Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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SPtCuLATIVE itintfpTO .
A General Dullness Characterizes tbo Wheat
Pit Yesterday ,
A ImrRcr Speculative HimliiOHs N'ototl
in I'roilalons Huuclptn of Cattle
MKit"H ) < i/n / Active nnd Prlccf )
II lr > hcr Cjnotnl lonp.
CnifAoo , Dec. ST. Special Telegram to
the Jlnu.J The wlieat maikct opened with
nlniost no trades , A few bin Ing orders de-
\elopcdbut sellers weie carco. Flrt sales
were at We , for mny. The few buying
orders did not cot Tilled until 8. > 't'c bad been
paid fieoly. Then It dragged off with llm-
lied trnde and little disposition to do any
thing. There were no cables , but It came to
light that laic Friday acceptances were ie-
( cited on olTcrs ol llour nt one instance
equal to 25 cimls advance per barrel. As the
M'sslon advanced the niniket became easy
nml drnggy. touching MV. The visible in-
oteai-o of Hl)00 ) ( ) bn hels was without any
) .crcei > llble circcl , as It was about what the
trade expected. Now Ymk advised paitles
heto that the Moims had delayed steamois ,
and December clearances were disappointing
In t'on'oqueiieo , but that they would be all
llio larger In .lanuaiy , adding that foieigiiors
wcie bidding for Mull to-day , although it was
holiday abioad , and that the bid- ) received
wcto higher. Dullness continued to be the
nile until nt the close , when a little itioro
animation was noted wllh a llrmcr tnne ,
May helling at b V 'jO. ' Tlio closing
prices were KiV's5'ji ( ( bid lor May ,
11e for .Inntiiuy , > Vj'c for I'elmury ,
7i ! , c for Mnich. Coin shared with
other articles lu tlie advance to-day ,
though the improvement was mainly In sym
pathy with the option In piovlslons. Specu
lative trading XMIH on a moro generous scale
throughout , bu } ing at times being heavy.
Tlie New ork nmikut was attorn : nnd tim
iceeipts lairat this point. Kinni 42\ < < 42 fij
on the spill at the opening May coin ad-
Minoedto : ) ' ) ( ( ? ' , together , though a Hah :
or two was inailu ut \citraluht. . At tin ) close
seller .laiiunrv was ( | iiotcd at ilTc.Duller I-obru-
liiry ai ; i-\cf lt'C | , and ' oiler May at 4' ! ( < 5
4l' ! ' c , mailing .in Impioxemcnt for the day of
J.c. Dais wens dull In the spccul.ilhobranch
of llietiadeaiid the Icellng was linn , May
closiiii ; nlUlV'Samples were lower. Pro
visions tided quiet and hullsli to-dnv and
hneculalive Imsluess larger than lor some
lime past , llutchinson wastlie largest Imyer.
Jlo took about : W,000 barn-Is all told ,
10,000 nl which was In one
lot. ijluht io"elits of bos at the stooic
yaidsand hiaher pilccs for raw mateiial
liought out a good demand lor shurts as wull
s on lout ; account , and under this tone the
in.irKct was very stionp. closing bids lor all
futuics ol tlio iirodtict beliig practically at
the top. Mess iioik for January
dell\ory advanced from S11.K5 at
the opening to § 11.77) jC and February
fiom S1I.M to Sit. ' . ' . " ) , and May fioni Sl'.lO to
5M2.n-.Ji ; , a fair trade being reported at Srl'J 0. .
January lard closed at sn.lw , Febtuaryat
$0.43' , , and May at Sfl.'iO ' , with January ribs
quoted at S" > .S'J ' , February at SVJJ , aimMiiy
nt SO.'JO. Hnsod on the latest bids ol last Fri
day , an actual impiovciiicnt of
il'-JifjtiiTiJfe per baud in mess poik , 71sGllBlrfe
uer 100 pounds in lard , and lOrn'-Ou VVr W )
pounds in short libs. The cash product was
dull , buyeis and scllots being ap.ut in their
\ lows.
( 'unit , 2:10 : p. jt. Pi ices were not essen
tially changed on the cuib , i-5l ; , , ( < is ; > } ic being
bid lot May wlieat , with coinollcicd at ii'fcc. :
New York icpoiled seventeen boat loads ot
wlieat and hltcen boat loads ot corn taken
foroxpoit. Advices from Js'ew York said
thnt froUhls were linn and cniHigomeiils had
been made for twenty-toui boat loads at that
point , ten at Philadelphia and fifteen at Ual-
C'IIICAOO , Dec. 27. ( Special Telcmam to
tbo UKI : . | CATTU : Coinpaied with last
Monday of comae the receipts woie very
light , bill a Solomon remaikcd : "Tho de
mand for beef has lately been lighter than In
many years , owing to the unusual Hoods of
poultry In the markets. " The demand for llxe
cattle to-day was fairly good , but tlie Inquliy
was rather limited after all. The more de
sirable grades ot cattle sold tit stronger
prices , but the mailed lor thin and ron h
Block was no better. IJufoio the tialns were
all In to-day the iceeipts of Kittle amounted
to about 1,000 head more than the eaily esti
mates , and at tor all theiuwtis quite a liberal
\oliiine of business done. Certain kinds of
rough and heavy cattle did not I'aio especially
\\ell , but tbo genural maikct was stiongcr all
mound , andccitnin nice , fat cattle ot Manly
weights bold at n lOc advance over Fi blur's
lutes. Of Texas cattle , the locelpts to-day
were about l.MX ) head , or which one-thlid
weio luvnlvcd by beet men trom
The general matkot was modeiately active.
Shipiliighteei-H ] , wwto 1WA ) Ihs. &i.4n fr.80 ;
3'00 to 1:100 : Ibs , 8l.iiO'u.0 ! | : ! ; itto to liiw Ibs.
S,40c ! ! < ? I.OO ; stockeis and leedeis , fe'ooci.s5 ; ! :
cows , bulls anil ml.\cdl.f4)t ) < i'r ! ! ) ; hulk.MO
( TW.'rO ; Texas cattle , 52.'iOtM-J.CO for cows ,
S .CO M1.2' . forsteem.
lloti1 * . The maiKet was active and pi'ccs '
n good lOc higher than Frltlnj's , the advance
icacliinu'all .soils , Tile ) itinclpal featuioot
tlui market was a biisk demand lor light nnd
light light or .such weights , say itO : to 140-
liounil pigs that iiackets of moat for Knulish
markets can utilr/n. That class and weights
tillghtly above sohl iTiyjio Higher than last
week , In fact higher than at any time since
the opening of the packing soisou , qualitr
coiihldeiod. A few lancy heavr bold as high
us JMM ) ( < ? lt'iO , with coed to choice medium
iiacklng grades nt Kl.-Tii l.-io : comiuon ,
'H.OO ; light , 8.b01i4,1iT. ; ) : . nnd U.
Now York. Dec. 27. MOXKT On call
quiet nt < r > G < T per cent , closing nt ft per cent.
J'lllMK JlEllOANTIl.K 1'AI'EK 1@5 Vt
rent. ICxcnANnr.- Dull hut steady
Rt S4.7'J ) ; for fclxty day bills ; Sl.s : % fcr
demand ,
( lov'EKN.MtNrs ( loveuiiiieiit bonds were
dull but steady.
S i or-Kh The stock matkct , whlla showing
n laigci nuKiegatuotfllmtisshold than on Fil-
dny , dllleicd In a dcgion only as to dullness.
Tlio opening was weak , llrst jirlces being
Jfc to'f per cunt below Fildny's closing tig-
incs. wbllo lioaillng was down Jf per cent.
Trading was dull and juices weak , Lackn-
wanna , Louisslllo.V Xnshville. Union P.i-
eilionud lliclimond it West Point .scoring
material decline : ) . The mniket then became
v.xiiemoly dull nnd some Immovtmient in lig-
nres was noticeable , but in the last hour the
decline was icsumod with n mfitkcd incicabo
In the amount ot business done anil tbo mar- ,
IxCt closed dull but weal ; nt the lowest pilccs
? rfiu bonds. . . . 101 J , C. , V N.V. \ . . . .
JJcw''s l"'s X , Y , C
J'nollloC'sof'W. 125 lOiecon Tr.ui - . ,
Ijvntrul Paoilic. . 41 iPaeliic Mall. . .
C.A A I4i : , P. I ) . * 13
Dimcnen. . . . 1'W P. P. ( J
C. II. A U JBi ! 1 lock 1 slnnd. . . .
1) . L. A : W . . . Ill ! , iSt. , L. .V S. K. .
W. & ] { , u si prefeued. .
Kiie. , Jl-J 'O. ' . . . .t.St. P. .
preferroi ! . . 12 prefened. . 117
Illinois Central. St.
J. , H. A W piofcrred , . 1WK
Karuasit Texas , . .Trias Pncllie. .
LakH Shore ' . * < Union Pacllin. .
C-"j W. . St , P.
Mich. Centul. . . piefenod , ,
Mo. Puciflo 10.5 Wfbtoin Union.
Woithorn Pac. . . .V. > 0. , J { . AK. . . ice
uivfirud , , .
Oliioaxo , Dec , 27. Klour Dull and un-
rjmuucd ; winter wheat nour.JM.uVM.tO ;
outbein. SIIW .W ; Wisconsin. $4.00
4.W MIcblKan fort sprinc whtat
8y.WOt4.lU ; Minnesota liatciu S3.A34.10 ? ;
patents , ? 4.SO < J ( < .tJOj low tradp * . ! 1.75a-.73 ;
rye muir , quiet at SS.'i'.sa.Wi In bands ,
nd ta.OOC'iraui In fart.t.
Wheat-Quiet and dull ; prloes fliictiiRteil
within small rangu , varying but slightly Uotii
Kliday'b closf , and closed about tlia same as
JTiidayt cash , 77 MCo ; January , 77 IMCcc ;
Kebruarv. 7atlfio ; May. b5 7-lCo.
Corn-More active \ op nea h < & ( * abore
Vf May's closing , and closed > c hbhcr than
Friday : caMi , "f c. January , 37c ; Pet-
ruary , 377-lCc ; Mny , Ml-lCc.
Oats Firm and } c better , wltli moderate
drniand ; IradiiiK centered mostly on May !
cash , 2T cMay ; , aiUc.
Kyp-Dull at JS-TC.
liarlcy Dull at flljj'c.
Timothy seed Primr. S1.74ft ( 1.75.
l'la\ccrt Kasy atf-lc.
I'ork Dnmanil active , advanced CdiJSNj
on whole ramc ; cash. Sll.rrKjJll.SO ; Janu
ary , S11.7'iX.rll.W ( ) ; Kcbruary ,
May , 812.30tfM2.iJi : < .
aUulk Meats-Short ilbo. S.'i.fcOQS.sai , ' ; .Inn-
nary honldois , SJ.SVff UK ) ; shoit clear , tO.-'O
lliitter Kirm ; creamery , l"JiCc. (
Cheese Firm : full clicddars , 12 ®
12'i-c ' ; iinti , ia | < @l84'c ; skims , b iy'/c. Jc _ .
K l K(5'ii ( > fc.
iliiioi In good icqticsl at former prices ;
heavy srcen salted , 7JiM7/o ? ; Iml ) hldu ,
45' < fpc : dry salted , ll@i''c ; dry salted calf.s
bO' Uc ; deacons , We each.
fallow Slow ; o. 1 country , B.'lfcj No , 2
2J4C ! cake , 4c.
Hi'onlnt . Shipment ! ! .'s ' . Sioix ) I4ooo
Wheat. hii . si.ixx ) ;
Corn , mi . IS'1,000 75CO )
( ) ft.Mtll ! . 011.000 ! 5,000
Kjc , Ini . . l.tOJ none
IJarley.DU . -t 1.000 35,000
Now York. Doc. 'J7. Wheat Jlecclpts
l.'l.uw ; exports. 4Vuoocash \ a shade hlchcr ;
options opened he.ivy and ( , @ ' ' lower , later
nilcil stioiiBcr and advanced ijut c , leavlin ;
till' firm ; initialled led , ij iM c ; N'o. ! l , led ,
We : No. S. ird , U-Jhc in elevator , y.'calloal ' ;
No. 1 , icd , U-iJ ej > o. 2 , red , January , closlnc
at UO
Coin IllKhcr , closliiR linn : receipts 1'J.OOO ;
i'\poils 7.iKW ; uiiKr.ub'd , lOijdiM ' 'nc : No. ! ' .
f'h'c ; Xo. 3. < 7's'M7 ' ; > ic in elc\ato'r , li < < < ,4'Jt '
nlloat ; January.lsc. .
Oats Model titoly active ; ipccipts , " 4.000 :
cxnotto10 ; mixed western , iJUc iJTc ; white
western. "rffliU1.
Potrolcum Steady and unchanged ; closed
J-'tm Stiongcr and in fair demand ; west-
em , 'JSijtU''c. '
Pot -Steady and quiet ; mess , S11.67M ®
Laid 1 Hither and falily active ; western
steam , spot , SO.GO.
Hnttur ( jnlut and linn ; wcslcrn , ii-W. c ;
ii ; ! n cteame-y , ! Wc.
Cheese Finn ; demand llpht ; westuinllat ,
Mllwnukoo. Dee. 27. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 7'te ' ; January , 77 * < e ; May , b5c.
Coru--jnl t ; No. 2 , "ofc.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2JCc. .
UyuNominal ; No. 1 , ! > V.
llarlcv Firmer : No. 'J , fiOJfc.
Provisions Higher ; iorllcccmbcr,511. ) 75 ;
January , 311.77' . , .
Cinulnnntl , Dec. 27. Wlicat Strong ;
Vo. 2 , icd 81e.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , SSe.
Oats Steady ; No. a mixed , : JO)4ityoje. ) '
Jtye-Klniier ; No. 2 , r/Jc.
Pork-Juict ( at S12.W ) .
Lard Stronger at &C.QO : held at 50.25.
Whisicy-bteadyat Sl.lo' .
MlniipnpoilH. Dec.S7.Wheat L'iim ; No.
1 hard , cash nnd January , 70)c ; May , 8'1'fc ' ;
No , 1 northein , cash and January , 7fteMay ; ,
b'Jc ; No. a noitliein , cash and January , 7oc ;
May , bOc.
Flour Steady ; patent" , S-lorj.GObalers ! | ; | ,
JtecelptsWheat. . MO.OOO bu. ; llour , 125
Shipments Wheat , fH.OOO bn. ; llour , 21,000
In Stino-Wlieat , ri-l41 , ! , bu , ; at St. Paul ,
r..i5oooim. .
City , Dec. " 27. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 red , caMi , CS' ' c bill : January , COc ,
May , 70' ; o bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , CO' ' c bid ;
January , : ! 0c hid ; May , CCu bid.
Oats Nominal.
St. I.ouls , | Icc. 27. Wheat-Dull and
lower ; No. aiod , cash , fcO' 'c : Januarv , Sic ;
.May , 8 ; 4'c.
( orn ationg and hiijlier ; No. 2 mixed ,
cash. ! ) | ij ( < ( : i.iu : Januarv. ! Vic ; -Max' . : ; yMe.
Oats-Dull : No. ' . ' , cash , ss e ; May , yi 'c.
Hyc Me asked.
Whisky -Steady at S1.13.
Pork $1 1.87 > lc ) 12.00.
l.ird0.10t j .13.
New Orleans. Dee. 27. Coin Qule
and linn ; mixed and white , -10@-)7e ) ; yellow ,
Oats Quiet ; choice western , G'Jc.
Corn Meal-Steady at ! > 2.15.
lloj ; Piotlncts Dull ; pork , 811.50 ; laid , 10-
lined tierce , SG.OO.
Hulk .Meats Shouldeis , S4.60 ; long clear
and clear ilbs , SO.OO.
Chlon i > , Uec. 27. The Drovct's Journal
inportHas follows :
Cattle Hecclpts , 0,000 ; stroiie : choice lOe
higher ; shipping steers , Si.-10 : ( ( $ . ' . : )0 ) ; stockers -
ers and feeders , S2.KC'c.b5 ( ) : ) ; cows , bulls ami
mixed , S1.50@3.25 ; bulk , 2.10 < a-i.riO ; Ttixai
eattlp , & 2,20@2.00 for cows , fe2.UO : ; .05 for
Hogs Kccoipls , ' . ' ,000 ; strom : and lOc
above Friday's closing ; roitRh and mixed ,
Si.' : ) : ; ; nackliiK and slilnpinir , S4.o@ : ;
4.IWI ; | | Kht. ! l.75@l.0 : ; ; skips 82.'jO : i.50.
Sheep Iteciilpts , 2,000 ; bteady and .stionir ;
natives. & 2.r > ort4.rjO ; Texans , 6.-J.03 . ( < j.t.25 ;
lambs , 34.00an.00.
St. LuuiH , Dec. 2r , Cattle Hocelpts , : 0 ;
shipments , 'iOO ; stroiiKcr ; choice heavy natixe
steers , JM.Ur : ) < M.bO ; l.tlr to good shipping
Rtecis , Si.t'0i4.rj : ) ; tmtehcis' ' btcers , fair
to cholco , $3.00 1,15 ; feeders , fair lo coed ,
3'.wy : ! , : ) ; stockers , fair to ROOO , 5r2.00@2.W.
llofjs Receipts , ! K ; hliipments. 1.200 ; act
ive and iodise blither : choice heavy and
butchers' selections , S4iowi.55 : packini : , lair
to Kood , S4,10v. l.r)0 : Ybrkeis , medium to
fancy , S.'J..KJMUO ' ; pit's , common to good ,
City , Dec.27. Cattle Kccelpts ,
WO ; bhipineiit.s , none ; snipping grades nom
inally Miong ; cow.s and good butcher's stulf
lOo higher ; common to choice , tfJ.x4.Ci ! : ) ; ;
stockoi.s , 52.2502.75 ; feeding steers , S'J.bO
CsaoO , ; cows , SI .WS&OO.
Hoes Uecelpts , 5,000 ; shipments , 400 ;
active and lOe higher ; common to choice ,
Monday , Dec. 27.
Cattle ,
Them have hern no fiesh iceeipts of cattle
during the past two days nnd the yards are
cleat cd.
Theiecolpts oflu 3 wore veiy light to-day ,
It bcinit tim lirst of the week and so soon
alter The demand however was
Rood and the market higher. KveryllilnK
was sold. _
There weie no fresh arrivals and nothing
doing on the maikut.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock onthlsmaiket.
Choice btcers. li. ! " > 0to 1500 IbH .,0
Cholcobteeis , 1100 to K3JO His . t.OOC'SI.25
Coodtuedeis , . u.G5 ( < $ ) .ou
( iood to choscy corn-fed cows. , , 2.ii'Qi3.'i5
1'air to mef nun crass cows . 2.00M2.50
Coed tocholcD oulls , , . 1.50 ( < J2.50
1 , mlit anil medium units . 4.15 ( 4.20
Hood to choice Heavy HOKS . 4.20 < ffilai
lood ! to choice mixed hots : . 4.2ortl.2'5
lood ! to elioieo shet'ii . . . 2.75WH.20
Falrtoiood ; sheep . . . . . 2.25&2.50
Hoprebeiitivtive Sales.
No. Av. Shk. Pr No , Av. Sbk. IV.
7S./.W 4054.20 fn..2hl , ! 210 f 4,2. ' .
Tb. . 214 1110 4.23 73..2IX ) 1GO 4.25
7b . .2' M ) 4,2. ' ) Cl.22 : ! ItM 4.2,1 ;
7U.'J75 b'J ' 4.25 CO. . . . S3 1 100 4.-J3
Cl . .210 40 4.2.5
Ranun or
Showlut ; the blithest and lowoat mices
paid for loads of ho > ts on this in.iiket durim ;
the past seven days and lor tliu naino time :
Nov. OPLJSS1 Hoc. ISS'i
? Jlst Suii'luy ' Too" " a.--'i ' waiio
3.60 .
i.OS < A\M \
S3d 4.00 Q1.15
3M I.Oo ( ili/.M
3.15 ( ftilU ; llollriKy.
ictb : | SuuUay
S7thl aw 4.SO Q4.2S
AU sales of stock in this market are made
nercwt. live woiirht unless otherwise stato.1.
Deail hogs sell ill J/c per Ib. for all weight ? .
"Skins , " or hoiweislilnir less than 100 Ib3.
no value. Prexuuit sows ar docked 10 Ibs.
nnd stags SO Iba , by the public Inspector ,
. * m'ynu , fnu nun
ling market hlfiber.
The yards weie cleared of bjth cattle and
The lTnlon Stock Vard bank iot ; out
their new check books to-day. The checks
are very nc.u ami tasly.
Prank Crlttenilon , the uoet of the flock
yards , has composed the foliowlnp , which
has been printed on card board and tucked up
in n Rood many of the otlices :
The employes of the Stock Yaids company
presented Jonn Uoytl , the superintendent of
the yard ? , with a > ery linn double harness for
his carriage team , lap tobc. = , whip , etc.
On the market with boas : Jenkins A : Vail ,
llrayton : A. K. Nlhart A ; Co. . Hislmrs ; ! . S.
Powell. Wood Itlvcr ; 1) . S. Parkhursl , liro-
ken How ; U. W. Smith , Kndlcotl ; H. HutchInson -
Inson , licpublican ; JIcll Bros. & K. , Ktankltn.
l.iltlo IhinL'i that please ns Uslnc olllce
as a loalinc place ; nsiiiK desk when we want
It ourselves ; Weailmtour boots and clothes ;
spittlmr tobacco juice on the Hour ; strlklmr
ns for a loan ; looking over our books and
readlni ; our letters ; aiklUR questions about
our business that concains no one but our-
telves ; tiirnlncr on the steam on a hot day ;
asking the me of our telephone , hist ot
prices paper 5j per sheet : enveloposftc each ;
pencils lOc each ; tobacco , 5c per pipeful ; use
of pipe , "A ! per hour ; letters written for SI. Oil
each ; tickets Injured and miscellaneous ollice
woik douo foi b2.00 per hour.
OMAHA W 1101,1 ! SAl7l3 M
General Produce.
Monday , Dec. 27.
itrc far ranmllntt nt
pnuce / , ( issoMon tlio m r/ct / , to-tl < ii. ] The
qwilttlttmv un frnltv tnc prices at
u'/i / Ich ontsfdc on/crs / ace tilla.1.
Kncm The market lemalns steady at2lc.
Pot 1.1 nTho iccelpts weio fair to daj- ,
but the demand is not vciy heavy so soon
att'T Clnistmas. Choice tnikeys aic selling
at ItcSl'-c ; chickens , Or > c ; geese and ducks
at lOf.illc. .
CiiKi'.sr. Kullcream cbeddars , slnzle'in' c ;
lull cicam HatSttwIno.l Kc ; yonin ; Amciican ,
lie ; fancy SwKs , 14QJ.15 : .Swiss , Impoitcd ,
2.x" Mmlmrger , | : ! e : btick ,
tiAMi : i'rairie chickens , choice per dox ,
S4.00 ; giou o. tu.25 ; ( iuail , per do ,
Sl.75fii2.oo ; ducks , mallaid , per do/ ,
S1.7.1W2.00 : ducks , teal , per doSl.25
Q1.WI ; ducks , mixed , per doSI. . 25 ; ucese ,
) ) er doS.50deer : ! , saddles , per Ib , 10c > tl2c ;
ilecr. i-arcassc ! " , perlb , 7@vc ; elk saddles , per
Ib.lwlOc ; elk , caicasscs , perlb.Cui'e ; antelope ,
sadille. " . per Ib , 10&lc ! ! ; antelope , caicasse ,
perlb , 7MSc ; Jack rabbits , per do/ , : t.50C'V
4.0(1 ( ; smill ; rabbits , per doz. We.
At'i'i.r.s The stocks on hand are not heavy
and the market Is Ihmer. Choice Missouri
and Michigan stock' at Sit 25'fi,50. ( ;
O.vio.vs Theio Is no lioine-siown stock on
the market to speak of. Quotations aie
nominal at Sl.iVjJUO ; Callloinia , perlb , 2" " ,
Cf.i.KiiY The inaiket is steady. Choice
stock per doz. , : ! 5c : cxtia large , per dotOc. .
Ois'ir.its Mediums , 20c ; standards , 21c ;
selects , 2b ; extra selects Sc ; ! ; N. 1 . counts ,
fle. )
( ; nANinnnir.s : Cape Cod , fancv , per bbl ,
SW.OO ; bell and bmle , per bbl , SIO.OO.
H.VN' N.VS llananas , yellow , per bunch ,
S2.00 ( > i2.25 ; bananas , vellow , huge , pel bunch ,
S oU.1 ! * ' .
LBMONS Messina , per box SOOf ! > < 70.fiO.
OiiANdi : Kloiida. choice , 1506J24U to box
§ 5.00 ; do , C box li > ts , SI.15.
(5UAPCS Malaana , per bbl , CO Ib gioss
MAi't.i : SrnAii Strictly pine. .10 lb boxes
per Ib , 15c ; choice oc brie4s 25 lb boxes , pei
Ih , I2c ; choice ppiiny caUcs. 23 lb boxes , per
lb l2Vjc.
SAriniKisAUT Per Si gal bbl , eG.OO ; 10
gal , half bbl , S3.50.
Poi'ATons The inaiket Is linn. Theioare
vorv low coming in , tunl tiansaotions au'
mostly limited to the sales ot small lots lioin
the. stoio at iJOCciO'io.
PitovmioNH-llnni , sugar-cured , llj < ; e ;
breakfast bacon , stuarcuicd , boneless 10'4 ' ;
shonldci < < , ( ' ; clear Side bacon , bu : dry salt
sides , 7e ; dtlod beef , hams , 14c ; dried licet ,
iccnlar , He : mess pork , per bbl , S12.5U ; lard ,
MIb ) cans Faiib.mks , 0Jfc ; ; laid. 10 , 5 and
lb nails , Fairbanks , 7'ai7lic. !
FI.OVII AND'FTsMuter \ wheat
llotir , host quality patent , S3.75 ; second quid-
itv. E2.40 ; best quality spring
flour , patent. S2.00bran ; , Me percwtchoppod ;
feed , 70e per owt ; white corn meal , ' . ( Oc ;
yellow corn meal , ; screening , Ma
porewt ; hominy , SiOo per cwt ; shorts , .r > r > c
porcwt ; zraham $1.GO ; hay , lu bales , $5.50 $
C.OOoer ton.
Grocers' Jjist.
Pir-Ki.ns Medium. In bbls , Srt.50 : do , in
half bbls , S.75 ; ! ; small , in bbls , 87.50 : do , in
ball bbls. 34.25 ; eghrkins , in bbls , ; ao ,
in half bbls , 54.75.
SviH'i1 No. 70. 4-gaIlon kops , 31.20 ; New
Oilcans , per gallon < te&fi4flc ; maple ; svrup.
half bbls , "old time , " iicr gallon , 72c 1 gal
lon cans tier do810.00 ; half gallon cans ,
per doz , S.V > 0 ; quail cans 5f : > . < w.
STAitrit Mirror glass 1 lb , fijfc ; mirror
gloss , : i lb , iiitfc ; mliror gloss , Olb , OKe ;
( iravcs' corn , 1 Ib , < > e ; Kingsford's corn , I li > ,
7c ; KlngslOld's glo s , 1 lb. 7c : Kinirsfoid's
eios-s , 0 lb. 71fc ; Klng&toiil's pure , y lb , "J c ;
Kingsfoalsbulk. 4c.
ToiiAcro Plug , climax , 4'Je ; horseshoe ,
37e ; star. : tV ! ; spearhead , 80c ; plporheidsick ,
OOc ; gold shield , 34c ; merry war , 2'ic : J. T.
J , . . ! c.
MA-Iruns Per caddie , 2&e ; square cases ,
St.70 : mule siiuaro , 81.20.
CANDY Mlvcd , HMllJfe ; slick , Si. s' ' e.
CIIAC-KKKS ( larnoan's soda , butter anil
picnic , ft' ' ; c ; creainsslso ; ginger snaps b > ic ;
city -soda , 7i ? ;
KOAI-S Kirk's savou , S2.70 ;
KliK s satinet. ? ! 1.0t ) ; Kilk s htaudard , ? : ! .05 ;
Kirk's white Kiissinn , Sl.Oti ; Kirk's whiti-
cap , S(5.M ( ) ; dome , S'J. 'i ; washboaid , S l.10 ;
wliltn cloud , S3.75.
HorK- > < inch , lOVc ; 'b inch , lie ; > i
Inch , llV
CANXKD ( -Oystcrsstandatd.iieri-ase . ,
Si.IGrit.25 ; : ) ; stiawbenies , 'i lb. IHT ease. Si'JO ;
raspbetries. 2 lb , per case , S2.-0 ; Caliloinla
pears , pur case , S4..rjO ; apt loots , per casj ;
SJ.I30ncaches , np"- case , S5.25 ; white cher
ries , per case , $0.00 ; pnims. j > er case , Si,05 : ,
blueberries porcise , jl.h.'i ; tuc plums. 2 lb
per case , & 2.50 : . pineapples , a lb , per casa
S.1.20@5.7."i ; 1 Ib nm.'kerol. per doSI. . 10 ;
1 ll salmon , perdo ? , Sl.n5 ( l.CO : a lb goose ,
berries , pur case.S1.75 ; 2 lb string beans , per
case , $1.70 ; ! ilb lima bciiiih , per case , St.GO ;
2Jb mairowfnt peas , per case , 3-J.40 ; 211)
eaily Juno peas , per case. $2.75 : : i Ib toma
toes , S2.inr ,2.2a ; 2 & ' , ' . 10iCJ.2.X (
liiui : ) Fin-rr .so , 1 qtiHiter apples , n'foS
6c ; in evaporated boxes rJi.'CglBu : black
berries , boxes. ll@l'Ke ' ; neachcs , Salt Lake.
IbhO , 10 ( < iOj.c ; pcachos. evaporated , I5'c ( :
17e ; raspbutrles , new , 22u ; ciirtcuts 7 ® ' 7i , ,
prunes. , new SWc.
Hun Aits Powderou , 7c ; cut loaf.
6Jit < tIc ; > ; i. liuii ll n , li' ' | OfiUjc ; confoclloucrs'
A , ii'hc ' : standard exlr.1 C , ft'fftfijfo ; extra
C. 5VC4.'Kc ; iiH-dlum yellow , Wdiw.
COFFKISX Oidlnarv giades , ll'icillc fal
l.lfij < o ; prime , IfiJiQlOe ; choice , licil ( ' ' > 4e ;
fancy gtocn and yellow , 10ujl c ; old cov-
ernmont Java , 2013-101 ; ; Intciior .lava , l < % ( < ii
20t- ; Mocha , Wai4c : Aibucklo's toasted
ID'aC ; MoLiiughlln's XXXX roasted , l ! ! sc ;
Dilworth'H , I'Jo : Ited Cioss , lli' e.
LKATHKII Piiiiio slaughter sole leather ,
3-ic ; pilmo oak solo leather , ttlij ! } : > s . L'pjier
leather per foot , 20it'5e : hem , kip , 7.1(4ioc ( :
o. lc kip. S.'XK'J.'io ' ; Kieiich kin. ;
hom.tcalf , Sl.oo&cuu : oak calf. § 1.00 1.2.5 ;
Kronen calt , S1.2.'iMl.bO ; .Morocco , boot log ,
SOMiKc : Morocco oil pebble , 2S ( : fJc ; toiipings
nnd linings ( Xi ) ' . 0c ,
HEAVY llAitiiwVIIK iron , ratn fiCO ;
plow cast,4'acciuclblesteoli ; ( > sc ;
cast lools. do. 12 < i4iSc ; wagon spokes per set ,
S3.00Caa.M j bubs , jior set , 81.25 : lullous ,
sawed dry , Sl.50 ; tongues , each , buc ; axels ,
each. 75c ; souairt mils , per Ib , K < i71o ; coil
chain , per lt > . tV/jfl-te / ; malleable , 704'.Hnoil
wedcos , Cc ; crowbars , fie ; harrow tcoth , 4le ,
fipilng steel , 7C'i'oj liuiden's ' IIOI&Q shoes.
H-MjUuidon's mule shoos , $ ' > .M. Hat bed
wh , In car lots , S4.00 j > er KX ) Ibs ,
Nails , rates , 10 10.10 , 8J.0 ; steel nails S5.G5.
Shot , ' ) ; Imckbliot , Sl.b5 ; oriental powner ,
kegs , 82.50 ; do. halt kegs J200 ; do. quarter
kegs , 81.50 : blasting kegs S-.t ! fuse , per 10
foot , ft'ie. Lead bar , 8 lo
\Aii.NihiiKri Kauois , per gallon : rurnl-
ttire , extra , 81.10 ; furnlliinNo. . 1. Sl.Ol ;
coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1 , f 1.20 ; Dam -
m r , oxtia , 51.75 ; Japan , 70c ; aspb.iltum ,
extra b.jc : shellac , S'i.50 ; hard oil Unlsh ,
hpiniTS Coloirno spirits , 183 proof , 1.17 ;
do 101 pioof , SI.IS ; spirits second quality ,
101 proof , S1.17 ; do 1M proof , JUG Alcohol.
IbS prooi , S2.2D per wlnu I'allon. Itutllhillled
whiskies , Sl.OOv'i'1.50. ( in | , blondod. Sfl.5iX3
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , * ' , ' .00 < jaoo ; Ken
tucky and IVniibyhMiila ryes , S..oocrfO.fjO ;
UolUen bheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
Sl.WXg.00. ; ) Urandles , imported , 55.00@S.50 ;
domestic , 51xXi3.0i : ) . Gins , imported , 4.MJ
C < iO.OO ; domestic , 51.25011001 ( "tiainiiaunns.
Imported , per case. S.o < jQys.OO ; ; American ,
per case , S10.00flll.ii. ( (
PAINTS is ( ) , White lead. Omalia.P. P. ,
7Kc ; whits lead , .St. Louis , pure. SI.75 ; Mar-
Bolllea jrreen , 1 to n Ib cans 2e ; Fiencii iinc ,
ereon seal , lie ; French zlue , roa seal , lie ;
French zinc , lu varnish as t. 2Uc ; French
zinc. 75oermillloii ; , Knulish , in oil , 75c ;
red , lOc ; rosorplnK , Ho ; Venetian red , Cook-
red lead , 7ke ; chrome yellow , genuine , 'ioc-
chrome yellow , K , Me ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ;
till O. tUlU ( V
ochre. Krcncli , 2 tc : o-hre , American ,
l' < c ; Winter' . " inlin-riil , 2ijp , ; LolilRh blown ,
2' < ; c ; Spanish brown , 2JVc ; prince's mineral ,
So *
Dnv PAtxTS-WldtP lead , PC ; French sine ,
12c ; Par ! , wiiitlntr , 2 > c ; whitlnK , gliders
-'Jfc ; whlllnc. cont'l , 1'ic ; lampblack , ( Ser-
inatilowii , Ix'c ; lampblack , ordinary , ' c ;
Prus lan bIuc-V > c ; ultramarine , lcandj'K ! ? ; -
brown , M1 ; umber , burnt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4e
sienna , burnt , 4c : slcnim , raw , 4c ; Pane
gtecn , eentilnc. 05c. Paris green , com
mon , 22 < j ; chrome cieen. N. Y. , 20e ;
verniilhon American , lsc : liiainii
raw and burnt limber , 1 Hi cans lie ; raw and
burnt sloiinn , 12o : NAndj-ke brown , l. > c : relined -
lined lampblack I2c * coach black and Ivory
black , Ite ; drop black. iCc ; Prussian blue ,
40e : nltramatlne black. l8c ; chrome green , ! * ,
M. AD. , lOc'blind ; and shutter gtceu. L..M.
A. D. , ICe ; Paris green , lo ; Indian red , I5c ;
VciiPtlaii rod , Co ; Tuvatii 22c { American
vcrtnllllr.n , I > . A 1) ) . , 20c ; jellow ochre , 2o ; I , .
M. A O. I ) . , lsc ; coed ochre , ItV : imlon
dryer , 8 ! irr.xinlng color , light oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and ash. I''c.
Uutui"ND t itKMirAi.i. Acid , carbolic ,
B2c ; field , tartaric , 52o ; balsam copaiba , IHT
B ) , 4tc : ; bark sassafras per n > , lOo ; calomel ,
iior lb , 7Sc. chlnchonldia , iier or , lOo ; cbloro-
roiin , per n > , 50c ; Dover's powdcts per It > .
81.25 ; ep om salts , IHT n > , U c ; Rlycciinc ,
pure , per lb , HOe ; lead , acetate , ner Ib. 2lc ;
nil , castor , No. 1 , per KM. , S1.50c ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , S1.40 , oil olive , per gal. , 31.40 ;
oil oriirnnnum. Me ; opium , 83.20 ; milnlne ,
P. > VW. . and I ! . , feS. , per oz , 70o ; pot-osslum
loilldo , per lt > , S2.75 ; s.illcln , per oz. We ; sul-
nhatu iiiornhine , j > cr oS2.IX ) ; sulphur , per
lfj,4e ; strychnine , pero ? , 51.23.
GPIIPI-A ! MnrUoti.
liinis tltoen butchers .V dCc ; gccen
cured , 7c : drv Hint. IHirr.V ; dry salt. DdiUV ;
Cicoii calf skins , iWWi'fo ' ; damaged hides
two-tlibds pi ico. Tallow iij c. ( Jroac
Prime white , : l < o ; vellow , J'.ic ' ; brown , 1"
Sheun Peltv , 25Gi7oc.
No.l Cora. s. 1. s. 12 , Hand 10 ft slT.50
No.'J " ' 12 , 14 atldlO ft 14.75
No.3 " " J2ll and Id U 1H.50
No.1 " " 12 , Maud 10 ft 12.00
_ _ _ lUMPy-nONi" " < M > TIMllllH' * .
lis rtu | u'ts ' it w it [ ± : itj-j rt
"xii ! . . . loi.-iO iJ'iO.inlfi'j'iTiou'iHiooHiiojiilw ' ' ' )
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
SMOl. . . . . . . . . . lll6iinfrUB.Wll7noll8J ! ) ! ! ! > l2.MnliiiOO :
"xK i HLoi III.W1 lll.V ) | 17.00 l8.tW .Oi ) Oi )
< xss . . . tfi.Mirtritilia.r'ili7.Ki'itt.ui.iiOL'OOo | ' ( ' ( )
No. 1 , 4&fi Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . . S17.0J
No. 3 , 4 A : Oinch , 12 and It ft. , tough. . . 11.00
< 'KI1.I\0 AMI PAItrlTtll.N.
l t com. , Ji'in While Pine Paititton..Sw.Oi : )
2d " " " " . . . . 2T.VJ
2d Com. . ' 4 In. Norway Pine Ceiling. . . . 14,00
A 13 Inch. i > . 1 s. 4ii 0 . 5X00
Itiaineh " " 421) . 2-5..V )
No. 1 , com. 12 in. , p , 1 s. , 10 , ibvV20 ft. . . 21.00
No. 2. " - " ' . . 1S.50
No. 2 , " " " 12 t H ft . 17.00
10 ft . 10.00
o. 1 , plaln.Sand 10 inch . S17.5T
No. 2 , plain.S and 10 inch . 15.50
'osi" > Vviilte Cedar , 0 In. , J s , 12c ; 8 in.
qr.s , ! Hvc. _
.Seldom has there been scon an audience
so thoroughly intorostctl and uniformly
itppruohitive as that which followed Klliio
Kllslur with breathless : UP ! syinpatliotio
interust : is she. % cnacleil tbo part of the.
licroino in "Woman Against Woinun "
Her iinjiorsonalion of the gentle , yet
heroic workiii wonnm is : i fllwlc ! s nicco
of iiRtinir , simple yel never insipid ,
womanly and teiiiier.yel full of repressed.
power. Her uctiiiK in the. scene where
she turnson Ihq woman who bus broker.
tip her home is superbly impassioned ,
yet -absolutely free from rant. The
qrcixtest strength of the entire produc
tion lies in its fidelity lo nature. . The
jiluy itselt' i.s an over true ttilo of Kn lish
country life , and the sla < ; c settings and
the niiikciin of the actors is ndnilrably in
keepinfj , .Mrs. Dn\oniort | isanuxuelient
old woman , mid a true type. Mattie
Kurlo was oouscientious in her part , but
occasionally ovordiil it. Frank \Ve lon
ilid some Koo'l work- , and was osjieeially
n.'itnral in his tenderer moods. Archie
Hoyil made tt capital viU to dniiiksird ,
and Alary SanUovs aveovideiicus ot abil
ity in a minor part.
"Woman Against Woman" will be re
peated ihis cvuninir.
TJIU viNi isrs : AT Tin : IPIOPI.I : : ' * .
A ino-l cntcrtainiiiir bill was presented
by the Vincent coined y company at flic.
People's last night. 11 consisted of the
fai co , "Tho Swiss Cottage , " and "Ire
land as It Was. " The lifht was played
withexueHentolVont , tliu coinutiny tinittnp ;
iu croatuiK a luorrinmul which animated
tjvery amlitor. The .second piece is one
of a class of plays which have IOIIK i > ic-
luretl tbo wrongs of the tenant
farmers ol Ireland at the hands
of rapacious landlords and their
no less rapacious landlords. It
is enlivened with a great deal of Hiber
nian wit and humor , and at the sanio time
illustrates many of I ho finer traits and
domestic virtues ot the Irish people , It
was can-fully produced , the leading com
edy parts being admirably sustained bv
Mr.s Vincent and .Mr. , j. 1) ) . Ik-nmrd. The
other characters were sustained b.y
Howlby , HeSMo Allen , Aggie Montgomery
and Messrs. fJuorge A. Maxwell , T. Hit-li-
ard on , James A. Wallace and J. I ) . Her-
'I'n-niglit "I\liss \ Million'1 will be pro-
sontcd. Miss Vlncenl nppoarln in her
rcmarkaUlo impersonation of the hcro'mu
iindMr. ticorgo Mavwcll in his u.MJollciil
rendition of Do La Tour. 'J'hu company
play hero all this woek.
When yon arc constipated , with loss of
appetite , lioaduchc , take out ! of Dr. ,1. H.
McLean's Little Liver andKidnuyPillets.
They are pleasant to take and will euro
yon. ' , ' . cents a vial.
Two MonthB in Prison.
A. L. Fuller , who was convicted souio
timii ago of forging pension applications ,
was sentenced by , lndgo Dundy ytstcr-
dav to two month imprisonment ,
The ( ! ro.-s perjury cases will bo called
for trial before Judge Duudy in the
United States court to-day.
For Thront | ) | SOIIM'N and Coiulis , n o
" /Jroicn'i Itrutiditiil 'Vi wlirv. " 2r els. a
box. '
Hakor Place. Lots $225 to i500.
Horn to the wife of Mr. K. Muf101
north Tenth , a boy. Tnc-day , Douem-
bur 2J , f
Hakor Place.
K. K. Klliott , formerly of this city , and
now representing the Phcnix chemical
works of Chicago , is in the city.
Watchmaker for the U. P
llailway Co iS. . UAJHONII ,
_ 'Douglas ami Iflth.
State Agents
Iffilt Ml PIANOS
Omaha , Neb.
E. T , ALLEN , M. D.
Eye , Ear , Nose & Throat
Room 9 Williams Kuilding , cor. 15th and
Dodge sts , Omaha ,
Hours 8 to 12 .m. % to 4 and 7 to 8 p. in
"Kxccpt Sunday. :12 : am' ' lOiMnm
ICoiinoctsith S. C. A iloiiuii * T.v : am
P. nl Council Hlutls I ' ; 'J5 ailli blOOaill
ConnectswithC. H. A- ; 42 am , : > Vant )
( J. , C. A- N.V. \ . , r. M. A- ii7nm(10:00am : , :
Ml. P. , C. It. l.\t P , at 17 am 11.10 am
Council DlulTs.
IConnects with V , ' . St. 2t7pm : : 2:0ipm : )
L. it P. at Council lUulls.
IConnocts with all even ; iHpm : )
ing trains lor Chicago at : , 'jOpin : fl:00pm :
Council lilulTs. Tiains ' 4Jpm ! fiiOOpm
leitvn Omaha nl Union :10 : pm' ' . "i0pm :
Pacilic depot , 10th nml :4 : : pm ( OiiOpm
Picice btieets. : r.0pm 7:1)0)1111 : ) )
:47Jmi : '
:55 : pm , 3uiMii : ( ) ( )
I Leave I Airho
CONNKCTINO LINKS.TrnnsfcrTransfer ,
depot depot
Of the Missouii State Mvscuin of Anato
my , St. Lotlif , Mo. ; University College
Hospital London , Gic&en , Gcrinany and
New Yoik. Having devoted their atten
311(1 (
More especially those arising from iinpni-
dence , invite all so suffering to cot respond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily without
detention ftom busiiictb , and without ihe
use of dangcious drugs. Patients whose
cases ha\e been neglected , badly treated or
pronounced incurable , should not fail to
write conccininjj their symptoms. All
Icticis iccci\c immediate attention.
And will be mailed FREK lo any addicfs
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and Phy
sical Exhaustion , " towhich is added an
"Essay on Marriage , " with impoitanl chap
om.ANh , the whole forming a valuable mcd-
ical treatise which should be read by all
young men. Address
imw. K. & i ) . i vvir ov ,
1 18 l.iMvrnn't- . , JJc-nvcr , C'ol.
, „ ) UlM. , , , , ott
anl kindled ifTrctlon , T , . l t ' * r I2r. | > l ; t FF l < il ,
lilt. A. O. OI.I.N < ' ( . , f < o. let Wuhlnil'EiifiliMl , ChiLJO ,
III. 0I.OO iicrFHckuec. biiruri. U.
Artists' Material
A. JIOfiPK , , IJ ! . ,
Artists' .Mutei'inls , Pioiios and Orpans ,
Agricultural Implements ,
Asrrienltnral Implements , Wa onn ,
C rri fcil uuU IliifKi. ' * . Jorc Hrctt , Ltuvten Vl
unit Kilb.Onuihn. Ntli.
ral Implements ,
Wagon , Oarrlatp > , llugglon. Etc. , Who'enle , Omnh .
pAJLjyUtiynoiFtvjtAjn'fN ]
Agriciiliurol Jmiilements ,
iruu ' nnil lluyglei. ' .01 , 'JCO , : m nnd 'Mi , t
Butier and Eggs ,
XK J5 fiCIfJtOEbEK ,
llnyers of Hut tor nnd Kgps.
llefrleernlor and 1'aolimr HUUBU. lull unit ] .t ren-
_ i orlliit. ( . 11 V. II. H , Track , Oiimlm.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
ilccliaiilco"i'ool nnd UulTAlo firalci. 1IU5 liouga ! e . ,
x _ Umnlik , Neb.
LKU , JWIJ2D cO CO , ,
Jobbers of Hnrdwaro and Naile ,
TiD aie , hueet Iron. Ktc. A enu for Hon * 8c l ,
Wholesale Hardware.
WeMfrn tcrti for Jeffeuon Fleet Kulli Auttlu
I'owaerfo , talrbuuti > uod > id hcnli-i , Cuiutr
IDlU mill llarnry. Oiuclit.
Iron Worts ,
JMATOA- rJltit
Iron Work 3 ,
hi n l raM Iron lUilMlng Work. Iron Pl
llalllnv , llf tii HIM ! tiltilftf , Mrnm Kntlnrf. HrnM
\V rk , Ouivtnl tronnciry , Mfdilno nnrt Hlorkpinlth
. omcf nnJ Work , I' . I' . Hjr B
Boots and Shoes.
Mnnufittliir M \Vholcfste DOAlor ! In
Hoots and Shoes ,
Conivlotc ; , 'tmli of llnfier loprtj nlnxyn onlioml
M t ? ISlliH Unililni , Nfb. A T , Aunin , A pnt ,
7r. j * . MOXSK r co.
.lolibers of Hoots nnd Shoes.
lilt I'atniui It. , Oini\lm \ , Nfti. Xlannrncturr , Sutctuot
/ . T. LiyDsr , i en.
Wholesale Hnbher Uonts- and Slums.
HuMler umlOileilVlotlitiiK auu 1'ult nuoti , ifv\ith
inft ; Ct'tnor ' lllh unit 11oiiKln > .
Apt. for Anluinpcr-Hiish
Spcrlnl Urnnrtf. KnuHlli lwol crnnil Ktlaticrr.
firoitx .p iLiiit
l/ajjer / Deer Urowers ,
1..21 North l ih sircpl , Oimlin , Sob.
Coffee , Spices. Etc.
cJ AJtiiT7f JfoSTa aC "
Omaha Cofl'eo and Splro MilN.
TcB .CoHoo , t-plce . ll.iklns rondir. } 'hvorliu Ex-
tieitt , l.nundiy llhio. Ink. Kir. HU 10 Hnrfcy
MrruM'uiutii , Nol'
( iAy'KS , < 'OIj K > . .IH,7W ,
Home Coll'eo and Snico Mills M'f'p Co.
CnTroHomitprfnnd "nli-iMtrliiiV'M Jlnnufni uirrm
nl Ilaklnii I'nuiler , ruinni : l ; liin : < , Ilhihin. ltr :
Trj one in'p nl our ! - pni VHCPIIunip lilvi d ItouttiU
OotiVo. US'llon.ird t . tim ilin. Neb.
.lohn Kiioneler , 1'rop.
Mnnutnclnror or OiilvnnlJcd Iron nml Cornlrc. 97J
llnilguuiiil lU3niul li.'iN , Ullli n , . < ) iunli , .Ni < li.
Jtl'KMl'lXG .I1 JtOLTU ,
Mninifuctwrrrn of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices.
DcriurMUiuluvi * . 11nnl.MFtn1lc > tk > lllit | : , lc. 3108.
Kfi et .Uniiihn.
C. Specht , 1'rop.
nlrnnlfcd Iron rornlcp" , PIP. Pcict | > Imvrm eel 1'nt-
cnt MPtnllcvkjrllKlil' iinilMU S 1'Jtli Ht . ( minim.
.lobbcr' of
Carpets , Curtains Oil Cloths , IJ
l.lnolotun , Mntllnp. , Kli' . 12U Doug'n. ' elrort
Wholesale Carpel a. Oil Cloths ,
. Curtain OinxiR , Hie. liV3 1'iiinaiu btrcct ,
OmatiM. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Apcnt fur the Mamif.iolum j nml linportcrBot
Crockery , ( 'lassware.
uipf , ( lilutf ] ) > , etc. Onire , 317 Buutli Ulh It.
Dnulm , .Null.
Commission anil Storage.
Commission and .lobhiuff.
tlntler , I'urnninl rrmliicp. ( 'nnflitiiuicnia roIliMed.
IlcaitquiitlrrK fitr hluno nrp , ltprr > Hoxrr * tinil
( irapi ; lnki'f. ! 1411 J > < j < U'c'i-tri'ol. onmlm.
Commission Merchanls.
Kniltc , 1'rortiiro nnd I'roTltions , Onnilia. Neb.
Storaure and Commission Merchant.
SpcclnlllpR HiittoKirB1 - Cheese , Poultrjr. ( iamo ,
OyMcrn , I'M : , Klo. 112 south 14th ptn-ot.
co. ,
Produce Commi Bion SlerchantH ,
I'cuUry , Iluttvr. * Ciiimp , I'mllB , etc. 220 b. Utbtt ,
Dinalm , .Neb ,
General Commifesion Merchant H ,
Anil.Iohbcrs of rnrcliin nml Domestic Krnlli. ( "orrc-
ajKHidrnefl tolli Iteil.VHri > tm\i eniiil iMre. HUN.
TMiternth St , flinaliii , > eti.rj'ol > pln > ni ! riA.
Coal ancf Lime.
: aiiLiwroifE c co. ,
Denlcra In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Office nml rind , Idtli mill N'lclinlnn ' * * . , Oirnhn , Neb.
.yiirA'lvleiihone , l < 17.
OH ) . 1I. I. MHI. M. rrpT C. I' . OOCIIIMAK , V. Pre .
,1. A. MfSiiEtlliAVD , Sue. and Treaf.
.lobhera of Hard and Soft Coal.
JWKnmli Thirteenth Rtieet , Oiunlni , Neb.
.T. , J. JOIIVNOX , V CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And MilpiHjr * of Cotil ami Cokp. roment , I'ludtPi.
IJiilii , Jlnlj , I liu llrliU , Dillln , 'J'llc nnd Sencr I'tpc.
onii'o. I ' .n tn 11 Ilntul. Kainum M. . uuittin. .Ni-b.
Teluiilniim ill. _
F. P. FA Y , ( CO. ,
Maniifactiirliin : Confectioners ,
Jobbemof 1 niil > , .Nui nniH'itair. : Ull I ariiHin St.
dm , dm.
Livi Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
Ooo , Ilurko , .Monaeer
Union Slock inrdii , . ( nniilin. Tclcpliono tM ,
NAVAGK , t > ( JJtEliy ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Bhlprecnli of i < nr nnd nil kliulu of Clock tullclted.
I'nlon lei k Yuidn , Omahn , > cb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
" '
MAX MEYER , ll CO. ,
.lohbers of Cisrars , Tobacco ,
Gunt and Ammunition , 'M lo 'ls. llili n. , 1050 to
] . ' < K run in ct , Oinalin\
Maniifactnrer.s of I-'ine Clears ,
And Wliult'tnln DcnlPra In I/fsf 'J'obarciit. .Sot. 106
nml 110 N. ' .4 Hi rtrret , Oniihii.
, 1IOUXEH , i WOODLAXl ) ,
Whuloiklo Iteu'er ' * In
Cigars , Tobaccos , I'ipus and Smokers'
Agente for IJ. J.pitnr | lorf A O > . , Klna-Cutnnd Sinok
at Tobaocni , MllwiukeoVl80uii ln. No. 112
( = ) .Soriti'jljtooaUi rttraot , umntit , N l > ,
Dry Cooifs.
Dry ( idoilK , Furnishing fioods cVNotioua
1103 mid 11W ] > oiinliin , < ' 4)r. ) UthSt .OniHlin.Neb.
JJIntlllfjfc of l.liinors.Alenliolnndf'plrlti , Iniptiftrri1
am ! Julbcri ot NYlnfiaml l.lquori
W1LLO / / ' HP lUXflfi J ) 1STJLLE' Y
CO. nnil JLEJt l CO. ,
jDipnrtera nm1 Jutileuiif 1'Inc Wlni'i und Llinort.
bblvniiiiiudOliiii > ri'if Krnncdy'n r.Ktl India Jilt-
tin mid liniiii'i lu i ! iuinH. JII3 llnrnev M.
Drugs , I'aints , Etc.
If. T. CLAliKE D1WG CO. ,
Larjferl Driiff. I'aint , Oil & Glass House
V."cuorcilr cn. ( Vmii.lolo l.lne of Drunclktt Bun-
urlee 1111 lUiner ti .Oirnlia ,
_ _
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. II.EAl K I're J.\Y.imiFnni > .Fec.\Tro
II. J.CAHRON , v.l'ien. ami eupi ,
THE ffyjoy uvintAULW
nit A ix TJ ! * u co. ,
Office 113 J * . lub it. Omaha , Neb. Marnlnerrimd
Huppllei for M nutnoturliH { Cement Drain Tila.
furniture ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furnitiire ,
r ru nit. . , Oiualin , Nfb.
CHA It LEU till ! rE
Furniture , llodtlinff , Uphylslery ,
USrrou , tie. IXK.IMJ and 110 I'lrcara ( I. , Omjbu ,
Butchers' Tools.
Itutcliors * Tools and Supplies ,
Cm Inn of nil kind * 1w j lu Dock.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Koi W,707CVmiil H .1 , IQlh fOmMn.Xeb. .
Jtcco itiritAnr co. ,
Wholesale Mrocors ,
ISlh nnd Lrmenitorlli M'Omih.\ : .
llcnyy Hardware , Iron nnd .Steol ,
BrrliifiVnnon Mock , lUnlnnrn Lumber , etc. 1509
urn ! l.'ll ! llnrnrr ft. , tUuatm ,
.v annoy ,
Wholesale Iron and Stool.
l stric * . i
Kir. lilTunil IJU liPiiTcnwurtli . , Mnmtin , Neb.
Stoves , Kiiiiiro.o , Knrnaeo.M , Tiles ,
M nllfi , < ; istr , ltra nlooJ ! . 131 nml 1J2J
s tree I.
j.o i * / . ? ft if A / > ro n i > ,
Dealer in Lumber. Latli , Lime. StiyJi ,
Doorj , l.'to. YAfitt-OoniiM-ilh unit Dounliiki t'urnei
Vtli niul Doutlfl * .
CJIJCAC o 7 VM mat cu ,
Wholesale Lumber ,
SI IS. llthMrt'i't.OniiliiiiNVl. . r.Cnlnutrpr , Manager.
ED110LM , ( lUtH'KSOy.
Wholesale Jewelers and .Music Dealers.
Uoatcra In SllviT < vnio , l > ! nmoii < ln. Wni < lii > , dork * ,
Jenolcr VIVtuHnml .Mntt'rltK i > io I II mul ItXl IMli
M , em. llodKO , iiimiliii Ncl > .
C' . X IHETX ,
Pilli mid Cull fon-la Strrrts Oiiinlm , N
intuit 11 : ( , 'IIA r ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Kto.
O/r.Gtli nnit nouttUs H. , Onia'in. ' No ) .
T. If. J CO. ,
To Dealers Only.
Office , HOI rntniiiii lrcrtOninlii.
CHAN.1 It. LEE ,
Jlsii'tlwooil Lumber ,
\VoortCiupothtiml I'nrqui't I'loutliiic. 'Jtli and
Wholesale Lumber , Hie.
Iinportrcl nnil AinrilMin I'uilbinl ( Vim-nt. 8Into
AgentrorHllnMiLuo tl > ilintill < > ( Vuivuiuni ] ll l
ynlnrjWlillPl.lii'i' .
Lire StocL
y STOCK YA iti > s co. ,
Or Omaha.
Limited. John K. llojd , RupcrlntenlonU
Millinery anil Notions ,
j. OJI'KIIEELi > Kit'.iTco.r
Iiiiportomniiil .lobbcin of
Millinery and Nut ions ,
1''ISand 1211 llnrnnv St.cot. Oinnlni , Ncli.
r ,1- ( ( ) .
Arc the only Dlrrc i Imjmrlrr.i uf
German & French Toys & Fancy Goodg
In Ncbriuka. Chicago priori ilnpllontcil nlihmit mill-
Inurrpliiht. 1(1 , ' ) hHrnaiiiMioet.Oiiialin.
J. JtOllfNS < ) X AOV'/olV CO. ,
Wholesale UcnlerB In
Notions and Fnrnislilnir Goods ,
_ < ni nml Jd" ) S. Tenth St , OninliH.
Jubbori In
Notions , Hosiery nnd ( f
KKXinnil 1IXH Fanmrn Bt , Onuhn.
Paper Boxes
,1. L. II'JLKIK ,
Manufacturer ofl'aper Hoxe ,
S.lltli S- , ninth a , NcibniKkii. Order" IIJT mull .
Ilcltcil aiul will rt-tcho pronipi iittcntlau.
rrvL i > M. t yirrA c
' '
COMi'AXl' ,
Mannfaetnrer.4 of OveraIN ,
i. Ktillfli.iu.l 1101 loiiiln ) | S
Oliltlhll , Nfll ,
.lolt Printers Hlank Hook Makers.
AIM ! Hook Itlnilrrx. 1'H ' niiil I'M ' Small ] uiiitwntll
Hlicet , Oinith t , Nrb.
if'jiSTiiiTyyKn' i'A ruit I'xiojr
Auxiliary I'nblislierH.
Donlnrn InTriio. rrmsci nml I'rliiirriT ! > uiilnt. | | | lilt
Pickles , , Etc.
ti .0 CO. ,
Manufacturers , rai1n > r' nn > l lioilon In
Pickles &Stri 41y I'ure Ai ) | lc Vinepar
Unking Powder , Mavorlnx Kitincw , ' 1'Mhln Sauce ,
I'tftttu Mu la lNn l > h Illunik' . Snwers' f periitlt'.M .
t-olo Httentt tnr Vulk stutu Siiint lli-nni'il Applu Cl-/
avr. liOC I rnveuworlli el. , Omuliii.
Safes , Etc.
P. 11OYKII < ( ; CO. ,
lor HtillN Knle & Lock Co.s'
rirn anil HurK'ur Tr.Mt H.IH < , ' ! mio Ui < k , V iiti ]
Midlull Work , lint Kurniiin ntniet Omttlm , Neb.
Oinahn Siif Works.
Jlnmifnrturi'ruof ' t Iru ami lliirk'liii l'roiirSnr , ' § , Vmi ill
UuortJillVcrt. ; . ShlitM'r unit Wlio Wnrk. ( 'or ,
_ ] ulimiU.lHLkiiiiiimi > , limilu , Noli.
Snsli , Uaora , Etc.
M. A , /.S7fKO r.O CO , ,
Wliolu > aU < Muiuifn"Hir.i or
.Snsli , Doors , ItlindH and
Krni.cli nml l/ni < l rti . Oninhi Nrl > .
Snsli , Door , Itllnth ,
Ilullillnir I'IIXT , ti > . KOI Smith 'J'linti until htreet ,
Omalm , Not ) , A < nuiili | > ln muvk uf Ilnllilvri'
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
. \Vurk and Interior lllr.lVoml Mnlih
Juiit oi'i-ni'U. ' N , K uir. titli Hiid J/uuvcnuoillihlB.
Oniuliu , Ni'i'
7T.ico. . ,
"NVliolnsnle Ptiiijii ) ! , Pipe , Killing ,
Etenmnnil Wotor hiiiipllc's Hr 'liiM ' > ii'i * f r Mnit
I ( list Cub ( Joo'la. 1111 1'jrn , mi n . ( Miiulin , Nel > .
A .L. .S77MAY ; f'O.V
Piiiuiisi , I'JjHis inl Kiitfines
Eteam. Wnler , lUllnnr bint Milling SupiilKi. KtC.
WC , UWuna V.'l I ainara nt. . Oi-mli.i , M'li.
l.iilay Wlml Mill j r-tPBtn nnil Wr ( r Pu | '
umUriK ( < 0 > ' > 1) > , V Itlntr. llotr. HIH tunl ' .lid
nuui moiiiKiiH h K 1 elUiii. Mutineer.
'lclpihiinu | No.Jill. .
Wagons anil Carriages.
A. J. , S7J/i'SOA'fV :
Tlio LeadingOniTiiico Factory ,
( Ksriii : isiirn li'4. )
1IU9 anil 1411 liodk-u ttreel. Omnbii.
BuHe/iny Material ,
oMAiiJ fMjm/m co. ,
Dealer lu All Klo.Uof
Jluteriiil \Vholpjjnle. .
Ifllj btiaelur.d Union I'aclCc Truck , Outltt.