Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Big Speculators Balancing Accounts For the
Beginning of a New Year.
I'rovlfcloitft Active , Kiel led nnd Higher
Cuttle Vnlties SlrotiKcr For Do.slr-
Hlilr. KlntU No CliRimo In
Ocncrnl Quotations.
Dec. 8t. SncclM Telct-Min to
llic HKK.J Tbu siicciilatlvc tills until nflor
iinxtMoinlay will be tKcn ; tip almost alto-
KGllicr to tlie evening up ot tliu operations of
bi ( ? opcrntors. IVoplu even the pliniKurs-
llke to know how tboy stand at the close of a
jcnr , MI that It Is rare that a big operation Is
run over from December until. January. The
bic men In the tlltrcrrnt pits are already
evened up almost entirely. Cml.ihy Is be
lieved to lit ) short a little wheat , but not
much. Ills pitnclpa ! Interest Is In provisions
nnd on the bhart side. Linn bought In bis
wheat , liu says , the other day nt SVjfl
PC , and' Is 'rfotv .shoit a very small line.
"lit Jones Is n bull on wheat and lone some.
jam Ispmbabty entirely out of the market.
lat Is believed to be Ills latitude bv most ot
V > u In n position to know. The northwest
\vd , composed ofl'illshury , Tnt Kelly , West
otlicisof theblK opeialora at .St. 1'aul
niul Minneapolis , Is piesumed to bu about
r 'von on the maifcet. They were shortof
\vbent iii | to tblity Ouvs I KO , L-utaio now
fcttpposcil to be lonj : , so that IhcH'lsvcrj *
liitlo chance that any move by any of them
men will cause much iluctunllon until
January , vvlilrb Is , of COUISP , a veij little
way oil. That It has bct'ii a bad yc.u lor
olio or nioic of them Is widely hclli'veil. One
of Hie biggest local scalpers only the other
day put a 8ICO.DOO mortage on his teal
t's > tittt' . KromMicat tin : opening May wheat
Mild down to MYc. Only a few sales vveie
inaili ) at that llgnro , ho\vevcr. The maiKol
ijuicklj tallied. When the tide tinned II was
tllacoveieil that theie was vuiy littlu wheat
lor siikn fact which made would-be bu > ers
more anxious , and It was not Ion , ; bcloie the
jirlee vvsis bid up to 'i5''c. ' A peilod of dull-
nr.sslntcive.ned und vnlnrs soflunod jusltlie
least little hit , The bull hpirlt yatbi'ied
force nnd during the last hour tlie maiket
vr.s lull and wtioni , ' , tlie close at 1 o'clock
belnt ; nt the outside. List tiadcs beinj ; on a
basis ot ' OYo for May , 7 ! ' " < e foi Kubtuaiy ,
nnd 7 5 ' foi .lanuaiy. Uuyine vv.ts seem
ingly for strong p.utles. It was nervy and
rather ncKicssivo .it any iatc , and the ti.idiiiK
rrovvd cave New Yoik eietllt foi dolni ; a
( 'ood slmre ol it. tiiain .speciildlion at the
fceaboard IK ritmnant II icllatice Is to tie
plai-ed In mull and tclc r.tplile tulvlro. Coin
itlil not icet out ol its rut to-day , pi ices vvoik-
ln biielt nil' ' lortb uetwrcn H'4Qi'c ' : ' lor
May , and rloilng atISJfc , vvblcli WHS iust
> vlicie fiitme closed ji'stoiday. Tradlntr
was li ht , niul tins nmikct acted dull
nnd heavy , liuliiK .sustained apiiaicntly
only liy tbo stieiiKth In other article" .
Uevv York and l.lveijiool advices came in
lam and only " 'M cats vvetu estimated lor
to-morrow , yet the buyers were scarce and
tlieie was an evident disposition to sell
ntjiiiusl coin In stoie here. That Is where
pirtty much allot the lecelpts aio KO'IUK at
piOHCiit. ttcceivors all say if they could yet
caiseiioimh to do the hauling tills market
would be cutllng : < ( n percent more coin than
I It Is nt piesent. 'Hie por-slstent lefusal of
western toads to do aiiythhiK In the matter
* lays them wide open to a suspicion of beiiif :
ll loiiRon the nuiiket. It Is claimed by a lew
ot om shrewdest operators hern that they
n aip. OaNdi.tfwd at aiouiidlU'iv ' uml lllc
for May all d.vy , closing at : itau. ( , Theto is
no change whatever In the situation under
this head. I'rovWons were aellve , o.xctted
itiKl hlclier to day. The opening was weak
nt nbout iestuid.ij's iniige. Speculative
Inquiry put prices up at the stait , but this
ileiiiaini was soon .satisfied and values eased
off slightly. The In&thalf of thoMJs.sion wit
nessed lively trading and a shatp ailvance.
Jnnuaiypork went fiom Sll.W to Sl--- > j
nnd May fiom S12 10 to Sl-'r. . ' , the latter
option closing at IS.T.'i'rf , n caln all along
the line of : ; 0ri'Jiic. ( : Hfbs advanced 12'i ( ti
15cand laid lOftfWjc. The close sub-
Btantinlly nt the ton tind the li'cllug was
Uuun. 2:10 : 11. m. Wheat was stioup on
the cm ! ) at ko'iO ' bid foi Mny. Maj corn
4'Vjj bid.
C.'IIICAOO , Dee. SO. I Special Tcleiiam tn
the Hii.j : CA.TTI.I : Thu lu.iiKct thhinioin-
lint opened i.itiicr more actively , ami viluc'
vein stionu tium the outlet on deslr.iblc
liiuds. 1'ilces lot smooth tut steers ueio , "i (
lOc higher In numcioin instances while with
conibcftnd intciloriiuditles | theip was but
lltthi cliatiRO. Xc.iily cvcr > body was .sur-
julM'd that the iccelpts weie no larger than
they \veie. C'ountiy c.ittle ilnnpeit. , it Is to
be hoped , have been toosoven'lv imnMiud toi
rnMiliiK headlong to mailut at Urn ! li--t Mgu
of liuiuovciiiRiit to bo caught in anothei
trap. Corn Is high , and cold vve.ither pic
vents cattle fiom Kainin ; : very uipldly now ,
311. but If it docs not pav lo hold thin eatthuintli
liO theyaru In better condition and xlvo the
, l-'l > I to improveVc Know it
will not nav tociowd them for want at this
rest time. All Hie teed fat cattle will bo wanted
' .oh Ht a f.ilr price if the maiket is not chitted
A-D , with thin stock. Shipping Meer ? , S3MfiC.VJS :
i-ttt-t tmlk. , < ! l.25(2'l.f:0j ( : Mockers and feedeii , S2.0C
x < TOL * ( < il.'JU : cows , bulls and mixed , iiirn/8.11) ' ) ;
Jlhci bulk , 52.IOC'i.nJ ' : Texas c.ittle. S'.2 ' < Vil.'lO.
' lions The general maiket tiiiderwcnl
LS'h'od little or no ehaiiicu as compaicd with yester
day , vvhllu pi \\eicnbiHittliosiuu1. . 1'er
bans the iiuulliy ol bl li-pilecd \ \ not
iiullc as t'ood as that of .ve.slciday. but In t
Kcncral waythcio walitthior no cliaujre. A
. lew fancy heavy sold at ? J.Wli.3-l.65 ) ; gooil
to choice iiackinc boitF , 3l.40 < ii 1.75 ; coiumoii
S4oOTuMlo. Thciuwas a better demand foi
the ordinary inn of lliiht sorts , but uneven
tliilclinuurt in piii'cs , and solilvlthlu :
New Voik. lw. ) 'M MONKY On cal
i-asy at 4 < , if. > per cent , closing at 4pnr cunt
1'HIUE * lSHCA. > iTnB 1'jk.l'tU 0 a7 pel
arr.rii KSCIIANOI' Steady at 54.SI
for shty day bills ; foi demand.
tlov'KtiNMK'Nis Uuvvinmcnt Iwucl : , wcic
dull but steady.
HIOOKS- Stocks opened nenernlly < lioni : (
ndvances inu lni ; fiom * < , ( ils * IH-I cent. Then
\\asucll\otniilluf : and alter Mime lewflkh
det'liues In eaily dnalhiKs the entlin markel
lifrauin tlioue and advanced nmtciially ilur
Ing Hit ) llrst hour. a renewal ol
hiijlnu In tlieafturncoii ami fuithcrprociesi
towaid hlfc-lier jilli'e ' was made , although or
cnmuvvhat icduci'd buslnts * . He.ill/'Uloii'
n.'alnlcauscd i-i i'liiK of pilc-es In the las !
' hour , mil the 111.11 lct ivcoveu-d In the lasi
* 'htV littetiii minutes and closed utioiiK at a sludt1
V under'.liebest jirlci'.snf tlaulay.
oC ( .Tocttt ox w.u.i , sntr.dT.
? . I boiuh. . . . 100'C1. . AT .N. W. . . . i
, U.H.4VH 1 lOUi jirclened uwt ,
hew i'g W .N.Y.O
I'ftcinufi'snf'lVi. l' ! . " > .Oii'con Tran. .
. .ciiliiil 1'iicltic. . ) ' . ' ! 1'aeitio Mall
L. \ A Hi' : ; I1. I ) , it K
I1' * ) 111. I' . 0 1 * >
C. II. A CJF lfi'4.Hock ; ' . Island. . . . . 1SS
' ' ' ' ' * ' an , U. . . . . . , irm nrt-f cried . ! ! ! j $
' ' '
pVefernV. . . Ta'ji iwfeited . . . llh
Illinois Central. nil iSt. I'to. . . . . . .
1. , It. A W. , . . , if'U ' picfcrml. . .
Kiuiias.vTexiu , RJ ( , 'Tc.\as I'ncinn. . .
'OOlML1,111 I'dullw. . .
. , at. _ us \ 1 > y'i
Mich. CcntMl. , . WI4 prcfuiiPd. . , MJi
Mo. I'aciflo . li 7'i Wft'crn L nUu. 73
Noitliern 1'ac. . . a:1. O. . It. A N. . . uvl'v
Olilcatro , Dec. IW.-KIonr Vra.lnally .
uiicbunkECd ; winter vvtu-jit nuur.
voutitern. 3VAV ,4.00 , ; > VIscoii iu. S4.0 ( ! ( ,
t.iu Mirhlcan coft syriui :
t3.bOC44.10 ; AliDiiosoth IrAtfib. m
Iuxlflil8 , $1.3034,00 ; lovr mtules , $1,7
t ) fluur. quiet nt ja. ' b.W ) in
k > nd S3.00\3a.W \ In e rVs.
, t. Falily active , closing > < c abovi
yesterday ; cash , 78 111 Re ; January , 7S' c :
"February , 7l > ie ; May , 8C < c.
Corn-Quiet nnd steady ; opened a shade
lower and closed about the same a * y ester *
davscash , S7'.cc ' ; January , 37Yc ; February ,
37Xc ; May , 4l' ; c.
Oats Steady nnd firm , with no
chance : cash , CO' ' c ; May , 31 5-10c.
live-Steady at Kic.
Harley Steady nt M < a * 2'fc
Timotby scsd 1'rimr , Sl.7NfU.7P.
Klaxseed-OlJfc. * .
1'ork Active ; 30@\ : \ htcher : ca l > . $10.00
( ai-Wi ; .lanuary. s'li'iwai'.v h' ! February ,
Si2. : > < y < i2.r,5j May , Sl2.72'ii ? ' < H2.75. Moderately ncllve nnd stroncor ;
"JfQtOchUhcr : cash , Sfi.'iO ; February , 10.00
( ftG.lf-.Ji : May. Sf..37 > Vfi . 0.
.Hulk Meats-Shoulders. $4.S7@UX > ; shoit
clear ,'i.-tO ' ; short ilbs Sft.rflj for cash.
Jltittcr Steady ; creamery , ! f.(3' ( Sc ; dairy ,
Cirecso-Steadv : full cream Cheddars , IV a
OMa'j'c ' : Mats. I2@12' ' c ; younc Ameilcns ,
12X& c : sklm.s , 7 > dJi"c.
I'.ires Stc.idy at ii'id ' iic.
Hides In peed ie < iucst at fotincr prices ;
IIP.IVV L'rcen salted. 7 > jfrt)7J4'c ( ) ; bull hides ,
4Vc. dry salted. IKgl-'c ; ilry salted calls ,
b ( tI4c ! | ; deacons , 'J. " > c each.
Tallow Slow : o. l country , 8Vc ; Xo , 2.
-Jfc ; cake , 4c.
Kecnlnt * . SliiliPlitf ,
Flmir.bbU 25.0INI ! U,000
Whcat.bll 7'JXX ( ) 42.000
Corn. DII 220.000 -W.OOJ
Oat bll UO.IXHJ 77,0i)0 )
Kyc. bu l.tOJ : > .ooo
llarley.uu 'B.OOO ! 1OJO
Now York. Dec. M. Wheat Receipts.
1K'.UOU ; expmis , none : cash , about le higher :
options Mcadv , declined n tillle. ruled
strouner , and advanced lOl' c , eloslns about
best r.itus ; nnuraded red , 8 ( ! < ' . )4Kc ) ; No. ! ! ,
led , ! K'idK'ie ) ! ) ; Vo. S , led , USMUi c In elev.v
toi , fUV.i'Jl'h'c ' ' alloit ; January closing at
Corn-Spot steady ; options. V@Jtfo hltrhert
closed Him ; iecelpt , fttooo ; i-\poits. l5iiK ( ) ;
iingudtitl , s7iiShVf ; No. U.tojf ittloat : No.
47sfiiM7 ; < c lii elevator , I'.i'i ' ' lU c alloat ;
January closing at sS c ,
Oats-ViCa'c higher ; iccolpts. .Vi.ODO ; ex-
nous , : ou : mixed western , U0ii'"c ( ! ; white
. .
Petroleum Steady : united closed atOO'4c. '
KgifS'-Kiimer : westein. liesli , KOWuc.
PoikKilmer ; , fclU 2.Vil'J.7.1.
Lnul UlKhcr ; westein steam spot , SO. 75
@ 'i.7S.
llntlei-t-'lrm ; weslcin , 122Sc ; Klgin
creaniPty , iv.'c.
Cheese-llulcl ; westein Hat , ll(3l2ljC. (
nilnnuaixiilH , Dec. : tO. Wheat Stiong :
clo-Pd higher Hit ! highest ptlcu on this crop ;
No. 1 hard , cas-h and January. 77c ; Mav ,
4'ic ; No. l noitherii , cash ami Januar7.V ;
May , .vJ5/s ; No. 2 uoithcin , cash anil Jan-
uaiv , 7ki. ;
Klour--Kirni ; uatcul" , SI.IOKI.CD ; bakeis
5t.d.7 : ( ) ( : ! ( > .
Kecclpts-Wlieat. 1TO.OOO bu.
Shipments , iT.OOO bu. ; Hour , 10,000
Mllwntikcc , Dec. HO. Wheat Stiong :
cash. 7S'je ' : Jannarv , 7S'ac ' ; May , b % < - ' .
Corn No. 2 , : ! 7'4r. '
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 , 2C'xc.
Hye-lliu'her ; No. 1 , 57tfe.
lijrlcy No. 2. ftitje.
Piovisions Illgher ; pork , December.
ciuclnnntl. Dec. : io.--Wheat Jllghei ;
No. 2 , led. sihiVie.
Corn No. 'J mixed. .
Oats No. 2 mixed , : Jte.
Kyo - No. 2 , MlyifiOe.
PoikHigher at Sl'.no.
Laid-lllghcrat SO.W.
St. IjotilK , Dec. SO. Wheat Strong
and higher ; No. 2 led , cash , tstCS24'c ; : May
Corn-Firm , Xo. 2 mi.\cd ,
AlnylOc. .
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash,2r-T ( 2 c ;
May , : > n4c.
KjoSteady at C c.
Whiskv-Sl.i : ! .
Pork- Finn at S 12. 00.
Laid-lllgheratStW. .
linlti'r ( jnlctaiul linn ; cieamery , 21g27c ;
daily , Wifilc.
KaiiHns Oiiy , Deo. M Wheat Stionper ;
No. 2 red , cash , ulac ! bid ; Januaiy , "Oc bid ;
May , 70c.
Corn-Steadv : No. 8 , cash , ! .CVc bid ,
no.1 jC asked : May , CGVc bid , 'M } * asked.
Oats Noiulnul.
New Orleans. Dec. ! ! 0. Corn Steady ;
mixed and white.tO < jfi7c ; yellow , @rJo.
OatsICasy ; ehoico wrstorn , IftC' l 'aC.
Corn Meal Pinner at S2.Mli : 2.B. !
Ho ! ; product Light demand , but holders
tirm ; pork , Sll.f > 0 ; lard , reiined tierce , $0.00.
JjtviTimol , Dec. SO. Wheat Firm ; de
mand f.ilr ; holders otter sparingly.
Coin Steady ; demand t.xir.
ClilcaKo , UPC. 30. The Drovoi's Journal
Hinorls sis follows :
Cattle Itficelpt.s , 7,000 ; active and
" > ( . ( MOj higher ; shipping steers. $4.2.164
.1.12' ' f ; stoeki'ia and leeders , $2.00 ( t.'l.'Ji ( ;
COWH. bulls ana mixed , & 1.2Ti@i.lO : ; bulk ,
Si.lOf < 5iOJ ; Texns cattle , 2.2.10'-10. :
Hoxa--Heceiptb , : w,00il ; stronu and shade
hiKhcr , imigh and mixed. ? t.00fi4..10 ( ; pack
ing and hhlpplng. S4.IU@1 > 5 ; light. 93.7.1
( 'i > MU : skips , sii.7..85. . : : .
Sheep itecelpts' , -1,000 ; Hun ; natlvps ,
S.J.lKi.a.l ( ; hulk , S3. . ( iH.40 ; weslein , % 2..10
( ff.VM ; Tt'Nnns , ; ; latnb.s , 34.00(3 (
5 50.
50.St. . txiiiiM , Dec. : : o. C.ittI-It ( celpt' , 1.000 ;
shipmeiit . noun : stioug ; cliriicehraxy native
htoors , § 4.iOfM,7 : * > ; i.ilr to good hhipuine
steers , SM'iO'rf4.'i"i ! ; nutdiurs' htecrs. S'J.O * !
Ci4.1.i stockuisann leedcrs , S2.00i.25. :
llogs IteeeiiiK 1,000 ; ulilpments , 1.000 :
stiouKand actl\n : choice heavy and bulcluirs1
f-t'lections S''iTti/ro : parkintoici. : : . . > 0 ;
\oikers , S4.uO ( . < e-.2r. ) ; plgc , S.IOW4.00. : !
City. lL'p.S-'attle ( ) ( KcrclpK
1.000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; strongei ; common
to choice , $3.Y > @t.Tt ! ; stiickeis and ( ceilliiK
Bteers , > 2.2'iniJ.40 : ; cow- , S1..WWI.OO.
Hogs Iteceipts. 0.000 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
common to choice , S4.0i ) < iMO.
Thursday , Doe. . ' 0.
ThiMCcelpts wtjio the same as jc'teulay
The maiKcl was active and rveiythlns dc.sli-
able told. The maiket as about stwuly
wlthjesleidaj's close
To ! ; hog maikitt oiK-ned carlj and aethe at
about ji'sii'iday'.s close , 'i ho 1:1 : eater part ot
the receipts wcro sold early. Later in the
day the inaiknt weakened and closed fully
toe lower on Inrht hogs Thoic were a few
loads lei t OMM- but not cnuu h to cut anv
in the niarUet.
There were a few In today hut nothinii
( loins on thii maikct.
Cattle . , . COC
JllUt . 2,1.01
. ' 'OC
Prevailing IVIcei.
. _ - prrvailliiB luicci paid for live
Block on this nurket.
Choice stems. IIV ! ) to WOO Ibs Sl.iM&UO
Choicehteei.i , 11UU to UiJJ Ibs i.uot.rti.A'j
lioodtoeder' " .C-'CuAOJ
Ciood tochoiracorn-fed eovvi. . . ' . ' .SSfnil.-1 ' !
h air to mei mm cr.tb-j cows ' . ' .oofit'j.r.o
Cooil to uholco bulls l.VJfaH.UCi
l.nhtand medium ho s -I.l5i-ii'i !
( Jooti to choice nc.ivy uo < i.iWctMU
Coed to choice mlxi'd niys 4 , > r > < f4.i' ; >
< ! oed to choice thccj ) i.7'i'-W.UO !
Fair to good sheep 'i/'S .vi
No. Av. I'ri No. 'AV. Pr.
li'J ' . . ll.Ml tl.Vi 'M. . . 111
. . . . . ; " > l ,1.75 1. . . 1I7S Ii.B. )
DI..1JU U.iO 3j..l'.J a.PO
> 'o. Av. I'r. Xo. Av. Pr.
II. . . . IV.S fj.10'i7 ) )
to . . wuri 'JO. . . . i INT : i.oo
1:1 : . . .ion ! ! .7ii 'j..iia.'i a.oo y.71) ) ISM y.'i'i
nt'i.i.s. '
Xo. Av. 1'r. Xo. Av , i'r ,
1 If.MI S ' .IX ) ii . . .l.Vk'i S'J.fiO
l . nifl : ! , rti i. . . 1710 i.w
1. . .ISb'J ' 'ii1 }
No. Av. Slik. I'r Xo. Av. .Shi : . I'r ,
i.t.-ro 'J40S-M5 ( vi..sw iraji .ro
7-J. . . lli ICO 4.VO U1..AV.1 ' . ' 40 4.U )
Ii7. . . ' .UO I'JO 4.'S > IV . . . . .Va 10JU'A
ns . MI LMO 4.S.1 do.iui
CO. . 1SI fell 4.-5 Ul. . . ' . ' . 'I ' 410 4Tj !
IM : ; ii 'jio ! ) . ' ) : . . . .tsii 2111 4.03
ns , ' . ' ( , niji ro..viT i'4.a )
fiS73 1'JOlii 5'J. . . . : KJ UVJ 4.y ,
f& . , 'r.l 1201.25 09 . . . ' . ' 4S 240 4..V1
7i. . ,2.17 ICO 4.21 Kt. . .II12 : Wl 4.35
C7 , .217 1'JO. 4.2.i til , . , ' 'J 2-O . )
121 . , . ,01 4H 4.W 5J . . . : t71 100 4.40
ia. , . 2S-0 120 4..M 7J..Viyo Ifto J. < 0
C2.ji'j cto i.ut < Ji..n2i iogi.w
01..277 40J < 4.rfl T4..CS3 120MO
T3..2 < W 200 4.CO 61 . . .3i -MO
Unnee ofl'rlce * .
Showing tlie highest and lowest prices
paid for loads of hogs on this market durlui ;
the past .seven da ) s and tor llio same time
lastyear :
Nov. JCC. 1SS3 IJeo. l
2llh "
2Sth Holiday.
2Gth Sunday
27th 4.20 l.r Sumlny
HUtiilnjr 4.10 eu.3.1' ' " ' 3.40 Ut-315
2. th ! U.n ( II.7JI5 ! 8.1.1
30th' '
Slilitinenl * .
Slionlng tlie number of cattle , hog * and
sliecp shipped Irom thcyautsduilngtnu day.
No. cars. lit. Dest.
11 . .Mil. .
All sales of slock in thl market arc mailo
pcrcwl. llvo wclzht unless otherwise stated.
Dead Imp * sell at ? fc per Ib. tor all welcliK
"Skins , " or hogs weUhlne less than 10J Ibs.
no value. Pit'sniiiit sows are docked 40 Ibs.
, by the public Inspector.
close lower.
Cattlunctlu .
It is not expected that there will bo much
of a nuiKeton New Yeni'y , It any at all.
Cattle steady \vltlt > t stuidav's close.
The death of (1. ( 11. Iiammmul Knot likely
to malic any appreciable dltreit'iice ' in his
lurking IndiHtrles lieie , aside fioiu a few
d.tydelay. .
Among the p having hoc ; ? on the maikel
w rip llin follow IIIK : Nelson A : Yoiins , Ash
land ; II. H. lo\ter ) , lllalr ; KarrliiKlon A
.Sons Lyons ; Si'lioiieldiSon , Wixlnnl , In. :
M..I. Iliifiiios , Wlsiict ; ( iiiidlni'i A. iV Co. ,
Jrilliner ; P. A. lianett , Crowull ; l > . \ < J ,
Co. , Itaiirnill ; I ) . Anderson , Colnni'
bus ; \\r. \ 11. llcau'le , Limp Citv ; 1) . S
Handy , Lnup City ; \Vcuks A : lloebo ,
O'Nell ; Itenolt.Stoirs , r.wlns L. I ? . Slu-p
haul > v Co. , West Point ; A.VllMjii. . I lull
bt'll ; H. K.Stllley\- ( . . Wcsteiu ; Hall A
McClelland , Keiiesaw ; I'pdlke .t THin , llai-
\aid ; Sni'll < t Atiiuw ; , Ashland ; Lobman A.
Kotliclnld , Tiunorn : l.ppeison Hms Alton ,
In. ; M i : . Wlkoff. U'vinoro : Hell 15io * . .V K.
KMiil.-llii ; 'I' . \ \VllfJnMii , AnsleyV. ; . P.
Htullh A : L.Mason ; A. II. Ku' m an
CampiicllV ; C , I'otlui-iV Son , Coi nine.
M.V. . nicnklion. Miisoini Valley , Ir
to-day and disposed ul a load ol co\\s.
. ) . LonuiK'cKer. Walnut , la. , was heie am
old t\\o cars ot lioa .
K. It. ( iammel , lleimanvas In with t\\ <
loads ol'iMttle nnd a load ol lie b which hi
sold on Hit ) mailed.
( icoi e Smith , I lei man , came In to-day will
two loads ol cattle which ho suld on the
A.V. . Stieet , 'IVkaiuah , was In anil mat
Keled llnve lorx'ls ' ol cattle.
T.V. . Wllkenson , Ansley , had in
of sheep to day.
On the 111:11 : kot with eallle : David .lone ?
( VdarlUnlls : Spclts.V ; K. , D.ixltl City. Itutic
iVStons1. Kwini ; ; A. Sliinstock , West Point ;
A. Wilson. Jlnbuell.
Cliarlio Hunter , luavale , washeicaiidmar
Keted two loads of hoijs.
.lohn JdelCce .in , Bancroft , was hero am
sold a load of coin-fed stem's' .
Mr. Kroeaor , of Krocjer ISios. , Hooncr
was hem with two loads ol butchers' stock.
Mr. MeCtnnber , B.inciott , eamo in to-day
and matkeicila lo.ul . ot hogs.
.1. Jones , lladdom , Kans. , w.ii hero and
sold a lo.ul of c.tttlu and a lo.ul of IKI.JS.
.1. Danley , Ashland , was In with two load'
of hojs.
The following notlco has been Nsuetl : At
a mei'tiiiKof the joint e\eciitlvo committee
held December , l bfi , it was resolved tc
amend theaiticlcsof agreement by adding
the lollowinc : liule 12 Fio/en IIORS sliall
be consideied iinuicichimUblc , but can b <
boiiKlit and .sold by special ngieumcut be
tween thii buyer anil .seller ; and In cases
wheie the damage cannot ho am cod upon
the buyer shall have the option of lejcctint
such hops , feigned K. P. Savajjo , ( ! . S ,
Drown , foi the commission men , and C. S
Walker , 11. 11. Mcday , tor the packors.
M. Hurko it Sons have put In new olllco
finnitute , consisting of a very taney iion
ralliiiK enc'oslng the cashici and book keep
er's desks.
GeoiKO Meisner. Shelton , was a visitor at
the yards. His has IMC or six bundled head
ol fat e.ittlu to ship soon.
OMAHA \vuoia.sAM ; : MAKKKTS ,
General I'roiliice.
'Ihmsday , Dec. . ' ! 0.
Tlie.followlnq prices < ne jor rottinl lot of
proi/KCC / , us sold nil the innrhel to-ilaii. TUi
quotations otifrulta represent tMjirlccs at
which nuts lac orders arc tlltal.
Ktnis The icrciptsaie very liberal am
the demand light. Stocks art ; moving slow ! }
at Sle.
Pori.TUY There is a good demand for
tmkeysand Iheicceipts aic light. Choici
stock sold veiy teadily to-day at 12Cl'-'Kc.
( 'hlckciis aie In liberal icccipt and ate mov
Ing slowly nt CS3c. ( ifesf and ducU :
tit ' . 'AlOc. '
On ir.SK Kullci earn cheddars , slnzle , lll c
lull cieam llatstwlnsitj ; < c ; young American
He ; fancy Swiss Utfl.ri ( ; Swiss , Impoitcd
'J.H ; ; Llmburger , lite : buck , HWI.'MJ.
< ! AMi'--i'iaiiie chiekons , ehoice per do/ ,
5i.7. : > : croiise , Mi.oi ) ; ( inall , per do/
31.7.Vi3. < M ) ; ducks , inalliiid , per do/
? 1.7.Vi > iOO ; ducks , teal , per doSl.'JJ
d l.'iO ; tliirkh , mixed , per doSI ' . ' 5 ; iee i'
pei do3H .W : deer , saddles , per Ib , lOcnl''c
deer , eaieasses , per Ib , 7@sc ; elk caddies , poi
Ib.UMlOc ; elk , carcasses , perlbR(77cantulonc ( ;
saddlefi. per Ih , lO' . l''c ; antelope , caicasses
per It ) , 7 ( < c ; Jack r.ibhlts , per do/ , S'i.&O" ' '
4.0U ; small rabbits , per doOOc. .
ail lemons
Or.i.r.nv The market Is steady. Choice
stock tier do ? . . Me : i'Ntii : laiRe , tn'rdo/-IOc
OVSTIIUS Motlluins , uoe ; standards , ' .Jiici
selects , tS ! ; extra selects. * fc ; N. Y. counts
Cn\sni nniis : I'apoCod , fanev , pei bbl
Si.00 ; : ; bell niul bn'Ie. per bbl , 510.00.
NANAS Uanauas , vellow , JKJI bnneli ,
< t'.t'i ! ! bananas , yellow , large , pei bunch
MrsMnn , per box S0.00r 0.(0 ,
.s Floi Ida , choice , IMJGitMO to lin >
S5.00 ; do. 5 box lots. 54.7.1 : Valencia , pel
case. SS.M ; Caliloinla KiM'ibliie , pcs box
SH.7. ' > .
(5ii.M'is : Malagna. per bbl , GOlb gioss
MATI.I : Slilclly pure. W ) Ib boxes
jier ll > , Me ; choice lie bi Icks , i' ib tioxes , pei
Ib , I''e ; choice p.-nny cil.cs , 'J.'j Ib boxes , pci
11) ) . I'JJic.
SAI iuK'nUT-IVr 2 gal bbl , SC , X ) ; H
sal , half bbl ? : i.W ) .
PiiovMONrf- Ham , siiKar-cnretl , HMc
bieakt.tst bacon , siuarcmed , tiouuless , ] U'j '
t-houldeis , tVcleat ; sldu b.ieonc ! : dry s.vl
hldec , 7c ; dned beef , hams , He ; diicd beef
legulai , lie : mess polk , per till ) , ? rJ..M ) ; lard
, ' > 0lt ) caiii , Kaiib.inksl/4'c : laid. 10 , 5 and :
Ib nails , K.UilunUs , " 'j ® iJfe.
Ki.oi'ii AND JIn.i.STrFFs \ \ Inter whcai
ilour , best quality patent , S',7.r ; bccond
ity. K'-'MO ; best quality spriiiK wnea
flour , patent , SiXbran ( ) ; , Ma perewtehoppe ; (
free ) , 70o per c\vt ; white corn meal. We
jellowcoin meal , Kic percwt ; scieenlii ! ; , r.o <
pei ewt ; hominy , Si.00 net cwt ; Miorts , Vx
perc\Tt : eiaham S1.00lmy ; , in b le % SVOOJ
C.OOner ton.
Ion cans wr do810.0U ; li.iit gallon cans
I * ; dor , S5M ) ; quart caiii ,
. .
h.ll/ ' - ) IU l ( U < IVlllk
Klnt'sfordH bulk , 4c.
ToitArrrt I'luu , climax , 4Jo : horseshoe ,
37c ; blHr. ! ; spearhead , ! c ; pfperheldslck
Cflp : cold Miidd , 3tc ; merry war , 2 j ; J. T ,
pl-siic , . .
cltv * oda , 7i ;
howl's Klik's ? a von Imperial , S3.70
Kirfe s satinet. ? : < . ( W ; Kirk s sumlaid , S3.05
Kiik'Hwhltrt Utisilan , S4.00 ; Kltk'a white
rap , Sfi.W ) ; dome , Sj.b5j : vvasliboaid , 53.10
wiiitn cloud , St.75. ;
ltot'v.-f inch 10 c ; 't ' incb , lie ; > j
In eh , ll'.e.
i > eatii. i cr case , Si.'M ; ntirlcots , per casj
* 4.noii aehM , in" csse , SS.iio ; white flier
rjcs , per canSfl.OO ; plums , per case , 33.05 ,
oiuctorrlcs per case , S1.W ; CL-K pluniB , It
ncr case , 2.sOt plne.ipples. 2 Ib , per case
8n.20Q5.75 ! l Ib niu > kcrel. per doSl.JO ;
1 Ib salmon , per do ? , : 2 Ih ROUSO ,
berrle * . porca-e. Sl.7. ) ; 'J Ibstrln ? beans , per
case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per en1 * , 81.00 !
21b marrowfat pea , per case. Si.40 ; 2 Ib
early. I nne peas , per cse. $2.75 : alb toma
toes. S'AIOHWK ; v.MO(3ia\ (
DiilF.w FnvtT so. 1 quarter apples , ftjf(3
Cc : in evaporated boiei , i'J' ' ® iics ! black-
bcnles. boxes , ll tll' < 0 ! peaches , Salt Lake ,
I8b0 , lOQilo'jc ; pcachrs. evaporated. 15'tc :
17c ! raspberries , new , 5-c ; current ? , 7g7 } <
prunes , new 'Vft'c. '
HfOAIIS 1'OVV tlCTOlt , "C ! CUt tORf.
CJc Tc ; granulated , Ol4i ( Cc ; confectioners1
A , ftkc : standard cxtrn C. f Vf ! > ? 4c ; extra
C. 5'iCit3tfc } : medium jellow , 4ijt5c. ) (
CorFF.cs Ordlnarv grades , nu l.'c fal
li l'iKc ; prime , iiX(3lGc ( : choice , Itkjtiohc ;
fancy green and yellow. lCiKc ( ; old ov-
Dilworth's , H'c ; lied Cross , l' " c.
Ocncrnl Markoti.
innr.s-dreen butcher" . rj4r ! < i < v ;
cured , tc : drv tllnt , 11W1.V ; dry salt. - !
crcon calf skins , WtH ! < e ; damaged hides ,
two-thirds price. Tallow 'U c. ( Jreaso
1'riine vvblte. ii c : yellow , 2'4c ' ; brown , IJi
Sheen 1'elK , 2Wa7.\e. ,
IjKATiiKti I'rlmo rlauchter solo leather ,
S'-V ; prime oak sololrather iiOC&toc. Upjicr
leather per foot , 'JOv.n2.V ! ; hem , kip. "divts. * ; !
oak kip. Mfjl > : , o ; French kip. Sl.COMl.VO ;
bem.tcair , 81.0001.10 ; oAk call. Sl.OO l.iiS ;
Kiuncli call , Sl.'iHgl.M ) : Morocco , boot log ,
liO'itoJe : Morocco oil pebble , -JSkCKcj toppings
nmlllnlnp. , fioaiioc.
11B.VW lUnnwAiir.-lron , rate S2.M ;
plow stt el uccl. l cal > l , ' < Sccriiclbk'stcelfiK'- ' ;
chain , per lit. Owisc ; inallo.iblo. 7dlii. ; ' ; nun
wedL'cs , Cc ; ciowhai , Oc ; Inn low teeth , 4'ie ' ,
llrinlc steel , 7iH'e ( ; liuiileii's IIOIM'shoes.
? H.r > 0nurdcii-s ; mule slioci. 3'i.fia Harbod
wire , In car lots S4.00 per 1UO lb- .
Nall # , lales , 111 to W , S'iM ; steel nails S'
Shot. > : hnrltblint , Pl.S'i ; oriental powder ,
kegs , SJ.SO ; tlo. halt Ui-its , 'OU ; do. murler
kegs , Sl.,0 : blasliuc keis , ' , ' .T ) ; iu p , pi-r 10
feet. rr.c. Lead bar , S10
\ Aiixisin.s batrcK per gallon : rnrnl-
tuie , extra , ) ; furulluic. No. 1 , St.W ;
coach oxttii , ; eo.ich , No. l , Sl.'JO ; Da-
mar , cxtni , 31.75 : , ) ni > in , 70c ; aspli.illiuu ,
extra Me : shfllae , S.50 : ! ; hard oil ilnisli ,
hi'iitiis Colomio stilrlts. iss proof , 51,17 :
do 101 inoiif , SI.IS ; vjiirlli , second quality ,
101 prool , S1.17 : do iv > proot. 81.10 Alcohol.
IbS iirool , S'O per wlnu irallon. HedKtllled
whiskies , ? l.Xfrfl.ritl. ) ( iin , blended , ± \M \ < t6
J.OO : Kentucky bourl mi" , S-J.lXCin.ooj ) Ken
tucky and reimsylvani.i r.ves , 3J.tKknn ) W ;
( lohleii Sheaf bourbon and rve whiskies ,
M.r 0.rn.iO. ( Itranillui , Imp'orted , ? S.OO , ? a. ' > 0 ;
domestic , St.JiOt'.oo. ? : { < ! Ins , iuipoitea , St.W
( nii.00 ; ilomustlu , 51 S.Va3.tiO. Clumpannes
Impoited. percale , S'N.OO@.5.00i ! Amciican ,
per cave. PlO.OOtfjHUJU
1'Aixis is On. White lead. Omali.1,1' . 1' . ,
"Kc ; white lead , St. Kotilpine. . 57.7.1 ; Mar
seilles green , I to .Mb cans 'Jc ; I leucii 7inc ,
crcen SLM ! , 12c ; Prt'iiehinc. . red seal , lie ;
l''ieuch.Inc. . in varnish * * { . 'JOc ; hiench
/.Inc. 75c ; vermllllon , KiiulNb , in oil , 7.V. ;
red. lOc : ro-o , pink. He ; Veiiethin ictl , Cook-
souX ! i34c : Venetian red. Ameiican , I'je ;
red lead , 7Kc : eliromn yellow , genuine , -Me ;
chrome yellow , 1C , 1-e ; ochre , rochelle , ! ! u ;
ochie. I'rencli , 'J"ic ; iichit * , Anicricaii ,
I' e ; Winter's mineral , -'nc ' ; Lehlgh blown ,
" ' < c ; Spanish brown , OMc ; i'rinco'.s mineral ,
HeDnv PAINTS White lead , Sc ; Kiciichslne ,
12c ; I'arl. vvliitinc , 2'f ' ; vvhitliiK , Kllders ,
-ffc ; whitiiij : . com'l , 1'jc ' ; lampblack , Or-
nmtistown. Wo ; lampblack , oidinary , ' c ;
Prussian bliie.V > cttltr.-vmarlne ; , 1isjvnndyk- ;
brovvn , Sc ; umber , burnt. 4c ; nmbcr. raw , 4o
siennit , bin nt , ic : .sienna , raw , 'to ; Pane
green , Keiiiiiiie. ' .Tie. Parin Kreeu , com
mon , 23c ; chroma yieen. N. V.Oc ;
vermllllon Auicncaii. Itc ; liuunu
law and burnt umber , 1 fb cans Wo ; raw and
bin nt sienna , llic. : Vandyke blown , l"c : ro-
liued lampblack 12c' couch black and ivory
black , ICc ; drop black. ICc : Prussian blue ,
40c : ultramarine black. ISc ; chrome green , ! , . ,
M. * ! ) . , Ific ; blind r.nd shutter preen. L..M.
& I ) . , 10u ; P.iris creep , I c ; Ir.dian red , 15c ;
Venetian led , ! V ; Tuscan. S''o ; Ameiican
vermilllon , L. A : 1) . , 20c ; jollow ochre , "c ; L.
M. A O. 1) . . Ibc ; irooil ochre. Ific : uatcii
drver , So ; cralnliiK color , light oaK , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut andnsli. l-'c.
IniiiSANi ) i UKMtf'Ai.s. Acid , carbolic ,
! > 2c ; acid , tartarlc , ftiie ; balsam coiaiba | , per
u > , 4iic ; bark sassatraS , per tb , lOc ; calomel ,
No. 1 ! , per Kal. , S1.40 ; oil olive , ncr ial. , 81.40 ;
oil orirannum. Me ; opium , $ : i,20 : ( | iiinnc ! ,
P. fe W. and K. > tS. , per o70e ; potassium
Iodide , per Ih , 3'J.75 ; salicin. per o ? . 40c ; sul-
nhatomornlilne , per o82.00 ; sulphur , per
flj.-le ; btiycbnine , per m. ( jl.Uj.
Drr Linmoer.
No.l Com. * . 1. . 12 , M and 10 ft S17.50
NaS " 12 , HandlOft 14.7.1
No.3 " " 12 , Wand 16 tt 13.50
No.l " " 12. U and 10 ft 12.00
1311 14 11 .1 it urt
2x4. ie.Hllfl.BO I8.6oll7.001 tH.OOSl.OJ 21.00
10.00,18 , BO'Jll7.0Ui IH.OO''U'.IWJ..OQ
: ilu , , . - , -
1H.B III W 11 ! . : . . ,
_ _ _ l7.0llH.onWj ) |
Xo. 1 , 46 Inch , 12 ami 14 ft. , rough. . . .
No. 2 , i it Cinch , 12 and 14 ft. , romili. . . H.ou
onil.lS'O A.VI > TAltrli'lON ,
1st com. , Jiln White Plmi Partition. . .si.'i.OC :
2d " " a : .
2d Com. " ( i | n. Norway Pine Ceillnij. . . H.Di
A 13 Inch. . I s.liiO . SIW.OC
H 12 inch " " ii \ ) . 2.M : :
No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. l s. . 10. 18 & 20 ft. . . 21.0' '
No. 2. ' . ' . . 1S.W.
No. U , " " " 1'JiVMft . 17.IK
> l " " in rt . uuv
sunrAr. .
No. 1. plaln.Sand 10 inch . S17.50
No. 2 , ) ) lan,8 : and 10 Inch . 15.5Q
Hlll.ViI.I' , I.ATII.
XX clear. S2.JK ) : A sUndaul , S-.M ; No. 1 ,
SI.rjLith. : ; : SiM.
Poais-Whltu Cedar , C In. , , Vs , 12e ; S In.
qrs.iij c.
.Meilloul , Mccliaiilonl anil Sutcntillc
I'tifMillH Cnnr Coiihltioratilo hi
Lcnvoinvorth Times : The 10,000 appli
cations pur month do not show the
itinoiint of liquor Fold in Topckn , Kan ,
The report .sbowh tlurly-oielit dni isls
who have permits ami hi.xly-six Kovoni-
ment licenses , showing isljjhtecn that arc
selliiiK without a permit. It is probably
that tlioic eighteen hull us much vvhi ky
us all the ilrng stores put to ulliGV
Ayain , the probate jiulpe thinks some of
the dni < ; fisin ; tlo not inako returns of tliu
liquor sold by them , so it is fair to pro-
siuiio that donblo the amount of liqunr is
really sold of what is reported , and ol
necessity the liquor must bo almost on-
tlrcly v'hlskyj it is easier to hamlln and
moro convenient to carry around. li
wo make the oMimate at 20,000 sales , ol
half a pint oaob of whisky ( as the quantitj
is four ounces lo a. jallon ) it would make
10,000 pints or 100rallons. . If each
b.irnil holil over fot'l.y gallons it would bt
thirty 0110 barrels' of whisky , If oni !
onnco is a drink there will bo 100,001
drinks of whisky swallowed in Topckti
ovury month. If crtoh drink of whi k }
costs 10 cnnt , to | ( value would be
? 1,000 ( ! , consumed uvnry month in Topeka
poka for medical , miichaiiical and scien
tific purposes.
The Omaha division of tliu Wabash , St
Louis Ar 1'acitlc railroad wii ! > sold nl pub' '
llcaiietion at Council IHull'si for flIOO.OO (
to the bondholders.
The Knult llitlo I'/ill
C'hicago Horahl ( lencral Meigs is vorj
proud of the pennon baildiiig. It is
modeled after the Farncsc jialacu. ( Jen
era I Ura g , who is chairman of the house
committee on military a Hairs , and ha :
occasion now and then to call on C'om
missioner Black , has dubbed it tint "pen
sion brewery. " "It is a cross , " says tin
peneral , "between a country brewery am
a Uablo. " ( Joneral Meiys took ( icn-
cral Shendau tbrouuli the building recently
cently and showad him all its beauticf
and \itilitios. \ After they came out am
stood lookincral the bi bants piled OIH
on topof the other. Mcigs said
"Uenural , what tlo jomhiiik of il "
"I have one lault to find with it. " sale
l.illie. Phil.
"NVbat't- that1
"ll'b lireifoof , "
i Arrive
* K\eent .Sundav. fttoiliun * fl:1imn :
Trains leaving U. I' , de ' 'TiO'iani " 7 : ' ! . ' > am
pot in Omaha at lih.Vi a.
m. , .1o' : > p. m. nnd s20 ; p. ! i0nm : tu.ountu
Hi. , and tliOM1 Icavlnir 10:51am : 10.Mnm
I'nloti-.tuck vards at 0:0' : ) ' 11.laml : : 2Wimi : )
n , m. nnd lUiAl n. in. arel 2upm ; : 3:05 : pm
tlnoiiijh passenger trains : Hi&linn 4:05 vim
all othcjsarcicgulai toek
raids dummy trains be'ipni ! ,1:2.1 : pm
tween stock yaids and ;
Omaha , _ _ | _
l Leave "i ' I.cave
r.T. 1J1M1X5I.TISAINS. TiatisliT.'Omuhn.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Th only road In tnke for Pes Molnoi , Mnr-
llinlltown , ednr ItniiliU , Cllnlon , lllzip. Chlca-
ire , Mllwnokae and ml points enM. To tn * poo-
tile of Nt'lirasha , ColniHilo , Wjomlnif , t'tiih ,
Mnho.Nnvndn , Oi on , VViiRliliiffton nnd Call-
foi nln , It oSors sunoi lor artvautaifns not posil-
blcby any other line.
Ainonc R few nf the numerous points of in-
perioilty enjoyed br the piilron < of ililsroml
iiotwopnOmuhn und Chlenifo.are tin tHottnlm *
ncinyof DAV CXJATHRS which nro the llnnst
triHt hiimnn nrt and Ingenuity can croitc. Its
I'AdACB BI.EKIMNQ TAHS.lilch lire modrln
or oomfoit Ktnl eloirnnrn Its PAHUJIl DHAW.
ISO ItOOM CAUS , iiiinuriiaxtMlbv uny , And III
widely oclobrntod TAIiATIAL IJlN'INO TAItB ,
Mi oinikl of which cnnnnt tit found 'tc > rhcrn.
At Counoll llhiffs Um tinlnsof tlie I'nlnn 1'ncl-
fte My. connect In Union Depot with there of
the CTl < > ) ro A Northwestern Ity. In Culcmja
the tralni of thli line miike clotn connection
with thone of all eastern llnrp.
Tor Pptrolt , C'nlnnitnii. JndlnriapollP. rincln
null , NlMHru I'nlls. Mumilo , I'ltlftbtlrfr. Toronto ,
Moutronl. lloKton , Ni'\r York , I'lilludolphlu , Dal-
tlinor * , Washington nnd ill jiolnls jn tin oust ,
fcik the ticket n f nl for tk'knu via the
"NOHrnwilSTKIIH , "
If > ou wish the lifti r.ocoiiinioilntlons All
ticket iiffints teltltkf's \ i-'n this linn.
M.Hi'nurrr. r. v.
( Jcncinl nfn ] , I' . Ax nt
tlu n , HtfcttlilAirt < 'Hi Agt.
. innlinN ( h.
Artists' Material.
A. ItONI'K , ,111. ,
Artists' .Materials , I'laiuis nnd
Jill DoiiRliin Mreft.Omi.liii ,
Agricultural Imr/ements.
VV'liolcrnlc llcslfr In
Cnrri L'f mid lluxKlvi. Junti ilrrit , t > tl r n Ctti
nntl lDibOniMliM. Neb.
6 iJAU ? co , ,
Atcrii'.nltui'al Jniplciiiciits ,
Wncor .rarria e , Uurclen , KtrVhiitfnlp , On ; h ,
Wliiil.'nilc Denlom III
Agrli'iilinTiil IniiilcniPiitH ,
IVngonaiind llugglo. ' .Ol.tHJO.'jOi mid ! C7 , Jone l
Butttr and Eggs ,
Jliiycrs of Htittcr ami Kg-jjs.
iUfrUeratnr and Farklnf Ilouic , Jttli nd I.ea > u
ortliSt. , t ; 1 * . II. ll.'lntck.iiinuhn
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Bulldi'f8'IlarilvvnrcA'ScAloK | iai > 'Hhor
UecLmilCD'TouUauil lluITalo Hrulei. ItUi Doueinm. ,
s Omaha , .Neb.
of Hardvvnro anil XallH ,
hlicet Iron. Ktc. Antntu fdr Ho fcc lo
and -
Wholesale JlanhvnrY.
VVVUfrn nenl > fcr JerTertbn Fieri N i : § . Auillt
I'ortdcrCo. l > tit. uki fcundird hc lti. tci. r
* lUlb ta Jlnrner , t > m b .
Iron Works *
, . . . . . , . . . .
- - - -
V-VWW * * s. A.VVi. * * - < * < < <
1'AXTOX if YJElt
Iron Works ,
TVmoint * , nd C it ( ton Dullillne Work , Iron Pl lr * .
lltllmn , Rpnmi und < : IM r , Slfim Koslnn. Urn * *
> V < irttJtrirrl ITonntlrMichln * nnd tllickiralib
> 7otl. timcttnJVVotki.U. v. lly.indKlltittcei.
Soots and Shoes ,
"jh I A/ ) ' SKtl'JM
Mnnufuclnreriand Wholfolf Dfulcri In
Hoots anil Shoes ,
Mock of ItuMifr Hoo.1i nlwiiji onh cd
lliM.imMii > . Ncb.A.T. AuHln , An nt.
ir. r. sioitsK ifco. .
lobborg of Jtoots niul Shoes.
1(11 K ni ra ft.OniM .Xfh , Manufactory , Summot
itrret , lUntcm.
x. T. LixistY , r vo ,
Wholesale Unblipr HonN niu ! Shoe1 ! .
Hub Her BJ Oiled Uutlilug mil : fell Uootf , boutli
inM : CoMiur Ktli Hrnl Hoi lm
Be r ,
At. ( for Anlieiiser-Hutih Itrcxrlngf Ass'u
firtclHl Hr.Hulf. Vnutt niiil lspr nJ KrUnrcr.
linjyor HPPI *
l.V'1 Nrrtli l th "trcpt , Omilu , Neb.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
VL t \
Onmlm ( 'olTi'i' mill Splco Mill ? .
iP.Coroc .Kplic . lliiklnu Pondi-r riirorlnclCs *
tracti , ijiiuidiT lilua , Ink Ktr 1114
John Kicneter. | rrop.
Mnnufncturcr itf ( ul\flnlroil Iron anil rornlpp. 97S
Doilfrund 103 nnd US N.lOlh ft. , ( ) iu li , .Sv > i ,
Ornninental Ciiilviuiiv.cil Cornice. " ,
DnnnirVHiilot , rinnV.MotJilic.-kjIiiht.elo. 310 H.
\1l-\ tOiimlia. .
ci : ironies ,
( \ Speclit , rroji.
Oalvnnljfil Iron ( 'ornUmrtc. Siioct'hlniproxrct rut-
rut Mitnlklijllkht. . HH iiluUll ) SI-'lliM .Oiiinhn.
Jobbero ot
Carpets , CnrtaiiiH , Oil Clotlis.
MiiolpiiniJ , Mattlnm. Ktc 1511 Dam'ilrppt. ' .
N . A' OJiCJlAIin ,
Wholemile Cnrppls , Oil Cloths ,
Uniting ! , cnrliiln Cnnd * . Ktc. 1(23 1'iirnam btrrtt ,
Omaha. Nf b.
Crockery antt Notions.
Agent ( or thcMniiiifactiirornand Iniriortcriut
( 'rookery , ( jlasswnrp ,
, Chlumcj" , rtc. Offlir , 31 ? guutb 13th ( U
Om.ibn , Npli.
Commission and Storage.
/ > . A. 1IUHLEY ,
Conuiiissiou and .lobbinpr.
tlutter. Kyi'tnml 1'roduco. ronilcnmpnK nolloltcd.
llca < liitiiutpri for Mnncnari' , Itprry Ikixe * hint
Crni > * llnnkpls. Kit DailnuMreeLUinnlm ,
Commission Merehants.
Frultf1 , ProtlucONiut PrnvlMnrt. Onmlm , Ni
Storage nnd Commission Merchant.
Spi clMltie < Duller. Bg . t'lioeio. Poultry. Cniue ,
itfrlm , Ktc. , Kip llSi-outli Ulti nrrf t.
irfEmtirAXtf ; coT
Protluee Commission JlcreliaiitFi ,
roullrr , lluttcr , CHIIIU , Kniln. tc. > J f. lubit
OlUllllU , .Null ,
General CoiiiinisHion McrchantH ,
And JohbiTR of FmolKii nnd DomuHIIO Prultn. I > rrr-
Pliondcnco Killciled. AV r < > hiui'H ) HIM ! nnice. HUN ,
'I'lilrlri1 ! ) ! ) ! M. , Omnliii. Ncli. M'cli'plionn " , T.'i.
Coal anti' Lime.
' "
/ ' . MfLKSTOXE 8CO. . ,
Dcalrri hi
Hani anil Soft Coal.
OfQce and yard , Ktli and Nh-lmlaB | , Oiunlin , Neb ,
\ nr1 Ti'lciitiiiiio. CC ? .
OEO. f. I.AIIAOII , I'rTT ! oil1' . OoiniMAN , V. l'ro .
J. A. hiTMiritrAKli , BBC. and Trcas.
.Tohbpi's of Hard and Soft , foal.
KrjSuitti Thirteenth Street. Omilia. NVb.
, r. ,1. , ronxfiox , p co. ,
Matinfiictnrcrx of Illinois While Lime.
And f-lilp | > r < if C < ril unit CuVc , < "oincnl. I'lamcr ,
Kltno , Hitlr. I'lro llrn k , Dniln , TStft iilul hu\Tcr I'ip0.
nnirc. I'.iiton Hutol. M. , Oai.ihii , Nib.
Conffcffoiery ,
F. I' . l-'AY ,0 CO. ,
Maniifactiii'iiiRrConlV'ctioniM'.s ,
uf Kiulli.Sutmiiil Cl aif. iJll I Hiram fct.
Lint Slock Commission.
j/r/fr/7/f/i' > soxsl
Live Stot'k roiiiintssion.
< ' .eo. llnilo , MAn ki'r
rjiilnnMnrk Vnrds.H.Oinnhn. Telplinn ? .
HA YAtiK , i ) fJltllKX ,
Live Stock Coinmisslon Jlerchants ,
Bblpmeuli of an ; nnd nil klnilt of Slork tulleltcd.
' Ysld , . Diu > hn , Nfl > .
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigar * , 'J'olincro ' ,
U'JUi * iJ ) Aniiuunlllon , Vl.'i loK'IS lli'i .t. , 1010 to
IU.I CniiMin lOuiBlu. Srli
U'Kftr , ( ; FJllTfiVJIK/t ,
Mtinnfnctui'oi's of J'iim
And WhulriKlf Ornlrrr In J.c f TnbiTni , .Sof. ID )
rd I1U .S. Mlh Uri'ol. Onub j.
1W UKKlt l (
VVhiilo lB lli' V'i Iti
'rf , Tubaceod , IMpea ami Smokers'
for ) ) . r.tldcnlorf A O.i. , Kl no-Cut and Huok
' ' , vtllwi ikoj , Wlioiniln. N'o.lU
Dry Goods.
' ' ' '
'M. / : . 'sMrrirti 'co , ,
Dry Goods , Kiirnlslitiitf ( ioods &Notlonn
IHQand IIUUIHU IHII rcr. lllnHt .OniHlm , N' > l > ,
Distillers ,
. , . , - . ,
frfs * -
DllUilom nf I.Ui'iiMf , A'l'jhul ' MI I pplrlti Imporlfrf
unit JuliherMif Wln iul l.iijiiori.
W11JA ) 1l'fil'lt/Xfi nifi'J'll.l.K' I
CO. ( ttnl ll.lllt (0 CO , ,
Importer * mid Johteri of Km * Wlun nrd l.lQnnr *
fultunnniifHCturrrxir KrunrdT' * K * t lndl III I *
Kri nml Ponifiilcl liimr' | . IllIlirnr ; M.
Drugs , Pi'.ints , Etc.
IT. T. VIA UK n lUtFft CO. ,
Drug. Paint , Oil & ( ilnss House
VY lof Cblcjuu. ( V.niplito Mue ot linijfituu Sun
drlei UM flurufy n , Oinnli.i ,
Drnni Tile , Etc.
- -
A. 11.1,41 < i' I'rfu J.VV llrriniriii Sf.Vfiti
I' . J. C'A ni > i.K V.l'it1 * . and Haul.
T / / / ; irx IO X U YliltA UlAL
n HA ix'i-1 hi : co. ,
Office (13 P Kill It , Ouutia Neb. Mnclilncrr < u
hun llci Jor Mnuutictuiin. C'coient llrmii ' 1'ilc.
Building Material ,
Hcler In All Sflndi ol
JJillMinj ' , Vfattjrlal at Wholesale.
ISIhStreetavl IJivya 1'tclHo Track ,
wjr/irr r STOXK ,
Wholesale Dealers in Fimiitum
Varnnni t. , Oimln , Neb. (
' i if >
Furniture , HeiliHnjr , rjiholst \
Mlwt . tf. V80MXK imd _ | JI3 JTirnum t (
Butchers' Teals , jf"
Nitlchcrs' Tools anil S
numst Ctilnpi of nil klniU .itnujiln stock/
JoStM' 'Oiim
1'AXTOX , (1 ALLAH 11KR ,0
Wholesale ( Jrocorlos anil 1'rovts
Wholesale ( Jrocersi ,
IJIh nrt t.enoimorlli * . | * , , Oaith ! l.
ir. , i.
Heavy llnrdware , Iron anil Slrcl , [
rlnjV ton Slock , ll > < < Lumber , clc. 1 %
unit KM llnrnrj M Om-lm ,
KDXKY ,4 ? ajnitox
Wholesale Iron nutl Stirl ,
\V zotnmirrrl pVVr > oI Stork , tlfTy „ ,
F.ln. ii7 nil ljial.raTfn nftli t , tliimlm , Ncli
Mii.TOX HO7iilfnv xoxi ! : , \
Stoves Hmiiri's , KtiritnopM , Tiled , t
Muntlcn , rrute < , llraM tinv1 1 M mid 1153 Kamnni
- _ l
Lui'ibtr ,
- - - - - -
LOWS JiK.tnroun , I
Denlur in Lumber. Lntli , l.iine , Snshk |
Doort , Kla Ynril * rnrnrr'ili nnd
s > lh mul DoiuU * .
AVIioIesnle Idtinber ,
Bit P.lllhftrcrl.Oni.ilm.Ncli. f. rolpeltcr , Mnn Kfr.
IM Rhd rntlfornln MIPMOninlir. . N > b.
Fit un nHJ i' ,
Iitnulipr , Lime , Onipitt , Ktc. , Kte.
C'r. fib ami iioiiklit * itt , Uuinlin N'u > .
IIOA(1LA.\ ,
T. II' . JIAttrKYJAJ-MKElt CO. ,
To Dcnlcrs Only.
OITlc , l < & 1 K nmm ilTot.cimaln
VirAfj. Jt. LEE ,
Ilnrilwonil littnibeV ,
AVoadCnriictxinil 1'itrqiirl rioOTliiK. Stli .mil llcugln
,70IIX A. ir.t KK1KLI ) ,
Wholesale Iiiiinber , Ktc.
Imporlod nml Anu'riian I'urllnnJ Comt'iil Pint ]
> ccnt lurMllwaukrn llj.lnnMr Cement und Unit'
yulnc.T VN'lillnl.lmr.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Malted. John F. Boyd , S-iporlntetdanU
Millinery and Notions.
Inipurlors snrt Jobljcn of
JfilHnery und Notions , ,
1.13nnd l.'ljll.irn' ' } Hl.-ont , nnnlin , NP ! > . I
Whole-Die Ik-ulm In
Notions and FimiNliimr
HUnnil 401 S.'IVntli Vt.
" " "
"a ; .s
Jobber * In
Notions , Hosiery and d'euls' Furm'slilng
Firnum nt. Oninlin N'"h
Paper Boxss
, / . L. II'ILKIK ,
Maiinfncttirpr of Pancr Ho\ " ,
lltli St , OIQ nil , XoljrHvkH , Onlur tiv mnll to
llclti'ilanil vrlll reivlra proiiipt .iiteiiliDii. I
Overalls ,
COM / 'A'Y ,
Mannfai'tiirprs ol' Ovcrallt ,
Jcant rmili , gblrli , Kic 11(1) ( ) iml mil ) . ) ; >
OiiKli.t , N'eb ,
TiKKS * l'ltiNTrS < i < ' 0.11 1'AXY
.lob Printers , lilank Hook Maliora.
ADd Hook UliuJfii101 ami 1IM > iiiili ) I oiirlueiitb
itieot.OniilH.Nali. '
Pickles , Vineyar , Etc.
N ( r co. ,
> l nnf Llnrcn in
I'iek Icy AStrietly I'll r ApplrVinognr
Kaklni ; 1'nnilrr , Klarnrlnc Kilruci * . T bl < > H iir ,
I rrin h Mun "i Wnih Itliilni ; , ( jruiru Muclall'.vs
ole IHI-MI , for Vorli SUlii " n.l . llunucd Cl-
dcr. UUSI tutcnrrorllnt. . Omabj.
Safes , Etc.
" A no vin , r co , ,
AircntH for Hall's Kit In .V Lop ) ; CO.H'
riru nnd llurK'ar Prouf Mifni , 'J'iiu l.rk , VaulU
nrf , ID ] ) hiniiiiu ilrerV ( ) JUah , N b ,
Omaha Kufn Works.
llnnf ctvir'p > ( ir Klr.i mil lnrl'jiMji Sii'Vr , Vnull
Door..Kill \Vrk.Slillt t < ri and Wiru Won. Cut.
Illli anilJxkoinSis nuiiitm Noli
Sash , Doors. Etc.
' '
M. A. JtlNltJlOII' , f C0
Sash , Dooi'H , Illiuils HIM !
llr.incti ciflruili l/afl nli l.'n '
fJTF. L YM t V ,
.Sash , Door , Jllluil. < ,
llulMnitf 1'ii.ur , uir. JWl Cmiih ' | h < | , , 'nili Ktirni ,
" ' A loniiiloln > luiU uf lluiiiter * '
Manufacturers , of SKS/I , Doors , Bl'nds ' ,
Moulil > jiip > tirvrnrkfn I Interior IUr.1 Helth
Jutl ui'ljicd , N. I" rur Slii nnU l..r n i'lllbli.
r. / MMco. . ,
I'niniis , I'ipp , Kiltniirs ,
Stenn mill VVttrr tu.iuho ll.'nOni.-iriori . fur Hon
tojitf/n'itiuul * III ! I HIOUII ) , t nniji , , Ni'ii.
A , t , , KTliA \ < ! ' ' ( ) . ,
, I'ipos uml H
Bteiai , VValer , lullnar nml Milling Suriiii it Ktc.
M , ! / . < .cdWi rnrniiii l du , ihi. Nol "
. r.'s. inxit iwuxnanti j'
y VV'nd Milliploein anJ W'cr "
iufliiiii f. Holtlnc. lion VI ) .V ' ' .l ! til
L4JI il. . < . 'imliu. h K I i-ltuu
' , < i. "U.
Wagons anil Cutfiayts.
A. , r. sntfsox ,
The LeaiHnif Uarringn I'ddory ,
IKfcfAlllULlt IS. . ?
O.i.kU >