Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1886, Image 1

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Widespread Borrow Over the Sudden Sum
mons of General Logan.
Many Messages of Condolence Received
from Her Husband's Priends.
A Tribute to His Worth as a Soldier and
Stntcf.ninn ,
The Hot-vices Will I'rnt > nl > ly no Held
on Trldny In ttic Senate Clinmlmr
Tlio Scnntor'H Trials nnd
WASHINGTON , Dec. 27. [ Special Tele
gram lo the HIK.Mrs. : | . Louan avvoko from
nnleep of boveial hour ; nt 7 o'clock this
in 01 n hit' veiy much Improved. It was with
gre it difficulty last night that she was put to
sleep. Soveinl powders vveio administered
to her , nnd at a late hour her moans nnd sobs
pave wav to n quiet rest. Later in the nl ht
filio avvoko nnd began to talk of the general ,
when the phjslclans gave her another pow
der and admonished hci that sleep and quiet
weio nbsolulely necessnrj to the presei vntion
ol her life. When Mrs. Logan opened her
e > es this morning she found at her bcdsldo
SrnatoTK Cidlom nnd Sherman. Taeyhavo
ehargo of the funeral anangemmils which
bnvo not begun ns jet , nnd they began to
talk to her , when hei KI let became soovcr-
powei Ing that they gave hci into the chaigo
of the pbvslclans and postponed action until
! ) o'clock this afteinoon.
1 have thought of .lohn In eveiv possible
pha o of lift ; , but novel In this giave , said
NTH. Logan. I always supposed he would
outlive me , nnd then she began to wander oil
on tlio financial condition of thu family , her
feni seeming to bo that she would lose her
propeity , which Is covered by amoitgagoof
Sl',000. ! Him said she was willing to disuose
of her homo In Chicago , oven thing in fact ,
It she could retain herpiesent lioiue hero and
live where lite ccncial had spent so much ot
his life. She was assured that hei tncnds
would take cnie of her and her Inteiests and
thnt she Aould never vvnnt , nnd then she lost
consciousness in sleep , another powdei luv-
Invbecn admlulsteicd.
It is hoped that when Mis. Logan awakes
from hei sleep this afteinoon she will bo able
to stand consultation relative to the tun-
ernl nnd othei matters. Othei membeisof
the family say thnt iho lemalns w ill undoubt
edly bo deposited In a vault at Oak Dill eeme-
leiy In this city ; that sei vices will bo held In
the senate chamber and that JPV. ! Dr. Newman -
man , pastor of the Metiopolitnn M. E.
uliuich , will pieach the funeral sermon. Tlio
icmains , they say , will rest In a vault hero
until anancr iuents foi permanent Interment
nre elfectcd.
.Mrs. Logan Is iccovcrlng from her prostra
tion rapidly and 1'mds relict fiom her mental
nnpnlsli In consulting with fi lends icgatdmg
mrangcments for the funeral.
AVords of Condolence.
HUOOKI.AN , N. Y. , Dec. ! iO. Mts. ,1. A.
Logan : Accept the deepest sympathy ot
Mrs. Talmago and nisclf lor the loss of jour
great and noble husband , and the piajcis of
my congiegatlon to-night. May > ou bo com
forted. ' ! ' . DJVVI : 1 1 I'AI.VIAI.K.
Nr.w VOIIK. Dec. 20. Mrs. J. A. Logan :
Wo.uodlstiesscd nt the tenible news nnd
nil join In regiet foi jour loss nnd gj mpitliv
forllvlnp. F. D. Ci ! : VNT.
NKW VOIIK , Dee. 20. Mis. ( ienernl Lo an :
A friend just telegraphs me the awful news
too sudden and dreadful to bo named. I
wrote jou this moining. May God sustain
jou nil in this sad calamity.
W. T. Sin UMAX
Ai'oi'iTV. ' Me , DIP. 20 Mis. , ) . A. Lo
gan : The stailllng news of join husband's
death has liibt reached me. Novel till this
morning < ild we receive nn intimation thut
ho was considered in danger. I dan ; hardly
spenk ot my personal sonow In view of jour
own Inexpiesslblo griet and ot the gmieml
loss to the country which , In pcncoauilln
war , ( ieneial Logan has served with com
manding ability and coinage. Mis. Jilaino
joins mo in deepest sj nip \tliy with von and
\cnr elilldien. JAVII s U. JliIM \
NKW VOIIK , Dec. 20. MIC. John A. Logan :
Accept my slnceio sjmpnthy and e\pies-lon
Of S011OVV. Al.KN. ( iltlCdOII ,
Secretnry Kusslan Legation.
Xi.vv YOUK , Dec. 2ii. Mih. John A. Logan :
Little dlit 1 think when telegiauhlng .vou
this moinln ; that so meat asouovv was near.
Accept m > deep sjmpathy In > om cieat be-
ic-vvemenl. itost or. CONKI.INO.
Pmiitnru'iiiA , Dec , "rt Mr . John A ,
Logan : 'Ibo people of Phlladelihla ] tender
their fljmpnthy in the sad bcicaveiui'iit
which has licfallen ion In the death ot join
Unnoted husbind. Their lieirts are wann in
alfettlon nnd esteem tor his manv manly
\lriues. AVii.i.i.vvi 1 ! Svm n , JIajoi.
MADISOV , Wb . Dec. 20 Mis. John A.
Lo/an : The veteinnsof the ( iranit Aimy
of the Honubllc am In dceu soirowand sin-
cerrlj nnd lovinglj nioinii the loss ol join
beloveu husband , ihelr dear eomiade and
trlenil. 1 son ow fullj tendei our seivieesin
anj niannei agicenblo to vou.
J-rrua l Aincint t ) ,
Comninndei In Chief ,
N'rw Voni ; , Dec. 20. Mis. John A Logan1
Wo arc Ine'NpH'ssluij shocked andgiioved by
the nevvsol join litblnnd's death , Mrs. Mor
ton Joins with mo in oxpusslng ourdeeniest
sjmpithy in join gioat soirowand Irrcpai
nblo los-i , ji \ i ] > . MOII i ON.
Ifi.ooMiMnov , III. , Dee. 2T liloomlnt'ton
Cirand Army of Iho Republic Post No. HO
met at 10 o'llock Itils mmnlngand adopteil
the namoof John A.Logan post , and un
animously passed thu following lOoOlnlluiia :
To Mis , John A. Lojin ; : ' 1 hu otllcoisaiul
members of John A. i.ogin PoU No. 140 ,
( iiaiidAimy of the Hopubllc , of ihK Lit ) .
tender theli lieatlfolt svmpathy to vouibell
nnd family In this sad hoiu of bereavement ,
and iccociiUo the fact that tlm nil wise Pio-
vldonco has taken from jou alovlnu com-
pinlon , n tender father , aud fiom the nitlon
tlio vcteiaiiR1 warmest nnd most lullhfu
advoeite. 1'ost 110 , ( Sianil Army of tlm Ite
public , of this eltv. met In spveinl session at
10 a , m , to-div , nnd ndopled John A. Lo/an
as I lie namoof the porl.
| bla'iied.J A , U. Svvi rT/ru ,
Commander ,
Ai.nvsY. N , Y. , D.-r. . 27MIN John A
L < can ; Wo unite in s > j mpathj fur jou nm
tours in join meat soiiovv.
Muiv Anuiun Mel'i.nov ,
Hi i r.i HEII.NDON Aniiuii.
Messages of condoleuco vvoru received
luim the Japanese legation nt Washington ,
nn post , ( i. A. K , of .S.ilin.i , Knn. , ami
thn following from U. ! j. ( iiant poit .No. 2 * > ,
Chicago ( i. A. J5. :
John A. LoL'nn , jr. : This jiost desires thn
caillest ix.sblblii notlci ) of the luringenienti
lot tlie funeial of j our fnthe-r. Wo n-l > it m
ii pjilloulai tav.n nnd tlm light ot lliti post ot
lionoi , ISIgned.j A. \VvnoiT \ ,
i 'osiiuinder. .
ITtils is tlio post to vvhieh Ceneial Lo an
belonge.l. ]
rnivioNr , ( ) . , Dec. 27r Mrs , John A.
L < iui : MIN llajes vviites with mo In cx.-
tenilincto vou out heaittclt tvmnnthy In
join LTC.U beicavi'incnt. K. 0. HAVJ-S.
CiiK-M.o , IKv. 27. Mix. John A. Logan :
Thoiiinnd Aimy of tholiopubllc , of Illinois
tuiider to the family of out coun-ade. nut
deepest ajmpallty In this their great bcitavi1-
meid , and ou > great Io s.
.1 , A. SFMOK.
NKW VORIC , ] ) ei87. . Mr3. John A
L'i'iui ' : In this unr\pected MtioUo 1 can reul-
Ironul'ilnir ' ixc * pt that v our k-bs Is tto ) loss
of Iho VTOOC ! people , aud tiiuy cy truly recce
) O. K 1
ilc this that In your gtcat sorrow you have
ho nation's sympathy.
WII.MAM WAI.TI.II r r.irs.
l-'orthc Ptincrnl ,
Dec. 27. Ono who savv the
remains of Ceneral Logan this morning Rajs
he embilmcrs hixvo completed their work
nnd the body Is ready for the casket Its ap-
pciranco Is lifelike nnd but little wasted.
Mr . Lojan's condition Is gradually mend
ing , some portion of last night having been
liassed In deep sleep , the llrst she has taken
Tor several days. No arrangements hnvo
jttbcen mnde foi the funeral. Mis. Lozan ,
lias , however , expressed Iho wish to see Iho
membeisof the Illinois delegation who ate
In Iho citv llils afternoon , and a meeting has
been called lor H o clock , at which Mrs.
Lognn's wlihe.s will be leained aud aiiange-
nients will bo decided upon.
It Is leained In ndvnncoof the meeting of
the Illinois delegation that it Is piobable that
the funeral will be postponed until after the
reassembling of congies-9. It beliiu the pre
vailing Impicsslon of all friends that the
goneial's long nnd prominent seivlcu In the
semte makes It especlallr llttlug Hint his
obsequies should take place In the capltol. a
Hitherto the duties of receiving vlsltois
nnd nnsweilng numbeiless impnrles has
been peiloimcd bj volunteers amoni ; the
lilends ot the family. Arrangements h.vvo
now been made to accept tlto tondei of the
becrctarv of the navyot a guaidol marines
who will icndei sueli services as aio appio-
prlnfp nnd may bo requited of llioni.
Tbomembeis ot thu Illinois delegation In
congress who nienovv in Washington hold a
meeting at Iho Logan mansion this nftei-
noon In compliance with the suggestion of
Mrs. Logan lor consultillon. 'ihero were
pi esent Senator Cullom nnd Hotiresonlatlves
Hill , Hendeison. Pajson. Spiinger , 'ihoinas ,
Townshendaml Nceco. Mrs. Logan's wishes
with regard to the tunerul arrangements were
made known by Kopiesoiitativo Uendoison ,
witli whom she had been confeiring. Hei
Incllnal'ous favoied the funeral In the sen
ate chnmbei nfter the leassembllng of ton-
LTCSS , and Intel ment In tlm mean
time In the congressional cemetery
hero. No conclusion was reached and
the subject was postponed until to-morrow.
hlnco that time further conferences have In
formally taken plnco and the members of the
delegation mo of the opinion that tlio f uncial
sei vices will take place next 1'ildavln tlm
senate chamber and that the rein lilis will
then Immediately boeonvejcd to Chicago.
Senator Sheiinan wns at the mansion this
afternoon nnd was In consultation with Mis.
Logan , who sought his ndvleo regarding the
nriangemcnts. llu has already made the so-
lecllon of n committee toiopicsent the sonale ,
but withholds Its announcement until ; u-
rangements shall be determined upon.
At half past 0 this evening a guard of
honor sent by tlio secretary ot war , con
sisting of a sergeant and four privates of ar
tillery fully uulfoimed and equipped , re
ported at Calumet Placo. A sentinel was
placed at the front door and another at-tho
door of the chnmbei in which lie the remains.
A guaid of marines to bo sei.t bv tlio seerc-
laiy of the navj will repoit to moiiow uioin-
Inr.Coiicspoudencfl was still In progress at a
Into bom this evening between .Senator Cul
lom nnd the authorities nnd poisonnl fi lends
of ( icnctal Lognn In Chicago regarding ar
rangements lor the tuncial. 'J he nrst tuiuloi
of a buiial place was received jesteidar
fuini Iho authorities nt Sprlngtlold ,
who tendeicd a choice of places nt
that city , ono of them being the
ceuietcrv in which Lincoln Is Intoned. Then
tame tenders from places in southern Illi
nois , in Iho nolehboihood of Loiaii'a earlier
home , and from Chlcazo , the homo of his
latoi jears. During to-dav urtcnt icprescn-
tations of the claims of Chicago hnvo been
coming from vaiious organi.'alions of that
city and Irom influential personal friends.
'ihore is mason to believe that if Chicago
makes a detinite and seasonable lender of a
burial place In that citv It will bo accepted.
Clilcagu AVnntn Him Buried 111 ore.
CHICAGO , Dec. 27. At n meeting of load-
iugellUcns hcie this afteinoon icsolutlons
weio adopted urging the oflcr of nn npprpn-
ate slto in Chicago lor the burial of ( icncrnl
Logan , and a commllteo of twenlv-hve wns
appointed tobavochnrgoof the matter and
annngolora representation nt the iuneinl.
Another meeting will be held to-morrow.
Cmcu.o , Dec. 27. The citv council lo
night , by a rising vote , adopted icsoliitlons
asking the family of Ueneial Logan to allow
the dead trcneral to bo bulled in Chicago. A
site oveilooklng tlm boulevard has been ten
dered by thi ) South Pmk cominissloneis for
( ieneral Logan' * eiavo. The West paik
bonid to-day took action looking to the elec
tion of n monument to Ocneial Lo/nn at the
entrance of tlio paik. _
Illalnc 011 Ml * Ijiito Collenuuc.
AlftUhTA , Me1. , Dec. 27. A lepoitci ol Ihe
associated press called at Ulalno's lesluenco
soon nffei the Intelligence of tienernl
Logan's death i cached this citv. llu said the
annoiinccnient had tome to him without his
being In the least decree prcpateit toi it. He
had heaid only in the loiciioon that
( Jcneral Logan's condition was considered
ciitlcal. Hlalno discussed ( ! eiieial Logan's
chaiacteiistlcs frcelj1. He and not peisonally
known the general befoie the war , uiul had
met him lei the fust time when ( ieneial
Logan came to Washington from his com
mand In the Held. "I think , " said lilaine , "It
was some tlmo dining the winter of IbO. !
that by iiicio accident i enteied Lincoln's.
room ju t ns Ucncrn ! Logan was lenvlng.
The pie ° ldent intindneeil nut to the goncial.
and wo Ind a veiy Inlet talk. I lemc'inbei , "
said DIaluc , " aftci ( icucial Logan
bnd rellied tlio piesldent ciilo-
gUed liluv very liighl ) ' . adding thnt
it was veiy fortunate when
so many generals had fallen tai below ex
pectation lo Iiud a few who had gene lai tie-
jond expectation nnd , In the lattei class , bo
gavoLojtan an eminent i.tnk. lint 1 nm
nol one , sala Hlnine , "lo speak ofCenernl'h militaiy lank. That can bo moio
Illtnigly done by his biothei olllcors and by
thousands ot vcteians who aio at this
moment in tc.irt > ovei the death
of theli beloved leadei In vvai ,
theh watchful and constant fiicnd in
) ieice. ; History lias , 1 think ,
Uehnllely assigned Logan his milltacy rank
-tholiluhost ot volunteer orllccru In thn
nun ) ol the Union. Mv closit nnjualntaucti
wllh ( ieneral Locnn , continued Itlalne ,
"dates t tow bis eiitimico upon his duties ns
n repiesentatlvo nt largo from Illinois , in tlm
Fortieth Ho was selected to that
post in Novcmbci , It-C ) . l-'iom that time on-
v\aid our relations came to bo friendly nnd
Intimate , Occasional statements as to
jealousies and u\ allies weio without
foundation , Them never was an unkind
word between us , and , ro fnr ns 1 know ,
neitlu-i find nn unkind thought ol the other ,
1 say this knowing nil It cnnve'j * , nnd know
ing also all It contradict" . "
Mr. Hlalno de'iibed Logan as a man of Im
mense toi ce in a leulhlativii boilv. "ills
will , " s-vid Mr. lilaino , "was unbendlnr ,
His coinage1 , both mental nnd physical , was
of the highest order. 1 novel know a mote
fearless man. lie did not quail bctoro put > -
lie oiilnlon when ho had once made uuhls
mlnn any moio than ho did bctoro the guns
of Uio enemy when he headed a ilmr o ol
his unthuslastli ! tioo ] ) > . "
.Speaking of Lotrau In debate , lilaino said
his longest nnd beat piep ired speech ho made
( i.'aliist the restoration of I-'IU John Poitei
to tlmnrmv. Locan had gieat fecllne In the
casoaud put a largo amount of studj In it ,
Ithino thought Logan's loss to the republi
can pijtbitjond : couipulntlnn. Ho knew ol
no man who Imd comlilned In so eiiiinenU
dcgieutliecaicei * ot soldlei and statesman
a > had Lo an , _
The ( iCMicrnl'K Troiilil.'s.
WAsiiiNdiov , Dec.27. Ihpcclal Tclefiraui
to the Hn : . ] An Intimate I'll end of the
lamlly said this mornliiK Oeneral' {
ilcilli was the pcinlty ho paid for Ills nctlou
In the Pa ) ne case , Helms received busheh
of letters condo.mnliii ; his course from fiicud-
vviiom ho thoiuht ought to stand by him ,
There hnvo been humtiod of letters too from
s Iran KITS , some ot them abuslv e and threat-
tiling and nearly rvory politician In Ohio ol
( ho republican P irty has written to him gay-
Ini ; thnt hia political future w&s rtooini-ii ,
and tint if ho wns nominated foi
lirc'ldent every republican In Ohl
would vote against him. In addition to tnls
the attackb of thn newspapers in that tnt
and clsowheivand cople * of whloh have been
rujrno , Dta fir.a itarnoy. yxt i - v vv
sent to him roy inlslnkcn friends or nnllctous
encpiles hnve projed upon Ids mind and lost
him much sleep , lln was in uo condition to
stand this strain , and , being abnormally sen
sitive , could not resist D rood I uc upon It ,
Then came the attack upon htm fiom behind
Ihe shoulders of ( ieneral ( Jrant. That was
the telling blow and struck him vvhon he was
111. He lias been luoodinc over that nnd
could not dismiss It fiomhh mind. Daring
his Illness. When ho was delirious , bo talked
nbout it and the doctors made It the subject
of consultation. With his brnln in a feverish
condition llio disease lound It the weikest
spot In hlssjstemandstiuck tlinie.
In the mass of comment made to-day upon
the death ot Senator Logan not n little refer
ence his been made by senalois lo the pait
he look In the Pajnccase , which wai nrgucd
in committee and In chamber last summer.
U Is stated thnt the attack upon ( Ieneial
Lojnii by llio press nnd lepubllcans ot
Ohio and elscwlieie wouied him a gieal deal
nnd ho wns fiumiontly heard to Mnlo In
nrlvnto conversation that hn and Sonatois
Lvaits and Teller , who voted wllh Ihe demo
crats for Senatoi Pa ) no , would luivo
prcfciicd to go witli thelt own paity had
thciu been nny evidenre to justify
such action. One of Lognn's most Intlmnlo
republican senatorial filends says of this :
" 1 believe ami alwajs shnll bellevo that
Logan would have leconsldered his vote In
that case had not the Ohio papers pitched
Into him so savagely. 1 had carefully read
ill iho testlmonj and when 1 leained how ho
hid voted In committee I was surprised. I
went to him In the ijenatn ehambci and after
n thoroimh talk on thosublect , remarked thnt
every Intelligent man in Ohio , ipgardless of
political sentiment in aniliatlon , believed
ihero was bilbery and that moiiuy was used
In llio election. 'Oh , jes , ' said Logan , 'hut
the tumble Is there Is no evidence of it. '
Then I icpllcdthattbeipwasovldencc , and In
quired ol Logan if ho luul read the testimony.
Ho ndmitted thnt ho had not , saving hu
judged the testimony bv the pie-sentatlon
niaiio ol it in the committee loom , men
tioned several stionc points In the testi
mony , nnd told him that I was not endeavor
ing to pcrsuado him against his judgment ,
but that 1 was satisfied the case would create
more of a stii than was then anticipated.
Alter impiossing upon tils mind features of
the testimony which i tegaidedas showing
proofs ot briberj' , 1 told him that 1 would bo
glad to hive him to lovlovr tnu case , to lend
tbo testimony himself. Jlo would have enro-
fully lead that testimony , and perhaps In
conseqeuco of that careful leading have
changed his view , but just th"ii the lepubll-
can papers opened upon him , some of them
In an abusive nnd malignant mannei , aud I
know Lo/ian / well enough to feel assured
that ho would not change then.
of the "Grcnt Conspiracy. "
WASHIM.TOV , Dec. 27. [ Special TclcKinm
lolhu Hi i.1 : It appeals lhat Ocneial Logan
has been disippolnted at the failuio of his
book. Ho was offeied " 55,000 tor the manu
script and a roynltj on all sales , by n Wnsh-
Inuton publisher , but concluded to accept an
olfei fiom a Now York house , which prom
ised a bugei rojally. Althomrli the OOOK wns
Issued nearly a jear nco , up to October hebad
iccclveu but S2bO liom the publlsheis. At
the time of Arthur's fun oral ho went to
New York and succeeded in getting n
check for 81,000 , which was needed to
meet somupiessing necessities , but that not
only exhausted all that was due him from the
s les but tlio piibllshcis allowed him to an
ticipate future receipts. At the rate the book
is now selling Mis. Logan will derive no in
come fiom It foi months In Washington ,
where It was expected there vvoald bo n largo
demand , the agent tells me that scmcely n
hundred copies have been sold , nnd the gen-
em ! only received lllty cents a copy. The
failure ol his book was the souico of great
distress to him nnd welched upon his mind.
Ho wns not only mortilicd at its lick ot pop
ularity , but expected to del Ivoa larireievenue
liom it , and was sine that Its piocceds would
pay toi his house. He had been olfered by
the publishers of n weekly papei 510,000 toi
hisioinlniscemes of the war , butpiefencd
to write the political volume.
Commander Fnirchllil's Circular.
MAIHSOV , Wis. , Dec. 27. Geneial Fair
child , commandei-in-cliiet of the G. A. It. ,
to-night issued the following to the ciam
army posts ot the country :
Sueclal No : i. The comniamier-in-chlel
with soi row announces the de.itn ol
Coirrr.ido John A. Loiran , who deuirted thl !
Iltoon Sunday , December 20 , at Washington ,
Onoot theliist to become nn nttlvo vvoikoi
in the tanks ot the O. A. Jt. , ho contlmici
to the end ot bis eventful nnd most ulllclen
life to give his best elforts foi the good oi
tlio oider. Alwajs biave , patriotic and hon
est , his life closes amid the tears nnd la
mentation ot the people of the gieat r publ ! <
which he did so much to picsurvc. Ills mem
ory will continue to be one of the lichest in
lieiltanccs of his old comrades of the unior
army. At flic funeial ceremonies , wherevui
tlioy be held , will bo found thousands of hi'
oldcomiados gatheied to piy the last sail
tribute ol icspcct tot lieiallant ) sokllei vvhon
thej so dent Jj loved.
Logan's Last .Speech.
CM VII.AM > , ( ) . , Deii.27. ( Suneral Logan's
I ist public speech was delivered at a ( ! . A. H
cnnii tne In Youngstovvn , O. , on Noveiubei
Ib , a little more than live weeks ago. In tin
couise ot his remaiks he said : "I believe Ir
pensioning cveiv soldlei living flint vveni
into tlio service either for along 01 shun
tcini , who \vis : wounded In sei vice or con
tincted disease , or has since , thioughno tniil !
ol Ills own , become disabled. I believe ii :
pensioning uverj soldier that lias arrived ni
the agonf slxtj-two. Pass that kind of n law
and justice would ho done. "
Adopted ,
NonroiKNeb.Dec. 27. | SpecialTelegian
to the Hu : . ] Tboirand ( Aimy post adopter
nppiopilato resolutions to-night on the death
ol ( it'iicral Logan.
at Ma i o
Nr.w YOUK , Dec. 27 Thu llagion the citv
hall were iniscd nt half mast early this morn
ing in respect for llio dcalh of Ceneial Logan.
In all depaitmonts tint leading topic of con-
veis.itjoii as the death of the senator. Many
eulogies weio pionounced upon his lito and
character. Vp to noon the Hug on the federal
building hid not been rabed. Postmastci
Piei son said ho had leeened no otllcial an
nouncement of tlm death ot Cieneial Logan
nnd no could not oidei the Hag ialsed until
ho had leeeived distinctions liom Washing
_ _
Hud Klr In Sioux City.
Sioix Cnv , la. , Dec. 27. Ibpeclal Tele-
giam to the HI.K.J Atln ! : this mornini ; a
hiu Jjioko out In iho store ot C , D. Smiley
it Co , In the Abel it Andeiaon building , cor-
nei of Jones and J'onrtli stieets. liufnro II
was gotten nndei control tlm entire building
was consumed , together with the adjoining
ono owned by U. T. Hedges , The lo s wah
S2r > ,000 wllh 510,000 Insiiianoe. The los-
on I ) . T , Hedges building wn ;
? d,000 , nearly covered by insurance
A bio Anderson's building is ntolnl wievk
Jjoss , Sr,000 ; liihiiiance. SJ.bOO. John
( iiillln's loss on ennfeitlonety stock , Sl.OOO :
Insurance , about PJ.IOO. C. D Smllov A
Co. , loss , 4,000 ; Insurance , 8JWJO ; Mrs
Toddenwoith , loss on cigar and tolmcci
stock , W.OOO ; nearly covered by Insuramv
Tlio tlrempn did noulu woik , and by great ef
toil conilned thu liru to the two buildings
Mr .Smiley and family , who occupied looms
in tlie rear of the- store , reaped only will
their lln'ri. Jtntli Mr. and .Mrs. Smiley wer <
binned about thu neck nnd face.
Klro nt McGregor.
Mci ( > : rnon , la. , Dec. 27 , [ Special Tele
groin to the Jir.j ! : The business block ovvnei
bj liasaett , Huntim- Co. , at this place , wn
b idly burned lasl nin'ht , Tlio losses ara estl
mnteul as follows ; liassett , Hunting & Co.
8,000oihcr small losse .SlXK ( ) ; insined li
tlm Continental , S2,000 ; Wnshlnirlon of Dos
ton , Noithwcstein , National and Milvvaukei
Meelmnk-5 , $ , rM each on bllildiui : .
Not I'liiiro-l'iipuiiion | .
Di s MOI.NES , la. , Dec. 27. News lecelvei
from Uothrio county , states that the lepoitci
outbreak of pleuro-pneumonia in a herd o
cattle on Williams & Powell stock farm I ;
grossly untrue. Prof. Stalker , state veterin
Allan made n personal examination otthe cat
tie and declares i liens is no contagion as im
been reported. HA describes tlio trouble ai
cerebro-silual | meulnietlsbut ; not coiitaglou :
and tbelvrd la rapidly recovering ,
The Story of the Arrest of the Noted
Espress Robbers.
The Panioitq " llm" Turns Out to lie
a Chicago Co.\l Denier Ills Ac
complice * Identified nntl
Detectives Tell the Tal' .
Ciiir.viio , Dec. ST. William A. 1'lnkcrton
l ? nftcinoon made his first public * statement
lespeellng the nircst of Duties for pattlcipa *
tlon in the Adams express eomp.ijiy on tlio
St. l.ouls & Sin Fiancisco ralhoail some
tlmo ago. Ho began by deelailng that tlio
stoile.s printed by Chicago pipers AS to tlio
nllnlr wcro wild and wcro mnlnl ) inlsrcpic-
scntntlons. Ho then declared that the
ngencj had aricsted three men 1'rlday foie-
nonn between 10 and 11 o'clock. Ho
sild tlio caiitnto \\as made two
miles distant irom the Intersection
of Madison and Halstcd streets. Ono of tti
tile was the man who wrote Iholetlers signed
"Jim Cuinmlngs" to the St. Louis papers and
the other t\\o were his oonfodoiatc < > . 'they
weie positively Identified by live-witnesses
brought here from St. Louis jostenlay. The
tlupo men , together with OscirUook , arrested
In Kansas City , and Hill llalght , ni rested In
Xnslivlllo. Tout ) . , 1'lnkcrton declared , were
now In Missouri , which carried the presump
tion that the thico arrested hero were taken
theio last night. 1'lnkciton state * , howeuM-i
thalthoy vvcu * nottnkon to StLoulb. . The de
tect estates that t wo o the teen wciccon-
sidcicd as tmslness moil , and that none arc of
the Ueserailo ) type ,
Complete details of the cliaso aftet ( ho
Adams express robbers , who rilled the afo
on tint St. Louis & San i'rancftco roan on tlio
night ol October 23. of S-V > .000 to SOO.OOO ,
weie Ilistielated by oftlclalsof the I'inkpiton
National Detcctivo agency to-night to areme-
sentatl\o of tlio associated press , The
agenej" has succeeded in arresting li\o men ,
namely : Frederick Wltrock. who Is the
aittlioi of tbe "Jim Cnmmlngs" letters , and
who is claimed to be tl.o man who perpe
trated the robbery ; W. W. Hnight , mi ex-
emploje of the express company , who is sun-
nosed to ha\e alaud In planning the lobbeiv
from his knowlcdeW of the lailroad "inn.
Thomas Weaver , a Chicago laundrjman.wlio
was with Witiock before and after the rob-
beiy : IMvvnid Kinney , a brother-in-law
of Wltrock , upon whoso peison was
found a considerable portion of the express
robbeiy money , and' ' Oscai Cook , who hid
Wltroek alter tlio robbciv and afleiwatd
divided the money and mailed the " , llm
Cummings' " letter's. The detectives have
turned up about S1T.OOO , and estimate that
fiom 3-10,000 to S45.000 is still unaccounted
lor. The story of the robbery is too well
known to need repetition. Tlio case was
immediately given to the Pinkerton agency ,
which sent opoiatives In all directions , and
the wagon loads tunning from 1'aclilc Junc
tion towaid the Missouririvei weie tiavciscd ,
but only meagre trace was found of any ono ,
and the oflieiats , when they letiuncd to St.
Louis vvoio conii > lotely at sea. In the mean
time a letter was addressed by "Jim Cum-
mlngs" to the Globu-Democrat of St.
Louis based on which the Pin-
kuitons claim to have compassed
the anest and fixed the cilmo on all the
paitlclpants in the robbery. In the meantime ,
him over , detectives Imd obtained the names
of all the persons w ho had been discharged
ui had voluntailly left tbe employ of tbo ox-
pioss company during the jear precedine the
lobbory , and found among the former W. W.
llalght , who had bce.ii discharged nlno
months preceding for suspected theftot pack
ages. This man had been a messenger on the
Trisco road fiom bt. Louis to Vinita , Indian
Tenitory , coveiing the Same run which was
made by Fotlierlnghnm. The detectives
found that he and Fotheiingham had know n
ench otliei In Kansas City , but tltut there had
been no intimacy. Haiclit was traced to
Kansas City , and from there to Lcavemvoith ,
where his iathei was an inmate ol the homo
tor disabled soldiei-i. From Leavenvvorth
it was found that Haight had come
to Chicigo , whore no had bean
emplojed nt times as an express driver and
also as the dilvoi of a laundry vvauon foi
Tom Wcavci. nileady mentioned as ono of the
prisoners , and also worked for Kicd Witrock ,
the mjs-tciioos "Jim Ciimmlngs , " who was
opeiatlug a coal yaid at the cornei ot Lincoln
nnd West Lnko stieetfl In this city. ilaight
left the citv October 'J7 , two dajs nftor the
lobbeiy , stating that he was point to Florida ,
and his w Ito tollowedsome dnj s later. Thov
had been vcrs poor , but showed evidence of
Midden atllucnce ' Immediately nftei the
rohbcir. An Invc&tliratlon by the detectives
In Chicago show oil that Wltrock had also
come fiom Loiucnvvortb , ixnd ns be was
absunt fiom the city ho could not be ques
tioned concerning Ilaight. When Inquliy
was puisnul icspecting Witiock ft
was found that he corresponded very clo = elv
to thu description givun of the mjstcrious
"Jim Cummlngs. " Fuither cautious In
quiries showed that Wltrock had lelt on Oc
tober U in company with Tom Weaver , the
laiindrjman , whose place of business Is at
7,11 west Lake street , and w ithln a tew doors
ot Witrock's coal yard. Pinkorton's imita
tive is lime .ilmost a lepctitlon of thatic-
cclved liom St. Louis last night telling ot
"Jim CummiiiBS' " Hist lettei and the ills-
eoveiy ot tlio p.ickngo at the union depot
Irom which the Chystmit .street house ntiin-
bei was diseoveied the letter written to ox-
cnlpato Fotheiingham the wilier sajlng
the pickara referred to cnntalncil letter
heads ot thoexpicss company similar to the
ono on which the forged letter was written
and shown to Pothciingham. Tlio detec
tives found the Chestnut stieet house , kept
by Mrs. Heriy , and tlmt hei two looinciscoi-
icspondcd to Witrock and Weaver. Tnoy
had coino to her house October 18 nnd Weaver
departed the night ot October 22 , sajlng
ho was going to Kansas Citv , Witioclc
left on the evening oC Oetobei 'Si , explaining
that ho Intended to go to Kansas City also.
Mr * . Deny was able to givenvorj close de
scription of both men. boaichlng thu looms
they had occupied , two red .stamps vveni
found which coirespondod to the labels plnicd
in two valises shipped to St. Louis tiotn St.
Chailes wlien , as itPtnllcd in "Jim Cum-
mums' " first letter , the writer had encased a
sktlT in which to lly down the river. When
these tacts had nil been eathcied a elosn
watch was placedon ! Weavei In C'llcagoand '
the coal jaid of Wltrock , which was being
managed by Klnnuy. Oneiatives wcio
also sent to Lcavenwoith , whcroVIt -
rock's mothci and slstei , botli vciy
rcspectablo people , vtro icsldlnc. It
was found that llaluht's wife and chlldinn
were at llaleht's iniilliei's In Leavenvvorth ,
and that Haluht's , wito was in correspon
dence w Itli lialuht wlio was located at .Nash
ville , Ten n. Ilalcfit was discovered to have
gonoextensivel } iiito tliu loolin ; business at
Nashville , and lip was kept under cUiso
wateh. About liviwrnks ) aio a daughti'r
and sun ot Mrs , Ucrry , ot SL Louis , came to
Chicago and identlticd Weaver as one ot the
men who had Iicci ) a roomer at ttmlr house.
' 1 he detectives tlten decided that they would
not molest Weiver hut would await the re
turn ot Witrock. Tlio Invcitlgatlon about
this time showed that Oscar Cook , founeily
resldinxat Leaveiuvoith. n close friend ot
WitiocK's , had gorw to Kansas City , v hero
ho was found toba woikint ; as n coopei In
the cast bottoms at it board mi : hnusu kept by
a woman named Coxe. 'lliuetorj was cur
rent there that Cook had won alamo amount
of money in a lottery , but this Idea was veiy
soon exploded. It was discovered
that Cook bad made several trips away fiom
theclt ) . and his jouinejs weie always fol
lowed by the appeaiame of ono ot "Jim
CmumingV letters. A Pinieiton : operative
Imully became a bosom tilend of CookV ,
visited gambling 1001114 with Cook , and con
tinued to shadow him until his Ust
Saturdav. In thomeantlmu the shadow on
WitiocK'h house was maintained * without
rebiilt , until labt Tuusthy nlirlit. On that
night Piukerton men found another
"shadow" whom they did not know , 'Ihoy
saw him enter No , 10 Lincoln street , tlio
residence of Witrock , nnd afterward a largo
man , who coriespouded to the dchcrlptlon of
Witrock , also entered the house. In the
meantime the biotlier-ln-lavv had gone to
Qulncv , vvheie ho received it telegram an
nouncing thu return ot Fred Witrock to
Chicago. A Piukeiton. operative had fol
lowed Kinney and mana < ; td to MC ;
those Ulegiams : which were signed by
Iloso \ \ Itrock , wife of the man tlio detectives
were ttjlttir so hard to lind. 'I he Plnkctton
ofllco In Chlcaao was vvatncd , and it only
tended to confirm their own suspicion's.
Witrock's honxc was elosuly shadowed until
Friday mornin ? . and It was feared that Wit-
rock hid neaped , lu the meintlme Kinney
icturnod to Chicago , and ho and Weaver
wcro seen to cautiously enter Wltioek's
house , the blinds of which were constantly
dtavv n , but a light could be seen lusldo On
Friday morning the mysterious "shadow"
came out of Wilnnk's house , as did also Kin-
ncy , and aftcrmaUiugaciicful survo > Wit-
lock nnpoarwl. 'I ho men went south on Lin
coln sticcl , showing evident alarm all the
while , and linilly entered a liquor toie and
roRtauraiil kept by nit Italhn on Madison
sited near Lincoln street Hooert A. Pin-
kejton nnd two ojictallvcs shadowed the
place until Kinnev wont out , when they
enteied and auosted Wltiock , nftei a simp
stimjele. The latter attempted to dtnw a re
volver. two of which were totind onhlspci-
son. Ho molested amlnst the Indlgnitv , but
was scaiched and SltO was taken from a ted
poeketbntik found on his peison. 'I ho
"slmlovv" was searched and il.'iOO was
found on his peison. 'Iho "shadow"
tinned out to bo a voung man
namui lieorgo W. P.urnliam , vviiom Wlltock
had met In Savannah , ( ! a. Ho explained
that ho had eoimi north with Wltrock and
had "hadowed the Mitel's lum o , as Wttioek
had explained that ho had shot a man In
Chicago In a low and wished to escape , u-
icst. Ilowns afteiward rch'T-cd when ho
had explained to the satisfaction of the de
tectives tlmt he had no knowledge of or con
nection w Itli the lobbery. When Kinney re
appeared ho was soaicliud and fclooo in loose
monej was found on his person , vvhilo in ft
belt around his waist was lound 5 l/XX' ' ndiii-
tlon il. Thcsp men were liouo'l rout taken to
the Plnkeiton aconcv \ \ \ a close caulago.
A Bcatch ef the Wlttoek house
resulted in the Uniting of a skill on Mrs.
WUrTick. Into which Sl..XX ) was sown In 350
noles. A hunch ot money , 1M. > 0 in all , was
also tound on her person , together vvilha
font-karat diamond. Weavei wasaucMed In
the coil jard rbout tlio si\mu time , and In thn
basement of bis house was touud 5 'l,000 ' In
some Inn ! jars. 'Iho arrest ot Cook and
llaL'ht was then ordered by telegraph. The
detectives state that Cook distributed the
iiionov aflci the lobbeiv and was ( lie co-
between. They chaige Halclit with out tin *
ing thoiobbcry nnd also aiding in the for
cer ) of the letter presented to Fotheiingham.
Wlti ock appears to have been the only man
on the train toiiLorncd In the lobbery , unless
Fothcringham was bis accomplice. The
I'lnkcrtons will not give any expression ot
th 'i vluvvsas to the guilt 01 Innocence of
the Market Still Under flic Influence
or a Holiday DullnoHM.
Nnw YOUK , Dec. 27 , [ Special Telegram to
theHr.H. ] The stock market to day was still
tinder the Influence of the holidays dullness ,
which was such a pronounced feiture the day
befoie Cluislmas. The opening was at con-
aldciable concession from closing prices Fil-
day , nnd vvhatovci of diifl the maikct pos
sessed was In the direction of lowei prlto < ; .
The pievalent opinion was tint the nnrkot
would be a trading ono until well along into
January , by which tlmo it was thought that
opeiatois would be able toguase the w Intel's
legislation pietty accmately. The belief
seemed to bo pretty general that higher
prices would pi evail during the lirst half ot
18S7 than have been seen dining the last ycai.
The situation so fai as raihoid cainings was
conccined was conceded to ueveiy favorable.
For the second week of December lifty-nlno
roids out of sixty-five icportlng eainlnes
showed ail Increase of 5079,000 , and
tlio six other a decrease of ? 10,328.
The earnings for the thlid week ot Dccembci
weie unilorfiily favoiable Northvvestoi n
decreased Si , : > 00 , Omaha increased ? 20,000 ,
bt. Loins it San Francisco increased S'JT.OOO ,
and Canada Pacific increased ST 1,000. I'lio
bear lactois in the mai et weio in expecta
tion ol the passage ot tlw inter-state coin-
merco bill on the le.issembling ol congress ,
and the prospect ot a big strike among the
nmploycs of the Heading road. Trading ,
however , was very light. The stc.imsblp
Atcrbiouglit SJ.-OO.COO In gold liom I'aiis ,
and it was ulalmcd that there was n maigin
ot proht in shipping gold to this countrv at
the present rates of exchange. . Foi the third
week ol Decembei Louisvlllo \ . Nashville
earnings Increased ? yOJO , and Xortheru Pa-
clhc incieised $ liCOO. 'Iho bears made a
drive at the maiket just be tore tliu close , and
overj thine sold down sharply , ht. Paul was
about the weakest thing on the list. It
dropped to W.Jjf , the lowest point the
nnrKet tinned down about ten dajs ago. Thu
whole li t closed veiy weak at about the
lowest point ot the day. The total siles
vein about 150,000 shares.
The Snn Francisco Stilko.
SAX FiM.Nfisro , Dec. 27. Kailj this
nioinlnga number of stilkeis on the Oeaty
street cable 10 id gathered at the corner ot
Geary and Franklin sticets with the determi
nation to slop cars being run , nnd Iho lust
car cominir into the city was attacked by
them and the conductor and grlpman , diiven
fiom tlio car , went Hying down the street.
The men followed , smashing windows. A
police officer maiiaiica to stop tlio eai and was
polled witli stones. The ollicci dievv a ic-
volvcr and ijied .sovnial shots In the cioud.
Two perbons are haid to bo injiuod , but not
seiloiihly , Names not Know n. At tlio same
horn Unit this was taking plaey on Ocary
street a number ot men attacked an incom
ing cai on the Sutlei street lino. The con-
diuloi and gt Ionian lecelved simllai treat
ment. Ono anest has been m ale , ( ieoigc W.
Kelley , who was iccognl/ed as a foimei con-
ductoi on the Sutler street road.
The men who made the attack woie so
masked that iccognitlon was Impossible ex
cept In the ease ot ( Jcorge W Kelly , whoso
m isk was torn on by tin ; conductor , llu and
some half a do/en otheis weio auestcd , The
worst i lot was on Sutlei stieet. Tlio train
was uncoupled on the highest point , After
the grlpman had been so badly beaten , IIH
had to bo taken to a hospital , nnd the dummy
went ono way and the car another. Jiotli
inn down the er.ulo with Irk'litlul rapidity ,
The dummy was snnsbed agnltist a , humpu'
at the ham * , and thu tni tan intoatialn
and was totally vvtecked. 'Iho trains on this
and Ceaiystuetsweio taken oil so tint no
more tiuiiblc is leaied to-nlglil. It Is ex
pected tint nil ellort will bo mide to tun to iiionnw.
riro In a I'lilladclplila 'theacpr.
Pilii.ATiKi.i'iiiA , Dec. 27. Flio bioko oul
In tlio bisement of the new Temple theatei
about 11 this morning nnd at 1:30 : it was be
lieved the flames could bo conilned to tin
theater , biittho Iho is burning In the centei
of the largo building out of ruich of the lire
men and may probably get beyond their con
trol. The theater belongs to William M ,
blnt'cily , propiletoi of the Philndelphln
Record , and cost 5100,000. The Insurants on
thn propeity nmounts to 61 7,000. The root
fell in al :30. : burying three jiromon with it ,
One of the three men was diiL' out nllvo nnd
two others named John Johnson and John
( ilbson are still muled under the debits and
( .in not be readied , i'he tno Is Mill burning
fiercely and trunks nnd furniture are bcltix
lomovcd from the Washington hotel oj >
Tlio fire was pollen under rontiol nl about
8 o'clotk to-night , the Humes having luen
kept within the walls of the thoitm biiililinu' ,
'J ho building and Hi eouluntj , bowuvet. nit
complctelj destroyed. Mr. Siimerli p.UiUoi
the ground nnd buildlir ' t2VHX ; ) ami ot-
pended rtU'i.OOO on thostriif'turo unJ 3500 * .
lei tixtuies , etc. , In the museum. On tlieof
losses there are Insurances amounting tr
Slur.oQO. He claims his ituuraiico will IM
lc-.s than ( icoigo 0. Hrothciton
lessee ot the theater , will lose about $25,001
on sccneiy , tdagu settings , etc. , onvhlrl
Hieie Is.iu Insiiiancu of V5.2-V3. The loss In
Washington hall , by John Tiacy. Is t7rjO ( )
fully Insured. The Hales room of
, . publishers , scrond floor , No. 7Ji , phc <
their loss at 81-1,000 , partly Insured. Th <
bodies ot thu two unfortunate fiiemen an
burled unilei twent ) fuel ot bikk aud stonu
TIi < - Cutllblu Contest
< 'i .CI.VNAJI , O. , Dec , 27. Speaker Caillsli
Las filed hU ansner to Geor u IL Thohes'no
tlee ot contest of hla election lo HID
coii.KieEd. Ho denies ull of Thobes'
Senator Logan's Death Scires
About His Owii Health.
Considerable Trtlk About His Con-
Ultlon IteliiK liulnlijod In It } IIH
Pninlly nnd Ti lends Otlici-
W SHISOION , Dec. 27 ( Special 1'
0 the Hi t1. ] The doxth ot Souatoi Lu au
fiom iheumatlsm has caused people todlicct
ittcullon to tlio illness of PieMdcnt Cleve-
and , who suffois from llio same tiouble. Mi.
Cleveland , whllo probably nol dangeioiisly
111 , Is not so well as It Is generally icpoited ,
It Is known that ho has been routined to his
oem nttet belli ? about the house tor n shoit
line subseqiicnl to an ntfnok whlck kept him
on his b\ck I in mote than a week. The
[ iiesldi'iit's condition on batuiday wa1 } Sot
such ns to admit ol his visiting Onic View ,
wheie the family wa ? to UIKC Clulstmas din-
icr willi Mis. b\i1som. The president 10-
nalno'l in his room all day , suiTeiing In
tensely , the pains being loeited piinclpally
in one knee , nnd Colonel nnd Mis. Lauiont
were substituted toi him at the home of Mrs.
Hovelaud'smotlici. Ills not geueially be-
Moved thai there is any dnnuus of u fatal tci-
mtnnlion ol the picsldeut'b indisposition , but
Inasmuch ns he sutlcis much the same dis
ease us did Senator Logan , he Is the subject
of a good deal of concern to day.
Them has been a gicat deal ot quiet talk all
day , and It Ispiogresslng to-nlcht concern
ing the condition of President Cleveland's
licnlth. A gentleman who spent some tlmo
at the white hoii < H ) this afternoon In con
sultation with Colonel Lamonl about im-
poitant public business , says : " 'Hie piusi-
dent asks every member of the house who
comes noai his bed In icgaid to the death of
Senatoi Logan and minces not only gfief
but the most Intense Inteiest. It is veiy evi
dent , " savs this gentleman , "that Mi. Cleve
land Is much concerned nbout the nature of
his 111 ness , and is draw Ing n comparison In
his own nil nil Dctwccn the stage : ; ol rheuma
tism in himselt and that which lesulted in
the death ol tlic somitoi. It is evident lohim
tioni the questions ho has been nskcd tint he
maj lake the same couise. I ob civo that all
tout of the local papers to day have tmifoun
statements as to the hoilth of the piesldont ,
nnd thu point Is made strong that the ihcn-
matlMii is confined to ono leg. I do not 10
gard the statements as frank nnd trust
worthy. A peison with .simply rheumatic
pains In onu limb docs not leclinecousfantly
In bed. lio&ides , 1 am inioimed that the
picsldcnl has a fever and has sutfeiud pains
throughout bis whole body. He has been
contiued lo bis bed dining the past month ,
more than was Scnntoi Logan , and the con
cern he feels In the death ol the senator ,
Darrlng the tact tint the two men wore
warm personal ti lends , to my mind is si-
nlncant. "
The piesidont admitted no vlsilois to his
room to-day , noi has he ( lining the past four
dn > s. lie lias all the symptoms which pos
sessed Senator Logan a week ago except the
violent lover and dcllilum. Natuially the
death ol henatoi Logan would bo a shock to
the president. Tlio loimer was a fieciuont
\lsltoi to the white house and was much ad
mired for bh blunt , honest manner by the
Inttei. The picsident fieuuenlly consulted
him about Jegifalatiou and maltcis alTeellng
the vvardepaitment especially nominations
in that Hue. Logan being chalimaiiot the
seiinto committee on militaiy affairs and well
versed In all mattcis affecting the seivice.
He talked ovei the I'llJohn Poitei case
with him , also ( Seneral Miles' camp-iiirn
against Ceioninio , In many rcspectsthe two
men boic a maiked lesemblanee1 , but there
is something , it Is believed by many to-night ,
ot iiinietlian friendly interest in Mi. Clove-
lind's anxiety and inquliy lespecth'g Sen
ator Logan'.s death , and his ronrein lias be
come Milllcientlv markeil and Known as lo bo
n topic lot comment nt the white house.
When U beeamo known this morning that
Mrs. Cleveland had vviltten.i noluto Mis ,
Logan ospiesslng condolence theie was a
gientdealot inquiiv at the icsidenti' ot the
lattei lor the note. 'Ihe Impiesslon by some
means gained ciiucnoy that icteieuce was
made to the illness of thu piesldent , and It
was believed that some indication ot his true
condition could booutamcd in the note , .mil
ns it was not in.ulo public the suspicion was
probably iinnccessaillv aiontcd.
Colonel Lament sftvt * toniht | ; that the
piesldent is impiovcd in health as comp.iicd
with list night nnd that Ills condition Is
steadil\ glow ing better.
w Asiii.s'ci ION'S HUM v SIKIT r ,
Aehoiusof howls is going up amein the
lesident population of vv asliin ton over the
filthy condition of the streets. Although
about S 0,000 is appropiiated lei sheet sweep
ing and n lauc contingotit iniid Is punldi il
toi the DIstrlctBovunnient , and ( hccommls-
Kioners me 01 ten c.illinufoi o.xtia inonm.tlie
stieets have not been in such bad condition
slmo thcwai. 'flic thoiouglilaipg hero are
01 asplnlt , ns even nnd smooth as a Ilooi ,
can be kept as clean , and it Is intended that
they should bu swept evorv twenty-four
houis , wcathci permitting. 'Iheicaie stieets
that havn nut been svM'pt in tluei' months
Pciinsjlvanla avenue , the mlile ol the city ,
nnd the handsomest thoimulilaie In the
woild , has not been swejit lei weeks and the
hlth Is an inch deep.
Ill SI.DK I MIVDI.Nd HIS " | > V AM ) "l/'e. / "
Public I'linler ISenedU t will undoubtedly
fail ot continuation. The law reipihes n man
toben printct nnd to have n It now 1-
edue ol boolc-biiullng to bo ellgitile to the po
sition. It is assmteil that Jienedlct never
leuncd moie ol tlio ait than HID inn of thn
cases ; tint is , ho learnt d the boxes nnd how-
to pick up , slowly , Mialght matter ; that ho
nevci set a plccoot talmlni woiK 01 a div
plav job , Ims no oxpeilenee in making up
lei ins , going to piess , nnd the uthei woiic
whleh makes n piaetlcnl ptiiiter ,
Ills oven rliamed tliatho hail foigotten tliu
boxe" , and Hint hn wont to New \rilie- )
cently , shut bimcell up in u loom , nnd M > I
tjposoveial days to bii.Miten up. ] | this is
true , what he his leained ! ij It will do him
no good , as the 1 iw lequlios him to bo n prae-
tlrnl piintei nt the. llmu of hisappointment. .
While lltnedirt was absent in .New VOIK
thn senate committee on nupiopii itions vsas
loiisldciing the uir'eney deiiclenev bill ,
which nmdealaionpiioirlnlliitoi ( ; | | ( ) the' gov
ernment printing olliee. Ut'iicdlct was sent
lor , but being nnav bv deMgn it Is ue-
llovi'd hUbiotheifwho h snid to bo a goud
piintei , wont to the committee , When
asked why the public prliitm did notpiesent
himself the hiotlnn elatrd tluil ho wns In
Now York on "important private business "
'i'lio committee concluded that if tl. public
printci could leave his oilier ) and go to New
Voile on private liiiiiness , tliu ollluj hnioli
niil not need an Immediate iipuropriattim ,
and di'fened action. It is silted tint JJcno-
diet will bo railed beloio ' . ! i senate com-
mitten on printing to stand an examination
as to his qualifications lieloie punt-
firs , and that ho IsorK inh' da > and night to
bo prepared lor It.
Hols also wurUiiu himself up nmong Hit1
republican ns wi II .u democratic senators. A
number vvlio have not nsVed tor appoint
ments under ( do pulilic piinlor hnvo been
siupilsud to KC i > e , diiilni ; the past tort-
night , n letter , stating that sunmlso havt
been appointed , roapiKilnted or retained tc ,
itiuireditot the senitor. Some ol tliise let
ters edntiined names of appointees 'vhoni
they n < wer lieaid of * Ulumcver annppllia-
tlon v\as received from -i state whcio n FCIKI-
tor lives who-o liill'ieiuo ' was io | > lnd tin1
public printei oecnis to liive jumped to take
the appointment and u'lar ' o II to. th semtor ,
then notify him. it U said In ilcmoi-iit ; <
that lepubiluan senators , just at this timi ,
have moii ) inllmneo nt t h OMirniiioiil punt1
inc olllfn tliiin those in his part )
When the public punter liiMent Info hi'
olllco ho did nol think ol iviiiliimdlon , il
eieiiis. llu bluntly oinounceil that llu
ircommend.itlon ot c-eiiBtorx , cte. , wouhldi
no good ; that he was able to tilsvhargci 01
bdict cuiplojes without advice. Oiui 111,111
who is a proti'ge ot Kenatoi Kenna of VI vv
Virginia , niioii helm ; ri'In"tatol wai to'd :
" 1 do not do this for hfintor Kc'inn ' , I au
not ( ouiting r.n > body , but 1 do it uof-e-H fo
jou. "
Another peison applied with aMitr
Semtor Voorliec . The publk pi Inter Is
quoted as n > lng'
" 1 cannot keep vou lor Senator Vooihccs
ornnvbodv else. Hesldes 1 wnid Ilioso democrats
ocrats and lopnbllrans lo understand tlmt
thev euiiiot liillnence mo in the slightest de
gree. "
When It dawned upon Itrnedlcl that ho
> vas not llkelj to bo eonllimod he besau to
tnko appointments foi sciiatuts wltliout so
AlSMV VI All Kit *
Arniv leaves ciaiitod : Hildadlor Connal
t ) . 1) ) . Wlleox , Piin I ieuteiniit llnriv Ucad ,
Twonty-llflh Infantiv , Lieutenant T. .
liwln , Second eavali.v. and L'ciiteuant ( ' . I ) .
Clav , Seventeenth Intanlrj , all at Fott
Lcavcnwoith , until Jaiiuniy : ! I liM Lieu *
tonnnt Kdward S. Fanou , I'wentv-lhst In-
tnntij , Foil Hrldgoi , \ \ jomiiig , until , lnn
miy It ) , with poimlssion to applj foi ono
months extension
Ainu fmloughs nulhorl7ed Phil Lieu
tenant M. A. WilMus and Itoulien
Smith , tioop i : . Ninth eavili > , Foil Oil
ciio-sui' , I'tah , foui months each , Fnrilcr
John 1'iitev , tioop I. , 'seventh c-avalij , Foil
dei , Dakota , six months , nud Prl\atri \ *
Joseph Iliss , sime tioop , lout imlli \ - , with
peimlsslon to irualuoid , l'ilvato.unes ! liav ,
tioop ( ! , iiglitlicivalivVilVt : , ciiuk , ro\a' ,
six months hum Jiinolv , ivs'i , io troabroidj
Saddler lieu Hu'i , tioop M , Ninth cvvnlry ,
I oil \ \ ' 'ukle , Wjomlng , foui mouths
Mih vi s in. i re i MI.
In the ol LouisKiraeit fiom a deci
sion of tlie commission ! ' ! of llio goneial laud
olllco Julv lf , 1SV ) , conllimiiu iho decision of <
Iho localum ! ullico rcjccliiig Hie appllentlow
to make limbri i iiltuiu enlrv In tbe Slobrnra
dIMilel , beoretaiv Lauiar to day aUlrmcd the
nctlon hcictoforc taken , on the pound ( lint j
Ihe land Is located w Itldii the limits of t ho San-
tco Sioux Indian IOM-I\ation , and theiefoio
not open to * > etllemint. ll.osecretaivnlso
alllrined nn adverse decision In thecnsrsof
K. W. Wlschonloit and Ktnl , of tint
amo district , on the Kaiuo teinm.
1'Osl Kl. I II V.M1CS.
William II. ( lormannslodi.v . appointed
postmiistei at Chanpell , ( 'hiucune county ,
viceOeoigo W , MiUliKkoj. rcslmicd ,
Jacob A. Weil ? tins been eomuils-
postmnstci ntTjclie , Not * ,
Henry ( i. Meichhiisbecn deslgimU'i
pnslniRsUM nt Luxuniborg , la.
The tlmo schedules of htiirmnll unites In
Nebinska have been ihnuged as follows :
l.lltln to Kwini:1 I cave Little1 Tuesdnj-s
nnd Siturdaj sat 1 p. m. ; anlve at 1C wing
bv l.0 > p. ni. Leave I'.wlng Tue'sdavN and
Saturdays at 7 a. in. ; an ho at 1 lltlo by
liorin. : m.
We.steiviHe to Uouzlis ( Jiovo : Leave
WestervllIoTuesd.os , Ihiiisdavs aud Satin
d ijsnt 1 p. m. ; nnivo nt Doimms Otovo by
' p. m. Leivo Douglas Uiovo ' "
'Ihuisdavs nnd h.ituulavA at 7 : . ( I a. m. ;
nulvcat Westeiville * bv 10T ; ( ) .
Ople N. Watson , of Nebia k.i c'ltv , has
been appointed n stoiekeepm foi the Nc-
luaska Inteliril rc\euuo distiict ,
John llo le , of ehlasl n , .timed Ihls
Mis. Hilt , wile ot liiMiresenlallvi ! Hilt , of
Illinois , has invite'd Miss Mirguel Illainr ,
daughter ot the Plumed ICnlgl't , to pnj hci a
visit dining the gaj Mtson.
and Ilia Kueotlieni t.
MACOV , ( < a. , De'e"T. . | Special 'lelcgram
to the Hr.h.l Seeiel > l.miu : < \lslt ai this
time has been n subject ol much comment In
connection with the irpoit of his intention
of mauving his old-tune love , Mis. General
Holt , When Scciclary l.imni cnuio here last
summer ho eamo to lenew the relations that
had existed between him and Mis. Holt
when both were joung. He sin i ceded , and
the ) would doubtless have been man led some
months ago had il n t been foi the imposi
tion of bei two daugliteii. The > did not
wish their mothet lo many again. They did
not object lo Suciclaiy Lamm , but tlioy were
proud of the name thotr mothci bore and
they did not w Ish to chapgi1 It. Despite 8ec
letaiy Lnmai'.s lmpoituiilllc < i Mih. Holt
yleldc < l lo the protests ol liru daughteis. Tim
secretaivictiirued , urd eculeil Ills suit by
lettei , and at the same time Aouirhl to lomoro
the objections uiged bj Mis. Holt's daugh
teis. About ten ( lavs ago a Inttei wasie-
ceivedby becretau Limai whleh lenevved
his hope' . He immediately uindu piepnrH-
tions to visit M.icon. It Iscuirentl ) inpoitcd
Mis. Holt's daughteis huvo not ngieed to lint
aside theii objections to the maiiiage , but
othei repoifme to tun ellect mat they have.
Pioin leliablc souires it Is leained that the
man Incu will tike plice. If II dons not the
lailino will budim to thufaol that Mis. Holt'H
atlectlon 101 hei dnii hteit is itiongei than
that she enteitaiiis lei bar ohl-tluio sweet
heart. In the meintlme the city is In a tevor
of excitement , cvctvhody buing on tlptou to
IIMIII vvhethei the secieliuv will tiiiuiiph ovei
the objections ot Mrs. Holt's daughteis
Pun VDi'.U'iiiv , Dee i7. Unless word Is
leeeived fiom the. gencial executive boird ol
the Knlglitbot Lilmi to day ginnlin ? the dp-
minds of the assemblies of the niacliinu con-
Btiuctois foi lo.'al tildes : i chailei , ncaily
foui thotisaiKl knights in thlcitj ami thous
nnds in otliei paits ol the * eoiintisill wlth-
diaw from the oidei. lv\eiilv-imo assem
blies llnouihniil ; tliu lonnliy noli-
lied the geneial exceutlvn boaul
that unless. I he tiadc- , chattel is gianted
lliej will In ive tin ) nidei and mu > l nf thosn in
tins ( ity have given notlee tint unless the
iI'Mimnd is acceded t daj they will vvith-
diaw , 'Iho mtxhliiisls dilm as ,1
light undei Iho constitution ot the
oulei that the.v slnll be allowed in
dho ( t the business peitainliig lo their own
interests. Threei uuimbeis ot the ceneial
committee arc in tnvoi ol ginnting IhCM1 de
mands , but Powdcilv , with it majoiitvof life
lio.inl , isopposid to tint schuiue and II h not
likely tint nnv vsonl will bo i -
( lived by the dUsitlilli'd .usemblle-/
today , houidot thn micliiiiHls assumbliios
htevo dccldid to wait until the In it of uio
ne.v ycu , nnd II a national ilmiici Is nut L
granted them by that lime the ) will follow
the If ail nl the I'hlhilclpiii.i assimhllus nnd v VI
nvni ) ,0fi ) knights will sevoi llich iclntlons
with the 01 dei. _ _
Indioiod l or ( .rand liHiitony.
Nivv YOIIK , DocJ ) - U illi im K. Souller ,
foimeily of tin ) biuKlii ! . ' linn ot W. K.
Soultei A Co. , which tailed In .S'ptombi r ,
f'Ar ) , with heivvv linbilllleIIH been lihlleti-d
by the giand jiuy lei ginud Imunj , Ho IH
ai'i-nseil ol uiHappiopilnliiiK thu cilnlu of
Ills ginmllatliei , James T Snut"i ! , whodieil
In Ib ? ! , niiiKIng thn lucn-icd lib executor to
tlie Immense piojieitv 1 1 is as-eited Hint
tlioaci usud lia- > applied jIsO.uiMot the estate
to his business , his bondsman i lt ) icon1'
S V Uhllo.
Cool , /n\Mtli / j
CinrAf.o , lv. ) ( * Ji Itolieu IJaniiniudt'H
jewelry sloiu , , \\eilVan \ \ ftiiien blied ,
wasrobbidot tJS.Oj1) ) wuilh ol vv.iteherlugH ,
and diamonds. UM nl.'ld I v\o men roulv
wall In d outaldo llm li oul doui , one ol them
tclllnc u suspicious iificlilioi that he wnsit
niiwl ) appointed policeiiian , while two otheis
ot II , e tliii vosicimncd the Iri'-i.-i HU iln ; llnui
douiK leading to Ihti sloie liom the. ic.\i \ , 'I IIH
qi i. tettitdli d then poc l.elh nnd depnti-d ,
iico Companies MIIHI Selllc ,
Miusos , Wls , , Dec. i7 In tlie clrei.vt
( on it foi thl- county lu-du > Iho siato svi'iiiAil
juilj-nients ( ! iririlin g "v " ' / ( 'I ' fui vlolntiliK
the iiiHiirancc livvsol liie.stUe .maiiint thlity-
sixdineieiit < ompuiit > s 'I lie indlvldunl
liidj-'uieiits range liom > 40 io < l'iiM ) . Ono
half ol thej iJKinents | i > avvanlii ( to Ihf slalo
insuiaiii-CMOiiiinhsio.ieio unilei iln < law and
tl.u uthei halfgoisju the state.
Anollici r.ioHT heiilcni'od ,
Mii.vvALKi-r , Dec. ! . ' 7.-iatl Musafeldf ,
iciently convicted of Holing In Milw.tukie
Caiden duilnj the I tlioi liou'jlesti I spilnir ,
v , .is to dav cuiiieiu'ed to I'inif u < > 'dlm in tl.o
liousti ot 1 01 rcctinn , ' ] he scnlen o hib been
suspended , but Musifel 11 in-tail o violiut
Inwards his familv and iitbiMs , an I tlm jud o
IhoiiKht It \-r- bit t I'eud him up
lr > Ooiiilw De.iliiI'nlU
Ciitroo , Dec , ' . " . Tl o tli ) guodi btorn of
b. flu ) Sea on Mnill-cn street , near II , listed ,
wns closed ! ij tlm slu till llil.s moniliu' ou
judgments : nmt'gatiii ! i-r'.t1 * ' . 'Ihu entnnt
ol lilfll.Uiilit'i'.t ' , uo not .Mitti-d. bit a c-jieiutvd
n lnio ; dry roodslon1 on Si to htru't for
U IIT v ur * iiud
101" ,