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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1886)
1 1 1 ( l\ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. YEAH. OMAHA , FRIDAY MORNING . < . , DEOEMBEll 31. 1886. NUMBEK SIXTEENTH I TI1K I.ATRR > /THE FUNERAL ? MARCH / BE / ' The Remains of General Logan E From His Home to the Capitol THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE IN A Mourning Multitude Pny Trll tlio Memory of tlio Soli : StntcRiimn f lie Last Orilcru Issued. the llcinnlno. WASIIIXOTON , Dec. . ' . At the mansion all pieparations for the ren the "load statesman had been pnrfecl Ing Iho night. Thciemalns still la ; chamber vvhcio the gent'inl died , 1 been placed In n casket , an cla dinpcd icccptnclo whoso plate glass designed to icveal the cntiio leiuth loimltliln , A square silver plntt middle ol HIM covorbears the insctlpt "JOHN A. LOGAN , I'Nirr.D STAIKS SIJNATOK , Hum Feb. , | wli , Died Dec. ai , 1 I'lotnl pillows with f uncial crosses , anchois nnd other npptopi blcms , were placed near the casket m the room. At an eatly hour this i woikmen weru engaged lu draping t rotunda of the eapjtol In mouinli erecting n bier upon which to rest tin containing the icmnln'inl the dead Upon this blcrhnd lain Piesidents and Gnrlleld , Chlel Justice Chase nm sontatlvoThad Slovens. The henv dinncry with'which It was coveied w used on onu other occasion , vvhmi It the bier on ulilch Piesidout Lincoln Hate. At 11 o'clock the Immodlatc weie summoned nnd lor u bil were left nlonn with thcli ' ' fastened In place , , 'I'hen the lids were f rv/ / folds of the garrison Hag anaiiged n raskct and tied in place with while AN hito flowers und palm biauch placed on Its top. The doois w opened , and the widow , stipporlei son , and followed oy her daughter ; band , the grandson and other relat near Iriends of the deceasedlo then : fifteen or twenty , enleied. Mic.Loc Fobbing ut the head ot the c.iskcl voice of the pastor was raised in which , when ended , was followed % incut of .silence , biokcn only bv tin the stilckcn ones. Young Log raised the almost fainting form of hi nnd led her away. With their d ended the family ciislod } of the sta ieinnln . The congicssloiiul commltleo m cliaign of the icmalns , which weie from the chamber nnd placed in flit which wns pieccded by the pastor's nlonc. Sunounded by platoons o Army inoii lu uniforms , followed uj pioecssloii of carriages , the eoiteji slowly down the hill to the capltol. At 1:15 : thi ! procession from the 1 rived ut the canltol , und thu casket Ing the mortal icmuinsot Iho dead was placed on the catafalque. I'loinl i In all conceivable designs , nppiopi the occasion , were heaped on and an , b'.cr. The rotunda was then cleaic It the gnnid of honor picnnicd lor the r H of visitors. A ti ! o'clock all were nf milted , and now for twentv-lour hi body of John A. Logan will lie in sti 'Iho funeral sci vices will bo held moi row In the senate chamber. Sim vices have been held In that room on . loio , the first occasion being the i Vicc-1'iesidont \ \ llson , and last yi Senator Mlllcrwas earned thence toi in California. Moie satisfaction Is expressed ovc ccplance of Iocoo Conkllng to act 11 bcaicr at tlm luncral of Senator 1 , moi row than any other feature of langcmcnt. Knowing the unga of Mr. Coukllng and Ins dlsliiclinatl in such capacity , the committee did n expect to receive n favorable respoi him , nllhouh It is well known that men were very firm 1 rlends. The liom Simon Cameron that ho will hi If vvonther will permit nlso gives gi lactlon. it Is probable that Governor of Illinois , will be put on the list beaiers to fill the plaeu of cx-Sectet coin , who cannot be mcsent. Sum sentatlve volunteer soldier Is spuki the place of Mr. Algcr , ot Mlehl telegraphs1 that he cannot bo here at 1 Thotunciul cortege escorting the of Senator Loean m rived at the cnpll o'rlock. In uccoidaiico with tlio ' incuts there was no services of any the people piesont weie leqiiestcd draw until'J o'clock when the lid of t would be opened. When nt a oV doors vvcie again opened the lid of tl mid been removed. The military g ( lionor , fully uniformed ami nccnnu : \1 icst at the bend und toot and i hide of tbo casket , while the lines r Ai my men weio drawn np from dooi between which thousands of people ; view tlm remains. The following outers for the forma conduct of the funeral pioces&lou wi to-duj : WAHHIXOTOX , Doe. CO. Order marshal announces the follovvitu and urinniioments for the forma movements lor tlio funeral pioeet.sir late Senator John A. Logan , on f'r ( ember ill , I. The llrst division will asseinbli pln/.n east ot the capltol at 1o'clu nnd He formed in line tnclug west , ilglit icsllng opposite thdsunnto wli " . The second division , consisting ot cantages , paiked In the pkr/.a en ; capltol. ! ! . The thinlAU'lslon will ns cmbli street , nmthw fftt tlm left lesling 01 : avenue , at VJ,0 ; : o'clock , nnd be I line facing east , with Its right icsil Mrtel. t. Immedlatply on the concluslo cciemoiilcsthe lust and seconddlvu. move'.velv from thu pla/a ai ninth tiont oC the cnpitol to Pcin ii veil lie. Tlm thitil division will n column when Its right is uncovcic .second division , Tlm mllltniyorgn of tlm Hist division will be for columns by companies or platoons a Ing Into Ptmusylvnnla avenue , column will move westvvaully on vnnln uvenno to Klltcentti sttecf street to Vermont avenue : Vermon to Ithodu Island nvenuo.1 Ithode 1st : nnoto Seventh sticct ; Sovcnth sliut ! Ciook cemetciy. 5. Tlm oigimi/utlon of divisions miler of procession will bn as follow tenant Geneial P. H. Sheridan , mar * of stiitf , Ilievet llrlgadlor General A wnv. U. S , volunteers ; aides deeat tenant Colonel M. Y. Sheiidan , I. Lieutenant Colonel Santord 0. Ke S. A , ; Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe U. h. A. : HtHvet .Major M. Kmmelt S , A. Klist dlvUiou-ltatlallloii of S , artllleiy , Colonel H. G. Gibson ; lory C , Third U. S. artillery , Capt Tnrnlmll : battallloii U. S. marir Captain T. II. llmrluutou ; dctachii Commander seamen , Lleutennnt Khouiles ; dlstilct niilltln , Giaiul Ar Itepuhlje , Second division Senate tee of un.ingements , hearse , pall family of deceased , senntois , represi ufllrcisof the nrmy , eomudtlcit of war veteians , committee ot the Older of thu Loynl Legion , c of the Giaiul Aimy of the Kepnl inittcti'ol the Army of tlieTennessci nt Illinois. Thlid dlvlslon-Cleil pension bureau , other organlratlom ; fl. Oigaiil/atlous assigned to the ti Ion will proceed to their places by south ot the enpltol giouiiiis , and thustatf ollleris , who will bo foun corner of Xevv Jei-scy and It strc east. T. Thn rairlam of tlio second dlv piojeed by tlm load tlironth the south ot the capltol and report to th fleers , who will bo found ut the etc trullal poilico on Iho cast fiont. K. Organiyutlotis assigned to : division , or dusltlne to join if , will the Mall ollicers , vvbn will bo foi i onitir of rirst nud H streets norllr command of ofLlElT. . Gl V. P. H , SUKIl To A Ibcr't Ordvvay , Chli-f of- Staff , The president bus dlroctcli that remains of the late Set ntor Logan In elite nt IU caj'Hvl , Uugtt u uut Ingr will he displayed at half mast , nt they GO remain mull after the ccrcmor The I < OK.III I'und. 'WAsmsf.To.v , Dec. : ! 0. George E. to-day received from Moiton , Itllss .t Xcw York , 31,000 for the Logan fund. subscriptions nggicgnttng StKo weie : coivcd. Cantaln Lemon Is expecling larue subscriptions Horn Chicago. Subscriptions to the Loean lund re to-day amount to a total or y2,0if > , Clilonco'd Oontrlttntlon . , Dec. no. William Penn treasurer ot the Lozan fund , sent t < Losnn to-nlsht Sfif oo as the icsult llrst day's collections In this city 1 8100,000 ttlbutc. A number of otlu scrlntlons arcptomlsed. Chicago snn1 nicler to make their remittances dl Mrs. Logan. Their names have r been made public. Ex-Congressman Karwell received ? 7,000 to-day to ii | the 80coo : ! fund to pay oil the debts < einl Logan. moiivius ( JiTHliniu Ailniliilsters Al Set-Hack to ( ioniU. CIIITAIIO , Dec. TO. ( Special 'f cleg Iho Hir. : . ] In the WubuMi cnu to-i Uould parly tccclved u second sct-bac Judge Ciieslunu. It was nniiounccd t phase of the case which was to come i a petition presented by General Swa ; the pmchnslng committee asking the teleast ! the Chicago , Decaturaiid Easti mils divisions of the Wabash to the v Ing committee. When the case came nfteinoon theio was n complete chang phase ot llm case. J udge S vrnyna pin withdrew his oiler of settlement nnd that tlio court nt St. Louis had to cclvcd nn oiler liom the purchasing < tee for ledcemltiK tlio whole systet $1,000,000 would bo put up in thi $1,000,000 moic in sixty days to carry lust bargain. Lawyer Crawford oppo delay and claimed that It was soiubt sole purpose of raising and perlcef question of jurisdiction by which the paity hoped to so entangle thnlltlg ; to tire nvciybody. Alter some discus tween Goncial Smith and Judge S Judge Gicsbani said that ho saw note to modify his order or to delay Judge the new receiver , fiom taking pos Xo tenders had been made and il v pioper to act In so Important a case tenders wcte formally nuulc In writin : authnrlzid parties. For these and oil .sons he should refuse to modify his < l und Judge Coolcy , the new receiver , take possession of the Chicago Ulvls December HI. Judge Cooley furnlshci bond for the Chica'go division as i The new receiver will take possession Dccatur.V : East St. Louis anil all tu east of the Mississippi river on tin date. ST. Louis , Dec. HO. The attorney purchasing committee of the presented their petition to the United cotttt to-day pr.xylng the couit to fur tl-o property. Judge Jiiewer ordeicd the OOOKS ol account ot the roads nm new receiver be turned over to Jitdgu but that the nrc.sent leceiveis ictnln I possession all the general books , b Judge Cooler all facilities for exn them. He also ordered that they re the money now on hand , suirciuier J ing stock covered by mortgages and i this court any disputes which may pn of such delivery ; and that there snail dismissal of any paitles now in the ol'thorond. The imichnsing commit ordcied to pay the couit 551,000.000 maindcr of tbn purchase- money duo oiigimil bargain , and Judge Tieut sn nil the propei ty bought by them won ! bo turned over to thorn. THE EXl'KKSS IIOUURR More itooalo Unearthed Isy th , kcrton Men. ST. Louis , Dec. 0. It Isstr/cd th : Cook ninde n confession , In which hi that Pothcrlnghuni , the express me : who Is now In jail charged with coi In Iho robbery knew all about thu rob bis car , and was a willing victim attack of the robbers. Ho was p 10,000 of the amount stolen us u sbat boodlu nnd that sum was pan of tlio which Wittiock sent to Ids mother keeping. CIIICAOO , Dec. M. Two thousand of money stolen by the "Jim Cum train robbers was recovered heie to-d money was obtained from a Chicago whose name In withheld b > tlm del Ho is the man who piintcd the olliclr heads of thu Admits express compi means of which \Vhltrock gained ud to the express car. Thu printer says rock nppioachcd him with the rcques this woik. Wbittrock explained would enable him toobtaln pastes mm Im could tinvol nil over the < Suspecting nothing criminal the piln plied. Shortly atieiwuul ho was s sum mentioned which ho has kept knowing It must have been a pail of I ccedsof the lobberv. KANSAS CITV , Dec. iiO. Supeiln D.imsel , ol the Adams express com ) St. Louis , arrived this morning with Haliiht.'On thes'tiengtli of the cm made by llulpht ho biought info which Kobert Pinkenon acted upon t to l.euvonwoith. There ho recoveiei more which was found bailed lu seal Pin kcrton returned beta to-night. I iioited that Mis. Hnight was take Leavcnworth to Atchison this evcnii MysterloilH Dipnppcurnnc MAIIION , Ind. , Deo. ! 50. A case of ou.sdlsappojr.iuco is icpoited heie On Tlmrsdav , December 'JiJ , Maik 1 n well-to-do tuimer residing on the Hutlngton county , came to Mailon t ( his nttorneys In the great l"ox will volvlnz tlm title to § 100,000 woith d city , which comes up tor tilal hei ne\t tcnn ot court , nnd Inhlcli I wasonoof the plulntllfs. 1'ioiu hei inel went lo Jluntlngton , where Im p mortgage on his fin m nt one ot th < whicli was the last seen of him , least eloxv has since been diseovciei wlteieabouts and his friends aio alaimcd. As ho was supposed to h : some money about his person It is ti was foully dealt with. Hummel vv ; thlity-llvi ) years old , man led , and hii : children. Illinois Toaolicm , Si'iuNoriiii.n , Dec. ! M. Tlm llllni Teachers' assuelullon adjourned at day , The otllcors elected for the jenr aif Joshua Pike , of Jelfetsonvi Went ? J. . Walker , Uochellc. tr Wm. Jenkins , Mcndota , Secietary Hatch , J , W. Uovvlby and Kmllv waul , executive committee ; W. S , M M , Moore , committee on state fa committee on resolutions made n vol : repott complimenting the state suv dent and the siipoiliitciuient-elcct ehinge In the law governing teacher : ( nations and thu enactiueiit o ! n J ; quite teachers to give Instrnctlons In i us tclak'd to Use of narcotics and nice m Trial of Tru In Wreckers KANSAS CITV , UPC. CO. In Ha trial this morning William Yossen , tuo accused , swore to the plrcumst : the train wiccktngns published hltbc tc.sthled that Lloyd pulled the splki by Xevvpoit , whflo llanillton , vos oihcib stood gtiaul. llnyca' Son 3In : CI.KVKI.AM ) , Dec. U ) . At Xorwal this evening Miss Mary Sherman , i of X. G. Sherman , of that place , vv rled to lllrcluird A. Hayes , son ut pU'Mdont , A Moderating Y.u.rAU visa , Dec. : w , The chc Memlosa has bomcvvhat abated. fo.rty-four new cases and clgkleer \veru it'ported. * i i Mar rinse of Mlcliai ; ! Davl SAN KiiAxrisco.lec . SO. Mlchae was married to Miss Mamieoro ID thi morulujr. WILL RANDY BE ? RETA1. . The Impression Prevalent That Ohu Resignation Should Be Withdraw A NOTED PRECEDENT QU ( Iiord llnrllncinn Declines to tlio Cabinet IMittta or Act Umlcr Discussion by tin Government , Tlio Cabinet Crisis. IkfiSIiyJilMti rtonlnn JJcni LONDON , Dec. CO. ( S'nw Yoik Cable-Special to tlie UIK. ] 1 fen evening on n visit lo to the Carlton c lirovalllng liupiesslon that Lord Us L'hliichlll will icliiin to thucatihu Moining Post < < ocins to state the mi' ' his return , lor It begins by nsUmr , ' some eiiielul nnil conscientious nttom made to retain the valuable services i Randolph Cliurchlll , both foi the govi nnd for the country' . ' We only In formally the nature of the dllTeioncc tlon , because ho is precluded fioin oil vindication until he can do so In mi'tit. Hut , nssuininc that It question of ilnunce , ho Is anxious to inlzo , while his colleagues clamor fi grants. Wo arc unable to see why t etepancy should convulse tlio govern lead the prime- minister to despair of tinned existence without pxtraneou If , In dufoieiice to his colleagues , tl cellor of theu.vchco.uer Is content lina Uiolr estimates , oven though the res : uilpple his proposed remission , sin pi esent crisis tnl jht bo brought to a : toiy conclusion by his rclnstatcmeti cabinet. " Loid Hnrtlngtnn Is quoted at t as endorsing this. As yet Lor tlolph Clitiiclilll's icslgnatlon hi been formally accented by the Thcio Is a precedent for the reslgnat minister under the circumstances i lieculhif as for his Immedlato rcsunii otllcc. In 18V.J Lord Aberdeen's gov < was preparing for war. O n Decemb was announced that Lord P.ilmcrsto sccictary , had leslgned. The points fercnco between him nnd i enl A were clauses of Loid John Russell's bill. I'lessmo was put on Lords Pul and Aberdeen to resume their olllcl tions and on December < > " Lord Pal wentbaek to the home ofllce. TUP. SITUATION IN 1)1 : r All. . LONDON" , Dec. 80. Uaitington dec become a member of the government lion. William Henry Smith , seen war , is to take Lord Randolph Ch place as leader of the conservatives house of commons. Loid llai Joseph Chamberlain and George Gosc a confeience to-day. Theylound the ciiually nveise to joining any coalitl inet , and nil three decided to sup ) conservative govoinment. The Marquis of Salisbury , after ni view with lioid llnrttugton to-mono bold an Informal council for tlio pin re.arrainging tlm cabinet. There i1 whisper about Sir Michael Hicks hnvlng leslgned the ollice of chief s for Island , and it is ccitain that at tl ing ol tlm cabinet on Tuesday tlio oil istcrsconcuued in his expressed ( let continue his present work. Lord Deresford. one of ttie junior lords of mi rally , is mentioned as the snoc William Henry Smith in the WAI Otherwise the ministry will remain. Lord liurtlugton's conterenco to-il Chamberlain and Goschcn proved t rmlieal-wlilg alliance Is unbroken. C Iain's interview with Lord llaitinato two hours. .Both gentlemen expie. ' opinion that it would be the wisest ] maintain the liboinl-unionlst body as i pent section. The refusal of Lord I ton to enter the cabinet gratifies tin who strongly objected to an intnsion eral blood in the niinistiy. The mlnisteis will so to Osborn to-morro1 tend a council ut which the question thc'r prorogation ot parliament will cub.sed. _ Oregon's War Governor D tC'ojilfuit / 1SSG by Jdnicx llonlnn Urn LONDON , Dec. 30. f New York Cable-Special to tlio Hr.i : . ] Ex-l Glbbs , known as the war governor of died hereto-day at No. lot Wurwicl rimllco , where has resided for the } years. Ho was n sullcicr train br and was found dead In bed. The ( gentleman had been encaged In lecti tempeiance. lie was born in N'e\ His wife and family arc at I'm whom n cablegram has been sent. A Secret Alliance. LONDON , Dee. : w. The Paris roi cut of the Times allirms that ho had tlon 110111 undoubted souico that Ku Germany signed a direct alliance a t ago. "The c/.ar , " adds the corspsi "was decided In taking this course I tltudo nmnlfp.stcd toward Kusslabyl the Aibtio-Ilungaiian minister of atlalr.s , and by the expectation would be made pi him minister of This shown1 concludes the eorres ] "that the reported allianeo betweoi and I'lanco was bi't a clilmeia. " TrouliloH. Vir.NNA , Dee. ! JO. It Is rnmoicd t Ma and Tuikey have ngieed to send ' ultimatum to Hulgaila oidcring' the inont to comply with their domaiu ; pain ot occupation of Koumella. di'llnltn ImsshoGii received from tlm Mingiellu. Odessa telegrams , hovvi jioit Hint ultimate friends of thopri lecovod iniii u hcpolul news , pic liom the pilncohlmsclt. Ijost iii tlm Storm. BRUUX , Dee. ! ' > 0. The lemoval snow which fell In the late .storm voalcd an appalling loss ol life. Mi cli'is weie overtaken by the storm bodies Imvo boon louiid in Saxony , 1 Thnilngla und tony in Southern ( i It Ib estimated that the total loss ol bciiL-uilyJOO. Dillon Deposits Hail , Dt ni.i.v , Dee. SO. Dillon to-da > lied 1,000 uall required by the against him for agitating the plan palgn. Two inemheis of parllam tor South Cork nnd tlm other for We became sureties for Dillon In tlio an 1,000 each. Hoporlcd Hntilc in Mexlo Xor.Ai.r.s , AilDee. . 80. The i bumght hern that Mexican troops revolutionists have had a terrible 1'inolii , Mexico , and many weie I ; both slili'S. The icport Is unconlirin Still Collootliiu ItcntH , DIMII.IN , Dec. 30. John O'Connor of parliament , and Messrs , Maudei Casey resumed ttifi collpptlon of ron Coilc at mldi Kii\iatou estate in nlglit , _ ' 1'ortiical , Katnl 1'iro In LISIION , Deo. 30. I'lve persons we and a number ot firemen were injur ntaliro \ \ \ \ \ destroyed \ a laru bullalngb In this city. I'arnellKnin nt War. LONDON , Dec. 0. Parnellesuu woik , belm ? enyared for several liuu London olllces of thu nationalist pai Kebraekn and luvvu AVcutl ftud iowa ; Suow , cc A CONSUMMATION HUM ) The I'rcsltlontJH IMiyKionn At Him to tin CareTul. WASHINGTON , Dec.50. [ SpeclalTc o thp Hr.K.l Thcfc was n conference it the white house between members iou chold and Dr. O'Hclllv. the famll slclan. Tlio advisability ot the pn ittcndlnt : the Logan obsequies was llseusilon. Mr. Cleveland has Irapro ho last forty-clqht hours , but Is yet sn nuchpaln , His left knee Is terrible s ind ho has fever nt time. The ph nade a careful examination of thocoi of his pfttlcnt , and ndvlscd against hi > ut nt this time , If he did not waul to : many ilsks of boinR unable to partlcli ; ho Xcw Year reception. The pi nslstcd , however , npon paylnfi hU rte to thp memory of the dead senator a ! l obablc that If the weather Is tn liu'llmont to-morrow ho will be at the Mrs. Cleveland lins had a confeienc iho cablnot ladles tn reference to the tlon nnd eoiH'ial social niattprs f winter. The New Years day pro ra of course new to her nnd she askci coached for It. There was n very fi amiable Intoichanao ofIews , nnd the weie assigned positions at the white tor Saturday. It looks now as thoinil souldbcno Inteifcrenco with the n ns mapped out las * week. All depend the IniinovomciitVjt the piesldent. . slclan who sikwhlut to-day Is ciedltc sayliiR that unless he impiovp.s conslt ho cannot stand np on Saturday. Colonel Lament recclvctl half n dozi crams fiom New York tinlny , asking \ the piesldent was dead , as rcpoitt Huffalo. His dinicnlt to nndcrstiU ane one could hnv > clvcn sullleient ci loMichropoitstoviakori seilons inq that sort. sort.TIM : r.ivnn Axn itAitnon nn.t , The river and Imborcommlttee of tli lias perfected a rouyh draft of thp I ir.oriiititrand adjourned until concresf Jhe bill nppronri\tcs ( about twenty- cent of tlm estimates , or a total of I nine and ten millions. TMJ1TAI , BltlT.FS. The leave of Captain A. E. Woodsoi cavalry , and the leave of Second Llei . ) . A. Kmcry hive been extcndei in nn tli . Fhst Llcntenanl Uenrsft 15. Davi- cavahy , has bpnn tlctallcd as recorder new army reculattons board Instead r Lieutenant Edward Davis , Third art ! JIis. General Mlle.s has concluded main here over Saturday , before staii Los Angeles. Cnlti. , her future lion \ \ ill assist Mrs. Hifnator Sherman in ini : on N'ew Year's day. Colonel and Mr * K. D. nrc gi General and Mrs. Edward F. Jloalc. i and Mis. Cirant drove out to Calnme tins inoriiinir. lln will bo one of tl bearers. They rcirmin until niter tin obsecpiies. LOST A COOU THOUSANI A Scotcli Knrniot * Kroin Slim Swiiullnd in N w York. Niw YOIIK , Dee SO. Thiity-two yc William llutton caiuo from Scotia settled in Kllmoro counly. Mlnneso encased In farming. Jlo prospered a ranks as a wealthy man in that sectic in : ; a farm of more than 1,003 aeres. the urcscnt moment ho Is not quite so ho was a week a o. Ho came to Xov recently with uUy brother ntm tw Scotchmen. Iineti-jki to proceed-to C and spend the , winter there. J last Million wi'iit to the Ei Industrial Savings bank , on Cliamboi to eel § 1,000 chanced into English mo use durinc his trip. The bank was c at the time , nnd ho concluded he woi again , and walked out. As he tunic from the bank he was accosted bv looking man , who called him by nai said he was an old friend of his. Tin face seemed familiar , although Ilutto not exactly locate him , but upon the s telling all about a great many pee ] things In Minnesota , llutton asked take a drink. The stranger piloted and his brother ton saloon In the nt hood , nnd then liitioducod him to tv gentlemen , who In the of time- produced caid . was too shrewd to join in any game kind , but when his "triond" trot clean lie loaned him lirsLS'.O. then blOO , am the whole. 51.0CO he had. Then the lia put the whole ciowd out , after wh three men piomptly disappeared. Till ing , at 1 ! road way and Hroome-itiei'ls , saw a man who looked like one of the and called on Olllcer Scott , ot the Ei l clnct , to arrest him. Scott did e.o , an the four Scotchmen , went to the .li M.uket court , llutton , however , v suie thatthe nrisoner was the light m he was discharged , llutton coi : tell where the saloon Is In whicli i .swindled. NI3W YOIIK STOCKS. Vttiulorlillt DIvldoiHlB nil Imp Factor in tin ; Market. NEW YOIIK , Doc. M ) . [ Special Tele tlm Br.i.J The Vanderlillt dlvldeml the Impoitaiit la-tors in the market and thpir nnnoui.cement was the t > lgi bull movpiuont throughout thu cut Semi-annual dividends were decline lows : Michigan Central - pci CPIII Shoie'J per cent , Canada Southern cent. Alter the payment of dividend liian Central showed a surplus of : LaKoShoie Slsoooooand : C.mada S SlbT.OOO. Hwaslignrcd out that tl Shorn statement showed iMinlngs ai to dividends amoniiilnc per ee statements were torched fnvotabl : was claimed that Yanderbills we dividend paylr more on a permanent Coal htueks un l Western 1'nlon wt strong. Jersey Ci'iilral advaiu-pd 01 who weie loiced tocovor. Hepoits w riitit that the Sully nllqut ) had bough' ' nmonntof Jersey Ccntinl nnd Into control thu road In the Intelest of tin Ins. Hichniond & ' Wo t Point was i luted up again after the old-time : Vailous stories nin curipnt , hut most generally credited was that the In it WHsputtlnirlt up In older to t The whole list , Imwcvci , hliowed sil stiennth , and careful obbUivers were opinion that another sweep toward pilees had just b .1111 , Sales to nee iM ; , oOO hhaies. AU-r ( the early link blocks were Inellnifl to soil oil , but > btanding rather fieu selllnir , both t and Mioit accounts , the maiket hold ably htrong. Luke Hhnie and Mlclilg Intl developed lemaikablo stiength in dealings , ( ionhl stocks were notiibl and veiy stiong. This whole list ai bharply In the last lialf hour , and t about top prices for the dav. The to weie about 000,000 ghaics. hone atHliort Hauls. PKOISIA , HI. , Dec. : JO. The board < to-day dlspusocd Iho Intcr-stato cc bill and passed a resolution that tin leteniiu to ' long and shoit haul" called tor and threatens disaster to li ests of the western stutes. TrahiH Delayed lly Know Nr.w YOIIK ,\vlngto th storm to-day the trains from the we nil behind time. The. St. Louis ox | the Now York , Lake I'rio & Weste was tivo hums late , and the Chicago that parries mails did not unlvc i o'clock. Itntos For Itutoliorvii J'ork Y.OICK , Dec. 0. Commisslm has issued tlio following citcular , la feet on Monday , January U ) , 18 7 : bound rates on diessed hogs will hi following basis ; Chicago to Xew common cars , ear loads , U ) cuntI I ; fcrator ears , car loads , wheu Uiesstd ticcf , 03 cents. MURDERED ? FOR nxmimun A Sou Kills His Father in a Dispnt Spending Money. A YOUNG WOMAN ASSASSIN , Shot Down In Her Own Door Sporting Clmrnutcr nt Mm I'lcnsaiit Nolirankn anil town NCWH. Murdered by Ills Ron , ANAMO-U , la. , Dec. : ) . ( SpeclalT to the 13ii.j Yesteiday tlio son ol lllckel , aged about eighteen , icsld miles west of AnAiuosa , had an alu with his father. The son asked for n io spend at n New Year's party lo bp 1 Wnubcck and thoiequest was denlci boy urged that ho had worked Imi thought he was entitled to a little si money occasionally , lllslalhcr Hew passion and selml a crub or root , apv for an ttssault. The > oung mnn folloi example , and when the father advar was sti uck down by his son , rem.ilnl conscious up to the hour of death , w I curred at 0 o'clock this morning. lllckcl has been arrested but the tppm the son acted In self-defense. Slioollnc ut Mt. Dr.sMoiNi : " , la. , Deo. : io. I gram to the Hi : : .J A Mount Pleasant John Woiley says : Last evening shot Mis. Nancy lUackwhile , stan her own door. The unfortunate when visited by the sheriff , was In condition , and ga\o testimony as to cumstance ol the tragedy. She says called at her home in the afternoon n ordered away at once. On loavina llantly snld , "Xn\er mind , old girl. " Ing inoio was thnnulit of the alTalr tween 0 ami 7 o'clock. A Iniock was 1 the door. Mis. llacklampln ) lmndro < to the. ian , and on opening the di shot almost Instantly. The revolver Worleywasa 44 enlltno. The ball the right side of the lueast just be nlnple , passing through the body and lodgment In the wall. Though u voting in yeuis she is Mipaiatcd from band and Is nlso rated as a woman of pute. Mr. Worloy Is somewhat n < spot ting cltcles and during the cut lie been indulging in Intoxicating dilnk : 's Statements Dontc la. , Dec. :50. : ( Speolr giam to the Hri : . ] Assistant Pi Dunn , of the Illinois Cential , hcie i Ing the Dimnque & Sioux City road's deelnics that Jebsup's statement Central oilgiually leaded the Dub Slonx City tor nlnetv-nlno years is fi charges him with the responslbillt failure to improve the propeilyni feeders , llo savs the Central wants I buone * Sioux City and will expend : in Improving nud extending it. Ni-.w Yonif , Dec. KO. The Tribune low will publish nn interview wlthStt Fish , vice president of the Illinois railroad , In reply totholnteiviewwltl K. Jesstip , president ot the Dubiiquo Citv railroad , publUlied to-dav. He lease ot the hitter to the Illinois was not lor nlnctv-nluo years Ifiged by .lessnp , because the chnrtei ; Dubuouo it Sioux City expiies In K the lease was from October 1 , lb17 * , foi , for 85 per cent of its gtoss earn the llrst ten years and 30 per cent for malndcr of the tetm , with the right the piopcrty In perpetuity ; that Jessnp suggested to a committee Illinois Central to buy sliaies ot the I it Sioux City and control tlio organ ! the very thing he now denounce" great wrong nnotit to bo perpetrated Illinois Central ; that the Illinois Con made riequent and ircnerous etforts t < the leahe. Kish declined t whether or not the Illinois Central i plates paralelllng the Dnbiique tSk lino. He charges that JesMip allowe nev to paiallel the Dnbiique & Sim and Its feeder bv btiildlnz Irom J Dubuqne and Oclein to Wateiloo , a mates that Jessup dlil not object to cause ouo ol his associates sold to i a road fiom Waterloo to Des Molnes Iowa Tonuliprh' AsRocintlo Dr.s MOIM : . Ja. , Dec. 30. [ Spec ! The forenoon sc < gram tothc Uir : l the teacher * ' association lo-day waste to work In the dtll'erent sections. I purpose the association divided in parts : the college high school , non common school sections. In each p special Interest > vero read and discus Iho afternoon the association resun sldeiatlon of papers of general Intern liist was icad by President St-ciley , slate normal school , on "Language common scnool. " Superintent f : Clinton , read tlio renoitofthe Iowa circle and cieated some eonsteriu showing tliat it was feyw in debt. ' 1 clu hiis been fatheied by the state assi but Its nlTaiiB daye been managed ' .se Stale Superintendent AUcr'siinnouii the Iowa heaibiuarteisot thunntioii ! tionai meeting In Chicago next would bo at the Clifton house and he pointed chairman ol thu pnmnntU'p that meetiu an Iowa exhibit lor pare special papeis were read by Prol'e.ssoi lor of As.\ge and Pi ot' > .sor Cooper ot In tlm cvunliu General Given ol De < lectnied to the association on win m Two Di'itroyorH ntVotlr , Kr.oKfK. la. , Dec. 30. ISppdal ' 1 to the Hr.i : . ) A hie at 2 o'clockthis badly burned the interior ol the owned hv II. Scott llowell , ocruplci fleos. The loss is estimated as folio building , lo 51..VX ) : .John Non Dr. T. J. Maxwell , Sl.OOO ; Dr. Mill L. F. Williams , Sioo all c < neied b aiicu except that nl Williams , Spam slove were Iho cause. ThoHMldencuot Llndsloy Merrill teieti nt 1 o'eloel : tills morning anil watch chain , charm and money wen in all amounting ( o.-JTri. Mctilll eh.i burglars away. AHHiuilied on tlio Hi liwa SAO Ci rv , la. , Dec. 30 , ifciuclal ' 1 to the Jli.i : . ] A. F. Kuanp , a men this place , while on his way home. } : \ ' WHS attacked bv an unknown peisi bttnck him on the hack of the head pair of ralhoad sniuers. The blow him senseless and Ills clothing waste but a watch and a small MIDI ol mi his person were not taken. Iloi eon sciousnuss and crawled home , w lies In a dangcions condition. IndlnnH on a I'irnlc. YAU-.NIIXI ; , Neb. , Dee.30. i.Spet giam to iho lir.i-0ne ; ] hundiedt Indians nirived licin to nljrnt nude of Louis Keaubadeauv , an IntorpicU will go to Foit Nlobiaia to-morrow tation of General KauU anil the ol tlm post , where they will give a gre Now Yeais , Including the Omaha ai dances. Many bquaws aiu with tl Tim Indians have passes Irom the a are under the charge ot Deputy Agt while heie. A detachment of pollei them to see that potfift older Is ma : They urn a lemaikablv line lookln ' peotile. tar abavn the a pa e , > 't will bo n'tUigly obset\ed here , Tlio Court Iliiuso Counted KKAUNKV , Xcu , Dee , : ) . | Spocl Miaru to the IK. ! | : ] At thu last elect county voted on a proposition t < tax for couit hou&o purposes , and canvas of tl.o judges of election It dared lost. ThocltUens , thinning 1 contested nnd to-day a-count was i UliUlct Judio'i'ouDd' , ol Llucolu , si Inddo ' j ' llomcr , i'8t5tiitiiowiiiBiiiop ' jwi ; Ion catrled us follows : 1n > o for ngaltist. Kearney Is Jubilant over tl lint the new court house Is looming tt | contest gives general sut'sfnctlon. ' nt tlio Capital , LINCOLN , Deo. TO. fSpecl.\l Tcleg ho llii.l-l ) . C. Itotnennlner , the t Mnndcrson man of four years ago , v minted to-day tocotder In the olllco secretary of stato-clcf Ilco I Major Kr Mr. HomgArdtvcr eommeuced work office \estcrrtay. It was rumoicd I UiatWaiden Kobe ? , of thopenllentlr either ( mulcted io the governor his i lion or waspiopatod to do so. Utho Is n tact the coming few d.tys will stutolt. _ An Old Scttlet Hurled , DuWiiT , la. , Dec. ! 50. ISpcolnl Ti to the Ur.r..J The fuueinl ol1 H. II , aged nl'icty-two , lout ; pl\eo this nl it his ipsldcnco seven miles sontii i road. Hose : ] it the old Davenpott Scott county In 1S17 , nnd for years eouutiy tavern. He be < iuo.uhed h iiropeity by will toltls sun Henry. 1 burled lit Mount Joy chinch , i I'ostolHoe ? \V \ vsiHMvio.N , Dec. : w. The fo named louith class poslolllces will hi to the presidential class on Jauuniy 1 Hill , Xpb. ; Old , Neb , ; Wayne. No salaties of the poslnnisleis will be from Sl.OOO to Sl.iiOO per annum. A SqitAltMo In "MlnncwotA. Sv. I'API. , Minn. , Dee. : > 0. [ Sped gram to the HIK. : j MnyorAmes Is In about taking his scat ns governor ol sota. HQ will appear in SI. Paid , nnd take the oath of ofllce , und tin his contest before the supreme com state. Ho bases his claims on nllegi frauds In half n do/en localities , coin remote sections of the state , by vv thinks. MeGlll'H small majority we np. XeU week's developments au foivvatd to with much curiosity. I'einiHylvniilu Politics. llAimisni no , Pa. , Dee. P-0. | Specl ginm to the Hii : : . ] The death of Loj considerably disarranged the plans o llcans of this state. Thcic Is n good lilnlncsentiment among the peopled sylvanln , but the paity leadeis hnvu been against him , nnd they aio so yet was a quiet movement among them toward the support of Logan" for tin dcntlal nomination lu 18bS. It Is s ; Senator Cameron was In it and It Is that a number ot his closest lilcm already ut work on the schema. The death ot the Illinois senator of com an end to It , but It is not likely that I will tinn to Hlalne's benefit. Kor 11 two duys there have been n number Ing lepubllciins m thlsclty. und It is i thev want to ai range to firing Seuato rou's iiiuno foi ward for the ictmblicai dcntlal nomination. AX )3iPoiTKu TUatp or c : How tlio Socialists Worn Rlc < l A.vcliiiK nnd Ills Wife. Xr.w YOKK , Dec. r,0. ( Special Tolc the Hit.J The Herald this mornin "Tho socialists will never more iinpi fcssloiial agitators from thuclTcionioi otKurope. The recent experiment > Avcling nnd Mrs. Klnnoie Max Avcl had a. most disastrous elfect upon c' jflcr ol tins' national executive 'Unpaid labor Is the greatest cuisc of civilisation Hint's the whole inoble ; nut shell , ' piocltiinipil Dr. Avclln ; axiom of his system ol political econ the platforms during his lecturing " lo executive committee honored hi ; amounting to 31'WI for thiitccn work vvItliont deminiiug , fhough tl wasconsldeied lathprstilf foi usocla piofesscd to have only the welfaic disinherited nt heait. The couple i last week 10 thu citv fiom their wcsti and inescntedan additional bill ol SCO was on" ehirjie of S-5 for coisagc b icidred | to enhance the beauty ol Mi ling. Other obiectablo Hems weie clgius for flic doctor and cigniette.s emancipated lady. Theater ticket summnrlycd at 5100 , though It Is a u tact that the lU-sclple of Kail Marx himself nn expert. In dead licadiuir the theaters , on the.pica of being n il clitic for the Satuiitav Iteview nn Knglish publication * . ' 1 he couinii fused ilatly to pay the additional S finally after many haisli vvoid" , Heir IliiugSlOOat A velimr saving , 'lleie isle lo pay your passage back toKnglam mo glad to gel rid of you. ' Dr , looked thoioughly mad , but bo t uiUp bills as u Inst souvenir of lib America. HiMoie embaiking on tlm lie lodged a mutest against 'tlui biuti meiit he and his wife leeched at the I the executive committee. ' " Tlio HrevM'rs < o Out. Piiit.ADr.i.iMii.v , Dec. .X The tin strike among thu employes of iho biiivverles throughout the city , in brevvcis , dilveis , coopers , engineers and other hands , numbeilng In nil ov men , was tnaiiguialed lo-duyauinst tlo'i < il " 0 per cent In ihelr vvnsje . Xo foimal meetings of Hie bicwi been held , but it has been agiecd stilkers who do not ictnrn town o'clocktomonow afleinoon will taken bai'k under any New Position , ST. Pr , irisiifio : : , Dec. . " > 0 , Genei lulls bus been attached to the stall'n Duku Vlt'.dimir , elder biothur of the A I'atenl Wlieol. II. Siclien nud W. K. .Inctili/.i enilo.yiS | of the Union Pneilio bin obtained lettur.s natont upon u i vehicle wheel that promises to lie useful sirltclu. The wheel is coil ! nrotind i\ cast hub in which tire K tubular spokes to the uiul of v longitudinal bunt fi'lln.v Is seoure tire IH nnk on thu felloy in th manner. The wheel complete tlinn the woixlun ones hi use iiii < l have ntiinerou.s iidvanttif' Iho woodnn wheel. There is no In of Hpoke.s or'iraokliiK of Iniln ll fn'iUintly | as much in n few .yet new vvlicul. 'I'hu when I will ( ! o t I. more than tlKiWoodoiiono. The pi propose to offfiittt/.i ) n slock ciompi for the munutaotnri ) of thu wlical. The Hebrew charity ball will 1 011 the ITtli of < Iauiiary , This int will < jive its third tiniuiul ball Metropolitan club vooms. Tlio a this society Imvo ulwayn proven fill both socially and financially , inu from the rapid salu of tickets Uulie.s of the. assocliition thccomii will provu no uxuitiition. Tlm b : M. A. will ba held on tlio 3d of . at tlio ( lermnnln hall. Tlm pro ; is composed of Htmary , miis > i < tcrslcliurean ] ) features. Tl.o Christmas > rlniiimenl St. Mary's avenue ronnrenutiona will be liuld in tlio church on Frii niiij at 7 oYloek , when an mti'iu Ciammu of Christiitii-j chucr will A'lilcd , Instcail of receiving pniti tln > ehildron of the school wi .year thorn to be distributed Iho follow niiiii tci the Itolicinlun fhapul tn this elmrch in boutli Oinuhii. AI : lirosunt.i uru ne.eduU for this pnrii tlio utlcntion parcntsj is called IKMJll. Miller bai st-ntlija John , o ( DuhuiiUt | , a Itai.iUomo crayon 1101 trait of the latter' .s h Un.ldy. . John Miller is well kn his connection with thu St. iltili IHKIUO'K k-adinijliotol. The crayo : is an excellent uiueo of art , is the Albert llotlicry , the aitisl. lllli LiUliOl Ul > iilV riftesn Lives Reported Lost by tlio i'M ' ing of the Bradisli Johnson , A SURVIVOR'S THRILLING Horrible Dentil nTn tlcauttrut It Girl l y \Ulng Under i \ of nn Klovntcd Kailpj fond Train , TheAInlminn CntnMroplie. .Momi.i : , Ala. , Dec. : w. ISpeelal 'loK to the nr.iv.l News WAS received hen , . - _ liist night of the burning ol the Me \ Hiadlsli Johnson , n ed as n boarding \ fat at Jackson , on the TomblEbi'O river , vie miles above Mobile , on Wednesday 11(91 ( * f to that point , ft la Thcro Is no telegraph lltu1 t Johnson was lylne with her nose ln * bank and n gang : plank out. A. C. Yrl olio ot llm bosses , gave tlm followingdesjj lion of the lire : " 1 had ji , > t gone to * when I hunulthc eiy of lire. t'gnt IntoX-L , pants somehow , and seized my oilier off nnd lushed out Into the cabin. Theie been n pnrly of men out theie playing en nnd they saw smoke Using. When 1 . . Into the cabin the tliu seem'd to be tn state loom alt of the p.uttiy , on the imtt and tlm men who hud been pluyliii ; c weio standing tuciu nt the ilooi looking \ \ \ ' ' thouh they \vj the Hie. 'I'liey seemoit ns ; iln/eil and did not know what to do. T * ( had shouted Ihe , lint theio they stood star A I at It. i hallooed , 'for God's sake , what \ * you standing them foiVVako \ the men and lei us get out of heie.1 Theie was an man on the alabamu In the room next f T-L mine. 1 don't knuvv his nami' . He v\ns nsle when 1 went to bed. 1 hninmcit nnd pounded tnvav with nil my ml ' but J don't unovv vvhetlun I got mm nwi or not. You see , ( he smoke was abeady I ing the cabin , and the men vNcieiunn' ' nround like mnd. 1 hanlly know vv lint h pened. 1 ran loiwaid iliinugli tlm e.vbin n my eves and mouth got * o lull of smoke t I did noi know wheie I was going or IK The negtoes weio mostly linked on r loner dock. They all came miming foivvi " about the same lime we got Iheie. Thpv set burned very last and was a solid mass llamcs In a moment. When 1 had reached bank I tuinedaiound auds.iw tiie pilot b fall in with the neeiocs. They lied i\\n \ \ bank Inn mob , lu-lieil to thu woods , vwf . ' they huddled like hheep and could m persuaded to come , down to the ' 1 know that some of their number werr in the binning boar , und they weio seem0 superstitious nbout ll. They did not vvfi ! go near the pl.icc. The boat became I w of llnmc.1 , and burned tor about ailic she sinl ; , nothing but the jaekstit ! out ol the water. As uoii as 1" ashoie them was a rcpoil that theie v men In the water on the other side. ' ' steamer skill's vveui manned and scut to I1L1 two men and 1 ? 1 res"tte. They picked np two negroes rlirht near them , but they sai out ol sight. Theio is no telling just lic = l many lost their lives in the fire and In tp river. Some say that ten others me missing HOKKIHLI : nn.vnc. Italian fJlrl Killcil on tl Now YorK Kleriitttil.lloiul. . . Xr\v YOIIK , Doc. ! 10. [ Special Telegram the HEK.I A young Itnllnn uiil was Ulll to-day by falling In hunt of thu Thi avenue elevated train. Her nnmc w PcppInaLatone. aged eighteen ycais. T accident occurred nt the Kiglitj-nlntli sti' ' station. The girl witii a sister , woiked ? tailor shop on Houston street. The slstjl named Celesline , Is seventeen years of art Hotli weio veiy lively and well known to tl tram men I'lom their daily train trips ] woik. The two girls vvcio waitins for tl Main and weie chatting meirily as the trnl came np. ( 'ulestine made a leinatk , and Vo\ \ plna , turning suddenly to uiply , lost IK balance , slipped over the edge of the pin fonn , ami fell h.iekwaul across the. dow track. Tlm ongiue was but liltcen feet awa : Engineer Menlll did not sco her , but heard ! wild soicam , and icvei'sed bib englmi with desperate jetk. The scii-am ol tenor an nnguish came horn the slstor , and all wh saw It. Suveial inn to aid the girl' but too late ; no human power could savi her. The poor glil stingjled pitifully on tlj'i Ice-coveted bo.uds making a dospeiato i | tempt to aiKe. sins raised her han ! buseecnlngly towaid the hoiior-stilckc spectators. Her hands weio the next im , ment beaten down by the locomotlve.und he wein heard us Ihu iion wheels nicie1 lessly ciushed out her life. The engim Mopped when the fioul wheiilsand forwaru dilving wheels bud IUIMI clean over hei ' body. The gill's head , almost ciuslied to i' jelly , protiudcd on mm side , and paitof fin on thu other sldu ot Iho truck , weilgr In between the diivlng wheels. The Ixr could not bo i ecoveivd without raising" engine. A telegram was scut totheici ' ynids , and a wiccking Iraiii was sent d * with jackscievvs , Alter a hall hour's' ' / Ihe englno was iniscd enough to draw the liodv. 'I'lie Hack In the meniillme ( / black with trains for over two miles to } teimlnus. ICuormoiis ciowds collected ids , slatlon and choked the platfinni , stoni , ! ] nil woik. The police cleaictl tlm nluilbi When the body was taken out It was foiu ! the neck was noaily snveiud. ( ) no It wusliioken and the body torn open. Tl icmains Wciu icmoved to n police station. A Cnptnln'N Tain of H.VI.TIMOIII : , Md. , Dee. : < , ( J.iptnln Jnli W , Coleman , of the wiecked schooner Sara Iloleo ol Xnilolk , Vn. , has arrived hci having landed lu New Voik on the steami LallietagiiL- . The Small Boleo sailed ire Xorlolk Xovember (1. ( 'I he following da. ' the vcssolencoiinteied a Imrllm gale , nud ti captain threw olT the deck-load of lumbo The thiid day out , when ICO link's tin Xew Voilt , the sioim Inciean'il. ' schooner was under baio poles. Ti boat began to take In water , nnd in twaii minutes was full. Kveithliig , Includl the water casks , had been swept fiom t deck , and tor eight days the schooner dilll aimlessly nboui with not a drop ol w.tler dibit ; on boaid. The louith day attei bccuiiu ; waterlogged Hie wll'n of ( ieoigu son , tlm mate , died , II w body was sowed nl Ill oveiboaid. In a blanke.t and dropped whtiii all went nearly timlshi- < ninth day , the Nova Scotlaii bail ; Latomi , liom Xcl Voik lor Itoiicn , tool ; them oil , Aimulcan consul M-IU tlil Itoiion tlm At , ol snrvivois to ll.ivie , wherollio > embailied the Fiench Ktcamcr for Ameilca. Coleman icaMcsm Haltunoie. Opera Hound Hui'nril , Lorisvii.i.i : . Ky , , Due , ! 0 , llio hoiiH ) block at Xlcbolasvlllu was bi < n ni lit. The loss Is estimated at l Lnlcc Shorn NrwYonK , Dee , ft ) . The stiiti'ini'nt IhoLnkoShoio .V Mlchigitn Southern ni toad , ptesented at the dtrwtoirt' mi/c / to-day tor the ear undlii1 : December ! 1 , Dcfomberpirtly estimated shows net iiigsof snH7iyi , against sisriwi In an Incieaso o : SI 3Tlr > fJ : InieU" t , rent- ' ' ' iilvideuds on uuarant < 'cd MurK * > sii11 1 against { .sJii.tMi , udecioHi-ot plus ciiinliiKH , . ii.Kn.iii. : ; against r''i is.V > , an incieaMi of S\tV > : il ) . Tlie Ileii-sj Trial. Bos i us , Dec. : ) . - ! n thu Amlcvrn ' , trial thlh morning lteMr. . Jllordel' Iho four acciuci. " , vv.fidrrvv bis uan _ _ the complainants , s.iylu . t Kit ho w lied with Piofcsor Smll.h' < i reply opeueil flu * auum'-itiH \ - .1 Fiench pros-sullen vsMrnoiiowed ! by Id Webmun , UO"Jiial will bti cunt