Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Iker Condescends to Help the Legislators
Oat of a Dilemma ,
.A SLATE OF CLERICAL OFFICES. Arrivals at the Capital l'o-
llco Court Points Went Lincoln
Stock Market I'incolii
fnioMTitr : nnn'n MKCOI.S nriin.vr.l
"Who is.Tames L' . XodikorJ" was the
Blaming headline to a circular that
Lgrcetod every member-elect to Iho legis-
Erntitro two years t\KO. \ The circular con.-
[ ained a portrait of the noted place ftcekcr
lid a biographical sketch that traced the
Kinarknbic career of this remarkable
rman from the paleozoic ape to the presrnt
liino. The scheme of an illustrated biog
raphy ovrdently worked satisfactorily ,
for the Zcdikor family came down to that
session an < t received about all they asked
and about till there was in It anyway.
The present session Xcdikcr falls into
his loiter writing again , but evidently
thinking that every man , woman and
child knows now thu answer to the
startling question propounded two years
ago , the biographical section is abolished.
The late chief cleric heralds lorth the har
rowing news Hint his business is such
that ho CMIUOI take the * position
the present session , although it comes
very direct that ho expresses grave
doubts in some of his letters as to the
possibility of the session making any
progress without him ami he has conde
scended to announce that ho will
conio down the first of the
week and "help organize. " This bit of
news will afford it great deal of relief lo
ngood many , for it can now bo counted
with a reasonable degree of certainty
that the legislature will be organized. To
be sure there is the danger that the grim
reaper with his sickle keen may enter
Nebraska in the growing harvest of
great men even between this and llio
coming week , and of course llio lirst to
fall would bo "who Is Jamus L' . Zediker , "
depriving the commonwealth of the help
necessary to organize and rim things.
Hut the Zedikcrs are not without a mis
sion this year , and it IH annouccd that
while tlio patriarchal head cannot
answer trio Macedonian cry for himself ,
he has condescended to holi > the law
makers organize and get them on their
feet for work , and has kindly prepared a
slate of the clerical ollh'ca for the house
that will bo forthcoming. This includes
for chief clerk thn publisher of the paper
in his local town , with W. II. Shahen for
assistant clerk , and a gentleman named
IJarbiir for second assistant , partners and
assistants of the shite builder himselt ,
Evidently if the members coul.l be con
vinced , us they ought to be , that
no onu but a Zctlikur could do the
work and no ono could Kclcct in his fail
ure these to do the work but himself , this
precious plan would succeed and in the
event of a slate of this kind not only the
family cntiro but ovcry citizen of the
itato fortunate enough to have his mime
* nienco with the omega of the alpha-
w V.vould be accorded a gracious fat posi-
Wi > . Until au interferencn of this anti
quated place seeker is through long prac
tice an every day occurrence , behold its
r counterpart In the personage of JJrad
. { slaughter , who is now upon tlio ground
iiacing uu and down the corridors of the
nolel watching for the coming of these
who will nuver make him chief clerk.
These remains have u very llfe-liko look
for they have been well embalmed , nnd
all the efforts of the corporations to have
ono of their kind to take charge of tlio
legislature will not electrify Gail Slaugh
ter into life again. A im-mbcr of tlio pre
vious session of the Icgislrturc
Who witnessed Mr. F. 11 , Wil
son through the session during the work
of the assistant dork and a lariro
part of Iho chief's work , remarked yes
terday that at that session no ditlicully
was found ; u selecting a cleric
who was a better ollicial
than all the SlaughtorH and Zetlikers ,
and ho expressed the bellof that equally
us competent clerks could yet be obtained
from the half million or more inhabitants
of the stale.
If it wcro of enough interest this pro-
lilic subject could bo extended at greater
length and a microscopic view could be
taken of a nartr by the name of Secley ,
who has watched with a hungry longing
the secretary of thu Fcnate since the days
even before nominations were made. Hut
the subject would bo as threadbare as
this politician. Kot every dead issue re
ceives Ihe buriitl it deserves , and life is
short forobiluarics.
Senator Uobbins , of Valley oountywho ;
represents Valley and adjoining counties
in tlm coming slate senate , arrived in
Lincoln yesterday for the session's work.
This is thu first visit Mr. Itobbma has
made to the state capital since Ids elec
tion , and ho is on thoirround early for Iho
. contest. Uuprubeutaliro N. M. Sateholl ,
i \Vcoping Water , was also in the city
. . . . . . . . . . , but returned homo yesterday
l-s , .0 remain until the first of the week. M.
, A. Daughorty. of Crete , is also in town
Snitching his interests as candidate for
scrotary of thu Minute , and a number of
kUiur candidates and members are booked
fu arrive within the next twelve hours.
K'ho clans are therefore gathering.
Eil'esterdiiy morning thn jucigo had bc-
e him for a hearing five of the fallen
linen of the city who wore gathered in
} the police thu night buforu. Kueli of
ni were lined in amou/its / varying from
Uu $10 , and as none of thorn had the
Ish nil were committed. The number
If fallen women now sumng sentences
MI tlm ard six , four colored ami two
Ll'cdoway , the proprietor of the Na-
loiial liolnl , who has bi'en in much
Double through too much drink and his
Ijlitlng imalitiDS , laid in juil yesterday
Intil Into in thu afternoon in an otlort
Fiadc by lliu police to sober him up
iiough for llirt trial ptmdint ; against him.
'Thuyoung ' man who found his way toil
\il in a very critical condition sutU'riiifj
fill ) pneumonia , has been put in charge
* partivs to nursu and tiring buck to
, . Ith if possible , His condition is cnt-
iXa' ' '
11 Urn * plain O.TSO of intoxication was up
i court yesterday , and Iho uaiitil Jiuo of
) was ussiis.scil and iniid.
Itf Iho Wi > st Lincoln stock market yester-
hiy was strung uud netivo and the dn.
tand aliond of reoeipl ? with prii-es still
' vmieinu. Tlm roci-ipta yesterday in
hog line wiiro 1'JOO and llm markut
u ruled from $1.2310 $ t 3j per nun-
_ ' The packing hoiii > a nr using nil
hey can obtain , and at a very early
u the foren in housu numhor two will
_ _ ilicruaped and Iho dumitnd bu still
( j -rc ucct'lun't ' 'd ,
in TOWS' 1 Grift. .
I R I , U. Tcbnult. of O'Kuill City , has been
I" * , Lincoln the pint two day * getting tig-
| so { from the brh-k iiiiorost.s out nt UVst
airy icoln for a.O'jO.UuO brick to J.e used in
" nolc block at O'Si-ill that ho inlomls
build tlm coming feummor. Air.
cnbautt Is very . < ; aiiguiuu ; s to thu very
J/iitunuii hiaihrlvlng city and has
I , nt faith that it w lo iu-vonitt one of the
- . j.cspf tliDuuiU1. The liloek that 1m is
' t is ulivudy nujjotisiti'd for by uu
hrui for whohuirtte purposes.
Mi Kimidii. priiu'ip t of the T
school , and M'ss Jituily Llulifsou ,
both of this city , were united in.mfcmagc
Wednesday evening. Both are promi
nently connected with the public schools
of the cltv , and have many friends.
The Dot Putnam company , that has
liocn attempting to hold the dates at the
People's theater , Has nearly gene to
pieces , and the dates remaining have
been canceled. A nart of the company
went up to Valparaiso yesterday to en
tertain thai village.
A party whose nanm is not learned , but
who had sv considerable amount of
money on his person , wns locked up in
jail ami released yesterday without action
on Ins caso. This , it Is slated , wns not
the first oflenso of the party , and a pub
lic ; line and record might do him
The street car line has commenced
running half-hour ears from the. former
terminus of the linu , on East A street.
out to IVck's grore. The line i ? opened
early for the expected boom in that part
of the suburbs.
Kx-Srnntor Hyers , of Cass , whoso name
Is frequently mentioned In connection
with an important appointment under the
new state administration , was in Lincoln
yesterday between trains.
Ono hundred and lifty ladies will re-
crivu calls on New Years day at the V.
M. C. A. rooms ID iho afternoon
frcshnjcnls will bo served. The invita
tion Is extended to all to call around on
that day.
The T. P. A. hoys had a large and
pleasant meeting at their post headquar
ters on Wednesday evening , a goodly
number of citizens editing upon them in
addition to the traveling men in the city.
The business transacted covered a wide
range of topics , and the matter of high
charges by tlio Missouri Pacilicon excess
baggage was referred to llio railroad
Among tin1 Xfbrasknns in Lincoln yes-
tcrdtiy wi-vo the following : J. M. Camp
bell , II. 11. Liud , ,1. A. Htirgcr. Omahai J.
W , Kdgurlon , btromsburg ; . 1) ) . Hart ,
Minilon ; I ) . K. Homgavdnnr , Orleans ;
I'hoinas i'ricc , Bi-nnetl ; W. J. Urandall ,
Xo name is bolter and more pleasantly
and widely known than that of Mr. J.
A. Po/.v.oni. For Years ho has made him
self famous by the elegant perfumes and
complexion powder that bi-ars his name
the lutturhaving found its way to th
bi-Ilcs of Paris ( Jcrniany and London
Everybody admire beauty in ladies
Nothing will do more to produce or en
hiince it than to use Mr. Po/woni's pro
Twenty Thousand Men
Atlanta Constitution : In January ,
1PGI , while the confederate troons wore in
winter quarters at Dallon , there came ti
big snow storm and 20,000 soldiers went
into a regularly organized snow-balling.
On one side of a branch was the
parade-ground of tho'Gcorgia and South
Carolina troops , and back of thai Ihc
quarters. On the opposit side of the
branch was the parado-ground of the
Tenncssiioans and back of their parade-
ground were Ihoir quarters.
The ground was frozen to n depth of
five foot , the snow was a foot deep and
no indication of molting.
A day was appointed for the snow
The Tennesseo.ans marched out and
formed a line of battle , their drums beat
ing , bugles blowing , colors lying , and
olliccrs mounted.
Kvery soldier had a knapsack full of
The Georgians formed and prepared to
make the attack by crossing tlm branch.
There were 10.000 men on each side , ami
the scene was very imposing.
As soon as ' .he Gcorgam crossed the
branch they met a trritic fusillade from
the Tennesseeaus , who were al home in
the snow.
The commander of the Tcnnessecant.n
handsome fcllow named. Gordon , who
was troni Franklin , Tenn. , was captured ,
but a bold dash was inado by the Ton-
ucsscoans , and he was rescued.
The Georgians and South Cnroliuans
being unused to the snow , were at great
disadvantage , and wcro forced back
across the branch. As the Tcnncssccans
crossed the branch they wet their snow-
bulls , and the next volley fired at the
Georgia and Carolina boys was terrible in
its educl. Pressing on , the Tcnncsseeans
captured the quartern nnd prqcceilcd to
loot the whole shebang , carrying off ra
tions , tobacco , pipes , and everything else
that did not bolonjj to the government.
This snowballing , in which 20,000 men
took part , was no doubt the biggest thing
of the kind that ever occurred in Georgia
and bigger than will ever occur again-
Tlio II mini ii Koot nnil
The foot should bo as long as the chief
bone of the forearm ; that is , from the
small head of the bone to be scon ut the
wrist to the uolut of the elbow should bo
the length of the foot. Where the fore
arm is too short , the foot , will be found
to be false lee short : whom this is too
long , the foot will be too long. Most
people are surprised that the foot should
liu as long as the forearm , and are in
clined to dispute the fact till Ihoy provo
it by experiment- an o.xperimont will
easily show that a straight line drown
from ono point to another will appear a
fjroiit deal longer than llio same space
filled by a line divided into curves.
A Now Years Present.
A box of Colgate's Cashmere jtouquct
Soap is an inexpensive gill for ludy or
gentleman ,
Outdoing the Hiirutiardt.
Chicago Herald : Sarah Uerhardt was
playing tragedy in Santiago , Chili , a
short time ago , when a real tragedy star
tled the peoplo. Indeed , for awhile the
French actress was not much talked
about. Don Ksloban do Moo , a millionaire -
airo , quarreled with his nophcw , Don
Kmillo do Mco , n young physician , about
Don Ksteban's daughterr. The young
woman's honor was compromised. Don
Kstoban stabbed his nephew thrice with n
dagger. As the murdcrcil man foil his
assassin knell upon him , his knee upon
hia ptomach , nnd kept stabbing away ,
kecnini ! count all the time of HIM number
of inputs , which weie found afterwards
to amount to twenty-live. Ho then coolly
washed his bloodstained hands. When
an odlcer rushed up ho exclaimed : " 1
have stabbed him twenty-live times ! I
don't care if I have to die , for I have
killed a tiger and freed humanity from a
criminal ! "
The whisky pool decided not to clwigo
the production nor the price.
Prc" r'-l w 'h str'- ani
a. Jlr.JV oo'
Jjjvac'.e , VaaUJ. tauuo , etc. , BiVOt Ctlicj'ouilj.
WW mwffFSHVlV ett CRM 7 Sr. Ift
Eatly Life and Subsequent Career of a
Remarkable Womaa1
How She Allied Her Husband In Ills
I'nbllc JJutles , nnil Ilotr She
Worked for 111 ? Success Dur
ing Political Campaigns ,
The American ancestry of Mrs. Logan
goes back to a sturdy Irish sctllcr of Vir
ginia and a French pioneer of Louisiana ,
llergrcat-crandfathcr , Robert Cunning
ham , of Virginia , was a soldier of Iho
war for independence , after which ho re
moved to Tennessee , thence lo Alabama ,
and Ihcnce to Illinois , when still a tcrri-
lory , nnd Ihcrc inanutiiilted his slaves.
Her father , Captain John M. Cunning
ham , served in the Black Hawk war. lib
was a member of the legislature of Illi
nois in 1815 and ' 40 , and served in the
.Mexican war. Ho mother was Miss
Klixabetb Fontaine , of distinguished
family of thai name which had
arrived in Louisiana during the
Trench occupancy of that country
and had thcnco journeyed UP the Missis
sippi river nud settled in Missouri , It
was hero that John Cunningham met his
li 'ido , and 51 wns near the present village
of Sturgeon , then known as Petersburg ,
in Booiio county , Mo. , that Mary Sim-
morson Logan was born , August IB , 1333.
When she was one year old her parents
removed to Illinois and settled ntMariou ,
in Williamson county. Il was here that
llio mother and her eldest daughter , then
but nine years old , shared lie ! dangers of
n fronlier home and thu cares and solici
tude of a growing family , when the hus
band and father went forth to light Ihe
battles of his country upon the parched
plains of Mexico and braved the trials
and privations of a miner's lifo in the bi-
erras of California.
This courageous and dutiful girl re
lieved her mother , who was not strotu : ,
of most of Iho household work , and still
found time to attend the primitive school
of the neighborhood and tram herself in
useful needlework.
The father felt u just pride in his oklesl
daughter. The assistance which she had
rendered her mother during his long ab
sence in Mexico and California had oven
more closely endeared her to his heart ,
and her love of sudy had prompted him
lo give part of his income lo her proper
cdncalion. Accordingly , in 1851) ) , the
daughter was sent to the Convcnl of .St.
Vincenl , near Morganlielit , ICy.a branch
of tlio Nazareth Institute , the oldest in
stitution of the kind in Ihe country. This
was Ihe nearest educational establish
ment of Bufiicient advancement in the
higher branches of knowledge. The
voting lady was reared a Baptist ; after
her marriage the joined the Methodist
church , the church of the Logan family.
Having graduated in 18-3 , Miss Cuu-
niiiKham returned to her father's ' homo
at Shuwncctown. In her younger days ,
when a mere child , she had aided her
father as sherifl" of the county , clerk of
the court , and register of the land ofiice
in preparing her papers. Those were
not the days of blank forms for legal
documents. Accordingly , the father
depended upon the daughter to make
copies for him. While Mary Cunning
ham was thus aiding her father in his
oflieial duties John Logan was prosecut
ing attorney of the district. Ho had
known Father Cunningham and was Jiis
warm friend. He had known the daugh
ter as a , little girl. Jn 1855 they were
married , and at once went to the young
attorney's home at Beiiton , Franklin
county. The bride was sixteen years of
age , but her young lifo had already been
ono of usefulness to her mother and of
great service to her father.
The young wife immediately installed
herself in the place of companion and
helpmeet to her husband. [ .Sho accom
panied him on all his professional jour
neys , an undertaking in these days of
wilderness and no roads often requiring
great endurance and privation , in 18rG ;
the devoted wife saw her husband tri
umphantly elected a member of the legis
lature , and in tlio famous Douglas and
Lincoln .senatorial contest ho was elected
as a Douglas democrat to congress. In
all thcso hard fought political campaigns
the noble wlfo wont with her husband ,
assistitiK in much of his work of corre
spondence and copying , nnd fre
quently receiving his friends and confer
ring with them on the details of the cam
paign. When Mr. Losran wont to con
gress zi a representative Mrs. Logan
wont with him , She remained with him
in Washington until the outbreak of the
rebellion , when he resigned his seat in
congress to return to Illinois to go into
the service of his country.
The war having commenced and Mr.
Logan having raised and been assigned
to this command of the Thirty-first Illi
nois volunteers. Mrs. Logan , with her
only living child , then throe years old
( now Mrs. Tucker ) , returned tn her
father's homo at Marion. The Illinois
troops having been ordered into camp at
Carlo Mrs. Logan joined her husband
there. During the batllo of Belmonl
Mrs. Logan hoard the coming of the guns
across the turgid flood of the Mississippi.
In the midst of painful and anxious sus-
pouso for the safety of her own , of whom
she felt that he was in the thickest of the
contlk'l , she gave a helping hand to the
care of the wounded and sutlbring soldiers
as they wcro brought back irom that
bloody field.
When the army entered upon the Tennessee -
nessoo river campaign , Mr. Logan again
returned to her homo , but was soon
shocked by the news from Donolson that
her husband liad fallen at the head of his
charging column dangerously Avounded.
She hastened to the scene to care for her
husband , For days it was a struggle be
tween lifn and death.
At Memphis , in the winter of 18C2-8y ,
Mrs. Logan again joined her husband ,
now a general , ami remained there- until
ho led his troops in the campaign which
ended in the surrender of Vicksburg.
During this time and until the end of
the war Mrs. Logan remained at Carbondale -
dale , wlwre out of the general's ' salary
Ihoy had bought im unpretentious home.
I'uon his return Irom the war General
Logan was nominated by acclamation
for congressmun-ut-hirge. After his
election Mrs. Logan returned to Wash
ington and has boon one of the promi
nent figures in Washington society ever
Anoltier Account HoiFather's ISurly
Sti'UKiilL's in MisHoiiri anil Illinois.
Fifteen miles north of Columbia , Mo. ,
upon the roulli bank of Silver's Fork
Crock , nearly ( ifty years ago stood a
small village of not over lifty inhabitants ,
bearing the title of "Petersburg , " Long
years a ; o it passed from oxUtonco and
onlyn few biles of brick remain to murk
where oncoit stood. But brief and hum
ble as wiia its history it was the birth
place of no Jess a person than Mrs , Gon.
John A , Logan , whoso fame rests not loss
upon the fact of being the wifu of u did-
liiiguishod candidate for the presidency
than upon her own remarkable talents ,
so often displayed In the political arena
in aid of her ambitious husband. A cor
respondent ot the Kansas City Times re
cently gathered BO mo interesting facts in
regard to Mrs. Logan from Sirs , C'yrene
II.TWurnock , IIT mother.s sister , a highly
intelligent Judy , now a resident of Stur
About 1833 General Gcorgo P. Derris , a
merchant of Marion , III. , who after wards
became somewhat noted as a citizen of
St. Louis and whose wife was murdered
in that city a few years ago br her
prandson , Russell Brown , removed to
Missouri , first stopping ai IlunlsriHo ,
anil afterward locating at Petersburg.
He. brought with him n young man named
John M. Cunningham us n clerk and
opened n dry goods store. Cunningham
was twenty-two years old , an Intelligent ,
rxcmplary young man , nnd quite atten
tive to business. Ho boarded for nearly
two years with Undo Hibcrt Brinlc , now
a resident of Sturgeon , mid who then
owned n mill in Petersburg. Mr. Brink ,
who is now eighty six years old , remem
bered him well and speaks of him in the
highest terms. While Cunningham was
clerking in the store ho made the ac
quaintance of Miss Kllzabeth Fontaine ,
daughter of Joseph Fontaine , who lived
about n mile from the "burg1 where
Uncle Whit Nee now lives , ami the rosull
was Ihoy wcro married in about ISM.
They soon went to housekeeping.
Their residence , Mrs. Warnock savs ,
she remembers as distinctly m if it were
yesterday. It was a hcwcd-log house ,
one story high , with ono room in front
nnd an L room , with a passage between.
In this humble abode was born Mary S ,
Cunningham , now Mrs. Logan. Mr.
Cunningham , in partnership with Mr.
Schooler , bought out General Derris and
continued for awhile , but the financial
crisis of 1837 bore heavily upon them and
they sold out , nnd Cunningham and nU
family , consisting of his wife , Mary S. ,
and llilbort , returned lo Marion , 111. ,
and rc-i'inbarked in the dry goods btisl-
nois. Ho had sold goods for several
years In Marion , bill when Ihe war with
Mexico broke out ho was made captain
of n company nf Illinois volunteers and
marched into Mexico. Alter his return
from the war ho held several importanl
olliccs in his county.
Mary was now up in HIP teens , and duy
ing the last few years had boon attending
school In Marion , but bi'ing posscss-cd of
more than an ordinary mind her parents
wcro determined to solid her where her
mental powers should bo fully developed ,
and accordingly arrangements were
made , and Mary was sent to the convent
at St. Vlui'ont , Ky. , at which Institution
she received a thorough education. After
leaving St. Vincent She returned to
Marion. There was in that place at this
time a young attorney by the name of
John A. Logan , who had but recently lo
cated there. Captain Cunningliau biiing
a popular politician the two wore moro
or less thrown together , and how it came
about is not staled , but at any rate the
young attorney and the captain's
daughter , Miss Mary S. , wcro in due
coui'io of time married.
It is a blind confidence to suppose your
self incapable of mistake. It is indeed n.
w-rious blunder lo refuse to take Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup when you cvon sus
pect you have taken cold. Price 25
What a grand , great country this is
with its vast territory. Its big rivers , its
prplly women audits Vcni Vidi Vici cure
Salvation Oil.
CtiBicr CouutjAfftUra ,
SAKOHXT , Cluster Co. , Neb. , Dec. 27.
To the Editor of the Bi : ; : As I sec you
have had no communication from this
section for some time , I write to keep the
many readers of Ihc BEE who'feel inter
ested in the scttlcnicnl of a now counlry
and its railroad extensions , informed as
to what is going on here.
The people of this part of the state
have always felt a personal interest in
the prosperity of Omaha and have been
pleased by Iho rapid .growth of the me
tropolis of Nebraska , rcali/.ing the value
to them of a largo market and supply
point at a convenient distance. The
BIE : has a largo number of subscribers
here and through its ample columns we
are kept aemiaintcd with the doings of
Nebraska's big city ,
Custor county is now experiencing a
change from the pioneer stage to that of
a well populated and well cultivated
county. The crops of the past season
have been remarkably fine , which is say
ing a good deal , as Custcr county has
always good crops.
The improvements now being made
here are of a substantial character and
indicate the prosperity of this portion of
the "crcat American desert,1' which has
in such n tVw years been made to bloom
as a garden. Many of the lirst settlers
hero , who were able to secnro more than
quo-quarter section of land under Uncle
Sam's liberal land laws , are disposing of
one of the quarters in order to obtain
money with which to place improvements
on the land they have loft. This makes
a splendid opening for parlies who de
sire to come west and purchase cheap
farms , partially improved , and Ihus
avoid the tiaidship.s of homestead life at
the distance from railroads it is now nec
essary to go in order to got good govern
ment land.
Our town of Sargent is prospering
finely and offem a good opening for
several branches of business. Any ono
desiring information ns to the country ,
etc , , should address the editor of the
Tillies , Sargent , Neb. , enclosing "stamp
for reply. COI.ONKL JAMES.
Captain Mitchell , of the bark Antoine
Sala , Now York and Havana trade , came
homo in May , entirely helpless with rheu
matism. He wont to the mountains , bul
receiving no benefit , at his wife's ' request
began to take Hood's Sarsaparillu. Ho
immediately began to improve : in two
mouths his rlieiiiiiiitisin was all gene ,
and ho sailed in I'ommand of his vessel a
well man. Hood's Sarsparilla will help
you. Sold by all druggists.
About ( lie Crescent.
Nothing positive can be traced aa to
when the Crescent became the Turkish
symbol , but there are several legends
which give the reason for its adoption.
One of these says that Philip , tlio father
of Alexander , niecling wilh great diili-
cullies In Ihe sicgo of By/.untium , sol the
workmen to undermine the walls , but a
crescent moon discovered the design ,
which miscarried ; consequently the By
x.anlincs erected a statue to Diana , and
the crescent moon became the symbol of
the state. Another legend is that Oth-
man , the sultan , .saw in a vision a cres
cent moon , which kept increasing till its
horns extended from cast to west , and ho
tidoptod Iho crescent ofhis , dream for his
Prof , Ghas , Ludv/ig1 / Von seeger
profoMorof Medicine at tn Knynl Unlvcraltr !
Knight or tlm Ituyul Auitrlan Order of tha Iron
Crowiu Knklil Ouraiuiimlor of the itcijrul Vpanhli
Orderof Is.ibullui Kultflit of tUa Hojrul 1'ruiiluii Or-
deroMUullod KaKlujCUavaller uf IliD L.ozluu of
Honor , etc. . oto. , siys : < ,
"I.KIHIO CO'S fcoCA HBKK TONIO elmuld not ba
ccnlouudcd vlili ibu liorila of Irntlif cure ulli. It I *
In unsenio of the wonlu pnteru rumedy , I urn llior-
c > i > ifhlyroiircri > aiit vlthlti moJo of preparation uud
VIUIH U to be mil only u loiiltluiate i > hurmtti'
> ro4ucttbntiilBowortuyof the ulKli cutamondatloni
5 tlmiraculrc'dlnull paruiif tUo world. It ronlVnl
osonre of Hour , Cuca , Qulalna , Iron and Culliayit.
wlilcli r.rad83olFBd ! In pure cBnuIno bp ulsu luparUI
Crown Hhorry. "
Invnluulileto all vlinare Hun Down , NJrroui , T > y *
prptlr.llllloai , MuUrloui or adlctod with weak
ueyi. B-
HerMajesty's Faorlte ( CosmeticGlyc iina
U cd \ > j nerRayalllliibnoM tne 1'rlnrnu orVnloi
andtbe nobility , i'or Ibc hklii , Cuxplation. Kruf
lluni.Ctiupplnz.n3U2tiiiri9l.Ul Of dmiElita.
L1KU1U CO'S Uunulna byrup aor.SKr |
The Orlirinnl nnd Only Gi'iiulne-
R f * u4 ! * ; Kclltblt. Rrwtreof wuitliliA4 tmluilira * .
lnJliIxiiatiU . b > LADIES. Akk ) > w UrMeeUL < *
M(1blch | Ur' I.RcTUh * * aJ lake no Mlier , or nitUwc .
( * tkisi > t to IU tor f rllruUr in ttUtr bf rrturil n lL
NAME PAPER. Ukl.hutrr tbrlulr. ! < V.
US 11 audl.uu Kiiunre. l'ltll iil .tr ,
S ! dby nruirll4 Tfrr brro. lit for
> ' Eoell.S" l'cuujr riil J'OU. T i
From Pawnee City to Fairbury oa an Ob-
scrvalloa Oar-
Slcnanor , Lewlston , Beatrice , Ellis ,
Jntisnii nnil Falrbury Uoml
Side Scenes ofa Day *
light Trip.
FAtnntT.Y , Xeb. , Dec. 23. [ Corre
spondence of the BrE.1 As the year
draws lo a close and the first si hl of ( ho
now year appears , Southern Nebraska
comes forward to .inbstantiato her claim
made by many of your correspondent's
letters , which might hnvc been styled
booms , although some of those may have
been somewhat colored. AH n whole the
advancement ana growth of the south
western county scats has been very gr-al
In many places , having almost doubled
their population , and proving the as
sertions of the Br.c's stall'of correspond
ents regarding : Improvements , etc.
Amonc tlio many improvement * , the
building of the Chicago , Kansas \i \ Ne
braska , or .Kock Island , railway , of
course , comes lirst , for with
its I'nlraneo come many people.
Its employes have spent considerable
money along the line of its grade , and by
this moans business has boon active.
Omaha and her little slstors have been
benclittcd materially from a trade point
of view. The lirst county in llio stale lo
receive thc > benefits of this now line was
Pawnee , and the substantial gains made
by Pawnee City show that already the
new line has forged another link in llio
great railway chain between the east and
west , having opened up a new path to
the west , whore the eastern fanner , who
toils along year after year , and getting
no nearer the goal than when they left
the starling point , may reap his reward
and find the coveted riches abounding In
the fertile soil of this Kldorado. Le.iv-
iiijr Pawnee City and taking passage on
a "Pullman hand car , " with four sturdy
railroad graders for power , ! ( tigurativi-ly
speaking ) , am Hying along over a line
piece ot level track until
i reached , where , after a few moments
tarry , I tound thai Stemaucr has great
expectations , and may bo expected to bo
heard from in the spring. The lumber is
already on the ground for a new depot
and an elevator , besides the frames now
being erected for dwellings and stores.
After a visit to an enterprising agcnl of
Bacchus , who has already located
near llio lown site , and sccintr
that the propelling power wcro
supplied with the necessary
elements for steam firo-wuter , I aqam
mounted the BKK\S special train , and jiko
the course of empire westward took my
course. Alter a ride of miles through a
magnificent farming country , and notic
ing the number of hue farm houses along
the line , and llio plentiful crops' of grain
nnd children , 1 wished that niy single
blessedness might end. and with a quar
ter of section of land in this beautiful
section of Gage county , I , lee , might
raise corn , cane and children , and be
liappy. Sleek and fat herds of cattle
wcro plentiful and recalled visions of future -
turo roasts , steaks , etc. , until the man
ner began to act with memory , and we
whistled down breaks as Ihc special ran
into Hie busy and ncal lilllo burg of
Lcwiston , whore , after enjoying a com
fortable meal and smoking a pipe of
Lone Jack , the vision of a short time before -
fore of roasts , steaks , etc. , gave way to a
painful reality that I had eaten too much ,
and exercise was demanded , so 1 IOOK tlio
place of one of Iho power for a distance of
two miles , after which I was very much
jilcased lo give way and sit down on the
reclining chair , which , although it was
not upholstered in plush , had at some
stage of its lifo served as a soap box , and
seemed a little shaky in its new position ,
answered the purpose as well as could
be expected.
After stopping for water , which was
poured into the boiler with a tin cup , we
again started out and in a short time Be
atrice was sighted. The city looked
beautiful as the sun gilded the picture.
In live minutes wo had reached
and after scohiir the doors on our Pull
man wore secured , I left for the Handall
house , where 1 met Mr. J. H. Bcadson ,
assistant master mechanic , who gave me
several pointers which I will use In an
other article. Supper over I strolled
around the city and was surprised to see
the magnificent improvements made dur
ing the past year. The water works
takes first place on the list and have boon
a splendid addition to the city , llio new
blocks , single buildings , churches and
private residences would occupy too long
a description and many of them have
already boon mentioned in the BEE'S col
umns. The Beatrice people arc deter
mined thai their city shall not lose her
grip on the third place in the state as a
city. Hcmem'joring I had to make an early
start in the morning 1 retired to dream o'f
a confused mass of railwuj's , cattle , corn ,
children and farms. 1 was uwakeuod at
5 o'clock ' and thirty minutes later was
oneo more speeding uloug , Al two miles
from Bcatrico wo crossed the now bridge
which has just been completed. The
bridge is 450 long and is constructed of
iron. Wo made a short stop to inspect
the structure. At six o'clock wo stopped
al Kllis. seven miles from Beatrice , where
the foundation for the depot Is already
in , besides an elevator an corn cribs are
erected. As no ono was In the vicinity I
was compelled , to leave this place with
out any information , but no doubt some
enterprising business man will soon s.ond
n letter informing you of the great
natural iidvuntuges , etc.
on the line is llurbine , where several
foundations are in but as the details nro
too meagre. J will pass on to Jansen
and think in describing the place , I am
only picturing the town as it Is without
any coloring. This bustling and lively
little place will at no distant daymako
Fairbury look to her laurels for Its trade ,
The location of the place guarantees for
the merchants , who cast their Jots in this
new oldorado , a sure return for their
money , as it is located in thu centre of a
very thickly settled district , almost every
quarter section of land has u tenant , a
urcat many of the residents being ctithur
Gorman or Itusshui Mcnnonitos , who
have neat farm and out-lionsos urrcclcd ,
sli'ok and fat cattle nnd horses nro well
protected from the storm by good and
comfortable stables. Good water is
easily obtained , and the locution allows
perfect drainage. A bank , hotel , eleva-
lor. general store , church , school House
and depot are all erected and many moro
now are boiiig erected , town lots are beIng -
Ing rnnidlr sold with prices ranging
from 33 to $ 150 , The distance from
Ftiirbnry to Junscn is eight miles ,
Beatrice eighteen , Kt , Joseph seventy-
live , so the scope is not confined nor are
the above cities or surrounding towns
close enough to retard the growth of this
placo. Good openings are o fie red for
thu merchants , mechanics , professional
men or artisans. The town is run on
strict prohibition principle * . A clmisri
in the deed which nullities the sale of
liquor is sold. A post olllce will bo es
tablished with the opening of spring
and song of the birds.
A splendid chauco is here offered for
investment and the citnOlishrucnt of
manufactories , mills and especially a
Lawrence Ostrom & Co.
Is Death to Consumption ,
Malaria , Sleeplessness ,
Chills mut Fevers Or Insoiniihi , ani
Typhoid Foyer , Dissimulation ,
Indigestion , Of Food ,
Dyspepsia. Ten Vcnra Old ,
Surgical Severs , No Fuse I Oil ,
Blood Polsonlngr. Absolutely Pura
JvV . \ ffr lfv lhat ' 11,0 , nrt.i n or minuses' WHISKY. trcrii from LAW-
tiK\o.i ( rin , lounil ( tin mnr | i > im | .ci looilT Jiru from I ti ol n I ml nil > l leturl-
oui aiilxiances and stmilr I'Uiu- 1 vlu < crriillr lociuiunoiwl llim-nnolm l-aniilrtiml Mcvln'iMHlVnurims
. . . . . . ' " . . ' . , . , , . . -
, „ . , , I" llAn.M'.M M II. Aiilil ) < < nl Chcnnit l.u.ilifllfa , It- ) '
nr H. Wln MrrrlnnHan.l mrcr Ptwyulv ! , ! . SUi HIT Im
LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co , Louisville , Ky
Wholesale and Distributing' ' Agents ,
IK nitrt ; co. . < niti i
XU If HON. . . Omalnr.
Thcrft la rot A cnoltlnK nppnrntni tnrvV urtng th
otilM Ov m ! > < or , butUuttl.olorfbln noleUto ! muatili
from ttvaut-Uvu lo fortyiwrctmt. ortlm tn t ro&itbJ.
] notlir nortlo.arlbof boornoighlnii tiiti pound * 1C
rniulml tnnJlum lo nn11lcmu tvlll lo a llii * pound * .
The Kama roaotod In the Charter Oafc
Range uaina the Wire Quuzo Oven Door
Iceoo about ono pound.
To allow mmt lo Mirtnk Ifl to low a Ixrco porilon of
lift julcei an < lKar. ! 3lit * Ubrb * doiioLM.pArftl0 ( * atl
SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS AND PRICE lists. It NmuneHtough , U l leAtnml ucixilntuiiMit.
W. F. TEMPLEI'ON NELSON. J.S. UUKi : , PLA rrsuouni.-
The C. S , Mayae Eeal Estate and Trust Co
Property of every description for sale m all parti of the cily. Lands for sala in
every county in Nebraska.
Of Titles of Douglas county kept. Maps of Iho city sttte : or county , or any otlior
information desired , fnrnslied free ot clmr o upon applicalion.
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silvei'ware
The largest slock. Prices Hie lowest. Hopairing a specially. All work warrant
ed. Corner DouglaB anil 15tl > streets , Omaha
Licensed Watchmaker for the Union Pacific Kailroail company.
canning factory can bo assured ot Ijbural
and substantial aid. Your correspondent
foreshadows for Juntun a rapid and
healthy growth and fjood return for tlio
capital invested. \ \ . W. Watson and P.
Janscn at Fuirbury are the managers
of Ihc enterprise and can jjive any further
information to those who wish to know.
After partaking of 11 cup of coll'ec ( this is
u. custom anoii" ; tlio members of the
Mennonilo church and is supposed to be
a bond of friendship ) with our host , a
Russian , and whoso name would have
exhausted a case ot tyi > u , I left lor Fair-
bury where I arrived in time for a ! )
o'clock breakfast. .
This bustling and lively city is located
nearly in tlio center of Jcflurson county
and covers about eight hundred tiers in
its boundaries , and til no distant day will
command the trade of .southern Xebrasha.
It is the division hoaclquartcrs of the
great Rock Island railroad , whose shops
and works are fast being erected and
when completed will add { jrcally to the
present population. Heretofore the St.
Joe & Grand Island road has been the
only line of road running into 1'ils ' place.
ana during the past year l.llo cars of
freighl which includes GOO of grain , . " > ! ) of
Hour , 214 of stock , 4M of stone and 310
cars of miscellaneous freight has been
shipped from this place. The Union Pa-
cilic road ismiryeyinff it line from Omaha
through the lulioiuiug counties ot' Jeil'er-
son ami will undoubtedly make
Fairbury a division point on their lino.
An unequalled whler power is found
hero the power being furnished from iho
Little Hluo river , which llown 'through
the > oulh of Iho town. The population
at the present lime numbers between
2,500 , and 0,000 , Abundance of good
building stone is found , pure water and
perfect drainage form an important
item in the advancement of every town ,
and Fairbury can justly claim both. A
line on unco is hero ofl'cred for invest
ment and substantial aid. will be ex
tended to partifs who will establish manu
factories , mills , etc. Two good ele
vators nro in operation and have a
capacity , of 000M ; ( ) bushels. Four bank
inn institutions , the First National , liar-
blue , 1511s , Hodges & Kmyon and Goodrich -
rich liros. , do tlio banking and uxchungo
business of the town ami a combined
capital of 00,000. The Fairbury Uuild-
ing and Loan association is n home in.ili-
Intion and has a capital of $200,000. A
flouring mill with a capacity of UOO bar
rels pi-r day can barely supply Iho de
mand for its products. A modern brick
yard mamifHcliircs 503,000 brick pur
month. Two marble works located here
are noted for their line work , whieh has
a otato imputation. The creamery located
at this place manufactured and sold dur
ing the pusl year the enormous amoun of
: JOO,000 pounds of butlnr. An extensive
loundry In established.
Three newspapers re-present tlio great
nartios Iho democrat. Republican and
Gazette. Six holy Is all'or'd first-class ac
commodations for Ihcir giifsU. The
Uajilin , Mothodiit , Presbyterian. Chris
tian and Cutiiolio denominations all have
handsmnu and KulHtuntinl structure's.
Two brick school htuldingc accommodate
thu 500 pit pils , who urn instructed by able
and competent instructors. Tlio Jilasons ,
Knights of I'j-Hihis , Odd Fellows. A. O.
U. , W , , (5 ( A 11 and Oocrd Tctuphvr'it so-
oietics all have a largo membership. The
Fairbury board of trade is a lively and
enterprising organization , ami always on
the alert to further tlio town's advance-
nii'iit. The rouutry surrounding 1'air-
bury is gently rolling prairie aud is very
fertile , yielding largo crops to the farmer.
Land is low , but IK rapidly inuroasing in
value Timber is found in considerable
< | iituitities along tlip bauk.s of tin * many
streams which tire found in this county.
The great number of brick bnildmgfl
show that Fairbury HtamU on solid rock.
and the number ot new buildings erected
during the past year fornshailow fc'air-
bnry Ihu future queen city of southern
Nebraska. In conelii.sion , if you aro.
seeking health , wealth or happiness do
not fail to visit Fairbury.
I have lingurcil rather long in Ftwbury
and at 1:80 : leave oncu again , the special
gels under way and POOH arrives at
Hohtnd or < ! JulbU : > uo , it being known by
both names and as it alreadv has boon
described in thesii columns 1 will skip and
go on to Thttyer county ; but before I
lonvo ilcflurnon county 1 wish to
tiinuk Mr. I'uttw , of thu Chiciifro.lvenkutc
& Northern , for information and cour
Uisies extended while in Fah'bury. As
the rails end at Holland. I will dufor my
trip untit later on , whim Thaycr and
Niiokollri countio.s will recolvu a visit
from your correspondent , who bclinvef
they will make a fun showing with their
neighbors. AnriL'8.
llvcumiy Unlit.
The Tremont ,
J. 0.I'lTy-GIJUALI ) & SON , I'roprlotor ) .
Cor. Hit uaU I'titB. , Lincoln , Nub.
m lr > ll/jU ncriUr , titroot cull /njui.Uoun tj nr
pert of tna cltr.
Architect , ) . 31 I'.ml C' , Hioliitrdij llloclc , Lintolo ,
K ( li. Eluviilor uuJHii tlraeU
llrrcilerol Hipolerof
Live Stock Auctioneer
t ; : < ! oi iiimlu In nil iir.rtH < > r tlm rj. H. kttalt
rates. JJcoiuyKmto llluuk , Lincoln , NeU
Gulluirtty uitilSliurt Horu tjtills 1'oi'inlo.
Farm Loans 8iid Insurance ,
fiirrosiwinJcncc In rcgim ! to loans colIolt iV
Kooui 4 , ltieb rJi 11 look , Lincoln , Xeb.
SMversicle Short Horns
Of sirlclly puru Hates nnil Hates THj > podo ttl .
Herd muulivrii iibout W bond.
rsiullloii repramnted : Gilberts. Crafrir * .
Aooinba. Itcnlo * , KO H nf Slmiuus. MOM
Kobrlitly IdicliBssoa , KlatCreuk young
J'bylllK' * , ( nun und'J'nio I.OTOV
Hulln for ntlo. 1 1'ut-b Ilium Flintrt. 1 t'urt
B tvc'rwi.l Kr oof Ktiuroii. 1 Voting Mrr ,
ll'iitu Cruluk HU.inU aii'l olnurn. Ootne anil
Inspcrttliu hurl. A'lilra * * , CIIA8 , M , 11UAH-
SON , Uncnln , Noli.
IVliou m Lincoln stop at
National Hotel ,