Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1886, Image 1

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pnnti iMI i TT'pitt i\pn i n
EiprcEsicns of Sorrow for the Dead and
6 Help for the Living ,
Ijlhcrnl rotKrlliutloii to tlio ruitil I "or
the lirncfll of tlic I'nnillj
J'reimrntlonM 1'or Ititrr *
incut nt Cliluni > o <
'Ilio IjOinn Irtnoilnl Piind
WAMUMHON , Dec. . [ Special T
to the Hi E. | It hl ellcvcl ( that a fund of
J100 , WO will he laKod without solicitation bu-
f01 c the end of this week. Captain Geo. I' .
] , cnon : , ot the U. A. It Post hern.ha1 } already
ticrluil t < n or twelve tch'siamslrom dlircr-
rnt parts of th.i conntrv conlilbutlnt ; as
man } llioiKaiiit dollars llcs.i.vslt looks as
though Slh ( ) , ( ) ( > ' ) would tome In from the out-
hide and that as much would be contilhnted
by hcnatins , lupresentatlvus and othei jmbllc
jnen here.
It IN believed at this wrltlni ; that the fun
eral services will liho place in thu sanatu
( hanihir on l-'thlay nextand that thu icni.iins
w 111 bo lemovt d to Chicago.
Mii.WAfKrr , Dee 21 * . The r.xcnliii ; WIs
cousin's Oskkoxh special sajs Senator Saw-
ver has telemaphed the Pntid commit'
ti o at Washington that hulll bAibscrlhu
tl.'KX ) .
WASIUNOTON , Dec. 2 . Ceoice 1 Lemon ,
of the National Tribune , this iiHuniiit ; sliu ltd
: i subsi ription fund foi the benefit of Mis.
LoKui , with a KiibM'riiitlon of 1.000. and
tent hnndieds of Invitations to Cencral Lo-
LMII'S friend tliiouuhoiit the country , asking
tlioiii to contribute. The Western 1'nion
Telet'iapli company tcndeicd this fiec nso of
Its wlics for transmlttlin :
mbscilptlons. Responses arc now
romliit ; In rapidly and SI,000
Riibscriplions have been leeched liotu Sen-
ntor Saw > cr. William Waltci 1'helps , John
Ji. Drake of Chlcaco , ( loxeinor Alsor of
MIehlKan , CcoiKO M. I'lillman and othcis.
'Iho tecelpts In the hour-lfioin tlio time tlm
Kiili > crlptlon starteit.imonnted to 510,000.
All permits ( UutiltiK to contilbnto should
lelefiiaph ( icnisu i ; . L"tnon , Clti/ens' Na
tional oank. Wnshlimton , I ) . tst.itinc the.
amount ot theii subscription and send checks
cirdraflsat once ot .LA .1. < 'ios\vcil \ , pies-
Identol the Clti/ens'national bank , Wash-
Subscriptions aie coming in btcadilv and
now amount to ou-i
AinntiK the linndicils ot nn > ssnscsnf ; condo
lence sent to Mis Losjan is the lollovvinj , ' ,
dated Washington :
Diar Midani : Tlio Milll.irv Oulei of
the Lojal Lesion ot thu United States
ileslics mo to express to } on its sincere sjm
li.ithy and condolcnci ) In this bom of jour
t'lcattionblo. In the death ot Minr illnstri-
ims husband , the l.ojal Legion his lost one
ol ils most dlstinirnibhed soldieib and a
) il hlj esteemed companion Very itspect
fully. I'M. HIII.inn VN. LI. tii'ii'l. ,
t'ommander In-ihlul ol the Older of
the Loval Legion.
Tlie KvenliiBStar a > s : Amont ; members
( dthchoiiso who visited tlm capital jcstei-
lay and todij the siiKsestlon was pissed
nroimd that a liberal pension should bo
planted the widow of ( Seneial Lo/.ui nnd It
met with a on uveiy hand.
M lie democrats nianiieslcd as much eauer-
ness as tlm icpnbllc.ins to join in providing
foi the widow The. hearty manner In which
the suijiM'stion lias been taken hold of rcn-
diTb It quite an tain that amoiii ; the lust acts
of congress upon loissembllnt ; w 111 bo to pass
a pension bill foi Mis. Lo nn. It is agreed
that Iheio would bo eminent pioprlety In
laiitlnua liberal pension babed upon ( Jen-
i-ral Loffiin's mllitaiy heivlics. Some niem-
Ixiih aio ot tlm opinion that the pension
khoiild be t.r > 000 a u-ai. It Is claimed that no
violence will bo done to the letter or spirit ol
thu law urantlni ; pemlons , asCencial I.OK.UI
was a snireiernp to hisdoath from the effects
of Ills army expuiience. In fact It is thoimhl
that ihenmatlsm , which was the cause ot his
death , was contracted by exposuiu in thu
' 1 lieu-Is a movement on foot to have thu
i \-contedcrate soldleis r nie > cnted in the
luneial piocession tint will follow tlio le-
nialns of hcnatoi Lo an. Many of the o\-
i onlcdeiates have exjni's-ed u desno to nir
ticipateniul It ispiob.iblu that a will bo
jirovhied for them in the piou'sslon.
Dinlni , ' tlie afternoon teli'Ki.uns were rn
telved fioin Chltaco throwing a measnieo
doubt upon airanirements supposed tohivi
been abeail ) pi.u lleally lom hided foi the
funeral. Tlm p.nlc commibsioners telo
iiipliril ; that aftei oonsiilt.ition with tlicii nt
toiney thuy wore reluctantlj led to the con
elusion tliat they lacked ant hoi fly to so' '
apait n placafor in the public paik
hut tliat authority , thej ay , will dimblles1
bo trianted at once lij the fenisl ilnre , whiil
coin ones next week , In thu meantime. ,
Ill/ens' committee of Cliir.ign siiKuestec
othei aiiaiiKcments wlileh could lie ncrlectei
\\itliijuldi-lay. I'lion ictelpt ol the above
nieniloned tulegiains it was decided that tlm
luneial ol ( ieneial will take jilaco ii
a vault at Oak Illll temeteiy hero until the
jil.ueol is determinnl.
Tlic l''uncriil ArtnimnncntH.
\\ASIIIXIIIOV , Dec. US The following
h.ivo been selected as thu pall beaieis :
dill bliimti Cameion , Hon. Jtoscoe ConKlln < , '
lion , liobcit Lincoln , ( \ A. Andiuvvi * , o :
YoniiK to\vn , ( ) . : Colonel J'icd ( liant
< Ludiib raiichlld , M. L. Le Kitt , o
Cleveland , 0. ; ( loveiinn Jeremiah Jinsk o :
\Vlsi > ( msIii , ( W. T. , ( icnui.i
\V. P. Vllas , ( icnoral John C. lllack nm
Cliniles McMillan ot the Loyal
'llm lollovvlng desjiaich was inched licit
this cvonlii ! ; :
.M\i > isovWK , Dee , 2s. special Order No
) : Thu eiimmandei-ln ehliit is In foi med th.i
tlio lennlnsot onr connade , Ocneral Join
A. l.o an , vvill lie In siato liom next Thins
duv ninin until Kiidav noon , when tlm fun
IT vl i eii'iiuiiilcs will take nlaie in tlm Unltei
htates senate ehambei at \ \ isliitiKlon. Ii i'
expelled and hoped Ih it all coimades ot tlu
Ci.ind ami ) who tan do so will attend tlm
fmu nil. J/i ( u s KAIIK 1111 u ,
L'o'iimiiulcr-l ' ! ) chief.
Cencral I'alrclnld will urilvo in Washing
ton on Tliursdiij ovcnlnt ; .
llev. li ) , NivMiiitii lr > to bn tlm olllelatlnc
cieiBjman , assisted b > Dr. Duller , ih.iplali
ot the senate , Itishoj ) 1'ovvler and llev. Dr
0.11. 'liifanj. Tlmianiily oftieneial loiai
iixtcnd invitation' ' ) to tlm various Mxlctics
milltaiy , social and masonic , ot wbicl
( ieneial l.n.'an was a memtmi , to niton ! thu
Inneial 01 to Hind delegations liom thuli
biullefoi that purpose.
The loini.ilannimncement of the nuance
menls details awaits and depends upon tlm
dennltiiselci'tion bj thoJhlcago ( ] > eoplo ot i
snitabli ) fpot tqi tlm tomb ol tlmpatiiot
Mis. I < onrun has expressed tlm wish that tin
place.bhall bo ono vvhlib vvill never snftu
iioin the encioichmentb ol comniuico am
population ; She refeis to the Mtn o
Doimlas monument , vvhlili , when selected
was remote from population , un
Ib IIOVT surrounded b ) stcim lalliondn am
duellings as an cimiile of what she vvisheM
10 avoid. A snitabloplace.sliothlnkt. . vvillbi
tonnd ncai tlm entrain e of South park ,
Mrs LOKBII lecelved this moiniiu a lonir
lulixram fiom tlm cltv clerk of fhlcaKO , em
bed } Inu tlnuesolntlons adopted by the clti
council of t'liiin o. Tlie council foimall ) re
iimsts the burial place id tlic dead states
HIIII bo btilectcd in tlm city upon which hi
conferred * > o much honor in n situ tn bo dcdl
cated by the citv to that pmpo e. 'Ilio conn
cil appointed .1 committee to cooler with com
mltto-i of civic-nnd inllluiy oru'.inl/.itldnb Ii
UTard to the selection of n plnie of burla
and tn arrintu for tliu luoptlon and intci
nieiit tf tlio remains.
An announced informally last night , the
decision is practical ! ) reached to have tlm
tuncra ! In Iho ccnnto chamber next
I'riduy nnd then to convey tim remains
to Chicago A few of llm details of ar-
raiigenwntbluvu not jet been detiriului'd
upon. 'IJiCM'iutii ttounuittet aclins tlitouuli
Iho erKl1ant ! at arms will havii Immediate
chnrKo ol the lemalns. ly ) rnjueat of .Mis.
Jo. in , < ieneial bhetW.vq vviUI Incliarroof
Uiepioresslon-atnl will cicoit the lomnius
irom I'.ilunut place to the cnpltol. 'Ilio ti > l-
louln' Is the xoininlttco npaxiintcd bv 8011-
ntor Snurinan to titke charKO of th iciimins
CulKuu , btan- .
i u.r. wujnf
ord , Co < krell , Alll on , Ucck , Voorhccs ,
lamjiton and Mnnderson ,
Hip Hiirinl Site.
CinrAoo , Dee. 2" . ' 1 hocv era ] committees
appointed by the various Grand Army posts
nndoter.ui clubs throughout the city to
nakc Hitaiigcmcnts rcKaulIn the funeral of
icnernl Lo an , met to-day to confer with
he snb-cominttteu appointed at the cltl/cn's
ncctliiR jcsterdaj to jircparc a prociamnie
opiesentto the general committee of the
nltci incetlnc. Colle < tii Stonuicad a ines-
saffc ftom Senator cnllom statlni : that a site.
it the entrance of South I'.iik for Cencral
I , oiinn's last icstlng plice would be nccepti-
) le If Mis Losan would be permitted to bo
Hilled by his side 'llm committee on the
South 1'aik slt . thioiuh Mi Slone , repot ter
that altui nconfireme with thcSonth I'.trk
commissioners It was denned expedient to
tender n hurl il place In Oakvvood cemetery
Hint a site foi a monument bn elli red In
South I'.uk and that the name ( Jiiinil lloule-
\.iid buclmtnced to Lo rtti Boulevard. Ilio
icpoit was adopted. On motion of Aldei-
man Manlurrcncrtininlttep wasappolntul to
nisi1 the cilv council to make a tender of a
site for a monument todcm-ial LOOMII on the
lal < nfinnt. , .
'Ihe diuien of foui dilfcient locations for
the bm III phenol ( l.onan was tills
evening snbmitttd to the dead general's fain-
il > by citi/ens ot I liieaKo. Lake park , the
South park , Oakvvood cemiteiy andatiact
between Washington and Jackson piiksaie
tliu places tendoied. ' 1 ho uit > council spec ! u
committco mnkts tlm ollei ol At
amtttlngot the committee this atteinoon It
was decleed toiccominend that tliu clt > coun
cil to-moiiow set iiHido lei the
puinosu n plat of the south end of
tlm park to Include all tlio land south
of the south line of Ilannon court anil ex
tending castvvatd lo thu Illinois Central
tiacks. 'I ' ho fionttiKe on Michigan boulevard
Is about 8.20 feet and llm lot Is100 feet deep.
' 1 Im title to this track Is absolute in the cltv
atitlioiUles. Tlm location Is on tlie shore ot
LvkoMiehlcRii just ontsidu ot tlm business
contci , equallj accessible fioin all pxrts ol
the city and is on one ol the nrinclpil bonln-
vaids. Adetdltoplacoof in ono ol
the south parks has not beun selected but thu
pail ; commissioners have practically clvon
carte blanch In the matter to the family , sub
ject to approval by the state Icglslatiue ,
which , nntoi Innately tor thlT plan.
will not convene for over
nfnitulgbt. To offset the dlsidvant.iKo of
Wflitlnjlipon the action of the IcuMlatme the
ofllcersol Oakvvood ccmeteiy , adjolinni ; the
Soutli puks , have foimilly tcndeicd any lot
In theli uronnds In addition to tlie action ot
theSontn pitk commissioners and Onkvvood
eemuleiy otllclals A nnuibci ot centlemen
bavo jledied ) themselves to piiiclm e , if de-
slii'il , a tnicl in hi way between the two South
puhs. and in close pioximlty to some nrop-
eitj owiidb > ( ieneial Lilian. Alltheplaics
mentioned exrept the one tendered by the city
council aio In theiAlremesonthern poition ol
the city , none far from the lake , and nil
In sight of tlie drivow.ijs which have made
that section famous. In connec
tion with llm thieit piopositlnns tiom the
south end ot the city nrovaiious ul.ins in
regard to a monument nnd cliaimimr the
namoot ( Jiand ISouIcviud to J.osan iioulu-
vnrd ,
'llm sencral commltteo of eitl/ens has
an anucd foi a public memorial meet Inp to
morrow uluht in Music hall. Tlio
chairnnn Is to bo ox-Secret uy of Wai
ItotieitT. Lincoln and the Histico piesl-
dent , Stophtn A. Doiiulns.
Trtlmto From tlio Soltllcrs.
rj'oniA , Dec. 2b. Tlio follow hit ? order was
Issntd hi Cicnural I'ost , commandei ot the
dcpirtmcnt of Illinois G. A. It. , to day :
Headquarters Depaitment of Illinois ,
Grand Armv of the Republic , Galcsbnrir. Dec.
U7 , IbbO General Koidei No. IB : Anotbei com
rade has tone. Another jrreat leadei lias
fallen. The first coinmander-in chiet of the
Grand Anny ot the Jiepnbllc lias been
Katheied to his eternal rest. Ot all those ivho
offered themselves and shed their blood in
defense ot thu union nonodcservomoio from
fame than John A. LOR.III. In the first rank
of holdicrs , In thu rank of statesman , Ills
fearless independence and Integrity dicvv to
him the hearts of all with whom lie camu in
personal contact. Impulsive , genial , chlvnl-
lotis , he posseted tlm nob'.lity ' which lifted
him to bo a Icndci of men. Himself
a representative ot the citizen
soldier , hu was tlie champion of tlm iljrhts
and defender of the cause of those who
vveie citi/ens In pcaeo and soldiers in war.
I'lillv appreciating how much the country
owid his comrades In arms , ho wib their
ablest advocatfi nnd never bvverved in his
dnt > to them. Who shall now be their elinm-
pionV llm Hist commander-ill chief of tlm
Grand Arm > of tlm Republic deserves to bo
first In tlm hearts ol his comrades. Uoveiso
the arms and pliee the ) nt half mist In
honor of out illstinKUlshed comrade , John A.
l.otrau. The deiaitm ] ntcoinmandei recom-
mendh that each post should hold some suitable -
able memoiial sen ice , and that the colors ol
thu post be draped The usual badue. ol
moniiilnj ( will by worn bj sill tomiades foi
slxtv dajs. llyoulei ot 1' . S. 1'osi ,
Olllcial : Depaitment Commnndei.
II. 1' . Tiiovirsov ,
Tlio Ouncral'n Hook.
Ni w YOKK , Dee. 28. Tlm publishers of
fJenei il Locan'u book , "The ( Jrcat Con-
spliacy , " hive received a letter tiom W. H.
Taj lor , private secretary of General Logan ,
In which ho h.ivs that the recelpU from thu
pale of that book will bo about the only
legacy luft to Mm. Lofjan , and sii ii'btliii ,
that If this fact siiouid bo mnku known t (
the public , "tlm pitrlotie impulses of .1 Knite
fnl people nillit : , tliinu n this thanncl , place
hei bcv end want Knovviii ) ; Mis. Lo.'nn'H
clrcumstanics ns well as I do , " adds the tcn-
cril'rt secietary , " 1 heir ot von to take im
mediate hteps to placu tills mattei before the
public. " _
jo un'ri future ,
W vsii r.TOV , Dec. ! 2 . Tuletrian
tolhu Iln : , ] Mis. Lo an Is already lecolv-
Itif ; a great nmnv NiiCKestlonsastolmrfutnic ,
and among others one that she wrlto hei
leminiscunccs ol the war. hho ban often
thought ol di/liit / ? EO nnd the book wonh
hive a very lai go bale. Jlcr lifi ) has been
fullol , ut\eiituic.- wai and politics thai
low women In any country have experlenceil
and hhe can telito them in n most ginphli
waj , us all who know her aiu nvvaie ,
Two Hivfr Ilouls Iluriieil ,
CAlltO , III , Die. 'JS. At 0 till
moinliiK the Mississippi Yallej Tians-
poilatloii bteamcr It , S. llav.cs anil
fonrbirges and llm Anchor Line btcamer
Ci ( > ot X.dchebinned vvliilu lyliiR nt thu
bank. 'Iholiiols supposed to have oiluin
nted in tliu bte.imcr ILocti , whleii boon
burned hei to the wa'ei'.s ' edge. Tlm liio
tlien spievd to the City of NatcheIjlnt ;
just below H.vve.s , and was boon envclopdl
In tlaiiiLS. Tlm birt'cs alonu'sidc of Haves
loaded with cotton and buiuliles nlso took
tire ind vvascoinplctolv de.stioved. The Citv
of Natchez was \almd nt flOOO o valued at ? .rAOo. ( ) The
loss of barges makes the lo-s- amount to
SICH , IXH ) , Tlui In ? urancu Is not known nt
presint. A htronu noilhwcM wind at the
timn of the Inn mevented Iho tugs from sav
in : ; the fleet , Tlm two liaises l > iiiK on the
outside of those binned vvero cut loose nm
saved by the tu. ; * . 'Iho burning hulls wuio
towed to thcothc ) tide ot tlieiivcr.
Sr. l.ot'is , Dec. ' 's. The steamer Natolie ? ,
wlileh burned at Cairo this nmrnlnc , vv.ih
valued at il'iO.COOand was limned for VW.OUO
Tlm It. S. Has was valued at S50,0i > 0anil In
sure * I lor k''O.Ouo. 'llm barues buinedwiiro
the No. > , No ) ' . , No. nl ami the Iron Dnko
and wen ) valued nt ilo.OOOoach and not In
Mired. 1 ho total lots H estimated at jiOO.OOO.
Nr.vv OIII.EANS , Dec , i.1 . A bprclal fmn
Aicadla , La. , to the ricayni'o tajb : John
Kola , Jr. . ( n ja'.l hoio chained' with the mnr
der of John Jjavnlloon thu nlgbt ot'
her l-i , was talcu out la t uluht and
to ajtw- . _
Nrvv Yoiuf , -lSpecialTdearamlo
the Ui K. I The World's Washh-gton fipecin
s.isr It Is currently leportcd that a piivato
d'bpitc'i ' ' hnu been recohcd Irom M.ieon an
noiii'chig that the marriage ot fcecrctaiv
Lauiar and Mr . Uolt took ; > l.uatliii > uiorniui ;
, jaiu HI'UI tiiirtiujs.i | - > - vnt. . tin
Cleveland Still ConGned to Hie Room and
SnlTering Trom Ehcumatietn.
Prepnrfttions I'rocrcsHliiK's Kecrptlon at tlio AVIillc
HOIIHO AnoUicr Ilnnil Cull
- Waslitiij-lon Ncvvs.
The I'reslilcnt's Condition ,
ASHIXKTOV , Dec. 2Special [ 1'clo-
pram lo the Hr.K.j It Is feared at tlm
white hou o tint President Cleveland will
not be able to participate In the icuulnr pub
lie icceullon on New \e.u'j day. The ducoi-
itlons and aiinni'emcnts are pio/iessing ,
; iovvcvet. with a view to having the icteptlon
Conducted by MH. Cleveland and the cabi
net In event of tlm piesldent not bcliiR In
condition to boa piilicipanl , and jclnotso
11 as to cause aiiprchensinn , Thepiesident's
ihcumatl m has not nssnmcd n mlllKiiint
roim , altlioiigli It is vcr > palntnl at times af-
rcctlin ; both knees , nnd making It Impossible
foi hlmtostniid. Dr. O'Hellley , the white
miiso physician , si > s it will be neccssaiy for
.ho pieslduntto leiualn imletlv in bed two or
Ihrco dajs If ho hopes tobu able to vvlthstnnd
the intmucs of Saturday.
Thu president continues to show prcat con-
cein nhoiit tlio death of Loirnn.
C < ilonel Lnii.oiit avsMr. Ulcv eland had an
attack ol riienmntlsni nccompanlid by lover.
while nt the executive mansion nt Albany.
covering tlueo weeks and that thu family nnd
Mr. Cleveland were nl.umed. Tboblstoij of
the preHident'H tioublo with ilieiinintism Is
about Identical with thatoL Logan and his
condition is much tlmainu ns that of the
latter two weeks ago.
President Cleveland sat up in his loom for
some time this ntternoon. His left kncu
was swollen to tvvlco Its natninl sUu nnl : ho
suffcicd Kieat pain. The piesldent was
wiapcd ] in n blanket and refused toiccelvo
vlsltoii. lie lead thoncvsspincrsand binned
a nnmbei ot pardons , but did no other unsl-
nuss. Mrs. Cleveland was wltli him con
stantly. Piepaiatlons for the New Years
public reception aio goimr loivvnid. It Is
the intention that Mis. Cleveland and tlm
cabinet olliceis hlmll londnct tlm ictuiitlon It
the piesldent Ii > not well enough topattici-
pate and not so ill as to cause loncern. A
messenger went to Mrs. Logan's house liom
the nresldent to-diy tendering any assis
tance that could bu rendered. Tlm < inestlon
ot loc ility for llm depositing of thu lumalns
ol the dead benator Is so peipIuNliiL'
that nothing olsu cm bo attended
to now. It is generally believed that
Chicago vvill be the depositors nnd that tlic
funuial obsequies will take place in the senate -
ate clumber on Prld.iy. Captain Gcoigc L.
1. union , ot thu O. A. ft. committee , who sent
a bundled tulegums last niirhtto wull known
personal friends of tlm deceased , soliciting
contributions to atuiiil foi Mrs. Lo an , has
retched mtllicient rcsjionses to-night to
w , u rant him in suing that hu will likely rc-
celvo 100,000 betoie the end of the week and
th it altogcthei the fund ma > ic.icli a qu.n tor
of a million. Mrs. Lo.-an tavs the character
of thu oNpiessions of oynipathy she Is receiv
ing irom the gcnumrH old dlends is tlm
WAI most and most sincere that could comu
from linimn heads. It is a source of great
comfort to her , but makes the lots nppeir
even greater linn it would otheiwlsu be , If
possible. Sliu has about , lugalned her self
poscssloti. Tim death is tlio allaboibing
topic here , together witb the Illness ot thu
WASiiiN'orox , Dee. 28. Colonel Lament
to day hcnt tlio tollowiiiK message to tlm
mimbeisot the cabinet : " 'Iho president is
feellin : butter this nioining. but tbeiu belnu
no business cilliii'lor imnifdinto attention ,
diiects mu to sav tliero will bo no caointt
meeting to day. "
Late this afternoon the president nnd his
wile drove out to Oak View , and alter a st.iy
of a few minutes returned to tliu while house ,
The ride proved benniiclai to the president ,
and to-night be Is teuling well nnd bis condi
tion ibbtendily improving.
The bully an aimed icvlsed army regula
tions ot Ihbl Have alieadv beconiu so neailj
otsolcte ) ns to m ike n new code imperative.
To-day the following boaidof olliceis was
ordered lor w oik : Itri'.idler General Stephen
V. Bencl. cltiot of oidnancu ; Colonel Klvvull
S. Otes , Twoniielli infantry , and Lieutenant
Colonel Itobert X. Scott , Thiid aitillerj.
withrirst Lieutenant Kdward Davis 'Jhliil
artillery , as rccoidcr. The boinl will con
vene at the war depaitment next Monday at
Army orders : Second Lieutenant II. L.
lloberts , Nineteenth inland ) , lias been re
lieved Irom dnij nt tlm Ohio normal unhei-
slty nt Ail i , O. , and oideied to join litseom-
pinj ; Klist Lieutenant William II. Collln.
Filtliaitillorj , has been lelieved fioin duty
at tlio nnhersit ) of liiiilington
and ordeied to join Ids biltcry.
Post Chiplain George I ! . Ciockei has been
plaied on the ictired list ot the niniy fium
Decembei ' > .
Armv leaves : Surgeon 13. A. ICoerper has
bcon granted leave lei two months ; tlm
leave ot Assistant Suiireon John L. Phillips
has been extended ono month : the leave ol
Captain K. W. Stone , rvvonty-liist inl.intiy ,
extended blx months foi dlsiblllty ; Captiln
Ihaih's K. Itoe , Klcvcnth Infantiy , granted
leavuforsix months foi disability ; thuleuo
of Sicond Lieutenant P. K. Hodgson , Sixth
civalry , Is extended two months ; Lieutenant
Vir.'ll J. Hiumb.iek , Second Infantry , who
ictently tendeied Ids icslgnation to go Into
tlmiiractitoof 1 iw at Uoisis City , Idaho , with
his lathei , lus liad the acceptaneo tbeieot ic-
voked. Hu nlao rclinipilshes the Icavo
gianttd ,
I' AlI'Ms I < SI nil.
Tlm follow Ing patent-i vvero Usucd lei N0'
biasl.ans and lowans today : Lcdvaid I ) ,
JSailey , Cential City , Neb. , clgai VN rapper
cutter ; Robert liiioli.iiian. Sioux Citv , la.
dnim tichtenei : Georco W. Penn , Oniwn ,
la , , wind mill : Joit-ph C. Sihwalhi , llolbei ,
la , vvlitel cultivator ; < ! eou'o K. SliuiKhlei ,
Atlantic In . hosier ) exhibition and snloiatk ;
Luther 0. Wood. Omaha , lantern.
f VI'HAI. JsOll'S.
L. J. Slnnton , of Iowa , bus been appointed
nndei tlmclvll hoivlioinle- bo a pensloi
examiner , at SI 100 a jenr ,
G. M. Cunimlngs ot Omaha , Is at Woim
Jej ' .s.
Anollier llond Call.
WAsin.vfnov , Dec. iiS. 'llm ol
( hutreasiny this nflernoon issued tlm ono
hundred and foi ty-lif til call for the ledemp
tlon of bonds. The call Is for 810,000,000 ol
the , J peicent loan ot Ihsi The principal and
accrued interest of the bonds below desig.
natctl will hi ) paid on IVbiu.iry 1 , lbS7 , nm :
Interest will cease on that day : : ! pci ccni
bonds , numbered ns follows : 550 , origins"
iinmbtr 47 to original number 4S , both In
elusive ; S100. original number 5S5 to tw ,
both inclusive , and oilginal number W10 to
original nninber Uj9 , both Inclusive ; 8-100.
oilyinal number SMO toS , and numbeilJK )
to number tt M. both Inclusive ; i 1,000 ,
original number 2017 to ' . ' ,175 , , and number
'il,7-lJ ( to number 'A777 , Doth Inclusive
510,000 , original number Mlcl to ntiinbm GkV : > ,
both Inelnslvp ; total 510oX , ) , W. Three
months' Interest dun Kcbruiiy 1 , Ib67 , on the
above described bonds will be ptld with the
principal to bolder : , nt thu time ot presenta
tion ,
1'tMice itcmovuls.
WASHINGTON , Dec. "i The general land
nllli c bub retelved icpoits duilnu the past
week bbowlng tlie removal of fences from
twenty enclosures embracing ovei W.OOC
ncres of land , principally In the Denvei
lind Ulbtrkt.
WASHINGTON' , ] ) ee. 2S. Lemncl J.
Stantou , of Iowa , has been appointed special
examiner In the pension oftice. James A.
Ljdbten , of Illinois , has Uin appointed
medical examiner in iho .samo cOlCi.- .
The ? IcQuaiIo Case.
NEVV YOP.K , Dee , & Gu Ing to the Illness
of Judge Pratt , the hearing of the motion for
a UUVN trial of ex-A Merman McOnade was
tbU uiQrulng postponed- until utit TUuriday.
11H Latest Order Id tlio Olilt'nuo As-
CIIITAOO , Dec. 2 > . pspeelal Telegram to
ho Ui.n.J Mi-s. George Hodgeis , master
vorkmati of district asaemblj 'M , Knights of
borat \ \ iccelvcd att ordci from ( icncral
Mnstei Workman t'ondeily which liistrtrt *
icr to \ Islt the various locil assemblies In her
Itstrlctaiut oiilcr them to iclurn to their
reasnrles any monej that has been iliawn
'oi "Illc lthnalo" pin poses. This includes
all funds voted by various local assemblies
'oran > | iaitlcnlar purpose , foi the defence of
ho nnarchists , or foi any object olhei tbvn
01 subscriptions ordeied by the master w oik-
man oi for Use ot the assembly 01 for some
neiubei. A dlspitih fioin Nuw Yoik a > s
Jieoideihad lotcienco meiolj to snbserlp
.ions to the anaicldst defense fund , but In
speiklngon thu nhject Mis. Itodgcis slid :
"I received the 01 der da > bufoie jesteid.iv ,
nnd have haslencd'to obej It. Last evening
I visited foui local assemblies In dlstiletI ,
ind would have vlsHud six had I been able
Iniret aiound. Tlieio has been veiv little
lone In dlstikt SI in the w.iv of
subscribing lo the anarchist deteiise html.
ind 1 think tint , ns fai ns this as > cmbl > Is
'oncei ned , the ouler allccts snb eniitlons to
thu united labor p.iity more ( ban anvthln ;
else. You 'ee the Knlsht * ol Liboi are too
ipt to think thnl a political party healing
such a name as tho"nevv one must necpsinuly
m for nnd with tint laboring men , I hope
that this will move to be so , but It vvill nevei
lo toi assemblies of Mho knights to support
inv party with funds tiom tnclr treasuries.
Now , suppose an tissemblj W.T deinociatle
! > y n slight mijorlty , what wilt pievcnl mem-
JGIS liom voting a sum of money to thu dem
ocratic ramp , den fund , oi , It , the
fund of tlintpiiiy'1 That would never do ,
nnd Povvderly H'cornl/es tlic fnct. 1 have
expeilenced no opposition from any of the as
semblies except In a few cases where mem
bers nro svinpitht eis with the socialistic
mov'-menl. Somrf of the memheis ot thet.o
is'embllcs oxpieSi-ed their conviction that
[ her hnd a light to do as thov pleased with
theli fluids , but oi\n votn the assemblies al-
w.iysdecideil lo obey Powdeih's older. "
' 1 he order fioin the ircncinl master vvoik-
man was not alone sent to Mis. limUcis , but
Lo the m.istei vvoilliucn ol the dltferent dis-
tiict assemblies and Is iccehed with fnvorbj
all the moio pioinincnt nnd conseivative
knights. Another prominent kuL-bt , In
eommcntlng on the oidei , expicsred Mis.
Kodgers' views niul said that it vvns n nn
take lei liboilngmun to bn enthusiastic ovei
tiie new paity until they had seen It in ollice.
"All tliu panics1 ' said he , "aio laboring
pirlles iiovv.idais and If "the knights begin
to squander tlieli iimnov In supporting them
thoiu won't be enoiiih to pay the lent of the
assembly hall. "
Tin : DANCI : OP n
.V liively Cotillion Dm imj AVInuh l''io
J'ersoim. me Ivlllod.
Cu visi rsiov , W , V.i. , Dec. ! 2S. [ Special to the Hr.u.J News has just i cach
ed hero of a teiiibloJiRht atCoopciton , in the
mountain region , Christmas eve. Nc.u
Coopcrton lives a family of llallsnnd a familv
ol Gilbertsbetween whom theie hns existed
a fuinlly feud lei yojiis. b'icqiieiit ( iglits took
place but with no fatal results until the night
mentioned above , when a dance was given
at the house of n mutual tiiund iiauied Lovu-
joy. Tlie Halls and Gilberts vveie all pres
ent , but remained nuiet till the ellect * of tliu
whisky whuh bad bcon flowing freely began
to be felt. Then a ounirul arose between
two ol tlm meli oBgardlne an engagement
with one of thoclJN pipscnt nnd nllhough
liicnds Bintcrfcii-'d pistols , ra/ors and
knives vvero quickly dinvvn nnd a
general slinoting nnd enUiiig took
place. Those/ not Inteiestcd in eitliei faction
lied picciiiltntely while about twenij lu-
malned. When thu light vvns ovei all who
were able to leave did so nnd when those
who bad fled at the beginning of the light
ictuined with Iho sherifl and posse they
found Geoigo Gllbeit doid , with sK pistol
shot.s in liis body , J'.li/i Gilbeil killed by a
pistol hbot. John Lane with Ins tin out cut
and dent , Willis Hall stabbed ut.illy in tlm
abdomen and John Montioinei } i.ilallv cut
across the shouhlcis and bic.isl. Otlieis
wciu doubtless wounded , but not so bndl ) ns
to prevent tlmir escape. Kill one ol fie
pirty was auested , nnd while in the img-
tstiato'solllce , he jumped tlnough n clcKid
wJndnvv , nnd thougb shot at nnd wounihd ,
TIM : A.vnovnu THIAL.
of Hit ! Famous Case ; it
Uosro.v , Dec. 21. At 10 a. m. lo diy thu
famous Andovei trial be an in this citj.
There was present the full board ol vlsltois
complainants nnd resKindenti ) , and counsel
on both Hides. The laige dining loom of tliu
United States hotel was filled. A ( onsldeia.
blepoitlon ot the nudlencu was nude up ol
tlcrgv. incn.biit niiny la > men .mil a mini bin
of ladles were present. Consldcrablu time
had been * silent In piellmlnary deb ites.
Judge Pieneh otfeied In evidence aneditonal
article In the Andovei Itcvlew for Apul last.
cntitled.'Tlio IJlblonTliemu lei tlio Pulpit , '
and Professor Smith's speech at the Amur ) '
can board meeting nt DesMolnes , Li , last
Oitobei , the said spetch being printed In a
Dinipblut. ei.tilled " 1'liu ( ireat He-
bite. " Coniist' for icspondents asked
that whatuvi , poillon ol any book
oi any document was to bo mired airnlnst
them should ho definitely pointed out. On
this point Goveinor daston , ono of icspond-
cut's counsel , said : ' Piol. Smith is willing
that not only this tilbenal shall know , but
that tliu woild shall know nil that Im his said
nnd nil that lib has taught and nil that hu be
lieves , but In the trial against him il Is but
lali and just. a II Is legal , that what the
rhiigo ngun ! < ithlm is snail bu xpccilicd. At
11 o'clock tlm complainants having tested
tlieiiiasu without ollcriHc ? any othei evl
denco than tli.d specified nbove , nnd cita
tions fiOMi tlm Andovci Itevlew nnd u hook
made up nialnb of icpnbllcatlons liom ed
itorials In ruvlevv entitled "Progit'sshii
Oithodoxy , " as hpecllltd In tlm chaigec , Piof.
Dvvlght , ot Columbia L iw school , opened
toi tlio icspondents In an nddtcis ot gieat
length , learning and vlgoroiiBCloiinciice.
Altci iccecs Prof. Dwiglit mntiniied Ids
nigninunt , thu following being some ot tlm Important ] > olntH : Ihlslsnn exdnoidl-
nnn ease in many nsiietts. 1 will litii call
nttcntlon to the v > uv in which the mit toi K
presented to > our board ( hoard ot visltoisi bj
the sclt-constitiitod accusers of these profes-
bois. Tfiey deatribed Ibemselves asn"tom-
inltteoof tno p.linuni. " 'llm object of this
dlhciintmn nppiivntly was to gain cicdit
for their thiuga bj upiie.nlin ; to net In
n loprescntatlve clminctcr. Jt now
appears that the Ji four mon comiris-o | all the
tiusteesnnd nil llmulnmnt w homo engineer
ing this movement. ( Sensitlon ) . Ono fatal
detect in tlieso piocemllngs ! > that there Is
no legal representative ot inttiiests adverse
to leMionddiitfi. Upon this point counsel
ruL-tuiJ ut length to show that tills being in
effect n trial luvolving tlm ) > ropertv lights ot
.slgneiiof chargte having no Inteiest cannot
possibly bo parties to tlm easu and Piof.
Dvvlght quoted fxtonslvclj fioin adecitilon
of Judire Thatchei In the case of thu tiiisteua
of Phillip's academy v- > James King ,
to thu effect tlut | the two eieeds ol Andovcr
that of the original and that of the ns'-oclate '
founders must bo so interpreted as to secure
great nnd leading purposes of their authors
and thnt notliKnns teney was to bo inferred
on account ol the slight and technical devia
tions. Piof. Sintht' , whoso case is bting
tiled first , then took the floor and began an
nddre ? In hU own defence. Hu had nol
concluded when court adjoiuncd. Ho vvill
continue. hU address to niouow ,
Kdiicntois In Session.
iSpKi.NOFiKi i ) , III. , Dec. 27. The thntj
thlid annual meetliiLf of the lllnois State
TeacJiers1 Association began this 11101:1 Ing at
the state u'ouse. The addregs of welcomu was
made by Attorney General limit nnd the
opening adda'ssi by Charles P.uker , supeiin
tenant ufBthools of South Chlca.o. About
lour hundred tc < u'hcrb aio pit-sent nnd inter-
estinc dibtus.ilonDaro now inprogiuss. 'Hie
county superlntul dents of tl | < ! > iit < t are hold-
ini ; their annual mw.'tliu in eoniiu lion with
tliotcAthcis , nbont sixtv coautlcs boli
Three Mm Blown Into Eternity tuul Two
Others Unit nt Angus.
A YouiiKMnn Killed It ) tlic Acciden
tal DiHulmigu oT a Oun Jeff
to Ilaiifc Ncat-
A l-VlulKfiil Aoolclcnl.
IK ) . .MotNi. < . Li. , Dec. ' . [ Special 'lele
; iatu to tlicHir. : . ] Onoof the lame hollers
i cd at the mine In Angus
Donne county , exploded this nftcinnnn , kilt
ing thieemeii , Injuilng one niiiu fatallv and
anothei seriouslj. Sol Plpci. tlm llreniin ,
was scalded and mangled. John Illy , thu
lilt bo , had his head blown elf .mil Chailcs
LJ.nsoiMvas blovvnto piece- * , muttons t his
jodj being found ono hnndied jnids nw ij ,
3. IL Aimstioni ; , thccnglneci , had hold ot
; bu lev cise levoi when the explosion oeeuiied ,
ind It was found allcvv aids n hnndiudv aids
nvvny. He vvns slightly injnted. Ted itleh-
mds , niiothei woikman , very b.ullj In-
iuicd and will die. The head of the boilci
ilnw thiotin'li a coal c.n on the tiack a shoit
.llbtince off and landed nearly n quiilei ot a
miloawnv. Just bulore the explosion loity
miners vveie lowered into the mlno and Ihui
escaped the Inteol llmii uiiuiades on tbe sui-
face. Tlm loss lo tbupiDpcitj will amount lo
sevcial thousand dollnis. 'Iho mlnolschtcilj
owned by ex Spcakei Head , ol Jclferson.
A SlUciAYiMlillnp Sm-prlso.
COM MI s. Vcb. , Dec. S jSprcIal Tele
gram to the llBP.l A pluasuitupKodoln om
octal life oeenried la t nlaht nt the lum-o of
Mi , Jonas Wuleh , n highly rcsucclcd and suc-
ccsslnl business man of Columbus , lions. J.
P. Uccktrand J. K. Noith tonsplrcd against
the peace nnd quiet ol the family oi Mi.
Welch by milting his piemlses wilhnsui-
pilsu party , it being the twentv-hfth auul <
venarj of his weddiiiR. Aflei the ' rOlnony
of ic-marr lng , to which Mr. W leli and his
cstlmablo wife submitted Viih the nmdesty
and timidity of i"'i"n , u most eniojable
tlmo wn-i i'i : ( Im nil , with the
presonjat'on ' ot a silvei tea sen left nnd n
inaeniiitent vvntei pllchui , teistlng nnd sev
cinl houis of soei il chat and ictrospett.
Amongst the guests were several who weic
present nt tlm marrinsu In Genoa in lb" > l. A
geneial leave takiiiL' then followed , with
wishes thnt tlm silvei wedding and its en-
jov inputs might bo pmlonirtd until tlie
solden peiiod had enclosed Mi Joins Welch
and his lov.iblo family in its c ileancl halo
ol | ie.ite and good will.
Iowa Toarliois' A soclnllon.
Drs MIIINI s | , i. , Dec. 2s [ Special Tulc-
Kinm to the Hn : | The thlitvlirst annual
meeting ol the state te.icheis' association
bezan in thiscltj to dav with an niiiisimlly
Ini entlendanie foi this stage of ttio meet
inir. Tlio Initial work of the state teachers'
assotinllon was done this foienoon In the
convention of the educational council. A
lepoit fioin the committee on academics was
made bv Superintendent J. U. Youiitr , of
Dnvnnjiort. It favoied the tntiodiictlon nnd
nso of academics in places not able to snppoit
high schools nnd a veiv discussion
was elicited by thu subject. Pitsidcnt Seei-
ley , ol the state noimal school , it'id valuable
pipeison laiiguago vvoik in scliools.embod-
in. ; in It tlie expicsslon of the opinion ot each
member ol the committee on tlm subject.
' 1 bis evenin ? Piof. Hntlett. of Ced.u Kills ,
delhcied ibeannnil incident's address to
tlie association , widch was followed bj an
liom of social ontuitnlnment.
A I'alnl Acci < liMit.
Svvn i , Veb. , Dee 1Special to the
I3n. | A icinble nccldont occurred eight
mjles noilh of Dunbit , Otoe tonntv. jester-
day nftcinooii. defuse \rnes and Pied
K.innn weic out taking a sleigh lido with a
gun along foi tlic purpose ol shooting anv
game that tlmv miglil si tt .tlcng the load. In
tinning n coinei nt right nngles tlm sleigli
was iijiet and the shotgun .iccnlc.nt.tll } ills-
ehaiiiiil , fatnllv wounding Ames in theiiL-hl
slduol the stomach Hu v , 'is.sli'it iibonl IJ'IO
p m. and died nllti tcnible siitleiinj ; beloie
t o'clock in the. illci noon. Ames was.i joung
man about twcntj-two ve.iis of age , ol good
ih o.ieiei and icsnfcttd by his friend" nnd
nelgbboi- . His fatbei , mothei. brothel i and
slstois .ue piostiated with Kiiel nl tlie feailnl
noidcnt. This istlm In t dcalli In a family
ot thiitecn childiun.
lionnl Penmen.
DisMoixis , | , i. , Die. IVIe-
giam to 'he ' Hi r.J 'Ihcpiofesslnnal penmen
ol tlm northwest , lifludlng leathers ol pen
manshlpand inolesslonal vvilteis , have been
in se-sslon hem to-day peilectmir nn inlet-
state ) oiganl/ation. Delegates me pie cnt
liom Minnesota and Me InnsK.i and n numbei
of lown cities. Piol. Charles J. Conner , ol
Ituen.i Vista count ) , been I'letted piesl-
dent ot Dm association. 'I he cl.i's pioiTed-
ings have been di'voled to poifee-tin. : the
oigiinl/atlon nnd discusiiiiL , ' mc.isines ot
professional intcie-it.
Native lovvaiiM HiMinilc.
Dl s MOINI S , la , Dee.b. . 'Special ' Teli
gram to thu Hi i -I Tlic annual ictmion and
banquet ol tlie association ot V.itivo low , ins
was held heio lo nltiht on tlie foitleth bhth
daof the state. Theiownsn hiiio nllend
nmunnd siuedics b > Goveinoi l.niiabte ,
Lniitenant Goveinoi Shedd , ol NebiasKa.
nnd otheo. Gieat enthusiasm ] irev.ned | and
tlm leunion vv.ih ic aidedas .1 ( ompletu sm
Lonu hentenc'ed to
NoniuPlin , Neb. , Dee. is. | , nl
Telegiam to thu llri. . ] Judge Hum i this
ntteinoon oveiinled tbe motion lot n now
tilnl In thucacc ol Jell Lous , who was con-
\ictcdoftheniindciof tlm linstomb t.imllv ,
and sentenced Long to bu hung on Mn > " 0 ,
Long's .iftoiiicis will tail ) thu c.iso to thu
snjireinu com t.
anil SJIDI Ihinc'M.
Noni oi.u , Nth. , Dec. US. [ special Tele-
cram to ( ho Hi r.J The Ninth Nebraska
teachcis * association convened tn nlglit foi a
three daj'-s session , with lilt ) in attendance.
licv. J J , P.irl.ei , of this city , gave tlm openIng -
Ing address. Tlui lesnoiisu was b ) Piof.
Bond , of BJiiir , 'Ihu Noitli Nebiaskn sjiort-
ing toinnamcni opened today with a
attendance ,
Ill.ooviiNcnoN , Nth , , Dec 'J-s. [ Special
Uelegiam to tlm HiK.I In the case ot tlm
Stain of N braska vs P. A. Williams for as
sault with intent to kill , tried In tlm district
tomt lodii ) , tlm jui ) leturncd ol
not guilt ) ,
No Russian roiiiinnmls for Tliem.
Soi IA , Dec. U8. ' 1 ho mililiiij commission
is nt picsint enlaced In translatltu the
woids of ( omniand nstd in the llnlgminn
arm i ) from the Russian lan un o hcittoloru
used In Bulgaria.
linpalcil mi a. I'ltclUbi'lr.
oisns , la , Dec. > . ( Special Ttle-
gram to the HJ.P. | J aines Fox , n ) nung man
living neai Perr.v , fell fiom n haystack this
afternoon upon n pitchfork' . Four tines vveio
nm cleai tbnni b Ills bed y. Hu is not c.--
pittcd to live over night.
round tlio l.e.ilc.
MAI ( IUI.ITOVV.V , In , Dei. 2b.
' 1 t'lecrnin to the JU.r ] 'llie stis cmiioC' ! >
found a leak last nl ht on the corner of
Church and Fourth avenue" . Taking a
match to locate It the gas exploded , Mowing
inn stieet crossing and half a block ad-
llllonni "Idewalk. There wns , however , no
other (1.tmnic. ;
Cut tits Own rhront.
PorUioNTis ta. , Dec. CtiSpeelal Tolr-
siam to IhoUiiM O. L. Wllll.inis , aged
hlity ) car < . committed snlcldo at his home
n Sherman township , this county , nt 8
o'clock la ! night , bv cutting his throat with
T ra/or. No le.iMiii is given for the deed.
William * was not tnirilcd nnd livid with his
'nthci and molhei.
Snlcof Itnllto.ui Htoc-U.
Dinicjit , la. , Dee. 28. [ Special lele-
rram totlio 111 r.J The slockholders of thu
Diibniue.t ) Slonx Clly have nego
tiated with S'ew Yoik inilles fin the ale of
SI LWOwoithcd stock it 10i. Three weiks
igo It was w 01 tli on I ) ! > 0.
Nolii-nstca niul town Wont her.
For Nebraska nnd Iowa : Pair weather ,
sliglitl ) wnrmei.
lilt. M'tJI.YNVS CASH.
Uo Miitxt Anivvei- TOP Hit lU'ri'sle" at
Nl w Yoi'K. Dee ' > . l peeial IVIrcinm to
he Uii.l-riic Woild snjs : Kev. Dl.
MiGlynn Is under Indefinite suspension both
is icetoi and pi lest. A gentleman high in
inthoill ) In the aichcplscopat diocese and
loldlng close iol.illoti < < with Aich
ilshop Coiilcnn s\id last niplil"Stntements Dt MiGljnn his biun Mimmoncd to
tome to defend himself nre all nt fault. Di.
MtGI ) nn has been summoned to Home foi
een uie , nnd thu only thiifg Icfl for him lo
lo is to itcant. The idea of the Catholic
chnivh ndvocntlin ; the abolition ol piopert )
n land Is niopoitcrous. 'Iho Catholic
hiiitii does nol ndvocnte the.ibolillonol pioji-
'it\ In land and will not do so. That Is com-
nunlsm and the chinch hns piononnced
against communism. leshles ! tt Is
ibsiiid to sa > tint the abolition of
uopeity In land will icmedv the
jvilsol poverty. Its clk'tt , oij Mlf-eonlraiy ,
will be to Intensify thoin , I do not know
what Dr. MtGl ) nn trends to do about going
to Itome , but my bvvn opinion is that he Is
notgoijjtf ; As to latitude , theic Is no lati-
HUtO. He his been summoned to Koine , nnd
fiu Is cxpei'led to go at oiue. Ot couise , if
lie hns wiitten to llomo submitting any good
leasonvvliy ho cannot go luimedl.itolv , hu
w 111 be iri.tnted llmu to enable extension , but
1 don't believe bu has dona tins I believe
ho has simply luiimcd ( he whole mallei. The
fait Is tint Dr. McGhnn's wholenttitnde lor
in inv jeais Ins been one antagonistic to the
policies ol the Catholic church. Ik-first op
posed the establishment ol parochial schools
as nn-Amciican and nut monistic to the
public school sjstoiu. Now the establishment
of piroehlal schools Is deslcned lei tlie mil-
po e ot teaching religion In schools ,
width wo cannot expect to do in public
si hooK ns they me designed foi chlldien of
denominations , 'then , niMin , vvben the
question ol depriving the nope of tils tem-
poinl powei camonp , neialhei took n posi
tion n.ninst tlm pope in this m ittcr , which ,
to say the least , was not ex icily catholic.
And finally , wbnn this agitation agnlnst
piopeit ) in lind niosohutook n stand against
the ehinih again. Now tlio an hblshop has
dealt veis lenient ! ) with Di. Midlvnn and
given him cveiv onpoitnnitj to t-et himself
iljit , but ho declined to set hini'-elt light ,
and , ns the mattei was nn linpoitant one ,
tlmro wns nothing left foi the nichlii-lmp to
do but relei his case 1Honil ; . 'I h'-ie ' it is at
piesent nnd I.'omo must decide tt. Koniu
does not erne to1 individuals. The main ,
tenant cot discipline is much men olmpoi tan
in hei than the Intlnence of nn Indiv , not
mittei what ho may bo may hold in by Ids
coiiRiejjatlon. "
Coal Slocks tlie I/enilinj ; Socni Itlcs In
tlic AiUancc.
Ni w YOIIK , Dec. W. [ Special Tctosiam to
the Iti F-.l Owing tothe intciiuption in the
cable ser.ico no London stock quotations
weic received this inclining and opciators
weiegicatly at sea , as It was admitted that
the immediate course ol piice0 would depend
piintipally iipmi thenction ol toieign hold-
eis of American sccmitles. Piivnto cables
sent last nUht lupic-ented nllnirs in llm cist
ol Kuinpo to he in a piccai ions condition. It
vvns claimed that all the gicat poweis vveie
iiethel ) prt'p.uing foi wai in the spimg.
Thegcneinl onnion ] wns that tim rumots
vvc'ic i tenth OMurjreinteil , which belief was
c mln med It ) llm fact that Knglish consols
sbnvvtd noetic line. The announcement that
tlit'stukoof emiiloveson the Heading hnd
bvH'ii settled impioveil tholntc outlook and a
fail amount ot bujQItoi long ncumnt nd-
vaniedllm vviiolu list. Coal stocky weiu
leider--iti tlie.idv.un e , Iteading l iekawnnni.
and Jei-ev ( 'initial each shnring tlm advantc *
ol nboul I1 pei cent , drangeis ind Yandei-
bilts hid a spuit ot cticn.'tli , hut ic-
1 ip > td intoiiullne > s .lu'nin. 'I hDloilheomlm ;
dividends ol the \ anderbilt loads vveie ills-
i nsseil a good deal. Thu beu npciatois
ilniimdlhat with a ' per tent dividend on
Like Shore it ought to sell down to W. The
e.unlngs of the Like Slmie toi the lust tlneu
weeks ol Deiembei hlioucd an incie.isu ot
SJOOOO. llm iiinmint of goltl reielvecl ) es-
teidav il tlm : ls ay c tlieu waleported as
5A'.00,000. Cables itcehed lite intbedi )
siid that it was mni.ul ) ceitaln that tliu ol I ngl.ind ime of elite onnl would be
itdvnnted'Ilinuda ) to 0 per cent ten llm pin-
iiosocd pieventinu' othei sliipments ol gold
I lic > io was agenei ilimpiovemeiit tlnnimriout
tlio list dining the alteinoon. LnKu Mioui
was ndv.imed tn ri < ; kc , and was
csi | > clally bullish in uirud tn Western
1 nlon , .Ici-i'Y ( ' ( illill and Like Sliou * .
Coal stocVsp vveie. parllcul nIv bimvant Itead-
ing was bid up > pi'i cent nnd c Instil at the
top. \ei ) little newh calrnlnlid lo .ileet (
pilees wilei'eivid. . but tlui tc'inpei ' id hjucn-
Iition seeimd tn bu siionglv ImliHIi. The
tallc at the olo-it 'v.ts that wlille tb market
would Ilkel ) h ivo m in ) baeksi'ts It wns on
its wnv tci n perm tnently blghei The
total sale * weic about 'JUi.OOOiinu's. .
\Vlulci hi YcillokVHlcina I'.irlc
Ni w icinu , Dec. Us-'Special ' 'Icl
to tlm I5i i j Tlm Win Id Ins 01
gani/eda > novv j > 'ioo ' r > vicilitlon | under llm
loideisidp of Lii-ntenint Pi
Sthwntkn , otKtic Inine , for the midwinter
exploration ol th it wondeiland id this heml-
spheie , llm ultowhtono puk. 'IheVmld
expedition , consisting ol Lieutenant
Sc liwalka , a "dentist , an aitist nnd n pnci-
toiiiaplci and swvi'ial Ciovv Indians ns
fiddos , ] iioposi > s toentei llmpiiKvia ( iniia-
hai eaily in Jaiinaiv. 'Ihu iitv will he as
thoiouu'hlv ocjiilppeii ns nn .tretle oxpeditlon
nnd will doiibllets bis nbln to push thu wcnU
ot oxploution itv'aidlcss ol thurlL'oisof the
season. The ino-,1 iiimaikablo lealnies ot
tlm legion vvill bn caielnlly studied , photo
ginphcd , sketched and destnbed It Is hoped
to snjiplen.ent , In .in Impmlint way , tlm L-OV-
I'liiment Investigations uid tundd materlnll )
to tlm scientific d.iu to'.iching the
wondeis ,
Now Yoik lrj ) ( iiioels .Mnrkol ,
NKVV \ OIIK , Dec. ' - > , - - In tlic diy goods
in.irKU Ihtro was no gcnrnl request present.
but thiouchnn lirei'iilai Inejuli ) very fall
business as reported. Tlio tone ot tlm cot
ton foods market wns very stionAgcnU
havomadu the nra i of Simpson i colored ,
black , till vei iiinf sttel gie ) black nnd white ,
nnd Ldd ) lonu fancy ] iiinls dc , nnd plaids
'Ojc , with lediucd discounts bicansu ol In
creisi d cost of tlolhs ,
Pholrru In
lin.Nos A vni > r\in < ! aheston ) Dec. 21.
Teh'j.'rams from Mendo/a SIJH tint it Is ex
jM-elud that tlio ehcder.i ojiidemlo vvill ) leht
to t'm stilnguit mensutiis adoptcel by Ihu
debtors. Tlie municipality of Hnmios Ayies
has voted SV > ,000 foi ; he It-Hi t of tiltfcrcit , at
> lendn/a. Mail ) families Ii ive arrived hcio
fioin Hut plate.
\S'ASiir OION , Doe. S.s. The
of sixty pKS'denllil ' jm tma leis will exphu
InJnnuai ) , Isyr , Amen the more pionu
nent onicf-fniu Moiiiuoutb , III. , and Pi in iu
Du Chein.VIJ. \ . G. IL Lund , : isssltnt !
sii ] > oi'iituiidei.iol ' the raihvj ) mail
has leslgntd.
Impeded Telegraph Smico Dolnjs News
and Interferes With Commercial Doings ,
Me ( Ml tit ; of Cabinet nml CliurelilU'H
llc igunt | Ion I'otmnll ) A
Donth ol'n Mrce of
Htinn I'oieliju
ttlo Nous in London ,
ll&lIHIJamr * dm tin llcnii'tt. }
LONDON , Dec. 2lNewvik Herald
Cable-Special lethe III
H-Again I hnvo
to usti n special tiain to llilstol to
reach the coiimieiclnl cable spur. This is
within tlncc nnd a half boms teaehof Lou-
don , .mil the cab ! ? manager hero
dlsp itclms cables bv mei ) leznlai train. 'Iho
pool cables send lij mil tu Penranee , luU
lint Is In tlino distant eleven hours oir I'ho
vvno louto nluiis : tin' Gieat \ \ estcm latlwny.
le.ised by thucointneicial cable , lepoits ICO
poles ( low n niul lh # \ loli'tu i of thu gale nn-
preieclcnted-thls in addition to the
wlies snosnapped. . I'lio secielary
gcnetal of tlio pii'tuiilto Ins sent
out nil intimation that telegraphic ( ommnnl-
cation N lotilfv Interiuptrd fioin London to
the cast , southeast , smith and southwest of
Knclaiid ; also pullal Interruption to tlio
noitli , Scotland and 11 eland , with heavy
dcn\ ! , but no deliy to Innci London local
tialllc. While the olmmul submntlna com
pany civo notice of a lotnl intrmiptlon to
thn continent. Tin' i > nstmnstar slRiillicantly
adds that tln > .hncr London postal tolegrnnhs
" unimpaired Milel ) because tlio ti.itllo U
concluded nlong undcigioiindvhos In tlio
stieuK Even tlio malls from tlio continent
no behind loda ) , ns the sea Is so high In the
hannel tint noithui the Calais nor Boulogne
lints AIO irossing.
tin : i os'ixiv M vntci ! .
The money niaiUet icnoit at n quarter tc >
. in. this day showed Kteat confusion on
; he slock exthangu , The settlement was
commenced this morning , but not half Um
iccoiint has boon earned ovci , owing to the
uteri notion of telegraphic communication
with the continent , the United States anil
the piovlnei-s. 'J'hcie was no news from
ibioid , and us tlio tntcinnl messages weto
dehied bv hours , en lying ovei lates weio ,
as might be uxpetlcd , oneious Foreign
loch conttnned .it 0 to 10 per rent , and descilptlons lit 3 to 12. Time
lallmes weio announced In the house ,
but toitnn.itely , allMIU unimportant.
As leg.uds prices little Is to bis said , for
business Is quite at a standstill. On the.
whole tlio m.ukels .uo stead ) except the
\mcricindupiitnicnt , whene tlm tendency
was Hat. In Ainoricin iiilhvavs St. Pnul
fell 2Jf , Central Pacific IK. Kim I3s do nee-
oiul nmitganu ? ( . Louisville ! ' < , Atlantic
tlisls 1 , Wnbish gcneial mortgage , do pre-
fened if , Lake Slime { , New Voik Central ,
Ohio > < f,0ntailo V , ami Heading ' .Qiaiid
Tiunk first ptufereneo Jj , Mexican iall\\ay
oidlnaiy gave w.i ) J , ilo second piefeienoo
1 , anil do third pioltuuncu %
llin CAIIIXl.T VllIl.lIN'n.
I'lio cabinet met to-day , tint Salisbury's "I
dam not" waited upon HaiUngton's "would
I. " Cluuchlll's mslgnation was read anil
the nnnntinccincnt mule that tlio qin'on
accepted it and the ntceptanco was mum-
Inions. It Is iiii'tty certain tint Sillfibtiry
will "stick" as Sluiton did in ISC , " , . Unit-
in < ton Is not to enti'i the cabinet by
ili.mi.liiR bis refusal alieael > cabled jon. It
he should , Chambcihin unnounccd he will
leave tlm liberal unionists.
Lend Snllsbmy hummed Ilio cabinet that
he would not attempt to eonciliato hold Hnn-
tlolph Clmrehill and tint ii Lord ll.irtington
ii'liiscd to accept the olllte 01 to K'laranteo '
the KONcininent adeqii itu suppoit fioin the
unionists , he proposed to dissolve
piillamunt and appeal to the country
on tlm lei nipi unionist plat-
f u in , adding planks in favui of thondop-
tion ot ninpioLediiio iiiles , the pieceduiicu
ol an KntIl ! > h. local Koveinment measino
ovei an lilsh measnte , a UL-OIOHS foiei n
) ioli\ mid modei.ile cstlmnics. 'j'ho minis-
teisiii ! > ( onlident that Lord Il.nIllusion will
r.illj Ills whole IIOHeis in suppoit ol the gny
Mr. llciiiy Wlnli ) , Hist sctretaiy of the
I'nitPtl hi uos let ; itlon , and Mis.Vldtoto -
dnj it'lmned lotleii lesidoncf in Giosvcnor
ciu oenttiom the Hulled States.
Ministui I'hlnand ( | .Mis. l'liclp . who have
IK-CII tlio 1'iii'its of llaioness I'nrdett ContlH
diniiiK the holidays , hi\i > also letnrned
I siw Coloml Olivei I'.ijnc , ot Cleveland ,
son ol the W'li.itoi mi tlui i ti.iud to-day
\Mjailne Ids Ohio ai < HIM.
in r.vs' i.\sr viu ni i vim : III.AIT.
Ills aiinonnred to-d.iy that the death has
Oi tin i ed In her th.ituliud cotla n neai Ayi of. '
Ualiclfi liuiiiM , tlm nlecoril the port , and his
last neir lolatlve , Sim li.ul just coniplilid
hei oUhtiPth jcai. I'm m my jears hho has
been \M'II known to pi'isons ol nil
counlili's , and had ineiy Mimmcr reeclvi'd '
\isltH from thu iulniiii'iiD | lur uncle , Sha
hid lot tweiily > unis llud upon an annuity
conttlinilul bj liicnds.
Hi' \\I\H Nol Shot ,
\ ( < > ) > tiiluhtv > ' . iiu ititiuf'i ( > i < t < /'iuiciii
LONIIDV , Ji'c ) 'is | Now Yoilt llei.ihl
Ciiblo-hpeiinl to the Hi i | - I have just !
turned fioin I'otndamheui I called on
riaiilcln von Vllliinino , Hut MMi'i nl the
( ieiniin mllitiny nttaihfi at St 1'i'ti'isliiiu
who It was alleged , hud bun shot by Iho
c/ai , iSho iiu laics she has not tlm slightest
ic.i'-on lo believe fheru Naiiylinth In thu
tldili's about hei hrothi-i.
"Can } oii asmtic mo ho If alivu and well' , " '
said I.
"Yes , " replied I'lnnlcln Villaiimc , "J hive
received no bid news vvlwtiivei. "
"llavo joii grjod iiuvvsV"
"Oil , yes ; 1 uciilicd a tcliidrain with
Chrlhtmis 'longialulations tioui him on
Clirlbtci.isovu , "
"Ihat is the last jon heard" "
"Ye , " s > .tld riinluln Vlllanmt , n'ldmt' ' ,
"J'kMsccontMilii t these rcpoitb , "
' 1 lie fjlrrcts 'Muddy and Slipji'rj
ItUOllIK tl < i'lltl
I t < ) i\jllult \ lh.Vt llfj lillilff linnlin llclltldl. ]
1'AiiiH , Dee 27.-'Now York Hei.ild Cnbto
Special lo the ll ! I .J On ' ! iiletmas dav
KiiuJioubonvashiiprcme. . The iiuidnvnrdi
vvue covered with a slippciy citatlnt ; of
nnlttd fiio\v and mini. eUin ciiarming oji-
poiliinltics to the I'arisletino to < lit-l.iy | to
minikins i' > es diMiid } Inriii'd nnlJ(8 ! and
delicious ruvi latloiihut ( idle und lace as they
lilt lio/n / shop \ < > shop , mptuiiiii ; jeuclfi , HOWT
is , tojs and bonhoiib foi HHH holiday 'x-
tivnno The AUK i ic in culuuj is enlivened
by plunt ) ot ninsKand ! d.ineui Iho Dun
and Diiehcssode Uai.ijiDsi'lien , thu dwhcw ,
formeil > Mrs. bhuoj , naven t < i.indlimhovHi
inntlnce. nt vvlilth thodui plajul the famous
t > ole In UK : moonlight sunat.r. Hold
'i luldlir ns the DnUiidl Ldnihiir h.
Mrs. I'nnn > Jlicd , n' ' lr l of MI . Twin
MfVeus , alto a\o a juq-'ca ' ! inatlncd and
tail'veiil hiii with tlm I'.uc and charm
of a ni'i tln ali\ but thu Comtcsse do Tio-
inalliuw v\iS \ the moit suici bfCil cl