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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1886)
THE OMAHA SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. THURSDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 30 , 188(3. ( NUMBER 105. THE ADAMS TILL TAPPERS , Tlio Oitmmings1 Boodle Gang Begin to Squeal For Quarter. HALF THE HAUL RECOVERED. A 1'ncknjjr of Twenty-two Thousand nt ; Up nt Ijcnvomvortli "Jim's" Mothoi's Tip to ttio Dclcctlvrx. ilir Ciiiunilncs Koodlt. Li'.AVi\wot ti , Knn. , Dec. 29. 1'icd AVIttrock , whose ancst nnd confession vvns sent last nl Rlil , lovonled the htdlDR place of a box containing a largo sum of money , which was bronchi to this eltv by Cook and con- ( enlcd by him and thico otliei men In nbain near his house. hi. Lot-is , Dec. 2P.-A special from Leny- cir.vorthsays : "H was learned nt a late hour last night ( bat Dclectlvo I'inkci- ton came to this city in response to a summons tiom Mis. Witlrock , .lini Cumniings1 mother , who Informed lilm ( I'lnkeiton ) that she had tmpoitant Informa tion for him. When I'lnkerton arrived at Mrs. Wltlrock's house Im was Handed c\- proja pncknces containing SU'.J.OOO in cm- roncy , which \ \ Ittrock had sent to his fam ily alter the lobboiy , < - ( . ndinc word by the messenger who bi ought tlm money to seciete It for lil in as lie bad shot a man In Chicago and told them that It would bo attached for damages and that be was obliged to leave Chicaco on account of this shooting. The money had not been disturbed and was in tlio original wrappers. I'inkorton will probably remain hero during to moriovv. It Is supposed that \Vittrock , during one of his visits here , hid laige sums ot the money stolen and that he will now turn it ovu to the detectives. There has already been $ r ,000 of the stolen money recovered. Mrs. Wlltiock was Induced by a rcpoiter to tell what slm knew of the case , as her son's connection vvlh ( It could not be concealed. Uetwcen broken sobs she admitted Hint Fred bad participated in the robbmy , but would bo icleased , as lie had confessed all to the do- tt'dlvos. She said that shindy after tlm rob- beiy Oscar Cook came to Lciucnworth and visited bor ono evening and after talklnc to her for some time , said 1'u'd was in trouble ; lliat Imhnd madoa Inigo sum of money in a wheat deal In Chicago and had some dllli- culty with the broker over the money winch ended bv his shooting the latter , and that he had to llco from tlm country and wanted his mothei to take care of his money until Him board from him tuither. This ho agreed to do and the money was leltlnher possession. Some time after tills another \oung man who lives In this city , but whose identity she refused to divulge , called and lelt another packnto ot money , and Hint on two oilier occasions two other joung men called at dilfoient times and left money which they said bail come from fled. When asked If she know the amount of the sum total him nald she did not ; that they were Inuc packages but slm had never counted It , be lieving Implicitly in Kted's story and think ing she was aiding him by cailng lorhis piopcrty and not dicamlng that he had not come by it honestly. She had no occasion to use nny ot it , having money of her own. When asked how the detectives happened to bo bcie searching bci house , slm said ; " Whuu 1 Heard of Ified's airost 1 immediately wioto to the uxpiess company telling tiiciu of tlm X money and leiiuestlng them to come to Lc.u- cnworlli , and that is undoubtedly the icasou why they mo here. " KANSAS CITY , Doc. 20. llobcrt Pinkeiton Is still in tlm city to-night. He is engaged in rocoveilng 111010 of tlm stolen money. It has boon round tlint n consldeiablo amount was dlstiibuted heio among Cook's tilcnds in the east bottoms In sums innging fiom S'iW ) to Sl.COO. There has now boon rccov- cied in nil about $10,000 ot the 4CO.OCO which was stolen. In addition thereto a detective. in hcd fiom St. Louis to-day bringing O oar Cook. Wlttiock Is accompanied by his mother. He nnd Cook were taken to tlm Adams oxpiesi otllce , where a consultation was held. A * u the result of tlicli day's woik the detectives have "octired piobably about 510,000. A lot of bank notes woio lound concealed In boor bottles under the house ol John Cox in tlm east bottoms , w licit Cook boaidod and Wltttock staved while hcio. Aiiothei poition was lound nndci the bou-jo opposite ! that of Cook's father , ami .Jack Cook , Oscn's biotber. gave up Sl.OOt that bo had. It Is said that over n do/en I'inkoiton men aie hern woiklng up the matter , and there ate Illinois of lurthci ai- rests to be made. An Intel view with 'tobcit Pinkeiton was secured late to-night. Ho stated that all the accomplices to tlm lobbeiy had been cap- lined , the live ii'ou under aiiestand Mis Haight. Deing asked If vvns guilty , he replied : "I am not loady to say. 1 prepared Iho evidence to tlm grand juiy nnd 1m was Indicted. Drivv youiown con- elusions. " CiV ( iNNAii , Doo. 20. Since bls.iduin from bt. Louis and Chicago Colonel L. O , Wdr , superintendent of tlm Adams Kxpress eo in pa nv. has stated that the amount stolen f ! last October was between SM.OOO and Sbi.OOO , Ho had dinigi ) of the payment ol these losst"- ill nt the tlmoof the lobuciy. The Andovcr Heretics. Hosiov , Dec. 2y. The Andover hoiosy tilal wasiesumcd this moining. The ijues- tlon w hetlmr lite ev Idonce In regard to all ao cnsodpiofcssois should be put in and argil montsimulobofoio the conclusion of 1'iofes * feorSmy Ill's case was argued at tlm outsol to day , as it was yesteulay , Jndgo Kiencli st.itlug that the complainants nail made m picpuiatlon for piosrculing any cn tether other than tlm one against Profossoi Smyth nnd Profossoi llnldwln , iiiging thai while each case should bo decided by Itself , ( bo nv idem u and nignmonts applicable to all alike should lie lic.uil once foi nil. Otliei wifejlm said tlm tiiaionlil be uidolinitc'ly and uceille-vbly piolnnged. Again tlm ijues tlon was lelt undecided , 1'iofossor buiytli then losunied his nildics < In his own dcloriio which ho buguii yestci- dav. dav.Taklni ; up the really and only Impoitanl aociisiUoii of teaching ( utuie piobatlon atlci death , Piof Smyth said : "I claim the rlghl under the eicod to hold In tins matter what rvor trim Interiirdation of fccilnttno ami revolution which ( ted makes ol biiiHoll fihovvs mo to bo tine. 1 do not think I shal commit anj sin against or violate any ohli- Kitlon undiu tlm eiood If I allow mvsdt ti lollovv with poifcct tuist whoiover.wiih l ns with lie id , I can dbcovornnv traces ol < ! od's holy and iconcllinglovo. , 1 deijvhon and now that thorn is anvihlng in what I hold on tbododrino of future piobatlon In consistent \\itli tlm creed. " Prot , Baldwin summed up foi the com plain nits. He vvastollowed by Hon. Chailo : T. KnsM'll lei the accused. His plea was no ; concluded r , lieu the liciulug was ndjouinei until to moiiovv , NMVOUK , Doc , 21' ' . Chnrlos H , lay- ! mend , denier In hiulwaio supplies foi twenty-rive years , , made an assignmoni io-dny with prelotencosamoiinliiig to S-07 , 000. riio ntmmutnf his lUbllitlfj are c tl mated ( o bo neaily $500OtX > . Kavmond's heaviest onstoiner was thi L'nited Slates governnipnt. Up to about i ! iearau'0 he was lopoited to bo yuiy wealth } ' , and his 'ci edit was of tlic host Mu.w\t KHDoc. . -"J At Fond du I ai Lvyijptt A Kooner. shoo doiilcr1 ! , assUncd to nl ht i.stlm.\tea : assets Tlic HeaiRof all I'noN. < it , tJ , , Div. 20. THu dirc < tors ol tlm whi-ky pool aie In trssion to-day. UMi of Dos Molnes , Li. , wliohadMiitm obje tlcuu to the workings of ttui assoclatloij Is here nnd It Is said theio Is a 1'nlr pulped that hl < objootUitis w ill bn mat and'huHlretnin lih iiL-u\ti'r-.hp. ) \ ) ! 'ihn Lossiiui continm-a thi : atteriioiiu. The Milvtnukop Hlotoin. MiiWAt'KL-K , Ucc , 2a The * evldenoo In the Hay View rhlt c.-ffts wasenm-'udod ' tld- invrning and tliuarcuimu ) ot rontiscl an now ai jiro rtes. Uho c.\se will RO lotlii GLADSTONIJOX THNNVSON. Tlic Grand Old Man Scores tlic Poet's Latest Production. [ ( "Vii/ri/ht ) ) / [ / 1W > M//IIIHM / lntnn llc'l i W.1 LONDON , Dec. 20. ( New YoiV Herald Cable Special to the lni.J ? : This been a ( Hailstone day. His "two seven" birthday , ns It Is railed , wcntolf py rolcchnlcally. IJut foi the wires being down all over ( ho king dom bis telegrams loedvcd would have out- nnmbcicd his favorite postal cauls sent out to Inniihors The feature of theblithday , however - over , was Ins appearance In the Nineteenth Century for the put pose of ciosslng lltcrnry swords with the poet laureate , whom he madcatiecr. The laltcr's Jeremiad receive ? I'.xcoilatint ; piotosts from the "gland old man. " The lattci cuts the "chaos" and "Cosmos" Into Hxtracls fiom tlm aitlclc would , unless given at gicatlengtb , doit injustice , and a must sutVioe. ' 1 ho article is entitled , "Locksley Hall nnd the Jubilee. " It Is mainly devoted to the contention that Tennyson's despondent iiineo finds a sufficient lolmke In the legislative achievements of the lass fifty yeai . 'I he list which Gladstone gives Is imposing. Slavciy has been abolished ; the rigois of the old cilmlnnl code have disappeared ; the com bination of laws which pioventcd tin ) woik- Ing population from obtaining the best prices for their laboi has been lepoaled ; the abuses of the pool law have been done away with ; tlm laborer has a better sccutlty foi life and limb , and fuller assmanco of the compensation of survivors in case ot death ; the scandals ot labor in mines and fadoiles have been removed or reduced ; the people have good schooli , and aio tindci local ob ligation lo use the piivilege ; postage has been cheapened , and Information thiough n frco pres , which was formerly cut otf fiom the multldndc by astilngent tax , is now at easy command , limy aie moie lightly taxed and taxes aie paid to the state foi needful government Instead ot to tlm wealthy classes for enhancing the pilce of niticlcs and in- Iciest. Added to these are the removal of religious disabilities , the abolition of chinch rates , leform In tlm laws ot mai- rlage , nbrogntion of ono of the university tests , henetits confeircd on farmeis by the ground and game act tlmiepealot the malt tnx- , Hogging abolished In tlmaimy nnd the piossgang in the navy , pui chase has ceased to be tlm means of obtaining militaiy promo tion , posts In tlm civil service ha\e been opened to charactei and talent without dis tinction of class , and light has bc unthougii Vflth a checkered history , to as eit itself against wiong in the government of the hisli people. The article closes with this epitaph foi Tennyson's newMilnme : "Justice does not require , nay , rathei slm foi bids , that the jubi lee of tlm queen should bo mailed by tingle tones. " Gladstone , however , puts in saving dames wliicli point out that tlm second "Locksley Hall , " like the hrst , Is to some extent din- matlc and not to bo taken ng in evciy rcpect repiesentlng the coin lotions of the poet. France In Peaceful .vlood. VinsNA , Doc. 2i M. Clemoncean , the Fiench statesman , who \Isiting Vienna to attend his brother's wedding , lias been In- teulowed respecting the possibility of wat between Krance and Germany. Among othei things ho said : "There can be no war between Tianco and Germany unless Ger many makes tlm Hist attack , because every icsponslblo Frenchman is determined that Fiance shall offer no provocation. i.ven it Itussla and Gciiuany shall tight , France would lomaln passive. It would icqulre gioss piovocation indeed to louse Fiance to war. Of coiiise Fiance will refuse to dis arm. It must ho admitted that Franco his been coquetting with Russia , but this was ; mended meiely to liUhten Germany. " Hcnr > MI AVar. VIKNSA , Dec. ! ! s > . Tlm Vicuna picss Is becoming convinced that Ktissia is dctcim- incdon war. llcports ol Incicascd Knsslnn armaments nro continually coming to hand fiom vniionssouiccs. The latest intelligence of this Kind is to the died that liOO.OOM tioops have been oidcrcd to mass in Kiell nnd the occnpints of 10,000 houses have re- notice that the soldieis will bo billeted In them. The Neuo Frclc Piosso plainly hints that the best tiling Austria can do is to submit to llussia's wishes in oidei to aveit aconllict. 'UmTagblatt nnd otlmrpipeis bitterly d.e- ploro the tact that Anstiin is compelled to nbnndon hoi Halkau jirou'rammo because shu has been left In tlio luich by Ulsmnick , who has made peace with Itnssla. nencral noulinncf'n : Com no , Unit iDec. . 211 The Noitlu. ( ieimnn < ui/ettocousldois General Honlaiigor's con- scut to a loduellon of the supplementary oiodlt lor the French militniy dcpnitmcnl lei the present linandil year ns inti'iidod t ( ; stiengthen tlm position of tlm opponents ol an incioRSO ol tlm German army. Pi-usorvt' Arinod Neutrality , UtTiiAiti ST , Di'is. " ' . ' . Houmanla will not Join tlm Cential I'liropean alliance but will prescivo nn nimed neutrality until oppoi- tuiilty oflt'is to make the best alliance it tcil- ons Uulgailnii complications ailse. A -Material Cliango. LOMXIN , Hoe. i. Chamboilaln has changed his mind and lias Intoi mod Lord Sallsbuiv that ho will do Ids best to Induct I , oiil Haitiiiton ! ; to act ept olllco. The situa tion , tliciefore , has nmtci Lilly changed. Tlili ly-lxvo ItuiindM l'niijlit S i Ut A ion , HI , Doo. 20. A He ) co pili ; fight occnri oil between Chailes Daly , ol bt , Louis , and Billy Mver , of Stieator , at Wood' foul , n small station on tlm Illinois Contial iitilronu last night. Tlm li ht was for jWJOr slduaiid thcgntcMetelpts to a linisli. i'loni the Ili t to tliotcntli lound Daly tried to wind Mycr. h.uilly attempting to stilku him in the Dill finding this of no avail , ho change bis tactics and tried togetln akiKKkoul blow. In the fifteenth ronm ! Daly lilt Myci a teulblo blow between the eyes , hut Mycr ( ante to tin match on tune. At tills tlmo both men wer. covered with blood , thcii eyesalmos ( swelled shut , but they came to time nt call and ban lighting WRH the rule until tlm tliUty-sccom ! round , when Mver stinck Daly a povvciful blow on the nock which spun him aionml like a top. and he tell witbnutstidchcd aim' on the llooi , from which he was unable ti USD at tlio call of time. Tlio light was given to Mver. Daly the advantage u ! Mycr , both In vvcl/ht and heiyht. Daly weighed 110 and Mjei ItO pounds. A niondj I'lUe Pi n sni r.n , Dee , 29. A bare-knuckle pii7C 1'Bht ' between two heavy wvlglit Iron woikcrs named I'allcr and White , took place on the ti.inks of tlio Allegheny livoi at an early limn tbh nioiniiK , Twoniy-ono rounds won. fought , ic-fulllnc : in the defoatot White. The mill lusted torty-livo mlnntoj and was pio. noiincfd ono of the battle i evt-i tnuglil in this v Id n ItA Tlic Illinois iuLn , Ilk , Dec. rfO. The statt leathers' association to-day passed a tosolii' lion toasl : finloyUlatuio for nn appropria tion of $5,000 foi a state exhibit of school woik at the national awlatloi ) to be litd ! nl Chicago ) u Jnlynext. Tlm association was ndirt'sed | by Hon. Henry Uaab , state super intendent , on tlm "Obligation ot ( Im .state ( c the Piofossion , " and also a shoit address was made by btate Sapcrintcndcnt-eUd KdvvanK 'Jlioatibjett of township nn'Uni/ation tailed fuithconsldt'iubludbcusslon. At ( he oven. ing meeting n solutions ot respect to the luunory of General Lo an and sympathy with tiis lanilly weio- pas ul , a copy of vvldtl will be forwarded to Mrs. Koran . 'I ho USMV Uatuiii ilerts ofltcers anil mljourns tomorrow PREPARING FOR INTERMENT , The Details of the Logan Funeral Services Being Completed ARRANGEMENTS ATTHE CAPITOL Clilcngo Cllizons I'at-s Ijnudiltory HoNoliilloiiH In 'Memory of the Honored Dead The Kcllof I'lintl Knpldl } ( Irow iny. ( Jcnornl Ij < itnirH WAsitivr.iov , Dec. 2' ' ) . rim sonnto com- inlttco In ehaigc of the Logan ftiucial ar iniiKcmcnts mot at 10 o'clock this moinliifr . At 1 o'clock the ordoi for the proceedings , as far ns dduimined upon , aic as follows : The body will be lakon by the committee of ar rangements of the semto nnd house and es- coiled by posts of the diand Aimy ol the Kcpublle , of the District of Columbia , at W in. , Thtitsday , December ! 0 , fiom tlm residence to the rotunda of cnpl- toi , where It will lie In state until noon of the lollovvlng day , under a gtMid of honor detailed by the ( Siand Army nnd tlm Military Oidei of the Lo al Legion. Fiom 'J PHI. Tlitnsday until 11 a. in. rilday.tlm pub lic will bo admitted to the lotundn , passing in atthoeistdooi and out at the west door. The cast dooi ot the senate wing of the capl- toi will 1m opened at It o'clock a. m. to those having tickets ot admission , 1 he diplomatic galloiios will be resolved for tlio families of the diplomatic coips. I itkets thereto w 11 bedeliveiod to tlm scc- lelaiy of state lot distilbution. Iho Inmiliesof the niesidont nnd cabinet , ofllcoisot snpicmn couit. piosldeiitpioteni oftho senato.and tlm spoakei ot the house and eX'piosldunti and ox-vice presidents will oc cupy scats in the gall < nv east of the diploma tic gallery. The lamllics ol tlm senators and mombeisof tlm house of icprcsontativcs will occupy boats in the east leserved gal- lei v. The icpoiteis' unHoiy w 111 be tascrved ex clusively for repoiteis ot the pi ess , nnd ad mission thereto will bo upon the usual tick ets to that gallciy. Tlio lom.iinlng seats In tlm iralleiies will ho own without disci 1ml- natlon to nil who have genoial tickets toi gallery sents. 'Iho piesldeiit and cabinet otlicurs will meet In tlio pie-.ldent's room. Ilia vlce-piesidcnt's room will bo losuivod lor Mis. Logan nnd family. Momhois of the house of lemosontntives will meet In the hall of tlm house. Tlio committee ot the ( Sianil Aimy of the Republic , ot thu loyal legion and ot the Mexican waictei.ins willl meet in the ii-ceptlon loom. Soiutoi Shot mini will piosido. Mhoordorot procession Irom the enpitul to Oak Hill eomoterv will bo nndei the direction of ( ! cncial bhciidan. ( iuneial Sheridan will t iko chart/oof ( Jon- einl's nroiessiiin on I < "illa > , and has selected ( Jeneial Albeit Oidway aa chief ot stall. Aii.ingemunts will bo pei- tectcd IniinciUately foi altording all organ- ! /atlons that can reach W.isklngton In time to paitlclpate. A gonoial oidc-r will be Issued to-mouovv aniuuinclii ! ; tlio piogiamme to be followed. ' 1 here will bo no display In es > cortlng the bodv to the capitol toiuouow. ' 1 ho mombeis of the senate and house com mittees will meet at the lesidouco ot .Soiutoi Mamleisou nt 11 o'clock , wheio tlicv will take carriage's and di iv e to Calumet 1'Jaco. They and an cscoitof tltoirancl Army and Loval Loglon will ucoompany the icniains to the capitol. Si eaker Carlisle has appointed the lollow- Ing named gontleinen ns a committee to lep- resent tlm house of rcnresentatlves at the fu neral ol General 1.04,111 : Mossis. Tlmmas Spiimrer , Hcndoison , Townsbend , 1'avson , Worthington , llitt. Kings , Uowell and Kcecc of Illinois , Kced of Maine , Curtlnotrennsv I- \ania , Hiurows ot Midiigaii , Svmes ot Cole rado. C.uoy of AVvoiiilinr. Tlm members ; ol the bociety of the Aimy ol the Tennessee , of whichieneial Logan was an onginatoi and a life-long member , areosnc-clally invited by Mis. Logan to bo present at the The remains of ( Jonoral Locan are clad for burial in ( lie genoinl's oulinai-v eltUens diess of black. Upon his left aio b.ulgesof the Kilteenth aiiny coip < t , with the legend 'Torty liounds. " the ( Jiand Aimy and Loyal Lesion , an , ! upon the lappd aie buttons ol tlm Uiand Aimy and Loviil who will remain thoie until tlm 1'hls is t ( bo done in dcleronco to a senllmont ol Mis. Logan's that some mombois ol the family should lomaln neat the dead until biiiial. At tlm leanest of Mrs. Logan tint a piivate \oluntoci of the war be sojc'cted trom the ( iinnd Armv of tlio Republic to net as n pall bearei , the dcpiitinent of tlm I'otomae ol tlic ( iiand Aimy ol tlm Kepubllo to-night se lected Amos .1. Ciiuiiiiiius to lepiesciit the ( Srand Aimy. Clilcajco'H Mcinoi inl CHICAOO , Die. i'J. ' Attliu Logan mcnioilal mooting held heie this evening a laige uuiii- bor of citi/eus listened to speeches by c\ . .Senator Ly man Tiumbiill , Konert Lincoln and others. The committee on losolulons sub milled tlm following , widen worn adopted : Whereas , Honorable John A. Lojftn , meiii' berof tlm sonaio of tlm United States ttoiu thost.itt ! ot Illinois , died In tlmdty ol \ \ ash. Ington Sunday attoinoon , Decembei 'M , ifes.j ; and , Wheieas , Citi/ensof Chicago hero assem bled. giatotnl foi his dlstiiigulshcd publh scrv Ice and proud that his home In tlm l.itci jeais of his life was in their midst , deem II 11 mouinful ptivllcge to give [ mbliu mpicsslon to tholi sin low ; tlieiefme. Hoiolvcd , Ids military scrv Ices 'fioni tlm Inno of his enlistment as n private soldiei in tlm Mexican wai until tlm close ot t > > < ! war ot the idiollion , when hn held the i. ink of majni general and vvns in com mand of the Army ol the Tennessee , the laitostbodv ol tioopsovei led by a clti/en- soldlei , ho lelta loooid niisinpassod In brill iancy by tlint ot any voluntc'ci olllceiolthU in anv other onuntiy. Itesolved , That in tlm civil seivlce of his Mate ami nation , turn ) tlio t mo he assumed the nntios ol eloik ot .Hckson county until his tall nt his post ot duty in the third term of his occupancy of the position ol senntor ol the 1'iiltid Stain , lie furnished an oxampli of industiy. honest ) , hilditv , biavory and nbihy ( raidy It ever combined In one icmo- sontatlvo In oilhoi liram h ol cougiess. Itesolved , That Ids chaiactei Inpiivnte and public life , Irooas it was Irom suspicion ol dlsli < moi , lull ol mommies ol btavo winds ami deeds In tho.lace of danger , and also ot vvoids and deeds of compassion Inspltcd by a hoait astondei ns that ol a woman , is a subject of pildo to tin people ot this his native state ; that whllo monuments will IMI erected to his nmmoiy , ho has lett a monument In the record of his achievements which will eiidino alter L'lanlto and nimble and brass shall have become dust. Itisolvi'd , That to Ids wife , the companion of alibis labois and his triumphs , anil to bis chlldien , wo ten dei our condolence In ( his bom ot their deep allllctlon ; to his MIIV h IIIL' companions-ln-aiuis , to whom his prepuce was an Inspiration , and who loved him almost to Idolatry , wo extend our svmpithy. lEosolvrd , 'lliat while tlm plain of hlssepul- tmo should bo lett to tlm uiluntaiy choiie of his kindred , there would Im to tlm citi/eus ot Illinois consolation in the hope that ulti mately It mlelit be within the boundaries ot tlm state nnd that , with his ashes and those ofUljsscsb. ( irant , deposited like those ol btenhen A. Douglas and Lincoln on tlm soil of theli piaiiie homes , tlm full moasuie of patriotic pildo of cltl/cn'dilp in tlm state would bo lenll/ed and to the liberty loving pil iim ot Illinois would be what Mecca Is to the Uiicntnl devotee. The Jojaii .v , Dec. iil ) . fSiedalTeIe rani to tlm Urn I C'ontilbntloiH to tlm fund foi Mis. Logan reached ? . " > ,030 this afteinoon , Captain Oeorgn I" , Lemon , who is receiving the coiiulbatlons , still main talus that the fund will reach S100.000 by the end of tin week. Most of tlm amounts bdnc received now are forSlOOor 8)00. ) bubs < rlntioii pipers are being drculatcd In .New York , 1'hiladd- pbU and Chicago. The follow ing telegram was iccelved bore this cumin ? : 1'iiii.Aiii i nirv. Dec. 20. John M. Carson , Washington : Toll Colonel Uooruo E , Lemon 1 gladly biibscrilKiSl.OOOto the Logan fund , Congiess inlfhtotc Mrs. Logan ( lit same pcnMon as Mr ? . Hancock , ono a major general ot the rciculai hTiny , ( ho other n major cencral of volunteers , l Know ( Jnneral lirantheld ( Jcncial Logan luiiUh estimation both as a good soldiei and a luruo man , liKonor. W * CmiDi. Itesponscs to invitations sent out by tele graph by Captain George Lemon , asking sub- icilptions to the fund for the benelit of Mis. Loean , are cominc In lauldly , and at 10 o clock to-night the total amounted to S.0ooo. Will ltnl o llio CitKfoDec. ! . 20. A fund hasbecn stalled hereto i.ilac the mortgage on llio Chicago homo of ( ioiifcial Logan. C. H. Kaiwdl bended the subscription wlth2 , ( > 00 It Is expected that any sin PIH ! will ba apnlled to Iho fiitut being lalscd for Mrs Logan , A UA1LUOAI ) Sontal ional C'lmiuon Miulo Auntnst OnlclnlH. Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. IM. 'Uie Tillmno tn- inonovv will publish a lone iutmlew with M ouls K. Jessup , picsldent of the Dtibnquo iS. tiloiix Ctlv lailio.vl eominny , in vvliich ho makes some sensational ehaiges against the Illinois Uential tnilioad company mid sumo of Us ollidals. The substancco ot the Intoiviovv Is as follows : Twenty y oai s ago on the 1st of A pill next the Diidiinuo it Sioux City toad was leased to the Illinois Centtal for iilncty-iilne ycais , with tlm condition that at the expliatton of twenty yeaisthe Illinois Central might let- mlnate llmcoutiiictby giving sixmonths' notice. This has not been done , but fiom tlmo to time thu onlchds of the Illinois Ccu- tinl have expressed dissatlslnction with the terms of the lease , and have declared that the load was being opeialed at a loss Jossup dcclmes that his line has not been falily dealt with by tlm Illinois Ccntial ; that though tlm Hist railroad In Iowa , no elTort has been made to dovelopo It , nnd thatothor tends ha\e been allowed to build Into lib legitimate tenltoiy. J cssnn poet on to s-iy that 1 : . A. Harriman , one of tlm Illinois Central board , his been nt woik among tlm stockholder ot the Dnlmquo V bloux Clly loid ondravoi- Inir to tndnco them to sell theli holding" . uliimlni ; tlint tlio ion ! was unpiolitable nnd would piobioly ba ( ti\en up bv the Illinois theciid of tlm twentv yais ; that the pi Ice of the stock was depressed "bv means which had boon known bow to use.1' Hiiiilson continued to pick up stock at low prices these facts were nnknow n until 10- I'cntly.wlien n block of ll.OiOshaicswcro s"iit to bo tiansfcired to Hairlmaii's account. .Icssnps.iys he lias beat d but does not vouch lei the rumor that llai rlmnn and VIce Presi dent Fisli have contracts to secure contiol of the Dumicpio , fe Sioux City for the Illnois Cential before \pnl 1 .fessnp adds : " 11 the Illinois Genital could obtain contiol of the slock the pie oiitle.nsp would bo annulled and they would make terms with themselves lei tlm best inleieat ot tlm Illinois Cential company. " L-ito thisaftornooii a slitoment was issued ovei the .signatures ot Jossup , James A. 1'ooscvelt , J. 1'ieux'pont ; Moiff.ui and Leone - < on/o Uliickstonc , settlns foith tlm tacts piaclioally as stated In tlm above iiiteiview and calling on the stockholders to deposit their Holdings with Die-iel , Moigan & Co. as tnistcos in eider to put it beyond the power ol the Illinois Cential to sociiie contiol. TinTinta Teachers. DisMoiN-r.sIa.Dec. ( ' . [ Special Tele giam to the ltii.Jf-Tho : : state teachers'asso ciation roconvened'lhis mom lug with an in creased attendance At toi the appointment ot tlm customray fa niritloas , a eeholaity impel on "OurMotllcr'loiiauo" was read by Supeiintendant L. W. Paiisli , ot Independ- once. This was followed bv a discussion , leilby buiicrliitcndci t P. W. K.uillinan , of lied Oak. Siipoiiiilendont J. J. McClnnell , ol Atlantic , icad nn aiticlo on "The bchool and tlm Citi/en , " which was followed by an intoiesting discussion , in which several mombeisof Hie convention took part. Sti- . , w. ' eles. " beveral papeis on phases of scho'iil woik weie lead in the aftuinoon , and ( ! ov- 011101 Liirabeu nddicssod the convention in the evening on "Tlm Ideal School , " nttei whlcli a icoeullon was givoii to the ( cachets at tlmc.ipltol by ilie govcinor and slate ot- hceis , ' A lliillhinl dent. Sioi \ Cm , ! . , Doc. 'JX fbpoclal Tcle- ginm to tlm Jim 4 Tno public icccptlon ton- deied Mi. and Mis. D. A. Williams , ol the Hotel ti.iriettson , to night , nlso commomoi.i- Hve of the opcnhij ; of the hotel , was one ot the giandest social events In the history of tlio noithvvcst. ( iiiosts were piesent tiom many otliei dties , and bioux Cltv'f > weallli and ciiltnte weio out in full rone. Tlm cos tuming ol the Indies was billliant. An ehib- ointe progiainmo of music , s ) > C'och makiiig and dim ing wnscaiuud out. rimd'aiiott- soii is one ol Hie Ilnosl , most anilu | and oom- modlous hotel In tlm iniithwosi a louH telt want in bioux City and oui citi/ous pio- posed tlmieoeption so iiunplly occuulni ; to- iilgla toexiuess tlidi aiijuoi i.itlon ol thuon- toinil-e. 'Ilioovent will longiomain a shin ing maik .uiioDj the social ONc-ntsol this dty and section. A AII\MK , la Doc. 'id. [ Special Tde- giam to the Bii.l C. I ! , iiakoi , general moidniit of Masslna , Hied a i eneial assign ment this moi nlng. M. L. Hikei is the as signee. Liabilities about 'i.bOO. . Wflilicli , IildU.V.Co. ! , ol ( ilonwood , put a SKtU ( ( ) IIKII iL'.ige on Iheii stock o ! moichandiso ves- teutay. _ _ An "Oiroiifii\o I'ariisnn. " . l\\i ) Nl'oill , Ji. , Deo. 2tl. | ! Special Tele- giam to tlm Urn. i M. .1. Mnivln , who lor ten yeiis has idled the position ol inspector of accounts of levenuo olliccs , vvns tieatly suiulsed | on ic.idilng this dty to-day to hiiil a lettei Jiom tlio dopaitmcnt at Wnshington inloimlng him thiMds icslgnatlon would hn aooiited , to takodlort Jnnuaiy 10 , fli. Mru- vinlinslKon logarded as ono ot the most coinnotont of tlm tour Inspectors In tlm smice. Ho is arollnblo republican , which explain * ! his removal. Urouers Aid AiciiMlorr b'loi x Ctiv , la. Dec , W , Urovver Aicns- dorfijand his fiionds , charged with tlm assassination. of Her. Mi , Haddock , aie no longer piosscd for money. It Is leported to day that SU.OOO nast been sent to ArensdorlT by brewers in Cincinnati and Milwaukee. Iliovveis In a nnuiooi of tlm principal cities have been told that Arousdort is innocent , nnd tlint 1m bus been sliiL'Ied out ns \iellm by tlm tc'inpctance fnnaties because Im is the most piomtnent browei in .Sioux City. Two NearooN | jy ncliod. Xr.vy VOIIK , Deo. C9. A special to the I'icaynno from A'lcksbmg says ; On tlm night ot tlio 17th inst. 'llrsch llios' . stoio , twelve miles below tills city , was buiglailicd and Milton Washington , a colored occupant , was imndcicd. llobcrt Ueasloy and Kay. mend Murphy , UCLTO- , Known to bo ene mies of the inmdrml man , vveie arrested for the crime. As a ( onstablo this evening was about to boaid ( he train with the prisoners at ( ! lnss Cjosbinga mob of hovonty-nvo peisons , white and coloicd , Ruriounded tlm constable nnd took the mlsoners trom him. As the train started oil the crowd were taking the IVTU men to a telegraph pole to hang thorn , It Is said that the only testimony against tlm men was the evidence ot a negro boy , Com- teen years old , who si > s that he hold the horses of the mmt , while they went to the store on the night ot tlm murder. Patul Steamboat Fire. Mouiir , Ala , , Dec. SO. The steamboat liradlse .Johnson , used as a boaullng bouse at Jackson , Ala. , where the West Alabama rail road bridge Is building , was burned at 10 o'clock last niclit Two whites-Otis McKl- toy , ot Mobile , and Dan Milhousu , of INovv York are missing , and two neirroos Lewb Adams and lien fiiuh-wcru drowned. It U believed that twi otheis , all nojfioos , perished in the 11 ames and ten others vveie drowned. CLEVELAND GETTING BETTER Everything Tavorftblo to His Taking Part in the New Year's Keccption ( INTER-STATE COMMERCE BILL. No Hope UtttortnlitcU of lt < nl This Session Tlio Tariff Situ ntlon In ttic Houbc Wasli- News , Tlic I'fcnlilont'H Cuiulktion. \VASIII\OIOV , Dec. 'i'iSpoohil ' Tele- iriftiu to the | At the whlto ho o this niornliiB It was stated that 1'iosident Cleveland - land has Millerrd no ill effects horn his llttlo dilvooutto Oak View vesteuhy 'atternoon , that ho looted as well ns usual list nljlit ; , and that It isbolloved lie will bo nblo to naitlcl- pite In New Yeais' public iceootlon. Mi. Cleveland , it li stated , took the bit in his mouth nnd went out in opposition to the iu- stiuctlonsof Ids plijslelans. lie. leaiedthal if ho did not boclti to takeoxeioise or mo\o around ho would not be able to withstand the ordeal of next Satuiday. 11 ispiobablo ho will rocohe sittinc down. Ills left knco Is uieattj swollen jet. In the discussion of 1'iOMduiit Cleveland's illness a 1:0 oil many Inqniiles have been made to day as to vv ho should succeed him In the event of his death , which Is not likely to occur veiy soon , but which Is a ( | iiostion ol debate amonc many people In Washington Just at this tlmo. The presidential succes sion bill was apwoved and went Into cited on Janimo 10 last. Undci Its piovislons Sciretaiv of State liavard would siRcocd to the iin'sfik'iicj and aftei him otliei members ot tlio cabinet In tills onlei : becietiryot the tioasmv , suciet.uv ot v > ar. atturnej general , postmastei yonoial , seciet.ny of the navy and sccieUrj of the Intel lor. 1'iesl- dent Cleveland took considerable oxcicls.e In his loom today , hobblini' nionnd , so as to iralu stionglh toi the oideil of Saturday when the KI cat now jcai's toocptlon at the white hence takes place. Mis. Cleveland told n lady tilcnd this nltcrnonn that .she bu- lioved the piesident would be able to partici pate and that if ho was not stionp ; onomli to stand up he would occupy a chali uiid u celvo his Irionds slttini ; . Him was veiy enthusi astic about the oomim ; event and decorations and nrcpuations lor the music aic puiiu ahe.iu nndorthoininrosslon thatthoiicsidont ] will oillior bo fttiongcnouili to iceoivo or ad mit of his wile dolni ; so. Tlm phvsiclans ha\o warned the. picsldent against t.ikinc so much excrcit.0 at this time , and apprehend scilous insults if ho should take a cold , which isoasynndci this damp cold atmosphere. No one Is jot admitted to Mr. Cleveland's room , and he is donvlni ? himsclt to all kinds of public or puv ate business. Ho will in nil juohabililj pull thioidi lids attack mult here Is no need of foais eoucojnliiR his condition , but he Is in dcllc ito health and vv 111 toUie ( ! exceeding Rood oaio now and in the Inline. lie is upo forappoulcxv 01 any of the various iliu lunatic alTcctlons. ALL iioi'J. COM : . Tuie fiionds of the intei-stato commoicu bill II.UA lost all hopool its booomlng a law at this session of consiess , and to go ovw to the next congiess means a leopcilliiff of the wliolo subject and the discussion ofovcii- bodv's \Iovvs , which are legion. "Tho very moment the confoienco icpoit wss permitted to Ho on the dusk ol the piesl- ddiit of the senate. " said a lucmbci to-day. * -MitS.T'i5saKe ) ! bccamo a matteu.ot.BreaU doubt/ ' If the senate intended that it should go thioiiKh the lovvei house It would have acted at once. Xovv tlicio is no telling when it will come up , or In what form it nuv ho lonnd a iintiiiirlit hence. We all know tint an in dependent measure can bo veij icadilv killed in lather allowed to die no matter how nuuitoilous it may be if it is allowed to lest till attei the holidays In a shoit session. Al though It Is n contciencc icporl and thciefmu a pi Ivilcfiod matter , it has not passed either house. . It has a tcnlble gauntlet to run be- foie it can become n law. Tncro Is only ono advantage in tlio position it Is now in ; being a unilcreiico icpoit it must be passed in its pioscnt shape 01 i ejected ; It cannot bo amended 01 bandied aiound committees. "Tho statesmen liomtho cnst and coit.un poilions ol the south opposu tlio meaMiie , and its onW aidont fiiends , it seems , aru lound in tliocontialand pialuo slatos. At iiicsent tlmblllisinehancoiyand itsji.issago is. i mattei ot the irravest duuht. " i in : i Ainri' siir vnnv i.v nir not sn. An analysis ot the situation on thu tarill in tno house makes tlio pioposltion to reduce the lovenues by any manner vthatsoevei almost lidiculous. Tlm tarill lofonucis op- jioso the abolition of the tobatco tax , because It would make lovcnuo ictoim impossible. Thoantt taut ) icfoimeis want the tax on to bu-co icmovcd , so ns to out oil tailll refoim , but they also wanttoiediKe the taxon sinj.ii , and as they have with them a nuiuboi ot southcinuis who oppose tinkoiini , ' witli hiijiai the > cannot unit" . If they simply ask tlm abolition of tlio lohacu ) anil tiuit biaudv taxes as now pioposedbj one winit must come thioiiih tlio tommittco on wajs and means , piesided ovei by Mi. Moirisun , who , to niaku tin I IT 10101 in possible , will kill tlm pioposition oft. 11 siiiMi ts included the southoin men who voted airainst the Mom- son bill will oppose the new moasuio ipiilo asvlMioiislj , to piotcct loial inteiests. It Mou Uun's men otfei a bill , leaving out the tobiccoand Hull oiandj clauses tlmiepubll- cans and K.uidalt demociats will vote against It. So it Is a physical imposslbilllv to otfei a bill on the subject ot inteinal revenue. 01 inlcinal lovenuo and tuill. 01 taiil ) exclusivelywlihh will meet tint appioval ot the lopuhlkans and lianuall dciniK i.its : and It has boon demoiistiatod that a tarill lodiictlon of a ueneial and dis tinction 01 nxdnsivodiniaetoi cannot win , .Suuai and tob.uco will not KO to ctlioi ; neither will the tailll stand alone tiom in- teinalnnonuo , i HI : KMniiis or i vnon. It looked a shoit time a'o as though It wouhl bocanital and aiistooraoy axalnst the Knights ol l/abor ; and when the loiIslatmo ofmj state , u low ilajsa o , IcijIsUted against ihoorKanl/.ition ot laboi It appeaidl that the lawm.iUeis wouhl bo indtmaii with capital , etc. , In opposition to the Knights , but It now scums thai the oi/ani/atloii Is pltlliiL' itsoll a-'ainsl itsoltn kind ol sell destruction , " Mid a South Cuolin.i man loduy , "Tho wav the or anl/atlon Is spllttlii } ; up Into factions out at ( hlcapi looks as It It will du st roy Itsdt In inno. Now , I do not undoiau tlm action ot the legislation ot my state in f nt bidding thoiomblimtlmiol labor , although 1 do not bollovo it will Inline the oidei. "It is notoiious that when the law making povveis try to throttle the pooi , In vvh.itovci nuuinoi , even bj prohibltlnt ; oignnl/ation of lahoi tor ( | ucstioinihlu pmiioscs , it reads in lavoi of the o inteinleil lor subjugation. 1 havumadu tlmoi auiitionof tlm Knights ol J.aboi n stud.v , and bdlevoit will tall ol its own weight. Onlv bv the best ot harmony and tlm most complete faith in each otliei , the entiio alisence of hdJishnoss , can ain- tlilui ; bR accomplished by en operation of any kind WhenoveiKi cod or Jealousy 01 skentl- dsm ajeais ] ) ) then will nitjaiil/iition lall. ' ( Im tionblo insldo the onlcr at Chicago Is tlm most serious turn that could have been taken. "Tho knights should not expect HU > tiling from the south , tor two reasons : Klist , tlierolstraditionnl projndlce against thcot- ganl/atlon ot laboi tnuio ; and second , the majoiity of those vvbo would be. expected to Jon | tlm order ant not tlm kind who suck to It. The action of our leglslatuie bhoulil not be a surprise. It is the natural outgrowth of the prejudice in the south against this kind ot org.tnl/allon , and , Mrango , us It may seem , men who do day labor will vote to maintain it. " TKNSION SHANKS. Kx-tmlou soldiers thioiiL'hont ( be country vvhoareapplvlim for pensions thiough the pension bmtau or congress , or who hope to secure pensions by the passaco ot a nnivoisal pension bill , should bo warned u'aliibt cot tain iraudnltfiit "agents" hoio. There ate tlnoe or four persons in Washington now who claim to bo acting with congress with u view to bccuiing pension legislation , ami whoaro calling upon those who would bo Leiiellied by legislation for contributions "to pay expenses , " Tine they only aslt for 21 01 60 cents each trom the soldtvrs , but these rontillmtiniis are not only thrown uwa ) , but they do harm. All uien who eUlmtobi ) a - slbtlnii In procuring legislation are fiaud * , More , their presence hue is a dctiitnont to the work , lor they are disgusting dead-boats , nnd dlscouraeo and lilu- dcr those In congieis who nro th true friends of the soldiers. Theto Is n com mon channel open to nil to Influence loRhla- tlon. 'Ihlslsln wrlllnc direct to the Jena- tors and roprosenlatlvo" . It costs nothlnp. Tliowllido for tlioli constituents a thon- sind times qttlrkei and mmc unthnsiasticnlly than foi thoboiei who lav nionnd hoio nnd uroy upon the oldlors. Very freiinently the If lslators , becoming dl iu-ted with those alleged "repioscntatlvos of tlio soldlcr = , ' \ote aealnst measures foi Iho sole purpose of tebuklnglhe sv temot pavlnc them money. U hsatd tint two 01 Since of these "agent V in "lepio-icnlatlves" have collodod many IhmiMuid dollars n ) oai fiom tlio soldlois on tlm ptotoxl that the > aio wotking tor lesMa- lion bctoie coni.'ie'.s. All money sent to these perMiiis is monej worsothnn wasted. n vitmI'lion viu i : Itoiuosotitatlvo llolman. ol Indlinn , tout a tilond leocnllv that Im v.ould notiun again lei ooniriess , tltil bovvould tetitoat the end of this tei in. lie made this statement two > eais a jo. but It seemed Hud no otliei demo- In tin' dlstiiolwiintod the place. It 1m comes hick foi anothoi tcimlt will bo be- pause there Is not among Ids constituents n man who either applies or wbolsbdloved to hive thepropd tltnc s for theplncc. It seems that the olllco Is going bocRlng. A nui uoui's Mivrinisisd Kailroait and ncw-papi-i men tlirough- out the oountiv will loam with pleasure that Mulor .1. U. Tang- iioin. Into assistant gonoial ticket asont of tlm Daltlmoro A- Ohio , and foi iimueais one of the most hnllmnt wiltuis In the conn- tiy , lia organi/0l at llaltlmuiothe r.ingboin Publishing company , with nensh capital of MOO.tWOand backed by many millions. Mnjoi is ono of thoshiuvvdest advertisers and most iiopnlni men In lailioad and news- cltelcs In thoeoiintiy. Tiiionti.r : Tor 111:11 : VISIT. It it now said that the obed | of Mrs. Cleve land In making the pinlon cd tiip to Nnvv \ork locontly was to seciiioa nnmboi of de- pant dicssos to bo worn at the white house dlniieis nnd icceidloiis this Roison. Sim Is lepiitled to ha\e some e.xceedlngly handsome catmenls. lOST.s OltANOr.SlllS M1N1 > . Senator Jones , of Kloilda , has chanced Ills mind abont returning to the capital tills w In tel , Ho says he won't come back just be- cnuse somebody said lie would. Out of rosped to Mrs. IJILMII ( nlllllinoisans in this city unnounco tint the ) w ill tike no p.ut in the lecoptions on Now Yoai's day. Mr * . Logan is still gicatly dlsticssed , but has sulllciontlv iccovored liom ho : shock to con- lor with tbcoommlttces In icterence to tlm aiiiingcments foi the obsequies over nnd In- teimeiit ol hoi hnsb mil's lemains on 1'ilday. DVMllA'SMW OoyEII.VOK. liouis K. Chinch , the newly appointed govemoi of Dakota , is hero icceivliitr In- stiuctlonsand Inokingnftci hiseontirinatton. Ho will * tmt to his homo to imiuow. Senator llairl-on , ohaliman ot the committee on tcriiloiios. is In Indiana and may not return tor-eveial vveoks , , is his light lor reelection is pending In the leiistatmo of that state , which meets in a low o us , but ns thoie is now no opposition to Chinch , his continua tion it is thought will not be delayed. Chinch s.ijs ho will take the onioo.Ianuai > 11 , when the Dakota Ic tslatuio meets , It ho Is then Lnniirmud , ( ioveinoi IMeico will wnto the regular inc"wun to the Uvlslituro. Chinch express deteimlnation not to be involved in the Statehood light. AIIMY Knst LlontcnantColvillo 1' . Serrott , Klglitli inluntiy , is icllovod fiom duty at the David's Ishind iccrnltlnx lende/evous and oideied to Ills company nt J ort Hilduer , Wyominir. Aimy leaves grautcd : Ijlcutenant Colonel Koboit S. Ijanioth , Twelfth infantry , now colonel of the Tniitoenth , one month from Decembei 30 : Fii t Lieutenant Charles A. L. 'I'otlcn , Kouith artillciv , Foit Adams , Khode Island , until January 10. I'OSTAT. CUAXQE ? . wTbc foHowti ) tdKl waxv sUiiaters jfiwcro ! apnolhted ( o-day : Win. L. Kos. ] 3en- lah , Cla > ton coiintv.lco Carl S. Spauldin ? , loslgncd ; W. I ) . Case , Laich- wood , Ljon coiintv , vlcoClias. A. Iliandt , iemo\od ; 0. W. Tostei , Morrison , ( liiiudy county , vice T. H. Wallace , lemovcd ; Wesley - loy Davis , Oto , Woodbury county , > lce D. T. Waterman , loslgned. Also the following Vohrfi-ka postmastois : C. i ; . Moote , Ciopsoy , < iagncouniy , vlco.Jas. Moore , lemoved ; .1. A. llolliser ( , Ohlowa , rdlmoio count j , \ice U , L. Cllmcns re moved. The postofTico at Ihrd. Louisa county , la. , was discontinued to-day. I'ostolllccs have boon established at Cailln , Dawes , county Nebiaska , and 1 Little M. ( liogg appointed i ostmislrcss , and at Dui- koiton. lilackh.ivv K county , Iowa , and James W. Hojlo appointed postmaster. A BOSTON SKNSAT1ON. Two YoniiiT OirlN iiid ; Their Ll\cs With "Hough on UntR. " Hosro.v , Dec. 21. ' . [ Special Telegiam totlio Ui.E.J Details of n sensational tiagcdy re uniting In the death ot two joung gills , who will be bin led In the Mount Hope cemetery to-moirow , .110 piintod this morning. The matter , although known to tlm authorities forsomo time , has been sacicdly gu.udcd , and not a biea'h ' of the nliah has bofoie been made public , bndie Higelow and Li//lo Hart , aged lespetthely eighteen and nineteen jeais , secuied cmplomcnt in a largo dij goods hoiisn hero. Sndlo ( ell In love with a respectable business man of this city and they woio iimnied. Soon altei , hovvevci , they Mipaiatcd , owing , it la said , to the hush mil's abuse. Tlm two gills went to New Yoik , vveie cmplojed thoio foi a time In a lansoiet.iil house , but letnined to Boston , wheiethoy loimod Urn acquaintance of two jonngiiion On Clnistmas night the tour were together at a house on Himdoin stieot and drank wine theie. lidoie separating they had asoiloiis dispnlo , Tlm men , how- evei , put the girls ii board n cti on toiite to their Nmth I'm ! lodgings The tiils woio in an excited state when tiiev ho.udcd the oai. nnd at once disiussod with cadi otlioi pi ins foi tuklng Iholi own lives. Leaving the ear , they obtained two boxes ol ' Kim h on U its" at an apotlm- ciuy shop , and , hnirving to tholr looms , mixiMl the poison in tlicli tooth binshniugs and swpllovvod it , Sadlo took an ovcidoso and did not lee ] itolloets as soon as did LI/ /ic , who ( -auk in a deon stnpoi , Sadie , leal- i/ing wh it had boon done , lushed into the hticc't nnd hinrlod hack to tholtov.doln , treet house , wheio tlm joung men still woio. rinding them , she Implored ( hem to liuiiv to the .South Cml hoiiio and fcavu l.l//lo Uj this time the iioisim was taking elhct upon Sadie , and , tiuowlng hoi ' df upon Ihubod. shn wiilhod In leatlul : igonv. uid was Miinmone.l , butaltci nix bouts ol suilei- mg she died. 'I ho joiin men imallj di tided ID go to LI//Ie'h house and In oak tlm news to her. They called theio , and upon joachlng Li//le's loom she was lonnd | > mg upon hoi bod. It Is stated that an autopsy ahuvvcd that Miss lllgelow was ondeiito. SmltliNonian , Minn. , Doc. 2' ) . uspocial 'loloiram totlmllKi1.WilllamT. ] . Horn.idy , chlrf tasldormlat ol tlm million at museum nt Washington Oit.v , Is In the cltj on his re turn Irom a big liuilalo hunt In Montana In tlm interest ol the Smithsonian Instliuto , He said : "Tho object of our oxju'illtion war. to la > mi stolen foi n famine In liuilalo sped- nions whlcli issnio to coumln n jo.u or two at tlio most Wo knew , in general wav , that the species was'indually ( bofo'idng o\ . tinct , but not till v.oairivcd on the giound did wo rcrJiio that the oxpodittou had boon made just in the nick ol time. Thcio nro. piobably , a hiindiid iiHlfulo in TOXU- , and not moro than Mxt > In tlm YellowMone divide , wlieie oiu hniitmg was done , holai as we could learn thoie do nut . to bean an > at all to the noith oi that legion , A laigo herd went north in island nave never boon MOII or bend fiom slneo. Wo secured , all told , twonty-iivo spcclmoii' * , so that < vo now have littyHknlltwcntibvesk.ns nnd Mxtecn sk-fcletoiis. " Patal Itiuuiway. Ki.M'.vooti , Nt'b. , Dec SJ. A , 0. WHslit , iionoarmoJ fAnncr , was lluovsn ouUf liU wagon by a lU'iv.vay team audfr'iost Instantly killed , j otcrlnj. . r Ncllrn irii mill lovvit UVm/ior. / For Jsebraska ar.d Iowa : 1'alr slight cliacgus la tcmjimtuie. 1WDERLY ON SOCIALISTS. "Too Vile to Respect f.nd Too Cowardly to Uphold the American ring. " TH TROUBLE IN THE OHDEH. Almont nil Open lloAolt In ! ! n\crn ) Stales Against llf delimit llxruu- tlxe Hoard Which .Mnj DIs- \U > t tlic A Split 'lluentenod. Cutr Uio , Duo. 'JO. ( Special Telegram to tlm HI.K. ] A Vow Vork spwlnl siys ! Tlicjo Isllltlc doubt that Gcnctal .Ma'-l'i-woikman I'owdoilylll bo exiled oil In : \ shoit tlmo to Issue a eill lei a special session of the general - oral assembly oftho knights nnil tlint tlm o. ll will bo signed by ( ho ilNttlol assemblies from at least ( on static. Iiiull these stitcs llioio ate dlstilcts which aio almost In rwen lev oil executive bn.ud. Tim Biounds onlilrh the special session wilt bo askid ior ate that the election of olllocrs at liicltninnd was Illegal and tlint ns n nmltor of lact ( Jciifi.ll Povvdcily ami Mossis. Bailey , Huxesand Hauy of Dm gon- ctal executive hoaul only hold their oftleea b > \lrtno of the tact that tlicli successor ha\.o not been legally elected ; that Messrs. Miunilrp , Uailton and Aylosworth , tlm now members ot tlm executive bo.ud , hnvo ) io light to bold their unices noi their ILIV ; that the increasu of salailos was Illegal it nil theio- loru void , nnd that all nets ot the general ex ecutive bnaid as at piesent constituted , nro Illegal. While this will bo the nominal rcn- snn fet the call , it Is understood thmo nrn others which ibriMton thu very existence oC thu order. Thcio is llttlo doubt that the call w 111 Im asked for as tirov lued fet by the con- stltntlon , yet there Is uncertainty ns to \\liethci Powdorly will Issue It. Among \MI | | Intornicd men In labor elides Hero , ( brio seems to bo : i stiong feeling that a split In tlm older eannot bo aveitotl. Tbcv sxj if n special session is called a light will occur \\lilrh will certainly cnnso a split and If a special session l.s not railed the UlssallH- hcd districts \\lll. In all ptobabillly , iall a nmetlng. wlthdiaw from the knights and form another oigani/atton with tlio same pi inelples Niv YOIIK , Doe 20. [ Special Telegram to the Hn : . | A somel eommnnlcatlon fiom Powdoily to a knight In this dty. wns made I mill I o last night. In the luttei he denounces socialism in very pi in unit vigoions terms. Ho says in p.ut : "Von ba\o iiii'ii In Now York who \\onld tno\e heaven and earth to icstoic old customs and make the ordei again an oath-hound orsani/atlnn. I know them. You have iiiuii In New York who have co operated with men In Plill-iddphla to bienk up the oitlri by colni : to nOntholk1 pielatoof eminence and tolling him oiu old o.itb Is still In toico ; that the woid of honor Is but a blind to inaKo cat's paws ot Catholic mom- bcis. and the irenctal master woikman is a party to the Inlamous transac tion. The curse of the Knights of Labor rome tiom the ninmptness with which the acknowledged loadoth of tlm socialistic clement have put themselves foi ward at meetings and while speaking plainly hlntrd at the musket nnd Gntling gun as a icincdy toi laboi'.s giievnnecs' . I ha\o no iebieut | for man 01 men who \\lll Haunt that accuiscd red Hag and advocate the usoof the ( tliknnd bullet lor S5M davH aoai and who , the 8051 It day. will deliberately wall ; up to the polls and votolor the couunnnance of the system which they denounce. They me too \ lie to re { Biicct and too cowardly to iinhold the American Hag , sanctified by ( ho blood ol pa triots They dlsgiaco it ovciytlmo they KO to this polls tooto foi inoiio ) > ely and nsuiy , and they are not to bo tiustcd. " Boor Makers to Strike. 1'nn.ADi.i.piiiA , Doc. 2 ! > . A meeting ot all the men connected with the lager beei biovv- eries In this city \\as held at Ma'iniorehor hall tn-nlclit and It M as unaiilmoubly resolved to oouton n Rtiiko. Thuv nnmbcr UMX ) men. The cause ol the thu post ing o ! a notice In nil of the biu\\ciics on Monday last announclni ; a ledncllon in uaios , to takeelleot on thu Hint of the jenr. : Kiil of a Strike. .LUKSON , Term. , Deo. " . ' > . Tlio strike of fmlqlit brakeman on this division of the Mobile it Ohio i.illioad is at an end. Tiains bc' an niiinlii , : this muinlni ; and the y.tuls arc noclear. . tvorlli NolriHlca Noni CII.K , Xob. Doe. 211. fHpecial 'JVle- irram to the Hi.i : . ] 'J'ho Noitb Nebiaska Teachers' assodatlon selected Ulali ns tlm place and the next Christinas liolidajH ns the time lor the next nieetinj. ( The lollowlti ofllceis VHTO elected lot the ensuliiKjeai : rrcsldont. 1) . A. Connor , ot Mndlson ; vloc- piosldont , 1) . K. McClie.siu'y , I'ulleiton ; lieasnior , M-iwiu Hiniows Noilolk ; pocie- t.iry , Mis. Mullo > . Not Ih llciid : osecutho oomuilttoo. II , A. Hall. Tonoa : b. A. JJovd , NollL'h ; 1'iofcssoi Mc'oNoith ( llend : Miss U 15 htableton. Xoifolk. I'uitossoi .1. .1. Points , ol Omiilia , dclhoicd thu lectiuo to night before the association. VlHltinu tlio Reform Kclinnl. KuMivr.y , Neb. . Doe. ' . " .I -'Special 'JVlo- ciani to tlm HII : . ) . This rvonlni ; ( ! ov- ernoi Dawus , Scoret'irj 01 Stale rlcct J/i\\s and Land CommUsIonoi .loo S < ott came hern tovlslt the icfoini srhool , A laigo nnmbei of dtl/cns went up to Ilio fcohool this cvonlni ; and all \\rrc tr ' .ilo < l to : \ line litoiaiv enter- talnmont bv the boys ot the school , ( ! ov- einor Dawos , In a neat speech , hxpiosscd hlmsoll well ploisod with the school ami knew Its fntiiiu was cieat. Knpoilnlcnilent Mnll.illen is makiriL' tlm hchirol a ( 'K'at instl- tntlun. Llxolj U'oi Ic ol PATH I iov , Neb , , Doo. 29. | SicclilT.lo- ] gram to the Driluiglai8 : ] ! broke Into Iho f > ale In the Missouri Pacific depot nt Spiing- luld , ton miles soiilh of lime List night and Foenred SOO , They also bnrgLiii/od Lowy Uios. clothingstoie and Speai man's Jinvdiy stoic , taking nil thov lould o.uiy liom each iil.uo The thieves lull thdr old clothes , boots and hats In Lowy UMX sloio and ( toiiiicil new unilninis tlnouglumt ' 1 hn Hiiu | tMncii'fi rniii'iiami'iit. NOJU OI.K. Neb , DCJ'l ( Hjiodal Tdo- Kiam to tlio ili.i.-Tin-to | was lucieased at- tondnnr-o and good reoros nt tlm Noith Nobrnsk'a hhouting tourn inioiit to day. T , L , Ackmnan , ol Stinton , won the pil/o bndgt tor Iho sooond time , makliiij a dean ot fittc'on I'cutla lihukbiids. Dnlit'l Know It WUH J. oiiilod , IioiDHKOt , N'ob , Ui'c. 29. Ni'N Ilawlilu- POII. u Ilijnoi doaloi , tappoil a bind of alco hol noai ; i stove , jo.iteiday , Tlio llaitn'K p.m 'hl MIC. fumes nnd an oAiilnslou fol lowed , which landed N'oKori his b.iol : on the llooi vlolcmll ) , iJoMdisbuti'icI ) burning | )0- | tlous nl IiN hodj. The tnova < < put out nnd tlio injured man tinned ovcj to.idoctoi. An Opera llniiuo Ituinril , riuro , Uoo , U' ) . A spcdnl to tlm Nuws fiom ( iiilesbiiiKi HI. , f-ajs : Tlio < iulljiui < : opoia house , owned by a rninpui ) ot that. naiiiii , ooiiblftliiK ot d. lircchv.alit A Co. , JosuphThlilwcll , K O. ( , Mrs James biultli and Aaion NaMi. was totally destrcv.1 d by iiro this ( < \pnlii [ ; . 'J'ho uro ouuiit in the hcenoo of thu lldht stuu fiom a deledivo Hue The building vva built in l0ainl f > st S75.ono. Thoio is about SVi.dV ) in uranco on It. Thy Hist Hum was OK nplod < n loies. ( ' , ISrochwald & t'o. , ' .v ItoU's tin H JIUH dealois. lost ! iiXii ] ] , ( ) < ni stud ; , | ) iinn" | iio tno Cat ( linimansald to I , , no hoiii mto\icatd ( with IKJIIOU lOheiicd lioio the ihure , ill < no .t IIO-H cait po'l ' mill tiiioiah Mulu Mrcit. wnlchWH throniMd. and j.m DVI-I blx por- I-OIIK. Two ol tlli-w , 1'j-nik Aii'Jei ' on ami Jihlurd DiWlh , son of K. 1' . Davis , diMnion li > > i.litn ( uit of tlm Cliionuo , jitrl'nuton ' * luincy , mo i 'Jti'ldpred ( 'niiwroucly InjutcU.