Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1887, Page 6, Image 6
0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. JANUARY 1. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCflTBLUFFS SATUUDAY MOUSING , JAN. 1. OFFICE , HO. 12 , PEAKli STREET. Dtllrcud liy carrier in onrpnrlof the city flt tn < ntr ccnU per week. U. W. Tu/to.v , - - - Manager. T1U.EH10NE3 ! BcpiKrFsOrncr , No. 43. NIQIIT KIJITOII No. S3. The Busy line. The Hr.E , in wishing its ninny fricmls nnd patrons in Council Bluffs n Happy Now Year , would announce it will keep Itself busy us muni , so that its rentiers may IIHVO tlic news dally , with out any omissions. The carriers will make lliolr delivery and collection trip" to-day as usual. .M1NUU M12NTIOV. N , Y. IMuinlmiK Co. New fall needs at Keller's. 'J'ho public seliooh reoen | Monday. Auction at Chapman's to-day at 10 o'clock. The city jail celebrated the closing of the j car by : i sci ( ibblng out. There i\a ! n watch meeting fisrvicc at the Methodist church lat night. The 1'all Mall club gave another of their circuit parlies last uvoniiiK. J'hc Dodge ( tuard ? now number si\ly ficrcn , and more names aic being added daily. ' I'onnit to marry was yesterday given Lionel Stephens and Alice liidooiijj , both of Crescent. .John ( ! rav for being driink was lined ns usiml ycstunliiy , audit being the last day of tlic > car , swoie oil' . Last ntoltt the Salvation Army had a feast and a big time. To-niylit they hpreail a dinner for the poor folks. Frank AVri ht , a drunken fellow , Btraved into the city jail , but did not utray out us easily , lie was put behind tlic bars and sobered oil' . Mrs. A. M. Wilson has commenced mandamus piocccdinys to com pel tlio ity to levy n tax to pay the judgment of $2,000 which she holds against the city. The father of John Montgomery , who was drowned on December ! i ! ) . by fall- inp from the Union Pacilie bringo , oilers n reward of $50 for tlic recovery of the body. The Y. M. C. A. and their lady friends will hold a public reception at the rooms from 2 o'clock until 10 o'clock to-night. Everybody is invited to call , rich and poor , huge and small. The postoflleo will be open to-day from 30 to 11 o'clock in the forenoon and 7 to 8 o'clock in the evening. A collection and delivery will bo made during the morn ing and a collection this afternoon. The Fifth avenue ice sUating rink , op posite the Sisters' school , opens this morning. A Mod skate and a wuim room to rest in all for Illteen cents. The ice is perfectly sale for children. When the district conit convenes on tbo 10th of January , Judge Thorucll w ill probably hold com t in one of the rooms and Judge Dcomcr in another , br > that by the double barreled arrangement the business maybe fired through in a hurry. The city council meets in regular ses sion Monday night. These who Have bill against the city should Hlo the sarac with the auditor to-dav , in order to have them considered at the coming meeting. Although New Year's , the auditor will be at his dcsK to-day as usual. Tiie police nicked up a fellow at the dummy depot about 4 o'clock yesterday morning. lie gave his name as St. Luke jind appeared to be about half crank and the other half vag. He had nothing but n pocketknife , and the city relieved it self of further expense boarding him by recommending him to visit Omaha. Tom iJrooks seems not to have profited by the advice given him in court to let the woman alone with whom he has had j-0 much trouble. He has been reported as .still dctci mined to hang around her , and has been arrested for creating a dis turbance at Stella Long's , where the woman is boarding. The hardware , tin and storehouses here cntcicd into an agreement to close their places of business at 0 o'clock p. in. every day except Saturdays until the 1st of April , after which time until September they will close at 7 o'clock p. m. This will enable those engaged in these places to have their evenings to themselves. It is a good move , ami should bo followeil by other lines. It is amusing to notice in the sentenc ing of the prisoners to various terms in the penitentiary that the judge , in com pliance with the law , enters up judgment against them for the costs of the case. Nearly every one of the prisoners has to be furnished an attorney at the expense of the btato , being unable to pay one themselves , and yet the judgment is en tered up against thorn just as if they were millionaires , A prisoner , without a dollar lar in his pocket , and with a three years' term bolorc him , naturally cares little about going to the penitentiary , but wor ries greatly over the judgment ot costs. . ' Weather strips at Chapman's 105 Main. Owing to the extreme cold weather , W. W. Chapman will continue his auction from 10 to 13 to-day. Ladies most cordi- nlly Invited. Don't buy your new suit or overnoa until yon look at those at Mctcalf Ikot The smoking jacket will bo ralUed this morning at 11 olelock at my store. Thu ticket holders arc invited to bo present. A , H 1:111:1 : : : . . * . - .Mocked unit Mocking. On Chribtmas eve a merry company of young folks had a huppy time with a mock trct > , the gifts upon which voro all of nominal value and selected with a view to the humorous , there being many harmless hits nnd jokes , The company 8was entitled , "The Mocked and MocUorB.1 The young ladies ot that gathering de- to rmincd to have another mirth provok ing occasion and this occurred last even ing at the home of one of their number , .Miss Matio Joiolyu. Thu young ladies ecnt by mail invitations to the young gentlemen , reading blindly .is follows : "Votu mescnro is > ileslrod at a phantom imrtv to lo hold tit the residence of ono of Jio .Mocked and -Mockers nt Mo. - trcct , on Christmas eve. 'Seeic and jo lull Hud. ' " The young men thus favored with in vitations had a lively hunt tor the plncu of the ghost gathering , the location of the perticular pluco whore the gathering waste to be hold , being kept a bccrol until Jast evening. On there assembling they found the young Indies , a baker's tlo/.en in number , HO skillfully clad in pillow cubes and sheets ns to render individual identification Impossible , until the time for unmasking arrived. A merry time was had nnd an additional novelty was introduced at the breaking up time. Thu young gentlemen who expected to escort the young ladies to their respective homes , were surprised to learn that the fair ones had till arranged to remain as the guests of Miss Jo&elyu for the night , leaving the young men to say their good-byes anil wander their way homo- waul without the pleasure of the ladies' ' company , goods and Christmas Novelties at Kirfclnml'8 , jeweler , No , 323 11 road way. Weather strips ut Chapman's ; 101 Uaiu at. - - -3f THE BOTTOM KNOCKED OUT The Cases Against the Drnggists Tnrable Throtigh Basil/ . A NEW PROHIBITORY MOVE TliG Closing lny of tlio District Court A Novel Hoolal ( intlmrliig In \Vltli the New anil Out tt llh tlic Old , Saloon Cases. The injunction cases brought against he saloon men and others of the city were yesterday dismissed to tlic surprise if many , but there was little time given or any jiibllancy , as new suits were im mediately commenced under the Claik aw. It seems that the prohibitionists , tvlio have been backing these old suits , lave become discouraged at tlic dim'citl- ies attending those particular cases , and lave concluded to let them go by the board. They take a new hold , and what hey deem a ktror.gcr one , by the new nils. The attorney Is as before , Mr. acob Sims All the suits , which number hirty-onc , arc brought in tlio name of he .state of Iowa on relation of A. Over- on. They are brought both against the lieu who have the bars and the owners f the buildings. For some reason some f the saloons are left out , and some of he hotels , but the batch is largo enough o make < ) Uito a u coding out should the .nils . prove successful. The names of liosoagaiiiit , whom tin-so now suits are irouglit aie : Mike Nolan , D. J. Adams , Hoist A : SjH'tman , Mis. H. Durgan , Job NoloAV A. Kvans , A. Dorlliugcr , Max "John , John Kramer , M. ( . O'Connor , 'red Kapp , Otto Liind , J. K. Mctcalfo , 'harlcs Kisele , George L. Smith , Mrs. K. \ . ( Siuson. Charles Harghausen , Frit/ Meyers , John Moreen , Thco Lund. Mar- riu White , Jacob Krnsdorf. A , L. Kahle , I. D. Nicholson , 1'orrcst Kinnov , Peter lleehtcle , Oliver Lower , 11. Hcitman , , Jacob Newmaycr. In thoxe petitions the claim i made hat the intention of ( lie district attorney iias been called to the f.ict that these uusancps ousted and that on account of jther oflicjal duties he declined to coin- nonce actions , so that private pai tics hade o do so. On the petitions being filed Judge Loof- iiourow li\ed upon Monday , .January 17 , as the time for a hearing. Ho will not u-obably bo hero at that time , and the ascs will doubtless come up before cither Judge Thorucll or Judge Decmcr. 'I here s much curiosity to see how these new udges will bhapo themselves on this class of cases , which have so annoyed : > tbcr judges , and which all concerned 'iave ' so tar as > possible seemingly sought o dodge. Stoves I Stoves 1 Stoves I tor tlm next hirty davs 1 will sell heating stoves at . est for cash only. 1' . C. DiVoL. : Heating stoves at cost to close them out \V. \ A. Wood , No. tKU Main sticct. Hard and soft coal , best quality , all si/es. Missouri and Iowa wood. C. H. 'net companv , 5150 Broadway. Tcle- iihone I'M. Klectric door bells , burglar alarms and very form of domestic electrical appli ances at the New York Plumbing Co. J mice's Table. The doings in the district court yestor- lay consisted mainly in clcnriuc up tlie able preparatory to adjournment. The jury in the cuso of Wilson re- .urncd a verdict finding him guilty , lie s the young colored fellow who was might nipping Mr. Beer's overcoat from the hallway of Mr. L. 0. Baldwin's resi dence a month ago. He was sentenced : o nine months in the county jail and a line of $100. Edwards , the crook who tried to confi dence the elderly Ohio gentleman , was .irought before the bar to receive his sentence. Colonel Daily , as his attorney , nterposed technical objections to his aemg sentenced at this time , claiming : hat sullicicnt tlmp had not elapsed be tween the conviction and the sentence. Judge Loofbourow quickly acquiesced in the request for more time , and set the date for f-entencing at January 10. That is the ditto to which Adjournment of this term was docidcd upon. When that day comes Judge Loofbourow will probably bo on his way to California , as he now lakes a vacation. The queer change will therefore bo made by which the judge before whom Edwards was tried will not bo here to sentence him , the at torney who prosecuted him , Mr. Thor- neil , will tlit'ii be Juclno Thornell , and Kdward's attorney , Colonel Daily , who so ably defended 'him , will then be the district and proseeuling atloincy. Ed wards is evidently a hard crook , and the burglarious tools , as well as the two re volvers found upon him indicate him to be a desperado , and Iho jjubliu will be iv- licvcd to know that ho is placed behind the bars. _ See Moore & Kiplinger'a elegant nrcs- ents to their customers OIIP chTtnce with each Me purchasn. 411) ) Bioadway. Substantial abstracts of titles and real phtato loans. J. W. & E , L. Squlro. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Binds. Notice Opprii house barber shop , bath rooms re-opened. Tlio HriiKciHta Win. Yc terday was fraught with special in terest to all those in Council IJlufts who in any way handle intoxicating liquors , It will be remembered that some time ago there was a great scheme started to make the druggists and others holding county permits , forced to pay laigo amounts for alleged failure to comply with iho law requiriiig-montlily reports The penalty for not making a report ex actly as required by law is 1100 for each olVense , and one-half of this goes to the informant. The amount claimed under these suits was in the neighborhood o : 110,000. l-'iom tills it appears that the pri/o was one wortli fighting over , am the suits were prepared with great care Tlio defendants tiled a motion to dismiss , and thin was argued at length some time ago before Judge Loofbourow who took the same under advisement. Yesterday ho announced his dcolMon which was to the elVccl that the cases should bn dis missed. This knocks the bottom out o : the scheme , and the druggists and others interested breathe easier. The dismissal of the cases was founded on reasons al ready given to the public in the publish ing of the motion at the time of its tiling. The attorneys who have been lixmg up the suits will doubtless be somewhat dis appointed , but the sentiment outside 01 those directly interested is rather agaiusi the suits , as being more in tlio nature o : taxing these defendants for the benefit ol private persons that an attempt to en force law for the public good. Great auction sale at Chapman's Art Store to-night. The last and only chance to purchase a handsome picture at youi own price. Dr. Jlanchott , ollico No. 13 Pearl street residence , 120 Fourth street- telephone No. 10. See that your books are made by Moore house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block. Personftl B , F. Clayton WAS at the Ogden yes- crday. P. Ebli , of Ncola. was in the city yes- crday. John N. Baldwin has returned from us eastern trip. Dr. Capcl has been called to Mcadc by he illness of his wife. ( Jcorge Koscnbaugh , of Helknap , was it Bechtelc's yesterday. Miss Carrie Fuller , \Vcstfielil , N. Y. , \isiling her brother Ed. D. A. Farrell , Mills county's sheriu" , iroakfastcd at the Bechlclc. Colonel McKi ook left yesterday to spend New Years in St. Louis. A. Christcrsou , of Lincoln , was among ho Ogden house guests yesterday. E. H. Hunter , of Corning , a prominent lemocrat and railway man , is at the 'Jcchtclo. Superintendent McNaughton is elected as one of the vice presidents of the state cacheri' association. Miss Allen , who has been serving as cashier in her father's book store during he holidays , has returned to her home in Iowa I City , stopping cu loitto to visit 'liomls m Marshalltowti , Mrs. T. B. Louis , of Logan port , hid , s in tlio city visiting her brother-in-law , Vttorncy Bilgor and family. She is so ) lcased witli the city and its prospects ; hal it is quite probable that she and her tusband will conclude to sottlu hero and engage in business If so their coming viil lead to at least two other families to ocate here. Mrs. Louis is on her eturn homo now from u visit to Pueblo. Attend Chapman's auction this mom ng at 1U o'clock. ' Ccntcnillc soft-lump coal , ? : ! 75 per on , ilelhercd , Win. Welch , 015 Main stiect , telephone IW. L. B. Crafts & Co. arc loaning money > n all clashes of chattel .securities at one- uilf their former rates. See them before bccuriug your loans. New Year's Calls. The ladies committee and the Y. M. C. V. invite all of their friends to call at tlic oems , corner 01 Main street and Bioad- \ay , to-day , at any time between tin ; lours of a and 10 p. m. An elegant line of short wraps new- narkets , etc. , cheap , to close them out. JOHN Bixo : & Co. Five hundred overcoats for boys and children , from § 1.50 up. up.Mnir.u.r Duos. We have a line large line of Christmas lovcltics that wo are selling cheaper .him ever was known , also mulliers , ailk Handkerchiefs ladies' and ' , gents' glovc , clothing , fine bcalskincaps , etc. JOHN Bixo ; & Co. JUDGE GRESHAM. Some InuldcntH in His Career A Good Jiulyo of liumnii Nature. Many interesting incidents are told of resham's career , says the Cincinnati inquirer's Indianapolis correspondent. Jn the bench he is an excellent judge of iunian nature , and seldom mistakes his iiian. In the trial of criminal cases lie invariably has private talk with the ofi'endor. He questions a culprit closely , mil quickly detects any extenuating cir cumstances in his case. Upon ono oc casion a former citi/.en of high standing was tried and convicted in Ins court for icrpetrating frauds in the pension ollleo. The r.ian's wife and family were present anil the scone was a .sad one. The jury returned a verdict of guilty , ( iresliam called the prisoner to the bar , but , in stead of passing sentence upon him , said kindly : "Go home and spend the night with your family , and report to me at 10 o'clock to-morrow. You may not see your home again for a long time. " This extraordinary action caused much comment and some criticism , but the juilty man did not break the court's confidence. He was on hand promptly , and was sentenced to two years at hard labor in the Michigan City prison. With out exception newspaper men are staunch ricnds of Gresham. His uniform cour- osy and frank disposition win their fneml&hip. His outspoken manner in politics has naturally created some hos tility toward him in party ranks , and his success and gieatncss have in like man ner provoked joalousncss. Gresham , however , cannot DC justly accused of smallncss of character nor charged with doing an unmanly net. His contempt for things insincere and for petty politics is pronounced. The avciasc citixen here abouts. is quick to resent a personal lling at Gresham. Even those whoie tirst choice for president is Harrison denounce the warfare that has been begun against Gresham. One day Judge Grcsham was listening to a tedious argument in an important suit which was attracting public atten tion. A reporter of an Indianapolis paper was awaiting the verdict. The hour wa > , late and the reporter had many other calls to mike. Ho grew impatient , and finally , during a halt in the piocccdings , ho slipped up and whispered to the court ; "Say , judge , how are you going to de cide this cabuV" Tlic judge looked .surprised , but re warded the young man's nerve by re plying : "Well , Charley , J am going to decide It for the iicfomiiint , but you must not say anything uulil ido it. " On another occasion , just after Grcs- ham's appointment as postmaster gen eral , but before he had left the bench , ho was hearing a railroad case in chamber * . A reporter timidly opened the door and stepped into a circle of distinguished at torneys , such as Senator McDonald , the late ox-Governor Baker and Abram W. Hendricks. The judge erected the in truder kindly , beckoned him to advance , and stopped the case long enough to explain - plain its nature. The reporter was about withdrawing , when the judge said : "Don't be in a Iwrry. HavoyonaknifeV" The cutlery was produced , the judge opened a box of choice cigars , passed them around , and then again proceedings begun. Ho had a habit of doinir such things , yet noyor surrendered the dignity attached to ids court. When Maj. Calkins was a candidate for governor two years ago , the dcm- ociatiu press published a private re mark made concerning him by Gresham It was simply this : "There is nothing in him ! " Gresham did not deny it. and ho was severely criticised by republicans. Two months later , however , when Cal kins failed In the joint debate with Gov. Gray , when ho was defeated , and ever since the republican party in this state has benn reiterating Grcsham's senti ment. It proved In Calkins' case , as in those of government offenders , that he seldom made a mistake in sking up his man. As is well known , ho has the ut most contempt for Dudley , Dorsoy , and that gang and their method , and has never failed to so announce himself. Thus it is that those men took up Senator Harrision , and may always bo found with him against Grcbham , at least. There la no dancer , however , that the judge will be nominated for the presi- doucv. His boom is premature , and schemes are already on foot to lay aim jut. JOHN y. bTONE J ACOB 8JM3 STONE & SIMS , ATTORNEYS-AT- , Practice in the State and Federal couitt T and 8 Shugart-Beuo tilook. COUNCIL * BIjtrFiPei ONE IIUNDREDJREE GIFTS To Be Given Away By Henry Eiseraan ft Co.'s People's ' Store. TO THE LUCKY TICKET-HOI.DERS On January fotli , 1887 , Consisting of l"u ml tit re , Clilnnwnrc , Clothing , Tnlilo jMncn , Notions , Monry , 811k Dress rat- terns' , Ktc. , 1-jtc. For ovcry two dollar's worth of goodi [ HtrchaEcd , jou will receive a coupon ; ickot , good for one chance in the follow ing Grand Pie cnts to be given away by us on January loth , 1887 : MUST i'KlHK-Ono suite of I'arlor I'uruiture , consisting of sofa , teto-a-teto .uul tour grand easy chairs , all uphol stered in assorted shades of elegant silk plushes uorth fl2fi. SECOND PlUHB-Ono Mahogony Bed lloom Suite , consisting of Bedstead , Dresser and Wash Stand of elegant finish with beveled glass , worth f 100. THIRD i'UIHK One of the very best six-drawer Nickel Plated Domestic Sew ing Machines. The very bc't machine in the United States , worth fO'i.UO. FOURTH PR1HH Twenty yards Guitiott best gros grain Black Silk , cost fU.OO per yard , worth $00.00. Kit-Til PHl/K-Ono elegant Seal Plush London Dyed Cloak , to be made to order to lit the lucky ticket holder , worth $00.00. SIXTH PRl/JS-Onepairof the finest While Blankets made by the Pioneer Woolen mill , of California , worth $40.00. SEVENTH PRlXi-Ono : Beautifully Decorated Dinner and Tea Sol , consist ing of one hundred and foity pieces , worth fo'.OO. EIGHTH PR1XH An Elegant Seal Skin MulV , worth fiW.OO. NINTH PRIXK-A very line Paisley Shawl , worth Wi.OO. TENTH PKI/K-Ono Angora Beaver Shawl , worth sJM.OO. ELEVENTH PRlZE--One Gentleman's Suit of Clothing , made of Imported Worsted , guaranteed a line lit for tlic winner , worth $ : ir > .00. Ttt'ELPL'H P1M/E A Gentleman's Fur Beaver Overcoat , worth ? ! ! 0.00. THIRTEENTH PR IKE One Boy's Overcoat , for a boy between the ages of ; l and 10 years , to bo chosen by the lucky party holdintr thu ticket. Worth $15.00. FOURTEENTH 1MHHH Ono Boy's Suit , for a boy between the ages of ! ) and If ! years , to bo selected by the winner. Worth Jfl.'i.OO. . FIFTEENTH PKlZE-Ono Elegant In fant's Cloak , worth $10.00. SIX'JEHNTII PRI'/E-One Elegant Brass Parlor Table , worth $10.00. SEVENTEENTH PRIXE-One piece of r > 0 yauls " 1'ritit of the Loom" muslin , worth $1.00. EIGHTEENTH PRIZE - One half dozen of tlio very best Celebrated "Gold" while shirts , of which we arc the exclu sive agents , worth ! f.00. ! ) NINTEENTII PRIZE-One Fine Silk Mulller , worth $5.00. TWENTIETH PRIZE Ono Linen Table Sot , consisting of Tunic Cloth ami si loen ) .Napkins worth $10 00. TUENTY-FIRST PRIZE - A Cash Present of a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece. No. 22One Toilet Set. No. 23 One ver > fine Doll. No. 24 One Handkerchief Box. No. 25 0110 elegant Hand B.ig. No. 2(1 ( Ono largo Doll. No. 27 One Stand Cover. No. 28 One bottle line Perfume. No29 One Toboggan Cap. No. UO One Table Scarf. No. ill One fine Splasher. No. 92 One line Lunch Basket. No. U3- One hammered brass Umbrella btand. No. 3-1 One-half doz. fine Towels. No. 83 One Silk Umbrella. No. 30-One line Doll. No. 37-One set China Dishes , suitable for little folks. No. 88 Ono Bra s Broom Holder. No. 39 One pair Men's Silk Suspend- rs. rs.No. . 40 One Silk Handkerchief. No. 41 One nice Doll. No. 42 One-half doladle's fine Linen Handkerchiefs. No. 43 Fifteen yards Best Calico for a dress pattern. No. 44-Onc Boy's Hat. No. 45 One Boy's Sealskin Cap. No. 4G Ono fine Painted Ornament , No. 47 One Toilet Set. No. 48 One nice Doll. No. 49 Ono fine Doll. No. 50 Oue elegant Table Cover. No. 51 One Bottle Perfume. No. 52 Ono Lace Handkerchief. No , 63 Oue child's fine Lace Collar. No. 51 One elegant Doll. No. 55 One elegant Doll. No. 50 Ono Tidy. No. 57 Ono Table Scaif. No. 58 One ( mo Doll. No. 50 One Mouth Organ. No , ( iO One Imitation Steam Piano. No. 01 One line Book. No. 00 Ono fine Book , No. 03 One Pocket Knife. No. 01-Ono line Doll. No , C5-Onu fine Doll. No. 00 Ono Dr. Warner' * , Corset. No. 07 Ono Shoulder Shawl. No. 08 One infant's ' Lace Cap. No. C'J-Onu ' baby Dress. No. 70 One largo Doll. No. 71 One Hand Bag. No. 72 One lady'h Companion. No. 73-Oue Silk Muiller. No. 71-Ono largo Doll. No , 75 One fine Book. No. 70 Ono line Book. No. 77 One Lunch Basket. No. 78 Ono pair children's Shoes. No. 7-Onn ! pair boy'H Boots. No. HO Ono line Lace Collar. No , 81 Ono largo Doll. No. 82 Ono LadyV Jersey Jacket. No 83 Ono pair Gentleman's bus- ponders , No , 81 One pair Men's Gloves. No. 8,1 Ono pair Boy's Skutes. No. & 0 Ono pair Girl's Skates. No. 87 One pair Girl's Skates. No. 88-Ouc line Doll No 8tl Ono line Doll No. 90 One large Doll No. ! )1 ) One largo Doll No. SW Ono Necklace No. 93 Ono pair Gold Cult Buttons No. 91 One Locket No. 95 One nice Bieast Pin No. 9G Ono pair Sleeve Buttons No. 97 One Silver Thimble No. 08-One fiun Breast Pin No. 8'J ' One pair Kid Gloves No. 100 One Lace Handkerchief Total value of presents , $800. \ \ Hh ovcry $2 purchase you rccnive a ticket , also a ticket for every Additional $2 purchase you mako. Hold vour tickets until January 15th , iaS7 , when the fortunate numbers will be announced and'invited ' to call and 10- ccivo their presents , REMEMBER. You hayo to pay nothing extra for your purchases. We guarantee to sell you iroods cheaper than any other house m the west , and best stock to select from. MAIL ORDERS. All orders by mail will receive prompt attention , and tickets for tlio free gift distribution will bo forwarded and enclosed with y our purchases , the 'bame as if you were present in person. Thesa distributions will bo made with every fairness , and you may depend on it that the lucky numbers only will receive their presents. . . . , . . . . , No tickets will be issued to the em ployes of our house. Customers only will receive the bene fits Call and see the above mentioned pros- cntsnowou exhibition in our mammoth store ami convince youreclf. Kespectfully , HEKHV EISF.MAN & Co. , People's Store , Nos. 314 , 310. 318 and 320 Broadway , Council ' I Will Pay tlie Highest Price in Cash TOR ALL KINDS OF SECOND-HAND FURNITURE AND STOVES , XO. ( IOS imo.tlkWAY , COVXCIL BUTTERINE BUTTERINE , Wholesale and vctuil. Families supplied with ton nuil twenty pound pack ages. J. Y. FULLER , 39 Pearl st , , Council Bluffs DLLEGE P Tally l ! < ] iilit | < pl Normal nnd Departmrnti. Tuition tlonlo , tionnl llooms nt Hcnsonnblo lltue. . Night School During tliu Wlnlui. W S. , Frost. SPECIAL NOTICES. Pporlnl ixdvcrllsemeuls , such us Lost , round "Ioroiuiror Sale , To Kent , Nmit , llonrdlntr , etc , 111 he Inserted in this column nt thu low ratoofTUNOKNTSl'IlK MNU'torthonm Itisor- Ion nnd I'lvo Cen181'ci- Linn for each suliso itinnt Insertion , T.UIIVO tuheillsomcitla nt our ollico No. IS IVal stunt , iic.uJliotulTi'iiy , Council JllufTs WANTS. "I710K IIIINI' . \ nt'TT t o- tory fuimo onn - * ' hoiiKo , fontiilnlnxr sit rooms null on both llooiB , closets ultli nil bid rooms , Inrt'o cillur nnd good cl tcin. Latl on M. r. llohrrr or Odull llioe. S Co. POM HUNT The oiic.toij finmo biifHiu-sa building , with 4-ioom dwelling iittiiL-h- mcnt , lormoi-ly ocrnpltd ns n windy factory md knovui HH No. llii South Miiln dlivct , cr- ondliiK tliintiKli 10 1'cnrl st. Apply to JI. P. llolirei- Odoil Hi os. A. Co. r.Il llyn lawjor of ovportcnco , fnlr ' i Ilbniiy nnd ollico luinluiro , Inelmlhifr'-iilo , hoisoiuul hiiroy , nnilii lltilu money , pmtnt'i- shlpln rual estivto Imslnps ! In Otimlm or desk room In mi ollico. ] lo\5'JNcu llnmpton , lo n. FUH SAIiK llnrboreliop.KOOd location , peed icnsonloraolllnfe' . Addic.ii II , Hcoollice. WANTKD 100 laborers and M teamsters to Moik on the Soulhoin Kansas tnllrond In lit Indhin toirltory , til ) mlles fouth of Klowii , Kiineiis Thu lute fiotn Kansas City to Klowa s $8.lK ) . lly UiklHtf a receipt of the npont at ICimsniCity , In the naino or C. FhenflGld , n ro- mtoot $ 'i.M will be ; allowcil by Iho contractor. Wages ! M per month nnd board to the team sters , and JI.HO | x < i tiny to ( hu Inhoiora. llonrd t'IJtO per weok. Work will lust two jours. ! ! oed woik for wlntor , 1'or further Inlorma- tlon nddie = s C. Phcnlleld , Klowa , Kansaa. Itof- cioncc , .lUbtico N Schui ? , Council BlulM. FOIt SAI.K-Oi- Kent-Store building , X'lKGO , two stoiles lot HSxIfi1) , stables , etc. . on promises in center of buslnonK portion ot Han cock , la. Address William II Butler , Ncola , In. WANTIID A cottage ot llvo or six rooms. loratod convenient to business ; small family , no children. Addice * "Crispy , " Dee oflico. _ WANTHD--A boy with pony to cairy Bco route. FUH KALE Old papurb fur ealu ut the Boo office. _ WANTED Parties intending to bo married ro wanted to call at tbo I'rjor'i Utu job ofllceto Bolect their wedding cnrde. MorTYet 111 ( ! O TO NKK TlfK Special Bargains We < u'e e/J'ci'iiiy for thi * u'cih : We arc clo iiiy out our entire clonk department to make room for our Increased Carpet nlock , and you can buy clouki at half their raliic. We hare a few sizes yet of Jlne Cloaks that will be sold at a yrcat sacrifice. We hare rcry pretty thiny * amony the. ' NOVELTY GOODS Sent us for the holidays , Sec the Car and Jtiiff'i we are lllny so cheap , GREATLY REDUCED , Hill , Mu/Itr ) , ( o clew the lot this wcck.\ \ GIFT T1CKKTS. If'cilonot Uli'eloltci'u tickets , consequently IJOH tlo not liarc to niiy an c.rtra nrlce for uooilt * . VirjiAJ' ntHHkfl * ami Comfort ables , cheaper than uoii ercr bonalit them. Come ami * ec thv haryains th Is week , HARKNESS BROS , COUNCIL THEATRICAL WIGS , BEARDS , Grease * m Painls inc. Tlu < Fiiust Iin ' Hooas West of Chlciigo. Mrs. C.L. Gillette's Human Hair Emporium No , 209 Main Street.Coupcil Bluffs , WHOLES/HE AND JOBBING KCOTTSEJS Of COUNCIL BLUFFS. .1 GlllCUl.Tt / , 1JKKKK , WKLLS it CO. , Wliolc a1o Agricultural Implements , Bugglej , cs , .Etc Council Illutrs , Iowa. KJiYSTONK MANUFACTUUING c6T MnnufHeturvrBor and Dtaletsin Hand and Power Coin Shelters , And ancnornl line or llrst clas uptluultnra Implenionts. Kof. 1501,1501 , IMS and ) 307 Ponth Main Street , _ Council lliniro. Iowa. DAVID KIIADLKY & CO. . Manuf'iH an 1 Jnbbnn ot Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , rarila " . and all hinds of Farm Machinery. 1100 to 111C South Main Street , Council Bluff * Iowa , COUNCIL Hl.UKI-'S CAItPJJT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Clothp , Curtain Fixtures , UplioNteiy Ooo Etc. Na 4 < Jo llrovlway Council UlulTg , Iowa. CIO A usinnAcro , KIO. 1'KRKdOY & MOOUK , WUolpsalo Jobbeis in the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nut. ZSMaln and ST 1'onrl Sts. Council Bluffs , Iowa. SNYUJK : & I.KAMAN , STORAGE Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. 88 , 'Jl ami Ml 1'cal St. , Council Bluffs. DK17OU1STS. HAHLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Oils Paints Glass Druggists , , , , o' Sundries , Kto. No. 22 Mnlo St. , ana No. 211'uarl St. , Council lilulrt. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Frnits a Specialty General Commlction. No. SU Brcadway , Council Bluffs. W1UT DUQUETTK , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery , -AND- COMMISSION , Nod. 10 and 18 Pear ] St. , Council Ulnlts. IfAIiXESS , KTO. UKPKMAN , STROIIBEI1N & CO. , Unnii'Bcturci s ot and Wliolosilu Dmlori In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. Ko Main St. . Council Illuirs , low * . Tf , CAM. KIC. MirrCAl.F HKOTIIKUS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. No . ai ? and nil Broadway , Council UniT-i. r JlAICini'AllK. LLNi : & KELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Bails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council Hluffc , Iowa. IIIUiS : AM TAM.OW. TT Ti. Mr DONiTn : .Cto No. FZfl Mn'n ' Slri'et. ! : I rounfll HliiT ( . .11 inciiA.\'i's : , AMI 1)1 ) M.I US IN' HIDES , TALLOW , WOOL , ETC. COUNCIL ULUFFS OIL CO , , Wholesale Dcalcii in iluminating & Lubricating Oil ; H1TO. , EJTO. F.Thcodore , Auont , Council IllutTa , Iowa. KTC , A OVIHITON & CO. Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , AndBrldue Malurlul Spuclaltir > BWliolobal6 L.UIB- beret all IClnda. Olficu No. KW Main Ht. , Council UlutTd. lowu. DKIl & BKC'K , Foreign and Domestic Wine3 and Liquors , JOHN LINDEU , \Vbolcsalo Imported and Domestic Wine ; & Liqnors tor St. ( lolthaid'a Herb Illttrra. No.t ) Main st. Council Illulfa L KIUSCIIT & CO , , Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 116 UrouJway , Council llluiK. FINE - FRENCH MILLINERY , 1514 Dougla ; St. , Omaha. NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladiesbu nig a $5 hat or bonnet , oncfar be paid ; fie , lound ( rip. . RICE , M. D. , /i , _ - _ - Or otfiurTilmors rcinnvcU without ouf//c/o ( he kiilfu orJitwinjfof blood. Uter thiiiy / ur | irnctir l txpvri ; u\.o. No. 11 1'earlSl. , Council lilull * . - THE BEATON FUEL Cj Will supply you with a cleaner and I * * * . " quality of COAL Than any one in the city. A trial \ \ ' L vincc you. \ l\ NoG2S Dioadvvay. Telephone 110. " CRESTON HOUS * The only hotel in Council IMnlVs havi IETJ re > IBsoa/p And all modern improvements. 1MJ5 , S17 nnd 210 Main st. MAX MOHtf , l'iop. Star Sale Stables and Mule Hards , ' ] BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUM'S , Opiiotlto Dummy Depot. tate to G Horses and mules kept constantly on hand , for sale at rclail or in car loadg. Oders piomptly lUlcil by contract on fchorl notice , block sold on commission. Siiu1 PKH .V Hoi.Ki * . Proprietors Telephone No. lit. 1'ormeily of Keil Sale Stables , corn * l t. ave and 4th stiect. Horses and Mules for all purposes , bought and sold , at retail nnd in lots. Lar c quantities to select fiotn Several paiu of fine drivers , sin gle 01 double. MASON WISE , Council IHtilVs. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. IMnlilisliril 1S57 TILCPHONE ngmrTcr- * 100. FlRE ItlSVRBNCE -K- following Companies , Otrman Amt'lcan , cHIUI York Pha > nlx , * of HaHfoid. - - Hartford , * of Hartford. -vx California * , of San Ftanclico. Scottttli Union 4 National , of Cdlnburg. Union , of San Francisco. Mate. * of Dei Mnlnei. Wllllanisburg CVy ( , of Brooklyn. Those mnr Afrf with n * Insintnlio agalnit lost by Wmil Storms , Cyclones anil Tornadoes _ TOR f-ME IN COUNCIL ii- III I If. AND OMAHA ONEY LOANED ox coon CITY . ' - - Lowisi AXO r.Mot I'ROPi-uTV A-I : RAIUS. f * * * * + * * * Ifonnltfei Hj l tll lllCiny . , % * y i l n Itiinli WorU of All Klndx aSiic"'itr ° r"i i B lully PromptAttentionjo Mailorders MOREHOUSE & CO , Room 1 Kverct Block , Council Binds , Standard Papers Used All styles of bind ing m Maga/ines and BLANK BOOKS. . 'J O. II. National Hank , M. K. Smith & Co. , Clti/enn1 llntik , DecrcYoll3 * Ca , Mrst National llnnk , U 11. Insuranrs Co. , Officer & I'u&ey.liimiceu.C. .Snvln.-i ) Uunk. Buy COAL Of G , MAYNE , At iltli Kt. and lltli avt'.t ana M. CuIItt- plicr's Htore , Lower JJroiuhvay. N SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Office o\er Ivxprett , MELYIN SMITH & MCMAHQN & CO , Abs tacts of Title , Liaaaal B f tat ) Brokerj , No. 238 Mala St. piirrhasca the"to l rella' blc abstract bookn in tlila conntu- linoiim an the "JIcMtilumAustrau Hooka , " ii'earciioin prcpitredto fur nish abstract * and rctpect/'uUli M - i licit tlm patronaycof all thone. ilc inu correct abstract * of tit la to and lots In I'ottaivttltnmla MELVIH SMITH & , , HO , 236 MAIH ST.j COUNCIL BLUFfS