Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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, Big Operators Baitlj Shaken Up in the Last
M Billy Days ,
Day of the Year n
One In the CMIIc Trade HORS
Again Active General
CitlCAOO , Dec. .11. [ Special Telegram t
tlio HKE.J The way In which tlmbtgmci
have been rattled aiounil In thb last si\t
days' speculation Mhc talk of the grain llooi
'jl'he ' biggest operatorb have been loucenoi
radons Idles of wheat when thn maikct ha
Declined and shott cnouuoiis lines when th
niaiket has advanced. Then1 tcally is n
operator left on this last day of the jcai wh
has not cither voluntailly tell red from th
Jilt or who bar not been lobbedof hts | > ic :
tlge by bad luck.VIlh the market us uellv
as It has been for a w eek , and with the la
day of the year , which nnluially ou ht lob
very dull , so active that there wa $ no thn
for ftk > larklng , this llatlcnln ; : oulof the hi
'tins was more talked of than anything else
AVheat a few weeks so on ono ol these u
turns that were engineered hy New Yorker
touched S7o for May. Mny then follow e
fluctuations that Inuk the pilco down toS ) .
but that did not take It back at any lime t
87& To-day May not only sold at S7e bt
passed It nnd touched b tfe. Hull talk cci
tercd about the "cables. " What lleaiu , o
what Linn , or what the Nnilhwestein eunv
\vcro dolne , or New Ymlc , wits tie
once mentioned cables wcio stionit ; thn
settled It , Sanderson , u .Milwaukee mlllci
telegraphed that hlfi Hour cables weio extir
oulinarlty stiotig. A lulv.ile cable Iron
lilveipool said that wheat had had an M
TancoofOd per quarter , that stock's wet
email and that supplies lo diaw from wci
email. Olcarandcs from New ioik wer
180,000 bushels of wheat and had a bullish In
vfluence. " Those weru what nmdo the mark.i
' [ to-day , nothing else. In pork thcie was n
1 Uctlvca trade as In grain. May opened r
S12.02X. so near to 5W.OO that It was believe
\Ubfltveryfow tr.uieis would take It then
/ 'but with the temper M > bullish lliitchlnso
Uurncd sellei nnU kept letting thuciowd hav
lrom ( his enormous holdings until thepiie
iind declined 20c a bbl. Kvcn then it was n
otop pilco of jesterday. Tiatlii all da
been In 1COO , bane ) hits. Then ilur-lie
[ itchlnson'sbioker , bid lor the stuir an
Jk a good deal ol it. llubldloi any slyci
nt ; ono tlmo bidding : S12.75 for 10,00
.Jls. Tills vvason of thu most icmaili
e weeks of ISfcG. The week in the tirs
, 'ce , which as It nppuuchcd was oveij
icre regarded with unconcern as likely t
: vi ) uninteresting and unprolitabk
'ned ' out to he the most aetlvi
bably , all through , of the year. As for th
It was ctowded withl ) ) ! : tiadinn. IHoou
about 25,000 bai rols of pork , and 10.0U
/ri.OOO / tierces of lani. llutchinson sol
( .less than 30,000 to40,000 bauds ot poii
t half us much laid , In wheat trailln
! < enormous. The piogrummo ot lui
iXJIch had been anangcd for the last hou
iTtU'u | ' session had to b iUmndoncd. Ther
" . .3too much business Dispatches fioi
J'gw 1'orksald that the sume condition o
icttiirs existed on the Now York produce c >
onhncc. May wheat opoued at87)jc ) and lot
. . -j t-u. Mess poik opened 20o hlttlier n
Jt1 > .92X for May. Trices declined lo 612.72 }
ojcted , and closed at S12.SO , an advance o
eeiover yesterday. 1/ard was active at
tb.jl.G7X for b'coniary , and closed at SG.CO bhi
fitt y closed atSOlb7 . Hhoit ribs , alter rant
fijf i aT Wn i
° : "
- -
Dec , Ol. I Special Tclccram t
feis UIE. | CATTLK The old year oes uii
iVjui a booming cattln uiaikut , 1'rlcos to-da
Fi ° ' " I0c 'l'lj'icr ' ' ' unt' ' ' " wuinerons case
"f r
'Vjjnonioio than covered the advance o
t Jed fat beeves. Sales \\eio more or less ui
tlion' bu' ltl0 ! wa-s a ery ac''v ' ' ° move to th
l-aiunt ; of the supply. Pikes vvero : ! 0@l , "
' Jjctter Ihan last week. Receipts for the wee
ivere larger than last nnd there was a stroiif
liealthy feeling In trades. Some U7S-lb con
led WyoniniR cattle sold at St.OO , while soin
very clmlco 160 ! ! to ICOO-lb natives sold !
Vb > Shipping stceis , sn 155.K !
bulk , ? 4.20(34.75. ( StocVeis and feeder
S2.00(3a.tO ( ; cow ? , bulls and mixed. SIMK
a 10 ; bulk , 5..20.00 : ) ; Texuns :
lions The market was nintii actlvui wit
nn advance of 10lDc all around , making a
lulvancool ! JO/i40i'since ( Monday last. On
or two of the big packing linns withure'
their bujers , as they wcio not yet pieuare
to lollow the big ndvanco ot the vase foil
days. Then , again , lo-nioriovv is largely ol
served as n holiday , when hut little work vrl
bo performed In the larire packing house1
Shippers , especially of Unlit Boris , weio lil
era ! bii.vei and the market generally close
linn at an advance , with but few lot tin ham
A fmv fancy heavy bold nt S4.U5rfM.OO ; uoo
to ehojco packing sorts Si.OOfJW.iiO ; coiinuo :
" ' " " " ' '
light soils sold within a raiifie i
.1 *
V Kf w y irk. ) ) ( > ? , : U-MONKY On on
nulct per cunl , clnsliiKnt 4 per pen
tent. KXCH.VNOIStendv : at 3 < .J
( or sixty day bills ; S4.S4 for dpiuand.
( lov r.KMiiNT Uoveinment bondsvrer
flull butatcady.
STOCKS Stocks opened Irrfizularbut
\ ) v erally weak , thochatiKCS fiom last
i i s quotations ranging up to % per cent Dot
I ways. There was an attack upon values fc
I / .the first taw mlnuU-f * at thn oponlng and fc
' 'a while prices yielded. Tlio maiket. how
'over , soon gained stienuiit and \Vestci
\\Unlon \ and honlsvllle > V. Naslivlllo becam
.conspicuous features. Themuikct was aftc
ivvurilsalUjriir.iely btri'iii ' : am ! heavy , tinnll
icloslng steady , clobu to the be t pilcc
yn ;
- " - ' "
I'.icllio"MalTV. . : .oj
142 IMJ.tteK ai
. . . . . 1'W P. P. u. ii'j :
O. II , AQ IM' ' ; Hock Island . 125' '
U. U4W liW ? , St. 1.&S. P. . . . HP
1) . All. 0 2S preforied. . . Cl )
MriB : w'g ' o. , .M. it st. r. . . w ;
preferred. . TA\ ntefoircd . . . 117J
Illinois Central , litij , ' t. I' . ,1O . -it , ;
J..B. AW 17 juefcirod.llii < J !
Kansas ATcxni. IBI Texas 1'ncllic. . . i.'l1
l knHUore . tHt Union 1'acllic. . . Cl )
Crt , ' \V. \ , t. ! , . & I1. . lh
Mich. Central. . . 'Ji : piefuiifd , . . V >
Mo. raeltlc. . . . . . ot > ' \Yi-blcrn Union. 7W ]
Northern 1'ae. , . 2T54' O. , It. ] OJ )
Doc. 81. l-'Jour Quiet an
; winter wliuat Hour. S4.o.4.U
outnerti. ; Wjt.coii > iii. svo * .
4.10 Mlchlpan tuft sprlui :
f4.ROai.CO ; low
, . . in
and $3.0Umao In Burks.
. Whe t Aeilyq juices , being the hlghc ;
ArhoJ MHca tJcuteiuliiT , vlosiui ; wan
a F u ry , 3T13-1CC : M y , & ) &
ti Flrni , h'Qjtfc better ; cash , ' W > ; t
j-Steady .
Warley-Hteady t U@53.ifo
TnuotJiy seert-
* > . - !
firm \\Hhllcht demand ; short libs , S .W for
cash. _
Jluttcr-iiictand ) linn ; creamery , 2X3' c ;
dairy , 17ft c. , .
Chtcw-Onict ami firm ; full cream Ched
dars and llat < , I2 < ril2'c ; ; JOUIIR America ? ,
- .
limes In good request nt former prices :
heavy rccn salted. 7 , ' ' { T4'c ! bull hides ,
* V < t7c : dry salted , Il@l2c ; dry salted calf ? ,
SC'C-'Uc : ilcarotis , liV.1 each.
Tallow Slow ; No. 1 country , 8Vo ; No , 2 ,
2 0 : cake. 4c.
Keccim * . Shijmientf.
Plmir.bbM . Sl,0
Wlieal.bu . ( ii.ixxi H.OtX
Corn , mi . lioooi " ' .i.oo ,
Oati.Dii . 4n.0 ( i 7t.XH :
llye , bit . l.tOJ HOIK
Il rieynii . 2S.U09 2ioo ! <
Now York. Dec. 31. Wheat -llecciiHs
O',00j' ) oNtioiK 1)7noil ! ! rash , steady ; tin
liiailed re < l , JficSWc ; No. 3 , led , SMJic : No
s. ted , ti.'ijncrall dcliveied ; January closliif ; .lanunij closing at 4c. .
OalsMndcmtclv active ; it'ccipls . > . ' ,000
i , 50 : mixed western , 04o.i7c ( ; wind
. .
Petroleum Steady : united closed
JSifcs rirnicr : wcstoin , troh. ! Wff'
Poik Klrnier ; mow. SUJTKiM'J.'it.
Kniil-llltthcr ami f-Orly actUo ; wostt-n
bteam siiot , SO.bS. ,
Duller inrm and In falrdcmnnd ; vxcsloin
VJWVc ; Hljfin firauiervc. .
1'ln'pse Kit in \\csteiullat 5 , Iljjl2jsc. (
Atltwatikco. Dee. ill , \Vhoat Sll
cash and .lanuatv , TOe : May , MJ , o. .
Corn DulUNo. 2 , urife.
Onts-CJItlel ; No. 2 , Mjiir.
Itye > o. 1 , f 7e. lov No. 1 , WV.
Piuvl'sloiib Poil , Docenihcr. Sl l.- .
Cincinnntl. Dec. --Wheat I'll m ; X
S. led , MiriM e.
Corn No , 2 mlxeil. 'J 'iC.
Oats No. 2 mixed , Ule.
HyoNo. . 2. fisM'1- '
Poik Noinlunliit sn.- .
l.anl N'oiiilnal at 4r'ij. :
St. liouly , Dec. 31. Whrnt I'hm
No. 2 red. raMi , WJ e ! May Ml'4c. '
Corn --Kit m ; No. a mlM-d , cash , a l iffW c
.May.-IOo. .
( Mti llasy ; No. 2 inlxnl , cash , 27J4'i5l2
May , ill'/c. '
K\o Finn at.VV.
Whlskv-Sl.l ! ) .
Pork Finn at 812.00.
1 . .arilSteady ut St'.l"3iV1.0. ,
llultf'i ( } iiletaudeai > y ; cicamery , 11J27i' ( ?
daily , lC ( < rac.
Kansas City , Dec. SI. Wlicat Higher
No. 3 rrd , rash , 'Uc bid ; Januaiy , 71J c bid
May , bOcbld , SO cnsKod.
Corn A shadi ! higher ; Xo. 2 , cash , CC , '
bid ; laiiuury , 'lie ; Muy , 10 , 0 bid , 'MJ
Oats Nominal.
Mvcrpool , Dec. 01 . Wheat Strong ; do
uiand active ; liohlois ulTor biiiiilugly : No.
Culifoiuin , 7s I'dOtTs 1 Id pur cental ; rei
westutn finUllt ; , 7s"d7s 7d ; ted vvcsten
wlliler , 7 ( idQj)7 ) > i 8il.
Com Steady ; demand lain new mlxct
vvcsleinis Td per cental.
Ohlonj { < > , Dee. ill. The Di over's Jourua
lenoitsa follows :
Uattlu ItecGlpt.i. 0,000 ; hilsk and V
( T lfiu lilehort .shlpiiini , ' htter1 ! . si.7.f : (
5.15 ; htockeis and feeders , S2.00Ci : .Ni
cows , bulls ana mixed , SI. 50 ( 3.40 ; bulk
52.20@J.OO : ; Toxai' cattle , § 2.40 < iio. ; ) ; ;
Iloxs Itecelptt ) , lf,000 ; MIOIIK and 10(715 (
higher ; IOHKU and mixed. SI. lfl@4rriiacl ; ) ;
Ing and hliiDplmr. l.tu@4.0 ; > ; lit'ht , § : ) .
@ 4.00 ; .skips S2.roffl3.00.
Sheep Kewl\ts 3,000 ; shouger ; natlve.s
: i.00'j ' : > .73 : vvMtcrn , sn.ou@l.25 ; Tc.Mius.t..Oi
@ 3.5 ; ; lambs , S 1.00 5,75.
Mr. Louis , Dec. ill. Uitlle KacelpK 500
shipments , none ; stronc ; cholcolicavynativi
3tui.M ( , . 4.OC4.75shlpiincstuerss.C7'4.2i : ! ; ) : ) ( ) ( !
butcheis' steers , 5a.OOQ4.\0 ; stockws am
leeders , S2.00@.25. : )
llojs Kecclnts , 2,000 ; shipment , none
strong and active and lO lftc hither : eholci
h avv and biituhois' belectlons , S4.i.@i.w ( )
paok'imr. S4.40igj.UO ; Yoikers , S1.15@l.5 ; !
pigs , $ : ? .5or i.2o. .
KaimnH City , Dec. 31. ' 'attlp Hecciptt
700 ; shipments , nonu ; shlppini ; Kindcs ! > ilO
higher ; cows and buteher.s 10e higher ; com
mon t > ) choice , ga.0@l.-IO : ! ; stockeis am
fuelling steeis , SS.'Kttruo ; COWH , l.50Sy.oc (
Friday , Dec. 01.
The fresh rivoluls wem verv li l.t. Th
market v.'iis l airly active , butcher's stool
especially sold well. Values remain abwi
The iceolpis to-day were the same as ye-
tiiiiliiv. Alihotu'U to-moriow will hua hoi
day tlio market opened ntrontrcr this morn
ing nnd was very active. The demand vva
Booit anrt evervthiiiK was iuld at an call
hour. One toad of heavy Jioui i cached 34. n
There \veio no frcsli receipts and nothln ;
duiiiuoii ; the market.
Caulo . 20
li .is . 2,00
L'rovnillnc 1'ricca.
Showlnc the prevailing prlau-s paid for llvi
stock on this market.
Choice stecis. wvjtu 1500 ib
( JllOlCUbtPClS. UOJtOlSJUlbs .t.00.4.25 (
( jood to choica corn-Jed cows. . . 2.S5i.2' ( ; ! )
I'airto nicf mm grass cows 2.00vl ( > 2.r > o
( ! end to choice outls 1.50(33.00 (
Lmhtand medium hoes 4.15riM.o : ;
( I oed to choice heavy nogs 1.40M4.50
( iood to choice mixed ho s 4.OC : ! < i4.iO
( iood to clioico sheep 2.75M.i.20
Pair to good sheep 2.2-S'.50 ( ;
Ki > pr 'Hiinative Kutc-J.
roiis-i I'll i
Range of i'riccs.
Showing tlio hlirhost and lowest
paltl for loads of UORS on this market iluriui
thoiust seven days unit tor the same urn *
lastyear :
Nov. Deft 3 M Ueo.
: th a.t5 Holiday ,
261 b 3.45 Bunduy
7tb 4.20 CU'5 Sunilay
Sfclb cHunilay 4.10 3.10 013.45
S9th awi < aa.72 ! : X-JO ( U & > ! :
iiOth iJ-CO fitj.70 : 4.I& ttl.W
4.15 O.4M
, shipments.
{ Showing the number ol cattle , 'hogtj am
slicep shipped from the yards during the day.
CATTt.K. .
No. cars. M. pest.
t , . . . . . .Mil. . . . . Chicago
10 , . . . : . .N. W . Chicago
All sales of stork in this market are made
t prc\vt. live wcleht unless other wise stated.
lpad Imps soli at ? fc tier Ib. for 11 wisiehts.
"Skino , " or hogs w > lli1nic less th n too b ,
no value. J'roKiinut sows are docked -10 Ibs.
and stags SO Ibs , by the public Inspector.
llojs higher.
Cattle icrelpts llsht.
William Uajs , Vnlpatniso , was in and soltl
a load ot lion's.
(1. ( Jl. Millie , 1'onca , was here and sold n
load of coin fed cattle.
llojjs arc coinlns in from towa at point'
110 miles east of Council Ululfs.
1C. W. Ulack , riattsmoulh , was hcie nut
sold two loads of
W. C. Cunnlnu'ham , Mllford ,
heru and disposed of a load of liuu's.
John X. Urllllth , Shenandoah , had in C (
head of cattle which sold In the maikct.
11. 11. Harbui , KhNoinl , was In and mar
la > ted it load ol hogs and a load of cattle.
K. WHIott , Albion , Xcb. , had a lo.ul ol
hogs in to-day which topped the maiket.
A. ii. Anderson , Carbon , la. , arrUed lalt
to-day with tluco toads of butcher's stock.
Mr. Courtier , Caison , la. , was In to-daj
with two cats of hoit > which bold on the mar
S , Hcveiidqe , thn well known hog buyer o
Kiemont , was heiu and moiketed a load o
.1. A. Allison. Hllxrr City , la. , asln aii (
sold a load ol hogs and luiuicd home to buj
A. Wilson , llubbel , Neb. , ramc In to-daj
with load of LOWS which he told on tin
William Wallace , p.ishlprof the Omaha N'a'
tloiKil bank , was out maklnirthclltial piepai
lions lor opening' their bank.
The slock yaids' olllcc will keep open tinll
11 ! o'clock noon on New Yuathd.iy , alici
which tlnm the tealehoibcs will be closed foi
Ihe day.
Hon. .lolm A. Kehoc , 1'lattn Contrr , wa1
ii ) to-day , with a load ot hoj's , to dlbCUR
Chinch lli\u.s ( ! lututu luospccts. uillioiu
inonoDolltM , etc.
1. . T. Mailln , of Mm tin Hros. , Ihe stocl
pomiiilsNlon dealers ol Chiuuco and Umalia
was heio to-day looking alter the Intetcsts o
the Omaha business.
Nels Motils. ol Chicago , had a buyer 01
the maikct to-day , who bought ten lo.ul.s o
cows. This will tend to Impiovo the dcmam
heio tor canning stock.
Anionaothcis havini ; cattle on the marke
were the following : L. McDcrmed , Weep
Ini ; Water ; M. . ) . Hushes , West Point
Dern .V Heine , Civhjhtoii ; AibucUle.V C.
William Prlestman , .Shenandoah. lawa' '
heie and told tour loads ot hous at very satis
factory pilpps. One loatt of 05 hozs avci
ani'd 410 Ibs. , the hcaiest w eight , tin- hoiies
net and the heaviest owner seen In tlio jard- -
In sometime.
On the mailict with ho s : T. WHIott
Albion ; U. K Simpson , Kxira : Soelts it Co.
lirainard ; J. M. .Hodge , Yiitan ; C. 1)
Kvan , Jackson ; ,1 , JJ. Clbson , Hailan
Taylor * A. , Sihcr City Kiazler Ai .S.
City ; It , P. roioln. Ciooks ; J
Mnnlon , Wabash ; W. U. Wilson Ac Co.
\Visuer ; M. . ) . Hugiies , Wlsnei ; A. M
Spoonor .V Co. , Hooper ; lilanchami ) A : . ) .
Ord ; I ) . 11. Hale , Madron ; Nlehols H. A
McfX , Old : A. J. Snowdcn , Keatnuy ; J , A
Ituby , lloldrrsu ; .las. Danley , Ashland
Snoll As Au'ncw , Ashland ; Thomas Poweis
Hulton ; Wilt Hros. , A'islcy ; Pnrmclc A
Newell , South Bend ; O. 6. Paikliurst
Ucncrul Produce.
Friday , Dec. si.
TlififaUoiul ( iff prices arc jor round lots of
proihwcass ldo > itltc uucrAet lo-ilaii. Tlu
qnottittons o > i fruit * icprficni tnc prices ui
which outside orders arc filial.
Knds Tim receipts aic veiy libeial am
the demand li ht. Stocks am moving Mo wl )
at 24c.
Pon.'rnv Theie is a good demand for
tuikeysan < l thoieceiiits : ui ) light. Choici
stock sold very adlly to-day at ,
ChiuUcns aiu In llbiu-nl ircelpt and aic mov
liiK slowly at G2Sc. Cccse and diicli ;
at 0lOe.
Cnr.KSK Full rream Cheddars , silicic , 1H } c
full cream llatstwinsliKc ! ; young American
He ; fancy HwKs , W@lf > ; bwiss , Imnoited
USc ; hlmburgOr , We : brick , l-15c.
( lAMK i'ralrlo chtrkons , choice per do/
? : ! .7r ) ; HIOU-.P. fu.OO ; quail , per do/
SI.7.7.00 ; ducks , mallaul , per doz
S1.7r > @i.OO ; ducks , teal , ver doSl.'i
(31.'iO ( ; ducks , mixed , per doz , Sl.'iS ; cce e
per doz , S3. AO : deer , saddles , per Ib. 10@l' > * c
deer , carcasses , peril ) , 7@Sc ; elk saddles , pel
Ib,0@10celK ; , caieasses , perlbfis7e ( ; anteloiie
saddles , per Ib , lO lUc ; antelope ,
peril ) , 7f ( < Se : .lack mbblts , per do/ ,
4.00 ; small rabbits , per doz. . We.
ad lemons
CKI.KIIY The market Is steady. Choic <
slock per do85c : extra laige , perdo/-lOc
OvsTi'.ns Mediums , 20o ; standards , 'Jiici
ficlecls , US ; extra selects , yyc ; N. V. counts
CuAsnr.uniis : Cnpe Cod , fancv , per bbl
SW.OO ; bell and bugle , per bbl , $10.00.
HANANAH Hanauas , yellow , per bunch
S2.00gi'J.si3 ; bananas , jcllow.laige , pel bunch ( . ; ) ( . ' .
liKMoxa .Messina , per box Sii.OOCi'O.M.
OiANiis ( : Florida , choice , I50imo ( to bo <
SSOOjilo. nho'c lots , 4.75i Valencia , pe
case , SNM ) ; Calitoinla Itnershte , pas box
* l.7.r .
-Malaana , per bbl , 00 Ib gio s
MAIM.I : SI'OAK Slrlctlv pure. ROlb Iio\cs
pei Ib , 15o ; choice fie luicks , A1 II ) boxes ] > oi
Ib , l"c ; choice pi'iiny cakes. - . " Ib boxi'h , lie
SArnuKnAi'T-Pcr 32 gal bbl , S0.00ll ;
gal. half bbl 83.50.
Pnovisioxs-Ham. sucai-curcd , llp
breakfast bacon. MUIII cm cd , boneless , iu > j
shoulders , Ou ; clear Mile bacon , be : dry sal
sides , 7c ; dried beef , hams , I4c ; diied beet
icuuhir , lie : mess pink , i > er bol , Sl-.f)0 ; laid
f.O ll > cans , PaiiiMiiKs , fi , 'c ; laid. 10 , 5 and : .
Ib pails , Faiib.uiUs , 7Jj@ tC.
Ki.oi'ft ' .AND MIM.STUFKS Wlnlcr wheat
Hour , best quallti patent , 5ii.75 ; second nual
Jty , $2. 10 ; best quality spillin wlica
flour , patent , S'J.OO ; bran. 5c per cwtchoppei ;
feed , 70c per cwt ; white corn meal. IHJC
jt'llowcoin meal , wio per cwt ; scieenliiK , fiK
) ) frcwt ; hominy , 52.01) ) per cwt ; shorts , rr *
percwt ; eraham Sl.CO ; hay , in bales , S5.5ui ( ;
C.OOuer ton. _
Grocers' Mat.
Piuiu.r.s Mi'diiim , In bbls , so.r.O : do , li
halt bbls , . 5I1.75 ; siimll. In bbls , 57.50 ; do , ii
halt bbls. SVJ5 ; eghrUins , In bbls , S8.M ; do
in half bbl.s , S4.75.
.Svitui1 No. 70. 4-gaIlon kc s , $1.20 ;
Orleans , per Ballon axtt-lflo ; manlo ; H
hall bbls , "old lime , " per gallon , 72y 1
Ion cans , ner doJIO.OO ; hull gallon cans ,
per doifi.fiO ; ciimjt cans , Sii.Ou.
Si'Aiu'ii Mirror glass , i jb , ftj/e : mlrroi
gloss , ii Ib , ftj c : minor Kloss , 0b | , o ;
( ira's' ' corn , 1 Ib , OB ; Klngslotd's corn. 1 lu ,
7p ; Kiucsfoid'.s closs , 1 Ib. To ; KiiiL'sford'f
cioas , Olb , 7Kc. KliiKsfoid'sinire , : Jlb , 7rc ;
KInj.'sfoulsbiilk , 4e.
ToiiArco 1'lng , rllm.iK , 47o ; horsp- > hoe ,
! 57c ; star. PA- ; spearhead , : o ; piporheldslck
Wo : old shield , s-lc ; merry war , ' .MO : J. T.
" '
"MA-i'ciiKS-I'pr caddie , 2Se ; SQiiaro cases ,
51.70 : mule square. 81.20.
OANDY Mixed , U lH'o ; stick , 8 @n c.
CnAcicr.iis-fiaiiu'iin'a soda , butter umj
picnic , ri c ; creanid , c ; Rlnt'cr snaps , S e ;
Klf s savnn imperial. S2.70 ;
Kirk-s pnilnet. 88.00 ; Kiik s standard , S'J.Oj ;
Kirk's wbito Russian. SJ.OO ; Klrlt's wlittiv
nap , S6.M ; dom < > , gy.Wj washboatd , SD.lOi
white cloud , S3.75.
Koric K Inch1 10 Vc ; ? B Inch , lie ; H
Inch , ilif ,
OAKKEDCooiS"Oysteisstandardporcaso : , ,
51150(8.85 ( ; strawberries , 3 Ib. per case. SJ3.-JO :
raspberries. 3 Ib , per case , SiuO ; California
pears , per case , Sl.M ) ; anrlcoH , per casaj
I4.GO : neaches , per case , $5.25 ; white cher-
rles , per case , 50,00 ; plums , per case , 83.05 ,
1 Ib salmon , per doz , Sl.wai.OO : 2 Ib go6s < > '
berries , per case , 81.75 ; a Ib string beans , pe >
case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per case. 31.00 ;
3 Ib marrowfat peas , per case , S-UO ; 21
early June peas , per c se. S2.75 : 3 lb toma-
toea , 5-J.102.8.Virib.coraSilO(82.2- ( ) .
DKIKR FJIUIT .NO. l quarter apples ,
Cc ; In evaporated boxes , 12U'@i3c ; black-
prunes. new ,
BU AHS Pow cut loaf ,
i uc , ; confoctionera1
A , ffo : standard extra 0 , 6ks3J ; e ra Q5)'c ; medium yellow , V %
, . omR8-Ordiuarv grades ,
lo(315 ( > fc ; prime , IS QlCe ; choice ,
fancy Rrmi and yrllow. 16@17c ; old tov-
cnimcntDava , aXj'iCo ; Interior ja\iv , lfi > < ( < ?
COc ; Mocha , 2y < ? 2lc : Arbucklo'a roasted
10' ' , c ; McLauehlln's XXXX loasicd ,
Dilworth's , lOc ; HcdCross. 10 > ( c.
GcncrAl Mnrtcts.
liinKS ( Jreen bulchers. S'.VffiOo
cured , "c : drv lllnt , lir U'o ; dry salt ,
ereen calf skins , wao oj damaqed hide" ,
two-thirds price. Tallow 3i < p , ( Jreafe-
Pnme white , 8 > < pyelio\T : , 240 * ; brown , J"f
hhcpo Pelts , ayawc. ' . , , , . . Primn slanchtcr sole leather ,
32c ; prime oak solo leather , : iO ( < lSc. : ! tTpi > ei
leathpr per foot , ( ; item , kin , ' 0c.tsr ( > c ;
oak kip. 8S@reo ; French kip. 81.00(41.30 ( ;
hpmcalf : , Sl.oogtl.10 : o.\k calf. $1.00 1.25 :
Kioncn ralf , SI.SoMl bO : Morocco , boot leg ,
yotftiKc : Morocco oil iiebble. 2Siir3c ( : ; toppings
amtllnlnps Ofta'.iOe. V ,
HEAVY ItAtiuwAitK Iron , ralo 82.00 ;
plow str-ol special cast,4Vjccruclble ; stccl.liXc :
cast tools , do. l2lSc ; waRon stiokes , i > er set ,
S2.00 ( : i.oO : hubs , ) > cr sol , sl.'i'i : telloes ,
pawed dry. 51.50 ; tongues , each , 83c ; axels ,
each. 73e ; s < iuaro mils , per Ib. Kn7lc ; cell
chain , per Ib. r/tflic ; malleable , " ( s'-Hv iron
xvedecs , Cc ; crowliars , fie ; harrow teeth , 4 0 ,
spring steel. 7aPc ( ; Hurden's horseshoes ,
S4.5U ; ( linden's miilu shoe' . $ " .50. llarbed
wire , In car lots. S4.00 per 1UO Ibs ,
Nails rates , 10 to 50 , 82.50 ; steel nails S2.C.V
Shot , Sl.fli ; buckshot , SliS'i ; oriental powder ,
kegs , S2.50 : do. half kegs , S2.00 ; do. quartei
kogs. S1..W : blasting kpgs , S2.M ; fuse , per U
fert. ft'x ; . head bar , Sin
\Aiixisius IJauels , rcrgailon : I'tirnl '
turc , extra , Sl.tO ; furniture. No. 1. Sl.Oi ) ;
coach extra , ? UO ; poac No. 1 , S1.20 ; Da
mar , extra , SI. 75 ; Japan , 70e ; a nhaUum ,
extra Me : shellac , S3.SO ; hard oil liiilsh
1 ! Coloano snirlls , 1S3 proof , SI. 17 :
do 101 proof , 81. is ; spirits , second quality
101 proot. SI. 17 ; do Ibs proof. 51.10 Alcohol
IbS proot , 8'J.20 per winu callon. JtcdUtlllci' ' ,
whiskies S1.00X1.W. Cln , blt'iuled , Sfl.WCn
U.0t ) ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00G10.005 KPII
lucky and Ponnsylvnnln ryes , S2.00i0.fU ( ?
Gohlpn Sheaf bourbon and ne whiskies
$1.50(33.00. ( Hr.vudlps , Imported , sn.txx'rfH.&O :
doiupsllc , Sl.xtti.H : ( ! : ( ) . dins lnitoitenri'4.M )
iiir.00 ; ( lomestle , S1.2.'in3.00. Cliampajincs ,
impottcd.ierca \ e. S2S.ootSS5.00 ; Ameiican
per case , . . .
PAINTS jv Oil. White lead. Omaha. P. P.
7Wo ; white lead , SI. l.ouls , puio. S7.76 , Mar
selllcs grpeli , I toSlb cans , c ; Ktcucii vim.1
erecn seal , I'-c : Kicncli zinc , red seal , lie
FienchInc. . InarnNi asst. 20c ; lfn'iicl
/Inc. ' .f > e ; vermlllion. Ktmllsh , in oil , 7ft :
jcd , loc : ro-o plnic. lie ; Venetian red , Cook
son's , 25fc ; Venetian red , American , l } c
red lead , 7J c : chromo yellow , genuine , 20c
cliiomo yellow , 1C. 12c ; ochre , rochelle , ! Jc
ochro. French , - % cochre \ , American
lc ; Winter's mineral. 2)fp ) ; hehlgh blown
s > < c ; Spanish brown , 2J c ; I'linco's iclncral
3o >
Duv PAINTS While lead , 8c : French sine
12c ; ParU wliltinc. 2 > < p. ; whiting , gliders
' - > fe ; nhUlm ; , eom'l , luc ; lampblack , lipr
maiistown. l2c ; lampblack , oidlnary. Sc
Prussian bluc,55ciiltrainurlnuf ; lScvandyk- ;
brown , 8c ; nmbcr. burnt.Jc ; umber , law , - c
sienna , burnt , -le ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Pant
green , iteniilno. arip 1'arls green , com
mini. 22c ; chromo green. M. Y. , 20c
vermlllmn American. l e ; inniat
law and burnt umber , 1 tb cans , i c ; raw an <
burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke brown , lUc : re
lined lampblack 12c- coach black and ivorj
black. lOc ; drop black. iCc ; Prussian blue
40c : ultramarliiu black. li > c ; chrome gicen , ! . .
M , & ] ) . , iflc ; blind and shutter green , L..M
* I ) . , ICc ; Paris creen , iSc ; Indian red , I5o
Venetian led , ' .V ; ' 1 usean , 22c ; Amcrip.ii
veunilllon \ , it I ) . , 20c ; jcllow ochre , 2p ; L ,
M. A O. 1) . . ISc ; good ochre. 10c : nalei
diver , Sc ; uralnlug color , light oaK , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and ash. 12c ,
CHEMICALS. Acid , caibollc ,
32e ; acid , tartarlc , 52c ; balsam copaiba , pei
fl > , 4"c : hark sassafras , per lb , lOe ; calomel
per Tb , 7Sc , phlnchonidla , per olOc ; chloro
form , i cr Ib , Mc ) : Dover a powders , per It )
81.25 ; epsom salts , per H > , SJtfc ; glycerine
pure , per Jb. SJo ; lend , acetate , per lb. 21c
oil , castor , No. 1. per gal. , S1.50c ; oil castor
No. 2 , per gal. , 31.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , 81.40
oil orlirannnm. Me ; qpiniii , $3.20 : quinine ,
P. it W. and K. AS , , per or. 70c ; potassiuir
iodide , per ft , 52.75 ; snllcln. per oz. 40c ; sul
nhato mornhtne , per o/ . $2.00 ; sulphur , pei
tlIc ; strychnine , per or. 81.35.
Dry XJurnbsr.
No.l COM. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft . S17.5I
No. 3 " 13 , 14 and 18 ft . 14.71
No.3 " " 13 , 14 and 16 ft . 18.5 (
No.t " " 12. 14 and 10 ft . 12.0 (
No. 1 , 4 & 6 Inch , 12 and H It , rough. . .817.0 !
No. 2 , i & Olnch , 13 and M ft. . rou h. . . 14.01
1st com. , j/in White Pine Partition. . . . $3.1.01
SdCoin. 7i In. Norway Pine Celling ! ! ' . ! It.W
STOCK itoAiin .
A 12 Inch. 4(50 ( J3i.0 (
121iuh : " " 4'JD 2.J..M
No. 1 , com. 12 in. , s. 1 S. . 10. 18 & 20 ft. . . 21.01
No. a. ' ' . . iarn
No. 2 , " " " 12 AM ft 17.0i
" " 10ft 10.0 ,
Ritir iAr.
No. 1. plaln.Sand 10 Inch Sn.SC
No. 2 , ] ) Iain,8 and 10 inch 15. ; . !
_ , , 8IIIXGI.KS , J.ATIl.
X > . .clear. 52.10 ; A tlandaid , , S2.50 ; No. 1
81.i.atli. : ; ] . S2.2.1) .
Posts-While Cedar , 0 In. , Jis , 12c ; S In
Thomas Fuller relates : i curious inci
ilont which is truly characteristic : J
gcnllcimin , liu .says Imvintr led : i coin
puny of children beyond thciv iistia
.jonrnoy , tho.y began to bo wearv. am
.jointly cried to them to carry thornvvhltili
because of their multitude , he ooulcl node
do ; but ho told he would proviil
thoin hoivus to ride on. Tbiiii , cuttin
lilllo w.inds out of the. hedge , as nags fo :
them , and : i larger : om > for himself , the ;
mounted , and those who could scarcl
.slaml before , now full of mirth , bonmlci
cheerfully home.
Coiijjret-sm.-ui Gibson Learns Koine
Chicago Record"No , " said Congress
Knstueo ( JibMm of West Virginia , ro
ctintly , "J am not pending copies of tin
Congressional Hoconl to the coiintn
newspapers in my district this year. Las
year I put nearly all of them on inylis
for the Congressional Iteconl. I had alst
.subscribed for many of thnso papers , am
I noticed vvlicu 1 reeolved them Uiov wen
wrapped in a loaf torn from the Iteconl
Apparently the editors used the Uccorili
for newspaper wrapmir.s. During tin
MI m mar I vMtcit some of these news
] inur ] ) otllcas , ami in SOUK ; instances I no
ticuil that Keoonls that J hud sunl to tin
editors Iind not even boon opcneil , "
, . . ;
4 IH L.V\VKINUI : r > ritiiT : ,
i i\viit , . ( . cof4oic.\i > o
Of the Misbouri Statf Mveeuin of Anato
my , St. Louis , [ o. ; University College
Hospital London , Gic&cn , Germany aiu
New York. Having devoted their atten
More especially those arising from impru
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond
without delay. Diteaseb of Infection ant
contagion cured safely and bpcedily vvithoui
detention from business , and without tin
use of dangerous drugs. Patients whose
cases have been neglected , badly treated 01
pronounced incurable , should not fail tc
write us concerning their symptoms , Al
letters receive immediate attention ,
And will be mailed FREE to any addies
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and Phy.
sical Exhaustion , " to which is added ai ;
"Essay on Marriage , " vvitli important chap ,
ORGANS , the whole lorming a valuable med.
ical treatise which should be read by all
young inert. Address
mis. s , & n. DAVIISO.\ : ,
Iawrc ce SI. , Denver , Col ,
Arrive l Leave
Umnha . Omaha
'J'rams Icavlnc U. P. de .
pot in Omaha at 10:55 : a. * SlOam : ' 8rian : ;
m. , 5o.p. ; : in. and 8:2U : p. Di'iOniii'lOuOnii : :
m. , and thc o leavlne
Union stock yards at 0:0' : . )
a. m. and 10:51 : a. m. are
tlnoimh passcnucr trains : 4tnpn :
all nlheisnroiCBiilai stock pin * ri:0'ipn :
yaids dummy trains be inn' ' 5'jr : > pn
tween stock yaids and
Omaha ,
I Leave i Leave
U.P. BK11NJET1IAIXS. Tianslcr.lOnmha.
* Kvcept Sunday. ' 7:12 mi ) '
IConuccts with H. C. &
P. at lllnfR I 11:25 : mn ! bHan ; ( )
liConnectswIth 0. H. kt 0:42 am ! 'iSr : > 0 an
( ) . , C. A ; N.V. . , C. Jl. ( .V'l10i7nin10OUiui : : | :
St. 1' . , O.K. I. & P. at 11:17am : ll.lOan
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
Tht only ro a to tak for Des Moinns , Mnr
hnlltown.CoJnr Kaiihl ? , Clinton , Dlilo , Chlcn
tro , Milwaukee nnd nil points cnit. To to * pec
pie of Nebraska , Coforndo. AV'yomtntr. Utali
ItlKho , Nevada , Oipfron. Wnnlilnjrlon and Cli
fornla , ItoffdrssupoUor aflvuntiit'fij notjioesi
bio by any other line.
Among R few nf the numerous points of fti
Prlortty nnjoyed by Hie pntronf of this ro ,
between Orniilm nnd Chlcnjfo.nre Its two. tnitm
adf.yot DAY COACHES which nre the flnoa
tdnt humnn art and Ingenuity run crcite. It
PALACR BI.KKl'ING OAH8 , hlch are model
of comfort and elnffunco , ll PAHI.011 DItAVV
ING KOOM OAHS , uii urpnfi6-abr BUT , and It
widely oelobrntod PALATIAL UIN1NO UAHS
he eoual of whloli cnnnnt bo found cliawlicrc
At Council muffs tholrnlnsof Ilie Union l' c
fla Hr. connect In Union Depot with ttion o
the Chloino i9kTortlivre torn Hy. In ChlcnK
the trmtni of thli line make close conneotloi
with those of all eastern llnnr ,
Tor Detroit , C'oHiiubiit. IndliiimDolH. Clnclr
null , Niagara Fulli.nufflilD , l'ltl bur/r , Torontc
Montrcdl. Uoiton , New Yoik , I'lilmdolphlH , llul
tlmor , Waihlnglon and all rolnli In the ami
ask the ticket agent for tlobeU via the
If you wljli the best r.ocommodatlont. Al
tlckpt ujconta fell tlcUutB vn ! ihls line.
General Mnnn ror , Gml. I'ass'r Aircut
Chlo" f ° . ]
vvir. HANCOCK , ii-rj. n. DOLLKS ,
Go n. Wtbtein Apt Wlyl'iiss Atft.
Artists' Material.
A. HOSl'EJt. . ,
Artisls' Materials , Pianos and Organs
1213 lloiiKlai StreetOmclm ,
Agricultural Implements ,
ABrriciilliiral IniplcniPiifs , Wapons ,
CarrUtce mil Ilunnlo. Jonri Hrett , Uctwuen VI
_ mid IQlliiOiim tin , fiitli ,
' "
Agricultural Implements ,
llngglci , Blc. , WliolmMc , Oinah *
Agrii'iil'tural Implumunts ,
( Vugonintid Buittlci. 00 | , q.UJ ) ana IHI7 , Jones it
Butter and Eggs.
Unyevs of IHittor nnd Eptfs.
aiorand Farklnir Homo , lltli nml J.tavec
worlU Bt. , U. 1 * . K. II. Tf ck , ( mmlin.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
BulI < ler.s'Harlvvare&Scal6puarSho ( { : ]
Ueclitnlco'TooliBDrt Huffalo Bralei. lltti Douglant
v Ouiaba , Net.
LEE : , FKJKJ > e co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nulls ,
T.nwire , Sheet Iron , Ktc. AceiiU for HOWB Scalei
> ml Miami f ii > t.leri'
Wliolesalo Hardware.
Wfttcrn ncenti for Jeffcrion Bleel Kalli. Auntli
1'owucrC'o , k lrt nk fuudard bcalti. Comer
lOtlt mailarner , Omaha.
Iron Worts.
. . ,
* - v * A * * * - *
Iron Works ,
mnebt Knd 0 l Iron Ilullrtlni : Work , Iron Sl lr
ilallmE , IlentnB umlillnlrrii , steam RnKlnvt. llrnn
Wi > rV , i n r l FoniulM , Mncbine anil IllufkiniHI
\7otl. l > rar * nJ Work',1' ' , r. It.nndl > lli lt et.
Hoots and Shoes.
Mamiftct\irtriaiiil Wholc-xlf lo lor In
ISoots and Slides ,
tilMc flock ot Ilublur iSoodi nl Tt on h nd
j S. 13th l. , Omnlin , N b. A.T. AnHln , Aient.
? r. r. MOUSE r co.
.ToulxM's of Hoots and Shoes.
1411 Karmm > t .OmnhvNcb. .M nutaclory , Cu
Z.T. LlssE\\f \ } CO.
Wholesale Kiihlit-r HonJ-s anil Sliocg.
RubncrnndOllcdUUtttilitf m.l : Kelt Uootf , Sonll
l.'nst Cornci Mill niul
Apt. for Aulieiiscr-Husli Urowinp Ass'ti
Special Urantl'
Lngor Joe ! ' Hi-ewers ,
1MI Noilli lelh Micrt. Omnhn.NoH.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
CL / iTria ? mwsr Few. ,
Omnha Co ( Too and Si Yo Millt.
Tc .OorTro , SpIre < . . lliiklnc t'ovrdrr , F
Uactt , l.nundrjr nfita , Ink , lito lilt ! ' >
Mrt'ct.Omihn. Nob.
Ilomn ConVoiuid Spicn .Mill' * 31'f'jr Co ,
: iiirrenonl''r H'iO SpU Urlndpr * . MiintifnituuT !
dfllsklnu I'ondcr , rin\oilut : K.xlrnrlK. Illnlntr. l.ti *
Tr > ono i'ii r of on r l-Ti pukiiifclloinelllcnil Uuiisltil
Oolffi' timUoRiiul Kt.cmnhn .Scb.
John Knonctor , Prop.
Mnnufivcturcr of ( ! nlMinlrd Iron and Cornier.
Dutlfunnd lU.lftnd 11)3 ) N , IDtli xt. . Onitili , M > l' .
Miimifacliircrs of
Ornamental ( lalvani/od Cornices ,
Dormer Wlmtoni , Vlna'c. ' Jlolnlleikjllnlit.etc. S108
l.'i'i ' ! . , Oinulin.
vE ironxs ,
C. Specht , Prop.
QnlTiinlred JronOoriiloon.rlc. Fnvit'tlmprovp ? Put
out JlclnllrSkrllkMit. Mi MulfiUI f.ljth M.Onmtiit.
'OMAHA CA nrur ro. ,
Tobbtn of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Unoli'iinii , Muttlnce , Klc. Ull Doiig'a ' 3lr 'rt.
ST A To nl rjiA n iJ
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mnttlnc" , Curuin Good' , Klc 1123 Knitmiu street ,
( imalm , Neb.
Crockery ami Notions ,
for Die MmuifnrtureM nnd Imporlcrr of
Crockery , Olasswaro ,
Lnmr , riiluinc ) , etc. r ffiot > , 317 Houth 131U it
Hiunlm , . > ol ) .
Commission and Storage.
j// } HURLEY'
Connnission and .lobbinp.
nmtcr. KBKiinnd 1'rodnce. ( 'oii ! > lirmcniB tollcltcd
IH'Klqimrtcm fur btoncwnre , lii'rry lloxea iind
( , nipc' Iliitkels. 1114 lloilftentieut.Oiuuha.
Commission Merchants.
Frnltr , Produce and I'rorUloni. Omnhn , Neb.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
BpcclHltles llalteKBRI. . Clieeie. Poultry. Ufc
Oyilere , Klc. , Kte. JI2--oiith 14th utitet.
Produce Commission Jlorchants ,
Poullrj. Ilutter. Gime , Fnilli , etc. KO S. must
Omnbn , b ,
\e rLLA an ,
General Commission Merchants ,
And Jobber > of Foielen nnd Doiuestle Frnlti. < 'orrc
Bl'ondenco ' Millclteil. WurPlmiisennd omcc , HUN.
'J'lilrtrentli St. , Omulm , Neb. 'rek-i > litin 77j ,
Coal an < f Lime.
Dealers In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Officcaml yard , IMh and Nlcholan Hi. , Oninlin , Neb
ar < VT lenhonc. ( C7.
Oo. I..MIACIH , lrc . C. F. QOODUAN , V.lroT
J. A. MTSI > EIII.AX1 > , Sec. and Trcna.
lohhc-rs of Hard and SoftCouI.
! ( W South Thirteenth Street , Ornnlia , Ncl > ,
, T. > J. .AO/IA'.S'O.V , P CO. ,
Mannfacttirors of Illinois White Limp ,
And KliilM'Crof ' Coal nnd Coke. Compnt , l'l.ifct r
UniR , llinr. Plro llrli k. , Di.-iln , Tllx diid Soxerl'ipo
( IHUu , 1M x ton llutcl. Fitrnnm M. , Oni-iln , .Nub
Tolt'tihono nil. _
F. i'FA Y , c col ,
llannfautnriiiffConfct'tioiicrs ,
Jobbery of rinlli.NulB nndOlncx. i ll ranum tl.
Lift Slock Commission.
M JtTJtKK .0 SOM ,
Live Stock Commission.
_ Coo. IliuVe , MihRncr
Dulon Plock Yard'.H.OmnbH. TelCplmiiB
SAVAGE < fi ffJlEEX ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment ! of uny nnd nil Units or Flock noliollcd ,
Union Slock Vaiilr , ( rnrnha , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
MAX 3rKYKn"tfi ? 0. ,
Jobbers of Ciirars , 'J'ohai-i'o ' ,
OUIIB and Ammunition. 215 loMP. Ittliit. , 1020 U
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholcrnlo Dealers In Leaf 1'nntproi , Nu . 1CH
mid llu N. UlU itrni'l ,
i .r-
VVIinleiijilH Ih > nlu In
Cigars , Tobaccos , I'ipcs and Smokers' '
Agonti for I ) . Icldcr lorr 4.0 , ; , , Hne-liutind Hraok
ngTobaecDi.MllwauliueYJnuuniln. . No.JU
t = J NorthSlrteenthairout , O anlji , Sob ,
Dry Gouiiz.
Dry Goodn , KiivulHliiiiffd'oods & Notions
1103 nnd HIM Diluvial , cor. Ulli8t.Oin liH.yel ) .
Distillery ,
Dlttlllrri of IJquiut , Alcnlml nnil Splrlli. Iniui < ren
ml Julil-rn \Vlnetarnl I.tqugrr.
WILLOW til'It L\(1S UltiTlLL/
CO. and JTLEK , { CO. ,
Jmporlcre il Jcll > erf of I'lno Vi'luri unit Mnii t
Boln DiaiHir > , ciiiri.i cf Kriin it't ) > Kurt ImlU Jlil-
IIT nnil Iliiuiniiui.ltimri | , 1113 linn e ; M ,
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
JL T. CLAllKK Dltira CO. ,
Iar ; i't J 'i fir , I'aint.Oil & ( Jlahs House
Wutlof Cblcaeo. ( 'oinilctn | ] .li.c of Drutclkti ; 8uu <
Drain Tile , Etc ,
. . , . . .
Jl. J. I'ARSOV , V.l'iei ; , and Burl.
OfBoe 5S ! p. jail It , Omatm , Neb. Mnthlnprr taC
Bupplietiur Manufncturlni ; CXmenl Drain 'lile.
Building Material.
Uoalerln AIIKIO'liof '
tiff Matevlftl at Wholesale.
18111 Slrtct and Uuloa l' clllc 'J'rack , Omab ,
Uliolcsalc Dcalei s in Furniture.
I rn mJt n , Nnb.
Furnllitro , lloiltllitsr , t
UlrfOtt , tlc. _ > SOC.IAM n.1 1510 furnainjit. , Oratti * .
Buichfrs' Tools.
Itulclipvs' Tools anil S
u > k-o Oitlnes of * ll Vlml nlnr ; tln Mock. 1)11
JoiiMut .omaht
Groceries ,
, < ! Air.ijni-n , r co.t
Grocer lei nutl Provisions ,
No 70'iiOr.U iinilU S , Iftlli , Ounlin. Neb.
\ ntul I.carenwtirtli l' ,0mib i.
Ht'avy llurdwnrc , Iron and Socl ( ,
Bprlngj , > V c n MnrX , JUrdnmc l.uml ) r , etc. 1SW
mirt 1511 Humor M , ( lalMm. _
Iron uiul Stocl ,
Wncnn nil CutrlfiKP Wood Stork , llraty tlnrtwdr
hie. I''U Biidlirj \\cnwutili ! . , Oninliu , Neb.
Manllui , lt l < > , llin ( icipdn I.UI sad 173 !
_ _ _ Si reft.
Donlor in Lumber , l.iilli , liinto , Susli ,
liior ) , Klc.uiOr Oorni-rrtli nml Doujlaii r rnot
' . 'III 'Ill'l lldlliilli.
CHICAGO I.VMliKli Cl > 7
Wltolcnnlc Iiiinilu'r ,
Sll S t4llirtrpptOnintiniN li. f. ( "iitpi'ttcr , Mangier.
c. y. J > JKT % ,
nth nilCBllfoinln , Omnhn. Net.
FliED U' . (3IIA I' ,
Iiunilier , Lime , Cement , Ktc. , Eto.
CiT.rth Mini ImiicUs it * . , Om'ii. ! Nu ) .
T. W. JIAKt'Ji } ' H'MltKlt CO. ,
To Dcalcr.s Only.
Oltcp , UK ! I'.ininm trpft.Oiunlri.
CfAS. I { . LEK ,
Jlardwooil Lunibcv.
WooilOnrpctB JIMr.traurl \ I'loorlug. 'Jlli nnil
( IIHUll I ,
r .1. WAKKFTEL I ) ,
ilo Liinibor , Ktc.
Inipnrtrtl ntul rorlbml Coiuiuit. Htutt
Aleut Tor Mllnauki > r Jly > liniillo ( Vuiuiil nd licit
( Juliicj Wbtulltm > .
Lire Sloclt.
XSTOCK } 'Altl > S CO , ,
Of Omaha.
Limited. John F. Bo d , S'iporlntorilent.
Millinery and Notions.
I. OniS/WELDE/i , P CO. ,
Importer ! xml .lubbers of
Milliiifii'y aitid Noliono ,
UllHnrney St.cot. Omnlm , Neb.
co7 ,
Dlicct Importer * of
German & French Toys A Fancy ( foods
In NcbrnakK. Chlcnno prices dupllcatod without dd-
Ing f rolclit. HI5 rninini .inert , UniHliH.
WholeMle Di-nleu In
Notion ? anil JMirnisliini , ' Goods ,
ilsiiil < 0) S. Tenth Ht.Omahi.
Jobbers hi
Notions , Hosiery ii ml ( 'unli' Funiisliingf
IXl ( nc1 KKB Finiain nt , Onmhi , .SVb.
Paper Sexes
rL. . n I
Manufacturer of Pnper lo.\c ! ,
fH. Kill St . Ouiili > i , Nubr.i. Vii. OMi-it br mullto-
Ik'ltcilunil nlll raeulTu tirompt iitlcntlon.
Overalls ,
Mannfactiircrs of Ovi'rnlN ,
Je lr.iritu , SlilrlJ , Klc' . llinatul 1101 Dou Un HtlCCt ,
OiMHli.i , N | ,
Printing ,
, I b I'rintor.s , Blank Hook Makc.ra ,
And Jloek Ilinlrr ! > . 100 nnd UH .Soulli ( ouileentti
n 1ersnTjpM'rr- | nnil I'rlnlom'
Poutli V < rrl ( 111 ! Street.
Pick f cs , Vinegar , Etc ,
" Jii H'/Iv m ) itJt tfi'tf'co. " ,
Wnnufactutdi , I'ackon and lienlem In
PioklPi" & Strictly I'uro Apjilo Vinegar
l ! tlnit I'ondrr. Klu'orinu Kiirncu. T'1 1 . ' ; - . . ( . „ ,
KrenrmiuitunlYnnli liliilnt ; , Urortia' Hptcta ! ! ;
Pole HKcnl lor Voil. UnUi Snij' ' ! HennO Aipjile Ci-
der. KIXi 1 rnvcnooilli it. , Oojjlii.
Snfes , Etc.
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock f'o.s'
Flio Hint HurK'iir Proof Sifuj , ' ( Into l.ocki , Vanlti
_ nj Jail \Voik. lull runum Hlioct Ouialm , Nab.
Omaha Sufe Works.
UmiufKClurpr of Tircnnd llur/lnrrfunfiuftj , Vniill
.lJll WorkHnUcr mill Wire Work , Cor ,
KlUnndJurkfiiri SU , onulM , .Ncjb.
Sasfi , Hoan , Etc ,
, ; CO. ,
i'n o.f
Sash , Doors , ( Elliul * and AlouUiinirH
lli.ineli oiler , llh nnd Ir.irl oil , Oniiilia , Nel > .
(1. l'L I'M A V ,
Sasli , Jliinr , Itliiiils , ilon
liulldirn ! r ii r , elc , Jdll Couth I'lilrli'en'li Slieot ,
.Ni'b , , \ < iiii | > l'tu etucl. o ( '
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Uoulil'iu ' > lulr Work nnd IntiTlur Ilinl \ \ ' < , , | Klnlim
Jutluicnid ) , N K.cur iiu and I.
Omuhn , fri'li ,
cifntcjuLL rt Mr co , ,
Wiinlusulo Pumps , I'ipo , Fillings ,
Btoamnml Wai r Siiiili [ | < * > luaiiiiarlur ( | | * Mint
I i j tCo' liuo'ln llli l > urii [ > Mi it Uiu ur , N'vb , fj\
A. L. , s"r/.fvf ;
Pnrni ) ! ) , I'ipe.s ami
team. Wntcr. Ilnl ! ny bml Mllliulopi'lioi. . It to.
W , VS iu.irj.1 1 uruaiu it Uuialii h l > ,
uT TwfSJt i\ixn\tn\i \
HalUdar Wind Hillti n.piiin aait NVhtar Supnlluj
i'li.uibiiicUaiHr , llrillnc ll u. 1H3 ami 10 itf
uaui ! . , Onmlm. H K riiltoii. ilaiuk-ur ,
Wayon * and Carriage ? .
Tlio LeailinfirOiirriatre Factory ,
1400 ud 111) ) Dolge itrtri , Otritlia ,