Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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"all. two rhnnnlnK American youni ; ladles
MKftps Ilnglcrs and Hhtileii delighting
overjbody with quaint noero melodies with
banjo accompaniment.
Among the Americans about to tnkewlnR
to tlio Itivlcra nro foiiimmloie Oeiry nnd
family , wo ) : will iia r monthat Nice , lion.
Jnmts Kns'Hsh , ex-governor of Connecticut ,
vith Mrs. Kugtlsh and Jlrs. Morris , have also
left for Nice nml Italy. Mr. Nathan Apple-
Ion , of llnston , Ii ? started for Hanover to
Bpcntl CliTlslinns with Ids brother Mid family
iliore , but expects to rctmn hpro at llio ex-
Vlrntlon of .a week ortlieicaboiils. Colonel
nnd Mrs. Hunnetford will spend the Kr ilcr
portion of the winter in llio Itlvicrn. Mrs. A.
J. Drcxul mm her ( lnnliter ami son-ln-lnw ,
Wr. and Mis Fell , will leate I'm Is In a few
days for Cnnncs.
AT IMt' .
At P.III the \\entlier Is rainy nnd blustery ,
but tlio hlppodroiiio races came elf \Vcilncs-
lny with the nsitnl ccKit , the Americans put
ting In a strong Sumo fotty
ladles woio present , nmonK them helm ; Mrs *
nnd tlio.Mlsscs lltirton , Mi. . nml the .Misses
Jlutton , Mine , do L'uailra , ilarchloncss and
Wllc-s. dc Novlbo" , Mr . Jeo. Mis. l ) | by
Jloycott , Miss UrownriKB nnd Miss Watson.
Most of the Pan sportsmen were picsent ,
nmonfi them Mr. Torrnnce , just nnlvod.mntlc
Ids llrtt nppcninnre , Hie Count Ic ) Jlndie ,
Mr.V. . K. Tlinrn , Sir Victor liumlce , M. F.
11. , Sir John Nuinent , Colonel Acton , Major
JMnlcohn Patten , Counc Kuno do MontcbcIIe ,
Mr. Foster Haihani , Sir Thouns Knov , M.
d'Crlailrajt , and Cnptaln Hrowne. The In good condition and the races
fairly contested. Theio was only ono fall ,
nnd that without serious results.
The grand pilx will take ] > ! ace on
February 1 , nml on tlio 8d. Two Important
jiifinlsKjci will be cclobratcil eaily in the
coming month .Mile , do McMahon , daughter
ot the ox-president nf tlio icpiiDlic. with the
.Due dc Plulnnce , and that of Mile. Dlan dc
Ca30 Urlswc to Prince dc Ll ie. 1 have
Just seen a superb coat bclnz made for tlie
last named tlanceu. it Is n lonu' pelisse of
mineral blue crccti plush , llnpil entirely fiom
top to hem in ma nllicuiit blue fox. A larin ;
Russian coDarof similar fur , a broad baijd
down the frftitt Ohil round the sleeves
complete this prince ! ; ' flanceo wrap.
Alolrcvcninir reception dros , icady for
another nilstocrnttc bride , Is ot "del do
> Slal , " or May sky blue , the peUtooit entirely
embroidered In trout with pent Is , cut silver
nnd crystal beails , tlie ovculiess of rich
Lyon's velvet a shade daikcrith Louis
XIII train , lined with satin , set In round
hips In pleats beneath a tabbed cois.icelth
fins Ii of palo blue China crape , funning i\
wnislb.tnd and liulslicd on the loit
Ride with a Kiino | ; how of satin ,
lioin wlilch ImiiK diamond fciiets. Tlie
aims of Austria ducolletgo Is turned back
with point hco. Down the front
are silver bags liaiiiliiK : on oithci side , full
Hleoves of velvet , cut with bauds of : eiiibrolil-
crcd satin nnd turned up bulovr the elbow
with cuffs of Flemish lace , finished lids .su
perb ilr s that Is to bo woin at couit In Bul-
The CuUlnrt Crisis.
LONPOX , Dec. 28. The queen maintains
constant communication with the Murquis of
Hnllsbury. It Is declared that the premiei
Los no Intention of resignini ; . The cabinet
met at l'JHO : o'clock this afternoon ami dis
cussed the resignation ot Lord Randolph
Churchill. The other members of the cab
inet aiieed with Lord Jballsbury that Lord
llaitint-Ion should bo usueil to join tlio coal
ition ministry.
The Ktorm In Hnglnml.
LOXPON , Drc. 28. After a violent jialo nnd
unusually heavy snow storm , a rapid tliaw
et In throughout the country. The storm
( lid utrat damatxo to cionmls around the
Uuckingham tjalace. In ilydo park , Lon
don , trues wcro bloun down , and all ovci tlio
rountry titlepliono and tolp niDh wlros ncm
, -dostrwTd and railway trains iuipedcd.
TonnyHon Criticised.
LONDON , Dee. 28. Uladstono has written
for the January number of. the Nineteenth
Century an article entitled "Locicsley Hall
nml thu Jubilee. " The article is aciitlcUm
of Teniison' & poem by the light of events of
llfty jears.
1 The Ilt-itlHlj I'nrliaiiiont.
LONDON , Dec. IB. It is otlicially an
nounced that the nit'clini : of parliament 1ms
leon postponed until Kebrnaiy.
J3xi > losivc9 Discovered Under Gnblo
Tracks in San Francisco.
S.VJT 1'jtAKCisco , Di-e. 23. A sensational
development In the bttcet cur trouble oc
curred tu-day on the Geary street line. An
oilerslio dcbccnded a man-hole In the
course of hla duties on the road near Yanness
avenue , found two dynamite cat trhlRos with
1 nt-e attached in tlio tunnel thiough which
the c.ihlo runs under tlio track. Further
search was made , and two more of thesndc-
etnictivu UKcntaini : founil. It Is helle\cd
that the caitridKC * ere placed In tlietunnrl
tin Sunday nhht ; , In to bo exploited
ycatcnluy inimUn ; ; when the assault was
made on the employes of the i oad , and tlmt
the presence ot the police and the dctei-
Uilncd light they made uieventoil thocon-
mimination of the dastardly hchome. The
nmount of tlyiiamlto ticcreted under the track
was .snlllelcnt not only to blow up the road
hod nnd any car which might have been over
It , but would haTO caused immense dnma ate
to propel W In tlio vicinity. The ir.utloi has
i pluccd In the hands of the luithoiitlc * .
AfTalrH ofthoAVu
Sr. Loins. Due. ss.-Colonel U % II.
Jilodeolt , general solicitor of the Wabash
railroad , presented to thu United State * cir
cuit court to-day the order recently made by
Unuhom at Chlea o appointing
Igo Uuulojr receiver of certain lines
of the Wuh.nh . system east of the Mis
sissippi river. Colonel Dlodci-lt also made
itn o.\Iian.stiro statement re.'aidlnc the lines
of thu entire b > sti > m , thelrlocatinn , condition ,
etc , , and asked the court to Instruct Itoceiv-
crs Humphrey * uiul Tntt ulmt eouiKo to
jMlisiin 111 future. .Ind o ' 1 real.stated that
the decision nt tlio Wabash imichikbtt conteni-
Urn payment ot all Indebtedness.
Jdated not Intended tlmt the eieam of
the iiiom-rly fihonld be Ul > en and tlmt
the purrhatTrs ohonld ( "tcapo obligations In
respect to all other paits ot the pinperlv. It
Is undortitond the puichnsInK eonimlttee nt-
tonuiyB will hrltiK up tomunothe \ question
of llio jurladlrtlon of Jud o ( iio.-vlniui , and
u that cabo tlio dlipntii may u'.ich the sn-
liremo court nt the United bt.itcs.
IfnVrnth Ills I'rnporly.
riiiCAnii , Ui c. 3i Timothy U' Ishl , ot
Now Yorlc , tiled a bill lo day njjatnst his
agent , Thorns l < yman , tor aceuuntlnp ; and
illseovery , clftlnilnu' I A man f.tlleil to account
fore. tituoith : neaily SM.OOU.tHX' . The us-
tale is < raterf ( d throujjli Chicago , Wlnelku
a I ul Wiluhtvvood.VilgliteIaiuis \ that dur
ing hla abiimco his titles have been giadnall }
vlped out by nte.ins of I'ori'i'lii uin Milts
vlthoutlils Kno\vK'dKe. The hilt says no ac-
rount has bncn rendered by J ytniui falncu
A nistlmrnKlied N' nv Yorknr ,
Ni.w YOKK , Dec. 28. [ Special Telegram to
the lluu.l The Tunes uija ; John 0. Knn
vcntiued to leato Canada a foitnUlit or so
jigo and brarely raiuu to New York , spent
i\vo orthrco rtavs heie , coiibultod with the at-
torney'a abaet rndlni ; his lioubhy with the
law. met Hf tr ehoofu filendsat a little dlu
liei- and cilulj talked of an e.irly letiirn to
Itlzeii'-hlp here. lie biilfercd a food deal
from iH'iTonn UruuKs lust Miuunur , but U
yerfeetly well now.
j A Brewery In Klawrn.
KT. I.ouia , Uef,2i Tlirt walls ot Holm's
brewery s.ved in Rt - : ; to-day , and It Is now
pn lire. It la known that two nior. nro killed
nnd It lt ( litlleicd they aru In thu uiuib.
A Deadly l'rioticnl
O. , Joc. Us. A Danvlllo
( Kj. ) sjic lal UUjoQoinmerclal-tiuzettoiiaj's ;
At Junctlwt City on Christmas day , VY. T.
tJark ! ; > ou , a iMvhlbltianUt , drank egg-no ; at
| heliou e vf a frleud.DanlelTwoddle. TUonca
lie \ is tnken to a saloon , forced to drink
until stupefied , then placed In n wntcon with
n imnnrr "ProhlbltlonlH died December 2.V
'J ho JoKers ere horrlllpd soon at the discov
ery tnnt Clarkson was dpad. It is expected
thnt the perpetrators will bn made to suiter.
TrnvoIliiR Men In Bc % lin ,
CIIICAOO , Dec. 23. The twelfth nnnual
mooting ot tlin > ortliwc . ( crii Tra\ellnt :
Jlen'i association M.IS held hero to-ilav. The
report of iho secretnry plumed rx tucsonl
memlieishlp of about . * X. 'llio total
amount pnld hciiPiiclnrles * > lnee the ilato of
urcnnlzntlnn Is S7WiOW. Duiinir the year
tuuiity-thrce deaths have occurred ,
A Knllrond Clinneus
Cmr.Uio. Dec. US. A special to the Inter-
Jccan from Clinton , 111. , siy < : It wn1" of-
liclally announced to-day that the Illinois
Centrftl railroad had purchased the rimin-
jialen A Havana road. The Central will ,13-
stimo the management the Ilrst il.xy In J\u- ;
" ' ii * *
A. Hiirrltile Dcnth.
CHICAGO , Dec. 2S. 'llio Dally News , Cairo
(111. ( ) , spuclnl says : In a saloon quarrel i-tin-
lay evening Thomas Splccr , coloied , was
Ihrown to the lloor by llairv Hayoi and
J'homei Mealmn , who covered him with tur-
lientlno nnd set lira to hN clothing. The \ Ic-
il m died to-night. The periictrixturs IMC lit
Dlnruptcd a till
Cnir-Aoo , Dec. 28. At the meeting of the
Central low a Traffic association to-day the
Diagonal line demanded Ineipased percent
ages. This demand disrupted the ounnl/a-
tion , which , lion ever , was at once reoriraii-
l/ed , the Dlmunal's ; demand bi-lug roturrcd
to nrbltrators.
A Itublicr'H M'H'orro tcil.
NAsit\ii.tE , Teiin. , Dec. SA MM. Halpht ,
wlfu ot the oxprc.s-j robber aiiostcd here
Ctulstmas ilav , lett for St. Louis tn-nlirlil In
cliar u ( it n detcclUo. She is thought to liavo
aided In plaiinlni ; the lohbery and to lia\o
12,000 in her possession.
I'rolilliltlonl'it Nnnitnnlc.
Mu.w.vricr.E , Doc. 23. At Eati Clnlio to
day the piohtbltlonlsts ot the Klchth con
gressional dlstiicl iiomlnalud Hugh i'rlcu for
: ho short conicssloiml term , nnd I'oter
Irnox. of Kau Clatro lor the lout ; tcim to
succeed William T. i'rlco , deceased.
A Sirlkc Decided Ution.
UO TOX , Dec. 28. Tlio cmplojcs ot the
JonsolUlated railroad had n secret mccthiKlast
ilirht at which thovdeclded tostilke Jaiunry
L It curtain grievances woio not abated.
A Jeweler Fulls.
UAI.CIMOKI : , Md. , Dec. 2i , IaiM > b Onstel-
jerc , juwcler , made an asslRnment to-day.
Ills liabilities were placed at 500,000 and as-
Butts about 800,000.
llcccnt Arrivals nt tlio Amunosa Con-
viots1 Homo.
, In. , Due , 27. [ Correspon-
Icncc of tlio Bin. ] The following : ire
llio nrrivnla nt the penitentiary : George
Kboslmrt , of Corwatt , 111. , twenty-six
years of age , scvon years for niun-
Hlaughtor ; J. Urovran , of Ln Platte , 111. ,
liolcl waiter , twenty- two years old , lar
ceny , ono year ; Charles H. Uoodwicli ,
arles Uugan , luoiilder by trndo ,
thirty-four years old , cuibcx/.leiucnt , sent
tor two years ; George \V. Friekliss , of
Sioux City , twenty-seven years old , burtr-
lary , four years ; Mike Mooney , alias
Mike Alulcaha , twenty-three ycara old ,
; rand larceny , eighteen months ; William
Martin , of Louisville , Ky , pattern maker ,
Lwonty-onc yours old , eighteen months
for larceny ; William Hoots , of Clinton ,
la. , nineteen years of ago , but a , more
boy , four years for larcenv ; ,1. Smith ,
alias OncralDcwey , Chicaco , 111. , thirty-
six years of age , attempt to commit rape ,
ono year nnd six months ; Harry Kandall ,
ofl'eoria , 111. , twenty-three years old ,
larceny , two years.
On Christmas morning at 9 o'clook the
convicts in tlio piison gave n concert ,
consisting of kinging , cute savings , etc. ,
which wus interesting and listened lo by
a largo number of our citizens. At noon
the prisoners sal down to a sumptuous
dinner consisting of chickens , pies , etc. ,
which tlioyenjoyed very much.
A lady ninety-nine years of age died at
Farley , a little town twont } ' miles east of
here , last Monthly morning , the funeral
taking place In that town. She was of
Irish descent and appeared to be Imlu
and hearty until a short time before her
Tlio County CoiumHelonerfl Ac.'iin at
Work Consider ! n.t ; Tliom.
Monday titternoon the county com-
nfibsioncrs began the work of reexamining
the plans submitted for thu county hospi
tal. They wcro at the same work ye-i-
terdaj morning , and at a o'clock yes
terday afternoon undertook the consid
eration of those ot Mendelsohn &
La wiio. Tlio commissioners do not
know when they will double to reach
a vote upon the acceptance of the
plan best adapted for the iiM"i speci-
lied. It is now Known that Mr. Tunmu
considers Coehran'.i plan as his liivt
choice , with Mendelsohn & Lawilo'b tiis
his second. Mr. O'Keofo has givou ex
pression to a decided prufurcneo. for
Aleyerd' for many reasons , b.ihed upon a
couipariFon of the relative merits
of each , Ho claims that ho has
uce.ii ndlu to form a bolter
opinion of Mcyera' , because all thu spec
ifications , even to the minutest detail
have been outlnuul bv the latter gontlo-
man. This has not diien done by either
of the other competitors. Meyers' build
ing , too , is a tire proof htructuro , and
thu architect ( ili'cv * to give : i bond of
$100,000 to erect H withln the proposed
liguro ,
It is not know n how Mr. Corliss stands
upon thu question , but in view of the
fact that ho retires from otlico in about
four or live days , if ho does not miikn
Imstu , thn third vole in thu scIoutloH will
dovolvu upon Mr. Mount , the commis
The Nuliraika Prew > ns > oeialini will
meet at the Mlllanl this evening.
We doubt If there H , or can l > o , a specific
rrniecly ( or ilictimatUin ; lint thinmnds vim
lii\o : tudoreil Its pains li.tve hccn Krcatly lien-
ciHcJ by Hixid's S.irs.iiiarllli. It ) ouha\e
failed to llmt ii-lh'f , tiy this rcini-ily.
"IMIS iiftlictfil witli rhciunatlsin twenty
years. I'/oUous to J&w I fotiuil no relief , hut
crew woi so , anil at ono llmo was almost help-
leu , JIooU's ftnsajurill.1 illd me moro Eotnl
thnn nil the other nu-iltdno I ever had. "
H. T , It m-ojr , Shirley Village , Mass.
"IliadrheumatismIhrco ) cai , iml cot no
lellet till 1 took Hood's Sarsaparllli. 11 has
done great things for me. I'lecommeiid U to
others. " Lnvid UUUUANII , HliWcfoidlie ,
' Hood's Sarjaparllla Is cliaracterlrtd hy
three pccuilarltlM : 1st , tlio comllnntlon I
icmcilial DRcats ; d , the j/rojior/JoJi / ; Oil , thu
yroetst if securing the ncthe medlflnal
( juallliej. Hie result Is mcJIoino otuuiuual
btroiutil'i cffcctins cures hitherto unknoun ,
Kt'iid fur book coutalnlUK ixddltlonal otidcucc.
"Hi'od'a Sirfni < aillla I ones up my sjitein.
juulCcs my LUnnl , tl.arpeus my ni > i"'tUe , nnd
fociiii to inaKe nm o > cr. " .1 , r , Tiiourau.v.
Kuglsttr of Uocdj , I.un ell , Mass.
" llomj'1 Barsaparllla. heats nil others , and
U worth Hsu oiBhi la roltl. " I.i.xui ; : uio-S ,
ija Uaiik btrcit , Ji'evv Xi'iU City.
Hood's &Sarsaparilla
SoM by all drtrgRfsts. tl i six for | 3. UadQ
ontyliy 0.1. IIOOU & CO. , luntvll , Masi.
ICO DososjOno Dollpr.
A Lincoln Confectioner's Better Eixlf Found
in an Omaha Brothel.
The Council The City Glinrtrr Suing
Ills Partner Hnscnll'9 Notes
Sixty Dnj-s Jail Klrds
-Oilier tiocnl.
An Krrlne AVIfp.
A fml-oj'ed Minn from Liricoln n ) > -
poured at thu police lii'nilqtutrtcrs nt 7
o'clock last evening , nml , concc.illnjr liis
identity untlor llio nunio of Charles Julia *
port , Invoked tlio nld of the police in n
btMircli for liig wlfo , who hnd dcsortod
him and \vni supposed to bo hi Uinahn.
He .said that he was engaged in the con-
fi'ctlonery business at Lincoln and had a
family consisting of a wlfo and u little
baby just , a year old. Ho had always en
joyed pleasant domestic relations until
about two weeks ago , when Ids wife
showed signs of bolng discontented with
her rather humble lot and finally threat
encd to leave him. He did not mijinose
she had any intention of carrying her
threat into evectition until a week a/o / ho
went home from his work and found his
wife had gone away and left their baby
withonta word. Iliumidc investigation bat
found no clue to her whereabouts until
on Monday he received word that .she
was in Omaha in evil associationsand ho
decided to comn at once and look I'm her ,
He pnvo an accurate description of the
woman , and an olllccr was f-ent to assist
him in Ids search. The erring wife was
soon located in the house of ill shape
kept by His Stella Young on rom-lucntli
street. When Johnson entered the place
he was met by Ida wife , who was nggod
out In the most approved style of the
beauties of the lower order. Ho ga/.ctt
nt her a moment , and then t.'tkinj ; her
Into his arms buist into tears. The
woman appeared very penilent.and asked
for her baby and forgiveness , and prom
ised to return with her hushanu to the
homo she had deserted and disgraced.
Her ponilonoo was not of the lasting
order however. Wlulo she was packing
licr trunk the other inmates of the place
persuaded her to change her mind , and
instead of returninir to her husband
ready to start on the journey liome , she
came with the chilling information that
she had decided to stay where
ahe was. Her hurib.itul had not hcen very
good to her at her honm anyway , and sliu
guessed , on the whole , she wouldn't ' tsxko
any stock in his promises of reform , but
would let him go homo alone. 'I he an
nouncement crushed Johnson completely
and , after a vain endeavor to get the
policeman to help him remove the woman
by foree , he left the house , lie will re
turn to Lincoln to-day unless he can jn- Ids wife to change her mind again.
Municipal Mat torn Dlnjiosod or With
Nuutncss and OeHpntcIi.
Councilman Scrhoedcr , the chronic ob
jector of the city fathers , issulleringfrom
a severe cold and can scarcely speak
above a. whispor. He was very quiet last
evening , and the business of the council
was disposed of in something over an
hour less than the usual time. The council
met at 7.DOo'clock as a board of equaliza
tion. A report was made recommending
the asscMincut of private properly to de
fray the expanse of opening , widening
and extending certain streets.
Air. Dailoy opposed the adoption of the
report on the ground that the council hail
no authority to assess back on prop
erty to cover the cost of private properly
appionriatcd forslieut purposes. In some
cases ho thought the assessment to prop
erty wore greater than the benefits Unit
would accrue to such properly by & trout
extensions and improvements.
t _ City Attorney Council thought the
matter ot the council's authority to make
such assessment could not be questioned.
The levies hail been very carefully coli-
Fidered by the council and he thought
that the assessment had boon very justly
and equally made.
After considerable discussion the re
port was adopted and the council met for
regular business with all of the membeis
iiresunt except Mr. MainiHe. The fol-
louing business was tran > aetcil :
From the Mayor Approving ordin
ances adopted at thu last meeting of the
council. On file.
Hoard of Public Works Hpnorting es
timate ot Hegan Bros. , grading Douglas
street. $ ( i'iO. ! ) ! ) and for basement of city
hall , ? ; iyOG.)7. ! ) Allowed.
S.-uni ! Ki'conimciidin ; : that the con
tract for the construction of sidewalks bo
awarded to Chailus Clurdnor. Sidewalks
and bridges.
Same iluporting claim of .las. KOK
? 4b7S , < ; T for paving in district No. I ! ; ! .
L'rom Citv Vetcriniarian Asking for
incicaiU of balarv to . "iOO a jour.
Of H. P. . Clark Asking for reduction
of sidewalk tax on Loavonworth. Hide-
walks and bridges.
'I ho bond of John I * . Dailey as plumber
and drain layei was apnrovod.
Of John ifamlin asking permission to
grade alloy in lots fi anil ( I , block 2J , on
Thirteenth and Mason btrettti. Grades
and grading ,
Of 1'ropurty Ownora Asking for open
ing of alloy in block I in Konm/.o'rf'ihlnl
utldition. City engineer ,
iti > oi.rnoNS.
Hy Knspcr Tluit tlio city marshal bo
instructed to arres-l any switchman or
ti.iinmon who hold auv railway crossing
In the city longer than llvo minutes.
Hy Ixiwry That the htrcet coiiiinib-
siouor be insluicted to build two watch
men's hoiibus for the dump watchmen ,
Hiiid houses to lie Oxti foot in dimonNlons
and 7 fcut in height. Adopted.
lly Lee -Thnt fii'.U bo apro ] ] > riatcd to
pay Ki-nnody As Hall for the grading of
lon lu ! > street betweun Twntluth and
Twenty-fourth slrcon. Hoard of public
work * and city engineer.
Itl.rolllS ( IF Cl > MMITTKr. .
rinanco ami olniins Hnturning the re
port of the city treasurer' * report of lines
collected from the police court. On tile.
( Jrudes and ( irailmg Uecommending
Hint the council do not levy tlio tax for
grading \Voulivorlli \ rivciuio until the
\tork is accepted. On lilt1.
-Uecommending that the ap
pointment of Charles Lung as u member
of tlio police force bo conllrmod. AH-
Levying avSHa-iiuonts to cover cost of
construction of sewers la district twenty-
six. Passed.
Tr.uisfurring certain funds to the gen
eral fund. P.ib-od.
Bpecial ordinances inakinf appropria
tions for tin ) payment ot liabilities in
curred during the month of November ,
amounting to$3 j,4IU.Gi. , : Passed.
Declaring the necessity of opening
alloy in block 0 , KouuUp's thirU addi
tion Passed.
Ordering the grading of Fourteenth
struct from the Onion racilto tracks to
C'astellur s-troot. ( irudod and grading.
At i > o'clock thu council adjourucd.
The committco meetings of the council
will bo hold on Friday ovenlng , this weok.
Rheumatism 19 primarily caused by
acidity pi the blood , llood'6 Snrsaparilla
purities the blood and thus euros the als-
The Amctulinnnt t'Qftitntttcc Pushing
Thelr.W rk.
The charter nm njmcnt comnutleo
met promptly at 2 o'clock yesterday , the
following gentlcmijii1 ! being present :
Messrs. Ilnrlon , I3eciiej , Bailey , Chnso ,
Daily , Kvana , Lee , r&tHnrlllo , Murphy ,
and Poppleton. In addition to the members -
bors of the committo'o thcro were the city
attorney , city cnciYje'or , lion , Cl.V. .
Llningcr and lion. C'M ! > 'Smyth. '
An amendment mado'was the insertion
of a section authorizing'the council to
regulate the construction of buildings.
The section was framed in compliance
with the building Inspector's ordinance
now in force.
The public library section of tlio old
chat tor was amended by the addition of
a clause authorizing tlio city to purchase
real estate and construct thu necessary
buildings for a public library.
Some time was devoted to a discussion
authorising a survey and replatling of
the city and tlio establishment of perma
nent corner lines. City Engineer Koso-
water was strongly in favor of this plan ,
but Mr. Popplctou opposed it on the
ground that it would cause endless
litigation. Mr. Hosowatcr lepliod that it
would not cause any part of the litiga
tion that will result if the present impor
ted lines are not corrected. After Foino
further tlbctission the amendment was
No change was made in the sections
relative to the apportionment ot taxes
and the plan of asse-'smen ; . On the
question of general taxes a lengthy dis
cussion arose. Mr. bmytho olYbrcd a
proposition that the tirst $ . 100 of each
manV property bo exempt. Ho liopod by
this plan to cqnuli/o the taxes so ihnl the
poor man will not bo required to pay
moro than his share. Various objections
were urged to this , tlte chief one being
that the state law expressly provides that
taxation on real and personal propeitv
shall be uniform and no exemptions can
bo made without a change ot the state
law. Alter a great deal of discussion
definite action was postponed , and the
committee adjourned to meet at U o'clook
this afternoon. Thbcommittee expect to
complete the work of revision to-morrow.
Oiuilcl Dola'ioy A-ikn n Tscat Sum uT
.7. n. Itilcy.
J. E. lliley , the contractor , was made
tlie defendant in a suit filed in the dis
trict court 3Tustcrday afternoon by Daniel
Dolancy. The pl.iintilT alleges that
during the past season lie was the part
ner of Mr. Kiloy in a number of con
tracts. all of which resulted m financial
profit to the firm , but that Mr. lliley lias
possession of the co-partnership agree
ment , and refuses to render an account
ing of tlio work done or ) to pay him for
Ida share thereof. Ardong the contracts
that were completed by the lirm were :
the brick ami stone * 5vk for the Kx-
change hotel in South 'O ' nalui , on which
tlio profit was ? 1,000 ; tlio brick work tor
the biiicmont of tlio Fcaqz Fall ; Hicwinc
company's building ad a drolit of $ SUO ;
the sewers in Districts NJ7 > and 'Jt at
n profit of ! ? l'l)00 , ) , ami the brick work of
the Fowler packing house at a prolit of
$7,5GU. The petitioner assorts that ho has
been unable to secure 'h'ispavt ' of thosu
protits , and that thu claims have been
assigned by Mr. Ililcy to the Omaha Na
tional bank , which is mndo a codefendant
dant with Mr. Kiloy. The plaintiff asks
adeciooof the court ordering Mr. lliley
to give an accounting of the money ex
pended in the co-partiifjrship contract *
and the profits thereof , ot which he
claims his share is ? t5,7l.G'J ! ( ! ) , for which
amount ho asks judgment.
Predicted Rurnpenn "Wars ) .
The Hov. Mr. Baxter , editor of the
Weekly Christian Herald , published si
multaneously in London and New York ,
am ! who is a clergyman of tlio Church of
England , trnve a second lecture last night
in tlio Y. M. C. A. , on coming great
events of prophecy expected by evpos-
itors during the next few years , Ho
maintains according to the interpreta
tions of the commentator Matthew
Henry and others , ttiat the Knd of the
Precnt Ago and commencement of the
millennial dispensation ii shown by the
prophetic dates of the 0000 , 2250 , 2JJDO ,
1IW3 , 1200 and . " ! ! ( ) years in Dauiol and
ItevelaMon to bo about thirteen years
from now in A. 1) . , V.IQO. At the distance
of ten years , however , before the end ,
i. o. , "about 18)0 ! ) , prophetic expositors ex
pect thu formation of a eoufedciacy of
ten kingdoms Britain , France , Spain ,
Austria , Italy , Greece , r'gypt , Syria , Tur
key and Hulgaria in triumphant opposi
tion to ( iurmuny and Husiiu combined.
This triumphant ten-kingdom confeder
acy is understood to bo pruligu 'd by the
ten-toed metaliu image and ten-horned
wild bca t in Daniel's second anil seventh
chapter , and to bo the result of tre
mendous Kuropcan wars between 1SSJ7
and lOiitf. Prince Jerome Napoleon is
foretold subsequently to become king of
Syria , mid after an extraordinary carciir
as the great anti-Christ and leader of thu
social inu and anarchists , to pcri-h at
Uhrif.tdciconl at the bfttlo ; of Arma
geddon at the end ot this century , after
which the earth in to enjoy unexampled
prosperity and peace during the milieu-
How Hantn Cliuis Vis-Hod llio ftontli-
west I'rchhyicrian Cluiroli.
A most 2iijoyablo and unique Christ
nias Riitcitaiinnunt was given Monday
night at the Southwest Prc-sbyterlan
church. At an early hour all the scats were
occupied by a happy throng of children
and their friends while the older persons
found btandlng room at a premium. The
e\crci > > os were opened \ylti ) singing and
the school was led in prayer by Jr. Mil-
roy , tiuvoral recitations \yoro glvon by
the members of Mrs. Crosby's infant
class with great credit to tlii'insclvcs and
their tuauhcr Thu iMiws'1 Kollcy s\ng : a
boautitul duet , wlnht a r unrietto consist
ing of JSjissos Manclioiter. Coombs , Park
and Loring favored the iiudionco with
sonto tine music. Ituv. J. N. Hoyd iiuido
a few brief remai Ks. The uchool sang a
Christinai carol and the i thn superin
tendent , Mr.V. . H. Di-iiminond an
liounccd that Santa Clans hud forgotten
the school this year and tailed to put lu
an appturauco , It wiii : < moved by Mr.
George Cro-by tliat . , : u comiiiiltoo
bo iippointcd to go , ) to fairy-land
and buo if they > could not
find Santa Chins anil fciduco him to
bring snmo presents for tlio gcltool , A
committco was appointed by the unaui
inous vote of the astonished boys and
girls who wcro beginning to fear that
tlioy wtro going to DO left without any
thing. The committee proceeded to
Fairy-land and called at tlio homo of
Santa Clans ) , n beautiful evergreen fairy
cottage that stood in the corner of the
room , with a silver door bell at the door.
After admiring the elegant homo they held
a brief consultation as to bow they should
proceed. At hut they nmstored up
courage to ring the door Loll , but no one
responded , again they aug it , when they
wcro terribly frightened by two little
grizzled dwurls who came rushing out
irom the side entrance and demanded
What they wanted. They told their er
rand , but the dwarfs protested that Santa
Ciaus had givcu till his presents away
and had nothing left tor them. They iu-
bislcd upon seeing dear old Santa aim-
bclf , but tuo dwur/s refused to disturb
him and went back into the
houjc. They rantr the door-bell
again vigorously when suddenly old
Santa popped up out of the chimney mid
in n grim voice demanded what they
wanted ,
Though I hey wcro scared nearly to
death , yet they plucked up enough
courage to tell how he had forgotten the
Southwest school , and bcirgcd him to
bring something , for what would the in
fant c'nss ' say , and what would the older
scholars say. The Fairy Qtmon herself
appeared with lior beautiful crown and
fairy wand. She sang an enchanting
song , and then inquired what all tlio
trouble was about. San'/a told her all
about it. She said Ihatthrro was a small
supply of candy , nuts ami cakes in the
palace. Santa ordered the dwarfs logo
and bring it. They hastened away and
soon returned loaded down with a gen
erous treat , and returned with tl e over
joyed committco to the school. Of course
the scholars rejoiced when they saw the
treat coming , for limy had almost given
up all hope of gelling anything After a
song the cvercisos were closed with
prayer by the Hov. J. M. Wilson , of the
Castellar Street church.
A liady Sn s. "It Snvctl Sly Ijlfe.
A lady living near llaverlnll , N. H ,
writing to Mrs. Lydia M Pinkham , of
Lvnn , Ma s. , says : "I Imvo been taking
your Compound and Liver Pills , six
months. I was very low when I com
menced taking your medicine , without
question it has been the means of saving
my life. " It is a medicine for good and
not for uvil purposes. A lady in ( Jrccne
county , III , savs ' ! am hfty years old ,
and in , as > oii know , a very critical time
In life. 1 fool certain that 1 never could
have lived through it this long , had it
no.t been for your Compound. 1 have
bi'on afllictcd with prolapsus uteri for
twenty-five years uiul never have found
anything to relieve mo until I found your
Vegetable Compound. I feel like sound
ing its praises as long as I li\c I am
stouter and healthier now than 1 lm\o
been for thirty years. I have been tak
ing your Compound about three jcu
and am never without it in the house.
Whit more anil the Gnmliin.
Heprcscutatiyo Whitmoro , of Valley ,
s in town yesterday , lie said ho in
tended to leave for Lincoln to attend the
legislature about the second of nosl
month. Ho had ju > t paid : i IKing visit
to tlie rofoim school at Kearney , to
which ho had been invited liy tlio super
intendent , Mallnlieu. He visited it in his
private capacity as a citi/en , because ho
wanted to learn something about what
had been done with the money winch was
appropriated at the last legislature to
enlarge tin1 school. lie found that souiral
largo brick additions had been creeled ,
and that the school was being conducted
in a most satisfactory manner. In fact ,
he was satisfied that he had never seen a
public iiiitilution the conduct of which
had given more satisfaction. There arc
now 111 ! boys in the institution and they
are well cared for.
Ilev. T. C. Hall's Visit.
When Mr. Hall removed to Chicago to
take charge of the Forty-first struct Pres
byterian church , it was with the under
standing that lie should continue Ids ed
itorial work on the Christian Hour. Ho
also expected to come to Omaha at least
once a month in the interest of the paper
but his church in Chicago has grown so
rapidly that ho has not boon able to get
away until now. He will arrive hero to
morrow. however , and be accompanied
by bis lirothur , Mr. Ii. W. Hall , of Now
York city.
It isn't often that a newspaper man
finds time for matrimonial ventures but
Frank W. Lee , of the Dos Moincs News.
is a fortunate exception. He arrived
from DCS Moincs yesterday morning and
was met here by Mis , Molliis Upright , of
( Jrand Island , to whom he was married
yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leo
took the 'evening train for DCS Moincs.
Thn Volmic Holt Co. . ! Mnr. ! inll , ci
\vlll < ciil ( their celebrated Voltaic licit and
Klcctilc Appliances , on tlilitv days' tilitl , to
any nuin ( younc or iiiiititle-iwcil ) r.lllirtcil
with nen on- . debility , lossol v tallty , Inrk ot
nerve loico nml vl or. and otlici dlirases.
The ciealPit rcmcda ! asent e\ei itivovcicd.
\Vilto t tilt-in tor ihliiMatoil pamphlet tree.
No risks Inclined , asitlilutv d.i > s' trliil is al
_ _ _
Ilnscair.s Note * .
In lic ! district court yesterday J. 15.
Callahan commenced suit against Isaac
S. llascall on two promissory notes
amounting to $ liti'25t ! and asks thu fore
closure ot a mortgage on eoilain parcels
of real catatu by which the notes are so-
Wlio's IjtiKt a Coat.
A man giving hiri name as F. T. Lang
has been arrested in Council IJlufl's as a
vagrant and suspicions character. Ho
lias in ids po c.-ilpn a sealskin overcoat
valued at $ ir > 0. The police are confident
that Lang lias appropriated the gurmcnl
and arc unxioii- have the owner come
forward and claim it.
Complexion Powder is an nbiolulo
neees itv ot the refined toilet in this cli
mate Po/voni's combines every element
ot beauty and purity.
.lull .
Slier ! IV Coburn will lake Hie following
convk-ts to Lincoln todaySullivan and
V 'oodford , burglary ; Howard ami ( ! il-
man , burglary ; John Wilson , forgery ;
H. M. Chase , ( jnuul larceny , John Dunn ,
inglnvaj' robbery. _ _
will buy a tattle
Tlio Original nml Only U < < miln .
F > r nJ > i ji iim n r ir inortUlc Imluilcoi
loiM ; < n bl. l LADIES. AiL so t Urueel.t Lr
uj far iurU ulut in butr t > r r luru ufc '
NAME PAPEH..OilUi"Ur lK ) ff.l < . .
tale MB < U OB Hguarv. VklUiU. , I'a.
Vjr llriis-UU Tcrrl > frf 4li '
KnjU.Ii" a-clililruiul I'lllk I
PFSPt" HfTtl fl I KCIIVITA ipcil'/ " '
LULL til I ill-ii tkil ttn-n
I A ll - * >
it I I I Li * > tT u ixtiuti. ! > '
r c. ii H ]
E ! ILc > L > I Iliribl tarUifi , l.ux. M alif > U ,
liJ ki.4i.J ff : llw. T.UI urkutllw f-MU < > tin ' *
IIB. A.U. OUN CO. , S .Ul MH.l { 6UMlCUJJ .
III. l.Vtf D5rl'vk * . elfor . .
35 Merchant Tailor Made at10.00
CO 11.50
10 11.75
15 20.00
GO ii 22.00
GO 41 20 50
70 iso.oo
All the above Suits and Overcoats are
mads by tiie leading merchant tailors
tliroiigiiont the country , and are known as
Misfit Clothing. They are all well and
stylishly made and the variety is large
enough to suit any one who cares to save
$20 $ to $80 $ on a Merchant Tailor made suit
and overcoat at the Only
1119 Farnam Street.
"Wodoliorcby crrtilj that wo suppnisp tlio
arraiiKPtnunia fni nil OIB Mnntlily mid ( .Miartor-
ly lniwiii8 | ot The LoiiMmm Hmta I-dltoi-y
Coinnnny.nnd in IITSOU insiumo nml control
tiifdrawiiiKH ihcmpelii's , imU tlmt the sumo uri >
ciiniluctPil ltn hoiiusty , luirnohB ami In Kood
lallli lowuril till | utfci > , nml o initliorl/o the
Coinpnny to iti-8 this leitilleiuo nitii fiu-Khu- :
llu * oC ( urfllfmiliiros ixttnchod , In Itb iidvorlisc-
mtnls "
\ \ > tins miilri t-'piicd ' H , inks nnd nnuliprft will
tin ? nil I'l i/n" ili'Mwn in TheIjOUUiuii ; : Stilte
I ittu ivlueh inuj lie piuscntuil lit our conn-
J'jcslilcut Irfmlglfinn Nntlonul Hunk.
Vio-lioiil Sliitn Nallonnl Tlank.
Orlouns Ni.llonul Haul. .
\i \ Ovtu II < i. 'A MJI.I.IOS JJiri
iDcorpoialcil InJHilJ for 3.1 yom-t hj-tholo ls
Inturu tor Kducutlmml mill Cliiiritnlilo i
ultli iicuiitul | of SI.MtO.OO. ) to whloli n
fund ol ovur S.ViUOl ) hus hluoo bo < Mi ndtioil ,
Hy nn i ) vurwhulnilmr popular vole
vnainHdoiivnituf tliupri'SKiitHtniuOoiistltuUoii
ndouHnl lpcuiiiUur"il A , D , IHT'J ' ,
TiiHoniv lottery < n or voiiul on mid oudoi-nuti
h.v Ibe iiioulu ot nny Htiitc.
Blniflo iiuiniiur dniwinffs tuho | lteo
monthlv. imil the M m-iuinuul ilinnlnirs ID U-
Inrlv inciy nlv month * Juno and Do iiinhci )
IHI ( iinuil Dinwlmf , flu s A. In the Aciidi-my of
Music- . Now Orlpiins TiK'Sduy , Junu-uy lltli ,
ItWT.Ulnili Monthly llrnwinir.
Notice. Tinkcis are SIO only Halvai , $5
Filths S2. Tenths SI-
I'ur/Bor ai/vi . .
uiiiiuir. 1'iii/ oir ao , ( k ) . . .
1I.AIK.I. I'lll/.hslOf Oil" ) .
SS § S ST. . !
\niifO\lnilltlOII Ii $10,01) )
10) ) - 3D.UK !
1W " 10J H',101
2,179 I'li/Ort nlllountniKlO . f.M"i , ' < JO
Aiipllciitlon fornitin lo chihi-shoiilil hn mudo
only to the ojllco or the uuniiimy In Now Oi
1'or fmilior Information wrltn rlrarii
full H'ldro-5" - . J'OSTAIj N'll'ISS KipKHi
Oiilor * , or Now Voik JJuHmntr" in ordlnnr/lat-
( IT. ciirruiicy by uxmo-j. ut our uxiiuuw uj
' M. A T > AI'I'IKJ ! ,
ii , I ) . 0.
. O. Kouey Orders pnyalilo nod R < 1 Iron
Kovr Ot-loeiu f i , n
' ' Tl ' " ' " " ' " pro- ' ' ' " " of
AT Ii'1 1 < Fi'
Kli1 ' ill l'i Jl U J'j It ( . , , , u'f , , ! , JI.'M.uv > ; : Hi..U .
Kurlr nlio.iri InUiut.o of ih drtwha > , IUK ur-
iinluu ut UIMI ill faln : < > - > j 1 1 InUvnu II HI HID
iiCLfta ul uuu * , awJ tlittt no un ! t-jiii [ tuttiil/
ut ) H tut ! iuim > pr * uJl drtvrn I'r te Al iiaiti i
iei 1 H U eit alnii ( * juuiaili > u liui3 la Uilt * l'jl
ttiy ur u t'dini ' out uiiy Uu-r uui -lolu liulucu
iiCnt ) 1110 jwliidlei auil ouly aiu lu djL ivuutiU Uw
UJuJ tnu Ui ! , ir ) '
Till * limb u mi iliu lnie ' liu-
provirj I'l n lliolle i , I.iHlct-
UlUIIll I ( JIlU-l III 111.1J.'OUIll
I Ho nl'jjt iltirablQ I uu in.iUu.
I IIHTU lial Ih nr lUi ) > ar'
( tXjJLltfQi O VUUfll U IU1UII *
fui lunn.'ttiul jJju ( Un. will
t/lro po Ul ratv * lur Hit * next
( Uil.i > My l > ru 1'iun r ir > o.
lorcu'ir | irici > ilU ) Circular
Dr , J , S , Crawford
Cll N It'll tt Oiaka Nfb
HUUU 'itjt f. f
pAckftitH kt < i UH > C luf 4fiitt tu P4 uil v
L. JL 41UI1UALK ) < J.i > t llau.t.w.Uvt-u.
Poison ( lie Rj-stem with Nmisoatfiig'
Ui-ncrs.Dr.lIoi-no'a KIcctric licit Cure *
DiscascH WItlioitt Medicines.
Will Positively Cure Without JlBilicIno
I'ttlns In Ilia liucic.lilim.liutKt orllinlis , .Ncrvoun lie-
liinii.l.tiniliiuu.licncrJl Donlllt ) IllitMimalliim , l > nr-
nl Mi , .NfuinLu.Sola ICH , DIvrasoHot Klilni > ri > , Hpl-
nnl Il ) rn < n4 , 1'oruM l.ltor , ( liiul , A tllInll , ll < mrl III-
ri-iiret. I > ynirppKU | < in ili > uiliiii. Hrjvlpclmliidluci -
lion , IiniMitciivy , Culnrrli , I'llim , Kplloiur , Acuo , Diu-
lHlr ! , | ljlroCO O HllllHlSlloil.
> 'olo the Jt'ollowliifr vlio were Cured
A.J. IloiBlHinl U H. l'ir < t'r.J. M. llimlclt. ull on
o , IS W riiriiliiiin. Anii-ildiii - . MHillNiiimt .nllnf C'lilujpn : ( iV. i . licit > < .
M I ) . MurmonUiwii. lowiii l.otniiBl Milk Kunlnkot.
Ill , Jiulccl.NMuiry. . \iijxir\lllc , III. . . uid linn ii.-iU
( il ( itlierf icroViillii | ) | { iii'iirly cvorj totvn In tint
I'lilon. Al clu trlclioltatiirliiillnx. Cnll r pcu < l
rUinii ( nrlllimLritlcil cclnlowno Open ilulljr , HHD |
evi'iilnpi. nml Miiulayi iUii-lrlo : S ibiiunvirlon IIPO
imdiillMnl llullt. ) li-Mninn ( IJII/UB coni | > in | < ) < wllli
hianjulliiMB , Illnic mutlilcsj ( tin le , wllli ntilv il n
1 elfinoiilB All Mir teltH rnnliiln Ul tlmncnli i > r
Liillcrli : s , ni'nio liuto Inur llriic * thu pimur mitt
'iiiiiiitltinlcli-rlrliltjr. Hoiiojt guuAa mid liunsut ,
( IPllllDKIil ( hiHilltlli. .
InT < 'iitor I'liipilctoriiiid .Mnnnliirtui < > r.
Hull tlio no.i
Window asli Lock
Ever Jiivciiloil.
iiinl i hl - iirolllr Clrr i
hilllilo | hr lllllll lilttK.
II II Wllh ll ! , < n < ,
I iillunun MiHmibkii.
OnoAgcnt iMrrrii | ntrplir ' - 'it .j iiirnry town for
Our fiii'iiiciil odium d'lilim tlio pn > .t f\v \
ii'iiit ! MI lest tliu mi-illK ol jour "TatiMU'.s
I'mich" f > oini rlgnr.
Wi\rru\ i'Miir.l ( , DiiiKBl-ls. I'rincrlon.lll ,
Tlio "TiintlU'B I'mich" fie il : ir clvoi No 1
g Ulsr.iullon. A Iliiuiin in. u uti'iimui , 111 ,
Aililrcsj it. VV. T IJ Il.lA. . - ( ( > , , Clill. V.o ,
State FOHTJJB Agents I )
Omaha , Neb
U I MM'III- . . J 1 II4MII
II t II lUIl .
Stephen , Hamilton & Go , ; e
Live Stock Bough t and
Sold ,
Cor. Uil anil Walnut Sh-eota ,
ToIOplMIK ! " > 0 (5111. (
turui hKtury a'ul niu
i. .Artiil ;
> ru of nil
kin's will retin -
( iroiniit nltcutluii.
1C11 Capitol