Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Whe > nt Opens Stronger On Burners of a For
eign War.
Dull and Featureless Caltlo
Olmrnctorlzcd Uy 1-Miiotmttloiin
Actltc mid Higher
General Quotation ? ,
CHICAGO , Dec.Special Telegram to
the Ur.E.J The wheat market opened
ctiougor. New York was ? 8'c hlplicr at 07' ' c
for May. Wheat quickly responded to the
news that was coming In , advancing to bOc
nmlEG'ftCfor ' May. The air was full of war
talk and danmgo to Australian ciops. When
the market struck N5c It also struck some
uhcat , which stopped the advance nnd dead-
rncd tiadlng , sagclng bade to Wy < c , ruling
ftrndy with only a model a to trade. May
Fagged ofl to MlfSSV c on n desultory mo\c-
incut , but the undcilono kept linn with Xcw
Vork bu > lng and Eeiuling news ot nn nl-
legcd comideutlalsoit about the wnr feeling
nbiond , nnd ns they emphasized it uy Inn Ing ,
the wheat ciowd had Io believe ( here was
homethlng In it , and shorts nnd scalpers
tinned ( nil nnd ran , May advancing to M'ic.
falos nt the outside , however , were limited.
Jloceipts w ere quite model die , while clear
ances showed no lirst rule , lialtlmoie
cuntributcd 84,000 bushels to the movement.
The closing public cable quoted l.Heipool
quiet witli modemteilcmnnd nnd uiiclianged
prices. 1'iom fcrt'jc pi Ices eased back
quickly to WiJuQS.1 ! , then there was a steady
frwell to yiKc , principally on bujing eiders
liom Now Yolk , who kept ou hiiyinc with
out giving any new reason for It , and the
only conclusion It that news anil linn
pilsatu cables found sliong bcllevuts In
( lotliam. Fifteen loads wrro taken ut New-
York for export. The close was Miong at
WV "Id for May , 7i Kc for .Innimiy , 7l tc
foi Kcbiuary nnd bO' c for .March. Coin
opened with a fair show of animation In tlic
( jpi'culiitlvi ! market , and there were some out-
Hide ordeis recclvijtl , pilnclpally 011 the. buyIng -
Ing side , but business was not as laige in the
npjiegato ns yeslcid.xy nnd tr.ullnc ecu-
dally was of n scalping Older. A
ptrong teellng was again developed , the im
provement being mainly In sympathy with
provisions nnd wheat. The icccipt" continue
lair nnd the New Yoik market was Him.
The closing pi Ices for le.tding futures were
> jiiVc ( higher foi the , seller Jnnuaiy
closing ai i7'Xc ! ' , I'Vbniary at M7 @ : i74C nnil
jlay at 4"\c. The fliiciuatlons In pi ices
* IMC within a nnirow inline. C.its ) were dull
nnd lentmelcss hut lirmci , May closing
nt niUXi r'-c. May jiork sold to day up to
812.52 ; . ; . bwalleitou , one of tlie ilchest of
the packets , havs : "I think that It is quite as
likely to hell at 5510.00 asanyothei llgtiie. "
'J'liere were only ll.OiK ) hogs at thovnid ,
about 10,000 less , than were expected. This
ilctcimined ttie crowd , anil tin-price , which
wns htaited at 81275 : ! , \\.ts teen inn up 15c.
HOverjbody is mixed over thu speculative
hltuation. Jt is generally admitted that
pacUeis lm\o not enpinceicdthe ndvance.and
it Is quite genei.ill > believed that they have
notpaiticipntcd in ttie profit ot it. Uiitsldeis ,
thccountiy nnd local scalpers hn\o so fai
mndo ihc money. The question now is , can
outsldeis who have no packing houses LO on
successfully with B pioMsiun deal. U , i * .
} Iutchln onhasol Iatcheena\oi > lan.'obu > er.
It was the talk that hu bought 40,000 head
yesterday. Ho is not an outsider. Allhotich
lie has no packing house his son has , nml
"Old JInlcli" lilnisclt hat , been lone cnoiiKli
In business to have all the points down line.
The. bucket shops have looked at this stionc
IIOIK maiket with anxiety. U b the conn try-
man's favoiito Hade , and he has been buying
full and beating the bucket shops in n way
that neither ho nor lhu > have expeiicnccdlor
yeaiH. To-day In mess poik tlicio was an
ndvanco established nmoumim ; to 20 22 e ,
In lard of5@7Kc. and In shoit ribs of 12 jH ( >
15i > . Fi'bi nary nork closed at 812.15 and May
nt 812.50 , the latter selling nt the extreme
rnngo ot 5M2.S5@12.52 > i. J'cbinnry lard
closed nt SO. I7W , and the same option ot libs
nt S0.05.
2:15 : p. m. Jfay wheat fct'i'jc ' , May coin
< 13 M'c Rulleis. New York icpuited twenty
boat loads of wlieat nnd eleven boat loads ot
coin taicen for expoit.
CHICAGO , Dec. 2b. iSpecIal to
the Hin. : | CATTM : Tim market to-day wns
quoted nil the way fiom slow nnd a shade
lower to active and lOc higher ami by good
judges , too. The maikot was quite uneven.
Those who did not happen to li.ivefat. tidy
cattle yeslciday nud sold some of that sort
to-lny consider the maiket a good deal
higher , while some who got the full strong
jestciday niatUetoii the most desirable qual
ities and happened to have lough and thin
cattle to-day natmally consldeied trade slow
and oven weaker , tin the whole theie wns
no qiiotatnble changes. Hough and lean
enltlo dhl sell slowly nnd smnc nice
little ciittlo sold no better than
yesterday , but on the nvci.ige weie l.V j20e
Iilgher limn last Kildayon all the moiude-
hlrablo kind. The icceipts lor the week
show quite n decieaso comp.ued with last
\vcoi : , but cuiient unlvnls aieimltu heavy ,
I'liough for lids season. Shipping stcci.s ,
S3.40&1U-0 : bulk. Sj.H : > 34.0 | ; siockei.s nud
ircdeis. 82.'ir > ® -liO ; cows , bulls and niKi'il ,
8l..WftitO : ; : ; bulk , $2.25 ( 2.60 ; Texas cnttlo ,
1 lot. s To-day trade was active find piices
hill ) lOc hlf-her than Monday. A tow lots of
fancy he.ivy hold at Sl.X(1f'4,70 ( ) ( ; good to
rhoke mlxt'iV 5f4.JUKii4.DO ; common , S4,00@
1.10 ; liuht , $ . ! .00@MO.
New Vorlf. Doe. 2S. MONJCV On call
easy at : t@ < ! per cent , closing oll'yied at 1
\ > er t'ent.
J'ltiuu MKIICANIU.T l'Ariu : 4i 5 per
STKllt.lXO nctivn nl
$4.7U" for bi\ty day bills ; $1.88)4 ) fcr
( lOVKUKsitNTS ( lovctiiment bonds > vero
dull hut steady.
b i oriis Slocks opened KCUOI ally steady ,
fast pilcus bhowiutj chanae.s
Irom last nvonliiR'.s liual Imme's. except tor
IMclllo Mall , which \vas upi and Now Yoik
Central ? ( per cent. The maiketvasdull
although considerably more active than dur-
liitf thu past few days at this time. Prices
vote dcufdedly atront ; and advances ranului ;
up to over 1 per cent \veio e.itablUhed in the
Jltbt hour , hater the maiket i tiled dull and
Icntnreli'ss and the movement In prices
ceabcd , but the last hour saw a levlval ot
activity and strength of thn caily moinlnR ,
and the maiket rlnM-d i uiet but btionij at the
best pi ices of the day ,
W cent bonds , C. s N. W
juu ; prefoued
' ' ' ' ' '
Kow'Vs. . . . . . . .
Oregon Trail. . . ,
Pacillc. 41 1'acliicMall. . . .
A 14'j 1) . &E
ICO . ,1 . 0 13S
C. 11. AU Hock Island 125/
1) . h. A VV St. L , AS. K. , , .
P.&H G prefened. , .
Erie . . 0. , M. A St. P. . .
prof emu ! . . prefeircd. .
Illinois Centul , lU ! St. J' . A-O. ,
I..H. * W. . 15a ; pieferted. . , 111
31" , Texas Pacific. . .
l.aUnSlioro Union I'aclhi ! . , .
UA N \V.St. U& P. .
Mich. CentiAl. . . 03 pitiful led. . .
llo. 1'acltic Wt'btcrn Union 70
jiortl.ern 1'ac. . . O. , K. &N. „ 100
pieferred. , , 00' ,
Clilcnco , Dee 24 Klour KoiuiniUly
uurlianced : winter \vlient tlour , H.U'x ( .10 ;
louthcrn. J3.WKiJi.00 ; Wlbconsin. S-i.ooy
4.10 Michigan 60t Bpriuif vrheit ,
| a.N > l.lO : Minnesota bakers. SX&Ot.iu ;
patents , J.XH3-t.C ! > ! ; low tirades. 81.7Sa-.75j
rje flour , quiet at SS.'JMS.W ) in ban els.
uil $ a.0020 lu Jurks.
Wheat Unsettled , but strong , averaced
higher ; opened with tin advance of Ic and
closed Io above yesterday ; casli , 7b,1/c ; Jan-
ary. 7&WC' February , 70 7-10o ; May , W7-lCc ,
ConVulrly ) wtlvo and linn , closliiK
aboi.e jestei'diiy cash ,
January , CVJfc ; Tebrnary , 37 IMCc ; MRT (
Oats-Finn but slightly lower ; cash , CCc ;
Jlixy , 31 ' ( c.
Hyp-Quiet at Mo.
Hfxrley hlcaily nl f.2c.
Timothy seeit-Prirne , Sl.Taatl.W , .
r lax eed onjj'c.
I'ork Active and flitnrrnnd J.Vg20c higher ;
raili , S11.87J4@12.00 ! January , 8I1.97JK3
12.00 ; February , gl2.10 < cil2.12 , > 4 ; May , S12.M )
Kartf 'steady with fair trade and 2U ( Jc
hlchcr ; ca h , SO. : * . ' . ; January , Sn.4fr5fi.42 } , ;
rcbinary. 50.47V fl.f > 0 ; May. S0.7.Vafl,17W.
Hulk Meats Slfmihlcr ? . 84.85 ( < 74.00 ; snort
clear , SC.W : ( < ? rt.i. : ' ; shoit ribs , $5.i > ig ( : .U5 for
llnuer Quiet but steady ; creamery , 23 < a
2-S ! eo : 11 a I ry , l s < v 0c.
Cheese ( jiilut but slendv ; full cream died-
o.irs and Hats , l-.W'fe ! ' ; joun ? Americas ,
12' i.-c ! ; skliiij , SQU'c.
Hides In good at former pliers :
heavy green silted , 7Mio7Je. ( ; bull hides
W ' 7c : drv salted , 110f'-'c ; dry salted calff ,
cw'J' ' ct deacons , 2.'n ! each.
Pailovv Slow ; N6. 1 country , C c ; No , 2 ,
2 'c ! cake , 4e.
Urcalotv Shipmenls.
Klour.WiU : nooo
Wheat , bu 12S.OOO 72.IXH )
Corn , bu ViO.OOO 12iiX ) ) )
Oi ; .bll 1M.OUO 107.IXH )
' ' ' ' " ' ' '
UariVy.uVi. . . . . . . . . 70.'ooo JKWO
Now York. Dee. 3 * . Wheat HivolpK
i : ; < i,0oo ; exports , lNit ! | < )0 ) ; cnsh advanced ,
7if ! nnd options 1 < ? * IV , eloslnir stroiiu ; un-
ciadediPd.ti UlUe ; No. U. teii , fc'.tUt''Me ' ;
No. 1 , red , ! > lc ; uMi.i led , Vifc' } , No. 2 , led ,
WWnc In elevator , 'Jl QW calloat ; Jan
uary closing nt Ul
f losing at .
O.its Moilemto demand ; leecipK 10.000 ;
exnoit , 1 , < AM ; niKed vvestein , aiiaa'c ; wlilte
n'estein , : u@llc.
Petioloiim Finn ; united closed nlCOe. .
KTif ) Kit in.
1'oik-StioiiRci ; mess , S12. ' > 0.
J ard lllilici ; : vvestein steam , spot , SO > .W ; ;
. .
llutter Klim ; vveslein , I'J ' . 'c ' ; Klgin
cieainery,7V' .
Cheese- Quiet and liim : vvestcin Hat ,
Ila2 ( ? ic.
Arilwaukcc. Dor. SV- Wheat SIIOIIR ;
cash , 7S e.Iannarv ; , iK'fe ; , KV C.
Com Steady ; No. 2 , ; iic.
OatsJuiet ( ; No. 'J , We.
llyoSteady ; No. 1 , Me.
Darlev-l'limer : No. 'J , rttjfc. ,
Provisions Higher ; i > i > rkJecembei ! , 511. 50 ;
.Inntuiy , $11.07 .
Oinoliiiiatl , Jce.2 ) . Wheat Firm : N'o
2 , led le.
Corn Stionscr ; No. 2 mixed , B tWa'e.
Oats Haiolv steadv ; No. 'J mixed , : , ' 2e.
Kye-Kiim ; No. 2'COo.
I'orkKirm nt S 12.00.
) .anl SltoiiK at sfO.'i" . .
Whlsuy-Kinn at 81.13.
MinnenpoiK lec.SS.Wheat ) StronR ;
No. 1 haul , cash and January , 70jc ? ; ilay ,
s-lc ; No. 1 noithcin , cash and January , 75 > ic ;
.Miiv.sL'c ; No. 2 nii ) them , cash and January ,
7ReMay : , 7U'V.
Klour-1'.itents , S4.IOJ ( ? .CO ; bakeis , 53.50(5 ( %
JJoceiptsWlieat. . 111,000 bu. ; Hour , 100
bhipineuts \ \ heat , 21,000 bu. ; Hour , 10,000
KnnK.iH Olty , Pec. 27. Wheat .Stiongcr ;
No. a it'll , cash , 70c ; January , 70c , hid , 71) ) e
askud ; May , 77jj.e bid , * } tc naked.
Corn- Weak : No. i ! , easli. JiC' ' c hid ;
SO c asked : January , "O c bid ; Ic asued ;
May , ! -Cc bid , 'Mc } asked.
Oats Nominal : B7e. bid , 'J9c asked
tilvpriiool , Dee. 23. Wlieat Steady ; de
mand fair ; holders offer moderately.
Coi n Quiet but steady ; demand uoor.
Chicago , Dec. 2S. The Diovci's Jouinal
icnortsas lollovvs :
Cattle Hccelnta. 0,000 ; stronsor for nil
cootl Rrailes ; slilppltiK steers , Si. : ! 0ji'.o ( ( ) ;
stocUers and ieeilcrs , S2.206 < .3.bU ; povvs. bulls
ami mixed , S1.M@H.BO ; bulk , .2.5@2.CO ;
Texas cattle , Sa/JSyiJ/i1 } .
Hogs Ueceipts , 14,000 ; stiouc and 5@IOc
higher ; touch and mixed , S'W-VSil.-ir. ' ; pack
ing and uliipplnc , S-l.40@-l.70 ; light , 33.75
< .54.n : ; skips , sa.7otiiza.Bn.
Sheep-Receipts , 1.000 ; aetivo and 10 ( < ? 20c
hlRher : natives. SiftD .bS ; western. M.OO
@l.OJ : Te\ans , SJ.OO@i.2r : > ; lambs , 54.00@,1 > .2j.
St. I.ouls , Dec. OS.-Cattle-JJecclpts , 400 ;
shipments , none : stronp ; choice heavy native
sti'ur' , $4.0ri54.7r : ! > ; air to ijood
steei.s , Sl : > OtfMsu : ; butchets' steers , fair
to oholco , S4.00iW.10 ( ; feeders , fair to peed ,
$ ( : ; stockers , lair to coon , ,
Hogs leceits { | , lt-00 ; shipments , 1.300 ;
sluidu stionper ; choice heavy und butchers'
selections S4.40@j.r.5 ; pauldiic , lair to peed ,
S4.lX7 ! < 4.r. : : Yoikeis , incdiuin to lancy , l.l5 ; pigs , common to good , S2.75 ®
City , Dce.2S. Cattle Ueceipts ,
900 ; shipmeiitfl , none ; snipping Krailes
strong and 5c to lOc hli5hpri cows stioni : and
active ; common to choice , SAliOC f.40 ( ;
stocker" , S2.2.xn > 2.7. ' ) : feeding sdceis , # 2.70
( jrt.40 ! ; cows , S1.W ) : ! .00.
HoiM HocelpK . " > . ' 1,00 ; shipnieiit , 500 ;
strong anil 5cglOc ( higlier ; common to
choice , S4.10SI.23.
Tuesday , Dec. 2-3.
Tl.o receipts vveio llKht and thcro vv.ts no
stock in thu yards tlmt had been held over.
The maikot opened active , and nraily rveii-
tlilnic was hold. Theic Is a demand lor
choice cm n-fi'd steers. Coiu-fctl eovvs nud
bulls sold well to-day.
The lecoints weie heavier and the market
active , Eveiytlilng ' .vas Hold beloic the mar
ket closed. Good heavv liogs sold about Tie
higher than yesterday , out common hogs did
not bull as well as yestonlay. There vvcro so
low In yesterday that tlio uackor.s vtnolorced
to nay as much for common loads as they
paid for good loads , which accounts lor com
mon hog-i selling lower to day.
There viero a few In tod.iy , but there was
no miiikft for them and they weio bhippud
on to Chlcnio. ;
* ItOCOlptH.
Cattle . , . : wo
Hess . 2ioo :
Sheep . 000
Provalllnn I'rloes.
. Showing the provalllng pi Icoj paid for live
stock on this m.irket.
Choice sti-eru. liBO to 1500 Ibs . S4.P.O@ 1.40
Choice steers , 1100 to 13vW tbs . J.OOM4.25
Uooit lecdera . 'J.O'iM.ioo
( toodtoclioicjeorn-ted iWrt. . . 2.S.rg < 3,25
Pair to mi > ( mm grass cows . a.OOfti'.r.o
Good to choica mills . l.MiaS.W
Liicht and tueitiuin nogs . 4.10 4.20
Good toclioicn iiuary nogs. . . , , , , 4.2'jra4.HO
( Seed tochoico mixed no s . 4.20'iC4.25
( ! oed to choice sheep. . 2.7 > Vitt > .20
Kairtogoud sheep . 2.25g2. 'X )
Rcpreacniativo Hales.
ron.N-ri.ii briiis : : : ,
No. Av. Pr. .No. Av. Pr.
4l ! . . .1100 Sll.0.5 H. . . 1205 84,0. ' ,
1U..10T8 a.S5 10. . .llbrt 4.10
16 .12.U1 a.'X. 17.l'i44 ! , :
ab..uo3 4.05 ia . . .KM 4o : ;
lll'I.I.S. '
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. i'r.
1..15SO 51.7 * 1 . . .10'HJ 52.110
1..16'jQ 2..10 U. . . . 1175 U.10
s , . . . 1015 i..2i2u a.y5
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
8 , . . .1050 $2.70 a..l'J13 V2.1K )
24. . .114J ' . ' .tO
No. Av. Shk. l r No. Av. Shk. Pr.
70. . . . 2.Y3 ; 200S4.10 101) ) . . . , UiS 100S4.2.5
Ofl. . . , 272 1GO 4.15 70 , , . . { AH 'JOO 4.25
ttJ . . .1S4 4.15 01. . . , 21(6 ( 200 4.25
h $ , , , KO 020 4.15 SO , . , , 270 120 4,25
57 . .20M 120 4.1S C4 . . .ai'J 200 t.'X
57 . . . M 2bO 4.20 ft7.2ft'J 200 4'JS
07. . . 203 120 4.20 72.J.S , 120 4.2.1)
65. . .H04 210 * 4.20 71 . . .85-1 240 4.25
fi0..2iM 120 4.20 73. . . . 270 240 4 2T
70.2.U W ) 4.20 ( V1..U05 bO 4.25
W..234 40 4.20 6G..a4J 100 4.25
00. . . . 255 120 4.20 AS. , .tM ! fcO 4.2.1
C.5..2W 200 4.20 54. . .Jfe. ' ) 200 4.M !
54. . . .UK ) 40 4.20 53 . . .UDO 120 4.SO
49 , . , .aft ) 200 4.25 120
Showing the number of cattle , hogs and
sheep shipped from the yards during the day.
CAT ! I K.
No. cars. Hi. Desi.
2 . N. W . Chicago
1 . . . . . . . , . . , A1I1. . . . Chicago
No. Cam. lit.
4 . C" . K. tVQ . Chicago
C of Price * .
Shovvlne the highest And lowest nice *
pnld for loads ot hogs on this market during
the past seven days anil for the same time
lastyear :
Nov. | Dec. ICSO
22(1 ( 3.V ) 4W.7S 3.25 M40
SM aw 4 00
21th 3.45 4 a )
25th llolldrtj- .
IMlh Siimlaj-
' . 7th 3W 4.20 Oit.M
2llil "umlny 4.10 .1.40
All silos of stock in this market nro matla
pnrcwt. live clirht unless otherwise stated.
Dead liojts sell at J/c per Ib. for all wolchw.
"Skins" or IIOKS wcUhlne less than 10J lln.
no value. Pregnant saws nro docked 40 Uw.
and stags 80 Jbs , by the public Inspector.
Cattle ncthe.
llo s nil soli ) . .
Hoc maiket nihitice .
A very tine bull brought S-.Tft lo-day.
One choice load of hogs brought 8-1.82 } $ to
There were COO sheep In to-day , but none
0. II , Hammond A ; Co. bought 1,23 hoys
W , U. Illtchcy , Ulysses , W.IH In looKhig for
stock cattle.
A.J. ( iieciiamycr , of Council Itlull" , was
hole today.
Lewis AUlii , Clniimla , la. , had In with a
load of cattle.
C.V. . 1'aimollc A Co. , CcdaiCicek | , had In
n load of 10 cattle.
John bwlsher had In one load of catllo
I torn imcr.Hin : , In.
lion. , ) , Cov , Hampton , Neb. , was \lsltm- -
at the x.uils to-ilay.
,1. C. Welch , Clariml.t , was heic and sold
two loads ol CONS.
'J'ho hog market Is r > 2 lilghcr on choice hogs
ami linsi'i on common.
J. C. Dunning , Shelby , Xcb. , was In ami
marketed a ol hogs.
W. C. Ciimiiimhaiu , Milfoul , Neb. , topped
the hog m.ukcl to-il.iy.
Tele Monte , Coining , In.M heio and
mail.etetl two loads of hogs.
II. Cillmoie. Dn\ld City , was In to-day
lookimr over the maiket.
M. W. K. Purchase , \ \ aterloovasamong
the \islliirs ) at tlie yauls to-day.
Air. Kmbrc , Slu'nandoali , la. , was hcicand
marketed tlucc loads 01 hogs.
Hou liios. , Coiulnir , la , had a load of cat
tle and a loan ot hogs on the market.
Jl. C. liollong , Sclinylcr , came In with a
car of hay for the Stock Yaul company.
DI.NOII ifcTidmage. Kniurson , la. , were both
heio and sold tlneu loads of corn-ted cattle.
Jloise Itogers ACo. . , In a load of catllo
fiom Noith liund. ,1. L. Kittci came Inith
Joshua liiamli'i1 , Xewmarket , la. , was
hern and sola n car ol lie sand tluco cars ot
1) . Siecis , Cedar Creek , came in to-day
with a load ot cattle \\hich lie told In the
John Moss , thepopulai cattle bu > ci for ft
II. Hammond & Co. , has ictnrncd fiom his
eastern tiip.
S. Scott. Claiks , was In to-day and sold a
car of hogs. He also had in a double deck
eat ot sheep.
A. II. Nelson , of Virgin * Nelson , Utlca" .
will have two loads ot cattle and two lo.ids ot
hogs in to-morrow.
11 , D. M orrlson , Odossn. had two loads ol'
sheep in to-day. Will Hiley , ot the bailie
place , had in two loads also.
The Anclo-Amerlcan Pioxisioii compiny
bonclit 510 nogs on to-day's maiket , avci-
aginc "JO Ibs and costing Sl.'i'J.
1'ctcr llauiniang , Arlington , Xcb. , washeie
and sold a load ot corn-led cattle , lie went
away \\ellpleascd with the maiket.
J. Kaily , l.'nrllmm , ] \ lieio and mar
keted u load ot cattle. When he stinted Irom
home at J p. in. jcbtciday ho telegraphed his
commission man , ami the cattle aimed hcio
and \\cie sold before the telegram m rived.
CoiiiplniiitH arc mailo by bhippurs fiom the
Klkliorn Valley load in icgard to the delay
at Kiemont. stock being held over theio at a
loss to the shippers and with extra < < \i > onsu
for feed , etc. is it the lanltot the Union Pit-
cilic or the Klkhotu Valley loadi1
Tlio Union Kenderiiig Co. have clvcn the
following notice. "On and attci Januaiv 1 ,
lbSs7. we will pay Chicago pi ices lei all dead
stock , Jic lor all weiuhlnp ovei 100 Ibs. ;
less no value. " This is the same nri < for-
mcily paid by the company , but iccently thcj
have been paving Jc. !
On the market with hogs : Winters & M. ,
Shelby ; Hutlei & Hoiuli , Cieecent ; J. W.
Uhl , btromsbeig ; K. Jniining ) feX'o. . Shelby :
Doi-feyllios. fc Co. . Westnn ; K. Watkins ,
North Uend : Koine & Mnloncv. Albion ; H.
Shiiistock , Westl'oint ; A. I ) . Dean. Clarks ;
J. < . Hall , Clbbon ; W. J. Ia\is & Co. Cioth-
cnbcrc : S. H. I Hack , Kim deck ; P. A. Hai-
rett , Weeping Water ; W. L. Kmbice. Coun
cil llluttt , ; A. K. Okoy. Coining , la. : Cilmoiu
ife Scott. Hrooks. In. ; H. Foul , HloomlU'ld ; C.
IX JWooie , How aid ; K. W. Hlack , 1'latts-
niouth : Thomas 1'oweis. Sutton ; Updike A.
Titu , Ilmvnitl ; Monissoy Hios. , baroinillo.
General lroituoe.
Tuesday , Dec. 'f > .
TlicfaUmvlnn prices nre jar round tots of
pro < -cti'ikoltlontnc mnrltcl toilai'flw
limitations on fruit * represent tlie prices at
ii'lilfh nutsldr outers are tilled. '
CnnnsK Full cream Cheddars , slncle.'in'/c ;
lull cream ( liitstwlnsiiXc : ; young Amorlcan ,
He ; fancy Swiss , HffiJifi ; Swiss , Impoilod ,
ticLlinbiirKor. ! ; ISo : brick , HgilJic.
(5 ( \ JIBi'rairlo chickens , choice per do/ ,
$4.00 ; grouse. S 'JO ; quail , per do/ .
31.15(93.00 ( ; ducks , mallard , per do/ .
S1.75ft'J.OO : ducks , teal , pel do$1.25
( jtl.AO ; ducks , mixed , pei doz , 81.25 ; ceuse ,
per doS3. . fA ) : deer , saddles , p r Ib. lOtrtliu ;
deer , carcasses , per Ib , 7@Bc : elk saddles , per
HW810eelk ; , , perl ( > , fi ( ,7c ; antelope ,
Haddles. per Ib , lUf < tl2c ; antelope , caicnsses
per Ib , 7WSo ; Jack i.-ibblts , pei dor. , Si.&Odf
4.00 ; small rabbit * , pei doWe. .
CKI.KUY The maiket Is .steady. Choice
stocit per doi. . : ! 5c : extra laice , per do/ , , -lOc.
OVSTKIIH Mediums , 20c ; standaids , Me :
selects , ' - ' $ ; exttu selects , S.ic ; N. Y. counts ,
( JiUNnr.nniP.s Capo Cod , fancv. per bbl ,
21:1.00 : ; bell anil bugle , per bbl , $10.00.
HA.N'ANAs Uanauas , yellow , per bunch ,
82.00(32.25 ( ; bananas , yellow , Jar o , pet bunch ,
' . > 6ui.w :
S Messina , per box 5r.00i ( 0.f/0. /
OIIANOIS : Floiida , choice , 150(3 ( 0 to bo\
85.00 ; do , 5 box lots. S1.75.
UiiArc-9 Mnlagna , per bbl , COlb gioss ,
MAri.r. SroAH Stilctlv pure , 50 Ib boxes ,
per Ib , 15c ; choice 5u bricks , 25 ib boxes , jicr
Ib , 12cj choice pnny caites. 2 > Ib boxes , pei
Ib WMc.
SAiM.iiKnvrT--I'cr 37 gal bW , SO.OO ; 10
gal , half bbl 5t.5 ? : ( ) .
I'lioMsioNs-Ham , sugar-cured , llKe ;
bicakfast bacon , su.'ar cm ed , boneless , 1U14 ;
shoulders , ( to ; clear shlo bacon , tfo : dry&alt
slilcs , 7c : dried beef , hams , Ho ; diicd beef ,
reenlnr , lie : mess poik , per bbl , S12.W ) ; hud ,
ra Ib cans , Fatinaiiks , n c ; laid. 10 , 5 and i !
Ib mills , Kail banks , T i < fiTc.
Kr.our. JLKD Mn.i.srui'Fslnter \ wlieat
flour , best quallt ) patent , 52.75 : second
Ity. 82.40 ; best quality spring wlieat
flour , patent , S'.CObran'iOcp ; < > rcwtchopped ;
feed , 10c per cwt ; white corn nifal , Wo ;
yellow corn meal , NJ per cwt ; Bcrcenind , nee
pcrcwt ; hominy , SJ.Ou per cwt ; shorts , v o
porcwt ; eraham Sl.COjhay , In bale * , 35. % ®
G.OOuor ton.
PICKI.K Medium , in bbls , 80. V ) ; do , in
half bbls , S3.75 ; small , in ubis. 37..VJ ; do , in
halt bbln. Sl,2. ; o-lnklu-j , in bbh , 5S.50j do ,
lu h.\lt bbls , SJ.75.
Uvuuj' No. 70. 4-gallon kegs , 51.20 ; New
Orleans per gallon Sbji4fio ( : maple ; syrup ,
half bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 72o 1 gal
lon c.ins per dot. 510.00 ; half gallon cans ,
perdoz , 5.50 ; quart cans , S.'J.iX-i.
SrAiir-ir Mirror glass , i jh , 5c : mirror
gloss , H Ib , 5 > 5c ; mliror gloss , oib , 0 0 ;
( haves' corn , 1 Ib , Cc ; Kingstoul's corn , 1 it ) ,
7o ; Kinasforti's gloss , 1 ib. 7c ; KliiL'sford's
moss , rt ib. ? Jfc ; Klngsford's pure , 3 ib , 75/c ;
Klngbfords bulk , 4c.
TOUAPCO 1'Jug , climax , lies horseshoe ,
: fic ; btar. Stki ; spearhead , 30c : piperhcldsiuk ,
OOcigold shield , Sic ; merry war , 20c : J. T ,
"MATCHFS Per caddie , 2Sc ; smiaro cases ,
51.70 ; mule squaie , 31.20.
CANDY Mixed. JK'iUJios ' stick. 8 ( gox'c.
CRArKins : Uarneau's t > oda , butter und
picnic. ft > $ c ; creams , b > { c J ginger snaps , 6Uc :
city bOda , 7if ;
SOATS Kirk's snvon Imperial. 82.70 ;
KUK s satinet. S3.00 ; Kirk s standard. 05 ;
Kirk's whllo Husslati , 54.00 ; Kirk's \ililtal
cap. 80.50 ; dome. S3.85 ; washboard , | 3.lOj
ffldto cloud , 13.75.
Horr.-M Inch' ibVc ; \ Inch , lie ; } f
Inch , nVc.
CANNED Ooons OjMcr.sstflndard icrca ,
. 'Z'i : strawberries. 2 Ib. iwrca e , 5120 ;
raspberries a Ib , per cnse , 32.vO ; Callfornln
pear- * , per CASO , 84,50 : njirlrots , ] ier cas > \
34.CO : Beaches , PCcsse , $5.23 ; while cher
ries , per casifcfi.00 ; plums , per case , sa.fii ,
blueberries vorcaso , SI. SO ; VSK jilunis , 3 Ib
nercasc , ? ; 2.0 ! plnenpnlcs , a Ib , i > cr cnso
S3.2iXf5.75 ; 1 Ib ms.'kerel. per tlo$1.40 ;
1 Ib salmon , perdoz , SI. 55 ( < * 1.60 : a Ib goose ,
berries per case. ? 1.75 ; 2 IbMrlnp beans per
case , SI , 70 ; 2 Iblliu.t beans , per case , Sl.oo ;
a Ib mariowfat , r > er case , $2.40 ; 2 Ib
early < lunei > ea ! < , per case. 52.75 : 3 Ib toma
toes , SiWt2.252 ; 8'.MOftCA2J.
lniKi ) I'm IT MO. 1 quarter apples. 5'iJt (
f < c' In nvapornted boxi-j , iaH@l3c : blnck-
benles. boxes , IK UKc ; peaches , Salt * ,
li sTi , lVUO\c ; peaches , oxnixirntnl. 15Je ) :
17c : raspberries , now , s.'c ; currents , 7 ( Qi'i '
prunes , new , WV0-
SMAHS Powdered , 7c ; cut loivf ,
0 ( (67c ; cranulated , O' t o'jc ' ; confectioners'
A , ( I'M1 ' : standard extra C , 5' ' < w > 5V ; extra
C. & \j ( ! * > ) 'e : meillnmello \ \ , 4)h@5i .
COKFHKS Oulinarv trades , U' fitlV fal
IJMf c ; prime , ir > Klcc ( : choice , ifiQUVHc ;
fancy git-en and jellow. I0 ( < (17c ; old cov-
eriimeiit Java , SOM Ge ; Interior , in\n , inh'C *
20e ; .Mocha , Jlfi7-J4e : Aibucklo's loaMed
l ! ) ' p ; .Mcl.aucldln's XXXN roasted , lOke ;
nilworlh's. W > " . lied Cioss , 10)c. )
tjKAiiir.n-Vihue s-laughter sole leather ,
82c : pi I mo oak tola Ipatlier , iXX'jt.'tec. Upper
leather IHMfoot. . 20vci-i > ; hem , kip. 1. ' > MN' > e ;
oak kip. S.VC'.rc ( : Ficiirh kip. tfl.00 1.20 ;
hem.tcalf , Sl.oo& : o\k calf. 51.Ooc-U.25 ;
Kiencn call , § 1.2.fil.w { ) : Morocco , boot leg ,
BOrfT-'o : Moiocco oil pebble. 2Si5Kc ! ; toppings
and linings , no awe.
HP.AVT HAliDWAiin iron , rate ? 2.CO ;
plow cast , 4HecruclbleslceIfi ; , > ie :
cast tools , do , )2 ) < < $ lbc ; wagon spokes pur set ,
S2.OOoi.ViO ; hubs , per set , 81.25 : telloes ,
bawcd dry. Sl.50 ; lougnes , each , H'C : ' ; axels.
each. 7c ; sutiaio nuts , pur Ib. I ( < i7lo ; cell
chain , per Hi. il'iM'ic ' ; imllealilo. Torticj non
wcdccs , f > c ; cio\\liai , Oe ; linriow tcetli , 4 Ve ,
spring steel , 7 ( Pc ; Huidcn's horse shoes ,
S4..V ) ; Itmden's mull' shoos , $ V50. Itaibcil
wliA In car lots , S4.00 per 100 HH.
Nails , rates , 10 to 50. S2.r,0 , ; steel nails , S2. ( > f. .
Shot , Sl.'VJ ' ; bucU&liot , S1.S5 ; oilcutal powder ,
kegs , Si 5i ) ; do. half kegs & 00 ; do. ini.utcr
kegs , ? 1.50 : blastili ! ; kegs , $2.i : ) : lusc , pw 10
feet.O'ic. Lead bir , 510
\ AHNisur.H.uicls , per gallon : I'urul-
ture , e\tia , 81.10 ; furiiitme. No. 1. SI.O , ) ;
coach ovtia , 81.10 ; co.ich , No , 1,81.20 , : Da-
mm , o\tni , $1.75 : .lanau , 70c ; n plinUnin ,
extra b-c : Mifllac , S'l.V ) ; bald oil linish ,
Sl.W )
Sri HITS Colocne spirits. 1S3 proof , SI. 17 ;
do 101 pioof , 81. IS ; spirits , stvoiul qll.llllj ,
101 proof , SI. 17 : do Is * proof. 51.10 .Alcohol.
IbS prom , .S2.2H per wlm rallon. Itodlstllled
whiskies , St.wvn.5u. ( in ! , blended , Sl.fiuos
2. OJ ; ICentuet.\ bourbons , .V .OOW.iK ) ; Ken
tucky and rennsyhanl.i rjcs , 32.iK ) ( i0.fiO ;
Oolifen Sheaf bourbon ami no whiskies ,
3l.5u.ui.oc. : Hi.uulles , impotted , $ S.C.
domestic , SI : ; < xret.OO. ; ( Sins , innioitea , SI..VJ
( Ttn.OO ; domestic , Sl.iVJ3.on. ( Champagnes ,
linpoitcd. per case , \ouCcSi.OO ; American ,
per case. SlO.OOi < 4in.OO
TAiNTi is-On , White lead. OmahaP. I1. ,
7 > { c ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , S7 75 ; Mar
seilles urcon , 1 to. ' > Ib cans , Uo ; Kronen ? ine ,
creen seal , 12e ; French 7inc , red Meal , He ;
French /inc. In varnish asst. 2 e : I'lunch '
zinc. 75c ; vermilllon , KnirlMi , in oil , 7..o ;
led , lOc ; lose plnK , I4c ; \ enctlan red , Conk-
son's , 2J4C ; Venetian red , Ameilcan , 1'rfe ;
red load , 7 < c : chrome jollow , genuine , 20c ;
chromo jellow , K , 12o ; oclne , rochelle , lie ;
ochre , 1'rendi , 2 40 ; ochre , Aiucriean ,
IJtfc ; Winter's mlneial. 2' , * > ; IjChlgh blown ,
2'o ; Sp.inWi blown , ' % ; I'rlncu's ,
Du\ PAINTS AVhlte load , Sc : Ficnch sine ,
12e : J'ari. wliltinir , 'JJie ; whiting , Kikleis ,
2J o ; whiting , com'l , l\c ; lampblack , lier-
inaustovvn , 12e ; laiupbiHck , ordinary , be ;
1'iuvji.m blne.oocultramarine ; , IHc ; vandyK-
brovvn , 8c ; umber , binnt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4e
sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw , 4e ; 1'aric
green , cenulna iWe. I'urls cieen. com
mon , 22c ; ehnmio groan , N. Y. , 20e ;
vcrmlllinii Ibc : inniaii
raw and huint limber , 1 H. can , We ; raw and
burnt sienna , 12c ; Vandyke brown , ' 'Jc : relined -
lined lampblack 12c- coach black and ivoty
black , 10c ; drop black. ICe ; Prussian blue ,
40o : ultiamarlut ! black. 18c ; chrome Krecn , ! . , . ,
M. & ! ) . , Hie ; blind and shutter ireeii , L. , M.
& I ) . , ICe ; 1'aiis crecn , ISc ; Indian led , I5c ;
Venetian ieit , Pe ; Tuscan , 22c ; Ameilcan
veimillion , L. > fe I ) . , 20c ; yellow oclne , "c ; li.
31. A O. I ) . , ISc ; treed ochre. IHc : oaten
diver , 8c ; cralnliiKcoldr. lichloau , dark oak ,
\vnlnut. chestnut and ash , l-c.
DULM.SANIJ ( jitnMioAi.s. Acid , caibollc ,
; i2c ; ncld , taituiic , .7Jc ; balsam eopalba , per
H ) , 4lc ! ; bark fiiissalras , per Jb , lOc ; calomel ,
per ft , 7be , chlnchonidia , ner o40c ; chloro-
lorm , per ft > , 50c ; Dover's pov\dcis per It ,
81.25 ; epsoni salts , per U > , a' c ; elycoiino ,
pure , per Ib , a'lc ; lead , aretate , uci Tb. 2lc ;
oil , castor. No. 1. per sal. , 1.50c ; oil c.istor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 51.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , 31.40 ;
oil oilirannuiu. Me ; opium , $ a.20 ; n iuine ,
1 * . * W. and U. &S. , per ot , 70c ; potassium
iodidp , per n. , 82.75 ; s.tllcln. per oz , 40c ; sul
phate mornhine , per o . S2.M ) ; hiilphtir , per
ltj,4c ; btrjchnlue , poroS1.21) ) .
Dry JLiumoer.
No.l Com. s. 1. s. IS , 14 and W ft . 517.50
No.U " 12 , 14 and 16 It . 14.75
No.3 " " 12 , 14 ami 16 It . 13.50
No.4 " " 12. Hand 10 ft . 12.00
IIIMKM-IOSS > llMilKll ? .
112 fl art iiift ianL-on Mt "win
_ _ , _ _ , _
, . . . _ . . ,17.00JI8.0USI.OI , (
1I1..10 10 60
. . W M
ZilO IB&U 10 M iu.5j 17.00 is oo - a.oo uico
L'lIJ l f ) MM 17.0 < ) ! 18 ( H ) L"4.00 i-.OO
Ifitt ) lll.r.llilT.Ol8.UU ( ) | 20 ( KIi.'Q | OU
No. 1 , 4it 0 Inch , 12 and H ft. , rough..S17.00
No. 2 , 4 & Giiii-h , IB and 14 It. , lonah. . . 14.0-J
rKii.i.vo A.\n I'Auniio.N.
1st com. , Jf in White Pine Partition..SR3.00
2d " " " " . . . . 27.50
2d Com. X In. Norway Pluu Celling. . . . 14.00
A 12 Inch. s. Is. 4tiC . sM.OO :
It 12 Inch " " 421) . 1KJ.50
No. 1 , com. 12 in , , s. 1 s. . 10. JbA 20 ft. . . 21.00
No. a. " " ' " ' . . lh.50
No. 2 , " ' " 12 A 14 ft . 17.00
" " " " If.
ft . 10.00
No. 1. plaln.Sand 10 inch. . ' ! . S17.50
No. 2 , plmn.a and 10 inch . 15.50
SltlVUM'.S , I.ATB.
XX clear. K2.00 ; A btandard , 2.W ; No. 1 ,
31.i5 : ; Lath. 52.23.
POSTS White Cedar , 0 In. , ) s , 12c ; S in.
Tlio ConiinlhsiuiuTR Want the County
Farm IjntN Sold on Time.
Since the announcement was nr.ulo
tlmt the | ) cole | had irninted to the county
poinmi.ssioners permission to sell lift.y
aeroof the county farm , with which to
' ( euro inonoy to erect the jiroposcd hos
pital and insane usylnni , it lias been dis
covered tliat the present law will have to
bo aniendoil beforp 'tho sulo eun tnko
place advantageously. Aceortliny to the
terms of the proposition submitted to the
people , the lots into , .which the lifl.y aures
to bo sold shall bo divided , shall bo disi-
po eU of by tUition ( } to the hiKli-
cst bidder. It has been found ,
thnt aceoidin io the ] a\v , n.s it
now stands , these bidders nuibt pay cash
for their' . If this law bo enforced -
forced , it is thought that many of the
lots will not bring thu prieo tlioy would
othnrwibo bo ablu to command , Tor that
reason , it has been decided to frame nn
amendment to the present hlatnto en
abling thu Kilo of the lots in question
upon tlit' payment of a certain amount of
monuy down and the. renr.undur in one ,
two und three year * witli the n.snal rate
of interest , the county to hold the mort
gages or dispose of them to secure what
ever amount may bo renuirc't to proceed
with the uroetion ot tlio hospital. County
Attorney C'owm has the bill now in coureu
of preparation and will .submit it to thu
commissioners one. of thesu daja ,
Cronpy suffocations , night coughs and
all thu common atlections of the throat
and lungs onicklr relieved by lr J. U.
Mo Lean's'JarVino Lung Halm.
ill. P , I' , Shelby , assistant general
trallio manager of the Union Paeilio with
headquarters at Salt Lake City , arrived
in Omaha yesterday from the east ,
whither lie bad been ou business.
f Arrive i heave
Omaha Omnha
Depot 10th and 1'iercc sts.
1'aclfio l\press. : . 7 : : > 0aiu S:30pm :
Denver Kxpiess
aLoral Kxpre * * llW : am 0:05 : pm
11. AM. . 11. H. 1 ! .
Depot loth ami Pacllic sis.
Mall and l-\iress : ) BilOam
Night IXpress 10 M i'lii GiOpm : :
, i , .k i , , ,
Depot iotrrnnti p'.Wl'ie sK
' 1 and Kxpress R:00 : pm
TjlOpin H : ' . ' < ) a m
K. l\8t. ,1. A C. H.
Depot 10th and I'acillesK
Via Plaitsnumt 11 itopm
Lincoln Kxi'tcss
* Kxccpt Monday.
fKxoept Saturday.
Depot inih and Webster st.
Slou\-Cltv "
* UaiicroftAreoiiimoil.Uioii lOriOani 5:41 : pm
vK\ccut Suinl.iy
Missonti P.UMFIU
Depot 1Mb and WebMei st.
Day KMUCSS , 11:10 : am
Night Km ess
Lincoln Kvjuev ! llsMihm1 liMOpin
UNION .vmrK YAiti > s I.eavo
TIIMNS. US Vds. Omaha
* K\i'ept .Sniii1.iv. O'.iWam * ;
Tutus Ic.ninu'U. T. depot * 7nam : !
pot In Oinah.t at 1U.V : > a.
in. , 5:0' : ) p. in. aiulst'J ) p lbi.Hani ] )
in. , niul IhoM ! lemlni :
I'nion stoek > arils nt U : < Ki ; i ! 8.-iniii 2:00pm :
n , in. ami H:51 ) : a , in. sue a-0 pm 3 ; ( > > pin
: : : npin i DUI
all otlieis are regular slocl ' 'uO'i pm
yaids diuiiiuv tr.iln.befliir.jimi . i A:2."ipni :
tvveen .stockaius . ami " "
Oituihn. _ | _ i x-uj'ii
| "Leave | l.eavo
T' . P. HltlDC.KTItA INS.Trnnsler.jOmalia.
' 'IXccpt Sunil.iv. 7:12 : am <
tConncctsith S. ( \ A1 asi : , ' , am n'Bain :
P. atConneil UlnlN. ' .irilnm S)0ain : ( )
IConneetswItlit1 15 , , V | DMiaml' S,0am :
( I , ( \ A Nr.r. \ . , ( \ M. A
St. 1' . . ( ' , It. I. A 1' . at lli-ITuin 11 10am
Council HlllIK l:9inii : ( ) 11:00pm :
U'onuccts with \V. St. 2H7pml : 2.00 tun
Iv I' , at Council UlulK : : t7pm | 12:20 : pm
IConnccts with all even- * 47pm : : ! : ' , :00pm :
Ini ; trains lur riiic.iso at " r" ' * ioOpm :
Council Hlntfs. Trains 0:12 : pin .V.Oilpltl
Ipavo Omalin nl Union 7lOfm : |
T.tcilic' itopot , 10th and 10:10 inn
I'k'ice streets. 7-iKpin
JO : 17 pin 8:15 : pm
, 10:00 : pm
' U MO pin
Proposala tor Curbing nntl Guttorlujr
nn : , l
OM\IM , NI.II. , Doc. " 1st , Ibsii. f
Sl'AUU ) 1'ioposuts will bo iocPl\t < < l at tills
olllco until December Dlst , 1SMJ , nt 12 noon ,
foi tlic ] ) iiix > liuso ot wet of iMiililim' nnd gut-
terliitf boiulsnf thccit > ol Oinahn , 8 l < l bunils
nro ilnictl .laiiuiiry 1st , 1K.S" , und will Lu ilno
I In one your. 1 In two ynus , 1 In four yonrs 1
in .six ) < * nts , 1 in POVOII yiiiiio.inul 1 In nine years
Iniiu Iliolr diitunic : In sums ot onohundred
dolliii.H rauli , und bi'iir Inleiost liom thclriliito
Mt tlioialo of elx per ccntuni pm immiin , pay
nlili ) iiniiiuilly. Tlio piinclpiil niul Inlcicst nro
both imjiiblo nt llio ollioo of Kounl7o ltro . Jn
Now Yoik.
Sulil bonds iuosiii'fl | timli-r tlio chat tor power
ol uulil oily , imd Mill IKI clolhc'Kjd Io piuoluibcrR ,
tin imyiiiont Ilipiciloi lit thu city treasury in
Utnnliii , on .limniiry Tilli , ISS7.
Hid-will lie mldai cd lo the uixlorslKiii'il nnil
tniirkiHl"I'Opoiils Jor CmbliiK nml ( Jiitlt'i-iuif , " mid niiiKt sl\o ; ( llio tnlt n.iinr * and ml-
ilrrss of I IIP bidder , tlio tiuionnt of salil lionds
ilc-hcd.nnd the pike piopo'-eil to bo pnld.
'J'liciiirlit lsin- veil tiui'Jot'i any nml nil bids.
TiiuMVMIetK , 'll '
Proposals for District PavingBonds. .
Cm TllKlxtilll-li'h ( J | KICK , I
OM IU. Nin. : , Duo.1st , IbSS. l
V < i.VIii : : ) ] 'ipo HlH \\lll Im ii-cohoil lit tills
kJ ollicii until Di'i'f'inlipi'i'llht. II > NI , nt li noontop
I he imiclui' .i ol JDKKIol Distiicl 1'nvlii Ilouds
of Iliui-Ily oroiniilin . aUl bninlhniu dutod .Ian-
iixi-y 1st , Ih87and ullllit duo" In ono jear , " In
tno jciiri , 1 lu tlni'O ynus. " In four ji-iu.s nn < l
1 L'lii'h in llvo , ilz. Mivon , i.'ljdit and iiino junta
liom their < lntu : RIU In SUIIIK ol iho liumliud
ilollHis cnt'li , nml lionrinloieot liom their dutc
nt tlio into of i l\ per coiilnm pur iiiiiiiiiu , payable -
able iiniiiuilly. 'I tin tnlnclpiil and itiU'ii'-t. 1110
liotli pnjabluiil tbuofllcu ut Koiiul/o Uros , in
Xovr'ork. .
Salil bonds nio Isiiicil umlor tbo clinrtui
POMP : ot < l citynnd Hill bu ilcllvorcil to | iur
uliiisniDin piijinonttlioiofor ul lliu ell ) Tiunb
urv In Oniidia , on January "ilb , | W7.
JlicUnllI litunldn'SFcd loilio iindorrlrnod nml
rnnikcil "I'roiio'iils for DlMik-t 1'nv Inc llomls , "
nnd innM gtulo lliu full immo anil inlihcss ol lliu
lildilcr. tlio amount of huid lioudUosltcil , and
t ho prkii proposed to bo puM.
'I inn lulu Ib loseivcd to reject liny iiiul nil bids.
d"IUtt ) Tut MAN llUCK.fity Tri'HBUicr
Artists' Material.
A. jrosrE , jjt ,
Artists' llaterials , Pianos and Organs ,
I.'il1 btrctt. Omulni ,
Agricultural Implements.
Ll. J'AllKUn ,
VVboltfnle Dcnlcr In
Agricultural linplt'incntp , . . . . „ ,
Cxrriuic and llviffles. 3onet moot , belnini Vth
nd , Ntt.
a / : " .0 MKTVA i7iniC
Acriunltural Inipleiiioits ,
Waiijn , rarrlaii.'n , llngirlci , KirV'liolc Omnba ,
I' A ULfX , OJt KXnGllF
\Yliolnsule Dralsrs In
Asrviciilitiriil Iinplciuciitfl ,
( VitKCninmt BucElo , UJI.'Jtl , jOi nml'.UT , Jones tt
Butter anJ
Ilnyers of Huller and Kg
Jtcrrliicnitor and J > a < kli > g House , llth unit l.ouren-
wortlifit.U I > It. II. 'l'i ckon.sha.
Builders' Hardware anil Scales.
Ruliler9'Hardwaro&.ScaleopairSliop ! ] {
ilcch nlct > ' Tuuli and lluffalu Sraki. H'Jj Duu.lai it. .
> Oiuaht ,
LKK , rJUJKT ) .0 CO , ,
iloblici'8 of Hurthviiro and Naila ,
Tlunarc , Hht > ut Iron. Ktc. Auenli [ or llowt > bule
nd Miami Powder ! o. , Oiuulia.Ktb ,
Wholesale Hardware.
Wenern tnt for JeBcrlcn Bli-Pl Kalli , Amtln
J'OWCHTL'O , KwULBiik. huiidtrJ hcslei '
lOlli and Ilarn f , Oiaalia.
Iron Works.
Iron Works.
Wrought mid Cant Iron MulMInuVotk , Iron . " ( Mm ,
IIMInic. ncnnm mill ( ilrilor * . Sitntn Kntrliift , llr i >
Wntli.lurfrnl ftgntulrY , Mrcbino nml Itlximnllli
Vorlf. Office nnlWorkv , U.I' . Hj. n < inihMicM.
Boots and Shoes.
Lv TfAxi >
Hoots mid Shoos ,
CoMflrto Mock uf lintlinr llo < xl nln jri on h > nrt
Ml H llin.Onii > lia.NiHi..V. Aimlii , Agent.
jr. r. Moitsis , r co.
Jobbers of Hoots niul Shoos.
llll 1'nrnini ( t. , Omnhs , Nob. MMiutactor ; , Sunincr )
MrriM. Hui ton.
Wholesale Knlibor HootM nnd Shoos.
Ilubllor nilOilcilClotlilu niul Kelt Uoot , touth
r.n t Corner lull .uul Duuiilns
Apt. for AnhiMiscr-Hush Itrcwitig Ass'n
tpeclil llr.Uul" . KAii t , lluiln elver inl Trlnnscr.
STOttX ,0 IhKtr
linger Iteer Hrcwors ,
1VM North 1 IU Mrrrl , Omnlin , Neb.
Coffee. Spices. Eic.
Omaha C'otFoo nnd Spleo .
ToR , Oiiffof" "plri-t. lliiklrK tandi > r. Kl
trmtp.l imiulry Itluo , In'i ] : iillll lislli.rucj
Muct O'lnln , ISP'I.
s iri-wr roL/s a * snr.iis.
Jlomi > CoH'i'p nnil Spieo JIIIN M'f'R1 To.
CnlTooHo iHiprunnil PIIM ( Irlntli'ti1 , Miinutiiniirrrfl
nf llflklii 1'orcUi'r. H ixurtni ! Kxtturt * . lulling , lite.
Tr * < no 1 < * of our 1 " > imt k me I Ionic lllt'iiil ItuiiUeil
OjiTci ) . liir.iUiwaiil ( I Oraiiliii , Null
j : . t < ; i. K < 'ojtxici ?
fohn Kpcnetor , Prop.
Manufacturer uf ( iiilinnlrrd Iron niul Cornice. K3
Jloilcc nml 10.1 unit KIJN , lOtli ft. . Oicitlix.Nol' .
OniniiiPiitul ( I'nlvanl'/cd Cornices ,
Doriuir Window Vlnnli. WM'illrJ-kjllnIit.cte. 310S.
ltM et i Omaha.
'E mums ,
( \ Spccht , Prop.
Gnlvnnl ? " ! ! Iron Cornier" , etc. C i < ii.filniprci\ril rut-
cut Mi'titllu'-kyllnlit. Un ninUlU H. l.'th M.Oinnlm.
Jolibori of
Carpets , Curtiiins , Oil Cloth .
l.liioionru.MntthiKa. . 1UC. UU ncnis'un ' i
_ _ . _ _ _
Wholesale Carpels , Oil Cloths ,
Wilting * , Curtiiln Coodv Ktc. 1123 I'Miiium f-troct ,
ft. Ni-b ,
Crockery and Notions.
tif r
AROntfor the MunnfiK tin 1'isnwl Importer * ol
Crockery , ( jlassware ,
Lnuir , < liluiuc ) , etc. ( irate , 317 Koiith loth it.
Oinnhn , Ncli.
Commission and Storage.
ou and .l
nnttcr , KtTSK'i'l ' l'roi\noo. \ CiinilKnnJGiitii eollrllort ,
llvn < liU"itorn | fur btnni'wnic. Itorry ltnxt'8 Hint
tiupo llnfkc'la. lilt l > oilK tict'tOmnhu.
CoinniiBsion Jfcrclmnts.
lYullf , I'rnilncn nnrt I'rmUlonB , Oninlinob. .
If. l
Sl ( raRrc nnil Conuulssion Merchant.
fcpci liiltloi llutter. Keif * . riiocso , Poultry , fluino ,
< > > Hpr > , hto , Klc. llJMintli lltb Mr vt
Produce Coinniissioii Jlerchuiits ,
I'oullrj , lluttor , ( Jiime , Viulin , etc. ? 2U B. lltbet
Ointtliji , .Nt'b ,
Gonural ( ' ( ininiission Merchants ,
And Jobbcra rf FurclRii ninl UomcHtlc I'rultB. < 'nrrc-
Vlionituncu Rnll < \\nrohouBfiitncl odlci1. 110 N.
'Jhlrteentli M . Omnlin , Neb. Tpli > | ilniiii > "f > .
Coal antf Lime.
/ ' . MII.ES'L'OXK a1 CO. ,
DiMlois In
Hard nnil Soft Coal ,
OQice and > ard , IMh and Tilcbolnn nl , On itlm. Neb.
aro. i . I.MIMIII. rroB. 0. r. OOOIWAV , V. I'renT
J A. MINiihlli. VNI ) , f-i'c. und ' 1'reur.
Johliersof Hard and Soft Coal.
JOJ'-oiitli Tlilrtoi'iitli Street , Omalin , N ( b.
, T. , T. ,7OII\NOX 0 CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And t-lillipeni of ( 'ml and Coko. foment , I'larlrr ,
IJmo , llnlr. I'lro Drlrlc , Drain , Tllo mid Hewer ripp ,
oniiu. IMxton Ilotul. Knrnim H. , Diuiha , J > cM >
Tcluphonu Ml.
I'T. \ " > JIr,0 CO. , "
Maiinfiii'nriiitj'(1onfi'f'tioiierM ( ( ,
Jobbt'tiof K.iilK.NutB j'ncl c'l.'nu. nil rar.Hm St.
Livt Stock Commission.
Live Stock Coinniisaioii.
Roo. lluiko , Maunxor
Dnlon gtock r rJ , S iMimlih. 'loleplionr .W
SATAGK , ( ) GJtEE\ ,
Live Stock CoiuinlHslon ilerchants ,
ti of nny and nil llmls of Hlork tuliellcd.
Union .Stock idn , ( iraati , l > b
Cigars and Tobacco.
i < v co. ,
Jobbers of Ciirnrc , 'J'obaoco ,
Uun mid Amniiinltlon , 215 to Ki H lltli t. 1CUO io
ItSil ruiimni ct , Onulm.Ntli
WEST , r
MnnnfHclui'prs of Fine < 'lerarH ,
And Wliolemtlo Jlpalam In I.caf 1fil > acroir NUB Kit !
MJJ ll'J.N. ' ' ( Hi utr iil , Umutiu ,
Wholes lo Denlt-rs In
CJjjurs , Tobaccos , J'ipo.s and Smokers'
Axonts for I ) . I,3l.lor lorf & clo , Klr.o nut and Hinok
ill robaooo , Mllwa ikeoYlsoonnln. . No.JU
t = ] .NortUSUteeaUiSlroot , Um.iUNob ,
Dry Goods.
Dry Roods , Fiiniisliinsffioods & Not long
11(8and ( 110i DutiKlnn , coi. llth H . OinnhnNl I ) .
Distillers ,
df T.l < | \iir , Alrnhol And ! < plrll Importem
and Jolbi'rsot VMnniiinil l.liiinn. |
-OU'NT It \fiti D1HTILLW Y
CO. ttud IIA-llt t' CO. ,
Importers unit Jcbben nl Uno Wlnci nnd l.ltiunri.
boluniiniirnouiri'r iif KinncdrV Eait India lilt.
lera .ni'l lymf ) ilc I Iqimrs. 1112 llnniey M
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
jr. T. CLAitifE nmia co. ,
Dnif , ' , Paint , Oil & Class House
Wottof L'tilmco I'nmplrtu I.lno of Dru glns HUB-
drlfi. 1IH llnnipy tOintlm ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. II.BM mi l'tf J-W tirni'niiii.Fer.&l'fcii
11. J.CAHfiiX , V.l'iti.iinUhupt.
Office 213 f , 14th tl , Omaha. Neb. Machlnrrranu
f uprllf ii/or Manufacturing L'vmcnt Drulu Tilu.
Building Material ,
Dealer In AilKlnJaof
ISuiltlhu. Material at Wholesale.
Itlh btrcct and Union 1'aclBc Track , Omaha.
Furniture ,
if .STO..V/ ? ,
Wholesale Dealers In Furniture.
t. , Omahn , N b.
ts sin riK
Furniture , Deildlinr , Upholstery ,
Mirror * , ( to. IX , iaW nd HID l' rn ra ! . , Orosba.
Butchtrs' Tools ,
Hntchers * Tools find Supplies ,
SaufKfto CntlnKs of nil kln < 1 < nlirnrtlu Mock. UU
Grfceries ,
Wholesale Cirocerien nntl Provisloim ,
No ? TnyrOT , tOO and in H. Ulli St. Omaha. Xcb.
MecTo'KltrJtli. 11) r , ( CO. ,
Wholesale Uroccr.s ,
Uth nnd l.oironworlli ti.Oniarn .
Hardware ,
ir. . / .
Heavy Hardware , Irou nnd Steel.
Bprlngi , Wason Mink. llnrd\tar Lumber , etc. 1X3
and 1311 llarner m , Omaha.
AVholesaln Iron mid Stool ,
WjKonaml rnrrlaeoVniM Hlmk , llcntr llardwaro ,
hie. UlTnmmit I.MVciiwyrtliat..On'nlin , NcU.
iOGtSltN ,0 50.V.S1 ,
Sttnes , ltuiKO : ( Kiirnacey , Tiles ,
Manilla , llralci , lUa inod ; < 131 und 17-M I'arnnra
LOCIS til ? l/FO/f/ > ,
Denier in I.innher. initli , Lime , Snsli ,
DoomKto. Vnnl Corner-Till mnl DoitKlaiii I'ornrr
Wliolo ! ih' Lumber ,
HHS.Hlliftrocl.Omiha.N'elVlprlicr ( , Miinmor.
Jewelry *
c. x. num. ,
Mill unit CAUforuliMrocK llnmha. Neb.
Mtrn w. Git A r ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Rtc.
Cur.Cthimd DotiElii at * . . Oinnlin.No'j.
a1 , ir. iiAnriiruMBuit co. ,
To Dealers Only.
C HA8. Jt. LEE ,
IFardwiod LnuibcV ,
Wood Ciirrctii nnd 1'arqnct rioorlnt. Utli nnd Doiiglru
OlllHtl I.
Wholosiulo Lnmber , Etc.
Itjiporlrd nml Anit'rlcMti I'orlltntl iVmont. Ftnt *
Agent furMilTvitiiki'rt IMilnuilic I'oniculanO Uci t
Vmnor Wlilli-l.ltnp.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John rtllilrfl , S'jporintPl dent.
Millinery and Notions.
Iniporlern anl JdbbPis of
llilliuc-ry und Notions ,
1311 ml Ur.JI.irnc ) St.ccl , Omnlin , Neb. l
C. S.
Are thaonlr Dlrc ( t Impoituignf
Gorman & French Toj a k Kancy Goods
In Xelirn kn. riikncn prleei dnpllrutcil wllliout Hdd-
IIIK iri'lelit. ill * , rnrniini f-iroci , im ) ha.
co. ,
VVholcsilo 1)0.1 li'n In
Nolioiis and Furnishi'iii ? Goods ,
nanil 4li ( S Truth SI , Onmlu.
Jobbi-r" In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' K
( lOOllH.
IMC nnd inpB Faniam ht.Oinnln.Hel ) .
Paper Boxes
, T. L. II'ILKII' } ,
Mannfactiirer of 1'aper Hoxo ,
( S.lltli Sl . Dm ih n , .NobnitkH. Onlcin liy null to-
lltlltMt mul will rooelvo prompt Atli'iitlon.
Or trails.
CAXiviiL / ) .in .vr ri < * A r iTrr'ifT\a
Mannfiii'tiirers ' of Overalls ,
Jo n I'uiilK , SblttK , llUlnnil 1104 Uuuicl i > Flrcet ,
inuihn ) , NM , .
Printing ,
< '
Job Printers , Blank Hook Mult ova.
And JJook liliiclpis. 10.1 umt 1W "autli I ourtntntb
treat Dmuliit , Neb.
' XE Jf'SI'A I
Anviliary I'lililinljcrs.
Oonlon InT/po , rn > ii > i nl ' surplice f09
Pickles , Vineijur , Etc.
M ( ) It It IN fCO , ,
Manufm lurrrt , I'.n ker nml lirali-ri In
PieKlo ? & Strictly 1'nro Apjilu Vincpar
Il kln IMwrlrr , Hi.Tnrlnij rxtmru , 'I'uMn bnuct ,
l-rcnch MH > I ' -I Wish UlnlnK. tlrmnt' Mieetnittnii
folo i.Eo.its fur i > rk Matfl f-nnil llcHiinl Apple Ci
der , liudl eiiTenworlhtl. . Ooithu.
Safes , Etc ,
Afjonts for Hall's Halo ( fc Lock CO.B'
ira nml llurit'sr iroiC Rnfoi , 1 Una J.urki , Vaulti
ndJ ll Work. 1W Turn ii.i sum t Omkhn , Neb.
Oninliu Snf Works.
. . irp.pof I iron ml Il > ir l ir 1'ioofRnfcc , Vmill
leer ) , J il M'irV.h'uU er < anil VVlin VV'iuk. Cur ,
Sash , Onors , Etc.
' P CO. ,
Wtiolo iltf MnnufuctiiraK uf
Snsli , Jfoorn , lilimlH nnd MouldingrH ,
Hrancli u'.ni-f I''th nml KnrU stj.Onal'n.Si-l. .
SiiHli , Door , lUiiuls ,
llulldliiir l'3-i r. otn imt Mouth Tliliti''i.nV fi'lreot ,
Uuialm , A r'.iiii'li Io sioct uf JulKH-r ! '
II uil
MAXrFATli\i C0 ,
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
ork and Interior Hard Woml l"lnl b
. cor Dili and l.varrliMuitliHIi.
DUHlllM , M'l ) .
umps ,
I'unips , J'iiip , K
Steam Hint Wuttr Hui > ! > IIf ll adiiuarli'ri fir MtM
1 ojelCo' * Ijoo li. llll I wriidiu tl. iinuliu , N * li ,
A LTsritA \ < ; co7
I'limpH , Pipes nnd Kiijjiries ,
Btctin. W.itcr. Itnllway and Milling Hi : | > ( < lv | . j : ' ° -
nO , VV. nJ VU l-arn ui ! . , llniilu : , Nell ,
ilny Wind Millnlcam and VV.t r Suppllei ,
DiliIntf Oooile llelllnllu WS Hiul 'Jill ttu *
mm ( I. , Oniitlni , H. K. I cltiin , MJIIUKIT.
UHeplmnuKu. ' 1(1. (
Wagons and Carriages.
The Loading Ourrliiijii Factory ,
( I'STAIU.KIIKJ ) 1415)
tfH UtTOt , O