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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATUKDAY , JANUAKY 1 , 1887 , a Now Document Deficient in Many Im portant Particulars. REPORT READY verrn of Intcfrrnt From the Stnto House County nml t'oltco Court ( Notes A New Tlrno Cnr l g i New * Tram ttio Capital. .llfit , ' ur.n'a LINCOLN nunKAi'.l it ho now charter for the city of Lincoln ' ' the committee has been nt work upon /or some time la reported as completed And ready for submission. Yesterday it s In the hands of the printer to bo .ccd In type ready for use. This char- is much moro hi thu line of public and advancement than any thing Lincoln has heretofore enjoyed , Imt It is like nil such instruments , subject In many ways to censure. The charter , ' In some of the vital points , dodges. The Question of revenue is handled In nn in- dellnlto way In many particulars , and there is nothing in the now instrument to show tlmt the city desires to have the corporations pay city taxes or anything of the kind. Tliu question of paving is nlso left much too indefinite , no provision being recited as to what paving will bo required of the street railways. It seems to bo dodged for future discussion. The question of the amount of the levy nnd the manner of making n pot ot all de partments is criticised and with some good reasons apparently. A member of tlio city government in criticising this plan In the charter said that estimates ought to bo made each year for each department m the city and then the dif ferent departments ought to confine themselves to their individual elements. ti\.8 the charter is drawn n lovyof fourteen ) i ils ! is made in n wort of general pot , rw-JJherein all departments are mixed to- * Ecthor. Again the fourteen mills is apt to prove inadequate for the work required. Omaha levies twcnty-lbrco mills for the eamo amount of work and Lincoln has its much work to do and improvements necessary no Omaha. However , there are liable to be many changes in the bus iness before It becomes a law nnd tbo public ought to bo consulted in the mat ter much more than they have boon that n charter may bo understood when enacted. The treasurer under the char ter collects all taxes and becomes the de linquent tax collector , n board of public works of thrco members is provided for , the mayor is given absolute power in re movals and the ofiice of bower inspector Is created. Under ( bo now charter the city will bo divided into six wards and as this creates four new aldermen , candi dates should go into ( raining nt once. AT TUP STATK 110 US K. The senate chamber is now receiving its finishing touches the chamber that will resound with eloquence nnd the claims for appropriations. A visible feature of the surroundings that one catches at the clunoo is the first that the room devoted to the lobby in this law making room is equal nearly to the amount of space set apart for the sena tors themselves ; then when the struggle commences on the railroad legislation it will bo a good door keeper that can keep the lobby fiom overrunning the eonaio floor itself. The few in number that the senuto comprises renders any struggle for good seats unnecessary , for nil RPiits am peed , moat r > f tliu douka have been labelled and placed in position ready for their occupants. Sheriff L. R Haley , of North Plalto , vrna in the city yestordayitnd at the audi tor's olllco , where no drew $169.80 its his fee tor bringing to the stale- penitentiary William Mtmslield and John Clark two . prisoners sentenced at the recent term of iho district court in Lincoln comity. * } The board of publio lands and' build- ' 'i , who have been making a tour of State on an ollicial visit to Btato In- , are at home again , arriving in the city last night. They report their visit satlstactory. To-day the board of supplies are to have n mooting , the last meeting under the present administration. Thooflicials are making in this final settlements. Deputy Secretary of State Winlcrsteln Is at his nome at Geneva this week sick. and a number of the now employes in tbo secretary's olllco arc assisting in the work. IN COUNTY COHUT yesterday Judge Parker beard a case in habeas corpus in which Messro. Wood- nrd nml Philpol as attorneys for Charles Lewis , attempted to extricate that party from the county jail , and County Attor ney Stearns on behalf of tlio utato ob jected to the proceedings. At the last term of the district court .Tndgo Pound sentenced Lewis to thirty days in jail for petit larceny and for costs of prosecu tion. The co.its amounted to $57. and the habeas corpus was brought to release Lewis from paying for them by impris onment. Judge Parker hold thai the man must remain in jail. f TiiBNiwmii : CAJII > * f of the 13. &M. , that takes oflool to-mor- v row , the 2d , is out , nml furnishes the fiolioduln of thu in change time. The now Ashland cut-oil train between H , Omnlm nnd Lincoln is the one of princi- Bfe , pal interest , and it will roach Lincoln 5 r every evening at 10:10 : a. m. , returning a Y to Omaha leaving Lincoln at 7:10 : p. in. V The regular mail trains between both f Omaha and custom points arrives In the city ten minutes earlier ut 11:20 : , and -J.erwesi ten minutes later in thu afternoon / it 4 p. in , Ono freight train over the ' "hliind cut-oft" is scheduled. roLicKcomrr. James Kelloy. whocuine from Wayne Unity to become a workman in the packinghouses , became so lUuuk that the polieo took ehurce of him. . * " " After they had searched bun , and taken 1 $10 of his money they looked him up , I nnd when he .sobered up he brought to light $80 in gold that the pollco failed to find. Ho paid n linn of3 and cosls and immediately went oiland filled up again. The pollco court is now custodian ol his funds. A man named Uacon , who has dosortrd lits wife , laid in jail yesterday awaiting a trial for adultery. The warrant was sworn to by his wife who statoit that ho wns living inopon adultery with uivonuui Uw , ° 1tu" town , and when the oflloeru made > tv the arrest the .surroundings born out the ) \ facts in the complaint , llo was having a fc Hhiwriug in court late yesterday , p [ \ Yesterday morning the police found a i nearly frozen lying in an alloy on "nth between P and Q streets. The /arty was looted up in jail to thaw out W V fT7rmt' ' was found that ho had boon on a 1m ji pro.u and l > cen out all the night , His f B if t&mo was entered at linfl'tou , % . - J TO\V.V TOl'ICS. I < f It Is rumored anil the same Is aecoin- \ 1 panied with : i promUo that it is a fact \ 1' that the Lancaster county ollicos wuro to I \j \ undergo a thorough investigation the 1 tiivtof the year , that will oMoud buck and cover tlio ground for a number of years. Thu county otllclnla take the rumor calmly nnd it is promised that the scared is to cover past rather than pros- A-J .cut administrations. BUert The A. 0 , I ) , W , lodge at Yutan , ' -nyuucrs | | county , numbering eighteen V ' ncmbors , was Tuesday evening consoll- r/1 dated with Lincoln lodge No. 0. The ' h9iuu lodge had before the consolidation < rlit inembera. M. Chapman , tlio newly oloetdd igo of the Second judicial district , was in Lincoln Yesterday to tnko the prelim inaries such ns thu oath ol office ready for his now duties thht commence with the now year. Judge Chapman will boa \ Lincoln to witness the organization of the legislature. The homo cntcrlninmcnt of llio Naiad Qucon will entertain Lincoln citizens and Lincoln visitors nt the opera house for sorcrnl evenings , the entortaiumontopen- ini ? on Now icnrs1 night. Elaborate preparations have been mmlo by the organizers and the filnnc has boon con structed especially for the production. The Missouri Tactile Is taking the ini tiative in mooting llio Afllilnnd cut , U. & M. fast train by announcing a reduction In latcs between Omaha and Lincoln fix ing their rate at $1.05. It is atao under stood that they give n special round trip rate that la way bolovr former pricos. The Woman's Christian association nave boon greatly improving their pleas ant rooms nml huvo done much good since organization in Ilndlnpomployment for worthy poor and in deeds of chnrlty. Their latest plan Is to oryn 11 medical dis- punsur.v at their rooms .or the bbiiollt of the needy. Henry Atkins , n well-known Lincoln citizen , who visited with relatives and friends eastward the po&t two weeks , re turn rit homo to Lincoln yesterday. C. D. Clapp , of Klmwood , was In Lin coln yesterday , and was oxhlblling a piece of coal llio size of n chestnut to acquaintances in the city. Mr. Clapp re- porta that they have a shaft sunk to the depth of thirty feet and are in the vicin ity of the vein that measures seventeen inches in thickness. Colonel It. G. Gushing , the railroad contractor of Omaha who built the Ash land out-oil" , and who. Is in the midst of work on the YVahou branch , was in Lin coln yesterday. The Klkhorn route propo'os to put on a through sleeping car between St. Paul and Lincoln to accommodate Nebraska travel ttlin t grout ice carnival at the St. I'aul Ice palaco. K. O Morohomo. general freight ngout of the Fremont , Klkhorti & Missouri Vul- ley line , was at the state capital yestur- day on business for his company. The new street light system that goes into cflbcl the coming yuar , commence to-night , and the gtus lamps and p.tsolino lights will burn instead of electricity. W. ll. McUann , of Has Springs , Sher man county , who represents one of the largest constituencies in the btato , is in the city ready for the urganization ol llio legislature. Senator Paddock was at Beatrice yes terday , down looking- after business matters - tors that will leave him at liberty to live in Lincoln thirty days. Ho returns to the scene of conlliot to-day. Senator Van Wyck is expected in the city to-day after a hurried visit to his homo. The senator has secured rooms for the time he remains at Opolfa hotel. IN THE cm- . Among the Kobraskans In Lincoln yes terday were recorded the following : James E. Durgctt , Spring View J. M. Hell. York ; E. E.Vhaloy , Loup City ; W. L. Seism , Omaha ; G. ft. Casey , T. J. liutler , F. S. Hasslor Pawnco City : I * . J. Dempster , Thomas Mullahy , Republican City ; C. D. Clapp , Elmwood : W. IX Cowan , Oxford , Ed Albright , western ; M. W. Walton , Beatrice ; A. Wheeler , Oscoola ; I ) . P. Newcomer , Blue Hill ; Ed C. Cams , Seward : J. P A. Black , Bloomington - ington ; S. M. Chapman , Platlsniouth ; K. G. dishing , Omaha. For Tliront DIHCIXHOS and CouKhq , use "Jtrown's Uronchiul Troches , " ! J3 els. a bos. _ _ IVnitnml Win. From the Horseman : "Vcritas" tolls the following story howSplan made good his word , ho having Bald to the owner of Midnight who sooko despamgingly of Adelaide's abilities as n. trotter at Colum bus , Ohio : "Some of these days when I and the little iv.aro feel like it wo will throw ilowu your grout Midnight unit bit on his bond. " The day came two weeks afterward at Cleveland when Adelaide mot Midnight Prospero , May Queou , John IJ. , King Phillip , Hiehard , Kansas Chief and Albo- niarlo. Splan gave Adelaide a trial two daya before the race in 2:23. : She was one of the kind that could go much foster in a race than nlone for fun. I heard the owner remark , "Any thno she showed us a trial in 2:25 : we could depend , on her beating 2:20 in n raco. " Consequently when the pool selling began at the Ken- nurd house the night before the race , Mr. Daniel do Noyllcs placed an order with Dempsey to buy Adelaide he also bought her openly at Shaw'a stand.ho was so little thought of that ho secured her sep arately for $13 to $15 in pools of $ GOO each. Toward the end of the selling somebody told Splan that his partner was backing Adelaide in every pool. The cautious John went quietly up to his frioad do Noylles uncl said. "Dan , you are throwingyour money away , for wo have no show to beat that gang of horses. " Thereupon the owner replied , "If you drive it the way I want j'ou to you will como pretty near winning it. " "Splan gave him the laugh , sas'ing"If [ can beat that gang 1 want no part of the money. " The next day , after Splan got in the sulky , ho guyingly said to do Noylles , "Well , I'm in your hands , what do you want me to do this heat ? " "Boat the Hag. " Jlo barely beat it. On asking for in- instructions no to the second heat , the owner { .aid , "Do the same ; but don't make quito so close u raeo with the Jlnir. " The third heat. Dan's orders wore , "Go lit Midnight , and if ho acts as if ho wore stopping , go for the heat. " Splan accordingly brushed with him a few times and took buck ; but on ncaring the finish ho discovered that Midnight was tiring. Ho'1 sent Adclaido with a rush , and was only beaten by n head in 2JL Splan was greatly elated. Alber- marie. one of the favorites , had been dis tanced the first heat. Prospcro , winner of that heat in 2:2:1 : : , had cried "enough ; " Midnight took the second and third heats ( timo-8:8'J : , S:3Sl : ) , but held out siguals of distress at llio finish. Splan said to do Noylles : "Dan , you're right ; we've got _ 'em dead. " After that it was easy work for the ( 'MHO little daughter of Phil Sheridan ; bho won the fourth heat in 2:23 : ] , the fifth in 8:21 and the sixth in i.V.11. Uy ail nc- counts Mr. do No.yllos drew about ? ! i,000 from the pool-box. Ho divided the pools with Splan , which mndo him feel very happy. To this day ho hits always u good word for the Htout Jittlu bay mure. MOST PERFECT MADB Prci > rid with strict wgiril toPnr'ir , StrtDctb , ati llo Ubfulntna. Dr.J'rlc i'flll Un ; Powder contains noAuimonl , IJDioAlumorPliy phot09.Dr.rrlco-B KiUacUj , Vintlls , Lemon , etc. , fl&v or deUdoa&ljr. A. Vnnkcn .Jndco In Arr.xANiniA , Deo. cnoo of the BKK.J After a brief vacation Fpont In his natlro Innnt3 , in Now Engr- and , Judge J. 11. Kinsman , tbo roproaon- tallvo of the United Stales on the "Inter national Tribunal" hero in Alexandria , has just returned to Ids post m this city , The now court house basmoanwhllo boon completed , nt a total cost of half R mil lion dollar * , and will bo occupied Ibis winter. The building is of white atone , nnd liowts a spacious stair-casn and nn ambitions cupola ; but the court rooms themselves , and their connecting cham bers , are llKoly to prove too cramped for comfort. This singular tribunal , uniiiio | In its typo , hag already proved n striking sue- cos ? . It adjudicates cases arising in lower ligyDt between llio nnnicrons classes of foreigner * who find themselves nl lofjcorhc.ids either with ono nnolher or with the natives. Such squabbles , whether commercial or civil , wore for merly the vnxatious business of the con suls of the various poworsninlil nt length , about ton years auo , the khedive con- ooivcil the happy tliotiRlit of nn interna tional tribunal to which ouch of tlio In- totostcd nations should appoint n judge , the court to administer justice ac cording to the Cede Napoleon. The judges are now nineteen in number. The ohhif justleo la ohoson annually by a ma jority vote of h'a ' colleagues ; and the title piihscs from ono ray head to unuthur in a nollto and friendly wny , an honor which ban not yet fallen to tbo United States , for Judco Kinsman has lima far declined lo bo n candidate. The court , in its varlon.3 brnnolioH , does so brisk a business tlmt it not only pnys Its own cx- poiif.08 . , but yields a yearly revenue to tlio Btato. Moreover , U accomplishes this clover piece of ctatc.oraft without "spoil ing the Kuvptlana " Judge Kinsman , ( hoiis'i ' far from being an old man , was well known to the Amer ican public a quarter of a century uco ; as a brigadier on General HutlorV stall * In Now Orleans. In lliono voleanio days , ho was madu provost judge in that city , and in that capacity he rendered the cele brated decision that when Louisiana sc- oed nil from the union , she presumptively took her cede of "black laws" with her , and tionoo no confederate eoultl plead these laws as warrant for demanding the return .of his runaway blnvcs that had escaped into the federal lines. It was during that exciting portion of his career that this learned juu > 0 and dashing eonoral captured a confuderatu steamer lurking near the innulh of the Mississippi ; an action whinlt ho con ducted somowlmt In the bru&quo etylo of Colonel Ethan Allen's surprise of Ticon- dorogn. A bmvo leader , with n bright wit , nitty sometimes work n miracle with n small force. The capture of this vessel excited the applause and laughter of the whole army of the gulf. General Ihitler immediately rebaptizod the pri/c as the Kinsman. But Judge Kinsman's chief service dur ing the war was his long and arduous labor among the "contrabands ; " organiz ing the adults into workii g corps , rind the children into schools ; thus laying the incipient foundation of the Frcoilmcn's liiircan. Ho and his fellow foreign jurists in Alexandria , being all far away from their own countries , have grafted n now and genial feature upon tno Code Napoleon. Tlioy have mndo it n "cqrnmon law" to entertain each other and. each other's families , nt a scries of hospitable and merry breakfasts. Those golden occa sions como once a month and spangle the whole year round like signs of the zodiuo. It may be added thai this old Egyptian city of Alexandria is now the voungost , newest , nnd most modern in tno world , having been rebuilt sinec the bombard ment , like Chicago since the flro.HASSAN. HASSAN. Some of our most prominent citizens have been cured of chronic rheumatism by that wonderful pain banishcr , Salva tion Oil. 1'rico 2"i cents. "Why , Jones , what a hoarac ( ) you have in your throat. " "Yes , I raised it from n coldt ( ) in my head. I've too much live stock. " "Well , like cured like ; Ur. HuIP Cotigli Syrup will cure you , The Hull will quiukly scare the hoarsc ( ) away. " NEWSPAPER ODDITIES. Sonic ol * tlio Queer Things Fount ! A mo nc tlio Journals of tlio ( Joan try , There are now published in the United States 14,100 newspapers and periodicals of allclatsos. The net gam of the year has been CCO , says the Printing Press. The daily newspapers number 1,210 , a gam of thirtv-thrce. Canada has 070 periodicals. There about twelve hundred periodicals of all sorts , which , according to the ratings nnd estimates of the editor of the Directory , enjoy : i circulation of moro than live thousand copies each. The increase in the weekly rmal 'prcbs , whit'li comprises about two-thirds of the whole list , has been most marked in states like Kansas nnd Nebraska , where the gain has been respectively 2J ! and 18 per cent. Kansas also shows the greatest gain in daily newspapers. The weekly press is ( raining in Massachusetts , while the magazines and other monthly pub lications are losing ground tiiero. The tendency of sueli publications toward Now York city , as tlio litorory center ol the countrv , is shown by tlio establish ment hero of not ICRH than twenty-three monthly periodicals during ; the year. Some of the curiosities of newspaper statistics are worth a paragraph. There are 7X ( ) religious nnd denominational newspapers published in the -United Stales , and nearly one-third of them are printed in Now York , Philadelphia , Bos ton , nnd Chicago. Now York is far ahead in this nwnoct , but Chicago leads Boston. Thrco newspapers are devoted to the sill worm , six to the honey bee , nnd not less than thirty-two to poultry , The dentists have eighteen journals , the phonogniphors nine , and the deaf and dumb and blind nineteen. There nro three publications exclusively devoted to philately , and ono to the terpsiehorcan art. Tim prohibition ists have 12 ! ) organs to thn liquor dealers' eight. The womnn-sullntgists have seven , the candy-makers tlirco. Gas tronomy is represented by three news papers , gas by two. There nro about MX hundred newspapers printed in ( lor- man anil forty-two in French. The towns which have most French periodi cals nro Now York , New Orleans , and Worcester , Mass. four apiece. There nro more Swedish prints than French , Two dully newspapers are print ml in the Itolu'niKin ' tongue. Tlio toughest names are found among the Polish , Finuiih.und \Vblch prebsj for instance , the Dzionswloly and the I'r/Jaclel hudi of Chicago , the Yylidysmilttt in Sanomatof Ohio , and the VVawr \ of Uticn , N. Y , There is ono Gaelic publication , ono llo- brow , ono Chinese , and ono in the Cher okee language. ' All'of these facts have a direct interest to philosophers and fetudcnts of sociology. There is no better gauge and register of American civilization than the newspaper directory , An In von tor 'a Advice. ( Jcorgo Stevenson when ad vising yotiny men how to get on would finish by saying "Do as have done persevere. " For fiifteen years he plodded and worked be- lore giving the finishing touches to lug locomotive , In as many days Uioso per severing in the use of Dr. Picroo'd "Golden Medical Discovery , " have ex perienced great relief nnd found them- solved on thu high road to health , Liver complaints , impure blood , chronic lung diseases aud many others yield to its healing Influences never to return. All druggists. | rtnthrjp Bnrprlsin'K to Know. The largest pearl in the world is not the noarl of great price , for U is worth only fcS,2oO. Among tire designs for n church win dow in Wisconsin was one with angels who wore bustles. A season of German opera costs every owner of a box in tlio No < r Yoik Metro politan fully ? 5,000. , The largest corn shbllcr In the world la in use at l oavonworlu. It was invented by n Kansas citizen. Various shades of green are respect ively called lizard , serpent , frog , moss nnd cabbage green this season. The weight of cotton has been Increased by dishonest dealers by fcalllnsr it. This plan of thieving was detected by tasting the cotton. Out west It Is proposed to have ballot- boxes In n railway car. so tlmt country voters living along the road need not bo obliged to drive so far. A barrel of oil burled ton feet underground will contaminate every well within n quarter of n mile , and thu oil will bo apparent to the taste , The nearest approach to the north polo , made by Lieutenant Lnckwood. on May 1 ! ! , 1833 , was u)0 ! ) miles , or n distance no greater than that from Albany to Wash ington. Young Dyke , of Akron , Ohio , being very hard up , ocean making mlninturo jugs , some not larger than a largo crniu of corn. , but nil qtiilti perfect , llo found n rendv market for his toys nnd now bo lias a factory where ho employs lifty bands and turns out 050 gross of jugs a day , whleh he sells at GO cents a gross. Gcnrrnl O'lli Ion's General George M. O'Brien is lying dangerously ill at his residence , 010 South Eightppiith street. Ho Ima been pros trated for several days , and at several times has boon , it wiis thought , beyond recovery. Yesterday morning n change toward Improvement was noticed. He is attended by Drs. Lcisonringand Neville. At ! 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon the gen eral bad suflc-red n relapse nnd it wa3 thought Iho ohancos were unf.ivorablu to his recovery. ilarllgim'8 An unfortunate accident happened last evening to M. W. llartlgnn , the well- known boiler-maker. 120'J Cass street. llo broke- his leg by falling on the side walk. llo lay for sometime unconscious aud was finally carried homo in the patrol wagon. It is feared , because of the length of time which elapsed , before the limb could bo attended to by a surgeon , tlmt it will have to bo amputated. Voted. At 3:45 : o'clock yesterday afternoon , the county commissioners voted for the hos pital plans ad follows : For Mendolasohn , Corliss ; for Cochrau , Timtne and for Moyorti , O'Koctc. Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured thous ands of cases of rheumatism. Tins is abundant reason for bojicf that it will euro you. Try it. Omnlm I'ost B , T. P. A. On Sunday next 11. II. Guthbort , pros- idcut of Omaha post , of the T. P. A. , announces a meeting of that branch at the Millaru at I ! o'clock. - > s v-Vmey iU I buy a f * Dottle BEFORE-AND-AFTER Electric Appllancei are tent on 30 Days'Trial , TO MEN ONLY , YQUMQ OR OLD , \irno em eudrrlnff from NURTOOS DieiLmr , > V Itiet VmuTT , Lice or h r.nvu POIU-K trv Viaou. WAITINO W EIKN EHI , and ail UIOLB dlteaui ot & 1'nAtioNii. NiTUMt roullliirf from ABD < U > iul Olnin t : U3C3. Bpetidr lellot oo-l oomi > ! ela nilo- ratlon of II EALTR.VJOOH ftfitl UAMIOOD ( ] UAKA KTXKU. Tbe grandest dUftarorj uf th Nlnctrrntli CcDtury Bend at once forllluUruUdl'uaiililetfnw , AdOnu VOLTAIC BELT CO. . MARSHALL , MICH. ARK STILL rorblxtoen yours , tlioy IfAvo stoartily Koliiort In favor , aud with SHles confetHiitly Jnor 'J'lio K. Q and H-n ; rndo aroraado In Snout EWUM 4Hi > KXTHA J.ONQ WAwT , gultulile for Hl urej. QUO O quality , nm.lo . of Pjulisli warranted to wow iwlva ns Jontf ns onllntiryoorsoU. HiKhust uwarje from all the World's L-rtmt lulra. TUo lust mcuul rtxvuhud la tor FIIWT PKOUEU or UBiUT.from Ilia lute Exposition bold at Now Orlonua. While ooiei of putcnls have been founa wortblesj , tlio prJuclpli ! * of the Glovu-l'itUiiir * have HUtlioiUM to refund money , if , on examination , these Uorsuts do not tirovo m tOii-u | ontod. 10H 8AL1 ! KVKHYWllEHK. OATA OOOK KHKE ON APPLICATION. THOMSON , LANGDON & CO , , New York. licit. " onljr one lu th norldjrti _ . contlntiotu flactrit < t VajnutM -rurrrnl. brlerulfto , roHcrtul. Iioriblf. oinfortible null Llleellr * . At old iraudi. OrcrB.OUOcured. . . n wiHtaniprarrianjntilt.t. BLEOTIUO Jj.T8 FOlt ll8CAHi:8.U ME. lUYUTCUl , I SI WAEASa AV . - PMIIASO. HAPPY NEW Totlie people who have so generously patronized usTo whom we extend our hearty thanks , and beg to assure them that we intend to begin the New Year by offering our entire stock , consisting of Over coats and Suits , for Men and Boys , at lower prices than the lowest ever offered by us before. In our G-ent's Furnishing Department , we are prepared to offer special inducements during the coming week. If you will favor us with a call , we can positively convince you that our prices defy all competi tion , and that we recognize no superior as to quality. All goods marked in plain figures , and at strictly one price. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. Gor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omalia. ll ttro oasllr worn and titfo ( tnd rellnblo. Tkorlmro been teslea In tliouoontl. of cx ai and no con post tlTOlr s9flrttb tln all cixion micro Uio llror , iploon , kldnojBnnd bo wolf are Involved. In. KOI.KAN'I * PAtiH ore at once the bent , qnlcVait nnil ctioApsstt and the ; Iriro in dc penunnrnt curca la thnassad. orcMts where me Jlclno limbacn uiail vrlltiout nuf COOdcuaulti nliutcvur. Or the I.lqiior llubK , Cured by AdmiiilMtcrlng Dr. Ilulncu' Golden fipctifl * . it cnn b elvon la a cup of coffco or tea vrltbcal the tno ? . IcJKC of th < - pcnon Uklng It , Is absolutely barmlKM , nod will effect a lifnntncnlr.aJ apcodr cure. wbetli r tbe patient U n moderuM driukor 01 u > Mconolio wreck. It bas been itlvcii In tboo. Ofciids ot CBiei , ana In every In.titce a'icrfoct euro bus followed. It IIOTPF fnl ) , Ths crstem once ImpIX-RnRlod vrltb ( be BpcclTc , It become * an utUr ImposilbllHjr ( or thu liquor Appetite to exUl- FOK HALE IIY FOLLOWING DHUOaiST8 : AUHN 6c CO. , ( lor. 13th nnJ Daoela * . and 18th & Cum in r 8U. . Omasa ! , Nob. ' a. D. FOSTKil < b BIIO. . Uaonoll ninn , loirz. Call or write for p\mpblat conulnliiR Uuadreds ( 'M.-tlaionlnlj fronitlmUcsi vroiuan iuiilm < aCtwu LYON&HEALY STATC A. MoNitoe STB. . CHICAGO , will mftlt. lfMM > a.wlrfali - of B 4 Urtim ! c LiiUd Xti Qf * WANTED ! Ladioa to Work for T7s at Their Own Homes. $7 to $10 Per Week Can Be Quietly Mada Nopholn. pnlnllnc ; : nooinrnsslnK. For full ptlcsr cliri , laaB addron at onna , UltKUCRhTT AHT Of ) . . 19 Central bt , notion. Mast. , Oor ocl''JImoua oj from J.- I I'Vrm.luro J rU. . .ctc.lcrullncfrom ] * * " ' ' O KrA WAllSTON"TVlSA'a'flFKKli'.1 t I > ouli Meat fr n filtould Ix ) rmd hj lli li nd > of MADE STRONG Uitlrhooi. J9Ucnlfilo with liifonmUnn nl TAlon lo nil irwnu MARSTONREMEDYCO.ISPfxrkPUec.HewYork. Muntlon Omnlm Dan. NEK VITA < r , ell ttifeU / vctuthlul * rrof t , IxMt ItU. A.U. III.IN CO , Slrnt , Cilcijo , 111. UOO pcr " 8 Liver and Stomach Pad Absorb ? nil ImpurltlM from thn hlood , IniUorutcsMnil vHiillrcs llio wliolonritcm. IBolnian'H Liver nnd Stonuiuli l ud Cures nitloimiMj , IndlKnptlrtn. .Tsnadlce , Dun-hen , Malnrl.i , HlLk lluaiUcbu , ItboumutliDi.vlo. caolninn'H Liver nml .Stoiiinuli E'ad IteKiitntoiltinHtoinucli nnd no > TC'lH , liuprotro the Appctllo , corrcrU ARiinl'atlon. lioautlrioj llio Uomploxlun , otu. Ilolman'o Liver and Stutnnc-Ji Pail rrovcnUflenBlcknosvOholera. Smnllpoi. " Vi'llort. Typhus , Tjpliokl kud AM. DllUG ( lST3-Or iaui'on rooolpt Of price. Priee 82. HOLltlAiV PAB > CO. , 120 William st.t M i' ll.TDr. Hnwllkcr'n method. Ko opcrat'on ' : No Pitlnt No Detention from buslnosa. Adnutod to chlldrou as well iia Brown people. Hundreds of uutuxruph tcnUmonli > tn on llio. All bujlncis ttrlctlj con llden tlul. CONSULTAT1OX K1UC1 ! . 1 K01K. . I > . COOSC , Ilooin C , Kill Mouelni Ft. , Omnlta , Nob. TEE CHICAGO SHORT LIKE or rns Chicago , Milwaukee &Stt Paul B'y ' THE BEST ROUTE ton mm ad COIIIICIL BLBFfS ot TWO TILilKB DAILY BKTWEBM OMAHA COUNCIL ULUfF8 CLlcajro , A.ND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar ftnpids , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , llock IslandFroeport , Rockford , Elffin , MaJlHon , Juncsvillo , Beloit , Wluona , La Crosse , And all other Important nolnta Hast , Northeast mid For through tloketi call on tlia Tlolint Aifea at HOI Faruam etiout ( In Paxtoa Hotel ) , or Union Paclflo Depot. Pullmiiu bleeDers and the flneit Dining Cora in tli * world lire run on tliu muln lln a of llio CHICAGO , UILWAUKMB & . UT. PAUL KAILWAT. aad vrerr attention Is puid to piiweiyfors by oourteoni emploroi or the oamnanr. B. MII.LKU , Uoneral MnnuKer. J , V. TUOKKK , Assistant Uenor&l Mtnunr. A. T. B. CAUtxtfixK. Qenor * ! PMB nif r and Ticket Agent. OEO. E. llKJiiroRD , AealBtantQeneriU PMIB&- gt > r and Ticket Agent J , T. CIAIIIC , OeueriU fluperlutendeut. yituliiiuliiiiiiruiiunof'cuiuBijvt . tTlrtlmo- MANHOOD I'rriubiuro : mx4ivt NDTTOUJ . rinlifMxltK4'JuiTlnrftrioli , ] vaui orrry known ntia < 1r. tun tllw rrp l - * i. . olf-eure , wldrh IJM wtll wncj FR EE to hli fftllaw i BOYEB & CO. DCA.LK11S Ilf , < and Jsi ! Work. 1020 Tarnum Street ; Oruaha. Nob. Itoj-Hl nnrt United Stntel Miill.eulllnir every Hiiturilny Anlwera & New York TO THE RHIHE , GEBHAHY , ITALY , LAUD AKD FRANCE , VAl.t , AND WINTBtt. Salon from $60 to 816. Bicurslon trip from 1110 to tlii. Beoond CaUm , outward , | prepaidSU ; excursion. ( I'D. ' Stoarfire oasaage nt low ratog. Voter Wrleht & Buna , Oeuer * Ajtonla , B5 Broadway. Now YorU. Hcnrr 1'undt. 1218 Firinxinsui Pnulson tc do. 14U8 Fiirnnm BI : u. o Froimiun. IKt l''nrn\m LINCOLN BUSINESS DIRECTORY uilt. Ncnly Tlie Tremont , J. C. VmUHUALU & bON , i'roprlolors. i Cor. 8tb i\nJ l'8la. , Lincoln , Nob. rtntf fl/iU pordar. btroot ca Irombouso L an * part of tba o"/ ' . o"J. J. E. W. HAWKINS. Architect , onil 42. Ululiards Uloclc , Lincoln. Nob. ElovutorunUtu btrcet ItrccrtQrol llrecdornt KM WOODS. Live Stock Auctioneer Hnlos mnilii In nil nnrts of the U.S. at fair rates. Itoomfl , Stiito illock , Lincoln , Kub. Gnlloirny uiuiahort Horn build for sale , B. II. GOULUING , Farm Loans and insurance , Coi rcBDOiidonon In rrpinl to lonna Kolloltoi Itoura 4. HlcUardd DIooU. Lliiuoln. Nel > . Riverside Short Horns Of ( itrtctly pure Iliitua unil ll.itus Tapped oattlo , Herd nuui licit ) about HO bond. PamlllcH rupK.canU'il : Filberts , Crnirir * , .Acombp. Ucnlolc. UOHU of Rharons , Moss Ito es , ICnlK-litl)1 Duuliossos , KlatC'rcok Youiitf Marys , I'liyllificB , IXJiniDg undTrue Ixm-i. llulU loreulo. 1 I'uru limes KJlbort. 1 Pura Bntoa OraffKi. 1 Hose of HUmon , 1 Vounif Mury. ll'iuu Crulok Bliuiik and othnta. Como nud InitniH'ttho luird. AUdrms , ( WAS , M , UHAN- HON. Lincoln. Neb. When m Lincoln Flop tit National Hotel , Ami s ft n Kood uluuor Co Ko Ko1'EDAWAT Prop. Made on Honor , Sold To every customer on tliu lionor of u company tliot have csiablislicd tlielr btirtlucsB on the basisol QUAHB JEAWNtJ ) mauufacturo. Confidence in HH merits , wurrant lliein in cu urin i r backed hy tlio superior merits of thfc fjoods tlicy Tlieydt-sirc uiid , . If you ave looUiuir for u clieiip inui-liliio - live , emrgetlo rt'bnonsible tlcalcrs in all iiuoccniilctl Ic-rHtory. which to nmlorsell your jieiglibors. don't iinswcr IliiHivdvcrllgoiiieiit ; lwt if yon appreciate real merit , and wish to Jiaudlo a sewlnjj machine tlmt will reflect credit on year business , prove a nourcc of pleasure lo your cna- turners , and PUT MONEY IN YOUR POCKETS , Address for particulars , * ! ) No , 16th St. UNION M'F'G. CO. , OMAHA , NEIMASKA.