Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1887, Page 2, Image 2
CB tAHA PAILf BEE ; 'sATUHDAY , JAfrUAKY L 1SS7 DAY OF GOOD RESOLUTI03S How tie Hew Year Will Be Celebrated in and Around Oznah.ii PRINCE KARL LAST EVENING A Conductor Hurt Jnnnnry Stars Delayed Trains RcTncnibcrotl by Kinployos IJflcil a Itazor Other Iiooiil NCXVP. 18H7. The day of Rood resolutions is at hand. The day of breaking them la duo later on. Old 1880 Ims whispered his tale of Omnlm's prosperity into the ycnr of the infant ' 87" with dying breath , A year of rnro prosperity for Omnlm has been closed nnd a year of great promise entered upon. It is probable tlml thcro will bo no extensive formal celebration of to day. The oltl custom ol making Now Year's calls , which lias never been very strongly rooted in Omaha , is dying out. A low families will keep open lionso nnd n number of gentlemen will undoubtedly "call around" to pnylliclr regards nnd enjoy n piece of cake and ti sip of wino. Al thn Y. M. C. A , room n reopplion lasting all day will bo held. N. U. This will bo wilhout wine. \m.coMwa THI : NK\V THAR. T/io / nrrivul of Charles Slullk , thn cele brated Hohnnimn turner , was made the occasion of n grand , reception at Myers1 Jmll , at the fjornoi' of Thirteen Hi and Williams btrcr-t , last night. Mr. Stul.k id ' ono ot llio leading lights in Iho great U'urnvorcin fiociely , anil Is making a lour of the United States , visiting the princi pal cities , nnd aiding the Ttirnvcrein so cieties in advancing lo the desired stand ing. Ills reception by the Omaha tumor ? wad very llatterinir. Ho will i.rnfiin here severs ! weeks. An extensive programme of Christmas cheer was provided al the St. Mary's Avonno Congregational church last night. A largo number of presents wore , given by the children of the Sunday Bcjiool to the Hohomian Chapel school of this church in South Oinalui. The bricklayers cole' ' > rated Mio death of Iho old year and the advent of Die new in a grand ball al Cuiininghum hall lust uight. An inlcrosltng programme of music nnd appropriate addresses was given by tlio Sunday school of the Trinity church ] asl night in celebration of the coining of the now year. Last night Iho first parly given by llio Homo Circle club on Jsow Year's cvo took place m Masonic hall. It was characterized bv a largo attendance , bountiful souvenir programmes , a lliu- ntrical manner of announcing llio new year , and a general hearty feeling among nil Dm participants. "I'nnoo Karl , " with the talented Rich- nrd Mansfield in the title role , was given a royal reception at Hoyd's last night. Uev. Iloiwc and Mr. Ensignconducted nn intcrcsliiig waloh service at the First LI. 15. church last night. Last evening the Omaha lodge , No. t O , It , P. O. Elks , held n watch session in the auditorium of Iho opera hotisn. An ex cellent programme WHS carried out and ' the afl'air was as entertaining as any ever hold iu this city. The slar m last even ing's performance at-the opera house Richard Manslicld , was present. TO-DAY AND TO-NIGHT. Mrs. ( i. II. Slupman anal her daughter Miss Gcorgio , assisted by Mrs. ( T. F , Stephens and Miss Mabel bmlth , will re ceive their friends Is'ow Years from t ) lo 9 p. in. , at G80 south 17th street. The county ollices , city ollices nnd rail road headquarters will bo closed to-day. This cvnning tlicro will bo a grand _ tfow Year's Aroli entertainment at the church of the Latter Day Saints. In the afternoon from 5 ( o 0 o'clock the ladies of the toward Street M. E. church will give a reception at that place. The ladies will receive friends at the Y. fil , C. A. rooms to-day. "Prince Karl" will bo presented Ihis nflcruooc and evening at uoyd's. AIUUSJRMENTS. Prince Knrl Dnplutcd Mont Cleverly Last Nlglir. I'rince Karl is a vehicle well designed to bring into prominence tlio versatility I of clever llichard Mansfield. The sup porting members of the company are not , brilliant and make n decidedly neutral . background against which Iho strong points of thu slar are brought into boldest relief. He is a entertaining and jovial follow , eminently the moving spirit > if the piece , and ho carries the burden of the work so highly that he scarcely scorns to Do acting. His powers of imitation nro as miraculous as they are entertain ing , and the large and fashionable audi ence wonltl have been well content could they have kept him before them all the evening. His Imitations of a cello and nn Italian ojK > ra company are not to bo described , they must bo seen , anil are in deed a-whole show in themselves. Frince Karl will bo repeated tlii.s after noon and evening. January Slur.- * , The following is the police detail for the present month : Day force Thomas Cuuitnings , cily marshal ; John McDonald , deputy mar shal ; Thomas Coruiick , captainI'atnck ; Moslyn , surgeant ; MIka Whaleu , court Mleer ; John Turabull , city business : JPotor Turkolson , patrol driver ; Ivdward Carroll , Farnam and Harnoy , Ninth lo Twelfth ; Dan McHrido , Fartmm , Twelfth to I'iflpcnlh : Tom Ormsbv , at largo ; Alike Kilov , Sixteenth , Dodge to Nicholas ; rat Cusick , Uuinlng street ! J. J. Donivaii , Thirteenth , Harnoy to bridge ; Pat Horri- Sun , Tenth , Harnoy to depot ; Hlobard urdish , Ninth , Tenth nnd Klevonth , north t > 1. of . _ Douglas ; James Hrady , Twelfth , to ( jjjpjtoi avenue ; Thomas iii ni rorcc rotor Mnvr.ii , sergeant1 , tid Al T , Sigwart , jailer ; Pat llinchoy , pa d : ( trol conductor ; George Trimble , patrol Tw driver ; MiUo McCarty , Ninth and Tenth , Tfr ' north of Douglas ; John Robins , Siumders frcl utreut ; PatGilligan , Thirteenth , Hartley clT I tO bridge John . . . T t * v ; UVJII * Hrady.Sixteenth , Cass to Nicholas ; Jerry O'tirady ' , Twuh'th , InPI Douglas to Capital avuiiiio ; John Nor- PI Jinun , Sixth am1 Seventh , south of depot ; tchi Andrew Crawford , Douglas , Thirteenth hiw to Fifteenth ; Dan Shiimuiaii , Sixteenth , w -Dodge to Cass ; Charles l.ang.Thirteantli , in south of bridge : 11. P. llu/.o , Tenth , Jones 11 : to depot : Dan Kennedy , Capitol avenue , biai Ninth toTwoUh ; James O'llovlo , Ciimiug aidi Introot ; Arthur I'nhtski , Twentieth and di iPopploton Andrew Fahoy it ; , Chicago ami JUasa slreota ; Charlus Hlom , St. "Mary's tl : lavontiu ; Mlchuel Demp&t v , lower 1'iir- Wit Tiamund Htirnoy.strootsvillitim ; \Vliile , w It'arnuru , Twolth to Sixteunth ; Thomas itci jL'icronor , Tenth , Harnoy to Jouos. ciat at Slio Used u Ita/.or. atol Jennie ( jrcon , a white girl , and May low > Irown , colored , wore arrested yesterday lom or indulgence in u row in which the girl .Si ! irown , byname and natttro , iibod a razor KI n destroying fcovural Hue dresses of her in air bister. The white girl was lined f 10 ih nij the colored woman . ' 5 by Judge to itcnbnrg , JJoth were icnt to Jail iu ue- oi nult of payment. Piw ICd.Mnurer Cuucil. at ] C l Maurer , who eujoya the reputation via If being one of the bebl.of the employers viba ba if iho city as. pleasingly aurjiribod last be llfiUt , When his place of business was ev | lwed , with the closiu of tbo old year , bo 1 Ins employes gathered around him nnd presented him , with their vrNhcs for n happy Now Year , an elegant gjild headed cane. The present wns an appreciation of the unnumbered favors that Mr. Mnurer has shown his employers during the year. _ llemeiuborcrt by Kinployc . Yesterday evening wiiUo Mr. C. P. Ilefllcr , manager of the Omaha branch of the Singer Sewing Machine compftny , was at work lie was surrounded by twcn- ly-Jivo of the employes of the local of- lice , the spokesman of whom , Mr. C. J. Smith , presented Mr. Heftier with un ele gant easy chair , as an earnest of the high estfom in which Mr. Hcllicr is hold by the donors. The ntl'air was a complete nnd very pleasing success. Tlie Clearance Record , The bank clearances for the five clays ending yesterday were as follows : Monday . . . . . .Sl.ttfO.llRSO Tui'Mluv . 57fi.aso.s-i WediHisday . ( I'ijgirr.iU Thursday ' . Oa.nW.80 ! : I'riuny . . . Total . . . . .23,773,031,22 , Per cent of increase , fT7.5. JIli Hniicl Mnslind , M. 11. Cowan , n conduclor residing in Omaha , had liis right handbattly mashed near Lincoln yesterday morning while coupling cars. The injured member was temporarily dressed al Lincoln and the unfortunate man wns brought to Omaha and lakeii lo his homo on Mason street , where lie was utlenilml uy Dr. Darrow , who hopes toMive iho hand entire. Tinlim Vplnyod. The westbound Union Pacific overland rain was delayed over two hours in leaving last evening nn account of the " ( J" tram being late in arriving til the Hliills. _ Hrowucll Hall will reopen on Tuesday , January . Hoarders should come into rc&idcuce on Monday. A yountr'fellow named HticJ ; Murray was arrested as a sn.spioioim character last night. When arrested he was trying to .sell a now cap which the oflleors think is stolen property. Mr. B. S. Josoclyn has linen appointed stationery agent of the Union Pacific iu the ollicifin : Ihis city , in place of Mr. W. 1 ? . MacKuixio , who has resigned. Tlio chaago will lake efl'ect lo-day. STOLE A LOCOMOTIVE. A Uemarknblo Trip Miulo Uy n Drunken Farmer. One of tlio most peculiar unit al the same lime perilous freak of a drunken man on record occurred bore some timt after midnight last night , vrltcs a Day ton , 0. , correspondent of the St. Louts Globe-Democrat under the date of No vember ! ! i. The fellow , who is now be hind llio bars in Iho county jail under bond of $2,000. gives his name as Murk Hadtlix , and ho claims Osborn , O. , as his homo. The charge against him reads grand larceny , but this simply lo < pil term docs not bcgin _ to tell tno story. The lar ' ceny of which he is charged is nothing more or less thau the stealing \ . , of a locomotive valued at ' u $8,000 , Iho property of Iho Gin- sc Cincinnati , Hamilton As Daylon railroad. tc"l Haddix was seen prowling about the "ldi freight yards and round house in tlio di evening , and appearing k > have too much fc stimulants ou board , the yantmastor 01 drove him out of the. yards , more for Ids sc own safety than for any apprehension trw that ho could do any harm. After beinir trU chased away ho was found later hiding U ! in u caboose near the round house , and in was driven away again. Nothing more re ivas seen of him alter this until after midnight , when ho made away with the locomotive. Engine No. 7 , with steam up , was standing on what is called the bePi inside track , being next to the round Pi house , ready to commence her trip north IK ivitti a f reign t train , when Iladdix sprang is : into the c.ib and opened the throttle , ili starting the iron monster backward Lhrougiijho yard. IKEi lie turned on a full head of steam , and Ei iway slio went , with the drink-crazed stnt jtigincor aboard. The locomotive had ntHi traveled but a , few hundred feet when Hi iho was running nt a terrific rate and ainl ncrcasing her speed at overj' revolution nl ) l her drive-wheels. A freight train , or Sil rather cut of freight cars witli switch on- orAi ; ino No. 12 , was backing down on the Ai vild engineer , but ho seomcil to bo ut- S3 .crly unconscious of any danger. It is istimatcd that his cngino was running nt a he rate of lifteen or twenty miles pc iu hour as it approached the in nain track on which the cut of ca roiglit cars was backing. Oscar L ulmor , ca L switchman , taking in the situation , sir iiade a desperate attempt to avoid n col- ision , if possible , and nt tlio risk of CO > eiug run over , sprang upon tlio foot- th ) oard of Iho locomotive in lladdix's pos- th ; cssion , clambered into the cnb , throw im he drtmkcu fellow aside , and reversed qu he throttle. However , ho was too late , lh ind while no one was injured by the col- Ti ision , it resulted In ono bor car being vewi lamaged beyond repair , two others faring wiwi ittt little belter , while eighty draw-barn wi rill need repairing ; also the minor parts ca if the cars. pe If the collision had not taken place ( inlet ladtlix and his locomotive would have lot tout into en crashing the north-bound pas- unger train somewhere just beyond the is ity limits. It was fortunate that the tin nad freak ended as It did. lladdix was an liken in charge by the railroad people roi tlio i later _ , . turned . him over lo the police. CO le says ho doesn't remember taking tiio tin ngine , butsuys ho knows ho was drunk ! l ml may have done so , Haddix is a inHK urnier and a man of less than ordinary HK itclllgcnce , and now admits that ho foi news as little about the running of a liv iciitnotl vu us a hog does about the Sib- va ath. His friends gay ho is honest , and dr ; as never boon known to steal anything , gorat t'hibky , it scums , is what did the work. rat siv The Umbrella In Poker Playing. fm Macon Telegraph : Otin of the old nu mors was tolling at Maeon thu other ckmt mt ay of the tricksof gamblers of his day. | ] here was one man , since reformed and fh < 'ho now stands well , who came down fhwl om Atlanta about once u month and wlwe leaned up the Macon boys at poker , Th his was many years ago , and whoa At- wii inta was but a village , As might bo ox- lo iicletl , the Macon boys used uvcry effort sa > i prevent him , One rainy night the At- art iiilu man camu down , and sifiorsupiior wli as seated at a table up-stair.s in a build- tin ig un Mulberry street , but the boys hud 111:1 : veil for him. A small hole hud been Tli iroij in the coiling just over the ( able , Tliv ml a wire run through the ceiling and rcl jwn tlm Milu nnd lloor of the room until of reached the side of tlie table opposite ne : 10 dreaded noker player. Here the wire bin as fastened to a piece of wood agaiu&t the i hich the sitter kept his foot. In this lllll was intended that the man above the eat tiling could see the Atlanta man's hand pet ' ut communicate pointers by slight iorU tel tlio wire , That night the Atlanta i > oi t phi t heavily. At lirst lie thought his luck sel as iia'l. ' but the cards were gooti. ant ) he me entallly concluded that something be- me'I itus bad luck was causing his money to .ser ) t on the other side ot the table by the het indrcds. The Maeon boys who were in inn 0 secret were in high glco at the vie- pr ry. Finally the Atlanta mini caught tab i , and , reaching down by hlh side , om ckcd up his umbrella deliberately and aba ithoiit a word hoisted and raised it Spi mve him. The umbrella shut oil' the He ow of the man above thu ceiling , and in the short line the Atlanta sport hud won ace tck his money a.ud donned up the Macon aa ys as usual , It was yeura before lie her er mentioned the mutter , and you may mire the Macon hoys kept it quiet. I dul FOREIGNERS IN SHANGHAI Social Lifo In the Model Settle ment. A Municipal Oovcrnnicnt rounded on Kcimlillcnn Idea * ; Tlio llotoln anil Clubs. Now Vorlc Times : When foreigners speak of Shanghai , the great commercial metropolis of China , they usually mean only the foreign settlement near ( ho na tive city. This consists ot about -J.OlW resident foreigners ol nil nationalities , the majority of whom are , however , Jingllsh. The hind is hold by long lease from iho Chinese government , nnd in ( he case of English sotUcrj this lease is in tlio name of the British crown , Many of the buildings are very large and cosily structures of stone anil brick , and , with respect to beauty , would or nament the lincsl cities iu Europe and North America. The municipal government of "the settlement" is republican in form. Thcro is n board of couneilmon elected an nually by the hintt owners , or rather laud renters. This legislative body exorcises many of tno attributes of sovereignty. It makes assessments , fixes llio rale of laxation , prescribes the police and sanl lary regulations , and dulincs the func tions and fixes thu salaries of all subor dinate municipal oiliccrs. Of course this power of taxation is a more assumption of authority , It is authorized nulthor by tlio public treaties nor by ( ho terms of lease from the Chinese government. Not one of the Ircaty powers whoso na tionality is represented iu the settlement has omiuunt domain , thotitrii nil have extra-lorrilorialily. A crime com mitted therein by a China man is amenable to n Chinese tribunal , just as a crime committed by a foreigner oulsidoof its limits is amend able to the authorities of the olibiulor's nationality. The same rule applies with respect lo all foreign residents and prop erty owners within tlie so-called conces sion. All disputes between them and all jrinios committed by them are triable jnly by tbo authorities of the defendant's lutlonalily antt according to llio laws of lis own couuiry. A resident English of- icial has no authority to issue or enforce i tn\Jiu. against an American or Gcr- ' uan resident anil vice versa. The muni- lipality is therefore one williout charter , ind is merely a self-constiluletl corpora- ion , willioul Iho shadow of legal au- hority to impose laves upon resident iroijorty holders for the purposes of pub ic improvements. And yet this is just i-bat it has boon doing for years , ttud'no- " ody raises any objection , The reason j obvious. It is llio only means of pro- > iding for such improvements as arc cs- 3iilial lo comfort , convenience , and otilth. The resident consul of each of the rcaty powers is ex-ollicio a member ot ci ic municipal advisory board cial , n body al 'lilch corresponds in some rcspccls to alP1 nr federal senate , and the dean of Iho P1ai ) iisulur body is ' ai ex-olb'cio president of lis board. The board usually names aiC C , > mo mrmibcr of Iho consular body i sit with a native magistrate , anil the siai mixed court" thus constituted has juris- aici ction in all ci petty cases arising between ireicruors anil natives within iho limits isT i "tlie settlement. " The execution of ish h intcuco is obligatory the : upon magi- ate of the defendant oi s nationality , tiud oiA hen tlisagrcfinents arise Ihc case is til sually referred lo the consul represents tilm ig the foreign litigant anil to the taotai m presenting the native. If they cannot inhi hi * reo the case becomes a diplomatic icslion and is referred to Pokm. Tlie ctvi stem is : i little vi complicated , but it has viw ; on found to work well , and there is w robably not a more orderly community , I5iwi ) r a more efficient and honestly udmin- Ml tered municipal government 111 the civ- he i/tcd world. The "American settlement' " fo is nt tbo ) rthcru extremity of the quay ; the is uglish is next above , and the trench is in further up the river , adjoining tlie Uivo city. In each of these sections ere is a good hotel , but the guests at Tlfi ly one of them are usually made up of ( fi 1 nationalities. Hence , lirst ! mpre.t- 18Jt sns of Shanghai are usually received at Jt ! ic of these hotels. Take that in the 00 mcrican settlement for example. You 00 e a massive structure ) of stone and ick two blories high and surrounded by well trimmed lawn nc , here called a com- innd. The word is from India , and is CO uroly a corruption of llio Portuguese MlAi mpana. Our host is au American , who Ai mo out hero mauy years lui airo as a mis- innry. < Jii At 1 o'clock a well-dressed Celestial ' ilr ' 'I'll mos to your apartments , and with all Tr u dignity of a lord chancellor announces A I at "Tillin have got. " It 3-011 happen lo iprcss him as a man of some couso- eiice ho will probably change the rascology lo , "Muster can catchce ot Ilin , " The dining hall is largo , well otOr utilatcd , clean , comfortable apartment , 111 French windows opening upon a- de veranda. The liltlo round tables , eh barely largo enough to seat four rsons , are arranged in throe parallel ics. Above each of those rows is a ig punkah extending from one r def the hall to the other. "Punkah" t another one of tlio o East ludhu words e nt has been natuntliml in China , r d represents a machine for fanning a um. It consists of a movable frame vercd with canvas nnd suspended from K ; 3 ceiling. It is leapt in motion by pull- I j ; u cord which passes through a hole i thu wall lo thu veranda outside , The I Jtivo power is a coolie , whoso wages r such service never exceeds twenty- e cents per week. All thu table &cr- ills arc Chinese , of course , and are o aped in long white cotton or Mlkon wns , When the meal ii over those uar- mis are exchanged for thu loss export- 'e blue cotton gown. The usual wages r a good dining room servant is ft ) per c mtli. With this he will board and i > tlio himself and save about $1 per < ] inth. If j-our visit bo in July or August all t : i guests will be dressed in spotless nr lite linen or llanncl. The guiitlemuii nu . iar neither culls , shirts nor cravats , u eir attire consists of short sack coat , th military collar , buttoned up close I thu chin. Thuru is nolhinir beneath it II o a thin woolen singlet. The trousers III j of llio same material. A pair of I iitn hose uixl "Oxford tics" complete C outlit. In ( Ids attire a gentleman lydiiiu out or pay au welling call , u few ladies present are dressed In thu bite uniform of thouiimmor solstice , " loved bv the usual feminlnu display pink anil blue ribbons. Heforo you is irly every typo of the Ciiucasion ; thu ill' , red-faced Hrlton , the moon-eyed salf-conseious little Fronchinun , the ik , lynx-eyed Anglo-American. AU . with the leisurely air of well-bred jplo , for ovou Hrotaer Jonathan scums be strangely aflectud by the ntmos- Lire of the place , and abandons him- f to u moment of leisure and refresh- I 'hose who smoke have their cheroots vcd with thnir celled after desert ; for e , as all over Europe outside of hug- , d , men never hcaituto to smoke iu the of Indies. Hut neither at the lo nor at the cigar stand does nnyjono sr to pay down lor wlitit ho buys. The VI once of silver change smaller tlmn the tnlsli dollar rentiers tliln impracticable , is uvpooted to sign a chit , and pay ut umi of the week or month or quarter , online to Ida convenience. ' 'Chit1' la Li abbreviation of n Hindu word , and e merely BigmHes a ticket ot indobt- may. When these amount to several | / . IMS the customer Is expected to j > y [ rol up and ask no questions. If ho falls lo do so or If ho scrutinies his nccodnt lee closely ho loses sftclhl position. If ho geU behind nnd una.Vlo lo pay , it only re mains for him to migrate or commit sub cide. Ilenco , nlthoughitho small credit system is universal , shopkeepers seldom lose a debt , nnd , ns Uioir profits are large , they not unfrcqucftttly become quite wealthy. After dinner yoiMfUl , probably bo in vited to the club. It fs'ji massive build ing tint would do credit to Fifth avenue. Here , between the hours of ! > to 18 , you will moot all the principal merchants , bankers , professional' ' , and oillcials of the place. Many of the large tea nnd silk transactions arc negotiated hero. The library numbers several thousand vol umes , and tlio center lables are covered with nil llio late English. I'rciich German anti American periodicals. The barroom is quite nit elaborate aflair and is well patronized , foe here every ono drinks , though habitual drunkenness is cause for expulsion. There is a "club , " or something known by that name , at each of thu treaty ports in China , and il is hardly necessary to add that it is always the center of the local British Inlluoiico. Everything about it is distinctively EnglUb , though its membership is often made up of the na tionalities of nil the Jlvo trcaly powers. No retail merchant ( or "shopkeeper. " as ho is called bore ) , can over bo admitted to membership. A Chinaman can never become cligablo , no matter what may bo his rank his Intellectual , attainment * , or his material wealth. Some years ago an English "shopkeeper" in Hong-Kong at tempted to join the club In that place. He was a man of high character and his individual chock wns coed for anything under a hundred thousand lauls , ( about $140,000. ) Hut ho was black-balled , and the crcntloman who recommended him lost social caste in consequence. The proprietor of the loading morning paper there was , in a like manner , black-balled because ho was , or rather had been , a practical printer , liis ollico editor , however , a j-oiuig graduate of Etoif , was duly admitted. Ono cannot bo in Shanghai long with out a great deal about the "Bubbling Well" and the Bubbling Well road. Thu road is the fashionable drive of Iho city , ind lliu well is universally talked up by ; hu residents ns a great physical curi- > sity. The drive is about throe and a mif miles ; Iho road is a broad macadam , ind ' the team usually a pair of spirited 1'artar ponies. But this is about all there s of it. The "Bubbling Woll. " whereof : ou have heard so much , is merely a 'omul hole in the ground , walled up with noss-grown boulders and inclosed iv a rustic railing. Jts depth is proba- ily four feet. I would Indeed bo diflicult lot to find water at that dcplh any- [ ( hero noarShuncliai. The water itself , ike that in the neighboring creeks ami itches , is covered with dark greenish limu and omits an offensive odor. But. nliko that in .some of the oruuks and itches , it is novur quite at rest. The ac- uinulatcd irnrsos from the decayed vegl- ible mailer are constantly escaping irotigh It , and bunco the , "bubbling. " If your visit bu in October , you will ithcr have to attend lliu races daily bo- vcon 2 nnd C , or else remain in lowu Impst alone. The IIOMOS nro litllo Tartar nnies , but every ono is1 expected to bet , : ul the stakes are oftbhigh. ; . In no 0 lace in the cast , witli the possi- 0nr lo exception of Bombay , is Ihero ich a continuous nr , ami dcsper- 10 effort to npo the vices of the nristo- nrX . llio circles at home , and this snobbery IIIoc by no means confined to Englishmen , oc ho whole ocCC , structure of societvin Slmng- CC 11 is distinctively English , and yet some IU ! the most ludicrous' snobs in it are moricans. One nmy'teadily condonu 10 agressivo vulgarity of the poor cock- jy who exhausts his ingenuity in male- g a. bad imitation of what is above ruin the social scale o.t English sooi- y. Ho has caught the glimpse of the ccs of the privileged classes horn ho has been taught to reverence. nt what shall bo said of thu American ho seeks to denationalize himself by utcnding lo bo what every ono knows s is not , merely because no has boon rtminUi in some opium speculation , and tu n little way from nomo. The Old Great Kace. Jews are most numerous in Russia , to Jewish Almanack for A. M. HJ17 om September , IbSIf , lo September , 87) ) publishes statistics giving the entire wish population of the world as ( ! , ! ! 00- , 0 , of whom Ihero are in Europe r , lUQ- 0. Of Ibis number no fewer than ; "i2.M5 are resilient in Russia , and J13.7U810 Austria-Hungary. Thorp are L ( it more than 70,000 in ( ircat Biilam , nsiderably more than half of whom re- IQI : lo in London. Next lo Russia and Hi istria tlio countries which contain the fu rgebt Jewish population are : TTI irmany f-13,000 n an H'OCCO , y U.OOt ) n irkoy ' i'sO.MK ' ) > - Iimli 170,000 gcrin . I3tuoo : a | Jm Personal. Miss Edna Fuller and Miss \av \ } Porjt.v , Ml Sioux City , are at the Millard visiting IbS naha friends. Nc Rheumatism 77o doubt II them is , or can bo , a specific omcdy for rliccinatli.m ; but thousands who i.ivo suffered Its film have been greatly ben efited by Hood's SamparilU. If you h.ivo ailed to find relief , try this great remedy. " 1 was aflllctccl llli rheumatism twenty a n cars. Previous to If S31 found no relief , but 1,0 rcw worse , nnd at one time was almost help- L-SS. Hood's Sarcaparill.i did mo more good linn nil tlio other mcdlclnu I ever had , " I. T. JUi.cosr , Shirley Village , Mass. " I had rlieiini.itIsm tlireo years , anil not no diet till I took Hood's Sarsaparilla. It has mil one great things for me. I recommend It to len tliers , " Lewis HUKUANK , isiUdcfoul , lie , fill F On Wood's Sarsaparilta ter , lombfues , la a manner peculiar to Itself , tlio estblood-iiinlfylnj ; and Btrenttbenlng remo tes of tbo vegetable Kingdom , You \vlll flnd ft ! Ills wonderful lemcOy cilcytU'O where other rcg uedlcliics have failed , Try It now. It will iurlfy your Mood , regulate .tlio digestion , .nil give now life nnd vigor t ? ) tbo entire body. "JJood's Sarsaparllla lld nib great good. R : Bur VIM tired out from overwork , nnd It toned uriti 10 up. " Miis , . j : . SiMMOxsl Cohoes , N. V. HUI ClHI "I suffered tlireo ycnis fron blood poUon , thoi took IIcxMl's HarsapaillULuul think I am tt-r > HUM utcd. " SIus. M. J. ruvislrocJcport ( ) , K. V. frui Purifies tlie lood ( "ASTHMA SUJ OGRMAN ASTHMA .CURE Jnitintly wlievwi Iho mo t vi'Joi.t lt ck. tnd lavjruonmfurtabU tliwp H 1ttimu for III. M I riUtelnv uwlliTlnlitlauOfi it ctlon > j lra- labduto. direct aril t rtl nln. and 15 cnro II the lusult in til eunblo ciifa , A tlniila tn l con * liacBs ili mojt K ( iilloal. Prlj i < te and 4100 of anjr droKgnt. or Itf util hunijle i-'rfi' for nUrnp l > r. l ' 3EOPLES THEATRE , TO-NIG-HT. a P MNT i D IN TUB GltEAT DIIAMA ' ifly Audley's ' Secret , U bjrl. ' . wlar Prices 1525an'fJ , , - \ 35c. tent GEN. LOGAN'S SUDDEN DEATI3 Is a prcat shock to tlie nalioh. Few knew Ihnl lie wns even indisposed when the news of his dcalh flashed over Hie wires ant ! thousands of people stood aghast nt the sudden change from health nnd vigor tc cold nnd silent dcn'.h. For the past Iwenly- fivc years there lias been no man more constantly before the public than Genera John. A , Logan. Tluougli all his career he Ims been noted for his fearlessness and pnrity of character , boll * in public and pri vate life. Loved by friends and respected by enemies he will be mourned by all , His death ndds another to the long list of victims to tuddcn and ncutc rheumatism , Probably no disease Is so common as rheu matism , none Is more sudden or dangerous , and there Is ccitninlj none which so com pletely baffles medical skill. Only one reinedlias yet been discovered Mlilcli is a sure nnd sale cure for ihcutnntism niul its twin ) disease , neuralgia , and that Is Athlo- phoros. In thousands of cases Alhlophoros lias proved a quick and certain cure for these diseases. In connection with Atldo- photos Pills il has never yet failed to speed ily cficct a cure. In all probability many ( tenths nltributcd tolicarl disease arc caused by Ihese terrible diseases , which arc far more dangerous than is generally con sidered. Rheumatism , in even though a vary mild form , is extremely dangerous , for it is liable nt any moment logo to the dealt and cause instant death. Why trifle with a distnsc so \\hcuncutaluciiiccnu be obtained of any druggist ? Every drupcist should keep Athlopho ros nnil Atlilfjphoros Pills , but whore thny cannot bo bought of the druggist the Alhlophoros Co. , 112 Wall St. , Nmv York , will send either ( carriage jiniu ) on receipt of rccjulnr nrice , which is $1.00 pur boltlo for ' Athlophoro ? nnd 5o. ! ) for I'llls. I'or liver nnd Klrtnor ( ll > oi ! o , dyspepsln , tn- illgoMloM , nrnkncMi , nnrvoiis dMillUy , dNenses nfioinun , c'Oii'XIpntloii , licndnclio , luipuro blood. Ac. Atbloplioiod I'ills nro uiieuiiuloil. 11 111 8 D BUJfH fi I htru D poilllTo remedy ( nr tb * abora riltmufl j by Its mo tboni nd of rnsen rr ll > 0 wont Mn < ! nnr ] of long minding IM > I nU < tHTWE01rLK31HKKt.'tlior ! IU UABl.HTIieATISR < iulhlldlii > n .tii nr nfrrr r , . prow It i : O. oWr : a.IJU.T.A. _ _ Sl.OCUiI.ltl 1'oatl SU U. Y lts cnils ° Si nni1 ll now nnd pucci' sliil ri'Ui ; lit your own - liama liy ono who irns dt-nf tT\iint > - oltfhl cnrs. Trontcd by most of llio noted spoulal- ? ts nlthout bonollt : curnl lumsolf In tliroo ' lonlb * , nnd Rlnua ( lion bumlroils or otlioro. 'ull lurtlculiu-H unit on nppl cation. T. tl. AG13 , No. 41 WcstaiBt St , N ow York Cily. tic owiaio Agency , 174 ruium ei. , H. v. ' 3PSTAL PRIZE $ J59 , , . _ . . " \Vo < lo horoliy cortlly tlmt wo suporvlin tlio ratiK'L'ini'iiis fnr nil tlio Monthly ttnil Quarter- nrnivliiKA ol1 The 1/uilslinm Stnto Loltory jinimny , mid In person mumiKO mid control o drawings themselves nnd tlmt the Bnino nro inducted ttltb boncsty , tulrncsa and In peed lth toward nil pnrtios nnd wo mithorbo the > mpnnytoiHO this cortlfleato with fao-slm- is of ourblgntiturosuttnchcd " , m Its ndvortlcc- nnta. COJIMIS210NE113. We the tinderslffiinl Jtunks nnd Dnnkora will iy ull I'rl/us ilmwn In The Louioiiin.i Stnto > ttorlos which may bo presented nt our coun- J. II , Piosldcfttl.oulslnim Nntlninil nnnlc. J. w. KiLimuTir , FioMiIont Stnto Nutloiml llnnle. A. HALUWI.V , President Xow Orloims Nfaiounl Hnnh. NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION. llni.f A MII.MOM Ui.iTninurErt IDISIfiHfl STATE LOTTERY COMPAHY , Incorporated In 1M3 for2 > j-cara \ > y the lejrli uro for Kducntlonnl end Oliurlliiblo purposes tliiicnpitnl of fl.OOO.OtW to which a reserve nd of over fV,0WX > lias slnco boon added , liy nnovcrwticlmliifr popular vote Its frnnchlio isinadoiiiiartorttionrcsoinStutoCuiistltulluii ovtudDucciuDortfd A. D. 1S7U. t'ho only Intti'rv over voted on nnd undoiscd llio pcoplo of any HUito. It nevi > rtu.iluiior ) iioitpnnos. irraiid singlet iiuiiitic'r dniivin tnXo plaoo nitlilv. nnd the tlrawlnus icim- ly 01 cry Air months .liino mid Do-'i'tnlicrl. Vf'ri.KMUIlOl'I'OltrUNITVTO WlNAl-'OIITU.VIi. Oiniid Drawliiff , Clans A , In tin ) Arndomvof Jbiu , Now Oilcnns , Tuosduy , Jmiimiy lltli , 7"outh Monthly llmwinir. CAPITAL PRIZE SIGO.OOO , slice. Tickets are SIO oaly. Halvsi. $5 Fifths $2. Tenths SI- LIST OP raizes lOu'mM'nii'Hoir fifinnoo. iciiAMi riii/.cor w , < ioo. Sltimiul'iu/Bsoir lO.OW. . , . 1 I.AIUiDl'ltl/KSOB1 Tl.OlKV. . Sttl'UUE Of 3 , 01. . . . M " f/W. . . 2."inOO [ in " : ) . . 30,0:1 : J Kl ' -WI. . . , 4 , iJO W ' MM . fiflfllO W " BO. . , 60OOJ . . . . JOU " " SOI. . . . M " " 103 1U.COJ :9 : . j. .ppllcntlon for rates lo clnbi should bn iniido y lo tbo olfico of the coinjiany In Now Or or fmther Infornmtloii wrltii oloarlv. a-n-mr Uddross. I'OSTAI.VO'l'KS Krpross Mono/ lors. or Noir York Ifu-hniifti in ordinary lot- , curroncr br oxnruis nt our expense ad esoU > M. A. nAOI'IH.V , .NowOik'ims , Lv r JJ. A-PAI'l'IIIN , n. n. 0. . 0. Monoj- Orders pnynbto nnj nddre.ii litoroa letters to NBWOMUBAN3 NATIONAL BANK , Kotr Orlosna La. RAf J'j Af It J'j J tl ( That the iirotcncrt of iH-iienil. Jleiiiin > Kurd nn > l \j \ , who urn In ihuivo tit the ilmwtnKi , U atiiiir- , < u in nbxolutu ijtnii'KH unit lnlu < rll ) , tlml llio noc iiro nil ( "inn' , nnd tliut tin OIIQ um | ifti ttl > ly nu nliat miiation will dr.iwii I'ri/o All | > artloi ufnnuiiULTlisliu I'PituurmilfC ' t'tlta * In tills l il- 2 , or hiMliiic i > ; i V iinr ullH'r lniiii"hilil | ( ) tniliicu < HB. imi MYlnilh'r , and onhulm Cu iluo.'lroanil ilu- - ThBtioly ooffect EUbJtltulc Air Mother's illk. iDviIuttbi. iu cholera l.ifcntutn Jd Tuftlhlnir. A. prt lxetuxl food tar D b- aptlct , Consumptlvns , convaleacanio. arfuct outrlaut Iu fcll Wasting Olseaeeo. qulri ua rooking. Our lluofc. The CQro ncl Foodlnt ; of Infants , tntllwl fr QrTUHr ? OOOUALU A. . CO. . tlcxilaa. BEXEL & MAtJL , Succcssoiv to Jno. G , Jacobs , iV / > 7 / ? T A It IE It 8 AM > 3IlJAJ li : tS. | 'on ' ttu oltUttimt 1107 I'urui.ira t. Orjlora tlejrajh | solicited and prom'ptlf at- o : led lo. Telephone No. W5. OVSHiCOATS , SUITS. SWMerchant Tailor Mmli ? at10.00 P25.00 Moro'nl Tailor tado al $12 00 30 " ' " ll.GO 80.00 II IIII 11.00 . ( I II 10,00 40 " " Jto.OO 14.75 40,00 II II IS.'v'l 45 " " 20.00 45.00 II II 20 00 50 " " " 22.00 fiO.OO II II 2,5 50 CO " " " . 00.00 II II 28.00 20.00 . II II . 70 " " " 05.00 1)0.00 ) 00.00 ro.oo II IITi.OO MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS MISFIT CLQTHING PARLORS AT THE ONLY 1119 FARNAM STREET , All the above Suits and Overcoats are made by tlie leading merchant tailors throughout the country , and are known as Misfit Clothing. * They are all wffil and stylishly made and the variety is large enough to suit any one who cares to save ! 0 to $30 $ on a Merchant Tailor made suit and overcoat at the Only 1119Farnam Street. FiieC. S. Mayn8 RearEstate and Trust Co N. W. COB. lOtli AND HAMTEY , OMAHA. Property of ovorjiloxorlpUoa for onlo in all of . purls the jvcry countjin NobraHka. ully > Irin.U ! < 11 cnln In A COMPLETE SET OF AHSTKACTS - - V.M. * AB'kFA. tb &V.LkJ Of Titles of Dotigla ! ) county kcrt. M.i s of the city slalo or . coiuttr. other information desircti , furnished free ( jr any ot oliargo upon application. J RELIABLE JEWELED , s , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The lar-rust stock. Prices the lowest. Kopniring a speciiilly. All work warrant ed. Curnur Douglas and 15th streets. Oinulvi Licensed Wnlelnuakcr for the ' Union 1'iieilio Railroad company. A magnificent display of everything iseful and ornamental in the furniture- naker's art , at reasonable prices. HOW TO ACQUIRE WEALTH. XexlDrttwlnu , This Sfimtli , on Xoi'tiinlierXOIIt. Jlly J'rhl-n. Jfo With $2 You Can Secure ) ne City of Baiietta 100 Francs G-old Bond ) These bonds are drawn 4 times annually , with prfccs of 2.000,000 , , 100,000,000 , 600,000 , 200,000 , 100,000 , 50,000 , etc. , clown to the lowest piie of 100 Francs Gold. Anyone sc-iidiny UH ! f2 will ffciirt-one of these IJontls antl is then HNTITLKD to the whole prize that it may draw in next drawing balance payable on easy Install ments. This is the best investment ever offered , lloides the certainty icceivhi ( { bacl ; 100 Francs Gold , you have the chatiee to win four times a. year. LlbU of drawings will be sent free of charge Money can be sent by registered letter or postal note , For further information , call on or address MJKMN HANKING CO. , 305 Droadway , New VorU. N. I ! . Thews Uonds are not lottery ticl.cU , ami are by law permitted to be sold in the United States , v -r- -T _ - . _ | _ -i . - - . _ - - . - _ _ - - _ ' IIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR- DEALERS IN ICE TOOLS. | Carving Knives and Forks , Pocket Cutlery. Scissors in Cases , Skates , Etc , i. KTCI : > HI.V. : st. r. si YTTHI/WV. . . a-\ STEPHEN , HAMILTON & CO , Live Stock Bonglit axul Sold , Reference * Kirbt National , Crinulr Co , Ills , Tittt National Hank of Crc | i , la ; U.S Katloral H nk , Omaha , N < M > CORNER. TJIIKD AND WALNUT STBEETS , .CirAl XOlT'n ! XTQ.