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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1886)
Jf"- * \ ' THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. fily iMni.nrKdtlonJnchiain ! ) ? Sunday Vtn , Ono Year . . . . . . 11001 rSlT Monthi . . . . 6 CO " "lirr Jtonth . . . . . 3 60 Omaha Humlny HER , rnnllo-1 to any fltlrois , OnoVcar , . , . . SM orrtrr. No. M < Avn 01.1 KAIWAW STRMI. ft Ton * ( ) rice , IIOOM . TninrNi Hriuiiv ) . OWCS.VO.S13ruiJI TXKNTJI3THrtT. yi communication * r lntlnc to now nndcJI- # 'iT nmtlw " should bo iuMrescd to tlio Cut * . or me \11 bu'lncsn Icttfti-M nnd romlttfineoi tlmulJ bo _ .tircdscil to TIIK ties 1' CUMI-ANT , OMUIA , Drnfta , chocks utitl poitoincs onion , to be maUopayable to the enl ref tbo bom pnny , m m poeiisHiiiFSipAiiy , mmum , K. JtOSEWATEK , EOTTOR. XH13 OAIIA 1JEE. Ktvorn Btntomciit of Circulation. State of Nchrnskn , 1. , County of Douglas. | 8's < ( ! co. ll. Tzschuck , ficcrotary of The Ilee I'ubllslilnR company , does coleinnly swear that the actual circulation ot tlin Dally llco [ for Hie week eudliijtDoc.-Ith , 1SSO , was m f follows ! i Saturday. DPC 13 inn.-n Sundav. Dec. 1 i-i.iw , Monday. Di-c.'O At)7f ) rJ'uosdav. Dee. 'Jl 13,075 fWrdiiPiAlny. Dec. 'JJ ' . ii,11 : Tlnii-jdiiv , Dee. IK ! iiW : ( Doc. 'Jl inU > 0 ( Izo. It , ' 1 Subscribed and bwmn to Doforo tno thU ISth duy of December , A.D. , ISbfi. N. 1' . Km. . . ISIIALi .Votary I'ubllc. ( ico. li , 'IV.schuck , bclnp lirst duly sworn , deposes ami hays that ho Is M'cretary of the lien I'liuil.shliiKcompany , thnt the nciunl nv- srracn dally clicntatlon it the Dullv lice for tno month or .Innunry , I860 , wns lO.srs copies , for Kulnnnry , ihMi , luS93 coiiic.i ; for March , ! ! , 11.WJ7 copl.-s ; for Apill. 1880 , ia,10t coiiio.i : lor May. lbh < 5,12,4.7.1 copies : for Juno , l&O , 1S,2)3 ! coploj ; forJuly. 18MI , I'.JIHcopies ; for Aiienst , IS1 , 12 , 04 copiesfor ; September , 18SO , 1.W0 : : ! copies ; for October , J fi , 1'J.Osa copies ; for Xovembcr , 1SSO , l".3IScoDles. Quo. 11. TzsciiurK. Sworn to nnd siibcrltH.- i l > olorc mo this Cth day of November , A. I ) . 1S.S ) , [ SUAL. | N. 1' . n.ii : , , Notary 1'ubllc. COI.ONJII , CIIASI : lias been acting as the chorus for Mr. L'oppleton in tlio charter committee meetings. The key taken by the ex-mayor is not ono which will elicit approval from the taxpayers. e 'O.VK of the lirst nets of the legislature I should bo lo do away with the bogus SJ railway commission. It t3 a farce and a 5J'laughing ; stock which has run its course and should give way to something better. Iluaiirrr should produce his railroad proposition. Between tlio inter vals of real estate investment , Omaha is ready to plant some solid cash in profit able lines of now connections by rail to 4 territory from which she is now excluded. ijf Nebraska will never have larffe ( louring interests until the elevator monopoly which lias been built up and maintained by the railroads is broken , it is a two-edged sword which cuts down farmers1 profits and prevents manufac ture of the raw material into finished product. activity tlie real estate market in Omaha , but it is no loss remarkable than the activity which is manifesting itself in every other branch of business in this thriving city. Omaha is growing because Nebraska is flourishing and advancing in population and wealth. THE fund for Airs. General Logan is rapidly rolling up to figures which will assure the widow of the old soldier from all fears of want in her declining years. The national heart still beats warmly towards the nation's defenders , among whom John A. Logan held a prominent and honorable position. CANADA is joining the procession with a ministerial crisis which means the downfall of the McDonald party In Can adian politics. The result is supposed to have been caused by the government's treatment of Louis Hiellastyoar. It takes of the average Canadian twelve months to ace the point of any political issue. by A ri'LT. and impartial account of the dobalo in the charier committee on rail road taxation is printed in another col umn , The attention of the tax-payers is invited to tlio subject as discussed on that occasion , Homo points of vital interest to our city were brought into a promin ence which will open the eyes of tax payers who have notyot fully understood athc outrageous tax-fchirking which the Ijporporntlous have for years been practic- this city. A witmu : in the Now York' Tunes de clares that ho has discovered proofs at it I'nnain.i that the Panama Uanal company is preparing plans for a canal with Ionics. This would seem to indicate that the pur pose is to abandon the Idea of n sea-level canal , which would be immensely more costly than one with locus , Circumstan tial evidence to the truth of this assertion la found In ( he fact that DoLcssops de clares that the eaiml can be completed at a further outlay of $ 7,000,000 , , although over ? lf.,000,000 ) , have bum c-xpumlod in the doing loss than ono-half the work of said making a sen level canal. A canal with in locks would DrobabJy be completed with $37,000,000 more money , mid that is , per haps , llio kind of a canal DcLossop < j now means , Itut it is not the kind of a canal ho projected , and it will not answer the arc purpose iu viow. At thu first dellnite sign of abandoning the scjv lovnl t ehouie , bill work on the Niearaugmi canal will com of nienco , _ _ _ _ - _ . _ the RUSSIA Is apparently milet , but it mint not be supposed that nho is idle , On the contrary there arc imUcatioim thnt * ! io is vide making steady progiess In conlval Asia , tiiod in extending her base of operation * north of Afghanistan , anil is now morn strongly Intrenched there than she wus last year. . the The now railway has enabled her tr to outer the province * north of Csibul ami 1 Cashmere , \vhcro Russian , Afghan , and Chinese claims are unsullied , and when ) UritUli power may bo imperiled by in- trtgit" . H Kustiia shall undertakH tt qunrrol ajjahi with tJrdat ISritaiu in Asia , in Jt si'onis jjrob.iblo that her oll'onsivo movement * may take place Iu that re gion , tillhough it will bo easy for her to exert pressure all along the line west ward from the vioitr.ty of Ilvrnt , It i : , reported thnt she has dctarmlncd to'pc Lcupy crtiitral As ia as far as tlio llindoc ICoosh mounUins. The .extension of her pay lower on the slopes of those' mountains i the subject ofeaycr discussion .iix St This I : ton yiee.-iosscuftain . Atuat he mui Those PXvlnR ContrftcH. Cily AUornoy Connell has given an opinion upon the question whether bids for paving in Omaha during 1837 can be et under the advertisement for 1830. Air. Conncll advises the council against citing contracts for next year's work under bids specifically made for 1880. Ills opinion , which h backed and en * lorsctl bv the abbst attorneys in our city , s made the text for n scurrilous assault ) y the organ of the paving contractors which comments as follows ; It Is understood that City Attorney Conncll ns clvcn nn opinion advising a rcailvertlslng for bids for paving In Omaha durlnc Ihecorn- Ing year. This wns not entirely unexpected since the unsuccessful attempt to coerce Messrs. Crclghlon , ( .iallagher and Murphy to Mipport Van Wyck. Bit. Council was.imt Is Ihc pet candidate of the Van Wyck outfit for congress. The behests of the Vnn Wyck outfit are therefore honored to the letter , nnd opinions to fit the occasion are only n matter or the risking. So far as the Creiybton-Miirphy com pany is concerned , not n single member of that outfit has been asked to support Van Wyck. They can give him no sup port and have been solicited for none. The question of the legality or illegality of proposed contracts can have no pos sible contiCGlip.rv.wilh the senatorial con test. The IssiuVis purely tlio right of tlio city of Omaha to bind themselves to agreements not sanctioned by tlie law. Mayor IJoyd knows this ouito as well as any other citizen , lie lias de clared in advance that ho would positively refuse to approve thn contracts which are being urged so strongly by the contractors and their friends. During his several Irlps to Chicago on businc&i recently , Mr. Uoyd has earnestly hoped that Acting Mayor licchcl would bo gulled into allixing his ofllcial signature to documents which Mr. 1'oyd , who is no friend to the acting mayor , felt confident would be his political destruction. The opinion of the Crelghton-Murphj' com pany to the contrary notwithstanding , lion. John A. McShano is business man enough to denounce the jobas one entire ly unwarranted by law. Mayor Boyd and John A. McShano ought to be as good authorities for the democratic organ as the contractors whom it is at tempting to bolster up with senseless bravado and uncalled-for assaults on honc. clty ofllcials. llcgarding Mr. Council's opinion , wo venture the challenge that not a single lawyer of reputation in Omaha will dare to take issue with the decision of the city attorney on the matter in hand. Claimants and the Government. Citizens of the United States who are wont to feel a great pride in the liberality of tlio government , nnd to cite Its gener ous policy with respect to the people as contrasted with that of other govern ments , would be surprised and chagrined if a European should toll them that in some directions this government is less liberal and toss considerate of justice to ward the people than most of the govern ments of Europe are. Take , for exam ple , the matter of claims against the gov ernment. In arguing the case of u claim ant before the court of claims recently , it was declared that the legal redress given to a citizen of the United States against the United Slates is less than he can have against almost any government in Chris tendom. It was shown that of nearly all governments that of the United States holds itself the least amenable to the laws. The other governments which refuse or obstruct the citizen iu obtaining legal redress as against the government are Rus sia and Spam. The former atone among the governments of Europe docs not hold the state amenable in matters of prop erty to the law. Spain resembles the United States in fettering the judicial proceedings of her courts by restricting nnd leaving the execution of theii de crees dependent upon tlie legisla tive will. This statement is sustained by that made by the committee on claims of the house as long ago as the thirtieth con gress , which in ttio course of a report de clared that while the governments of Europe , with the exceptions noted , never shrink from a full and fair investigation the claims of citizen against thorn , and always submit to an adverse decision the courts , "it bus bean left to our own government to deny to a citizen who has a demand against it the power to try the question before itsowncourts.and yet has furnished no adequate tribunal for the purpose. " The remedy intended to bo supplied by the creation of the court of claims lias not ' . ! the object by reason of the limi tations placed on the jurisdiction of the court. A bill passed throe years ago to In remove to the court a vast number of claims that had grown old waiting for congressional action , was defeated of its purpose by an amoudmcntprovidingthat should not affect claims barred by the statute of limitations. The result is that claimants must go to congress , wlicir there is a bare possibility that their claimwill ) bo considered and passc-d upon during their life time , but with the chances bolter for a their finding permanent burial. In every congress there Is a host of tlicso claims prosontfid , and many of them are neces sarily passed along from session to session , mass steadily accumulating. It is J that BO per cent , of the private bills ' a the forty-eighth congress had boon in previous congresses , somn dating back more than a generation , The committee simply does not have tno time to consider properly all tlicso claims , most of which at just and equitable , At the last session the rfnuclo passed a to enlarging the jurisdiction of the court claims , and a similar measure was introduced - troducod by tlm tulieiury committee of house , but neither would greatly re lieve the crowded docket of the house , Another measure is pending , which pro * that hereafter all claims shall bo in congress merely as petitions , and tihall tit once bo sent to the court of claims for regular judicial investigation , findings of thn court to be certified congress , This would do much to eecuro the desired relief to couyross and prompter justice to claimants. Tliu Narrow-Guago J'olloy. The fret that stands out in bold relief thn charter debate on the luxation of the railroad property for city revenue is the position in which the Union 1'acificis placed by Mr. Poppleton. The only re ley form which the committee has sought to Incorporate into the now charter is that railroad companies shall bo assessed on are their real estate in the game manner ami n city taxes in the same proportion as other corporations or Individuals. that Is resisted by Mr. popple as an imposition on hU com to oay I Tidsft speeilied. So far as hu UsallsflUVllQJl I-flltsMil , Jiut .nnji , available or d pany , when in fact it is both moder ate and fair. There is no suggestion to assess the personal property of the rail roads for cily purposes , although other corporations arc compelled to pay a per sonal tax on every species of property. Not a freight car , nor a locomotive , or passenger car , or even tlie tracks arc to be assessed for city purposes. All that is proposed is a cily levy on Ihc lots and lands which have been wrongfully ex empted for many years from taxation. When Omaha was n mere village the railroad lands were comparatively a small faction of the whole. To-day the exempted properly covers 123 squares or fully one-tenth of llio entire area within the city limits. Now is it fair or reasonable to impose on tlio owners of the remaining property the burden of city government which is growing heavier place their real estate on an equal foot ing for taxation purposes willi all other property when they must know that such opposition will inevitably force a lighten on the whole railroad taxation system , which can only end In one way even if it lasts for several years. A. Slight Under Ihc heading of "A I'cn&ion for Mrs. Logan , " the Ifrrafil succeeds in crowding a large amount of misinforma tion in a small amount of space. Jt as- surcs Us readers that there is no prece dent to warrant congress in allowing Mrs. Logan anything beyond "tho pen sion allowed the widows of general oflicors who served during the war , " and completes its blunder by stating that the widow of General Hancock , although congress would have been glad to break the precedent , only receives a pension of $30 a month. MM. Hancock draws $2,000 a year pension from tno government by reason of house bill 5911 , which grants her thatsum annually for life. It Is aston ishing that the Jlcnttd , with the records of congress before it ami the debate of last spring fresh in the public mind , should make such a blunder. Congress promptly and gladly granted Mrs. Hancock the pension named. The only point raised was the advisability of allowing her the usual pension granted to president' willows , and this alone was debated. CJeneral Hancock was ono of the ablest , perhaps the ablest of major-generals in the regular army during the war. ( Jon- cral Logan stood in the front rank of major-generals of volunteers. There is the strongest of nil precedents for con gress to follow in giving Mrs , Logan the same pension as Mrs. Hancock now draws , which is not $ r > 0 ra mouth , as stated by the Herald , but $0,000 , a year. Its Talso foundations having given way the argument of tlie JIcrnM falls to the ground. TIIK presence of the artist , John Mul vany , in Omaha , lias stimulated tlie hope that an exhibition of two of his most famous paintings , nowin Chicago , can be secured while tlie painter is still among us. John Mulvany is one of the greatest of living American artists. His methods in art are peculiarly his own , though modelled from ono of the best masters. As 11 figure painter ho has but few living superiors. As a colorist lie holds high rank. His style and execution stamp him as a creative genius in art. Educated abroad as a youth iu the Munich school of art lie lias been a hard student ever since , steadily advancing in his profession and finding fame nnd profit through the sale I of the work of his brush. Mulvany has had little of the commercial Instinct I which makes money and cheaply acquired newspaper reputation the goal of so many painters' ambition. He has been content to strive for excellence rather than for favor with "hanging commit tees" in the ante-rooms of art exhibitions , and has been satisfied to lind his reward in Ihc sober praise of his associates , masters in their art , and in the ptompt sale of his works as they wore reluctantly relinquished from llio walls of his studio. Omaha should bo given an opportunity to judge of Mul- vany's work. It will bo a. revelation to those who have never been brought' into contact with tlio results of the patient study and artistic inspiration of a re markable painter and a genial gentle man. LOUD 11.\UTI.WTO.V has declined to ac- a ccpt a position in the Salisbury cabinet. Some days ago Mr. (5. W. Smalloy , in a cablegram to the New York Tribune , said : "If Lord Ilartington refuses to form or join a coalilion ministry , the hour has struck for an Irish parliament. " this there was doubtless voiced the fear of the lories and the hope of the op position , and there Is great reason for gratification among all friends of Ireland that the latter has beou realized. There will bo a period of uncertainty and political confusion , perhaps , before serious homo rule legislation begins , but the course of the tide is in the right di- reclion. The fear of homo rule has econ as nj used as an iron band lo hold together by most repulsive tension the most stufl'y lories and the strongest radicals in the liberal party. The band has snapped ; in Hint is the thing in n nut-shell and any coi repairs must bo but temporary , as the permanent adjustment can only come by complete recasting of political parties , of and the leader that can present the most a intelligent platform based upon reforms awli that will relieve the people trom the un- l)0f ncccbsary burdens of the day will stand the head. The friends of Irish home rule and many liberals who arc waiting the see parliament turn to domestic Jogi.s up lation in England believe that William is that leader. ii' the plans of Stanley were not interfered K ferod with , ho started for Zanzibar yes tordny. The general desire that ho should cad the expedition to the relief of Kmiu 13oy , oven though so capable and oxpori ot onceil ii man us Thomson is available , shows the profound faith felt in him. li has been generally understood that no ox- in pcdltion would bo organized until the arrival of Dr. Junker in London with the latest information as to the cxistiii { , obstacles on the various routes proposed. six Jm Hut It would be perfectly practicable lor Stanley tpmeot Junker on the way , since famous Russian explorer is to be in Cairo on Saturday week , January Indeed , he has already urged that Stan at should bo sent in command of a relief the expedition , as soma lighting must bo done , and he has declared that the roads now practicable. There seems to be Ida full purpose to hurry forward the relief ger expedition , and hence wo may presume Stanley goes in advance to make thu for preliminary arraugcmtmls without further Jos * o.f tlmo. * . HiP Il I " " " 'll ffl1lMoiJt .UBa dC.CCJltlV l ro * r trtn IMIOMI.VKNT pKHSONS. Wnlt Whitman's Glasgow frionJs contrib uted fSOO for his Christmas present. Several grandsons ot .John C. Calhonn nude big strikes dtinn ? tlio recent flurry In Wall street. Governor Alccr of Mlchlcan ffav * the boys ot the state reform school UO pairs ot skates on Christmas. Massachusetts will have two authors of jooks in Ihc Klftlclh congress Henry Cabot Lodge a ml Governor Long. monument to Garibaldi on the Janlciilum , in Rome , to cost 1,000,000 francs. Bonanza M.tckay'gftvo ' every employe of the Commercial Cable company both In this country and Europe half a mouth's salary as a Christmas gift. Consressnian Gar , of Louisiana , sweoto us ds labors for the dear pcoplo with the chncr- [ ul reflection that ho has 51,600,000 invested n sugar plantations , W. II. Wells ot Chlcasfo has one of the finest collections oC English dictionaries and 'ramnmrs In the country. Of grammars ho ml-WO , no two bolng alike. Congrcsman IJcn Lo Fevre , of Ohio , has abandoned all hope of the Turkish mission , and , as ho was not re-elected to coiiBross , feais that hereafter ho may bu obliged lo earn its living. Congressman Glover , of Missouri , Is soon : o marry Miss Patten , Unughtcr of Mrs. A n- ustasl.i Patten , a wealthy widow of Call for' ila , who owns a lar e house near the Wash ington home of Senator Edmunds. Lord Tennyson's new volume sells more roely than anything he ever published. The Hiiulciniintlon of the critics la outweighed jy the voice of fashion , and Lord Tennyson s as much the fashion now as ever. An Oin.iha Itcvolt. Kan fivncttco Altii. There Is a revolt in the Omnlia cooktiiR school. Perhaps the students were compelled to cat what they cooked. 1'oor I'oet. C'/i/royo / / Ono would think that the charity of the generous Englishmen who are raking a fund 'or Walt Whitman would bcglu at home , as they haven poor poet themselves. Ho Got There All the Same. Son Fmnclstol'osl. The latest Xew York defaulter Is seventy vc.irs old and blind , but Is believed to have oached Canada without mishap. The Ullicted always Hud safety in thobeaicn path. Gould nnil the Ucc. Dallas JN'cit's. .From the way Jay Gould hopped whoa ' 'iresham rendered his decision on the Wabash receivership. It looks as if the Judge iad a "bee , " but he hail started It up Jay's pantaloon legs on the inside. Art ami Anatomy. fVorfa Tmnvrtpt , The Chicago clergymen who witnessed the Pallet disagree as lo the moral effect ot such performance. It would seem that ono set of [ > rcachers were looking at tlio artistic move- ncuts of the dancers ; the others at the Jmbs. One was studying art ; Urn other anatomy. An Old Man's Soliloquy. AllxwM Journal. VPS , vto'ro setting old ; 'tis almost fifty years Since Jane and 1 set out together , to travel through smlle.s and tears The journey o life ; and now it's well nigh ended. We've reached the downward slope , And , at last , in our lives content la blended With charity , faith and hope. Tn at form , in bending over her knittintr , iu the arm chair by my aide , Grows dearer to me as life' * tfMdon sands Iu the hourglass downward glide. mourn not for youth departed , 'twas only a ? dav dream fair , love best tlie wrinkled faces , shaded by sil very hair ; We've enjoyed the skies of morning , now comes the sunset west , Am , of the two , 1 think I love life's calmer cveiilnt'best. Youth hss its pleasures , I'vo tasted , them , and know That however sweet they may be , they're fteotini ? an the snow That falls in the springtime tearful , and melts us it touches earth ; Or , as the cay bubbles which children blow in their Innocent mirth ; But , when ucaceful ago creeps on , never blighting ho.irts that are trim , Thou the purest joy and peace are felt , wltn heaven just in vlow. It STATE AND TJ3U 11'OKV. to Stuart marketed $50,000 worth of baled hay during the season , Jiiishvillo gamblers are paying court at lively rale , and the run threatens bank ruptcy. , A street railroad company with a cap Ititl of $00,00(1 ( propose to navigate the slrcots of Hastings early in tlio spring. by Tecumseh is taking a lively interest in the proposed Omaha road to Indian Ter ritory , nnd wants to got on the main of lino. of A Springfield porker , with a nose for business , has boon fattening himself on hot milk , pumped directly from tlio family cow. A colony of Nebraska Germans have selected land for future homoH near Caldwell - do Will , Idaho. It is said ninety families will . move out there in the next sixty daya. Mrs , Knock Mason , wito of a Plaits- mouth shopman , applied blue ointment In a salvo to her injured feelings. An at emetic weaned her from the shining shore. There arc 578 oflictfrs nnd men enrolled the I State National Guard. The guard do consists : of one regiment of infantry and one company ot artillery with gun.s to the get get.And Drowsier has lost the roimly scat ties Hlalno ! county , The "soat" wan carted quarter of a milo'Oiitsldo the town. per where Ladora was * planted by rival boomers , " ' Even Cheyenne "no'wspapors are wor ried about the Oman ft coal bore , When no genuine black nqggoU are brought , before the end of January , n score of f envious towns will become dyspeptics of is the chronic sort. | : - Monday nfternoonviight miles north by east of Dunbar , ( > eorgo Ames mid Fred One ram m were thrown out of a sleigh. A loaded gun followed wd went oil' in the usual wuy. The hholj plowed the right side of Ames' abdomen causing death in three hours. Ho w'rts , twenty-two years . - ag-i , t ' 'J ho Creighton Trnjtiscrlpl says : "Tho low grand jury after ho/iriing the testimony regard to ox-Treasurer ICudish's defalcation - falcation of nearly $10,000 , concluded of that ' a man who steals $10,000 , of the puo jile's money ia not guilty of embezzle and ment , while the man who holds i-50 for level sixty days is a thief , and ought to bo prosecuted to the full extent of the the Jaw. " rales The two little boys of H. W. Biiirtl , of Todd Creek , Johnson county , wcro left was homo last Sunday while the balance of family went to church. Soon after comt they were gone the older boy , njjcd 13 , took a shotgun that was supj > oseu to tions have been unloaded , and pointing it t the nine-year-old brcithor pullea the trig other , when the cliargfi entered the child's ing neadj killing him instantly. The boy re mained at the side of his dead brother ins two hours tiwuitiug the return of the must family , and on their arrival hctv'us'foand spevoliles.s with horror. two loira Items. The lohxl enrollment of scholars in the Clear Lake public schools is 373. The buildng improvements of Hurling- ton for tlio year amount to ? 300,000. A $ , ' 0,000 schoolbuilding will bo erected at Au du bo n as soon as the weather will permit. The number of hogs packed this .sea * son at Davenport up to the 27th inst. Were 23,000. A Union county farmer has figured il out that it coals on tin tivcrago $4.15 an aero to ralso corn , The Alias mine near l ) s Molno.t has been partially abandoned on account of an over How of water. The deposits of the three lialional banks of Ottumwa are 5802,000 , and their loans nnd discounts are $750,000. Uentonsport , in Van Uuren county , has been selected by a syndicate representing a capital of $70,000 as thesite for n cotton goods manufactory. Senator Allison is good authority for the statement that thorn arc aboutiW.1,000 ; families In the state and out of that num ber JllO.OOO families are enjoying comfort * able homes. The citizens of Hurlinglon generously donated $5,300 to the Sisters of St. Francis as _ . a Christmas olTering , to bo used in aiding the construction of a 20,000 hos- pilrT til Ihat city. The Hrotherhood of Kailwav Section Foremen of North America , organized al Conncll Ulufls one month ago. has re ceived about ! 300 applications for mem bership since adjourning. About half n bushel of ivory chips and a number of line gaming tables were de stroyed ! at Dos Moines by order of tlio court. 'I hat is the Way they enjoin the ; ; , gambling houses at the capital. A few months ago J. M. MeCabo , of Davenport , bought the old Klllott farm near ; DCS Moines , for if-M.OOO. Last week lie. sold it to the Dewov Bros. , of Chicago , for ijvO.OOO , thus making ? ' , ' 0,000 , in four months , moiH Hov. W. V. Dove , pastor'of the M. E. church at Beaman , ( Jrundy county , died of heart disease at that place on Christmas ma day. He was forty-eight years of ago and had been in the active service of the ministry for twenty-live years. The soldier boys at the state capilol building eroded u slight tribute to their fallen , chief , General Logan , on the 37th hist They decorated in white and black two large granite colums in the second story rotunda. Itetwcon these they placed a , table , on which i an excellent portrait of the dead general surrounded by dra pery. Joseph ICubot , aged nineteen , of Du- biiiiiie , took somnambulistic leave of his bed , jumped through a glass door on the second lloor of his residence , nnd , de scending from the porch to the ground below , walked about the streets of the city for some time with no covering to his body but his underwear. AVhcn cap tured blood was streaming from his feet hands and head. There is danger of los ing lu's feet from the ell'ects of being badly frozen. Dakota , The game law will be in full force on and after January 1. Sioux Falls' building improyemcnls for 1880 cost over 000,000. It took six men and a policeman to ar rest two men at Yankton the other even ing. Jy order of Uncle Sam , SCO head of cattle - tlo were killed and frozen for the use of Indians at Lower Brulc agency yester day. Anthracite coal consumers at Ynnkton _ are now at the mercy of the railroads , the supply beinir exhausted at the end of last , week. A man near Woonsockct raised his own broom corn last summer and this winter will make about 100 do/.cu brooms from tiic corn. The railroad taxes paid into the terri torial treasury amounts to ij.1:22,533.rtt. : Receipts from all somces show a total of ri The Yankton ladies have been publicly nolilicd not to wear such big hats at the lecture course. The dainty committee in charge of the lecture season claim the large hats lo bo a nuisance. Ranchmen in the hills are making preparations for farming next summer on a much more extensive scale than they \ have heretofore , and should the season bo propitious the crops will distance- pres ent expectations. Mi * . Midgoly ou Pool lousiness. "Yes , " fcaid a railroad mnn yesterday , who attended the meeting of stuto commissioners at Ues Moiues , la. , lust week , "i think that fircat good will result from Unit gatherluu7. ho enabled the commlfsloncre from ono state intcrclianRO views with these from several other states , through which about the same system of roads run and learn dliectly more about the laws of such stale and how they are enforced. .Mr. J.V. \ . Mldgoly was there and made a short address lietore the convention on the subject of " 1'ools nnd Their Value in Itallroad Uiislncss. " Ainotii ; other things , ho said , "thnt from their first Inception , not only In this conntrj , but in Kngland , pools on 'Joint purse arrange ments , ' as they arc called there , have been , tlios-o not familiar with them , rocardud with more or less aversion ; and yet , aside bill from what may seem to be the selfish object and seeming to each road Its fixed i KM ceil tan o tonnage or Itbcmiivtlent In money , the interests of the public are conserved by the inulntmuuice of roasonabln rates which are Intended U ) bo alike to alt parties under similar conditions. Tlio intent , hocontimied , has been the pro- lilnlL unjust discrimination. That la pre for cisely what niiy well rcuiilnted pool nims to in , and do it more elfecilvuly than can beau com plNicd by law , however strongly formed. Iiul equality of treatment Is now what many tmlppcrs want. Professedly they desire that competition should bo free and unrestricted. other words they want the railroads to bo a llboity to bid one nirainst another. If .such latitude Is not allowed because ot iioollnt ; resirlctior.H Ihey chifin that competition Is Ho suppressed and inoiioiiolp substituted. They nnd not point the length to which unregulated competition snroly lends. When two or moio roads lire fico to compete for a plvcn tralllc worst kind of discrimination follows. In stead of the rate * ( lion beluu alike to all jwr- and they are unequal as the caprice of the he railroad nt'ent or the selflshnc.isof the ship may dlotuto , 'J'hut Inequality continues with until. merely nominal llcnrt'sure u > .icU'd , and when that result Is at la ! neil the ills- criminations nKatiiftt dealers ami shippers in and other sections aie practiced. eral Kxpcrluiice has amply demonstrated that nKreoment will miflico to maintain estab lishcd , mdo. It Is teem rajes supported by aw ll conceived | nnd ( Irmly established pool. There ju I , a certain amount of trulllo In sight. Kuch in road is resolved to have \vliat it is pk'.tsed to term its tliarc. How Is It to ho had' ' Simply ulildiiiK for it , Tlio ir.snlt Is u sciamhlc. to shipper may bo t 'lvcn emu rut ? , while ing another secures n lower rate tor a Jllo : ser vice. vice.Tho exiicrieiini ofsoutliwestern was lines Jg m > t exceptional. When the was n.-uoclHtioii dissulvitu last March ruins to und oi'wl Jjom the 1'acillc coast , whether all-rail or by water and rail , immi'dliitely full to nbsmdly figures. They have not yet been ic- upon htored or very considerably advanced , and presumably will noi ba , until another puul Is fonniul. In like manner on tlio disruption the contract * formerly exlntlni ; be lion tween Cldcauo and Omaha and Chicago A .St1'hul the rates fell to a fighting diers within a week , A similar ilisuv nou.3 record has repeatedly len made to trunk linos. Wlumovvr they fulled to ngree as to any vital jirovlMon of their pool tell to prices tlio coiitliiuancn of which aged meant bankruptcy to thu participants. It In , doubtless , a knowledge ol tuuo fuels ' which Impelled JuUjm Drftdy of thu circuit ot tliy United .States for the district of Oreiron , when the receiver ot the Uncoil .V four California railway applied to him for instiuc- cut as to whether lie bhoulil comply with died new law of the t-tato. which , HIIIOIIK tlilnas. piohlbilcd pooling , In deliver more his opinion to saj ; 'Tooling freights or dividing tiariiings Is rivwtml to by connect- lines ot railway as a moans of avoiding tlioriitlliit ! ot rates which , if persisted In , only roiiilt Incorporate fauieme. It is not easy apparent how a division of dm oariiiiiuu of the uuch ruada can concern .or alTwt the puu- for lies lone as the rate of Iraniport.itlfin on ttictT Is icasonnblc. " Omn/ia / Ufintlllcan , To llio Kditor of the HER : It would seem from this article that If the nillroruls were allowed to pool nil shippers would bet treated alike , Mr. Jlidgloy holds this inducement out to I lie commissioners. Hot does it work. For years past , we have had good solid pools. Was all ship pers treated nliko ? U'as there any re bates. special rates , or advance charges ? M hat assnranco have wo when the rail roads pool again thnt it will not bo llio saino old story. It is stated on good authority that during the short life of the Standard Oil company and its branches the railroads have rebated to them over sixty million dollars. Then there arc forty ' or lifty more lines Jo hear from. U'hnt good , reasonable excuse can tlio railroads oiler for rebating this monov away from the stockholders , especially when united in a pool , for they them selves claim that this pool Is the remedy that all may be treated alike. Suppose a bank was run on this plan. charging 8 per cent to nil customers anil then select a favored few and give them back 4 pnr cunt. Now. Mr. President , why diil you do this ? Well , we had com petition ; I had to do it , would probably bo his reply. How long would the bank stockholder * ) accept stieh n statement ? ' U'ould they took upon Mich as a leglll- mate business transaction ? No , they would sav that i.4 stealing , and in cither case could not the ollii-crrf bo held crimi * nally liable by the slockholdersV Do wo nolliavo competition in all business ? If wo protect ono wo inotiUI protect nil. Air. Midgloy quotes Judge llnidy , of Oregon gen , but fails to quote Judge Maxtor , of Ohio , who ruled in regard to the pools of the roads transporting coal from tlie Hooking Valley , Tim receiver of oiiu road accumulated $100,000 of earn ings which , by the terms of the agreement , was to go to the other pooling companies. Hesitating to nitiko a gift to oilier roads while the bondholders wcro waiting for their inter est , he .submitted the matter to the courts which had appointed hint. Judge Hax- tcr. with much indignation , ordered that lie .should ' 'not only not pay out this money , but to pay no mrmoy whatever for any such purpose while the road is in the cut-tody of this court , " and added ! "Such contracts as these arc no more to bo respected by the law than any other gambling contracts. " Hudson nays : " \Vhat prevents the stockholders of any railroad from instituting criminal pro ceedings against the otllcers who pay out funds which have bean fairly earned for dividends lo enrich rival companies who luivo earned less ? It would bo an unex pected and startling result ot these de vices for the improvement and elevation ot the railway interests if home of the respectable pooling otlicials should find themselves lodged in the penitentiary for breach of trust , criminal conspiracy" embezzlement of railway tunds. " DAN POOHMAN. - ' A StruKUto With Lion. Paris Figaro : A lerriblo seeim oc curred Friday in the menagerie belong ing to Npuma Hawa ( ftlmc. Sottlet ) now performing at Yorviors. The regular trainer of IJrulus , a young lion two years old ( the mother of which devoured her trainer at Home in 18S8) ) , being away , Nouma-Ilawa determined to put the animal through a rehearsal of its per formance. : M.'Grcnier , one of the attend ants was in the cage when the lion was admitted. On the appearance of Nomna-Hawa , with her whip , Brutus How at her throat , tearing part of her lower < Jaw awnj' and otherwise mangling her. She screamed for help , and Houvit- lant , the principal keeper rushed into the cage 1 and bravely flow to the rescue. Seizing the brute's jaws ho forced it to let go its hold of Aouma-llawa , who tound strength to escape from the cage. M , Soulet himself had oulered the cage in tlie meantime and was attacked in his turn , receiving a severe clawing. A fearful struggle then ensued between Uouvillant and Ihc lion , the man lighting and biting in the deadly grapple. At length thu brute was driven oil' by pitch forks , and , more ( load than alive , the gallant Keeper got out , only to swoon away on the monngorio Hoot. Hcnntor.sliip. i\'nfoiml ! Tribune , Otc. is , We earnestly hope that lite senatorial contest in Nebraska will result in the reelection - election of General Charles H. Van \Vyok. U'o hopp this because wo ( irmly believe that it will bo very important to tiic interest of the veterans to have him re-elected. The soldier needs in congress every active , helpful friend that ho can have , and none arc at all likely to bo of more value lo him than General Van Wyck has shown himself lo bo. A soldier himself of excellent record , has the warmest interest in soldiers , and has been indefatigable in his efforts wherever ho foil that ho could render thorn ettoetivo service. Ho sought a place on the pension committee , which many senators shun , for it brings much hard work with little chance for reputa tion , and he has since been one of its most industrious members. Ho has secure. ! an unusiia 1 number of special pensions. and labored constantly to enlarge and liberalize the scope of the general pen sion liws. His energetic support of the to increase , the pension of widows minors , and llio bill to place all dis abled and ( k'Dcnilunt ' soldiers upon the pension roll is w ll known to everybody who has kept a watch of congressional proceedings. Ucing a ready , forcible de bater , a good parliamentarian , and always prepared for an aggressive fight , whatever he thinks is right , his value the senate to the veterans cannot bo overestimated. General Van Wyck was born at 1'otigh * keepsio. N , Y. . in ] ' . ) , He entered ( lie profession of the law , and was enjoying lucrative praetien and enviable profes sional standing when the war broke out. raised a regiment among his friends neighbors , which became the "Tenth Legion , " afterwards the Fifiy-sixlh Now York , and commanded it with grunt success , refusing nll'era of promotion which his gallantry soldiership won for him , because had promised these who had enlisted him that ho would not hwvo thorn during the war. Ho commanded his bri gade during the last year of thn war , was commissioned n brigadier gen His command had the greatest nft'cctlon for him , and such was the es In which ho was hold at homo that ed was elected to represent his district four congresses. Ho emigrated to Ne braska in 1874 , ami soon after was in duced In accept thn position aa dulugalo the constitutional convention' Knler the state aonato in 1870. ho com mended himself MI to thn people that ho re-elected twice , and then lit IHiO chosen United Status senator to MIL" Algernon S. L'mldock. His course in tlio senate lias boon marked by earnest mid intromd attacks whatever ho ronooivou to bo dan gerous or injurious to I ho people , and thosuliavo attracted widespread nttoii- For | o him. man who has done to much tor sol should receive I he support of wiry veteran. .Now Tootli In OJil There are several cases on rqpord { if people- cutting a now set of teeth. the lust cuntury tlie Hon. hdward 1'rogcrs died in his ninety-sixth year "of nnuulsli of cutting tooth , ho having cut now leotn. and had soven-.l ready to , which so inlhimed hi * gums that ho thereof. " There are many other in stances on record of old people who wore fortunate than tub , and who out complotu set * of tcoth after having 1509 reached the time of life when they ; ould expect to bo toothless.In 01110 * thU third bet o.f tooth appeared after old person had been without a tooth hwit. ) years or lubro. .A. i i3 % a * ALL ! ao * un * Coiner & Archer's nnMUioii to SouUi Oiunhtt , consisting ' n ; of 101 of tlio finest lots ever' ' 1 niil out. Every lot i.i d beauty. * 1 r 1ft Ciin be seen ami the eiitiro surrounding1 country is visi- ble. It is located ( HIT V 7 T2T AP17C mil I JLllllvo From llio PACKING HOUSES. ' 5 Minutes Walk from V l' ' r" the New Brewery. And on a perfectly-level' f1 j Piece of Land. arc no von the ; i\ \ 'V I As there arc no poor lots , j'ou can cither buy them By Mail 'II ' Telegraph , < f > . , Or Telephone ! " ' j " . . . "J ; > r3 ' 0 - Do not wait for every lot will be sold by Jan , 1st. AND AVOID THE RUSH XA , ' " < ' 25 Lois Sold the I-'iral - Day. | * H Or you will be left. ' * ' j From 100 to PER CENT Made on money invest in these lots in .8 months. Price 35260 to $500 , * Terms Easy , ' ! , v Title Perfect , - tu ' sale by Ilkier , > PARMAM STREET Boom9Heiliek'sBlock ' ; ' 2nd Floor. * ? t : "