Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
> -wfVif ? I \ NOTIOEi "Advertlnomcnts .imloMbU boul , 10 cent * p llpclorthoflrnt in ettion,7 Mnts for cnclicu etjuciit. intortlon. find 11.50 n line per mon Ho n.l crtiscratnt tnken for less tlian 55 ccn . Sort-K voids will fortlio flr ; t Inrution. counu J to the linci they must run cptiRce UTelrflml mmtbe pnld In mlvancf. All ivtlvi [ feme its muft bo Imnilod tn before 2 o'do m , jindundnr no clicmn'tnnecs will thn n ordl'conllnticd by telephone. * I'urt H'lvcrtlMnir In tlic u < ohimn rndh * plhonnsirersiu'ilrecscd ' In cvo ot THE II iilfilpfo nek for n cbceV towinhU' them top letters. ns none will bo delivered oxc la procntHllon of check. All answers to c Lert 'cmcnts clionM bef > n"lo > rilinonvrloi > pq I TO t f Nfl -l.oftin l.oan . loiiii . OintH'l lontis. Ixmirllmo lonrs , 8li < rt llino lonn * . Monty itlwnji tin limit ! to lonn on nny i * til pccurltr. pro ami eoM. Invi tnn'ntepuiitlei hoimht Oi'inhit Hnnncinl lUchnnyoi n , w. cor. IT anil HmiKijr. . C01 AlannRrr. Corl'Ut , , \ A lIAUKIrl. ! CQ fl. l.'ilh t. B\liltl9 to loan on llrel elass stjmrlty.frc JVX ) upwnrdp. 2VI < E500/100TO IXAN' nl 0 per cent. J. .1. boner , into Kiirmmi. ilh [ MRCUNT Money. II. C. 1'fttlorson , IClli and llnrnej- . _ 3OOOO to loan. Bums ifiou unit upwnn ' I/owcet ralon. Horn's , room. I , Marker blot . nmM'uriiuniBIB. f > ' ) l _ < . W. cor. IKtji r l'Ml"CK.NTMonriy to lonn. J Gregory X lladlcy , Rooms 1 and 3 , Hcdick block , itiO S. 15th _ Ft to lonn , cn h on niintl , no delay. MOXHV K. Squire , 14111'arnani Bt. , I'i ton hotel tin IMItiir. KS rpo I/JAN Monpy Ixjnns plncnl on I X proved rcnl eMato In city or county J Now KtiKlnnd Loan X Trust To , by lon ? County bnnk. IGlh and Clilonito sin _ 8U Tit ON15Y TO I.O \ > ( At ow nitPS. on ( to J.'t city ptopcrty. llalclior& Co,12l6 * Donir Mi Street _ NVtolonnon city nnd fat in proper M , low rules , Stewart , i Co. , lloom S , lr pAiik. Kil TO LOAN At lonsoimbto rntos , furnlturo. flno wntchos nnd ether porsot r"rti' . O.J. Cnswoll , room 19 Iron lln ir , 12tli and I'nriinni. _ p'l TO I.OAX 0.1 M Kotuto untl Loan Agents l Wo Fnrnant st ry , ONl-.V TO LOA.V-On ronl estate ) nml tilt MONl.V I ) . Ik Thomas. 6"W MM ONKV TO iToAN-Iinum's of tS.OOU n M upwards on Dot class ronl estate uccnri 1513 rnrnnmst. K15 Tl.IO.NKY f.OANii > ntO % JIUofflcB , on furnlturo , plnnox , pcrnonnl property of all klndi ) , nnd all other tlclp * otnluo , without romoral. U10 S 11 o\cr ItliiKlmm's Commission Rtoro. All bi ness oti lotly contliiontlnl. M3 tfiMlO.OOO To lonn on Oinnlm city property r P percent , tV. ! . Day , ovir l.lla DoUKlnn COO to lonn by the nndcrslKiioil , who 1 MONKY pronoily orBnnl/oil loan agcr InOmnha. Lonw ol flOto 51,000 mitdo on f nlturo , pinnoR , orRnnp , borsen7njfons , mach ery , ic , , without ramoval. No dolnys. busincBS strictly ronfidonttal Lonna K > tn ? thnt any part can be paid at any time , each p Bent reducing the co < t pro rata. Advnm made on fine wntchPB nnd dlnmonds. 1'crsf hould carefully consider who they are dpall irlth.ns mnny now concerns are dally coml Into cflRtcnce. Bbould you need monor , < unfl ece me. W. IL Croft , Itooin 4 , Wlthr , IDth and Harncy. no'l , BUBIKSS3 CHANCES. ' i' SALC-Or trndo for TPII ! pstnte , a pf restaurant In llrst-class locution. Tor p rionlnrs call or nddross ll'J Noith inth Crounso bloclc , loom 4. _ Oa7 HALK-I'nr B days only. FOU onsh , tPuured notr.t or Omaha r property , a wholrsalo nnd retail biiHlnos-j. 1 protltH for lust your 3OOJj stoclt by luvu about $10,000. Mend i : Jainlceou. < 118 S. 15th st. 677 1 SALK Now ptook of ladi'g' furnish ; Roods , together \ > lth More lluuros. lit nets tn full conduit with Kood trndi * . Ux'it best on llowurdst , ocrnpyiiur 'i Moro liiRqin of solid brick. J. r. Hmmnoiul.llSS. Iflth hi SAIi-A : cootl bvo tmyliiK iiniilumont. rani estate und Insurnnco In ness tuKotherjHlthltWxISI foul tntllillniron 1 ] Koutf-l ] trom tire , 1 porctint Insurnncf. A 4 cliokio resilience lota.houaa , barn and frulti ehado trueA. Sltunted In one ot the choir jmrtsol'itiorlty 'llns bUBlnoss IH nil in Ni order , ultuatcd on 2 rnilmniU , will Bull tor ui or taKe pitrt In tiood , wild Nolirasku or Kiui lands. Ailtlri'BS J. U. Bkadiui , Miilroru.M county , town. C07 1 * WANTHD A rHinblo dmirjreFt , with $5fK lonn amployfr , to tului cutiio uimrftu atore. I'.nqulro of II.T. Chirk Urus Co. 6J.J SS- 1 011 SALR. A urooory utoro , lonTpToto J. ' u\orv thine pertaining to the bualnus'.M lcnp of bnlldlnsr nt low rates ( Jood reiisi will be lvou to the purclutaci1 for solllnir. . Urus.i U. as , lleo onlce liCU Ul * BAN'KlUtS-l hnve a purty who will bn foruiIit ; iiiutlos. n bnnUliiR house , on oornor , in hourt or bust bu lno < portion bostMJb.of S lllth El. Splonilld lorntlon lurmerB' biulncai. T. J. llool > , 15UU 1'iirnnn CM3U TTlOUSAJiH ncsirlnif torollro from Imunu : A' I bffermy cnthu stock at ( lenunil M clinitillso , coiisltttu of Dry OouilM , lleiuly 311 Clothlnv , Ilnti mill C.ips , lluots nml rhou ! , i Oroctsrlos. Would tnko Improved mill nn proviilvt'ul retiito In oxelitinco for pnrt nniount Citiibhow up nirood record uf. In ness. Adtlrctslock box No. T , Ninth lie Neb 'J27.J. 15. " 17IO11 W.VI.K Nice fresh nlork of tfromrlrs J. CuminliigBst. Hush i. t-olUy,31S S. 15th.Ml Ml rpo I'.XCIIAMJiAbout : $3.K > 0 In dry KM JL notion * , f rot vrlcs nnd Rtoro liirinturc , I - KOOJ livn town tu the Itopuhllciin Viilleyfor Vpoumbored fnnn litini In NiibniBkn or It ) VL-ltiiprtivoil land pruforicd. AtHi UBM liult I , Nob. \ yi * 8AI < B-llNpkl ltnlti > rluinp Loaf Cop IiHUl 1 1'llcf. . l.ctlor itn.l Hill Fllp , Inir Oiblnnta nml Transfer ( 'main , Inilnxos I.edtforandjllpurpotied. Kvpositton bulldi _ , _ _ _ * "ITiOK HAliB Hutilier shop , with tooliTtind Jtures : Kood location : KOIH ! huslnofs. C Btorre , goutheaatcor. ! Mb and I'arnam. EOj TJ/Olt SALH-Or "wade for inrrchitndlsrT .13 iiL'rns of No 1 fnria Und near Or jslatiil. C.J , Cnnan Hi Ijotarann .l < iiuii in HtHHKS , . llarkLr b.oiU B. W. i Hlh niut E \\V11 establlstiHl butlni'M , In i - - of tiu > best business iiolnts in northtr ornN\brists ( : ) , sitiintod nt HioVoii How. Cui county , Kfcb. ; stnek gonsHtlut ofdryt'ot clothmir , boot * nmt shoo > ; will show up 11 rtieoid otbuilnoKj , Hoanons torsulllnn wll fUcn by lulareMlntr lock-box t , llroKon II Ouster ctttiutyvt ocntlon JcrocKoryand qnoi n's \\aiuEioro , Inn'iln A Ionnntij .n P. Utlimr. MSJ bM.i-Ilui(1w : ro HUSIIICM-Wo o FOH shelf and hi-avyhtirdurnr * bnslnosji sale , tojitithnr with our lea o and good i ' 11-niie larirtst In the city and lo .UIon tlio b tlctnlur fmm the btijIneM miuo for sell The llauui Hardwmo Co. , 10 ° 6 O bt , Lincoln . ' ! ' 15. linoi'Elt.nVanoa nnd Itoiilliiff % i\unN. \ \ corLVth auJCa-a _ _ _ 2WJ _ _ 13 1)1 crS pihAlo 3hool yuunit liidio * mid ghU r.t noithniMtt ISUi iind l'\ii-uiiiu l'u.iU | IT ill bu rceoiv IK nnunttur jnn. M. U'Jt OEIIbONAL Mr . l > r Nnunto V , \ > Hr J clairrojant. M < dliiil anil I lloom J\o. a.ui Nuttii letU st , OianUa , Neb. Odi I < OST. T OsT. Gold waih. . ' lioTimTii I'lTsTprcl A-I nmi3 TNortu Fourtranit I.ttcial lonmil to lluilcr. Hviura tu Ci u * tjg'X' oj i ItJ , e"U 2tf IObf - Ouefptofopper fn1i > o Uitb Hit J to Uc.BiUlnui < 'pp. P oiluc , ov.'r Kdholi ily uoro und tieUamtid , i&tl LO ! P A VUck pup , j cdow ti-ut. 1 , , r.l r ward it rctuiutd toils Ko Uth M. ST-X Nowfi > uudIandlipdoBal iut { muatUaold. I'lodsr rulnrn to W , B. Aui - , opposite Cur * it , and claim r OST Vnplucdod bohvcr cuff. Ileturn to II ' LJPnnlam. 017 2' Clairvoyant. ' ALASKA , ClftriiTojnnt anil piilml UAI'AM 16th st. HM " ' i-ouxnT _ _ inoi'NIThe place to pot Iho beAt oy tor , , thn city , blue point" , NOT' York coin nd Plci'i "I Pilfer Moon , tor. Ifliltundl Urj vS. 3. K. 9 No"l' ' " P- < " * " THADll-l'or ftirnlturo-2 loll In ti pollen Foil llon , 1 a corner Addrus ) II 1 I ! ico. Col BO _ rinf. ' ipfOI. < ' , rilvy vnnlts fionnod by I J odorlf S9 profosst. K. Hwlnp , r. O tmv 4 ttrt .17 * _ I ! > 01 1 T : x r iTTSmjTfo.'T hnTroetTrnr | ni i Ist'Kli of nooJa. 8. 11. B lloiton , Wlotn , : ma i _ vTl'.XNA fortune tellurTrcsldcnco rTs _ _ _ Illolt iti.vr : organs , ta per month , yJ6l3Ionclas _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ inoit ifiTNT-Ninnio rmno , ft raomnir. L1 ! ! r > BDO JSI.1 DouttU * . _ 010 BXou'tiKN r Si | ittre"l limn $ J niontmr. Hospe. 151 1 iMuuliu. _ Oll _ TDK 'Oil SAliU Cheap , two bed room eel' , 1 b ( I totn , 1 henllm ; nml 1 cook ttotn , mid n i it other household Kootli Apply nt15)TCi ) orniHM. C6 > 58' foil SAM-itueffy ; boria. r > jous M , i C gulro I" , M. Voting * , lloo ofllec , press rjmi 655 SAf.i-t ) head of tmbuil.en Atnorlt' FOIt - from I to r. yours old , wclahtOJn ,100 pound * , lit 2'iU'i Cumins st The tibovo v 10 sold cheap tor cash , John I.ewM. W' 8Afii Tj po wrItor7T6oTT."u "fl > m _ Ti , Oninliii. ( * > > IJIOIt SAf.i ; Ititplil Holler Damp f-osf Coplr K Hhnnnon 1'iii'n , l , < 3ttt > r aii't ' Illll l'ik-9 ami ! tijf Cnlilnotsntnl Trnnsror ( Jasox , IndcAol f .c-d oi and nil pnrpo-tus. exposition bnlldtii Olt SAIifl Toim ot hoiBi-s. fVhlmlntj ( , , j0thst. SjJJ'J ' _ _ _ i nntl len o nt six-rot boiifo. thnoon pait. Call 1WJ ! North 1 trout , t o blocks Irom Hod Cat linn. P IVIOH SAtiK ( .nnnp. iron columns ind iv U duwcipsmiltnhle for front oii brick bill rortiartlonlars'ioplv ' nt tliHonirc. Cl ANT12D ColoroJ porter ut OccMuutal W 70 ' ' onke. liotol it V\TAN'l'ro Men for More , Vf iirlviitt' fnmilv plitcpB. Help wnnti'd ' n tuppllotl , Oninliii lle lxtery IltiroaiiN'oi ' ) tnil " * st. \\fANTI3l ) Alioy to ilo chore * , Apply Mrs W. i : . Aimln 1105 bhernmn n' ' londof Olmkt-t. 163 NTIJl ) riTpufloiireti elpnr side nil WA Stnto territory iicinmlntoil im. lielertnt oiillicil | , Adilrogs , Until Jnn. 5,1"87 , II. 2 J , II ' - ennipntunt booitkeopor , ire WAN'TRD-A rotiulred. Iiuiulrnnt 110R l'\ \ mm Bt root. bVA > Ity n InrKO corspt mnmifnctur WANTKI for t im oxperionci'cl coisut snlosinan nip-o rotiul liiulo In thn Stiilo of N'ooruskn / Irosa with rofeieneo , loult box No. l.tin , N k'orfc. SMJ _ I" \A7ANTKD Altnluht'H labor Siren ' T rrnu.vod troinlWi fc'tirnum to IVU l'i inui Etiuut. ' ! ! \XTANTGI ) A Htonnifiaphor , ono who undi TT fltnnils dnublo entry lionkkcoplntr. 1 Iress.wllliicrcrenco , sutlnff salary dcslrnd , 18 , lleo ottleo. SWJ or oonntry AOBNTSInthoclty our npoclaltiua. Sovelt ) compnnr. 1 J7 l" < irnam bt. 012 V/AKTBD FEMAI.E H liP. \VANTnn-nirl to wnlt on sick lady. I * ' much to do. Cull room 12 , Grucnlir bio in 13th but Doimlas nnd lodfo. ) ( 7.r > U7 * \\TANTil-Olrl for Roncrnl lieu uwo : * must bo a ( food cook and Inundros Son oaft corner 11th and Ilnnioj sta. d72 2 * ANniO-airlfort'onernl W Idaho. Mrs llurnhniii. t7B ! ) Oh ! for irencrul hoii80\voik. I WANTKI nrcniio. U75 W ANT niV ANTKD-TwoiflilaiitNew York rostn \v nut , 711 N lllth si. _ KH M * ADIKS WANTRD. To linniUo my wend 1 ruliit'W rtibbnr under prnrmtMii for lad only. This is by fur Iho beitiindorernrmonl p trctor mailo nnd Kl\os po-fcct puthfneti Bond M cents for sample protector by loti mall. AddresR ut otico Mia. G. li. J-vwiii , Lnt-alloM..Clilcmi > , 111. _ 671 I Uulle ? und Komlomon In nlty WANTKD to tiiko llBht work iittliPir hoir. 11.00 to fJ.tOn day easily inado ; ivoik gent mall , no cuuvnsdlnir. Wu m o a Kood dom.t Cor our work and furiilali stently cmplojmo Addiess , with Btamp , Crown illjf CoJl " V : at. . Cincinnati , O. _ ih"'Ji0 ! * IANTI5D Gooil BTrTtorifBtipra lioti owt W In Bmall family. Call nt 1718 Do l/n Kt. In small tamlly , "ttii Iionveuworth st. \'ANTlD ! Two jrlrls , ono forflr t nnd ' r IT lor Bocomt wor ! : , ut " "ill bt , Mary's u Iiujulio M3S. 1,1th bt. _ OS " \ArANTKD rook sum i ucoiid > rlil. l'.iiiU ] T T ofO. K. Mil } no u w toi. 15th and 11 urn ANTr.I > . - - ( . . . , . . . ' 111 lliuiu-y sr. ; leforonceb totulroil. | UM 110 * . \ NTIUIlutlon bole maker ? , llli Tarn WNTIU Oat y.'f " \\7ANTRU SO Bills for lln.t nnrt second o TT bte.1 of wimen. Call Omatm I'liiplojim Ilnrcnu , ll'i Ninth liHh ami C'apitol iui' . CS : - womiin for ircur hoithiiwoik In family tit t'.Mi , good "at Mra. 1' 8 r.itflH , WfJ Ciipltol. . J3'-5 ANTIU ) YnuncKlrlfor light hou ewe W Apply Til. llottunl tJl oi rAKllJD-flooj" tor Kenural lion ' work , lilt ( loorrfU nvo , _ T. \TANT III ) W ) Ivlle'f .t'ei-nts to l irn Tt f Kraphy l'ro < pictiri > i > d for po"itlon wl ; competent ; tuldics.W , J. U. , lUioni 1 , Croni M * SITUATIOlf WAHTKD. ANTI'.lPoniin iy isimpotoit ( man as i-alnsmrn on the road , or tt rtnivoot u wbolesalii btnrc. Has ac'iulniii nnd uMiPilonco , fall upon or uddicis " 11. " atituto hotel , omnuii , Ni < b. bSO"J" Y\ wNTiyD"SrruaTitn by * > enct'd In Imrdwai u nntl lurrioulturnl lnt | t * . Wcnilil takuelmr.'o oCbrnnoh store now lallroatl town west , sun thorough und t ablu. A 1 leforonooi including pri'sdiit r jilojor AdJrods U 'J , llee ollito. lt-'J-3- ; ) \\TANTKl ) Two or thino furnialied fet ' > toi housekeeping. Audross II U. t olliuo. _ 70.1 i'J \\'ANTID ! To i ant a hotel of not loss tl 1 > .Ti idinns Ina town of not le'9 than 4 , ' Addicts ItobeitCbnilui , Om.iUK , Neb 7Ui ' \\T VNTii'io : btiy nrtioii''o and1ot" S.1 < > $ , , < j0jfjsh. Address John Hog I'MDnujjIiu st , 61 \\f AN'l 111) I'uiliWTcd'Tiiiusiel ? ! nlcw iocTttl ' 7 toy room ? . II lt > Dec olllco , 071 \\rASTHH-Slockof dry ijoods , clothing i ii iroiiu * furnNlilnff ooiU or tioots und sh in cichamro for Onmhn icrtl citato , bchle i cr Itros .MIS tdth st. s5J ja fljli Omen to cat bu k\rhoat ca' ' ' nnd maple syrup oiury morninz at Non llcilHurtmt , 1'lUi St. bot. Do ipn unl Uoui ; ! Sirr.lj.-ht Uu nlpar weoKil.'j ; Jl meal M50. 13. roii. UEKT Honcna AND , os. . . HUNT - I irifo dry biiaomont , I ine si ptnc rnclllti04 U. It 6l.lo-trmV- dc A > nr > l-iintoreuiiipatiycor.liishtUanil | I'aol F. 1' . Day , manngcr , cua J 11 HurrAU3 ( mu"uTsT-A nent little cott W of li room * , cosily ( nruibhod , tuny bu u t > d ilurlim ntxt a montlu , ehnnp to rl > { ht IHU Kc.ll locutcd , Mui-slmil vV LubccK , 1MJ Tarnt CJU HUN I'-Storo Jll X. 15ta Et. SC3 23 * POUlir.Nl'-House. 4 rooiuj , corner 1 bherlduu n < l Hun urd si < > . llouif , v rodins , nil modern liniuovaiaej Hiiriu'y ami poth eti. New Ink-It gtoro. north ISth at < litwgtortti noir ; lltUi'all'n Hotel , south 1 et .til ) it < r month. ' . llrlokMiuLtioUiy on It. IU tracV and UH1 tiout Brd Mory llarkor bulldmff , 10th nnj Farm 66 fei t Miuire. O.K Jluyuo , 15tU nd lUruoy. S2T ITOU IIBXT TTPO 7 room lieu f on car II L1 cltr nnd cistern water. Mead \ Jamlos , llSSlMhst. (19 j > 0il llflNl' A nowcottnffonn tipper Pnrn I : ft. lni\ilro nt 2109 rarnatn SI U4I OH HUNT Two ( ttnlls fn barn rear of lit nrd st. Hums llros , butuher . 701 ! ! IjlOH Itl'.NT. UOt I- room homo lurnlMiod complete ; > er month. Jlend & Jamloson , nis. South li .Vi7 31 I710H IlKNT-If joti wnnt to rout n house , t I ? on lleimn.i ft Co .opposite postnfllcu , 65 IJtOll HF.NTbnrn for 4 head of horsns. I ; qtilro of M. 1' . Mnrlln. " " " _ 817 Anlo9B-rnoiioott'nby " a HKNT3 houses 10 rooms oioh , T" IriOIt linproxonientaKt nnd Hit ngtilro of Dr Paul. Uth nnd DotUo M4 Oil ilNT-Or P cnrden , with houto nnd Miblo ; Inside r > Itnltfiof .Sidney , N'oo. Apply to II. MeFiiddi lldnpy.Nob. 4s.lfi HKNP t room house on Fninim. t. h 17011 nnd I Uh City nnd cistern wnlor , sht mdoutbiilldlnirs ! bnok collar , ( jpormon ) l. F. Hammond. 117 S IBth st. 410 r tiabln lor Jobbltu llmi o , i end nnd Third I'loors , ; ixll ) ) with bn nontnml olovntor , ontrtinco Irom fronl ) ouirlnsst.and ontrnnco onirround floor In car to Qlovnlur. Address A UJ , lloo oillpn. 270. f7 OH HHNT-2 new : cor. lllh ' n I Ylnton , Iniitlro on promises. ' - > > ITOH V PaplUc Inttilro M. F. Mnrlln. 213 IyOllTlKN'T-SlK now brick Mores with bn 1 inrnts.pornor r.lmoiitli nnd Howarl ; Phn ocntlon ; all cotuanlunpos. Lcavltt Iltirnhn loom 1 , Creltfliton block. 6 ! , jTj > oTt 111 5 \ TiTn ono w oottato , 7 rooms , f I' Three now2slorv ho'iscs ' , f9 ! , ono nt f \olllneated , nil eonvonlimcoa I.oavltt llu inm.Hoom 1 , Ciclghton block , 127 fTioil ilY\r 7-ronm ooltiro In Walnut II U Terms , SM pur moiitli Apply to U. W. Sn- .424 Fariiam St. _ _ 20fl. ( I'.r.NT so ncros aljomitiif city nir FHt , Btiltalile for dairy or inarkot imnlt \PplytoThoo. Willlnnu , lloo O.lloo , 'Jit ' F , Slii inm. _ iTMMC KKM"HUIISO.I ) rooms Uarnoystri 1und'Jlat , $1) per month , al o hmisonoir y'R avo. fl rooms , jr > per month t ) . A. 9 nnny'R I nriinin m. 117 : iu.vr sioroU iiO , UIB Jncuson at , roa K.2UI UOOHS. l U IIBN'T Vcvly ftirnlslicd rooms wltli without heat und bo.trd. 1J11IN. 17th si. r,7t)23' 1IKNT iilcpiintly fuinlshed rrontpnil nl-oplvasnnt l > ou room KIIS Imtli , i tear business center , IR15 Capitol u\ enin C40 ; il * HUNT- Neatly furnlshol rooms , 1 FOIt nrd. _ 078 S unNf"vTtirbonril n TurnUliP ( > roc FOU Ciisa sU r > 'JC-'j3 17 011 HUNT Ikir e. front , olllco loom , nor U west corner 15th and llnrneysta. f 10.00 ] nontli. 4 , ) Nice front room incood locntli between 'Iwontit'th und 'Iwontv-ll itroots , with bourd lor golf und Itu In prlv nml ) ' . Holoienres onchin od , aildieas.l. i'rosser , euro of Wm. A. Wlljon Jk Co. , city. tllil 3Ti _ _ VITANTI'D You to know that I make a BI : T ialtyoftvpo writer fnp\ln < r with the ) loitte. G. W. linker , IM'J ' Fnrnnm Bt. 00785 _ _ 1OH HKNT Two rooms nt H1I7 ( ' .IBS t ; 1 ? ' F lomcn preferred atul roferunces loijulr FFOR HE.M1 NIciMy InrnlMiod rooms , 2 FOR bt. ; tots , bulb , turniiLO heat. 538) ) * KENT Nicu win in room , miltnblo f < i 17011 with board , $1 per OUK , t : > onrd. $ . ' 75. Kl N. 11th st. n"'l ' 'j * HUNT Furnhhoil rooms , modern c FOH , ! 118 N. st. 48. ! ! Jb' UEOT-Aftcir nminTFufri IU b"V Poll nicolv furnUhed rooms , tloublo or slni lo , suit : liuvuono ready now , cheap. Cull nnd mrosoon 508 S. Wtb struct , St. Mar ivcnno. W5J1 IIKNT Suite of furnished front roe FOH . N.W. cor. UhlciiBO mill Kith si. t 7'l HENT Ijiir o sunny south room FOH . All inodorn potuenlcnco' * . I' : lass people only. 1'JI'J IO ) IBC. bss " ANTED To ient7 A rnriilslioil lioi ( rood location. Addruis I' , Ogdcn Ho Cqimcll llluffa. In. ( M 30 * " OH iTKNT Sulto ol loom * for two or th ( fpntlemon. prleo loasounblo , iiuiily nt nddi en t JI Convent st. 700 ! ! 0 * HKNT ViirnlsbM front room , JS month h > 0 South Twenty-thlid st t ! 1 17011 Hlivr.-Twodeslrnblo lurnlshe.l ro < I1 In nice location on car line Modern c vrnteiiPOH. For locution anil terms npply C' l 4 * North Fifteenth M ; 1OIC HKNT Vunilshod rt > ems ami tf F " FP I OH HUNT rum Islied rooiniin noi-moi P with board , if ilushod ; i'OJl WiiliMor HHVI'-rinoly tnrnlshod liont pui iind parlor hedroom lor two persons : minuter Irom pnstotl'co ; terms pin np : best cillty : > Jiinutuy 1 or belore ; 7U So IBth t.t. Oi J : . " UKNT i-isi : fiont room , nlPPly I FOH iitid warmed , wlih tli > t cla tt lionrd : n. o , cor. Uth and Pierce. < W. 2 Ij OH Itr.NT Sleoplnvr rooms , rnriiisheil unluinlsliud.attiJJ Howard bet.Mli and l 102 l.'un HKNT Dt'slr.iblo newly ruriits' ' F loonib for irentlcniun , ( Jus , bulli iiml I naeo lieut. aaa lnat.-o. ) S flJII * IlKVP r.lojunt roams on otrcot E1OH , luitU ani KtA , a. w. ear Jth t Webatur. Mi KENT Two iiiifurnliliuil rooniH for It housokuopiiDf. bOU llouuul bt , belMoon nnd lilh. 420 TlfiX 1' I'nftiriiUhod room. H olllco. IiKUira Mrs.A. llico , llushmaii OH UEXT Nimly fuinUhcd , liotitod f r F room ' . ' 'ill St. Mary s avo. 2CH , T7\ OH HF.NT Nice mom * at ItUl Fnrnam T7U Olio block WCbt Of C'OUlt llOUsC,8OlHh S ITU _ _ Hi.VT.--A : vnry tloslrablo I urn la rootncuntrally locatuJ , 1S11 Cnpltnl nxen UKM Furnished rooms , 1707 0'iei. nil 1 OiiuXT-iSiriiisutroonuoi5 : Dodge F t.u _ ; < Oil HIlNr ruriiMhtul front rooma , t I 1 and south windows , 3 , $10 und T15 inonth.HHN. 17th at. _ Oil : . " ) ' HKNTFurnished and unluriila rooms , tliliil lloorj 18 11 PI. Mary'd nvo. , 11 lllocU , wi-jt uf lluttmof Gultysliiif . 071 ! i UKXT A awn front Llmmliur u F closet , vus. ftnimio nnd liuth , Wl b.Jtli block north st. Jlnr/'savo. 'Mi I I KS r-Nloeiy iuTn Wio.1 ToonT v boai il , 33 dl7thj _ 13- F'oil iTl'.Jf r-Two nicely furmshol roe Bitltablo fur 2 or H ontlcnitfii ; lovuly h ( ton with uvory modorii improvutui'iit , _ _ T71 0H IlKNT-l'urnUhod room. A. Hoi i ? 15U Douglas at. UH "jriOlt HKNT Four unturnlstiol rot X1 for hougoUuoplnv to mil til tumlly , pntPd cm Goortrla uvo nonrttrcctcaijf.surron liisrs plt > asiint und will rent cheap to IT paitiearutoiuiicureiulied. ; ( Ail.lruai A. &i. oillce. _ 1-47 "IJtOll UKNT-Sultoot newly f Jrnl3h34 roe J-.1 In now house ; modurn couvoiiluncosi Rtiiitlomen. 1'Jil ' DoJirest. 2 IPOH HUN P Fnrnlshod rtioma for li.-lit ho -L kut'iilitf , Itaumoij Llock , cor Sthi ; Howu _ _ nu _ 1 01tUI..Vr-J'unil3UgJ room , 1610 Dodira t t d-23 _ _ ' { 71011 HUNT U rooms iinfurnUhoi suiln L1 for houMtkoeplntr , 1017 N ' 'JtU st : apply JJ F. Martin , 310 a th St. _ 40J HBNT Lartro olepunt rooms , with clc Soutlitront , 1410 Chicago ttroot , i. 1/\OU HF.Nr-3 raomi suitnblo for hoi J ) k 111'tioiaobt. Hnt , tlS.W. 'I7IOH HUNT To gentlemen only , two l - iibbodrooaiiin k'ooj looMUui , S doors fr street o.ard.ouo on ftrst Hoar loriro front roi buy window , jf 1 and re plater , ti > p r mot O < her front room , second floor , roirliter . ttas.l 15 permonth , Itufervnce reiiuirvd. t 7 , ISWFaruatu st. , lira : .floor. Wl VOX R KALKSTATB AND LOANS-UTn. Ufli co. ns a utu it o OMAH\ Our books snow nlnriro SOUTH In and mound South om irlioro money Is belntr made liutf nnd wll ilotibled In tlio sprlnsr. HuMne8 lotson.M , N. 0. , 25lhi t'.th mid n mo mreots. Ho idonco lots and hoii e * anl lotMnsy ante Intnl. Forrlor Vhea , I'ottoxiJ. Cobb s B lion , etc. Orepory A Hndley , Hoonul aad3 UellcU's now bloast,7'J a. 1M1 \\7E H A.VT : cotiM infill tulry'for'nTlTind TT bu lno < ntul roMd CMC-p3ipttrty. It , liive mi } ' pioporty ror viioilsi vine with golilps'ngor llros .lltSlOth tVi'i < ; KJJO J/\ / . ' " Ilnrrlson , Atnblir X Woollf Itcnl estatenEonts , Itoom 0 , Oiinhn > bank , will trlui ns n S'ew Vonr'o pro ont ? 5 i-ncli lot in l.ckornitm 1'lnc-o sold bplwoon i nn.lInn. ( tit. dnlyM lots to bo old on tl lot m nntl onlv 1 lot to n nurchn cr. Kckori plneo IIIH wovt of llnns-otu park on 1'ark si Iftt , " ' ot Jl < ) ' ' ' "cine depot. LoH laot ) 01 ' bler4Woolley. 674J : ilnrVTflrtn , , ; : irKNIAIl/3"AT > BVl trrnnti f ? " " ! IV. 8t , Jim fotilh of licit 1.1 nfl * . , f " , : 'ood trtrimins on n tow lots. 1) , Kommll , . w. cor. 17th ami Cnllfornm sis. ! .8l 21 I'KKPl'.X r of"r ol Hnrrl'on , Amlilcr .V Woollr Hen ! E < trtto ngmt' " , Hoom 20 , Oinnlm N bank , will nlvons nNo Venr'o present SV Mich lot In I ckorinnn I'lnco sold between i mil .bin 4lb. Only 50 lots to bo sold out ) lorm" nntl onlv I lot to npnrchnscr. r.ckon [ ilnco lies xvest of Hnnscom park on I'nrk ! < t south ol Mo. Piieltlo tleiiot Lots $ , > tl ei HnrrUnn , Ambler nnd Wonlloy. OMJJ r OP fiontlni ; " MrocU , 25th and 1'neill llest lot In ( ireh'ird Illll tilth A room hot tmin , wL'U.eislcrn , fiult iind i-haUo treoa , J I , 3asy tornis IjotsU , 10 II , 12 , Si nnd.'S , blocu" , Orcli Illll , very eh pup S W. cor tlth and Pacific. G3\1.U,3 line i . trnntlnu on Con\cnt nnl Sltli "sis . lnn\oinontA woiib ? .tioJ ! 2 lionsus , city 3i tprn wixtnr , ffiiXKl , nusv tenni. h-rootn pott go nntl lot , tli nntl riin Jafl. ) $ lin citsli , bal cnsy. Mewl V J ui ! tin S 15th St. Hun lion , Ambler St U'oollo Itoul IVtnto AKOIIIR , Itooin 'M , Uiiinhn ! liunk , \ 111 irlvn ns n New Vonr's proAont Sit ? ich lot In Dckcntmn 1'lnro sola lirtwccn i nnd .Inn Itli. Only A ) lots to bo sol < l on t ! tei ms nnd onlj I lot to n purohnsar. llokori l > li\co llos Host of llniHroin p.ukuti 1'aik Bt sotilhofMo , I'nelllo ilrpot Lots $ " " o , llnrrlson , Ainblnr & oolloy. G7tj ( SA1.U Hj-Sclilo lnirur llros , FOH fill South llltti ptrcot. 1P foot on 2JUi stnutir 1'nrn tn , will sell arpurt. rmcrolots In FlirilAin pnrk. f\y | > or A llnsy ( onus. Tills is very de Irnble tor gi\ri I ilk' ! < 0neri > 3 , Itn pro veil , n ar city , lions ? , bn irllx , oto UliO'ip niul on c i y terms Lots InSeliloalU'jor's iildltlon ( i' > ) to * T y > l fi ' " * I/ots rarins.I.n'irts monrr IOM HOt'SK" , room ; ) , It'irKo MOCK , 8.V IMhjiml Fnrnum ts. _ KM UllKKV-Onr nww lul.llllor wo t of Walnut Hill , on Hamilton sti llysplectlmtlots nt $ l"O for InsMo inil ? 17' > : ornors. you will malm n oort Invoatim I'orinslOpor ornt cash nnil ? " > monthly. chnrsroCor sbowlnr the lots MnrshitU .t beck , 15J" ? F.irnnm 619 HAF.K-Chcap , SO ncros lylntr wca Foil Illll In truoH to stilt. U'ill sell n pnrt Soliluslnnor llros , 01 1 S. ll'th at. 01 tnnko SWliy n lot DOVOUwnntto ! ut ( iriiiiui ) . prices , nnd will bo en tilted with ? " > I as a bcriltlny pies Honioinbi'r llutt only BO lots to bo sold nt tl pi Ice' , anil only one lot to a piiruhasur. hitrclinso by Jnnimiy 4. Hnrri-lpii , Amble Woolley. H74 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y - fi-ct on rnrnum st. liotn FonSAIilJ-23 stioot. O. F. Uavia A : I'o. " 073 n run:5CNTof sr n. Harrison , Arabtor * Woollo HoniRstnlp AITPIIH , Itooin ist , Oinnlm J Dunk , III irlvos ns u New Vcur's proicnt , on unch lot In rckormHii I'licoj-Pold bet now nnd .Inn. 4th. Only M lots to bo sold thcsio torim. nnd only ono lot to , n purchn I'ckarmiin I'lnco lies weft cif Hutt com I'at k 1'nrk st , nnrt POinh ot Ibo Mo ll'iipiflo ilo Iiolsl.1 0 each. Harrison , Ainblar It Woollo 074 . _ T7O11 SALH Lot OlxlS ! roct on ] ) n\onv ] bptvrucn lllli nnl ISth ftioots , wltti hon ct ; Sll.OiW , li.Odl ) cnsh nn 1 long tlmu. Insltio pioportvwo Imvo n largo list of busli nnd ipsiiloiico lota flret clasa. TniclmsorH do ncll to SDO IIH botoro buying. Marshnl < V bock , 15'J'J ' rainiun. 6'K S1 Our new addition Act cs f i'Vl t o J2J. > per ncro. Nour South Oinnlm , And SjdluAto Hill. Marshall .V Lobcck , 103 1M3 Film l ! "jfl trion to o ory piirclinscr of n lot In EC $ munl'Ueo between now nnd Jnn 4th. I 50 lots to bo sold Oiitho o terms , nnd not n thnnnno lotto n ptirohii = or. llnrrlson , blori : Woollev , llooniSO , Omaha National n 071 .K ' . Ai'itnsr.NT i loon. Ambler & Wonllc Heal Ksti'to AKonti , Itoom - , Omaha r Il.tiik , will ) ? lvoas u Now Year's pro-ont , S"iC caoh lot in ilckcrmnn I'laco fold between nnd .Inn. 4th. Only M lots to bo Mild un tl turms , anil enl > 1 lot to a purchaser. IV limn I'lncu lies \\eet of Ilantcom 1'ark , on 1 Bf , and Bouth ot Jin I'nc'lflo ilr-tiot I/ots o.ioh. llnirl'ion , Ambler & Woolley. ti"4 , \ i. liH r A'c : lot , niiar cor. Ruwnr-l St. , froutlnon Si dors nt. nnd paved at. ; ohoiip for cash. .1 Itlco is Co. , nvar Commorclnl hank 77 O YOU "nut to mnlio tWI Huy ui D nckormnn I'lnco ut original prices , nml will be credited n Ith ( W as a holiday pro' Itumembur that only M lots to bo sold nt t prlcnii nnd only ono lot to n pun-lmser. J iiiirfliaso by .lanimry 4. Ituiilson , Ambb " \Voollej . B" N SOOT I'I.ACK-lots nn * and ; nt . 1 RA I'nrk nt 5-MV ) to W.'lX ) . On ( lee avo. Hour Hickory t. . $1,700 to tl.WiO. On st. ticitrtbo I'urlc , $ ltiO ! ( , On Virt-Miiln n\o I Woolwonh at ? , ' , ! ) > ! to $ ! ,5,0. On Phil hher Bt near IlioKory nt fl.RTS , etc. , etc , etc. liiivouiiy number < if lots In this addition , bouses and loth. Bomo ot the best home * it city. Greirory * Hadlry Itooms 1 und 3 , Itedick'snuw mii.tfiO a. 15th 40 _ hAM'-tVUlOl feet corner of Jackson nnd 10th streets . . fJ Tno lota on Cues st tiear"4tn cuclt nixlO'loir ltli nniil'lorcoat . Ioton-Mi st flhuH'rtSd . H. W. Huntress , 1 S I'urnam st. 7J HI' SAf.T : I.otnflsl'K feet on Dtivoii ] FOH (1th nnd l-'ih streets with U hou ) . $ ! .UJOeu-ih mil lon < timu Wohnvo nlnrtfo list of Inside city prop both bn > < inp siiiid roildnnco , Itist class 1 fluiM-r-i will ilo well lo sue us. Mui5hull\- beck , LW1) ) rniinam- 101 YO1 wnnt to mnko Wt Iluy u li DO ncLeriir.ui 1'lnce al orxrlnul prlceii , nnd ill bo n edited with fV ) us a holiday prut Ilemombor that only Mints to bo sold nt t pi Ices and only one lot to n putchaser. . ' purchase by Janmiry t. Hnirlsoii , Ambit Woolioy. _ 07 nKMUIxTTn.YlurA ' v r ot Bftriior Tot VJ llurdrittecoiut , only 4 hlouUf from S tier's ( ttn-et con. \ \ M. lluijlita n , Hoo-n Uiishiunn lilock , N K cor IGtU iui.1 iou.'lii. ' pOIISAW.-Sa IWKIS lylnir wrtt ufV -1 bill III tnitts to Milt. Will .sell all or l hlcslnxror llios.BU ? o. 10th f. ' Mi ; ii dM Khun to oxnry purchniur of lot In Ku 7 > I'lwe tiolwcen now iindiinu , 1tli. i WJ hits to bo sol. . 1 on limit ) terms n-id not t limn nnu lot to apuiolin > [ < r. Harrison , An \ Woolluy , room M , Onmhn Nitiuijinl Hunk. , 674 J J. on Hi Istol street , half w ty ( sit-voen 3 dotanudrttato , iioir btroot oirs..Kfity vrate front , tSQJ oa-li , l.t cmh , uunndii In 1,2 a jftrtis. Ad li uss H 14. lieu olllco.11 J : - - - - | < f- - ' I.ot9.FHrn'.8.l.auds-/snonoj loa HOI'SKS . room a. Ilaikor blctk , S. W. Hth nnd FnrnantMs. \ n1 : 4trJKhon ) toovoryptirchnterof x lot In K < Pmun I'laco betH ten now mid Jun 4th. ' tn lots to bo told on thixotoniio. and nut t tlunor.c lot Mil purthi ! ! < t > r. Iliurison , An \VucUf ) . Itoo tu M , Oaiulia Natlonul IliinK C74 J DO VOU wmif to muka gw. Huy n Ic I.ukermnn I'laco < prlcas , und ulllbourudttcd with J1)asa holiday prel Hemnmburtbttt only.V ) lot ) to be sold at t prices nml only ono lot to u pnrtlutsyr. ; iiuivluijuby Januuiy 4 , Harrisou , AiubU \Voolluy _ o ; DO YOU want to make JM ? Jluy a 1 ( Eckurman IMaco at original prlcoj , and will ba criidltud with * Vl us u luilldav pro ; Itotnembnrtli&tonly5Jlot4 tobo sold ut t priuennna only one lot to u purcottaar. 1 purchase by January 4 , HurrUou , Ambl Woolloy. _ 07 TrriOllSM.R-Somo of the boat ayrioult J- lund in Kaatorn Nebraska at 810 per uore 'JOyHartj'tlmo.e per cunt littc-resi nml no t \\'i iteor eall Jor p rtlaulura. 0. F. tlavls i Omaha , Neb. MOJJ TTIOlssvr.K-M ft. frontm ? on JL1 bloeus _ eagt of ttie postotHoa. A bar al 810.000 ; J 10,000 C43b. MftrsU-llJc Lobvok , Ittraam. ( to every purpli i or of a tot lnl > 1 tpman I'Inc * between now nnd Jnn. 4lh. t 5o lots to be a ld on tne o terms , nnd not in thnn ono lot to n ptirch eer. H'irrlsiin , Ami .t Woolley , Itoom ! W , Omnlm National llfitiU 071 J3 " \\7'Knronttliinrl nl to Invest SS,011 in proved insldipronorty. Whdl have j tooiter Wo mean business , Moftd&Jnmio 3HS. 16th si 67' ' cb'iOBlvnn to e\orv purplmsor of n lot in Kcl tpmnii Place lictnrrn now ami .Inn. 4th tl f > ulots to be Md on thfse tettns , nnd not in than one lot to n purchaser. Harrison , Ami \\oolloy , UoonO ) , Omalni National Hank 074 , Vir.W-1/itn , IllkS. I.otsnnnd I , OMAHA unoli Lot I , Illk 4fIHV1l-l pnsh Gre/ory A lln Hey , Hoomst and 3 , ItQdlck'a Now Illk , 3:0 9. 15th s .401 Ambler .V Woollpy , Itosl TMato Agent' , Itoom 2) , ( IniiXhH X bnnk , will trlU' ns a NOW Vom' prpent $ w onph lot in Kckt'rtn'in plnoo sold between i nn Uh. Only M lots to bo sold on tl terms ntiil only 1 lot to n purchmor. Kokort , la "pa " ' ' " 'I of Ilan com pnrk on I'nrk , I1" ' l'a nnd rouih n Harrison , Ainlil6r tr J > Carrjlnif IhoflelBlum UoyM atvl tlnllod Sit iimlfiilliiu uM-iy bnturdny Antwcrn & New Yo GERMANY ITALY IH TO THE RHINE , , , LAND AND FRANCE , I'AUi AND WINTKIl. Balon from JflO to $75. Excursion trip tr { 110 lo SI J i. SououU Gabm , oiitwitnl , I puMinld.slj ; OJLI ursloti. tSJO. atcoritro nn i nt low rates , rotor Wright A. Boas , Uetic Aecnts , E5 llron iway. Now VorK. Henry run U , 1-18 rainamRUi 1'iuilsoii 1 1 UM I'uinuln bt t D. O Kiormau.lAM I'nui.Mi CfflCAGO SHORT LIN OP mil- Chicago , ivi _ ( se&StPaulf THB BEST BOUT ! ficn mm and coiiscn. mm it TWO TKAINB T ) VTI.Y I1ITTWKEN OMA1 COUNCIL flLUbTd Chicago , AND Jlllwaukoe , St. Paul , Minneapolis , 1'oilar Jliiui Clinton , IniUtiuo , Davenport , Hock lalaud.Frooport , Hock ford , Elgin , llatliaoii , Jnnosvlllo , IJuloit , Winona , La Urosso , Aud all other important polnti Eat > t , Northc und Botithoast. For through tlcketa cull on the Tiokst Ajf nt 1401 Farmun Btrout ( In 1'aiton Hotel ) , 01 Union Pocitlo Depot. I'ullman blueuerti und the finest Dlnins C ! r. the world are rua on the umln lln of Oniciuo , MII.WAUKBR & ST. I'Atir , lUit.vr und irury nttetitlon U paid to passengers courtnoni employes of tlio company. 11. MII.LKII , General Matmvor. J. F. TiiOKiit. Assistant tlonoral M neu r. A. V. H. CAKI > E.VIIII : , Qonorftl rusatnjQr t Ticket Aifent. _ Gco. S. HKAFFOlin , AsbUtixnt Generid PHI Ktr and Ticket Apent J. T. CliAUK , General Suporlntondant. P , BOYEB & CO. DK4.LCIISIM and JaiS Work. 1020 L'amam Street , Oaiaba. Neb ' * CHICAGO RAILWAY. Council Bluffs And Chica ! The only road to Inks for Des Molnos , M thnlltown.r ndur Knidils , Clinton , Dixie. Ch tfo , Milwaukee and all points cast. To the I > le of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyomlnjr , Ul } dnho.Novndii , Oregon , Washington nnd C fornlti , tt oCfrrs supnrior advantage not pc blc by nny ether lino. Among a few of the numerous point * f r erlorlty enjoyed by the pntionu of th ootwcpn Omnhn nnd ChlcnRO. nro its ' "a i > nrlayoC DAY COACHES which nro the Ut tnnthumnn art and Inponnlty can orontn. PAIjACK Bf.KEl'INO CAH9. which nro mot or comfort nnd plncnnro It PA Itl.OIt ni ! . ' INQ KOOM CAHS , * db7 nny , m witloly oolpbrntod J'AIjATlAl , DININO OA the ixjual of which pnnnot bi > round eliowh At Counoll niuirsttiotiitlnnof thn Union T floRy. connect In Union Dnput with the thn Chiron ft Noithwcitnrn Ity. In Clilo the trains of this Hue mubo clouo connvci with the < of nil custom Itnos For Dfttrolt , Coliiniluin. Inrtlnnr.pclli. Cln nntl , Nlanra Tnlle. Ruirido , ritlHliurK1 , Toroi Monti mil , Huston , New Vtirk , IMillHtlolphlit , i tltnor * . Wnshlnirton nnd nil points In the o xsk the ticket iiacnl for ttrkntn via the "NOKI'lIWKSTKIW. " If yon wish the bf > t aocntnmodntlons. tloktit annuls Poll ilekei * flu llilii line MHlffiHITT. E. P. Wll. ON. Ouncinl Mnnnwi-r , < onl. I'us-'r AKUI ; IIAIICOC'IC.iManso > l\ T WM. IIAIICOC'IC. United Statoa Karabal'K ale. Till ; UlumlU'ninl of the I tilted Stutcii the District or Ncbr.iHkn : ( liunuuog nndSuhoer.tuon - , , , P. Ij frntnor mull ) V fop - . > Piibllo notlt'u ! ) hoieliy irhon.tlmt In pui Hncoandji ) viituout uuonler ( it ealo cnU in Iho iilinvti cnu" ! ' , on tbti lull d'ij ol lute bur , IhSU. I , KlllH I , . lllorUiwer , Marshal ol t'nltotl Mutes lor the iJlsluttof Nub-nkn- on Wddiii'sdiii , I'm f.tli day ot Jununry , ] ut the hour til 10 o'clock in the Intention of tlay , In tlio 6loic liiiililinu lorimuly o < cnulo < Mild ilufonlanlH at Dvlolt po t olllct' , I county , stntu nnd dlitilit of Nebraska , hel inihllu auction incruln rtockof Koudsund c ie.seoti-inlitK-ol ! nifunoial fctoili of < ir > KO frtoconc' , boots and bhooB , vlovoi.lndioi' hif ( npinrnliir | 'ntliiiniii'i4 Innil-ililn , ' uoods notion * . I will sell said iroudfi and clmttul bulk , or in lota or pltco by pli > oo in > l < t.ul i , . nuiuio\\iit ; : , IT. " . Jlauhnl , Dlitiift of Nubinsk 11 SMIIII A , WniniiT IUtuiM k I , Attoinoya lot I'liilntiili. " ELECTRIC ItFQriHKH HO 1IOIMNQ. nonn jtor hTiric TOIIIK ino : HtdAf toruiela onoraluute : arc lalinr , tlinu truutde ; cimlilio all Uie tnwreilBnt ( ui l trlaui tueuiSlvnu lmnil tmcriHll litliun y oilier fat cvvr juunuructare.ti U U put vIn \ Ft LI. t'UI PACKAGES , an ihort nelii-tii. Oi pound e two iouna or n other Stwcli. Sola br U CUM BtWtH. vrko iui > i > lr tAMl'l.K PACtU List of letters rcmninltif * unonlloil tn tlio iio tolhco for the week end ) Dec. J ? , 1830. Koto--I'm tics calling for tlipso lott will please sny "Atlvcrthotl , " giving d\te nt the hcatl of tlio Hst , nnd in'mi for same nt tlio "Ladies' Delivery W tlow. " To avoul mi tnke Imvo your mail ilrcs ptl to strotit tinil numbor. OF.XTl.F.MKN'S LIST. tel l t. \ \ ou oo o l- l'I 'I 'In o t 6 0f 0t t C. K. Coirr-ANT , Poslmnstor. Henl IJiinto TrniiHfor Filed December 21 , 1880 , rcportotl for he P.r.K. Airs. lleinvA Ilmnan to Georco A Josljn , ot l\ block isn't , ' , Omnlm < | e Sir.O. llvniv A Hoimin ui til tn < * ,1oM > n , iait ol lot l.Mn * > ( ) > . ami pan ot old narkct placa q c SI 00. A J Simpson and \ > Ifo tn Margaret J ! i block , A S Paddock's addition , v il 81,000. JolinO'iNeil ' to Rieh.nd R Laird , lots 23 ind ! W , bloek IP. llimscom Place , w d ' AllcMi F. Kllby el al to Edward A Gay. Iota IN , r , r. , and 7 , bloek H > , Carlhaije , w d " Lyman 11 Tower and w I Co to Byron Reed , \1 \ aeies pait of old uver bed adjolnlni ; 12 , 15 , lit , t ] e SI.00. Samuel Cottnur and David Atchor , trns- eeM , to thn nubile plat of Coltner it Arehor'a iddltlon to South Omaha , \v } f bo o 0 , 14 , IS , ledlcation. W L Sellivet al to M Stone , lot 1R block ! , KuBh & Sclby's addition to South Omaha , , v it- $ : i..U. Geoiiro II HOIRS et nl to Ale es Rothenucric , ots 11 and 12 , bluek } , Pail : Finest , w d John A Ilorb.iehnml wllo to James AleVoy i } < lot-1 , hloek ! .S , Omaha , w U Sl.lKK ) . Ldwaid Alolders ot al to Jenny Shaw , lot : bloek . Omaha Vlow , w d-Sl , ' . 6o. 0 Jpnny L Shinv nml husband to L 1'Pruyu , ot 7 bloek it , Omaha View , w l S'J.OOO. M.iyA Untmi nml biisbanil to Frank Sas- itiom. Iot7bloek 15. Pattlek' second addition Win A ( i.uilner and wife to Hetty Nolaon , ot is iiioelc "G , " Satinders A : lliineti.uich'a iddition , w d SS'i'i. Alvln Saunilers etal , IrusteeH , to Wm A liiinlucr , lot ISblock "G. " Snundeii. A llline- MUL'h'H addition , wd 8200. Ole Olesen and wife to Seymour E Wll- iamson , lols S-i and 27 , Ucllair w d 1 ? l.200. Peter Thomas and wife to James LovotL 1 K e K ) feet , lot t bloek B. KmmUo & Ruth'iJ Ith.Supple addition d SI.00. A L Strati and wlfo to Find L Ames , ot Uostoji , 00x182 feet of block 1J-J , Omaha \v d irii'Go'odilch to II II Clark , lot 2 bloek2 , jr.iminercv paik , w il SOM. Allen 12 Kllby et til to Mary I ) Stoddard , ots.l , 2 nnd ! > , block 18 , Ciuthaco w d ijiuiiion P Pinvn and wlfo to ClmilesW Prnyn. lot 20 block 21 , Walnut Illll , w d Edwin S Rood nnd wif to Alaitln Dun- iixni , iols'M ami'i , block i , and lot 2 block 0 , llavMlioiiie , w d Snr.OO. , Iounpli Seldeehter to the Omaha it Repnb- Icnti V.iiley rallioad , apuiaii-eiiieiil of ilam- nes tlirougli Jj and o 11 teel lot 1 block 215 -81,000. Sptioner R Ilowell to the Omaha A ; Ropub- lii-an \ rallelallroad through lotI bectlon ' . " . , ir > , is , SIKJOO. AinoiiiaUon | | ) thioimh the lotO block 203 , Om.ihaS..IWX ) . S.imous lastof lot ! i bloci : 215 , Omaha ' Malison A-Aiulctnun lo the Omaha < fc Ru- iiiibllean'alley railroad , lut G block 228 Damages arertiinc : to Fietl Fietzman , nw : or lot t bloek 'iir > , Oinah.i 8ir.O. Ileniy llroeki-r , d.tmases aceruInK same as last , B IS leet ol e UCleot lot 4 bloek 215 , Umaha SMOO. Patrick Aimphv. same as last , w 18 feet o T leet , n ' lot t block 215 , Omaha-.0. : D.imaKiM to Wm F bweesy , lot 2 bloek 215 , Omnlu-sS'i.OOO. : I'nniij M Sloman' and hiBbnnd to David lamlnson , s M lot 5 block W5 , Omaha w d 510.0 , llt'iiiy A Iloman et al to Gee A Joslui , lot M block 2.-.OJ4 , Omaha w d-Sii.r > oo , \Vliitebrcr.s intilooal , $1.00 pertou the ° ° ' 1 > ' NKB FuKI.Co ! , 2M South 13thSt. Notice. ' lioiohy Kltvn l > y tbo undurslifiiocl N'OTIfHm ! In tlio Onn'.lm Sontharn Hull * i oiul Comniiay Hint inr-utliiKOt'llio t-toukhold- orH rHud : conipiiny will bo liuM on TiiraiJiy , the Ith ilny or .laiiiiiuy , A. 1) ) . HST , nt tlirco o'olnek p in. of Riild iltiy. nl tlio oillco of llui I- lolt \ Cninlflti , Ho.'il ISoulli Koni'teoiuh Btrcot , Oituihii , NnliiHi-kii , fortlio | i-irposoiil oliooxlnir ROVOII dliouturhol Hiiid uompany whu will eon tlnini In ollleu until the ilinn lUoil lor the an nun ! ou-ctlnti , nnd until thulr uuccissori nro choion nnitciunllllbd .1. n. voi'NH ! . c. H. VOINO. T * JJ. I'Ul.l.EJl , .INl ) MITtJIICI.I. , Kov ai , liWD. J. INTAIIKOOK VUUNU. dtdlJt Army OuIIIFIUI AKritn'H Ofnt n , I fJumhii , Null. , 1) i'iiilHTnl ; ' ( , 1KPO. ( , ! ' , ! ) l'jni-s | , , | , ill ! | ) Ull ! , will | ) ) | > . SUAI ' in ilili olllui uiitil II n 111 Iucomh < > r J-lli , ih ii. nt hlolt timu thuv will b ( ipiiiiod In thn I'lfgiint'oiil lihMci 6 lui oMiniiiiiint sup- plo-i ! ol tlio liii'ovvmtr ' liind. B int'S. linrtlwiirn , .V'iK'iii ' rptia r < , IIUIIPH ami Mii-Klnir , ilntloniny , . and OH | | euldlrry. iiliinitiri t' Kiiprlico , iiinlTi.iiini'lilnnry. I/cit Ivlux bpi'cltloiiltonn , iliiinllii' | 3 and olliur i'lfoi miillca " 111 liotur- nN iO'l on iipplii'ulinii : ln'it iiiulit | ) ( U'liilioJiM le'inliPd , pic cincov vcn to niUi'lisnf donuH- Id' piijiliiollon.'H'i.tiro t < vil tt ( > il toutlHih uupyof U'lrcill'-uiiumtin thi'irpiopOMiN. O. A. II. MrOAI'i.UY. dltdlt Oipt. A. ( ) M , , U. H. Aimy , rpo AlKHITIiors AN'f ) - Iand | i < Ulloiitiorn mo sollullotl hy ttiu Jloa'rt of ha lonilon of the sh.ool District of Omnli.i , t nu my of IHiiwlixs ' tutu of NobnialiH , until 6 o'ulniilt p. in 1 uo-dtij , J'ou. 1th , 1W7 , fur ill : . ' or H > room two stoiy .mil liHgemnnt brick Hohool h ill'llni ; to bumofto ( on the Illtdi Bohtiol urniiuda .11 un d-tlnnto i con of { .IV not ) ( KI { or u trt-o i-t < n > nnd Inuoincnt li room brluK bihcvol hull Unv to lie orfLtu.J on tlio nouiliucgt porncT-ii "Mil aii'l ' ubstur liirootsat an rMlumtu I n'.kl of jyi.O/loo ) , nnd lor tut A room Him h i-"om nt tiriou nnlit-ol hulMInu to tin ci tuned on tlio northcnst oornor or ttiili ami i/.ii.l oil mi o nt iiu net miito I mil of < ; j'iOXdj. The i lot * id of i''l ' lOHilon oir r tlio follnwliitc prrml tin. for tlif I Him l > o l plittis to bu gel - l ( it tl by thoin , forlho liullitlnton tbo 1 1 lull tkti'.o ! urtiiiu.l iin.l'i tii and W tester stioftic Kt I'rolniuiii . . . . . . fffia OT 3d " . , . JM 0) Jd " . 75 00 I'rnniiiim for plans un I spccil'.citkmii rxdoptol by thb llourd eh u | bo consfilorod part p ymon irrfnoh iitiildluKe iiic oroLtotl. 1 ml ) arl n sccym I lit ) rlsht to loloct onyir U iilaiis , and no uion&yvlil bo pufU for tvjt tu ( lxns ity or ler of the Itoiird of duration WiARtil i i.OMNjVi.U.hpcretury , l > ec , ICtli , IJiO.