry from speculators. Tlio
demand from millers Is small , but Is expected
to Increase after tlio turn of the year. Car-
gyps are held nt Os nelvnnco anil few aio
nlTercd. At jesteuehv's market then1 was a
laige attendance , w Illicit-one fooling , Wheat
was very Him nnd n fnlr business was elono
ntnn advance of lduM over Tueselaj's iatc .
In lloui ngood business waselone , mostlj at
an ndvntie'o ol fiel. was in good
tlemaiid at an advaeco of about Is M.
Vir.ssv Jan. 1. The imjor of Hroes , a
town In Transylvania , has been ollMaHy
notified to prepaio for the spiingmnnoenvers
which are to be held there nnel which will bo
attended by llmporoiJFiaiicis Joseph. The tin-
usual oaillness of tlio notice Is supposed to
Indicate an Intention to coiicentialo tioops
In Tiansylvanla ,
Ooldot'fl Pacific Sticcch A t > jl.ielcel. .
1'Aitis , Jan. 1. The piess of this cltj is
unanimous In its applause of the pacific ut
terances ol M. ( ioblet In his speech made
jesteietnj to the deputation from the,1 stock
exchange1 , mid savs that it hopes the speech
will put an end to the ahrmist campaign.
Sullivan Quietly ItcliiHtnllee ! .
it III.IN , Jan. 1 , The puicesslou attendant
upon the ceremonies of iclnstalllng Mr. Sul
livan as lord mayor ot Dublin to-day was the
simplest over witnessed In the city. Theio
was none ot the display iisunl upon tmeh an
occasion. _
Nearly Three Ijlvcs Ijosf.
MAIIIIAS , Jan. 1. Two hundred nnd sev-
cntj'-live natives lost their lives by thu binn
ing of fie loserved enclosure at the People's
paik heio jesterday. .No .Curopcans were
,7 Ini Cniiuiiinirs Itelilnel the
ST. LeUis , Jan. 1. The Adams express
company reihbors are nt last be'gi lining to tin n
up in this citv. This moinlng Hobert Pinkei-
ton ami Superintendent Damsel ol the
Attains express company , having in charge
Fred Wlttiock , arrived from Kansas City ,
and Assistant Supciintenilent Robing of the
Plnkeiton a rcuey , brought the nccompllco
Weaver fiom Chicago. It was pretty we'll '
known that Plnkeiton was on his waj' to this
city with Wittiock , nnel when the train ai-
livcd there was a lai o ciowel at the .station
anxious to catch n glimpse of the famus "Jim
Cummings. " I'lnkorton aided his piisoner
from thu ear ami , lollowed In Damsel , ihey
onteied a oatiiuge and were elrlven tapidly to
the Four Courts , where the piisoner was de-
liveied ovot to the j.iiloi , wlio took him in
and "Jim " last
chaise , Ciimmlngs" was at
placeel behind tlic bais. As soon as the piison
ois weio leleased from tlie clutches ot tlio
I'liikoitons it lecamo ueibslbh1 to obtain in
terview i liom them. Neither hael much te >
sav. Wittrock said he and llnight planned
Iho tobbery and nil tlio stories about Iis.
Haight having elone headvvoik weio mtio
talk and iiothiiiL- mote , rotheiinghnm had
known nothing about the contemplated lob-
LJCI > and had susjiccteel notuing vviong.
A. flue lo tlio Itock Island
CHIC voe > , Jan. 1. | Special Telegram to
the Hue J A moi nlng pipei says : It was
learned jeateiday bejonel much doubt that
the Pinkertons have leceivoel an Impoitant
clue In connection with the Uock Island train
robbeiy of the United Status expioss com-
panjanel that they expect to capture some
ot the criminals in a few days. Indeed , It is
believed that they have one of them nlreadv.
There Is a well toumleel icpoit that Wappen-
stein h as gone to n countrj altei the
murdcrei em this stiongth of n confession
made by one of the men now uneler arrest
for the Fiisco train robbeiy , and that man ,
it is hinted , Is Fotlierlnglmm. Plnkeiton
piaetically nelmltted last evening he
know from the beginning that Fotheilngliam
was in thu plot.
liv Positively Xeit n Candidate ,
WAsiuvc.Tei.v , Jan. 1. The Star this
evening sa > s : hnst night Govoinor Oglesbj- ,
of Illinois , wlio came here to attend the
funeral ol the late benatoi Logan , In conver
sation with several leading cltl/ens of that
state , declared most positively ami unemii-
vocallj' that ho would not bo a candidate lor
the eat in the senate made vacant by Gcn-
eial Logan's death. He reiterated his foi-
merly expressed Intention e > t letlring to
private lite nt the end of his tei in as gov-
einor ,
Ueprcsentativo Cannon leaves foi Illinois
_ _
A Now Trattinu Asmeiclatlnn ,
CIIIPAOO , Jan. 1. Mr. Hemis , prosieicntof
the Chicago Hoi seman , says that Mi. Cam-
pan has leeched assurances ot suppoit fiom
so largo a nuuibci of ( letting associations
thioughoiit the west , that ho now 1 eels wai-
lanted In Issuing a call shoitly foi uniting
lor the puipose of fanning a now trotting as
sociation. Tliis movement is stated te > bo the
icsiilt eif the opposition to tlio lecont elect ion
of Mr. Vail ns secietiny ot the old organl/a-
tlon. The meeting will probably take place
at Delioit some tlnio In 1 ebiuarj.
favors tlic Hatch Hill.
SAN FIIANC isre > , Jan. 1. At a inci'tlnj * ol
the board of dliectors ot the Callfotnia State
lloiticiiltnral society jesterday resolutions
v\ero adopted requesting the C.illfennln eon-
giessional de'lcgatea tei usei every etleirt to
secmo the j > assago of the Hatch bill now
pending , which piovldes for the establish-
meiit and endowment of oxperlmental
stations In connection with the ugilcultuial
colleges in the different states ,
- _
Sinnll-Pov in Australia.
MKI noritxi : , Jan.l. Tlio Get man steamct
Preusbcn , from Hreinen via Port Said , has
airived here with a case of small pox-on
board nnd was quaiantined , The disease
spread to tvvuntj--four oilier persons. Thirty
passengers who were lauded at Sidney hnvo
also been taken sick.
Family Poisoneel Iiy Hie t Inn llnui
Pn-rsni'iio , Pa. , Jan. 1. Members of n
family of this city named Thomas are suffer
ing severely from trichlnloslo contiactcd
through eating law ham , which proved to bo
nlivo with pjiasites , Ono ol the sons cannot
recovei. _
Color.tilo'N Minn Output.
II\VKII : , Jan. 1 , The Trlbune-Kopubllcan
sajs : The follow Ing Is the estimate ot the
output of Colorado mines for 1SSO ; Silver ,
glfi,4M , < i : loid , SMiSS/iVi : gold. S.vos-.wi ;
copiw. SI ! . ' . .r)7U Total , SSO.TOJ.CW. Increase
over 1 J > , S. , ' > iJOiO ,
ULAKK-Jannary l at t:45 : a , m. , Katie V n
Housen , only daughter of Mr. und Mis. J.
h. Jllal- , aged 0 yeais and 7 months.
Funeral Sunday January D , at 'J p. m. ,
from family lesldence. 720 Xoi th Klgliteeuth
street. Friends respectfully invited.
AlILQUlST-ln this city December 31 at
n : a. in. , Stella Louisa , daughter ot ( > .
W. and Louisa H. Ahlmtist , aged 1 year
and b months.
Funeral Sunday , Jnnuarj'2 , at 3 p. m. from
family residence , 2531 Chicago street. Friends
respectfully Invited.
Nubravka anel lown AVcathcr.
For Nebraska ana loxva : Warmer ; rain or
Tiie President's ' Blow-Otit Not Considered"
tin Unqualified Success.
The Elements Conspire to Dampen tlic
liiitliiislnsin Very Few of the
"Common Herd" ou Hand
\VnshliiKte > n Nevva.
Tlio President's Reception.
WAiuivmoy , .Lin. 1. ( Special Telegram
to the Hi.K.1 Kvcrjthlm ; nnd ovcrjbody
were given up to day to the iceeptlon. Tlio
Mtii slmiui early In tlio momlug ana for a
w lilli1 It looked like tlio day would bo beauti
ful , but at 10 o'clock tlio skv became over
cast , the air bevame raw ami to tlio slush
under foot was aeidctl the most dlsngteeablo
ntmospliciu. As usiiftl Interest was centered
at tlio ulilto house. The piesielcnt and Mi .
Clovel.uul must hnvo been soielj dis.ip-
pointed. Their guests uuinhered one-third
less than last ycni , but this was probably
owing to an impression that the president
would not bo picseut and the dlsagierablo
eondltlon of tlio weather. Theio were the
usual members of thenimy and navy , mem-
hers of the diplomatic cotps and
Immediate members ot tlio admin
istration , but that u'rcnt class Usually
designated as the "common lieul" and ordl
narlly numbering way Into tlio thousands ,
was not tlieiontid no explanation Is mndu
of the absence. Thcro wcro anxious In
quiries concerning the health of the presi
dent all morning , ami itsas not known till
a few minutes before ho appeared whether
ho would bo able to parllclpite. When tie
came down stairs on tlio arm of Mrs , Man-
nine , for she assisted htm , Instead ollco
veisa , us is customaiy , si I row n overspread
his tace and ho bit his lips as ho Riinpressed a
limp from the swollen condition of his knee.
Ho walked slow , but one not noticing him
specially would not ha\o dlscovoted any dis-
comdturc. A Hush mantled his cheeks from
a slight fever. Secretary Manning looked much
more 111 than did tlio president. It was
remarked by overjbody that Mr. Mannlngai )
pcared to be veiy delicate. Ho looked pale ,
while there was a pud around his ojes which
Indicated cxtiemephjsleal weakness. Theio
was a freer commingling In the pallors bo-
youd the group of administrative receivers
than usual. 1'eoplc of all grades and shades
lingered and seemed to enjoy themselves.
Walkoi Ulalno cnmo to the wblto house a lew
minutes aftei the reception began and some
time pnor to tlio admission of the eeneial
nubile , to which ho belonged , and asUcd 1'or
an Introduction to Colonel Lament. This
piocurcd , ho icqiiested a special piescntation
to tlio piesident. Mis. Cleveland and others
le'oelvmg.Mr. . lilaino was veiy cordlilly le-
celveel and lingered some moments
pa } Ing his compliments Unlv tlncu
men apne.urd among the callois in
lull dress anil ex-Speakoi Uindall one
of thorn. The number ot senators anil rep-
lesuntatho who cnlled was lo s than ever
known beliuo. .Just nttei tlio justices of the
supreme couit ontcied the green loom , nbout
Ilftcen woiki-H in No\v paner How.lio
\\i-ioon tlio Innei ciiclesol the whites house ,
enteied the loom. As they approached tlio
tnerleli > nt some onei sang out : "Noswpnper
How. " Mr.s. Ci , iv elanel smiled very blandly
and gave ) the boys n inm giasp , hut the piwif
elent seemed pjiplox'od and annoved. He
thought ot the ' 'ghoulish glee" which would
lolluw. The attention of the ncwspapoi
coiicstiomlents wiis called to the absence ot
eletectiuis aiound the nresletent. us last jcnr.
Only policemen in citi/ens' clothing did
gu ird duty. 'lho criticisms of last jar kept
the detectives out ol emplo\ineiit lej-div.
Mi. Mundeieon whs tlio first senator to call ,
lie was follow ( ! MKHI nllur bjsenator Alli
son and Ki'piesentntlves Conger , Jjyman and
Mtiiphj' . ol low a.
' 1 lie toilets ot the ladies wen1 displayed to
great advantage in the lefulgence ot light
liom the great gilt and ciystul chandelier
and candolnuia in the uliie pailoi , and it was
goncially remaiked that tliov wcicmaivelsol
beauty and good tasle. Mis. Cleveland were
a iinmpadoui elicss of pink faille franoal'-o
silk , plain liont , witliMnnlines lace , tiain ol
same color , satin and silk slilped , and cm-
liiuidcieel with rosebuds. Tlio neck was cut
squ.iio in front and rather high , with point
In bick. .She woio tan elbow-.sleeve gloves ,
llei onl.v oina'iient was n diamond neeklccc ,
which was a wedding present fiemi her litis-
band , She won1 but a siugle rosebud.
Mrs. Manning woio an elaboiate toilet of
sitin , and brocade tiont of jollovv satin ,
tilmmed with ttiichess and point lace in pan
els at sides.
Mis. Kndioott's dress \vas n gold colored
biocade slmtteel with led. with a ciiuit tialn ,
scalloped over icd velvet and : ed velvet
reveies o\er whltu Inco Ilounct's.
Mis. Vilas' was a black velvet with
couit tialn over ol pink nioiie , cov-
oied with Jetted net The corsage was open
at the neck and at tlio was vvoin n
shell shaped pendant of diamonds.
Altlioiuh the dean of tlio diplomat ie corps
woie the conventional suit most of the for
eign ieproseitativcs | we'ie attlicd In full
nullorm , the group icpiesonting a biilllant
display of gold lacp and cloth of gay hues.
Noxteamo the justices of the ) siipiemo couit ,
juiUes ot the couit ol claims , dlstiict jn-
dlciaiy ami district commissloncis. The at
tendance ol senutois and loprosentntives
was ratlier below the nvora'o on Xow Year's
day at tlio white house. Most ot the lexis-
latois were accomiianled by their wives and
ladles ot their household.
At half-past 1 o'clock ladles assisting in
the reception weio compelled to leave the
white house to lec'oivotlioii iilends > ut their
homes amlMi.s. Cleveland remained without
asslst.uico beside the pieiieleiit. It is esti
mated that 7,000 or .0uu peopio attended the
leceptlon , 1'ho picsldeut stood without as
sistance of any kluel throughout. Jt appeals
Unit ho was not undiilj distiossed , and no Is
rostni1 ' comfoitably to-night. Mrs. Clove-
lanel was also much fatigued , but showed no
sign ot eliseomfoit during tlie reception , ami
shook hands with the same eheeiy smile at
the last pei,011 In the long linn.
"Mis. Cleveland is proving herbulf to lie
the diplomat of tlm white house , " said a well
known society writer toelaa lady who
frequently call * upon the firnt lady of the
liind lor thoelolngs nt the whlto house. "Mrs.
Cleveland Is trying to countcinct the un
popularity of her hush nul among newspaper
w liters bv solidifying hei self with the ludios
of the press. She leeches us all kindly and
glv es us al I she knows of novv.s. Then she treats
us lovely ami take * an interoot In us , , Slio
recopni/es us at church , theitro , on the
street , evei y\v hora 1 frequently call to see
her , and she remembers my llrst name , anil
spe-aks as though she considers mo uno of her
friends Instead of a convenience , us many
other ladles of htuli rle0'ieo do. I recently
passed Mrs. Cle.veland on the street , fc'he was
with a friend , I did not think to loco/niio
her ga/ing at thu ( rirnd. When I called at
the white housobliu spoke ot mv oveisight.
and seemed to feel it- 1 apologucd and all
Is well now. MH , Cleveland U just like all
of us. "
"Talk about leform In the elepartments , "
said an Interior dcpaitmont clerk tliu oilier
day ; "tlm leform carried uii b > tlih adminis
tration Is enough to make ono tired. 1'or in-
Blanco , a largo number of the chiefs of divi
sions are men from the Interior of states ;
fiom small places , and who liavo never had
thn cxpcriencu ot a business man , They
vveropoliticians , who nevtrhad occasion to
w rite n business letter , and who cannot do
It. \ on FOO u great to do In democratic pa
nel s about tlujbiuccrltj of tlio administration
in retaining In places nu'ii who have been
chiefs of divisions for jejis und who are re
duced to clerkships i-.tther than to tlaoiv them
out UKii | ) tlio woild. Tills is claimed tolid
done to lepay them far past services. Home
ot the old cUufa | have consents ! to aieiluc-
tlon. The leluini ically consists in making
a new place lor theo old tle'iks or sort
ot private bviretarits to tip nuworthj now
appointees.- What do i do' . ' Why they
do the vntho wroiU at SI , U > ai , whllo the
cblef draws VJ.Wy to S'.f'O'j and doe * noth-
Inc. Win , my dcu sir , I have < oen tlioco
same duels so Incompetent that they were
actually unable to check oft theli coire pond-
once. The old chief sits opposite the1 new re
form chief and checks offliUmill o ,
writes tlio Initials of the new man because
tlio polltlcil-rcfonn chief Is unable to do It
lightly. Even altei months e > f coachlni :
there are chiefs In various of the Kovoinment
departments unable to transact or superin
tend tno business of tiielr divisions and the
old chief as an S1SK ) rlcrk does U all.
" .Men are nnpolnted now to renay omo po
litical debt. Tor Instance. Senator Voorbees
demanded ntid secured the appointment of
two chiefs simply be-causo they hael voted foi
him for senator , twice while In the Indiana
loiitsliUuie' . lie Is uot the only sen.Uoi who
has palmed oil such men. "
i inniiTvNtiM vvurr.
Major 1 lav id Porter Heap , engineer spore-
tan of the llcht house boaid , while In New
York .1 few da ) s acn , made a personal in
spection of the llaitholdl statue recently
elected In Now York harbor. He savs vis-
Hois should be uistricted from ascending the
Interloi of the arm which Is uplifted to hold
the toicli , othciwNc It will comn tumbling
elovMi iome > ilaj with scvoial peoule In It. The
arm is constructed of sheet copper , biaoeel
Inside with lion stays. Thcro Is space
enough insldo for ono person at n time to
ascend an almost nmlRht ladder. Upon
le-achlng tlie topof the hand there is a nar
row balcony wldo enough to jiermlt two or
Unco persons to tike observations ot the har
bor and the ) sutioundlncs. On Monday ,
while the major was on top , the oftlcer who
accompanied him without much exeitlon
shook the aim so that the major fe.ueel ho
would be eli opped from his porch. He sajs
if the " -tatuo Is placed utielet theulirectlon of
the light hnusolboaid lie will suggest that
visitors hall not be allowed to go higher
'than the head eif the statue , where theio U
also a point of observation. The malor Is
not hlcnl.v Impressed with the staunchness of
the statue , anel ho iitedlets tint In two or
tlncei eals constdciablo rep.xlilng will bo
needed on tlio copper walk.
nenv nni'i nt.iOAXs iieti t ) ov.
A ptomincnt democratic otllclal , who hns
the reputation ot belntr an oxtiemo pailN.ui ,
sxvs lie has been studying the methoels e > f the
republicans who have been ictalned in olllco
and ho liasdiseovouMl that tliej have insti no
tions from the repnbilcin lundcistn hold on
to their positions , under the present adminis
tration at all luwaids In u number of In-
stane-es lepubllcan chiefs ot divisions liavo
voluntarily romiosteel to bo reduced to the
ranks of a clerk so that they might hold on to
their places In the public service and ke > ep
the lepubllcan leaders infoimed as to whit
U going on within the camp ot the adminis
tration. These spies , for thev do not de-
seivo to bn called timtlilnp , bettor , have
assurances that thev will bo rostoieel to theii
fermer ) positions should the lopuhlh-aus bo
sueicesijful In the next national contest.
Jeco > shave been set and ot these.
gav birels have been trappeel anel ininlsheel
as they deserve. inentlone'd lias
a Dlack list containing over one hundred
names and n iiumbet ot lumovals are likely
to follow at an eaily day ,
Tenelor Mcssnsjoq to flcnoral TJOKHII'S
IIorca\otl Wlelow.
WA iiNoioy , .Ian. Indesciibablv ten
der are the : sentiments which have come to
Mrs. l egan In the tiist hours of hei widow
hood. Thev ate In the shape of notes and
letters fiom personal fiicnds ol her husband
and heisclf in all walks ol life and all paits
of the land. These have been kept under her
personal guardianship , her lust thought liolng
that only in her own stricken heait and in
thosoof bci ehildicn could such woids find
appicclation. Now , however , when she has
learned how fully the souow Is shaicd by all
the nation , she has listened to the council ot
oC lice family and ncaiest fiicnds and has
suncndeicU them to bd gatheicd v lth
.thousands of tclegiam ? , into a memorial
volume , a w Itncss of the fame and honoi ae-
coieled to hei husband by tno public , as well
as the love and esteem with which he filled
the hearts of those who know Him best.
Among the eaillcst ot thu letteis received
were the following :
Sty Dear Mis. JOKUII : \Vo mo gieatly
shocke'd to hear ot the teriihle giief which
has ( onio te > you so suddenly.Vorels aio
but pool coiutoitcrs in tiouble Ilko this , but
wo wish jouto know our traits aie lilieel
with tlie eieepust s > mpatiiy for j ou. My biis-
b.inil , who Is 111 in bed , joins me most earn
estly in my mess.uo of condolence and bogs
mo to s.iy that , added to his sympathy lor
you in > our great nniiction is his own gilef
at the loss of nn honored ami esteemed
friend. Jn deepest j miiathy , your liiend ,
KIl.cls F. Ci.nv'Ki.AM ) .
Mr.vron. O. Dcai Mis. J.ogan : Jlow
sheicked and saddened I am to lead ol jour
( ii eat sorrow nnel of the n.itlon's loss , in
deepest sympathy 1 am , most sincerely joins.
LlTCm.TI.t It. ( iAItKll.M ) .
XKAV YoitK Cnv. My Dear Mrs.
J eigan : 1 hesitate to Intiudo upon jour
moments ot Inte'iiso guel , but must lell jou
what u shock eleai ( iencial Logan's eleath
was to us all hoie.Vo cannot bellov o itho
bfcineel so powerful and well when wo last
sawhlm. Mis. ( Jrant sends \ou hei warmest
le'g.irels and Hvinpatliy wliuh Is so
Colonel CSiant Is leally miserable , and feels
so unhappy not to have oeen with jou or
ne-ar to help if possible , lie hopes logo to
Washington to elaj , that yon may command
him In any way and that hi ; may stand by
the side of ono whom his fathei valued so
highly as alrlenel. If theie is any sei vices 1
may render , will you Kindly cull upon me-V
With alfectlonuto logaidb for you , jour
daughter imil son , and with deep honowat
heait over voui teruble lo s , niost sinceielj
join tilenel , IDA Hovoui ; ( .in
hettcis similar in sentiment wein 10-
eeiveet fiom Katlicnuo Chase , .lolin llav ,
Nelson A. Miles , 1) . Dickies , Mis. I ) , W.
_ _
Hlchard Mnnsflolel closed hla prolltablo en
gagement last evening with another large
house. Tiio matinee was phenomemal.
Without justly laying claim to greatness.
Mi. Mun lleld Is well calculateel to please
and hold the attention of an audlcnco. Ills
acting ischatncteri/cd by casts and natirnl-
iiisss , and his inimitable gilt of mimicry is
tlio wonder ot all who sou him ,
ItOSP . . . .
It is certainly a relief to amusement leivers
to have ) an occasional oppoitunlty of an
ovenlng'H plensini ) with tlio "old comedies , "
especially w.ien omitted by laellcs and gentle
men ol supeiior di.imatie attainment. None
< /no on tlie ) stage to-day stands hlghei as it
truthlul delineator of the leading chai.ictoi- ,
in these standard plays than Hose Coghlan.
Two continents liavo acknowledged her
great eliamatio povreis , and Wnllack's the
society theater of the worlei would have
kept her as leading lady for a life time If
posMbh ) , .Sho will open ntliojd's Monday
night with "School foi Scandal. " On Tues-
elay the "Lndy of Lyons" will bo piesuntcd.
and on Wednesilny , "London Assuiance.1'
'Iho company Mippoiting Miss Cou'hlan Is nn
unusually strong one , composing such
capable people as Frederick do ftollevlllo , A ,
S. Lipman , .Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Wulcott
and others of acknowledged merit.
On Monday evening , January U , the ( Jolelen
Dell Comedy company begin n six nights' en
gagement at this theater , Tlm company
come ) ellicct liom San Francisco and is com
posed of acotoiio ot atlist.s , each emo belnif
a muster In theii patllcnlai line. Thecntoi-
talnments consist of comedies which
nro entholy now nnd played only
by this company. The perform
ance U of the ( -'inio class as tlm Tronbadors ,
giving opportunities lor each member to in-
ttoduco theli specialtiesAmemg the aitlsts
may bn nameI John H. C.issaely , the greatest
reel and hornplpo dancer in America ; Miss
Mable Pearl , the gifted somnnoln operatic
selections ; Miss Annie Whitney , the cul
tured contralto , ami many otheis , AdmU-
Biun , I.1 ; , ! ' > and 35 cents.
'I'ouclieel For u Hundred.
On Saturday nisht nbout 10 o'clock Mr. 1) ) .
I. Hnydtn , tlm con 11 actor , was held up and
robbed of 1X ( ) while passing wcstof Haiu-
com jinrk on hit , waj Home. Ho was driving
nt a rapid calt when 1m was stopped by two
men , u ho tipped him out ot his sleigh and
went thioiigh Ills pockets.
Sloutlty ARnlii Scorchoel iinet u Tire-
innii Killed.
btot v ( ITV. In. , , ian. 1. fSpeolal Telc-
Ri-amtotho Hr.i : . | Sioux City was veiled
thlsnimnlngbyanotliercemllagiaUon , About
3 o'clock the alarm was sounded , but it
was some little time before the tire ilepnit-
ment reached the SCPIW of the dlanstcr. The
follow Ing are the lo'ors nnel amounts : .loo
Cullmnn , building , corner Fourth and Jack
son streets , 51,000 ; Matt l'r.iucl cus , stock
anel fixtures , nooo , InsniAiico SIW ; Oapt.
Harlovv , building , SJ.OOD , coveicd by Insur
ance ; Mi. Lni on , stock of dry good" ,
510,0-X ) , pirtly insured , almost a totil loss.
A sad catastrophe , resulting In the
eleath of Henry Niver , took place
In connection with the lire , While
the hook and Heldct companv was
starting for the Ino. Nlvor and another party
held tlio horses , which weio very tractions
and lestles * . As theeliivei mounted tei his
seat , Iho team made n lunuo forvvaid , knockIng -
Ing Niver dewii and stopping em him. Tlio
immense Imok and ladder truck pa ed ovei
hlsbodv. Niver elled liomhls Injuries sheirtly
aftei wauls. He ! was nbout thlrtj jeais of nco.
ixudhas been emplojed In this city for several
j ears past. _
A Conl ShnH CUVOM In.
Drs Motvi.s , la. , .Ian. 1. iSueeml Trio-
gram to the Hi i . ] To-day the Se'jmour coal
shaft , nt Soymom. U'a.vno eoiintv , eive' < l In ,
covering evoijtnlng with ruln . Hointj u
holidny theio weui no persons at work in the
mine ) and n mulu happmcd to bo the only
thlnir that was killed. The einmbliug boRnn
ast nlclit and completed the woik tei-dvy.
Themluo was owneel by IF Tiiatcher anei
was leased by forty miners , who vvoro wotlc-
Ing II on the co-oporatlvo plan. Tlio toss ol
the shall Is complete1 , and It has not been do-
oide-il whether an attempt will be mailo to
etpon it aL'aln. This iiuno was tlm solo do-
pendeueii ot tlie jilaco lei coal and tlm peonlo
are alatmcel at the piospccts of u coal famine.
Wnlilejulst Gen' * to
UAsii\is ( , Neb , , Jan. 1. [ Special Tele
gram to the UKH I Charles 15. Wahlqulst ,
onei ot the bilshtcst joung jouinalists In the
state , has sev ei oil his connection as city eelitor
ot the lwetto-.Iouinul ! ot tills place , with the )
intent of assuming on Weelnosday next p.ut
ptoiuiotoishlp of the McCook Demociat ,
Klchniel Thompson'H interest in which Mr.
Wnhlijiilst has bought , lie w 111 bn n'-sociateni
with his biotlier in tlm conduct ot the papet.
Thu Hold is ample , the ) woikcis capable und
the harvest will undoubted ! } be both ( 'ratlfj'-
Ing and remunerative.
COM Mitojs , Neb. , Jan. 1. [ Special Tele-
cram to the I5irj Our Illciary and lycenm
Is developing bomo jnouiislng young aitlsts
in oratory , clecut Ion and debate. The pio-
giaiumc last night was peculiarly interesting
and the vocal and Instrumental exercises
weieof a high order , tlm Maennerchor hall
being lilieel at the weekly meetings , our edit-
c.itois , lawveis , pasteirs and business men
giving it their suppo : t , ami jne'senco and is
eloiug much toeicatou liteiaij Us to among
the jounc people.
The Tjonn Fio7on Over at Coliinihii .
COM Mitrs" , Neb. , Jan. 1. fhi > ecial Tolo-
giam to the Hi i.j Thocolel sna ) ) has bridcod
tlio Loup liver. Out mtrchants mo feeling
bettor , foi the loss of oiirbildgo In November
has crippled our trade and b idly demoral I/eel
ouriovenues. Hogs and giain aio po
Into our market anel mills are iiinnliig
nnel elaj' .
Polioo Anniorlty Dofloel.
A member of the Omaha police had an In
teresting experience with n fam ly oC 1'apill-
lon county toughs , on 1'ildiiyand ycstenlay.
I'aily In the week scve' < -tori'sand the depot
at Springfield weio bui laii/ed. V rewaid
wasollciedand Deputy Sheiill Wojmouth ,
of 1'apillion , came to Omaha for police aid in
looking tip the thieves. Suspicion attached
to thoMeCarty boys , four biothers who llvo
in tluuniict village of Helleviie , but have the
reputation ol iiomg the toughest combination
in S.irpy countj- . Two ol these bojs were
seen in Hpringlield on the evening bufoio the
burglaiies weio committed anel on account of
their well known cha' actor suspicion
was naturally dltcctod tow.itd them. Olliccr
Nightingale was swoin in as a deputy sheiilt
nnel on Filday st.iitcd out armed
with a Bcaieh wariant ( o search for
stolen goods in Mrs. JJ.inett'H on Twen
tieth bticct on the Huiloviio roiel. instead of
stopping nt tlio place mentioned Miitinialo !
drove on to Hellovne , the homo eif the M c-
Caity boys , Ono ol tlio boys saw
Ilio olllceis , Nightingale and Ormsby ,
and noUlied his bmtherp , who aimed
tbomsolvcs with shotguns and mounting
hoises lode away In the eliicetion of 1'apill-
ion. The boys all wore new boots and this
fact in a measure conhrmoel the belief
of the police that they had committed the
hurglailes , as several piiis ol old boots woio
found In I.owy's sloio at Spilnglield tlio
morning alter the buiglary. Nightingale1 ,
then , piosiimlng on the authority ol his
Doiulas county iaicli wiiiianr , went
tlnoiigh the homo of tlio MoCarty's and took
jiosscsslon of a ejuantlty ot geiods that ho be-
lleveMl had boon stolen fremi Ijowy's store.
Ollicer Ormsliy anel Nightingale went em to
I'apilllon nt tne lequest ol Sliei Iff Caurpbcll ,
ol Knijiy county. Jlo i cached I'apilllon on
Frlelay alteinoon and was at once niioste < !
on a wnirant Hvvoin out by ono of the Mc-
Cartjs chargliiL' him with the larceny of
foods fiom the McCnitv mansion in classic
Itellovtte. The McC.uthys were em hanel ,
tour in number and all armed with double-
ban oiled shotguns , and sat In the com t room
dm ing Nlflitinjcalei's examination and con
sulted In tones loud enough to be heaid
all ejvcr the couit room whether
they shout the pusoner on
the spot , or wait until after tlio trial. She-rill
Campbell and his deputies witro piesent , but
for some reason 01 otiici failed toariosltho
McCuitjN though they wens the objects ot
theli seaioh , Nluhtinga'o was jilaeea tineler
bonds ot 5100 to appear foi tiial on Tuesdaj' ,
and as soon as released statte'el lor Omaha ,
On tlm train ho was met by thn McCarty
brothers , who le..ih'd him with piomUesof
Miootlng tlm toil ot his head elf If 1m diet not
net as they eiesiml until tlm tiain roaehoel
Omaha. I hen NiKhtingalo reirhoel the near-
usttrlephnno'ind called upon tl.o central
Mfttlon foi aid , but before the olllcois wlio
were dclnili < et to aid him cemld nirlvu the Me-
Caitjrt had depart ed. 'l'h hrothern seem te )
have tholr own way In Karpy county , mid
the authorities aiu apparently atiald tout-
tempt their nrretat ,
Y. SI , C. A. r.Vl/IjS.
Many VIsitorH Uocfilveel anil n Dollulit-
Cul Time ) Hud.
The tcceptlnn at the rooms of tha Yonni :
Men's Cliilstian asseelatleui ) jesterelay was a
most dellghtlul affair , a Jnrgei number of
laities behiK jiresont to itceivo the t-nllerb.
among them buiug the follow Ing ; Mrs.
Klllott , Mis. Henderson. Mis. ( i. W. Cl.vk ,
Mrs. A. II. Clark , Mitt. Kennedy , Mis. 1'eai-
son , Mrs , Austin , Mrs. .Smltli.MrH.Hurrmnjhs ,
Mrs LnnUton , Mrs. LraelerMis. . Uosaiel ,
Misses Kunnedy , Day. Klllott , King , jienid ,
Wood , Kills , Dennis , Hall , Chjton.Kastman ,
Morrison , I'lltchntd , the Misses Kllincwood ,
tlio ailss-es .Sylvester. Fry , the Misses Rrown.
Fully l.'JOOc ailed , but at timeis the reioms
were to lull and the calki * coming In so fast
ID WAS ImposslDle to keep aiiythliiK Ilko an
accurate count. During tlm uruDlni ; the
( Jhlneso hniut fiiinlshod miule which was
greatly enjojed. 1'iof. Wallers s.lso gave
some music on tlm idanei which Wasof nhicli
order. Mi. 'J' , J , Jlute.son led a choins In
singlnc ninny popular songs , iiiiel tlm circle
uioiuid the piano was a Inrgu one during
thft cntint atternonn and evening. Tfm pie-
turfiof HIP new bullflliiK was crently ndmlied ,
anel till agreed It would l > n not only an orna
ment but n necessity , bevml new luhseilp-
tlons for the Imlleltnt ; were le'ccived. A
lar o niunhor of JOUIIK men dkelded | e > join
the asbofiatioiv. Tint aftuir was a ciiiiiplutu
nucce s , and made ) , uvery hnppj d y lor a
nniobtrof jouiijC men.
A Destructive Tire in the B & M , Herul-
qunitors Building. <
Sloan , .Johnson Vt < \ > . 'a Kntlro StocU
Uiilnoil I'lio 1 . . \t Sl.'s Ccnornl Of-
lloi-MtSeittoet Vlnjnrel A. Sclincl-
s Oilier Noxvs.
Klrst 1'lro eif tlio Yonr.
The 1) . * M. hoadnunrters tmlldlne , nt
the northwest coiner ol Tenth and Farimni
streets , was \lMtcd last night l > y a nieist do *
fltinctlve lire. At 11 o'ekvk Oame's 0. Hnr-
ness , nn emplo.voof the H. it Jl. ot
llri'S was passtni ; the bulldliiff , when hu no *
tlcenl n cloud e > f smoke Imistlng fiom nn
cast window of the thst ilooi of the bnlldlni ;
In the loom occupies ! by Moan , Johnson &
Co. as a wholesale Rioccty , A luxstj examin
ation show eel that u lire was In t > t ogress tu
the building , and ho linn led le > N'o. U engine
house , nearlv opposite , and gave the alarm ,
A call tinned in from box -U , which was
made cenernl , bringing the working loicoof.
thedepaitmeiit to the scene.
omens or 1 111 : run' .
The oilgln of the ceinthgratloii is a matter
past Iimllng out. When Ihst dlscovoied the )
the ! was binning In the re'.ir p.ut of thei
Johnson \ Co.'d '
building In fiont of Sloan ,
ollleo. The loom was jillesl fiom lloor to cell
ing with Koods. Thcru Is not n steve
In the bulldlnc , and no gas was
burning on the lloor where ) the Iho was dis
covered. A report spie.ul that Iho Iho hail
started tioin the engine In the tuscment nnel
that the fiemt patt ot the basement was tilled
wllli koroseiu1. This was.not the case , how
ever. The lire did not reach the basement nt
alt nnel gooels In that patt of tlm building ru-
eelvi'd all of the dniimgo done1 by water onlj" .
Theio was no oil In the building as tlm firm
mentioned etoes not deal In tlm article.
rum UNO Tin n.AMK-t.
The tiiemen weio piompt in iicttlnjf to
work and soon had four stioniiiH , from
nnetwoik of huso plajlng on the llamcs.
The tire was an especially mean one to light ,
When the ) ilremen readied the scene the
llnmes hud spread ovei the pait of the first
tloor and had eoiinecteil with the ofllcea
iihovei. When the windows weio bioken thn
\olume.sof smoke that burst out completely
eiuelopeel tlm building and nlomst blinelcd
the liiemen making Intelligent and effectives
wotk almost out of the eiuestlon.
A nm.MAv in ui ,
Whllo the llicmenveio makinff
their liist elforts to cot nt Iho llames n
laigc pane of glass was bioken in the secemel
storg nnel lell upon the men below. Sov-
eial men woio struck , but by the loituuato
protection ot theii helmets anil ice coveteel"
rubbei eeuts esiapeel injiity. Tom liiuino ,
captain ol the hoof ; ami laeldei cemipiny ,
was lilting a ladder into position when ho
was stiuek bv apiece of fullinc glass anil
had his light hand and aim \eiy soveiely cut
und was loiced to ( put vvoil.
i on i wo IIOL us
The lircmcu woiked aliantly with
out gutting any visible aimuitago
over tlio liamcs. H was . 1 ei'eioclc
betoio the1 Ino was coiilmed to tlio Hist lloor.
Hv this time the Heconel tlnoi waR Hooded
with wate'i. The glass In nil of tlio windows
was Inolu'ii and the liMine' ami tiiiintuio oC
the ollle-es domollshed The me was then
eontim el to the space between Iho celling and
lloor , vvheie It [ mined with blow but dam
aging pie iess until 'J o'clock , when the
alarm ol lire out was sounded.
nn. ju.AvirM i OM.IIS
nic Sloan , Jeihnson As Co. , the wholesale
groceis , who occupied the double stoio
on the cast Hide ) of tlm first
fleior. 'Iho Him carries a goneial slock o
gioccilcs that nils the loom liom lloor to
cellmir , valued nt moio than frlOO.UU ) . The
loss cannot bn accmately elotermlnee ) . but
will bo noaily total. Mi. Sloan , ouei ot tlio
tuoprlotcM , who lives at the corner oE
Twuntjseventh anel Capitol avenue , was
summoiieel by messetigci when the liio was
first disoovetcel. lie aiilvul In time to fiiul
his immense steiek in uilns. The goods that
wcrej not elofitioyed by Iho were completely
flooded and practically elestrojed. Nt.
Sloan states tint the Flock Is very
well ceivi reel by insurance , the amount of
which bo cannot tell. His loss will tench
S7"i,000. The linn was piop.ulng to teuiovo
to ne-w ouarters. Sloan , Johnson & Co.
came to Omaha from I'eoil.i In Junes lust , and
have taken a place already as one of tholeael-
! nggie > cery films ol the west , having been
lilteially patrnm/cd fiom tlm llrst. The loss
of tlieii tuide eonseuont ! | em the lues will bo
lelt by them and genci illy uvrettcd. They
nropose , however , to lestock their now house
just as soon as their loss can bo adjusted by
Iho lusmanco companies.
Jill I ) . A. M. Ol FIT ! S
on the east sldo of the second lloor weio
heavilv damaged. The lite Inoke out directly
under the treasurer's olllco iind connected
with tlm teluiriaph elcpartmcnt. In tlie tieae-
uiei'b olllco the liiinituie , desks nlid all ex
posed books anel papers wcro completely
mined by either lite 01 watct. In the tola-
ginjih elepartmont Iho wires and Instalments
weie destiojed or bo damiKcel as to bo worth-
loss. The ) general maii.itfcr'H ofllco lit
tlm liont of tlm building was
Haexled by walei but was not
damaged. Water stood nnklo deep over
tlio entile second lloui , but no damage ) wau
done either than time mentioned. .Mr. I * , ij.
I'.uslls , tlio geneial p.isse-iu ei agent ot thu H. it-
it M. , MMchcd tlio uuinln ; ; building at 1
o'clock , In times to see that the liio wvs under
temtiol anel no further damage likely to 10-
suit. Qiiestlonod about liihtii.xnco ho stated
that all ol thn company's iiiopeily Is liiHiired
liy a tivmlieato eil Ijoston coinpanli's and also
by tlm coin nan j's Insiunnco f nnel and the
amount e-anied upon thu buildlnc anel ofilco
jnopeitv can bo uscei tallied only by adjust i
ment. 'J'hcleiss Is veiy amply covoieel. The
etamage eloiiei in the lailioad otllous can not
heeisilj eletcimined. All eif the valuable
iccoiels eit the olllccroaro secure In Iho vaults
sale fiom elnmagu , 1'ho furniture In the
tieasury and te'leuraph dcpaitmunts Is badlv
elamnge'd , ' 1'liu elamagei In thoele ti notion of
uxposi'el papeis , memoinndo , stationery , etc. ,
can not bo cslinmlcil in dollau and e-ontfl but
will amount tei a largo sum on account of the
rnnojanco and delaj.s occasioned by their
loss. Thoelamngo to the clecti leal instru
ments in the ) telegraph elepartmont
Is very considerable. An employe of tlio of-
lice1 estimates the company's actual loss , ox-
elusive ) otdamaKO to the Imildlni ; nt 10,000
nt least.
TUB nt'ii.niNn
Is owned by the H. ifc.M , , and was lepulrtd
and lelilled throughout elurlng the past joar.
The damage ) Is confined totholiist and HOC-
end floors , and Is loughly estimated at
i 10,000.
VINVAIin * fif II.SKIDKlt ,
wheilosalo notion de lerc. who occnny the i
eloublesHtoie em the west side ot the building ,
woret dnmaRcelby wate'rinthes sum , rstlmotod
by Mi. Vlny.uelat 51.0HO , The firm carried
n stock valued at S05,0X ( > and mo amply pro
tected by Insurance.
: H
The loss will roach 8100,000 ,
The thermonietei ilood below
/cro durln ; ; the lire.
\Vatcrenonfc'h vvaslhromi to float the build.
ing away ,
All of tno firemen woiked like tigers and
uroeiutitled to great ciedlt.
A laigo crowd , toinpoBoi ] in chief of urn-
tdei/es nnd men Inteie-vtcU in iidjoiniiig
pnipeitr , wltneosod the conllujiatlon. ;
I0uiiloye3 to Hlinro In llio I'ruflt * ) .
JJosioN , Jan , 1. The ) pioprittnr.s of the
Boston Herald announced to day to their (3 (
rmploycH n proposition to gi\o to them for
thocuiicnl jcar n nurtion ut thn net piollts
of the business , nltd Jiheiviiif the intciest
on the \ alue of the pro [ > cr < v. Tlm umployea
aic to Miajei In proportion to rf\\ \ > > ; received
during the jenr.
Mr , Handall , who has been In the land do-
pnitineiit of the li. < V M. fen many jfiirn , ha |
jo.slsneii bis position and will hereafter U (
vote his time tu pihate