Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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f crtl.'cniontJ ; inrter this hold. lOccntftpcr
' - rtho first insertion,7 tents for onchsub-
\ Insertion , nnd $1.50 n line per month
IiTtlsctnent taken for losstlmn MwnU
\ 5r t Insertion. Seven word * will lie
> 'o the line : they must run ronocxi-
ft mutt be ptxld in advance. All ftdvcr-
' munt bo handcwl In "before 2 o'clo k clicwnlaneos xx-lll thoybo
.Ueotitlmicd b ) telephone.
R dx-crllf Ins : In tbosot olitmns r > nfl bnv-
tisxrors addressed In care ot Tnr. nsr.
o u\ for n choeV loanable them toirct
< tnr * . M none will be dellTored except
. yilntlon of chccV. All ftnsxvcrs to net-
. % tt its Mionld bo enrloflcd In nnrc lone * .
, 'Uf > lonns ,
nl Iciiing.
' onm-
no Inorn.
hurt lltno lonns.
on Imud lo loan on any np-
l > Jnvoatijipnt securities bought nnrt f old.
Oninhn UnnnclM ixchnnio : , n. xr. ear. ifith
ml llnrnor.
Corbctt , Manflgi r. Ml
. jO I.OAN $ IIXX ) to lonn nt 3 per rent on flirt
JL cliwB Improve * ! rciil oslnto. U. H. Ooodrlcli.
lloom 1 , 0 rvilto tllock. 7T a
$203.000 to lonn on - < lx tnonthV to six jours'
tttnn nt lowii t rules. W. M. IlarilK. room G ,
Jl'ron7or blorU , opii r O 7HJ-28 *
' ' k IIAUIU.S , :0) : ) H. Ifttli M.
HAu'l'S i" loan onflrjl class socially , friini
IWOiiiivrnrdd. > ut _
, ) TO UIAN Hi 0 cent , J. ,1.
lioncy , 160)1 ) I'lirnain , 700
8ritlOKNTManoy. ' . _
It. O. t'nttcrton , 1.1th nnd Inn „ r-
te3OOOo"to lonn. Bums' fTOO niid
\V \ Lowestrixtn * . Bomlsroom3 ,
' i W. cor. 15th nnd 1'nrnnmBta.
I tTONI'.i * Hr t inortirnifo"notes. Tlio llonglns
IjJJL county bunk vrlll bit-pnpcis stciirod by
lllrst tnortKavo on city ronity. 730
- Monoyooail.
( Jn-Bory , V 11 ad If r.
yif.l and 3 , Hcdlck block , ! KO S. ISlb St.
s vri * *
Y to loan , caih on imii'l ' , n delay. , T.
nnd K. lj. Biiulre , HIS I'm iiivin St. , Pax-
Mu lXAN-Monoj'-Ix > nii8 ptiiocd on Itii-
'JLproved Teal t-stnto In yity or county for
, Ko r lUmlnnd loau k Trust. C S , , b ) Dotmlita
j County bank , loth and ClilotiKQ fla , 81J
TO LOAN At ow rates , on fto ? il
city proporly. Hnlchor& Co.l JC Doiiirins
street 'JJ.
_ _ _
MOJiTiv'to ioun on city and farm properly ,
low rates , Stewart & Co. , lloom n. Iron
Bank. S'Jl '
TO LOAN-At lonsnnablo intcs. on
MONEY . fine watches mid otlior iiontniml
'property. O.J. Cnnwoll , room 10 Iron Itnnk
'tmlldlnir , 12lli nnd rnrnntn. IM
ONIJTTTO 1OAN-0. F. Unvlfl * Co. lloa
Estate and Loaa Agouta 1605 Karnam st.
MONEV T > I.OAN-On roul cslato und eli t-
tola. D. L. Thomim. MO
ONBT TO LOAN-In sums of f2OWl ntirt
upxrnrdn on first clnHS renl oatato security.
J Potter &Cobb , 1S15 faniiuusl. BIT
MONEY I.OANICU nt 0. F. llcod , t Co's.Lonn
ofDcB , on furniture , plnnoa , liorBos.TriiKcma ,
i personal property of ull kindfl , nnd all other nr-
,1 , Helen of vnluo , without romornl. U19 B. 13tb ,
lovorUIiiRlmm'a Commission toro. All buel-
jncBs strictly conRiioiitliu. MR
JflJWJO.OOO ToUianonOmnhu city property nt a
P porcont. O. W. Day , over Ills DoutrlnsBt.
'TI/IONEY ' / to lonn by Ihe iindcrHlpnpcl , who fans
/.JJJL / the only properly orjnnl/od lonn a oncy
" InOmnhn. Jxnna or fie to 51,000 mndo on fur-
j nlturo , pianos , ornnnB , horses , XTBROIH , macliln-
J * ry , * o. , without romovnl. No aolixya All
I buslnoDS strictly confldonllnl. Ixinns aa mndo
, ' that any part can bo pnld nt nny time , each pay-
| "nt reducing the cost pro ratn. Advances
i. ( Jo on fine watches and diamond * . Persons
! J ould carefully consider who they nro dcnllni ?
with , M many new concerns are daily coming1
Into existence. Should you need monor , rail
kfmd PC * niw. SW. II. Crort , lloom 4t Vfillinon
' , jtth nnd Ilarnnjr. Bo'J
" | j > OH SALR-Confoctlonorr nnd Tobacco
" JC S-oio. Jiiqulioat Ko. .o : ' . CuinltifrHt. _
. - * "
74U 7
pi ' Ono ot thu host pnylnpr bunks In
obnisliii. A rnro ojipoittmlty for
\ PJ" i5,000to ! , f--0.000 onpltixl. Address
P.OO..W. 7707
-iSALK-ntlokyunlonSoulh llith st. J.
' 1) . 'rac-sns , Omiihn. 7WJ11'
H SALK-l'or 6 dnya only.
Vov cash , secured notes or Onmhn cltv
jrty , a wholesale and retail business. Net
6 for last jcnr (8,000 ; stock by Invoice
a 1 10,000.
.ond Si Jnmicgon , ni8 S. ISth * t. C77 1
TIIOH SAliK Now Block of lailics'
JL ? goods , together with store nxtiiios. lliifl-
In full conduct with coed trade. Locution
Ojiost on Howard St. , occupying (4 ( store in square
fjf solid brick. J. F. Hammond , m 3. IGlh HU
TOR SAIjB A irood live paying agrloulturnl ,
lfi Implumont , real estate nnd Insurance buel-
, ie"s togotlier ; wlth 100x33 foot building ou lot
Jsolatud from flvo , 1 percent Insurance. Also
* cliolco residence lots.houso , born nud frultand
tdo trees. Situated In one or thn choicest
tj of the city. This business In all in No. I
'r ' , Fttuatctt on " rail road * , will Boll for cash
* % o part In uood , wHd Nebraska or Kansas
\Addreas J. K. gkadoti , Jlalvern , Mills
Vlown. CC7 1 *
Til ! . A Krncory ernro. ' oraplele In
blnir portntnliiB1 to tlm ImaliiL'ss.xrlth
illillinrnt low rntes. COIK ! reasons
' on to the pui-cbaeor for sclllnir. Ait-
'i , lleo olllco coil ui
/ATiK Posirlni ; to retire trom bUBinoss.
. ITcrmy ontlro Block of ( Icnonil Mer-
HO , roiiRUtlnif of Dry Goods , llcndy Jliuln
lints nnd Cnps , liootM nnd Simon , und
. Would take Improved and iinlm-
cd roul ostnto In oxchnnKO for imrt of
it. din Khnxr up n nonil record of liusl-
Address lock box No. 7 , North llcnd ,
tKT , J. 15.
J KXOUANOIJ-Aboiit 3.TOln ( ) drytroods ,
notloni , trroccrlcH nnd More furniture , In n
il live town tn the Itomihllcitn Vnlloy for tin-
linborod farm Innd In Nobriinku or Icwii ,
Siprovcil land preferred. Addros lock box
lima , Neb. 487 % !
It eAIili-llapId Holler Damp r , ixf OoplKr ,
Jinnnon Vllos. Loiter nnd Illll Flics , 1II-
"nblnets nml Trmisfor OHSOK , lmlo\on for
r nuOull piirposei. Kxpositlon building.
HAMt Hiitclier shop , with toou uml llV-
IS ! UOOll locilttODJ gUM IllialllOfcB. 0. 1 * .
\soutbrmstcnr. \ "ttb mid Fiuinun. Ma J C
VAI.i : Or trade for iuru'lmtnllsi > , < UO
, . ' - > , 01 of Ko 1 fixrm laud innir ( Irnnd
-j innd. 0. J , Canuii. ttl5
HOU.sis : I/otsKnrms.l.ninti-n > , < iiiryonnofi. |
Itcmls , room'J , llarkur blocU S. W. cor <
ICtb nnd Tarnajitta. CHI
) K SALU-Wrll cilnbllJlied btiRlnoss , In ono
of tno best business points m northxrest-
crn Nobruskii , eltuuted nt Ilrokon lloxr , Cuetor
county , Neb. : stock conslMlne of dry goodH ,
olotlnnu , lioola nud shoos ; will ehnxv up peed
reoord of bublnusa. Itonsons for selllne xrlll bo
Rlx-cn by iidaroi > 8tiiff look-box 't , llrolicn How ,
Custi r county , Nut ) . 6ST
"ITIOH BALK-Hardwnro HusinoBS n o oITc-r
X1 oiirslu'lf nnd heavy bnrdxx-aro buslnimi for
rale , toxothcr xvlih our Icaso nnrt ( rood mil ,
UTudo Inrpost In th cltr nnd location the tx > at ,
" ' 'irlnu-friini tlio bURliu > cu > miibe for sollli
i J3uluu Ilardwuro Co. , 10-8 0 St. , Lincoln ,
' m
, r lIOOI'KU.Triuico nnd Hunlliur ila-
JlunijN.V. . corWtb mid CHPH.
, T > iHSONAIr-IIss : Dyer's prlviito school for
k J. younif ludlos nnd girU nt nortliwint cor
IV " ith and Farnnm sts. Pupils will Uo rccvlvo I on
"Jlnntl after JHII.IM. Mi-'Jl *
TJEltSONAI - > lrs. Ii. ) Nanme'V.arren
X cJainoant. Medical nud business Medium
Koom a 8 , m North JUtU it , Oiuuhti , Nob.
A Newfoundland pup dor , Hbout four
TOST vUK Plnder return loV. . R. Aunln
Bhormnn uvc , opposite Ocrc st , and vlulm ra
> T Clairvoyant.
Itf IADAM ALASKA , CluraTOj ant and pillmbt
cui txmth letu bt asi
CTOUND-Tho piitco to tret the best ojtters In
JP the city , btuo point * . Now York oounu
niid ejects nt Silver Moon , oor. 19ib nnd St
try't nr . J. IL O'Nolll , prop , tlS J J7.
I DOW dr ! rr correspondence xx llh a eon-
AW not ox or GO. Object matrimony.
Adilnw Corresponding , Wilbcr , tseb Knctoso
Mnmp for particular * . 800ai
/1.KSSPOOLS , prlx'y vaults wennod by 1ho
W odorl s process. K. Kulnp , r. 0. horVIT.
IV3 J 7
, ) HXCHAVtli : Noi I unproved farm for
1 stock of goods. 8 It. S. llorlon , xviptn , Itx.
filS 1 *
lP. VirNNA fortune teller , residence MR 3
llth Bt. _ _ JMHH _ .
Itr.NT Orifatu , ts per month ,
_ _ _ _ _
uiNr Sqttnro Pinno , It monttiir.A
nogpo.itra DoiigK" . nio
' " _ _ _
fi < ) UlTl' > T-yq.m'ro"l'lano t3 inontntr. A
? Hotr-e. 1513 l > ou Bias. _ Cll _
bit SAI.K-1 ll-ft chow rae and counter
comblnttl at J20. Inquire nt Tailor shop.
Knuxxold llloclt , head or fct Mary's axe. 7M : s
r > UU HAMI 'I wo CnnnrjTilnli with raffcs ,
1 male nnd femnlc.inalo roo.1 ftiiiKor.cbeup at
? r > Inqiilront llnrdwaro stoiu , Knowold block ,
bond ot ft. Slary's nve. TM n
FCIIl PAT.F.-A pnir nf lhrht bobs nnd body.
N , W. cor. Ulet nnd Mason. 77'J 4 *
_ _
TJIOK HAIiK Two now pobur tabio' , nddrojs
Jt 1151 thlsonico
SA1.H OH IHATHi-Onr 2d hand side
bar btiirpy , one " < \ baud tdmcton , < n.o de
livery xxagon. Cheap , A.llospe , 1511 OOiiftlas
761 J 'M
SAIjRPuriilturo forfl looms complete ,
FOR for K nl. nir. . S , 17th st 742 . ! ,
_ _ _
"TJldJT SAI.P.-ABnionil hand llro and biirclar
J-1 proof cafe' of the Hall patent , double
door" , larifosl/o , Per Information ciill on or
nilitre < i < ) .1. II. lil.uiulmril , Boulh Omaha , Nub.
Tiilnphono W2. _ 7019
roll SAIiK ltiiBity HOMO. T years old. In
L' ijulro P. M. Votings , line olllce , press rootn
t pOH8AI.l. Tjpe-wrlter , JOO. J. B Haynei ,
_ Hot ( iai0iiiilin. _ | _ M7 _
TflOu PAtilJ-HtipH Holler lnmp ) I/oaf Coplor ,
| 1 qimni.1" I'llof. l."ttrr iml Illll 1'ilcis niia Fll-
nif fniiiiii * wnl | Tnins'or ( 'uses IndPXiH for
? cdK ir ftiid nil i uposus. Uxpusltlon building.
_ smjiu
L * llros.iiu's lOtlTs" " " B3JJ1
SAljlC I''iirniritro and lcn o oi Nx'ro.i1' ' ?
house , tlmo on purt. Cull 120Z NonO * '
troet , two blocks from Hod Cnr lino. . "
. . ; Cnenp. iron columns and xrln-
rtowc.-xpasultubls for f rout nn brick build-
rorpnrtioiiliira'innlv nt tlili oin > n. ? l I
TTTANTl'H A ifooil plimlo man for drlvlnc a
V > iiCllxcry xxagou. Pnust Bottlluc xrorks ,
ISSICth. 781,11 *
CAN'l'12tTrnrclerout orOnitilm to hnndlo
Vfull line prosorxo , jplllos nnd mlneo nicnt ,
> n liberal commission. Aoilro" , Blvlnw tprri-
orj- and roroiunics , Ailnms & . Slienimiin. Indl-
iimpolls , Itnl. " " '
\VANrKD-Uoyto learn the prlnthiR busl-
' no'sand attend to ponorm onk'O work , ix
loy between thn atros or in nnd 15. Ono who
writes a Rood hand and lives with his parents
vlll receive preference. Addruta In own hand-
vritlng box file , Omaha , Nob. f0 : ! I
\\7ANTEn Neal. clean , wllllmf young men ,
I T ( no tramps waiitedl. Places open Hint pay nnd SSOJ per d.iy , wiillo waltinir for per-
nanent places. Clerkships. booVIni ? , and nil
bo better class of positions supplied , male nnd
omnlo. Apply Omnha Hoglstry Huroati. 2M
North 16th slroot. 774 y |
, Cljr.HKSHIP out of town Vnoant
In u few days. $10 per month rloar. Call
Oinnlm Heffistry Uuroau , Z Xorth 10th slrort.
773 31 *
WAM'IJO News nsenls with gecnrity. Ap
ply U7 N. 17th. 741 31
WANTI1D-A good hnrbor. Address Prod
MichaelToknmnh , Nob. 71 ? 31 *
WANTED A blacksmith to do Roneral xrork.
Address 0. W. Lumbluff , Wucplnir Water ,
Nob. 731 5 *
WANTI50 KxporleiiCPd cipnr snlostnnn ,
Btnlf ) ti'irltory iioiiimlntoil on. Ituforcncoi
roiulrcd , Addioss , until Jan. 5 , IfcS" , 11-t , Bco
olllco. B4t.ll
WANTI3I > lly-alnrgQ corset manufarturnr ,
an experienced corsi-t Biiiosman for the
argoiotnil tiiuloiii the State or Nooraskn. Ad-
Irons wltu reference , look bet No. l.ur.i. Now
York. 300 J 1 *
"TJIT ANTED Albright's labor ngoncv
W removed trom l.iOS Farnam to 1120 Par-
nnm street. 311
4 ORNTS In the city or country can make ? " > to
-txtlO n day selling our specialties. N. AV.
Novelly company. 1207 Fiirnam bt. CIS
VyANTED A Klr | as .cook's aBSlsJnnt nt
llroxxncll Hall , South 10th St. FJl ii
tvrANTHI ) Oood erporlonood rlrl for tron-
i enil hoiisoxvork. 14irl ones fit. F3d
rANTED-Girl for sonurnl boufcework : 3
In family ; 633 Colfai st. 731
! ANTED A thoroughly competent girl for
U general bousflwork : best of wnjre * paid.
Call , with references , at IC1U Doiltco st 731 31
" \\rANTKD An expcrli-ncod cook In small
family ; peed vriiKOS paid. Mil O J Hunt ,
n xv cor Virginia ( ivo nud Uraut st 7-5
T7ir'ANTF.D-airHor _ pcuornl housoiuirk. _ 1005
Idaho. Mrs llurnham. < > 7fl
17"ANTKD Olrl for ireneral liousowoik. No.
> 1U18 Capitol nx-onue. 075
IADIKS WANTED. To handle my wonder-
J fulnew rubber under BArmont for la-lies
only. Tliis Is by far the he tundei garment pro
tector rondo and gives po-fect nulsfne.iim.
Gcnd 50 rents for sample protector by return
mall. Address at oneo Mrs. G. L. lirwln , UIJ
LnSallo St. , Chlcimo , 111. C71 1
T\fANTKD 1/ndlesaiid gentlemen in city or
T > country to take light work t their
Jl.OOto fi.tiOn day cnmly made ; work sent bv
mall , no [ can nsslnp. t > ontivun good demand
forour work Hint fuinUb ( toady employment.
Address. wlili gtnnuiCiown Mttr. Co . " 'U ' Vine
. clnnutl.O. 4MJ >
\VANTID-OUO : ° M lttll > ' "I'l'iy ' coi noitn i
> > Btrett. 7bOtl !
\VANT1JI ) A * tlrl r ° r general houjnnork.
i Apply t lb.IJ Cnsj SI. Mrij. P. Ji. ld- :
. ! !
lend plrl for Ki'iu'ral luinsoworK
In small family , "WI IoiiTCiixrorth et. ft-'l
WANTHD-tA girl for general housework.
Apply nt UOU tSoiitri Mill st , second housu
BOuthof I'urnam. 74U III *
T\7 ANTIin In family of three , first class girl
Tl for general hnupcw ork , no other nerd np
ply , llKia Parnam at _ 7fiu 31 *
ANTKU-nooit girl for kltohen work ox-
Apply at nw cur 1'Jth mi
. 755 .I *
Sjn. _ _ _ _ _ _
\\rANTKO Ululiie-iuom girl nt tboKmm
T > Imusn. WJ
WANTED A tdrl for general lidinsinvork ;
' good wngus luidprrmauont fervUti , Ap
ply Git ) I'lill Sliuiulnn 3t or 1D10 Uud 'e st.
\\rANUT.D UO liidldii , v gchta lo lo ni telo-
T > graphy. Prospo good for position whuu
compftoiit ; nddicsj VT.J , D. , Itoom 1 , Cronniu
blk.Onmhn. 137
\\TANTKU A situation in private famll ) nt. a
rnuchmniior to do gouerrj woik. Ad-
f. J4lh Bt 770 31-
AXMNTiSlJ-I'iIsltlon liy stenographer am
l 1 buoUkcopor. ACdross II CU , IJeo oflleo.
_ _ _ 2i3 HI * _
r/AN'lT.n-HltuntlonHsllrat class cooU In i
> > hotel rt'stnvuniit , Addum H 45. Heo
oHieo. 741 & '
" \V7ANTiU : llmpluymc'iit iia wet imrue. In
li rjinrft ofj , J. Mahoney. jupi. Co. I'ooi
nt court bouM ) . 7U 1111'
" \ \ TANTID : A good fnmlly to ndopt n per
t ? Toctly formed girl buby of good parent
age. Innulro nt olllco of Dr. "illUms , Itoom 17
on block. 777 ii *
A\7AK'I HO To rrnt i7 lo 8 room bouse abou
themlddlo nt Januury. Address , II. I'l
lice Olllco , giving lorntloti nn < 1 term * . 751
WANTP.D-A joung umii well aciiiatnto | I In
the city would llku loncll for toniu rt-u
otntu ugcut on commUiiou or f UJT. Ad > lre a
U4aik'o oiiico. _ cajj'
WANTKD A > oung man de lrc Instruction
on tbo guitar from a competent ttnclicr.
41 , Hee o.Ucc. 7 5
\\rANTP.D-Hoom , by gonlloumu , lurgo
T I aquuro or nlcoru room , bctktod , ( team piu
f erred , iulJre.ii Uox 4il , city. 7 til 3'
iirANTUti 50 men to. eat bucknliuxt cakoa
l } And maple syrup everymonilDir at Norrls'
Ilostuurnnt , liUh Ht bit. l-iile and DouvUi.
Htrhlght D0 nl per wool , FU'S ; ! ! ! me&l tickeli ,
(3 50. C13.
\VANTUIJ To wit Bhotil of not ( BBS t Imti
t&ruomilu .towu of not \tsi \ tli u 4,000 ,
AfidredJ ilobeit C'barlw. , Oinuli * . Neb , W I *
TVANTKI buy ft hou'o nnd lot for
V f 2vror ) J.1,00) cash. Addre 3 John Koran ,
1150 Douglas St. J ) < 8
\\fANTEI ) Furnl'thi'irSoiKO In nloo location.
T 7 to9 rooms. 11 IS 07t
WANTKD A rentlo pony to keep for Its
> work ; will rldo or drtro 4 miles per da ) .
" 3 " ! Ulff Lakcat. 7MJP
"YVANTKDKNOWNIhaxeforty vcryoholco
T > ncrt-s ndjolnina the county rend and Al-
brluht's nnncx , three-fourths of a mlle from
South O-naln : lot In three ndditlons that Mo
nil nround this proportv nro felilnir ov rr ilav
rniin : M to $ IW or nt thorfttoorl,3M to
fl.'iWrK-'rnore. Tills propnrty xrlll be on the
mnrkot ft few days for f ! ) , . " per note. A cnnnco
for lnvo tors to clonn up $3-i,0'Kl before sm Inir ,
Apply W S. Seaxcy , solo npont , III Bouthlltli
V\TANTKt-Stockor dry treed . clothlnc nnd
V > RonM' turnlHlilnirfroo'lRor tioots nnd simps
In otclinniTR for Oinnlm real ostixto. Bchlositii-
iTllrnn , fUS intli Kt , - > VJ Ji
"filOU UnNT-Storoail N. ir.tu et. 60i 5 *
TilOHUKNT A 7 room housu nlt-olr furnished
- Iirnod locution , only ono linlf block from
Mrrrt CUM nt JSOpr month ( lood references
if < | tilrcd. A Jdre g 1153 Hoc oHIoo.707 3
1HJ.VTtjiirfio dry hnsoment. Vine ship-
pins fnplUtltn II II slilp-tnxok nt donr.
Axcry I'lfiiitorconipitix'.eor.KlffUtli nnil I'ncitlc.
r. I' . Day , malinger. G'tt ' J II
HKNT-Sforn house on Snundors Miont
xoiy low : Inmttro J. II. Partotto , IMIi mid
7iB 3
FOIt HIINV lloiifio4 rooms , corner 1'hl
Sheridan nnd llownrd MH.
Iliuiao , li roonm , nil modem Improvomcnts ,
Unrnoy nnd ? Uth hH.
Nuw lirlck Btoro. imrth IC-th t
4 nuwitnip * noir Ilngi-nll's hotel , south 11th
et , FIS t > vr month.
Itrlcli warehouse on K. It track and ptvoil
Ilrd story llrtrkor building , loth nnd I'nrnnm ,
( Mi fcolBiiiiuro.
C r. Mnviio. IJlb nnd llnrnoy. 2J7
HUNT. 1411 tJorlh r.Uliteonth St. flvn
room lioiiou ftirnlshod oomploto : JiOOO
per month. Aloiul tc Jntnloson , 31H South IHth.
0-J7 31
Foil HI'.N'TIf yon wiuit to rent n house , mi
on llotiiirn A Co. , opposite poslotlloo , (3B (
< OH HUNT A burn for l head orhorso'i. In-
rr 1 ciilro | of M. K Mitrtln. M7
FOK UKN -AnToo l I room cotfi o. b7 S. T.
I'etvrson , s. o. cor. 15th and Dou.-lai.
" 171OH UUNT-U room bnuao , nt r wntor , otroet
i * nnra , I'tinileslroin I' . ( ) ; $ - " > pop innnth.
) . C. "n\"ior < | onUmnhn Natl bnnlc. 711) )
"TjlOH | i'Srr | 'niU''Mltlroonl''lM0'1' ' ' ' ' X7lttl n"
1 modo'ni hnf.rorn'wpnts , aNt nnd Hurt ,
iiqulru of Or. Paul. J-tJ ; nndUoilio. f.14
OIl HKNT-Or Iea93. . Twenty itcro
Kiir.lon , with hou p nml f\ti9 ! ? inl1J | Ky
ltsof Hldnoy. Nob. Applyto H. .McV-Nl'don ' ,
Hlilncyob. 423 j _ ,
poll Hr.NT T roomhouso on raruitn st bot.
1 18th nnd lUh. ! flty nnd cistern water , ehods
mid outhiilldlnirfl : brick cellar , J. > J par month.
3. 1' . Hiiramond , 117 S Iflth Bt. 41fl
171OU lir.NF Pnltablo for. robbing
Ju onannd Third Floors , IUxKXJ wltn Imso-
montnnd elevator , ontraiico irom front on
> ourliisBt..nnd ( entrance on irround lloor from
roar to olovator. Addres' A UJ , lloo olllco.
_ _
' HUNT 3 new bouse * S. K. cor. lltb r.nd
R'OU . Inquire on promises. 2.S5
HKNT-B room honao S.V. . cor. 7th and
Taoltlo lunulro M. S. Martin. 2U
HUNT Sit new brluk stnroJ with bine-
munlH.corner Klovonth and llownrl : cholcn
ocntlon ; all convonlcncos. J.onvltt lUirntmm ,
Itoom 1 , CrolBhton .
HUNT Ouonoxrooltaco , " roomx , * .1J.
JjXOlt iiowS-storyhoiisBS , * W , ono nt $ , li ;
welllocated , all convonicncos. Lonvllt Hum-
mmItoom 1 , Orolffluiin block. " li ! ?
HKNT SO acres niljoinmcr cltr nnrtu-
Foil , iiiltnblo tor dmry or mnrkot crur.lon.
Applyto Thco. Williams , lloe Olllco , UU Far-
nnm. BJs
POH ltivr Store ' 2x110 , lllfl Jacltson St.7B8
moil 11CNT I'lirnlshod room , 401 N 15th
V apply 1815 Cuss Et. 7.W 3
BOA11D and room for two , 1C1J Capital nvo.
71B 11 *
molt HUNT ruinlsliod looms , 1C15 Dotlso st.
U 801
P OH HUM' Nlecly fnrnlsho'l front rooms
( vorv cheap ) , bouth windows , H14 X 17th Bt.
FOH HHNT Two front rooms , furnished nr
unfuinlbhod , 707 S. llth 61. Inqulro up
etnlrs. 7U4 Rl *
HnST Two furnisliml looms sultnblo
forcouple hou < okoupinir. Also , ono mil ur-
nlshed room. Appljyoom 7 , NIL 007 s. I'ljti st.
787 5
F Oil HUNT A Sultooftwo looms for light
housekeeping , 1512 Cuss St. 7S"i 3 *
HUNT I'mnlshod rooms s w cor 10 nnd
Chicago. 753 7 *
OR HUNT 5 ronmrt. Cnllfoinm nnd KM st.
Moad&-.lftmIsonil8S.JUi. : ( ; 7W 3L
_ _
lnTlT ] TnN'f :7 psr'U | > T6 noiviy furnished
' rooms tor rentlcmen. Has , batli Mid flit-
nacehcnt SOU Dodgo.
" 171011 ItHNT Suite of rooms for two or three
" gent lenien , price reasonable , nuply at or
address i'KI Content at. 1 < tt 4 *
FOH HUNT Purnlshed room , $ IO iiormnnth
with boanl , if desliod : WJJl Webster st.
7 011 HUNT I'logantly lurni-hod fiont piulor ,
Jv also pleasant beit loom gas , bath , and
near business center , 1013 Capitol avnnuo.
" MflJJl _ _
flOll HKNT-I irgo. fiont , olhco room , north-
1 west corner l&th and Harnoy sts. Z40.0J per
mouth. 4'Jl
F ion iinNT Two rooms at 1017 Ciisi st ; go n
lemon prefoirod und references roiilre | d
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' k'1- ? _
TJIOH UK NT After Junimry 1st , I will 'have r.
OJ nlroly furuUbod rooms , dnuhlo or Rluglo , to
suit ; Imvoonii ready now. choap. Call mill t-o-
curosnou. COOS. Isth street , near St Miry'u
nvcnne. '
F OH HUNT Two suites of rooms , furnished
ortinfiirnlf-bed. In nrociiiliig blocK , ear. 1 lilt
and Dodgoj-t. Kmiulro of Davis .V IlethcrhiK-
ton , .Mlllunl llulol. 7 > 7 HI *
0ll UKNT rurnlilii.-a loom , IflO Dodirol
FOH HliNT KurnUhod room ? , modern con-
\enleiiccs. 318 N. lath st. 48J 4"
OinffiNT Large , mill liirnislicil t HI nt
lonm.tgia Capitol are. 7OT 3 *
TCTOH HKNT Sleeping rooms , furnished nnd
J ? uiiturnbhed.uttiMHownrdbot.aili nud Vlh.
FOH HKNT Large tunny Fontli room with
alcove. All modern oonvonicnces. Pirat
class peuplo only. PJl'J Dodgo. 8'J
17OH HP.NT. Twoiloslrabln fiiruMiod rooms
1 In nlcfl location on car lino. Mo'lorn ' t-on-
vrnlenrps. For locution na < l terms , npply 1 ,1
North KltteeiitbBl. _ tw _ 4 *
TJiOli JIFNT VurnlMiod rooms nun table
J3 board , : ; 12 iranmm
OH HKN'I'uiiileiicd rooms $7.00 and $10.09.
1418 Pudge tt. 74t at *
1T1OU JU5VT lUegunt rooms on mroot car
-L' line , uath iui'1 ' gr.s , B. w , cor "Jtb nnd
Webcler. _ 13 i _
Ti'OU HU.Il'-rutnUhodioom nt 117 817tli8t
i ) '
7L'7-r >
FOH Itr.NT Dfiiniblo front room furnUhotl
suitablelor OUB or two ; 1SH l'"arnam ft
- fiuiilihi'dnioms , llth niii
HowttrilM blulrort-u fiom llawnnl st.
7 0 31 *
HUNT- Two iiticly furnished loom * ,
rcutially located , lufiuuth llth. A. M ,
Clark. _ 7B31 ! _
"TjlOK HENl' A nrgo front cbHinhor with
-L.1 closet , gas , furnace and bath , SOI H. SOth st.
blonk north bU Mnrr'i uro. Wi
TnOH HP.N'T-Nlcely fui nlshod room with
JL' bcmdB05 S17lh-
"IT1OII llKNr TWO nlooly furnished rooms ,
-L nullublii fora or . ' 1 fe'ontloraon ; luvuly looa.
( ton with every tuodorn iuiurorwmcnt , 1413
Jon-js " tt. _ _ _ 9a
Foil"liKNTl'urnubuii room , A. Hogpe ,
_ 15VJ OuiU'ljia st. vii
TjlOH UKNl-0 rooms unfarnlsh l
i. for housekeeping , 1017 N 2Jth it ; apply to
M. P. > fartlnt81B8 thtt _ 4W
FOll Hi : NT Two imfurnUiiod rooms for liglif
hoiijekecjilDf. 8JJ llowortl it , butween bib
nndUth. _ _ sa
"T710U HUNT Unfurnished rooui. tmiublo for
Jonico , IntimreMn.A. Hlco , Uuihman blk.
TTIOH HUNT Nonly furiiishud , heated front
J ? room Eijll St. Maryaavg jSj
Tj 01l HRNT-/-NICO room * nt 1821 Km nnm st ,
-L1 ono block > c6l of courthouse , south sUe.
Wt >
TpOP. HENT-rurntshcd rooms , 1707 Class.
if , , - - - _ .
TTIOH HKNT Tour tinturnlsbsct rooms
JJ for housokooplng to * m n family , lo-
cntfdon Onorgli nrononritrooteArP.surrounct-
Ines iilf'Rsont and will rent cheap lo good
pirt'eaj reference required. AtWros * A Rl.Hoo
olllco. 2 *
111011 HBNT Sultoof newly furnlshol rooms
JL1 in. new homo ; modern co-ironloaces : to
gentlemen. HUI Dodite st. ' _ 2GO
TTOIl TlKNT Furnished roomi for llglit hotMn
jy keeping , tloomers clock , coryJth k llow.irJ
t/IOIt HRNT Largo oleir\nt nlSms.wilh closat
J1 Soulhfront. 1416Chicago street , 818
1/1011 HKNr 1 TOOTH sultiblo for hoitss-
JJ keeping. 711 Pnuinost Hent , J15.0J
T7IOK HBXT To gontletnon only , two fur-
JL' tilfhed rooms in vojd loo&tlou , " doors from
Street cars.onn on flrst lloor larco front room ,
liny window , gas and register. J2" > per month.
Other front room , second lloor , rojrNtcr nul
gas , Jll per month , Hoferonco roiiulrod , ( . 'ill
alilok7,15)lParnara st , nrst floiir. OM
roc sALB-nooans-LOTS.
SOUTH OMAHA--3ot.sin ] Albright's Annut
nf > "i each , A raio bargain. Himh &
Selby.Slsa. ith. 7H8
' 17UsTl"STs 1:1,11 : V,213 a lSth7 Tiavc exrllisTvc
JLV sale of cor. lot , SliuH'a add , Great IInr-
gain fl. M
a lots , Orchard Hill , each 1,000
Itamillnnst lot.bari'nln l.'O '
Marsh'ffiidd.ou Loatonwortli. per foot. . . . 10) )
Hliorirnn HVoH'nddock add , US It 7,000
lime's ndd , t * ft , blk O , monthly pay
ments i , ! o
Lowe's add. lot n , b (1 ( . 1,000
Httflnosscot , LOMcnworth , enstoC licit
line . . . . 2flW
llainoy et'WholeMilo district , 23 ft , to trade
foroity imptoMMl propfirlv
HoitPii and half lot. N i ml st . . . . { J , " " > 0
Uouth Omabii lota on monthly pnytncntt.
OMAHA VIP.W Special pileos on lots now ,
big nilvnnco soon. Hoggs A. 11111,1401 I'ni-
nam st. 70911
. / ADDII'loN-I'roiitR S.ntndorq
Rt on llult Lino. 'I'lif-o lots must of no
cesltv lncrca o tnpullv in price. Will sell n tow
lots nt low pilefs to rot them started. D. JCen-
dull , tea. S. W. cor. 17th and California st.
77ii 11
Co. insjithst ma
SOUTirOMAtr/T OTtr'booiTs allow it Inrffoil't
of property In and mound South Oinnlm
where money le bolus mixdc noxv nnd xvlll bo
doubled In the pprlmr.
HuslncsHlots oil it. N. O.,33th , SOlh nnd Hollo-
vuo sirtets.
HoMilencn lots and IIOUBOS nnd lots ItiRvndt
onto laud , 1'owlor I'laco , 1'otlo. 4 : Cobb's ndill
t Ion , oto.
Oreorory & Hartley ,
Koomsl amis Iloillek'a nuw blockU ! ( ) b. ifitli at.
FUlin AIIS'l ItACT with every lot In Hii-h ( t
Solby's add. 783
TV.T1 ! HAVi : constant liiqnlry for all kinds of
Y bnsluo s and roildoncn property. 1C you
invonn ? pi'OiiertrfnrMlnltot same with us.
ScliU slnifor ! ro > . . U S 10th Kt. tei jO
VIK\V-JilV > r > * h nnd { lOpornionth
OMAHA the prottloi lots In Onmhn , J775
o 11,175. Iloptrs & Hill , HUi l nmin street.
IlniTisoii , Ambler & Woolley.
Koul ostalenifonts , Itoom CO , Omaha Nat'l
nuik. will nc \ ai AOW Year's present $30 on
on < h lot In KckPrmsin 1'laooNOld between now
and Jan. 1th OnlyiXJ lota to be sold on these
oi-niB and onlv 1 lot to n niirehasor. Kckoniuui
ilacn llo < west of llansoom park on I'ark st nnd
south of Mo. Paoltlo depot. Lots $ JtX ) oach.
llatrlaon , Ambler & Woolloy. 074J3
1JITSII & SKfjIlVS mid. to South Omaha.
JV Honntlful lots , only 5".0 down. Wl
APIUSINT : : or $ - > o. i
llnrrifon , Ambler * Woollor.
Heal nslntn AitontR , ItoomU , Oninliu Niit'l
Hunk , xrilltrlvoasn Nuw Yoar's present , t'A , on
each lot m Kcki'rman I'laco sold bclvxeoii now
nnd .Inn , 4th. Only fij tots to bc.pold on those
tcrnn , and only 1 lot to n puiolimor. Kckor-
imin I'lnco lie * west of llnnscoin I'm k , on Park
st , nud couth of Jlo. Pncltlo donot. LoU * ( M
ouch. Harilson , Ambler & Woolloy. 074.13
KIlAT KSTATK IIAicKAIX-'rihotcobuoinosa
lot , near cor. SowaH at. , frotitlnir on Saun-
rs nt. and pived sc. : oho it > for cash. .1. L.
Jtlco Ac Co. , ovar Comniorolnl b ink. 7Ti
OITTH OMAHA-Most lioniltifiil lot AN
brl ht' AnnoAJ100 : S5D down , linl. S1U ppr
month. Also : ttinoro , fl.OjJ , onc.tliird cash.
Hush &Bolby. 318 S. llitli. 71)
DO YOU xrnnt to nmko ? JOIluy aiotln
Kokormnn I'ltco nt original prices , nud you
xvill be credited xx ith ? W ns ft holiday present.
Hoinombor that only M ) lotB lo bo Fold nt these
prices nnd only one lot to a imri'hn cr. Must
purchase by January ) . Hurrlson , Ambler Ss
Woolloy. 07JJJ
H ANSOOM I'LAOR-Lots on SSsul ot. . near
the 1'nrk nt f2.1V ) to J..TO ) . On Roorirla
nve.noar Hickory st. . f 1,700 to $ l.S'o. On UOtti
Btnnur the 1'iirk , tnM. On Ylmlnln nve near
Woolxvortli at n'.ODfl to $ J,5JO. Ou 1'hll Shoridnii
Rt near Hickory nt S15 , oto. , cto. , oto. Wo
linx-oiiiiy number or lots In this uddltlnn , nlso
bouses nnd lots. Borne of the best hornet In the
Grozwy i Hndley ,
nooms 1 nnd 3 , Rctllc'-t'snow nil ; , IL'J S. 15th st.
< 0rt
O AHA VIIHV Lots , finest la tbo cltxT75
tol,17r > . 1I02RS & Hill. 708-5
KND.Uil.'S ADlITlON-At JuiicTfcm OT
Saundnrsatroot und licit I.mi > , just put in
mnrl.or. Will soil n taw lots olio,1. ] ) . I ) . Koudnll ,
res 8. W. cor , 17th nnd California st. 776 11
S 6irTtrf\t.\nA ) Wolinvoforwifo two
dlcato lots $1.0751)3 ouch , flist pnyracnt only
$ lKl ( , bul. monthly or quarterly.
Also conior nud ndlolning lot in JllockSo ,
$ . ' . .iU ) 1'lit-t niiymcnt"ii ) .
Itcbt lots In . A-SclDy'Hiuld. fWono-t > 'iitIi
ca h , balance monthly or ( luartcrly. Absf-act
with ox-cry lot
Albright's Annex lots J2.J3 to f 500 , CM ciish ,
blilnneo monthly or nunrtorly ,
ttliih Belby.jSIMJ BMi. 7P'J
ArilUSUNT of f 50.
Hnrrlaon , Ambler ft Woollpv ,
Honl Kitnlc AKeutd , lloom ff } , Onmlm Nnt.'l
Hunk , x > III Kix'ot as n Now Vear's present , jri1) ) ,
on oac'.i lot in Kokerman I'l'ico sold l/otwccn
noxv and Jan. 4tli. Only 5 } lot j to bo sold ou
those tornis , nnd only ono lot to n purcliix'er.
rckormau 1'laoo llos we t ot Ilniisoom Park , on
1'iirknt , nnn HOiith ot the Mo I'acillo dopot.
Lois SfiX ) each. Ilnrilson , Ambler & Woolloy.
Ii7 < .I'J
M Alt A V1I ! W- < : heap 1 17 Hoggs ! , Illll.
70(1 ( fl
FOTT S'Ar7K lMt S\x\tJ \ \ feet oTriTa
liot.Teon lllli and VJth Ht riots , \\ltlitwo
houses ; ? llOHf-,0'l ' eash nnd Ion ? tlmo In
Insliui proper ! v wo lmo n lorfe'd Use of business
and lesltlciicelw * nr t class. Purebai''r * will
ilo well to see tis botoro buying. Marshal .t fio-
beok , 1503 I'anmm. cuts
Our new addition
Aoros Ji.10 to 37fl per nero ,
Noir South Oniiihn ,
And hydlcnto Hill.
Marshall & Lobook ,
150) ) Kimmm.
$50 given to every piirclmsor of n lot lu KcKcr-
mHiil'laco between now and Jan. 4th. Only
BO lots to bo sold on the o term * . , Knd not morn
tliHii nun lot to n purchaser. Harrison , Am
bier & Woolley , lloom 30 , OmahnNatlonnl Hank
MAH VlnV-Overlooks t\n \ ! whole city
Near business nnd lots ( inly $575 to f 1.175
HoggsA : Jllll. _ , , _ 7UII-5
OMAHA VIiW-Ho8t : Inside nropeity in the
mm l j t. LolB7T5 to f l,17ji. JJcu't'M i : Hill
I | 70'l-5 '
SNAP Pour buslni'fs lots on I'arknxenno for
palo or oxcb'ingo lur do lrablo rnsldenon
lots , rent from stores in the IoivnlJty will lotnn
W POP cent ou investment. Address P. O , bov
41 , City. 711
_ j _ _ _
FOIl SALPi-finod stoek farmliOflO acrej , run
ntng Hutcr , 1,000 eoida of baijl wood , .1,1)
'Ibumas , Onmhit. _ [ 7iK ) 11'
AHAIti ; baigaln ; 40 acres oftlnd ( very cheai
In line , nun southern cilniato. lor pur
tlpulars nddn-i3Il _ 13 Hee of3coA" JJiJii'
FOHSALR-Tomn of the brW ajrrlouTfiira
land In Kastorn Nebraska at $10 per iioro an
wOyi-arb'tlmo.O jmrcent interest nnd nn taxes.
Wi Iteor tall for p.mluuluu. 0. K. Davis & Co.
Omahn Ncb. _ MOJJ3
FOH SAI.P.feet on Piirnam st. bctwuei
10th und llth tioot. 0. 1' . Davis & Co.
C78 3
_ _ _
rtALK-SixlOJ feet corner of
Jackfon and 10th htroelt . JS9.000
Two lotbon Casi HI n nriiJtn I'lich . l/oo
Sltli aiidPlnrcu st . ' .
rxt < inBilhstShnll's2J. . , . : . HOO
H. W. Hunttusa , liUS Pnriittin et. 07J 3t
TTIOH 8ACE Lot (11x13 ( ? feet on Davenport
A ? bet ilth mid lath strut-is wllh S housca
| 9/,0)Oo iliunl lomj tlma.
WolmTe alur.-o list of Inside city property
both bnainesjaud rotldtmco , llmt cfati Pur
cb&se will do well to sao ui. Mitrsbull A. Lo
li ck , IWn runiiam- JC7
AIlAIKlAlX-f 8. " > 0 00 will buy ft 40 foot Itit on
CUM nouraoili itroot. This lot It liniirovei
withafi'iict ) und ona-hnlf of u bilckoa well
This lot It within 16 minutes wnlk of 6 largo
bchoolf , onjy ) minutes walk fromtlio ccntc
of the cliy , und 8 blocks from street CAM. ! 2 < X
caih , balnneo IS Anil 3 ycur.s nt b pec cent
Willis M , Y tt > , Atft , Cftlirorala Jtr ot but. iMlh
rvOVOUwnntJo mn\o frfl ? Iluy n lot In
IV l Jkormsn Place at orlglnnl iitlco , nnJ you
will ho credited with f-'O as A holiday present.
iemomber that only W ) lots to bo sola nt these
prices mid only ono lot to n purchaser. Must
mrclmsoby January 4 , lUrnsou , Ambler .V
VooiMey. _ 074JS
Bowuxo < Jinr. > r-oiir now Addition li
west of Walnut Hill , on Hnmllton street.
lysolectlnBlotsat Stsaror-lnsllennd M7S for
'orners ' , you will mike n good Investment.
Terms 10 per cent oAsh nnJ * 5 monthly. No
chftrgr- for showing the lotl. Marshall ft Lo-
TO r.irnnm _ _ _ _ 619 _
DO YOU want to tnnke JVf ) Hity n lotln
K-kermnn Place nt original prices , nnd you
iUll be credited with F.V ) as n holiday present.
temcmbor that only Mints to bo ohl nt these
pi Iocs and only ono lot to A purchaser. Must
lurchnso by January 4. Harrison , Ambler , t
n ooliey. C74J3
/4.KSUINKUAHOAINS-TWO corner lots in
J Hurdetto court , only 4 blocks from Siuln-
lor' strcet cars , w , M Hiuhmsn , Itoom 10 ,
lluihman Ulock , N Koor inth anil Douglas.C17
,550 , given to evnry purchA dr of u lot In Eokor-
Pmnn PI ire bolwcen now nnd.lan. < th. Only
> ' ) lots to bo sold on the c torms. and not more
linn ono lot to npurchnfcr. Harrison , Ambler
& Wonlloy , room.'i ] , Oiunhn National Hnnk.
H OUSES Lols.Pnrms. Lands' ' money loaned ,
Hemls , rnomjl. Darker block , S. W. cor ,
1J50 given to every purolinscr of a lot In Heker-
Pinnn Place bolt'ccn now and Jan 4lh. Only
lOlots to bo sold on these terms , and not mine
han ono lot tn n purchaser. Harrison , Ambler
V Woclloy.ltoomSO. Oiunhn Niutonnl Hank ,
674 J3
DO YOU want to make SV ) Huy nlot In
Kckcrnuiti Phioo at nrlghull prices , and you
will bo erodltod with fiitl ns a holiday present ,
tomember that onlv M lots to be solJ at these
iriccs and only ono lot to n purchaser. Must
inrclinsoby .lanuary 4. Itnrr un , Ambler &
Wooley _ * C74J
DO YOUx nut lo miiki ) $ W lluv a lot In
KokormnnPlacontoilgltml iiriccs , nnd you
will bo credited with $ r > 3 as n holiday present.
Homombnr that only fi ) lots to be sold nt tlicso
iriccs nnd nuly ono lot to n puutiasor Mu t
nirchafio by JHiiuary 4. Harrison , Ambler A :
Woulluy. 07IJ1 !
AritKsUN r of er.o.
Hnrilson , Ambler & Woolloy.
llenl l ? tmo njfcnt" , Itoom SO , Omaha Nnt'1
bank , xvill jrlx o as n Noxv Yonr's present 850 on
ouch lot In Kckorman Place sold between now
nnd .Inn 4th. Only fie lots to bo sold on those
lormn nnd only 1 lot to a purchaser. I'ckormnn
place llos XVOM of Hnnscom park on I'ark st and
south ol Mr > . I'.ioltlo depot. Lois JJH ) each ,
Harrison , Ambler nnd Woolloy. 0741,1
LOT fronting a strootfl , " 5th nnd PaciIIc , 2
houses , K rlO ; easy tei ins.
llcst lot in Orchard Illll with 5 room house ,
barn , iiell.clsloin , fruit and shade trees , JI.UJJ ;
oasvtorm- ;
Lots' ' , 10.11 , 1'J , S7 nnJ23 , bloou 7 , Orchard
Illll , very clioup
S. W. cor. llth andl'nclUo , OCil32,3 Duo cot-
tn < ros , f fUKXi.
Lot fronting on Convent nnJ 21th st9. , 1m-
proxcmonts worth $ ; iWJ : 2 houses , city nnd
clctcrn water , SflOtW , oasv torms.
fi-room cott 'go nnd lot , SMh and Charles ,
JJJOO. MOD c.ish , easy. Moud & Jnmlcsc-n ,
118 S IDth St. 021
APRK3P.NT of f.O. .
Harrison , Ambler .t Wooller ,
Heal P.stnte Agents , Konm0 , Omaha Nat'l
mnk. will irlvoas u Now Ye ir's present $ "iO on
each lot In P.ckcrmnn Place Bold between now
And Jim 4th. OnlyfVl loU to bo Bold on these
irimsitnjonly I lot to n purchaser. Kckcrmnn
iilaco llos west of Hansrom park on Park et nnd
south of Mo. Piicltlf depot. Lot * $ .100 each.
Inrrlpon , Ambler & Woolloy. 07IJ3
TPyou want achenp.good lot buv In Omahu
\'lcw-$77itoS1.17o. . Hoses A ; Hill , 140S Kar-
nam st 7CK1-5
Foil SACR-na ft. fronting on Oortiro at. 3
blocks east of the pnstoflloo. A bargain nt
19,000 ; $10,000 cash. Marshall Jo LobookirK )
irarnam. 010
WUnroniithorlzoil to invest SJ1.01) tn im-
provoil inside property. What have you
oolTer Wo moaubualnssa. Mead & Jaraleson ,
813 S. 15lh St. 672
EOll SALE JJy Sohle lnger Ilros. ,
014 South 10th street.
} * ot on "th st near I'uniiun , will sell all
or part ,
Cucrolots In Farunm park , M'-r per aorn.
Pasy terras. This is very doslrahlo for garden-
Ing.winoros , Improve J , near cltr , house , barn ,
cribs , oto. Cheap and on easy torms.
Lots In Sonloaingcr's addition Sii ) to $350 on
easy terms. tiSt J 8
Lots L'nrms.Lnnds money loaned.
Homis , room 3 , Uarko blocic , S. W. cor
] 5th and Parnitm ats. not
given to every purchaser of n lot In Kckor-
$ man Place between now and .Ian. 4th. Only
r.n lots to bo sold on tlio ° o tormn , nnd not in nro
ilinu onolot to n purchaser. Harrison , Ambler
& Woolloy , lloom 2J , Omaha National Hank
074 J.'l
F Oil SAT. K 12lots44xl32foot , trontlngnorth
on Drlstol street , half way between Snuu-
detsandState , no irstieet ears. City watorln
front , I J ] oicli.l-t cash , balance in l , imJ3
years. Address 814. Hoe ollloe. > a
riOglven to ox cry purchaser of n lot In Kcker-
iuiui Plueo between now nnd , Inn. 4th. Only
fxi lots to bo sold on those terms , nnd not more
than ono lot to n purchaser. Hnrilson. Ambler
ft Woolloy , Itoom 20 , Omahn National Ilnnlc
U74 .13
APItnSKNT of { . ' ) .
Harrison , Ambler .t Woolloy ,
Heal I'stnto Agents , lloom 2J , Omnhii Nat'l
bank , nlll glvo UK n Now Voar'h present $50 on
OIK h lot in I'-ckiirmnn place sold botxvecn now 4th. Only r > 0 lots to bo sold on these
terms and only 1 lot to npinchasor. Kckornum
place llos west or Hnnscom park on Part si.
nnd south ol' Mo. Pucillo depot I. < > ( > JWO oach.
Harrison , Ambler & Woolloy.
Nebraska Hational Bank
Paiditp Capital . $250,000
Surplus . 3O.OOO
H. W. Yntos , I'roMiJcnt.
A. K. Tun/nlin , inc Trcsltloiit.
\V. II S. HuKlics , Cashier.
\V. V. Morfie , .Tolin S. Collins ,
H. W.Yates , LowlsS. Hood.
A. E. Toti/aliti.
Cor lath nnd Kamam Sts
A tiCiicral Bunkiiui ; Husiuc'as Transacted.
N. W. HARRIS & Co.
nAjfKisjts , cincA GO.
KfiHRC ° f CoiinttoH , Cities and othois of
UUIaUO high ginde bought and sold Knstcrn
oDloe BHDoronihlre it. Hoston. Corrrcjiond *
OAPITAIi , . . . $40OOOO
BUUPLTJS , . . . . ,00,000
Accounts of Hani. ! ; , Hmikers nnd Corpo
rations hollcitcd.
Our facilities for COLLECTIONS arc
excellent and xxo re-tlikoount for banks
when balances warrant it
Oostou is n Reserve Cit.v , and balances
vxith us rrotnbnnUsnotlocatc'J ( in other Re
serve Cities ; count as reserve.
We draxv our oxvn Exchange on London
and ( he Continent , and make Cnblu tr.ins-
lers and place money \ > y telegraph through
out the United States and Canada.
Government Bonds bought nnd told , nnd
Exchanges in Washington made for Banks
xrilhout extra charge ,
We hftxe a market for ptiine firtt-cl.iw
Investment Securities , and invite' propossls
Irom States , Counties and Cities \\UeiiU-
suing bondi.
We do general Banking business , and
invite corret > pondcnce.
ASA 1 > . POTTER , Pre.tdent.
JOS , Vf. W01UC , Uablilcr.
\vben I nr cure 1 < I3 net mcnn
lm ndtlrtBl. . i lliemr.iurii K.
I b * ra d Iho dliox of HIS , fcriLLfaY i/r
Kltk'NESd B Itfolini ! tiiilr , Iwtrrmt inf tem ir.
ILa wont cue U.-c ui nheri fc f > ll < d l > no r rj-n ( or
not owr cl > liiE . cKnd enc lur tre m nd
1 re Uuilli tmf luJilllbU r m dr. bit * Ispmi aid Fo t
i , ' we * t ( cwuMtmiiWUiBfori trt U tuitl nlUcnrt rail.
ud ( Jf Ur < u J _ Boor | , „ i-jHis , . , Kit Vtiik.
cr Wormy Vein a ef ih kenxum
Itoxv It la Souctit lo Keep Htm IVoni
Injiirlonq Cdinpotttloii.
Mr. J. It. U'inspcar hns returned from
cutlAUCo upon the sessions of the Anti-
onvlrt Conlinot iissoclsttion , i-ccontly
licld in ( Jliionyo. The subject of abolish-
convict labor was discussed , ilr.
Winiponr sot forth the in ruin or in which
con\ict labor was carried out in Ne
braska. It hntl become political biisinoss
nnd ho hoped Hint at the expiration of
ho contract In two years , the svstein
would bo abolished.
The advisability of abollclunff convict
abor was ndmlttcd by every person pros-
Mit nl the nicotine , but thcro was n dif
ference of opinion as to hoxv convicts
should be employed if the contract sys-
em should be abolished. Home held that
.irisonors slionhl be. made to build roads ,
make clothing for rftnto prisoners ,
iilnnt trees , inanufacturo < ; oodsi to be sold
JV auction and while others Lad n host
of other expedients to oiler.
With recant lo the objects of the Anil-
Convict Contract association , Mr , Win-
spear said that the evil which the assooia-
ion seeks to combat is not an iiuauinary
; me , nor yet one of small signlllcanco ;
but an Incubus which has weighed lieay-
ly upon the Industrial interests of Hie
country for yearn. It Inw ollelled no little
discussion on the part of politicial econo
mists and manufacturers , as involving
lie interests of both capital and labor.
It has unpaged the attention , and in
duced the nction , of the legislatures of
ficveinl of our largest and most impor
tant states Nexv York , New Jot-bey ,
Pennsylvania , Ohio and California being
already arrayed against the couviet-cou-
tract system.
Tito state antagonizes the interests of
its free citl/.otiR both capitalists and
wntklnc people tiy Belling the cheap
labor of the criminal clasMH at a price
which forbids successful competion. It
must bo obvious , that iho legitimate man
ufacturer cannot pay three or four time *
is much as the prison contractor for his
labor , and sell at the same price. The
logical rcsull is , that in order to continue
his business , the manufacturer must cut
down the wages of his workmen. Under
this enforced reduction of wages work
men become restive and dissatisfied ;
fctrikes and hostility to capital
ists are provoked ; the whole framo-
xvork of soctoly is disturbed and the pub
lic peace jeopardized. The associ.ttion
hits set itself to work to solve the prob
lem : What shall bo done with convicts
in our prisons } and will doubtless event
ually bo successful in its aim.
Mr. Winsuenr is the vice m'esidonl for
Nebraska , and will bo glad to furnish
imrtiesso desiring with pamphlets setting
forth the Work of the association.
Union Pacific Moil I'repnrtns to Put
Their Sljrnnl Servian in Operation.
Yesterday morning General Supcrintcn-
IcntSmith , ot the Union Pacilie , received
a telegram from Washington stating that
[ he signal .service instruments which had
been ordered for the use of the road had
not been sent on account of red tape
delay and formality. Mr , Smith at once
telegraphed back , ordering the instru
ments to bo sent on at once , direct from
the maker , Green , in Now York. It is
expected that the full set will be hero
within a few days.
The Union i'acillc officials are making
preparations to luivo the signal service
in working operation by the middle of
January at the latest. This morning Mr.
II. D. 1'ikc , of General Superintendent
Smith's oflico , and L. M. Kort3f , superin
tendent of the telegraph department of
the Union Pacific , together with three
other railroad men , assembled in the
ollice of the local bignal observer for the
purpose of recoivingmstrtictions in read
ing the instruments. They were taught
the use of the barometer , thermometer ,
bygromotor , unemonotcr , the measure
ment of snow and rain , the observation
of clouds , etc. , etc. They wore further
more taught the use of the signal service
cipher , which will bo used in the trans
mission of the daily report ? .
Mr. George II. flagcn , who Is to bo Mr.
Powell's assist ant , writes that ho will ar
rive in Omaha about the first of next
week from his present htntion at Fort
Smith , Ark.
Strny Ijcavos Prom iho Kopurtci-H
Note Kook. *
Probably the oldest watch in Onialia is
one owned by Mrs. George Heyn a heir
loom which lias boon in the family for
two hundred years. It has been handed
down trom generation lo generation and
was given to Mrs. Heyn sometime ago by
her mother. The watch was made in Vi
enna Uvo centuries ago , the artist bein
Anton Dorclies , who was at that time a
celebrated horologist. H is about the
si/o of a halt dollar nnd its workb.lhough
rather clumsy constructed , are still in
good condition.
The watch keeps good time , though of
course not as delicately its some of the
modern movements.
The surface of the watch is laid with
crusted gold , exactly after the latest and
most fashionable stylo. It is rather curi
ous that after 200 years this very old
timepiece should conform to thn latest
fashion as strictly as though it hud boon
manufactured a week ago.
"From present indications , the celebra
tion of to morrow , as the lirt of the year ,
will bo the tiuno-it we have over had , "
said ono of our leading job printers. "J
don't suppose that I shall hi : able lo sell
enough of my fancy cards to pay for the
cost of gottmir them hero. And thn num
ber of callers , I foul , will be very small
indeed. It looks to mo as if Omaha
wanted a great deal of Mrrlngup In social
matters. "
"This winter has not been what ono
would call an open ono"tntda philan
thropist yesterday , "anil yet it has been
mild enough to IUM" ) many of our poor
people froiii.Miticring oven in their want
of many deslrablo articles of food and
aluthing. Independent of this fact , how
ever , every muv > on that can allont it
t-.hnuhl try to make homo i oor person
happy or comfortable by selecting some
needy ono or contridnting to some
laudable fecheiuo xvith the .same in
terest. "
A'xvnlioniiiu ; Amount the Sxvuilon.
The Svvcdos as a general rule are si law-
abiding people , and to a very gmal ex
tent upholders of temperance and are
appreciated in this their adopted coun
try as a good class of oiti/ansj that ( hi
Swedes work in harmony with every
good icforni ; IIOWH | tint great Interest they
lately manifest lu temperance ) , Several
young Swodcb of our city intend to build
u ( inod Templar Imlge , and u mass-
mooting will Im held Now Vonrs eve at 7
o'clock in the North IVesbytoriau church ,
on Saunders ttreet , two blocks fiom
Cumingfitreot , to whloh bvery Scandina
vian and the general public Is most cor
dially Invited. Mi s Annlo Saundnra ,
grand chlct Icmplur , and several others
will speak.
A Mnsquornilo Rail ,
A pleasant and successful masquerade
ball was ft\von \ Thiiroday evening at Mut-
ropolitan hall by the loual Irdgo of tl-e
Junior O idcr United American Meclmti
ics. About thirty couples wore iti at lond-
anco nnd some unique costumes woiu
displayed. A prom-ammo of Ixvent.V r
dances kept thn merry throng bti.iv until i
long nftcr midnight. The mnsiu for the i
occurlon was furnished by the Mu hal
Union ,
A niret't Application of the Item-
inly lo thu Olieasod Portion ol'
the SjMcm A\mv Itlotlioil nnd
Treatment tluit AppctilH lo IIi
Common house. tfiimhiyN Hco
December iiOlli.
SUNDAY Hen , Dec. 2fith : There Is no
license so prevalent in the United States
n catarrh. It may be termed our nntionnl
liscase. It extends oxer the entire coun
try , and has been inctcasing in Its virulence
inu the consequent number of Its victims
"or many years. Were it confined solely
o the mucous membranes of the head , It
would not be attended with so ninny dc-
ilornble results. Hut , unlmppily for those
who arc afflicted by it , it gcneintes other
diseases in the system , and , if not checked
t tcsulls faintly. The disease U caus-cd by
lie presence "of the vegetable pnrnslte ,
ntnrcbn , which groxv in the membrane- Hint
Jncs the Interior ol the nose. The atomic
germs of Ibis parasite arc floating In the
Umosphere , the batnc as the this le doxvu
"s waflcd to the wind , nnd they nrc diaxvn
_ nto the nostrils xvith thebrcath. They will
not gei initiate in a peifcctly healthy nostiil ;
jut when n prison has been subjected to
Lite influence of n tnoibid condition of the
oil , such as the blighted corpuscle of
luberclc produces ; of mercury , or toxrcrnn
"rom the retention of the ciletc innttcr of
the skin ; owing to neglect of bathing , sup-
[ ircsbfd perspiration fiotn tuildcn exposure ,
badly ventilated rooms , and the numerous
other poisons that exifet in the blood , It
will be seen from this partial list of the con
ditions that lead to catai rb , tl-nl it is not to
je wondered at that the disease is so univer
sal. These vegetable amoeba , me EcaUetcd
cx'cryxvherc in our sheets , in public halls
and all places whcie the inicctcd mucous
is discharged upon the pavements , floors
and grounds , when the mucous becomes
dry , they arc lifted by the wind and scnt-
Icrcd broadcabt Ihiough the air lo b in-
lialed by the unsuspecting victim , These
poisons create a continuous ii illation in the
noUrils , anil ba dischaige of the mucous
present in them a lodging place for the
fresh parasitical germs , xvhich , when In
haled , produce an incicascd aggravation ,
and a rApicl extension 01 the evil. If not
timely destroyed the disease xvill termiimte
in inflammation of the ciistaehain tubes , erin
in pulmonary consumption , both of which
lead to a f.ilnl termination. Until very re
cently no posilixc cine hah been ditcoxcrcd
for ibis alarming evil. No cure can be
effected unless the paiatites me killed or re
moved from the nostiils. The ' 'Carbolic
Smoke Hall , " by acting iliicctly upon the
tiseascd pait , dcslioys the vitality of the
aimebn and eradicates the disease. No
other known substance has this leincdial
effect. It also possesses gieal and perfect
curative poxx'Cih in the associate diseases of
catarrh ; which arc Hay Kcver , Bronchitis ,
Neuralgia , Headache , Cioup , Sore Thront ,
Eyes , Ears , etc. , nil of which are speedily
ameliorated by its application. It Is the
most beneficial medical discovery of Ibe age
The oflice is at rooms 1 and 2 , over 101
South 15th , opp. P. O. . Fronxor block.
There aroseparate parlors for Indies und
gentlemen. These who arc afflicted
should lese no time in availing them
selves of this positive cure. There is no
charge for testing it * etl'ects. Circulars
sent Ireo on application. Carbolic Smoka
Uall sent to any address on receipt of
price $2 , with full instructions lor is } use
Carbolic Smoke Ball Company ,
DR. rDW L. WXIil.INO , Sur
( fen In ( lilcf , National Quart
of N. J. , i > rlti :
"Wr Ktlontloa na ollrd t <
rnnr Jtrvslonc Mult XI hUVtj k ]
Mr. I.ulor , Dnujln , uf Tniilon P"
and I Imvn liitJ it fun iKiltloi P"m
with furtftttr rfftti Hun Miy 3
IIIITK l > d , I mil rrctiinratiKtlni
\niir irtlclo In mjr | rerllce , uno
find It iny pillilittury. "
Q 7Th Omulp * ! ihtfMKnftlu
A thd I fttl.
& R3Ef * BELSOI ,
IFole Afuurar UK U H )
316. ni8 dnJ 320 Raw St. . Philaddokla. Piu
Goodman JniK Co.ionl.AKontNlOmali
Window asii Lock
Kvcr Jnvi'iitotl.
Acrntii mnVo Mil pruHln. Rlr n
[ ft treo. H.unplJ liir mull I'Jitt.
n ii. WIUII.UUK : : ,
1 ullcrion.
Onu it ( Mi-r , iutit ontvl wnntrrMn , .vcrr town for
The "TanMU'fc Punch" Tin clirnrM are IJOUMIIIIH.
Never sold ft < > iniinv m FO nlioi t n tlm . Will try
nml Klvoyou iinnlhi-roider tliM month ,
i' A , A | k Mil lAim , r.lllsbuiK , N. V.
Your "Tiiiiclll Piiiioh" fin ol iir loniiixil
seller. U 1 > ( Jiiviu , DniutrlM , Almln. III.
Addrrsti it.v.i V\MI : A ; co , , < mioio. .
State Agents
FOR'I'll ' IS
Omaha , Neb.
i. . /itlrtJnihr inmMt.1 Kl 1 " "I | incMcM
Tt > tt.riiHti Ufcst/K ! Co. ICS UCatU it. ,