Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered ty farrier In any part of tliccityM
iwtniy ccnti per week.
H. W. Tit/row ,
ncMMiMOFncic , No. W.
N. Y. PliiinbliiR Co.
IsY.w full Koods nt ( toiler's ,
PWIss L. Wells will give n party on
Thursday evening to her friends.
Mr. Doliany Is amntfinp to have the
ojicrahonsu hereafter comfortably heated ,
even on the coldest night.
The Mlsscn Farnsworth Instovi'niiigon *
icrlaincd a large nnmbor of tlinlr friends
ut tlieir homo on Kl litli street opposite
Third nvonne.
The itolico arc Mill holding I.ning , and
trying to llnd out where lie col tlio $ ll > 0
.sealskin cloak which lie was ull'urlnu to
sell for$2.5.
The funurnl ot I era Campbell took
place .yoslordu.v morning at 10 o'cloulc
from the homo of her parentNo. * . uOO
South .Seventeenth street , .
Two vagrants constituted the business
of thii police fonrt yesterday , and uftor
disposing of them Jmlgo A.vlesworth
wont out to his farm to see iio\v his stock
VIM wintering.
Sleighing patties are now the proper
: apur for tlw young folks. Two or three
ofthcHO took place last ( ironing , and an
old fashioned .straw ride is being gotten
ii ] ) for to-morrow night.
Yesterday Dr. II. Noble , of IJI.iir , Nob. ,
purchased u line throc-yoar-ohl Clydo
intiru of Mus.srd. Schh'tttcr it Itoley , of
the Star barn opposite the dummy depot ,
paying $ ' ! 3 ( ) for the same.
Tlio Rock Island will rontinuc the sale
of holiday o\eitrsion tickets December
! J1 an I January 1 , good for return pass
age to .January ! ) , 1887. to all points
within 150 miles of Council Hlnlls.
For sale or exchange for clear land ,
Conned lllull's or Omaha property , a
most promising and fashionable trottinir
bred two-year-old .stallion , standard bred.
Itnlo U. Address 1' . H. Jlutit , Hnrlan , la.
Mrs. Win. Noble and family hereby
return their sincere thanks to their many
friends for their kindness and attention
during the sickuchs , death and funeral of
their husband and father the late U in.
A Danish servant girl on Vine street
fell down an entire flight of stairs yester
day morning. She had her head and
face badly bruised. A lamp which she
bad in her hand previous to the fall was
The fourth of the scries of parties given
by the Koyal Arcanum will beheld Thurs
day evening , December ! )0 ) , at Arcanum
parlors , JSeno's block. Arrangements
nrc complete for a largo attendance and
a royal good time is promised. Dancing
will begin at 8 ; < ! 0. Music by the liav-ir
ian band.
The Dodge .Light guards arc rapidly
completing their organization , and have
secured one of the best drill masters in
the country , Captain Mont , of Shcnan-
doah , who intends to make his home in
Council Binds after the IIr t of January.
The boys intend making a special oll'ort
to become well drilled , and to Urns have
a reputation which will be a credit to
the city.
Dr. Jefl'cris lias concluded to go into
the real estate business in South Omaha ,
but will retain his residence hero. lie is
also arranging1 to organize a stock com
pany for the manufacture of his diph
theria remedy. This will probably b'e lo
cated in this city , and will employ six
teen persons. In the meantime the doctor
will give his personal attention to real es
tate , and will not supply local treatment
except to old patrons.
Weather strips at Chapman's 105 Main.
Heating stoves ateost to close them out
W. A. Wood , No. filM Main street.
i * " ' p
Electric door bells , burglar alarms an <
every form of domestic electrical appli
anccs at the Now York 1'lnmbing Co.
See Moore & Kiplingor's elegant pros
cntH to their cubtomcr.s. One chance will
each 8.r > o purchase , jli ) Broadway.
Notice Opnra house barber shop , bath
rooms re opened.
Don't buy your now suit or overcoat.
until you look at those at Metc.ilf
A Heavy
The case of Cooper v.s. Mills county ,
which has been so long in the courts , has
an apparent finish put to it at last. The
case , .is will bo remembered by 111.1113 * , is
one in which damages worosought for in
juries sustained by n defective bridge.
The verdict against the county of $35,000
was recently reduced by th'o supreme
court to $15,000. Hecently Judge Wright ,
together with Watkius & Williams , of
( i leu wood , petitioned for a rehearing of
the ease , which was resisted \ > y the attor
neys for the plttintilV , J. Y. Stone , and
Frank Shinn. The supreme court a low
diiyH ago refused to grant the rehearing ,
ho that the amount is now fixed at f 15,000.
It is understood that Mills county will is
sue bonds , ami pay the judgment without
further litigation.
Masquerade suits at Mrs , J. K. Mot-
calf's for rent. None cheaper west of
INow goods and Christmas Novelties at
KirUand's , jeweler , No , ui : ISroaihvay.
Weather strips at Chapman's , 10 , " )
Main it ,
Hard and soft coal , best quality , all
si/os. Missouri and iowa wood. C. U.
Fuel eompan3' , O'J'J ' Hrondway. Telephone -
phone KU ! ,
A line , lar u Hue of the most elegant
watches , chains , silver and plated ware ,
decorated China and glassware , suitable
( or holiday and wedding presents , at U.
U. Jnuqiicmiu & Co.'s , No , U7 Mam
Attention ,
Dodge Light Guards , There will bo '
a nicotine at the Knights of Labor hall
Wednesday evening , U o'clock sharp. All
those who havu presented their names to
the commit too are requested to be pres
ent without fail.
ll.W , PATUUSOX : , J. A. lUintF.rr ,
Chairman. becrctary.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. & K. L , Squiro. No ,
101 Pearl street , Council liluil'd.
Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves ! 1-or tlm ue\t
thirty days 1 will bull heating stoves tit
cost for cash onlj * . P. C. m : VOL.
Didn't Look Itlght.
Chief Mullen last evening arrested on
suspicion a man giving his naiuo as Tom
Hciigy , who was trying to pawn some
clothing. There was a full suit of blaoic
diagonal cloth , cent , vest and pantaloons ,
and an overcoat , lie seemed willing to
part with the wardrobe for f 10 , whion
aroused suspicion and caused his arrest.
L. 11. Crafts & Co. are loaning money
on oil classes of chattel securities at one-
Lalf their former rates. See them before
lecurineyouv loans ,
Sec that your books ura , made by Moore-
bouse & Co. , room 1 , Everett block ,
Swung By a Master HaDil It Knocks Down
a Whole Hallway.
Mrs. Illnk tn\A \ nt Iluhl .Ullls County
Will Not 1'ny $15,000 I'or n
Faulty HrUlKC Convicted of
Crumbs Krnut Court ,
The jury in the ease of William Emerson -
son .yesterday morning returned n vcr-
dict'fimling him guilty of burglary. Ho
5s tlin colored man who last July entered
the K. C. bouse and was found in the
kitchen by young Gibson , son of llio pro
prietor of the place. The two had a
struggle ifiid the darkey managed to get
away. Afterwards Olliccr O'Urien came
across him and another colored man
walking along the railway track about
ten miles out of the city. The officer sir-
re ted them , and was about to put Iho
handcuffs on Emerson , when the other
pulled n revolver and commenced shoot
ing. Tlio ollieer backed off , drew his
gun and lired , and for a few minutes
there was a lively fnsiladc. The two
colored men rnnvnml were soon lost
sight of in Iho thick brush , but Emerson
was afterward captured. HIM only de
fense to the charge of burglary was that
of mistaken identity , llo insisted that it
miM have been some other colored man
who was in tlio hotel at that time , but the
jury thought differently , and he will now
'go across tlio state. ,
Yesterday the time WPS I aken in Iho trial
of a young man named Webster , for forg
ing I'l. A. ferry's name loa cheek for W
and trying to pass the same. It appeared
that Webster was a bungler at the busi
ness , llo wa neniiainteil with a young
man named Hatcher , who worked for
Air. Terry , who is a farmer near Cros-
cent. Hatcher quit work for Terry in
November and went with AVebstcr to
Missouri Vr.lloy , whore lw furnished
Webster money to start a barber shop.
The shop was not a great success , and
the enterprise came to a .sudden end.
\Veb.iter is Mild to have written a letter to
Mr. Terry , signing Hatcher's name to it ,
and asking for re-employment. To this
letter Mr. Terry replied , and Webster got
this , instead of Hatcher , so that he thus
secured Mr. 'ferry's signature. He
seems then to have settled down to prac
ticing on the signature , and several of
his attempted imitations were pro
duced in court. Soon after he went
to Mr. Terry's home , and pre
tended to bo imiuiriug in behalf of
Hatcher about the latter being employed
by Mr. Terry through the winter. Mr.
Terry in drawing cheeks and doing other
business used a peculiar green ink , ami
Webster's evident intention in visiting
the lioiise was to procure some of the
ink. Ho asked permission to write a
letter , and while thus given the use of
the secretary helped himself to a little
bottle of ink. In doing so lie clumsily
spilled some of it , by which Mr. Terry's
attention was afterwards called lo the
fact. He then borrowed some checks of
Mr. Hough at Crescent , and proceeded
to till one of them out , using the green
ink. lleoll'cred the check to dillerenl
persons , but did not get it cashed , and
that night he was arrested. The various
papers were found upon him. including
a forged order and a. forged note. The
brilliant constable found the bottle of
ink on his person , but thinking it was of
no account , gave it back lo the prisoner ,
who threw it away. It , was afterwards
found and produced in court. The for
gery was a bungling one , and the fellow
wasstfll more stupid in keeping about
him the evidences of his aet.
"Why is it , " asked a veteran handler
of crooks , in conversation about the
forgery case , "why is it that the fellows
who are arrested lor forgery arc almost
always fellows who can hardly write
their own name. It is queer. I've seen
lots of them and I never saw an expert
penman among the whole of them , and
most of them are poor penmen. It is
strange , 1 don't know whether it is be
cause a good penman the
diflieulty of successfully forging another
man's name , or not , but perhaps Ih at is
it. A fellow who can hardly write can
not conceive how easy it Is to detect
a forgery , but he fancies any sort of
writing will do. Ono thing L do know ,
the most of them are mere bunglers.1
"Another feature about forgeries , " re
marked a criminal lawyer , "is that a
fellow who can imitate another man's
signature to protection , when writing it
for practice , or for fun. cannot do so
when really forging it. Tlie leoling that
he is actually committing a crime some
way makes his nerves a little unsteady.
Yo'u can almost always detect a torgery
by the tremor shown somewhere in the
sfgnature , "
We have a line large line of Christmas
novelties that we are selling cheaper
than over was known , also imilllers , silk
liandKorchieis , ladies' and gents' gloves ,
clothing , tine scalsklncaps , etc.
JOHN Uixo : < t Co.
Centcrville soft-lump coal , fl.7fi ; pel-
ton , delivered , Win. Welch , 013 Main
itreut , telephone Oil.
'llio HIcirCHt Auction Vet.
At exactly noon yesterday there was
the greatest auction sale over known in
this city. In less than live minutes
property amounting to $1-100,000 , was sold
under the hammer. This wonderful Halo
was the ono so long advertised , involy-
the possession of what is known as the
Council Bluffs & St. Louis railway , a part
of the Wabnsh system , Judge H H.
Trimble , the special master appointed by
the United States court , was the auction *
eer. After reading tlio notice , ho asked
of the few by-standers , "How much am I
offered ? " A stranger Mopped forward
and replied , " $1,100,000. " There being
no other bids , the sale was closed and a
certified cheek for $70,000 placed in Judge
Trimblu's hands ,
The road thus sold extends from this
city to Elm Hats in Missouri , a distance
ot 14:3 : miles.
The revisionary rights of the road were
then offered , ami bought for f 100,000 , on
which $5,000 was paid in cash ,
The purchaser of Ilia road was K. W.
Sheldon , of New York , who acted on
behalf of Iho bondholders , Ho was
accompanied by his brother , Theodore
Sheldon , counsel for the complainant.
The sale was made under the foroeloMiru
decree made some ti'iio aco.
The sale of the Clarlnda & SI Louis
branches has been put off until March
29. 1887.
The road is now in the hands ot Colonel
McKUsock as receiver , anil there will belittle
little change made in the active manage
ment of affairs , at least at present. It
will be necessary lirit to have the sale
approved by the court , which will proba
bly bo done early in January.
Five hundred overcoats for boys and
children , from f 1.50 up.
An elegant line of short wraps , new-
markets , etc. , cheap , to close them out.
Jens BESO & Co.
I-'iinoi-ul of Mrs , Kink.
Yeshrduy afternoon the funeral ot
: Mrs. Anton Rink was hold from the
Catholic church , a large number of
friends gathering first at the homo , so
suddenly saddened , and from there pro
ceeding to the church with the form ot
her who but a few days before seemed
asfiurcd of many 3 oars of joyful life. The
occasion was a peculiarly sail one , and
the lendcrc. t .sympathy was manifest for
tie ) .stricken husband , and for the babe.
in giving life to which Iho mother yielded
\ip her own. The floral tributes wore
many and beautiful as arranged by the
skillful linger. ' of L. A. Caspar. They
consisted of faith , hone and charity ,
heart design , on stand from John Mcr-
gen and wife ; a lyre on rest from Mr.
and Mrs , Jacob Nowmajvn1 ; a pillow ,
from Mr. and Mrs. Bock ; wreath , from
Mr. and Mrs. Schocntgcn ; cross , from
Mr. and Mrs. Max Mohiij anchor , from
Alderman and Mrs. Stnuib ,
The church was tilled with fho fricnd ,
and many followed the casket to the
I'ctiiircl for Uslnj ; n Pen.
The jury in the case ot Webster ,
charged with forcing Mr. Terry's name
to n cheek for $33 , last night returned a
verdict of guilty. This was as expected ,
for the only defence claimed was that the
forgery was so poor that no one could
hardly recogiii/e It as being Terry's name
at all. Had the jury acquitted by any
such mysterious complication as
.set Major Williams free , the
government was ready to pounce upon
the young nlan lor a violation of the
postr.l laws , ho having addressed to
another parly , and having used the mall
for the purpose of crooked woik.
Personal 1'arimraplis.
A. L. Young , of Malvvrn , was at the
Ogden yesterday.
Captain A. Overtoil loft yesterday on a
ten days' trip to Texas. .
T. W. McC'argar has returned from a
btij-incis trip to Akron , O.
H. B. Williams , of ( jlonwood , was
tunonsr the legal lightn hero to-day. .
JcromoMcClintock , ol the Rock Island ,
has returned from his eastern trip.
C. S. Clark is now doinc the city work
on the GaxcUe-Journal at" Hasting" , Neb.
Judge Connor and wife were hero yes
terday en route for their homo at Deni-
J. A. Phillips , of Dunlap , the county
attorney-elect of Harrison , was in the
city yesterday.
George E. Kellogg , of Dunlap , formerly
of lids city , was here yesterday en route
for Kansas City.
E. A. Becker left last nghl | for Sioux
Falls. He has greatly enjoyed his visit
to his old homo and friends here.
Will E. Davis , of Chicago , is in the cily ,
llie guet-l of Claude Terwilligor. Ho will
leave for homo Now Year's eve.
Judgo. Loofbourow is planning on tak
ing a llireo months' vacation , com
mencing in January. Ho will visit Cali
fornia and seek necilcd rest. Hoi lias at
tended closely to his duties , which have
been more arduous than many suppose.
Ed. L. Howe , jr. , a former Council
Bluffs boy , for the past live years with
Sprague , Warner & Co. , Chicago , starts
on Ins lirsl trip this morninc for Paxton ,
Gallagher & Co. , Omaha. He will repre
sent them in eastern Nebraska.
Kent Estate Sales.
The considerations for the real estate
which changed hands in Council Bluffs
yesterday amounted to $1,815,458. This
includes the auction sale of the Wabash.
Great ( auction sale of pjeturcs at Chap/
mil's Art Store. One night only. Fri-
day , Now Year's eve. Sale to commence
at'7 o'clock.
Ppeclnl BitvprtlseincnlB , such as Lost , Found
To Loan , For Sale , To Ilcnt , W nnts , ilonnllnir ,
etc. , will boliiEcrtcd in this column nt tlio lou-
rntoof TKN CUNTS PER WNK for the Hrst inscr-
ionnnd KivoContsl'cr Line for i-nuh&uusoiiuont
Insortion. I.cnvo advortisomcnts t our ollico
No. 12 I'oul btroct , near llroadway , Council
WANTI5I ) A sttuiuion In prlvnto tiimiiy
to ( Jo ( 'unuial liou&ework. 0. No. Oil
WANTED ny Inwyor of ovpci-lfiico , fair
librnir nnd ofllon , fncliHlInK BUfo ,
horsonud > > uir ry > nndnllttln nionuy , n purtnoi-
frhlji In rual L'Stuto Iiuslnt'b9 In Oiniuia or ilusk
room In nil ollico. lloi 52 , Now ] Iniui > ton , Town.
WANTKD A youiiK Kill to licli > do house-
woik durniR- the vacation of the cllv
school" . Address J. M. , Iluu ollict , Council
FOIl SATiB llnrlier shop , wood location , peed
reason for aollitiK. Adclrer.8 H , Ik-o ollicc.
WANTKD-lODlnhoioriiindS'J tonmstcrs to
work on the Southern ICiinsus rallioad in
the liidlnn torrltory , GO miles tontli ol' Kiowu ,
Kansas The lure from Kansas City to Kiowii
ia JH.W. lij- taking n receipt of the iwcnt at
Kansas City , In the nninoof ( . ' . Shcnllcld , n ro-
halo of $ " ! . ! will no allowed l > y the contractor.
Wiitres f30 per month and boanl to the tomn-
Btdra , and ll.W pur day to lha laborer * . Itnaril
JJ.60 prr wook. Worn will lut-t two years.
( Jood work tor winter. Tor further informa
tion address ( JL Shunlleld. Klowa , Knneas. Itcf-
erencc , Juptico N. Suhur/ , Council IJlutrs.
FOIt SAI.U-Or Hunt -Store building , ! ! 0.\flO ,
two torio , lot ! J5xllir ) , htublos. etc. . on
promise * in conlor of but-lnt" . ' * portion of Ilnn-
cuck , in. Address William II Butler , Noala. la.
F OK It EXT A now two story frame linuso
( oontalnliiri'roomf ) , ball and oollnr under
imtlro lionsc , on N. K. corner A\unun K and
Little i'urtlrt street. Only 7 liloiiks Irom Jo- )
hanyVopi'ra liuuso. Gallon M. F. Itohrer , at
ItK Mam Btfcot. ( iip-stalrgi ,
WANTKD Acottatro of flvo or six rooms ,
located convenient to l > iihlniiHs ; Hinall
family , no chlldron. Addrosa "Ciispy , " lloe
TSfANTEO-A boy with jiony to carry Iloo
nOH SAl.K-Old impoi-B for palo at the Iloo
I1 olQco.
WANTl'.IJ I'artles intending to lie married
are vrautud to call nt tlie I'ryor'B Uco job
office to Beloct tliolr wuddinvr cards.
Christmas Goods
jy F.
Pottery ,
China ,
Glassware ,
Lamps and Platedware
At exceedingly low prices. 1'lease call.
W. S , Homer & Co.
No. 2 ? ! Main St rouncil Minns ,
& Thu Kiuvst 1m
. -jiorttil I.lita of
' - Goods West of
Mrs , C. L. Gillette's
Human Hair Emporium
No , 209MainStrett.CouncilBluffs , IOHO.-
To Bo Given Away Bj Henrj Eisenmn &
Oo/s People's Store.
On .Tmuinry Ifitli , 1887 , ConslstliiK of
Furniture , Cliliiau-nrc , Clothing ,
Illattltctnt Table Iiltictii Notions ,
Money * Bilk Dress I'm-
to run , Kle. , lite.
Tor every two dollar's worth of goods
Hirchascd , you will receive a coupon
icket , good for one chance in the follow-
ng Grand Presents to bo given away by
is on January loth , 1887 :
FIRST i'lllZK-One suite of Parlor
'urniture , consis'.lng of . ofa , tete-a-totc
ind lour grand easy chairs , all upliol-
lereil in assorted shades of elegant silk
ilusltdfl , worth $125.
SECOND I'HI/E Ono Mahogony Hod
loom Suite , consisting of Bedstead ,
) rosscr and Wash Stand of elegant finish
vilh beveled glass , worth $100.
T1111U ) I'Ul/JC-Onu of the very best
ix-drawer Nickel 1'latcd Domestic Snw-
ng Machines. The very best machine
n the United Slali" . worth ffi.OO.
FOURTH PH1/U Twenty yards
itiinctl best gros grain lllaek bilk , cost
> ; UK ) per yard , worth iJGO.OO.
Fil-THTH1XK elegant Seal Plush
.ontlon Dyed Cloak , to bo made to order
0 lit the lucky ticket holder , worth sffiO.OO.
SIXTH I'ldZK-Ono pair of the llnest
A'hllo Dlankols made by the I'ioneer
A'oolon mill , of ( California , worth $10.00.
SKVKNTH ritlXU-Ono Hoantifully
) ecoratel ( Dinner and Tea Set , consist-
ug of one hundred ami forty pieces ,
vorllt * 52.00.
tailTJl PU1.KAu Seal
Skin MnlV , worth -flfO.OO.
NINTHPRIXK-A very line Paisley
Shawl , worth . I'M.OO.
TKNTI1 PRIXK-One Angora Heaver
Shawl , worth | i0.00. !
ELKVKNTH P1UZKOne Gentleman's
suit of Clothing , made of Imported
Worsted , guaranteed a line lit for the
vinner , worth flt.XOO.
TWKLM'H PRIXK-A C.eiuleman's
Fur Heaver Overcoat , worth $ ! ! 0.00.
THIRTKHXril PR1RH ( Juo Hoy'.s
Jvcreoat , for a boy between the ages of
) and 10 years , to be chosen by the lucky
> arty hofdim' the tickot. Worth Srlfi.OO.
5uit , for a boy between the ages of : i and
10 years , to be selected by the winner.
Worth ? ir.00.
fant's Cloak , worth $10.00.
Irass Parlor Table , worth if 10.00.
yards "l-ruit of the Loom" muslin ,
worth $1.00.
Jo/.eii of thovcr.v best Celebrated " ( Jold"
white shirts , of which we arc the exclu
sive agents , worth -FD.OO.
Mulller , worth $5.00.
Table Set , consisting of Table Cloth and
1 Dozen > 'nnkins worth $10.00.
'resent ' of a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece.
No. 1)2 ) Ono Toilet Set.
No. 2'J One very line Doll.
No. 24 One Handkerchief Hox.
No. 25 Ono elegant Hand Hag.
No. 20 Ono large Doll.
No. 27 Ono Stand Cover.
No. 28 One bottle line Perfume.
No. 29 One Toboggan Cap.
No. : W-One Table Scarf.
No. 31 One line Splasher.
No. ! 12 One line Lunch Basket.
No. 33- One hammered brass Umbrella
No. rtl-One-half dox. fine Towels.
No. : K One Silk Umbrella.
No. ! W-One line Doll.
No. it7 Onesot China lishc , suitable
for little folks.
No. ! )8 ) One Brass Broom Holder.
No. UU One pair Men's Silk Suspend
ers.No. . 40 One Silk Handkerchief.
No. 41 One nice Doll.
No. 42 One-half do . ladie'sn'nc Linen
No. 43 Fifteen yards Best Calico for a
dress pattern.
Xo. 44 Ono Boy's Hat.
No.4.r ) One Boy's Sealskin Cap.
No. 40 One tine Painted Ornament ,
jj0 < 47 One Toilet Set.
No. 48 One nice Doll.
No. 4 ! One line Doll.
No. 50 Ono elegant Table Cover.
No. 51 One Bottle Perfume.
No. 52 One Lace ILindkerohiof.
No. 53 Ono child's line Lace Collar.
No. 51One elegant Doll.
No. 55 One elegant Doll.
No. 51) One Tidy.
No. 57 One Table Scarf.
No. 58 Ono tine Doll.
No. 5'J Ono Mouth Organ.
No. i0 ! One Imitation Steam Piano.
No. ( U One line Hook.
No. 02 One line Book.
No. 03 Ono Pocket ICuifc.
No. ( il One line Doll.
No. US Ono line Doll.
No. GO One Dr. Warner's Corset.
No. 07 One Shoulder Shawl.
No. ( W One infant's Lace Cap.
No. ( ill Ono baby Dress.
No. 70 Ono large Doll.
No. 71 One Hand Bag.
No. 72 Ono lady's Companion.
No. 73-Ono Silk Mulller.
No. 71 Ono large Doll.
No. 75 Ono line Book ,
No , 70 One tine Book.
No. 77 Ono Lunch Basket.
No. 78 Ono pair children's Shoes.
No. 70-Ono pair boy's Boots.
No. 80 Ono line Lace Collar.
No , 81 Ono large Doll.
No. 83 Ono Lady's Jersey Jacket.
No 83-Ono pair Gentleman's Sus
No , 81 Ouo pair Men's Gloves.
No. HS-Ono pair Boy's Skates.
No. Wl Ono pair Girl's Skates.
No , 87 Ono pair Girl's Skates.
No. 88--Ono line Doll
No 8l ! Ono line Doll
No. 90-One large Doll
> j0 , < n One largo Doll
No. OS-One Necklace
No. ! ) ! ! Ono pair Gold Cull Buttons
No. 01 Ono Locket
No. 05 Ono nk'o ' Breast Pin
No. 00 Ono pair Sleeve Buttons
No. 07 Ono Silver Thimble
No. ! )8-Ouo line Breast Pin
No. 89-Ono pair Kid Gloves
No. 100 One Lace Handkerchief
Total value of uresonts , f 800.
with every f 3 purchase you recnivo a
ticket , also a ticket for every ladditioual
$2 purchase you make.
Hold vour tickets until January 15th ,
1887 , when tnc fortunate numbers will bo
announced and' invited to call ami re-
ceivc their . ,
prints.MniK <
You have to patf nothitiK extra for your
purchases , \Yo guarantee to sell you
troods cheaper than any ether house in
the west , and best stock to select from.
All orders by mail will receive prompt
atontlon ) , and tickets for the free
gift distribution will bo forwarded
and enclosed with y our purchases , the
same as if you wore present in person.
Thcsa distributions will bo made will
every fairness , and you may depend on il
that the lucky numbers only will receive
their presents.
No tickets will bo issued to the em
ployes of our house.
Customers only will receive the bene <
fits Call and see the above mentioned pres
cnts now on exhibition in our mammoth
store ami convince yourself.
Respectfully ,
People1 * ! Store ,
Nos. 314 , 310 , 318 and 320 Broadw r
Council 131ull * .
Holiday Gifts
A substantial present is always most appreciated by the receiver. We are olo-
ig out all of our furniture consisting of
Elegant Easy Chairs ,
Jivans , Ottomans , llassneks , Toot Rests , MuMo Hacks , I5te. , Mo , lo make room fos
, arpots and Upholstery. JTIns furniture is our own manufacture , and superior in
vorkmanship and material to factory made goods. Wo are prepared to make to or
lor on short notice , Hair Moss and Cotton Mattresses , Turkish Sin-Inn Ueds and
tedding of till kinds , and to
Upholster and Repair Furniture of all Kinds.
Mr.Stockert Personally Superintends all work.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co , (
I\K. i. M. 'a'icr. STOCK IKT :
Wholesale and retail. Knmilia supplied with ton and twenty IIOHIK ! pack
J , Y , FULLER , 39 Pearl st , , Council Bluffs
Farming Lamia in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from fn.OO to
; { .10,00 per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota on 30 years' time 5 per
co nt interest. Land J'ujcrs faiefrco. Information , etc , given by
3 = . 3 ? . Xj TJ-S-rHTJI ? ,
Xo. ftSS Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , agent for Freidrikson & Co. , Chicago.
rtilljKmilmiod Xnrmnl ami Commercial Department * Tuition llciokq , llonnl niul
Itoiiins ut HL'ii-MHmblo llnttM. Nl lil School Dunne tlio Winter.
's. - , 3 = rcat.
aHoxrsBs oje-
S. WELLS & CO. ,
Agricultural Implements , Buggies ,
Carrinjfes , Etc , Ktc. Council HlntTs , lovra.
iuYSTONETlA : UF/\C'rUKINr c67
Manufacturers of and Dealers In
Hand and Power Corn Shelters ,
And HKcnural linn of flr t olnvs npriuiiltura
Implement ! , .
HOB. 1.101,110' , ) , 1503 mid.1597 Poulh Main Slroot ,
Council liiiT ! ( , Iowa.
Mnnuf'rs an Uobbon oC
Agricultural ImplementsWagons , , Baggies ,
Carriages , and nil kinds of Farm Mnohlnnrr.
1100 to 1118 South Mnin Street , Council Bluffs ,
CAltl'KT * .
Window Shades
Carpets , Curtains ,
Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixtures , UpholKury Quo
Etc. No. 405 Broadway Council Hluffs ,
s , rotcco. . KTC.
Wliolesaln Jobbers in lha
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nos. SSMain and 27 I'etrl Sis. Council Bluffs ,
Frnit and Produce Commission Merchants.
, ! < iinil ffll I'oul St. , council Iltitrs. !
11AKLE , HAAS & CO. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Drnct'lsts' Sundries , Kte. No. 22 Milu : St , and
No. 211'onrl St. , Council Hliiim.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General CoramlKflon. No. 5U Jlr adw y ,
Council muffs.
Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery ,
NOB. 10 nnd 18 I'eurl Ht. , Council JIlutTd.
llMiu'aoturors of and Wholesale Dnnlora In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
t. . CoiincllBlufa ! , owa.
a ATS , CAl'3 , ETC.
Jobbers la Hats , Caps and Gloves ,
Nos. BI2 nnd 311 tlroadwivy , Council UliiCM.
] IKA\'Y \
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood.Stock , Council llluira , loira.
( K t.illUlieJ
E33 .Ma'n Street , I 1 Council lllnffi ,
Wholesale Dealers In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oil ? G
P.TUeodoro , Atfont , Council llluffj. law.v
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
Aodllrldse Material SnwilaUiPU.Wliplojala IUB -
X Bll Kinds. Offltiu No. I3U Main St. ,
Council Ululfi. Iowa.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
CO ) 4a-SU ( ; ; Cuime ! ! U.u/i.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors
for St. Gottharrt'rt Herb Illltors. No , I )
MitlnSU Council Hindu.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers.
No. 4lfi Ilrondwnr. Council llluffs.
1514 Douglas St , , Omalia.
.ailicsb nying a $5 hat or bonnet , oncfar
will be paid ; fie , loiind irip.
jnsl ivltxtoff / muni fur
rJiisf opened 1rn case * nf
aiMlnlli/ fur C'lii'liitnnts.
can Jlntl
yon ii'finl ( inioiid tln'in ntnllln'
rt'sare rei'if low.
Ildi-fi ftlnojitat I'cccit'rd a fc.ry
lot oj IMCV ticdifis inul Fist-linn ,
' ' ' in
Klcgtint iii'cst'ittHftn' HOII
Our asisortniont is Jarf ? " , of Silk Hand-
korcliiif ! , Mnft'lors , Embroidurcd ailtl
HenistitclKMl Hanilkcrcliiof Kid Clorca ,
Silk lre-i > o > , oto. , etc.
Table Linens
Klu nnl Table Linens in pattern and
y HID yard , anil napkins lo niat' ' > li.
Vcaro RUGS
In all si/s at nominally low prices.
Come and look over our lar o stock and
you wilt lind on some one of our three
lloorri something you will want and you
will save money by buying it of us.
Wo do not give lottery tickets and eon-
hequontly you do not have to pay juiy
extra price for the poods.
, BICE , M. B. ,
Or Othur Tumor * ICIlinvcU ititllOUt
t10 vniru oi-ilravrlni ; of blood.
Or r thnty jcars prnttiralezpuriuucu.
No. II I'carlBt. , Council Illufr.
tWConsultKUou Irco.
JOHN V. STO M5. JAC011 bU3 ]
Practice in the State and Federal courtt
Ito'ouid 7 und 8 Siuuart-Heno ) Ulook.
Will tsuppy ! you \\ith n clcanor And bettei
quality of
Than nuy one in the city. A trial \\51I co
viucc jou.
N'ofiZS Ilroadway. Telephone 110.
The only hold in Council Uluff having
Fare Esoa/pe
Anil all mo Jem improvcmcnU.
' .M5 , 817 and 21 ! ) Main * t.
MAX MOHN , Prop.
Star Sale Stables and Mule \A \
Dummy Dtiiow |
< - -
Hordes and mule.s kept constantly on
hand , for sale at lelail or in car load .
Odors promptly Tilled by contract on
bhort notice. Stock . od ! on commission.
SiiU'Tn ; A : Hoi.Kt , Proprietors.
Telephone Xo. Ill
Formerly of Keil Sale Stables , corner
Ifcl. ave and 4th all-pel.
Horses and Mules
For all puiposcp , bought and folil , nt retail
and in lots. Laigc quantities to select
fiom. Several pairs of fine drivers , in
gle or do'ible.
Council Bluffs.
hcil IS- ' , ;
Iq llc ] follov/ing Companies
Sernmii Amu-lean , of Neui Yorft
Pltirnlx , * of Hartford ,
Hartford , * of Hartfoitt.
California * , of San Ftarcleco ,
Scottish Unitu & National , of Citlnkuif ,
Union , of San Francisco ,
StatrofDti Moinet.
Wlltlamiburg t'/ty , ofBiooUyn.
these marnttt iiltha * insure also against lest by
Wind Storms , Cyclones and Tornadoes
ONKV LOANED ov ( , onn irrv
AMI rMtM riioi'i itrv AI
KM-I.S. * . * * * * * *
j. * * * *
g , i'uiinly an l
Itunk Work of All lUiiUi iiSpc v
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
Hoom 1 Kvet-Pt Block , Council Ulnfli ,
Standard Pa PITH Used All styles of bind.
ing in Maga'/.ines and
C. n. National llaa'k , ' il. B."u'niltb .t Co. ,
Oill/uitb' Hunk , lleeir , Wullsi Co. ,
Hi-si .N'ntloiinl lUnk , C H , liixiirnnua < : < > i
OtUcei-4 I' SnvJnifs llaiiU.
At Kill st and Jllli HVO. . and M. Onlla-
( 'lier's store , Lower Itroadway.
Justice of the Peace
Office o\cr Aiiicncan Kxprcis.
Abstfacts of Title , Lean and Real Es
tat * Brokers , No. 238 Mala St.
Ilnrlnu jmrcfuisnd tlw "until rclla'
ble tthitract books In thin coitiiti/-
IHIOWH tlie "Mi'Mtilion Abitvaa
JtiKiln , " ' ( t re noiv pri'int red to fit r-
nislt abHtnictit nml rexM'ftfullll no- ,
licit the ixttroiuii/tiof ( ill tliosn dealt'r -
Inn correct abirirt * of title to luiida
and lots In rottin ( > ittt > nlc count u ,