Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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    ' *
DimicVe TatLer and Wife Arrive in Omaha
What They Say.
lionklnu for n fost Clilld A New I ) MIR
CiJinpnny Mongolian M I nets
The Cnltoin Ulll-Otlicr
The IMiiilcIc
Mr. IMinick , f : > tlicr of Luke Dimick ,
the soling nmn who was reported luWc l-
nc'-tlny's HIK : to have eloped with n womnn
nnd abandoned lilft wifu , arrived in
Otnalin ye-tcnlay tuoniitiK. lit- was ac
companied l > .y his dim iier-in-law , Mrs.
Dimiok. Ituth cutno from Davenport ,
where the former lias property inti'rcslb
valued at several hundred thousand
dolhirfl. lie nl o pays tmrs on about
four liiindiud thoimml dollars' worth ( if
jtroperty in Chicago. Lnk liiniek's ) >
wifu Is a beautiful and auiiabli ! jlrl , pas
sionately devoted to her husband , nmltlic
last step of thai gentleman In taking
advantage of her ubJt'iicu , has in no way
adopted her love for hint She has stood
by lilin on former occabionR when , even
her relations deprecated her conduct ,
and now , as soon as .she learns of Ids
whereabouts , shu will bu tliu lirst lo fol
low him ,
The father says hn docs not desire to
deny the Incl tiiat his sou has been way
ward , nml that , hi ) has heretofore gone
through as much as $ M,000 at u time.
Nevertheless , ho Is an only .son and the
father assuits that hu will stand by
him to the last , knowing
that ho 'vill eventually reclaim him. JIu
Bays further tliot hn will pay his son's
debts to tho. lust nenny , but that he will
not allow himself to bu imposed upon by
alleged creditors , who , if thu truth were
known , arc indebted to his son. lie sus
pects that his son has gone to Lincoln ,
and he has written to thatpoint. When he
finds out the whereabouts of tlicjoimg
man , hu will go to him and induce him
to return and iocatu in Omaha.
The following is a copy f the letter
wilcli ) Mrs. Dunick received from her
husband while shu was visiting in liouk
Island :
OMAHA , Dec. 2 , 1SSG. My Own
AVIfe : 1 Imnlly know how to be in thi.s let
ter , as 1 liiudly UiHMvhow to oxiuess injselt
to you .so us to let you know what L mean and
the snlilt Hint L mean It in.
Hut , \\7t\c \ \ \ , dear , it is just this do not
think that 1 aia skipping nut Iront here to
pet rid ol von : for I am not. And while I
I ! have left , wlillo you are from ; and told you
nothing of my iioimr , yet 1 do not Intend ior
one minute to ueseityou or leave joti I'oi any
lencth ot tlnio. Jut , my dtuliiiK , 1 have
bi'cnery unsuccessful heie and 1 am inuoli
ashamed of it , and do not want to have to
face the woist , and it Is for this reason that 1
am tnUiiic what I can get hold or and leaving
Omaha. I am going west and try my luck at
whatever favors mo most. And I am bound
14 ' this time to make a success of homi'tliln : and
make up to you and rather the losses J hii\e
If made J'or you both. I have disposed of such
Mock as 1 thought hcst and liavc'taUcn
Skip and Chailey and the balance with me.
My dear , eood wife , iubt as ( teen as I can net
tle some ulaeo 1 will have you with me. iMy
dear , thing ! ) arc not this time what they weio
the other time 1 lett , for there is no woman
In the case this time , only yourself , and , my
dear , yon will soon he with mo again. Von
ectoat all of the things in the lioa e the best
you can. Take your tiaie in doing so. 1
will help } on nil I can and will send yon
money alonp as I can. You will cctlettcis
fiom meat ditfcient times as long as 1 tun on
the road , and just as soon as 1 settle any
pliu-o 1 will send for you.
Weil , my dialing , them Is no iiso of my
asklm : you not to feel bad. for 1 know you
will , but L sin car that 1 will be tine to > oti
and will Roml for ywi liafnio Inns , and let
) what will coaie I will stick to you and will
write to j on niton . I am not taking this trip
for plcasiuc , but to make money , and jou ran
bet 1 am nolm ; to do It. I am not going to
fool away what I have tot , but air going to
w maku more w itli it. Now as for father , 1 am
ashamed lo write to him anything. Jlccau
tend tills and do as he thlniis bi t , but it ho
will liuhl the little to mo that I ha\e got left
J will make the best out ol it. Well , my
daillng , 1 will now s.iy good-bye , and Uod
bless you. Soitli all the love duo to a good
and honest wife. L amonrs " ami your loving
husband , -
Tim Slarlllnji News Hrtioivcil In
Oninlm Yosleriluy Morning- , . -
Tlic business men of this city wore yes
terday inornin surprised by the an
nouncement of jlho death of Mr. Goo. 11.
Jlammond , tlio prcat beef packer at tlm
Union SleeK varasatSoutl.JC'liicajro. Thu
nnnounrcment was convoyed in"a few
words Unit the deceased had died Wed
nesday nightat Detroit of pneumonia , af
ter a short hut pain ful illness. Although a
non-resident ot this city , Mr. Hammond's
capital nml intcreMK were so closely idcnt-
fled with the recent .strong and mar
velous impetus glvim to Oma
ha's prosperity , that his associates
hero ami mercantile men generally felt
ns if his death had removed from them
0110 whoso connection witli them had ex
tended through many years.
The deeeavd was president of the
( Jcorgo II llammoml iV'o : packing com
pany. whoso main interests aru located
in Hammond , Ind. , whnrn Uioy have
yards ami packing houses covering lif-
teen acres , with a capacity of ] , . iOp cattle
nml 50,000 pounds of oleomargarine per
day. Thu company lias largo inter-
efts also in Chicago and Detroit -
troit , nt which latter place Mr.
Hammond resided and kept hi- :
priiu'ipal olllco. At tint stock yards in
this city , the company erected a main-
moth beef packing lmn- early in 1885
with a capacity of 700 cattle and 1,000
hogs per day. Hcio , beuf is slaughtered
and prepared immediately for market ,
'iiiiil by means of a linu of rolrignrator
: t cnrs.h'tilouginglo the company is shipped
by fast train line to eastern centers ,
This establishment nloim gives employ
ment toIOJ iiH'ii , Mr Hammond is sup
posed to bu worth $1,000,000. , Ho" was
lust in this city on the 10th of this mouth ,
and stopped at tlm Mllhud , Ho had a
hacking cough , with no appetite , and
complained to Mr , Davenport , the clerk ,
that hn did not know what was thu mat
ter with him. Mr. Meday , his manager
hnro , left yoblenh.y afternoon to ntteml
tliu tunoral. Mr. ll.unmond'.s death will
not allcct thu alVair.s of his company ,
\Vlmt Ho Says Atxiiit 1IU Treat incnt
' In niliincapollH.
Yenterday morning .lohn S. IVlnco , tin
bicycle rider , and his backer , Frank 1'ar-
inulcr , returned from Minneapolis , where
they have been for about tun days past ,
I'nncc's object in going to Minneapolis
was to outer the Bivduy r.irn thnni or
to Induce \V \ , il. Morgan to make a race
for any distaneii with him , In neither ol
tlii'Mtilings was hn successful. Said
I'rinco in speaking of Ilia matter yestur-
ilayi "That MiniuiapoHs race was u hinpo-
drumu through and through , It vvusmlvcr-
tisedasagraiidsvvcupstaKo race , open to
all comers , for thu championship of the
world and $2r > 00 , I wont there , hunted
up thu stakeholder and ottered him ; ny
tMitrAiiro fee. He refused I u aecopt Jt ,
and i asked him why , Ho said ) 'ISecanso
.SehocU ami Morgan don't want yon to
enter. ' That gave the whole snap away
Ami showed that thu ntr.iir was a hippo
drome , I even oll'crcd to bet thu alU'gei !
stakeholder that he didn't Have n single
nickel up. The truth is that thorace
mply gotten up hyMorgan and Schock
to'hlmjd tliu people. T cy expertH to
make $1,000 or fi.WO , but
wlicn wo exposed Iho thing , thu people
wore UUgiutcd and refused to patromzo
Ihe raco. 'ilie epnsc'Vi''uw \ < as tiiat'hej
tfi jlU ajUsarJinuJ { ritvJji
came out about $200 behind , Minneapolis
jcoplo nro beginning to f-w that Morgan
nul his ganc arc hippodroincrs , and
will refuse to lend them their support
nnv longer. "
I'rinco denounces In tlio strongest terms
the action of Morgan in sending a tele-
; ram to the Omalm papers stating vthat
c\en Mi s Armaindo had beaten I'rlnee's
record in the six-day race. Uho ridicu
lous character of this statement is appar
ent when one reali/.os Unit I'rinco rode
hut twelve hours a day and Mllo. Ar-
maindo rode twenty-four hours a dur , or
was privileged to do so.
,1 ust before I'rinco left Minneapolis he
rode a lift.v-nillr race with Dingley , fern
n purse of ioO. iriviug him n quarter mile
start. He failed to ci'tch Dingleyl that
man cio siiig tliu scratch forty yards
ahead of him ,
Oim week from nc'\t Satm-.tny , I'rinco
and Dlnglcy will run another Illly-milo
race here , even start. Thu contest will
be n close and e.\citlng out1.
'I hi' City At tonics'n Opinion ,
OMAII v , Neb , Dec 2i.Hon. ! . .lames K.
Hoyd , Mayor of Omaha. Dear Slr--15e- :
sionding ) to your request for my opinion
In wilting concerning the approval of
certain contracts for street paving , I
can only lepcnt whut 1 have already in
biibstnnce to yuu.
The plan of advertising for bids for the
paving contemplated tor ISStl , of course ,
is familiar lo you , as you had the honor ,
1 believe , of suggesting the plan adopted ,
and which , ns a business propositioi. , I
regard as eminently sound ,
Under Ihn plan suggested by you , the
board of public works advertised for
bids , requiring that nil bids bu made
upon blank proposals printed and fur
nished bv the board.
The streets then in contemplation of
being pavcU during the year 1SSO , wore
expressly named in Hie blank proposals
so furnished , us , for Installed : ( 'inning
street from Division .street to Ilrown
The proposal of each bidder was as fol
lows :
"Thmindcr.signcd propose to pave cacli
os the streets herein named on such parts
01 any of said streets as shall be ordered
pavc'.l during the year , 1830 , etc. "
1 enclose for your consideration , one of
the blank proposals referred to
The charter provision , with which we
are familiar ( section ! ! ) expressly requires -
quires that all paving for which a special
tax shall bo levied , shall bo ltet to the
iowest responsible bidder.
Under Uio charter provision referred
to , the question arises , as to whether
streets not covered by the proposal of
any bidder , and which were not then in
contemplation of being paved , but have
since been ordered paved , can now bo let
to the then lowest bidder , without further
It is claimed that as the , bond taken
from the contractors required them to
pave any and all streets required by the
city to bo paved during the year 18SO ,
therefore , they are the lowest bidders for
all such work. In all cases whore special
taxes are to bo levied , I am disposed to
advise such course as will , if possible , re
move all ground for dispute or contro
versy over such taxes , and with this in
view , 1 would bo disposed to favor and
advise advertising for bids for the paving
of all .streets not included in the former
bidding proposed. At the same time f
freely admit that had contracts now pro
posed been executed , and the work of
paving done , 1 would contend for the
validity and regularity of the tax.
1 understand that for a portion of the
paving proposed , a majority of the
property owners have expressly peti
tioned that the work be done under the
bjds of Murphy , Creightou & Co.of date
February 8 , 1880 , and at the prices therein
specified' , f fl all such piopcrty
owners , th HNs'anbc no question as to the
right to loRoutracts as requested , with
out further advertising.
A ro advertising may result in higher
bids and may also result in litigation.
Hut , as , to.the probabilities in this re-
gardsas well as to what is for the best inter -
tersts of the city , I must leave you to
judge and to act according to your own
best judgment.
Respectfully submitted , '
W , J. CO.X.VELL , City Attorney.
Mrs. Sylvester Josrn Both nml
* Searches l-'or Tliciu in Nebraska.
"J propose to thulium if it costs me all
the money I've got. "
The. speaker was a young , rather pretty
and well dressed woman , who was stand
ing in the Union Pacific depot yotcrilay
morning. She looked careworn and
traveled stained , but notwithstanding Hint
her appearance made her the centre of
attraction in the ladies' waiting loom , in
which she was sitting.
To a reporter for the Hri : the lady
whose name was Mrs Mary Sylvester ,
told her story in a manner which could
not but impress one thai she wa.- telling
Ihe truth.
Her home , she said , was in Godfrey ,
Ills. 1'or seven years she has lived in
that place with her husband. During all
that time she had lived a happy life , and
nntliing had occurred to mar lite rela
tions between herself and her husband.
About a year ago , Mrs , Sylvester em
ployed a young woman to act as maid ol
all work for hera girl by the name ol
Mary Nicmulir. Though quite youn
and "ignorant , she possessed atlrae-
lions which made her an object
of attraction to the masculine sex" .
It appears that Mr. Sylvester full a
victim to her charms. Of their rela
tions , Mrs. Sylvester suspected ab
solutely nothing , though as she has since
been informed , the Mason between the
two was a notorious fact among the no-
quaintancc.s ot Sylvester.
About ton days ace , Sylvester left his
liotnu in IJodfroy , saying that hu pro
posed to come to Omaha and see what
opportunities for investment ho could
llnd hero. He bade his wito good-bye ,
promising to write to her everyday ,
Since that time hlio has heard nothing
Irom him , A day or so afterwards , tin1
Niemuhrgirl disappeared and with hei
Mrs. Sylvester's only child , n litllu six-
year old girl , who hail boon fondly at
tached to the young woman. Mrs. S.\l-
vester was driven Irantio by this unex
pected turn ot alliiirs and upon making
inquiries unearthed circumstances whicli
led hur to believe that her husband had
eonuocted a .scheme to runaway with the
Nlemulir girl , taking with him thu child ,
She discovered Unit lie had drawn nearly
all his money nut of the biuil' '
and hud quietly disposed of almost
every article of ready salable property
he had. Mrs. Sylvester declares that slu
doc.s not care for her husband , but I s de
termined to find 11 or child if possible ,
Shu .says her husband has friends and
relatives in Omaha and Itoairlee , and shi'
thinks ho is hiding in one of thcso twc
An Incident In tin ; Late Flying Trip in
Fremont ,
The number of developments in tin.
faH run to Fremont , by a Union Pacific
special train on Monday last , is bocom-
Injj of intercft. The latest s that the
engineer , llouny , and the conductor ,
Uaile-y. have been suspended , for failing
to stop at the crossing of the Missouri
PacHic ro'idnear I'apillion. It seems
that tlio engineer was busy at the
t mo maUing steam and did not notice
the crossing in question , until after he
had run over it. Ho than
brought his engine nnd
jTJuitnniu.nvaltajiU } pr dece&tlrl
In a stop , but did not rccross. Ho then
continued hh Hying gait to Valley. It
seems , however , that some Missouri Pa
cific men were around and noticed the
omission and promptly notified their MI-
perlor.s. The c drought the matters to
the attention of the Union Pacific olliclnls
who promptly suspended both the em
ployes mentioned , One of the strangest
features of the episode is Hie defense which
Henry makes. Hn claims that ho did
not know Hint the Missouri Pacilio truck
crossed the Union Pacific near I'apillion.
and in support of this asserts tlmt he had
not run on tlio main line of the latter
road in three years. In that time he has
workedMMIIO times at the BlnlV < aiid. ome.
times here , occasionally ruiuilnpa switch
engine and sometimes cngagcu in other
pursuits. Under llicso cirouinstanecs it
can readily he believed tlmt he was not
aware of the crossing he had run over.
ANoxnnu nitu : I-MUM.
The II. T. Clni-ke Drug Company to
Sell to tlMico , Itlako .t Co.
For sonic time back it has been well
known that representatives of the druir
linn of Hruce , Hhiko & Co. , of Ottumwa ,
la. , have been m the city with a view to
c'tablWiing a mammoth wholesale drug
house in Omaha. 'I hey were prompted
to thl niinc by tlio step of the Kiehard-
.son Drug ( . 'ninpanx of St. Lotii.s , the
Inrgcs ! linn of the kind in
the country locating here. They
have canvassed the situation veri thor
oughly and have finally entered upon ne
gotiations to pnrchasctiiostoek and busi
ness interests of the well-known 11. T.
Clarke drug company. The negotiations
have proceeded in n satisfactory manner
and yesterday a number of hands
weroutuployed in : nakimr an inventory of
the stock on hand. Mr. Clarke was
seen byji UIB : reporter yesterday morning
and in"response to interrogations from
the latter said that , negotiations of
Ihe naliiru suggested were pending but
that ho would nave more to say concern
ing the subject in a day or two , The un
derstanding at present seems to be that
Mr. Clarke will retain his interest in his
Lincoln drug hou e , while Ihe institution
here will bu sold to Hruce , Ulake & Co.
This latter is a very wealthy institution ,
doing a larjro business in Iowa and own
ing a bank in the town mentioned.
mi : ouMjo.M im < r , .
Omaha Merchants "Will Dlsouss It
Commissioner ( Jrillitt.s , of the freight
bureau , will call a inectimr of the mer
chants and business men generally for 10
o'clock : this morning , for tlio pur
pose of securing some expression on
Senator Cullom's interst.ilp commerce
bill , which is now pending in congress.
Tills is a lull providing that railroads
shall make pro-ralu charges for hauling
goods that is , .shall charge the same , in
proportion , for making long hauls that
they do for short hauls.
This bill , Mr. Crillitts thinks cannot
bo denounced by the bureau in too vigor
ous terms. " [ ( , will cause Omaha mer
chants to pay exorbitant rales. Tor in
stance take the haul between Omaha
and New York. Suppose a railroad
charges three cents a hundred for a ten
mile haul. The pro rata charge per hun
dred from Now York to Omaha , assum
ing 'hat the distance is 1,500 miles , would
be $1.50. When you remember-that the
rate at present is only seventy cents per
hundred , you can realise w'hafc a state
of affairs the Culloni bill , if passed , will
bring about.1'
An Important Rlcptinjiortlie Western
A meeting of the Western league has
been called for Saturday , .January 8 , and
will occur.:1 ! Lincoln , " said ( Jeorge Kay ,
the well known base ball enthusiast , yes
terday. "On that occasion , the question
of thu admission of Uaslings into the
league will bo derided. 1 Hunk it very
probable that both Pueblo and Hastings
will bo admitted , Inasmuch as the feel
ing is that Kansas City will bo barred
out. However , Kansas City may have a
representative at the meeting who will
prevent anything of that sort. "
"If Kansas City is not refused repre
sentation in the league , there will be a
question to bo deeide.d as to whether
Pueblo or Hastings is lo be admitted. In
that event , it is probable that Pueblo will
come put winner , as most of the other
cities in the league are against Haslings.
The question of the grounds which aru
lo be used by the lioinn club is as yet un
decided. Ifis expected that the matter
will be definitely settled within the next
two or three weeks.
Merchants Hotel , Omaha , N'nt IJrown ,
Prop. sJ'J per day. Cor. loth and I-'arnain ,
All .street cars Irom depot pashotisu. .
A " 1'U UK I % ; MATiil.
A Itfii'.al , Itlooily null
"I see that there is to be a purring
match in South Omaha somu timu in
lite near future , " said a veteran sporlina
man yesterday. "Of all sports , " lie con
tinned , " 1 regard this as the most brutal
Tlionj is no earthly excuse for its being
allowed. "
For the benefit of the uninitiated it
should be stated that a purring match h
a contest between Iwo men trying to see
who can kick each other's shins the hard'
est. It is simply sparring with the feel ,
and while the sport is capable of allbrd-
ing a display of science , it is nevertheless
brutal and degrading. Such matches of ten
end by one of the contestants haying n
leg broken. Once , in a while the
"purrcr.- . " light with iron-tipped shoes.
when the sport becomes more brutal and
bloody than o\er. There is a general
sentiment that the authorities oiisrhl Ic
head oil this impending matuh in Soulli
The Omaha Typo Foundry nml Sup
ply JloiiHc for 1'rlnters nnd
The Western Newspaper Union at
Omaha is prepared at all times to outlit
publishers on slioi-t notice with pruascs ,
typo , rules , borders , inks , eonipoMtion ,
Micks and rules , and hi tact everything
in the line of primers and publishers' '
supplies. Hotter terms and more liberal
pnce ean bu secured than by sending Ic
Chicago or elsewhere , Save money by
buying near homo. Second hand goods
in the printing linn bought and sold , Wo
often have great bargains in this particu
lar. Send for Tin : PJIINTIIIS' : AI'.XIMAKY ,
our monthly trade journal , that give1 ;
lists of goods and prices and from ttmu
to time proclaims unequalled bargains in-
new and second hand material.
ISIh Street , but , Howardand Jackson ,
Omali Nuboraska
What a Soldier Baj-H About Affairs til
Kook Spring * ) ,
Captain Reed and Liemeimnt MeKee-
ycr , of Hock Springs , \Vyo. , who have in Omaha for the pabt week or ton
days , left for their post of duty lasi
Lieutenant .MeKroycr , In conversation
with a reporter yesterday , said that lit
thought that there was no dangci
o ! HU outbreak In the KocK
Springs mines as long ns the troops an
stationed there. The Chinese laborer !
are n necessity in the mines because thoj
are sternly and reliublo and do not slriKc
on a slight pretciibc , as do tlm whlti
intuera. litit their protectiou is abso
Jutely ueoessary , for the white uiiuen
rj WBfrfc M :
" > ' rnu. T * ) <
are so ji alons of them ( hat the slightest
lirovoentidrr might prooipitnto an oul-
ireak nnd 1 nincsaerc. On several occa-
ions the white miners have threatened
lo clean out the soldiery , but so far have
failed to Undertake the job.
An Affnlr llctwcou n Uctrajnr nml
Ilotrayctl is CnmpromlHcd ,
A small i modest appearing woman
w alked in . 'Justice Anderson's oftico yester
day nnd askfid for a warrant for the arrest
of her betrayer , George Moore. The
writ was duly issued and placed
In the hands of Constable Snow-
dcn. That oulclal soon Mice-ceded
in Undine Moore , who is salesman
in a furniture .store and brought him into
the courtroom. As soon a the woman ,
who gave the name of Jennie L. Ileln ? ,
saw her faithless lover , she weakened ,
and agreed to a compromise. Moore
paid her ? . " > 0 upon her agreeing to relin
quish all claims upon him , either upon
her own account or that of her child.
The papers were duly drawn up anil
signed , and Moore was released.
Attention Property On nets and In-
piii-nttuc At en.
Onlc.0 ol the
Chicago Piro Underwriters'association ,
ir T and nil La Salic St. , Hootii JCJ.
CHICAGO , Dec. 0 , I'-SG.
Harden Hand Grenade Co. .
Chicago , 111. ,
Gentlemen : Your communication of
Dee. ' 'd to the Chicago Kirt > Underwriters' '
association , came before the association
at a meeting held on Saturday , the -1th
inst , and was by it referred to Mr. T. A.
liowdcnSuncrinlotidcutof Surveys , Mr.
Charles Squire * , manager Inspection de
partment and the undersigned , as a com-
nil'tee ' to investigate and report.
If you will notify us when you are
ready to give the exhibition of your ap
pliance for lire extinguishing , the com
mittee will t-all on you.
Yours truly ,
U. A. TuiMismiAM ,
Cnio.uio. Dee..M , 1880.
The Harden Hand Grenade Co. , ol and
nil Dearborn st. , Cllv :
( ioutlemou : Your letter of the 8d inst.
was brought before our association at
meeting of Doe.1 , and was referred to a
committee , which committee reported
that they would advise that the use of
your "S'tar1' extinguisher , which consists
of tank containing extinguishing liquid
compound and pump may take the place
of barrels ami palls of water , where our
schedules require such appliances for
lire extinguishment lo be used.
The above report was adopted at mcct-
ing of Slid iiist. Truly yours , CTJ
K. N. TltlMINlllMM ,
South Omaha , Dec. 27 , 1880. George V.
Wade. General Manager Harden Chemi
cal Fire Appliances , Omaha , Neb. Deal-
Sir : I have pleasure in certifying that
the lire extinguishing appliances ot your
company are m every way satisfactory.
I have at present a number of appli
ances in my packing house hero and they
wore hiirhly recommended by the various
insurance companies which do my busi
ness , Yours Truly.
This house is supplied with our
live gallon Star Extinguishers from
which a .stream can be thrown -15 feet
through ' - ! " feet of hose. These ex
tinguishers can be rolilled when thu solu
tion has been used. *
( ] io. : V. WAUK ,
Kil8 Capitol aye.
Prop and General Manager. 1'loasc
call and examine.
Uixtilii I
This evening Dr. Henson will deliver
a lecture upon the subject of "The
lliblc and Its Critics. " This being
the third of a series of lectures upon
"The Prominent Hebrews of History"
and a continuation of the lirst character
taken up "Moses. "
Next Sunday afternoon Habbi Ilonson
will deliver his second monthly lecture.
These lectures are delivered on the first
Sunday of every month and treat on sub
jects of general interest. The subject of
the lecture will be announced in Satur
day's 15ni : . Judging from the attendance
at Dr. Benson's lecture on "Prohibition , "
there are no doubts that a largo audience
will be present.
Tlio Gross Case.
Detective Thomas F. McDcvKt , of Cin
cinnati , who has been in Omaha for
several weeks past , in attendance upon
the United States court as a witness in the
Gross case , left for his homo Wednesday
night. Mr. MeDorilt lias already testified
twice in this city in the same ease , and is
one of the best witno.sics for the defense.
He was near the tram at the time young
Gross was run over and killed , and saw
that the boy fell oil'and was not kicked
down by the brake man as claimed by the
plain till' , the father of the dead boy. In
the event of Peter and James Gross being
arrc.-ted for perjury , Mr. MeDe.vitt will
probably have to return to Omaha and
again testily.
Licensed Watchmaker for the U. 1 *
Railway Co C. S. KAMYOND ,
Douglas and loth.
I'ollcc Court.
Nick Wallace , the irrepressible negro
thiefwas arraigned in police court yester
day charged with stealing a fur lap-robe.
Ho was found guilty and i-onteneed to
thirty days in the county jail.
1'ivo drunks wore tried ; two were fined
and three worn discharged. One vagrant
was sent up for thirty days , John Smith ,
a half-witted , harmless tramp , who re
fuses to either leave Omaha or remain at
the poor house , was sent to the county
jail. Ho will spei.d the no.xt two months
there. _ _ _
A Illrthilny Party.
AVedne.-day evening a n-imbor of the
friends of FreilXot/.mann enjoyed a very
pleasant time at lilt homo on the corner ot
Twenty-third and Leavenwortli streets ,
the occasion being the annivcrsarv of the
gentleman's birthday. Vocal and
instrumental inusio was enjoyed , the
latter being excellently rendered by a
/ithm-quartette consisting of J , Sclulo ,
W. C. Kuiihn , W. \Vldenor and August
Kuohn. Several recitations were finely
rendered by Mr. Jloohl.
Milk by Dealers' KlmlnoHR.
A secret meeting of milk dealers was
hold Wednesday night in Germania hall
for the purpose of makingarrangemcrit to
increase tlm prioo of milk. A general dis
cussion was indulged though nothing
definite with regard to the object of the
meeting wus ilonu. Another mooting
will bo hcd | before long at which , It is ex
pected , an association of milk dealers
will bo organized ,
New Year's Jlcccptlon.
The ladies of Keward > treet M.K. church
will receive their friends in the parlors of
the church , January 1 , from Still 9 p. in.
Oysters in every style , and other refresh
ments will bo served. A grand good
time is expected , and all thu friends of
the church are cordially in vitcd to como.
j * County G ominlHslonors ,
The county commissioners have com-
lotou their examination of thq several
plans ofercd for thn new county hospital ,
and yesterday morning took a trip to 1'lor-
enco tolook after home roacj and bridge
improvements , which are deemed neces
sary. _ _ _
Taxation and Jjocatlou ,
County Clcrfc Needlam has received a
promibinv , , - ; " of royal pedigree as a
Chrijfi'fnia present. 'Now this dog bpeudu
To all wlio made Christmas presents , and the same purchased from' '
Nebraska Clothing Company , whether their qualities and low p ; f- <
were not precisely as advertised ; furthermore , any purchased ganl
unfortunately not procured the exact size , it was either exchand
the money cheerfully refunded ? j
itfsC * ' " ' * J
In the last issue , although they occupied considerable if" '
the usual space , still , the stock being and is yet too immensejj
ularize , it will therefore be more satisfactory to the public
and see for themselves the splendid bargains they offer at thy .
CLOSING- SALE , which is to continue until inventory is tal- * ' (
t k * fc :
Great sacrifices in gent's furnishings. For instance , they dW 1
. ? / ( > tlttien nil Silk Sctn'fn tit cm-It , icortli roiinittcrnbly non1 iom-// / . * * i ? ' ' - ' S ?
MO tltncn Jlcn'a All U'onl Unacnl I'n-i'ncli , worth tloulilctltc money. ' C * 3.
; fO < locn ( Jenlletnm' * Miney ( , rinlr > 'H'L-tn - , tlic ttttlrt triinmcrt mith M'//- biiuUiiy , N |
< tt HXt'rttcli , trhit'lt n'onlil bei'hciiit nt ? . , - , r K
HO tlozcn Mi-n'n tWitte Vnlmnnti'lcd Shirt * , nl HOc , oljicr ileulfiv < ik itt trust f loaSs !
> 0i- for the .s-rntit * . Si Uc ° nl >
{ \un. \
Remember THEY ARE the originators , of low prices ,
are marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at the
> i <
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.i
. > j
the night time at Hie home of his owner
in Wcsl Omaha precinct , and the day
time in the county clerk's ollice. Ills
whereabouts 01 life of April is an
important question , as Ihe assessor of Ihe
Fourth ward and Iho assessor of West
Omaha precinct arc both anxious to lax
Hie clerk's canine.
The Christian Hour.
The stockholders of Iho Christian Hour
are holding a secret meeting to-day , in
the oll'ico of the paper , in the 1'axton
block. II is attended by Hev. Thos. 11.
Hall , now of Chicago , and his in-other ,
Robert W. Hall , of New York. The
latter leaves for Kansas this evening , and
the former returns lo Chicago to-morrow.
Died in the Poor House.
Chas. A. Snooks , an insane mute of the
county poor house , died in that institu
tion yesterday morning. He entered the
institution in August last , leaving n wife
at Waterloo. His remains are awaiting
the disposition of his relatives.
OH' for Ijlncoin.
The Douglas county reprcsuntalivcs
and senators in Ihe forthcoming legis
lature will leave here in a body on nex
Sunday night.
The young people of the St. Mary's
avenue Congregational church will hold
a watch night social in the church par
lors on Friday evening from 810 : ! to 13
o'clock , to which they invite thejr friends
and the young people of Ihe parish.
Absolutely Pure , .
This powder never varies , A marvel of
purity , strength and wholcsomcness More
economical than the ordinary kiiuln and
cannot be sold in competition wi'h the mul
titude of low test , bhort weight alum or
phosphate powdeis , Sold only In cans.
Koval llaWntj Powder Co , 10S Wall stieet ,
New York.
\ / 1 P fl U . IAI' tlirnntti . tr rnri er 1 < ]
V lUUn. jturtlm. ro >
MANLY i > c inrJhytu new Civiale Urethra )
. Siu < iroro riifwllluili l > J
, it. civiale Agency , 174 'uiun tit. , N , Y.
Great Bargains
PIANOS , from $40 up
ORG-ANS , from $22 up
Easy Payments Taken
ToSell : tlic licit
Window ash Lock
Ever Invented.
\tirnt-t ninko htg proHt ( "Mini
IjnillJO. SuniilJ by mnll HUH.
ii.ii WIIIKI.O-K : ,
rullcrlun. S'
\j > M A H A
13th St. Cor. Caplto ! Avenue.
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
l/R. McMSNAMY , Prowvloioi' .
Sitteen ytmiH' ll.mmal .IMU Tuvalu 1-rncUce
U'olmvo Iho facilities , nijuiratut | nd rcmtillo
for tliOMitci-fsfiil trp.ilnn.nt of eiery form of < lit-
me luiulnnj ; dllier mi'dlcal ormr lfj ] trcntmrnl ,
ami liititunll tocomcnnd ImcBtlcnlf for Ihcraifhm
ir cotrtxpoiiil \ \ Itli > n. I. "K oi | > erk > ! ) iu lu Irtut
i ML ; cases l > y letter < -nnblc u to ircat many caeti
'ctoiilillcilly w itliont ppciiig them
WRIl'K J'OJl ClUOtM.AK on DcrorniitlcJ nil
Ilracci' , Club Tcft , Cnrvnturr * of the Spirt
DISEASES OK WOMUN. riles , Turn > r , Cancrr * ,
i ntarrli , Uronchltlf , Iiilinlatlon , Klcctrit Ity , 1'nril.
\ ' \ ' , npiloiii < y , Kidney , KJ-B , Ear , bkln , lllood and
.i'l fiirijlcnl operations
Kutturlrs , Inlnilurit , ItiHrm , TrtiflifF , r.nil
11 llmlrtnf Meillcnl iul Huiglcal Appliances , man
il.icliircd b d for bale
Tlio only reliable n'odlcal Insl.tutc mnHnij
Private , Special 'B Nervous Diseases
rA Krfii.IAI.TY.
AM , CONTAblfVl'S AN'I ) Itl.OOO niSEASr. "
fr tin ulttttcvcrcuuuc iirodncctl Riirccb9fultylrt-jit < J
\ \ ' ( - cm remove H/plillitlc pulton from the njklini
\iLhout mercury ,
Nfw jcsliiraiuolrrMmpiit for lots ofllnl power
i 'ull uiu ! consult us or eond unmu nud post-ollr ( < >
"Mrrsi plainly nrllU'u pnclmo Htainp , mil ! nt-
uill Kc-nd yoit. In plnln w rapptr , our
rv , Kri'iiuif , OoNoiiiiitisA , ( jictr , VAinrocci s ,
.SrnicTUliK , AM ) All , ] > i rA Ej op THK ( IVNITO
I'ltiNAi-.r ' UnuANi , or d'Uil li.tlory of your iokt- fur
nn opinion.
Prisons niiahlc to vlult us mny tic treated ot thrlr
liomi's , byiorrci-poiidcncc Atrillrlnetnnit Inttrn
nit MtH triil by mull or PXIIICBH SK ( U/lKIiV / I'ACIC
I ! ! ) FIIO.M OIIHUIIVATION , no marks lo liidlnttu
< -oiitriilH or ( eiuler. One iicrsoiml lnlcr > If\v pre
tettfil If convinleiit I'lfty rooini for the U-KIIII
moilatliin of patients Ilatnl nnd nllcmUiu-u 1.1
reneonaulc pi ice * Aildrcci ill * I.cttera lu
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
' 'or 13lhSt nncranltnl Am . QMI'lix H-n
OK flih
Chlcap , Milwaukee & SI , Paul R' ' |
htn mm and CCl'SdL ' 5l5ffS cl
Chicngro , AND MihvrtuVeB ,
St. 1'anl , Minneapolis , Cedar Ritpiilu ,
Clinton , Diihuijuo , Diivcnport ,
Hock Inland , Freuport , Ilocklbrd ,
Kllfin , iladlaon , Janusvllln ,
liclolt , Winona , La
And KJI otlier Importunt polr.l * Hunt , Nortbeul
mid boiillieM.
I'or tbroiigb tlokttg call uu tti * Tloi t A fan
ol 1401 Fornam Blraut ( lo Vmtou Hotolj , or t
Union PiclHo Depot.
1'ullQian binipera mid tbo nnoit Jmlnz Car )
Inth * world ft re run on tbu mam lin ioliljo
ClIICAOO , Ull.VTAUIIBI ii tit , j'4Ur , ItAII.WAlT ,
Bad T rr attention It piild to putiourcn by
uourtconi erarloyei of Ilia company.
U. MH.I.IM , Uunerul MixuRitwr.
J. f. TUCKKII , As UUnt Uviioral M n r r.
A. V , H. CXKPS.NJKR , aouer l tMe niir ai
Uro. I. HtArrOHD , Asilstant OeneriJ
g r ncl Ticket Aguul
J. T. QtAiiu. Gunernl Supsrlntonduut.
jt 'J'his limb is on the ItU-
* 3ctt iirirovcil , plan The
> rfHi'-t. Uiiihtcbtand Ia ! icbt
to niiinagc and Ihu inott
durable limb made , ]
e had thirty live ' v ears'
drienceveat , '
"facturing and : iljiit ( > tiig. )
Will give tpcchil rates foi
best limb for 1'oimer j > i 0 ,
Circulars tout free
Dr. J. S , CBAWFOB.D .
611 W , 17tU St. , O'malia , Nib.
Ave , - ? * :
Nebraska National hi *
Paid up Cnpilnl
Surplus . .
'V |
11. W. Y : tpM , Prosltlcnt
A. E. ToiV/nltn. 5c Prc\/ct > ,
\V. H S.
W. V. Moive , John S. Collii
II. W.Yauss , LawSa S. Kcoil.
A. E. Toti
Cor I''th and FurniuiT * " * ,
A Gor.cnil luilJng ! ; Business Tra
N. W. HARRIS fir ,
Of Counties , Cltloa nnrVU. . I
tilKh Ki-ade buughtnnd rnlt ) . * .
onto * BSDovonelilie it. , lloiton. Corn [ \i \
oncesollcltoii. )
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
. . . .
.118 STIUIT. : :
m\vssc : : , - . coioir. w
Of the Missouri State M-seinn of ' f I
my , St. Louis , Mo. ; Univerbity , "
Hospital I.oiidon > * GU-scn , German , .
New York. lUvhl'g devoted their" "
TO Till : TREATMENT OFij jj ]
Nervous , Clinic and 1 :
. >
Moic especially those arising from fjnr
ilcnce , invite alUo suffering la correj.p <
without delay. , Diseases of infection y
contaj-ion cured sttfcly and gptedily w' *
ilclenliun from bti lni-b , an'd AvI'K' * / !
us > e of daiiKt-rous dnifjt. .I'utlJ
cases hint : heen neglected , Ijnilly
pionomicL'd iiicurablc. hhoulil i
vvritu us concerning thrir svmrl
Ict'L-ib ' ic-ct-itu immediate attentio
Anil uill ncinalltM FREE IDA
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , .
Ohscrvations on Nervou * Debility'j
birnl ] C\l > aiiBtlon , " to which U
"Ktsay on Miirringe , " with
tecs on HIM : ssi's oi' IIIK
OIU.ASS , thu wliolc lounlng n valig'- . . A'i '
ical ticalUc nhlch bhoultl be i
H. .V II
E. T. ALLEN , * ]
Eye , Ear , Nose & ThV ;
Room 0 William * . UuilJIng , c'or , 1' ,
" iU. ; Omaha. ,
Hourk > i lo 1'J a.m. 3 lo 4 ami 7 totf' '
P , BOYEB & Off ;
and Jail Work.
1020 Farnam Street , Ojualur
Red Star Li ;
Curry ing jl'iu llclvlinn Hnyia Ant ) Unll ( {
tlinl t.Ulin vyu.'y rul aul y
Between ftntwir lliiw
) . \ | , ( , A ? 'U JVINTKU.
, Bn' < m from tea to tv li cur lou Jrl
JltO ti ( t'fi. BeoonJ , CAUIH , outwm
l.rcjitliliV . ) i/utir-ii'W ! ' . IW. atOernrM/f /
I lit iow rului. f tei < vWrUht.ft tionVr
Agouti. Jltoajway. Hbsr-VorK. V
' , I'auU' '
llcury 1'mi'lt 1JIB fiiniuiusM
1 Ml't IMC ! iu bt i J ) . O Fifdiauu.liil l- '
Pullwion. Sbi ,