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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1886)
\ . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY. DECEMBER 31 , 1886. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCilTBLUFFS riUUAY MOHNING , DEC. 01 , OfTIOE , KO. IS , PEABL STREET. Dtlltmd by currier In nr part of thocltj-nt tntntr ctnti ptr we ok. JJ.W.TltTox , Manager. TKt.GPIIONES : niimsOrriCE , No. . NiuuTKimoit Ko. U3. MIXOU MKXTH/E _ ? N. Y. Plumbing ( JdF New fall goods at llcitor's. Auction. Chapman's , Friday evening. Don't fail to attend Chapman's auction , Friday night. The Methodists will "watch out the old and in the new" at the church. The money considerations in the trans fers of real cslate yesterday amounted to tll.-IOG.OS. Preparations arc being made fora wed ding on North Seventh street which will tnko place inside of two weeks. The ladies of the German Catholic church will give a'quadrille party to night in Ihc hall on Main street over JBrown's drugstore. Charles Gallagher has pleaded guilty to stealing a coat from 1) . Goldstein's place , mid ( he judge lias reserved the sentence until to-day. Miss Eunice M. Wells , with Mis Georgia He.nnott entertained happily a. company of their young friends at tlm house of Mr. and Mrs. L. " Wells lust ev ening. The lloyal Arcanum gave another of its ociiil gatherings hist evening. It was an elegant all'alr. The new hall is a beauty , and has been well arranged and iuinlslicd for such gatherings. 'file Sons of Veteran ? have selected as nlllcers : E. K. Galligan , captain ; C. A. Williams , Ifr-st lieutenant ; G. G .Chirk , second lieutenant ; W. S. Messemor , dele gate to the state encampment. The law office of Fliekiuger Bros , had a narrow escape from a scorch from tlm sudden burslin ; : of a student lamp , by the light of which I. N. Fllekinger was working at the desk. The malting had a few holes btin.ed in it , but tlm blaxe was put out o-it before any serious damage was done. Call at Chapman's Art store , and , ce the elegant line of pictures thai will be ollered at auction Friday night. Weather strips at Chapman's 105Main. Hard anil soft coal , best quality , all Fixes. Missouri and Iowa wood. C. It. Fuel company , 530 Itroadway. Tele phone liiO , A watch-night meeting will he held at the Broadway M. E. church to-iiight , be ginning at ! i p. in and continuing until midnight. The services will consist of : i prayer meeting , love feast , consecration meeting and addresses by Uev. A 1C. Hates , of the Presbyterian chureii , l ev. W. T. Smith , presiding elder of the Council Hlull's district , and the ) ja < tor of the church. A cordial invitation to at tend this service is extended to the public. _ Electric door be.lls , burglar alarms and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the New York Plumbing Co. See Moore K. Kipliuger's elegant pres ents to their customers. One eliunce with cachSoe purchase. 4J ! > Broadway. Notice Opera house barber shop , bath rooms re-opened. John Williams , a hey , is in durance vile for disturbing the peace and striking an ollicer. Although Willianus does not look large enough to trouble the .smallest man on the forci ; , it seems Iliac he must linvii been wild , as the book shows that it took three ollie.ers , Unthaiik , Thomas and Martin , to arrest him. Don't ' buy your new suit or overcoat until you look at those at Meteulf Bros New goods and Christmas Novelties at Kirkland's , jewc-lcr , No. 'J' S Broadway. Weather strips nt Chapman's , Main .st. The new skating rink will je lighted by the electric light and every convc.nic.nco is bci'.ig arranged for the opening , which will probably lake place to-morrow , pro vided E. W/llart , manager of the New York Plumbing company , who is inter ested in the new rink will ; Harry Haas , returns from the east. During Mr. Hart's absence the entire plans have been ar ranged by Mr. Haas. Wo have a line largo line of Christmas novelties that we are selling cheaper than ever was known , : i-o ! niulllers , sill ; handkerchiefs , ladien' and gents' gloves , clothing , line sealskiiicajis , etc. JOHN HI..XD > t Co. For sale or exchange for clear hind , Council Hlnll's or Omaha property , a most promising ami f'ushioiinhln trottintr bred two-year-old stallion , standard bred. Ituluii. Address P. It. Hunt , llarlan , la. Per olinl ( } . AV. Ctillison , the Harlan attorney , is : il the Pneilie. C. D. Itoyd , ono of IMcClurg's mi Mon- uilcH , is in from a trip. George II. Sims , of Portsmouth , In. , a Floekmun , is at the Pacilio. Mrs J. W. Klecli is spending p. few days with her sister , Mm. S. D. Fox , of Dunhip , Mr. Ewers , of Dunlap , an excellent finger and musician , has decided to lo cate in Council Hlull's. Elmer Shiigart , son of E. L. Sliiigiir' , has beei aeeorded the lii > t prl/.o for elo cution fa Belluv 'o v college. llov. Dr. Heed and wife , and Miss Reed , of Harlan , together with Mrs. Miller , of Cherokee , urn ut the Pacific. District Atlornoy Thornell is suflVring roverely from neuralgia , ami was iiurdly able to appeur in court yesterduy. Herman Dierks.of DlerksBros. , Broken Itow , Neb , , was in tlm city yesterday vis iting his brother while en routu east. lion. Lafu Yoiuip to-night gives u party nt his liouiin Atlantic , to which home. ol his Council Hlutl's friends are invited. Hov. Thos Kees , formerly pastor of tint Dunlap Baptist church , is now supplying the pulpit of the Baptist cliurch in Don- City.HOT. HOT. H. M. Coulter , for three year ? pastor of the Prcsbvterian church , ot Woodbine , his ; accepted a call to the pas torate of tlm Presbyterian church at AValiiut , and begins labor January 8. aConductor Inlow , of the dummy train , has a ten-day lay-ofl'and has gone cast on busiuens. William Gaines now hus charge of thr > dummy trains ufter ti o'clock In the eveninu until Inlow's re- turn. turn.Mr. . WolK an attorney who hns lately been practicing in Montana , tuul whoso former homo was in New Jet ! > ey , is in the city and planning on locating here , as lu 5s very favorably impressed with Conner Itlull's and its prospects. See. that your books are inside bv Moore house & Co , , room 1. Everett block. Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves I tor the next thirty days 1 will sell heating Move.s ut COM lor cash only. P , < \ DuVou . Heating stores at cost to close them out IV. A. Wood , No. 501 Main street. ascertain what he had to caj ; vwarii lit. Ilia THE PEN IS NOT TOO MIGHTY , To Hold the Kind of Crooks Sentenced by Jndge Loofbourow Yesterday- A QUIET WEDDING. Another Chapter In tbn Bock Cane Various Preparation * For Closing the Old Ycnr nml tjulierlnc tu the New Newsy FraRincnts. Their The interesting feature in yesterday's proceedings in the district coiut was the sentencing of tlm prisoners who had been found guilty at this term of court. The prisoners worn brought before Judge l.oofbournw and were given the grim satisfaction of seeing over his head the words , "Welcome to All , " that being a part of the decorations of the hall left from the festive dnncc of the other even ing. Major Williams , \\lio wis sus pected of having ? > liot Hughes , and killed him , was conspicuous by his absence. There were many whispered comments among the lookers-on , and the major's left car must have burned wherever he must have been The life sentence which Major Williams merited in the minds of many was divided among the lessor oU'i'iitlora ' , each taking a fuw years of It. Harry C. Wallbridge , the travelling salesman for L. Klr&cht , who succeeded in getting away with several hundred dollars of the linn's money , was sen tenced to four years in the penitentiary. This vias about what lie expected , for lie had been looking over the statute book , while wailing in the ante room to be called before the judge. Ho stepped buck with a satisfied air. T. W. Bartlult was next called to the fiont. He is the big nosed young man who was ciuight burglarizing Judge James1 residence , lit was sentenced to three years. William Llojd , belter known as "Com- aiiehe Bill , " came heavily rolling along next , lie was convicted of a fonlidenee game. Ho is a crook who lias been eiuight many times , but never before convicted. He is known : i a crowbar burglar , and rather a cheeky burglar , rather than a slick eonlidonce man. His usual as-urancu was nilaMii .c yesterday , and he was as modest in mien as a maiden when he stood before tlie judge , who sentenced him to live years in the penitentiary. As Comiinelie Hill walked back into the hide room , he stopped to remark to an acquaintance , "Well , they've been after me for twenty-four years , and this is the lir > L ehanee they have had to give it to me. " it is said that one cigar cost Co- maneho Bill live years in the penitentiary iary- When first arrested and brought before .fudge Avlesworlh for a prelim inary healing he was very cheeky and blufled everybody , He did not think for a moment lint that he would be able to square this as he hud squared many pre vious scrapes. Ho evidently expected to satisfy his victim in some way and get the ea.MJ dismissed. He asked for a con tinuance , ai'.d it was granted. Then juine the question of bail. The judge is aid to have had in I. is mind to lix the bail at 1-500 , but just as he wis : _ delibcrat- ngupon it Conianclie Hill , with all the cheek of a reporter , stalked up to the udge's desk , nnd laying down a niekle igfir coolly asked the judge to smoke it ifterlca. "The bail in this case will be i\cd at f.1,000 , " remarked the Judge. That settled it. Had it been half of that imount the fellow's friends would have iriauged to havegivcn it , and then if the : ase was prosecuted he would have umped the bail , liis triends made an Utcnipt to get tltfl.UOO. but it was too ligh a figure , H' r tiiey did not consult ! ! ' din worth the price. He was put in iail , tried to dig out , was detected , held behind the bars , and will now take a trip jieross the stale , lie lost his chance by his liberality with cigars. The nest nrisoner was Mike Kelloy. He wa.s : i workingman , whose only glaring fault seems to be in gelling drunk , and when drunk he cannot rc.M t the tempta tion to commit other oll'enses. Hi ? crime [ his time was the stealing of a wateh from the residence of .lames Carroll , the watch belonging to C. 11. Ko s. The judge gave him a lei'tiire on the im- Dortance of a man keeping sober , espec ially if lie was inclined to do sueli things when drunk. In view of all the circuni- Mances he was let oil' with ? monlhb in the comity jail and a hue of $5(1. ( Charles ( /'lark for burglary was sen teiieed to eighteen months. Tim Clcason , the only elderly man in the group , was sent to the county jail for six months and lined $50 for arceny. John Ki/.er was one of those unfor tunate individuals who picK IIP carelessly a piece of rope , without noticing that a cow was tied to the otlior cud of the rope 'J'he jury decided that he stole the cow , and his only defense was that ho was drunk and did not notice that them was so much to the rope. Heillseive in the pen for eighteen months. William Emerson , who in no respect rcM > inhlcd tiie minsttel , was sentenced to three years. He was the colored indi vidual caught going through the K. C. hou e , and with whom thorn was Mich a lively tiring when ho and his comrade were arrested on the railway trauK about ten miles out of the city. P. C. V ftbstcr , the young fellow who forged a cheek in Crescent , and who waste to bungling about it , got two years and a line of $100. James Stewart eaine ne\t , He is ( lit ) saddle colored fellow who stole a coat from the police station. He expected to get about three ' vears , but was happily tisnppointcd , the' tune being fixed at .inly one. lie could hardly keep from smiling in the judge's face , and when ho got out of .sight ho tairly broke into a double somersault chuckln. Kd wards , the crook who was discovered by Olllcer McMillan as he was turn ing a trick at the. transfer , was yestcnhii found guilty by the jury , but it was too early to sentence him , and he goes ovei until this morning. The ease of Wilson , charged with steal iig : Mr. Beers' oNoreoat from L. C. Bald win's residence , was comnn-need yester dav afternoon. The court will adjourn to-day , ] mean business. I am going to redue my .stock ot pielurns by ottering them a auction Friday night. W. W. Chapman JOS Main street. Masquerade suits at Mrs. ,1. K. Met calf's for rent. Noun cheaper west o Chicago , Ccnlcrvilhi foft-liimp coal , | 3 75 pet ton , delivered , Win. Welch , 015 Mail street , telephone t)3 ) , Won a 1'rmi. Ed. A. Becker , now of Sioux rails , ha been in the cily for a few days , and while bis presence among old friends was a welcome one , he has been eyed with sus picion by lite more thoughtful ones. It sceme that Ins visit liaro was not alto gether for the purpose of vis'ting ' old friends , but also for the purpose of robbing Council 13 hi Us of ono of its favorite maidens. In this ho has suc ceeded , the ceremony taking place yes terday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The fair bride is Miss Adelaide Horton , and it was at her home , No , 022 1-irst avenue , that ho became Mrs. Becker. Only the limit fuse specified. So far as lu > knew , "th avidhjblo or ileccutl nlimatc friends were present , and Rev. Father McMcnomy performed the service. \flor a befitting wedding supper , the icwly wedded ones left on the evening rain for their new home in SJOUT Falls , dr Uuckcr IK there connected with the Dakota. Insurance company , In that inc ho is thoroughly experienced , hav- ng been formerly connected with the 'ouncil Bluff's Insurance company of his city. He is a young business man of iiiich ability , and is winning success , The bride is a favorite here in social circles , nnd in musical circles even more o. She is one of the most accomplished nusicians in the city , and will bo missed greatly. The best wishes of many friends vill accompany the young couple as they hus start 'out in life under such bright irospccts. _ L. It. Crafts & Co. are loaning money 011 all clashes of chattel securities at one- mlf their former rates. Sec them before bccuring j-our loans. An elegant line of short wraps , new- markets , etc. , cheap , to close them out. Juiix Br.xo & Co. Substantial abstracts of titles nnd real o lnte loans. J. W. fe E. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street , Council HI nil's. Five hundred overcoats for boy and children , from fl.50 up. up.MKTCAU - Bite . The Hock Cane. 'Ihc Bock oa o came up before Judge \ylcsworlh in a new form yesterday. lecently he issued an order proviiling that under certain circumstance" , and at stated times the father of the child could je permitted to see it , but that otherwise the child should remain in custody of the mother. Yesterday the mother ap- icarcd by her attorney , nnd asked thai his order be rescinded until divorce pro ceeding * begun at Dcni on could bo do- ided. The application was refused. Mrs. Hock claims that her husband has icon gmlty of conduct which makes it mpossible for her to soften her feelings mil she does nol \\ant to have anything to do with him , nor allow him to have inything to do with the child. Great auction sale at ChupMian's Art Store to-night. The last and only chance to ptrehasc a handsome picture at your ) wn price. Dr. llanrhntl , olllco No. 12 Pearl street : residence , ISO Fourth street ; telephone No. 10. William Lewis yesterday pleaded guilty to disturbing the peace and was given a lonunal lino. Lewis claims that Ids ag ravation was grcnland his oll'e.ust ! snuul , It appears that an old citixen , in stepping otl'the train tirst got in to Lewis" hus , and then changed his mind anil selected the one of the opposite line , remarking : "I guess I'll take a decent 'bus. " Lewis was uH in a minute and he proceeded to tell .he passenger what he thought of him. It him just $0,00 to thus express his opinion ami case hib mind. Charles Muck to-morrow celebrates , or ought to celebrate his fifth anniversary us conductor ot the dummy train. Five ears ago to-morrow lie took the run , and las held it ever since , to the satisfaction of the company. Ho has held the posi tion longer than any other incumbent , and despite the manv annoyances inci- .lent to the position , he seems as good- natured as when he turned upsmiling for liis first trip. \'oiilinitcil \ on ftwtiilh frtf/c. / ] SPECIAL NOTICES. Special ailvfrtipcnionta , such us Lost. Tonnd To Loan , Tor Sale , To Itcut , VSant1 ! , Ilonnllni ; , etc , wilt bolnscrtoil in this column at tliu low ratoof TEN CUNTS 1'Ell LINE lortho Bret laser- Ion and rivoCuiitsPcrljInoforc'nch suluoiiioiu ) InBertlOH. Li'iivo ndvuitisoini'iits nt our olllco No. 12 1'cul elrctt , iiu.uJhoadwuy , Council lllutrs WANTS. FOIl HUNT A niiw two-story triune ilwolllntr hoiiHO , containing' KIX room" , null ( in.both floors , elobt'ts u-ltli all IHM | roonip , lnro t'olhir and irood f'Ntorn. Call on M. F. ttohror or OJoll llroa. iCo. . F'Mt ' HUNT The uiiu-siory Iraint1 l bullilliiK. Ith 4-room dwelling nttiich- nicnl , formerly occuplul ns windy factory and knon'n us No. Ill ) South Miilu stioot , o.x- tuimliiir thiuimh to 1'oail § t. Apply to si. F. ItohicrorOdfll llros , JcCo. Ily n Inwjer ( if e\icrlenee | , f lr llbiary mid ollleo Mimitiuc , IneludiiiffBRfe , horsoiuul buwy. and n little money , n | iiirtui > r- bhlji lu renl estate- business lu Omnhix or desk room In tin olllco. HoHJ. . New Iliiinplcm , Tonn. FOH SAIiElliirliersliop.irood location , Kood reason for erllliiKAdihc.s II , llvoollieo. T\rANTRl > 10) laborers nnd m Icamstcrs to IT work on the Southern Kansas railroad In tlu < Imlinii territory , no milns south ol' Klown , KRIHH" The luie fioni K nFa = City to Klowa Is ttK ) ! ) . lly tnklnif a iccoipt of Hie n/cnt at Knnsiis CityIn the iinmu of < ' Shenllcld , n to- ' halo ot t't' ! > - will lie iillowi'd tiy the contractor. Wnues ? 3i ) per month nivl Uourd to I lie teaiu- Mcrs , and ( l. . * > 0 | > t-r day to the laborers. Hoard'J per nook. Work will liict twoyi-nrii. ( Jood woik for winter. 1'or further Inloiraii- llonaddiecs C. Sliuullcld , Kio'vu , ICaiiFan. Kef- crenco , Jubllco N Scliuiv. , Council Dluirn. FOIt y\li : 0r Kcinlflnro liiillillnir , ' 0.\in ; , two ntorliH. lot " 5x11,5. ftiililos. rlc. . on promlnes in center of | IU.SIIC | H portion ol Han cock , In. Address William II Hutlor. Noola. la. A coltiiito ol five or clx rooms , WANTHD located convenient lo InihlnrHK ; unall family , uo children. Address "Crispy , " llee ollli'e. WANTED-A boy with jiouy to curry Heo route. 7MJH SAUi Old pnpurii lor enlo HI tlio Uee 1 1 olBuo. WANTKD I'arllfRlntfiidlnv lo lie married are wanted to mill nt the Pryor't Heu Joli onicelo telect their uc-tldlnir cnrilf. Christmas Goods /.Y y-'J.VCT Pottery , China , G-lassware , Lamps and Platedware At o\i' 'cdinly } low prices. I'li'aso rull W , S. Homer & Co. > 'o WI Main St , rouncil nitilVii. THEATRICAL" WIGS , BEARDS , Grease Paints T.TC. Thol'luest I m ' "porUd Line ot ' ( lOOdk Wtbt Ut Chlcn o. MrsC.I. . Gillette's Human Hair Emporium No , 200MainStreet.Ccuncil Bluffs , ; ' 'vlJltJ u lun B < j re , f * Jr I "wdr-t'i.M" . * . lAT.55'fiiu. ! " * ' ONE HUNDREDJREE GIFTS ? o Be Given Away By Henry Eiseroan & Co.'s People's Store. TO THE LUCKY TICKET-HOLDERS Un ifnnnnry ifitlt , 1HH7 , ConMAtlnc of Furniture , Chlniuvnre , Cloiliinc , JUlftnltcts , Tnblo Ijlncn , Notions , Money , silk Dress 1'at- tcriiH , Ktc. , lite. For every two dollar's worth of goods mrclmscd , you will receive a coupon ickot , good for one cluincc in the follow- up Grand L'lescnts to be given away by la on Jnmmry Ifitli , 1887 : HKST J'KIZK-Ono suite of Parlor 'imiiturc , consisting of sofa , tutc-ti-tulo and lour grand easy chairs , all ttjihol- tercd in assorted shades of elegant silk jliishc" , worth tl'JS. SKCON13 PJHZK-One Mahopony Hod loom Suite , consisting of bedstead , Jresser and Wash Stand of degant linish vith bnveled class , worth $100. TltlKD PUIZK Ono of the very best ix-drawer Nickel Plated Domestic' Sow- up Machines , The very be t machine it the United Stales , worth 105.00. 1'OUHTII P1UXK - Twenty yards jiiinctt best iiros grain Black Silk , cost fU.OO tier yard , worth tGO.OO. KltTll L'Kl/K-Ono elupant Seal Plush Condon Dyed Cloak , to bo made to order o lit the lucky ticket holder , worth $00.00. SIXTH PK'lHE-Ono pair of the finest U'hito Ulankets made by llio I'ionecr Woolen mill , -alifornin ( , worth $10.00. SKVHNTII PUI/K-Ono Heaiitifnlly ) ( ! coratcd Dinner and Tea Sot , consist- up of otio hundred and forty pioees , worth ? .V.\00. KICHTIl PUIZK-An Elegant Seal Skin Mull' , worth sfi',0.00. NINTH PKI/E--A very line Paisley Shiiwl , worth $ nri.ix ) . TENTH PlUXH-Ono Angora Heaver Shawl , worth iflio.00. ELEVENTH PUI/E--no ) Gentleman's Suit of Clothiup , made of Imported Worsted , guaranteed a. line lit for the winner , worth ti.OO. : { TU ELFJ'Il PlllXE-A Gentleman's Fur Heaver Overcoat , worth ? i0.0 ! ( ) . THIRTKENTU I'll 1 UK Ono Hoy's Kereoat , for a boy between the ages of ! and 10 years , to bo chosen by the lucky mrty lioUUiiir the ticket. Worth $15.00. FOUHTEKN-TH L'UI/E-Ono Hoy's Suit , for a boy between the. ages of ! ! and ' 10 years , to 'be selected by the winner. Worth $15.00. FIFTEENTH PKlXE-Onc Elegant In fant's Cloak , worth $10.00. SIXTEENTH J'lUZE - Ono Elegant Hrass Parlor Table , worth if 10.00. SEVENTEENTH IMUXE-Ono piece of > 0 yards " 1'niit ' of the Loom" muslin , worth $4.00. EIGHTEENTH PKIXE One. half do/.un of thevery best Celebrated "Gold" white .shirts , of which we arc the exclu sive agents , worth $ ! t.OO. N1NTEENTH PKIHE-One Fine Silk Mufllor , worth SS.OO. TWENTIETH PUIXE One Linen Table Set , consisting of Taulc Cloth and Dozen Mtpkins wortli $10.00. TWENTY-F1KST PKIXE A Cash Present of a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece. No. S2One Toilet Set. No. 2J ! One very line Doll. No. 21 Ono Handkerchief HOY. No. 25 One elegant Hand Hug. No. 20 One large Doll. No. 27 One Stand Cover. No. 28 One bottle line Perfume. No. 2l ! One Tob ) ggan Cap. No. ! ! 0 One Table Searf. No. Ill One fine Splasher. No. IV.1 One line Lunch Basket. No. IJli One hammered brass Umbrella Stand. No. 154 One-half dox. fine. Towels. No. 155 One Silk Umbrella. No. lifi Ono line Doll. No. 37 One set China Dishes , suitable for little folks. No. 118 One Brass Broom Holder. No. 3'J ' One pair Men's Silk Suspend- No. 40 Ono Silk Handkerchief. No.-11 One nice. Doll. No. 42 One-half dox. ladle's line Linen Handkerchiefs. No. 43 Fifteen yards Best Calico for a dress pattern ? No.41-OnoHoy'sHat. No.15 One Hoy's Sealskin Cap. No.1(5 ( One line Painted Ornament , No. 47 One Toilet Sot. No.-48 One nice Doll. No. 40 Ono line Doll. No. 50 One elegant Table Cover. No. 51 One Hottlu Perfume. No. 52 One Lace H.tndkerehief. No. 53 One child's fine Lace Collar. No. 51 One elegant Doll. No. 55 One elegant Doll. No. fill Ono Tidv. No. 57 One Table Scarf. No. 58 One line Doll. No. 50 Ono Month Organ. No. liO Ono Imitation Steam Piano. No. ( II OIKS line Book. No. IK One line Book. No. 03-One Pocket Knife. No. ( M-One line Doll. No. 05-One line Doll. No. (10 ( Ono Dr.Vanicrs Corset. No. 07 One Shoulder Shawl. No. OS One infant's Lace Cap. No. ( i'.r-Ono ' baby Dress. No. 70 One largo Doll. No , 71 Ono Hand Bag , No. 72 Ono lady's Companion. No. 73-Ono Silk Mullier. No , 71One largo Doll. No. 75 One line Hook , No. 70 Ono line Hook. No. 77 One Lunch Basket , No. 78 One pair children's Shoes No , 7 ! ) OIKI pair boy's Hoots. No. 80--Ono line Lace Collar. No. 81 One large Doll. No. 82 Ono Lady's .Jersey Jacket. No 83 Ono pair Gentleman's Sus penders. No , 8t--Ono pair Men's Gloves. No. 85-Ono pair Boy's Skates. No. 8(1 ( Ono pair Girl's Skates. No. 87 Ono pair Girl's Skates. No. 88-Ono line Doll No 8 ! ) One line Doll No , 00Ono large Doll No. ! )1 ) Ono largo Doll No. 02 One Necklace No. 1)3 ) Ono iiair Gold CulV Button- . No. ni Ono l ekot No , ! ) . " > One. niee Breast Pin No , 1)0 ) Ono pair Slee-vo Buttons No. 07 Ono Silver Thimble No. ! )8-One ) line Breast Pin No. 8tf Ono pair Kid Gloved No , 100 One Lace Handkerchief Total value of , $800. \ \ ith every $2 pureliaso you rocnivo a ticket , also a ticket for every Jadditlonal f.1 purchase you make. Hold your tickets until January 15th , 1887 , when the fortunate numbers will bo announced and invited to call and re ceive their presents , HEMEMBEK. You have ( o nay nothing extra for yom purchases. W guarantee to sell 3011 goods cheaper than any other house in the west , and best stock to select from. MAIL OKDEUS. All orders by mail will receive prompt attention , and tickets for the free gift distribution will bo forwarded and enclosed with y our purchases , the btuno as if you were present In person. Thesa distributions will bo niado with every fairness , and you may depend on it that the lucky numbers only will receive their presents. No tickets will bo issued to the em ployes of our house. . . . Customers only will receive the bene fits. fits.Call ami coo the above mentioned presents ents now on exhibition in our mammoth store and convince yourself. Respectfully , ' llKNItV KlSKMAN & CO. , I'eople.'ji ' Store , Nos. : IU , 310 , 318 a - ' 120 Broadway Council 1)1 ) u Us. t ( ' rrtaee lurUiIfi * ua IX-H.KTS. CINCINNATI. V. H. A. . COQ-CIK. Holiday Gifts A substantial present Is always most appreciated by the receiver. Wo arc do- 1C out nil of our furniture consisting of Elegant Easy Chairs , tedding of all kinds , and to Upholster and Repair Furniture of all Kinds. Mr.Stookert Personally Superintends all work. Council Bluffs Carpet Co/ / 405 BROADWAY , r. it. ou < 'iTT. ! i. : n.Tti\\oit : , r.UKTocurit'r BUTTERIE BUTTERINE , Wholesale nail retail. Fiiiiiilios supplied with ton stud twenty pound puek- n Res- . J , Y , FULLER , 39 Pearl st , , Council Bluffs l'armln < r Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and rancinjj from $5.00 to & 1U.OO per acre. School and htate lauds in Minnesota on 30 years' time 0 per cent interest. Land liujcrs fare free. Information , etc. , given bv Is'o. BS,1 , ! Broadway , Council Blufl's , Iowa , agent for Freidnksen & Co. , Chicago. DLLECE ® K < ) iilmieil N'nrmiil nnd romineidnl Deitnrtmcnt * Tuition llnnkp , Hoard nnd Itoiiiiie ut Iti-nsoiiiiblu lime ? . NlKlit School Dunne tlui Winter. S. OPjOIjSOl , S'rcst. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING HOTTSES O.F COUNCIL BLUFFS. A ( illlC l'1/lt'lt.l L IMl'l. K.WKVT.S. DKEltE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Implemeats , Baggies , CnrriHircg , I'.tc , F.lo. Coiuioil Illiitrt , lown. KKYSTOXIC MANUFACTURING CO. Manufactnrcrfeul nntl DcRlois lit Hand and Power Corn Shelters , iiK-t'iidiil line of ll t clnspnuulturn ( linrleinonts. Not. lfOI,15U irfl.-jnn.nM7 . Aiuth Main Street , Council lliiitT * . lonn. JUV1D 1UIADLKV & CO. , MnnuT'is nnl Jobbers of igricultaral ImplementsWagons , , Bnggies , Carriatfc ? , and nil kinds or Tarm Mncliinurr. 1100 to lilt South Main Street , Council BlufTu , Iowa. CAIU'KTS. COUNCIL BLUFFS CAIU'ET CO. , Carpets , Cnrtains , Window Shades Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixtures. Upholcti-ry Goo Klc. No. 105 llrondvray Council 11 In tin , lown. C1GA11 * , TOUACCO , KTC. PKKKOY ( ; & MOOHK , Wholrcalo .lolilur * In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nos. 28Mnlti KiiO 27 > 'eHH Sis. Council IOIVK. SNYDKK & LIAMAN , STOIIACR fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. :3J4 ! nml i I'ciil Pt. , round ! HiiiffH. IIAHLH , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Oils Paints Glass Druggists , , , , ls' Pnndrics. Hto. No. i2 M ln St. , and No. "I I'oail St. , Council Illnltd. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fraits a Specialty Ucncrnl Comintaton. No. BU Council W1HT & DUQUIiTTK , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery , -ANII- COMMISSION , NOB. Iflniul 18 l'oiu-1 ft. . Council lllutrs. IIAIWESS , ETC. _ BKCKMAN , STKOHBKHN & CO. . M tnifactiiriie ) of ami Wlicilc iilo DunlHnln Leather Harness Etc. , , Saddlery , . No , K5 Main Hi. . Council MluiH lonn. HAW , CM/.s' , K70. MlvTCALF BIIOTHHKS , Jobbers In Hats , Caps and Gloves. No ? , nt.1 ! Htiil HH HromlwH- , Council lllilIT IIRAVY Jl.lltn\\lltK. \ \ KKHLINK & l-'ICLT , WlloU'ialo Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , Anil Wood Blo.'k , Council lllullH , Invrn. iiinis : AMI TAI.I.OAV. I ) . II. Mi IIONKI.I ) X CO. , IKvtublltlit-il li * .l .S'r > . Ml Mu : ll hlicot , t Council lllulT * . -AMI III.M.I.IIS IS - HIDES , TALLOW , WOOL , ETC. COUNCIL HLUFl'S OIL CO. , Wlidli'Siiln Dcaleri In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Ganllu ETO. , EJTO. E.Thcortoro , Aifunt , Council Illulfs. Io\ra. 1'iLixa ETC. A. OVKRTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Sonthern Lumber , Piling , iBtlllrMeu Muturinl Sni > vaUlo ] , Whole < ialti L fc ror till Kinds , oincu No. 1JO Malu tit , Council Jllutrn , Iowa. .i.VD LIQUUUX. SCHNK1DHII & BKCK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , ttiJJU'ua , JOHN hINDKU , Whole > -iilo Imported and Domestic Wines S Liquors Agent for St. fiotthnirt's Herb Hitters. No. I ) Main St. Council Illulla. L. KlllSCHT & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 110 Hnindivny , Council HlulK FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omalm , NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. yiiiK a § 5 hat or bonnet , oncfar will bo paid ; ? io , lounil flip. More Yet HUM Iflili IS HIM (10 TO AXli , S'/iVJ Till ! Special Bargains l'trc \ tiffi-rliiy for //i/s wcc/ ; . H\ > arc clntl n < i out nur entire < -to l > tlcHirtm < 'nl lo iiiukt' i-nttni J'oi1 inn' liirt'fnurd Cni'i > cl s7. / . ' , tttnl yrm ran Im It clo < ( l ( * at Jiitlf'llich' fdlnr. ll'c hai'c < t fi'tn s/.rt's / art of flnn Clmtl : * tlntl ii'ifl hr tsoltl til n iirettt xni'i-i/ln : U'chtti-i- ' ' ' ' U'chttiirt'i'u iH't'Uu tliliiij * NOVELTY GOODS Hrnl tixfni' Hit1 ftttJitlai/fi. .Sir tJn * Cat' tuul Kittf * vie. ttrc nt'lUnso ; GREATLY REDUCED , Silk MnJte > 'K , lo rlot-c lite. Itit till * tfft'\ \ ! / " / ' TIUKKTK , - ll'f ! /t > n do not littre to imtan I'.t'lrti ] > rit'c for i/ot > tlf > , VIIEA1'isitnilt'tx ttinl C , fltt'ttjn'1' lltttn i/nit ffi'i' , C'oint' itntl KIT tin : tltt. tltt.HARKNESS BROS R. RICE , ML . , Or olhw I'mnor * rpnnm-'l uitiioiil Oio tnilo < ' ' ol ( ) Tr tUirly ortr ] iALlii' lexpi-r uu v. No. It J'emlHt , Coinicil Uluffi JOHN V bTO KK , JAIO STONE & SIMS , ATTORHEYS-AT-LAW , In ( lie Slate anil 1-uiloral court * 7 and 8 Shntfivt Ifi-iio IHonlx. . 1CJt Capitol A\ THE HEATON FUEL du | Will supply you with a cleaner and belltr ' .3f * quality of COAL Tlian any otic In Hie city. A Irlal wlllco > \ iiicc you. $ N'ofiZS Droatlway. Telephone 110. < ff 4 CRESTON H00S M The only hotel in Council lllull * hav ! : And nil mo tarn SI5 , 017 ntul SID Main st. MAX MOHN.'Prop. Star Sale Stables and Mule Yank imOAMVAY , COUNCIL ' BLUH-'S , V " " - Dummy Depot | ' co < K Horses ami mule1 * kept constantly" on liaiul , for sale at retail or in car loads. Oders promptly tilled by contract oh bhort notice Stock sold on commission. SUM ITU > V ) Ki ) KV , Proprietors. Telephone No. 111 Formerly of Keil Sale Stables , corner. 1st. ave anilUli street. Horses and Mules vr For all pin poses , bought and sold , at retail anil in lot' . Large qu.inlitics to select from Several pairs of line diivers , sin- ylc or do' ble. MASON WISE , Council Ulull's. ' OFFICER , & PUSEY , BANKERS i COUNCIL BLUMS , IA. FIRE INSUMHCE ! rj l\\c \ \ following Companies ; Oeintnn Amntcan , of New York Plitvnlx , ' of Haitjont. Haitfoitl , * of Hattfori. California , of San Franciico , Scottish Union A. National , of dlnlturg. Union , of San Fianclico. ifnfr , " uj Des Molnes. WHIlamsburti C/y ( , of Brooklyn. BOOK BIDING' } ' I.odKcr . .loiinuiU , Coiinly and ICtinli. Work < if % H KlutU a.Spcc- laltj Prompt Ailention to Mail Orders & CO. ; MOREHODSE . , # Room 1 Kvi-rrt Hloc-t , Council ninfla , ix 1 Stundiinl Tapers L'ecil All styles o bindft * BLANK BOOKS. . . . . . in i < .T. C. II , NRlloiml Hunk , M. K. Smith * Ca , Cili/.cns' HHiik. llcprn. Wills * Co. , HIM Nntlonnl Hank. ' . II. JnourHoc ; no. , , iiDlccri i'u8eyllaiikcnC.U Savluvn Hunk , Buy COAL AI Of G , MAYNE , ] ' At HIli Ht imil llth avo.i and M. all i > - ' - t-toi-o , Lower Broadway. / ' . Justice of the Peace ovt-i Auicilcau Uxprcib , T' ' > MGMAIION & GO , - Atist-dcts - of Title , Loan aal RulSj 1 ( ? .la Broker. ' , No. 235 Haia St , - , lltu'lnti imt't'litixt'tl 1 bin alititi'ttfl bnoks In thin county , , J kitttit'ii tin tt "McMalton . . . . . . . . . . . JtHttkt , " ii'H Co i o in p rejitt retl to fur' nili ttliiitrar.1 * antl rentedfnilH * c' t licit lite iHttrtintif/euf all tlionn ifc/i | < . iiifi t'tit'i't'i ' I alfilrttt'tH of titlti to limn i j antl lot ? in t'oUuirnttiinilficoiintit. ? . . ! j If MELVIH SMITH & CO , , f. ' ' BO. 236 HUH $ T..MI ) BllH ) > " Hn