" " * T" THE OMAHA DAILY : SATURDAY. JANUARY 1 , 1887. ARMOUR PLACE Situated on high and Beautiful Ground , affording a fine view and sufficiently near the The advantages of ARMOUR PLACE can be readily seen. It is located just west of the Stoclf Yards , on the B. & \ Railroad , near Hie depot , and is on the direct line of the series of BOULEVARDS and PARKS * * rhat will within a short time surround the city on all sides , You can double your money in six months by investing 1 AJEIIMIOTJIR , Set Maps , Prices , Terms and Further Particulars of R. ATT wner le nt 322 South Fifteenth Street 6 Per Cent Loans. Abstracts of TitI ? "FIXING" IDE CITY CHARTER The Oommittee Allow tlio Railroad Tax Question to Go Unchanged. DMAHA AND THE CULLOM BILL .V Constinc Carnival General Hris- liln'B Aflllotlon Father and Hon Tlio Swedes AwnUcnttic 1 Other Local Notes. The Ghartcr Committee. Messrs. Burton. Uailey , Chase , Dailcy , Kvans , Clarke , Martin , -Meyer , Murphy , Lee , Lowry , Rosewater and Poppleton were present at the meeting of the char ier committee at the board of trade rooms yesterday afternoon. In addition to the members of the committee thcro wore present City Attorney Council , Hon. George W. Linningcr , Hon. C. J. Sinytho , Hon. David Knox , or Representative Windspcur , Louis llcimrod and Council man Manvillo. The town meeting proho- Hied a few days ago by Mr. Poppleton in ease of a postponement of the question of taxing railroads for city purposes failed to materialize. Chairman 13arton called up section So of the old charter relative to Urn council's power to Jovy taxes , which had been made a special order for yesterday's meeting , In presenting Ins amendment to thn section providing that all railway property shall bo taxed for muniripal purposes the same as other property City Attorney Council oilcrcd the following opinion of , Iudgo Wakcly , which was rendered yesterday morning in the case of the Union 1'ncltic vs the City of Omaha , showing that under the prefeonf olmrtnr Iho nity has no power to nssoss railway property except for 6tuto nnd county purposes : . Ily a fair ami reasonable construction of ( he statutes , the property nt the railroad company Included In the assessment by the Mute olllecrs under sections 89 and 40 , icvu- iiuolaw , can bit assessed lor cltv purposes only as personal pioperty and upon the val uation ) > t < r milo o ( the load as an entirety. Kut. under thu picsent law , this does not npply to machine and repair shops and other piopoity spvcllically enumerated In the pro vision of M'ctlon oil. The authority confumtlon the mayor and council by section U-tor the clty charter , to levy nnd collect "taxes on nil tno real estate and personal property within the corporate limits of the city taxable nccoidlm : to the laws of the Mate , " docs not authorize the taxation of railroad piopettv In any manner or by any other rule of valuation for city ] inri > os s than for county and state purposes. So much of It as is "taxable accordIng - Ing to thn tans of the state , " as vciRonal pioperty at .so much pur mlli > , must 1m taxed for oily jnu poses. No other method of asM'ssment or valuation Is pro- * vldcU for or contemplated. Whether or notu dill'einnt itile of taxa tion ought to Do icqulmi for city or local puriwjses Is for the Irgitlatme not.tho couits todcti'iiuinr , The petition shows plalntifl's property IU-IOUKS to thu clns.4 taxable only in a special manner iiioridcd by statute , and thu do- nuuiti mu-.t ) > H tivciruled. Mr. ( 'onnel ) said that the plan pro. posed by tlm umondmi-nt could not be reasonably objected to. All that the amendment Implied was that the railway - way company's property should be taxed ( ho same as tlio property of private citi zens. zens.Mr. . l.ce asked what personal tax the railroad companies pay in Omaha. Mr , Council replied that they did not pay anything worth mentioning. " \Viiyja \ it that youull insist upon com- ; ywcU wiUiuutrutbaf" roared Mr. Poppleton. "The Union Pacific paj-s at least § 20,000 a year on personal prop erty. " Mr. Connell "I neror denied that. " Mr. Poppleton "You did , and now you come hero and try to back out of it be cause Judge Wakcly rebuked yon. " Mr. Connell "You know you state what is not into , Mr. Poppleton , when you say that Judge Wakoloy rebuked mo. loti come in hero and turn rod in the face in the heat of your defense of the corporation that you represent. The authority 1 present is in black and white and in it you can see whether Judge Wakoloy rebuked mo or not. There is no occasion for your tearing a passion to tatters in this way. " Blows between'the two legal luminaries was prevented by Councilman Leo , who wantctl the lawyers and editors .shut oil' from debate in order that the common herd might have a chance. Chairman Barton decided that thcro were no newspaper men or lawyers on hand. All of the gentlemen were mem bers of the committee and had equal rights. Mr. K. Rosewatcr stated that the rail roads practically pay no takes on their realty. The system is taxed as a whole , but there is no definite way of ascertain ing just what part of the corporation's property is in the city's limits. It is known what mileage the county con tains , but there is no way of tolling what is in the corporation limits of the city. The Omaha A ; Republican Valley railway company has only n little more than a mile of road in Douglas county on which it pays taxes , yet that company operates a line of road to Omaha , and owns a largo amount of veal estate in Omaha that ucars no part of the city's tax bunion. This is only a sample of the whole system of railroad taxation. It is unjust that the railroad lots should be put in the lump and assessed for the equal benefit of all the counties through which the road runs and thus escape the taxation of the city whoso improvements , made at public expense , make the property valuable. After a great deal of discussion , in which I'olouol Chase offered seven rea sons why the amendment should not be adopted a vote was taken. The section was adopted , as. in the old charter , Mr. Connell's amendment being lost by the following vote : Ayes Barton , Lowry , Dailoy , Chase , Poppleton , Murphy and Kvans. Nays Uailoy , Luo , Rosewater and Clark. Old section 41 , authorizing the council to award grading contracts to the lowrest bidder was then called up. Mr. Wind- spear's substitute was ollercd providing that all street grading , curbing and gut tering and macadami/.lng shall bo none by day labor under the direction of the board of public works and the city coun cil , and that all paving and sewering shall bo done by day labor or by contract as the city council and the hoard of pub lic works may direct. Mr , Dailoy thought that the property owners should bo allowed to determine how the work should bo done and Mr , Bailey moved that two-thirds of the prop erty owners on uuy street should have the right to decide in what manner pub lic improvements should bo made. After considerable discussion the fol lowing section was adopted : "All grading , paving , macnrtaml/lns or KUtttnlm ; of any streets , avenues or alloys in Ilia city lor winch , or any part thereof , a spe cial tax shall bu levied , blmll bo done by con tract with the lowest responsible bidder. Provided , that when owners ronresentiuc three-titths ot the propei ty upon the HUB of tliu proposed Impiovmncnt so petition the work bhall bo done by day labor , " The committee then adjourned to meet tit3 o'clock on Monday to complete their labors. General Brack returned last night from his two wicks' visit ui Texuii NO ACTION TAKKX. ciiimha. ISttsincsa Men Fnll to De nounce the Cullom Bill. Yesterday morning the sixteen members of the board of trade and freight bureau , met in the board of trade rooms tc dis cuss the Cullom bill , now pending in the senate , providing for a regulation of in terstate railway trallic. Owing to some mistakes in sending out notices , the at tendance was not a ? large as it should have been. Mr. W. F. Grillitts. the freight commissioner presided , while T. H. Taylor was cho en to act as secreta ry. Speeches were made by Robert Erisson and lien Gallagher , denounc ing the bill as inimical to the interests of Omaha and other western cities , because in establishing a system of pro rata charges , the rate for a long hauJ , say from Jtaw York to Omaha , would become exorbitant. Their objec tions were cleared away by Mr. E. Rosewater - water in a short sueeeh in which lie explained - plained that the bill did not provide for pro rata charges as many supposed , but simply prohibits a greater charge for a short naul than for a long one , "under similar conditions , " giving the commis sion power to waive the operation of the law as the occasion requires. Mr. Rosewater said that lie thought all the agitation against tlio bill and the calling of the board of trade meetings to publiol.y denounce it was the work oftho railroad companies who were readily opposed to the measure. After some further discussion the meet ing adjourned , fine die , without taking any action in the matter. Fvrmit"rt.Ni > SON . They Como Together and Tears Over t ho Me'et IIIK. An interesting episode took place in- Postmaster Contain' # olllco yesterday morning , A son and father by a little stra tagem were brought together and both fahed ( cars over the meoting. The father had been written to by his boy , who was in Kansas City , to the iillcct that if the for- mcr sent him money lie would go home for the Christmas dinner. The father f-oiit tlio money , nnd nil the other children wcru collected from abroad for a grand family dinner. Shortly before Christmas the son telegraphed again that ho was in Council lUull's and had spent the money sent. The announce- mcnt almost broke the father's and mother's heart. The former resolved to come out and find his wandering boy. Hn learned that the young man hud ordered his letters to this side ; that ho hud received borne letters hero , and then ordered them to be forwarded to the BlufTs , This order lie countermanded and authorized them to remain licro. The father followed him from the Bhifl's , hero , ai riving yesterday. Ho saw Mr. Coutaut , a decoy letter was addressed to the young man and as a consequence , this morning , both son and father were brought together , Both failed tears , one ° f J ° yi tlio oilier of repentance. They journeyed home yesterday atternoon , but Postmaster Coulant will not give their names , A CCMSl'lXG OAUXIVAfr. Oiiiahn People arc lavlleil to 1'lattb- iiiouth. George Kay yesterday received a tele gram from J. L. Miner , of Plattsmouth , stating that a coasting carnival would be held in that city to-night , and inviting the coasters and tobhoggancrsof Omaha to attend It is probable that a number of people from this city will go down with sleds , trayerses and tobog gan ? , At the Jwt caralYal city the Omaha people were enthusiastically received ! and hand somely treated by the Plattsmouth pee ple. This fact will p'robablo induce the Omaha coasters to attend to carnival to night in larger numbers than last year. Among tlio travencs which arc already booked to make thn snow Ily on the Plattsmouth hill are the "Lurline , " owned by W. S. Helpurny , and the "Maud S , " owned by George Kay , Other parties desiring to attend am re- qucstsd to leave their name at Collins , Gordon & Kay's store before 10 o'clock this morning. Jf a parly of twcnty-livo can be guaranteed a special rate of if 1 for the round trip can be se cured. The trains on the B. & M. leaves to-monow night at Op.m. and 0UO : p.m. Machine. Tin : Wjiin : for 18ST has been changed in many ways. The cylinder shuttle , and improved bobbin can not bo sur passed. We are ready to ship after January 1st. , with former terms. ZUIIUUM ! , TlIOItNTOX & Cf ) . Omaha Neb , General Hrlsbin'H Allllntlon. The people of Nebraska will sympa thize with General Brisbln in the af fliction which has fallen upon his family. "Three weeks ago , " says the Nebraska Crescent , "General Brisbin's lilllo daughter , Katie , was taken down sick , and we learn her sickness has developed into scarlet fever. On learning from the post surgeon , Dr. Rood , the nature of the disease. General Brisbin promptly quar antined hiB.houso and turned over the command of the post to Captain Parker that lie might avoid the spread of the dis ease and devote himself to his hick child. The family is completely secluded and see no one but the doctor. The follow ing is the on I /lacing / ( the house of the po.st commander in quarantine. We sin cerely hope the trouble will soon be over and no new cases of the disease develop. I-'OIIT Koui.VMt.v , Neb. , Dec. 10. IbSO , Order No. 33ii. fUsttapt. ] I , the post surgeon , having repoited a case of scailet fever In tliuliuu o of the commanding ollicer , the house and its Inmates are hcicby placed In quarantine dm Ing the dangerous pcilod. Until the dlseasn In the luuiily passes , the comnmndliiK ollioor leinuorarlly turns over tliu command of the post to Captain Chailes i'.irkcr , Ninth cavalry. ISy onler of Lii'.v n.VANi-Coi.oNii. : : BKISIII.V , [ Signed , | Commander. J5. \VmoiiT , 2d Lieutenant Wh Cuvaliy , ActluK Post Adjutant. Wo learn with sorrow that two more of the general's childrenBlanche and John , arc. down with the fever , and also u col ored servant girl , " The members of the Irish National league are-requested to moot nt Cunning ham's hull'Sunday afternoon , January'- ' . at U o'clock , Business of importance will bu presented to the meeting , and mem bers arc urged to be present. JOHN A , McSuAKE , President. The Mttlo Mniils Made Males. One of the cutest souvenirs issued this year is that by Baureis , Puls andSchmit/ , the comedians of Iho German company at the Boyd. It consists of a cabinet pho tograph in Hoyn's best style , introducing each of the gentlemen in costume pecu liar to the never-to-be-forgotten "Three Little Maids from School" from the "Mi kado. " Kach of these gentlemen strikes an attitude peculiar to one of the little maids , and with smirks and smile * a captivating us. those of the well known daisies , it will bo appreciated and is in tended for each of the season ticket holders - ers at the German theater , Mcrclumts Hotel , Omaha , Nat Brown , Prop. f'J per day. Cor. 16th and Faruaui. All Street curs from depot pass Improving the Trnclc. The bicycle track in the exposition building is being enlarged at both ends. The raised platforms are being extended further back than Jhey were formerly , thus allowing the riders a chance to ride faster around the corners. At the same time this will not make the track any longer than it is at present , as the polo will be changed to correspond _ wnh the enlarged width of the platforms. Prince says that he thinks this change will make a ( lillerence of about ten seconds in a mile , inasmuch as it will enable the riders to pass Iho corners with a greater freedom and without danger of falling oil' . Kcal Em ate Filed December ! ! 0 , 1SSO , reported for the BII : : . Chailcs Mlliaiii to Kinmah ( Jill , undividPd H Interest in lots b , 0 ami 10 , In Meliiitees' add. w rt $4,000. \V E Drury and others to llairv O Moody , lot : t , block 7Plain view , wd-S7.r,0- W K Drnry and otliers to J < 'ied 1J Kctclinm , lot'- , block f. Plain view , w d-57,10. W K Drury and others to .lames tJrn wn , lot 4 , block7 , Plalnvlow. w d S750. J H Harris to the public , plat ot llairla & Patterson's annex , subdivision of east % of bejf of so,1. * , see 0,14. li ! dedication. James Millar to Charles J llouerts , lots , in Pelliam Place , w d-SK)0. ( ) harnion P Pmyn nnd wife to hdwln M Pnilc , lotm , Fairmont 1'liu-e. wd-S'J.WO- , ( icorgoYAmfis and wile to ( JcorKe lirady. 13 , block , McCormick's : i < ld , w d IW. Marv K Coy to Gillian \V \ llalde , lot a , block to , .South Omaha , w d $7,10. Henry I.St John and others tr > Albeit I ) lluu'hps , lot 18 , block 1 , KNclmnuo 1'lacc , w d Sf.50. .lames V Xolan to Albrit ; D llu hos , lot , blocik 0 , KlrkwnoU , w(1 8750. William J Wagoner nnd otliurs in .f IS Kvans mill others , lot 15 , block 1 , J'owlcr 1'lBCC. W (1-5WO. ( ( iooi-Ro lj .Swartixml wife to Mary I ! Kvans. lot 8 , block 0 , Omiilm Vlow , w il * 1 , 09 , CharlM McUorinlck to John Iloclistrasser , lot ! 1 , MOCK 8 , McCornilck's M add , w d-iOOO. A J lliuiscom anil wife to Henry O ln- vrles nnd olliiTP , lot H , block JO , Ilunscoin 1'lic'O w d S5jO Jlonry T J'i'titt to C J Caswell , lot 15 , block W. llniiscoin I'lare.vil81KOO. . H ( ) , ( onesandvlfo to William S Cannon , feet ol lot ! ) , block0. Klkhorn , wd ti IIII Claik ( trustro ) to Helen 15 Truman , lots 11 and I'-1 , block S , W > t Side add , w d " William h rcCaguo to Kate .M Hhoados , lot 1U. block 14 , Hanscoin I'l.ick , w d Sit.OlO. M'I I'.itiick ami wife to ( SeonioV \ KIIIY , lot y , block W of 1'atrlck'n proposed M udd to Omaha , wd SiOO. N H OHM to J W Tasoii , lot in In subdivi sion of cast feet of block V , Shinn'sild add , wd 31,4M. , , , Anna Jl ( J MeCormlck and others to Majj- glo Sulllvau , lot 11 , block a , Deer 1'ark , w d ( SI.OUO. P 0 Hiinobnngh and wife to P U Beldon. lots 12 and 14 , block C , Saunders & iliiue- bauth's aau. w d-Sl.m CJiailes McCormiek to Win 0 Hills , lot 4. block 4 , McCorumck's 21 add , w d'JO ' , Charles McCormlck to Jaws P Kills , lot 3 , block4. McCormick's aladd. w d-SVX ) . David Kendall and wito to John Itiley , lots 11 and 13 , block 8 , Kcndiill's add , w d city of Omaha to Chatles McCornuck , SOxlObJtent. . comment-In ) ; at tlio north east corner of block 12 , McCoimlck'b M add , < j c g1 ! 000. i Daniel Kendall and wife to John Hlley. lot 1 , block r , Kendall's udd , w d-S'JOO. Joseph JJarkcr and others to U K Troxel. lots V and 10 , block 15 , Meyers , Itlchaids Jc Tilden'H add. w d-S&OO , William Fitqh to the public , plat of Kin- wood Park dedication. Anna Fees to Kmina M Tate , lot 2t > , IIhue- baueh's place , w d-S2,000. Jameb H lirowu to John A Uyan , lot 4 , Work 7 , Plaluvlew , W d itOO ' Ueury li tt Jouu nd others to John A Bryans , lot 1C , block 1 , Kxchango Tlace , w d SG75. 11 C Moody to.John A Uyan , lot 3 , block 7 rialnview , w d 5600. Fred IJ Ketcham to John A Ryan , lot 2 block7 , I'lainview , wd SbOO. Trouble In a Sotiooi District. There is big excitement in West Omaha precinct over the high handed action o Trustees Hob Taylor & Co. , in changing the locution of the schools , etc. A pub lie meeting , to protest againbt the out ntgo , will be called. An Imperial Tricycle. The emperor of Morocco is said to linvo taken a great funcy to tricycle riding , lie bus lately had a machine consjtrncteu 01 a new plan n sort of double- ' bicycle o. gigantic proportions fitted with a 'couch , with a couple of wheels in front , each propelled by a black slave. Reclining at full length under a scarlet canopy adorned with gold tassels , his imperial majesty takes daily "exorcise" in the grounds adjoining the palace. Jicsidc him on a bracket stands u sort of pe demeter in the shape of a small time- niece , at which the emperor glances from time to time in order to ascertain the rate of speed attained by the machine. The attention of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is directed to a case reported to a represen tative of the I5iryebtonlay. ; iLissaidthat niaht before last a workman in the em ploy of the Midland Klectric Light com pany loft his horse , attached to a light delivery wagon , Manding in an alloy until morning without a blanket or shelter of any sort. The poor beast was discovered in the morning all but frozen to death. It is said that this is not the first time the same thing hus occurred this winter. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of Miritv , btrength and wlio'.csomeness. More economical llinn the 01 dinar/ Undo and cannot be sold in competition with the mul titude of low test , fchort weight alum or nhosphMe poxvden > . Sold only in cans. Royal HnVfng I'owdei Co.,403 Wall street , New York , : f\TAiiuu. Mom U a i ltre ! tote. Krea intaplo NO and loot tor 4 cmt111 TOR THE TTZATMSNT Or AM , Chronic & Surgical Dlseat DR. MoMENAMY , Proprietor. * Siicteenyrara- Hospital aud I'rtrato IT cUc. , We Imo thn f/icilltfcj / , enpariitua a for the succcifful treatment of ovcrjr i in o requiring cither medical or urclcai.- ; ftnd Invlto all to conn and IiiveallKHtu fo'thnmii. . or correspond with in. Long eiporlej " . ' V Ing cao liy Jotter cnablti us to trc ir.ni } icrtntineatlv without icolne them. . ' ° WHITE iron CIRCULAR on Dr > orn.ii | , . " ' llrftce ) , Club Poet , Curvaturea o , | UB Discuss or Wowrn. rllca , Tiimc. cartf3 L'Mnrrh , Broncbltla , Inlialntlon , I < lectic | | : ; rilj yil , Kpllepaj , Kldoej , Eye , Ear , blilr * all furjjlcnl operatlooa. Manurlrv. Iubi > ler , nrneri , Tru * > , r nil kluds of Mc-dlcal anil Surgical Appllanci , ufactnrcd Htidfor aale. r > , The only rellablo Medical Inibtut * makF Private , Special $ Nervous Disea -A Bl'JcOf A.I TV CONTAGIOU8 AND BLOOD IHSEAe ] from v.lintovcrcaiiioprndiicrd.iiicccufullr Iri-ca Wu ciu rcinore Hyylllltlc ) iulionrow the kjifi \\lthoutinorciiry. New restorative treatmrnt for loin of Altai po AM. CO.MMUNIOATIONS CONFIOENTll Call nad consult ui or etnd name nnd pt mldriti plalnlf written enclom ttanii | , will rend TOII , la plain wrapntr , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO U Ill-ON J'lUViTB , Sl'IUUI , .AND NlllTOUB r .SEMINII.VrAKNr < 8 , Si-iitMiToniiiiaii , i or , Hvr/uin , aoNOHi-.niKA , QI.JCZT , V tiTIllCTimn , AX1) AM , IHBCAtlt or TV , UniNAnr OKUA a , or tend lilctorofjrcl uu opinion. I IVr oii nnnllcto ) tlalt n m y le tret I liorarf , lf nirrcii | > ondcncc , ili-dlclnea * . . meiitx rent liy mall or ciiuriB bKCUHirTTf V H Kl ) KltOM OUaRUVATIO.V. no rnaik * tolndlcal contenli or cemlcr. Ono pi-nonal IntcrvlfM feiretl If convenient. lf\tty \ IODUII for the a inoilatlun of patlcnti. Boant nnd altriiUault i rcaiounblo pilcca , Adilrctg all Lcttera lo I Omaba Medical and Surreal InsllaiH i .ar 13th SI. and Canltol Avo. . OMAIU. | " E. T. ALLEN , M. D. Eye , Ear , Nose & Thro Room 9 Williams Building , cor , IC Dodge tts , , Omaha. lours 8 to 13 a.m. 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 BRUNER , & BBE Taxidermists Dciilnrsln Koiieral nn-i tuuil history mill inn * mum mipplloi. At lilt' L'inl uyea , Knusei. clo. j Cilaloin ttnrk of nil f kinds will U'fclvt , prompt ulH'iilJou. ' IC14. Cajiltol Ave. OMAHA. NI5UKASK ESTABLISHED USED IN A\ \ 3LBTZ-0 OYLiWOO PARIS Of'I ' WORl MaOHiAfifilAG n taloeui : nna frU6aon application. B flit be. U ir rrUr IJulliltn nd Iicoltti.