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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1886)
AUSTRIA IN WARLIKE MOOD , Secret and Eapid Military Preparations Being Undo by tha Government. FRANCE DREAMS OF DLOODyHED A ni | ; Snow Storm In Kn 'mid ' I elny Cntilo Ncfj-Slnnlcy' Plans Vor Ills Trip-Christina * on Iho Continent. Itoncly Tor Kmorjroncioo. ( CotnirlaM 18 * . l > u.Tamt Gt xl n Jtoinef/.l / Vir.N.v * , Dee. t7. ! [ New Vork Herald Cnbte-Spiclnl to the Uir. : | Arisltla Is innkin ? Rrcat mllltnry picparntlens ns rnpldlv and sicictly as possible. The Vlnnna ncwsnareis are forbidden to sny a word on the subjat , and Ilio Tngblatt was solreil on nccount of a too detailed descrip tion oC thuMnnnHcnprrepealInirifle. ; 'Iho K0 > cinmcnt was itlu'H n credit of a million and a ( | imrlor dollnrs to begin the purchase ot rci-pntlnp ; rlllcs but It will tnko ten times Hint to complete her arniancnt. What system has been clioBen remains n scd'ct , but It IH t > ollc\cd to bo a modllicatlon of the Manu- llcliur. The Scluilhoff rlllw Is well spokun ( ft l > v military men , and the inventor > IM wow fiono to London , where Ho Is nrcort lnc * Ia'S ' ° ortler- is n-noited , hnS refused to chaiiRO her HJ stem , and some persons nr < n. ' " from this that shu thinks war probable before iiJey could ix > Rot ready. However , Ittissla has made largo iinrcliases of Nordcnfeldt puns. \Vlillo \ nearly every one believes war proba ble In the spring , and many believe It Inev itable , the military , ns distinguished from the political clement , SPO no coinInclnp reason for wai , because they nro of the old fchool that think war useless imlcjsn It icsults in the annexation of n | iiovinco or some similar mnleri.xl advantage. CUiriCIStNO TIIK A113IY. The minister of war nml his friends have been Kre.itly iiiinoycd by the continued criti cism and attacks on his administration which have lately appealed In Germany. Ono of lliese , entitled "Military Strength of Anstiia-HuiiKary In the Twelfth Hour , " written bva retired Hungarian olllccr , f.v- cltcd such fpcllncs that Itwasatonco pro hibited In Austria , t'loiiRli ' ovvln to different municipal laws Its sale was iiriiiiltted lu Hunif.iry. This pamphlet sharply criticises the whole administration of the nnnv , but especially the defects In the sjstctn of mobill- vntloii nnd the bad effect upon olllccis in semi- Ing them to urovlncus w here t licy do not speak the laiiRnaRe and nro cut elf from society , for tlioKotmnninns and Serfs are .sent to Austria , and tlio Jiohuiniins to Hungary ; the Hprcad of socialism ninonp olllcers , and tlio defective nourishment and clothmp of sol- dloiH , for the \nstrlan soldier iccehco no intlons hut one meal a day nt noon nnd nn extra loaf of bread every two dajs , which latter Is drdnctod from Ills pay of two cents n day , out of which ho also has to provide him self with blacking and cleanii ! cn.upnicnts. ! While these Inferences nnd conclusions In tlio pamphlet nut denied by the higher mili- luiy ofliclals , the statumunts are generally approved by the lower officers who have had a chaneo of occluc ; It. Gi'iman oflicers last summpriiindcsevero ronunpnts on tlio slate of the Austrian amir , and It IB sknllicnnt tlmt nothing was said on the subject In Hie recent dcb.ite in tne Ger man pnillnment. But Prlnro Kuuss , the tiorman ombissador , who corlainly has an Interest in knowing , professes himself well satisfied. HiuiRailan deputies told mo that the oppositionaftor making careful lnn.uirlc.3 , considered the army to be in a much butter state than was generally believed and per- fcctlj- ready for a campaign. run WAU .MI.VISTCU roi'ur.Ait. The mlnlrttcr of war , Count lilrlanctt- IShnldt , In much liked by i > olitical men on ac count of his great knowledge of details and readiness In explaining them and his economy , for ho never exceeds the appiopri- ' atmn. Tliodinipultlubof mobilization come partly from the dislocation of icglments and the necessity of bunging their reserves fiom very parts of the countiy , lor the s > s- tcm ot ( orrlloilal corps d'nrmco ' has not jet been entirely Introduced and partly ' from the defecta In tlio railway system. The longrallway which runs tliioiighOallcla , along the whole Russian frontier , has but two junctions with the Hungarian railwaysystem ; and but one with thoAustil.ui lines. At Oderbcrg the line from that placu to Cracow pasbes dangerously near the Knssian fion. tier. Tlie junctions from Tionusln , on 1'ies- buifr , to Sillcln on Kpeiles , a line which will bo of treat adv.intagp , Is not yet iinishcd , ( audit took thomlnlilei of war tevon year * to got It through the Hungarian pjill.iment bccaiHQ it n stiatfgtc and not n com- rnorciiil lino. Another minor delect ailsing from uartlcn- Inrlsm is that Polish Is spoken on the Gali- clan railway nnd Hungarian on the Hun- snilan lines. This Gallclnn railway must play an impoitniit p.ut In n Inturn war. I'J.ANH KOIl A CAMI'MOK. It Is the jjeneral belief hero that Russia , In case of war , will n't ' ) waste her forces by oeciip.Uni. linlgiiilii. So far as Austria Is conroriud It ha fought out on the Gnllclan frontier. Plans for an olfenslvo - campaltcn contcmplatod thn march of one nrlrjiy fiom Cr.icow down the Vistula toward \Vnrsaw , wbou every bdldlcr would carry nn ONtra illle to bo irlvi > n to tlio Polish peasants ; nnd nnothnr from thn iielglibmhond ofLem berg toward Kief. An clloit would also bo nmdu to Isolate and perhaps destroy Oduss.i Kvcn If Itoumniila should icimdn ncutial the occupation of .lassy Is ponsldi'icd nt-cos sary , but It Is hoped that Houmanla would bt compelled ( A side with AnMiIa , It may beudded that the pupils In the mill jury schools have lately been icipiired to otudy two liookn , entitled "From tlio Vistula to the Dnieper , " by HarmatliMH , which Is fill of valuable detailed maps , and thn "Milltar > Oeoifiapliy of Jltwla. " by Colonel I-'lpdUir , of the wni ofllco , vvhtch Is not allowed to be .bold , roi.ian ixn.rr.Nci.s AT wouit. " A uvunt lilntiii ; the Nerd Donbche Algo mt'liH ) Xeitnug , that Polish Inllnunci's am ; men wcie at work to excite Gorman r.ympa thy for llulgurla nnd agaliibt Uiibila , Is well is founded. There Is a decided feclini ; that II bo may IM npcchsary lo te cslabllab tbo kingdon of Pol.ind as a tnrrlcr ngnln llussla. In " Huiii..iry this fivllng Is so stuuu that lu e.i'- ' of war tlm Hiiniraiiaiis would insist on tlm to\uinmcnt ; ( ikiu < mpasuu < - < to exclto n Polish insurrection , even at thi > lUI ; of bulng compollfd to reilo dalli'la tu the now 1'olisli . Klnirdim. ( I bad , to day , n lone conversation on this ' Biibjc-ct wltli.iriuijln ol PilnrtiO/ailorgjMkl , mil the noiniiul head of PolMi emUrn- uratlou , wtin conlirmeJ all that I licr have lie.ud chmvlu'io. ' He i.aj.s that ( thri'tivturs.uo ' there was n strong move for tlie oslit'llslnnent of nn IndopL'tident Pol.ind in cU e alhancd with Itnssla and under a Itusslnu iirott > iturit . Atthatlliuo Iliu Polish It leaders laid sclccled ai their < 1:1 : m ? Pilnco Waldf unr , of Di'iimnrk , nnd negotia tions oil Die snbjui-t vreni bfijiin at Copon- ! init'ii to obtain ( lie roiiMMit ol the kins , his falljc-r , who refused tu baa jaity to thu iuo- Ji'L't. At present plins nro changed and Ilio luttirePoland must bo lu alliance with Aus last tria nmt Germany , and nn muluworwonM bo on nmilo to put an Austrian aidnlukuon tlio the thruue. My Infoimant was told by Atbcdyn- sky , formal poxfrnor ircnernl ofV r aw , that Itti&ila bad decided In the event of a the war wllth Gcnuany to aKindon Poluud wc t of the Vlstntn. Mlbavonlso seen to day n ntlcman vtc-JI tral known ) In diplomatic and military circle. * , iute : vi.ct ns nowzo uvcu uutu i who lias Jim returned from the call , who las much to say on the same topic , ami ever far ns to ns rt that tha Herman ) lans for a Polish campaign nro nil reiily , cvrn to tic ! selection of the commanding oiTleers. T/io / ( icrman candldalo for the Polish throne Is Pilnco Anlon Hadzlvvjle. ilorillilc Nightmares of Iinjirndintr Conflict Hover Over f-Vnnc-c. by Jnmti Unrdon llt'inti ! . ! I'Ains Dec. 2r.-Ne\v | York Herald Cable -Spechl to the Hr.i-Llko : ] n frlshtful ilghtinaio tlio rtimorx of Impoudlng war till oveilmng Fmnco from Calais to Toulon , fiom Hrost to Holfounl , On the boulevards , n the clubs , In tlio workshop' ! , beside the family liicsldc , men , women nnd children nro stliied to the quick by the great question ) l tlio day , "Is there to bo prneo or Is tbpio to w war'/ ' Yesterday the Solell , the mouth- ilecc of the Orleans princes , sounded the toc sin of alarm by proposing the following tcr- ribln questions : "Is It true that a Gei man army is already concentrating on the French frontiers ? Is it rue that 150,000 troops arc already In Alsace- Lorraine uilli provisionsnndainmiinltlon for 60.000 moral' Is It true that tlie peasants of lie Klienlsh provinces have been notified of nn caily requisition of nit their horsesV Is It .ruo that nil the station masters In Alsnco- Loir lne have been ordeied to innko prop- arntlons for the Uniisportation ot nn enoi- inons nmount of war inntiilal'Is It true that Germany , In n few days , will be nblo to concentrate In fiont of Nancy 2.50,000 munV Is It true that the of the German staff Is lo surprise ns > eforo wo nro able lo mobllbo our forces , and thus to dlslocaiC our nrinlcs by a sudden attack on om frontier ? " The Ilepuhlican National says : "The amotH liftcontli Gcimnn nnnv coijis counts CO.OOOInfantry , 7,000 cavalrj and 31 batteries it nitlllcry. liehlnd It stand the second , eighth , eleventh , twelfth nnd fouitcenth nrmy corps , ic.idy , nt n few hour * ' notice , to oln the forces already eclielonncd along our ' 'rontlor. Let Germany make her prepara tions , that Is her role , but to accuse us of wishing to bring about war , of seeking a quarrel with the Germans , Is un pen trop elfronto. Germans should leave such knav- sh tricks to England. Nevertheless , If wo want peace , because peace Is necessary for is nnd for Europe , that Is no reason for Ger many to trv and frighten us bv her threats. 1'ho day that Prance Is nttaclu'd France will liclit with the supreme energy of u nation Ihatrefuses to peilsh. The slrmrglo will be fearful. The results will bo tenIblo for tlio conqueior ns well as for tlio conquered. Let hose In whoso hands peace or war rests think twice before running such tremendous risks. " A coxsrRVATivn orurio.v. The conservative republican Joiirnal do Debatessajs : "It Is childish to deny that : ho rumors of war are thinly believed In , Franco knows that nn offensive war nuatnst Germany would bo an act ol pure madness , nnd nil tlio rccont mensmes of our diplomacy clearly prove that to maintain the lienco of Kuropo should be our chief occupa tion. Yon Moltko and his fellow vvorkeis know tlint military laws nro not made for the morrow only. In prorating this army bill and in descending In the Is their duty to look far nhcnd nnd place tha military situation In tlio most unfavorable aspect , nnd the calculations of the German stnlf are based upon the sup position ot n poweilcss or nentr.rl Austria , a hostile Franco , and Itussla allied with Prance. It would be foolish for us to complain of Von Moltko nnd the German military olllcers for the formation of n simple hypothesis to which nothing In the actual state of Europe lends probability. " WHAT DE C'ASSAO.VAr SAYS. Paul do Cassaennc , in I'Autorite , sajs : "Tlieio Is no need to be a pessimist to face tlio events that threaten in this coming Tlio Cologne Gazette tells us that war between Fiance and Germany Is inev itable. The North German Ga/otto declares 'Itoranchn' to bo the keynote to oui politic' ! . Even the Doillncr Post ml in its that the situa tion is most serious. Jt Is the old story tlm cry of 'wolf , wolf , ' at litst , when there is no wolf , cvcijbody Is frightened ; afterward no body heeds the cry , and that very time the 'wolf comes. ' Our minister of war has tern- bio faults , but nobody doubts his anlunt patriotism. Very well , now Is tlm moinen t tor us to eloso rip our ranks In the face of the danger that tlneatens us. " DON'T IIU.UVK IN WAH. The icpublican Temps says : "Wo don't believe wans imminent. Who would gain by it' , ' tlcnnany and all Europe know we are n nation and have an anny mid , icaily lo k'leiul om territory to the last mail and the labt s-oii. Germany for lilteon years has concentrated nil hei elicits to consolidate the st.ito of things that resulted fiom licr victory in 1S70. Shu now Is not going lo leopcti tlio question. As for Tiaiiee , no Kicnelinrin dieains of at tacking Germany , and as lor Get many , she has nothing to giiln by provoking war. Evim If successful she could only gain now prov inces , andbhohursolf fcols she hns nut jot dik'Cstod the two won In 1670. iinr.rKvr.s IN I > IACII Figaro , in an intlclu with a flaming head- im ; , "Penco or War , " s.iys : "Wu bolicvo the answer Is i > eaco. The Gentian govoni' inonl weio clanking .sabios and spurs to get Iho nrmy through tlie totalising. England does eveiylhlm ; in her power to aggravate the Paste-in crisis and conceal Iho cravlty of thu state of Iiclnnd. In shoit , lor reasons nC home polities both Geimany and England say war ! wail when there Is no duiiKT of war,1 The Clalols , llle Kipaio , royalist and Cntlicllc , cli'chiips both [ 'r.incc nnd Gei many ate gro.inlnp ; beni'nth the weight ot enormous mm I ( . ' . - , uiiil thu only bolutlon Is foi both to irjice to icdtico tlicli armies to eitid ] proportions , urn ! urges Franco to como plncklly lot ward and take Iho Inltiativo by mnkiiiR a formal pin pose to us that olTect to Gt'iinnnv. M , Ifunc , n btnlwait icpublienn , aial vlcn pii'bUlcnt of thu chamber t dopulk" ' , fi.iys ; "All acc'iis.itlons Unit Franco I.s prepailng for olTeiiblvo war mo utti'ilj f.dtc. AllhercC- fortsaioeoiicontiati'd njioii a purelj delons Ivoorxnnl/atlim loroiir fathinlaml. Thnio his not a Mnglo Kiciuhnmii who w.inlb win , lor we nil | ; IKIVV dial tlio liifteun filed vvonlii tlm bUnal for n linht foi oni vciy vxisten > nsa naiion. U'c * mo nil coin meed of this In * nii'niiPat iie.iiiint IVoN that a pcoplo ran nnvnr iinilcp'c a second tlim > dl < .astt'i > Ilko - tlio e nf isT'i withnut bolni ; vvipc'd out of tlio tlio imp mid without c-flisms to have uny nu- tlmiil I'Xisteiieo.Vitli \ this creed ill ml ) Im- iil.intut in the bnastbot all ritnichtiicn. It is ' , ' , .issuridiv nut finin us thnt will omiip the policy ol vcntiiio anil hiuaid that would let lixiso ovei all .Knropo tlm ti'iniicsi. Kianc'i ) will not provuK'ti OKIIH.IIIV ( illt r any pit'trxt for p0"oeatlon ! , but If nttacUi'd * hii will saciiliio lit-i Ja < t man and ! nnt Iraiu'i ami il > : ht in Ions as the lat | ( lift blood ii'in.iins lu 11 orclns Oi loMlt " vein ! pcurquol , Jo no unis pa-j n th . gueuH. _ INI : < A.\IS hxo\v bi01:31 : , law Dolaj-h C.iblo .Novv.s Stiiiilc.v's < XI'il llvu can Plans this ICopytfuW IStGby.tJintt Gordon llaiwlt } and I.OXDOV , Dec. 27. fN'ew Votlc Herald not Cablo-.Spechl to Iho Hull The heaviest snow storm Known In many years has plav cd anv Imvoc vvllhlho tolt'paph wlics diirinj ; tlm in forty-ek'ht hours , roitunately this came three holldaj s-Christmas , bmulay and ion bauk holiday to-day vrhou ordinarily little news Is llkuly. Jinwevcr , tha pottnl wires eonncctod With the submarine cable to continent nero not working so that events might bu transpiring without our such knovvlm ; H , reminding ui of vrliat our iincas not readers sutterpd. I evmt this aud the de- for iayod I'ari * and Vl niia and is i UlliuncjiuiuVVIUU U well usaun-u nu * ilefpntohcs by a Herflld special express leav ing ; ; IIPI : for llrlbtol nt 1U p , in. lo rfmcli the Commercial cable spur there at mid- nlplit During the three London holldnvs no mcteorolOKlral reports have been obtainable. Holiday maklnc Is swnilnirly such ; a part or * the Englishman's religious creed thai during It all things Mop. London is absolutely helpless wltli only tlnco Inches of snow. India rubber shoes are scarcely known nor frost calks for horses , nnd the asphalt pavements are skatlnc ponds for the oiinilbils and ctib horses. Thcro nre no ordinance * about cleaning Ihe sidewalks nor municipal movi-dons. for removing thosnow. To morrow millions of psfiplo nt their busi ness will vv.vlo in slush , and thn soc-iptv lor the prevention of cruelly lo nnlmnls will have n big work. si AM.r.v nrADY TO STAUT. Jlr. Stanlov will start In a few days for Xanzlbir. HP Is looking better than for n loni ; time. I lo evidently menus to keep his pluns to Idmsclf until fairly slatted. "I'lio only thing that Is certain Id that I go to Afrlci , " liesnjs. The telegram stating that ho had mnile nr langoments with 'IlnponTip lo Accompany him Is iin-nintiirc. ' 1 ho Idea Is , however , so daring a mnstoistioko nnd so much In keep ing with Stanlev's past one inn v well iM'llevo there Is something in the telegram. TIppooTIp , nn Arab Ivory and slave hunter , Is nt this moment wobahlr the most power ful man In nil central Africa. In men nnd means his insonrcos are nrncllcnllv unlim ited. Ills agents and i amors will be found in aM dlieotlons from Kasnn o as Ids center. It Is doiibtiois his Arabs who have wrecked Stanley Falls station. A cainstropho might have occurred tit anv time In tlio past had it not been for llppoo's frioiidslilo for tlio Mlillo. chiefs ot tliu station , for even ho , slavei as he Is , has bis own sense ot lionui. Ono mn t rontonibcr that in his eves slave finding Is as legitimate as clephnnl hunting. Evidently , Mr. Stanley has made great sacrifices in roluining to po on this errand of mercy. Clnlstnm morning ho received a cabled ant fiom his agent In Now Yoik oiler- ing him 810,000 to return nnd complete his loctiirlni : tour , while from thei ; > 0 looturos iiS wnstoglve in Australia bo would have cleared riot mucliloss. A mission for which ho hns sierlfiPiSO ! intich no must make n point nt nccomplMhtoff. Jlo thinks II Tip- | ) oo Tip adhered to his intention six inentlii ngo"6f"pfbeeedli r to XanziBsr bo will doubtless bu tlicru by this time , ic.idy to meet Stanley on his arrival. DDi. .liinkcr Is expected in ICcypt next month and , if consldeicd advlsiblo , no loubl a mcotlng could be arranged between liiiu nnd Htnnley. Tlio latter has boon ovei- wliolmod with olTers of companionship fiom all quarters , none of them , probably , at all likely to bo accepted , Coinnilssloiior Column's IJopljto ( lie Svvineliurii Krfioliition. WASIIISOION , Dec. ' - ! " . Cbalrmnn Hatch , of tlio hou ° u committee on agriculture , has received fioniJ CoiumKslonoi Colman uicply to tlio ic olutlon oiTerccl a few davs ago by liepiesentatlve Sw incburn , ol New York , In which tlio commissioner sots lorth coinpio- honsivoly the difllcultlos mot In the nttcmpt to extirpate or to contiol the plcuio-pnou- inonln scouigc In the pioscnt stnto of the law and with the mnchlnciy nt hand , and reinforces his recommendations previously made for more heroic methods , vvltli addi tional arguments and statements of iuct. The reiolutlou scorns to question the pre valence or non-c.xlstenco of plcuro-pncu- monla , declaring in Its iiiVamblo that si n co the submission of the commlbslonor's last report It has been learned that contagion did not exist whole that lonort said it did , and calls for full and c.xnlicit infoimation as to tlio ownoiihip and locality of the in foiled hoid. tlio number ol animals which have per ished and the stops tnkon to stamp out or confine the contagion. The commissioner at the outset declined that some of Iho state ments attributed to his report were not con tuined In it and proceeded to bhow that tlio bummaiy by theelilof of Iliu buicaiiof nni- mal Industry of the discovery made during two jcnrs was erioneoiisly assumed by Swlntburn to be a statement ot tlio condition ot attnirs at tiie moment tlio ropoit vvns submitted. He pinccods as follows lu reference to that part of the preamble which .states thnt it has been leirnod since the making of the rcpoit that thodiscnf-c does not exist in tlio localities where it vvns reported to exist , "I would respectfully say tbat my Infoimatiun- not in accordance with this statement. If by localities Individ ual premises are meant , then Iho statement may bu admitted to bo correct , for with plcuro-pueiimonia , as with all oilier conta gious diseases , some herds nro continually bolng rescued limn the contagion , while others aio as continually coming under iK Inllnonce. 11. however , wo use Hie word localities In ( lie sense of state or conntlos , 1 Feu no reason to beliuvo that , with tlio excep tion of KcntuoKy and Illinois , tlieiu hns been no matotinl phanges. As to tlio proportion ot 1,7I ! alfectod animals which recovered and thu propoitlon which died , nnd as to the proportion ot tlioso e.x- iiosod which afterwards became atloctod I have no intormatlon. Tlio inspection was made to obtain the tnclsns to tlio o.xtont of the disease , and It was impossible , with n few exceptions , under the existing law , to keep the infected lieids undpr suneiviilon , or to obtain any facts ns to Hie subsequent histoiy of the herds. Tlio publication ol tlio exist ence of plciiio-pnciinionia in holds without the adoption of prompt measures for slip- pressing it , caused so much damage lo own ers tlmt In many cases tlioy not only refused toglvu inloi iiialhinbiit will prevent tlmoxnin- n.uion ol nnlmnls atsubsoqiientvuits. " 'I'no commissioner then s.ijsthat the only way to loatn the late of animals In suoh lieids is to plncon watch on tbo pioniises and mnintain It clay and night. For 4'M lieids this would icqulie at least INK ) men. n force which It was clearly Impossible for the dopattinont to em ploy even It theoxponditnic woiuantlioilzed. As toiiunrantineot Infected herds the lopoit rolur ? to state laws which are not such as lo enable the department to enforce it * . rcKiila- tlons , tlioio nothing of being to iirovent the removal - moval of that pait ot the Infoolod herd which has not yet shown symptoms of disease from anv state into any other stale. Tlio commis sioner recommends cniplmtlrally Hint his de partment bo given sulticiont authority to ovorooiiio this difficulty , 01 tint thn work of eradicating the plague bo loft entirely to Mate authorities. The lepoit onluigos upon Its dldkultlos in tlie vvnv of etfoctively quar antining 111 loci is I holds on account of Iho In lossontailod upon ov.nois by thu suspicion that tliu act oasts upon their piodiirls. In onlci to oveicomosuoh dilllciiltles It will be necessary to plaoo u nilllciont guard over eveiy intcclod iiromlsos to prevent Iho men or animals liable to cniry thu con tatrion fiom mingling w lib the ontsldii wotld. Tlio commissioner conolmlos ( hat suoh a qimrnntlnt ) vvould be .so euiciiulvo and EOlntoleiablo to the oitl/ons oftliU country to incKu its mnlnloiiiinott \ therefore roeoiiinionds that vvherovor nn in- loolod lionl Is < lisoovoreil nil thfl c.xpood anl- nnih bo Hl.inglitcrod , the | iioiul > os tlioronglily disinfected and tliu owner compensated tor tlio loss to which lie submitted tor the pro- tootion ol tint public. Thu lonoit uivos the hlstoiv of ploiiro-pneiimonla In KoiituoKy nnd Illinois , 'Iho commissioner illusti.iu-b opinions with incidents sliowlng tlio lin- poisibillty of making an olloetivo quaran- tlno , nnd leiuosunting tlio sl.iiigbtor ot dis eased nnd exposed animals nnd llio di-lnfoulng of iiiemlsos to bo tlm onlvv.iy \ of oxiliiitin ) , ; thn plastic. The ic-poit oonoliirios with liguio- ! giving pionoitlou of slaiiglileiod ninimils that . woio moio or loss nileclod bv plcuiopneu monia. From No\ombor"5 lo Deoembor Id , , ' 71 animals weio hlaiightorod , of vvhloli number lon woio fotnnl to bo nftected. Annthoi table shows tlmt in addition to tills small hotels , nnmboilng in all l.OH animals , wore phood in qiininntine In Chi- oairo fiom October 13 to JS'ovemboi 0 , all being in pilvato lidrd.s In st.olos , and the city viiMtnrpnit of which wotti minrnntlncd bo- oaiiso ot tlio oxposuie tonlfettcd cattle on vailotisoomiuons about Ilio city. Thodopailiiiont has not purchased diseased animals lor slaughter in Illinois because tlm ot that stnto makes It Iho duty of tlm ton stock commlssloncis to slaughter such animals nt mice without compensation. With law on tlio statute books of the stnto , \V. \ with noappiront reason why It should be onloicod , It was not in my jtiflifmont \V. ftscntlul tu pH'vont tlio spread of plcuro- W pneumonia from ono ttnto into another , that part of the npptopiiatlon should bo iiseil llllnola to nurchaso diseased animals ( or slaughter. ' 1 hu commissioner is of tlio opin tlmt it is useless to eradicate plouro- a pneuiunnlii In st-vtos wliero inoculation Is pmctirod and where inoculated animnla nro afterwards allowed to mingle with cattle of other herd * . Tbo money expended In pur chasing diseased animal i for dlaunhter under and couditlou-i U consequently Inigelv wastcMl , and for this roasou ho lias douldud thu to spend any part of < the approjirlatlon this burpuso lu states where inoculation nnce > rftclced. ( tbe § v WAST THEIR JIpV'SffORf ' 11 * i Nebraska Knighta of'the ' Grip Discnssiug Their < < > . * TI\ . Various Rights. THE ' CITY'S AMENDED CHARTER. t\ Hound Over1 llotiueil jrllfl ? Koomm.itc \Voinnn Acrriliist Woman Oilier Local News. T. r. A. Tlilrty-fivo members of the Nebraska division of the Travelers' Trotcctlvo ns- floatation met in convention nl tlio par lors of Iho Arcade hotel last evening in response lo n call of the president . U. Lanlus , for the purpose of electing n scoinge retary and treasurer ami a member of the v board of directors , nnd for the transac tion of Mich other business as might como before the meeting An Informal meeting of the members was held , pre sided over by Vice President J. 0. Lo- beck. Portly U. 11. Cuthborl improvised a desk by placing n cigar bov under his cntmelous vest nml tooK notes upon the bilet addresses Hint were niiido by U. linvford , Q. L. Mm tin nnd others. When President Lanius called the meeting lo 01 dor for tbo business of tlio session , ho announced thit : Mr. George 15. ( Jiosby had with drawn his resignation as secretary and treasurer of thu association and that it was not necessary , therefore , to select a successor for him. Mr. H. Hayford , of Lincoln , was1 unanimously ohoson a member of the board of directors. The hotel commit ten , through Mr. 1' . II Cuthborl , the chairman , repented that they had boon actively engaged in the prosecution of their labors. The com mittee WHS engaged in preparing a list ofWO the hotels in the stnto that were worthy ) of the patronage of the traveling mon o'f the olato. They had clone some work in seeming r lnrtion in the price of lire I in rooms trom 50 lo * 3 cents and reductions and concession1 ? on tlio Ptt't ! oft the bus linca and baggngo companies. ( Tin Pacilic-hotel company had made a rati of $2 nt their SIJ houses. The commit tee has also prepared a contract which is to bo signed by the hotel proprietors se lected tlirough the state milking pro visions for tin1 proper ontcrtaiinnimt of the traveling men. The report drew out a lively talk upon the matter of hotel accommodations. It wa shown that tlio traveling men nro required to pay full price without proper equivalents ; , while theatrical people and other birds of passage socuio special rates and bettor accommodations. The traveling men put up with small sample reefer and nay high prices tor them and for excess baggage. It was to bo dis tinctly understood that the traveling men clo not feuok a reduction In hotel rates , but only ask that tiie accommodations furnished them bo commensurate with the prices paid. Vide' President Lobcck offered in-oxplanation of the high prices paid by traveling men the statement that they didn't have the riervetokick against the exorbitant charges. They all want lo be,0 be considered good fellovvH and won't kick against a charge of 50c for a lire. Theatrical men have nerve and get re duced rates. The howling need of the traveling man is more nerve. After some further discussion it was resolved to authorize ) the hotel committee lo prepare a list of of the stain that should bn iirttoni/ed by the associa tion. It was also declared the sense of the mooting that only sucli hotels as should bo selected by thu committee should bo patronised by the members of the association. For the purpose of showing the hotel men Iho strength of the association it was urged that each member sign his number in the eider after his mime when regis tering at hotels 711 1) . Welch , of the committed on cm- plovment , when called upon for a ropoit replied , "everybody's got a job. " At this point a box ot imported cigars ot was presented with the compliments of the proprietors of the Arcade. A vote of thanks vvr.- ? tendered for tlio compliment and also foi the use of the parlors for the as meeting. at A comnumicalion was road urging every member of the : iSM > ciation to bo $ piesunt at a meeting to bo held at the rooms of Post A , in Lincoln , on Wednes day evening. A resolution , offered by W. II. Hayney was adopted , endorsing the on action of the National association in instructing their members in the cast to ship all goods sold by them over certain railroad lines in order lo get boiler terms ( out of raihvasior the traveling men. A committee , composed of O L. Martin , H. Hayford , M. 1) ) . Welch and for M. I ) Cotton , prepared and offered the following resolutions of condolence upon the death of ( Logan , which wore adopted. NVIioieasVu ha\o learned with profound horrow of the de.ttli of ( ieneral John A. Logan , M-iiator trom Illinois , a i 'i'rlo-.s the Htatesnwn , and true iinil tiled filend of ovciy for cla sot Amuilcan citbens. Tlieieioie , bo It -solved i ( liy the members was the Xvbniska dl vision of the Trav elcrV 1'iotectlvo association In state convention assembled , that our teudcrest hvmp.itliles bo tunilcieil to the sorrow Ini ; widow and the was oinli.mud clilhlicn lu tlioir deenand snil nllllction ; that lu Hie death of so cm incut a Btntesiimn the nation has lost one ot lt > > The brlBliloU Jlt-lits. tlio soldlei and ovsoldler thc one of his tuiost filrmls , and every cltuan an advocate \\liosolabuis were evei foremost their bnlmlC. bnlmlC.That That these resolutions t > o smcnd 818 upon tlm inliintos , and a copy duly attested bosom to Sirs. Lounn. A resolution was adopted recommend ing the r.nhy.iv and legislative committees - ] toes to net in conjunction in .securing some betterment or the system of chaig- Ing tor e\eess bacgago. The inembord wore requestnd to fur nish the president with a statement of the number of "week end" tickets that they will want during the coming year. Alter a vote of thanks- the pioss of Omaha mid Lincoln for tlio reports of the meetings the convention adjourned. resT "n' ' nriouAHA. After the adjournmetit of the coin on- lion thu Omaha member * of the tissoc-ia- tmn met and took the lint steps tor the orgaiii/ution of Pout H of Omaha H. 11. Cuthbt'it was chosen temporary pro i- dent and Hurry hodon niccrotary. The meeting then adjonrni' tfl meet on Sun day at the Mil la nl hpt l , when the or- will bo completed. The Coiiiinlttof ) on KovlBloii 'J hroiiKli i'lic4iWorIc. . The committee on thu lovibion of the charter resumed incir labors at the board of tr.ulo rooms yesterday nftcr. noon. The members prc-sent were Messrs. Barton , Chase , Popplplon , ISar- , Ik-ohel , IJ.iihiy , Murphy , Clark Lovvry. Daily and K , Ilosewater , and in addition to the committee , City Attorney . J , Council , City Kugincer A. Hoso- water , the Hon. C. J. Sun th , the lion . \Vhitmoro nud the Hon. ( icorgo , Ijininger. City Attorney Connoli continued Iho reading of thu revised charter t > ection by section. After the adoption of about thirty sections discussion nioso upon tlio section prohibiting the establishment of nui < auces , "aucli as bluughlor houses , pig * . , stock yards , soap factories , coul oil vltrol maiuifaotone " within the city limits. Mr , Guy C. Itarton , on behalf of smelting works , objected to the man- ufucturo of vitrol being declared a mils- , while Mr. D.illoy put in u plea for \ packing houses. Alter some UUpus- .slon it was decided to provldo for the pro hibition of nuisances in geneial , leaving it toTi Iho city council lodoline them. The section giving the power to the council ! to prohibit llio interment of the dead within tlm city limits was objected tob Mr. Poppleton nnd others nnd the tection " was amended lo pinhlbit the establishing of new cemeteries in the city , On the \lnducl question tlie cily at torney reported a section giving the city council authority to older viaducts at street crossings over tlio railways , tlio railway company to pay for cost of > ii- : due anil Keep il In repair , and the citv loPop pay the damages lo properly Mr Popplclon opposed the section on Iho grounds ] that its benefit would be almost exclusively for the public , and lhat Hie railroads ought not lo be taxed except whore they were ale bonelilled unless for police reasons. In Iho case of the viaducts now budding this would not hold , as on both eleventh and Sixteenth streets there had never been any cross inge , consequently the viaducts were not built us a mailer of necessity anil safety nl Ihofo points. True , while they would greatly relieve Tenth street and bo lo the advnnlngo of pedestrians and teamsters , the principal ob ject seemed to bo the of the * value of South Side property , es pecially in the neighborhood of Iho via ducts. Ho therefore moved , as an amend ment , Hint the raihoad be required lo pav a tax for a viaduct In proportion to the amount of ils properly abulllng. Mr. Hosovvater favored Iho adoption of Iho section as reported. He would cither do lliis or strike it out entirely. In ( Jcrniany tlie railroads paid the expanse of their own viaducts. Mr. Poppluton moved that the city attorney bo instructed to draft a sec tion providing thai lailroads pa.\ for via ducts only in proportion lo ( lie amount of tlieir properly abutting , and that all the real estate fionting tlio viaduct be taxed equitably. The mailer was filially referred to Mr. Poppleton to prepare ti section in accordance with hi.s views. The sections of Iho old charter icgu- Jatinggas , telephone , telegraph and clic- Iric light companies was reported and was passed without change , as vvns a section regarding police and uro depart rneiits and publio buildings. The section on the old charier regarding the num bering and re-numbering house * , naming and ro-nanung , opening , closing , niir- rV5Vving or widening streets or alloys , was als'o fidopted without change. The old provision giving the council power lo prohibit signs , sign posts , banners and advertiscmenls of all kinds ) on the streets , including the scattering of cir culars , was adopted. The old sections weights nnd measures , and the public library was also adopted ; nnd the provisions ot the old charter concerning sewers was adopted with tin amendment compelling sovvnr connections in tlio va rious districts. The old section regulat ing the city water works was adopted with an additional provision giving the company right of eminent domain in conuomniujr ptoporly for additional buildings , engine houses nnd settling No changes were made in the provisions concerning a public market or market houses , nor in the sections regu lating the taking of the city census. Some amendments were made to the section of the old charter concerning the right of criminal domain , and as adopted it confeid iipon Iho city Iho right to appreciate private property to streets , alloys , avenues , sewers , patks , public .squares , gas works or water wet ks. tlio rights relating to parks and water works to extend ten miles fiom the cjty. The section of thu old charter concerning licenses vras amended so as to give tlio council povvcr to impose a license tax upon runners of all kinds , hawkers , ped dlers , liquor sellers , pawnbrokers , sellers of bankrupt goods , real estate and insur ance agents , shows and theaters , billiard and pool looms , tcnpin alleys , hacks and drays of all kinds used for pay. The committee will continue their work this afternoon. Maker L'lace. 85 lots sold in ten days. ] ! oujid Over. John Bradley , who was arrested on Christmas night , while trjing to dispose a valuable cloak lo a Luavcnvvorth street dealer in second hand goods , was tried in police court yesterday iitternooii. The cloak was identified by Miss Niles having been .stolen from her residence the corner of Fourteenth and Howard hlreets. Bradley was held in the sum of $1,000 to answer to the disttict court. AVItl > RurulnrioiiB Intent. About 11 o'clock last night Mr. A. P. Nicholas in passing C. S. Goodnch's stoi c Farnnin street , noticed thai the win dow in tlm door was broken. Afuither examination showed that the bolt had been withdrawn from the inside Mr. iioodrich was notified ami seemed tlie premises. It is supposed that tlie piep- ar.Uious had been made bysomo burglar a laid on the place later In the night Want * llln Cow. bohn Spocrl had a white cow nine the years of agOj found in wind and limb. The cow went astray and was found in 41) act of furnishing lacteal refreshments ono of Spoerl's neighbor. * . Mr- Spoorl did not feel bad about this , but glad hu had discovered his prop erty. His anger atoso hovvovoi-.wlicn ho went to take possession of his animal and refused. Ho went bcfqru Justice A. Borka and commenced replevin proceed ings lo get pos e slon of Iho animal. real name of thn present guardian ot > milk producer is unknown and was made John Oveidono in the papers. llakc-r Plnco-GMl ! on W fi. Albright , fc > . 10th Mr. , for ohoieo bargains. Nnirr.Hka ! nml Iowa ' 'or Nebraska and Iowa : Fair wc.ulicr , warnici. IT AN HOYS r. * * vciirs Uts Full JDRUGSTOKE : I'AC-K TAKE ITfAITH-v FULLY , /\ND " You s THATTHERe 0)i HNDTMTIS Fi RESTORED. ; uiatuie ' ! > ay , crtotj ' l I -lltrl < tUafthao < li-uhitrliiclrlcdl ; | g mWm b\t-rf Lnow n rroiivlr. haJ ul < * * mr J A lf-oire. trhlrti I * will ena fh E t u. tin f t > llo * nu 4.Mrru.C. J. LVHS , Cut OiAl Cm ili I. Ke Yet erci Of \wim&iMSR ID < 'NEARLY CRAZED vvilh pain , " U tlie sail cry of ninny ti v Irtlm of rlicuiunti'in or ncurnlcla anil frcfiiicnt- 1) other ( lhcafc < ! , such AS kiilnev nnd liter complaint1 : , nrc directly tracc.iblo to rhcu- iiiiUUm orncitialiia. 'These diseases , for some uncNplainablc reason , arc rapidly In creasing , nnd in manv instances uro the direct can c of much sickness which so hides its icnl orij'iu so as to be mistaken for other diseases. In curing rheumatism , ncu- raltjia , ! ck hoad.vche , and In many case * of kidnej and liver lroulik' , Athloplioros has wrought wonders. Those who have used il arc besl qualified lo * pcak of its merit. Rev. L. H. Sentcr ( Moise , Kansa'i sayi "Aboutvo ( v ears ago , my daughter in-Iavv was laken with a severe attack ol rheuma tism. She could not turn hcr Hl in bed t sent her one bottle of Alhlophoios , and by the time cine-half was used s.he was free fiom nil pain , and has had no rctuin of the trouble since. It hai also been of great benefit to my wife in neuralgia " Henry Martin , Mus.oaline , Iowa , fcrt8' "I did have rheumatism very badly until J used Athlophoros , which has completely cured me. Tor several > c.irs thcic would be certain times that 1 could inv.imbly look fcr a seveic attack of rheumatism , which would confine me lo the house for a week at a time 1 was sufl'crinff fiom n very severe attack in my aims and had been confined to the house tor n week at the time I used Atholoplioros. The fust two does seemed lo go right ( o Hie seal of the pain ; my rcllefwas simply wotidciful after I had taken two clones of the medicine. After I had used one bottle my pain was all gone , I had free use of my nuns o that I went back to work. I have not felt ni ) rheumatism since and have not lost an horn's work. " Kvor.y clrutfKist should keep Allilonho- ros nml Alhlophoros Pill8 , but vvlipro llu-y cjiniiot bo bought , of the druguM tlio Athlophoros Co. , IS'J U'ull St. , Ninv Vork , vvillsotitl I'ilhor , earring ) paid , on rccolpt of rcirulur nnco , vvliioh is $1 nor bottle for Athlon'ioros ' nnd 50c for the L'llls. Voi llv or nnd khlnoy dlsoisrs , dvpcp nlnln clifriMtlon , vsonkiioss , norvoiisilolillltj.dmmuii , ot "oinnii , ( 'iiiistliiituin | , hoitiliiohu , linpiuu , lilood , etc * , Atlilophoros I'l [ BEFORE- AND -AFTER Electric Appliances are sent on 30 Dayi' ' Trial. TO MEfJ QHLY , YO'Ji'iQ ' OR OLD , TTrllO srp fuffertnc from NKnvom > V l' ° VITAUTl , LACk Of NM n rottCK AND Vioon WA ri'.nW > < K irssn nnd all these ( ll o * oa ota I'E.WOVAI , NiTUKi rcsulllnx fru.n Anmts unJ OriiEit OAOEES bncc-ly relief end connilito > eEto radoautlliiAiTn vtooniind UAMIOODUUAIIAVTE * ! ' Tlm pnuiilost ill covcry of the Nlncfnntli crnlnrr StniliitoncoforlllustnitoUI'amphlolfrco. Adiri > * VOLTAIC BUT CO. , HAR8HALI , . a T. CDIJSIJMS' at ! n ger The only GEfWINEjtnes mat/5. / The most ( .omforiaila an-T oVnfe/9 shape for na'.Unij. ' ' 'Perfect fit , . .Na'wriiMes. - . old shoe. . .Always retain tlisTsfigps _ Vfiil liorUrojhg feeflijTong ial/es. 7fiUti in 11 widths and all silts' Lee ! > on Sole ( or Name anJ AdJret cf j. T. For Sale by llayward IJros. , 7ojHow ) tini Street. Omaliii. Or Clitt fi < | uoi3aliIl , i > < > vl i ct } by AdiuiiiKtcrliiir E > r. it cP.u bo Klven In ( i cup of roRcHur tin nllhout kno l dgeor lli I'Crson mllnc ll.lHiiliSiiluicly uirnilcs * . line ! will iTli-ct .1 pcnniiunt ti 1 eiicody euro , wlicllivr Iho pillunt IK a incKleratearlnlroroi ) icoiullu wriilc. rt Ims Ix-fii nl\sn In Ujo-j. lik.Kbt of msec , nnd In C\PIV IlislHl. . i -jtrlcct ( .uro liufollonid. It nrrcr fal ! The ystonionoa l wllh the Hpecl r , It l comes nu uttet for thu liquor appetite to cxUt su.n n v roti.owixo niaruc ibi.s : AUIIN iV CO. . Cor. lAtli nnJ Jtanalaa. nil. ) IHtk iV f 'ii mini : .SIM. , Unu < > iu. ficti. ' U. rUSTLUl X' Hill ) . . Cuuncil IlliifTn , Call ornrltn for pimplitct dii'tHinlui < if tlincnlnUrointliuts.i /rointliuts.-i uouit-u uiJ K' ) , a.t'.uf Ill's couatrir. nlo fnrnln bio CERKAK ASTHMA CUHb itl/rollcrm tlio most tlo'nnl nlliclt and ( miuraftirliililu nWp KOH41nauhr in.I Ml r llniiuriimilhTful lllott.llHiirtl il4lm- [ .meiliii . iliroar.n-1 ivrliilii.nnd - thnt n onrob lira ' jiyiull . In nil runlil * r i A ulnijlo tnul con. vliic-i.j tin ) niiMt tl , I'rlon ffe nd ftl of 1NO'lr . tlie flo I .cUlu l > < urrulnRO Jaj hvlir. tlie ll riiu'l.l < - . trrj.Mnanrlli'flill. the i riiii.uimLlucil. Uua with i ill/ ono In tli'i wotl.l ' uitmitiMoui ftfflrlci nnll nit Itrlf'ntiiic , I'owerful , DuiaUlp , riimfi . . . . .li . mil UTi-dlvo. ArnlUIrm ' Or r > ( KHiinri'l. InMlht'iinpfoi iinmih tlmnr 1 iio : jiri/is v iiHiAhi'N. ask ' . ( ill yrH 'l AVE. " If Its ciiupes , M ml n uu\v nml Ifkot u'os8fiil ( "I Hi Jilt ) our own IIUIIKI ! ) ) Kilo who ns ( Urnf tnoiil ) oiirlil \t n 'lloiilcd lj most ol tlm noted bjuji ml i\lllioul biinclll iMiicI liinibdl In iluoi inontliH , nml since tlicn huinlri'iH nl mliuiB , WM. | > urlti > ulur8 hcnt on nt'pl ' cation I' II , ( j - , .So 41 WiMt.ilbt.SI , N oiv VoikClty. Dl.lltlr.l fur TJi BEST TONIC I UNCOUALEDIorCON'SbMPIIOfi WASTING DISclSES fltJ GENERAL DEBIIITY. igawa PERFECTS DIGESTIOf/ / W - tm Tmv ; i , . vru.uxo , s r KC'in In Chief , .Nktlulill Uuurt 5 l ; of N .T , writes i "Mr Mltntlon n . rulIM U jour Ktiilon .Mull W lil.kcr li ] KrMjt \ \ Pnitglit , of Trfnton rvn.l 1 lute II M fpn toltloi nlth fir Lfll r ( ( Tret Ilitn n/ < lnri > hail 1 mu roronimrnillni > < > nr nrllclo In mi I'lucllcr ' , Bud It t rj MtliUctvij , " BiwAEs cr mrATictts. KJ"Ct < r Hrnnlnt I > tit Sl M.rf a LISSUl A ) ICMCI.SU.V MI tbt I rbd S EWOELSO . ( Sclt Kfmtt for II. U M ) 316.31S and 380 Race St. , Pliilidelphia. Px Gooihimn Drupe To .Gnnl AgentsOmah Nebraska. T.srwiiirHED USED IN ALL PARIS OF THE WORLD PrlcMon nfl'llcftllon SoJJtw best Orrlntrn Rullnpn.inil Dinler.i. CINCINNATI. IM. / . A. Oibluiili'Tcn. . COO CIN. BREXEL & MAUL , Successors to Jno. CJ. Jacobs , ttho oldstauu 1 107 rarnam st. Orders bytolograph ao.icilod and promptly at tended to. Telephone No. U'JS. CHICAGO SHORT LINE OP top , Milwaukee _ SSL Paul R'y ' THE BSST HOUTS tea mm iij CODICIL eiorrs ct TWO TRAINS DAIIA' nitVVVCEN OMAHA COUNCIL UI.UITS Chlcatro , AND Milwaukco , St. Paul , Minneapolis , I'crtnr llnpida , Clinton , Dubiiqno , Davenport ; Kock iBlautl.Frcoiiort , llockfonl , Elgin. Jihuiisoii , Janosvillo , Ueloit , Wrnonu , La Urosso , And all otborluiportunt polnla Hast , Nortueiul nud BoiiihuusU Kortliroujrh tiokots cnll on the Tioiot Agon H'l ' ) Kiirimm Hiott ( In 1'axton IIot lor ) a Union Paclllo Depot. Pullman bluoDura nnd the lineal Dining Can the world are run on tlio inn'n ' lines of tlio ClilOAQO , Mll.WAUKBK i ST. 1'AIII. lUIMfAT , and rorr attonllon Is pulil to pa sonirarii b/ courtoon emnlo > oiior the company. K MIM.KII , Qoncral Mnnmror. J. K. TtiCKBii , AMlstftnt Uniioiiil Manager. A V. H. UAmMiMi.H , Uonc-isJ I'HSsjnEOr end Tlckrt Affent. Ouo K HKAFFOIW , Assistant Qonoril 1'aasoa- nnd Ticket Aiivnt J. T. C AHI : , UuiiinU Buporliiloiidoiit. P , 3OYEB & CO. DilAl.EHSIN and Jafi Work. 3020 1'arnam Street. O.uaha. Nob. MOItK f'ATAIlltll. 'nio Itcuioly 13 n jmnltlt u i urc. Frco f l lucLa o ami l > n lc for t cr H In Bt . ! II. III.DH'AI. ( tJliuuplon , Conn. RAILWAY. Omaiia , Souncil Bluffs And Chicago. Tlie only road to tiiVo for Ir5 , iliiilllown , ' e iar ItnplrtH. Cllnldii , Jilzlt' . Clilon- Mlhiiinkoo 'ind ml polnti nit To tlit pro- of Hnhrii'kn , Colornilo , Wyoming , Ulnh , Iilnlio.Nouiihi , OrOL'cin , VViiKlilnxKin nnd Cull * , It offrrj supoildr aUniuiiiiiij not poi > il- by nnj-othor lln AnirjiiK n fnw of tlio niirnnroni pnltilo nf in- perlorltr cnjnjcd liy llni piUwiH of thli roud liit"-eoamilnuinil ! Chli-iiB.i , nio IM l cilnilna udnvor RAY COACIIF.Sililcli uro tlienmst liiimnn orkAnil mvono'ly ' rnn c-rcHl'1. Hi I'AI.AOI ! fll.UKI'INO I'AUR rvhlcli i iiinrtnU oomfort nni ] enm \ \ < ll l'AltlOK DltAVV. ItOUM CAHH , iinsnrpiiSKPilby nny , nml 118 ' oolfllirntnd PAKATIAI. D/NIKC OAKS , mnil of wlikh o iin t It" found Mlio"ln'rc. AtCoiinoll Illuira Ilio Indus of Hie ITnliiil J'uul Rr. ponnert In I'n nn Depot with tlu'W of ChkJuru A Nnnliwcri'cni liy In Chlon.-o trelns of Oils Una innko close counectlon thoiD of nil cnnlurn llnim. 1'nr Dutioll. c'oliiiiilnir. Iii'llHimpoll * . rinolti- , Nlavnra 1'iillP. Ilniriilo , I'lttuhni ) . ' , Toronto , Montreal , lloslon , No > f Vork , rhlludolplilii , Iliil- * . VV'iiHlilnainn nnd Nil | oluiu In tlio unit , the tlolot iiunnt for tlckctiin | : ) you whti th" lin.t .ia"ninoilritlor ! < . All lU'i'nl ! , > eli lliV.i i" > \ t'U .in rnn i IT. . t : T < WIT.SO.V. ( Joiioinl Munncrr , linril. I'nt.'i ' Audit " ( " . 1IAIICOCK , nik"r"-lll-i. , H.jjoLr.r.8 , toil Wchitin AKt ' i' ' ) I'm A t. Omi'ii. ' Neb. "V"WW tV "Vfl 'V k A 'Vif / M fi" n F * ! * " ! 1 * Vf"if * > V'H"N HMEBAuGH & TAYLOR DEALERS IN ICE TOOLS. Cawinec Knives ando Forks , o iflay beoos ! Pocket Cutlery. Scissors in Cases , ' Skates , ttc , 'he C , E , Mayne Eeal Estate and Trust Co N. W. COK. IBlh AND HARNJSY , OMAHA. Pioperty of vexjr description . for sale m all parta of the city , l.aivl * for IH | i cry county In Ncbrnska. A COMPLETK Sl/r OF AlISTUACTS Icforruallon Titles of Uonglaa doiireO comity kopt. ot the citjr stuto or county , ot fcaf otl ur , ( uralbliod fice 01 oliurge upon