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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1886)
I I TllJL OALAHA DAIL5T BEE : WEDNESDAY , DEOEIMBER 20 , 1880. THE LINCOLN CITY CHARTER , Prospects of Trouble In the Preparation of tlio Document. THE COUNCIL AND CITIZENS. A lintRO Itcnl IXnto I'uroljnso Tlio Ncctl of A Hospital Again IlltiH- trntoit 1'ntrlok Katun's lie- covcry Cnpltnl News. frnoii Tin : ni.n's LINCOLN Tlio city council , at Us Monday even ing session , entered largely upon the dis cussion of the question of the now city charter that is to be yet Is not and which Jin the progress of human events ccr- * tnlnly moved along at a snail's pace. The oily council expressed their disapproba tion of this process of work in a unani mous action that promises n double charter business in the future , the coun cil without a dissenting vote instructing their formerly appointed charier com mittee to proceed at oncn nnd sccuro a competent man to draw up a charter and submit it lo the legislature for action , It is very evident that the committee of olti/cns who have been Miptiosed to have this matter In charge will not accept kindly this Independent action of the council , but 0:10 : prominent olli/.en in publlo aflairs expresses himself that tlio committee need not expect anything else considering the progress backward that has been made up to thu present time. Several member * of the council speak of the entire ignoring of their body in the work of framing a charter , and they con sider that a lltllo respect to the wishes of the city government is at least Uuo them in the work of framing a charter , and they claim that up to the present their wishes have been entirely ignored in the matter. The result promises now to be a double charter , or rather two diflercnt drafts of a law of that character to bo presented lo the legislature , nnd micli an act would not tend to Iho speedy securing of a charter when the lawmakers muiit. The charter committee that has been * upposod to bo at work for two or thrco TV'eeliH has not yet progressed far enough to have an instrument prepared that citi zens could read and discuss , and yet the days of the session are at the door. Tlio city council in thu last year have had an experience In city affairs that has pointed out to them in tin emphatic manner many at the necessities that , the now charter , in order to meet requirements , ought to contain. The council also expressed dis approval of the plans of the nitiKon'a charter committee that contemplates excise boards and other luxuries that members of thccouncildoem best left oil' all of which undoubtedly infliicnccu them in their action of going it alone and taking chances of Iho charter to be prepared by them gaining the good will of the legislature necessary to make it the law. Yesterday afternoon a meeting was held in Councilman ISillingsly'soHico to lake action on the matter and select the man to do the work. MH. HAUANAOAIX ATtllS CITIfl ! . lion. Patrick Kngan , who it will bo ro- mumborrd sustained an accident some two weeks ago , in which ho received some ugly scalp wounds , is out to-day and at tending to his duties at lii.s odico for the lirst time since tlio accident. Mr. Kagan's wounds were at no time considered son- oiw , but they wore of a nature that re quired attention and a guarding from the ooltl. The cili/.cns who met Mr. Kagun while on the streets to-day were most mi-dial in their congratulations over his recovery. ANOT1IKU I.AHC.E SAI.K. Mr. F. L. Sheldon , who has been mak ing many largo and important purchases in Inside city mil estate and business lots , hits just added to his purchases two lots situated opposite the old Clifton hotel property , paving therefore the round sum of ' 0,000 cash. These are well located business lots on Twelfth street , and are in thu immediate vicinity of property re cently purchased by the mime man. It is reported that thesb purchases are not over yet. and that other desirable prop erty M being negotiated for that will swell the list still further. IA IIOSl'lTAI. NKKOl'.D. Yesterday old man Sedoway , who keeps the National hotel , became drunk and Jirod from the house a boarder who was Mck in bed with pneumonia. The sick man was a day laborer , some ninu- ti'on years of age , and reputed as an hon est num. When he was put out hu man aged in some way to get up town to the city jail nnd n physician was called in who reported him dangerously , sick ami it Is a wonder how ho over "journeyed from the hotel to the jail. The police wore trying yesterday to lind a place where the young man could bo cared for. AT WKbT UXCOr.N . The two packing houses are handling all thu hogs that come in and were crying for moro yesterday. Mr.V. . II. Silver- horn of packing house number two , who pased the Christmas week in Chicagore turned yesterday for u continued per sonal supervision of his housu. The re ceipts at thu stock yards yesterday were 100 head , the prices paid runglntr from $1.15 to { 4Ti pur hundred , an advance from the market of the day before of llvo cents. The stock dealers who have es tablished headquarters at the stock yards were anxious for the dullness of liolidn.y.s to puss and for receipts to begin to on- TOWN TOl'lCS. The whistle of the waterworks engine aroused people from sleep about' ! } o'clock yesterday morning and called the tin coiupiiiiy to the scene , which was in tlio Fourth ward in a small dwelling whicl was owned by Henry Fry ami occupiei by a widow and her child. When the noighhors discovered the iiro thcv hat only time to break in thu house and res- one the inmates , who wore Mliieping amid the roaring ( hunt's totally unconscious o tlioir danger. Nona of the household ef fccts were saved and the dwelling was past help before thu lire company luu the wntur ( lowing , entailing a loss ot about a $1.000 with very little insurance Senator Van Wyck came up from his IionuimOlou county yesterday , where ho Is pu.s.-.lng thu ImlldayK. Thu sonatoi js In excellent health and ovcullcnt spir its , ami is evidently ready for the sen atorlal content in all its phases. Senator elect Brown , of Stilton , \yas a the capital yesterday , and Hupresenta- tivo-nleet Jeary , of Cuss , was also anionf , the visiting members for thu day. Sou tttor t'ongor also rolurnud from his visi at ho me yesterday ready for the prelim inarics. Kx-Sonator Paddock , of Beatrice , ar rived in the city yesterday ready to greo the mumbors-oleet. Mr. Paddock has , aooinH engaged for the session and wil ij Moh what becomes of his boom. In police court yostonlay but two cases engrossed the attention of thu judge , two Parties named Pat Larson and J. II Morton being up for drunkenness. Kaol was lined the customary t and costs. Homer J. Kvani. treasurer of Buffalo county , and John Peters , of Hoono , ropro bcntalivo-olect. were in the city yestordiu HIM looking after business matters will the state auditor , Soiuo of the employes ot the caplto 'Wilding have placed u large picture o John A. Logan ovortho doorway to the LiU Cm'inco | I'UPJ'oprialely ' draped in L- J.V. \ . Poarman , who lias beon-koeplng out of mischief by writing alleged funny articles on the Van Wyck question , was ui Lincoln yeslorday assisting in supply log thu Journal with ammunition , tour sa-ks of reyibtcrcd m ail matter wern received at the Lincoln postoffice ostordny , the largest arrival in the his- ory of the oflico under the present ad ministration , Prof. Samuel Autrhcvvlio has been n the south for his health for sonio time , returned home to Lincoln A esierdny. Among the Ncbraskans in the city yea- crday were noticed ( imoiit ; others the ollowing ! J. Jensen , Geneva1 , J. P. Unul , Fairmont ; II. S , King , Friend ; iVm. Newton , Harvardj W. J. Jones , David City ; II. Jncobson , Omaha ; 8. L. Wlls , Nebraska City : J. E. Lumloss , Itcd Cloud ; Sam Barker , M. Morris ° cy , Platlsmouth ; W. .1. Pcmborton , Rey nolds ; C. F.Taylor , Hastings : U.S. Bibb , Beatrice. An Inventor's Ailvlcc. George Stevenson when advising young men how to ge.t on would finish by saying "Do as L have done persevere. " For filftccn years ho plodded and worked bo- torn giving the finishing touches to his locomotivo. In as many clays those por- hevorlng in the use of Dr. Pierco's "Golden Medical Discovery , " have ex perienced great relief and found them selves on thu high toad to health. Liver complaints , impure blood , chronic lung [ llcoascs and many others yield lo its licaling influences never , to return. All druggists. * * ollntiKcr anil HrrSon. Paris Dispatch to the London Dally Telegraph : Tlio demi'inondaincs and da slung Cyprians who disgraced Ilio do- clinit ol the last umpire are passing away otio bv ono. A few weeks iigo it was Cora Pearl , and noxv it is Marguerite Boliangor , an imperial Aspashi whoso connection with the once mighty arbiter of Ktirope is a matter of history. The last time I saw the famous Nell Uwynno , or Peg Wellington of the umpire , fehu was familiarly called M argot. Shu was quietly walking along tlio boulevards thickly veiled , and arm-in-arm with a mule friend , who had been famed among the dandies of the empire as ono of Iho fastest copurchics in Paris Liku u good many of her profession , Murgot had retired to : i pretty suburban n-trcat at Passy , whence she migrated to St. Cloud , and afterward to Villenouvo eons Dam- martin , whore she has just departed this life if not in odor of Himctity , at least fortified bv tlio last sacraments of : i church which has always behaved with the greatest leniency to repentant Mag- dulons. It is not uncommon , nowadays , lo meet in some pleasant rusorl In the Miliurbs or environs of Pans mysterious ladies a good dual on Iho decline , a.s the French Pay , find who distill around thorn a subtle porfuinn of pearl powder and patchouli. These persons are , as a rule , on excellent terms with their parish priests , for they attend all their religious duties with a punctuality worthy of the most zealous devotee , and their quarterly visits to the business places of Parisian bankers , where plclhorio balances have been left to their credit by former protectors , enable them lo return to tlioir retreats with a periodical proclivity for eleemosynary practices which delight the honest heart of Monsieur lo Cure. ; Of this class was Marguerite Bcllaugor during the close of her extraordinary career. After the Franco-German war she married an Englishman , who is .said to have been n sailor. Her union with the son of Neptune was not of long dura tion , as they parted company in Kugland or Germany , I forgot which , and Margot returned to Paris to witness the desola tion which had overtaken the pleasant places of yoro. Like Lord Chcsterliuld and his friend Tyrawlcy she had been theoretically dead for a Jong time , but it was only rv day or two ago that she suc cumbed lo the renewed attacks of peri tonitis and passed away In real earnest. Altirqucrito Bollangcr's connection with emperor has been discussed in many books. Like Cora Pearl's , her memoirs appeared a few years ago , but werc iHlo read. Margot was in the heyday of her voiilli and beauty a blonde with spark ling black eyes. She reminded ono of those "blomluttcs doucoltus ct do benne grace" whom Kubelais describes as hav ing acted us waiti esses at the dinner given by the unctuous and luxur ious Bishop Homenaz. The legend runs that the emperor lirst met Bcllangcr at Vichy in 18G8. Her real name had a less poclio ring Ihan her ndopled ono. She was called t-'rancoiso Lobojul , and had been a , bad actress at the Beaiimarchais , the Delassoments Continues , vulgarly known as the "Delas Com , " which Paul do Kock was so fond of attending , and she was altCrward a. ( iguruuto , or female supernumerary , at the old opera. Although as unsuccessful on the stage us was Cori : Perrl , Alargot was not wanting in cleverness , and her ambition was equal to her intelligence and good looks. Louis Napoleon was said to have met her as ho sought refuge from the rain in comq covered place near Vichy when out hunting. Sho. promptly placed a mackintosh on his shoulders , and reversing the role which hi ordinary circumstances .should have been that ol the Imperial Cicsar himself , she literally came , saw and con quered. Margot. as will bo remembered , caused a tremendous scandal by alleging that the emperor was about to become : i parent. The scandal madn moro noise at tlio time than the fall of the Per.signy ministry , nnd tlio empress , when she heard of it , became furious. The matter was partially hushed up , but after Sedan Iho drawers In thu emperor's rooms at the Tuilories were ransacked ami lettcis from Marguerite Bcllangor were found. Ono was an epistle to M. Dovionno , a lawyer , who had been charged by the emperor to regulate the aifair of the birth , and Die other wr > s a longer com munication addressed to the uinperoi himsulf. who was called in it , "Cher Seigneur. " The two epistles were in an envelope sealed with the luttei "N. " and the imperial crown , and super scribed in Napoleon's handwriting "to bo kept. " The publication of thnso docu ments was warmly opposed after Sep tember 4 by AIM. Jules Simon , Jules Favro. General Trochu and others , M. Jules 1-orry and M. Arago were of a dif ferent'opinion , and M. Dovionno was formally calloJ before the court of cassa tion for having carried on ccrliln ne gotiations unworthy of a maglstrato , tlieso consisting' in his endeavors to prove , for the satisfaction of the empress , that thu son born to llellanger was not the emperor's child. No action was hownvur , taken ngainst thu magistralu , Ihu court having pronounced altotrothei In his favor. The Mm bornisnowlwenty- two years old. An estate was settled on him shortly after his birth. MOST PERFECT Proptrcrt with sWet regard toPnrltr , Strenjtli , an < s. Dr. J'rictTelUkiDuPowUer contains ' THE ABSENT SENATOR JONES Yftu There Erer Quite Such a O. e Among American Statesmen ? VAINLY PURSUING AN HEIRESS. I2ntrc.itc8 , Tlircnlf ) Pall to More 111 rn From Ills rnrpoac Dcvotott to One Whom Ho Hns Met lint Thrice. A Detroit , Special to the Now York World Bays : Tlio small farmers who drive Into town nl break of day nnd marshal their wagons nnd carts under Ilio pro tecting shield of Mfca Michigan , perched nloft on Soldiers' monument , often have their uttcntlon nttructed by : i tall ligiire that comes out of the hotel uour by uim strikes olTut u swinging Rnto for an early constllniional. From 0SO : till nearly i ) o'clock onch morning Senator Jones , of I1 lei Ida , for ho it is whom the fanners otlcc , walks the Htrcot-s of Detroit. U'u presence is an familiar that ho attracts nttunlioD only when a Dulroitur casually points him out to : v stiangor : ia one of the sights of the town. The senator lias a very small acquaintance' , for , nno by one , the acquaintances that ho innilu when he lirst came hero have dropped oil' , that now ho is a very lonely man. It was in the summer of 1832 that Wm , ( J. Thompson , then the mayor of Detroit , innt Senator .lonos at Newport. Air Thompson , being u man of the world and fund of the good things thereof , look naturally to the Dig senator from Florida , who IN also disposed to look kindly on the llttshpots , Senator Jones had mot in Washington Miss Palms , of Detroit. Ho had hoard of her fiithur'ri great wealth and ho foil in love with the lady , or nn , ideal of her. However , while ho wns in Washington Mr. Jones had no opportun ity to cultivate nn acquaintance with Miss Palms. Ho rrsDoiulutl cordially , therefore , to Mr. 'Ihompson's urgent in vitation to make a visit to Detroit. Sena tor JOUOH came hero for the lirst time in June , 1833 , and was inado n lion of. Thuro were jolly parties at private honsus and at. Iho clubs , excursions on the river and various other tilings In his honor. Senator Palmer was * among those to ex tend hospitality to the senator from Florida nml the memories of n. ulun ant dinner given by iho Michigan senator at Iho Detroit club , on which occasion the stories wcro as good as the wine , nro still given , lint ho succeeded no bettor hero than in Washington with regard to Miss Palms On Juno 7 , 1885. Senator Jones came to Detroit to live. Ho secured the best room at Russell house and there ho has made his home over since his infatuation for the lair vision of his dreams has be come intense. By nature he is a weeper , as the Quakers say. Ho has a very largo heart , which he wears always in Homo ac cessible place. To his friends ho talks freely about his all'cctionsand often tears spring to his eyes as his impulses sway him. His warm-hcartcdnesa , however , is not met by uny How of affection from the other side. Jn hjiito of letters addressed to the lady nnd her father ; in spite , too , of the intercessions with mutual friends his suit has failed ijrnominiously. He lists met Miss Palms only twice in De troit and once in Washington. So creat is his hallucination that ho hut main tained that the oltlolals of the Catholic church , from t ho mipromo pontiff ntliomo to the lowliest altar boy in Detroit , have formed n league to deprive him on ins love and to save her money for the church. Numerous sharp letters on the subject have passed between him and- various clorymen of the city. Every day the snnalor walks by the Palms house , and apparently ho has not given up the thought of some day realizing his dreams. However soft Senator Jones' heart may be , his head is hard , and ttio "cold tea" that would bo too much for an ordinary mortal is easily carried by the burley senator. Jt is reported that one night in October of last year , something was out of gear , for in attempting to speak at an Irish aid meeting Senator Jones con fessed that lie did not know whether he was addressing Irishmen or democrats. As a matter of fact the platform was cov ered with prominent republicans. From that night his daily life has been very temperato. All stories about his drink- inj' to excess are pure fabrications. When approached by his friends the subject of returning to Washington. Senator Jones lirmly waves them oil and changes the subject. The last time that ho was regularly reasoned with on the subject was in .November , 1885. Then his htrong political and personal friend , Mr. Hickey , of Pcnsacola , came to miika a last effort to induce him to return to his duties. Mr Ilickey was joined by Mr. Thompson and another friend and the case was presented in every possible sliaiie , but the senator absolutely refused to yield. He has no idea of ruiuniing to Washington , norwill ho return to Florida to seek election Ho does not expect to bo sent back to the senate , \ctitis known that hn has no income outside of his salary. The question as to what ho will do after his pay stops in March is bothering his friends , but ho gives no sign. Senator Jones' career has boon a strange one. His fath'cr was an Irish Presbyterian with a bullet iu his head , an acquisition gained while ho was in the British army. Hn married late in life a ladv who was a Catholic , and many wore the disputes between the pair as to the religious education of their son , now the senator from Florida , N\ lien Mr. Jones , sr. , died his widow , fearing that her husband's family would insist on taking the children from her to bring up in the Protestant faith , came with them to America. During the war young Jon us was a friendless huvyer in Florida. Ho cared nothing for the southern canst ) , but saw no reason why he should declare. hinjsolf a union man , so ho struggled along until pence came , nnd then his abilities as a lawyer began to bo recog nized. Twelve years ago ho was elected fconator. Ho started with three votes , was taken up as a compromise candidate and was elected. At that time ho was regarded as the ablest man in Florida. In one of his law cases Mr. Jones had fought for the right of pome llltlo Florida railroad to build and operate a telegraph line in opposition to the Wo tern union , and when ho was- defeated in court ho swore vengeance. On entering the senate - ate he introduced a bill securing to every interstate railroad the right above men tioned. The lobby kept the bill in coin- mitteo , but , nothing daunted. Senator Jones went over to ( lie house and got Hen Butler to Introduce the bill there nnd light it through Finally it became a law. Ho also maintained the theory that when Secretary lielknap's resignation been accepted hu wis beyond the power of impeachment , and ho'carried out his theory by refusing to vote for impeachment During the campaign of 1881 ho was on the ntump in Now York appealing to the Irish to stand by the old party. lie thought that his word saved the state nnd , as a consequence , ho was of the opinion that ho hud a right to more con sideration than ho received from the president. Senator Jones is a great egotist and not a little ynm. Consider ing himself a great constitutional law yer , he has alwayH felt that his place was on the judiciary committee. , and it lias been the great grief of his political life that ho uas not appointed to a place on that committee.Ho has not been coin suited even .about the appointment of a sinjjlo postmaster. Fooling , therefore , that lip was unapjiroomted both by his crtlleugues anil by the administration , Washington has no charms for him , Senator Jones has three sons and a daughter. Ono of thn sons h a clerk to n senatt committee ; another in in college in Georgetown , and the third his father's cl.irk in Detroit , drawing a salary of 81,001 , a year from the government. The ilnuchtor is living in Mr. Hiukcy's family in Pcnpncola. The latest mania of Iho senator is that James G , Bl&Sno is socking to destroy him politically became ho stopped the going over to Air. Hlalt o on the imit of the Irish people of New York. Ho im agines that there is n dam-laid plot to prevent him over attaining the position he has won by his abilities , nnd ho as sorts ( hat all the newspapers of Washing- tion. democratic as well ns republican , are tools of Mr. Ulaino. WASHINGTON rUZX.I.f.n AltOUT tT. WASHINGTON , Deo. 18 The opinion has quite generally prevailed hero for the last six or eight months that Senator Jones is sufTerlng from an aberration of mind , rausud by disappointment in love. This opinion has been voiced by his col league. Senator Call , who hus evidently aiiokcn knowingly. With bomo it la thought that Mr. Jones means to marry , if possible , the woman wnoso name has been associated with his by the gossips nnd that ho will not leave Detroit so long as Miss Palm continues to reside there or until she cither marries or dies. The be lief that gained credence hero a fo\V months ago Hint the senator intended opening a law ( illico in Dcttolt and settling there in business no longer finds belief with those who now glvu him a thought. The marked regularity with which ho makes diafts upon the clerk of the senate for his salary would indicate that his reason was still intact. That ho has bj his actions forfeited all possible chances of re-election lo the senate is a well established faet , for nowhere in the country is hu more cordially disliked than by the people of his own state , Florida. A somewhat charitable theory is advanced by some of Iho senators that the reason for hi' prolonged absence from the senate is that ho has not the moral courage to again appear in the chamber after the many reports as to the real cause of Ida lirst three month's stay in Detroit. She has Iho completion of a peach , Fozzonl's ' Medicated Complexion Powder did it. Sold by all druggists. Tim Measurement , of ttic Year. Iloston Journal of Education The length of the year is strictly Jtorj days , 5 hours 48 minutes 41) ) seconds and seventeenths of a second the time required for the revolu tion of the earth round the sun. About 4fi II. C. , Julius Cpjsar , by the help of So- sigincs , an Alexandrian whilosoph'jr.eamo to a tolerably clear understanding of the length of a year , nnd decreed that every fourth year should be held to consist of ! ! ( ! 0 days for the purpose of absorbing the odd hours. By this rather clumsy ar rangement the natural time fell behind the reckoning , as , In reality , a day every fourth year is too much' by 11 minutes , 10seconds , and tlircc-te.ntlis of a second , so it inevitably followed that the begin ning of the year moved onward ahead of the point nt which it was in the days of Cuisar. From the time'of the council of Nicn , in ! ! 25 A. 1) ) . , when the vernal equi nox foil correctly on the 21st of March , Pope Gregory found , In 1582 A. D. , that there had been an over-reckoning to the extent of ton days , and that the vernal equinox fell on the llth of March. To correct the past error he decreed that the fith of October of that year should bo reckoned as the 15th , and , to keep the year right in futurn the overplus being 18 hours 37 minutes and 10 seconds in a century hn ordered that every centen nial year that could not bo divided by four (1TOO ( , 1800 , U)00 ) , 2100 , 2200) ) fhoulil m t bo bissextile , as it otherwise would bo ; thus , in short , dropping the extra day three times every 400 years. While In Catholic countries the Gregoriun style wa readily adopted. It was not so in Protestant nations. In Britain it was not adopted until 1752 , by which time the dis crepancy between the Julian and Grc- gorgian periods amounted to 11 day. . An act of Parliament was passed dictat ing that September 3 of that year should bo reckoned the l-ltli , and that three of every four centennial years should bo lean years : 1800 not being a leap year , the now and old styles now differ 12 days , our January 1 being equivalent to the lIHIi , old stvle. In Russia alone of Christian countries is the old style re tained. The old style is still retained in the treasury accounts of Great Britain. In old times the year was hold to begin on March 25 , and this usage , or piece of antiquity , is also still observed in the computations of the chancellor of the British exchequer So the lirst day of the liaancial year is April 5 , being "Old Lady Day. " Prof Clias & Von , , LiK&ig Seeger profntforof Modlclno at tun Uojnl University Klilu'M ot tlio 1(05:1 ( : ! Auitrmn Ordcir of tlm Iron Cronni Knlulit Comtniuiilnr of the Royal HnanltU Ortrrnf In ilinlliii Knlnht of Ilia Itornl I'ruMlan Or. ( leroriheltoil Kimlo : Uliavuller of tbo Lazlau uC Honor. otc. . etc. , Httyn : -I.KIIIIU CO'H fcoi/A HKEr TONIO shonM not 09 rom'oumleil with tlio liorJo of trmhy cure nil * . It 1 > In nnncn o of the uonln imumt riinnljI I am tlior- ouililrf.onrariiHntwlllilt mo'le ' of pripiiraikm util knor U to bo nut ontr n luzltlDi tto plitiriuac'jiiUc&I product.biit nlnowortny of the high commendation * Ittinirocolvodtn nil purHof the world. It contains rmoncd of llocf. Cotu. Qulnlno , Iron and Ciilltara , which nrortlKKnlpod In pureroiHitno HpanljU imperial Crown Sherry. " InvnliinMoio all ulio nre Ilun I > oirn , N rvoui. ! > / < Peptic. Illlloui , Mulurimis or nnictetl with woik kid- UCJf. Her Majesty's ' Favorltle Cosmetic Glycerlna tlnofl bjTIornnynl JtlKhno tno Prln < M > n of Walei anilthe nobllltf. for Iho Skin , Cumuloxlon. Krup- Uonn.OtiHjiplTii ; . 9) ) . Of itruiulnu. I.IKIIH ) CO'H ( ioiiulnu Hrrun nofiiiiriiirlllali | uslue bait Hnriiuarlllalatue marltut. LIHCBLHBUSHBSDRECOBY Itccfutly Ilnllt. Ncwl The Treinont , J. 0. l < Tr/aiilAU : > i. 5 ) N , I'roprlBlori , Cor. ti\i \ iiiul 1'rits , Lincoln , Nub. Rates > 1.V ) i > er day , bueet CAM froiu.Uou to anr part of Ida cilr. ' J. II. W. HAWKINS , Architect , -II. ,1t anil < 2 , Rli'lmrJj Illoclt , Lincoln. Neb. Eloviiloronlltli ItreeJornl , t UALLUIVAVCATIIE. GrtnUTlluUXOATTLB KMVOpDS. \ . Live Stock Auctioneer HnlcH mi'lt : ) In till imrto.ot the U , 8. ntfalr rates. Knotn 3 , Mutu llluckl Mncolii , No I ) , GiUlowur uiui Shurt jlarri thills tor alo. B. II. GOULDING , Fann Loans and Insurance , Correspondence In rcrnrrt to loam sollultel liooni 4 , Itlclinnb Itlotk , Lhiuohi. Neb , Riverside Short Horns Ot strictly uuro llntos nul Ilati-sTai'iioJcutllo. llord iHiinhera about M bvaJ. l < 'ainllloti rcpronfnto.1 : Kilborn , Cruifcs , Acouiba. Koniox. Itosuof Bharonri , > toss Ilo.-tus , KniKbtlDufhi'isii - ) , rial Creuk Vuuuj llur/s , lllsod , Ixjuuiii tiiidTruo Ixivcs. llulls lor salu , 1 1'urii llntci 1'iloart. 1 Pure Bati < > Cratrtra , I lloseof Slinion , I Votin ? Wftry , 1 1'liiv Crulck Sbunk and ether * . Coino ADI ] InsMoctthu lit-M. Address , OKAS. 21. I1HA.N- SON , Lincoln , Nob. \Vhon in Lincoln etop at National Hotel , AuJirel agood uiunorl'u - > c. c.FUDAWAV To all who made Christmas presents , and the same purchased from the 7 : Nebraska Clothing Company , whether their qualities and low prices were not precisely as advertised ; furthermore , any purchased garment unfortunately not procured the exact size , it was either exchanged or the money cheerfully refunded ? In the last issue , although they occupied considerable more than the usual space , still , the stock being and is yet too immense to partic ularize , it will therefore be more satisfactory to the public to drop in and see for themselves the splendid bargains they offer at the G-REAT CLOSING- SALE , which is to continue until inventory is taken. Great sacrifices in gent's furnishings. For instance , they offer : X' to dozen all SMt' Scat'fs tit JL.'c cadi , worth conslilcntMinarr ! money , J > ' { ( > < 7t > reii Hffii'tf All Wool llosctit lucl-acli , worth dottlilctlic moiiry. JJLO\loin Gentlemen's \tiicif Umle.rwctn , tlicaJilrt ti'immcd with $ ! ! ! ; lihiillnu , ' ( It w.Tt ! CHCjl , 1L'lU'7l ! 1t > tl ! < l ln'.CllC < tt ( tt TtiC. ! > { ) dozen 2r ? < 'ii'.i While Unluttndrlal Shti'ls , at XOc , other tleulera act. ' at Itttsl for the a Remember THEY AKE the originators of low prices. And all goods are marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at the Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha , lo t tlirorcich error * or t < J - - - -yjir.ttlccft , ni.rL | ierrm lly rtc lin-d ! ; ih n w Civlale Urethra ! Cff VONS. 8 < "l foronr B w llln.ti .lei J'JOold. tolU.llh. " Alxolot. nciKf , Agency , 174 * H < " > Bt. , N. V. r > tMit ! tithr . lndl-crnlnnicr I.ICrllFi , fl K ( IL'iKtM THE TO ri'HKb/thli , , mild , laoUilrf rurrcnti of irclly through illwetlipiiti.rri.tor- to liralth and VJfiwrous Sirprgih. Llcctric Current VVJS.J-lcltlnntintli'er woforftlt gvmo In caih. UrrattitlmprotrmfDliorcr All olhfr bells , wont ctiet per- tntneTitlrrnrrdtnthrpamdntlii. Ptftlt-rt ptmpt.let4c. ttnip The Sanden Eloctrio Co. 109 LaSalle si. , Chicigd DRS.S.&D.DAYIESON . . . , d IB I..V\VKINCU STJIET , - - COIOKAI > 0 , OrtneMissomi State M-seum of Anato my , St. Louis , Mo. ; University College Hospital London , Gicscn , Germany and New York. Having devoted their atten tion SP3CEA1LI.Y TO THE TREATMENT OF ( I DISEASES. Mote especially those arising fiom impru dence , invite all so Buffering to concspond without delay. Diseases of infection nnd contagion cured eafuly nnd speedily without detention from business , and without the use of dangerous drugs. Patients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning tbcir symptoms. All Ict'cis icceivc immediate attention , PUBLISHED 3 And will be mailed FREE lo any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Physical * sical Exhaustion , " to which is added an "Essay on Marriage , " with important chnp- lers on DISKASKS OF TUB KCPRODUCTIVK OKOANS , the whole lonning a valuable med ical treatise which should be read by all young men. Address B > flS. 8. & I > . I > AVlKSOiV , 3.18 Lmrruiico & . , ' Duiivur , C'ol. lflirnin BOSTONMASS. CAPITAL , - $400OOO , SURPLUS , . . . . 4OO,000 Accounts 'of Itanki , Bankers and Corpo rations solicited. Our facilities for COLLECTIONS aie excellent and we re-discount for banks when balances warrant it Boston is n Reserve City , and balances with us frotnbanksnot ( located in other Itu- * erve Citicbj count as. reserve. We draw our own Exchange on London and the Continent , and make Cable truns- lers and place money by telegraph through out the United States and Canada. Government Bonds bought and told , and Exchanges in Washington made for lianks without extra charge. We have a market for prime first-class Investment Seem Hies , and invite proposals Irom States , Counties and Cities when is suing bonds , We do a general Banking business , and invite correspondence. ASA P. POTTER , Piesident. JOS.V \ , WORK , Cashier , Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NJJHUASKA. Paid up Capitol . . . . $250,000 Burplub % . .30,000 II. W. Vat < M , President. A , K. Toii7.ilinico : Prerldont. \V , II S. Hughes , Cashier. UlllECTOnSI W. \ . Morse , John S. Collins , H. W. Yatcs. Lewis S. llecd. A. E. Touzalin. BANKING OFFICE : TIfJE IRON BANK , Cor ISth and Furnnm Sta A General Banking Business U'runsactcd , N , W. HARBIti & CO. BAXKKliX. CHICAGO. nftUnQ Of Couutles. Clllc * nnd othonpf U will'w liljfli KruUo boutrlit ami bold. Kusteru eWe UOeronuilrb ttUoetoa. . Corr pouiV noebOllclted. Lawrence Ostroni & Co. FAMOUS "BELLE OF BOURBON. " Is Death to Consumption , Malaria , Sleeplessness , Chills and Fovera Or Insomnia , and Typhoid Foyer , Dissimulation , Indigestion , Of Food , Dyspepsia , Ten Years Old , Surgical Fevers , No KiiHol Oil , Blood Absolutely Purn Poisoning : . The GREAT APPETIZER TliU will icrtlfr tlint I li.ic rsnmlnetl the lini.M : Ol" HOCItnON WIIISICV. rffMrod from llti.M K CHTIIOM \ ( ' ( > . .iind found tlmnnnio to be | > arfi > rtly tre * frinn I'livl Oil nil mlicr dolauirl- OUH substancod find Mrlctljr pure. 1 t-hocrf ully rounmmpnil the num ? Tor Kjtmllv Anil Mrtllctnat mirnriAOB. J. I' . IIAHMJ.M..M ! > . , An-itl ! < Ml Clu'mlst , I.iMiitvlllo , Itr. Fori'ttlBbyDruzaliilj. WlnoMnrcliantnml droonni uvomrlio IMcn tl.z3iprlMUlln. | Irnntroiiiirlnttlicutinvit , hull' ilorcn luittlon , erproni plMti LKI.-OS , will liu tout to nny aOdron In tliu UnUoil bi.iUMi or CuiuulH , UN ruculiit ol nix cJollurx , LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky Wholesale and Distributing Agents , Cl OOT > MAN nil UG CO. , and ) JtlLEX 0 J > fLLON , Wholesale Liquor Dculers , \ . Jiinili ( ! . < isiijnli < ' ( l1 > } / GLADS'lOXK JlllOti. Ll t'O. , Omaha. Jl. T. CL.lftk miUG CO. , MEATS ROASTED IN THEIR OWN JUICES , BY USING THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR I'ODND EXCLUSIVELY ON THE STOVES @ RANGES. Them Is not D coolilntt pparntu rand * utlng tli * SolM Uren l > uor , buttliultli Iua Ininiliibtof tniwUU frointwoolf-Uiato forty p'jrcorit. of I liu maat roait l. luotbor words , n rib of Iviof , nulffhlnu tun xx > iiud it rmifttul modlum to vrsll'donu irlll Juno IlirwiiJOundi. Tha eaino roaatcd in tbo Charter Oak Haccra uainp the Wire Gauit Ovan Door loses About one pound , Tnnllnwin ttoi.lirlnk ! to InnnA Inrso portion ol IU Jultio ami lluvnr. 1 ha film * ilu notM-Mirata , und raalUUSTRATEQCmCUURSAUOPSICC LICTS. it IIM.OIUCI. tuu h , tiiitulu auj uuiialnlmljla. CHABTER OAK STOVES and EANOE8 are BOLD IN NEBRASKA as followi : MILTON ROGERS ft SONS OMAHA. TANNKI.L&SWRKNEV , . TAitcunr. 1' . KENNEV , GOKUOM. ULTII.K & FAUI'.K , . FKANKIJH. DALLAS K I.U1SON , HASTINGS. N I. JOHNSON . Nuinii UCNO. K. C. HIUW1.U : , HAV SPKINGS. J. f McCAFFIJHTY , . O'Nen t. CIT . II. AIUL ) & CO. , NKUKISI.'A Onv , U HA/l.l'.WOOU , W. V. TKMI'I.KION NUJOK. J S DUKIC . , , , . , , , . , , . . 1'i-AVrsMouTii. J. II. S1UKDKVANT & SON , ATKINSON. A , I'I'.AUSON , . , . HIURIJHO. 1.KASS8.CO CIIAUVOH I G URI'.KN . SrKoiisevrc. KUAUSE , LU11KRR & WKLCII , . .COIUMBUS , 1 A I'AODKN&SON . SurnKto * OLDS 1JKOS EU..AH. T1MMEKMAN & FKAKKU , . . VBKOOK. RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. Prices the lowest , llupalrlnjj a specialty. All work warrant ed. Corner Douglas and Ifith streets. Ouiulit LlcunsuU Wutolunakcr for the Union Pneillcs Railroad company , The 0 , E. Mayne Eeal Estate and Trust Co N. W. COB. 16th AND HARNiiY , OMAHA. Properly ot every description for sule in ull parti of the city. Laodi for sala lu erery county in Nebraska. A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACTS Of Titles of Douglas county kept. Alans ot the olty slate or county , or auy other infonutition desired , furuUhcd free ol cliw'ua upon appllcalloa.