Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1886, Page 8, Image 8
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : : WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 20 , 188ft sou T I 5 In 5 , 10 and 20 acre tracts , suitable for sub-division , now for sale in One-half mile south , of the stock yards , adjoining "Albright's Annex , " on the east , Union Pacific asaS- B. & M. Railroads running through it. Offering the best opportunities for profitable / itable investment. REMEMBER ! by purchasers in "Albright's ' Annex , in any other STILL BETTER OPPORTUNITY IS OFFERED P Examine Map and dbtain prices at the office of w. E .1 BE BOUGHT THE WITNESSES , Theodore and Charles Oaston Tell of a Speculation Which Failed. PERJURY FOR A SIOO NOTE. and KndB Absliiilie-lrinliiir Wnnteil , a Homo 1'olicc Court Oilier Ijoonl Mntler. Gross Perjury. Tlio latest and perhaps most sensa tional phase of the celebrated Gross per jury ease tran.ipired yesterday atternoon in the United States court. It may bo remembered that quite re cently a Milt was tried in the United Btatos court in which rotor Gross was the l > luintin"and thu Union 1'acilic the de fendant. Gross sued for $10,000 damages un account of the killing of his son tlirco years I\KO \ by being run oyer by a freight train. The plaintiff had adduced on Ins Bide several witnesses who testilled that they had .seen the braknman kick young Gross oil' the train. Among tins number were Charles Wasserinan and Theodore iuid Charles Caston , and .1 nines dross , another son .of Peter Gross , 'i'heir testimony was so strongly contradictory ot other and inoro reliable testimony that it was concluded that the witnesses for the plaint ! ! ) ' had boon guilty of perjury. Accordingly Doth of the Caston boys. Charles Waster- man , 1'iitor anil J nines Gross were placed under arrest charged with perjury. The two latter wcro released on bail. Yesterday morning it developed that Gross and his .son f curing prosecution , had loft town for the pnrpo-e , as they said , of going to Chndron to get witnesses. The Mippositlon is , however , that they will never return until this storm , at legist , has blown over , . [ udgo Dundy yesterday is sued a capais for the arrest of father and HOD , anil declared the bail of the two for feited. The bondsman is one Leseh , a brother-in-law of Gross , who lives in Omaha. llViibterday afternoon both of the Caston boys were brought into court and ar raigned for trial. United States Dis trict Attorney l.ambortson stated that both of the boys had concluded to plead guilty and read an allidavit which he Had procured from them to the otlect that they hnd committed perjury in testifying as they did at the trial. The allidavit Mated that they diil not see Mike Gross knocked oil' thu train which hnd run over and killed him , but had been the boy shortly after ho was lucked up HIM ! removed to the house of hlis. ( Juealoy. Shortly alter that they wore approached by IVtor Gross , father of I ho dead boy , who oll'ured thorn sJlUD nplcco if they would testify that they had Been Mike kicked oil' the train. This olVer was made with the condition that the money waste to bo paid as soon as Gross received the amount ho sought from the Union 1'aeilio. As Gross failed to win the suit the "ppno" failed and the boys never re- I'oived thojr money. This atlidayit created a stir in the court rooini The jury hpeedily returned a ver dict'of guilty and thu ( wo Caston hoys Focnic'l to feel relieved , .Judgn Dundy announced that ho would reserve the fiqntenco' until some future time. The penalty , ho said , wonM not bo one-miartor as severe as Jt would have been had they been pon- vUtcd ail < T pleading not guilty. With regard to tbu case of Charles committed perjury , Mr. Lambortson stated that ho did not care to push the prosecution. lie had talked with him and had come to the conclusion that ho was irrational and irresponsible for what lie dkl. The old man was accordingly released on his own recognizance to appear if wanted again. Peter Gros will be arrested if possible , ami brought before the no\t grand jury , charged with .subornation of perjury' . IIAJtD PICKING. iliulKO Stenbci'K Jocs Bliioli Work , lint FailH ( o I'Miul a Dollar. "JJusiness is pretty dull yesterday , " sighed .Judge Stenberg yesterday as the re porters gathered about him , after ho had finished his morning docket. "J have just waded through a whole page of eases and haven't found enough money in the crowd to pay a line of $ i and cosls. " JohnSummers was tried for petitlarceny John is ono of the most inveterate thieves in the citv. lie was sent up lo jitll a few days ago for stealing a lot of caps. Ho had jnit been released from this sentence when he entered : i boarding house , a day or two ago , and stole a coat and pocket book containing VHe \va > < arrested .Mon day night and lodged in jail. Hero his thieving propensities asserted themselves again , lie saw a fellow lying asleep on a bench in the same cell with him , on whose linger a diamond ring. Ho forthwith appropriated the ring. Ho was engaged in pulling another ring oil' the sumo linger , when the owner tiwoko , discovered the loss of his ring and com pelled Summers to irive it up. For this double crime iludgo Simiborg sentenced Summers to a term of thirty days in the county iail. Two drunks were fined ? .T and coMs and oommiU'ed. and two more were re leased. W. blioridan , charged with vagrancy , was sentenced to ten days in jail , and Tom Sullivan , John Galla'ghor , Clnis. Iti'illy were each given ll.iny days. ODDS AM ) IONDS. Stray I.raven Krnm ilio Hcporici'H Note KuoU. "Look at my Christmas present , " said a Farnam sticet merchant to a IJin : re porter yesterday , as he showed a box con taining about a thousand cigar stumps. "My wife has picked these up in tno house after I have care lessly left them half smoked upon my table or on a window-sill. Dur ing the year faho has been quietly picking up the .stumps , and hero's the result. At a retail valuation these represent $150 squandered. It's opened my uycs , and 1 toll you I'm going to smoke my cigars to the end after this. " "Can you tell mo when the county commissioners arc going to decide which of the hospital plans they will solecty" asked a merchant yesterday. "They have been working ou the matter for mouths back and seem no neaier select ing the best plan than they were ono month ago. 1 iuuler taml that the board is pictty well divided in its opinions , and if they do not soon give some evidence of desiring lo harmonize , 1 very much fear that their motives will begin to bo ques tioned. " . "I have an idea , " sa'd ' County Com missioner elect .Moun ( yesterday , "it is this1 he ODntiuned , seeing that a HEE standing near was preparing to take notes on ( he strange phenomenon which Vn 111 * ! * mnOMcnf < * * The Cfl > r Al l f > Bril is anxious to sell its building , known as the Dodge street school on Eleventh and Dodge streets , because the locality is no lit place for such an establishment. Now 1 would like to know why the city couldn't purchase that building and turn it into an hospital for the treatment of all city cases. 'J hero are plenty of rooms in the building which could be further sub divided if noccssary and the structure could bo made into a lirst class hospital. It would have the advantage of being cen trally located , too. 1 would like to see the lii.i : boom this sohoiv.n. " NI3AV OUTFITS IfOll NIJWSP.VIMCIIS. The Omaha Typo Foundry nml Sup ply J louse for Printers and The Western Newspaper Union at Omaha is prepared at all times to outlit publishers on shoH notice wilh presses , type , rules , borders , inks , composition , sticks and rules , and in tact everything in the line of printers and publishers' supplier. Better terms and more liberal prices can be seemed than by sending to Chicago or elsewhere. Save money by buying near home. Second hand goods in the printing line bought ami sold. Wo oftun have great bargains in this particu lar. Scud for Tun Pm.vmts' AUXIUAHY , our monthly trade journal , that gives lists of goods and prices and from time to time proclaims unequalled bargains in- new and second hand material , Wis : v NIWM'\PII : : UNION , 12th Street , bet. Howardand Jackson , Omah Nabcraska AVANTJ3J ) A IIO.MK. Wlint is nciiiK DOUR lor a Hospital Tor Uio Neeily. A reporter for the JHi : : met Mr. Nathan Mcrrani yesterday and learned from him , that , so far as ho knew , no donation other than that of $1,000 , which was made by the latter , hail yet been received toward erecting a homo for the friendless in this city. His donation , ho said , was made with the understanding that $30,000 would be raised with which to erect a homo which would bo lo accommodate the unfortunate , who are always to bo found m a city of this si/o. So far as lie know , nothing had heun done to raise this fund , but he hoped the work would soon bo undertaken and meet with the hearty co-operation cf the wealthy and charitable people of the city , In the event of the failure to raise the sum specified , Mr. Men-jam's donation will revert to thu donor. The nucleus of the homo is now located in tno frame building on Karnam street , immediately west qt the city hall. It is supported by contributions raised by the charitable laities of the Woman's Chris tian association , the president of which is Mrs. P. L I'orrino. Since its establish ment , some years ago , the association has done a great deal of good , and is still doing it , though it has to strive against the dillicuity of pecuniary want in nearly every instance. The rent of the house in which the home is maintained is thirty-five dollars per month. Formerly this rental was paid by the city. At the la&t meeting of that body , arrears of rent amounting to $200 , were ordered paid , and at the same time , it was do- L'ulod , to hereafter allow the association to pay its own rent. This , of course , w'll restrict the power of the organization to carry on its workI1 or a Jong time , it has been the hope of the niembers that the city would donate ono of the lots which it owns.for the 'purpose of erecting a home thereon , but up to the present time , the hope has not been realized. "Not the Fastest. " Speaking of the fast time , made Mon- "i ! which , it was claimed , was the fastest on record , a railroad man , ycstcrdavsaid to a reporter for the BEE : "That is a mis take. Mondai 's run was not the fastest made on the Union Pacific. Uetter time was made several years ago , when the Jarrctt & Palmer train marie its phe nomenally rapid trip across the conti nent. On one part of the Union Pacific road that train made seventy-five miles in sovciity-seveu minutes , which is a faster rate and a much better avarago than that of Monday. Merchants Hotel , Omaha , Xat Brown , Pro ) ) . $2 per day. Cor. 15th and Karnam. All street cars trom rlepot pass house. KeiiU'liilicreil by Friends. Mr. L. H. Belles , city passenger agent of the Chicago t Northwestern road , whoso return with his bride has been mentioned in the BIE , was made the recipient of a number of handsome and useful wedding presents by his friends. His associates in the railway business presented him with a beautiful marble clock with bronze ornamentation. His friends at his boarding place presented him wilh a magniliccut easy chair and a host of other friends visited him with a number of other kindly mementoes. C. K. of A. At tiie last election of the St. Leo branch , 295. C. K. of A. , the following gentlemen wore selected for the ensuing year : Spiritual director , Rev. G. J. Glauber ; president , Thomas 11. Cotton ; vice president. J. A. Linahan ; recording secretary , J. K. Hoach ; financial secre tary , John McGovcrn ; treasurer , Andruw Murphy ; sergeunt-ut-arms. Richard Mill ion ; sentinel , Philip 1'loiis ; trustee , Peter Bugger. _ _ _ _ Klliliom Traveling Cluli. The traveling men in the northern part ot the state have organized a club witli the above name and the following olll- cers : J. B. Higdan , president ; W. W. Lillie , vice president ; A. It. Brown , hcere- tarv ; P. K. Coleman , treasurer. They have- opened rooms at Norfolk , and will meet there on the bccond Sun day in January. /XVantH / to Pat Killen , who is more or less of a pugilist , has hoard of the glove business which has lately henn attracting atten tion in the city , has written to Kd Roth- cry stating that ho will come to Omaha , if necfisnaryand light with anybody who may desire to stand up before him. J. Ii. Brnmlels' Hiiiokinu Sot , J , 14. IlrandeiH , the well-known Thirteenth street dry goods man was pre sented on Christmas by his employes with a magnificent smoking sMas a testi mony of tiie appreciation in which they have held him tor a long time back. ttrlilley's Aliscnoo. Mr. ! ' . P , Gldley , the gentleman in charge of the money-order of the post- olliec. for the lirst time in many months , was absent from his post , yesterday be cause of filckues.1 , Tlio Olil Wires Go. The old electric light wires which run cast and wctt in the alloy between Far nam and Douglas streets are being taken down and replaced with now ones. Licensed Watchmaker for the U. 1' Railway Co L % , S , RAMVONP , Douglas and IQth. Almost Half A Ton. John H. Craig , the heaviest man alive , welching 838 pounds , is in the city , and 111 bo on exhibition coon. TJJI3 AUSINTHI3 JIAI1IT. Something Ahout a UaiiKd'oiiH Drink Vermuth. "Absinthe-drinking ? Yes , there is plenty of it in Omaha , " said a bar tender in a Douglas street resort to a re porter lost night. "In fact , from what 1 can sec , I believe the habit is extending in prevalence. 3t is really a French habit , and , of course , is most common among drinkers of that nationality. Still , quite a number of Americans indulge in the habit , and as 1 already said , 1 believe that number is increasing. What is ab sinthe ? Well that is a queer question for you to ask. I have seen it defined as a liquor much used in J'raneo , prepared from alcohol mixed with volatile oil of wormwood , oil of anise and other ingre dients. It has a peculiar intoxicating ell'ect , which is duo to the oil of worm wood , the state resulting from its use be ing very different from alcoholic poison ing. Trembling , vertigo , fearful dreams and epileptic convulsions are among its severe consequences. " "Then the absinthe habit is worse than the liquor habit ? " "Far worse. When a man once be comes a victim to absinthe ho might as weli prepare to pass in his checks , for there are ten chances to one J might pay a hundred to one that ho will nevo r break it oil' . It is a peculiarly dangerous , lascinatlng habit. The immediate cfiee'ls of the drink are exhilarating in the UK- trcmo. The drinker o\porienccs a pecu liar sensation of happiness , something akin to that felt by the opium smoker. After the cllccts of thodrink have passed oil' the victim is racked with horrible pains and experiences the most awful depression , which only moro absinthe will relieve , Kvcnttmlly , and moro quickly than any other abnormal appe tite , this habit will drive its victim into the lunatic asylum or the grave. Of course a man can take a drink or two of the htuU'wilhout becoming a slave to it. A good many people use it only at Jong intervals , to sober up after a period of debauchery. Absinthe will straighten out a man after ho has boon on a S | > I-IM > much moro qnicKly than anything OM ! > "How is absinthe prepared ? " "There are various w.iyn. The most common method is that popular among the French. They rour a littlu alHtnthu into the bottom of the glas.s , put in a chunk of ice and then allow water to run into thu glass through a Miiall mlv < sr "drip1 which has but a single hole In it and Is placed over the top , By the time the glass is nearly full , you have a milk whitish mixture , as cold as ieo. Another way of preparing it is to put it into n glass with pounded ice and shako 5t up until it is frozen solid , " "Is absinthe over taken straight1 "If it is I am not aware of the fact. 1 don't believe it is ever taken that way. Another drink somewhat similar to ab sinthe is vermuth , However , it is not so exhilarating in its immediate effects , erse so deadly iii its ultimate consequences. The uscjof vermuth , in various compounds is very common among all clashes of drinkers. Thu Manhattan cocktail is a compound of part whisky nml part ver muth. The turf cocktail is made of part gin anil part vermuthhilo the regular vermuth cocktail is compounded of ver muth and the other usual ingredients of a cocktail. " County Stationery. Charles TavJor , clerk of Uio county board , is busy making out estimates uiid lists of the amount of stationery required during the coming year by iho several offices in the county building. He will learn the amount required to-dvy. A Cnrlonct of Corrugated Iron. The contract for the iron work in Wclahan's new mill , on Twentieth street , has been awarded to the Omaha Corru gated Iron works , and will requite a car- loan of iron. ftud-'Kfrc. Some red lire powder , .stowed in Good man's wholesale drug store on Jones street , blazed up yesterday afternoon anil for a tini' serious consequences were fea'rcd. The lire was extinguished , how ever , without the aid of the department .S/iovcllod / Mile. Commissioner Timmc , bcloro lie could grt into town yesterday to attend the meeting of the county board , had , he claims , to shovel nearly a mile of road to make a passage for his team. A Clerk On Christmas night at 70 : ! ! o'clock ' burglars broke in through a Howard Ntroet window of J. L. Brandeis" store , but were frightened away by a clerk who was passing at the lime. Rev. Charlcfi W. Savirlgc , pastor of the Seward street Al. U. church , and Anna L. Bloor will bo married at Man licld , Ohio , Wednesday , January lli , 18S7. A reception will be held January M in the Seward street M. K , church. Tastily engraved cards announce that they will bo at homr ; to their trii'iuland acquaint ances , \\ednosdays , at 111-1 Saunder.s street. Absolutely Pure- Thl * powder never vatlcs A marvel of piuity , strength and who1rsomenc More eronomical th n the nrdinaiy Khidf. ami cannot he sold in competition wi h the mul titude of low Ici-t , dhort uciijht alum or phosphate pcm Ji r . Sold only in rans. Royal Pu.ulcs Co 10 > Wall tct-t , New Yoik. E. T. ALLEN , M , D. Eye , Ear , Kose & Throat RooiiiO Wi'liam ' * nuUdlng , cor. 15h ! and Dodge atb. , Omaha , Hours 8 to 19 a.m. J ) to 4 And 7 to 8 p. m I3lh St , cor. CnpltolIvenut. . fUK in TIUATNKNT Or AM , Chronic & Surgical Diseases. > R. rfloiyiENAVY ( ! Pr.orJitotot- . - lli.-i.usl iiii.l ' ' Pultun jrc-u-iT - J'mntu I'rniUce H'olmrc tlm f.inlitfci , rt | > | iirntns imil remtclltl fur Iho nurcctufnl treatment of/cmy / form of ( ] ! itiurriiuuiiitf oHlicr moJIi'al or iir 1rnl trrnlnunl , Jnit tin Un nil loiomriui'l ' InvKtlgfitoffcrllirmtclVCi m comepmul ulih in 1.0114 csprilrncn In lir t- liijjcuff * l > y lotlcr ! 'iiibl 111 to Hint innny cfllM tcu'nliflniilr wltlio'il ' ncclnc them WH1TK Volt I HUn..VH ! un Drformllln tnd llrncf , C'lub Kcct , C'nrvatur i of the HplritT niscuM or WOMITX , I'ili'i , Tumnra , C nc rt * I nlnrrli , HnnirhlllK , hilinl.llnni. Clri'trlrltjr , I' r ) . ( ! , Kpllennjf , kl'lnt-jr , Eye , Cir , Sklu , JIIooU ni | a 1 ocriUinni | , llutliirlr * , InlMler * , llmrri , Tru rn , nnd nil I'lD'N nf MrJkal mid Mur lcal AIIMUCC ] ; ] | , uiih- iifsctuitJ xi i lor ! . Iho only rcllabln n'edlol Intitule making Private , Special $ Nervous Disease/ ; : ' ' rA WI'lJl IAI.TV. Stf .M.I , roN'TAdious AMI w.oon insiv./ * * , fr un t\h tuter came i > ri > d < iinl. utcV fully trufiird. \Vi nil rcmoiu Hjijinl nu 1'uUou ' frum Ibur \nthoiitmerniry. Hew lustnralnfllicnlintnt for Ion nf vital Atf. COMMfNK'ATIONft ' CiONKUJKjmfc. Cull nml cuiiMiilt 114 or Fund nnmtf nilii iioit-oOirn plainly vmitim tiuloto eUmp , anil vr ' , in plnin winpui'r our PKIV'ATE CIRCULAR TO MEH rniN I'lUVArn , Hrci IAI , * HII .Nsiivori IJjitniVC * . fv , HjriniM , OnxinriKiu. ( iizKT , VAiiniorei , Urniritiiir , AND MI tm i e < or run ( ItKiro- UUIHAUT Olu.iN , 01 .BUM Ih.torut your int tor cu opinion I'crioiik uunli'i' to % tit ! in nmy lie trrntpil r.l ilxlr liomo , liy iuirrni'iiiilcn' | ' P Mfiiiclin Aiul Initru- nicul * w-iil liv mill or fiiirr HrtCI'IIKIiY ' I'.M K CO fU'J-M lillSUUVA'JIUN. no laaiktlolndkiila rnntfnU ur eiiiiikr One pcifiutl lutcrilrw | > ra > frrrtd if < ontcnl nt /"ift / > n-oini fur tlm UMUITI. inoiUllnii fit patuni' llotnl mul ntlrmlnnos il ifnioiiauto pncci Adilrmt ull l.rtlcru | u Oinaba Medical and Surreal liistlinle , Cor lailiSt. onfl C iUI 4v . . OMAHA. NEB. The M-lcctinn.s of I-'ino - 1JIA- NUS ; 11UIUKS , SAI'IMIL nml IM2AIU.S , made for _ grca . care in ilio louiling nitirls liliiropp , tl.N summer , litivo boon rc- cfivwl direct through thrCL'.STOM JIOUSl' ] , and can now l.oecu . 'i < 'tmtt'i i'l tintJ the- / > ' ' - O///fW / / ! / ! ' < ilU'llfittO 111- 'till' Idi'jjc < ' Jint > t-iacl : of PORTER8' PR10ES ! MaxM eyer & Bro