Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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N-W. Cor , 13th ami Douglas Sts.
3133.14th StrcoU
't IllocV , lulh nnd DoilKUl
Attorney at Ltuvf
Hooinf Pruurr IHock.OppoHloI'oMoinre.
" * . A. HL'TJIBHFOUI ) ,
Attorney At Law ,
H , IE Cur. toillii8 nml IMIi Pis. | - , nm 1. Otnnlin.
Hpr cliil iiltciitlon to Ti Inl t n'cs .V Collect inns.
' _ _ _ ' PHYSICIANS. _ _
Physician & Surgeon ,
SUP. 12th M cnr rnrnnm Iron Ilntilt ItulMliifr.
Ollki'lioiir * . > ' t' < 4 nml 7 lo'i ILOI. 10 to 1" on
Hniuint. Telephone 504. _
< ) . S. IkorrMAN. M. ! > . ,
Physician and Surgeon ,
omCE . V. W. Cor. 14th an.i Douglas.
UHito Ti li pin i1 c | fl" > . Itc < 4lirnee'ri-lcphonu4' | !
\ \ . j. < ; vMuvirs'ii ,
Surgeon and Physician
, N.W. Co14th unit Douglas St ,
OIllrfiTrloiilioiiu Ito , Hi'Milcncd Ti-lilholiu6iH )
Surecon ,
f , No. 1407 Jones Street Olllco ,
Wlilinell Illork , Tolciliono | , rL"ililtnco , No. 13S.
iilllm , , ' ,1U
DII. JAS. HKcicurr
OlTicr niul lloililmpc. 71 ! N. IRIhSlt. _
VANCS.MPM. I ) . ,
Pt , Ixt ilnor woH o' I1. O. Take oln
nlor to rooms 12-l'l thliil lloor. Tulcpliunu Mo
N. SOlhMrcru Tcli'phnno No.IIl
riiybicli-.n nnd Surgeon ,
M3. ORIco Jtl S. Htli It
11. W. COXNKLlZ M. a ]
Jlomo-opatliht ,
On'.rr. 313P. Hth t T
! , Croniis'c Hlork , Itoiini 5 , Itithand
Capitol \\enno , Onntlia , Nebraska.
Residence 10 Wdi.ster ( s ( .
Telephone No ! ! . ; ( .
A' . / ; . I1AT01IER ,
Gcnfrnl Aiccnt
PfOYident Saviors Lifa iss'irai' ! ) Go
of Nor York.
Mlllnul Ho ol , Omnlin.
Thr Hilotl ) ' Nnluinl I'rfinliim I'lnn " Aetna
urerBge ycnrly post ilurlnpf 1841 , 18JI and 18J5 ,
Rl Kl > : ' 7. lor ilO.UOO , vrnp ? 7H. i.
< o. .
Printers , Book Binders
Anil Hlnnk book MAii'ifiicturcrn. Non. 1M onil
lt-H.HthHtrrut.iiii\li ( .Nul ) . J.F. Kulrlic , Sujior-
Intrixli nt Hiiiilery. Tcliiphono N'o. ' - ' " > ) .
Auction and Commission
solicited ; furnlturn tiontthtniil
milil , Snlcx of HVII fitock mm houselioM fnrnl-
iiiroiilprlvnto icslclcnccsls n > pccliilly with us.
Jltini'iiilicr the pluuo , Won i. riitsuhur'8 block
K Hlhbl. XollU. _
( ihO. J. AK.MUUU.ST ,
Stoves , Tin ware , Cutlery ,
Bto. Alto Tin Itootlnj , Oiittcrlnir.SpniitlniT , mil
Uenrrnl JoliTinnlnir. The best of work nd rot
hnrKct. Milk CIUH niul other tlnwuru
! UIRuinlni ; St. Omnhft , Nub.
UJJl\NiitKV : A KtlM ,
Dentists ,
arnnm Hires
For all Kinds of Fuels
and Markets.
84 Lake Street , Chicago.
i on PAi.r. HV
J. II , sriLlVV\ ; CO. , Oinalii
Nebraska Land Agency
Gcrcral dealers ifi real estate and real cs
tate mortgai'tt > 1605 Fan'am st.O niah ;
l''l litinu 1'or 1lic It clicst MrlrctR In
A sjiceiat from Ale\andria , Va , Dec.
17 , s.iys Mrs. Harrj Novil.nccDiilaney ,
the rielicst heiress In Virginia , has taken
up her residence in this anstoerntic old
town for the winter. Hie is often seen
on the street with her husband , the hand-
M > ino young Irishman , who won her nt
the point of the sword , and the pair arc
inneli admired. Their presence here has
? et people lo talking about the famous
sword content , In which Nevil showed
himself to bo the lineil fencer in Vircinla ,
and by which he won his bndo and great
wealth. It occurred about ten years HJIO.
MUs Diilmu-y was then the bolls of this
section of Virginia. Her father , Colonel
Hill Diiliun-y , wu ; woith over Jf5,00l)00. ) ( )
and the daughter was to inherit half of
the amount. As she wits beautiful : is
well us wealthy , there rtero many
suitors for her haml. Ainoni ; them the
mo't favored wore : t .joting I'.nglisliman
Katidolph , who was an ollieer in
her majesty's Household guards , and
Henry Ne\il. an Irishman \\lio had
foiiphl in the Trench and Austrian
armies. Hoth were liaiidsonif , manly
fellows , nntl for a time their chances
seemed about e < | ual. It MIOII beeame ev
ident thai they haled eaeh other very
cordially , nnd all tide-water Virginia
awaited eagerly the result of the contest
for Miss Dulaney s smiles. As both were
very high tempered and very much in
lo\o. Mfos Dultinoy had n hard time to
keei ) pence between them. Still , with a
girl's nutnral coquetry , she led them on ,
showing no decided preference for cither ,
and sometimes appearing iudilVcreut to
both. One evening the three were in the
drawing room together. The rivals nd-
dre-.soil each other only when absolutely
necc'.sary ami then with smothered
anger in llieir tones , finally ] \Iih.s \ Iu- )
latiey got tired of thai > > ort of tlnnsr and
said laughingly : "AVhy don'j
jon go out and have : i
good light instead of narling at
each oilier const uitly"Ve \ will do it. "
they e\eliiimed in one brenth. The lady
eoniiimed Hie convnration in si banter
ing way , nol dreumiiig thai the men
ivere in earnest. Next day , however , she
Uncovered that they hiiiiactnallv adopted
lier laughing suggcttion , When the
rivals lelt thu house they at once arraingcd
the prelimiuaaies for a ihiRl. A meeting
plaeo was selected just oil' the Duluney
estate ; the time lived upon was the fol
lowing morning at sunrise , and swords
were ehoseii as weapons. At the lime
agreed upon they met. and there ensued
the bloodiest due ) that over took plaee in
Virtijnhi. It was evident from the be
ginning that Ne\il was the most exnert
sxvordsman. Kandolph handled his
sword well , but lacked Iho grace and
ease of movement f his opponent.
Moreover , the Kngliihman was very
nmeh eveited. As they faced eaeli
oilier they exchanged glances which
meant plainly light to the death. Then
they set to , Knndolph sinking liereely
and wildly , while Nevil coolly took the
defeii.sivc , parrying the. blows with OHMS
and awaiting liis chance for : i thrust. It
soon came , and he neatly removed a
goottlv portion of one of Randolph's car < .
The pain .seemed to madden the
mau , and lie bore down on the enemy
with indiscreet ilespen'tiou. Nevil quickly
got in another stroke which horribly
mutilated the Knglisbman's UOH' . The
rest ot the light was a rough and-tumblc
on Randolph's part , while Nevil did not
for a moment lose hi.s presence of mind
The Irishman went on mulilatiiig the
Englishman as coolly a < a butcher dis
sects a hog , and removed in succession
parts ot Randolph's earnoe , and
eliin. and , finally alter opening his
cheeks , dKiblcd thu Knglishman by a
thrust m the sword-arm , lie. did this
merely to avoid earvinjr Randolph tip
completely. Ho was satislied to have
put the Knuli'-hman out of the way as a
rival by disfiguring him for life. Now ,
if this narrative were fiction instead of a
statement of facts , Miss Duluney , when
she heard of the duel would have
hurried to the wounded man , declared
she loved him passionate ! Ymd : expressed
a willingness to marry him on the spot.
lint she did nothing of thu kind. She
was sorry for Randolph but smiled on
Nevil more than ever. Three months
afterward Randolph rose from a sick-bed
disligured for life and left the country.
About the .same time Nevil and Mis' . lu-
laney were married.
Tilsit IteuriiiK Down Pains ,
are hard to bear The Vegetable ( 'om-
pound of Lyilia K. I'inkliam.Lymi , Mass ,
cures them. A la Jy in New York writes
"I have taken two bottles of the Com-
ixnind and have used your Saiutivo
Wash n few times , and I know il lias
hpuefittcd me I don't feel the bearing
down p.iin , which I so often lull before ,
or the pain in my limbs and buck as was
formerly the case " ' A ludy in Florida-
"I am th.uikfiil lo say 1 am greilly bcnc-
fittcd. Tills is Iho lirst time I have been
regular in my monthly periods .since my
last baby was born , then 1 do not sull'e'i
M ) with my back , and thu bearing down
pains. Last , night I miUnl < t tuth to , a thing 1 have not done i'i u > ji < ir !
Ail praise to jour Compound. "
'J'lic Inventor of iho JMonitors Com-
lilntes iVnotlicr ol'llls Great Works.
Weekly New York Sun- Captain John
Krh'sson , the Inventor of the revolving
turret or "Monitor" gunboat , though
now in his einlit.v-lifth year , is .still hale ,
nearly and vigorous , in love with his pro
fession as ardently as ever , and as indiis-
lions in study , experiment , and inven
tion as many men ot half his years. J'oi
twenty years or more ho has been en
deavoring to ntili/c solar heat in the pro
duction of power. His hot air engine ,
generally known and In quite common
iibe , was designed to bo driven by heal
cngoncrcd by the sun's rays , and was the
lirr > l product of Jiis study and experiment
in that direction. Hut though the engine
was perfected and given to public iiao
years ago , the originally eonceiu'd motoi
failed lo oalisfy the invenior's exacting
judgment , and was held back for furthei
improvements Itut now , after fifteen
years of patient ellbrt and weuriiomo ex
periment , the .solar motor is perfected.
Solar motors have been designed am :
are now in n c , to a limited extent , in
some Ironical countries where a lierec
him may bo daily relied upon. Hut nom
of them seems to have given entire satis
faction. They have been more exten
sively Hied in Algiers than elsewhere ,
and the enterprise of the French govern
incut in seeking their peifcction am !
practical utility has greatly stimulated
invention in that direction. The motoi
now produced by Captain Hncsson ha ?
already gone abroad , and utlraulod for
men notice , to which this country is in
debted for the first description of it. A re
cent number of the London Nature , n
seiontitio publication of world-whlo repute
pute , devotes several columns to the Krics
son golar motor , from which the follow
in' ' is condensed :
The leading feature of the device i
that of concentrating the radiant heat of
the sun by means of n rcctangulai
trough , having a curved bottom lined on
the inside with polished plates so ar
ranged that they retlcct the sun's rays
toward n cylindrical boiler placed longi
tudinally nliovo the trough. This boiiet
contains the acting medium , stcum 01
air , employed to transfer the solni
energy to the motor , the pistons ant
valves resembling those of motive engines
ginos of the ordinary typo , The grea
cost of largo relleetors la one piece urn
the diflicntty of producing accurate
curvature on n large scale are objoctioni
which have been supposed to rendei
direct solar cuersy practically nseles
for producing mechanical power , Cap
: iin Kriccsson has overcome these objcc-
Ions by using a number of Hat strips of
ilvercu glass three inches wide nnd
wenty-six inches -long ; placed side by
ide on the curved bottom of the trough ,
xnd so arranged that the sunbeams fall-
ng upon them arc deflected upward
ngnlnst the bottom of the boiler. Such
glass is inexpensive , and pcientilically no-
tiratc work is uncalled for. The whole
rough is arranged on a pivot which
Hews it to move so that the sun
hall always fall directly upon
he rellectlhg plate. The trough
s 11 feet long and 10 feet broad , the
joilor being of the same length und 0 }
nches in diameter. The motor Is steam
nginc with a working cylinder of il
nelies diameter and nn ti-inch stroke ; the
listen rod operates /i-mclt / force pump ,
mil motion is also imnarlcd to n crank
haft and flywheel. The a\rrage Sliced
) f the engine during the trials of hut
iimmer was 150 turns per minute , the
m'ssuro on the working piston being
hilly-live pounds per inch. Captain
Iries'-oii now snvs that he has finished
ho work to his satisfaction , nnd Hint
vith motors costing but little more than
steam engines an amount of work can bo
obtained in hot countries which would
nero than repay the extra cost of the
sun motor in one year. With the seien-
lllc results of his motor lie is perfectly
satislied , and he is ready to turn tltc
leviec over to capitalists ; although a
nHine's man , he would never embark in
lie manufacture of hi.s devices , no mat
er how uro he mitrlit be of the profits lo
ic derived therefrom. Indirectly his ex-
lerimenls in motive engines have paid
tint very well , inasmuch as about 1,000
of the hot air motors arc used In this
oiinliy alone , and Captain Kries on re
ceives a regular royalty upon them.
IIa\iug completed 'and launched Hi1 ! *
lew product , the venerable
nventor has promptly turned his atten
tion lo other subjects , and nronn es
within a year to startle the. world with
: ho mo > t wonderful of the conceptions ol
his long life. Notwithstanding his great
lire , he gives twelve hours daily to work ,
handling the draughting pen and rule
with as much boldness and steadiness as
jvcr. He works moic satisfactorily lo
limself in the night linn1 , when Tie is
ilouo and in no danger of interruption ,
Ho works out all Ills own ideas Upon
paper , mid his drawings arc as perfect
uul neat now as lliosu made by him half
.1 century ago. lie rarely goes out , de
nies himself to all caller.- , oilier Ihun
.lioso w ho come on business , and declines
; o muko any new acquaintances of a
merely social nature.
\Vorso Than n Klrp Alarm.
One of the most dreadful alarms thai
can be sounded in a mother's is pro-
luccd by croup ; dreadful , bccuu-o it is
known to be dangerous ; the more dread
ful because the life of a loved onti is in
jeopardy. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is a never failing safeguard against this
dangerous disease. Its reputation as a
prcventatiye and cure of croup is tully
and lirmly e.stablislieil. In fact it is the
only reined. ) which can always be relied
upon ,
It Costs Farmer Doit/ $ . " , OO < > to Dih
cover n Iiotifj-liost Son ,
A special to the New York World from
Howinans , I'.u , saysDcitxtown is made
ill ) of about n do/cn farmhouses and is
named after the first settler in the place ,
.losiah Doit/ , who was known to be well
fixed financially. The Unit/ family i.s
composed of Jo"sinh , his wife anil son ,
wlio wa inclined to lead an erratic life.
.Josiali. jr. , or young Joss , as he was
known on the farm , had an antipilh.\ :
for farm life. : md repeatedly thrualencd
to runaway from homo Xo attention
was paid lo his threats , but Joss sud
denly loll about seventeen years ago.
No one knew whither lie had gone.
Nothing was heard of him for nearly live
years , when a letter dated Now York
was received , giving a brief account of
his wanderings and staling that lie was
oil'for the west. The tone of the l"ttcr
throughout was indillerenl , and w bile the
boy's absence bore heavily on his mother ,
hisfathcr , being very resolute , was in
clined te let him see the result of his
folly rather than urge his return homo.
Nothing further was heard from him , and
all hope of hi ; return had vanished.
He was believed lo lie dead until last
Sunday at an early hour a stranger came
to Dcit/.town and inquired for the Doit/
family. The young man had u neat a | > -
pcurunee , wus"well dressed ami gave ovi-
lience of a collegiate education. Ho eon
found Iho Doit/ residence and introduced
himself as their missing son. The
farmer received the boy fondly and tin-
old mother was overcome with emotion.
The long lost boy for .several days was
kepi busy giving : i detailed account of
his wanderings , and then surprised Ihc
old couple by saving ho had recently
bf-oii married'in Chicago , and that his
wife , who stopped oil a day to ec a
friend , would , -oon arrive. Meanwhile
the unsuspecting fanner kept notlimir
from his wayward son. lie was very
prosperous and owned several farms and
could lay his hand on a largo sum of
money in live minutes , and irenorously
oll'ered the hospitality of the house to
Jo-s and hi.s bride for any length of timo.
Jo s , however , was n tieent about bis old
farm friends and neighbor.-1 , ami fell
more disposed to remain indoors than
subject him-elf to a critical inspection ,
The second day he started away to meet
his biidc , and after a short absence re
turned with his wife. Another happy
meeting took place. As night approached
the bride feigned faliguc after her trip ,
ami both retired early , followed shortly
afterwards by the old couple. Hy this
time Joss discovered the whereabouts of
the money , nnd their early retirement
was not for rest , but for the purpose of
giving them more time to consummate
their plans lor robbery and escape. The
morning dawned , but Joss , his female ac
complice and f."i.OOO in cash were gone.
The old man did nol go to the .son's room
until ! ) o'clock , when ho found Iho room
door open and iho pair gone. So was his
money. The old man found on the table
a note suyiiig
Dr.Ait K.vriiin : floml-bjc for .seventeen
yeiis ; moie. .Joss.
The old folks arc inclined to think it
was not Joss at all , hut onio Mcok pro
fessional who learned the family history
and played on their tripling credulity
Iteal Chiate TransTei-H
Filed December 1 , 18 1) ) , reported for
Hut Hi.p. .
Mads Toft anil wlio to Dexter O Ficniiian ,
lot 11 , block ' > . llaiisi'om nlni'c , w d s-ViO.
llunry SplKle and \vlfii to Thomas it Jle-
Ciilloeli ot ul , loto , block , Jettei a add to K
Ununa , w d ( iOO.
llfiiiy 1) Ki'fd to . ) Kied Smith , lot 'JO , blk
11. SluuTsid iiild , w d-1,100 ,
I' K Mnyna ami wlio to Miittlo Hello Wat
son , lot ID , block 5 , Orclwid Jtill , w il S700.
sjarnh K Simmons to llownid I ! Smith , lot
3 , Dloek 8 I'Jninviuw add. w d-JT&O.
Dan t : Kinsman and wile to Aitluii S Pul
ler , lot - m tiiiDin'a and lMiac'6 add , w < 1
Kilwln S lload and wife to Kietlerick J
Sonnenshcin , in lots - ' , : ! , 4 , 5 and f > , blork t'J ,
Allbrinht's annex to S Onuha , w d-SSlC.
The City ot Omaha lo Anton C.MOI ! , IRMV
feet b ( > s nt n o cor ol lot 1 , block 20i. Onidlia ,
q 0-S1W.7.V
PeterGlussliodf and wlfuto CM Heck , lot
U. block 4M. ( iunrtview add , wd-W > .
Thomas llicnnan to Kli/abcth U Diuiber ,
lot 6 , block 13 , Kountze'a 'M aild , w d Su.OOO.
Samuel N ( Jtiatin and wife to Utls 11 Dal
Ion. lot iii , Mlllaid Jc C.ildwell's add , w d-
W h St-Iby et al to Adolnh Kline , lots U
and 17 , block 2. Hush A Selby's add to S
Oinahn , w d-700.
\V \ L Selby ut ul to Jacob Kline , lots 11 anil
12 , block 4. Hush & Selby's aiUl to H Omaha
w d-5700.
W I , Selby et nl to Henry Levl , lots 21 nml
2-3 , Dlock 3 , Hush A Selby'b add to S Omaha ,
w d-S700.
Frank Murphy to Gco Aimstronz , lols.5 , (
and 7 , block 9. Arinslrong's l t add , q o SL
Robert M Wright to Kdward J Tofitarl. i
100 U n K lot 14 , block - ' , 1'aiL plaee , w d-
< 3cner t Proihtcc.
Friday , Dec 24.
Tfif/olfoirfiifj prl < r arc tnr round Iol o/
produce , a tuM on the mtirtrl fo-cFoij. The
qiltifriMoni ou frtllM rcprtsnti tut prices al
e/ifcJi / niitthtc orders are nileti.
Knot The' inniket remains steady at 2lc.
l'ofi.TiiThe receipts wcto liKlit to-day
in turkeys nnd nut enough to Mi | > ply Die
lemand , Choice stock sold as fast us re
ceived nt l"o. Chickens did not move on us
ast at fc. tlce e and ducks sold at IKillOc.
CIIKKSK Kull cream clieddars. sluele , We ;
'till cieani lints twlnj , lie ; young American ,
H'I'CJ fancy swl , Ho'ir ' , ; .Swls , Impoited.
av ; lilmbtirtcr ; , l'-'K < Sltc : ! brick , He.
It MK I'rnlrlo chickens , choice t > cr doz ,
J4.TO ; quail , per doJi..Vi ; duck , mnllat < l ,
' " . xu-.Wduck ; , teal , iicrdoz , Sl.'J.'i
; (1. < V ) ; ducks , mixed , per tlo ? , SI i" > : KCOOO ,
icr do ? , Sn.W. ) ; deer , saddles , per Ib , KK < n9c ;
leer , carcnsscs per Ib , TQJSo ; elk "addles per
b.lK'ilOc s elk , carca ses , pcrlbC < u7c ; niitcltipe ,
saddles , ncr ib ,'Jc ; antelope , eiueives
perlb , 76.V ; .Inck inbhMs , pel do/ , S.M ) ) < ! 0
4.00 ; small labliits , per doz. ' . "Oc. "
A i'l'i.i The slocks on hand are not heavv
nml the market Is llrmrr. Choice Mls. ouii
md MlehlRiin stock at .vngs.iH.W ) .
Ovtovs There Is mi home-mown Mork on
the miuket to speak fif. ( Quotations nrn
iiomliuiliitSl.Wjil.50 ; C.illtornla , pcrlb , 2 > ,
'fKU * .
Cr.i.v.ii-s The market Is steady. Choice
stock per doWe : extr.v lilies vcr do4i > c.
Ovsri.ns Mediums 20o : stAiidnrdi , x'X1 ;
scleclsJs ; e\lr\ selects , 3Jc ; N. y. counts ,
( Oc.
Oc.Cu \\iii null' ' * Cape Cod , faucv , per bbl ,
Sl.i.00 : hell and bnclc , per bbl , S'AOO.
HANANHnnanns yellow , jier biiucli.
S'J.ooi < 4.'j ; > ; bitnnnns } vllovv , l.ii m > , pet btineh ,
' .
LEMONS .Messina , per box 3rt.oOn7fl. : > o.
OHVNdf' rimida. chnloe , l'jUi.u.'J10 lo lw\
S.VOU ; do , . .Mmlots. . ! . ; . ' . .
< ! iiU'is : Malinim ; , pei bbl , CO Ib gins' ! ,
MAIM.I : Si o vn Strlctlv pme. M Ib boves ,
per Ib , l.V : choice " > c. biieKs , i' ( ib boxes , | in
Ib , l-'o ; ctioicc p'liny cakes. S' ) Ib boxes per
Ib. 1'lHc.
hAiuiKnu r--IVr Wal ( bbl , * O.W : H'
Kid. lisilfbbl. IM.
I'orA 101-8 The m.irkct is firm. Theicnrc
verv tew coinlni ; in , and tr.insftrlloiis me
mostly Untiled to the sales ol small lots fium
the stoical I'OuO'io.
1'novisiovsllam , , ll e ;
brciiklnst lucoii , smsnr curcil , boneless , ID'j ' ;
shoulders 'V ' : clear side bacon , "V : dry salt
Miles , "ic ; tilled beef , hams , He ; dilcd bed ,
lOKiiliir , lie : mess uoik. per bill , fli.V ) : lard ,
Mlb cans Kaiiluuks , CA'c : laid. 10 , Snail : i
Ib units I'VubanUs , 7Jaift'fc. ( '
Ki.orn AND Mii.i.sTurrs Winter wheat
( lour , best quallU patent , S'.75 : second iiual-
ity. $2.40 ; best iiiality ] sprint ; wheat
flour , patent , S2.CObran.r : > uccrcvvtclioppoit | ) ;
fet-d , HV ! per cwt ; white corn meal , POc ;
jellowcoiu meal , NIC per cwt ; soieoulnR , iViij
per cwt ; hominy , per cwt : Fhorts " > ' '
pcrcwt ; ciHliam SI. GO ; hay , in bales , 5' > . ' "K ) ( < ?
0,00 ner Ion. _ '
( roccr T l < i t.
Pirui.Ks Medium , In bbls SO..O . : do. In
half bbls , : i7.-i ; nm\ll , in libls & 7.p.O . ; do , lit
half bbls. ; 0-hrkins , in bbls , SjS.50 : do ,
in half bbls. S 1.75.
Svnitp No. 70. 4-alloii | kejs 81.20 ; Now
Oilcans , per uallon SIsyMiJc ; luaule ; syiup.
hall bbls , "old time. " per pdlon , 7'c 1 jjal-
Ion cans ucr doz. S10.00 ; halt gallon cam ,
per doS5.M ) ; ( juait cans , So.Oo.
STAiirn Mhror glass , i ib , . 'in4c : minor
gloss , : i Ib , fii c ; mli ror closs , t lb ,
( iiavcs1 corn , 1 Hi , Oc ; Klucsloid's corn. I In ,
7c ; K I llgb fold's gloss , 1 Ib. 7c ; Kiuirsfonl's
irioss , fi ib , 7'fe. Kinnstotd's pare , I ) 1L > , 7\c ; .
ToiiArro I'hiB , climax. 4'Jo ; horscshne ,
. " 7e ; star. ; M > C ; spcaihead , li'Jc : plperheidstck ,
r,0e : gold shield , S1c ; ineiry war , 2-Jo : J. T.
J , . ! Hc.
Ton.vcf o Smokine , Diulmm , Is , file ; ns
Sic ; > is " > 7c ; s , ( ,0c ; niccrsclnim , 30o ; old
.style , ± ; c ; I1. N. ( ) . , l.lo ; sphil. cured , 4"C.
MA ifiir.s Per caddie , UV ; bqiuiru cases ,
S1.10 : mule suare. ( , S1.-30.
C\NIIV Mixed , IKtail'jc ' : stick , S'j ' l e.
CuAC'Ki.ns ( iariu-au's soita , butler and
picnic , fi'sc : ci earns , * * 2c ; ulngursiiaps Hc ;
ellv soda , l > <
Sufi's Kiik s savon hnpeiial , S2.70 ;
Kirk s satinet. V.OO ; Kill ; s stand.ud , SM.U1 ;
Kirk's white Kiihslan , ? 4. 00 ; Kuu's white-
eim , to.fiO ; donip , SiLS" ) ; wnshbOAid , S f.lO ;
white cloiitl. SM.7.1) .
Koi-K H inch , ' .i - ; 1 inch , 10 , c ; } i
Inch , 10'rc.
CA N s it : > -OysicrsManilarilpcr ca e ,
? : t.lfliij.a : < ; strawberries. 'J Ib. per case. S'-VJO ;
raspbciiie.s.J Ib , per case , $ 'iiO ; California
pears , pur case , S4.M ) : apricots , per casj ;
Sl.f.0- peaches , ppr ciiso , S-VJi ; while cher
ries , pel case , S .00 ; p.iinis. per ease , $ a.G" > ,
Dlnebcrilcs jiercsc , S1.SS ; u ir plum. . ' lu
per case , : . ! } 0 ; plneappli-s , i ! Ib , pei CHSO
S.20jJ5.7.i : ! ( > : 1 ID nihjkcrcl. per do/ , Sl..0 ;
1 Ibhalmoii , pertlo/ , S1.5'.c ! l.f5l' ( ! ! ll > KOOSC ,
bc-ules. per case. SI. 7.1 ; 'J Ib siring be.tns , per
case , SI. 70 ; t ! Hi lima bean.s , per case , Sl.fiO ;
Jib innirowfiit peas , per case , 5'J.40 ; 2 Ib
early June peas , per case. S2.7.1 : : i Ib toma
toes , VMOM'.2.12 ; Ib.coru S-J.10.t2.'JO. (
Ditir.D Ini ir .NO. l qiuiicr apples , Wt ( $
fie : in evauoiaieil lo\es ) , l2@l'J' ) e : blaek-
bcirios. boxes. UJ ) < Qil'c ' ; peaches , S.ilt hake.
< 57H ( < 87e ; Kiaiiiilatcd , ri'Bdifi'jc ' ' ; coined loners'
A , li e : standard cstia C. ft M" ' ' ; extra
C. risi { 04'e } ; nicdliim jellowtjtfij'jc. .
COFKI.I'S Oidlnarv grades HS'i'tHe fai
' : pi line , isifdvioc : choice ,
lancy Riccf and yellow. 10l ( ! c ; old iov-
eriimcnt .lava , aXa'-'Oc ; Intcnor .lava , lOJffui
line ; Miidia'JifJlc : Aihucklo's toasted
ll'c.Mfl.aiiU'lilln's ! ' , XXXX , ' . " ;
Dilwoitli'h , lli e ; lied Cross , W e.
Mnrkcti ,
WOOL Medium IMK jo , > per Ih ; line heavy ,
Hi 4lic ( ; 11.'ht. ICiiil'-u ; enaise , llfeWc ; biuiy
wool , ' oil.
iiiiis : ( Siecn liiitcliers O'c ; geecii ciitcd ,
c ; dn Ilinl. llt/tlV ; diy salt , JifrfiOc ;
isreon call hUins , liiau c ; damaijeil hides
two-thlids jirioe. Tallow : i' < . ( Jiease
I'mnu wliltu , 81' ; Vcllow. 2c : brown. I'f
bhcen 1'olts. ffii ( < J7ac.
IIA ruin : Prime &lanthter ; sole leather ,
3'-'c ; pilmcoak sole Icathur , "Oti.isc. I'pper
leathi'i1 per foot , On-i'ic ; hem , kip , iSnj&'ic ;
oak kip. WftCKlc ; Kienrh kip. SI.OOM1.20 ;
heiidtealf , ? : oak calt. S1.0Dcit.25 ( ;
Kienun calt , 5 > 1.2j01.bO ; Morocco , boot leg ,
SOfiJJKe ; Moiocco oil pebble , 'Jbi ( o''c : tonnings
and linings co.syye. .
lir.AW IlAiinwAiin iron , rate J2.CO ;
plow hti eIspecIalcast,4'ccniclblestielCXu ; ; ;
cust tooido. ! . 12fJlPc ( ; wax' ' ) " spokes , per set ,
32.OOCii3.rx ) ; hubs , per set , Sl.'il : lellous ,
fcitvved dry. Si. 50 ; tongues , caeli , Me ; axels.
( ach , 7Cc : squnie nuts , per Ib. l71c l ( ; cell
chain , per Ib. fl'ijl2u ; malleable. 7al'c ( ' ; lion
wcdues , Co ; eiowhars fie ; hanovv tcoth , I'l.e. '
sjirlng steel , 7Wc ; Hindon's horto shoes.
51.50 ; Hidden a mule shoes J' > . .V ) . linrhcd
wlro , In car lots. SM.OO per 100 Ibs
Nails , rnics , 10 to a , S'.W ; steel nails , 52.0.1.
Shot , Sl.O'j ; buckshot , Sl.b.1 ; oriental powder ,
kcg.s , 5250 ; do. halt kegs , S2X ( ) ; do. mmrtcr
Ucgs , S1..W : blasting kegs , 82.i : } ; luse , jier 10
feet , file. I. cail bar , 3W
\ AKSISIII..H UatiBls per gallon : I'urnt- '
ture , extra , SI.1Q ; fnrmturc , N'o. 1. 51.00 ;
coach e\tni , 51.40 ; coaoh , Vo. l , < 1.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , 11.75 ; . ( apan , 70c ; asihaltiun | ,
exli.i b5c : shelhic. S'.M ) ; hard oil linlsli ,
bnitl i s CoIoFiio spirits , iSS proof , 5117 ;
do 101 in oof. il.lh ; spirits second quality ,
101 proof , SI. 17 ; do l-s ( pioof. 81.10 Alcohol.
IbS prooi , 4-J.SO IHT wine t'nllon. Itedhtlllcd
whiskies , < in ! , blended , tfUHXV *
' . ' .00 : Kentucky bourbons , 52.00130.00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , au'.WJ fi fa ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon anil rjo whiskies ,
Sl.r > o@3.oa llranuies. Imported , S5.KMW.W ( ) ;
domenllc , Sl.iOjj3.W. : ( ( iius imported , SU < 0
0.00 ; domestic , Sl.iVu3.00. Champaunes
impoilcd. per case , ? 'Jo,00gSi.UO ( ! Ainciican ,
per case. 810iKK < iir.)0. . ( )
I'Atxis is OIL While lead. Omaha.P. P. ,
7Kc ; white lead , HI. Louis , puto. 87.7ft ; Mar-
Helllcs green , 1 to 5 Ib caiib , 2c ; Kreucn dine ,
creen seal , 12e ; J'renchme. . red seal , lie ;
French zinc. In vainUh asst.Oc ; 1-icnch 75c ; vermilllon. Knu'linh , in oil , 75c ;
red , loc ; rose pimc. Hi ? ; \ cnctlnn red , Cook-
hou's , 'j ; c ; Venetian red. Aineilcan , llc ;
retl lead , 7'je ; chrome yellow , genuine , eOc ;
chrome yellow , K , 12e ; ochre , rochelle. ! ) c ;
nchrc , hrencti , 2J c ; ochre , American ,
IS'c ; Winter's mineral. 2'c ' ; l.clilgh blown ,
Ul < c ; Spanish brown , 2Hcj I'rlnco'b icineiaX
3cDKY PAINTS White lead , ? c ; French sine ,
12o ; ParU whitltn. . 2'jc ' ; whltlne , eilders ,
"XwliHing \ , com' ] , 1'io ; lampblack , ( ier-
manstown. 12e ; lampblack , ordinary , Bo ;
Prussian biueMcultraiiurlne ; , ifecjvaudyu-
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4o
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4e ; Pario
giueu , ffenutne. 25c. ParN green , com
mon , 2-J i chrome creen , N. V. , 20c ;
vermllhon AmeiR-an. Ibc ; luuiau
raw and burnt umber , 1 n > cans , 12 ; raw and
burnt glenua , 12c ; yandyke brown , 13e ; ie-
lined lampblack 120- coach black and Ivory
black , We ; drop black. ICc ; Prussian blue ,
40c ; ultramarine black. IBc ; chrome green , L. ,
M. 4 U. , ICc ; blind and xhutter Kreun , h. , M.
4 I ) , , lOc ; Paris green , Ibo ; Indian red , 15o ;
Venetian red , ft' ; Tuscan. ! Mc ; American
verinllllGii. L. it I ) . , 20o , jellow ochre , "r ; U
M. A U. D. , 18c ; Kood ochre , 16c : rateo
dfvcr. 8c ; mining color , llchl oak , dark oaV ,
nalnul. rlie.sinnt and aMi. ivc.
UiiroiAND t HKvurxti.- Acid , carbolic ,
P2 ! scld , tSTtarlc , Me : bal am eopallin , per
H4c ; b.irte s * nfra * , per H > , lOc ; calomel ,
per ft , chlnchonldla , \ > cr oz , 40o ; chloro
form , p r fi > t fiV : Dover * powders , per tt > .
Jl.'iS ; op oin f > alK per Bi. Sc ; plyrerlno ,
pme. pfrlb. iWc ; le.ut. uretate. per n. . Vic ;
oil , castor , Xo. 1. per RMM 51.MV ! oil cantor ,
No , 'J , per KM. , 31.40. oil olive , per sal. , * 1.W ;
oil orlrnnuum. SOe ; opium , J3.20 ; quinine ,
] ' . * W. ami K. , t.S , , per or. . 70c ; potassium
lo < Utlo. per Ib , $2.W ; sallolu , per oz. 40c ; sul-
nhnio niornhlnc , per oSiifl ; sulpliur , i > er
b > ,4c : strj-elintne , iitroz , 81.23.
Dry I'liraner.
no A tins.
No. 1 Cora. . 1. s. 12 , H and 10 ft S17.50
Naa " l'2Mnmllfln U.7.1
No.3 " " 12 , H and 16 tt 13.50
No. * " " I'J. M and 18 ft
'is ' n'u ' f iio | ft'is ' tt'o ' n1 ? ' ft
2x4 if.M'ir.M'R5o'i7.oivi.porooiU'0 ' ! ' '
xtl' IKSiVW .W IO.W 17 00,1S , IM 5l.PO.St.eO
If. W 18 S'lIO..VJ'l7.Wi | ' 18 OU Siw'stCO '
'id r , in.0 . ini < n.oi is I 111 " ni rvi
io./iin. , ; > iin.m ) is.mi 50 WI X
No. 1 , .tOlnrli , 12 and 14 ft. , ro cli..5l7.0S
No. 3 , 4 A Cinch , la aiut 14 ft. , unmli. . . 14.W
rMJ.IN'O KM1 PAIlliriON.
l t com. , iInVhJte Vine PnilUion.SjUOO
C'dCom.V In. Norway PlnoCellini ; ! ' . ! ! li'.iJi )
STOCK noAtttis
A 12 Inch. ! > . 1 B. 41 ! C S"'iXOO
UlUlneh " "JJD yi.SU
No. 1 , emu. I'i In , , s. 1 s. . 10. ISA''O ' ft. . . ai.DO
No.'J. " " " . . IS.M )
No.'J , " ' " 13 * 14 ft 17.IK )
" " " 10 ft 10.0. . )
suit1 nr.
No. 1. nlnfn.Sniiil H ) inch J17.M
No. 'J , 11111111,1 unit 10 incli 15.M )
"sitlNiiI K , I.ATII.
XX/lear. W : A Atniulnul , S2.V ) ; No. 1 ,
i'oiis-VviiTte'i'eilrtr , 0 In. , Ss , We ; S In.
Tlin I1IIH'V Tl AIP 'IM 1 > 1 1'P
fllli RAILAllillli \ \ \ lABLliS
i Arrive l.c.ivu
Omnlia ' Omaha
lpiit ) ] ( KUli nnd IMcrccMs.1
P.tcilic Kxmess ' ' . 'fi am 5:80 : pm
Denser Kxpiess I iV.aopm lU.Viain :
l/oi-al Kvptcis lliOOiini O'-O. " ) pni
* U\cepl .S
U. it ! .M. It. It. 11.
Depot 10th and P.tcltic st .
Mall and lC\iiei.s ] S:10ani :
Night K\pic < > s 10:1 : : tm
c. n.iVQ. it. it.
nppot 10th and P-vili
Mall and l-\pic < s . (1:00 ( : mn
Chicago l'\iue > s . 7:10 : pin
K. C. St. J..V : C. H.
Dcjiot 10th and I' cilichU.
Vl.i PlutMnoiilli . ; :10pm :
Lincoln li.\pie s . i pm
" Kxocpt Monday.
< K\eepl Saturday.
C. St. 1 . .M. * O.
Depot 15th nnd Webster st.
Sioux rity Kpi ' Sl. : am
' 'H.inciolI.Vecuin modal Ion 10iOniii : G-n : pm
* K\cent Sunday
Depot inthandVcbsturst. \ .
Day Kxpiess , O.Tmm 11:10 : ant
Nielli Kxpiess rou : pm' ' Hlo : pni
n ; : . ( ( am
I'NION S'fiX'irVAltDS " Ue l.oaxe
THA1NS. VS Y'ds. Omaha
* K\eopl .Suntlav. r.jonam * ; ltam {
Trams leavltnr U. P. ilc- * 7:0"mni :
potin ( Jmalia nt 10'i5 : a. " > : lOam s : : ! . " ) am
in. , rin : p. m. autls0 : ! p.
in. , nnd those leaving 10 : ' ) " > am
I'nlon stock y.irdh at 0:0ii :
a. in. nud ll-ii ) : a. in. me
Ui'iiiui ; 1:05 pm
all others nreregular stock 4i. : : " > ina ' 'StO'jpiii
\uds dummy trains be
tween stock yauis and
Omaha , _ > ; aupiu _
ca\e | e ve
r. P. HlMDCKl'liAlNS. Tiansfcr. Omaha.
' Kxcej ) ! .Sunday. i : ! i" > am
Connects with 5S. C. it j'i.'iam
T. at Council lilnlls. [ ii < K ) n in
"Connects with C. H. AT :43 : am s : : > 0 ant
Q. , C. A : N. U' . , C. M. * , : 'I7 am10 -.00 a in
St. P. , C. I ! . 1. P. at :4 : ; am , 11 .10am
Council BlufR :00pm :
U'onnccts with \V. St. : ' . , ' ' > pm1 ' , ' :00 : pm
L. .t I1 , at Council HHuK : : i7pin , J3 :20 : , pm
( Connects with all even- :00 : nin
Ins trains tor Clilc.igo nt ! ifJopm , M' : ( Xpm )
Council UlnlK Tialns M'Jpmi ft :00mn : :
leave Oinalm at IJniiin' ' tlOcml " : : : ' 0 inn
Paellle depot , 10th mid : Kpm )
1'Ieicc sticets. j : "iOpm | 7c
: 17 pm H :
: 'i5Jim 10
' 11 1(1 ( pm
I l.ea\ i Anne
COXNIXTINC Li.NC.STninslcr Tianslei
depot i depot
C. IS. J. AT 1' . :
* Kxeupt Sunday , I ! ) : lJi a m * fia."i ; inn
ti\cept : Monday. j I:10 ! : p 11 * 7:00 : pm
C. it N.V. \ .
( ! iir. : a in : \ ; a m
All tialns inn daily.
I , 0:40 : pm 7:00 : i ) m
C. 15. A- ( . ) .
! i.Ti : a in ! 0ir : > n m
All tialns mn daily. *
: : . | m 7uo : ji m
C. .M. A ; .SI. P.
! li 15 a in
All trains tun daily j
Id p in
K. C. SI. ,1. Ar C. II.
* K\cept S.uiiiday , 10 :00 : a in
iE > ceiit Monday , | * ; .V5 ji m 5o : : ; mn
\ \ ' . St. I , . A P.
All linlns inn daily. ; 0 pm no : : ; p m
S. C. , V 1' .
All liaiii' , mn dally.
sino p m
Its cniiM'fi , nml H now raid
wm IIUVFW piicciisclul crilDal yotu UHII
IIOIUK hy out ) who MRS dint twenty vlKht
TCIIIH. Ticatcil by most ol iho nolcd npuum
Uts nltliuiit hciium ; ciiu-il UuiiRUll In Hue
innntliB , nml binco tbon liiiiiilrntp of other
h'lill partliMilurK hunt on np'tnllon ) ) | ; T H
I'AlJIi. No. 41 Wu4tHl , SI , N ew Voik ( iiy
Artists' Material ,
A. IIOSJ'K , JR. .
ArlistB" Materials , 1'ianos and Organs ,
J.i11 limiplna tlrecl , ( iirHhn.
Agricultural Implements.
\\lioleiole Drain-In
Afirrlcnllnrnl ImjileniPnl ! ' , AVnjjons ,
t' rri nnuU lliUfli'i. . Junes urc'ul , Lelircin Vtb
nn < l lUlb.Oniuba. N''b.
Atrrieultnral Iiniilement" ,
W Kim . ( 'Hrrlmfc' llugnlet.Etcyiio'f > al - , Otmha.
I1 A itLJ\,0/tK\lOlll-\f MAItTIX
Wholoinle Dcalera In
A rlenhural Implements ,
IVneonmnU Diiim < . Wl./n , VOj vnil'.U ' ] , Joun it
Butter and Eegs ,
Jinyers of Rut tor and Eater
ator unit I'arklne llouic. lltb and l.tar n
"orlliHl I' I' It. It. Tr oH , on'ilia
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
II IM Kli A UCU ts TA YLOi : ,
Builders'Hard ware & Scale Hepair Shop
Uecb nlce'Tool niA Iluffulo ( < culc
LKK , FltlKD c < - CO. ,
.lobliers of Hardware and Nails ,
T.nware. Hiffi Iron , Klc , Acenti fur Inn bi4lei ,
nnd Miami I'nwdcrro Oiuubv.Ni b.
Wholesale IJanhvaro.
\Veitfrn acrnU for J-Ccr Mi PUfl Nnlla Aurlln
1'owdirCO. iHlibaok' 1-uuUaril Halt * .
lUlb snd llarucy Otuktia
J'AXTOXA rj EH 1,1x11
Iron Works ,
\Vf n kl mid Cit Iron IlnlUIInzScrV Iron MMr * .
Iltllmr , lltunii mid ( ilMtrt , sic m Koilncf , HUM
Vfcrli ( iMitrnl Vo'iixlry. ' Mfrhlno unil Itltclnrauti
Voit oitceinJVotv , l * I * . It ; ti < llUliMic t.
" * "
Boots and Shoes.
Ifannftrtiirerii nJ Wholenl ne l ri In
Hoofs nnd Shoes ,
CotnjildP Mork of Ilul > t > r Good * RWV ! on liunil
( Wf i : lnt . ( immin , Nfh. A T AiiMln. Ajrnl.
jr. r. Mojtsii if Co.
Jobbers of Hoots nntl Shoes.
1111 VariiRni tl , ( traatin , Nrb Mmuifsttory , Summer
ilrriM. llniton.
/ , T , L\nsKY , r co.
Wholesale Hubber Hoots mid Shoos.
llubllcr rdUlleilUKilliIng nuil Kelt Uoolf ,
K M CnnicrHth ninl l
Beer ,
Apt. for AnluMiicr-liusli Hrewhn * Aas'n
fir 'fll ) 'rnml I'vi t llmlwel.crnm
WORK ,0 I'l.KK ,
Lappv Heer Hrewers ,
1 . 'I ' North l iti Mrri > l , ( < mnhn , Neb.
Coffee. S/iiccf , Etc.
. , .
Oninlm ColTee nnd Spire SHIN.
Te .CiiCrc , Stuff U.ikma 1'ondrr , KHroitns Bx-
Haiti , l.tiumliT llil ) , Ink. UIP. KU In llurui'r
Nrrot Oiiilm. Set ) .
T/7 . < 'oi.ii , c MI Ills'
Home Collee nntl Spice -Mills MTjy To.
Ci.tToo Roimnf nml spi , , , drimlrrf , Mnimfnttmrra
relinking I'nwili'r , I 1 ivunntf r.ttrm't * . lUiilne. Ktr
Tn uno ini of oir 1 T * | n I : ice Homn lilt * lid ItuiutcU
Oofrri' . liHN UoHiinl M . cmilm. N li.
' " "
/ : . ifro.yr / ; lyojtjiti'
.lolin Kponeter , Prop.
Mnmifncluror of flalrnnlinl Iron nnd Cornice. KS
llni ! o niul 10. Mini | ni .N , IClli M , dunlin , Nd' .
JH'KM 1' IXC ! , l > IIOLTK ,
Manufxrlurrrii ot
Oriuniipntnl ( iKlvani'/ed Cornices' .
Hniuirr VV In Jon f I \lcu1irS-Lllitliletr. . 3108.
l.'ll lit , oiimlm.
itx cojtxicji ii'OJiKtt ,
C. Sjieeht , Prop.
< 3nlTiiiil ed IrpiirornltT * . rle. HpoPI nliiiirn'il | I'nt-
out Mi'lallP skylight UtlnmlMOP 12iliKt Oninlm.
Jnliber of
Carpels , Curtains Oil Cloths. ] { inr < < i
] Inalcninn , MiUUtim * . Htr 1M1 Donc'i' ' Irct't.
Carpets , Oil Cloths.
U ltiiiKi , < iiniiln < Jnod , Hie. 1 3" IMrtiHiii
( ) m lm. Nrli.
Crockery nmf Notions.
r. / . . n'itw in\ \
or Hit' Muiuifnlturi'lf nml Importi-rn ot
Crockery , ( thisMwarp ,
( liluinr } * , fir. oniio. BIT Eolith loth nt.
tiinnlin , Not ) .
Commission and Storage.
j > . A. uritLuy ,
CninniiKsion iiiid .lobbing.
Hutlrr , FiB niiil I'rodiicc. rdiinlKntnvnts mill ilJ
HcBilqiniripn" f r ht"nrw ri' , llfriy Hnn'f mid
Ci i | < c llu lu > l > i. 1411 litliiCbliei > bn.
'I'El'CJfU IlltOS. ,
Coniniissioit ilpi'pbants.
F , 1'rotluoc nml I'roxUloiifl , Ontalia. Neb.
tr. K. HID DULL.
Storage and Cominission Jfereliant.
1 < | M' . iHlili' lluiler. Ktf. ClircBo. Poultry. llHine ,
ii > ti > r' . . I Ic irj outh lull Mii'i't.
n'JKJKM Al A * CO. ,
Produce. ConiniHSion Jlereliants ,
Voultry , Iliutnr , Ciinio. fiultii , etcM S. Ktbit
Omaha. N < > 1 > ,
Gcnernl Conunlssinn SlereliantH.
And .lobLtrs of Fin elcn unit Dciuicflli' Knillt. I'nrro-
> l > ondoii(0 nllilloil. WmiMioiiM ) mill iiltlir. 110 N.
T tilrlrrnlli M . ( Inmln , Nrb. ' | VR | iliuni771. .
Coal antLime. .
J' . MILKK'J'ONE a1 CO. ,
Denlera In
Hard and Soft , Conl ,
OlOceand , lilh unil NIchiiH" Hk. , Oiuulin , Net ) .
GKI > . r l. A n M. n. I'ri'i- ( ' . r. OOOOHAN , V. I'rei.
J A .M'MiKHI.AVI ) , Heo. nrt 'Irian.
.lobbevaof Hard and Soft Coal.
IMViiulbVlilrtreiitliRtirct. Oiu.ilm , Nc > b.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Miippcr vt Conl HIH | c'nlic. Cemi'nl , I'lurtcr.
l.linr. lliilr Hru HrirS , llr.iln. Tile1 unil S' rr Plpi > .
ofili'i1. lixton Hotel , k'nriuim Ft , o.imiiti. Neb.
K / ' . If A V , P CO. ,
Maiiiifaelni'iiiff ConfectioiieiM ,
Jobbcn of I ruUg.Nuttt ni ilruit. \ . l.'ll 1 uuium M.
i/Ve Slack Commission.
Ti it77itiii' : i : so\i ,
Live Slock Commission.
Union Stock Taiil , t * o'mnlin. 'raleplinnti WV.
Liv Stock ComniiHaion Jlcrrlinnlo ,
Bhlpmcnti of iinv nnd nil limit of f-inru rullclied.
rnloo Mutfc Vnrilf , Oinnlin , Niti
Cigars and Tobacco.
MAX MKYin r co. ,
.lohhers of Cigars , Tohnrco ,
Uu > , ( lil Ammunition. 2l't In lit K lltli it. , 1WI lo
lir : huiiiiiiu n . Oiiinh i. Ni'li
Ff'/Wr if-
JlaiinfiU'tnrer.s of Fine
And Win li'f lit Di'iilcrf in l.caf Tobjcroi ,
nnilllO.N " 41 h Uri-rl , Omstu.
\Vliiilomlo li ) ior In
.s , Tobaccos , I'lpe-j and .Sutokora *
rlF for II. I.eliler4lorf 4. O > . , Flue-Cut unil Siuok
r Toh cto . Mil-.TiiiVi'o. VVUconkln. No. ilJ
c = 3 N rlbuitettatbSlrol. | Om ilia , Nab.
Dry Goods.
Dry Goods Fiirnlslihifrfoods ( iNotious
il 1lll ( DuuuUn. ' ' r. HIUPl Orr.uba N'tb.
DitUllerF rf Miinnm , Ali'iilml anil ' iilrlti. luipurtTH
Hmt Jdi.Lirnjf lui'fcmi l.lqucim
CO. niul JLKlt aCO. . ,
Impnrlerc HIII ! Jnbti it ( if line \Yinriiiiiiil I linnrs
tiulr mn nr'ioiuivni of Krnnnlj t I'an Iniln Hit-
Iciiniul Uumm Ir I IIJUOIH 1)14 ) llnruoj M.
Drugs. Paints , Etc.
If. T. CLAltKK JiJtra CO. ,
lru ) r , J'nint.OII & ( Jlass House
Wtituf tLiiaEii ( oiniilflu J.iiu1 of DriiKiiH Sun-
diler. 1IH JUini-j K .OinHia ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
h. . ll.b-ti xii I'rFK J W.Utl > lilii > .Fvt.ATreJi
11. J. Cilifo : ; . V I'rri , nml hurt.
TJII : r.vro.v
ntiAixrrLE co. ,
Office : i3 ? Kill it. flnintis. Nb Mucblnprx and
BupHin for ilJniii'nc tiuli. . K IVracri lirun 'lilc.
Wliolcsale Dealeia In Furniture.
Ksrnnui it. , On.eba. Net.
FnrniUii'o , Uoddin < ,
UlriDri.etc. 1M0.1J08 < ud 1210 Furnaui
Butchtrs' Totti ,
LOt'lfl UKLLER ,
Hutrhcrs' Tools anil Suppllps ,
ot ll Hn < l ln ylln > tock. 1J18
Groceries. tt
GAirAuinii co. ,
Wliolpsale Oroccrlp * and I'roTlslong ,
_ \oi TMu7hnin.lTll ! < 10th M , Om h . Neb. "
CO iTn.
IMn rit T.e T nnorth
. . . . - - -
" * "
It' . ,1. niiOATCn"
llt'avy llurtlwitrp , Iron niul Stppl ,
rlticiT fen Stofk , llnrdiM < lumber , ctv. Itut
ami Kit llJtrni'y 9t , ilmntift ,
KXrpi nitox.
Wholesale Iron niul Stppl ,
Wmton nrt rnrrlitd Wnn.1 Slock , lle j lUnl
Bin. HIT Mirt 1113 l.f n pnirnrlh fl , llomlu , N
Hoiis , SOA.S- ,
Stoves , Uancps , Knriinri'o , Tilnp.
Mkntlci , otate , lltiitrdoodt l lHiiU I in Kiinum
Dcalpv In I.nmbor , 1/atli , Limp , Hns li ,
leer ) , l.'lo. Ynrili C < irni < rth and louil , rorntt
SU S lull ( Iroft.Omilin. Not ) t > I\i1ii | > lter.
SA v ,
El ) HOLM tf K It 1C KM ) . \ * .
Wliolpsnlo.lowclPis niuLMiijlp Dpalors.
Drnlcrx In Sllmrrnro , DlniU'imlr.KI < | II , I'lorkt.
J 'ni'k'r 'l'"l'iuul Mnt rlnl > . < > tr I'l tul 10.1 litll
HI , vi r. Dortitu , Otniilm. Nob.
c. Ar.
r.tli miO CnllfornlH Hii-di. Onislia. N li.
if it K i ) ft : en A r ,
Lnnibpr , Limp , Ccnipnt , Kli1. , ltt\ !
Cor.Clh 'mil IiouulS" si' . , Oun'in. Nil ) .
Lumber ,
T. tr. co. ,
To Dpnlprs Only.
f. 1401 r.inum LKK ,
llarihvntnl Jjiiiubc ; .
Wood Curi'CU ' auil 1'Jiqiu'l Klourlnii. 'Jlh uil
( HUHll.l
, /Oiry A. It'AKKFIISLl ) ,
Wboh'sitlo Jiuiubcr , K\c. \
ilMl unit Amcilfun I'orllnnd tVini'nt. ' ( Mute
nt lorllllwiuK.T llTtlniillr Ouioul ni1 Hnt
( Jiilni'r While l.ttnn
Lire Stock.
Of Onmba.
I.lmltcil. Juha ! ' . Uojd , S'j orlnl nt ,
Millinery and Notions.
fit niul Jobber ] nt
Milliiu-ry ami Notions ,
1. Ml and ll3Hnrnnr > l. Oinilix , .Nib.
C. ft. GOODIflC/l , fCO. . ,
Alt' III" oulj lro | < t Iiili'Oticrsiif '
German R Froiicli T iys R Fanpy ( < ootl
In .NVhrnnVn. Dili1 * ! ; ! } ] irlcr < 4 ilupllontpit wltliotit ndil *
( UK f rtMKltt. 14)"i ) rmimni Snri't.
JubbcM In
Notions , Hosiery inut Gents' Kurnisliing ;
Ftrn ia t .Oii/\hn. / .V
Paper Boxes
, / . L. ll'ILIflK.
Mininfat'tiircr of Paper
li St . Omuli n.Nobrntkn. ( lriler \ < i mull o-
llclicit nnd will rocelt e prompt nii'iit'oi ' ) .
crTv/'TC/j I ) MA XI TA CTir
Jlaniifac.tnrprH of Overalls ,
Jen in r.inl , Slilrli , KU1 110 ! ni ) Hill l > i > iiKli > .clrrrt ,
Oinnhi , h
< 'OMI-A .Vlr ,
.lob PrlntPi-H , lilunk lloolc UoKers.
And Itook Illndrrt. IIW and lt > l S mtu I uiutn-ulli
Ulei't. Onuilu Nu <
Dp.i1cr lii'l'iM > , I'rpwn nml I'rlnioi * Wi
S'llltll JVulflllMMtfl.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc ,
riXMointifi t < co. ,
atturrrx I'ai Lou niul Doilcri In
IMclclei ? & .Strictly Pure Anplo Vi
linking I'nwilrr , I I'lrnriiiir lUtiitH Titbit , friiiirp ,
Kt ni'h MuM.i'il Wimh IthiitiK. < | I.H " ! ' spc""i ! ; si
holt ) ugrnt * Jnr VurfcUiluSaml | ii-niuil Api'lx ' ( ' !
rti'r. Ituti I esvenwnrlli t > . Oinulia.
Sufes , Etc.
A JtOYIlIt ,0 CO. .
Agents for IInil's Sule & Lock Co.s'
Fire uml llnrKlir ProoC Sif.n , ' 1'liua l.rrkr , VunlU
mid JMI Work. 10J rurium lr et ( tumliM , eb.
Oniiihu Sufft W
Unmifnpliirrriinr Kirn niij Miirul.-irl'niofHnrri , Viiull
lloora , Jull VVurL.hlilit.RM mill VVliu Work , Cur.
HUi4inlUi Lvnn HI * . omili.i. N li.
, Vas/i / , floors , F/c.
7l.A ' niHHHOH' , t'CO. . ,
VVi iilrj.ilu .Mini ift mrpixif
SiiHh , Duoi'H , Hlimlrt nml lonliliii H ,
llninrh uHirn , I'JIh it nil l/.ir.l K | > . Omalm.NYb
? 7. TL YM J V ,
Klisll , Dli ( | ' , lillllds , 3lllllllllll'H ( , ,
liullillna I'JIMT , I-IP. l ! > ll s i.ilh Tin n-i-iiili Httoet ,
Oinulin , Neb , A PIIIIIIII | | < i.jrk of Jluililcn'
11111 I fr 111 *
Wrix M Axi'/i"runixn 7j67
Manufacturers , ol Sash. Doers , RHmls ,
Unnlil ui : M ir VVnrkvnrt Inlnlnr llnnl VViiml KlnllU
Jn t ojif null. N K for 8th mid l.uatt'iiirurlliflU.
OiuuUu , Nob.
Pumps ,
Wholosuln Piinii3 | , Pipe , Fillint. * ,
EtaHm.iinl VViti-r i-niiiilu-t Hcnl'itiHiirn r r Mntt
I'o ii tCo' tlou'lf illl 1'iirnnin vl OIIIHI.I ) Nvii
I'liiiips , Piis ] ) ( nml Kuiriui" ) .
BIraiil , VV'nlrr , lltllwa ; unil .Milln. Sii | > nl > ei.lo. .
CM , VHnri ) VU I'nruum 91 , ( ) ui li.i Neb
Jr , ti , ii'jxn KM \Knmt rifT \
< 'OMI'A\Y ,
IMlAlar Wind SIIII riHiii mui VVbltfr nprillrr ,
i'luiabmif Roii'lii , liullinv iliuo IMS m itJU I if
nauift , Omnlm H K I fllnn ) Un > t'r
Wagons and Carriages.
The Ijunliiif : Uiifrlaift ) Kaolnry ,
( I l Ull
im and Mil l > u < lir ; ulrrat , Dunlin
Building Material.
O MA'IIA u cot ,
Dealcrju All KuiU.of
Jtilildlntr Mtttcrlnl ut \ \ liolcsale.
IHlb Hlrftiuiit Union I'lK-ipc Trink. Oir. > r * .