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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1886)
6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , DECEMBEK 28 , 1S8K THE DAILY BEE. COUNCilTBLUFFS TUESDAY MOKNIXG IKC. ) 23. OFFICE , JMO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Dellrcitd Ijy f-nrrlcr in imjpnrt of the city nt tivtntr cents per week. H. W.Tivrox. - - Manager. TKI.r.PIlONES : tlrPiNr'-sOmrr. , No. < 3. NIQIIT J'.nnoit No. 25. MINOK MI3XT1OX. N. Y. Plninbi.iR . Co. ! N'ow fall ( roods nt Kcher's. ' Wanted , a pantry girl at thn rncilic house nt once. Thu dty council meets in regular ses sion next Monday nlgiit. Mr. nnil Mrs. Ktl Sherlock yesterday had a christening dinner , tliuir little d.iuqlitcr being about three weeks old. The ladies of tlio ( lennan Catholic church will on Docuinbcr ill give u quad- rillu parly in the Danish hall , No. < J25 Mnin street. The prisoner * aw to be cenleneed in the district conrt on Thursday. 'J'lie term will probably U'.CMU ' FridiiVi and Saturday at the latest. The funeral of the daughter of I ! . II. Campbell , Is'o. i'OO Sovonleqiith street , will be Tiirsday , 10 a. in. I'riuiuis are invited without lurther notice. During the holidays Mr. MuKnigbl's class ill llio opera house will meet at 2:30 : p. in. promptly. New members must put in their applications this wed ; or next. The printers will clear about ? 100 by their ball. While the pursis of the union is thus profiled , those who attended had their money's worth and the occasion was highly cnjo\able , Lydia Minerva , the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. I , . Itatekln , died yester day , aged three year. " and four months. The funeral will lie held this inornin < r at 11 o'clock from the family residunee , Is'o. 01 ! ) Main street. Permit to wed has been given John Dailcy and Sulma Sundurland , both of Omaha , Morris 1) . ( . 'leaver and Mamiu ( J. Collins , the lormor trom Lowell , Inil. , and the latter of this , oily ; Charles * S. Jones , of Norwich , N. \ . , ami Lucy Wheeler , of Hingliampton , N. Y. The police noticed a suspicious acting fellow visiting the .second-hand stores and trying to dispose of a seal skin cloak. On being led into the s-tation he gnvo his name as T. C. Laing , and churned Unit he < ; ame rightfully into possession of the garment , but it was deemed best to hold him until further investigation could be bad. bad.The The new ice .skating rink on Fifth ave nue , corner of Seventh street , will be opened this week. The ground has been fenced and flooded , anil the skaters will have as fine a rc.sort as any city can ofl'er in this line. Jl will doubtless b'e liberally j > atron/.e < l , and piove a popular colil weather place. The street car lines were cleared of fiiiow in remarkably riuiek time , the new management evidently believing in hav ing the public accommodated if within the range of possibilities. The citi/.ens note the change for the better , and appre ciate the promptness and watchfulness shown by the present management. The city building had a narrow escape from a blaze yesterday morning. Byome means the lire in the stove in the audi tor's ollice caught the matting , burning Fcvcral holes before it was put out. The incident suggests the great necessity for a vault in which to keep the books and papers Inch are now lying about uu- Drolecled. Some valuable records might bo destroyed in case the building was burned. Pete MeNulty fools ihat the papers are givinsr it to him rather hot about the rows ivliiolf have taken place at the "Do Drop In1 and in that vicinity. First and chief of all he says that he is not the proprietor of the saloon , and not responsible tor the reputation of the place , it being owned by a man named ilammill , AlcNulty being simply employed as a bartender. He further says tnat lie was not present when the shooting took place , ami that it was on the street , as near other saloons as the one where ho Is employed. Jlo de nies , in fact , that he is in any way respon sible , or that he has encouraged fellows hanging about the place , and lias done what ho could to preserve order and pre vent such scenes. Weather strips at Chapman's 103 Main. Heating stoves at cost to close thorn out W. A. Wood , No. 50-1 Main street. Electric door bells , burglar alarms and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the Now York Plumbing Co. Personal InrnRinili . Dr. Wntlq Carry , who has been ill fern n few days , is out and about again. Dr. Hanchett , otliee No. 12 Pearl street ; residence , 1'0 Fourth street ; telephone No. 10. T. WMi'Cargor has jelurned from a two weeks trip to Akron , I ) . , on a busi ness trip. L. E. Hollowoll , sncretary of the Dun- lap Hopnrter company , was in the city yesterday. W. 1C. Uutlor , who has bcon appointed court reporter for Judge Dceinor , is to reside in this city. Chancellor Ross , of the law college of the stale university , is in the city visit ing his old friends liere. Fremont Honjamln , of Avoea , was in the Mills looking alter the interests of some of liis clients yesterday. K. A. Decker , of Sioux Falls , who has been spending a few days hero with friends , leaves to night for homo. Mr. and Mrs. C. Spruit have had Christ inas time gladdened by the arrival of a BOH , who came Sunday morning. Con gratnlatlons are being heartily extended by many friends. W. F. Sapp , jr. , left last evening with bis mother on an extended eastern trip. They expect to visit Chicago , Philadel phia , Now York , 1)011911 ) and Washing ton , and will bo auscntsix weeks or more. Prof. AtnNiuighton ami Mr. Hunter , of the city schools ; County Superintendent Laird and Prof. Davis , of the Avoca ( schools , left last evening for Dos Moines to attend the annual meeting of the Iowa ilVuohnrs1 association. Prof. McNaugh- ton is on the programme for a paper cm "Lack of boys in high school grades.1' See Moore ff Kiplinger's elp < rant pres ents to their customers. One chance with each 5o purchnso.Ill ) iironduay. Notice Opera housu barber shop , bath rooms ru-otieiied , Don't buy your now suit or overcoat until you look : U these ; it Metc.ilf Jirus Masquerade units at Mrs. J. K. Mot- calf's for rout. None cheaper w at < > : Chicago. Js < * w goods and Christmas Novelties at ItirklamPb , jeweler , No. iK3 Uroiulwuy. Weather strips at Chapman' ? , 103 Main 6t. _ Hard ami soft coal , best quality , al cizcs. Missouri and Iowa wood. C. 1 $ Fuel company , 689 J3roudway. Telephone I'M. phone - _ _ . _ _ _ A line , large line of the most elegant watches , chains , silver and plr-ted warn decorated China and glassware , suitable for holiday and weddmir presents , .at C V. Jacqucmln & Co.'s , No. 27 Mam ptrei't. HIT WITH A BEER CLASS , Young Roper Found to Be the Rcckles.9 Assailant of Dave A STOLEN SEAL SKIN CLOAK. Expression * of Mourning THcmls The Shooting A ( Tray Holng In- iltilrcd Into A ClirtalonlnK Dinner Personal * . Tlic Veterans' Tribute. At a meeting of Abe Lincoln Post No. 20 G. A 11. . the following resolutions were adopted and their publication requested n the Hrn : Whereas Our Siiptemo Commander has in ills wlMloin 'cen tit to teiiiovc by the hand of loath our well beloved enmrmle , Alex Obcrl , n.ooldliT who fuiicht Hie battles ot his ndo- | tlou with a ycal and patriotism woithy of the and that umi : him bhth , Swlt/crlaml. Alwnjs a Rood soldier In the tnnoof war. Alwitjs a coed loval citizen in the time of pence ; tlieiclorebe It RcMohcd , Thatintlioiloath of nitrcstivmcd and bia\e commdo Abe Lincoln 1'ost No. 29 loses n lime comrade , his family a kind nml affectionate patent , and the city of Council lllnlls an honest and patiiotir cltben , who sleeps llio last Mt'op of n truly biave soldier. \ \ ho has touu'lit bis last battle of the coed and line cltl/i-n who never Mill Iced duty , but no sound will awake him , to Klory aualu. Jte'olvrd , Abe Lincoln 1'o-t tenders to the widow nml oiphans ol our deceased comrade , our hem licit sympathy and con- lolence in this that hour ol great trial. KfMilveil , 'I'hat thi"-e ievolution be1 unread uiioii the JomiKil ol the post , and an un- tn s od enpj ol the same be presented under olllcliil sl natura of the commander and ad- Infant ( it the post to the widow ol the < Io- eeased. and that the same bo published In the dally papers mid Kile IMei'-e of the city , and that the IKM he ( li.iird ) jit moiimlng thirty das 1C .1. Anne IT , ) ,1. K. KKIOHICommittee. : . S. 15. .Mn.l > , ) W. UOPI-.U , J. Li.NPr. Cuanmunlcr. Ailjt. SnbMantial abstracts of titles -md real estate loans. , ) . W. > S : E. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Blulls. "lool Drop ! n. " Judge Aylesworth yesterday examined into the disgraceful row in the "Do Drop In , " in which David Kippln was so seriously hurt by a beer glass The evi dence showed tliiit there was quite a row kicked up in the house b.y Frank Peter- hon and George Roper. Both of these 3'oung fellows have been before the court ellen , and have been warned that they must reform or they would got into serious dilliculties. Roper seems to have been the one who struck Kippin , the blow being in the face , causing a wound the result of which cannot yet bo de termined. Kippin was brought to the courtroom yesterday in a hack , against the wish of hie physician , who feared the exposure. Kippin was hardlv recogniza ble , his forehead being swollen to thncc its natural si/.c. The evidence showed that the row was a most disgraceful one , and that it was chiolly caused by i'eter- .son and Roper. They will bo held to answer to the grand jury. Judge Aylcsworth also scored the saloonkeepers for sellmir intoxicating liquors to minors. He said ho would like lo have some of those brought before the bars , for it was a shame to have the boys given drink. An information was filed charging McNuli.y with keeping a disorderly liouse , and this was put oil'for a week. Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves I tor the next thirty days 1 will sell heating stoves at cost for cash only. P. C. DjVoL. ; L. B. Crafts & Co. are loaning money on all classes of chattel securities at one- half their former rates. Sec them before securing your loans. The Shootlns Affray. John Woodburn was brought before Judge Aylcsworth yesterday on the charge of assault with intent to commit murder. Woodburn is the ono who is said to have shot Burns the other night , lie practically admits to having fired the shot , but claims that he did FO in self de fense. Ho has marks about the face and head showing that ho has been badly punished by homo one , and he claims that ho was attacked suddenly and seri ously , hence the .shot , lie is a young man , and his clothes and the poverty ap parent in the place where ho was found sleeping , suggests that ho had better have sold his revolver and invested in some of the comforts of life , lie .secured J. J. Stewart as his attorney , and the preliminary hearing has been set for Monday , January 3. The wounded man is getting along all right , the hurts not being very serious , Woodburn's ' ball is lixedat if 1,000 , , but he will not bo able to furnish it at pro enl. His homo is in Hillsdale , 111. See that your books are made by Moore- house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block. Five hundred overcoats for boys and children , from 11.00 up. up.MrrcAi.i BHOS. Happily United. Ono of the joyful events of the holiday season was the marriage of Mr. George Wesley and Miss Elccta llarter , which occurred at the residence- the bride's mother Wednesday evening , December 2-J. Rov. A. K. Hates , pastor of the Pres byterian church , olllciiitud , the ceremony being performed in the presence of the relatives and intimate friends only. The young people were remembered by many beautiful and substantial gifts , and the well wishes expressed are numerous and hearty. Mr. Wesley is the son of the well known citl/.eu , Mr. C , Wesley , and Is ono of the most faithful and highly esteemed employes of the Chicago , Burlington it Ijiiinuy. The bride also has many friends by whom hho is greatly beloved lor her many womanly virtues. They settle m their new home , on Eighth street , near Twenty-second avenue , with bright prospects of a long ami happy wcmlcd lit'o. , An elegant line of short wraps , new- markets , etc. , cheap , to close them out. JOHN UKXO & Co. Wo have a line largo line of Christmas novelties that wo arc selling cheaper than over was known , also mutllers. Bill : handkerchiefs , ladies' and { louts' gloves , clothing , line t > oalsKim > ap < ? l etc , JOHN Uuxo & . Co , HAM. or COI-NCII. IJi.i < rifs LOPOK. No. 40,1. 0. D. K , Dec. 'J7 , lbS3. Whereos , H has pleased Divlnn 1'rovldenco to lemove Irom our midst oar lain brother. William Noble. Whuieas , It Is but just that a littlui : iccoir- nltlon ot his mau ) vlituos should be hail ; theielore , Resolved , liy Council Blutf * lodge , No. 4' > , I , O. O. K. , that uliiln ttu bcnvwhli humb'.o ' Mibmlsnloii to the will ot the Mont High , wo do not the luf-s mouin for our brother who has been taken fiom us. 1-solved ! ( , That in the death of brother William Noble , thlslodgo laments the loss of a brother who was ever ready to offer the hand of friendship ana the voice of sympathy to the needy and distressed of the fraternity , a member of I lie lodso whose endeavors were e.\ei ted for Us we ft are mid prosperity , a kind husband and aftectlonato-father. ResQlved. That the heart-felt sympathy of this ledge is extended to UU family lu thulr grlel and alUletJon , Resolved , That our charter be draped In inouniiiiK for thirty days and these lesolu- lions bo sfaead upon our iccords ami a copy Uicroof transmitted to the family of our do- era eil hrothfr nfid to Hie city papers for pub lication. F. A. BUIIKE , THO. Biri ; < M > x , K. H. ( UiitXKii. Committee. Denlli or Mrs. Kink. The dontli of Mrs. Antoinc Rink , which occurred Sunday uf lernoon at 3:30 : o'clock , 1ms proved a sad blow to the family and friends. Death came so unexpectedly , and following so closely upon giving life to a little one , that the event is pecu liarly sail. Mrs. Rink , whoso maiden name was Emma licks , came here from ( tormany iu June , 183. > , in company with her sister and Mrs. Straub , who had been 011 a visit to the old country , lu the fol lowing September she was married to Mr. Rink , to whom stio was betrothed In the old country. The funeral is to beheld hold this afternoon at 2 o'clock. An Ancient Document. An old deed was placed on record yes terday. The document was dated No vember 27 , 1850 , over thirty years ago. The deed is from , ) . M. Kline , as attorney iu fact for Emily Kline , and conveys to P. Sidney Post and Marshal Turloj % "the sw j of the sw i , section ! )1 ) , township 7(5 ( , north range 43 west. " the consideration being sf'J.UOO. The acknowledgement is before Dudley S. Nye as notary public. The blank on which llio ancient deed is liled out boars the imprint of the Chro- notype ollice , Council Bluu's. Inild nt Host. Yesterday William Noble was laid at rest. Uriel services were held at the lieu n at noon and the remains taken to his old home in Shcnamluah , where they were buried. The Odd Fellows attended in a body and paid duo tribute to his memory. Centerville ott-lump coal , $ : ! . * " ) per ton , delivered. Win. Welch , 015 Main stioet , telephone ! K5. Tim Closing ol' tic Year. Brooklyn Magazine : A few more days and the year winch to homo has brought happiness and to others misfortune will bo addcil to those which have parsed before - fore it. Many will during the present month sit in retrospective thoughts over the events which have marked the year in their lives. To the young the years speed not fast enough ; to the old they are all too short. The young man enjoys the closing of one year in preparing for the next , the aged man nui os over the events of past years , and contemplates the mys teries of the future. In the lives of many the year has proved a memorable one , whilu in those of others it has been marked with no special events. The hopes of ono have reached fruition , the aspirations of another have fallen short of success. And thus the last day of De cember will bring alike pleasant and sad memories. There is a lesson to bo drawn from the close of every year thai may well leach us of the opening of the now one. It is by deriving prolit trom the pti t that wo can improve the future. If wo have under taken enterprises during the present year that have proved unsuccessful , wo can now , on looking back over the ground , sec more clearly what our mistake was or wherein we failed , and by having under gone such experiences wo arc by far the better oil' . We have been taugliL lessons which we might otherwise never have learned , and in our future undertakings the great value of them will bo apparent to us , if now they yet scorn unnecessary and unproductive of good. There is a lesson in all our lailurcs , if we will but regard them in the proper light. So long as wo prolit by what has occurred during the year now rapidly drawing to a. close , it will not have" been wasted. The ex perience of the old vcar will make our success during the new more assured , for wo wiil have learned what shoals to avoid in the sea of life. If our bark has just ground , over the rock reefs with but slight injury , let us feel thankful that wo were not en tirely wrecked. The closijig of an other year will also remimf many of the necessity of acting in the present rather than postponing to the future. It will teach us , perhaps , what may have es caped us before , that the sun as swiftly descends to its setting as it rises to its noon. As a nation , our history is un equalled for activity , enterprise , and thrift , yet how many are loiteiing by the wayside : contending to themselves that the'ro is ' 'plenty of time" in which to at tain a certain cud ; then , rousing up sud denly , how surprised arc they to find that the opportunity for their achievmcnl has passed. These and scores of other les sons will be suggested to many with the close of 18Si. ( SPECIAL NOTICES. advortlscmnnts , such RS Lost , Found loLnnn , Kor Snlc1 , To Kent , V nnti , Ilonnllnir , otc , vill liolneorluil In tlil > > I'oluinn nt llio low ratiiof TKN CKN'I'S VIM UNK fovtlio firfit IBEOC- ion fin J rivoCtiiita 1'cr Llnoforenuli subtmiuuni Int-urtlon. LCHVO lulvcrllscinuiitH itt our olllco Nn. li 1'eal street , near llroiultTiij- , Council WANTS. ! ! > n Inwyor of o\icrlcnci | > , fulr > r library nnil ollifuUiinltuiu , Inelmling safe , hortoiinil linygy , aiiduliulo monuy. it purtnei- Hlilp lu rent cetntt' liuhini.'s.s In Oiniilm or dusk room in nu ollice. llo5' . ' , Now llnniiton | , lowu. W.\NTKD A yountr Kirl to help ilo liouso- 11 oik ilunntr the viu'iitum of the rlty school. , 'iddicsa J , M. , lice ullicf , Council lllnlle. FOU BAIl-llnrhrreiopKOOil ) location , peed reason for ei'llln A'ldiofs II , lluootllce. WANTKD-lOOlnliororSHiid M loaniBtcrs to nnikon thuSouthoni Kiuwis railroad In the Indlnn torrltoiy , Ol inlUi s-onth of Kiotrn , Kansas. The liiru from ICunbivj City to Klowa isfrt.w. Ily taking' a ici'cipt or the nirent at KnnsiiHCityIn the unmoor < ' , Shentluld , n re- tmluof II.lit will lie ullowi'd by the contractor. WiiKCti t'M per month nnd lioittd to the tcani- Htorri , nnd $ l.r > 0 per duy to Ihti hibororA. Hoard ii,50 ; per ivct-k. Work will lust two yours. ( iood woik lor winter. Tor further iniormrt- tlon nddiess C. hiuilluld , KloiviiIUIMIH. ] . Kef- eienuu , Jubilee N. Sdiurz , Counoil Dluira. FOll SAI.E-Or Hunt -Store huildlni ? , ' 'OvflO. tire ctories , lot -5ilo5 , EtnMeA , etc. , ( in prornUca in center of UuslniHs portion ot Hancock - cock , In , Aildrofis Wlllluni H. Uutler , Neolu , lu. THOU KENT A now two story frame house J ? containing 0 rooms , hull nnd collar under entire houfao , on , N' . K. coiner Av nuo F nnd l.ittle Curtis Mrcet. Only " blocks ) from Do. hany'sojiora hou o. Cull on M. I' . Itohror , ut Iff ' Main Rtreot , ( np-ttiiirs ) , A cottnirc ol llvo or six room * . loralej eonvoniont to htitinos ; Hiniili family , no children. Address "Crispy , " HOB olllco. _ WANTIIIJ-A boy with pony to carry llou route , _ _ IT ( ) H SAI.K-um papers for ealo nt ttio Uee ollicu. ) rarticBlntflndinif to bo married aru MHiiti'd to cull nt the I'ryor'i lleo job nice to select their v , eddlni ? curds. Ono Agent ( MmMntorlTlyMitril Im-Tirr town for Our fro.iuent orduis during the pant llvo year * attest the menu ol jour "TnuilH'b 1'unch" 5-runt cigrar. Wi.sTtii i ; CUSIUKO , DruinrletB , Princeton , 111 , The "TanBlll's Punch" Co cluar ( fives No. J satisfaction. A. HitAiusi'itt. Wateininn , 111. -AddltBo It.V. . T.VNhll , ! , A ; CO. , CJJICAUO. I WANT AGENTS To $ tll the neat Window asti Lock Krer Invented. jj ] AfcntB uikkD tig iirottti. Circa lanfr.ev. btjuipla IT mill lucts. 2 ll.Il.WUKKLOCK , - ' i-'ulltrlua. eUrutiia. ONE HUNDREDJREE GIFTS To Bo Given Away Bj Ilonry Eiseraan & Oo.'s People's ' Store. TO THE LUCKY TICKET-HOI.DERS On January Ifitli , 1H87 , ConMstlriK of Furniture , Chtnnwnre , Clothing. lllnnUetfl , Table tiiticn , Notions , Money , Silk Dross 1'at- teniH , IStc.i Ktc. For every two dollar's worth of goods purchased , you will receive a coupon ticket , good for one chance in the follow ing ( .iranil Presents to bo given away by us on .January l.Mh , 1837 : I-'IHST riUXK-Ono suite of Parlor I'nrnilnro , cnmis'.ing of sofa , teto-a-teto and lour grand easy chairs , all uphol stered in assorted shades of elegant silk plushes , worth $12o . SKCONU 1'UIZK-Ono Mahogony Hod Room. Suite , consisting of bedstead , Dresser and Wash Stand of elegant linish with beveled glass , worth $1U ( ) . T11IHD 1'ltlXK-Ono of the very best six-drawer Nlekcl Plated Domestic Sew ing Machines. The very best machine in the United States , worth $05.00. 1'OrilTll PHIXH - Twenty yards Ouinctt best gros grain Black Silk , cost ? ! ) .00 per yard , worth ! ? ( ! 0.00. riFTll P1UXKOne i-logant Seal Plush London Dyed Cloak , to bo made to order to lit the lucky ticket holder , worth sftlO.CO. SIXTH PlUXK-Ono pair of the iinest White Dlaiikcta made by the iMonerr Woolen mill , of California , worth $ -10.00. SKVKNTll PlllXK-Ono Dcaittlfully Decorated Dinner ami Tea Set , consist ing of ono hundred and forty pieces , worth * m > .00. KH5HT11 PH1XK--AII Klos.uit Seal Skin Mull'vrortli .tM.oo. NINTH PKIXK-A very line Paisley Shawl , worlliiM.OO. ( TUNTll PHlXK-Onc Angora Ueavcr Shawl , worth ifilll.OO. ELKVKNTH PHlXK-Ono ( Jenlleman's ' Suit-of Clothing , made of Imported Worsted , guaranteed a line fit for the winner , worth $ : ! 5.00. TWELFTH PUIXE-A ( Jcntleman's Fur Heaver Overcoat , worth $ UO.OO. TillKTEHN I'll PR1UE One 15oy's Overcoat , for a boy between the ages of ; i and 1C years , to bo chosen by the lucky party holding tint ticket. Worth if 15.00. FOURTEENTH PRIZE Ono Hoy's Suit , for a boy between the ages of ! l and 10 years , to bo selected by the winner. Worth * lfi.OO. FIFTEENTH PRIXE-Onc Elegant In- fanL's Cloak , worth $10.00. SIXTEENTH PRIXE - One Elegant Hrass Parlor Table , worth .f 10.00. SEVENTEENTH PRIZE-Ono piece of 50 yards " 1'ruit of the Loom" muslin , worth $1.00. EIGHTEENTH PK1ZH Ono half do/.en of ihcvery best Celebrated "Gold" while shirts , of which wo arc the exclu sive agents , worth SD.OO. N1NTEENTH PRIXE-One Fine Silk Mulller , worth f.'i.OO. TWENTIETH PRIZE Ono Linen Table Set , consisting of Table Cloth ana a Do/.en Mipkins worth $10.00. T\N \ UNIT-FIRST PRIZE A Cash Present of a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece. No. 22Ono Toilet Set. No. 23 One very line Doll. No. a I One Handkerchief Hot. No. 'Jn-Ono elegant Hand Hag. No. 2J ( Ono large Doll , No. 27 Ono Stand Cover. No. 28 Ono bottle tine Perfume. No. ' , ' ! ) One Toboggan Cap. No. 110-Ono Table Scarf. No. 31 One line Splasher. No. 32 One line Lunch Jlaskot. No. 33 One hammered brass Umbrella Stand. No. 34 One-half define Towels. No. 3.j . Ono Silk Umbrella. No. : W-Onc line Doll. No. 37 One sot China Dishes , suitable for little folks. No. 38 Ono Brass Itroom Holder. No. 30 One pair Men's Silk Suspend- ers. ers.No. . 40 One Silk Handkerchief. No. 41 One nice Doll. No. 42 One-half doladle's line Linen Handkerchiefs. No. 43 Fifteen yards Bcbt Calico for a dross pattern. No. 44 Ono Boy's Hat. No. 45 Ono Boy's Sealskin Cap. No. 40 One line Painted Ornament , No. 47 One Toilet Set. No. 48 Ono nice Doll. No. 49-Ono line Doll. No. 50 One elegant Table Cover. No. 51 Ono Bottle Perfume. No. 52 One Lace Handkerchief. No. 53 One child's line Lace Collar. No. 51 One elegant Doll. No. 55 One elegant Doll. No. 50 Ono Tidy. No. 57 Ono Table Scarf. No. 58 Ono hno Doll. No. 59 Ono Month Organ. No. ( iO One Imitation Steam Piano. No. 01 One line Book. No. 02 One line Book. No. -Ono Pocket Knife. No. 01 Ono line Doll. No. 05-Ono line Doll. No. CO Ono Dr. Warner's Corset. No. 07 One Shoulder Shawl. No. 08 One infant's Lace Cap. No. Oil Ono baby Dress. No. 70 Ono large Doll. No. 71 Ono Hand Bag. No. 72 Ono lady's Companion. No. 73-Onc Silk Mullier. No. 74 One largo Doll. No. 70 One line Book. No. 70 Ono line Book. No. 77 One. Lunch Basket. No. 78 One pair children's Shoes. No. 70-One pair boy's Boots. No. 80-Ono liio ! Lace Collar. No. 81 Ono largo Doll. No. 83 One Lady's .lorsoy Jacket. No. 83-Ono pair Gentleman's Sus penders. No. 81 One pair Men's Gloves. No. ar-Onc pair Boy's Skates. No. 80-Onc pair Girl's Skates. No. 87 One pair Girl's Skates. No. 83-Ono line Doll No 8 ! ) Ono line Doll No. 00Ono largo Doll No. itl Ono large Doll No. 1)2 ) Ono Necklace No. 03 Ono uajnGold Cull'Buttons No. 01 Olio Louknt No. 05 Ono nice Breast Pin No. DO-Ono pair SIoovo Buttons No. 07 One Silver Thimble No. 08 Ono line Breast Pin No. 8 Otic pair Kid Gloves No. 100 Ono Luco Handkerchief Total value of presents , | 800. vith every f2 purchase you receive a ticket , also a ticket for every additional fa purchase you make. Hold your tickets until January 15th , 1837 , when the fortunate numbers will bo announced and invited to call and re- ccivo their present ; } . REMEMBER. You have to pay nothing extra for your purchases. Wo guarantee to sell you iroods cheaper than any other house in the west , ami best btook to select from. MAIL ORDERS. All orders by mail will receive prompt attention , and tickets for the free gift distribution will bo forwarded and enclosed with y our purchases , the same as if you wore present in person. Tnesa distributions will bo made with every fairness , and you may depend on it that the lucky numbers only will receive their presents. No tickets will bo issued to the em ployes of our house. Customers only will receive the bene fits. fits.Call and see the above mentioned pres ents now on exhibition in our mammoth store and convince yourself. Respectfully , HcNinr EISEUAN & Co. , Pt'oplo's Store. Nos. 814 , 310 , 318 and 320 Broadway , Council Blutlj , Holiday Gifts A substantial present is always most appreciated b1 the receiver. Wo arc clu ng out all of our furniture consisting of Elegant Easy Chairs , Divans , Ottomans , llassacks , Foot Hosts , Music Hacks , Ktc. , , to make room fos Carpets and Upholstery. This furniture is our own manufacture , and superior in workmanship and material to factory made goods. We arc prepared to make to order dor on short notice , Hair Moss and Cotton .Mattresses , Turkish Spring Hcds and Uedding of all kinds , and to Upholster and Repair Furniture of all Kinds. Mr.Stookert Personally Superintends all work. Council Bluffs Carpet -Co , , 405 BROADWAY. IMS. < KCIITT. D. M.TBSr.V.VOU. P.l ) STOCEU'.UT Wholesale ami retail. Families supplied \\illi ten and twenty pound nuek- myes. J , Y , FULLER , 39 Pearl st , , Council Bluffs I Will Pay the Highest Price in Casli YOU ALL KINDS OF XO. OJ ISIiOAUWAl , ISU'S'I'S. ESTERN OLLECE Tally Kinilprcil Normal and Commerolal Doimrtmonts. Tuition Hooks , lloanl and Kooms ut Kuasomible Itntos. N'Uflit Hchool During tlio Winter. S.A WHOLESALE AND JOBBING raoxrsss oj = - COUNCIL BLUFFS. Wt'LtlMEX'J' & DKKRli , WELLS & CO. , Wliolcsnlo Agricultural Implements , Buggias , CnrriaRcs , Ktc , Ktc. Council 1)1 ) nfTs , Iowa. KEYSTONK MANUFACTURING CO. Mauufiictiiroisor ana Dualura In Q Hand and Power Corn Shellers , And a general line of first clnss : i riuultuia Implements. Nos. 1 01,15OT , 1503 ami .1507 ? nuth Main Street , Council H.ulT . DAVID BHADLKY A CO. , Mnnuf'rn nn I Jobbnrs ot agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , Carriage" , nnd nil ktnils or Farm Mnohinorr. 1100 to 1119 South Mala Street , Counoil Blutfl , Iowa. CAItl'KTH. COUNCIL BLUFFS CAKl'KT CO. , Curtains Shades Carpets , , Window Oil Clothi , Curtain Fixtures , UpholntorjOoo Sic. No. 105 Uroartway Council llluffi , Iowa. ClQAltS , T01IACCO , K'1'0. PEIIKGOY & MOOKB , Wliolcsalu Jobbvra in the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes NOG. 281aln ! ad 27 I'oarl Sis. Council muffs , Iowa. SNYDKU &LK STOHACE Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. 13 , : M mid 211 Punl St. , Council Bluffs. niiuaaisrs. IIAULH , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Oils Paints Glass Druggists , , , , Dnnrglstn' Bunciriec , Ktc. No. 2 Main St. , and No. 21 J'tmrl SI. , Council IllutTi. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commission. No. 5U Drimlwa , ( 'ounoll UlutTa. W1KT & DUQU1CTTK , Wholesale Fruils , Confectionery , -A.ND- COMMISSION , Nns. IBimcl 18 Pearl St. , Council Hluffs. JM/tfl'KSS. KTO , UECKMAN , STROIWEHN & CO. , llMiiufacturoriiof and Wholesale Dtmloratn Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. Ku Mnln St. , Council niults , lorn. ra , CAM. ETO. WKTCALF KKOTHKHS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves , Nos. ai ? ami 844 HroRilwiiy , Council IllntH. HRAVY JIAItnWAHE. KKELINE & FELT , WholHjalu Iron , Steel , Mails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Block , Council HlntTa , Io\ra. IIIUiSM : T.VM.OU' , 1) . H. MfDONKI.U A CO. , % bllihod ! * . , - . ! No. PJ ) Main Slrcct , i : t { 'nuiull llluITi , ANII IU" M KIIS IS HIDES , TALLOW WOOL , ETC. Oil , ? . COUNCIL BLUl-TS OIL'CO. , Wholesale Dualcrf In Illttiulnatlng & Lubricating 0115 Gi3)llu ) E3TO. , ETO , P.Thcoilore.ABunt , Council llluffs IOWA. arc. _ A. OVKKTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Soutbera Lumber , Filial fl Jlalcrlul Speclaltl'-i.Wholuiale ' Luu - lier ol til Hindu , ninco No. 1WJ Mala dt. , Council lllulti. Iowa. n'IKES a NO LIQUVHS. SCHNKIDKIl & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , fM iioin St , , Councu JOHN L1NDKK , Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors Agent for St. Rotlhartrs Ilorb Illttru. Halu Ht. Council Illiiirs. L. KIKSCHT & CO. , Wholesale Liquoi1 Dealers , No. i\6 \ Dread way. Council I FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. L.iiiesb ! uying a § 5 hat or bonnet , onefar will be p.iiil ; 5-to , ioiuid Jiip. NOVELTIES wJint i/on innit fur ts. al 'Vhfimrc \ juft npriird leu < V . < M of JVori-lttctt cuiiechillij f < tt' r < nt can jiiitl EVERYTHING it'ttut inoiillii'in ( ( tmltlic ) > rt- rrmire rcvy low. Jluve filfojunt received ( t vrt'ij nice lot oj Lace Scarf * timl / "Isctinn , Kl < > j ut presents for jjon to inufato yottr wife. Our : iiortmcnl is largn , of Silk Ilantl- Kerchicfs , I\liill'Jers \ , Kmbroitlovoil ami llcmstltnlied Handkerchiefs , Kid Uloves , Silk lres u , etc. , etc. Table Linens Hlegant Table Linens in pattern and y llio yard , ami napkins to nmtdi. Ve : vro selling RUGS In ull siy.fs at noininully low prices. Coino and look ever our lar o stock and yon will lind on sonio ono of our lliroo lloors .soniotliinir you will want and you will save money by buying it of us. We do not < { i\e lottery tickets and con sequently you do not have lo pay any extra price tor the goods. HARKNESS BROS. , B. BICE , m. D. , Or other Tumors removed itithout th0 itnlfo ordrawinK ot blood , practical oiperionce. Orer thiily yearn No. II 1'eurlm. , Council Hluffa. | 3r Con6Ultation fie * . JOH.N V. &TO KK. JAIOH STONE & SIMS , ATTORNEYS-AT-UW , Practice in the State and Federal court * Jtoonu 7 and 8 Shtigtirt-Ueuo lllo t , THE BEATON FUEL CO Will supply you ith ft cleaner nnd utltci quality of OAl M BMMMiMWMWMMWMBB Hi HMNMiH Than nny one in the city. A trial villcort viuce you. No G2S Broadway. Telephone 110. CRESTOBT HOU The only hotel in Council BlttHs having * ' e IEsoa/p ! © And alt inolcin improvements , Sl.i , ' , ' 17 and 010 Main st. MAX MOIIN , Prop. Star Sale Stables and Mule Yardsi BROADWAY , COPNCIL BUM FS , Dmuin ) Depot. E cato to * A e Hordes and mules kept conslaiilly on hand , for sale at retail or in ear loads. Odors promptly filled by contraet on short nolieu. Meek sold on commission. Suu'i r.its Hoi.ur , Proprietors. Telephone No. 111 Fonnorlv of Keil Sale Stables , corner 1st. ave amillh street. Horses and Mules For all piuposes , bought and ( -old , at retail and in lots. Lai go quantities to select fioui Several pairs of tine drivers , sin gle or do"ble. MA&OM WISE , Council Bin lid. OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL BLl.TFS , IA , IMiiblisliod 1SJ7 TILCPHONE I OB , FIRE INSUMNCE Iq flC ] following Companies ; Herman American , of Nw York riitrnlx , " of Hnrtfont. llaitfoid , * of Haitfard. Callfornlan , of San Fianclico , Scottlth Union < t National , aCditibiog. . Unionif San Fianclsca , State. " of Des Holms. Wlllamibuig C/ty , of BicoMyii. Tkase niarniil it'll/I a * Instnealso against Iocs * y \ Wind Storms , Cyclones anil Tornadues TOR BAI.f IN COUNCIL * IILLI ft. AMI ONICY LOAXR15 HOOIICITY AM ) F.M1M 1'ltOl'l I5TV AT LOWK1-1 R.MIS. * * " t * > ' , > f i * + ; ( ! 1 K , .ToiiniHlN , 4'oiinty nnd Etniili WorKol'All KilitU Sp < - > inlly Prompt Attention to Mail Orders MOREHOUSE & GO. Hooin 1 Kvnret Block , Council J5Ui(1s ( , SUtndurtl J'apera L'sed All sidles of bind ing in Magazines and BLANK BOOKS. iinn'.HUNci:1 : ? , C. n. National lluiik , M. 13. Huiith .V Co. , OaUoriH1 llnuk. Done , WclU 4' Cn. , Hifil National Hunk , t' . II , Insurance Co. , i. I'ueey.llHnkoi .c.n rtavln-a Hank. Buy COAL Of 6. HAYNE , At ! lth st. and 11th Jive. , and 31. Oalla- I-'H Hloro , Lower Hromlwuy. N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Olllceovcrnenian Kxpreis , " MELVIN SMITH & ( J0 SI I ( lO-OK * IO McMAHQN & CO , AbsUcts of Title , Lean and RialEs late Broken , No. 238 Main St , purrhtmril tltv "muni rcl ttlit at > nti'in-t / > ooAs in tltii nmnli/- an Ilia "Mt'.Malifni .tlf > trtta dtistrants anil I'dijH'i-lfnIltf r > o- ticlt ( lie. pati-onaj/cof all tltoie dcslr- , 1 ny corrcet abut rat-In of title to Ittnda , A- and lota in I'ottawattninic connlu. MELVIN SMITH & CO , , MO. 236 MAIN ST , , COUNCIL BLUFFS