Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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fcivortlM'ment * yitierihis 1iod , 10 cents potter
tor tiio Ihrt insertion , * cent § for each eub-
fcucnt InKirt.on. nnil | I.M > n line per month
itiKintnt taken for less than 25 cents
llit insertion. Seven words will l > o
Bn'c3 ' to the Jlnos they must run cotisocu-
ly m1 m JSt bo paid tn advance. All adver-
nlq tititt bo handed In botoro 2 o'clock
.i nd Jiider no clrcum UnecJ will thebo
rn r < ltoonllnupd by telephone.
jits advert fine In thp o tolumn * rn < 1 hnv-
L' nrBwcrs nOdrpMCtl In care of Tnr. Her.
a "nlk forncliceHopnnnlothom toget
ct.ors. ns none trill bo dcllrcitxl oxccpt
i ntatlon of check. All aniircrf to ad-
so J.OAH- :
Loans Loans.
kl < '
| n hand to lonn on any ap-
. , , , M bounht and poM.
| 1 LxchniiKO , n w , cor. ICtli
In six months'to fix jours'
1 ' nlciV. . M. llftrrlf , room C ,
1' 0 7l4-i8 ,
OS , 11th it.
I on first class security , from
I. soL-
nt 0 per cent , J. J. Mn-
[ num. WO
, 15th nnd Hartley. 351
I. Bums IS03 nnd upwards ,
I Ilemlt , room ! ) , llarkcr block ,
II I'arnanuts , Mi
jMortirntjc notes. . _ . . .
Tii will buy papers secured by
Iu city realty , 730
linny tn lonn.
Icirory * : llnillcr.
Itcdick Block , : KO 3. 151 ii Ft.
I 7W
Jil , cash on tinnd , no delay , J.
| . Sijillre , 141,1 , rarniua.Bt. , Pax-
jney IIORIIS placed on Im-
I'stnto Iu tlty or county for
jian k Trtiat Co , by Doiiglnii
Ii and ClilRiitfQ Eta H1J
SAX At ow rules , on peed
Hatcher i Co. , W18 '
. . ,15V tolo'.in on city nnd farm property ,
low ruttt , Stewart ft Co. , Hooin n. Iron
f < , Ml
TCY Tol.OAN-At reasonable rates , nn
furniture , line wMchoi nnd othnr personal
lierty. C.J. Cnwoll , room 11) ) Iron Itnnk
lllnjr , 11th nnil remain. 1103
Loan Agents 1W ) , ' > Fiinmm st.
Boa _
I NKY TO l.OAN-On real ostiito and eh f-
ttuls. I ) I. Thomas. CSf )
l XKv"70 LOAN- sums of & , & * > ' HM
"jipwnnlB on Ilr t-clnm i enl ostiito security.
Ir * Cobb , 1015 t'arnnm st. 6'J7
MNKY I.\NKI > atC V. Reed A.Go's.Lonn
lineson furnlturp , pianos , horpns.wnK'ong ,
Bl property of all kinds , nnd all other nr-
ffMUu , without removal. 1119 8. 13lh ,
-'ini's f'ommlsslon storn. All bual-
contMontlat. 503
i n on Omnhn city prnportr at 8
MC - W , Day. over 1.112 DouK'asnt. '
" MO
Fo loan liy the umlcrslpnod , who hai
ly tuoporly nrHHiit/eu lonn nfroncj
. ' I.OBIIH of HO to f 1.0UO made on fur
ls , planes , orirann , horscu , watfons , raachln-
J So. , without romovnl. No delays. All
fneiw strictly ronndonltnl Ixinns nomad *
1 nny pnrt ran be paid at nny time , each p y-
jt f'yitltViB ] cost pro r tn. Adv/inees /
'lies nnd diamonds. Persons
_ nslder who thpy are dcallnir
' new concornB are daily comlntc
" "houla yon nred money , call
_ . , . R. Crofl , Hooro 4 , Wlthnell
* Tn Rrrt Ilarnej. no1
i S.\li-CJonfoctlonerv : nml Tobneeo
ITU , , lii'iulioiil No.iOiiCunilnjTht.
71Ui 7
ill riAIjfi Ono of the bo t pnylntr bnnks In
'entrnl Nrlii-nskn. A rftio nppoiiitnlty for
Iitywlth f 11,000 -UUOOo.pltnl. . Arlilrraa
f , lice olllco 770 7
8AU5-Ilrickynrd on South l.'ilh Rt. J.
, Thonius , Oiiinhiu 740J11-
pit SAt/E-forB days only.
tl'or onshj Deemed HOIKS or Omiilin c'ltv
lorly , a wl.olosiilo nnd rotnll business Net
in loih t jcftr f8,000 ; stocK by Involc *
ut 110,000.
ml A Jnniicson , HIB S. IMh at. fir I
fit HAlii : Now Block of Imlicd'fuinlliliiK
oods , tORnthvr with store lUturos. Hull-
I In full conduct with peed trmlo. l.oi'ltlon
liulloi\Hi'dBt.oeoiipylnp ) \ \ store liisiiiiuo |
ulld brick J. r. Iltunmoud.US S. ICIli st.
SALU xV irood Itvo piyln : aRiIciiltnral ,
liniilvnieiit. rent cmmo nnd Insui mice tiusl-
, ! toectlicr ; wlth JOUi ! ! , ; foot Imitdltie on lot.
lutra from lire , 1 per oont Insunincr. Also
Bholro rc : > ltlonco lols.housa , barn and fniltiind
jiadolrcrfl Sitimted In one oftho clioluobt
thoftlio clly This business U nil In No 1
cr. ttuntidon"inllrofidR ( , will floll for cash
mo pnrt In Rood , wild Nobuislia or ICiui ns
ITils AjilriBJ J , K , Bkudau , Jliilvflrn.Jtllls
| iUiilyIowa. ( A , ]
311 SAM ! . A tsmcucy store , complete In
oven thlneportnlnliipr to the husliu > Rwith
JeoC buiiiijnir nt low rnte * Good reasons
I bo given to thn purchaser for solllnp. AU-
11,38 , ll i olllco CM : J1
3 1 have n p rty who will build ,
f fornnht piirtlcs. n biinl.liiff hoiisp , on a
htor , lii hcurt or host biislnoss portion , of
ft Hd6tof f ? l.ilh st. Hplondld location for
T. J. Hook , 1WJ rariuili.
CSfl M
ill IHsirlnu to lotlrs IIOIH biismnss ,
I oltir my pntlro mock ot Gonnrul Mor-
iiB ] , consisting of Itry ( lnods , Itcudy Jlude
_ .liiir , Hals und Unp" , Huots and Sluiu , muJ
'cerlea Would talio Improved nnd unlm-
\ vstato In ovclmnco for pint of
liunt , Cnn show up n ( rood record of IMIK ) .
- Atlilrea lock hoi No. 7 , North Ruud ,
027. J. 15.
Nice I'ipsh iii ) U of " - on
Rush A. trolby , : iia S. l.Mh.Ml
i : AlKtut , ,
Inf , trrdcpilph and Morn riirnilurr. In a
town lit tlivKciiuhllciiii Vulli-y for un-
CH | fnrin Innd In .VubrnsKii or IHMII ,
fed land prnfertcd , Adiliccs lock Lot
ob. 4B7-4 *
[ , K Itnpld ( toiler Ilnmp Loaf Copier ,
lion Files , l.cttor mid Illll Pllrs , I'll-
luol * nnd TruiMfor Cuiioit , liulnxo < for
Indall pmposcj. Imposition bulldlnir-
I _ uriHji
lkllS lliitcher hop , Ith teen ninl ti
( tnuil locution ; peed tiUBlno > s. 0.1' .
li nnd ymiinin.
LU'-Or tyiTflo for inchiiiidlSK , fl )
of No 1 farm luuu ncnr ( Irniid
.l. Cr.nan b5 !
. . . . . . . in.oni1) in
Js.roomJl , Darker bloi-lt B W
I anm.ii au. f , ' ,
l business. In 0110
Jio' liost buslno iiiilnta in noitliM IIE ; <
fa'kn , sliimioilnt IlioUon How , Custer
_ .Sub. : node fonsistltu' of dr > BOOdsi.
_ frtiootiitnil8linoi : t < lll ihovr up cuoil
XI of InulncAt , Kcnsous for fellliiff will bo
by I'ddrfiw l < tk-box 71 , How.
cminlj .js'uti. _ ;
ss i j i , VMMA : seed nrnt ion fo7
ry . .n3 iin ) > i u'aruro btoro , Inqiuro ut
? ruuMi. o ,
, _ i \\ti \ nflcr
nml | IPB > Tha'dnaw luiflne 4 fur
B'.WIhpr ' n h oui ( fiuo nnd KO d will ,
| irpo t In the eilv and location Iho b t.
Irnmtlio uu.slnu > CMIIKI lotKiilllni -
i llnrdirnro Co. , 10 3 0 stLincoln. .
HOOl'r.K , Triinoe iunl
UuN. w uor utU
_ _
| JNAI.-Mi-s Iynr' prlrHto school for
l'i ; tt Indies uiiif irlrb ut nintliw > l oor.
ta . rtmiMi . ; u. Pupils will t > o revolt - felon
. . V. W arren
t , Miillnil nml liuvlncM Medium
f o y , ti 4Vcr U 10th it. , UmaUa. Keb.
yppcrfn'M ' teeth Ifttirn
d-l SO
ARXOO nnwAUO-Ptolcn from the stfiMo of B.
3) AV flsmxti , nearth.s ciiy.on 1 hur dny. Dec.
8.1 , 1680 , two her M si follows ! Hue ItrffP.
lirown peJdlnp. woljrht about 1,500 T-o ndij
nlroul 9 j ears o ! < l ; medium black mane ivnfl tall !
mnnll , white siddlo mnrk t Jioth front legs
Mkhtlf pmoited nt or near ankles , showlnR n
lltle lamcle's at times. Shod nil round : slioe *
ivell worn One black peldiiitf ! wclnht nbottt
I QQOpouiiil * : nbout ( lycnrmlds one hind foot
artly white : CMra lonjf onrs , clvlnif Rtnmnl
ippt rancc rosembllnu n mulo. Shod nil round !
lines but little worn 6IS f. 10th. Dotiirlns
co'inty will piiy $ : > 0.00 for nrre t nnd connet'on '
of thief. A small reward will bo pnld by owner
for return of animals. William t obtirn , Shorllt
of Ioitj ] in county. 711 SO4
Omalin , Neb. , Iiec.27 ( IMS.
r 5pT Xll 7l { pTtrpup , yellow feet ,
J * era ! reward paid if icturned to418 Boutb
JUh sr , fO ! <
T OST A Newfoundland pupdotr. about lonr
I J month * old Finder riturti to w. \ \ . Annlti ,
Sherrann ate , opposite CiirK el , and clnlm " ro.
word. < '
Clairvoyant. _ _ _
F A ? > AM ALA iCA , dnravoj ant nnd
L M3 South Ifltll Bt.
-'lhf tilocoto pot the bc t oystcn" In
tlieclty , Ijltio lioinls , Now VorK leiimts
mil colrrts t Plhcr joon ! , cor. IDth nnil tju
Jlnry' nro. J. 11.0 No III , pton. 4ISJ17.
13KW HKNT.Mi-T'o fews of th" t'lrn Con-
L ( fruffrttlonnl church ( Tnbcrnno'e l.W Cnpl-
toi nvorlll ) bo icnloil tills ovovlnir tit 8
o'clock 75T 30
TTIOU ror"fiirnlTiTro-5loMTn ) u Jrnoil
J-1 .iiiditioii , 1 a. corner Atlilrcsi II ; iT llro
olHcc. fifll : '
KhPl'OOI , ? , prl\y x-nillln nertnnil lir the
C | proct'S3. B. ! ' . Itijr , 1' . O Dox lJT.
"tfOH KXciCANOU-No 1 "imfirovoirrnrin f-r )
JL' ttocU of soods. S. It. S Mutton , vvintn , lu.
era !
VllINN'A fortilruTtuTlor , icsMonco M9S
. _ IHKlJT * * _
a jcr month. MO | H I
i r Sijuaro Pmiio , 51 mouthlv.
Honpo 1513 DoUcH" . CIO
TTlOllSIIiK 0 TK.\nn-Ono 2 < l hiin.l sldo-
Jluir liUirfry , tire 'M linnil iiliiicton , oi.o clu-
Ihory wiisfoii. Clienp. A , Hosj > c , 151J Douitlns
7B1 J : w
FOIt SAIiK rurnltiire for (1 ( IKOIIIB eomplcto ,
luiitso for rent. ( i < 5 S17thtt.2t *
T310R SAM ; A wiomllmml flrnnml
J-1 proofsnfo of the Hnll patent , double
doora , lartfoslro. Voi Information c.ill on or
mlilruss.I. II. liinncharil , Sotilh Omaha , Nub ,
Telephone Bii. 7t'JO
t10R [ SALt : -Ilui ? y horse , fi ycius old. In
cjulro I' . M. Youngs , Uno office , press room
.n Tjpo-wrltor , fOO. .1.0 linyncs ,
, _ Uinali-i. _ r > < il _ .
T71OH 9.\fK-ltniU llollor r ) mp r.o r Cojilcr ,
-E Stinnnon riles , Lottnr unit Illll 1'ilos nnil Ml-
Iiur Ciiblni'tpatiil Tnuwfoi ( 'ii9ff . Inilnxos tur
I.tdgoi und Hit purposes. Ktpuaitlon InilliUnt' .
" "
11 OR SALB-Toiun ot horses.
) tli st. > - jO
loii BAI.K I'nrnituro and lc o ot s
hotifn , tlmo on imrt. Cull 1202 North M7th
strsot , two blocks from Itoil Cnr lino. 91
tOIl SAFjE Cnonp , iron columns < in l win-
ilowcnpasiillnbls for front on lirlck bullii *
f. rorpnrtlonlnrnnpply nt thlRoriloo. Sll
"I VTAN'llUNont ) , clunii , willing young men ,
' ( nn tnimjH wrtiited ) Plncosopontlint p\r
ri.r ! ) luul $20 > per < Iny , wlnlo wnltlnu for por-
mnnt-nt plttccs. Clorkshlps , hooking , iiiul nil
Iho ticttorolnfs of rosltlonsi supplied , mule nnd
fcmnlo Apply Omnhn Uu lbtrjlluroau , i0
Noith IRtli Btrt'Ct. 774 UI *
HOTOIi Cl.r.RKSHIl' out or town. Vncnnt
In n fnwdayti. $10 per month clonr. Gill
Oionhn Ucglslrj IJuioixu , ' 0 North luth trent
773 3l
\\rANTnD-A jouiw man not over20 wheT
T > tliorouirhlr nndprctnnds bnok-ki-opltiff nnd
ni-ral InHlness : must 1 > Rn elojrnnt pciunnn
nnd como ivith thu very best of references.
Ciillnt HUS rnrimmst. , front room up stairs , nt
2 o'clock Doo.alst. 7COU : )
\\TAMT1) News nsonts with nocuritr. Aj > -
\ V ply W > 7 N itn. 71't 1
_ _
'ASTntl-A Rood tmrbor. Adili < Fiod
> Mlohnol/rokiimiih.Ncb. 71V 31 *
WAWI RD A lilurkanillh todoKnneral work.
Address O.W. LaniliuB , Wcepinj ; Wutor ,
Noli. _ 7216 _ * _
WANTfiJl T ro piioil cntivassora to soil mi
Rrtic'lo puyliitf 100 per oont. Apply nt "IS
south latli st TIC
Clerks , Biilcfcinon , l > oolikrpper ,
T mid otlico iiRslHtunt a , typoiTrltcrs , Mono-
Kriumora iiinl those nooUin r uio li > tlur clis ; of
iiosillons. Oinalm Intolllffcnco and Roirlstry
liurunu.SMN. st. 70S W
WANTliT ) "ftxiiorfimccd clniiFHio'irmTiT
Stntotcirltory iicqitnlntoil m. H ' 1oronct.s
rnqillrcd. Addruss , until Jnn , S , libT , II , 2.1 , Ilco
olllco.j 61 i Jt
_ _ _
WANTKU lly n largo corset mimufiu-turcr.
an oxpeiloncod coisot S'Uoidnmi for tlio
Inrjrn rctnil tiudo In the Ptnto of NotiraskH. Ad-
< lri > s nltU rofyrenco , loclc bor No , LOW. Now
YorK. riSO J 1 *
\VANTio : - Albilahl'fl labor ngonuv
TT ronuivoil tioiu I.W t'nrnura to ll''O I'ur-
nnin stroot. Jill
A OI ! NTS In the city or country run imiKot-'i ' to
$10 n dny solllnir our Rpoclnltica. N. W.
Novelty comtitiny. 12J7 I'lirniim fit. (112 (
il for ffeni'ial liou&O'toik ; U
> V In fHinil > ; 623 Coifa.ft. . TJl
'ANfii ; ) A tlioiout' ly ctuniiptPtii Irirrior
KPIIOIH ! hou'-eworl. ; bent of vuiijn pnld.
Call , with roteioiiei-s.nt 1.110 Dodiro ct. " ! 1 111
\\rAIfTUli An expurirncoil peek In sniull
* ' family ; peed wiis'ps imld. Mm ( > J Hunt ,
n w cor VUirlnlti R\u and Giimt st 1 't
" \\TAKfKn " lady canvassers for an aitlflo
IT puylng KM per cent Apply at HIS S IJMi t-t
'AKTIiO Illilfor ni'uoral liuiiso\\or ) : . UOi
Idnno. Mrs lliiniham. i > 70
"V\TA N'TIID Oli-l i or acucriil IIOUBOW orc. ! No.
' 1U18 Cnidtol axeniin. t75
T"AI ! > | FS WA"STl'n.-To handle my wonder"
Jfill nuw riibtior under etirmriu. foi luilios
only. This H by lar the bo t umlerjrHrnitint pi o-
tcrior mndn nnil uivos po-fect t-aMslnctlon.
b'cndMconls for s-uuplii ptoteftor by return
mall. Aildr < "B nt oncn Mia , U. L Hi win , I'jJ
LaSallo Et.Clilciiijo , HI. 071 1
\\TAK'ni : ) l.ndles nnd triintlniiicn in clly or
i country to tukn lltrbt woik attliolr hou.fs.
$ l.Ik ) in f MO 11 dny oasilj made ; work fi'iu lit
in ill , no c' < iiviissiiijr. : V.nnuvnii vwideiimiiil \ \
for our work and f uriiish atpnrty omployinpnt.
Ai.lreF $ wllh Btniup , Ciown MH ; Co'I ' Vine
BI , Cmcltimitl , O , 4.Vijo >
\v ' ( loodchl for lioustwour
In tmmll family , J.J1 loaven-vorth st. fUl
ANTl.U Tno erla ! , niiB'for flis-t nm ! ono
lor fnismil norl. , at " 511 bt MaryX um
" * tli tt. tl J
AXrANTni * noodjfhlforf/rncia ! houeeworl. ,
' KJ " " " C l
v&y ) *
" \ \ r.N'lKOlluuon hole nuikers , 111J Fitumm
> GUI ; w *
' \X7A\11'I > SaKlillfortiMt nna second urlt ,
> > boi > l of wna < Cull Omnhti Unipluymoiii
Iluronu , ll'J North llth und Cnpitol nvo , I'sTi ' JO
WANTi 0frirl for m-unrnl hoiifuwoilc ,
Appb nl liftSiJouthi'Jth at. , second house
fouthol riinmiu. T 5 al'
In rnmily or tliri'c. 'list class rlrl
In ionui : al lioiiMjirort , no other imM up-
ply , IWiU'mnam si. _ ? 6 ai
\\TAN'i r.I > - ( ) < VKt rlri for kttoheii work o\-
II clusivoli- Apply nt Jiw uor 13th r.nd Mn > ou
sis. TO : ! *
_ _ _
JIIirilAli WnijcJ pilldso n Rood coo'c. washer
-i HIM .rotior. Inijuirc t 2tll ! Jtinixiui it ,
bet. I1ni .infeWl riurvlew. 7M 3J
r | to a i t in housework and
tiiKe cnrc oj cblUrtiu. J J * Worley. Com
mercial eollcco , 70i 30 *
\fANlTU iiniuiooiB girt al tie Emmet
H liouso. 7iU
" \\r.VNTKU "tlrtt class washers und Irooc-ia.
i' Apply t the Cozznis. 771 SO
\VAN1KO A Klrl for Benural lionfoirork ;
'l miod w.igns and ] > crniunont hpv\e ! s , Al"
ply Did 1'hll hliondiu bt. or 1510 Ilodgo bt.
" \\TANfrtt-YoBnirirlilror Ihjht ho-usowork.
i Appiy l Hondrd. C''l U > '
\\TANTKI > \a \ ladles i g-onw tu
i I irnil'ny. I'rofipoc4 ao < nl fur position trtion j n.UrcM W , J. U , Uoan > ] , Crouuis
\\AMnD-Hituiitlun by youn ladynsitov-
crnc j fpenXS r.njllsh , Trench and Ger-
msn : Omahaprererrr-d. Address Qiirrrncss ,
liBoolllcc , Lincoln , Neb. 758 SO *
\\TANTtD-SlttiAtion ; an flr t cln cook In
hotel or resttiurant. Addrosj II 45 , Uce
olllco. 74 6
\ \r A.N'I liD Sitit'itton povcriu-ss or nurse ,
ttitnko coic of children , by j-onnldr :
spcnMOermnn nnd I'rencn ! will nsslttin lioust"
_ rk Aililre JI 4j , llooolllco. _ 7B < 30 *
\\rAlTrBH-Toilo Fluht lioitKCworlcorsewIiiir
' In n family. Wages no object. Address II ,
nurse. In.
quire of J. j. Mahoney , siipt. Co. Poor
at court houso. 713 31 *
T\TAN1 r.O-A coo.l . plnco In smsll fiinilly to
n slst with l ht hou o ork Iiyn lrll4
yra old ; imjulro MS N 17th st. 713 01 *
AT.ANTED To rent n 7 to R room hoii'o nbout
> l thomlildlo ot .Iniiiinry. Addicts , II. 1C ,
tlco Oilice , irlvtiu location nnd terms. 7C2
" \\7"ANTKD -A jnunir man well acquainted In
11 the oily would like to ell for some rcn
rMntn nuent on coiuiiils ion or salary. Address
lUSHcconico. 7(811 ( *
WANTK1) ) A ynuni : man dr lri > ln tructioa
on the Kiiltar from n competent teacher
Address It 41 , itco oilice , 7fij
\\7AXTr.n-A ponik' ponv to kocpforlf )
TI work ; will tide or drlvo 4 inlloi per day.
" 3"niia Lnkort. 7Mn
\\7ANTiD-lloom : , by ( rentlonmn , Inriro
> I Nitnro | or alco i > room , hcatod , steniii pio-
ferrod , nddro s Hot 423 , city. 748 3
\\A > TKD SO men to nt buckwiioitcuke
i l and mnplo syrup every mornliw nt NnrrlV
Hrsl.iurnnt , inth st dot. Uo.leo and DmuKt.
HtrnlKht board per wcoK.2j ! 21 meal tioKot ,
$ J M. 613.
_ _
YV ANTUiTf i out ft hotel of not lo tlmn
ii 25 rooms In n town of not le 8 than 4.0CO.
Adilrcsi Robert ( Jhiulo" , Umalm , Neb 701 ' , *
\\7"ANTni-To ) buy " 7i "lioti o nnd lot lor
ii $ ZM1 or M.IJOJ uash , Address John Koiran ,
l.20 Douglas t. OSS
\\7 AXTMO 'iunTsTied lin'nso In nice ,
> 7toOroom . HIS llro olllco. 071
AVTASTS'.U KNOWN I Imvo fortyTci Jrolio7eo
ii ncrc4ndloliuni ! the county rend and Al-
liriirht'M nnnux , thrco-fouitlis of n mile from
S < iuth Umahn ; Inttlnthico addltloiH tlmt lie
nil mound this property nro folllnir ovrry dav
n-oin f2Vl lo $1V ) or lit thopUool JI,2O ID
fWUpiTtierc. This propoityll \ bo on the
nmikc'l a f ndnys for $175per nero , A rn.ince
lei Invmtora to I'loiin up $211,0)1) ) bofoio sptlmr ,
Apply W S. Scmey , solo npont , lit South 1 till
st. 73ii , ' 11
dry Rood ? , ctothlnir nnd
ii trnnls'furnNlilnKrfrooihor boots and Rime *
In oxchanno for Omnha rent estate. SchleMng-
cr llro . ( .14 S st. Vl jp
OR RKNT-Storo Sll N. IStn St. COj 5'
FOIt KIlN'T-LarfTO dry h'isoniont. 1'ino ship-
pin ? fncllltios It It Mdo-traclc at door.
A erJ I'lnnteroompnny.cor.KlrfUth nnd 1'nolllo.
r. I'.Ony , mannKur. miJ 11
OOTTAOn TOR HUNT -A npnt llttlo cottsijro
ol fi rooms , co/lly lurmshcd , inny bu lent-
od ( luring uost. ( months , choiip to rlirht parly ;
well located. Miushullb Lobuck , 150J Knrunin.
fiUMt RKNT-Storo liouso on Saunders st.ront
JL"ory low : liniuiio J. II. 1'nriotto , loth ami
Chlcngro. 7-'a 3
TflOll RKNT Hotisg , 4 rooms , corner 1'hl
J- Sheridan aniLHou Anl 8ts.
House , II rooms , all modern Improvements ,
Hnrnpy and 20th Hts.
Now brick atoro , north Ifith st
4 nowstnroi no ir Has'-'Hll's hotel , south 13th
st . (15 per month.
lirlck warehouse on R. R. track and pivod
3itl story Barker hulldmK , 15th and Karniun ,
Cfl feft Biiuarc.
C.r. _ _ iavnp , Ijth . uidjlarncr. _ 227
171OR RUN I' Two 7 room houses mi cnr line.
J3 city nnd cUtorn water. Mead & Jiunluoon.
318 S 15th St. 510
TjlOR 11CNT. 1WI rforth iisrhtconth : St. flvo
JU room liouso furnished complete ; f 10.03
per month , Mend & Jamloson , Ulrt South loth.
F I OR RKNT-lf > on want to rent n houso. pall
on Itun.iuiii : Co..opposite postollicu. K1J
11R.VT-A barn for t hold of horsns. In-
DfOH 1 of M. 1' . Murtln. 8S7
jfj > OK Hr.NT Anlco "Broom"oiittnvo. .
t ! 1'otorson , s. o. cor. l.'jth nnd
" 1T10I ! ltiN"C-l : ( loom house.eitvwntor. shoot
K cars , iy inllrs liom 1' . O ; $2i po.montli. .
D. C. I'lUteison.OinnhaNatl baiilf. 71U
FOIt HENT--3 homes 10 rooms o < eli , with all
niuilorn Imiirovoiuoms , Hist nnd Hurt.
Inqulro of Dr. I'uiil , l.'ith and Dodiro. 511
Foil HUNT Or lease. Twenty ncro
( Tiiriloii , with house mul st'ihls ; InsMu city
limits of Sidney , Nob. Apply to H. MoF.i'lilon ' ,
423 J C
"ITHR ) RUNT t room house on I'urnim Bt , bet ,
J1 18th nml 19th. fity nnil clttorn wiilor , sheds
nndonthulldinTs : lirick collar , $31 per month.
J. r , Itummond. 117 S 16th St. 41il
TOll lUJNT Suitable for.Iobbinir Houso.Soc-
JU oiiduud Third Floors ' 13x100 wltli l > u o-
mi'ntnnd elovutor , ontrunco trom front oa
irlus HI. , and ontrnnco on wound tloor l'iom
icni to cluvntor. Address A 33 , lloo olllco.UTO.
> OR UENT 2 now bonios H. K , cor. llth mill
Vlnton. Iii'iulro on promises. n
11OII 1HJNT Broom house S. W. cor. 7th nml
1'aclllc. InUlro , | M. V. Jlnitln 21J
FOR HUNT Sl\ now brick Rtnrea with bii o-
inunts.corner Klovontli nnd Howard ! c'lioleo
location ! nil conveniences. Lo.ivltt Itiirnhum ,
Itoom 1 , Crclxhinn block. B27
Hilt HI3NT Ononow oottnre , 7 rooms , f.n.
Tluon now 2-story houaoj , SIO , ono nt f l"i ;
wolllocntcd , nil conveniences , Lonvltt Hum-
hum , Hooni 1 , Croluhton block , 127
itiVT-7-roomo. tt.iro In Wnlnut Hill.
TpiniB.Jil pur month. Apply to D. W. Sutu.
t Kiiriium St.
FOIt KKVr 80 acres nJlommq : city nortli-
wcct.Hiiltablotor dairy or iniu-kot ,
Appl > to Tneo. Williams , Hoe Olllcc , U14 Fur-
nnm. f1 ! ' *
POIt UK > T Stoio 23KX ) , lilt ) Jackson st.
71011 KRXT ruinlflicd loom , 401 N. l.'tlr sL
'JST ill *
FOR HKN'I' 'I wo nicely tiirulslicil looms ;
npply l.Sir , Cuss ft , 7 .1 y
BOARD und room for two , Itll ) Cnnltiil a\o
_ _ _ _ Jl _
I71OKHKST Hlosantly limnshpil liont nnrlor.
J. nl-o plen > Hiil lion room > riis , liatfi. and
near business center , 1015 Capitol tivou.'o.
_ _ _ _
" 1T10R ItliST Ii'ii-Rti , liiTnt.olhro 'rmJin , norih.
- - west rorncrlCth nuil Harney ats. C40.0) per
month. I'Jl
lilt linNl' TMo munis nt llll7"0lls srs won
lumen prufoired and lercrtnvoj ro inlrod
-L nicely furnUhod roonm.iloiihlu or hlnjclo , to
ault ; Imvoono ii-atly now , iilionp. Call and so-
fiinisoin DOS S. Iblli htrnt't ' , t5t Mury's
ii\cnn . _ ' M5JI
FOit RII.S'T Suilo of IiirnWii'd front loonn ,
SID. NV. . cor. < : iilcnjfo and 1'ltll hi . U7U ill ) *
' 17011 RUN'T Twosullusof looms , furidshoil
-1' orunfuruMicd , In Orooiilns blouK , or. Utn
nnd PodijoM Hnmilro of llnvla \ llothciliiu-
inn , .Mllhifl Hotel. 71731 *
_ _ _
77011 1IR.NT KumUhcd room. , modnni con-
JL1cnlonccs. . olS .N . litli st. 4s3 4 *
"oUViurnlclic'd trout
: ST Viirnlshcl rooms , IJU nermoolh ,
wit'i board , if dosltud ; Mil \Vch tar tt.
tel aO >
_ _
T710R RKXr Slpopinif rooms , furnUhod and
JL ujifurnlahod.ut bti'j ' Howard bet. Dtb and i'tli. '
VIOJI RIIXT Lurge Bunny Ftiuth room with
I1 aicinc. AH modern com stilencL'S. J'irst
clat poopleonly. 1B1U Dodtro. b3.3
WANTIHl To rent. A fiiinUhod houee ,
jrood Ideation , AUdrc s F , Osdcn Housu
CouncJl Itlutfj , la. t U SO'
UKNT Suitobl rooms for two or thioo
* - K ? ntlomon. prioo reasonable , anntr nt or
ad Jrctt 43J Convent it. 7UU SO *
TTtOK RENT. ruuilshod liont loom , f per
-L' inonlti. l > : tOi > oulliT > rciiltUlrdEt OM 33'
J otl RlINT.-avocleshuble furnl ho.l rooms
1 tn nice location on car line Modern con-
rrnlenaa * . For lei ul ion and terms , ttpply 123
J > 'ortliFifleeutlii.t , Kjb t *
KENT Viirnlitied rooms mm lablo
TTIOR II RNT Vurule h e J rue m f 7.W n.l 1 10.0J.
J-1 HIS Di lr . 515 31
> 0n RENT lp ) ! rabla newlf furnnhPl
rooms for Rcntlomen U.u , oath and fur-
tifteolisat , 2iT > "
T71OII Iir.ST iieant : room J tin street car
JImo , b\th anl KM i s. w. cor SJtfc and
Webitor. UJ
Toii irBST-rufnlslTed t-oon/StHTs iTtlTlt
TT1OH 11KNT ln ! rablo frontirnnm furnished
JL' gultablo for ono or two ; isnr\tirnain
'r * 726-31 *
lll'Nr Nlcel > fiirnlshtstronnH , llthnnil
Jloward , 2d staircase from IroTrnrd st.
n T ) 31 *
FOU Ul'NT Two nicely rurnW.od room' ,
contially located , luf soutn lltli. A. M.
Clark. m 31 *
T7/OU UKNT.-Vurnishod nnd unfurnished
i.1 rooms , thlnl tloor ! 1S.M St. Mary's nvo , llrlcic
Illock , west of llnttloof ( Icttjsliurff. o ; , < 00'
TTIOR RUST A nrirs fnint chunbor with
J-1 closet , pas , fnrniso nnd bith , 501 9. Slth st.
lilook north St. Mnrv'anvo. OW
TTIOR Rr.NT Nicely f ui nlshod loom with
J-1 bonrd.SVi 9 17th- 610-31:3 :
FOJl Kr.N'T Ttru nicely ftirnisho.l room ,
sultnbloforSor 1 Kontlomeni lovely loci.
tlon with every rnodorn Improvement H15
Jonesst. _ _ ( _ yn
"TjlOll HUNT Knrnished loom. A. Ilospo ,
J3 _ inn Douglas st. _ 9U _
POIl llKNl'i 3 rooms unfurnhhot sititiblo
forhoitsokteplnir , 101T N JJtli st ; apply to
M. I- ' . Martin , 316 S nth st. OJ
OUitlJNT Two uururnlsuod rooms
housokceplnit. BOJ Ilownrd st , botw een 8th
nnd nth. 425
_ _
171011 HUNT UnfnrnHhod room , nmtablo for
L' olllco. Inrjiure Mrs. A. Hlcu , Uushtnnu blk.
FOIl HnST Newly furnished , heated front
loom iiill ft.Mary savo. CS'J
171011 IIIJNT Nleo rooms nt 18:1 rnrnnin st ,
Jono block west of coiiit liousesoutli sldo.
FOIl nnff ! ruriushcil looms , 170i P-JSJ.
cat i *
TTIoTl UK NT Tour tltilitrnlsnetl roonn
Jfor housoVooplnir to small family , lo
cated on ( leer i n\enoirstreotcarAsurrounct'
IriM plcftiaiit and will rout cheap to irooil
parties ! reference rciiilrod. | AddrojJ A frl.lluo
otneo , _ _ 247 _
FOK UHNT-Sulto of newly fin nlshoJ room ?
In new hoti < oi mmlorn convoulonco' : to
freiltlomoil. IttJl Dodife st 260
FOll HUNT Vurnlsliod rooms for llirlit
koopliiff. Ilooinoi 5 block , cor Btli & Howitrd.
RUNT Lartfp clownt rooms.wlth closet
toiithfront. 141UChicago stteut , 810
IriOR HUNT ' 1 rooms sulHblp for house-
Itoopln ? . 7111'uulQo st. Rout , Jl.'j.O )
FOR RKN'T To gontlumon only , two fur-
nlshod rooms in q-ood location , 2 doors from
, one on first lloor l.iriro front room ,
liav window , ( fas and roalstor. Wi per month ,
Other front room , second tloor , rojrlRtor nnd
Has , $15 pur month. Koforonco ieiUirud ] Cull
nt ilosk 7 , 1.TO l\irnan wt . llrJt floor. V 11
OSfAlIX VIEW Special prices on lots now ,
hiKUdx.iiiLii soon. Uofgs i. 11111,1111 I at--
nain st. 7itl 5
vi\I. nSTATK AND LOANri-r"- . U-UI &
JLi Co. 113 S. 15tli St ' 613
S ' 01ITH tfMAilA Our bookssluiw aTsiriro iTJf
of property In and around $ outh Omaha
where money Is being made now and will bo
doiitiliMinthu ! > pi-ln
Ilusiness lots on M , N. O. , 23th , 20th and Hollo-
vuo streets. j
Itoaidenec lots nnd hoii e nnd lot lniyndi
oatolund , fowler IMacu , Pottortik Cobb'saddi
tlon , etc.
Oresory Alladley ,
Iloomsl nml3 IleJIsU's new uloc'4,3i ' ) . 11th st.
Wi : IIAVJ : constnut inniiify'for nil kin Is of
business and residence puiporty. If you
have nny pioperty for Mlull t same with us.
Schleslnger llros ,1148 10th it. t IWIJO
OMAHA Vir.W-J50 ! cash nnd $10per month
will secure the prettiest loH in Omnhn , ? 7 fi
to 1,175. lloj-'irs i Hill , 1103 I'nrnum street.
_ „ 70a-5
A PUKSKNT of t.-.O ?
Harrison , Amhler A Woolloy.
Real cstaloncouts , Room SO , H ; > maha Niit'l
bank , will jflvo us u Now Year's present 550 on
each lot in Kekornian 1'lnco spld'bctwoen now
mid Jim. 1th. Only M lots to bo FfiKl on these
terms and only 1 lot to n inu-chaser. KoKormnii
pluco lies west of HaiiRfOin park on I'.irk st and
Boiith of Mo. I'liclflc depot. Lots 5)00 onch.
Harilsou , Ambler & Woolloy. 671J1
llmrison. Ambler & Woollpy.
Real rJtPto Afrcnts Room " 0. Omnlia Niit'l
llnuk , will Rlvoas a N iw Yoiir'R present. ? 50 , on
each lot in Kckermun I'lace sold between now
nnd .Inn. 4th. Only SO lots to bo sold on those
toi ms , nnd only 1 lot to a purchaser. Keker-
mnn 1'laci ) lies west of Hanscom I'nrk. on I'm k
st , and south or Mo. Pacific depot. Lots $ : itJ
each. Harrison , Ambler i ; Woolloy. 074 .1 H
" lot , iioarcor. owart St. , fronting on Saun-
riors st. .uul paved st. ! clunp for cash. J. L ,
Hioo & Co. , ovar Coniiiiorolul bank. 775
BO YOr want to mnko fflliny n Jot In
Ilckorinnn I'laco nt original prices , and you
will be credited with $ ' > ! ) as u holiday present.
Hfinenibcr tlmt only SO lots to be told HI thcso
prices und only ono lot to a purcliusor. Must
iturclinso by .lanuary 4. Hnrttson , Ambler &
Woollo > . _ 074J3
ANSOOM I'l.ACK-Lot- T2ad ot , near
thePnilc atf-MM ) to fu''JM. ' On Oeor la
nvo. near Hickory it. . # 1,700 to Sl.B'O. On : wth
Ft. ne-ir the i'nrk.'K ) . On Vliplulaavo ncur
Woolwnrth nt fL'.OTO to $ J,5JO. On 1'hll bhcridnn
st near Hickory atJKi& \ , etc. , etc. , etc. Wo
havenny number of lots in this addition , nlso
houses und lots. Bomo of the best homes in the
clt } .
freory ! & Hadley.
Jloomsl and 3 , He.llcU'snow Illk , ! ! i ] 8. 15th ft.
OM/ in-Lots , finest In the cit$77.1
toSl,17.V HojTBS&HlIl 701-5
FOIl HAI.K-M\IO ) leet corner of
.Iiickson nnd lUtli btrc-uis . JJO.OOO
T\to loisonCnss it nonr-3tn oucb . . 3,510
JUlO'icnrSlth iindl'ierco st , . . . . U.'ilO
Ut on i'Hh HtSlniirs .l . . . 1.401)
II. W. Huntress , 1JH I'lirnura st. 07. 11 *
OU SAf.K Lot i'ifixl3J feet on imvcnpoH
l)0tilth nnd ISth stioots with " houaea ,
'j. ' fj.OJUoi-di und lon time.
Woliavo n lurffo list of Inside city property
both bnxinossiind rmldnnco , Hist class. 1'ur.
chasers will do well to BOO us. .Mnnliall > V I.o-
bock , l.'iO'l fannam- 107
AIlAItriAlK-rsnO.OO will huy iv40 foot loton
Cii8 noariiOtli stiuot. 'I his lot is improved
with u IPHCO mid one-hnlf of it lirlcKcil well.
This lot is within Ifi mlnntrs wall > of t > htriro
8chool , oiily 'Jl minutes wnlU from the center
of the oiiy , nnd II bloclo liom etreiit cnrs. $2)0
cash. Imlniici ) I , S und il yours nt H per cent.
WHIM M. Yntcs.ft. . , Califoinlu fltrrot bet. iWth
andaibt TBBil *
Tl'you wunt u cheap , good lot bin In Omtilin
\ ' | ow73 tofl.Ki. Ho ifs .V Hill , 110 Kniv
nmn st _ _ _ _ 703 * !
T71OH S.vur.-RO ft fiontinjf on DoJ o st. 2
I. blocks eatt of tlio poOnlllco. . .A bnw.Uii lit
$ ll,000 ! ; $10,033 cash. MnrihulUV , Lobock , 1G')3 )
Hsrnsiu. 01U
\\715aromithori7od to invest ! ) , QT ) in ItiT
11 provodlnsldo property jliat Imvo you
to niter Wo u.oan business. Meml JB Jamioaon.
ai8S. lllhst m 673
DO YOf wunt to innko $ V > ! ! Huy a lot In
ICxkonnnti I'jaco nt '
oriK'lniilirlcoc , tind you
III iinvi edited wltn 9.7) K n horilur pr < ! ont.
Itomemhorthat only Mint's to brt Void nt thu o
pi ices and only one lot to a piurhu cr. Mutt
piirchiuo by January i. Imnlaoii , Amlilcr &
Woolloy , . j ii'ij ; )
GBNt'lvn UAIUiAIS'S-Two l rner lots in
llnnlotto coin t , only I I > | I > C-M trimi tvuin-
der'a street cars , w M llushmon. Room ID ,
Unsbman UlockN Uoor lilth i tDoujUs.
_ 1 , , . "
T OIl SAWI-30 uoroH lylim \ { st of Walnut
i1 hllllnlnicta to suit. Will sqll all or part.
Sclilcslnger Hio" . , OU So. loth EK' ' liv. ! 10
$53 ( 'lvon to ovnry pnrchn > er ol * lot in lleker-
man 1'lu * IIPIMCPII now uiidjun , < th. Only
Mima to bo sold on the o termi. and not moie
limn ono lot to a purchn-c'r. Iltini im , Ambler
\ Woollev , rooiuSJ , Oniulia N.ilionul Hunk.
_ 1:71 : J3
HOU KS lxts.r > nn . | jinds money loane-C
ItcmU. rooma. liurkur block , t ? . W. cor.
r.lti nnd Funiiuii fts. _ r > V4
$ M Klon to every purchivM-r of a lot In Rakvr-
man I'lAcolictweonnow and Jau - < tii Only
TiO lots to bo nold on tlitf-oternu. und not moio
thnnono lot to a purchaser. Hun ison. Ambler
&WucleylloouUO. ! Onnxha National Hank.
DO YOU want to make JV > . liny nlot in
Kckornian I'laco utorlflnul prices , and you
will hooruditod with SWttsa holiday present ,
Iteiueiul > rtttatonlv60 lots to be sold ut these
price * und only ono lot to a purchaser. Must
uurchasu by Jur.uury i , Harriiou , Amblc-r &
Woolley 6-tJ
_ _ _
DO YOU want to tnnXo tW ? lluy a lotln
EcKormun j'lacu nt orltrlnal prices , an-t jou
will be credited wit Ii frf us a holiday present ,
Remember Hint only f > J luts to bo sold at those
pricvs aim only onnlot to u pnrco&sur Must
iiurcbatei by Jam ! dry ' lU Uun , Ambler &
Woolle/ . - C7yu
DO TOf want to mftko fV Our n lot In
I'uVei rain Place nt orl < flnnl prices , mul you
will bo ereditcd with $ - > ) n < a holiday pro pnt
llemembertlif.tonly MIots to b * Sfilil nt tho'o
prices sin ! onlv one lot to a purcliaor. Mu t
> urclin e l > y January i. Harrison , Ambler &
IVoollcy. fi74j3
DOVfLINO 0Unx-Our ! new Edition la
tJ wc t otWAlnut Hill , on Kninllton street.
Hysolcotlniclotiat f5)for ! ln ldo nd J17.5 for
pnrner , you will m ko n irocM Invest uont.
Terms 10 per cent c.i li n < l M monthlr. N'o
chariro for showln ? the lots. Hitnhill * T.o-
bock , 160 vFnnmm fiio
l'RI'.SKKT of * SO.
HnrrKou , Amhlcr Sc Woollry ,
Itcnl IMnio nfrcnto. Room 20 , Omnha Nal'l
bank , will ( ilvo us B New Year's present J50 on
cnch lot In llckorinan Vlaco colJ uclwcon now
ntiilTiti. 4ih. Only > lot to bo old on tlioso
term nd only 1 int to .ipurctiMcr. liokorman
plnco llo wc t ( if Hnnsoom park on I'nrk st and
FouthotMo. I'nplllo depot Lota f3l raah.
UarrHon , Ambler ami Noolioy. 674J3
LOT fronting S tvepf , SSih nnd I'scitle , : }
ImiiAosfJS"Os pASvteuns.
Host lot In Oi dint ii Hill with B room homo ,
bnin , wellcistern , fruit nnd slmJo trees , Jl , < i.M ;
cn ytcvm .
Irfits2 , 10.11 , 13 , 27 anass , WooK7 , OrcliarJ
Hill , very chD'ip.
3. W. cor. llth iindracino , CO\1M,3 flno cot-
tntrcs , S'.IKHl.
Lot fronllncc on Conxont nnd 24th ? M , Im-
pifivcmonl * worth f.liOJ ; 2 house * , city nnd
cistern water , ffiOOO , n.tsy term .
A room cott go and lot , ! ! Mh nnd Charles ,
f2coo. MO ) cash , bal cnsy. Mead & Jamleson ,
nn s istii st. 02-1
APIinSEN'T of i.0.
Harrhon , Ambler ft Woollov ,
Heal Hstnto A fronts Room -0 , Omaha Nat'l
bnnV , will iflvont H N'ow Year's present $ " 0 ou
oaoh lot In Kokprnmn I'laco sold tiptuccn now
andJaiHth. OnlyfOlottto bn ol < l on three
tei mq nnd only I lot lo n nurchiKor. iJekcnnun
place IkH west of llanscom puk oil I'aik et nnd
BOUlliofMo. 1'aclHo doixit Loll $ : VH each.
IIarrl on , Amhlpr.toolloy. . H7t ] ' *
At'UKSKNT of t51.
Harrl on , Ambler A Woollov.
llcnl l > tnto Aiteiits , Room i.M , Omnhn Niit'l
Ilanlt , \ \ 111 irlvotiKii New Year's present. ? . " > i ,
on onoh lot In I'.ekorrnan I'liee sold between
now and .Ian 4th. Only r > J lots to bo Fold on
those toi in * , and only ono lot to n piticlin'or.
1'ckerm'in 1'laoo llss we t or I1nn com I'ark. on
Park < t. . anrt south ol the Mo I'neitlc depot ,
Lois f TOO onoli. lliirrlfon , Ambler As Wonlloj-
t'.7l .IB
O MM1A Vli\\- : Cheap lots
70i > n
FOIt SALK Lot OJxlJIJ foot oh Daxi'iiport ,
uctwi-cu tlth nnl IJtli ot cots , Itll two
hnttapa ; fll.O'K ) , f 2,000 rmliiintl Ion ? tlmo In
inslno property w o Imvo n lar c ll t of bimlnosi
nnilipslilencnlot flt t cln . rurcliasors will
do well tn IPO m bolero buying. MiiHlial to-
beck , ir ) j rariiiun. < M'3 '
Sl'HIXO ' VAI.Lr.Y ,
Our now addition.
Aorpifi'H ) to f7S ! i > sr aero.
Noir Soutli Omaha ,
And Svdlcato Hill.
ll Jc rnbr > o ! [ ,
lr > 0) ) Knriiam.
( liOilxon | to ovinj purchaser of A lot In Ueker-
Pmnn 1'lico betwnon now nn 1 Jan. 4th. Only
f,1) lots tn Im sold on the a terms , and not moro
tlmn ono lotto n piiioliasn. Hiirrlson. Am-
blur & Woollov , HoomSO , Omaha National HauS.
fiTl .111
M \\A * i\v - ov i ioou o liiisilif a and lots only $775 to fl.KS
Illll. 7t > V
O > IMIA VH"W-llp t Insliln proportv In the
mm ct. Lots $775 to i > l , 173 , Hoses * Hill.
SNAT ell l l lllo 8 lols on 1'nilc iivonuo for
* nlo or pxclnnga tor ileilrntilo rosldento
lots , rent from etores In the lop-illty ill ictiirn
l per cent on Investment. Address 1' . O. box
4 S , City. 711
IT'Oll SALlI-Oood stock fnrm.WtJ acres , run.
JH Minn watPr.l.OOJcol-da of hard wood. .1,1) .
'IhomusOmalm. 73911 *
AHAItr. lirralii-tO ( ( ; ncresof land very cheap
in tlnoXFIIIm southern climate , lor par
ticulars nildieo 11 411 Hoe ollico. T3JS * *
FOR SALT' Sera < ! of the host n'trlcultnral
land In Kaqtorn Xehrafka nt f 10 per nore on
) years'time , 0 ppr cent interest and no tatos.
Wiitoor cull lor pauioutms. O. ! ' . Davis & Co. ,
Omahii.Noli. MOJ 'O
FOR SALB-Choii ] ) , XJ iiores lylnir wet of
Walnut Hill In tracts to suit. Will sell all or
part. Schlesinirer ! lies , H S. 10th st. 9W <
FOR 8ALl-M ! : fuct on rarnam st. between
10th und llth street. O. fcI > avls vl Co.
673 3
FOR SALK-Uy 3chla lnpr Ilros .
fd4 fcotith IfltU street.
IBB feet on 25th st ue ir I'urnnm , will sell all
or pnrt.
5ncrnlots In Tarnam pnrk , fIS'i per aeio
F.asy terms. TUis Is veiy doslrablo for garden-
ho'noros , Improved , nonr cltr , house , barn ,
cribs , etc. Cheap nnd on onsy terms "
Lots In Scnlesinjor's addition $2iJ to $ TOon
ousytorma. Ml J B
HOUSKS Lots.rarms. Lands money loabed.
Ilemts , loom ! ! , Uarlca blocK , S. W. oor
15th and I'arnnui ita.
M diven to every purchaser of a lot in
$ man I'lace lictnoon now nnd Jim. 4th. Only
5'jlots ' to bo 8'dd on tnes.0 terms , and not more
thnn one lot to u purchnamHiinlson , Ambler
& . Woolloy , Room 2 ] , Omnhn Natlonnl lliinic
071 .1.1
Foil SALI5 12lots4U13J foot , Irontlnij north
on Bristol street , half wnr between Sunn-
doiMindSMto , noir afreet curs. City water In
front , $30 } ensh. 1-t c.iih , baliinoe In 1,2 mid 3
years. Aildrci.s rt H. Heo olllco. Z > 3
d > rtOfrlrnn lo evpry purchaser of n lot In neior-
tpni.ui Pinro between now und Jan. tth Onlv
Bulnls to l > o snil ! on tlic'rfii tiiiniM , and not moio
thiu : one lot to apuic'liiisor. HariNon. Ambler
A ; Woolloy , Itoom SO , Omiha : liutlonal Hank
ti7) ) .I'l
Al'JIKSK.NT of f.VJ.
Hiurlsoii , Ambler & Woollor ,
Itoul Kutato AB'Jnlf , lloom yj , Onmti t N'at'l
bank , n III sic : is a Now Year's presi-nt $ < 0 on
caoh lot in Kckurninn i > laeo sold between now
nnd .Tr.n , 4th. Only W ) lots to bo sold on thosa
tormh and only 1 lot to n purchaser. KcKornmn
plnco lies west of llnnscom park on 1'iirk st.
nnd south ot Mo. 1'at'illo ili-pot. Lots SJOO each.
Haiilson , Ambler .V Woollcy.
[ ( 'untinned from Shlk 1'itfjc ]
John McDcnuolt was nrrcstcd ycstnr-
day'or liglilinir'tlio niKiit ptcvious witli
John Williams , "thu kid.1' lUcUormott
uiiinagod to eliulo llio olliceiy ut llio linio
oftho atlair.
Which of HIP churches will bo first to
ivo : i "hard tiinu1'boolubln , so popular
iu tlio Thu ladies nro expected to
np | ( ! ur In Monday morning cosliinios ,
find the Koutleinoii must c-oiuo with nt
least two patches. . The newspaper ninii
are nuxious for one of UIUMS hociables , so
us to make the'u1 debut.
A Washington nvcntio residence had a
narrow escape from lira yontcrday morn-
iiifj. The lady iu lighting the lamp in
some way KO ! the burning mutch in con
tact with the Ineo curtains , which bla 'd
up quickly. In pulling out thu bla/i * her
robi ) du unit , 111vhi.h : KIIO was clad ,
caught on fire , and had it not been for
iiuk'k work and cool juilgnicul thn acci
dent , would have proved very serioiH.
HOW uiiANin !
"I Would Nut Ilnvo Knn\vn Von. "
Those words sumcitiuios ntonddrfpspd
to ono changed by time or dUoato , but in
those rare oases whuiq an invalid hears
them by reason of her improved upponr
aneu and restored health they tire truly
iratoful. Mrs , J. W . wrote Irom
Kansas , to Mrs. Lydiit K I'inkham after
using Iiur yVgettiblo Compound tor dis
eases peculiar to women : " 1 am lnu p.y
to stale , that your medicine lias wrought
a great clmngu in mo , so iiuteli.o Hint
friends who % eo ino for the first lime
sinuo I bcican your treatment , hardly
know mo on account of my eh.uigo 1
looks. " _
Aincrlon'M Hiu i' t OitunoiiilH.
IVom tlio Rochester Union's Now York
Letter 'J'ho largest diamond in the conn-
Iry is said lobe Iho one worn by Minnie
Palmer , It is called ' 'the President
Cleveland. " The next largest Is owned
by Tiftauy and is on exhibition ut his
btoie , Tlio third lar'catis in the posses
sion of Charles Levy , thn proprietor of a
C ntre street cafe , He brought it from
the South African mine ? , When first
cut it weighed 153 kurattf. It lias din co
been cut down to 55 karats , and it is now
said to bo one of the linest stones of its
size in the world , Jl M valued ut f40.000.
These figures show thnt the diamonds of
to-dny far outstrip in value those worn
in Tweed's time. Jim Ftsk's great
headlight cost only $18,000 , Jtoas 'JVnoo'd
wu * never valued at moro tlmn ? 20,000 , ,
nnd Judge Barnard's kicked the beam at
A Wyoming Viaw of tbe Public Land
8ituation (
trrojlll ! rltc" ! In Coinpljln WUh the
lnVliloh Necessitate Kli > lil
llottiil.-itions Can I'atonts Do
Issitctl JJore t'foiinvty ! ( ?
t.vVyo. . , Dec. 2. ' . . [ Corves-
pomtpnco of the Hiu.1 : Decidedly con-
crnl altcutlon is beiii } ; nttruntDtl to the
policy of the nntlonul ailiuini.itration republic
public Innds in Wyoming. So
many persons Imvo rivalled tlionisolvoi of
tlio presumed bcnollts of the land laws
during the pa .t few years thnt the ro-
qulremonts enforced during late months
by the rommtasionor of the general land
ollico have ptodttuod not a little com
motion. From some sources the relloo-
tiotis indnljcd In concerning Mr. Spiuks ,
and , nftor htm , Secretary Lamar and
President Clovulind , tire not only em
phatic but also aortmonions. The events
which have most rooenlly brought
to the surface this nd verso orltlcUrti
are the appointmout , a few weeks ago , of
George \V. Master ns Rovcrnor , to but-
cced I'raucis K. Warren , and the f-hortly
subsequent appoint mont of Colonel
Mooonlight , of Kansas to supercede
( tovornor Ha\ler. In the. lim place , all
of the lepublicans naturally desired that
( jovornor Warren should have beim re
tained. U'heu it bee tnn apparent that
some ohatiijo was u political necessity ,
owing to Governor Warren'ti ' uncom
promising difference of opinion on va-
rioin questions and particularly the pub
lic land policy , witli the administration ,
many of the lopublicans joined with the
masses of the demoorats in the wish that
his successor should bn Hon. .M , 1C.
1'ost , delegate in congress. Instead ,
owing lo Ulr L'osi being nn
alleged fcneor ot public lanils to which
ho had obtained no title , Mr. Ha\ter , who
was backed by btrong Tennessee in
lltioneo.rcceived the appointment , It was
then so plainly and unmistakably demon
strated lo tin ) commishioner of the
general land oilice , anil , through him , to
ihu president , that in the appointment of
Mr. M.t\lcr a jump had been taken over
the frying pan and into the lire , that
Covoruor Haxter's brief aucl brilliant en-
ragcment as a thirty-day incumbiMit of
llio executive chair was brought to a
close ami while lie was en route to Wash
ington to ascertain what had hit him ,
Col. Moonlight's name was sent lo the
The roult is , through all those circum
locutions that o\-iovernor ( Watren's
ft lends are not overly pleased , Mr Post's '
friends are disappointed ; ox-ovoinor !
Maxtor's friends are disgusted ; and the
pcoole ot the territory , who rejoiced
\vhcu the finsl resident governor of the
tertitory took Ids olliee nearly two years
ago , are wroth because of the appoint
ment of another non resident and the re
sumption of the policy of making the
executive chair a reward for political
effort in the states. The Cheyenne Sun ,
ro.publle.ui , has not failed to cmphasr/o
the sentiment above given und has taken
the position that the public land
policy of the administration , of
which the Wyoming gubernatorial
muddle is nu incidental result , is intended
as a political issue , and that upon a plat
form of which it shall be a stiong plain ; ,
the president , Secretary Lnmnrimd Com
missioner Sparks ilesign to secure the re-
nomination of Mr. Cleveland in 183 ,
with Mr. Lnmar as vlcoittesidcut , and ,
if thnt ticket should L lected , Air.
SparKs to become secretary of the in
terior. Although , as _ may be Inferred
from the tacts , anything lavorablo lo the
administration's public land policy in thi-j
territory may be temporarily unpopular
here , it seems nevertheless not improper
that a statement icgardmg the use und
abuse ot tlio public land laws , based
upon personal observation of your cor
respondent , should be made.
One of the Wyoming papers recently
yolcud the sentiment oi many of Us sup
porters and readers , when it said
' 'in ' olden times when a man made two
blades of gra'-s grow where one grew be
fore , the. } called him blessed , but now it
appears to bo the style of the adminis
tration to call him a thlet. " Unfortu
nately , the same paper did not explain
ilsolt morn fully. The paragraph had
ditect reference to the much debated
anil troubled subject of desert lands in
general and Hie Wyoming Development
company's work and projects in purlieu-
I'tr. ' One of the streams tributary
to the Laramie river js the Sablllii. It
rises within two miles ot the river and then
describes a half ciiclo and empties into
the same river. To acr-omplMi the irri
gation of 10,000 acres of ciiltivuHble land
adjacent to the Kauillc. a tunnel has been
cut through the mountain rungo which
separates it from the Larumio and the
water from the larger stream is thus in
ducted into the smaller. To do this a
half million dollars or moro has been ex
pended , Unquestionably 1 he project is a
good one , and , aside from any opinion ns _
to its wisdom as a speculative venture , it
is full of beneiicient intentions lo the ter
ritory. lret it is equally true that the
general land olllco will urobably refuse
to give title to a portion ot the hind so re
claimed , The lilingi upon all of it were
made iiiiilur the desert act , and a pait of
these filings worn ullercd at about tlio
time the project was initiated. Owing
to unexpected delays the three years al
lotted to these claimants slipped aw.ty
befoio the big tuimel through the moun
tains had been completed. To make now
111 ing ? would have involved 5103 for each
010 acres. To make ilnul proof would
involve the s > vu.iring that there was
water upon each forty acres , which co-
cording to the loeal hind oillciul.s , wiiri
not the c.iso , The claimants , ho\ve\er \ ,
wont nhend and promt up. in a Itnv
mouths afterward Uic tunnel was opened
ami watnr was actually conducted upon
I'IQ ' land which IB now reclaimed in the
lull meaning of the law. Tim claimants
were morallyoei lain that the water would
lii > obtained in u. short time. > > emu of
Ui om hud never seen the land and
may have boon misinformed. Nevertheless
tholoss , tlio stubborn f'ict remains that
in the making of I'ma I prodf the piobabil-
itii-s of tlio fiitnui were t < Mi'led ' to .IA llio
ri'iUitiei of the preacut. In view df HID
piM.iible rejection of ihr o liual proofs
not a few pcr-soiu who arc friends of
tlios-o inieiested accuse the general land
oilice of lee ( w-t iron regulatioiiH. Vet I
doubt it the man up a tree will join in
this a u'usation.
My thiijldo of this nol.ible inslanco in
whieh the desert land law ligutoi , Dioru
are many less conspieuotK in which pat
ents will not bo forthcoming , bm-auso no
attempt has been made to honestly com
ply with the law. Jt hits been the for
tune of your cot respondent , "luring " the
last seven months , to become personally
cognisant of a nunibor of oa ios whuro
public land had been elaimod under thu
desert aet , furrows had been plowed
upon cauh forly neie * . and final proof
hue been ratido. U'.Ucr never was aid )
never will bo condni-ted upon naeh legul
subdivision. 1 do iioV pay that the land
thus , taken is worth inoiu than ? 1 ' 25 per
acre In faet , 1 bulievn sonio of it is
worth less , and its elevation i such that
tliu oxpetiM ) of conducting water upon it ,
as coutentil | itod under tlm di-s.-rt act ,
would unquestionably bu autirh grca'er
than its probable valuoin the next
years , Yi-t it is Undm'ubly a stui ! * > ij''i
truth that it has rot bc-ii r 'clfUnted an 5
its ouiainnl was nn evasion and misappli
cation of the law ,
Much has been and is said regarding
the rigidity with which the a\erng pro-
oniplor is treated , lint I submit thnt
every man who knrws personally ami by
actual observation bow many preemptors -
emptors fulllll ihe letter of the law , is
well aware that fully one-third are not
bonu-liilo residents upon the land they
claim for the specified time. Within ten
miles of this young city are. a score or
more pre-emption chilms , the chunmuU
to which tlo business in Douglas , cat in
Douglas , generally sleep in Douglas , anil
to all Intents and purposes make Doug
las thuir place of residence. The only
and solo acts of settlement they hayo
committed ate the construction otn frame
shack , frequently without windows and
without habitable furniture , and the oe-
pauey of H for aj occasional day and
nignt , It may bo a practical Impossi
bility for these clamants to reside con
tinuously upon their isolated laud , for
they piobably eotild not make n liveli
hood during iho first year or two by 11s
cultivation. It is also conceded thatthov ,
arc not speculators or "land sharks. "
Kach proposes to put a curtain amount
of improvements upon his claim and , to
gether with paying $ ! . ' < ! " ) per acre in
making Html proof , to expend ? , " > 00 or
SjfiOO. Yet Is it not preposterous to claim
that they ere complying fully with the
law ? A peculiar case was recently be
fore the Cheycnno land olllcc ; Aouug ,
single noninii , school teacher by occupa
tion , pre-empted an excellent piece of
land near I.atamie river. She was un
able. b.y reason of her uvoeution , and
partly , aKo , beeatme of her unprotected
condition to make what might bo con
sidered a continuous reMtleiieo there.
Yet , by employment ol others , she made
n number of iinptoyenumts nml accom
plished souio cultivation , Was she a
botu lidopre-emplor ?
In cases similar to those mentioned ,
the grave question arises : How shall
justieo be arrived tit ami the law obeyed
while the individual bo not wronged ?
There are honest desert land ehuinunls
in Wyoming many of them. There are
also hundreds of honest pro-emptor. , who
have lived eveiy day of their time upon
their claims , and who have cultivated
them. Many of these have made liual
proof nud , although two or moic yearn
liavo elapsed , have not obtained patents.
Tlio delay in the issuance of imtonts K
in truth , the most serious charge made
ag'iiust the present land commissioner.
Hut in view of tlio many nnd stupendous
frauds which have been uncovered by
special investigation , the question arises
whether Mr Sparks Is not juMilied in go
ing slow. No ono can doubt that the
commissioner and the secretary of the in
terior are wrestling with a big question ,
and 1 do not believe that any candid
man , viewing the whole situation , can
doubt their sincere desiie to give llio law
anil the claimant even-handed justice.
They are sometimes misinformed. In
his ollicial report regarding Wyoming's
public lands , Secretary Kumar gives evi
dence of this. Along some water com sea
or upon fioruo level elevated plateau ,
where there is but llttledrainago Wyom
ing grass is .succulent and abundant ;
but over broad sweeps of wild land it
is t > iiially | true that the grass is of
mediocre charaoter , and not at all as
liiMiriant as would be inferred by the
resident of the eastern and mid
die states who reads the
honorable secretary's rcpoit. Mr.
Lamar lias undoubtedly obtained a par
tial misapprehension ol' ' the exact condi
tion ol nllairs. and this is not due to in
tentional mis-itatomeiits to him by special
agents. These gentlemen differ upon
material points anil differ honestly. Ks-
pecially is this true concerning the ques
tion of what is agricultural land , and ,
what is desert , or arid land. 1 believe it
will bo demonstrated in tlio next quarter
of a century that the present administra
tion will have accomplished much good
tf > the present und future generations of
the I'nited States by its vigilance in
guarding the publie domain , bcarching
investigation into ( lie methods of obtain
ing land will make the titles of those
who bear the test all the more secure.
If a happy method of hastening patents
in'casos where compliance with the law is
evident could be devised there would bo
greatly diminished complaint. Yet less
fitrinceiit enforcement of compliance
with the provisions of tho. laws us they
now stand would be a stop backward ,
from which the general good and inter
ests of the wholn people of the United
States would sutler. A modification of
the land laws should be speedily reached
by congress. Aided in this way , ftituio
administrations will bo enabled to e.xe-
ciite this provisions of the simplified la s
with moie n < rrceabu ] results lo tlio people
ple of tiie territories , and Wyoming in
particular. JOII.N'-OS.
t ' JUrt Inlay Hook
is a beautiful present to give any lady.
lint there is a little book published in
pamphlet form , with no pretensions to
literary merit , that would bo as appro
priate. and might be the moans of saving
a life. It is called Dr. U. V. Piurce's
treatise on diseases of womnn , for whose
peculiar troubles tlio " 1'avorito Pro-
serintion" is especially designed. It is
profusely illustrated with wood-cuts and
colored plates , and will be sent to any
address lor Ion cents in .stamps , by the
World's Dispensary Medical Association ,
Muffs ! o , N. Y.
.Japan Mail : The loading vernacular
journals ol Japan agree in regarding the
recently issued i emulations for Ihu s.ilo of
land in Hokkaido as most important. ' A
piominent purpose of these regulation ! !
is to piovunt thu purchase of laigo tracts
by speculators v. lip have no intention of
engaging in agricultural pursuits , but
metely contempluln holding hind with
the hope of a raise in ils value To obvi
ate .such .speculation the area purchasable
oy ono person is now limited to lUO.OUD
t.lubo or about eighty aeivs , and il is Also
pro\ided that oflleijil iiiHpeclorH Khali bo
made annually with the vlmof detcnui.-
ng whether iho land is being applied
to thi ) purpose announced originally by
its holder , All land not thus ulili'/ed
\\illbi ) resinned possession of by thu
government In addition iho liuul will
not become the actual wopcri y of its
cultivator until afinr Iho expiration often
ton years. During tlm4 uiiiu ho will have
tin ; use of It rent fieo , nnd , should his ( h-
eaiie of os ponenco proui atlraulivo , the
option of purchasing the fro simple for
91 20 per ucro will Ihou lo : ghvii him ,
Thus tin1 uiMtigeiuf ni amounts to this
that an > one intituding , bou.i lido , to en
gage In agricultural pursuiis can procure
tlm fron Use of o'fflity ' uens ot land , with
this certain ! v Ct ) being able to purchase t
in perpetuity for * 1 'M pi r aero , Dmnz
thos i icnc.iri Jin will bo exempt from
land or loeal ln\ts , but nothing i.s Mid
about import taxes , which ur iho great
incubus upon all imli.stry in lloKkaldo.
bii'Kiinvr digestion and assinnhi ion
produi i ) ilisordi tud conditions of llio * > * .
turn winch giow .and am confirmed 'by
neglect. Dr. .1 II.'a Slruugth
L-nmg I'ordial and Mlood Purifier , by Us
tonio properties , cures indigestion jiud
KJvty tune to Iho etomaih fjsj.OO p r
1'rlune Alf'AKiulcj's fonqucNts ,
Prince Alexander is Iho hero of the
day -or rather wo h uld sa.vof Iho term
in the high schoolh of the 'Merlin young
ladles. A certain ' 'Dr F. , " n -I'lnrcv 1 n
one ol thesii schools , in forms a ( icrnitn
coutf mporary lliai he found fjuitt si nun'-
her ol poems nddr'ujvi'd to J'jiu Hi ro I
Slivmt--iv on the blank pages ol their
fteri l-ii > bunks lloditeovcred thai KOII o
nf thfsa vf'"g .Sappho.s and Corini as
worn uetiiiilh composing siud wrilit'g tu
th'isiast'o ' vorsrs aadrcKieil to thi'ir In r' <
\vhiln thev WITH in cla'.s , and when U V
ought lo have been noting do.wn II'SK '
intrl.H. As a iiutiislniii-i't , liiord < i'
two of the ( itil nqiUDts . to n.iil IL ; t